#Yog Sothoth mention
macabrecabra · 9 months
What does yog sothoth watch on the internet?
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It is not for the underlings of Yogsothoth to ask what they do in their dark desires and madness! All there is is fixing the interdimensional wi-fi with great haste!
Yasonog knows well how to be best underling intern slave! No questions, only wi-fi fix!
(And I got an ask answered! once I'm back home, going to try and answer all the others I got hopefully!)
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p0rk-guts · 5 months
Be honest is this embarrassing of me
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droneboi · 4 months
As somone who can barely distinguish between romantic and platonic love, aromantic people are far beyond my comprehension.
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ch6douin · 7 months
> Dᴇᴠᴏᴛɪᴏɴ. — IDV! SELF AWARE AU (5)
THIS IS PART FIVE OF MY IDV!SELF AWARE AU! I love this au but i cannot bring myself to do anything other than brainrot every single day. i would love to hear brainrots, feedbacks or anything related to this au in my askbox, so feel free to mark your presence there.
cw: obsessive behavior; mentions of feeling/being watched; romantic someway; religious behavior; idk what else
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Fiona loved the mystic. That's something not so surprising as she was given the title of a Priestess. She swore upon the Lakeside Village to adore the one and only Yog Sothoth, to be worthy of his blessings.
But she's incapable of escaping from this manor and honoring his name properly, incapable of escaping from you.
She knows you, to a certain extent because of the gossip and whispers around the survivors but you know her all too well, every single flaw and trait. Her devotion to Yog Sothoth didn't budge at that time, since at the end of the day, Fiona did not acknowledge you.
Skepticism could be her middle name, scripted to be deep into her heart, protecting it from any dangers. But you sneaked in, clueless of your effect on her. And so suddenly, her offerings to Yog Sothoth lacked sincerity.
She doesn't want to...be like this, be indecisive, she always criticized one for such weakness. But every time she thinks about choosing between you and the eldritch god, she is sent into a spiral of sentiments and beliefs, and anxiety settles deep within her bones. You're taking up too much space inside her, and she can't do anything besides hope that you give her enough room for breathing.
Yog Sothoth's presence is cold as ice and almost frightening, it is something Fiona thought that she was used to it. But she got way too comfortable with the feeling of your unique presence, safe as the embrace of a lover. It makes her dizzy, her heart is filled with tenderness but her brain tugs on it like a warning. Sometimes, it makes her sick in the stomach to sense that she failed to do something simple as to follow one god.
Little by little, her makeshift shrine with tons of trinkets for the ancient god is emptied. The overwhelming amount of items almost spilling out from the shrine are nowhere to be seen. Her loud murmurs from her requests to "Hastur" that every survivor could hear when passing by her door (which for a curious motive, is filled with thick locks and chains) are nothing now but a faint whisper of your name, so silent and soothing as if she is afraid to startle you or make you annoyed by her wishes. But did you hear her prayers? You must have, she likes to believe you do. That's the only explanation for her wardrobe full of luxurious clothes and accessories, silky materials that she would never even dream about touching.
She dreams of you, every night. It must be because she thinks about you almost all the time, but she fools herself into thinking it's you infesting her dreams despite the mindset being incredibly irrational. And every time you appear, her brain creates an individual that could only be described as breathtaking, because any idea that Fiona had about your appearance however you looked like was nothing short of ethereal, divine. She would kneel and worship you regardless of people's opinions.
The others be damned. They never gave her such a strong feeling.
And may you also give her enough patience to not wrap her fingers around that Mercenary's throat—when he stands with a look of nonchalance and crossed arms as if he didn't fuck up everything. She couldn't care less about the hint of regret in his sharp eyes, and she started blinking fast as if to dissipate the sudden urge to pounce on him. But you wouldn't want that, would you? After all, you graced him with your presence more times than one could count with their hands, even if his mouth was always kept shut, she knows because there was nothing that could justify his fidgety behavior when the subject was you.
