gx-gameon · 1 day
Chapter 2 of Jaden Muto is out now!!!
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gx-gameon · 2 days
Gx rewatch. Tag Team Arc
Episode 7
Jaden waking up to the disciplinary squad ready to break down his door after only like a week at school is great
The put him and Syrus under campus arrest. Apparently they are untroubled for going to the abandoned dorm (Chumley and Alexis were there to)
At their “hearing” they are threatened with suspension and Au Jaren has to be stressed at this point because there are a lot of things that he can get away with but if he gets suspended for what happened at the abandoned dorms then Oto-san’s not going to care about his secret anymore. He knows his Soto-san is stalking through these halls to fire everyone.
Then Crowler gives him a way out. A duel. If he and Syrus win then they are free but if they lose they are expelled. And Jaden’s relieved. If he wins he won’t have to tell his parents about any of this. There’s no way he’s going to lose.
Shout out to Chumley and Alexis stepping up and reporting themselves to the chancellor to take Syrus’s place. (They both know the weak link) I forgot how much I liked Chumley.
And here is Jaden completely unfazed and telling Syrus their is no one he’d rather have as a partner (boy is so excited to have friends)
It’s a great episode to set up Syrus character arc giving him a place to grow. I also love Jaden trying his best to help his friend by giving him pointers. But we also see a lot of Syrus. His willingness to quit at every turn. And I know he grows through the show, and I’ll have to get to season 3 to see how I feel, but I don’t think he changes enough.
Also why is Powerbond in his desk if he won’t play it?
I love the reveal of Zane being Syrus’s brother. But also that flashback… I get Zane’s point and he’s right but also like how old is Syrus in this flashback? 8? Younger? Like he’s 14 now and Zane is 17 and Zane is in middle school in the flashback so ya we’ll say 8 and 11 ish. So for 6ish years Syrus has had Powerbond in his deck as a dead weight because he won’t play it and it makes him feel like a worthless duelist? Why are you doing this to yourself? Just take it out.
Jaden is also trying his best to encourage his friend but sorry baby boy you’re not getting over that many years of trauma and self-doubt with some nice words.
Also Jaden hearing that Syrus’s brother says he’s not good enough. He tells Alexis that Syrus is a great guy and he could just see what Jaden sees and believe in himself he’d do great. That he had a great card and didn’t play it because of said brother. And as soon as Alexis tells him 1) that brother goes here and 2) it’s the top student Jaden’s immediate plan is go pick a fight. Like he knows the duel will be fun and Zane has to be a good duelist and he probs won’t win (he still thinks he has a shot) but his main goal is helping Syrus.
I also love Jaden hearing about how great Zane is and responding with “sounds like he’s not so great to his little brother.” Like yes this will work well for me. Au Jaden grew up watching Seto and Mokuba’s sibling dynamic and Joey and Serenity dynamic. Plus Atem and Yugi. Like he’s seen the best sibling dynamics and known of them would talk to their sibling the way Zane talked to Syrus.
Episode 8
Jaden talking about how if he had a big sibling who told him he wasn’t good enough that he wouldn’t be confident either. Yes we love empathy.
Also crowler hearing that Jaden is trying to duel Zane to help Syrus and immediately stoping it because he’s petty and wants Jaden expelled. I know we hate him but honestly peak messy behavior. Like don’t treat your students this way but also what a mess man. (Also coming up with ridiculous reasons for way Jaden can’t submit a form is great)
Syrus’s imaginary duel opponent having the voice of Tristian Taylor and the same silhouette is so fun. Like I don’t know if it’s that way in the sub but the fun people saw an opportunity and took it and I solute them.
I love seeing Chumley’s cards for the first time. Also he was so excited to have a pick up duel with Jaden. Also going with Jaden to the Obelisk blue dorm and watching him get water thrown on him.
Syrus runs away or tries to. (Chumley using the fact that it’s grilled cheese day as a way to lure out Syrus is honestly a mood.) and Wing Kuriboh appears for the first time out side of the shadow game. I love this little duel spirit! And it leads Jaden to Syrus. (Also Chumley being able to barley hear Winged Kuribohs voice)
I love Zane and Alexis’s relationship. The way he checks in on her and cares about her and her brother (his best friend)
Jaden breaking Syrus raft (I can’t swim! Syrus what are your plans) and all of this happening it front of Zane. Hearing his little brother is dropping out and saying about time is crazy. 
Love Jaden standing up to him. Again he grew up around good duelist and siblings he’s not letting Zane’s attitude slide. “This will help Syrus’s confidence without hurting mine.” He’s also so pumped to not only help his friend but the best duelist.
Zane’s also awesome. His deck is so strong and he’s such as strong character. (Note I understand why Zane behaves the way he does towards Syrus, it’s just such difference from the siblings in DM) like he’s unflinching the whole duel and is always three steps ahead of Jaden. Like he can say whatever he wants because he can back it up. He also recognizes that Jaden is talented and acknowledges it.
“A good duelist is ready for anything and that means not only knowing how to use all of their cards but knowing how to play them to. And you play your cards well Jaden.” I forgot how much I love season 1 Zane to. Oh if only you didn’t lose your honor in season 2 (also Jaden thinking ‘that’s a nice compliment, but even better advise I hope Syrus is listening) and it reconceptualises the earlier flash back. Zane was never being mean he was trying to give Syrus advise. But he didn’t phrase it well and Syrus didn’t take it well (they are like 11 and 8 when it happened they weren’t great at communication)
Also Zane showing off Powerbond and Cyber End Dragon in the same move and winning the duel is such an awesome moment. Especially for Jaden’s first on screen loss. And Jaden immediately smiles and thanks Zane for the duel. They both smile and separate. Zane saying that Syrus chose good friend and Jaden saying Zane is awesome. And ending with Syrus knowing he has to play Powerbind not just use it is a great way to move the plot along and Syrus character growth.
Episode 9 -also known as as the first duel that doesn’t include Jaden
Chumley’s Dad. It’s a sake business not hot Sauce but whatever.
Chumley crying and saying he can hear duel spirits sometimes is great. I wish we did more with it. (I’m going to take this and run with it)
Jaden going to the Head Master (who is going to expel him if he loses an upcoming duel to plead Chumely’s case is great. Love Jaden’s friendship in these early episodes. Also he obviously doesn’t have a good relationship with the staff (yet) but he’s still willing to go an make his case. Love him for that.
I love that Chumley’s dad wants to duel him to see if he will stay. And the chancellor is so relaxed about all this. And the dad is a state dueling champion, just great. I love it’s a drinking deck.
Jaden being so excited to help Chumley make his deck and Syrus and Jaden giving him cards to help him win.
Oh Chumley not knowing how his cards work….
Jaden knowing Chumley’s dad has a one turn finishing move. (Ya au Jaden grew up going to tournaments, he’s seen this man’s deck before.) also him not liking the card flipkng the table because it rests the field is interesting to think about.
I also love that he’s using the cards Jaden and Syrus give him. Also the fact Jaden gives him the fusion card that matches with the card Syrus gives him (it’s anime nonsense) but I’m going to say Haden found it for him because he knows Chumley loves koalas.
And all that for Chumley to lose. Even at that Jaden is so supportive of his friend. Also I love that Chumley’s dad lets him stay because of his new friends Jaden and Syrus.
I know Chumley is kind of a useless character but I love him in these early episodes.
Episode 10
Chazz wanting to fight Jaden to get him expelled. What a brat. I can’t wait for you to go to ‘North Academy’ and become Thunder.
Chumley why are you asking for their meal cards. The only reason you’re still here is because your dad likes your friends (also go watch your friends duel!!) (never mind he showed up :) )
Nice to see Bastion again. And Alexis and him are giving the commentary. Also the fact that this is happening in front of the whole school is wild.
Crowler your so messy for bringing the paradox brothers in. (What a great nostalgia walk for the fans) but also bring in the best tag duelist in the world to beat these kids. So messy. Also they are from duelist kingdom where the rules were nonexistent so it’s nice to see them duel for real.
Chancellor I’m begging you to take a hard stance. Why are you letting the over excited 14 year old decide if he wants to duel professionals to see if he and his friend get expelled? (“These guys couldn’t beat make pattern baldness there’s no way they can beat us” Jaden you’re so rude!)
This duel is so unfair. Like these guys are pulling out 2 level 7 monsters in the 1st round.
Jaden is trying so hard to be confident but Syrus is willing to back down. He’s trying but he’s just not at this level yet. And Jaden can’t help him. He’s not allowed to share strategies with Syrus. He rushes in and makes mistakes. Yet Jaden is still encouraging.
Note: I know I dunk on Syrus a lot but he is 14 probable not even a full two months into duel academy. He shouldn’t be on Para and Dox’s level yet.it makes him the weak link in this duel. But I don’t think it’s fair to put a 14 year old in this position. Jaden is just a prodigy (in the au he was raised by the king of game and Seto Kaiba of course he’s on the paradox brother’s level) but it don’t think it’s fair to say Syrus should be there to.
Jaden getting a direct hit with his fusion special effect is great. I love the confidence “we were never out of this fight.”
Oh Syrus you’re trying. Good try trying to block their spell card. And then taking a huge hit. Also way to end the expose with Jaden looking down for the first time in the whole duel, being told to make a move or be disqualified.
Episode 11
I love the check in with all the cast and how they are feeling. Bastion saying that Syrus walked into every spell and trap. Chumley willing to give up grilled cheese for a week. Chazz and Crowler rooting for Jaden’s failure.
Love Haden raising his head immediately roasting them and telling Syrus that he is the one who is going to defeat the gate guardian. Love the confidence you have in your friend.
Syrus please have some hope or confidence. He still is trying to quit. Like Jaden bless you for being so confident and encouraging. Syrus please step it up. (I don’t remember if he grows out of his Debby downer attitude but I need him to.
Love Syrus getting his drill out. Love how well Jaden knows Syrus deck. Getting ride of Gate Guardian with a shield crush spell card. The way Jaden set him up for success.
An invincible 3800 attack point monster is wild. Love that they got an update deck and new monsters.
Way to stop the attack Jaden. Way to plan ahead. But Syrus why does your confidence disappear the moment things get hard.
Why doesn’t Jaden keep fusion gate in his deck at all times? Like I know contact fusion doesn’t the same thing but this card is for all his fusion, right? I live whenever skyscrape comes into play. Also Jaden checking in with Syrus before using his card. Jaden is doing so well trying to work together and uplift his friend.
Is Zane the only senior attending this match?
Love seeing Syrus use Powerbond for the first time.
The SHADE! From Professor Banner. “They won because of your(Crowler) superior teaching. Oh wait they are in MY dorm.”
How did they get assigned at 10 Page paper on their expulsion duel? Thats crazy.
Over all thoughts for the Au
Most of this can stay.
I can see Jadne desperately trying to keep this from Yugi and Seto. How is he suppose to explain that he’s up for expulsion because he won a shadow game in the abandon dorm? Like Atem and Yugi are already upset enough about their being a shadow game. And Seto is so close to firing the whole staff.
The whole time Jaden is trying to help build Syrus’s confidence while also desperately trying to not slip up and tell any of his family members about this duel.
