#absolutely iconic. wonderful woman whom i love and adore
ruthlesslistener · 1 year
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WISDOM IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Julie Andrews (The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins)—Oh where to start .... I'm not sure I even know how. She's just perfection. And it's not fair I can't bring post 70s work into this, because she just gets better and better, and her drag performance in to die for. But in the era I CAN talk about, she shows she has THE RANGE. Beautiful, feisty, funny, holding her own against Christopher Plummer, Paul Newman, Rock Hudson. Oh she's luminous.
Nadira (Shree 420, Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai)— She had a blast playing the femme fatal in Indian films in the 50s. Also the costumes she wore in Shree 420 are absolutely iconic. It's important to mention that she was Jewish. She was born Farhad "Florence" Ezekiel in Baghdad to an Iraqi Jewish family. They moved to India sometime in the 1940s. The funny thing is that she originally wanted to convert to Catholicism and become a nun but joined the film industry instead as her family desperately needed money. Even though she was unfortunately typecast in femme fatale roles after playing the nightclub entertainer Maya in Shree 420, she always gave 110% to every role she was cast in. Apparently she acted in a German film as well? She was also one of the most highly paid actresses in the Indian film industry and was one of the few Indians to own a Rolls Royce.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Julie Andrews propaganda:
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"She has such a simple but amazing beauty to her. Not to mention her amazing and melodic singing voice!"
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"Roles like nannies and governesses can make us forget how attractive she was! A perfect combination of elegant and adorable, with the most incredible vocal range to boot!"
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"Besides having one of the most amazing singing voices ever to grace the silver screen, Julie always had an understated beauty to her that wasn't always shown off on screen. But it's there nonetheless because her characters managed to pull some of the hottest men ever to grace the screen."
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"The juxtaposition between carefree Maria and stern but fun Mary Poppins shows the power of the acting of this HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMAN"
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"Charming, genteel, incredibly charismatic, beautiful, and has an angelic singing voice to boot. Her screen roles as Maria in The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins are absolutely iconic for a reason and she originated several well-known Broadway roles before those."
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"the most beautiful woman 12 year old me had ever seen possibly"
"OMG OMG OMG she’s definitely been submitted before how could she NOT but!!!! I loveeee her so muchhhh rahhhh prebby!!!! cool!!!! mary poppins the beloved <33333 some people dislike it but I love jolly holiday so much because it IS a jolly holiday with Mary!!! no wonder that it’s Mary that we love!!!!!"
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"I know many people who were taught in singing lessons "when in doubt, pronounce words how julie andrews would pronounce them." THATS CALLED INFLUENCE. THATS CALLED MOTHERING THOUSANDS."
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I just submitted a whole list of golden-era Bollywood stars without whom I thought this tournament could not conscionably be considered complete BUT Nadira has got my personal vote for Hottest of the lot. She played a bunch of delicious vamp roles in her youth before graduating to being a creepy spiderlady antagonist type in middle/older age. Rare is the still in which she looks like she's NOT about to gnaw your face off. Yow!
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Mulan (2020) Was Such a Cringey Film (Trigger Warning)
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My Thoughts On The Live-Action Remake of Mulan
Overall, I would describe this movie as a well-wrapped Christmas present but after opening it, you tell yourself, REALLY?! 
This movie is also seriously giving me ‘The Last Airbender’ movie trauma vibes…
1. This movie takes itself way too seriously. The lack of comedy combined with the emotionless acting done by majority of the cast members felt to me as if I was watching a low-rent dramatic stage play.
2. Liu Yifei, in particular, looked the part but I can’t seem to connect with her emotionally as Mulan. Her portrayal of someone who was supposed to be relatable and rootable to the audience was so underwhelming. It felt stoic, robotic and completely sterile. 
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3. There were tons of ICONIC scenes from the original film that were surprisingly excluded from this film. WHY DISNEY, WHY? I will elaborate on this in the spoilers section.
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4. The inclusion of new characters like the Witch, Xianniang and Mulan’s sister, Hua Xiu were completely unnecessary. It’s like they wanted to incorporate Gong Li (whom I adore btw) in this film no matter what but couldn’t quite figure out a good way to do that.
5. The fight scenes were pretty good. But they really needed to chill out with the dramatic slow motions and aerial stunts, seriously. 
6. Mulan is such a Mary Sue in this movie, it’s not even funny. What happened to the concept of character development?
7. The film was gorgeous to look at but everything seemed so well-packaged to the point that it sucked all of the heart and soul out of why I fell in love with Mulan’s story in the first place. 
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1. Going back to point number 3 of my ‘7 NON-SPOILER THOUGHTS’, where the heck was that iconic hair-cutting scene when Mulan bravely decided to take her dad’s place in the army? Also, where was the scene of Mulan finding the little girl’s doll in the village rubble? And lastly, why did they change the way Mulan’s true identity as a woman is revealed? There were so many unnecessary changes; It’s like they purposely gone out of their way to make me angry. Not to mention, the film tends to transition between scenes really quickly; Let each scene breathe on its own for like 2 seconds damn…
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2. I hate that they got rid of Mushu, Cri-Kee and Grandmother Fa. With Mushu, he was absolutely integral in helping Mulan succeed in becoming a warrior and saving China. But instead, we got a discount (albeit pretty) version of Mushu in the form of a phoenix that does absolutely nothing but serves as Mulan’s GPS. 
3. With the grandmother, I loved her dry and witty sense of humor, which was seriously missing in this film. With Cri-Kee, it was just a cute little character but somehow it got replaced by an actual human character and he was given the name Cricket? Ummm, what? Couldn’t the actor just play Ling or Chien-Po or something?
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Another iconic scene left out….ugh
4. Speaking of the trio consisting of Yao, Chien-Po and Ling, apparently from reading up on the film’s cast, they were actually in the film. I literally do not remember anything significant that these guys had said or did in the film. That goes to show how dull these portrayals were.
5. According to the writers, Hua Xiu, Mulan’s sister was included because “this added a broader emotional context and added more motivation for [Mulan’s] character”. I completely disagree; Excluding her wouldn’t make any difference in my opinion.
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6. So Chen and Commander Tung were two characters based on Li Shang. I’m always going to like Donnie Yen; So, he was alright as Tung and with Chen, I’m on the fence with his portrayal by Yoson. He gave off an energy that was very similar to what I wanted to see in terms of a live-action Shang but there’s something missing about Chen as a character that I can’t quite pinpoint. Maybe it’s just a lack of prominence, especially in the second half of the film? Or maybe it’s because we didn’t see him having any personal ties to the war unlike Shang whose father died in battle.
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7. Mary Sue Mulan. This is my biggest pet peeve about this remake. What I liked about the original Mulan is that she didn’t start out strong; She had to work extremely hard to gain the respect of her comrades. Instead, live action Mulan entered the Imperial army already having the fighting ability since she was more or less born with chi powers. I’m calling BS on that. Disney why? Why do you think that in order to make a female protagonist fight alongside her male counterparts, you need to give her powers? What happened to good old intelligence and hard-work?
8. Is it just me or did it feel like watching Mulan 2020 was like watching an English dub of a period Chinese film? I felt like with some of the characters (for example Jet Li’s The Emperor character), the sounds that come out of their mouths did not match the mouth movements or basically, it just doesn’t feel natural. Is it bad audio mixing or I wonder if a voice over was actually done…
9. Favorite moment in the film? Ming-Na Wen’s cameo in the film. I freaked out when I heard her voice. I was like OMG that is OG Mulan.
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teabooksandsweets · 4 years
All Creatures Great and Small
🎼 All things bright and beautiful // all creatures great and small // all things wise and wonderful // the Lord God made them all 🎵 are the first lines of a well-known hymn and particular childrens’ favourite, and—not quite in this order—the American titles of James Herriot’s famous (and brilliant) books, thanks to an idea of his daughter Rosie.
All Creatures Great and Small is also the title of the popular BBC series the books were adapted into. The series ran for seven seasons and three specials, over thre course of thirteen years, with little breaks in between.
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It’s the loveliest thing, and I recommend it frequently. And I recommend it right here, right now, in this very post.
It’s a period piece based on books based on real life, with just the right balance of comedy and drama. It’s set in the Yorkshire Dales, that sublime country, as the series calls it, and there’s animals of all sizes, everywhere, all about the show. The cast is splendid, absolutely splendid, all of them, and some worked closely with the real people their characters are (sometimes only loosely) based on.