"Any explanations for your foul behavior, Mr.Subedar?" Just like him, her arms are folded tightly on her chest as she spits out her words, cutting through the palpable tension in the room. And by the way he looks at her through the corner of his eye, she really has the impression of not even deserving his attention.
"It's simple, I don't trust them." Indeed, a simple and short answer followed by his thick accent doesn't satisfy Fiona that much. But that's just Naib Subedar, the mercenary is always stubborn and will feed you nothing but crumbles of information until you go crazy for good.
"Oh for god's sake. You don't trust anyone, Subedar." She sighs heavily, rubbing her forehead in annoyance. "The day you do, pigs might fly!" The woman walks around the dimly lit room with impatience, and he remains still as a statue. Aside from a twitch of his brows and a brief glare, there is no reaction to her words.
"Who I trust or not is none of your business, Gilman. Just like you being an obsessive freak with this person, if we can even call them that, has nothing to do with me." He is good at pretending to not be fazed as if he didn't experience goosebumps all over his body five minutes ago when he could finally hear your voice clearer than ever. And when the thought of how you looked from the other side of the screen went through his head for a fleeting second, he swears his heart rate did not increase. Why do you have this effect on him? On everyone? You were able to swoon the hearts of even the most reserved men and women in this manor, you even made him feel somehow special initially.
Emma plants flowers that you might like, Frederick and Antonio create tunes and songs inspired by you, Demi has confessed her admiration for you countless times in her drunken state—Hell, Naib is sure that he had a glimpse of Edgar Valden himself stressing over a painting and mumbling how he 'just had to see you in person, his lost muse'.
His thoughts are interrupted by a loud groan. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that for the sake of our partnership." He had hit a nerve, didn't he? It's written all across her face, eyebrows furrowed, lips in a firm line, eyelids twitching...It almost brings a smile to his lips how worked up she got. His eyes trail down to her hands for no particular reason, they are gripping her robe tightly in between her fingers.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night.." His mouth has a small pout of indifference as he shrugs, heavy boots accompany him when he walks away to finally leave and have some rest. There is nothing that he wants more than to forget about all of this for at least a few hours, that is if he doesn't end up having you appear in his dreams and waking up with wide eyes filled with evident embarrassment. Maybe he wasn't so different from the other survivors and hunters...
Twisting the doorknob and looking up through his eyelashes, much to his dismay, a person that he knows all too well stands proud. With his black and white clothes, it's Luca Balsa in the flesh. Even with the shaky postman wiping away his tear-smudged cheeks behind the prisoner's back like a shadow, his toothy grin never faltered. He must be sure of himself if he still remains unperturbed by the problems ahead. Naib steps away to give them enough space to enter the room and then vanishes without a word, not before noticing how the postman's irises followed him till he was no longer within eye's reach. If Naib was able to gain the hate of someone so calm, he indeed might be a jerk.
It doesn't take long for Luca to speak up. "Long short story, an unexpected error happened, and now no one knows how to turn it on without my help?" He's casual with it, maybe overconfident in his abilities as an inventor but some optimism was very much needed right now. After all, he should not disappoint in their pursuit to contact you!
There's a short silence, followed by the loud crack of his knuckles as he takes a long stride towards the machine. "Alright, this might take some time. I recommend for you two to take a break and have a little debate with the others in the main hall. Everyone is starving for good news."
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OBS: When Fiona mentions "luxury clothes" she's referring to the A/S tier costumes from the game.
naib wants u so bad bro 🤨 a lot of characters may appear next chapter but of course half of it may be a little more luca centered, and maybe if i make it long enough we will come back to reader's pov😆
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intuitive-revelations · 2 months
While I've got critiques of a few choices (eg. bigeneration, the Season One reset), one thing I've got to commend RTD for is that the story arc of things getting "more supernatural" / the universe shifting from sci-fi to fantasy is actually a pretty perfect way of continuing the shows overall myth arcs without actually requiring knowing all the backstory.
