#Zhao is the same age as canon and every time the fire siblings come to port he has an aneurism
burglar-bird · 2 years
ATLA AU where everything is the same except the main characters are all in their 60's/70's.
Aang is an old, happy-go-lucky bachelor grandpa when he's unthawed from the iceberg and is scandalized that he missed 100 years of war when all he wanted to do was enjoy some penguin sledding during his unofficial retirement.
Katara and Sokka are the Elders of the Southern Tribe still. Katara is a purely self taught water bender who tales no crap from anyone. She's too old to care about gender roles anymore and if she wants to joyride on Aang's lit sky bison her grandkids can just TRY to stop her. Meanwhile, Sokka is the geezer who can't stop telling exaggerated stories of his world travels when he was younger, and starts most of them with "back in my day!"
Toph is chilling in Gaoling at the Beifong estate, having spent most of her life sowing chaos in the earth kingdom as the Blind Bandit guerilla warrior, but now her knees ache and she's sick of cooking in the morning so her folks will just have to deal with her crashing at their place until she gets bored. By the time Aang skips along looking for a new buddy, Poppy and her husband are practically begging him to take Toph with them.
As for Zuko and Azula.... over six decades of intense sibling rivalry would have to be legendary within the fire nation. By this point, they are technically both retired from the line of succession (either because the old fire Lord is ANCIENT or Zuko/Azula were deemed to old *cough eccentric* for the throne) and are dueling in a series of escalating bets to finally end their rivalry. Currently, whoever can catch the avatar first wins.
Bonus: Jet is still a 16 year old Punk and Katara refuses to see anything wrong with this "sweet young man." Sokka hates how she spoils the youngins. Back in his day it was eat or be eaten, none of this coddling nonsense!!!!
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fire-lady-ilah · 3 years
I would be fascinated in any ideas you had about how the hunt for Aang would go with 'good parent Ozai' AU!
Ask and ye shall receive! (@tiktokonaclock, here’s that part two you asked about). This continues from where I left off in part 1.
At first, Ozai says no. He has good reason to do so, Zuko is the Crown Prince, should he and Azula die then he will be heirless— he doesn’t know if Ursa would be able to bear another child, nor does he wish for another. In a less logical way, his mind protests because that is his son. Sixteen, yes, but still very much a child. That isn’t even the age of conscription.
He knows that the Avatar is a child, Commander Zhao’s report said that he appeared to be twelve, travelling with two other children that were closer to Azula’s age. He knows that his children make a formidable pair, he has no doubt that, together, they could be able to take on entire battalions of soldiers.
They are his children and they are Ursa’s children. How could he just let them go out to face an enemy such as the Avatar?
Zuko has Ozai’s charisma and awkwardness (as they come together, though few remember the way the Fire Lord used to stumble over his words as a teenager). Zuko looks so much like his father that sometimes older servants even refer to him by his name. But Zuko is equal parts his mother. He has his mother’s kinder nature, and he has her drive. Ursa’s persistence is one of the only reasons the Fire Nation is flourishing as it is now. Ozai knows that it had been suffering near the end of his father’s rule, he knows that he is an amazing military leader, just as he knows that it is better to leave his wife in charge of the majority of domestic policies.
It is that persistence combined with Azula’s carefully crafted wording that she also got from her mother that makes both Ozai and Ursa cave and give permission for their children to hunt the Avatar. Sometimes, Ozai wonders if his life would be easier if he didn’t love his family so much.
Zuko and Azula leave the Fire Nation together. Zuko is sixteen and looks the very image of a Crown Prince, even if a few hairs escape his top knot and fall across his face. Azula is fourteen and looks every bit the Princess she is. A single hair escapes it’s place and she leaves it be. She would not dare call attention to imperfections, just as Ozai himself wouldn’t. He is full of pride as he watches his children board the ship (the second newest design, as advanced as possible while having already been tested. He would not let untested technology take his children from him permanently). Captain Jee stands on the deck, greeting them. Apparently he had been demoted from his position at some point for assaulting an Admiral.
(He remembers the day he discovered the Captain’s existence well. Zuko had been eleven and helping him look over military documentation that had been sent to him to approve. One of such documents had been Jee’s demotion to lieutenant.
“I remember him. He was Lu Ten’s friend.” He heard his son mumble as he touched the included portrait of Jee. Closer examination showed that it had been drawn by his nephew himself. His son had loved his cousin, and he was not against doing things to make him happy. If Jee was loyal to Lu Ten, it only meant he would be more likely to be loyal to Zuko.
“I will have him transferred to the palace guard.”)
He proved to be honourable in the guard and had quickly been promoted back to captain after Ozai heard the true reasoning of the assault through Zuko’s horrified voice. He himself cared little for the affairs of military officers, but if it made his son happy to sign the papers for the Admiral’s dishonourable discharge and imprisonment, so be it.