It’s a show about veterinarians, Alf Wight, the real James Herriot, who wrote the books was a veterinarian. There were always veterinarians on the set, who found the cases treated either by them, or sometimes, under their instructions, by the actors, making the show extremely realistic—and very animal-friendly, because the BBC paid for all sick animals treated for the show, because of which one of the veterinary advisors always brought animals from people who couldn’t pay their veterinary bills to the set, even if they never appeared in the show, and treated them there, with the BBC having to pay.
I know that many people don’t like that the medical work is closely shown, and there are of course always the “arm up the cow” jokes made about it, but I have to say: it’s bluntly realistic, never concealing or censoring, but also never gory or deliberately gross. The characters do their work, and so do the real people behind the scenes; and the medical aspects are both scientifically correct and historically authentic.
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The characters are all very, very fabulous, and pictured above is the Skeldale House family as it was in the first three seasons, including the five dogs.
There’s James Herriot, the newly qualified (and adorably awkward) vet from Scotland, who just got his first job in Yorkshire, where he’s got to prove his competence; played by Christopher Timothy.
his boss (and later partner) Siegfried Farnon, who is as capricious and eccentric as he is kind and generous; played by Robert Hardy (with his own whippet Christie on his lap).
Siegfried’s younger brother Tristan, a darling rascal who spends most of the early seasons failing exams and getting drunk; played by Peter Davison.
Mrs Edna Hall, the housekeeper (and secret head of the family) whom everyone loves, and who sadly only appears in the first three seasons, because of the passing of her wonderful actress Mary Hignett.
Helen Herriot, née Alderson, James beloved wife, a farmer’s daughter who always helps out in the surgery; played by Carol Drinkwater in the first three seasons and first two specials.
James, Siegfried, and Tristan appear throughout the whole show, with Tristan sometimes being absent; Helen, too, though she is played by Lynda Bellingham from season four on. James and Helen also get two children called Jimmy and Rosie; Siegfried, too, marries and has children, and Tristan, finally qualified, is often away for work.
Seasons four and five (and the beginning of season six) also feature the Scottish veterinarian Calum Buchanan, played by John McGlynn, who’s got a liking for all wild creatures, and even keeps a badger for some time, and Deirdre McEwan, a very diligent young woman who works for the Ministry of Agriculture, and whom Calum eventually marries.
And of course, there is, throughout the entire course of the show, the brilliant Mrs Pumphrey (played by the incredible Margeretta Scott), whose dog Tricki-Woo suffers from an unfortunate condition called Flop-Bot. She also keeps a pig called Nugent (after her uncle, who looked just like him!) and has a very grumpy gardener called Hotchkin (played by Teddy Turner). Mrs Pumphrey herself is a reason to watch this show.
And of course, there’s occassional appearances of Granville Bennet (James Grout), a a small animal specialist who always persuades James to drink too much, and his beautiful wife Zoe (Pamerla Salem).
The supporting cast is fabulous too, reaching from grumpy farmers who never pay their bills, to sensitive owners of small pets, and from poor people whose existance depends on their animals to the rich and aristocratic who may or may not be really happy with their lives.
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The first three seasons are set in the late thirtes, and ending with the beginning of World War II. The first two Christmas specials take place just after the end of the war, and the last four seasons and third special showcase the beginning of a new time, the early fifties.
The show is sometimes sad. Because it’s about veterinarians, and they can’t save all their patients. Because many farmers are very poor and many pet owners emotionally vulnerable. Because it takes place around a terrible war.
But it’s such a happy show. It’s so hopeful, and so warm, so cosy, and so humorous and witty. The scripts, especially of the first three seasons, are absolutely brilliant, and the later ones are also very, very good. The acting is fabulous, the actors are fabulous, and so is their unique influence on the making of the show, their relationships to each other, and to the people they partly portayed.
And of course, it’s beautiful. It’s not a period drama of a very stylised sort; it’s made with costumes and scenery made to look as they did in the time and place, and to fit the characters and context. The overall look is very warm, with much of brown and green, and the background is incredibly green—because it’s the Yorkshire Dales, all around, everywhere. Endless hills and moors, narrow walls, small streams.
And of course, it has the very theme music. It’s such a lovely tune, and it’s absolutely iconic. A classic. It’s lovely.
Long story short: Watch All Creatures Great and Small —it’s brilliant!
(On another note, I also really recommend the books. This post is not about them, but they are amazing!)
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Les Huguenots (Grand Théâtre de Genève, 2020): Reactions, Part I
Given that my current Act of Hubris Involving Video Editing is putting English subtitles on this production, I guess now is a good of a time as ever to finally officially liveblog it.
@monotonous-minutia you have seen this and @sweatershowgirl​ and @tatyana-dreaming​ you have not but all three of you are interested in this Act of Hubris, so...here you go! (there are spoilers in this liveblog)
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Night of the Living Dead
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well now they’re just Dead (except for a couple of principals. also spoiler alert these people keep coming back occasionally. don’t ask me. I was not one of the codirectors so idk)
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“this production is sponsored by Adidas”
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that one dude in the back obviously did not get the color memo
that or the costume department ran out of white/off-white shirts
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JOHN!!!!!!! *heart eyes forever*
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FANTASTIC chair setup
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Nevers and Raoul are such a BROTP
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spotlight’s on you buddy
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also this viola d’amore solo is SO PRETTY
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how is it that John Osborn is able to turn anything his voice touches into gold
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It is a lovely morning in Touraine and you are a Bass Emerging From The Bog (not actually but...yeah) About To Crash A Party
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“no, I already told you I needed twenty stuffed-crust pizzas from Medici’s for the Renaissance Faire!”
(I’m only half-kidding, as this is apparently supposed to be Catherine de Medici. yes, this production is weird. yes, it somehow works in the end. also it’s the most musically complete one on film)
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you’re going to regret giving Marcel the megaphone
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see? Marcel is just Ultimate Chaotic Energy
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anyway this aria BOPS and Michele Pertusi is (as always) amazing
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the valet (at right): “I do not get paid enough to deal with this shit”
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RWS is so pretty *heart eyes*
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@rayatii work your meme magic on this I know you can
also I guess this is supposed to be a farewell kiss or something?
also also I love how all the chorus people just start clapping
also also also I am the newspaper dude that is Such A Mood
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Raoul please stop jumping to conclusions so quickly (although I will acknowledge that the kiss doesn’t really stem from canon)
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tfw your fiancée breaks up with you the day before your wedding
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Alexandre Duhamel is me jamming out to this chorus
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*dies of Adorable Mezzo*
also: I don’t care that (according to behind-the-scenes video) Urbain is technically played as a woman in this production; I will proudly continue to say that this Urbain is wonderfully genderfluid because that was the Vibe I got
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tfw you’re asked to go blindfolded to a Secret Rendezvous
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he’s so freaking adorable I can’t
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their energy
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when you’re the new royal protégé but have no idea
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magic movie makeover
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off into the Great Unknown (better known as Act II)
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we love the Old Hollywood Vibe
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we stan both onstage instrumentalists and dancing sopranos
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there’s just something about her and her voice that makes her one of my top 3 people I’ve ever seen or heard in this role
(her name is Ana Durlovski; the 2 others are singers you’ve likely heard of-- Lisette Oropesa and Joan Sutherland, with Erin Morley and Marlis Petersen not far behind)
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I aspire to have her confidence and flair
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everyone is Bopping feat. Costume Porn
also: sometimes the ideal Friend Group/Professional Network is a bunch of strong, confident, talented women, a strong, confident, talented, genderfluid director’s assistant, and one (1) Kindly Elderly Gay flutist (not pictured)
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Léa Desandre and Anyone brings out wonderful energy
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Urbain: “ma’am you are great at what you do but we are on a schedule and that schedule does not include you coloratura-ing”
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we have no choice but to stan a QUEEN
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Urbain: “really? the PUMPKIN PANTS?”