But then the duel is against the Paradox brothers and he’s pumped. Yugi and Joey beat them in Duelist Kingdom and now Jaden and his Best friend beat them! Jaden’s pumped and it lines up with his weekly call to his dad and without think he tells Yugi all about the duel.
“That’s amazing Jaden.” Yugi tells him, and he’s on cloud nine. “But why were a pair of world rebound tag team duelist playing against two freshman in the worst dorm? I thought like that would be an exhibition match with seniors or teachers?” He falling right back to earth. He needs to come up with an explanation quick. But he sucks at lying and he hates lying to his dad.
“Well you see Dad it’s a funny story.” Jaden starts to explain when Seto walks in.
“Is that Jaden?” Yugi nods has his husband joins him. “Do you want to tell me why I just got an alert about the paradox brothers coming to your school to duel in an expulsion match? Who set that up? And which students were on the chopping block?” Seto is not happy. Bring in world class duelist to his school to have exhibition matches with teachers or to test seniors is one thing but to waste their time dueling students who were in the brink of expulsion is unacceptable. These are busy people and he wants an invitation from his academy to be prestigious. Not just any pro can show up. And not for silly reasons. He had thought Jaden would tell them about nonsense like this. But maybe he didn’t know until today.
Jaden has no clue he’s asking thinking it wasn’t him. To Jaden he is busted. “I was going to tell you I swear! I just didn’t want to say anything until after I won. I didn’t want to stress you out about my duel, there was no way I was losing after all. Not when getting expelled was on the line.” He thinks they already know and are dragging this out.
It’s dead silent for a second. And then. “It was your duel!” Seto yells at the same time Yugi yells “they were going to expel you?!”
They are not happy campers
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gx-gameon · 3 days
Yugioh Gx rewatch thoughts (with my Au in mind)
Season 1
Episode 1: the entrance exam
Episode 2: Jaden’s first day and Seto Kaiba realizing his staff is incompetent
Episode 3 - 6 let’s get to know these kids
Episode 7 - 11 the expulsion tag duel arc
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gx-gameon · 4 days
Gx episodes review (while thinking of my Au.
Episode 3
I am very uncomfortable with Crowler setting up Jaden to spy on the girls. Especially on the girls bath.
Like very disturbing especially when Crowler shows up to spy to. Like he’s there to catch Jaden but those out your female student’s.
But Syrus thinking the note for him and getting caught instead of Jaden is wild.
I don’t want this.
I’m going to have to re-write this. Like yes Jaden’s duel with Alexis is good. But there has to be a better way to set this up.
Jaden coming to help his friend and dealing out of trouble, love that. Spying on the girl’s in the bath, whether intentional or not, is not going to fly.
Episode 4
Love that getting rare cards for Duel Academy is on par with a military operation on purpose.
I love Jaden meting and helping Dorthy is wonderful. Love the boy helping her out even though it makes him late. A good boy.
Crowler taking all the rare cards to give to Chazz to beat Jaden is wild.
Also Chazz using the VWXYZ cars this duel (which correlates him with Seto Kaiba who uses the XYZ cards. In my Au Jaden grew up around these cards. Something that is shocking and new to all of Jaden’s classmates is something Jaden grew up watching trash other duelist. He grew up watching his Dad destroy Oto-san’s XYZ monsters. No one at the school is more prepared for this)
It’s a great second duel for Jaden and Chazz. With Chazz showing off this expensive and rare deck while Jaden is playing his weak monsters and the cards Dorthy gave him.
Also it’s the first duel that we get level 10 wing kuriboh. It’s a very Yugi/Atem move. Using a Kuriboh to get ride of a big threat.
I also love that every time some one tries to boil Jaden’s skill down to stupid luck he corrects them. Even if it’s sassy “luck? Nah I just have a soft spot for old ladies”
Also Jaden getting accepted into Ra in the second episode and turning it down because he values Syrus is so sweet. (Loyalty Syrus doesn’t deserve) but it is very in line with my Au. Jaden growing up around Téa and her friendship speech’s. He’s not one to abandon a friend, especially when he thinks he’s finally making the life long friends he’s always dreamed of. (His own Joey, Tristian, Téa, Duke, Serenity, Bakura. He wants friends so bad)
Episode 5 + 6
Baby Jaden! Baby Jaden!
And his first memory of duel spirits calling out to him. And him completing that he’s hearing winged kiriboh
Professor Banner coming in to play their scary story game. Immediately gets mess by telling the kids about the abandoned dorms and the missing students as if these kids aren’t 14 and going to go explore it!
Also Jaden hearing shadow games and saying “ya the millennium items, but they’re not real.” One in cannon is great k love the call backs to DM while also poking fun. I’m loving the fake shadow games.
But in the au Jaden is sweating bullets “shadow games? I’ve heard of those. Powerful items like the millennium items haha those aren’t real!” As he’s remebering all the story’s he’s heard form Uncle Atem, Uncle Joey, his Dad and Oto-san and the rest of the friend group. Like boys wondering if he had to call Uncle Atem and tell him that someone is kidnapping? Students and playing shadow games? No he should check it out first before he worries Uncle Atem about the millennium items being at his school.
Also the intro of Alexis’s story arc. The first mention of Atticus.
Jaden immediately wanting to go in knowing the rumors of missing duelist are true.
The wall of millennium items! With hieroglyphics! Why is this here? And Jaden recognizing them? Oh I’m going to have so much fun with this place in my au.
Alexis being kidnapped and and used to lure in Jaden and friends. Jaden recognizing her card and coming to his friend’s aid.
Also Jaden continues to”the shadow games aren’t real.” Thing is going to be so fun to twist.
Also Au Jaden has to be so stressed he asks after Alexis and they guys tells him Alexis is in the shadow realm. But this guy doesn’t feel like Uncle Atem. Jaden’s been around Shadow magic before and this guy doesn’t have it. He can’t feel the shadows the way he can around Atem.
But at the same time he’s talking about how the games are real and if they lose they lose their souls. But Jaden knows that isn’t right either. Atem always told him that the person who initiated the Shadow game got to pick the punishment for losing the game. Somethings not right about this guy. And Jaden’s not talking magic
But Jaden still duels him. He’s not going to let this creep kidnap his friends.
Jaden is doing well but then this guy pulls out the millennium puzzle.
Which first off this show is honkers for pulling out a fake millennium puzzle and having Jaden fade away like Yugi/Marik/bakura did in Battle City.
But the fact that Jaden canonical (dub) response to all of this is, “So what in our dorm we have black out curtains so that we can sleep in later. In not scared of the dark it’s great!” Is not only fantastic. Never change my empty headed king. But also a really cool foreshadowing that Jaden is tied to darkness. He’s the King of the Gentle Darkness. It should be no surprise that he is afraid of the dark.
Also love that canon Jaden sees all this and is just like “wow! What a fun challenge!”
But let’s focus au for a second. Jadne already knew this guy had no real powers, he’s felt that shadows before this guy doesn’t have them. But pulling out a cheap copy of the millennium puzzle! An object that means so much to his Dad and Uncle Atem (the whole group really) unacceptable! The millennium puzzle was Atem’s for thousands of years it would feel like him, there for this is not real because Jaden can’t feel Atem. Also if this was the real puzzle this guy couldn’t use it without defeating the previous owner(s) Yugi and Atem. Jaden has no fear but a righteous fury. But he’s trying to play it off as being worried for Alexis and not his rage at this moment of his Dad and Uncle.
He’s doing his best but he starts disappearing more and start to wonder if he guessed wrong. Maybe this guy does has some form of magic
Especially when Jaden stops being able to see.
But then Winged Kuriboh reaches out and shows Jaden how his mind is being messed with. Something he already guessed but had started to lose sight of. Also love that it’s Winged Kuriboh who showed him the path.
Jaden breaks the illusion with his attack and then breaks the paper mâché millennium puzzle by throwing Avian into it (a very Seto Kaiba move that man loved throwing cards at things)
Also cannon Jaden calling the guy out for being an out of work festival work and being right is amazing.
The guy tries to keep the lie going by bringing Alexis back up. But calls the millennium puzzle the millennium pendant.
Jaden makes fun of him again and the guy tries to leave with out telling them where Alexis is Haden runs after him and accidentally sets off a real shadow game.
Jaden thinks of a moment that it’s another trick but then he feels that shadows and starts to panic but Winged Kuriboh comes to Jaden’s rescue.
In cannon Jaden continues to think it’s a hoax but in the Au he can realize just how much trouble he’s in. Especially when the guy (panic?) gets possessed and starts dueling him again for his soul, for real this time. At least he has Winged Kuriboh at his side. He’s not alone.
Winged Kuriboh spends the duel flying around Jaden’s feet keeping the evil spirits away from Jaden.
Jaden is focused on the duel until he hears the possessed man say, “I’ll take your soul just like I did to the other students.” This is what took Alexis brother and the other students. He needs to win and call Atem.
Jaden wins and he watches as Panic loses his soul. In cannon he thinks it’s a special effect but in the Au he knows it’s not. He plays it off for his friends but he knows he needs to make a phone call when he get back to the dorm.
But at least Alexis is safe. Jaden offers to help her look for Atticus. If this has to do with the shadow realm he feels like he has to help, he has more knowledge than anyone else here. Plus Alexis is his friend. Jaden would do anything for a friend.
It’s sunrise by the time they finish their conversation and Jaden and the others have to get back to their dorm and class. It takes all day and he’s exhausted (he’s had no sleep and just dueled for his soul for the first time) but when Chumley and Syrus lay down to nap he pulls out his phone and goes to the woods to call Uncle Atem.
They have a lot to talk about.
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gx-gameon · 5 days
Part 11 of Yugi raises Jaden
Start - pervious
Jaden woke up on a beach. The gentle waves crashing on the shore of the island. As he looked out at the ocean he caught a glimpse of of the sky. It was full of stars and nebulas, Jupiter floating closely by.
Oh, he was back in his dreams. He didn’t know what this place was called but he felt like he did at one point. Like the name was just on the tip of his tongue but he just couldn’t recall it.
But something was different this time. His head was pillowed on top of something. Or more accurately someone as he was using their lap as a pillow and could feel their fingers carding through his hair. He turned his head to look up at the person.
It was a woman with long white hair, her bangs covering one of her eyes. Her large white hat casting shadows over her gentle face. She smiled down warmly at Jaden as the little boy pushed himself into a seated position and turned to face her.
“You’re the Silent Magician!” He said pointing at her. She smiled warmly at him and nodded before pointing over his shoulder.
Jaden turned to see what she was pointing to. Six creatures were racing towards them cheering. A strawberrry colored bird flew towards him trilling in excitement. A soft pink dolphin swam as close as it could to them splashing and squeaking at him happily. A brown larva like bug with a swirl of green on its forehead crawled up to him humming a tone that blended nicely with the bird’s trills. A light brown mole and a purple grey cat like creature dashed to him stoping just short of slamming into him as they gruffed and mewed. Bringing up the rear was a small glowing childlike creature that leaned into him and he could feel rather than hear their humming.
While the creatures looked strange he felt like he had known them all his life as they vied for his attention. He looked back at the Silent Magician, who was watching the scene with open amusement. The woman gave a gentle nod and motioned forward with her hand as if to say ‘go on.’ Jaden smiled as he and the creatures started playing together on the beach.
