taschamonnii · 8 months
Say Anything Part 2 - Virginity is a Social Construct
You x Zibby (Elizabeth ‘Zibby” Liberal Arts - Elizabeth Olsen) 
SMUT 18+
Read Part 1
Summary: This is a sequel to my little story “Say Anything”. I just feel like Zibby deserves to have sex and like a glorious and beautiful first time. 
TW: SMUT 18+ 
Here is the title song: Say Anything by Girl in Red
Read on Ao3
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AN: Zibby is way too precious not to get a sweet and romantic first time while also breaking social constructs down because virginity is fucked and that was the only beef I had with Liberal Arts like yes he was older (like way older… too old to be playing with her like that) and I didn’t really want them to have sex but the way he went about it freaking out on her when she told him it would be her first time was shit. I also really wanted to write this for all you girlies who are stuck in your heads about your own virginity, especially the baby gays who are worried about the first time. I promise women are understanding and patient and if they are not then you don’t want to be doing anything with them. Communication is key. Let me start by saying it is your business if you even want to share that information with someone. But if you do share that information it should not be a huge deal like society makes it out to be you don’t lose anything. 
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Word Count: 3,186
Imagine This:
The kiss you two shared poolside at that party changed your life for the better. You have never been so happy. Dating Zibby was like nothing else. You didn’t even have to think about it. You wanted her and only her. You knew her past experience was limited in both the male and female dating departments. So, you wanted to do things right, you wanted to sweep her off her feet. You wanted to make sure she never felt bad about her lack of experience. She told you about this older guy who freaked out when she told him she was a virgin. You told her that virginity is a bullshit social construct made to make women feel bad about sex. You told her that it was shitty for him to make her feel bad about it even if he thought it was coming from a caring place. You were determined then to make sure she always felt comfortable and to do things on her terms. After a while of dating she hinted at making things official so you planned the perfect date to ask her.
Zibby looked at you in awe. Her emerald eyes were full of love for you. Zibby was at a loss for words. The view in front of her was so sweet. A blanket was laid out under a tree, your secret tree. The tree the two of you had found together to hide from the rest of the world and slow down. It was off an old practically abandoned trial on campus. It was hidden from the path and the perfect place for privacy. You studied here, shared sweet kisses, and picnics and it warmed Zibby’s heart. The fake candles illuminated her sweet face and gave her golden skin a beautiful glow.
“Y/N, this is beautiful.” 
“Not as beautiful as you.”
“Okay, okay charmer.”
“It’s just the honest truth. I wish I could afford to take you to a fancy restaurant like at a private beach or something but here we are on a college budget.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous, I would hate that. This however is so us and I love it.”
She leaned in and kissed you softly and instantly your anxiety eased.
“That’s true. I just think you deserve the best.”
“You are the best, y/n.”
You didn’t have a good response as you blushed so you just kissed her again. As per usual Zibby deepened the kiss. 
Lately, she had been showing you all the signs that she was ready for more. She had shared with you that she had never had sex before and was nervous. You had asked her if she ever touched herself and she had said yes. At the time it half melted your brain the way she blushed and admitted she had thought of you while touching herself. Somehow you had managed not to go feral in that moment and you explained that she had more than enough experience if she touched herself she already knew some things she liked and what could feel good to do to someone else. That didn’t fully convince her but it gave her reassurance. You had promised that day that there would be open communication the first time and that you would help each other feel good because it is always a learning curve. Everyone likes different things. You told her that you know how you felt with your first time and you were lucky it had been with a girl who was more experienced and who took her time with you. Now you wanted to be that for Zibby. 
You slowly disconnected your lips from the kiss and she leaned towards you following and trying to reconnect your lips. You giggled “don’t you want to see what all I made for you?”
She shook her head with a smirk “huh-uh”, she licked her lips “I want more kisses.”
“You can have as many as you want in just a little bit.”
Her gaze studied you and she sighed with defeat knowing you had a plan for the night and that her begging wouldn’t break you. You smiled seeing her defeat and pulled her down to sit on the blanket with you. 
Light conversation and sharing of food and drinks had you both on cloud nine. It never gets old with her. Anything with her feels like the best thing. Studying together made studying fun and doing nothing together filled you with peace. She felt like your person and you were happy to just soak up her presence.
As much as you loved enjoying the light night with her you had a plan to stick to. You wanted to ask her to be yours officially but that was easier said than done. She is so distracting with her soft smile, lips, skin, hair! Her green vibrant eyes and the way she looked at you with such light in them. She filled you with butterflies and made your head feel light. You stared at her preparing to ask her. 
