#acotar characters watch cc like a movie
faeriequeensuriel · 1 year
A Court of Starborn Visions
SPOILERS FOR ALL ACOTAR AND CC BOOKS. (May also throw in some easter eggs from the TOG series.)
Elain has tried to suppress her visions, and it's mostly worked. Until she starts seeing the life of a red headed half fae woman whose story could mean salvation or destruction for both of their worlds. With the help of the Inner Circle, Elain connects her mind to the Veritas Orb while searching through the void of her powers to show them what she's seen.
ACOTAR characters watch the events of HOEAB and HOSAB through the Veritas Orb to prepare for what's to come.
So I'm still pretty new to writing fan fiction. I've never done a 'characters read/watch their books' before, but they are one of my favorite types of fics. I decided to switch it up a bit and have them watch a different of the series in the form of a vision from Elain. I know this is corny, but it makes me happy so.. Yeah.
Prologue: Elain Has a Vision
Elain had grown content with her life in the Night Court. Tending to her garden and baking breads and pastries weren’t entirely satisfying, but it kept her distracted. It kept the pain of the past few years at bay and for now, that was enough.
She hadn’t trained with her powers since the war, and for the most part, her visions had left her alone. Though a few did manage to sneak through every now and then. Small things like knowing it would rain tomorrow, or knowing what Feyre planned to gift her for the winter solstice.
So it took her entirely by surprise when she started catching glimpses of someone’s life who she did not know. Stranger still were the funny little gadgets that this girl would use to communicate with. And the buildings, they were so incredibly tall, practically touching the sky.
She wasn’t sure what to make of these visions. This girl seemed like she had a fun life, full of friends who cared for her. She seemed happy in a way that Elain wished she could be. These days, Elain felt rather lonely. She had her sisters and the wraith twins, but she was still missing something. She wanted to be in love again, and to be loved in return.
She’d thought she’d had that with Graysen once upon a time, but he’d rejected her for becoming fae, no matter that it was against her will. It was part of why she’d never given Lucien a proper chance. He was beautiful and clever, but she’d already had so much ripped away from her. If she gave into the mating bond, wouldn’t that be giving up her freedom to choose as well? She craved him. His scent, his touch, they were a comfort, but she couldn’t let herself get close to him in that way. It wasn’t like he would want her anyway, not after how she had treated him since the bond was revealed.
And then there was Azriel. He was always there when she needed him, and it had felt like he’d really seen her. She thought he may have felt the same, but after the last Winter Solstice when he had told her she was a mistake.. No matter how much he seemed to regret it and apologize, there was no taking it back.
Yes, she was indeed envious of the girl from her visions.
But then the visions started happening more and more frequently. And the more they happened, the more severe they turned until one day, Nuala and Cerridwen found her convulsing on the kitchen floor with cherry pie filling splattered across the walls and floor as if Elain had thrown it into the air as she went down.
She awoke several hours later in her room, with both of her sisters sitting at her bedside.
“Thank the Mother, you’re ok,” Feyre sighed.
Nesta just grabbed her hand and said “What the hell happened to you, Elain?”
That’s right. The vision. It had consumed her so completely that she’d entirely lost herself. She’d had no control, which terrified her. But this vision could not be explained with words alone. She’d have to show them.
“Feyre, I need you to gather Rhysand and the rest of the inner circle. I need you to know what I saw.” Feyre nodded and her face went slack as she communicated with the High Lord.
“Do you need anything else?”
Elain hesitated for a moment. “Yes. I need the Veritas Orb. And I need my mate.”
~ ♥ ~
Lucien was baffled when he received word from Feyre that Elain, Elain of all people, was requesting his presence at the House of Wind library. He didn’t think she had ever asked for him. He was a nuisance to her. A shackle, and a reminder of what was taken from her.
It frustrated him that she had wanted nothing to do with him, but he would always respect her wishes. She was his mate, and while she would never fully be his, he knew the moment she asked that he would be hers. He wanted her to adjust to being fae and to learn how to hone her powers. He wanted her to find joy and love again, even if it wouldn’t be with him.