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VALENTINE!!!!!!!!! *heart eyes forever for my favorite character in this opera*
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stop being so perfect please I am begging you
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Marguérite just checking in to make sure Valentine is okay is like *heart eyes forever for my SISTP. also I kinda ship them*
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“now we are going to call your douchebag of a father whom I have to act like I don’t despise so I can persuade him by hook or by crook to let you marry your dream guy”
aka Girls Supporting Girls
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this aria should be done every time and LÉA YOU ARE KILLING ME HERE
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ooh... (the ladies are INVESTED)
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I would like to thank the directors for making this happen 
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poor Valentine :(
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Protect The Clueless Baby
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Blinded By Spotlight, Round 2
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iconic duo
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twice the cadenza, twice the awesome
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Raoul: I gotta admit that I’m a bit horny
Marguérite: okay maybe I am a little too BUT I am a good best friend so I’m not gonna do anything with you
Directors: *decide to end this duet with them making out*
Me: >:(
(John Osborn and Ana Durlovski though? LOVE THEM together)
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Marguérite: oh shit I am officially regretting the last thirty seconds
also, tfw you walk in on your boss/crush/girl you just kissed making out with someone else you’ve barely met #awkward
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Urbain: well, you’re a person who...exists
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“are you gonna get that?”
“no, are you?”
aka, the Nevers and Urbain Beef continues
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someone’s on the phone please be quiet
also, something that happened a bit later but I couldn’t get into a screencap: Nevers has a very firm handshake while Saint-Bris has one like a limp fish
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“yes we are all swearing eternal peace yes we are all friends no this will not implode within the next five minutes :)”
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this moment is just SO CUTE
Raoul/Nevers BROTP (spoiler: that does not last long)
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the SLAP
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this ensemble SLAPS
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meanwhile, Marcel is just vibing and living his best life
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Marcel: but I wanna make Chaotic Energyyyyyyyyyyyy
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“well that went well” said no one ever
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Another Taggy Tag Thing
Answer these then tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better! I was tagged by @talistheintrovert trAITOR WHOM I LOVE. (for ratting my out to P at times)
• 1. have you ever been in love? I think so. 
• 2. who is your favorite artist? I don’t think I have one.
• 3. what is your favorite music genre? I love all genres but right now, r&b soul. 
• 4. have you ever had a penpal? Yes, for some school project ages ago. 
• 5. are you single or in a relationship? I am single. 
• 6. what color are your eyes? Green/Hazel
• 7. what is your favorite word? Maybe squishy?? I’ve never really thought about it before. 
• 8. do you play any instruments? I do not. 
• 9. what is your favorite color? As a wise nonnie declared for me, it is purple. 
• 10. do you have any nicknames? Oh gosh, yes. Most commonly Jules, but also J, Jhulamando, Jatle Batle, Juju, Juju bean, etc. 
• 11. what is your favorite flower? I frankly have no clue.
• 12. what qualities do you find attractive in a person? I absolutely adore people who are honest and true to themselves. People who are lovers of he world and spread positivity and radiate light are those I’m most drawn to. 
• 13. do you have any pets? My puppers Taj and kitty Spunky!
• 14. have you ever traveled outside of your home country? Wow okay, Talis. Way to make me jealous with your answer. I’ve only been to a few countries in Central America. Guatemala is an absolute wonder. 
• 15. what language(s) do you speak? English.
• 16. who was your first crush? TALIS THAT IS SO SAD. OH MY GOSH BABE LET ME WRAP YOU IN BLANKETS AND HOLD YOU FOREVER. My first ever crush was on my third grade substitute teacher who was there for half a year. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, yes. 
• 17. do you wear glasses? Yes indeed!
• 18. what is your favorite pastry? Thank you for making me hungry, Talis. What classifies as a pastry, yikes? *quickly googles* Okay! It would be fried dough. (does that count, I have no idea)
• 19. do you prefer swimming in a pool or in the ocean? Oceaaaaaaaan. I love feeling creeped out by the seaweed :P
• 20. bright, dark, or pastel colors? Pastel
• 21. what is your favorite social media app? .....sadly this
• 22. what is your sexuality? Talis is an icon. I love her. I am pansexaul!
• 23. do you have any siblings? Two sisters.
• 24. what is your favorite scent? Cow manure, but it has to be the right ratio of feces to urine. Sometimes the farmers will mix in a little too much urine for my taste and it will be wayyyy to potent. So it’s gotta be just the right amount of both. Will I ever be ashamed of this? Probably not.
• 25. where do you want to travel to? To your bedroom.
• 26. what is your favorite film? Tommy Boy or Tremors
• 27. who do people say you look like? My mom and oldest sister!
• 28. who is your best friend? My mom, of course, as well as my precious Jill (@bellamyblakearms​) and my girl Abby (not on here).
• 29. what is your dream job? A marine biologist. 
• 30. do you know how to drive? Yes.
• 31. who is/was your favorite teacher? So cool because I was just thinking about this today! It’d be a tie between my fifth grade English/History teacher and my junior year Visual Culture teacher. The first one was just the coolest chick one could ever know. She was so personal and was actually the only person I ever opened up to that year. She immediately could tell how I was feeling without me saying anything and just wow. I loved that woman. She just retired to so lots of love for you, Mrs. Garrey! The second one didn’t even feel like a teacher. She was more like a friend. The class was by far my most favorite in all my years of school. We studied all forms of art and it was a tiny class of only four so we were all super close. She put her entire soul into that class and completely made the year for me. 
• 32. are you a feminist? For sure. 
• 33. what is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius. 
• 34. do you enjoy reading? Yes, I just have to be in the mood for it. 
• 35. do you have any hidden talents? Lol no. 
• 36. have you ever dyed your hair? No.
• 37. what is your favorite thing in your bedroom? My Freddie Mercury wall decal. 
• 38. what is your biggest fear? Car accidents. I am a horrible person to drive with.
• 39. can you whistle? Yes.
• 40. do you make your bed every day? Never.
• 41. do you have any tattoos and/or piercings? Just one tattoo. The buffalo on my wrist. But I’ll be getting another one in a few months (I think?) And my ears are pierced.
• 42. have you ever been on a roller coaster? Yes. However, I love to psyche myself out for whatever reason and went on a binge searching for footage of a bunch of roller coaster accidents. Now I’m petrified and refuse to step on one :))
• 43. surfing or skateboarding?  I’ve never been but I’ve always wanted to surf!
• 44. are you a dog or a cat person? Animal person all around.
• 45. what is your favorite animal? American bison. 
• 46. do you have a skincare routine? AHA
• 47. what time do you typically go to bed at and what time do you wake up at? I was going to bed around 11 pm, but then season five started so I fall asleep around 2 am. I get up at 6-6:30 am. 
• 48. what is your favorite memory? The day I found my Spunkers in my backyard.
• 49. how tall are you? 5′10″
• 50. what is the best gift you’ve ever received? My sister made me her own version of the Jim Halpert teacup present. It was amazing. 
• 51. do you have a garden? A small one!
• 52. do you like bugs? I wish. Sadly, I am horrified of all bugs.
• 53. what is your natural hair color? Ash blonde.
• 54. what is your favorite food and drink? Nachos and water.
• 55. do you want kids? No.
• 56. what is/was your favorite class? As mentioned above, my Visual Culture class.
• 57. what color shirt are you wearing? Red and grey.
• 58. if you could time travel, what year would you go to and why? 1813 to meet Jane Austen and talk, or 1606 to meet Shakespeare and talk, or 1926 to meet Agatha Christie and talk (also to ask her where she was when she went missing because that is a mystery that I NEED to solve). I just need to talk to my favourite dead authors you guys.
• 59. what is your skin color? Pale. Just… pale. (Talis speaks my mind)
• 60. hugs or kisses? Completely depends. Hugs over kisses but sometimes even a hug is a bit much for me. 
• 61. have you ever drank alcohol? Yes.
• 62. have you ever done drugs? No.
• 63. netflix or youtube? Netflix.
• 64. ice cream or frozen yogurt? Ice cream.
• 65. succulents or flowers? Flowers.
Yikes I don’t know whose been tagged so let’s just say everyone.
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painterlegendx · 4 years
8 Things That Happen When You Are In Animal Paintings Colourful - Animal Paintings Colourful
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When bodies watch Jessica Carter paint, they see an eccentric, aerated artisan axis apparent white walls into a bright masterpiece.
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Colourful Animal Painting Paintings For Sale | Saatchi Art - animal paintings colourful | animal paintings colourful But that isn’t all they are witnessing. They don’t apperceive it, but they are watching Carter’s therapy. They are watching a calm abandon survivor affected her trauma. They are watching a 35-year-old distinct mother of three accouchement — including one who has autism — in a rhythm. They are watching an Army adept accord aback to adolescent soldiers and beastly affliction organizations.They are watching Carter acrylic a bright present and approaching over a darker past.“I can acrylic for hours,” Carter said. “It’s so beatific to be able to accept that activity of aloof sitting and concentrating, and annihilation about me matters. … Aloof seeing how both of my easily can acrylic calm is aloof authentic admiration to me. To footfall aback and see what I’m accomplishing is appealing gnarly.”Carter grew up a “military brat.” Her grandfathering was a Marine. Her ancestor served in the Navy. She and her ancestors were all built-in on aggressive bases.At 21 years old, Carter abutting the Army, acceptable the aboriginal woman in her ancestors to serve in the military.“I accept the Army because I capital to do article altered than anybody abroad in my family,” Carter said. “My brother abutting the Navy, so I went to the Army. He afterwards abutting the Army.”