While there was a whole island to explore they stayed close to the water’s edge so the dolphin could play with all of them. Jaden looked back to see Silent Magician talking to a young boy. He had to be older than Jaden but his white armor with blue and red accents made it hard to place the boy’s age. But he seemed to be watching over Jaden and the other creatures fondly while talking to Silent Magician.
All was peaceful until a light flashed. The small creatures surrounded Jaden protectively. The little cat and mole’s fur standing on edge while the bird’s feathers fluffed up to make itself appear bigger than it was. Jaden took an unconscious step back away from the light. The strange older boy moved quickly to place himself between the light and Jaden’s group, his arm out stretch to keep them behind him.
But Silent Magician was calm as she stood up and gestured for them to all calm down. She recognized this magic. The light took on a golden hue as it started to turn into the shape of a man.
The tense atmosphere lessened. The creatures surrounding Jaden were still cautious but this was obviously not the monster they thought it was.
The form came into view. It was a handsome dark skinned male dressed in golden armor with a white cap and vail completing his flowing ascetic. He took in the scene of scared children in front of him. He placed his staff on the ground and kneeled. “Excuse me for the sudden intrusion. My name is Mahad, I am Pharaoh Atem’s loyal servant and a friend of Yugi Muto.” Jaden perked up at the mention of Yugi’s name.
Mahad had spotted the boy and was about to speak more when a hand landed on his shoulder. He looked up to see Silent Magician smiling down at him. “Ah it good to see you here my friend.” While he had never fought beside Silent Magician he remembered her from Yugi’s duel against Atem. He knew the duel spirit’s loyalty lied firmly with Yugi. She was a powerful sorceress and he was glad she was on their side.
Jaden watched the two spirits interact as he started to step forward. The little creatures stayed close to him, unwilling to leave his side as he approached the unknown. The older boy stayed between Jaden and the magicians but didn’t stop Jaden’s approach, staying one step ahead of him at all times.
“You know d-Yugi?” Jaden asked as he approached the kneeling Magician.
Mahad smiled at the boy. “We are old friends. He wanted me to come check on you.” Mahad didn’t know how much to reveal to the child. He had been told that the boy didn’t remember his dreams upon waking so he was unsure if the boy would know about the apparent threat coming their way.
“Why has Muto sent two of his spirits here?” The white armored boy questions. He still kept himself firmly between Jaden and the two spellcasters. While he had accepted Silent Magician’s presence he could tell that Mahad was different.
“Yugi is with my Pharaoh right now. He is unable to watch over Jaden himself so I offered to ease his worries by coming myself.” Mahad explained to Jaden’s monster spirit. He had never seen this duel spirit before, any of them honestly, they must be new creations. He was about to ask for the young spirit’s name when Jaden ducked under his arm and approached Mahad.
“Is d-Yugi okay?” The little boy asked worriedly.
Mahad smiled reassuringly at the boy. “He’s perfectly safe. He and the Pharaoh had some things to discuss and then he will return to you.” The tension that had been in Jaden seemed to ease instantly at that news.
“He’ll be home soon.” The little boy smiled up at Mahad and Silent Magician.
The armored boy, seeing as his master had decided to trust the two Magicians, had left his side momentarily to pick up the pink dolphin from the waves. The little creature had been making quite the fuss since it was unable to accompany Jaden like the others. The boy scooped the small dolphin up and brought it over to the rest of the group. The creature wiggled the whole way over, only calming when Jaden laid his palm on it’s forehead.
For a moment all was peaceful.
Then another light exploded on the beach. The brightness of it was almost blinding. And with it came a horrific shrieking sound. Jaden covered his ears and cried out as his spirits crowded around him to shield him. Mahad and Silent Magician moving into protective stances in front of the children.
The light had a cold silvery glow to it before the creature within revealed itself. Darkness enveloped the light and in front of them stood a fiend. The fiend raised their head to look at them. They had split colored hair, the right side being white and the left side being purple. Actually they seemed to be split down their whole body. Having an orange eye and feminine body on the right side and a teal eye and masculine body on the left side. The only part of them that seemed symmetrical were they dragon like wings that flared out from their back.
“Jaden how could you send me away!” The fiend shouted at the little boy taking an aggressive step forward.
Jaden took a step back. Responding in a shaky voice. “Who- who are you?” That was obviously not the right thing to say as the fiend grew more enraged.
“How could you forget me? You promised you’d never abandon me!” The fiend took another step forward.
“That’s enough!” Mahad called from his place between the little boy and the enraged spirit. “Explain yourself.” Mahad didn’t know why this Spirit was so enraged but he was starting to put the pieces together. But how could a spirit hold so much rage for a child.
The fiend snapped their head towards Mahad. “Explain myself? To you? I am his protector and guardian. You would be explaining your presence to me.” The fiend flared their wings aggressively.
“Protector? You’re terrifying him.” Mahad rebuked the idea. The Silent Magician moving to block Jaden from the fiend’s view. Both spellcasters had sworn their lives to protect their masters’. They couldn’t imagine treating Atem of Yugi the way this fiend was treating Jaden.
The fiend snarled at them. “He abandoned me! He let them send me away!” They then turned their attention to Jaden once more. “Why did you send me away? They’re hurting me!” They took another step forward and the Silent Magician brandished her wand to signal for them to back off.
“That’s enough!” Mahad argued back. “A protector does not behave this way. We accept our master’s will. If you were sent away by other people then it was not Jaden’s fault.” Mahad could understand anger at others for separating you from your master but the rage they had against Jaden was unnatural for a sworn protector to feel. Actually everything about this felt wrong. Why had a fiend appeared in a burst of light? Something wasn’t right here. The whole reality had shifted as soon as they had arrived. There was something wrong here. Something powerful at play.
But the fiend wasn’t going to give Mahad time to figure it out. “And who are you to tell me my role? Who are you to stand between me and Jaden?” They cried as they launched themselves forward. Jaden screamed as they flew forward. The white armored boy flying between Jaden and the attack.
Silent Magician attacked the fiend trying to stop the incoming attack. The fiend screamed in pain but didn’t stop. They crashed right into Silent Magician. The Magician opened her mouth in a silent scream as she shattered and returned to her card.
Mahad was shocked. This fiend had just tanked a hit form Silent Magician and destroyed her. But he couldn’t waste time processing that as Jaden screamed in terror watching the spirit Yugi had left him get destroyed. The fiend turned her attention to Jaden and the small child-like monster spirits trying to protect him. The fiend raised their hand to attack and Mahad was having none of it.
Mahad rushed forward and attacked the fiend creature. They were dark type monster spirit so his attack strength doubled. There was no way 5000 attack points wasn’t enough to silence this fiend.
“In the name of the Pharaoh I vanquish thee.” Mahad called as he struck down the fiend. They screamed in pain and staggered away from Jaden. Mahad expected victory but then the fiend stood and rushed him.
“Tell your Pharaoh you failed.” They sneered as they struck him and he felt the moment he left that reality. The last thing he heard was Jaden’s terrified scream.
He opened his eyes and found himself back in the afterlife. This wasn’t good! He had to tell Atem and Yugi immediately.
Jaden watched horrified as the two protectors Yugi had sent him were swiftly defeated. the fiend stood up and looked at Jaden.
“There now were alone. Well almost.” They said sneering at the monster spirits surrounding Jaden. The boy is white armor launched himself at the fiend and all Jaden could do is scream as he watched his older friend disappear before his eyes.
He was in so much trouble here.
Joey had fallen asleep after tucking Jaden in. There was only two beds in the apartment Mokuba had lead them to. Mokuba took his regular bed for himself and told them they could use Seto’s. Joey had given the bed to Jaden so that the little one could sleep well. It wasn’t the first time Joey had camped out on the floor.
He had stayed up for a bit playing games on his phone or looking over his deck. He wanted to make sure Jaden wasn’t having one of the nightmares Yugi told him about. But Jaden seemed to be fine and eventually sleep caught up to Joey.
A few hours later Jaden started to toss and turn whimpering in his sleep. Yet this didn’t rouse Joey. What did wake the blond duelist up was the bright flash of light. Joey’s eyes flew open to see what had just disturbed his rest.
There on the bed next to Jaden lay the Silent Magician card. The card was glowing as if it was trying to get Joey’s attention.
That’s when Joey heard a whimpering sound. His eyes traveled from the card to Jaden. The little boy’s face was all scrunched up and he was whimpering. Joey started to approach to wake the kid up when he started screaming and trashing.
Joey moved quickly to the boy’s side grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. “Jaden wake up! It’s not real!”
All of the commotion woke up Mokuba as the young business man jumped from his bed. “Whats happening?” He shout out over the screams.
“Jaden’s having one of his nightmares.” Joey called as he kept trying to rouse the screaming boy. “Come on buddy wake up!” He hadn’t realized just how bad these nightmares were. Yugi had told him they were violent but he hadn’t imagined this.
Finally Jaden’s eyes flew open, a scream dying in his lips. All was silent for a second, as Jaden sat there staring straight ahead.
“Jay?” Joey asked cautiously gaining the little boys attention. The little one turned his head to look at Joey. Once they landed on the blond duelist his eyes welled up with tears and he launched himself into Joey’s arms sobbing. “Whoa,” Joey said as he caught the young boy. “Hey it’s okay buddy I got you. You’re safe now. It’s over.” Joey tried his best to sooth the hysterical child in his arms, his eyes meeting Mokuba’s in a wide panic.
What was that? Why was Jaden having such terrifying night terrors?
Joey knew the reason why Yugi had come to the Kaiba brother was to see if they could find out more about Jaden’s history but, now he understood his friend’s desperation to do so. These night terrors were unbearable to witness. The absolute terror that Jaden experienced from them was heartbreaking and to see it night after night had to wreak his friend.
They sat there for a while, Joey gently soothing Jaden as the boy cried. At some point Mokuba had left and returned with a glass of water for the boy. The three of them were sitting quietly as Jaden was exhausted but unable to sleep, when Mokuba’s tablet started going haywire.
He ran and grabbed it before freezing. He dropped the tablet and ran out of the room.
“Whats wrong?” Joey called as he started to stand, Jaden still in his arms, to follow.
“It’s Seto’s vital’s! It’s stopped sending a signal!” Mokuba yelled in return, not stopping to see if Joey was following.
“What!” Joey shouted as he took off after the young tech wiz. “Now’s not the time to die rich boy.” He muttered under his breath as he ran to catch up with Mokuba. His head spinning with question. What happened to Kaiba? And would it happen to Yugi?
The little creatures that come over to Jaden are Chrysalis Chicky, Dolphin, Larva, Mole, Pantail, and Pinny. The baby versions of Jaden’s Neospacians. And the. The boy in white armor is Neos Alius which is basically a kid Neos. I wanted the Neo spacians to be protecting Jaden in his dreams but to also be kids and playmates for their young king.
Also Yubel can’t be destroyed in battle but can destroy the monster that attacks them? I know they reflect the damage to the opponent so that’s why they can’t defeat them.
Hopefully my vision came through.
Guys we are almost done with our frist arc!!!
