#Yaban girl
yuli-ban · 1 year
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Edited with NovelAI
Yulaan and Chale Jr Little Miss Savage is more than a bit similar to the Loud House now that I really embrace the fact that I all but stole Lucy's design for Yulaan (though I swear I just like mekakure girls in general). In fact, the more I learn about The Loud House, the more I almost want to reboot that whole concept. The show seems like it was horribly mangled and mismanaged in execution. As of 27 January 2023, Chale has five sisters: Valentina, Ramona, Esmeralda, Freyja, and Sigrun. But he used to have more. I'm on the edge of giving him more sisters as a result. So long as I can easily identify the differences between them, as the sisters Chale has are already pretty definable. Actually, I say that, but I was already committed to giving him at least one more, just so he'd have three older sisters with Hispanic names and three younger sisters with Icelandic names. I suppose the debate I'm having now is if I want him to have six, eight, or ten sisters. Six feels like it's coming up short, but ten feels too on the nose. Plus there's the fact that Little Miss Savage isn't actually supposed to be my take on the Loud House; it's Yulaan's story, not Chale's. Chale is the fun side-story more than anything. Decisions, decisions!
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faintingheroine · 1 year
do you have any beloved books and movies that you don't usually talk about here? i would be curious because i love your taste in books (which i know better than your taste in film)
Thank you! 😊
I am not a big reader tbh, and I generally have posts on books that I consider favorites, but I do have some childhood favorites that I don’t really talk about?
I read a lot and I mean A LOT as a child. One of my favorite authors was Christine Nöstlinger, an Austrian author of children’s books. Some of my favorites by her included (I read them in Turkish translation ofc):
- Das Austauschkind: A book about an evil exchange student making trouble for the protagonist’s family.
- One whose original name I can’t find on Google called “Secret Adventures on a Paper Plane”. It was about a community of children who didn’t grow up so their parents had to take care of them. The main character was 50 and still a child and his elderly parents still took care of him.
- And of course, perhaps my favorite by her, Lillis Supercoup: About a pair of friends called Lilli and Marlen (yes… I understood it only the last year). It is from Marlen’s point of view. Lilli is basically an evil genius? Regina George is quaking. Still one of the best teen dramas in any medium.
- Honorable mention goes to Susie und Peter, a book half told from Susie’s and half from Peter’s perspective. I didn’t actually love it a ton but I respect it because Peter was an unabashedly racist toxic little puke. He was obsessed with being friends with Susie and was racist against Susie’s Turkish best friend Ali and Susie hated Peter. The book’s depiction of Turks was this: In the illustrations they all had black hair unlike the blonde and brown-haired Austrians, Ali had six siblings and his little sister (whose loong voluminous black hair in the illustrations I still remember) did house work day and night. I respect this depiction, it is honest, and Ali is sympathetic and Peter is a little shit.
In short, Christine Nöstlinger is a Great children’s book author who deserves to be more well-known and would be more well-known if she had written in English.
I had a very serious The Catcher in the Rye phase between the ages of 13 and 15. Like I was obsessed with it like I am obsessed with Wuthering Heights and Aşk-ı Memnu. But the obsession suddenly left me and I haven’t read it in eight years.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (which I know I have mentioned before) is one of my favorites from childhood as well. It is the novel that emotionally impacted me the most maybe, and it is also special since it was a childhood favorite of my mother too.
I do like the Turkish novel Üç İstanbul. I also like Yaban, a novel about how evil and stinky Turkish villagers are that still holds up (jk).
I recently reread Kızılcık Dalları for my homework on beslemes in Turkish literature. I wouldn’t call it a favorite but it is a very underrated novel. It is basically a satire about how beslemes (adopted girls used as servants) were abused but it is from the abusive adopted family’s perspective. (The satire completely flew over my head when I read it as a child and I wondered then why the author hated the girl so). The title of the novel literally means “Cranberry Bushes”, meaning the sticks they use to beat her with. It was legitimately hard to read at times, especially the part where they make her eat rotten food. It is a satire but it is not funny.
I like One Hundred Years of Solitude.
I like The Notes from The Underground.
Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie is a murder mystery that actually made me cry. It is my favorite by her despite it being her only novel where I guessed the murderer early on. I am not saying that it is a great novel, it probably is not, it is very much a murder mystery by Agatha Christie, but I would still recommend it.
I liked My Brilliant Friend books which I read thanks to @artemideaddams.
Summer by Edith Wharton (which I mentioned to you) is a new favorite. It IS great. You should read it.
Most of these I have mentioned in some way on this blog, but not frequently.
I would have liked to have a more… substantial, quality list. But I really do not read a lot, which I know is quite shameful for a literature student.
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
What happened yesterday that had you screaming so loud? Were you at an amusement park?
hi yes i was!! ^^ we had a school trip to vialand, which is an extremely nice amusement park and i went on seven different things! some of them twice! all thanks to my classmate who dragged me to them. i'll put this under a readmore for conviniences sake
we first went on this really cool water train! it's called vikingler, here's a youtube video of it<- and double in your mind how fast you think that would feel. the water was very fun but you do have to hold your bag tightly with you
then we went to fatih'in rüyası! it tells the story of how we gained power over istanbul and good god. if only you could have been there! its extremely capsulating and really sucks you in. i never felt as turkish as i did on that ride. it was just me and my classmate too which was really nice! i nearly jumped into her lap when the cannon exploded its very loud in real life. here's a youtube video of it<-
we walked around a little and then finally got on maceraperest! it was extremely adrenaline filled and i screamed in a way i never thought i could the first time i got on. the pressure causes you to stick like glue to the person next to you and the big drop at the start seperates your soul from your body if you're like me. trust me. here's a youtube video of it<-
we then went on king kong! its fun but not that intense, it just swirls you side to side a little. there were two girls in front of us that suggested yaban arısı which i'll get to next. here's a youtube video of it<-
after that we went on yaban arısı which the girls suggested! i swear to god i felt my soul leave my body and was screaming my classmate's name like my life depended on it. i screamed even louder than the loudest girl in this->youtube video of it
we walked through bir zamanlar istanbul ^^ it's a recreation of istanbul about a century ago! it actually looks a whole lot like üsküdar, which is where my mom was born, and about where my grandma lives! so it was quite the nostalgia trip, which i also pointed out to my friend.
