alanshemper · 8 months
If you live in the United States, send a letter to your Congressional representatives here ⬇️
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musictomyremember · 8 months
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9misoundsystem · 1 year
Adala & Chalart58 - La Música
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innocha-childa · 5 months
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crimbo [slightly early]
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adalaemay · 29 days
Hiya! Long time no see. I’ve been feeling nostalgic and playing Sims 2 from time to time now and somehow still have access to my simblr. Just currently taking it easy and doing things on my own for now, but will probably share some pics soon. I do plan on reuploading my defunct pics/CC so stay tuned.
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stinkiesdraws · 6 months
Are there foods exclusive to the Celestial Realm? And if so, does Nick miss any of the food there? :3c
Okay so I really wanted to DRAW some fantasy food but then I realized, idk how to draw food...
I do imagine they'd probably have weird vegetation? And different variation of farm animals, a side effect from eating the magical vegetation. So yes! They have more magic fueling foods. A list I thot of and what I think they'd do ✨ magically ✨
1. Stardust Sapphires: Delicate, shimmering blue fruits that emit a faint glow. When consumed, they grant a temporary boost in mental acuity and focus.
2. Luminescent Nectar: A radiant, glowing liquid extracted from celestial flowers. Drinking this nectar enhances one's magical abilities for a short duration.
3. Aetherian Crystalberries: Small, translucent berries that sparkle with a faint inner light. These berries possess healing properties when consumed and are often used in medicinal remedies.
4. Celestial Mooncakes: Delicious pastries that appear to change color and emit a gentle glow depending on the phase of the moon. Each phase imbues the mooncake with different enchantments.
5. Ethereal Elixirs: Mystical potions brewed from rare celestial herbs and infused with celestial energies. They provide various magical enhancements or temporary abilities, such as flight, enhanced strength, or invisibility.
6. Aurora Apples: Apples that reflect the vibrant colors of an aurora. Eating one grants the consumer a sense of tranquility and peace while rejuvenating their spirit.
7. Nebula Noodles:Noodles made from stardust-infused flour, creating a dish that shimmers with faint twinkling lights. They offer a surge of energy and a feeling of cosmic inspiration when consumed.
8. Everglow Soup: A luminescent broth that seems to shimmer with an inner light, this celestial soup is made from an assortment of rare, glowing vegetables found only in the most enchanting meadows of the celestial realm. Consuming this soup not only warms the body but also invigorates the spirit, leaving a faint radiant glow upon those who indulge in its otherworldly flavors.
9. Mystic Herb Bread: Baked with flour harvested from arcane wheat and sprinkled with a blend of enchanted herbs, this bread emanates a tantalizing aroma that evokes visions of mystical forests. Each slice possesses a subtle, magical essence that awakens the senses, offering a taste that seems to transport those who consume it to the serene depths of a tranquil celestial grove.
10. Wooly Celestial Cow Steak: Sourced from the fabled Wooly Celestial Cows that graze upon the shimmering pastures of the celestial realm, this steak boasts a tender and succulent texture unlike any other. Infused with the essence of cosmic herbs and celestial grains in their diet, the steak offers a delicate balance of flavors—earthly yet otherworldly—accompanied by a hint of the cow's wooly, ethereal nature.
I also thot it would be funny if there is just Pink Kale 💀 or something so dumb like that. Most foods have their own magical names like Everglow Soup, Mystic Herb Bread, and then Pink Kale 🤪
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soottea · 11 months
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some FFXIV drawings i've done recently! mostly my WoL Petra (both her red xaela look and her future hrothgal look!).
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sasster · 6 months
Hey Adalae, Do you watch medical dramas? and would you like to watch some with me?
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“I already live in a medical drama, why subject myself to fictionalized medical drama?
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reyamily · 2 years
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half-body comm for anon (thanks for commissioning for my ocs)
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exspansion2 · 7 months
Pabrik Expansion Joint Type Asphaltic Plug Makassar, Call 𝟢𝟪𝟣𝟥-𝟥𝟦𝟣𝟥-𝟪𝟥𝟪𝟦
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Pabrik Expansion Joint Type Asphaltic Plug Makassar, Hubungi 𝟢𝟪𝟣𝟥-𝟥𝟦𝟣𝟥-𝟪𝟥𝟪𝟦, PT. Adiayasa Cipta Gemilang adalah Perusahaan penyedia Pabrik Elastomer Jembatan Makassar, Pabrik Karet Bearing Pad Makassar, Pabrik Elastomeric Bearing Pad Makassar, Pabrik Rubber Skirt Industri Makassar.