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gx-gameon · 5 days
Jaden’s first day at duel academy. Also know as the day Seto Kaiba realized how incompetent his staff is.
Jaden’s first day is great for him!
He meets his new roommates Syrus and Chumley.
He’s got a sick dorm.
Met Bastion, Chazz and Alexis
Had a great dinner!
Dueled Chazz for the first time (and he was going to win! If it wasn’t for stupid security)
All in all a great day
Jaden’s first day at duel academy is awful for Seto Kaiba
Jaden has been sending them pictures all day.
At first everything seems normal. Red uniform. Okay Slifer red is the 1st year dorm so that makes sense.
Except then Jaden sends them a picture of the dorms, which is a run down little shack. And he’s all excited “it’s a long walk but the view is gorgeous!” He sends with a picture of the outside of the dorms. Which has Seto wondering if the boy is messing with them.
Then Jaden send the picture of his room. “It’s a great pad for my first year! I’m so excited!” Seto take one look at the run down room and is ready to fly to the academy because he KNOWS has gave them more than enough money to make three premier dorms that the fanciest resorts in the world couldn’t match. So why what the 1st year dorm so run down and cramped?
New text from Jaden “I met both of my roommates! They are awesome!” Yugi (who bless him is asking Jaden questions and responding with enthusiasm because lord knows Seto has not replied to anything yet because of the mental gymnastics he’s doing trying to figure out what is happening at his school!) “that’s great! Tell us about them!” Jaden: “Syrus is a 1st year like me and Chunley is a 3rd year.”
Seto ‘I beg you the biggest pardon’ Kaiba is finally in this conversation: “you’re rooming with a 3rd year?” Something is not right here! He already knew that but obelisk is the 3rd year dorm so why is there a 3rd year in the slicer dorm. “Why isn’t he in the obelisk dorm with the other 3rd years?” Kaiba is staying as calm as possible but the man is close to blowing a gasket.
“3rd year dorms? Obelisk? That’s not what Chumley said.” And then Jaden, bless his airhead heart, makes the truly terrible decision to tell his Oto-san verbatim what Chumley told him about the rank system.
The blues are the top of the school some are there because of their grades others because of connections.
The yellows are mostly younger students with lots of potential
And there are the red wonders, as in I wonder how they ever got here.
And Jaden is laughing and talking about how he’s sure to be an obelisk in no time. But Seto is fuming. His son! Talentless? Um did they not see his entrance exam where he defeated one of the head professors when they were using their PERSONAL deck. This is unacceptable! Screw no one knowing Jaden’s identity, he can come up with some lie. Some connection between them to move Jaden up. But also what the heck are the people running his school doing? Making a rank system like this. Yes it was his idea to rank the students a reward them, but he didn’t mean with livable conditions! Also how was Jaden not an Obelisk already? Or at least Ra if his test score was to low. Kaiba’s blaming Crowler (he’s right)
The only thing that stops Seto from getting in the jet and flying to the school is a phone call from Yugi. Who is also upset but knows how important it is to Jaden that no one at that school knows about their connection to him, and how genuinely excited Jaden is about all of this. “We wait it out Seto. We can’t go now. But a surprise inspection in a few weeks might not hurt.” And truly Yugi is the best Husband Seto could have. He’s calm, thinks things through, is rational while also plotting seven moves ahead. Seto would propose again if he could.
Then Jadne sends them a picture of the dueling arena “look how cool! You really out did yourself with this one Oto-san! But apparently it’s only for the Obelisk kids to use.” Seto’s ready to storm the school again. Yugi (who has made his way to the office and is sitting next to Seto at this point to try and curb his husband’s rage while also minding his own anxiety and nerves over Jaden being away. “Is there a Slifer only dueling arena?” There had to be. If there wasn’t Seto would have one built and Yugi wouldn’t stop him. If the school was actively with holding facilities from certain student then they would have to step in. “Great idea Dad I’ll go look after dinner!”
Dinner is its own affair. Jaden snaps them a picture is his welcome meal: rice and sardines. And I can’t stress enough how excited this kid is. “Diner was delicious. Professor Banner is a great cook! And he’s super nice!” Seto’s head is in his hands at this point. He loves his son’s endless optimism but please Jaden be upset about something! Yugi just responds with “I’m glad you like your professor!” He’s so stressed out. He’s trying to stay positive with Jaden but he can see his husband’s fury and he’s mad too. But he’s not going to ruin Jaden’s day with his own feelings.
The phone goes quiet for a while. They think Jaden’s gone to sleep and they head home. They are discussing everything with Mokuba and Atem at the manor. (Maybe Joey video calls in to check on how his littlest buddies first day was. Jaden was probably texting him all day to. So he already know Seto head is ready to spin 360 degrees and chase his staff around with his Blue Eyes. He’s on video call for the drama!)
Until Jaden calls Yugi. “I just had my first duel!” And Jaden tells them all about his duel with Chazz. How he stole Jaden’s Flame Wingedman and used it against him. How Jaden took Wingman back. How he had just drawn monster reborn and was going to win when campus security arrived and they had to run. Apparently his opponent hadn’t told Jaden about the no after hours dueling rule when he challenged him.
They are all proud of how Jaden handled himself. Though Atem isn’t happy there was an ante on the duel (he hates betting his cards on the outcome) and Seto is still mad about… everything. Jadne ends the call with “today was a really great day! I’m so glad I get to go here! Thanks for trusting me with this. Love you!” And now how can Seto take any action against the school when Jaden is happy? Oh he has so many plans, Mokuba is scheming with him. But not yet. Not while Jaden’s happy.
But the moment Jaden’s not happy Seto’s firing half the staff.
Any way my Yugi raise Jaden Au ahas made rewatching Gx hilarious for me. Cause I’m just picturing Seto being enraged with every update Jaden sends and it’s making me cackle.
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gx-gameon · 6 days
I’m rewatching the first episode of Gx, and thinking about my Yugi raises Jaden au.
Jaden is running obscenely late. Seto left early to make sure today runs smoothly. His son is testing today. The security needs to be tight. Even if the no one knows who Jaden is Seto wants today to run perfectly. Yugi goes with him wanting to make sure Seto doesn’t fire anyone and to meet up with the rest of their friend group. They have a private suit to watch the entrance exams. Seto watches every year, though the whole staff isn’t aware of that. (Crowler is not aware of that)
But no one woke Jaden up. To be fair the boy has his own alarms and no one thought he’d sleep through them.
Yugi went outside to wait for Jaden before the exam started. He has a card he wants to give Jaden, a good luck gift. A card he knows is meant for Jaden.
But Jaden doesn’t show on time. Yugi sends a call to the staff to see if Jaden is up. Cue a panic Jaden running for it.
He crashes into Yugi on the way and gets Winged Kuriboh and the two rush him to his entrance exam, Yugi breaking away before they reach the entrance. He calls Seto to tell him Jaden is running late.
Seto hears the announcement for the last duel to take place and it’s not Jaden. The boy is late. An oversite on his part. He should have made sure Jaden was up before he and Yugi left, or sent one of their friends to do so (Joey most likely)
Crowler is closing the exams when he gets a call. It’s not from Sheppard who he gets a call from but Seto Kaiba himself. Telling him to make sure no oversite happen like last year. (He knows the man has a habit of cutting students for small offenses)
This saves Jaden from being cute for tardiness but not from Crowlers pettiness.
Yugi arrives at the suit just in time to hear Jaden to be called to duel. He made it just in time to watch his son duel.
He also made it just in time to stop Seto from breaking the glass separating them from the rest of the audience when Seto realized who Jaden’s dueling instructor was. Seto is furious. The whole point for keeping Jaden’s identity a secret is so he wouldn’t get special treatment from the staff. He didn’t realize that the consequences would be the staff taking out their pretty pride on his son!
Yugi calms him for all of a minute. “I’m sure he’s not using his real deck. Jaden is an amazing duelist, he’ll win I’m sure of it!” The two of them sit down. The duel starts and Jaden gets Avian out and a face down, it’s a good start for him, not the greatest but good.
Then crowlers turn comes and he is obviously playing his deck. Seto is right back on his feet and he’s not the only one as Mokuba, Joey, and Tristian are up in arms to. Yugi, Atem and Téa are telling them to calm down when Crowler sacrifices his two trap monsters to summon Ancient Gear Golem.
And now Atem wants to fight him to. He knows Jaden is a great duelist but this is just unfair. Crowler is using his elite level deck against Jaden. Sure Atem, Yugi, Seto, and Joey could beat it but Jaden was only 14. While he could beat it he shouldn’t have to. No other student had to take on a challenge like this.
It’s not the fact that Jaden is facing a strong deck that’s upsetting them. They know Jaden’s thrilled about this. They know he can win. But it’s the injustice of it! The fact this adult is punishing Jaden for being late by trying to make him fail his entrance exam. If every other student had to fight against a deck of this caliber then that’s one thing. But that’s not what happened. Jaden is being singled out. That’s what they are mad about.
But Jaden is laughing and it makes them all pause long enough for Yugi and Téa to force them all into their seats and let Jaden fight his own battle.
And Jaden fights beautifully.
He gets Winged Kuriboh out to buy time. Then in his next turn he is able to get Flamed Winged Man out on the field along with Skyscraper to win the duel. Jaden just beat on of the top professors, who was using his personal deck, during his entrance exam.
Yugi is so proud. The whole group is celebrating. Seto is proud but him and Mokuba are quietly planning to fire Crowler for his behavior. Also he lost to an enternce applicant when using his personal deck, obviously he’s not at the caliber he should be. Never mind it was Jaden who’s been dueling against the King of Games, the Pharaoh of the Shadow Game, Seto Kaiba, and Jumping Joey Wheeler for the past ten years. He’s not exactly a normal applicant. But Crowler and the school don’t need to know that.
The only thing that saves Crowler’s job is Jaden excitedly texting. “Did you see me? I won!”
Yugi responds “of course buddy! You were amazing!”
Seto is about to respond when Jaden types back “thanks Dad! It was so much fun! I really like that Crowler guy! He was so fun to duel against! It’s been a long time since I’ve had that much fun while learning! I can’t wait to be in his class and learn more!”
As Seto realizes he can’t fire the guy, yet. Jaden likes him and want to be ‘challenged’ more. Jaden didn’t even realize that he’d been singled out. He had a great time. He likes his teacher. And Seto isn’t about to upset his boy by firing the first teacher he’s liked in years.
Oh he’ll fire the man one day. But he needs a better reason than Jaden’s exam. A reason that will have Jaden upset at Crowler and not Seto for over reacting. Seto is a patient man. He knows Crowler will mess up sooner or later.
(Little did Seto know that not only would Crowler remain for Jaden’s whole run at Duel Academy, but would become his son’s favorite teacher and the only teacher in many situation that tried to protect his kid and his classmates)
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gx-gameon · 6 days
I did it! I posted the 1st official chapter of the Yugi raises Jaden!!!
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gx-gameon · 7 days
Sorry my life has been crazy.
But here’s what’s coming for my Yugi adopts Jaden au.
Chapter 1 is officially written and will be edited soon.
Chapter 2 is half way don and might be slept in half.