then we got on the saray salıncaklar! it's one of those swings that spin you. it was not intense at all and actually quite fun! i found myself really enjoying it, third best on this list for me. here's a youtube video of it<-
then we stopped to eat at a burger king. the line was extremely long and the food was very mediocre for how expensive it was - but it was food! which is nice.
we then got ice cream! i got coffee flavored ice cream and my friend got chocolate and vanilla - half her ice cream was eaten by the napkin that came with the ice cream though. i ate mine pretty neatly since i got a smaller portion so it had less of an ability to melt before it was already gone
we then got on minik kaşifçiler as a joke - its a little boat ride for children that takes you around the world! it was pretty fun to wave at all the animatronics. here's a youtube video of it<-
we got on vikingler again! it was very fun the second time since i got fairly used to the feeling of adrenaline at that point but i got pretty wet. one of those wet sad kitten images
then we went on maceraperest again ^^ which was really fun! but it felt extremely short after the second time - the adrenaline the first time around makes it feel like it lasted for centuries, lol
after that we finally went to the meeting spot to wait where i got to rest my head on my friend's shoulder, which was really nice.
we then went home! all of our muscles were sore but it was really worth it
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aydinrehberi · 1 year
13 yıllık evliliklerini bitiren Tom Brady ve Gisele Bündchen, yaptıkları bağışlarla eleştirilerin merkezinde. Çiftin beraber kurduğu vakfın şimdiye kadar son derece düşük miktarlarda bağış yapması ve bu arada ikilinin iflas etmiş bir kripto para şirketinin yatırımcıları arasında yer alması dikkat çekti.Tom Brady ve Gisele Bündchen’in kurmuş olduğu ve Nassau merkezli kâr amacı gütmeyen Luz Vakfı, kamu kayıtlarına göre 2007’deki kuruluşundan bu yana oldukça düşük miktarlarda yardımlar yapmış.Çiftin yaptıkları bağışlar mercek altına alınırken, fonlarından çıkan miktarlar dikkat çekti. Örneğin; 2018’de, çevreci bir gruba 300 dolar verdiler. Aynı yıl, Dünya Yaban Hayatı Fonu’na 900 dolar ve vergi beyannamelerine göre, fiziksel engelli insanlara yardım eden Challenged Athletes Foundation’a 1.000 dolar verdiler. BAĞIŞLARIN ÇOĞU YOGA MERKEZLERİNE GİTMİŞ42 yaşındaki Bündchen, 2007 yılında genç kızlara destek sağlamak için Luz Vakfı’nı kurduğunu açıklamıştı. Great Neck merkezli grup, üç yıl sonra IRS vergi muafiyeti statüsünü aldı. 2015 yılında Sydney Morning Herald’a verdiği röportajda Bündchen, “Hayatım buna adandı” demişti.Oysa; Luz Vakfı’nın bağışlarının çoğu yoga ve meditasyon gruplarına gitti. 2019’da Luz Vakfı, 350 bin dolarlık bütçesinin 80 bin dolarını Hint-Tibet meditasyonunu teşvik eden Massachusetts merkezli bir yardım kuruluşu olan Pointing Out the Great Way Foundation’a bağışladı.2017’de grup, okullarda meditasyon ve yogayı teşvik eden New York merkezli bir grup olan David Lynch Vakfı’na 25 bin dolar bağışladı. Waltham, Mass merkezli bir grup olan You Go Girl Yoga da o yıl 25 bin dolar aldı. SERVETLERİNİN YÜZDE 0,1’İNDEN BİLE AZ2007 ve 2019 yılları arasında Luz Vakfı, çeşitli gruplara toplam 640.402 dolar bağışladı, bu da çiftin servetinin yüzde 0,1’inden bile daha az bir değere tekabül ediyor.Luz Vakfı’nın yönetim kurulunda Bündchen, eski kocası Brady ve Peter Mattoon yer alıyor. Bir finansör olan Mattoon, Brady’e yatırımlarında ve girişimlerinde yardımcı olan birkaç işletme yöneticisinden biri.Ayrıca anavatanı Brezilya’daki çevresel sorunları da ele alan Bündchen, 2014 ve 2015 yılları arasında iki yıl boyunca Rainforest Alliance yönetim kurulundaydı. O yıllarda, Luz Vakfı 2014’te 48 bin dolar ve ertesi yıl çevre hayır kurumuna 25 bin dolar bağışta bulundu. KRİPTO PARA YÜZÜNDEN BAŞLARI DERTTEYakın zamanda Bündchen, Sam Bankman-Fried tarafından kurulan ve müşteri fonlarında 1 milyar dolar eksik olduğu bildirilen iflas etmiş kripto para imparatorluğu FTX için çevresel ve sosyal girişimler direktörü seçildi. Bündchen ve Brady yatırımcılar olarak reklamlarda ve röportajlarda FTX’i tanıttılar. Nisan ayında Bündchen, Bankman-Fried’in gelecek yıl boyunca hayır kurumlarına bir milyar dolar bağışlama taahhüdünü de duyurdu.Nisan ayında Bahamalar’da düzenlenen bir kripto para konferansında Vogue dergisine röportaj veren Bündchen, “Birisi değişmeye istekli olduğunda, yardım etmeye hazırım. Sam’in yaptıklarını ilham verici buldum” dedi.Hem Bündchen, hem de eski eşi Tom Brady, FTX’in diğer ünlü destekçileri gibi kripto imparatorluğunun iflasında para kaybeden yatırımcılar tarafından dava ediliyor. Bağış,Grup,Dolar,Brady,Bin Dolar,Yardım,Merkezli,Para,Kripto ve daha fazla aydın haber yazıları okumak için Magazin sayfasını ziyaret edebilirsiniz.Kaynak: https://www.sozcu.com.tr/hayatim/magazin-haberleri/gisele-bundchen-ve-tom-bradynin-yaptiklari-bagislar-mercek-altinda-pinti-ciktilar/ https://rehberaydin.com/gisele-bundchen-ve-tom-bradynin-yaptiklari-bagislar-mercek-altinda-pinti-ciktilar/
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9stars-archive · 5 years
im starting to have second thoughts abt one of the dances i chose for next semester’s performance lineup...... 
