#Yusei's Dad
frost-felon · 1 year
Don't fail me now, 5D's fandom.
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sapp0w0 · 3 months
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gx-gameon · 26 days
I just read Jaden in 5DS era AU and I want to know if that is part of the Yugi adopts Jaden AU or Canon Jaden.
Also about BBT in the Jaden Muto AU, what is Jaden feeling the entire time? It isn't everyday you team up with the younger self of your dad XD
The 5Ds era Au will probably be cannon Jaden.
I want it to be approachable to any reader. The Yugi Adopts Jaden au is going to have a lot going on in it already.
I also haven’t decided if Jaden will go home at the end of that Au. I think Jesse will come forward in time and they will join the 5Ds crew going forward. And if that is the ending, Jaden gaining new friends and now the “Robin” of the crew. Then I don’t know if I want to connect it to Yugi adopts Jaden since Jaden won’t come home. He’d miss having like 30 years with his dads and that’s super sad.
But let’s focus on your second question.
In the Yugi adopts Jaden Au the bonds beyond time movie is wild.
Because Jaden is currently traveling the globe. Helping out where needed and just finding himself again. He hears that Zane/Syrus’s cyber dragon has been stolen and he’s looking for it, when Jesse calls. Rainbow Dragon has been taken. That is not something Jaden can allow to happen.
Personally I love the idea that Jesse actually met up/ran into Jaden in Venice. Maybe he was looking for his friend. Maybe he was there for a tournament and bumped into Jaden. Maybe they arranged to meet there or Jesse was surprising his friend. (I’ve read some great fics like this)
Either way Jesse is with Jaden when Rainbow Dragon is stolen. Jaden watches as Jesse loses a member of his family and swears to get it back, rushing off before Jesse can follow.
By the time Jesse catches up the square is already destroyed and Jaden is already with Yusei.
But back to topic.
In this au Jaden mets Yusei and everything goes according to plan, until they travel back in time and met Yugi.
Holy cow is this weird for Jaden. That’s his Dad!! But he’s young and the millennium puzzle hangs around his neck and Jaden knows what that means. This is back when Yugi and Atem shared a body.
But Yugi is crying because Grandpa is dead? And the whole square blew up. Jaden’s head is spinning. Gramps can’t be dead! No that’s not right. Gramps had just called him not even a week ago and the old man was still as sharp as ever. He couldn’t be dead.
Worse this is Yugi before he adopted Jaden. Jaden didn’t know it at the time, but now that he’s the same age that Yugi was when he adopted him Jaden understands how much Yugi sacrificed to take him in. To be his dad. And he knows a lot of that was only possible because of Gramps. Sure things changed when Oto-san and Dad got married but earlier on it was Yugi and Solomon taking care of him. Atem to after he adjusted to living in the modern era.
If Gramps died then would Yugi even be able to take Jaden in? Would they even meet? And he feels awful for think it. After all he shouldn’t be thinking about himself right now. But his whole reality depends on this one going right.
Plus he hates seeing his dad cry.
Paradox had stolen Jesse’s family member, killed Jaden’s great grandpa and made his dad cry. Jaden’s going after him with all he has.
The duel itself is awesome. Dueling along side Yugi and stem when they shared a body is so weird yet also one of the coolest things ever because he can see both their strategies at play and how the seamlessly blend them.
Yusei is an amazing duelist to and Jaden is honestly having the time of his life fighting beside them. He’s going to have to make it a goal to meet Yusei again.
They win and Jaden gets returned to his time (successfully) and says goodbye to Yusei. (They will met again)
He mets up with Jesse to return Rainbow Dragon and tell him about his adventure. While doing so he realizes he needs to call to people. He calls grandpa first just because he wants to make sure the old man is alright. (He’s just fine and over joyed to hear from Jaden) second he calls his dad and Uncle Atem.
He tries to dance around it but the both just laugh and say that they remember him. It’s really weird. They didn’t have these memories before today. But whatever alternate reality Jaden and Yusei had stopped from happening by meeting up with Yugi must have merged with their own.
Yugi didn’t seek Jaden out because of their duel against paradox. Their meeting was complete accident or fate depending on how you want to see it. But now that he has those memories he, Jaden and Atem can all discuss the duel and Yusei.
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
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Screw it, I have to talk about it. Watching episodes 56 and 57, but especially the latter, hurts my heart every time I do it. Yusei has had some emotional moments up until this point, but I would, without the shadow of a doubt, claim that this is definitely his most emotional moment in the entire show. And the thing is, it's so unnecessary, and not in the "this is a poor writing decision"-kind of way. Quite the opposite. Allow me to elaborate under the readmore because I have a feeling this post is going to get long.