Not only does this follow on from the Time Lords currently being gone again (which itself was kind of built up from the previous Gallifrey arcs and the Master's character development), but also is more or less exactly what the Ravagers wanted to do in Flux. They wanted to undo the Anchoring of the Thread, recontexualised in terms of the Division's universal interferenc. While time and its laws have somewhat stabilised for now, we are indeed now seeing Rassilon's laws of rationality starting to collapse. I would strongly argue this started even before the 60th anniversary, between the time loop in Eve of the Daleks and the constellations literally rearranging themselves in the sky in Legend of the Sea Devils.
Even outside of the shows main arcs, New Who has already dipped its toes into the concept that there are older creatures which don't necessarily run on science in the same way as everything else, or that are from outside the universe / incompatible with it. Primary examples being the Carrionites, Racnoss, the Beast and Abaddon, Weeping Angels, Solitract, arguably even The Timeless Child. The Dark Times have also been prominantly featured in stuff like the Time Lord Victorious series and Titan Comics.
We've also being seeing entities like Eternals gradually returning (Zellin, Rakaya, maybe Time) who were originally established as leaving the universe in the wake of the Time War in RTD's Series 1 backstory in the DW Annuals. We've even seen quite significant emphasis put on the Sisterhood of Karn and their connection to Gallifrey, something primarily developed in the EU with the Pythia lore, which also links into the likes of the Visionary in The End of Time.
All this being said, none of this backstory is (for now) important for new viewers to know. All they need to know is that Fourteen fucked up in Wild Blue Yonder, and now things which were once outside the universe, like the Toymaker, are starting to leak into it. They don't need to know, for example, that the TARDIS may only have been able to access edge of universe thanks to the scale of the Flux's destruction.
Ultimately this feels a lot like his approach with the Time War. While it was a logical conclusion to the classic series (hence why we get so many time wars / destructions of Gallifrey in the EU), with Genesis, Revelation and Remembrance of the Daleks all particularly serving as build up for a Dalek attack on Gallifrey, and indeed were all included in said prior-mentioned DW Annual articles along with the tension de-escalating 'Act of Master Restitution', none of that was important for new viewers in 2005 to know.
This being said, I do suspect some past context will return in the future, just as it did over New Who. For example, we're bound to be reintroduced to the idea that the Time Lords established rationality in the universe, maybe name-checking the Division as part of their interference. I also stand by my previous theory that we're likely to eventually see Rassilon return after his exile in Hell Bent. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he served as the face of an effort to bring back the Time Lords in some form, opening up questions of their oppressive history (expect the Timeless Child's trauma to be emphasised) and whether the universe is better off without its fantastical elements suppressed, even if this does open the universe up to the dangers he fought like the Vampires, Carrionites, Great Old Ones etc. (Particular emphasis on the last of these, given it's sort of implied the only reason eg. the Great Intelligence isn't a full-power Cthulhu Mythos Yog-Sothoth is because of the Anchoring.) Perhaps the Sisterhood of Karn's newfound influence on Gallifrey in the wake of the Time War and Lungbarrow could play a role here.
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cryptid-artha · 8 months
The God of the Bible is a Lovecraftian Horror
Disclaimer - This is not meant to offend anybody. If you are offended by the idea of this, just scroll past and don’t read it. This was just for fun, and a bunch of observations I have made. This isn't even meant to be taken seriously and is in no way an attack against any religions, Christian or otherwise. People are allowed to interpret Mythology however they want - no Mythology is above this, so I can take Abrahamic mythology and interpret it however I want to. Thank you.
If you aren’t easily offended and want to read something fun, keep reading!
I have come to the conclusion that the God of the Christian Bible is a Lovecraftian Eldritch horror. Here is the proof.