i wanna cover all the bases as best i can each semester, theres the “cool tough girl”-type dance, the high-energy fun-type dance, the cute-type dance, and then the boy group dance but thats another matter
 so im thinking that if i do cinderella fit (which im Totally in love w/) as the main dance w/ most (if not all) members in it, then it fills both the cool and powerful spot And the energetic spot
but Then, im torn bc u can have a dance thats both coolgirl-type and energetic-type, and one thats both energetic-type and cute-type (but i havent seen a single dance combine coolgirl and cute), and since i have two of the three types covered in one dance already then im inclined to find one thats pure cute-type, but pure cute-type dances w/ enough members and sufficiently substantial choreo are not as common as u might think in jpop (at least not w/ any clear footage of the dance that one cld learn from)
honestly cinderella fit is far closer to energy-type than cool-type, but i’d like my leadership to be primarily energy-type w/ some mix of the other two (and as many boy group dances as i can find and execute comfortably, since theyre Not Common in jpop and Not My Favorite) 
but this first semester is CRUCIAL since we’re on the brink of collapse if we dont get enough new members so i have to make all my dance choices carefully so we can have as many kinds of dances as ppl wanna do
i wanna do some kind of survey w/ the new and old members to feel out what kind of dances ppl wanna do, so that everyone’s happy w/ them, but if i dont predict correctly then my summer preparations go to waste and im just aaaaaaaaa
the dances i primarily have in mind: (minus the boy dances bc i still have no clue so i might ask the assistant captain if she wants to do that one)
- cinderella fit (energy/cool, a nail in there)
- yaban na kyuai (originally planned but pure cool-type and i dont wanna overdo the cool-type thing)
- dream parade (cute/energy, Very Cute, i super love it, might be Too cute for college kids to wanna do, also its a pripara song technically)
- kimagure mercy (energy/cute, super fun and i love it, the club may or may not have already done it but i have no way of finding out)
- momoiro sparkling (cute/energy, a dance ive known and loved since i was 11, out of season for a fall semester)
- gokuraku jodo (pure cool, rlly more a video-project dance rather than performance bc its only 3ppl, but has a LOT of potential)
i guess it also depends on the boy group’s type alignment (i.e cool, tough, high-energy, happy, etc) bc if its a pure cool-type then ill wanna balance it w/ a cute/energy type dance, but if its cool/energy or happy/energy then ill want a pure cool-type (or pure cute-type but thats back to the beginning of this post)
idk if this makes ANY SENSE to any brain but my own
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teknobh · 2 years
En Yeni PUBG Mobile İsimleri ✔️ 2022 (Şekilli)
En Yeni PUBG Mobile İsimleri içeriğimizde PUBG isim önerileri listelerini paylaşacağız. İçeriğimizde paylaşmış olduğumuz bu PUBG nickleri 2022 yılında en çok kullanılacak nickler olacaktır. Paylaştığımız oyun nickleri sürekli olarak güncellenecektir. Ayrıca içeriğimizin sonunda sizlere güzel bir haber de paylaşacağız.
En İyi PUBG isimleri kapsamında paylaşacağımız bu nickleri süresiz olarak kullanabilirsiniz. Ayrıca nickler arasında yer almasını istediğiniz nick varsa bizlere iletebilirsiniz. Bildiğiniz üzere PUBG ve onun gibi oyunlarda nickler sayesinde çok daha fazla tanınırsınız. Bu durumda içeriğimizde paylaşacağımız nickleri kullanarak çok daha fazla tanınabilirsiniz.
PUBG Mobile İsimleri 2022 ✔️
PUBG nickleri kapsamında havalı veya tanınmak mı istiyorsunuz? O halde içeriğimizdeki nickleri kullanabilirsiniz. Bu nickleri kullanarak oyun içerisinde arkadaşlarınız tarafından tanınabilirsiniz. Yada kullandığınız nick sayesinde birçok kişinin hafızasında yer alabilirsiniz.
ImmortaL: Ölümsüz
ImmortaL Life: Ölümsüz Hayat
ImmortaL Türk: Ölümsüz Türk
Brave Heart: Cesur Yürek
Death Warrior: Ölüm Savaşçısı
Massive Stroke: Ağır Darbe
TeaM: Takım
TeaM Star: Takım Yıldızı
SwindLer: İşkence Yapan
FeaR: Korku
Snake Eyes: Yılan Gözlü
Bugger: Herif
Capital: Başkent
Alpha: Alfa
The Order: Emir Veren
The PatroN: Patron
Osprey: Balık Kartalı
Sugar Man: Şeker Adam
Sugar Life: Şeker Hayat
Soulfly: Uçan Ruh
Dizzy: Baş Döndürücü
Digger: Kazıcı
Sun Set: Gün Batımı
Alone: Yalnız
Alonedark: Yalnız Karanlık
DarK: Karanlık
Pusher: İtici
SoldieR: Asker
En Yeni PUBG İsimleri – PUBG Mobile İsimleri Erkek
Bildiğiniz üzere nickler bir ismi barındırır ve oyuncu kimliğini oluşturur. Bu sebeple PUBG Mobile İsimleri oluşturarak kendinize has bir kimlik oluşturmaktır. Bu nickler sayesinde karşı tarafın hafızasına kazılacaksınız.