When the others saw him walk through the library door, they quickly made their way out to leave him alone with Elain. That was a first. He had never actually been in a room alone with her.
“Hello, Lucien.” Her voice was soft and delicate, but it held more strength than the last time he had seen her, which was just a month or so after Nyx was born. It had been almost six months since that day. Gods, and her saying his name.. Had she ever said it?
“Elain. Feyre informed me that you would like to speak?” It would be best if he kept this formal, kept his heart out of it. He couldn’t stand the thought of scaring her off now that she had reached out.
“I guess I should get straight to the point.” Mother save him, he didn’t think he would like where this was going. “I had a vision. A series of them actually. And I need to show the court what I’ve seen. It isn’t as simple as letting Feyre or Rhysand into my mind. It’s.. A bit of a maze in there, full of mist and they could easily get lost.”
Lucien just nodded, encouraging her to go on, while trying to figure out how he played into this.
“We are going to use the Veritas Orb to show everyone what I saw, but it’s risky. The orb shows the truth, but it has never been needed to show the future. And because it concerns another world-”
“Wait, another world? Like how Amren came to be here?” The thought was enough to send shivers down his spine.
“Yes.. In a way. I do not believe that this is the same world from which she came, but it is a world that seems.. Complex. I will have to reach out with my powers not only to the Veritas Orb, but also this other world. I won’t be myself while I’m searching, and I may get lost myself.”
“Elain, this sounds incredibly dangerous.” No, he absolutely did not like the sound of this.
“It is.. But that’s where you come in. If you agree to help, of course. I won’t ask you for something that you don’t want to do. Especially for me, I know I haven’t been the kindest and you deserve better than that, but I just have so many feelings about everything that has happened in the last few years that I don’t know what to do about this.. thing between us.”
“Woah, hey, take a breath, love.” Lucien instinctively rested his hands on Elain’s shoulders in a soothing manner and she instantly relaxed. “First of all, this thing as you called it, is something we should sit down and talk about when there’s time and we aren’t worrying about sending your mind into the void. I can’t say that I understand exactly what you’ve been through, but I understand that it was traumatic and you deserve time to figure yourself out.”
Her breathing started coming easier so he continued, “I don’t know what the future might hold for either of us, Elain, but I won’t pressure you to accept this bond. Second of all, no matter what we mean to each other, your safety is my top priority. If I can do anything to make this process safer and easier for you, all you have to do is ask.”
She was looking up at him with those wide doe eyes, now lined with silver. “Do you really mean that? About just wanting me to be safe?”
He moved one hand to stroke her silky golden-brown hair. “Of course I do, love. Of course I do. Just tell me what you need from me. Anything.”
She stared at him as if she’d never seen him before. “I need an anchor. Somebody who can hold my hand and maybe speak to me if I seem like I’m drifting too far away. Someone who can keep me grounded in this world, while I try to view the other one.”
Lucien nodded his head. “I can do that.”
She nodded as well. “I supposed we should summon the others.”
He turned for the library door to call for the Inner Circle, but Elain grabbed his hand first. His heart pounded wildly as he slowly turned towards her.
“Yes, Elain?” Gods, her touch was heaven. Unexpectedly calloused from the years working in her garden, but still velvet soft.
“Perhaps, Lucien, when all of this is done..” She looked down, trying to hide a lovely blush. “Perhaps we could try to be friends. If that is something you would want?”
She met his gaze again, her eyes full of hope and something else. He melted under that stare.
“I would like that very much.”
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nikethestatue · 4 months
IMO it’s pretty clear that the next book is about Elain and Azriel especially after the Today Interview. I’ve seen that a couple of people think that the one paragraph about the kissing shows that gwynriel is going to happen, but how does that make sense? especially after hofas and that she again talked about “mates not being right for each other”. Because the only hints in the books we have about a mating bond not being right for a FMC is Elain’s and Lucien’s bond. And for me it doesn’t make sense that acotar5 now is going to be az+gwyn (on the basis of 1 bonus chapter) and after that Elain + Lucien and that the rejected mate plot will be picked up after that…
Yeah, not say that there's been any doubt about it, but SJM yet again confirmed that it would be a female-led ACOTAR book. And that female sure ain't gonna be Gwyn, of all people. It's Elain and Azriel. All hope of Gwynriel Book then Elucien book is dead and buried. Not that they ever stood a chance, but I think it's fairly obvious that the Elriel book is next, then another book that will connect some of the parts of the ACOTAR and CC worlds, and probably TOG world as well. Could be the actual story of Fionn, Theia, Pelias, Aidas and the migration from Prythian to Midgard, with TOG's characters thrown in too.