1 - His real name is never mentioned. Yahweh, Jahova, Elohim … these all mean “Lord” or “King” or “God” and are actually just a title. His real name is said to be unknowable, and that no man may utter it. Many of the Lovecraftian names are not really the name of the creatures mentioned, but rather a translation or title. Even the name people commonly know him by, God, is just a title. It simply describes what he is to the people who follow him.
2 - To look upon the face of God was said to cause blindness, death, or possibly insanity. He is said to be incomprehensible and unknowable. Look at what happened to those who touched the Ark of the Covenant, and what happened to them.
3 - People who had close contact with him went crazy. Ever read Revelations with all the crazy creatures and monsters described? It isn't just revelations either, crazy stuff happened surrounding this entity all throughout his book.
4 - There are incredibly loyal followers who continue to believe despite everything that seems to go against logic and reason. They have engaged in animal sacrifice. There is even a major story in their book about a human sacrifice that is at the core of their entire belief system. There was also a story about a man who was willing to sacrifice his own son on a single command. They built great and ancient monuments to him. Some could, arguably, call many of these followers a cult, has been one of the most dangerous and influential groups throughout history, and was part of what brought about the Dark Ages.
5 - There are tales of destruction and horror - about the End Days when he would come back with terrible wrath, and his followers hope for it to happen and even preach on the streets to spread this dark news.
6 - A quote from the bible says that “I thousand years is but a day to the Lord”, showing just how far removed from anything human this entity is.
7 - The Bible mentions how the Sons of God and the Sons of Men interbred… to create Nephilim. They were described as mighty giants… That sure sounds a lot like the Human/Great Old One hybrids from the Dunwich Horror, or the Deep Ones connected to Dagon.
8 - Jesus, who was said to be his son, had strange powers, survived Crucifixion, and vanished, said to have”Ascended into Heaven” - if no body was found, wouldn’t it make sense that he faded away to nothing like Wilbur Whatley did after his death? That adds to the idea that “Jesus” was a hybrid between a human and a Great Old One.
9 - Further on the subject of Jesus, he was said to be his son - but the Angels were also called the Sons of God - does this mean they were the Spawn of a Great Old One? Sure seems like it to me. Their behavior also lines up with this, in how they exist to serve their master and do his bidding.
10 - The Angels were described with inhuman and twisted features - such as one that was literally wheels covered in eyes and wings. Just like creatures spawning from Lovecraftian Horrors.
11 - He draws many parallels to Yog-Sothoth.
This passage about Yog-Sothoth:
“Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth’s fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread.”
“It was an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and self—not merely a thing of one Space-Time continuum, but allied to the ultimate animating essence of existence’s whole unbounded sweep—the last, utter sweep which has no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics alike. It was perhaps that which certain secret cults of earth have whispered of as YOG-SOTHOTH, and which has been a deity under other names; that which the crustaceans of Yoggoth worship as the Beyond-One, and which the vaporous brains of the spiral nebula know by an untranslatable Sign…”
And verses describing God from his book:
Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.“
Revelation 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
God and Yog-Sothoth both come from Arabic origin, so the lore matches up as well.
Yog-Sothoth AND God both impregnated a human woman in their texts.
Yog-Sothoth siring twins, and Mary having a single child.
12 - His followers have their own book like the Necronomicon. It is called the Bible… which translates to simply “The Book”. Like the Necronomicon, the Book is full of dangerous creatures, horrors beyond time, instructions for rituals and laws, and terrible dark tales that would make the sanest man cringe
If you have anything to add, feel free to! Again, no offense or harm is meant. I am not religious, but I have nothing against folks who are as long as they aren't hurting anybody.
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sleepyminty · 4 months
I feel like in the world of HP lovecraft, amongst the big names like cthulhu, azathoth, yog-sothoth and the infamous nyarlathotep.No one even mention Nodens-the Lord of the great abyss. Cuz that dude sole purpose is to piss off Nyarlathotep. He’s a good elder god for this sole reason (even in ancient britain he depicted as a healing god).