Flint: Çakmaktaşı
Mortal Dance: Ölümsüz Dans
Ice Cold: Buz Soğuğu
Riff Raff: Ayak Takımı
King: Kral
QueN: Kraliçe
Nacho: Nacho
Nessie: Nessie
İnsomnia: Uykusuzluk
Ghost Killer: Hayalet Katil
Gunhawk: Silah Şahin
PoleStar: Önder
xPoleStar: Önder, Lider
The Dude: Ahbap
GameMaster: Oyun Lideri
Keystone: Kilit Taşı
Last Life: Son Hayat
Last Love: Son Sevgi
Shooter: Atıcı
Jester: Soytarı
CrawL: Sürünmek
Dream: Rüya
Murmur: Hırıltı
Hyper: Aşırı
PUBG Mobile Kız İsimleri
Cinderella: Kül Kedisi
Angel Face: Melek Yüzlü
Queen Bee: Kraliçe Arı
QueeN: Kraliçe
Sneaky Lady: Gizli
Roller GirL: Silindir Kız
Eye Candy: Göz Şekeri
Eye: Göz
Candy: Şeker
Life: Hayat
HappyLife: Mutlu Hayat
PoleStar: Lider, Önder
xPoleStar: Lider, Önder
Magenta: Eflatun
Drift: Sürüklenme
Snapdragon: Aslan Ağzı
Loot: Yağma
Eerie: Ürkütücü
Fear: Korku
Moonflower: Ay Çiçeği
Moon: Ay
Flower: Çiçek
FlowerShe: Çiçek Kız
Wildcat: Yaban Kedisi
Slacker: Uyuşuk
Impulse: Dürtü
Find It Girl: Kız Bul
Chunky: Tıknaz
Feral Filly: Vahşi Kız
Angel Baby: Melek Bebek
Canary: Kanarya
Destroyer: Yok Edici
Beautiful: Güzel
Beauty: Güzellik
Flame: Alev
Vixen: Dişi Tilki
PUBG Mobile İsimleri Havalı Nickler
En iyi PUBG isimlerini kullanmak istiyorsanız içeriğimizdeki nickleri kullanabilirsiniz. Bu PUBG nickleri sayesinde çok daha havalı görüneceksiniz.
İçeriğimizde paylaştığımız PUBG Nicklerini kullanarak çok daha havalı görünebilirsiniz. Ayrıca içeriğimizin başında da ifade ettiğimiz gibi güzel bir haberimiz var. Yıllardır kullanmış olduğunuz kendi nickleriniz mi var? Bu nickleri PUBG Şekilli Nick Yazma aracımızı kullanarak çok daha havalı konuma getirebilirsiniz.
Bu aracımızı kesinlikle denemenizi tavsiye ediyoruz. Ayrıca bir diğer güzel haberimiz ise, ücretsiz Premium hesab kullanmak ister misiniz? O halde PUBG Mobile Bedava Hesap bağlantısı üzerinden ücretsiz hesaplara ulaşabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: https://www.teknobh.com/en-yeni-pubg-mobile-isimleri/
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yuli-ban · 2 years
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Yulaan the Barbarian, by Trollfeetwalker
Inspired heavily by Frank Frazetta and Boris Vallejo
Sol Yulaan on Planet Kollidor, doing what Yabans do best— getting thrill from fighting. In this case, she's slaying some bloodlusted Kegarin goblins. It's a savage fight by a savage bolloi against savage goblins. Yulaan's home continent of Subotai is a primeval hellhole, perfect for a species so savage as Yabans. The style is meant to evoke pulp fantasy art. Especially those old testosterone driven blood and thunder fantasy stories. Considering how macho Yulaan is, it fits too well.
Check out the rest of the Yabanverse here: https://www.deviantart.com/yuli-ban/gallery/80317575/yabanverse
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shojotachiyo · 6 years
Since there is just so much AKB48 group content out there that it’s hard to know where to start, I thought I’d put together a list of links showing performances of the 48G girls participating in Produce 48 and other content related to these girls specifically.
Links will be broken into four categories for each girl: studio/live performances, notable songs with PV, notable songs without PV + theater units that have been recorded, and Other. I’ll usually identify who to look for in studio/live performances. I’m also trying to stay “relatively” current with studio/live stuff...like 2012 and later.
Do keep in mind that a lot of the live performances are likely to feel fairly raw and the songs are likely to be extremely Japanese idol-y.
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1. Miyazaki Miho (宮崎美穂) - AKB48 5th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Perfect Human
Notable PVs: Bokutachi no Chikyuu (center)
Other Notable Songs: Arashi no Yoru ni wa (center) (CD), Make Otoko (center) (DVD)
Other: Myao’s Room (SHOWROOM)
2. Takeuchi Miyu (竹内美宥) - AKB48 9th generation
Studio/Live Performances: NO FEAR FESTIVAL, Faint (short hair)
Notable PVs: Kimi ni Todoke (cover with kobasolo), Sangatsu Kokonoka (cover with kobasolo)
Other Notable Songs: Higurashi no Koi (duet) (CD), Miniskirt no Yousei (center) (CD)
Other: Song Covers Youtube Channel
Recommended Cover: Negaigoto no Mochigusare
3. Takahashi Juri (高橋朱里) - AKB48 12th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Bird (center), Seventh Chord, Namida no Hyoumen Chouryoku (3rd singer)
Notable PVs: Atarashii Chime (SR of center)
Other Notable Songs:  Namida no Hyoumen Chouryoku (CD), Hibiwareta Kagami (CD), Hajimari no Yuki (CD), Saisho no Ai no Monogatari (Koko ga Rhodes da, Koko de Tobe! Theater Ed.)