Everything up until part 10 just needs to be edited and posted. It should be a smooth process (once I have time) and the story will all be in in place.
Most of you still wanted your updates here so I’ll keep posting new chapters here as well.
Here’s what’s coming up!
Part 11 we get a look at Jaden’s dream landscape.
Part 12 back to the afterlife and the race home.
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gx-gameon · 7 days
Yugi raising Jaden Part 10
First - previous - next
Joey and Jaden and dueled for quite a bit. They were quick rounds. In the beginning Joey had planned to go easy on the kid, but quickly found that Jaden could hold his own quite well. Joey wasn’t going full out but he was putting more effort into his moves than he thought he would.
He had never seen Jaden duel before. Yugi said the kid was good, but this is a little ridiculous. If the kid had cards that matched better and thought his moves out a little more he might be able to give Joey a run for his money.
It didn’t help that Mokuba was cheering Jaden on while booing Joey.
“And now my Flame Swordsman attacks your monster and takes the rest of your life points.” Joey said as he won their duel.
“Booooooo.” Mokuba called. He had seated himself besides their playing mate allowing him to see both the game and the screen showing Yugi and Seto’s vitals.
Joey pointed at Mokuba with far too much energy for this time at night. “Will you stop booing me. I’m just playing the game!”
“Well you could let Jaden win one.” Mokuba shot back. And to be honest Joey could have, he had tried but Jaden always tilted his head and asked why Joey did that whenever he made a purposely bad play. The kid loved to duel even if it meant he lost. But Joey did want the kid to win… when this was all over and Yugi was back, Joey would have to make a deck full of his weaker cards to duel Jaden. Still make it a challenge but something the kid could beat. He was only four after all. He was a great duelist for his age, but he couldn’t keep up with Joey’s real deck.
“It’s okay Mokuba.” Jaden responded in a sleepy voice, reaching up to rub his eye. “I’m having a lot of,” he got cut off by his own yawn, “fun.”
Joey took a look at the adorably sleepy little boy before him and smiled. “Alright buddy I think it’s time for bed.” He had expected acceptance or weak protest.
What he received was wide eye panic as the little boy looked up at him in fear. “Noooo no I can’t go to sleep.” The little boy rapidly shook his head before turning his eyes to the monitor “d-Yugi’s not back yet.” The boy said as he vigilantly watch Yugi’s monitor.
Joey followed the path of the boy’s eyes and found what he was looking at. He blew out a sigh, while he was also anxious for Yugi to return he had promised to take care of Jaden. Letting the kid stay up until Yugi came home or he crashed doesn’t feel like taking care of the boy.
“I know Jay. But you still need to get some sleep. I promise if Yugi comes back while we sleep someone will tell us. Right Mokuba?” Joey tried to reassure the boy it was okay to leave the room, turning to Mokuba for support.
“That’s right. I have all the alerts tied to my phone. I’ll know the exact moment the pods return and I’ll make sure to come get you.” Mokuba tried to reassure the boy as well. He understood where the kid was coming from. He hadn’t slept well in a month.
“No you don’t understand I can’t sleep.” Jaden responded shaking his head. His little hands raising to grip onto his hair. “I can’t sleep.” His little voice trembled out.
Understanding hit Joey as he recalled something Yugi had told him. “Hey Jayden?” He said as he moved the play mat and their cards out from between them and scooted across the distance to the boy. “Does this have anything to do with your nightmares?”
Jaden looked up at him with wide wet eyes and a wobbly lip, before nodding his head. “I can’t sleep.”
“Oh buddy.” Joey said as he opened is arms in incantation. One Jaden quickly took as he climbed into Joey’s lap and wrapping his little arms around the older duelist. Joey wrapped his arms around the kid and held him tight. “It’ll will be alright. Hey you still got that card Yug gave you?”
The little boy in his arms let go for a second to reach into his deck box. He pulled out the Silent Magician and showed it to Joey. “There she is.” Joey smiled at the boy and Jaden returned to snuggling into the duelist. Shifting his body to sit sideways in Joey’s lap. His head resting against Joey’s collar bone and his hands cradling the Silent Magician close. Joey wrapped his arms around the boy holding him close.
“You know that card is close to Yugi. He used it in his final duel against our friend Atem.” Joey explained to the boy in his arms. Jaden tilled his head back to look up at Joey.
“The one they went to see? The one in the afterlife?” Jaden asked looking up at Joey with wide brown eyes.
“That’s the one.” Joey smiled warmly down at the boy. “You know Yug loves you a lot. I know you’re scared but he’s coming back, and you’re not alone. Yug left you one of his best monsters to protect you.” Jaden looked down in the card with understanding. Joey smirked before continuing. “And you’ve got me.” He then started tickling the boys sides drawling out sharp laughter. “Uncle Joey’s here. Nothings going to hurt my littlest buddy. Not while I’m here to protect you.”
Jaden was breathless with laughter. “Uncle Joey stop!” He said as he tried to roll out of Joey’s lap.
Joey froze for a moment. It was the first time Jaden had called him by that title. He had declared himself uncle quite a few times but it was the first time Jaden had acknowledged the title.
It was just long enough for Jaden to escape his grasp, the little boy flopping into the floor in front of the older duelist. He laid there for a second getting the air back into his lungs before starting to crawl away.
Joey’s brain finally kicked back in as he reached forward and snapped the little boy back up into his arms holding him tight. “Oh now I’m never letting you go.” He cried as Jaden squealed and kicked his feet.
“So, who’s going to protect him from ‘Uncle Joey’” Mokuba teased watching the scene. Again his heart panted with longing. It had been him and Seto for so long. They had never had the playful uncle or loving father to run to. He wouldn’t trade Seto for anything, but he wished they had this.
Jaden snapped him out of his thoughts as he reached for him. “Mokuba! Help!” He reached his little hand out reaching for Mokuba as Joey held him tight.
Mokuba smirked. Oh he’d help alright. “I’m coming!” He called dramatically as he moved from a seated position to a crouched position. With a roar he launched himself at the two talking them to the ground. Joey fell back with an oof, Jaden was swished between them.
Mokuba was laughing, Joey and Jaden joining in, until Jaden spoke. “Not like that Moki.” Mokuba froze for a moment. Thats what Seto used to call him. Before Gozaburo came into their lives. Before Seto grew up to take care of both of them. A nickname he had longed for ever since it disappeared.
Mokuba didn’t know how to respond. Joey must have noticed Mokuba’s frozen state as his hand reach up to run through the younger’s hair. Mokuba dragged his eyes to meet Joey’s as the blond just smiled back. “There’s no escape now. You’re trapped between Uncle Joey and Uncle Moki.”
Mokuba could feel tears form but he refused to let them fall. Here he was longing for the family that Jaden had that he missed that he could be, no that he was apart of it. He already had what he wanted. Joey, Yugi, Jaden, and the others. They could be family too. Seto wouldn’t like it, well he wouldn’t like calling Joey family, but they had people to lean on.
“Alright.” Mokuba said as he pushed himself up. “There’s an apartment in the floor below. We can stay there that way we don’t have to be too far.”
“I thought this was a place of business? Why is there an apartment here?” Joey asked as he pulled himself into a seated position. Jaden was still cradled in his arms sleep once again catching up to the boy.
“Sometimes Seto needs to pull weird hours to communicate with our partners in America. Or he wants to be on hand in case of emergencies during a new launch. It’s beneficial to have a place to sleep here at times.” His brother was also a workaholic who needed to be bullied into sleep. It was easier to sell the idea if he could stay close to his projects.
“Sounds good to me. What do you think Jay?” Janey asked looking down at the little boy in his arms only to see that the kid had finally lost his battle with sleep. “I think that’s a yes.” Joey said softly with a warm smile. Then he turned back to Mokuba. “Lead the way.”
Mokuba stood up and moved to help Joey, but the older boy stood up easily while balancing the little one in his arms. He used to carry Serenity when they were young, and Yugi had fallen asleep plenty of times when they hung out. He’s used to having to stand while holding someone precious close to him.
The three made their way to the elevator unaware of the presence reaching out to their youngest.
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gx-gameon · 11 days
DM power point party
My friends and I have done one to many power point parties recently. (An excellent time highly recommend)
But it got me thinking about the DM crew and what they would do for a power point party. Because all it is is info dumping about whatever you want.
Téa: different styles of dance and why you should learn.
Complete with demonstrations.
She makes them all try at least one dance move.
Tristan: which duel monsters I could beat in a fist fight.
He goes hard.
It’s a complete guide of the monsters attack and defense points, as well as any flavor text.
He then says if he would fight them or not “I wouldn’t fight Dark Magician because he’s Yugi’s ace and he wouldn’t fight me, Battle Ox on the other hand is Kaiba’s monster and I’m punching it in the face.”
He tends to states if he could win or not. Some of them are wild over estimations of his own strength but it’s all in good fun.
Yugi: the game I think represents each of you best.
He’s gone through and matched their personalities with different board games.
Some are based on the way they think. Kaiba is strategic so he would get get chess (he would also be low key upset if he didn’t get chess or Duel monsters) although you could also give him a resource management game like Catan, I’d be scared to play Catan with Kaiba
Others are based on vibe alone.
Téa gets a corporative game where the players have to work together to win (something like Magic Maze; a great game!)
Joey would probably also get a team game or a corporative game. He is competitive but he also loves his friends and is very loyal.
This maybe a creative ploy to try and get the others to play more board games with him (as some one who loves board games I approve)
Joey: ranking all the people I’ve dueled by how much they annoy me.
He’s poking fun at everyone. It’s light hearted for the most part, and is not based on any skill.
It’s mostly so he poke fun at Rex, Wevil, and Kaiba who is not impressed.
Joey ranks them from most annoying to least annoying.
Mai takes third. She’s his friend but she can drive him mad in a duel.
“Second is the Pharaoh, you’re always respectful and dramatic but there is one person better than you” Yugi is siting their confused because who’s better thank the Pharaoh but Yami/Atem already knows the answer
The winner is a Yugi his best friend and least annoying person. “Yug’s the best person to duel and my favorite buddy.”
Yami/Atem: Which duel monsters card represent you all best
He knows exactly which monster is their spirit card
He might give 3 option and let them pick their favorite.
He knows what their soul card is but it’s fun for him to give them the option to pick and watch them pick their soul card every time.
Other ideas for Atem
Why I love all of you
Very sweet, thank you Atem.
Yugi would do this to.
modern day things that still confuse me.
It’s actually really fun as he puts things on the screen to tell his friends what he first thought each item was/did
Alternatively if this is after he has his memories “things that would send my Egyptian friends into a coma.”
But it’s Grandpa who’s gets everyone.
He video calls Prof Hawkins in. The Professor was more than happy to do a short power point about his research.
He finishes and asks Solomon what his presentation is. He’s expecting his old friend to do something about games
Solomon smirks as he opens his slides
Why my grandchildren are better than yours
Grandchildren? Let him explain
The next slide is a picture of Yugi “my grandson, the King of Games”
The next slide a picture of Yami/Atem “my other grandson, he was once the Pharaoh of Egypt.”
Atem is greatly touched by the sentiment, but it’s the next slide that gets everyone.