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PT. Adiyasa Cipta Gemilang
Jl. Kavaleri No. 19 singosari Malang
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Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir kiswah pernikahan adala
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WhatsApp : 0813-8928-9150 Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir kiswah pernikahan adalahLangsung ORDER KLIK WA https://wa.me/6281389289150 , Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir kiswah pernikahan adalah, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir kiswah pernikahan adalah, Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir , Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir , Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir , Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir , Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir , Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir , Harga Kiswah Ka'bah Bordir Jual kiswah ka�bah bordir kualitas terbaik se-Indonesia.Harga kiswah ka bah Terbaik.Berpengalaman bordir kaligrafi lebih dari 30 tahun.Melayani pesanan kiswah ka�bah bordir replika dengan berbagai ukuran, costume, kiswah potongan, kiswah full, kiswah kain penutup makam Nabi Muhammad & kaligrafi bordir.Pesan via Whatsapp : 0813-8928-9150#HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirkiswahpernikahanadalah, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordirkiswahpernikahanadalah, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordir, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordir, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordir, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordir, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordir, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordir, #HargaKiswahKa'bahBordir
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asks-n-trolls · 2 years
you can't say smash weasel or hermes
smash weasel hermes
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musictomyremember · 1 year
Adala a l'Estudi - Vaig dir-te [Klima 2022]
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vcreatures · 28 days
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It’s that time for the much loved mashup of Mermay and May the fourth. Last year I did Mermaid-adala previous to the Jar Jar this year I give you a two for one special, Palpatine and Darth Maul!  It also happens to be the 25th anniversary of The Phantom Menace, which I love. The prequel trilogy is my favorite. The costume design, creatures, world building, everything about them visually is chef’s kiss. I’d love to see more space opera aesthetics  in scifi. 
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innocha-childa · 21 days
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you'd be imagining right! (anon)
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stinkiesdraws · 2 years
How many of them have a black band?
Hello! Here is the first (Ask) that's important to read for a better understanding before I continue with the answer!
Okay, Answer time.
Currently, there are only TWO characters that have a black band on record.
The first one is Norene Koss. (Year 2035)
She is the first documented deviant. Most deviants get their powers later in life before the outbreak so a lot of them go unnoticed.. however Norene was BORN a devaint. She was the first black rank Devaint, and the youngest. Getting announced an enemy to humanity at the age of three.
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She was born about RIGHT when the Deviant outbreak happened. Her father was a scientist put to study deviants and their powers while her mother was a college professor, who taught history, wondering if Deviants have anyways been around in history and tries to look for similarities in then and now.
When she was born, she was actually born a deviant so her father got the luxury to be the one who like "test" his daughter instead of the government doing it themselves.
They didn't know quite what she could do yet when she was a baby, but they knew she was a deviant due to her unnatural hair and eye colors. The ring in their eyes is also a big indicator that they later notice all deviants have.
While growing up, her parents noticed she was able to do things most kids would need help with. Reaching things on high shelves and etc. They then eventually see how she was doing it, and it turns out she has a very advanced power of telekinesis, but because of this, she always got too overstimulated and would throw tantrums when it was too noisy, too loud or too bright.
Her powers will automatically correct her environment to be more to how she wants it, so sometimes items will fly to hit someone who is talking too loudly, blow out light bulbs if it is too bright and other things along through lines.
It started to get harder and harder for her nondeviant parents to handle her, so they eventually had to basically just give her to the government to deal with because there have been times where she accidentally hurt one of them when she was stressed out.
Over time she learns how to control her powers, she has to wear earplugs to stop her from accidentally reading someone's mind.
Her powers are pretty crazy in terms of what she can do.
1. Move up to 500lbs with her mind alone
2. Read other's people energy just a quick glance
3. If she focused on one person, she could read their minds and talk to them mentally. (doing this for too long can cause a headache or communicate with someone too if she wants too)
4. She can do actually mind control, but HATES doing, so she will never use it unless absolutely necessary
5. Shoot levels of high energy @ someone, something like a shadow ball from pokemon lol
She also has Clairvoyance and when she touches an item or a person she gets a summary of it's life flash through her mind which causes her to be overwhelmed and get a nosebleed (If she does it too often she will eventually cry out blood and blood will come out of her ears.) She has the wear gloves and is very sensitive to touch
The second Devaint I have that is a black rank is Astrid Rodriguez (Year 2055)
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Astrid's story takes place after Norene and the Deviant Civil War with The Outcasts. Her powers are Destruction and Reconstruction. She can Atomize objects and recreate them when she wants to. While they are Atomized, they float around here and if she gets hiccups, a few items will reconstruction themselves lol.
She got her Black Rank title at the age of Six when she first got her powers. She went up to her mom and was like "Hey mom look what I can do" and basically accidentally destroyed a town.
I am actually torn between it being Astrid or a really big Earthquake happened right when she wanted to show off her power and people just reported her thinking it was her. 😭
Anyways, Astrid gets locked up in the DCU(Deviant Containment Unit) at the age of six. She's there for TEN years before she manages to break out. The DCU was announcing a new band/bracelet that should STOP/WEAKEN Devaint powers. They were going to air the demonstration on Tv.
They were going to show off Astrid who was labelled the most powerful Devaint at the time, and show off how they are able to control her. She was wearing two bands and was still able to use her power to break away. Eventually meeting Sal Naclark, who becomes a Deviant Freedom Fighter and starts the second Devaint Civil War.
😊😊😊 thank you so much for the ask!!! I hope I answered in an interesting way!
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