Other: Sailor Zombie (drama)
4. Muto Tomu (武藤十夢) - AKB48 12th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Oshibe to Meshibe to Yoru no Chouchou (black), Hibiwareta Kagami (center), Tomodachi de Irarerunara (SL)
Notable PVs: Show Fight! (center)
Other Notable Songs:  Subete wa Tochuu Keika (center) (Thumbnail Theater Ed.), Hajimari no Yuki (center) (CD)
Other:  Lake commercial (Party People)
5. Iwatate Saho (岩立沙穂) - AKB48 13th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Tonari no Banana (2nd singer), Kono Mune no Barcode (SR of center), Reborn (SR of center), Hibiwareta Kagami
Notable PVs:  Kimi wa Boku no Kaze, Reborn
Other Notable Songs:  Kono Mune no Barcode (DVD)
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6.  Shinozaki Ayana (篠崎彩奈) - AKB48 13th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Wimbledon he Tsuretette (blue dress), Reborn (1:05)
Notable Songs: Wimbledon he Tsuretette (DVD)
7. Mogi Shinobu (茂木忍) - AKB48 13th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Tomodachi de Irarerunara (SR), Kono Mune no Barcode (SL of center), Hibiwareta Kagami
Notable Songs: Kono Mune no Barcode (DVD)
Other: I’m just gonna leave this here
8. Kojima Mako (小嶋真子) - AKB48 14th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Bye Bye Bye (center), Namida no Hyoumen Chouryoku (4th singer), Wimbledon he Tsuretette (center)
Notable PVs: Seijun Tired (center), Kangaeru Hito (w-center), Nanka Chotto Kyuu ni... (w-center)
Other Notable Songs: Namida no Hyoumen Chouryoku (CD), Wimbledon he Tsuretette (DVD)
9. Ichikawa Manami (市川愛美) - AKB48 15th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Kegareteiru Shinjitsu (center)
Notable PVs: Shuuden no Yoru
10. Goto Moe (後藤萌咲) - AKB48 Draft 1st generation
Studio/Live Performances: Itoshisa no Accel (1st singer), Kegareteiru Shinjitsu (2nd singer)
Notable PVs: Position, Accident-chuu (back row SR), Romantic Junbichuu
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11. Nakanishi Chiyori (中西智代梨) - AKB48 transfer/HKT48 1st generation
Studio/Live Performances:  Koi wa Totsuzen ni, I’m Sure (Chaos Stage) (NSFW-ish)
Notable PVs:  Kimi wa Ima Made Doko ni Ita? (center)
Other Notable Songs: Kono Mune no Barcode (CD)
12. Chiba Erii (千葉恵里) - AKB48 Draft 2nd generation
Studio/Live Performances: Ashita no Tame ni Kiss wo (4th singer)
Notable PVs: Position, Accident-chuu (back row SL)
Other Notable Songs: Tomodachi ga Dekita
Other: 47 no Suteki na Machi he (draft solo performance audition song)
13. Asai Nanami (浅井七海) - AKB48 16th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Wimbledon he Tsuretette (blue dress), Cross (SR), Dakitsukouka? (w-center, navy skirt), High School Days (all white uniform)
Notable PVs: Position
Other Notable Songs: Dakitsukouka? (w-center)
14. Sato Minami (佐藤美波) - AKB48 16th generation
Studio/Live Performances: Kanpeki Gu~ no ne (2nd singer), Dakitsukouka? (orange skirt), High School Days (tan sweater around waist)
15. Oda Erina (小田えりな) - AKB48 Team 8
Studio/Live Performances: 11gatsu no Anklet,  Namida no Hyoumen Chouryoku (center)
Notable PVs: Shuuden no Yoru
Other Notable Songs: Dakara Kimi ga Suki na no ka (CD)
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16. Shitao Miu (下尾みう) - AKB48 Team 8
Studio/Live Performances: Itoshisa no Accel (2nd singer), Tsuneishi Festival 2017
Other: AKBingo Dance Battle Royale 2018 (pink dress, hair down, dance only)
17. Nakano Ikumi (中野郁海) - AKB48 Team 8
Studio/Live Performances: 365-nichi no Kamihikouki, Escape (4th singer)
Notable PVs: Yaban na Kyuuai, Amanojaku Batta (center), Kegareteiru Shinjitsu (w-center), Seifuku no Hane (center), 47 no Suteki na Machi he (center)
Other: AKBingo Dance Battle Royale 2018 (red belt, dance only),  AKBingo Dance Battle Royale 2016 (pants, dance only)
18. Nagano Serika (永野芹佳) - AKB48 Team 8
Studio/Live Performances: Namida no Hyoumen Chouryoku (3rd singer), Choco no Yukue (big hat)