Her short dirty blonde hair fell on her bare shoulders. The tank top and shorts she was wearing were killing you. Her legs were crossed out in front of her as she tilted her head back and looked up at the sky full of stars with a soft smile. “It’s so beautiful.” 
You smiled, gaze never leaving her as you breathlessly said “yes it is.”
She turned her gaze landing on you, her green eyes were deep under the glow of fake candlelight. She smiled as she realized you had been staring and talking about her and not the sky. 
You bit your bottom lip lightly trying to quiet your nerves and decided it was now or never. “Zibby, will you be my girlfriend?”
Her smile took over her entire face reaching her eyes and filling them with light. “God yes! It took you long enough to ask!”
She quickly shot up onto her knees and faced you. You caressed her cheek softly with a smile so wide your cheeks hurt. “I wanted things to be perfect.”
“Everything with you is perfect. Now can I have those aforementioned and promised kisses, my beautiful perfect girlfriend?”
You smiled wider as you nodded before leaning in and capturing her soft plump lips. She sucked your bottom lip between hers the instant she could and licked it. You opened your mouth and met her tongue softly. You then sucked her tongue lightly as your hands tangled in her hair. She let out a soft moan that vibrated into your mouth. She moved her lips and tongue trying desperately to get more. Her hands grabbed at the back of your neck and shoulders, tugging you closer to her. 
She quickly found her way into your lap one leg on each side of you wrapping you up in her long legs. Your hands naturally landed on her hips steadying her against your body. She moved her hips urgently making your hands slip to her ass. She broke the kiss with a groan “please!”
You pulled back and studied her face asking with your eyes and she smiled softly before nodding “Please I want everything with you.”
“I want everything with you too, Zibby.”
She bit her bottom lip and moved her hands to the hem of your shirt. She tugged on it softly, gaze focused on your face, asking permission. You gave her a nod and she lifted your shirt up and over your head. 
She ran her hands softly up your abs and palmed your breasts over the fabric of your sports bra. You sighed showing her you liked what she was doing. She pulled on the band of your bra and you nodded again. She made quick work pulling it over your head. 
Her gaze fell to your exposed skin and she licked her lips before she started to kiss your neck. She kissed lower and you leaned back to give her room to explore. She kissed down the center of your chest and then across your chest softly. 
A hum vibrated in your throat. She explored your chest so softly just like your first kiss. She hovered over a hard nibble and kissed it softly before licking it. She tested out different ways to lick you and listened to how you responded. Her teeth grazed your nipple and you moaned. She lightly trapped the stiff bud between her teeth and tugged. Your hands flew into her short hair and tugged. 
She hummed against you and then began to lightly suck on your sensitive bud. You moaned breathily. She moved a hand to your other breast and just tested holding it. Then she squeezed it. You softly encouraged her, “pinch that one,” she pinched your hard nipple and sucked on the other one, “AH! Yes, just like that!”
You let her switch her mouth and hand and explore a little longer before you pulled her up to kiss her lips. You could cum just from her learning all the ways to play with your boobs but you want to show her how good what she just did feels.
You kissed down her neck and slid your fingers under her shirt just teasing your thumbs against her hip bones. She moved to take her own shirt off but you stopped her and slowly pulled it over her head. Your gaze fell down her neck to her exposed cleavage and you took note of each adorable freckle. You found several on her neck that you kissed but when you found one on her left breast it instantly became your favorite. You latched onto it making sure to leave a mark. She sighed as she pulled at the back of your neck to keep you close. 
You ran your hands around and up her back and found the hooks to her bra. You made quick work of unhooking it. You pulled back slightly as you moved your hands to the straps. You pulled down the straps softly slowly admiring the goosebumps left in your wake before kissing her bare shoulders. You kissed her collar bones and moved both of your hands to squeeze her perky breasts. You rubbed your thumbs over her nipples making them harder. You moved your kisses down her chest and kissed the freckle on her left breast softly before enveloping her nipple in your mouth. You sucked on it and ran your tongue over it before biting lightly. You pinched her other nipple with your fingers and then switched breasts. She threw her head back “Ah! Fuck that feels so good!”
Her hips rutted against you searching for friction as you worshiped her chest. She leaned back forcing your mouth to release her nipple with a pop. She smiled and leaned back more. You got the hint and helped to lay her softly on the blanket.