Honestly, I am so excited about that. These Gwynriel discussions again, seem so SO trivial and unnecessary. It's like when you are watching a good movie and you are totally into it, and there is someone talking and pulling you out of the immersive experience. That's what Gwynriel is. Background noise that we are all so over.
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adhd-mess · 1 year
mahonia & jasmine please <3
Thank youuu <3
mahonia: what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
I’d have to say consuming media. I know that is very broad but it really does help inspire me!
When I’m consuming media and I have that lightbulb of inspiration I immediately put down the book, pause the show/song, click off firefox, swipe off of Pinterest, stop whatever I’m consuming at the time and open up Google docs, find the correlating [wip] idea doc and just spill out my idea which turns into more than just the original idea, sometimes that one drop of inspiration helps me outline out a scene or even an entire wip, sometimes—even better imo—a characters backstory and motivations!
After that I’ll go to Pinterest look up terms relating to said new idea/s and a good bit of the time the cycle repeats!
jasmine: do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
Yeah, a good bit of the shows/books I read I will most likely never read again. My brain—probably bc of my adhd—when it sees/reads something for the first time it’s like “okay, cool, what’s next?”
Of course there are a couple exceptions to this, a few examples of them are:
Satsuriku no Tenshi(and it’s prequel)
inu x Boku ss
akudama drive
dragon age
There are probably a few others I can’t think of.
But the ones I loved that I know I will never read/watch again? Here are a few:
Supernatural(I think that’s self explanatory, I can’t watch it knowing how it ends. It’s painful.)
crescent city series(listen tog is amazing and acotar is good but can be iffy cough acos/f cough but it gave me characters/ships I love but something is lacking in cc idk quite what it is but it just feels lacking maybe it’s the multiverse and confusing worldbuilding and how I like Aidas more than Hunt who is endgame)
the recruit(still seething over that ending wth)
manifest(I love it but also still seething over that ending)
the sinner
prodigal son(that ending? Wtf)
ahs hotel, asylum, 1984, & apocalypse
life is strange before the storm(just pain)
happy sugar life
koe no katachi(*sobs*)
shield hero(raphumi is everything)
death parade(it killed me. I didn’t cry, kimi no na wa was the first anime I ever cried over but my god it got close. Decim & Chiyuki are just *screams*)
The arcana(Julian & Lucio are 💗)
Harry potter(yeah, that is very self explanatory)
Mirai Nikki(first anime ever, but like wow, wild shit)
Law & order and all its spin offs
Given(sad as hell oh my god)
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I don't even bother with the CC3 plots because it's all too much and too confusing to me. At some point I stopped following the plots because it kept messing with my head and I had to remember political sh*t from previous books. It had gotten all down hill as soon as I recognized Azriel in the crossover and realized the kind of bullsh*t Sarah pulled.
The crossover was the biggest mistake Sarah has ever done and I stand by it.
I definitely think the fans are divided over the crossover. Some LOVE it, some hate it, and some are tentatively cautious, hoping that it all comes together in a good way.
I can't say I love it. The ACOTAR world and even TOG are extremely magical feeling to me. I love that primitive element that goes hand in a hand with a world untouched by technology. I'm not a huge fan of Urban Fantasy though I did enjoy the different feel of CC1 (rather than having a third series that had the same vibe as the first two). CC2 definitely took things in a different direction though and with the crossover, the way the ACOTAR characters view things is going to be irrevocably changed.
I know SJM has stated she's a big Marvel fan (and I am too) but those movies definitely have a bit of a cartoonish feel to them. They're awesome and exciting but they're also colorful and a bit silly at times.
Now, the Lord of the Rings series, that's EPIC. It's a bit dark and gray (but also filled with hope) and a grand adventure.