Other: AKBingo Dance Battle Royale 2018 (pink dress, ponytail, dance only)
19. Honda Hitomi (本田仁美) - AKB48 Team 8
Studio/Live Performance: Escape (blue bow), Aitakatta & Everyday Katyusha
Other: AKBingo Dance Battle Royale 2016 (skirt, ponytail, dance only)
20. Matsui Jurina (松井珠理奈) - SKE48 1st generation
Studio/Live Performance: Baguette, Akai Pinheel to Professor
Notable songs are literally everything from SKE and AKB from the past 10 years but if I had to pick:
Notable PVs: Oogoe Diamond (first center), Kin no Ai Gin no Ai (most recent solo center A-side), Yaban na Kyuuai, Hanshateki Through (w-center), Tenmetsu Pheromone (center)
Other Notable Songs: Glory Days (CD), Omoide Ijou (CD), Mystery Line (CD), Baguette (CD), Toy Poodle to Kimi no Monogatari (CD), Akai Pinheel to Professor (CD), Watashi Leaf (CD)
Other: Hollywood Jurina
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21. Asai Yuuka (浅井裕華) - SKE48 7th generation
Studio/Live Performance: Hungry Lion (blue dress)
Notable Songs: Hungry Lion (CD)
22. Shiroma Miru (白間美瑠) - NMB48 1st generation
Studio/Live Performance: Gokai (pink), Heart no Dokusenken (pink)
Notable PVs: Warota People (center), Masaka Singapore (center), Rashikunai (w-center), Yojijukugo Girls (center)
Other Notable Songs: Nage Kiss de Uchi Otose (CD), Ame no Doubutsuen (CD), ONEW no Uwabaki (CD), She’s Gone (DVD), Mystery Line (CD), Boku wa Aisarete wa Inai (CD), Subete wa Tochuu Keika (Thumbnail Theater Ed.), Gokai
23. Murase Sae (村瀬紗英) - NMB48 2nd generation
Studio/Live Performance: Heart no Dokusenken (purple), Kuufuku de Renai Suru na (center), Zipper (blue), Renai Higai Todoke
Notable PVs: Which One?, Abata mo Ekubo mo Fuku wa Uchi (duet), Mou Hadashi ni Hanarenai (w-center) 
Other Notable Songs: Zannen Shoujo (CD)
Other: Queentet Joshiryoku Video
24. Kato Yuuka (加藤夕夏) - NMB48 3rd generation
Studio/Live Performance: ONEW no Uwabaki (pink), Dance Medley Must Be Now/UZA/Escape (center)
Notable PVs: Tomadotte, Tameratte (center); Yaban na Kyuuai; Must be Now
Other Notable Songs: Nageki no Figure (CD), Koi no PLAN (CD), Faint (CD)
25. Naiki Kokoro (内木志) - NMB48 Draft 1st generation
Studio/Live Performance: Nageki no Figure (Stage Left), Tsundere! (short hair)
Notable PVs: Sayonara, Kakato wo Fumu Hito
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26. Uemura Azusa (植村梓) - NMB48 Post-Yamada Nana Audition
Studio/Live Performance: Renai Higai Todoke (center), Yuuwaku no Garter (Stage Left), Kuufuku de Renai Suru na
Notable PVs: Which One?, Sayonara, Kakato wo Fumu Hito
Other: Queentet Joshiryoku Video
27. Umeyama Cocona (梅山恋和) - NMB48 5th generation
Studio/Live Performance: Sa-sa-sa Saikoo! (Yellow)
Notable PVs: Good Timing
Other Notable Songs: Sa-sa-sa Saikoo! (Namba Ai Theater Ed.)
28. Imada Mina (今田 美奈) - HKT48 1st generation
Studio/Live Performance: Return Match (white suit)
29. Miyawaki Sakura (宮脇咲良) - HKT48 1st generation
Studio/Live Performance: Baguette, Kanojo
Notable PVs are really any A-sides from HKT48 and any A-sides from AKB48 after 2014 but in particular:
Notable PVs: Taboo no Iro (duet), Kimi wa Melody (center),  Boku no Omoi ga Itsuka Niji ni Naru Made (center), Buttaoreru Made (w-center), 12byou (w-center)
Other Notable Songs: Wimbledon he Tsuretette (CD), Yume de Kiss Me (DVD), Kiss Campaign (CD), Baguette (CD), Christmas Eve ni Nakanai You ni (CD), Kanojo (CD)
Other: Let’s Play Youtube Channel
30. Matsuoka Natsumi (松岡 菜摘) - HKT48 1st generation
Studio/Live Performance: Hikaeme I Love You, Koisuru Fortune Cookie, Melon Juice
Notable Songs: Ame no Pianist (CD)
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31. Motomura Aoi (本村碧唯) - HKT48 1st generation
Studio/Live Performance: Wimbledon he Tsuretette (blue)
Notable Songs: Wimbledon he Tsuretette (CD)
Other: AKBingo Dance Battle Royale 2018 (dance only), Choreographed =LOVE’s Start!