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Frameless Colorful Lion Animals Abstract Painting Diy Digital Paintng By Numbers Modern Wall Art Picture For Home Wall Artwork - animal paintings colourful | animal paintings colourful Carter planned on spending her absolute career in the Army. However, her administration in the aggressive concluded afterwards four years. She and her ex-fiance, whom she had two accouchement with, begin out their son had autism. She larboard the Army to tend to her son.She and her ex-fiance affably afar anon afterwards their son’s diagnosis. Then, her ex-fiance died from cancer.“That was back the bottomward circling began,” Carter said. “I can’t discount it. Every time my accouchement do article amazing, I consistently anticipate about him. Afterwards he died, that’s back the anticipation of actuality a distinct mom set in.”Years afterwards her ex-fiance’s passing, Carter started dating a Special Forces soldier from the Army. Together, they had her youngest babe and got engaged.The six-and-a-half-year accord became complicated by war. Carter’s ex-fiance suffered from combat-related PTSD afterwards abiding from war. On several occasions, he assaulted Carter.A few years later, Carter was diagnosed with PTSD acquired by a aggregate of accident her aboriginal fiance and actuality domestically abused by her second.
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8 Best Colorful Paintings Of Animals - Bored Art - animal paintings colourful | animal paintings colourful “I’ve struggled with it for a few years,” Carter said. “It brings me out of my abundance zone. Having that affectionate of PTSD is adamantine because a lot of bodies don’t apperceive that allotment about me. They aloof see me as an artisan or somebody air-conditioned funny and bubbly. That’s who I am, but they don’t see the added ancillary of me, which is why I adore painting.”Jessica Carter, 35, of Bradley, leads a acrylic night at The Looney Bin bar aftermost August. Carter, a calm abandon survivor, started her business, Art From the Heart, to advice cope with post-traumatic accent disorder.To cope with her trauma, Carter started painting. She took art classes with a coach in Alabama and begin a release.She enjoys it so abundant that she got a boom of her paintbrush and a watercolor palette on her larboard arm.“Through my own analysis and body searching, I begin painting was a abundant aperture to abolish out those noises and circadian struggles that I still accord with,” Carter said. “Painting cancels aggregate out. It helps me de-stress.”At first, Carter focused on painting canvases. She corrective agency pieces for accompany and acquaintances. One of them stood out to her. A man asked her to acrylic a allotment that he could accord to his wife.
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Colourful animal paintings and contemporary wildlife art .. | animal paintings colourful “That was article he gave from his heart,” Carter said. “It was article that you can’t buy at a store. It was article he had fabricated because he loves his wife.”That allotment aggressive Carter to alpha her business, Art From the Heart. She confused her business and three accouchement from Alabama to Bradley three years ago so that she could be abutting to her mother’s ancillary of her family.After affective to Bradley, her business broadcast from painting canvases to painting murals and logos and active acrylic parties at several breadth businesses. Through that, bodies accept accepted Carter’s recovery.“My canvases accept gone from 10 inches to 30-foot walls,” Carter said. “It’s actual base to see the advance in myself. Bodies accept in me. That’s why they accord me these opportunities. Having that joy of seeing added bodies smile from my artwork or for them to accord it to added bodies helps me because it is a absolute reinforcement.”Carter has larboard her mark on Kankakee County in several ways. She donates the gain from her acrylic nights to adept and beastly affliction organizations. She is the alone accustomed artisan for Dirtbag Clothing, which is awash at The Looney Bin. And she has corrective murals and logos at Urban Farmer, EVOLVE Clothing Co., Rustic Roots Salon, Fit Body U, Urban Barbershop Co. and several added businesses.“It’s so air-conditioned to absolutely see the attending on my kids’ faces whenever they see my artwork,” Carter said. “When your 3-year-old is in the car and she goes, ‘Look, mommy! There’s your artwork! Can I booty a account with it?’ It absolutely brings tears to my eyes because that’s article my babe can be appreciative of.”
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8 Best Colourful Animal Art images | Colorful animals, Art .. | animal paintings colourful And by administration her art and struggles with calm violence, she hopes to acrylic a bigger angle on life.“I appetite to try to canyon forth to my accouchement that no amount what you accept gone through, you can still acquisition a absolute antithesis in activity and still advance positivity no amount what affectionate of bearings you ability accept been in during your life,” Carter said. 8 Things That Happen When You Are In Animal Paintings Colourful - Animal Paintings Colourful - animal paintings colourful | Encouraged to our weblog, within this moment I will show you in relation to keyword. Now, this is the 1st image:
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gnossienne · 7 years
preliminary thoughts on ‘beauty and the beast’ (2017)
As it was my (mis)fortune to attend an early screening of the film, I thought I'd jot down some thoughts for organisation. Behind the cut you will find spoilers and witness me getting neurotically worked up over the subpar adaptation of a formative film that consumed most of my adolescence.
the good: 
visually lovely, if not overly...clean? polished? somehow. too neat and mannered, even the ‘dark’ bits.
Emma Thompson, who ought to be both everyone’s mum and mate with whom you gorge on jelly babies and bang out drunk karaoke at 2am
Dan Stevens’ eyes
the cast numbers, which, as tends to be the case in most musical films, are superior to solo numbers and obscure individually weak singers. ‘Kill the Beast’ was particularly phenomenal.
Of the new (mediocre) songs, the only memorable one was the Beast’s “Evermore”, which was actually quite lovely and beautifully framed in the film. Rather a fitting corollary to the ommitted 'If I Can't Love Her" (travesty beyond travesty). A trained singer would do it absolute wonders, although Stevens was surprisingly capable (and after just checking, it appears Josh Groban sings it on the soundtrack so guess what I will be looping for the next month)
The incorporation of some elements of de Beaumont’s original tale was a lovely added touch (e.g., Belle asking her father for a rose)
Luke Evans’ Gaston could have been more...Gaston-y, but was the best overall out of the main cast, and seemed to relish the role more than the others. He struck a good balance of the cartoon-villain aspects and real-life analogy of narcissistic bigotry.
There’s a bit at the end after Beast transforms back into a human and he and Belle are waltzing, and she jokes something like “maybe you should grow a beard!” and he play-growls in response, and it’s.....permanently seared into my brain and sent my imagination whizzing off into entirely unacceptable directions in a way that I cannot even begin to describe, and thus confirming every untoward thought I had re: the Beast's transformation into a human
(Dan Stevens really does have lovely eyes)
the not-good:
everything else, really.
the prologue - gone is the stained glass tableau sequence and live action on its place. it might have worked with a more visionary director, but it becomes clumsy and too much. the narration lacks reverence, and the entire sequence feels generally rushed  
too much...digital...cgi...whatever passes as ‘world-building’ in film these days
key pieces of dialogue, both for narrative purpose (”but why?” “because...i love her”) and nostalgia’s sake (”it’s not right for a woman to read, soon she starts getting ideas, and thinking...”) were omitted, altered, or given to other characters. The original is iconic for a reason.
related to the above, there were certain seminal moments and scenes in the original that were either altered or rushed through, including the prologue - Belle’s rejection of Gaston (”I just don’t deserve you!”), Belle’s discovery of the west wing, the transformation scene of which was made a complete hash ("it IS you!")....the west wing scene and prologue in particular have an unsettling and eerie quality to them in the original that is entirely lacking here. Less Bluebeard and more...Harry Potter, I suppose. The magic in this adaptation is more bright and wondrous than mysterious and and fable-like as in the original.
the library reveal - wrong. I literally cried out in objection; one simply cannot take the most faultless scene of the film and make it so...underwhelming (and visually dark, to boot).