Let me explain
As an Elder God. Nodens' behavior is generally quite kind towards humans, but he only acts this way when he is at odds with Nyarlathotep. Of course, because Dream World is a battlefield and Nyarlathotep and Nodens' war is a proxy war. That's when Nyarlathotep tried every way to stop the travelers from searching for the Kadath desert, Nodens was willing to find every way to protect them, that's how he indirectly angered Nyarlathotep without directly confronting him. Nodens' servants are the Nightgaunts. According to some sources in the Canon, Nodens enjoys hunting animals in places like the Underworld, his targets include Shantak, Hunting Horror and moon beasts.
•Proxy war
When humanity began to spread and explore every corner of the Earth. The Great Ones eventually sought new settlements in Dreamland, including the fortress of Kadath. Nodens himself has quite good relationships with the Grand Masters, and he sometimes monitors Kadath's surroundings to prevent humans from threatening them. Nyarlathotep himself is the same, but Nyarlathotep's main job in Dreamland is to enforce the will of the blind fool and the other supreme foreign gods of the center. Filled with vulgar complaints, with the demon king's will, Nyarlathotep wished for the gods of earth to be protected from human encroachment.
In general, the goals of Nyarlathotep and Nodens are the same. But that didn't mean Nodens had to be friendly with the foreign gods, so he continuously committed acts of sabotage against Nyarlathotep at DreamWorld. And Nyarlathotep felt uncomfortable with Nodens, which was quoted by Randolph Carter when he spoke to Nyarlathotep at Kadath. Nodens is considered a counterpart to Nyarlathotep in Lovecraft's works, but he is not friendly towards humans, he only saves them and is kind to them when he wants to oppose Nyarlathotep, inciting the wrath of Nyarlathotep. those who are considered God... an Outer God.
Basically chaotic good vs chaotic evil
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renmorris · 9 months
I guess what I really enjoy about Alone In The Dark 1992 is what it does with it's setting.
Like on a gameplay level I love that this house is a fucked up clown car of monsters trying to kill you. I love that watching it be played is like watching someone get hit with a hundred inflatable mallets. It’s the grandpa of survival horror and it’s utterly charming and cantankerous. Every room you step in tries to kill you.
But on a serious note, as a Lovecraft adaptation? It's surprisingly smart and fresh. You're fed condensed bits of the mythos in the library, you find Nyarlathotep lurking in the diary of a dead man. A lot of the big names are mentioned at least once. Yog Sothoth, Cthulhu. All our pals.
But none of them are actually the bad guy, or really have any real impact on the game. The immediate threat that’s haunting the house. The guy that’s haunting the house is the undying plantation owner who built the thing. This is his house. His evil has utterly tainted the house, long after his death. It ends up being a neat little southern gothic twist on rats in the walls.
And I really hope that the new game doesn’t resort to like. Firing guns at Dagon from a big boat. I hope it stays grounded in Derceto, the legacy of an evil man who did evil things and built an evil house.
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arcane-abomination · 5 months
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This is something that is definitely my UPG. It’s a concept that I just started working with one day and it suits me well, so I thought I would share it. With that being said fill free to use and alter as much as you wish
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What is the Trinity
The Holy Trinity is a concept derived mainly from Hinduism, which Christianity later adopted. Since then many personal pagan practices have had their own variations on a trinity as well. But what exactly is a holy Trinity? Well, It is the concept of three main or primary ruling deity with specific and/or necessary functions they perform or represent. In the reaches of the universe I have come to discover such a trinity within the aspects of Yog Sothothery. Three primary beings that govern the aspects of the physical, the metaphysical, and the balance or interlocking connection between them both
Symbol of the Trinity
The triangle in sacred geometry often symbolizes the course of energy. So it is a perfect symbol to reflect a trinity. Each piece has its place in one of the points, but this placements will change based on the individual. While the top point will always represent the balance and the connection, physical and metaphysical representation will switch between the bottom corners depending on the individual’s dominant hand. As the dominant hand can be seen to have a stronger connection to physical energy since it’s the hand we use the most, making the non dominant hand more connected to the metaphysical realms.