A question I had for a long while before I really started bothering to analyse the show, especially for fic writing, was when and how Yusei found out that his parents were leading developers in the Moment reactor that ended up causing Satellite's separation, killed presumably hundreds of people, and caused a lot of the misery in his own life, too. The thing is, the show never gives a definitive answer to that. Only context clues. We can infer from Yusei's reaction the first time Goodwin mentions his father and the Moment research before the signers depart for Satellite that this circumstance isn't news to him. Furthermore, we can infer from Crow's reaction to the impassioned speech Yusei gives in episode 57 that he must have known about his parents' identities for a while.
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Personally, I take this to mean that Yusei has known about his parents' involvement in the Moment research for several years at this point—in fact, I'd go as far as saying that he's known about it since his childhood, and there's a reason why I think that: To a child, the line of thinking "my dad developed this giant machine that ended up blowing up and killing a lot of people, even many of my friends' parents" makes complete sense. (Even taking into account the cover-up the city did, pretending the whole explosion was a tectonic shift—because you can't convince me even for one second that the people in Satellite who lived close enough to the reactor didn't see that the Moment explosion happened first.) And I really feel the need to stress that this explanation is something I think especially a child could have come up with. Because with all the context the show gives us about the Zero Reverse incident, it's easy to see that there were a lot more factors involved there than just "man built bad machine, bad machine exploded". In fact, this drives me up a wall so badly I need to dig into it for a second.
With all the exposition Roman/Rudger gives us in this duel, we learn several things about the late Professor Fudo. Chiefly among them, three things: He was extremely smart, he had a project with the potential to change the future on his hands, and most of all, he was extremely passionate about that project, to the point of Roman/Rudger making this comparison:
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The reason I'm mentioning that is because despite all the above-mentioned factors, Professor Fudo was 100%, completely ready to shut down his entire project when he realised it could become dangerous for the city and its people. And as someone who's worked with people engrossed in their own research projects, albeit in a completely different field, let me just say this: Giving up a project of this scale is not a decision you make lightly. Scientific research, as intriguing as it sounds and looks from the outside, can be an absolutely draining affair of trying to get funding for an idea, and fighting to keep that funding later down the line, sometimes even forcing you to pay for things with your own money for a while just to keep the project alive. At a point like the one Yusei's dad was at here, this project would have already had exorbitant amounts of money put towards it, not to speak of countless hours of labour from qualified professionals. This would have been a humongous undertaking, not to speak of the fact that it was likely to be the thing that could have defined the Professor's entire career (even though I don't think that's why he was so invested in it). So I'm going to say it again, because this drives me nuts: Deciding to not simply change the direction of a project like this, to not simply try a different approach, but to instead step away, install containment seals and shut the thing down entirely, taking the whole damned idea back to the drawing board, is. not. a decision any self-respecting researcher would have made lightly. And that's without talking about the sponsors' reactions to the Professor deciding to shut the project down.
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The Professor may not have been willing to risk the city populace's lives for this project, but the sponsors certainly were. And so was Roman/Rudger, because by that point, he'd already been tempted by the darkness to give in to his worst impulses. It's honestly tragic because with all the facts laid out like that—everything from the project going out of control due to factors Yusei's father couldn't control, to him deciding to shut down what would have been the project of a lifetime, to Iliaster using their shadowy machinations to tempt Roman/Rudger, to him replacing the Professor as head of the project at the sponsors' behest because they wanted a return on what money they invested into it, all the way up to Roman/Rudger purposefully blowing up the reactor in order to be reborn as a dark signer—I, for my part, couldn't find it in me to blame Yusei's dad for everything that happened. Sure, he's somewhere at the start of the causal chain that lead to the Zero Reverse, but saying it was his fault is vastly oversimplifying the whole dilemma, in my opinion. Unfortunately, we all know that there's one person who can't find it in himself to forgive Professor Fudo for being part of the chain of events that led to the Zero Reverse.