The next slide is a picture of Joey, Téa and Tristian “my adopted grandchildren, Joey is a world class duelist I should know I taught him myself! Téa is going to be a world renowned dancer! And Tristian is an incredible mechanic and sharp shooter (according to the manga) I’m so proud of them.”
The whole group is shocked. Solomon goes along with his presentation, it’s just him boasting about all of their accomplishments to Arthur.
Joey is in tears by the end. “You think of me as your grandson?”
Yugi just smiles at him “of course he does, you’re family.”
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gx-gameon · 13 days
Have you seen the scene in Ted Lasso where Roy and Keeley go in their first date? Because that is Yugi and Seto’s first date.
Yugi and Seto are out in their first date
Yugi: “I know we wanted to take this slow but can I kiss you?”
Seto is all for it as he leans down to kiss Yugi only for several camera flashes to go off. They look up to see a paparazzi camera man taking their picture over and over. It is a big deal after all, the King of Games and the CEO of Kaiba Corp kissing in public.
Yugi is horrified, but Seto is enraged. He stalks over to the camera man: “don’t you know you’re suppose to ask before taking something?” He asks as he gabs the guys camera. “For example, can I take this?” He asks holding up the camera’s memory chip he just pulled out.
“No” the camera man yells angrily.
“Well too bad I’m taking it.” Seto says as he walks back to Yugi and hands him the memory chip “here I got you pictures of our first date.”
This is just very Seto Kaiba to me for some reason.
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gx-gameon · 16 days
I’m in season 5 of Yugioh Duel Monsters and I just finished the KC Grand Prix arc. The one with Zigfried. 
(And oh boy you can tell where all the animation budget went for this season. Because I remember the memory arch looking crisp but the Grand Prix and the Capsule monster arcs look so bad it’s laughable. I’m not mad the memory arch should get all the good animation. It’s just a shock how different it looks from the rest of the season)
But that’s besides the point.
I was thinking about my Yugi raise Jaden au while I watched it and it got me thinking about some little adventures I could have with the Gx cast.
Cause Zigfried hates Kaiba and while his little brother is willing to move on from the rivalry with Kaiba Corp I can’t see Zigfried moving on.
And here’s the thing everyone knows Yugi has a son. And everyone knows Kaiba and Yugi got hitched, making that kid Kaiba’s son to. But Yugi is very serious about Jaden’s privacy and having as normal a childhood as he can and Seto protects his loved ones fiercely so no one knows that son is Jaden right.
But Zigfried is a smart man. Kaiba has a son. Kaiba opens Duel Academy. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that Kaiba’s son will probably attend Duel Academy (its a popular guessing game with the kids trying to guess which of their classmates is the duel prince)
Zigfried still wants to ruin Kaiba Corp and what better way than going after Kaiba’s kid. But he knows Kaiba is protective of his kid. So he needs a way to lure the kid out.
So he hosts his own tournament and invites the duel academies to send their best (there is no way the son of Yugi Mouto and Seto Kaiba is not one of the best) he’s using this to narrow down his search options and then plans to hack into the kid’s files.
Kaiba finds out about this and he can’t stop the academy’s from accepting without looking like he’s taking opportunities from students for “selfish petty reasons” but he can ban Jaden from participating. Jaden’s bumbed but he understands when Seto and Yugi tell him about what Zigfried did the last time.
He loves dueling but he’d like to keep his secret a bit longer, so he ops out. (Now if this is season 4 which is where I would put it it’s easy for him to play off, but anything earlier then that and his friends think he’s dying)
Crowler and Sheppard are freaking out because Jaden is one of the best chances they have for Duel Academy to win and Kaiba has sent out memos to all of his schools talking about giving money to whichever school the winner attends (he doesn’t want Jaden dueling but one of ‘his students’ are winning this tournament or all these schools are disgraces)
Jaden still tags along to watch. He’s just a student cheering on his friends, in actuality he is spying for his Oto-san to see if he can see anything funny going on.
The DM crew is there, Zigfried wants them there when he exposes the duel prince to the world. But they are trying hard to not be around Jaden so they don’t give away his identity.
Since this is post season three you can have Jesse, Jim, and Axel there to represent their schools. Jaden probably hangs out with Jesse. All of his friends are dueling but Jesse knows who he is he can tell Jesse the real reason he’s not dueling in the tournament.
This can lead to some fun shenanigans as Zigfried tries to figure out which duelist is Yugi/Seto’s son while not having any clue Jaden exists since he’s not dueling. You can have him accuse Jesse or Chazz of being the duel prince which has Seto laughing in his face.
This is a rough idea right now. I have to think more on it when I’m not so tired but I think it has potential.
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gx-gameon · 18 days
I just finished the ‘walk the dragon’ arc in DM and it’s always a wild ride. But it also really drives home the fact that the Gx friend group is just not the same as the DM friend group.
Atem makes a mistake. He lets his darkness win. He loses and has to face the consequences of his action.
Except the consequence isn’t that his soul gets removed, what he thought would happen, but instead that he lost Yugi. His most loyal friend. And this was Yugi’s choice. He chose to step in and take this blow for the pharaoh. He believed in him so much that even though Atem didn’t listen to him and caused one of their souls to me forfeited he still believed in the Pharaoh.
Showcased even more in their duel in the valley of spirits. Yugi through that whole duel is trying to help the Pharaoh face the darkness in his heart and over come it. He’s acting like he’s furious with the Pharaoh, emotions that the Pharaoh thinks he deserves. But is actuality he’s doing all of this to push his friend and make him better.
Even Joey, Tristian, and Téa still trust the Pharaoh. Yes they are upset with him. Joey punching him in the face. And they should be. But they never abandon him. They still believe he’s a good person. In the dub they insist that he was tricked.
Joey spends the whole season trying to get Mai to remember that they are friends and talk her down from her depression spiral/possessed state. He never gave up on here and even convinced Valon there was more to dueling and friendship. Like Joey kills this season.
And when they get Yugi back they are all so excited. Hugging him and telling him how glad they are that he’s back. But the pharaoh steps in once more to fight the leviathan and no one glares at him or tells him to go away now that Yugi’s back.
Every single member of the group still cares for and trust the pharaoh. Yes they had negative emotions towards him and the situation and not all of them were expressed in a healthy way. But they were all still there for him and each other.
And while some blamed him for his choice they could see that he regretted it and forgave him for his actions.
But Gx?
And again maybe I’ll feel different on my rewatch.
But the group doesn’t behave the same way. If Jaden makes a mistake they blame him for it.
I know in the dark world they are under a spell to have their negative feelings amplified but like Jaden’s not even calling the attacks. He got into that duel with only his life on the line. They were added in as a surprise later on.
And again amplified emotions. But those emotions have to exist to be amplified. They already felt that way about him.
I don’t know I just think about how many wild situations the DM crew got into. How many times their lives were in the Pharaoh’s hands. (His duel against Noah in the digital world is a great comparison) And they were always supportive. Trusting Yugi and the pharaoh to get them through.
Let’s compare the duel against Noah. He starts picking off the DM cast one by one. Each turn Yugi/Atem doesn’t beat him he turns one of their friends to stone. The group is watching each of their friends get turned to stone. Joey even watches his precious sister get turned to stone. But he’s never angry at Yugi/Atem. Their anger is directed at Noah. They keep encouraging Yugi/Atem to keep going that even if they all get turned to stone they know he can win. And it’s that friendship that helps him win with all of their souls guiding a card he needed into his hand.
Compare that to the dark world duel in Gx. Just like above the destruction of his friends was added on to the duel later. (Yes the situation is different since when Yugi/Atem won they knew they would be realized from the stone. In Jaden’s duel they died, or so they believed.) but Kadne is doing everything in his power to lose. To make sure his friends get out alive. He’s forced to attack. And his ‘friends’ blame him for everything. Again magic spell, but it’s enhancing emotions that are already there.
I just can’t see the DM crew behaving this way. Yes they wouldn’t want to die and would be devastated over the perceived lose of any of their friends. But I can’t see them yelling at Yugi/Atem that it’s all his fault. They would blame the villain.
You know who doesn’t blame Jaden? Jim, Axel, And Aster Phoenix. Like two kids who knew him for what? A few weeks? Months at best. And his rival from last year. These people shouldn’t trust Jaden more than his ‘friends’ do and yet they are better friends than the regular crew.
Like could you imagine all of the DM cast blaming Yugi/Atem for the situation and then Kaiba, and two characters that were added that season walk up and super supportive of Atem and help him. Like imagine the Walk the Dragon arc but the crew abandons Atem after he loses Yugi’s soul and Kaiba, Raphael, and Valon start helping Atem over come the darkness in his heart. You can’t that would be wild!
Again maybe I’ll feel different after my Gx rewatch but like they are not the duel monsters crew. Jaden needed better friends.
I don’t hate the Gx characters. I just wished the writers let them do more to support Jaden because they were all pushed to the background in most cases leaving them with the option to support or complain.
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gx-gameon · 19 days
Yugi raises Jaden part 9
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Yugi and Seto took their places in the royal hall. Atem stood to the side close to where Yugi was. He wasn’t going to miss a moment of this duel.
People had started to gather, thinking Atem was dueling once more. They were excited to see their king and their gods fight once more. Yet when the crowd saw that it was Yugi dueling they started to murmur to each other.
Atem smirked. Soon his people will see the wonder that is his aibou.
They had determined that Yugi would start the duel. “Yugi!” Kaiba called. “Once I defeat you, I’ll beat the Pharaoh. You’ll both get to watch as I finally defeat your precious partner.” If Kaiba was anything it was dramatic.
“I’m not going to lose Kaiba. Not when I have a promise to keep.” Yugi had promise Mokuba and Jaden they would be home soon. And he intended to keep that promise.
“Duel!” They cried together in unison.
“I’ll start.” Yugi looked at the five cards in his hand. His eyes landed on one card in particular and knew exactly what he was going to do. “I set one monster face down, and I set one card face down. That will end my turn.”
“That’s your turn? You must have a pathetic hand.” Kaiba called. “Let me show you how it’s done! I’ll summon my Battle Ox in attack mode, and set two cards face down.” Yugi knew this combo. One of those cards was probably shrink and the other was Kaiba’s Crush Card trap card. He was trying to destroy Yugi’s deck. “Now go Battle Ox attack his face down monster.”
Battle Ox launched itself forward to attack and Yugi smirked as his face down revealed itself. Elemental Hero Clayman appeared, his 2000 defense easily blocking Axe Raiders 1700 attack.
Kaiba growled as he took the first damage of the duel, a mere 300 points. “That’s not one of your cards.” He observed narrowing his eyes at Yugi wondering what trickery this was. Did Yugi overhaul his deck in the time Kaiba was away?
Atem was also curious. He knew his aibou’s deck better than anyone. And while it wouldn’t surprise him if Yugi change up his deck in his absence, he was surprised by how different the card was.
Yugi smiled at Kaiba, “you’re right it’s not mine. This was a gift from Jaden. He wanted me to have a piece of his deck with me to protect me. And I intend to use it well.” He could see understanding flash across Kaiba’s face. He knew what it meant to receive such a card from a loved one.