The Physical
The physical piece of this trinity is represented by Shub Niggurath. In the Eldritch pantheon she’s often associated as the representation of chaos in the physical sense. She’s also associated with the earth element and viewed as the primary earth deity.
The Metaphysical
The metaphysical piece of the Trinity is represented by Yog Sothoth. In the Eldritch pantheon he is a deity that acts as the keeper of dimensions as well as a Necromancer. Some of the biggest focuses within the metaphysical realm, if not some of the most important and useful.
The Balance
The final piece of the Trinity goes to Azathoth. As the creator of the all, he maintains the connection between the metaphysical side of things and the physical. As the dreaming creator he’s locked in a liminal space between both other pieces. It matters not if you view him as a blinded god or am aware god, his symbolism will always place him within that connection.
The Daily Prayer
I wrote a daily prayer to be said, utilizing this trinity. It’s not complicated, and serves to ask for guidance and protection as you face the trials of the day. It doesn’t require anything but yourself and can be said fairly quickly after you wake up in the morning.
“Ïa lord Yog Sothoth, the gate to all worlds and harbinger of knowledge, guide me through the trials of this day.
Ïa lady Shub Niggurath, revered mother in this world of uncertainty, protect and watch over me as I navigate the perils this day.
Ïa Creator Azathoth, maker of the All and the forever. Permit me the clarity to balance myself and traverse this day comfortably and efficiently.”
In Conclusion
As I mentioned before this is my UPG. I came to use this idea through my own gnosis and work with the Eldritch forces. It isn’t a concept you HAVE to use in Yog Sothothery, nor do you have to use the specific gods I did. Use whatever gods you feel best fits each spot. Remember, we all use Eldritch magick differently.
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Yog Sothoth
Shub Nigurath
Honorable mentions to Shogoth and Night Gaunt's as my favorite Cthullu Mythos Creatures
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macabrecabra · 7 months
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The King in Yellow, The Unspeakable One
Affiliation: The Court of Yog-Sothoth
A fan favorite makes his debut! Hastur, the King in yellow is finally on the scene at last!
The design for Hastur was taken from the fact he is often shown manipulating artists or involved in the arts, so I felt he fashioned himself after classical Greek statues, wearing a mask to help give the appearance of one who is vain with appearances. Also, has arms for days and can manifest just as many.
The Golden sun of the Court of Yog-Sothoth, the most active and powerful spawn of Yog, Hastur takes immense pride in how he conducts his business and mortal followers, spreading his sign across the universe. Known to be a bit of a show-off, not taking things seriously at times, and obsessed with well...himself, sometimes he can come off as annoying to some of the older horrors out there. Very defensive of his kin though and does not hesitate to throw down with elder gods when he's in a full fury. Just don't mention a certain someone's name or he can get very depressed and upsetti very quick....
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In Dark Fantasies: Why did the Denali hesitate on Heathcliff? I mean I thought they would be all over it right away.
Also I’m gonna take a stab, that Eleazar isn’t thrilled because of pride, and not— like Carlisle suspects— because he’s suddenly become shy and reserved.
(I audibly gasped the minute I read “Denali”, I always try to prepare myself for the worst when reading Muffinelle fics but when the Denali are mentioned it just veers straight into hell, always.)
Dark Fantasies/Writhing Coils by me and @therealvinelle. Also, that note on the Denali being a sign things get worse in our fics is very on point.
You're actually wrong, anon, beautifully it is too spicy for them.
Eleazar talks big game, he considers himself quite worldly, but then he's presented with a tentacle monster and had a horrible moment of "too hentai". Heathcliff is especially too spicy for Yog-Sothoth, only, Eleazar out of pride doesn't want to admit as much because he's supposed to be sexually enlightened.
It's only getting worse as he realizes the Denali are much more okay with it (including Carmen), meaning it's just him having the hang up, making him a Carlisle.