She moved her hands to your shorts and tugged on the button before quickly undoing it. You helped her push your shorts and underwear down then leaned over her so you could shimmy them off. You got back to your knees and ran your hands up her thighs and unbuttoned her shorts. She lifted herself up and you removed the last of the clothing between you. 
You looked down at her in awe. Her soft belly curved at her hips and made your mouth water. She didn’t let you stare for long. She needed you now. She pulled you down on top of her and kissed you hard as she wrapped her long legs around you. She forced you to press your bodyweight down on her and your breath caught in your throat at the feel of her skin against yours. Hard nipples and smooth soft warm skin brushed and then she angled her hips and you felt just how wet she was for you. 
A breathy moan left her lips as she moved her hips to get the friction you know she is desperate for. You pecked her lips and pulled yourself up slightly and that instantly got her attention. Her gaze was desperate like she would die if you stopped this now. You smiled reassuringly “I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here but I need you to tell me what you like, okay remember we said we’d help each other.”
You wanted to make sure she knew you were not a master of sex and that you too get nervous about pleasing someone else. She nodded “yes I remember,” she licked her lips as her gaze fell to your breasts that were now just barely grazing against hers, “I um it’s so hard to concentrate with you looking like that.” 
You smiled down at her “gawd you are so cute and sexy it is unreal. I’m just going to go slowly okay?”
She quickly nodded “Just touch me please!”
You scooted back on your knees and kissed down her soft belly leaving your marks all over her soft skin. Your dominant hand trailed further down her body and rubbed at her inner thighs. Her hips bucked up and she whined. You wasted no time finally giving in. You pressed your palm flat against her clit firmly and just moved in slow circles at first then slowly down and back up coating your hand and fingers with her slick heat. She moaned softly and you knew she needed more. 
You moved a finger to her entrance and slowly slid into her tight center. You kissed her thigh and waited for her hips to move before sliding in and out slowly. You slowly trailed your kisses up from her thigh to her hips down to just under the slight curve of her belly and then pressed your lips softly to her clit. “OH fuck please more of that!”
You hummed against her before you pulled your finger out and added another. You simultaneously parted your lips and slid your tongue flat against her clit. Her back arched and her legs squeezed your head. With your free hand you moved one of her legs to rest on your back and the other you pressed down so you had more access to her center. You curled your fingers finding that sweet spot and then sucked on her clit. “FUCK oh MY Fucking AH! Y/N!”
You tested different pressures of sucking on her clit and soothing it with your tongue while testing different pressure and motions to stimulate her G spot. It’s a hard one to get on your own and you are determined to give her the pleasure of experiencing a G spot and clitoral orgasm as her first with you. 
Her hips squirm and her heel digs into your back. The sound of her moans has your clit throbbing. She tastes so fucking good and feels so warm and soft and tight. She tangled her fingers through your hair and you looked up at her with just your eyes to see her watching you. Her mouth was open as she breathed out moaning but her emerald eyes were locked on you. You moved your free hand up and squeezed her breast. She untangled one of her hands from your hair to cup your hand over her breast and lace her fingers with yours. She squeezed your hand hard as her muscles began to tighten. You could feel her approaching that crescendo. The leg that was on your back flexed out and the other began to tremble and press against your head again now that you were not holding it down. You sucked herder on her clit and kept pressing your finger against her G spot, even as her walls tightened around your fingers and made it hard to move.   
“Fuck I AH I AH! Ah ah ah AH!”
You felt your own clit throb as you felt her contract around your fingers. You helped her ride out the high until her body went limp and slowly removed yourself from her to crawl up her body and kiss her lips softly. “Are you okay?” 
She ran her hands from your cheeks into your hair and pulled you in for a kiss. “I’m fantastic! Wow you are really good at that!”
You smiled, “I just paid attention to how your body reacted.” 
“I want to make you feel like this. Seriously, that was incredible!” 
You couldn’t stop the soft laughter that escaped your lips at her enthusiasm. I almost came, making you cum, baby it won’t take much for me to feel incredible. I already feel amazing just having you here like this.”
She rolled her eyes before quickly flipping your positions. She pecked your lips before she moved to get on her knees between your legs. She’s so pretty covered in your marks, hair a mess and skin glowing. 