To me, ACOTAR gives me that epic Lord of the Rings feel, not a Marvel movie feel. Whereas it doesn't seem odd for Thor, who comes from Asgard where there's not modern technology to land in Earth where there is, it would seem odd if Frodo and Co. suddenly wound up in Manhattan or had a New Yorker with their cell phone suddenly show up in the Shire. Something about those two doesn't mesh well. And that's what the crossover feels like. I would have been more comfortable with the TOG characters crossing over into Prythian than Bryce.
The thought of Rhys, Cassian, Feyre, etc. learning about guns and cell phones and so on? Something just feels very off about that and it's tough accepting that those characters will now always have the knowledge that there's some spacey technological world out there. Not to mention we've barely explored the ACOTAR world outside of Tamlin's manner, Tarquins home and the Night Court. Wouldn't it have been better to see more of Prythian and the continent before the introduction of other worlds?
I do agree that trying to come up with theories on what could happen in the future CC and ACOTAR books with the introduction of the crossover fries my brain a bit. I'm not extremely knowledgeable about the CC world though I'm head over heels for ACOTAR. And nearly all of my theories come from ACOTAR and ACOTAR alone so I realize I'm missing a big piece of the puzzle. Or maybe it's not as bad as I think and the series will still be able to stand alone even if people haven't read one series or the other which I'm still hopeful for. Viewers are more informed if they watch every Marvel movie but they still make sense on their own even if they've chosen not to watch Captain Marvel or Doctor Strange, etc. Maybe this will be the same.
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
Its the tea anon: i promise I wasnt bashing anyone for writing fanfic and getting published- some of the best authors I know start out that way. However, the difference is that those authors will see a piece of media that has a potential story within it and write a fanfic. Then, once they get published they either make a completely new story, change the characters, or they make different setting so the story is now their own. Perfect example of that is a fanfic call Watch Your Step. It started off as a triple frontier fanfic and now she bulit it up so well that it is entirely different from the movie. It's nothing I've ever read and thats a good thing. While, S.J Mass did make a different world- i feel like alot of her stuff is copy/paste. I'm only reading TOG rn so hopefully its different from the acotar series.
P.s also I hate that I have to read her whole collection since she decided to make a multiverse. Thank GOD for libraries.
Sorry, I didn't mean it that way either. I mean I am super jealous of writers who get found through their fanfics! I'm submitting my oc stuff to agents atm and it's so demoralising because it takes so long and it's so scary then you get a response saying how busy they are and if you don't hear back in months, you're unsuccessful. And then they just publish people who have lots of views on tiktok and that's how they market it all too🙃
In my opinion, the world building in tog is a lot better in acotar! There are similar issues like characters who aren't the "golden child" ones e.g. chaol, lorcan, nesta, lucien, make mistakes and are given hell for it. I did enjoy it more than acotar though, so i hope you enjoy it too!!
I liked CC as well, more than I thought I would. I usually don't like reading modern settings, and modern fantasy usually has me gagging, but I did enjoy it. The spoiler of cc2 leaked and i dreaded finishing it however because, once again, the world revolves around that ratman!
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I feel like I read each of #CC in the similar way I watched a few marvel movies quite passively and bored so that I would understand the whole multiverse once endgame came out 😕
I really wanted to love these as passionately as I do Throne of Glass and ACOTAR but it fell short for me
I really did love parts of it but was pretty bored esp in CC1 - won’t lie though the ending for every character in CC2 got me emotional
It might be my background as a historian but pulling inspiration from so many different parts of human mythologies from our histories was disorienting for me I think my brain kept trying to work out OG story lines and cross overs but that a me issue
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I missed the SJM live. What was all confirmed???
First, I want to say.. I almost didn’t answer this just so I could keep looking at this notification.
This is the first ask I’ve ever received, and you Anon, are the winner of a fantastic collection of prizes but only if you come off anon and let me hug you.
NOW, let’s get down to business, shall we??