Emma Watson’s mediocrity - acting and singing, both. The acting (eyebrows!) may have been excusable if not for the truly ghastly singing (which appeared digitally tuned to make it even worse?). she lacks Belle’s sense of amazement and wonder at the castle and its magic, and it translates to the audience. For instance, she sits through “be our guest” with little more than a smile (as do we).
no songs from the Broadway musical (my wish fulfillment of a live “if i can’t love her” dashed)
related to the above, not nearly enough of the original musical score; instead some generic, shouty brass and strings arrangements
having sir ian mckellen in a film...and completely under-utilising him (what a wasted opportunity)
as much as I adore her, Hattie’s enchantress ex machina was entirely unnecessary
ewan mcgregor’s dodgy French accent
gugu mbatha-raw’s radiance being obscured for 99% of the film
making lumière and cogsworth decidedly not old marrieds (and framing lefou’s 1.5-second dance with another man as The Gay Moment™ instead) (another wasted opportunity)
lots of other things that make me grumpy but that I am too tired to list
oh yes, the Yellow Dress, which was little more than sewn-together scraps of chiffon and crepe seen at a Freshers’ Week dance.
(that play-growl though, oh my word)
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tullediaries · 7 years
Hello! Thank you so much for putting effort in managing this blog, i could scroll for hours.. youre one of my favorites! May i ask what is your favorite silhouette in a wedding dress? And which are your top favorite dresses/brands? xx
Thanks much! You’re the most kind! :)My favourite silhouette is Fit and Flare with a really form-fitting bodice. I love dresses that accentuate the figure of the bride, are evenly constructed and have intricate details. Moreover, even though it’s not really a part of the silhouette, but I have a thing for ruffles. And of course, sparkles, bling and crystals are very much appreciated as well.I have seen a lot of beautiful dresses including those that I haven’t posted here. I haven’t even posted my “most favourite dress” here yet; I should probably do soon. But I actually have a “Top picks” list, and my top pick so far is my icon, the Berta Style 14-15 Wedding Dress with an illusion neckline from their Winter 2014 Collection.I’ve had the good fortune to try it out of a whim during one of our trips in a bridal salon in Hong Kong. The bodice is just divine. It’s simple but still has a charm that will give prominence to the overall image of the bride. It has that classic, romantic, sexy, yet vintage elegant-look that I immediately fell in love with it. It’s a bit revealing but definitely not tacky. A woman has to have a lot of confidence to pull off such a sophisticated dress. I'm sorry but I feel like I’m not doing it justice because it’s just absolutely stunning. Note: I haven't seen a full body-shot from my source, but it's actually a Sheath dress―not a Mermaid or Fit and Flare dress. FYI just in case you're wondering.I also adore the Celeste Wedding Dress from Amelia Sposa 2016 Bridal Collection.
It’s not your typical “overly-poofy” princess gown. The lace doesn’t actually "outdate" the dress, but the spectacular detailing furnishes it with a very classy and feminine semblance. Any bride would truly look like a princess in this dress. Uh..what's that? Did I mention that it has a removable skirt as well? The dress transforms into a sensual curve-clinging silhouette; ideal for those brides who prefer to have different looks at the ceremony and during the reception. Unique, over-the-top and dramatic dresses are really interesting, but in my opinion, some of them are just good for the eyes. I'm guilty in posting and liking some of those dresses. But dammit, they're too shiny and pretty! I can't help it! I prefer a dress that will actually make a woman look and feel like a bride. The bride should be the focal point, and not the dress. And in my opinion, this wedding dress is just perfect for someone who shares the same sentiment.With bridal designers, I love Lazaro, Pnina Tornai, Michael Cinco, Crystal Design, Berta, Galia Lahav, Gazelle Brides, Eden Haute Couture, Mark Zunino, Dar Sara, Julie Vino, Rami Salamoun and Demetrios and a lot more talented designers whom I feel guilty in not remembering outright.Note: I do not own any of the images above. Credits to the photos are included on the original posts.Thank you for your question, anon.
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inkwellco · 7 years
Australian Simone Sault, star of stage and screen, has taken time out on her return home to Australia to chat with us.
Hi Simone, how’s your visit home been? Beautiful thank you. It’s always glorious coming back and seeing my family and friends here in Australia. Plus the sunshine is what I bottle up and take back to the UK, especially this time of year!
You’ve had quite a career. Can you tell us a bit about your earlier life, both in what drove you to choose dance, and the training you completed? I studied classical ballet from the age of 7yrs at the National Theatre Ballet School. I was blessed to have been taught by wonderful artists and teachers, including the late Kathy Gorham, Gailene Stock, Eileen Tasker,  Jonathan Kelly, Joanne Michel, Terese Power, all incredible dancers with Australian Ballet at the time. I trained daily and after leaving school at 14yrs old (I know!) I studied dance, still at the National, full time for 3 years before entering the professional world. As clichéd as it sounds, I don't recall a time where I didn’t want to dance. It just clicked, even at 7yrs old, it felt like breathing.
And you worked quite a bit in Australia with the Sydney Dance Company, what was that like, and how did that help set the foundation for working overseas? I adored my time with Sydney Dance Company (SDC). I had come from the Australian production of Phantom Of The Opera, back into the dance world (what I had trained for) and I was so consumed by my work, tours, and opportunities that I soaked it up daily for the 7 yrs I was there. My work with SDC was unique in the fact that, under the direction of Graeme Murphy and Janet Vernon at the time, it was a classically based contemporary Company, but with a strong emphasis on the actor/character /personality side of each member. Graeme is wonderful at extracting from you what only YOU can bring to a piece/role with the movement almost seeming secondary. I have always loved the storytelling side to a role. With this in mind, my experience with the Company aided me to continue to pursue my career overseas as I just didn’t have an agenda, I literally landed here in the UK and made a promise to myself, to say yes to any and all opportunities that came my way. Ones that assisted me in furthering my development as an artist…dancer, actor, collaborater, creative. A pact that, thus far, has held me in good stead. -Touch wood-
How do the two compare? Working in Australia versus working overseas? It’s really hard to compare the two I feel. Something I have always said is, I believe the training in Australia is second to none. However the opportunities are not always there, or indeed as plentiful as they are here in London and New York for example. Hence why I feel very lucky to have the best of both worlds, be an Aussie and take the rest of the world for everything it’s got! London has been so very good to me. There’s not a day that passes where I don't feel humbled, and above all grateful for the jobs and in particular the talent that I work with and for.
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You’ve been involved in some major productions, including Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, Sinatra and On The Town, productions one can only hope to be involved in. How do you go about preparing for roles, and how do you approach each audition? Auditions are never easy, nor that enjoyable if I'm going to be honest! Why do we do it to ourselves?! It’s taken me a while to figure it out, but I do honestly believe that if the job/role is meant to come your way, it will, good audition or not. The best advice, the only advice actually is, BE yourself. Prepare of course, but just trust in what will be will be. I find that takes a lot of the stress out it. And what has always been the case for me is, if I have missed out on something I really wanted, something else from left field always shows up and I think, “thank God I didn’t get so and so because NOW I’m doing this!”
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You’re also quite an accomplished choreographer, with credits including: Love Never Dies, Strictly Come Dancing and the London Olympic Games ceremonies, what a diverse range of opportunities, what were some of the standout moments from each? Oh wow, yes, I feel very lucky to be working for Graeme and Janet once again (original Choreographers of Love Never Dies) and working for someone like Danny Boyle for the London 2012 Games was rather surreal I must say. Opening Ceremony with the World watching was as good as it gets I think! That is definitely a highlight, he was/is extraordinary. I love working creatively as it continues to open my eyes to a craft that I have been involved in for a long time now, yet at times, depending on what I’m working on and who with, I feel like the student all over again… keeps you fresh!