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And you know what makes this extra painful? Not only is Yusei blaming his dad, who was trying his damndest to prevent this catastrophe, for what happened, he goes as far as blaming himself for it, too, on behalf of being the late Professor's son. What drives me absolutely insane about this is that there's no need for him to. Even if the Professor had, somehow, been directly responsible for the Zero Reverse, that would still not make Yusei, his son, in any way culpable. None of what happened was even remotely Yusei's fault, and he couldn't have done anything to prevent it, either. He was an infant. This is what I meant by it being unnecessary above—Yusei is carrying this insane amount of guilt around, even though there's no reason for him to. Though I don't think he could be convinced of it, come hell or high water, Yusei is blameless when it comes to the Zero Reverse. What kills me is that Crow even tells him as much:
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But. BUT. There's one more thing I absolutely need to stress: While seeing Yusei shoulder all this blame for a thing he's not responsible for and that I don't consider his father responsible for, either, is painful to watch, my frustration with it does not come from the fact that I consider it sloppy writing, or a character inconsistency, or any other such thing. In fact, I think it's the opposite. Granted, this is obviously built on my headcanon that Yusei has known who his parents were since he was a child, and thus came up with his rather simplistic, causal explanation of "my father invented a thing that caused a horrible catastrophe" without looking at (or even being able to look at, considering how hush-hush the public maintenance department and M.I.D.S. apparently kept the Zero Reverse thing) all the additional factors surrounding the Zero Reverse. And that this simplistic, condemning view of his father and his past had several years to fester, at that. But assuming for a second that this guess of mine is correct, I think the writing around Yusei's guilt complex is actually spot-on. Being confronted with this as a child, he would jump to the conclusion that his father was the reason the catastrophe that changed the lives of everyone he cares about for the worse happened. He would think that as that man's son, he has a responsibility to make up for his father's devastating mistake. And he would willingly put on blinkers, never stopping to consider whether there could have been other factors that contributed to causing the catastrophe, and never stopping to consider whether the friends he's so dedicated to compensating for the losses his father caused them even actually think that he's to blame.
It's like. My frustration with this aspect of Yusei's character is endless. I want to shake him and tell him to stop being so stupid and taking the blame for this insane thing. But at the same time? That's good character writing. That makes perfect sense. And my frustration is earned because I can't help but feel that this is exactly what Yusei's complex is supposed to evoke. So yeah. I love this writing choice, and I want to throw something against the wall every time Yusei gives this speech.
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chibi-taylormoon · 11 months
One night when Yusei is up late working at his computer, he heard the quiet sounds of footsteps from up stairs in the garage. Yusei turns in his seat and looks up and see's Yusaku at the top of the stairs looking tired and startled, he'd only taken one step down and the squeak made him stop. Yusaku probably couldn't sleep, he was only around six and has been through something terrifying before Yusei took him in, he barely spoke and often woke up in the middle of the night. Yusei smiled kindly at Yusaku turned to look around his desk, maybe he should read something to Yusaku like he did for the kids at Martha's to help them sleep.
But Yusei didn't have any kids book around his home, he did notice a manual for parts for his d-wheel, that would have to do and would probably put a kid to sleep. Yusei grabbed the book and made his way up the stairs, Yusaku looked up at him and Yusei noticed tears in the corner's of Yusaku's eyes when he got close enough. Yusaku must've had another nightmare, Yusei reached out his hand for Yusaku, who looked at the hand and hesitated for a second before taking Yusei's hand.
"Couldn't sleep?" Yusei asked softly.
Yusaku frowned sadly at him and shook his head in response. Yusei lead them to the spare bed, Yusaku kept his eyes on Yusei and held his hand tighter.
"Don't go." Yusaku's quiet voice quivered as he spoke.
Yusei's heart ached at such sad request from a child, he knelt down to Yusaku's level and gave him a gentle smile.
"I won't, im here for you." Yusei's voice was kind and gentle. "Lets stay up and read for a bit."
"Okay.." Yusaku's voice was barely audible when he spoke, but he also smiled and it was the first time Yusei has seen it from the child since bringing him back with him.
Yusaku had let go of Yusei's hand and climbed back into bed, Yusei pulled his covers back up and sat at the edge of the bed and opened his parts manual to a page with lots of black and white pictures as instructions. Yusaku actually seemed to like that at least, in the dim light of the lamp, his green eyes showed some of its own light and joy for the first time since living with Yusei. Yusei smiled to himself, he was glad to know he could help this kid he took in who seemed so broken, Yusaku was making progress into opening up more to him.
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kanamori-kamper-moved · 9 months
Gonna be so real with you whenever I watch yugioh I just. Can’t see the majority of these characters as white. THEYRE NOT WHITE TO ME DO YOU UNDERSTAND
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Someday I'm going to finish that comparison of Yusei and Ushio's first encounter in ep 1 between the sub and the dub but today is still not that day
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blazingstarship · 5 months
I hate how I am having the flu. Im hot, one eye tears, my whole body hurted for hours last night and I had to take a painkiller my bro used for his broken leg. It was insane, nothing else helped. I couldnt sit or lay, nothing. So much fun to be an education employee. Im tired…
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Who gave you the right to be this cute?