Yesterday, May 5th, started as any other day. But our Lady and Savior, SJM deemed us worthy of a surprise. She decided she wanted to give us some crumbs.. and these days.. it doesn’t take much more to make us happy:
- She refused to give any information regarding Az’s shadows and only told us to wait for his story
- Azriel’s hobbies include brooding, collecting daggers and pretending he doesn’t apply hair gel everyday (kidding. She didn’t say this but she DID say he will sing and we know what that means)
-In other news, the friendship bracelet colors don’t have any special meaning. She just associates those colors with the characters so, in Freud’s words... sometimes a cigar is just a cigar (my mom should feel so proud)
-Our fav fireboy, Lucien, was mentioned. She was asked if we were ever going to see his sass back. She said that he has a lot of crap to work through (shocking), but he will heal and we’ll get his flaming firedick self back.
-Cassian is the honorary man of the year. He won the snowball fight and he won with style. Also, Az and Rhys were too busy being angry at each other throwing snowballs with rocks in them because what’s life without a little bit of pain, am I right??
-Don’t know how importan this is..but she mentioned that, right now, she doesn’t like Disney movies where the female MC doesn’t do much: so bye Cinderella and bye sleeping beauty. She’s into moana and frozen.
-Last, but not least. Gwyn is not a child. I, personally, was deeply worried about those indirect claims that we were supporting an old ass bat with a child. I knew she was not a kid but I needed verbal confirmation to put this behind me. So I’m glad sjm said “not on my watch”
And that’s pretty much all the information related to ACOTAR. She talked about CC but I’m not in that world so I can’t really help you there. And no, I won’t voluntarily start reading another unfinished series written by sjm. I’m not emotionally ready.
Was I helpful? If yes, subscribe to this channel and let me know what your hogwarts house is.
Thanks for being my first and treating me so gently. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would and now I.. I think I’m in love with you.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Having a “SJM is going to give into the rabid Gwynriel hype and do fan service” day. Please help talk me off this cliff.
Oh no!
Ok, cliff rescue to the rescue.
She is not going to write a book for someone who has no continuity and for a bunch of fairweather fans. She knows that Gwynriels only read Gwynriel (if THAT) because lots and lots of them are actively avoiding previous books (because they hint at Elriel obviously) AND won't read anything other than her book (again, if THAT. Because many have admitted to not even having read ACOSF, and getting on the bandwagon via TIkTOk and fan art).
SJM wants to make money. BB want to make money. She is going so far as to crossover 2 of her series. Maybe all 3, for all we know. She ain't spending her time and her effort on a book to cater to actually a very limited audience, (loud, but limited) who haven't promised that they would read everything from the beginning of ACOTAR plus CC.
As with movies and book series, you want people to read/watch and return to your original material--you don't want just a rando side character, that hasn't been in the series for 4 books. Like right now, I see all these ads for the new Jurassic Park movie. And they keep showing stuff from the original (1993!) and the actors are back from the original. Why? Cuz they want continuity, and they want people to go back and watch/re-watch the old stuff as well.
Same with SJM. She wants continuity. She wants the readers to go back, buy/read her books from the beginning, watch her show, which only has the OG characters, and read CC, which will apparently be full of Feysand and the Co. So why in the blasting hell would she write a Gwyn book? Which offers NO continuity at all?
And let's just nip the Chaol argument in the bud--Chaol was the OG character, intimately connected to Aelin and to Dorian and then to everyone else. From book one. He's been in more books than Rowan! Gwyn is NOT Chaol. And Chaol offered important continuity, because you couldn't just read a Chaol book and not go back and read all the previous books. Love him or hate him, Chaol made perfect sense in the TOG universe.
Gwyn...who is Gwyn? A side character friend of a side character? The reality is--there is NO GWYNRIEL. It doesn't exist. Elriel exists. Canonically, that's the ship. Gwynriel is a head canon. So what book is she getting? About what? Also, why not Emerie? She's been in more books than Gwyn. What about Mor? Amren? Lucien? Even Tamlin? (I am not even mentioning Elain)
Nah. Chances are, we won't see Gwyn until the last book. At best, only episodically. There is a reason why Mor is now volunteering to train the priestesses. It's to pull Az away, and send him on his journey with Elain.
Hope this helps!
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