#actual blog will use org and cw/tw tags !
arofulboyfriend · 2 months
howdy! i'm seren (he/him) and this is my shiny new blog after a long time away from tumblr (or rather just lurking in the shadows). decided to rejoin after a few months of chilling in the aroacespec tags and slowly coming to terms with my own aro identity, and because i think any community could always use another token transmasc /lh
im not big on using social media, so i may post somewhat infrequently, but i do love to meet new people and chat so my ask box and replies are all open and i try to check my notifications often!
about me (brief): like i said my name is seren, i use he/him pronouns, and like the bio says i'm transmasc, lovequeer, and aroace, in broad strokes. i'm an adult in my mid 20s and i like genshin impact and pjsk and a bunch of other things, so you may sometimes see fandom reblogs if they relate to aroace-ness (will always be tagged)
on labels: im still coming to terms with my aro (and, to a lesser extent, ace) identities, so these are subject to change entirely, as of time of writing though, i'm gnc transmasc, bellus- and idem- romantic, bi-alterous and sex-repulsed ace. i recently saw the term "lovequeer" and really liked that too, so it's been added to the hoard (tm). more explanations below the cut for how i personally define and relate to each label!
about the blog: will use cw/tw tags where needed. i dont personally need tone indicators but i try to use them myself, but usage may be inconsistent. if in doubt, just ask, but 99% of the time i probably sound more cold/angry than i actually am. no dni or dnf just don't be a weird exclusionary or separatist a-hole
other than that, thanks for stopping by!
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for simplicity i will always default to calling myself some combo of: transmasc, queer, aroace, or aro, but i'm all of them at once
gnc transmasc: i am transmasc, not trans man, trans boy, boy, or man (the "boyfriend" in my url is meant to be understood as a separate label from "boy"). i prefer masculine forms of address from non close friends, i do not like any feminine terms like girl, sis, etc. i am not out to anyone except close friends and safe parties (like pride) irl, and am not on hormones and cannot get surgery for a variety of reasons, but i do not mind dressing feminine, but by default i kinda tend towards tomboyish fashion regardless
bellusromantic: i enjoy conventionally romantic (as per US social norms) gestures in purely platonic contexts, such as holding hands, cuddling, cheek and hand smooching, calling my friends babe/dear, etc. not fond of mouth kissing.
idemromantic: probably bcus of the audhd, but i do not and have never seen an actual difference between "being besties" and "being romantically involved" - i lovingly call myself homie oriented. internally i never understood a sentiment of "more than friends" or whatever and politically speaking i am loudly, angrily critical of said sentiment.
lovequeer: a term i saw on tumblr a few days ago at time of writing. i feel like my relationship to the concept and feeling of "love" is inherently queer (as in "odd/weird" /pos)
bi-alterous: even though i'm aroace, "bi" was the first queer label i ever connected to, and im not willing to drop it. i am able to form close, intimate relationships with any person of any gender
sex repulsed ace: im repulsed by the idea and concept of specifically irl sex/pornography. i indulge in the occasional smutty fanart or smut fic bcus sadly i do have a libido, but i currently and for the foreseeable future only trust one person with any smut oriented discussion and i only make jokes with close friends
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