So, he's desperately pretending he's fine while hoping that Heathcliff just goes away so he's not a) outed as a prude (perish the thought) b) doesn't have to interact with Heathcliff at all.
Eleazar is struggling deeply with this.
For the Denali, they're giving Heathcliff a trial run. They're intrigued by the idea of a hot man who they can't injure, who will never leave their hot tub, and who they don't even need to feed.
However, the tentacle thing is weird and Heathcliff kind of sucks at actual sex. It was a big disappointment when they realized he doesn't bother with erections because they just turn into tentacles right away.
The sisters consider him a work in progress but aren't overly thrilled by the tentacles.
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ask-cthulhu-mythos-au · 4 months
Who do you ship Carter with?
Richard Pickman, Harley Warren, Nyarlathotep, Yog-Sothoth or maybe someone else? Or some combination of the above? Or do you think he's aro/ace?
okay hear me out;
I'm more of a Rantep or Richard x Carter shipper, BUT, I've seen ships with Harley and I think it's cute, but I seem them more as friends. Me and Bun (mi amor) think that Carter, Nyar, and Pickman could work as a throuple. I don't really see Carter and Yog-Sothoth because I ship Yog and Lavinia..
I mentioned in a previous post that I had an idea abt shipping Carter and Unnamed Darkness, albeit I never followed through with the video.
As for Carter being AroAce, I see where the ideas comes into play, but also it just doesn't feel all that right.
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Lovecraftian Influence in ORV (part 2):
Disclaimer: idk if all the parallels are intentional; I'm not an expert on Lovecraft; this is defo not going to contain all the stuff in detail or even all the stuff coz like I said, I ain't an expert 1. Textual parallels:
Both ORV & Lovecraftian lore emphasize the cyclical nature of time and existence. In ORV, Dokja's regressions and the ever-repeating scenarios of "Ways of Survival" mirror the cyclical dreams of Azathoth. Similarly, Lovecraft's stories often feature ancient entities trapped in endless cycles of slumber and awakening.
The motif of uncaring gods and the dangers of seeking ultimate knowledge is central to both Lovecraftian mythos and ORV.
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. - H.P. Lovecraft
In the mythos, Yog-Sothoth embodies the totality of time and space, existing outside our linear perception. It has the ability to manipulate time in non-linear ways, creating alternate realities and diverging timelines. Imagine a tapestry of time, and Yog-Sothoth meticulously snipping sections and reconnecting them in impossible geometries, birthing new worlds and realities into existence. Similar is ORV's "square circle". Imagine a perfect circle, representing a closed timeline, yet simultaneously containing its own square corners, moments of choice and potential divergence.
Crawling Chaos(one of the names of Nyarlathotep) is directly mentioned in ORV: (look at the phrasing- myths that were prototype of Ways of Survival)
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Character parallels:
Most Ancient Dream & Azathoth: This one's a no-brainer.
Both are dreaming entities who shape reality without conscious intent- while Azathoth is a blind god who's unconsciously dreaming up the universe & MAD is a traumatized child who's dreaming up stories as a coping mechanism.
The "idiot god" aspect of Azathoth resonates with MAD too. Both are unaware or atleast have a lack of choice/control. Their dreams & reality itself are in a continuous loop
The "uncaring god" aspect of Azathoth resonates with the MAD's desire for new stories rather than any sense of morality or concern for its creations.
2. Nyarlathotep & Secretive Plotter:
Nyarlathotep is said to be the puppet/avatar of Azathoth while YJH/Secretive Plotter is labeled as the puppet of MAD.
Worldline Jumpers
All black ensemble (silly comparison ik)
Mocking contempt for their "masters"
Nyarlathotep views humanity as playthings, pawns in his game. He's often described as a harbinger of apocalypse, acts on an enigmatic agenda seemingly tied to chaos and destruction. While Secretive Plotter's goal was to meet-kill MAD & end the cycle of regressions once & for all through an apocalypse.