32. Aramaki Misaki (荒巻美咲) - HKT48 3rd generation
Studio/Live Performance: Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru?, Watashi wa Blueberry Pie (center),  Daite Twintails
Notable PVs: Tenshi wa Doko ni Iru? (duet), Hohoemi Popcorn (center)
Other Notable Songs: Watashi wa Blueberry Pie, Daite Twintails
33. Kurihara Sae (栗原紗英) - HKT48 3rd generation
Studio/Live Performance: Faint (center),  Watashi wa Blueberry Pie, Daite Twintails
Notable PVs: Gunyatto Magatta (w-center)
Other Notable Songs: Watashi wa Blueberry Pie, Daite Twintails
34. Tanaka Miku (田中美久) - HKT48 3rd generation
Studio/Live Performance: Tonari no Banana
Notable PVs: Watashi no Furusato (solo), Namaiki Lips (duet), Boku no Omoi ga Itsuka Niji ni Naru Made, Hayaokuri Calendar (w-center)
Other Notable Songs: Romantic Byou
35. Yabuki Nako (矢吹奈子) - HKT48 3rd generation
Studio/Live Performance: Tonari no Banana 
Notable PVs: Ijiwaru Chuu (solo), Namaiki Lips (duet), Hayaokuri Calendar (w-center)
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36. Murakawa Bibian (村川緋杏) - HKT48 Draft 2nd generation
Studio/Live Performance: Kikyou
Notable Songs: HKT-jou, Ima, Ugoku (center) 
37. Tsukiashi Amane (月足天音) - HKT48 4th generation
Studio/Live Performance: Hakusen no Uchigawa de
38. Hasegawa Rena (長谷川玲奈) - NGT48 1st generation
Studio/Live Performance: Inori wa Donna Mirai mo Shiawase ni Kaeru
Notable PVs: Junjou Yoroshiku
Other Notable Songs: Hansei Soda
39. Yamada Noe (山田野絵) - NGT48 1st generation
Studio/Live Performance: Gesu na Yume
Notable PVs: Junjou Yoroshiku, Otona ni Naru Made (SR of center)
Other Notable Songs: Hansei Soda
Other: Voice Yamada
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faintingheroine · 2 years
So, you've read Çalikuşu. What do you think about it? Is it good, and if so, is it as good as Aşk-i Memnu? I wonder about your takes on other Turkish classics...
It is good but it is definitely not as good as Aşk-ı Memnu.
Çalıkuşu is a sentimental novel largely composed of a young woman’s diary entries detailing her life. It is significant because Feride the main character is tomboyish, confident, relaxed without being sexual, was educated in a French school, joyous and works as a village teacher. This made her a revolutionary character in Turkish Literature of 1922. She became a symbol of the New Turkish Woman in a way. The novel also showcases the provincial life of Western Turkey which was new for the time and is actually realistic about the harassment Feride has to endure as a young beautiful working woman in the provinces. It is very good; for all the objections to Kamran by all the readers, the love story is also touching in its own way. It really is the type of novel that makes you nostalgic for something you have never experienced. 1986 TV series and its soundtrack are excellent too. The book is often read by middle school girls - I have read it at fifth grade - and is one of the most popular and well-known Turkish novels probably. It can be compared to Jane Eyre in many ways, though Jane Eyre is a more sophisticated novel (though I personally love and connect to Çalıkuşu more).
It is definitely not as good a novel as Aşk-ı Memnu though. Aşk-ı Memnu is truly a masterpiece in its construction, character depth and prose. It is a literary classic that one wants to study in depth, academically. Çalıkuşu is a beautiful memory from one’s youth, not necessarily something that I want to think deeply about - though a feminist analysis would probably be insightful. Çalıkuşu is a relatively simple novel without much sophistication and the characters are mostly archetypes, its power lies in its heart, not its brain.
Another Turkish classic I like of this type is Three Faces of Istanbul. It has never been translated to any language. It is a bit dense and very long, but is, I think, ultimately rewarding. All of its characters are evil, they make the characters of Magnificent Century look virtuous by comparison.
Yaban is an interesting Turkish classic and was translated into Czech I believe.
I would say that classic Turkish novels are generally fairly earnest about the rottenness of their characters, which draws me to them. The female characters tend to be interesting. If they have one important failing it is in their lack of structure. Most classic Turkish novels (meaning ones written before 1940s) tend to be all over the place in terms of structure and don’t have a sense of purpose or plot.
I truly believe that Aşk-ı Memnu is the best Turkish novel of this type. If you are looking for a classically-structured, psychologically focused, about love-lives-of-rich-people, 19th century Realist/Victorian type Turkish novel Aşk-ı Memnu is by far the best one of the type, and the critical tradition generally agrees with me on this. It is so superior to all others of the type in terms of character depth and structure that it is somewhat surprising. Bihter and Nihal are two of the most human and complex female characters ever put on paper, the book is open to many different creative interpretations which is rare for a Turkish novel, the characters in it are allowed to be vivid and nuanced, and it is cynical as well as beautiful. Plus everything about it I have already said. If you have to read a Turkish novel, especially a “classic” Turkish novel, I definitely would recommend it above all others.
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dpinoycosmonaut · 4 years
by Bert A. Ramirez / February 02, 2020               
The shocking, tragic passing of Kobe Bryant last January 26 in a helicopter crash that also killed his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others generated an outpouring of grief, anguish, sympathy and pathos worldwide the likes of which might have never been seen before.  Why, even my own daughter Tintin, previously so casual, if not apathetic, towards my love for basketball, suddenly became involved herself, posting even more material in the family chat group than I did.
               Obviously, the way Kobe died along with his daughter and the rest of their companions had something to do with such a universal reaction.  It was a case of being gone at a remarkably young age (41) that isn’t even approached by the death of another legend, pop music and entertainment icon Michael Jackson, as Kobe died in such a cruel manner while Jackson, whose own demise at 50 shocked the world in 2009, died of a natural cause, albeit induced by an external factor.
               What made Bryant’s death oh-so-tragic is the fact that he was just about beginning a second act just after a remarkable career that made him a pop culture icon in the mold of Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Lionel Messi and Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal, to name just a few sports figures who have reached iconic stature in this age of the Internet.
               “Kobe was a legend on the court and just getting started in what would have been just as meaningful a second act,” former US President Barack Obama, himself an avid basketball fan, said.
               “To think that Kobe was at the peak of his life, retired from basketball but capable of taking care of his family and doing charitable works with all the resources he had, is something anyone cannot comprehend with this tragic life ending,” my own brother Tony, a passionate basketball fan like me, told our Celtics chat group.
               “Oh man.  This is just so sad!” Ryan Mercado of the same Celtics chat group exclaimed.  “Kobe is not only a loss to basketball but he was an icon, an ambassador and a humanitarian as well.”