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flutternozzle · 4 months
pretty sure the last season of 5d's is abt to pull an "infamous" twist (the villain is actually the hero of the story from the future, who's travelled back in time to try and change the future!! 😱) and i'm Here For It 😁💕
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Hm okay I think I got one
So: by archetype alone, when you think of rivals in ygo, you probably think of Kaiba, Chazz, Jack, etc, and when you think of best friends, you probably think of pairs like Joey and Yugi
When it comes to 5Ds, Yusei's a little different for me. His rival is obviously Jack, but when it comes to friends, it's kind of hard to pin down one person he connects with better than anyone else, other than when Kiryu and Bruno show up (but to me that's a different category of "guy who shows up midway that makes things really gay")
All that being said, here's my first poll question:
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yoshifawful64 · 2 years
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universestreasures · 2 years
@forhope​​ Sent:
|  To Yusei from take a wild guess.. (yuma, its yuma)  |
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He had just finished getting back to the Tsukumo Residence after taking a drive around Heartland City when the voice of young Yuma calls out to him. Yusei had thought it would be a good idea to get used to his surroundings, since it was apparent he was going to be stuck here for a while. The technology certainly caught his attention, already wondering how it worked and what was powering everything. It was the natural scientist in him.
Before he can even share with the young boy about his outing, he is suddenly challenged to a duel. Man, the comparisons between Yuma and Rua just continued to increase with every passing day. Yusei hopes that they will somehow be given the opportunity to meet each other. They’d make the best of friends. He just knows it.
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“Okay, okay. Slow down, kid. Let me get settled in first.” Yusei speaks with a gentle tone, slowly getting off of his D-Wheel and gathering his things before heading towards the small home’s entrance. “We can definitely have a duel. However, only after you’ve finished your homework.”
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chibi-taylormoon · 1 year
Jack is good with playing with the kids. But so is Yusei, like really good with kids. Yusei is very dad like when he visits Martha's.
If a little kid were to give Yusei a fake phone to answer, he'll answer and play along. and while his fake call is just a series of "mhm's" and "yeah's" (he's awkward on the phone) the kids are very happy. They just adore Yusei.
If there are broken toys at the home, the kids would ask Yusei if he could take a look at it with pleading eyes. Yusei can fix pretty much anything, and when he returns them clean and looking new, he gets many smiles and hugs from the kids. Seeing the kids happy makes him happy as well.
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
Can I pour one out for Mrs. Fudo????
Despite also being a lead developer on Satellite reactor, she does not have the title of Dr. Fudo, like her husband. She also died when the reactor blew, but makes no appearance in the show while Yusei's dad comes prancing in from the afterlife like once a season. No one ever mentions or talks about her. The only time she ever appears in the series is in a shattered photograph in one scene. This is the best picture we have of her.
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Mrs. Fudo, ma'am, I want you to know I'm thinking of you.
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hunterxhell · 6 months
Did you hear togashi's talk about potential ending and the discarded ending d? People are freaking out over ending d because he made a joke about it being the ending if he dies, even though togashi only said what it was since he discarded it.
omg i have so many messages about this, so sorry for responding to everyone so late!
first i was waiting for the actual video of the talk show to come out because i didn't understand how a leak of a talk show could exist but somehow the leak was real lol. i think i've seen full transcripts posted but i don't have links at the moment. i'm sure it's on the hxh subreddit or something.
i've seen lots of people freaking out over this as well but as you said, it's something he's discarded and the comment about "this is the ending if i die" did seem like togashi's dark sense of humor to me. it's not really worth looking into or getting emotional over, if anything, togashi just confirmed what the ending WON'T be lol.
it wouldn't surprise me if "ending D" was something he considered at the very start of hxh. when your manga is serialized in a magazine like weekly shonen jump, it lives and dies based on reader surveys. you could have 300+ chapters planned for your series but it might get cancelled around chapter 8 and you need to wrap things up asap. i remember yusei matsui (author of assassination classroom) saying in an interview that when he begins a series, he is prepared in case he needs to end a series at any point in time, because you never know how many chapters you're gonna get. "ending D" could've been the ending if hxh got cancelled during the hunter exam, and we flash forward and see that gon became just like his dad. kind of.... sad.... but it easily brings the series to a close by coming full circle.
in togashi's case, his health being a factor will probably play a role in if he's able to finish all the arcs he has planned for hxh or if he thinks he needs to wrap it up early, so having multiple endings in mind with varying levels of satisfaction for himself makes sense. i don't think it's anything to be concerned by, let's just hope togashi can complete hxh with no regrets.
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