Kaiba made a quick note of the monsters attack points. It was a mere 800 meaning the card would be spared from his Crush Cards effects. Good. Wait why was that good? Destroying that card would upset Yugi possibly leading him to make mistakes. He should be trying to destroy it at all cost. And yet…. No he needs to focus. He needs to beat Yugi and then he can defeat the Pharaoh.
“I end my turn.” Kaiba called already starting to plan his next move.
‘Alright’ Yugi thought. ‘If I attack and those face downs are his Crush Card combo then it will destroy my deck. So I need to bait him into attacking me.’ Yugi looked at his hand and knew what to do.
“I play Berry Magician Girl in attack mode.” Yugi played the baby magician as she fluttered on to the field. “Her special effect activates allowing me to add one Magician Girl from my deck to my hand.” Yugi added Kiwi Magician Girl to his hand. “I lay one card face down and end my turn.” Yugi says as he played mirror force face down.
“You’re not going to win this duel by playing cautiously.” Kaiba said as he drew his card. “I summon La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp, and I place one card face down. Now attack his Berry Magician Girl.” Kaiba waisted no time going to destroy Yugi’s weak monster.
“Now her special effect activates. When a monster attacks Berry Magician Girl she switches to defense mode and I can special summon a Magician Girl from my deck.” Yugi called as his Berry magician girl flew down to the field with her arms crossed over her chest. “Now come forth my Dark Magician Girl!” Yugi called as the blond spell caster appeared on his side of the field.
The crowd exploded in whispers and the Dark Magician Girl appeared shooting a wink to the crowed. They had never seen anyone besides Atem and Mana summon the spellcaster.
“Ya! That’s my ka Atem!” Mana cheered pumping her fist in the air before grabbing Atem’s arm and pointing at the Dark Magician Girl. “He still uses my Ka!” She was so excited her duel spirit was still helping Atem’s aibou. Atem smiled warmly at his childhood friend before turning his attention back to the duel.
“That’s not going to stop my attack!” Kaiba called as La Jinn attacked Berry Magician Girl. The small magician cried out as she was destroyed. “Now start your turn so I can end you.”
Yugi drew his card and thought of what to do next. Looking at his hand he had Apple Magician Girl and Lemon Magician Girl, he could get them both out on the field in the next move. But Kaiba was right. He wasn’t going to win if he kept playing cautiously. It was time to go on the attack.
“I summon Apple Magician Girl.” The dark haired magician appeared on the field. “Now go dark Magician Girl attack his La Jinn.” And with that the Dark Magician Girl launched her attack.
“Not so fast! I activate my Shrink Magic Card. This card cuts my monsters attack points by half. Now I activate my Crush Card Magic card.” Yugi had been right, Kaiba’s strategy was to destroy his deck. “Now when you destroy my monster any monsters you have with more than 1500 attack points are destroyed. Say goodbye to all the powerful monsters in your deck.” Kaiba laughed. He might have taken 1,100 points of damage but he had this duel in the bag.
Dark Magician Girl shrieked as she was destroyed. Yugi gritted his teeth as he discarded all of his powerful monsters from his deck. ‘Saw that coming.’ “I end my turn.”
“Now it’s my turn!” Kaiba called as he drew his card. “I play cost down. Now I sacrifices my Battle Ox to summon my Blue Eyes White Dragon!” Blue light exploded around Kaiba as his signature dragon swooped down from the sky, her roar echoed around them. “Say good bye to your Apple Magician Girl.”
“I don’t think so!” Yugi calls, “Her special effect activates. When you attack Apple Magician Girl I can summon another Magician Girl from my hand. So come forth Lemon Magician Girl!” The blond magician appeared with a flourish. “And your attack is cut in half.”
“That’s still not enough to keep you magician alive.” Kaiba called as blue eyes attacked.
“Maybe not but this will!” Yugi replied. “Activate trap Mirror Force!”
“No!” Kaiba called as his blue eyes white dragon was destroyed. “If you think you’ve gotten ride of my Blue Eyes you’re wrong. Now go monster reborn.” Kaiba activated his one remaining face down. His Blue Eyes came roaring back to the field. “Now destroy his Lemon Magician Girl!”
Lemons Magician Girl cried out as she was blown away by Blue Eyes. Yugi shouted as the attack landed close to him. These monsters were real and the blast was close. His life points dropped by 2,200 hundred points.
“Yugi! Are you alright!” Atem shouted. He trusted Yugi to win, but these attacks were real and his aibou could get hurt.
Yugi gritted his teeth as he straightened up. “I’m alright.”
“My turn is done. Now take your last move so I can finish you!” Kaiba called. All Yugi had on the field was one 1,200 attack point monster and a 2,000 defend point monster. He had destroyed all of Yugi’s powerful monsters. Yugi couldn’t win.
“My move.” Yugi called as he drew his card. He didn’t have a lot of moves he could make at this moment. But if he knew Kaiba he knew what he’d do next. Try to get his other two Blue Eyes on to the field. “I’ll switch Apple Magician Girl into defense mode and place one monster face down. That ends my turn.”
“That’s about all you can do with the pitiful monsters you have left.” Kaiba called as he drew his next card. “I play Card of Sanctity, now we both draw until we have six cards in our hands, not that it will help you much.” Kaiba drew his cards as did Yugi. Yugi kept a straight face as the card he needed ended up in his hand. Kaiba smirked, “I play polymerization, fusing the Blue Eyes on my field with the two Blue Eyes in my hand. Come forth my ultimate creature Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!”
Two more dragons appeared on Kaiba’s side, but they didn’t stay for long as the three dragons fused together. The resulting three headed dragon roared menacingly at Yugi. “Now attack his face down monster!” Kaiba ordered.
“Not this time!” Yugi called, “I activate my face down, Block attack!” Yugi played the first card he placed face down, stopping Kaiba’s attack in its tracks.
“You can’t stall forever Yugi!” Kaiba called as his dragon landed next to him. “I end my turn.”
“I’m not stalling Kaiba!” Yugi said as he drew his last card. “You’ve actually given me my winning hand. I set four cards face down. And then I activate the spell defuse! Say goodbye to your ultimate dragon!” Yugi called as the fused dragon became three separate beasts once more.
“So what. There is nothing in your deck that can take down one of my dragons let alone all three.” Kaiba shouted as he looked at his three dragons. ‘What was Yugi planning?’
“That’s where you’re wrong! Now I sacrifice my Elemental Hero Clayman,” he had promised himself he would use his son’s card well and he couldn’t wait to tell him that his card helped him defeat Seto Kaiba, “and my Apple Magician Girl to summon my ultimate dragon. Come forth Gandora the Dragon of Destruction!”
The two monsters disappeared in a swirl of smoke. Darkness covered the field but then thousands of red glowing orbs lit the field revealing the body of Gandora. He roared as he entered the field, Kaiba’s blue eyes roaring in response.
“Oh no!” Kaiba realized this was the end.
“And now I pay half of my life points to activate his special ability! Gandora destroys all cards on the field and gets 300 attack points for each card he destroys.” Kaiba’s dragons screeched as they were destroyed. “Between your three dragons, my monster, my 4 spell and trap cards, and your Crush Card that’s 9 cards making Gandora’s attack points 2,700 and since you only have 2,600 life points this duel is over. Now go Gandora! Attack his life points directly!”
Gandora roared as he glowed a bright red, firing its attack at Kaiba. “No!” Kaiba called as his life points dropped to zero. It was over Yugi had won.
“Yugi!” Atem called as he ran forward to pull his aibou into a hug, picking him up and spinning around. He was so proud of his aibou. The crowd started cheering, for Yugi’s victory.
Kaiba kneeled in his spot. He lost. It was over. He couldn’t duel the Pharaoh again. Yet his eyes trailed to Yugi’s smiling face as he laughed while Atem spun him around. Seto hated losing, he couldn’t stand any perceived weakness. And yet looking at Yugi’s joy, this loss didn’t sting as bad.
He was about to stand up and congratulate Yugi on his victory, like the honorable duelist he was, when Mahad returned. “My Pharaoh this is far worse than we thought!”
The joy was instantly sucked from the room. Jaden was in danger.
I tried my best to make this duel like one from the show. I have played duel links for years so I have an idea of how the game should be played. There are some misplays in here but that’s for plot. I did my best to make all the moves legal with the exception of using the anime effect for Card of Sanctity. Hopefully I did a good job!
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gx-gameon · 20 days
I finally have a computer again!!!!
Now I can post on AO3 again!!!
I need to clean up the beginning of my Yugi adopts Jaden au. Flesh out parts 1 and 2 into actual chapters and then edit my rough drafts.
But the question is
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gx-gameon · 21 days
Yugi raised Jaden Part 8
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It had been a few hours since Yugi had arrived at Kaiba Corp with Jaden and Joey. Since Yugi had bid them farewell and left for the afterlife.
Jaden had refused to leave the command room. At first Joey tried to get the kid to leave. Thinking food or dueling might entice the boy. Jaden was interested, but his eyes wouldn’t leave the spot where Yugi’s pod once was. Not until Mokuba asked if he wanted to see the screen that displayed Seto and Yugi’s vitals.
Joey counted it as a win when the little boy moved to see the screen. In all reality he could scoop the kid up and take him from the room but he wasn’t going to do that to the kid. Jaden just wanted to know Yugi was alright, that he was coming back, and if staying here brought him some comfort then that was okay with Joey.
“Hey Jaden,” Joey called to the boy once again and almost danced when the little one turned to look at him this time. Progress! “Do you want to get dinner?” He could see the boy hesitate again looking back at the screen with the vitals. Part of Joey just wanted to give in and sit with the kid and watch Yugi and Kaiba’s vitals until they came home, but he promised Yug he would take care of Jaden and he wasn’t going to let him down! Especially not with something as simple as dinner.
Thankfully Mokuba seemed to agree with him. “I can have them bring dinner to us.” Mokuba offered to Joey. He knew exactly how Jaden had to be feeling because he was just as worried for Seto. But they had to eat.
“That be great Mokuba.” Joey was relieved. That solved one problem. Now they could put off leaving the room until Jaden needs to go to bed. ‘And that will be its own adventure.’ Joey thought. Yugi had told him all about Jaden’s nightmares.
“No problem.” Mokuba smiled at Joey before turning to face Jaden. “What do you want to eat Jaden?” Seto always let him pick the meals when he was upset, so it felt right to let Jaden pick.
The little boy watched the monitors for a second longer before turning his attention to the two older boys in the room. “Fried shrimp.” It was the first bout of excitement they had seen from the boy since Yugi had left.
Mokuba smiled at him. “Okay fried shrimp coming up.” The little boy cheered as Mokuba went to send a dinner order to his staff. Joey decided to try and keep the ball rolling, seeing if they could distract Jaden more.
“Hey bud, now that we’ve got dinner taken care of, do you want to duel?” He watched as Jaden nervously looked back at the vital screen. “We won’t leave the room.” That got Jaden’s attention back. “Matter of fact we can sit so you can still see the screen. I just hate sitting around with nothing to do, plus your decks pretty sweet.” Joey tried every angle he could think of to get the kid to agree. He hated just waiting here when Yugi could be in trouble, and he wasn’t going to let Jaden deal with the same anxiety if he could help it.