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We’ve also seen you venture on to screen, both TV and Film. Can you tell us a bit about your work on Alice in Wonderland, particularly working with Director Tim Burton, whom you’ve previously worked with on Sweeney Todd? Other credits of yours include work on Rob Marshall’s Nine, Kath and Kimderella and the TV show Galavant. That’s quite a range of diverse productions, how did you prepare for these varying roles? Tim Burton is exactly how you think he would be, brilliantly colourful and a real visionary. A gorgeous woman by the name of Francesca Jaynes choreographs nearly all of his movies, we worked very closely with her as well. With Kath and Kimderella, I had just finished working with the incredibly talented Gina Riley on the Australian production of Chicago when she offered me the role of an Hispanic lesbian that flirts with Magda Zubanski’s character, Sharon Strzelecki… as you do! It was short and sweet but I had an absolute blast. My opportunity to work with Rob Marshall on laying down the rehearsal track “Take It All” for his Nine was another surreal moment, recording it with the legend that is Maury Yeston. Rob Marshall was genuine, honest and very normal, which is always a good thing! Can you tell us how you balance work, and your other amazing role in life, being a mother? Arrr, my [not so] little Luca! He’s everything to me! He has just turned 4 and is incredible in every sense of the word. I was pregnant with Luca right through my time working on London 2012 Olympic Games. By the time we wrapped the Ceremonies I was 8 and a half months pregnant! There would be times where I was still out on the field of play rehearsing until way after 1am of a day, and he’d be kicking and hiccupping away like a trooper. The travel and nomadic lifestyle is all he has ever known, so fortunately for me he is a dream when it comes to travel and new places/work spaces. I worked in Russia for 3 months when he was around 9 months old and there has been a lot of further travel and new environments since then. Luckily he loves the theatre, rehearsal space and music, so, so far so good. I literally feel like I strap him to my back and off we go! Having said that though, he started school in September last year, so this requires a tad more planning and organising around work and travel, but fortunately I have a wonderful friend/ Nanny situation so it works beautifully. We’re about to see you in one of the most highly anticipated films of the year, Beauty and the Beast (BATB). And whilst we know you can’t give too much away, can you tell us what it was like working on set? A little bit about your role and what scenes you were involved in? On Beauty I worked with the choreographer, Anthony Van Laast, and Director Bill Condon. Working on set for over 4 months was a magical experience. We recorded the soundtrack also, so can not wait for it to release! In the early days, Anthony set us a task of filling in our back stories for our characters which then in turn added to our connection with Belle and within the village where we lived. Gaston’s Tavern (with the delicious Luke Evans as Gaston) was a wonderful scene for us all. I have a lovely moment with him…but that’s if it doesn't end up on the cutting room floor!
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What was it like working with Director Bill Condon? Bill Condon is a complete class act. Knew our names from day one and just a wonderfully genuine, talented man. So much so, that during the filming of Beauty, I lost my beloved Mum, and had to subsequently leave 2 days early. After shooting wrapped, a few weeks later I received a gorgeous email from him expressing his sadness and thoughts and love. I remember how ecstatic my Mum was when she found out that I got the job, so it goes without saying Beauty is for her. Having worked on stage with a variety of performers from different countries, can you tell us a bit about working with actors and dancers from around the world on the set of BATB? It really is a case of no matter where you're from and /or what gender, there is an unmistakable bond and kinship with the people you work with. And in this case especially with Beauty. The experience and careers of so, so many are hard to fathom. I arrived on set each day so very humbled, privileged and grateful for the day that lay ahead. You knew right from day one that this was/is a very, very special moment in cinematic history.
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And from what we’ve seen on social media, what was the experience like bringing the iconic music to life through dance for the big screen? Pure Joy! Anthony and Bill worked so closely together and seemed on the same page, with the same vision…which isn't always the case! The movement and staging happened so naturally, in the tavern scene especially Anthony has created a robust, energetic joyous scene. We all had a ball! Is there anything you can tell us about the film or perhaps one of your favourite moments on set? All of it really, but Gaston’s Tavern is probably my favourite! If you could describe the film in three words, what would they be? 1. Life changing (I know that’s two) 2. Humbling. 3. Magical! What advice do you have for any aspiring performers/creatives? If you want it, go get it. It’s not written anywhere in this world that you can’t have or achieve what your heart desires. Be persistent, be focused, work your butt off, stay disciplined and be nice to everyone, whether they be directors, creatives, behind the scenes, teachers, dressers, anyone and everyone. We all breathe the same air and you are only as good as your last job!  
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And finally, what can we expect from you next? Involved in a show I have worked on creatively and its tour to America this year! Any excuse to head back to NY.
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Thank you so much for your time Simone. We can’t wait to see you on stage, TV and on screen in 2017! Thank YOU lovely Katerina for your time and bravo. Images courtesy of Simone Sault Instagram
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gramilano · 5 years
When did you start singing? I always loved to sing since I was a child. I sang on every occasion, also during public events at school, where my maths teacher heard me and advised me to take singing lesson with her neighbour who was a voice teacher. He listened me, and he told me that I was ready to attend the conservatoire in Xi’an, my city. I went there, in few years I became the best student, and they asked me to start to teach students who were older than me.
In 1998 I debuted in Shanghai with Aida that is now one of my signature roles. In 2000 I started my international career after winning Placido Domingo’s Operalia Competition in Los Angeles. From that moment all the biggest opera houses around the world opened their doors to me and I sang regularly at La Scala, Opéra de Paris, Wiener Staatsoper, Arena di Verona (where I recently celebrated the 15th anniversary of my debut there) and The Metropolitan Opera where I’ll return on 12 October with Madama Butterfly. It will be my 5th time at the Met and my 3rd time as Cio Cio San.
Hui He as Aida at Verona Arena with costume by Anna Anni
Hui He as Madama Butterfly, Teatro Real Madrid, 2017
Why did you start singing? Singing is my way to express my soul and my emotions. I heard opera for the first time at the conservatoire, a recording of La Bohème with Mirella Freni as Mimì and I fell in love with that music… I cried, and I thought opera was where I should head in life.
Which singer inspired you most when you were young? Absolutely Maria Callas!
Which singer do you most admire? Maria Callas will be my inspiration forever, but I also adore Montserrat Caballé.
What’s your favourite role? I don’t have a favourite role… I love all the roles that are in my repertoire… they’re like my children!
What role have you never played but would like to? Elisabetta in Don Carlo and Norma… but they’re two roles that I hope to sing in the future… never say never!
Hui He a young singer starts out
Hui He and family
Hui He in concert
What’s your favourite opera to watch? Manon Lescaut! I love that music and that story!
Who is your favourite composer? Puccini and Verdi are the composers to whom I dedicated the largest part of my career.
Who is your favourite writer? I love the poetry of Luigi Illica, one of the most important playwrights of the late 19th century and librettist of some of the most important of Puccini’s operas.
Who is your favourite theatre or film director? I love Hugo de Ana, a wonderful director with whom I have worked with in many amazing productions.
Who is your favourite actor? Tom Hanks.
Who is your favourite dancer? Roberto Bolle.
What is your favourite book? The Moon and Sixpence by Somerset Maugham.
What is your favourite film? Roberto Benigni’s La vita è bella… so beautiful and poetic!
Which is your favourite city? Verona, the city where I decided to live!
Hui He in Verona
Hui He in Trastevere, Rome
Hui He at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi
Hui He
What do you like most about yourself? Sincerity.
What do you dislike about yourself? Nothing… let’s say I’d like to be thinner… lol!
What was your proudest moment? I’m the proudest person in the world when I’m on stage.
When and where were you happiest? When I’m on stage and singing well, in top form!
What or who is the greatest love of your life? Music… Singing.
What is your greatest fear? My greatest fear would be that I couldn’t sing again.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would like to have been stronger.
Hui He in Il trovatore, Orange © Bruno Abadie, Cyril Reveret
Hui He as Adriana Lecouvreur at the Filarmonico di Verona, 2019, costume by Ivan Stefanutti
Hui He after a concert performance of Adriana Lecouvreur © Salzburg Festival, Marco Borrelli
Hui He in Aida Teatro alla Scala © Brescia e Amisano, Teatro alla Scala
What do you consider your greatest achievement? I think that my greatest achievement is my career because I’m a Chinese woman that has a great career in the world of Italian opera. It wasn’t easy to absorb a different culture and way of living and thinking, but music is a universal language because it’s made from emotions and themes that are part of all of our lives. I’m proud of what I achieved. Today I can say that I have been brave and I hope that my story can motivate people. I’m so happy that it has inspired a movie, Hui He: the soprano from the Silk Road by Andrea Prandstraller and Niccolò Bruna and a book, Journey to the West: He Hui, a Chinese Soprano in the World of Italian Opera by Melanie Ho.
What is your most treasured possession? Can I say my voice? I think yes… that’s the most precious gift.
What is your greatest extravagance? We are artists, so extravagance is the rule!
What do you consider the most overrated virtue? If It’s a virtue, it can’t be overrated!
On what occasion do you lie? Michonnet in the first act of Adriana Lecouvreur sings, “Men sincera è la stessa verità” (More sincere than truth itself)… We’re actors and sometimes lying is human.
If you hadn’t been a singer what would you have liked to be? Maybe a painter… but maybe when I retire I will organise exhibitions with my paintings!