3. The Hounds of Tindalos:
The Hounds of Tindalos are creatures created by Frank Belknap Long and later incorporated into the Cthulhu Mythos. Both the names of Hounds of Tindalos & Hounds Chasing After the Abyss have been mentioned in the text. So, it's a direct reference.
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4. Yog-Sothoth the gatekeeper & Fourth Wall+Dokkaebi King
5. Shub-Niggurath & tls123/1863hsy: disclaimer: Lovecraft's work is unfortunately riddled with racist and xenophobic imagery and tropes, particularly regarding Shub-Niggurath.
Shub-Niggurath is said to be the "Mother of All Gods" & we can compare tls123 to her in the same vein as tls123 is the author of TWSA while 1864hsy is the author(or co-author) of ORV. "tls" represents the Korean word for "god" as the keys for T, L, and S correspond to the letters ㅅ, ㅣ, and ㄴ on the Korean keyboard. => tls123 is the author-god of the universe
(tls123 is also kinda similar to Azathoth in having no power over their creations)
6. Randolph Carter & the 0th YJH: Randolph Carter is a recurring character in many stories from Lovecraft's Dream Cycle series. He also features in an unfinished short story called "Azathoth". In Azathoth, Randalph travels through space and time in his dream-form, and is drawn to the nighted throne of the far daemon-sultan Azathoth, the blind idiot god who rules over chaos and creation. Like, Randalph, 0th YJH chooses to regress because he wants to meet MAD
...and that's it for now. I'll add more if I remember. Constructive feedback is welcome but keep in mind: I'm no expert & also a human behind the keyboard.
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gameshow-host-wally · 5 months
Hold on, Hold on. It was briefly mentioned in an ask that you have a onesie. What kinda onesie is it and what does it look like? :0
"Oh my! I have so many I can conjure up! Bunny, Dragon, Hamster, Darkness, Dog, Cat, Yog-Sothoth, The Concept of the Afterlife, so many more that I can choose from! I wear a different one everyday @:D"
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hplovecraftmuseum · 9 months
This book became extremely popular when it first appeared in 1975. Although charged with sex, drugs, and admittedly mostly a work of imaginative fiction, it explored a wide range of conspiracy theories that were popular at the time. Tales Of the Cthulhu Mythos, edited by August Derleth (Arkham House, 1969) is sited briefly in the Appendix. It's interesting that conspiracies to keep the general public ignorant of the gurgling presence of transgallactic alien powers working just below the surface to threaten all humankind are part of the background element in some of HPL's greatest stories. Repeatedly we find individuals and even government organizations working in concert to hide knowledge regarding the Old Ones, Ancient Ones, Outer Ones, etc. etc. No doubt this 'conspiracy' aspect of Lovecraft's works appealed to readers of the 70s. It's interesting that THE FIRST WORLD FANTASY AWARDS convention was held in 1975, the same year this book was published. The W. F. A. convention was attended by some of the most noted scholars, fans, fellow writers, and even some of the surviving members of the origional Lovecraft Circle. The convention was held in Lovecraft's beloved hometown of Providence, RI and was dedicated primarily to Lovecraft himself. The conspiracy element in HPL's fiction was right in line with the generation who had grown up with the Kennedy, and King assassinations, the CIA connection to mind control and secret LSD experiments, and the book, THE CHARIOTS OF THE GODS. The 70s were primed for Lovecraft. I should mention that the names Yog-Sothoth and Abdul Alhazred also appear in this massive trilogy. H. P. Lovecraft himself gets a mention on page 64 of the edition below, however, the narrator is quick to clarify that he is talking about the Psycedelic Rock band by that name and not the writer. Everything and the kitchen sink is thrown into this series. Certainly for anyone who wants an overview of the kaleidoscopic chaos of ideas mashed into the psychedelic era this would be the book to investigate. (Exhibit 403)
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