Jaden, thankfully, finally lit up and excitedly nodded. “Okay! Let’s get our game on!” The little boy cheered.
Joey cocked his head at the boy while he moved to sit on the floor in front of the vital display screen. “Don’t you mean ‘let’s duel?’” He asked the boy.
Jaden shook his head as he moved to sit opposite of Joey. “That’s what d- Yugi always says when he duels, well everyone says it now, but d- Yugi always seems a little…” the boy paused looking for the right word. “Sad?” That didn’t feel right but Jaden didn’t know any other word to use for it. “When he says it. So I started saying ‘get your game on!’ Because it’s a game and we’re suppose to be having fun.”
And that’s a lot to take in all at once. Joey is processing so many feelings. First, he’s dumb, he can admit that, but he did not miss Jaden’s two almost slips. Thinking back the kid had done it earlier as well when saying bye to Yugi. But that’s not important right now, it is because his best friend is a dad now, but at this moment Joey’s brain is fighting to process several things.
The kid just said that Yugi seemed…Sad? When he dueled? Joey had to pause to think about that for a second. He thought over the recent months and the kid was right Yugi always seemed…down? Melencholy? Whenever he dueled. Ya he’d smile, but it never reached his eyes. Not since Atem. And oh man does Joey feel like a crappy friend now.
And here was Jaden, only four years old, able to see his best friend’s sadness and come up with a way to combat it. Joey had liked the kid before but now he understands why Yugi adores him.
“And what does Yug do when you say that?” He had to ask. He wanted to know more about how his best friend was doing. Jaden smiled at him, so wide he had to close his eyes.
“He laughs.”
Oh ya Joey’s this kid’s number one fan now. Well number two. In all the years they had been friends, he and Yugi have rarely fought, but something tells him Yugi would fight for that title.
“Alright then buddy, let’s get our game on!” Joey cheered as they drew their cards from their decks.
Yugi, Atem, and the others had found their way to a balcony. The chairs were plush and comfortable. Curtains hung from the pillars, able to be untied and closed for privacy, but now were pushed open gently blowing in the breeze, revealing the view from the palace. They were able to see the sprawling land of the afterlife. Egypt at the height of its power and beauty. The sun shining off of golden sand and making the blue river glitter. The town full of souls happily milling about with their loved ones.
Yugi and Atem sat close together. They had missed each other. They were so used to sharing space that siting together had quickly turned to leaning into each other.
Atem was soaking up the affection and attention of his light. How he had missed Yugi. Leaving him had been one of the hardest things he had ever done. While he is not happy with Kaiba and how Yugi got here, he was grateful for this opportunity to be with him again. However short that time may be.
Yugi was just as grateful for this gift. He was still upset about having to leave Jaden, but this time was precious.
Yugi had told them about Jaden. Aknamkanon had asked about everything and anything he could think of about his grandson. From heavy questions about how he was adjusting to living with Yugi, to little things like his favorite food. Yugi happily answered his questions, he loved talking about Jaden.
There were many times since he had met Jaden that he wished he could talk to Atem about him. He’d wish to tell him about Jaden’s strategies, his joy, the way he made Yugi feel like dueling could be fun again. There was never a moment when Yugi had missed Atem more than when he decided to adopt Jaden. Knowing that the person closest to him would never get to meet the amazing little boy he was taking in as his son. To know the two people he loved so much would never know each other.
So this. This opportunity to sit here and tell Atem all about his son, was priceless. He just wished the two could actually meet.
Atem listened attentively. Smiling brightly as Yugi told them more and more about their new family member. Mana would occasionally ask a random question. They were all off the wall, and ridiculous. Things like ‘who would win Jaden or a Nile crocodile?’ To which Atem had looked at her and responded with ‘he’s four!’ But Atem couldn’t be mad at her, not when each one of her questions made Yugi laugh.
Seto had been standing off to the side. Leaning against a pillar and watching over the conversation. He hadn’t interupted or asked any of his own questions. Just observed the interaction and learned. After an hour or two he finally pushed off the wall and approached Yugi.
Yugi turned to look at him as he came over, his amethyst eyes easily tracking Kaiba’s movements. Seto stopped in front of Yugi. The conversation had come to a halted as the others all wondered what it was he wanted to say.
“Yugi go home.” It was such a simple statement but also such a loaded request.
“Kaiba-” Atem started because how could Kaiba tell Yugi to go home when he was the reason Yugi was there in the first place? Atem had tried for a month to get Kaiba to go home, and now when Atem doesn’t want them to leave, Kaiba wants to go.
But Kaiba spoke over Atem. “Your son is waiting for you. There’s no reason to keep him waiting longer.” Kaiba could see that Yugi adored the boy, so why was he still here? He’d already confirmed that Seto was alright, he should head home to his son.”
“Did you forget that the boy is being contacted by a spirit?” Aknamkanon questioned, raising a brow at Kaiba. “Mahad is watching over his son and once he returns he’ll tell us what this threat is. It’s best for Yugi to wait for that information before he returns to your world.” The elder pharaoh’s reasoning was solid, his tone was gentle but firm. He was a man who was not used to being questioned.
Seto was a man who grew up defying men like Aknamkanon. “If there is some interdimensional threat to the boy,” he still refused to call it spirits or magic. He built a machine to get here, this wasn’t magic, these were different dimensions interacting. Not spirits, not magic, he refused that. “Then don’t you think he would feel safest with his father there?” While he had started his statement looking at Aknamkanon he ended it with his eyes locked with Yugi’s
Yugi shifted. While he didn’t want to say goodbye to Atem again, he agreed with Kaiba. Jaden felt safe with him, it’s why when he wakes from one of his nightmares he instantly seeks Yugi out. And as much as Yugi had been enjoying his time here with Atem, he had been restless the whole time thinking about Jaden passing a night without him.
Kaiba could see Yugi’s shift, and if there were two things Seto was incredible at, it was spotting weakness and pressing his advantage. “Go home Yugi.” Then because he had come to the decision to start reaching out to Yugi, to maybe finally accept his hand of friendship, he made an offer. “I’ll stay until Mahad returns, once I defeat the Pharaoh I’ll return, and tell you what he found.”
Seto had miscalculated somewhere because Yugi’s eyes hardened. “And how long will that take? Kaiba you have to go home.” Kaiba started to bristle as Yugi’s question, did he think Seto had no chance of beating Atem? But then Yugi’s eyes softened and his next statement almost calmed Seto’s furry. “Mokuba’s really worried about.” And how dare Yugi use his weak point against him. “We’ll head home together.” Yugi’s tone was firm, yet Seto didn’t feel the same instinctual need to lash against it the way he had with Aknamkanon. “Besides,” Yugi smiled gently at him, “Jaden’s excited to meet you.”
Seto was almost convinced. Mokuba missing him was reason enough to return home. Add in Yugi’s soft smile and the mention of his son’s apparent excitement and Seto was almost ready to turn and lead the way back. (And since when had Yugi held so much sway over him? He’d have to analyze that later) But he was a Kaiba and Kaiba’s don’t lose and they don’t back down.
“I’m sure he is.” He responded with all of his self-importance, “but I have a duel to win.”
Atem had watch the conversation up until now. He trusted Yugi to stand on his own. He knew how strong his aibou was. He knew better than anyone how persuasive Yugi could be. But Kaiba had finally gotten on Atem’s last nerve. How many more loses must Kaiba suffer before he leaves? Yugi, as much as he didn’t want him to, had to return home. And Kaiba’s stubbornness was getting in the way.
“Enough Kaiba.” He pushed into their conversation, Kaiba’s eyes slowly dragged themselves from Yugi to look at him. And Atem noticed that. Noticed the way Kaiba’s eyes had started to linger on Yugi, but he’d couldn’t address that now. “I won’t duel you again.” Atem was going to take away his reason for being here. He had nothing to prove, Kaiba had yet to beat him.
“Why? Are you scared to lose?” Kaiba went back to his default response, anger.
Atem just scoffed. “Yugi needs to return home. And he is not leaving without you. I won’t allow you to delay him.” He threw Kaiba’s own desire for Yugi to return back at him. Kaiba started to grandstand, squaring his shoulders and preparing for one of his over dramatic taunts, and while Atem would normally participate, he wouldn’t today. Not when the perfect idea had just came to him.
“Not at all, though I will offer you a deal.” Atem mused drawling Kaiba’s attention. Atem could see Yugi sit up straight and look at him, his aibou paying rapt attention to what would happen next. “If you win I’ll duel you as many times as you want.”
“Once I beat you we won’t need to duel to again.” Kaiba cut in unaware of the twist in Atem’s plan.
Atem smirked. “But if you lose, you must return home immediately. No demands for a rematch, no delaying.” Atem met Kaiba’s eyes making sure that he was paying attention.
Kaiba huffed, knowing Atem could be as stubborn as himself. If he said this is the last time, then it is. At least until death claimed Seto and they could battle for eternity. But Kaiba didn’t want to wait long to defeat the Pharaoh. “I agree.” Atem smirked at him making Kaiba bristle. He knew that face, it was that face Atem made when he had a game winning card in his hand. “Get up. We’re dueling now.”
Atem all but beamed as he leaned forward in his seat, his eyes locked onto Kaiba, a predator staring down prey. “When did I say that I was your opponent?” He then turned his head away from the flabbergasted Kaiba to lock eyes with Yugi. His partner almost jumped, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Me?” Yugi asked pointing to himself like he couldn’t believe what Atem had just done. Atem just smiled comfortingly at his partner. He had no doubt that Yugi would win.
“I refuse.” Kaiba rejected. He wasn’t here to duel Yugi, he was here to duel the Pharaoh.
Atem tilted his head just enough to catch Kaiba’s eye again. “Then I will not duel you. The only way you get to duel me again is if you beat Yugi.”
“Atem I-” Yugi started to worry. What if he lost. What if Kaiba stayed and he had to return empty handed?
But Atem just smiled at him warmly. “I have complete faith in you Aibou.”
Yugi’s fears instantly eased. He had missed this so much. The comfort that Atem’s confidence could bring.
Kaiba growled as he thought over his options. In actuality he had only dueled Yugi once. Right before he had built the machine that allowed him to travel between dimensions. At the time he had believed that Yugi was nothing more that a vessel for the Pharaoh. Believing that he had no skill, that Atem had always been his true rival. But Yugi had surprised him. Yugi should have won their match if it wasn’t interrupted. And he knew Yugi had bested Atem. Atem would not stop mentioning it anytime that Yugi came up in conversation. Kaiba had never seen anyone so pleased to have lost a match.
While he knew that Yugi was talented, and could probably give Seto a similar challenge to that of the Pharaoh, he could duel Yugi any time he wanted. He wasn’t here for that.
And yet as Yugi turned to face him with confidence in his eyes, Kaiba would be lying if he said he didn’t want to rise to the challenge.
“Alright. But when I win,” he pointed at Yugi, “Yugi goes home,” then he moved to point at Atem “and you will duel me until I win.”
“Agreed.” Atem wasn’t worried. Yugi wouldn’t lose. Besides he got the privilege of watching Yugi duel on his own. As much as he desires for Yugi to stay, if he had to leave Atem wanted to see his partner at his best once more.
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