Hui He the painter
A Hui He painting
What is your most marked characteristic? My passion and my sensitivity.
What quality do you most value in a friend? Sincerity and honesty.
What quality do you most value in a colleague? Kindness and respect.
Which historical figure do you most admire? Maria Callas: she wasn’t only a singer, but an artist that completely changed the world of art, even becoming a fashion icon. She is an inspiration for all of us.
Which living person do you most admire? I admire so much Maestro Marco Armiliato with whom I made my debut at Salzburg Festival with Adriana Lecouvreur in August 2019, and Maestro Pier Giorgio Morandi who will conduct my performances of Madama Butterfly at The Metropolitan Opera.
Hui He in Vogue 2012 © Stefano Galuzzi Jacket by Miharayasuhiro, Jewels by Sharra Pagano
Hui He, portrait 1
Hui He, portrait 2
Hui He, portrait 3
What do you most dislike? Dishonesty.
What talent would you most like to have? I would like to be a professional painter.
What’s your idea of perfect happiness? My happiness is being a true artist.
How would you like to die? I died so many times on stage that when the final moment of my life arrives I will have done thousands of dress rehearsals!
What is your motto? 三人行必有我师 (When I walk with two others, they may serve as my teachers.*)
*  When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them. – Confucious
Hui He as Tosca at the Verona Arena, costume by Hugo de Ana
Hui He in the dressing room before Aida
Hui He at the piano
Hui He answers the Gramilano Questionnaire… Singers’ Edition When did you start singing? I always loved to sing since I was a child. I sang on every occasion, also during public events at school, where my maths teacher heard me and advised me to take singing lesson with her neighbour who was a voice teacher.
0 notes
marisolleffler · 6 years
Something's Missing From the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and You Already Know What It Is
Image Source: Getty Images/Fred Dufour
The last time I walked into Victoria's Secret and treated myself to red silk coordinates for Valentine's Day, it was because I wanted to feel sexy. That's what I love about the brand: it encourages women to embrace their inner sexiness, and I think that's important. Whether it's buying a new push-up bra or investing in one of the signature VS body scents, a woman should make herself feel desirable by shopping for underthings, if that's what she wants. At Victoria's Secret, there are so many high-quality pieces that cater to a wide range of tastes. Every time I walk into the store, my eyes widen at some sort of luxurious looking lingerie set (I really love shopping for lingerie).
Maybe I made the wrong selection on this aforementioned Valentine's Day. The push-up bra, strappy panties, and satin sash that was somehow supposed to wrap through a loop somewhere, then crisscross around my midriff and tuck into the waist belt (What?) ended up being a $150 look I simply couldn't pull off. I definitely didn't look like Lily Aldridge in this thing, but according to the images on the website, it should've been at least possible to wear correctly. Even though I bought the right cup size and I definitely know my waist measurements, the ensemble just wasn't right for me. It just didn't fit - my confidence level, more than anything.
At this point, I have exactly three unused Victoria's Secret gift cards tucked away in my wallet, and there's a good chance they've expired. It's not because I forgot about them - those glittery pink rectangles stand out way more than my office building entry pass and even my Frozen-themed Disney Visa. And it's not because I don't like Victoria's Secret. But the image the brand has projected lately and the lineup of Angels - all of whom have virtually the same figure - feel a little bit discouraging.
That's not to say I don't look forward to the annual VS runway, or that I don't understand the excitement behind finding out who's opening each section of the show. If you follow celebrity relationships and you love the personalities of all the different models, it's always interesting when one of them is best friends with the performer (Remember Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift's adorable interaction in 2014?) or if, perhaps, the dude singing on stage is the hot new Angel's ex (flashback to Bella Hadid and The Weeknd). With all the glitz and the confetti that falls on the scene, this spectacle is a form of entertainment, and it's damn fun to watch. But it's impossible to ignore how similar the women all look as they strut on by.
The Prototypical Angel
Image Source: Getty Images/Matt Winkelmeyer
I've met a lot of Victoria's Secret models in the flesh, and they really do look exactly like you see in the pictures. They're really that tall; they really have that flawless skin, the hair you want after a visit to the salon but never end up with, and that toned-enough-for-a-six-pack but thin-enough-to-look-capital-S-skinny ab situation. They really don't appear to have any cellulite.
Of course, these women have access to camera-friendly, air-brushed makeup and quality body glitter and cover-up, and I haven't seen them all in a thong, but I've seen a bunch of them wearing little to nothing up close and attended the Victoria's Secret Fashion Shows. I can promise you that my body looks so different from theirs in lingerie, I might as well be another species.
And here's the thing: I'm petite, and while I have athletic legs, I am not particularly curvy. What about the women who are? Do they want anything to do with Victoria's Secret? Do they feel angry at or limited by the photos of the Angels on the retailer's site? Do they roll their eyes at the girls on the runway or feel saddened by the lack of diversity? My guess is that, like me, they do.
Where Are All the Curve Models?
Victoria's Secret is America's largest lingerie company. It's owned by the Les Wexner and family business L Brands, which has a current net worth of $5 billion. It's everywhere - plastered on one of the biggest billboards in Times Square, on your TV screen, and in the pages of the magazines you read.
While the runways at Fashion Week are continuing to become more diverse - at Christian Siriano, Chromat, and Prabal Gurung, to name a select few - there is still no cemented acceptance of difference in the fashion industry, only the possibility of acknowledgment. Many designers make an effort by including just one curve model on the runway. In my opinion, that is absolutely not enough. But at Victoria's Secret, there isn't just one curve model - there are none.
In Victoria's Secret's defense, the brand has made it a point to include women of color and various backgrounds and ethnicities in its casting - both on the runway and in shoots - but they still all seem to fit a certain "look," as far as size is concerned.
Image Source: Getty Images/Angela Weiss
Curve models with large social media platforms have publicly acknowledged, in various ways, that they realize they don't fit the Victoria's Secret mold. It was Ashley Graham who, in 2017, posted a photo of herself on Instagram modeling for Addition Elle, a size-inclusive lingerie brand she works with and designs for, on the exact same day the VS show was being filmed in Shanghai. She wrote, "Got my wings! My #AdditionElle wings! #ThickThighsSaveLives." Curve model Tabria Majors has also re-created Victoria's Secret campaigns in order to "revisit the conversation of average-sized women being represented in mainstream media."
Of course, we can't be positive that Ashley Graham was taking a jab at the brand, but she was certainly comparing another popular lingerie line to the powerhouse that is Victoria's Secret. I've been to an Addition Elle runway show, which includes models of all shapes and sizes, and there's something so comfortable about seeing them debut the new bras and panties. When they walk, their butt cheeks jiggle. A lot of them have gorgeous pear figures, and they're rocking flattering bustiers or camisoles that accentuate and draw attention to body parts of their choice. "Yeah," I thought when I saw them. "That's what I look like in lingerie." And these girls do look just as confident as the likes of Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima, who are VS vets that strutted their stuff for years.
I'm definitely not the only one in fashion who notices this clear juxtaposition. Director of Vogue Runway Nicole Phelps uploaded a row of diverse runway shots on the day of the 2017 VS show, all of which celebrate diversity in body type, age, and clothing taste (i.e., modest dressing). "In honor of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, a reminder, courtesy of Chromat and Becca McCharen-Tran, that the battle for true diversity on the runway is ongoing. #SizeDiversity," she wrote.
Is Time Running Out?
Image Source: Getty Images/KMazur/WireImage // Getty Images/Frank Micelotta // Getty Images/Gregory Pace/FilmMagic
Has Victoria's Secret always been lacking in size diversity? Well, not exactly. Throughout the years, there have been some iconic Angels, such as Naomi Campbell, Heidi Klum, and Tyra Banks, who were more shapely than shockingly thin. But as the years passed and these supermodels hung up their wings - Naomi and Tyra in 2005 and Heidi in 2009 - the media began to embrace an increasingly svelte woman. Victoria's Secret put her on a pedestal by featuring this idealized figure in all its ads and certainly on all its runways. This single-track version of unattainable perfection is what Victoria's Secret continues to publicize today.
That's why sometimes, on days I feel a little more self-conscious than others, walking into a Victoria's Secret can feel daunting. If I do happen to feel sexy, I'll probably march right into the store and see if my gift cards have expired and whether I still have a balance left to use. But it won't be on the same day as the Victoria's Secret runway taping, nor the day the sparkly, mystical extravaganza airs on CBS. Probably not the day after either. That's because, in a way, I feel excluded from that runway - as though that very limited idea of beauty doesn't apply to me. Not one of those girls is 5'1" with athletic thighs and a double A cup. Can you imagine how many other women and girls feel discouraged, too?