Her gaze traveled over your body. Up and down. Her hands caressed you up and down. Heating your skin as she touched you softly. You watched in awe as she leaned down and began to kiss your heated skin. She trailed kisses down your chest and abdomen and back up. She took her time being gentle then marking you as hers on every inch of skin she could get. You sigh and moan when she bites your skin and sucks another mark into your skin. You are already so worked up that you think you might cum from this. “Please, Zibby!”
A smirk formed on her face as she bit her bottom lip. She pressed her palm flat against your heated center and you whimpered at the contact. She spreads your wet heat by rubbing her palm up then down. You need her so badly that you feel like you are going to explode. “Please baby I need please! MORE!” 
She leaned down again and kissed your clit softly before slowly tasting you with her tongue. “Oh fuck! Fingers please!”
She moves her hand and you feel her press two fingers against your entrance and then as she slides into you she sucks on your clit and you can’t contain your moans. She curls her fingers inside you and begins to build the pressure. You can feel yourself tighten around her as your legs tremble “AH! There! Yes Oh FUCK YES!”
Zibby is a natural. She pays attention to the hitch in your breath how your hips buck and legs tremble. She loves the way you tighten around her and get wetter. She is filled with confidence as she watches you unravel and feels the effect she has on you. She sucks harder on your clit and presses her tongue to it to sooth it as she moves to hit the spot that is making you tremble faster with more pressure. She can feel you contract and is amazed by it as she watches your back arch. “Im cuming oh Im I cuming AAHHH ZIB!” 
You unravel in a beautiful mess and she mimics how you let her ride out her pleasure earlier. You smile at her when you finally recover and pull her down to kiss her soft lips. “That was incredible, baby.”
AN: I hope you guys like this cute little thing. I just felt it was a great opportunity to talk about how ridiculous society is about virginity. I love talking about women and the pleasure they deserve to embrace fully without shame. Here’s to celebrating female pleasure!
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blukiar · 2 years
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Tony- "When you said you were taking me out for drinks to cheer me up, I wasn't expecting you to invite *THEM* Mcgeek..." 
McGee- "They asked nicely, I couldn't refuse~" 
Ziva and Abby are my fave NCIS characters so I maaay have accidentally shipped them as a result. (did this back in July)
I will say that I don’t like this art as much but I don’t dislike it as much either, my best response to it is “there is space for improvement” on the +side I CAN improve it by redoing it! but uh too lazy rn hhhhhhh
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mischievoustempest · 1 year
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A self indulgent D&D AU historbee and I had a lot of fun figuring out
Kallus is a Variant Human College of Whispers Bard/Psi Warrior Fighter
Zeb is a Bugbear Oath of the Crown Paladin/Totem Warrior Barbarian
It wasn’t really about translating their skills 1 to 1 but thinking about fun builds trying to capture the flavor of their characters!
Kallus having psychic magic that are interrogator flavored and being a dex based fighter makes sense hear me out. In a high fantasy setting where magic is so common like Dungeons and Dragons, we couldn’t justify limiting magic to only Jedi. It limits the classes non-Jedi can be plus Whispers has so many fun secret agent abilities!
Zeb was a little easier but landing on the paladin angle was so much fun to consider with his background as captain of the royal guard, then turning to barbarian rage as his kingdom fell
Both of them have glaives and the polearm master feat because of course 😤
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wndaswife · 11 months
zibby is the kind of girl who would invite you to go out with a bunch of her friends then get jealous n a bit sulky that you’re getting along with them so well and you aren’t just hers alone anymore so she asks if you can go home together early instead <333
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paulkariyas · 1 year
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↪ 05/30/2023 ― mika    
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spacelandz · 1 year
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the new zibbay ref. post this robot immediately
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wankyuniverse · 9 months
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grande-caps · 9 months
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Virgin River 5.01 - 5.10
Quality : HD screencaptures Amount : 12.689 files Resolution : 1.920 x 1.080 px
-Please like/reblog if taking
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space-r0ach · 18 days
IZ POST!!!FIRST IZ POST!!! (correction)/lh
Granted, if this anon is who I think it is you probably already seen this already so I’m sorry 😭🙏💕
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gt-icons · 9 months
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Random Actress icons
‒ like or reblog if you save
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fairyzibbie · 1 year
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Many clowns. So many. Clown dump.
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finleyforevermore · 5 months
Happy birthday!! I know we only interacted like once but you’re a cool and very nice dude!! :] 💛🩵
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paulkariyas · 2 years
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↪ 11/10/2022 ― mehrdad zibanejad reads the line-up ( rangers vs. red wings )
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spacelandz · 1 year
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all that glitters may be a partially gold
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