That action had only solidified Jee’s loyalty to his son (and by extension, his daughter).
Now, I’m conflicted on whether or not Iroh would go with them. I’m leaning toward yes. Neither of them have been hurt by their father, but Zuko is still the most naturally kindhearted person in the royal family and he is destined to be Fire Lord. Azula has more empathy than she does in canon (although that’s not saying much), I doubt Iroh would comment that she’s “crazy and needs to go down”. After all, Ozai loves both his children here. That means that he doesn’t intentionally harm their mental health, nor does he encourage competition between them. They both want to make both their parents proud. If nothing else, Iroh would go with them so that he could stop them.
Thus, shortly after the Crown Prince and Princess of the Fire Nation step onto the ship, the Dragon of the West follows. It is filled with the best of the Fire Nation to seek the only bender of all four elements.
A stark contrast to canon, no?
The hunt progresses somewhat like in canon, though not. Lo and Li instruct further Zuko and Azula in lightning bending.
(“Only a hair out of place, Princess Azula.”
“That means I shall achieve perfection soon.”)
Iroh takes over his nephew and niece’s firebending training, though Azula is a master in her own right and Zuko is nearly a master as well. He forces them back to their basics.
Zuko yells and stomps and Iroh is reminded of his brother at the same age, back before his brother became the monster he is now. The same brother he sees glimpses of when Ozai is alone with his wife and children, the same brother that he sees none of in the Fire Lord. Azula is silent and moves to do her basics without complaint. She unnerves him, but he still loves her.
He loves them both. And he loves what remains of his brother in Ozai, even if he would choose the balance of the world over the Fire Lord in an instant.
They visit Admiral Zhao first. He declares that he has already captured the Avatar and that he would be more than willing to transfer his prisoner onto the royal family’s better equipped ship.
The siblings visit the chained Avatar. Zhao speaks of what he plans to do.
That is the thing about Ozai loving his children. Loving them means protecting them from certain cruelties, at least more than he did in canon. Zuko and Azula both see the Avatar, only twelve, and Zhao’s words overlap with Azulon’s orders to their father when Lu Ten dies. After all, Zuko had been only a year younger then.
That night, the Blue Spirit and the Dragon Emperor break the Avatar out of the stronghold with dual dao and twin daggers as the Prince and Princess sleep in their luxurious cabins. If that isn’t completely the truth, no one says anything to suggest as such. The Blue Spirit is knocked out by an arrow to the forehead. The Dragon Emperor does not allow the Avatar to remove the mask.
(“How did you not see that coming, Zuzu?”
“In my defence, you were supposed to be watching my back while I pulled the Avatar away.”)
They meet the Avatar’s companions briefly before the Emperor gestures to the rising sun and they disappear.
It is only after the escape of the Avatar that Iroh begins to consider the siblings further.
They pen a letter to their father.
Ozai reads between the lines and wonders, just once, if perhaps he had sheltered his children from the reality of war too much. He does not wonder again because he knows the alternative would have been far worse.
Instead, Ozai speaks with his wife. Ursa is a complex woman, but the Avatar is the reincarnation of her grandfather and she has an actress’s mind (and thus she has a politician’s mind).
As their children chase the Avatar, the Fire Lord and Lady put their own plan into motion. Canon Ozai may be content to lay all responsibility on his children, but this Ozai is actually a decent dad.
The siblings are free to enter Fire Nation territory as they wish and have no reason to sneak into the temple, even still they do. They watch as a Fire Sage, one of the highest religious authorities in the Fire Nation, disobeys the Fire Lord to help the Avatar.
Zuko’s quick fingers undo the water tribe boy’s restraints as Azula’s undo the girl’s. They share playful smirks, after all, neither of them are in any danger. They are a powerful team and they have their father’s unwavering support.
(“Why did you just untie us?”
“Zhao’s a dick.”)
Avatar Roku emerges in place of Avatar Aang. He pauses in front of the children, the girl that has Rina’s smile, the boy that has her hair (his own hair), always trying to escape from its confines.
They do not waver. They do, however, run when the Avatar begins to destroy the temple.
The siblings believe the Fire Nation is the greatest in the world. They believe that it is their duty to spread their glory to the other nations. But, late at night, taking tea together, they consider that perhaps Fire Lord Sozin went about it in the wrong way.
(Great-grandfather says hi, Ursa reads aloud from their children’s letter. Not for the first time, Ozai regrets sending his children on such a dangerous mission. He knew that Avatar Roku had been spotted on Crescent Island, he knew that he had blown up the temple. How close had his children come to being blown up?)
The Avatar sets course for Omashu. The siblings make a stop in the Fire Nation while they’re nearby. They have a friend to pick up.
Parts: [1] [3] [4]
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