A company as big as Victoria's Secret can and should have an answer for the rest of us, and it should start with the spectacle that is the runway show. It didn't happen in LA in 2006, in Miami in 2008, in London in 2014, nor in Paris in 2016. In 2017 it didn't happen in Shanghai, and not in 2018 in New York. The model lineups on those catwalks all looked the same to me. I don't know about my gift cards, but I wonder: what's the expiration date on this same old show where body diversity is never a theme?
12 Body-Image Quotes From Victoria's Secret Angels That Are Totally Relatable
Something's Missing From the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and You Already Know What It Is published first on http://wholesalescarvescity.blogspot.com
0 notes
marisolleffler · 6 years
Something's Missing From the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and You Already Know What It Is
Image Source: Getty Images/Fred Dufour
The last time I walked into Victoria's Secret and treated myself to red silk coordinates for Valentine's Day, it was because I wanted to feel sexy. That's what I love about the brand: it encourages women to embrace their inner sexiness, and I think that's important. Whether it's buying a new push-up bra or investing in one of the signature VS body scents, a woman should make herself feel desirable by shopping for underthings, if that's what she wants. At Victoria's Secret, there are so many high-quality pieces that cater to a wide range of tastes. Every time I walk into the store, my eyes widen at some sort of luxurious looking lingerie set (I really love shopping for lingerie).
Maybe I made the wrong selection on this aforementioned Valentine's Day. The push-up bra, strappy panties, and satin sash that was somehow supposed to wrap through a loop somewhere, then crisscross around my midriff and tuck into the waist belt (What?) ended up being a $150 look I simply couldn't pull off. I definitely didn't look like Lily Aldridge in this thing, but according to the images on the website, it should've been at least possible to wear correctly. Even though I bought the right cup size and I definitely know my waist measurements, the ensemble just wasn't right for me. It just didn't fit - my confidence level, more than anything.
At this point, I have exactly three unused Victoria's Secret gift cards tucked away in my wallet, and there's a good chance they've expired. It's not because I forgot about them - those glittery pink rectangles stand out way more than my office building entry pass and even my Frozen-themed Disney Visa. And it's not because I don't like Victoria's Secret. But the image the brand has projected lately and the lineup of Angels - all of whom have virtually the same figure - feel a little bit discouraging.
That's not to say I don't look forward to the annual VS runway, or that I don't understand the excitement behind finding out who's opening each section of the show. If you follow celebrity relationships and you love the personalities of all the different models, it's always interesting when one of them is best friends with the performer (Remember Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift's adorable interaction in 2014?) or if, perhaps, the dude singing on stage is the hot new Angel's ex (flashback to Bella Hadid and The Weeknd). With all the glitz and the confetti that falls on the scene, this spectacle is a form of entertainment, and it's damn fun to watch. But it's impossible to ignore how similar the women all look as they strut on by.
The Prototypical Angel
Image Source: Getty Images/Matt Winkelmeyer
I've met a lot of Victoria's Secret models in the flesh, and they really do look exactly like you see in the pictures. They're really that tall; they really have that flawless skin, the hair you want after a visit to the salon but never end up with, and that toned-enough-for-a-six-pack but thin-enough-to-look-capital-S-skinny ab situation. They really don't appear to have any cellulite.
Of course, these women have access to camera-friendly, air-brushed makeup and quality body glitter and cover-up, and I haven't seen them all in a thong, but I've seen a bunch of them wearing little to nothing up close and attended the Victoria's Secret Fashion Shows. I can promise you that my body looks so different from theirs in lingerie, I might as well be another species.
And here's the thing: I'm petite, and while I have athletic legs, I am not particularly curvy. What about the women who are? Do they want anything to do with Victoria's Secret? Do they feel angry at or limited by the photos of the Angels on the retailer's site? Do they roll their eyes at the girls on the runway or feel saddened by the lack of diversity? My guess is that, like me, they do.
Where Are All the Curve Models?
Victoria's Secret is America's largest lingerie company. It's owned by the Les Wexner and family business L Brands, which has a current net worth of $5 billion. It's everywhere - plastered on one of the biggest billboards in Times Square, on your TV screen, and in the pages of the magazines you read.
While the runways at Fashion Week are continuing to become more diverse - at Christian Siriano, Chromat, and Prabal Gurung, to name a select few - there is still no cemented acceptance of difference in the fashion industry, only the possibility of acknowledgment. Many designers make an effort by including just one curve model on the runway. In my opinion, that is absolutely not enough. But at Victoria's Secret, there isn't just one curve model - there are none.
In Victoria's Secret's defense, the brand has made it a point to include women of color and various backgrounds and ethnicities in its casting - both on the runway and in shoots - but they still all seem to fit a certain "look," as far as size is concerned.
Image Source: Getty Images/Angela Weiss
Curve models with large social media platforms have publicly acknowledged, in various ways, that they realize they don't fit the Victoria's Secret mold. It was Ashley Graham who, in 2017, posted a photo of herself on Instagram modeling for Addition Elle, a size-inclusive lingerie brand she works with and designs for, on the exact same day the VS show was being filmed in Shanghai. She wrote, "Got my wings! My #AdditionElle wings! #ThickThighsSaveLives." Curve model Tabria Majors has also re-created Victoria's Secret campaigns in order to "revisit the conversation of average-sized women being represented in mainstream media."
Of course, we can't be positive that Ashley Graham was taking a jab at the brand, but she was certainly comparing another popular lingerie line to the powerhouse that is Victoria's Secret. I've been to an Addition Elle runway show, which includes models of all shapes and sizes, and there's something so comfortable about seeing them debut the new bras and panties. When they walk, their butt cheeks jiggle. A lot of them have gorgeous pear figures, and they're rocking flattering bustiers or camisoles that accentuate and draw attention to body parts of their choice. "Yeah," I thought when I saw them. "That's what I look like in lingerie." And these girls do look just as confident as the likes of Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima, who are VS vets that strutted their stuff for years.
I'm definitely not the only one in fashion who notices this clear juxtaposition. Director of Vogue Runway Nicole Phelps uploaded a row of diverse runway shots on the day of the 2017 VS show, all of which celebrate diversity in body type, age, and clothing taste (i.e., modest dressing). "In honor of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, a reminder, courtesy of Chromat and Becca McCharen-Tran, that the battle for true diversity on the runway is ongoing. #SizeDiversity," she wrote.
Is Time Running Out?
Image Source: Getty Images/KMazur/WireImage // Getty Images/Frank Micelotta // Getty Images/Gregory Pace/FilmMagic
Has Victoria's Secret always been lacking in size diversity? Well, not exactly. Throughout the years, there have been some iconic Angels, such as Naomi Campbell, Heidi Klum, and Tyra Banks, who were more shapely than shockingly thin. But as the years passed and these supermodels hung up their wings - Naomi and Tyra in 2005 and Heidi in 2009 - the media began to embrace an increasingly svelte woman. Victoria's Secret put her on a pedestal by featuring this idealized figure in all its ads and certainly on all its runways. This single-track version of unattainable perfection is what Victoria's Secret continues to publicize today.
That's why sometimes, on days I feel a little more self-conscious than others, walking into a Victoria's Secret can feel daunting. If I do happen to feel sexy, I'll probably march right into the store and see if my gift cards have expired and whether I still have a balance left to use. But it won't be on the same day as the Victoria's Secret runway taping, nor the day the sparkly, mystical extravaganza airs on CBS. Probably not the day after either. That's because, in a way, I feel excluded from that runway - as though that very limited idea of beauty doesn't apply to me. Not one of those girls is 5'1" with athletic thighs and a double A cup. Can you imagine how many other women and girls feel discouraged, too?
A company as big as Victoria's Secret can and should have an answer for the rest of us, and it should start with the spectacle that is the runway show. It didn't happen in LA in 2006, in Miami in 2008, in London in 2014, nor in Paris in 2016. In 2017 it didn't happen in Shanghai, and not in 2018 in New York. The model lineups on those catwalks all looked the same to me. I don't know about my gift cards, but I wonder: what's the expiration date on this same old show where body diversity is never a theme?
12 Body-Image Quotes From Victoria's Secret Angels That Are Totally Relatable
Something's Missing From the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and You Already Know What It Is published first on http://wholesalescarvescity.blogspot.com
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