               “A true legend in the game of basketball and an inspiration to the world,” baseball great Barry Bonds tweeted of his friend as he mourned his passing and that of his young girl.
               “I guess sports fans all over the world are devastated by the tragic loss of a transcendent figure and his daughter,” my own kumpare and fellow roundball enthusiast Erick Reyes said.  “Kobe always played the old-fashioned way.  He didn't demand for (star) teammates.  He always believed that he could carry the team by being a good role model.  He played injured, didn't go for load management.  He didn't bring his talent elsewhere and could have won many more championships.  Instead, in the tradition of the greats like Jerry West, Elgin Baylor, and others who wore that purple-and-gold uniform, Kobe stayed with the Lakers until he retired.
               “I was in Negros when Kobe played his final game in the NBA.  I watched the game while having lunch and I thought this was one of the emotional farewell games.  Instead, we were treated to a feast.  He scored 60 points and led the Lakers to a 101-96 victory over the Utah Jazz.  That is Kobe for you.  He wanted the ball till the end.”
               Indeed, what made Kobe Bryant different from his peers was the way he approached his commitment to his sport and his profession, spawning what eventually became known as “mamba mentality” (in reference to his nickname “Black Mamba”), a kind of work ethic and passion that simply prescribes how one should approach an endeavor in order to be successful.
               “There was nothing inauthentic about Bryant’s intensity,” Bryan Armen Graham of The Guardian wrote in explaining Kobe’s commitment and approach to his job as a pro athlete.  “He was probably the hardest worker in sports. Often it is supporting players who are praised for getting the very most out of their talent, but Bryant was an example of a supremely gifted athlete hell-bent on squeezing every last drop from his natural gifts, propelled by a maniacal competitive streak that wouldn’t have been out of place on Wall Street in the ‘80s and often led to flare-ups with cooler-tempered teammates, most infamously with Shaq (O’Neal).
               “He appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated no fewer than 20 times (when such appearances still mattered) and became one of the rare sporting figures to genuinely transcend the sports pages in the US and become a household name.  His international popularity may have even exceeded his standing at home as he became a crucial figure in elevating the sport’s global profile.  Michael Phelps may have won a record eight gold medals at the (2008) Beijing Olympics, but Kobe was the star of those Games on the ground.”
               Kobe had game, all right, but this goes far more than his basketball stature. He was viewed as an inspirational figure who after his retirement became one of the greatest ambassadors of the game, if he still wasn’t one as an active professional.  As Kobe himself remarked, “The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great at whatever they want to do.”
               This is why even the staunchest Celtics fans like me cried (secretly of course) when I learned about Kobe’s and his companions’ tragic death.  Bryant, I told a friend who had met him personally in his basketball academy in Los Angeles, was one of my most hated rivals because of my lifelong affinity with the Celtics, but the tragedy that befell him and the rest of his companions that included his daughter Gigi knows no bounds.  We're all human, after all, and thus we cry with their followers and loved ones.
               As a member of Facebook page Celtics Nation said, “As Celtics fans we are taught one thing, hate the Lakers.  But this is bigger than basketball.  He was a husband, a father and an icon.  Loved by millions around the world.  The impact he made will never be matched.”
               Kobe Bryant’s persona that had gained worldwide fame because of modern technology has no doubt also contributed to the worldwide impact of his passing.  Many who had the privilege of having had personal encounters with him, from avowed Lakers fan and sports broadcaster Jinno Rufino to that friend of mine who used to work at the now-defunct RPN 9, Babette Pascual-Yllana, are all unanimous in saying that Bryant was a gentle human being, a humble and gentlemanly character who belied that sporting image of an arrogant competitor who had that undeniable swagger and confidence.
               “When I met him, there was not a tinge of yabang.  Very accommodating,” Babette said.  “During those times he was already planning for his retirement, that’s why he put up the Kobe Bryant Basketball Academy and, later, the Mamba Sports Academy.  At that time, he was already working on the legacy that he would leave behind.
               “He was a gentleman, it stood out.  Maybe perhaps he was raised in italy?  I noticed that in my travels, mas well-mannered sila kaysa Americans.  (Kobe, of course, partly grew up in Italy as his father, former NBA frontliner Joe “Jellybean” Bryant, played for a while in the Italian League, one of the top professional leagues in Europe.)  Even if they (the Italians) also have superiority complex, di sila entitled kung umasta.  You could see it in Kobe then that he had a good heart.”  
               Of course, that good heart knew no bounds when Kobe needed to mentor or to simply encourage fellow basketball players young and old alike when they needed some words of wisdom or encouragement, like what Kobe did to current and former Celtics Jayson Tatum, Gordon Hayward and Isaiah Thomas.  Bryant was one of the first to advise Hayward on what attitude to take when the then-first-year Celtic suffered that horrific ankle injury in 2017.
               Perhaps what also made people relate more with Bryant was the fact that they could identify with him despite his superstar image because of his own frailties and weaknesses, which he never hid from the public but eventually overcame with that single-minded purpose and determination for which he became noted. In 2003, for example, he was accused of raping a woman in his hotel room while he was in Denver for knee surgery.  While admitting having sex with the woman, he denied rape, and a judge eventually dropped the charges, although he had to eventually settle out of court when the woman went on to file a civil lawsuit.
               While issuing a public apology, stating that he was sincerely ashamed of what he had done, Bryant had to go through a turbulent phase in his life that culminated with wife Vanessa filing for a divorce in 2011.  Eventually though, the two reconciled, with Kobe turning to his Catholic faith and upbringing to overcome his personal crisis. Kobe and Vanessa later founded the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation that is dedicated to, among other things, helping young people in need, encouraging the development of physical and social skills through sports, and assisting the homeless.
               Asked about this commitment in 2013, Bryant said, “My career is winding down.  At the end of my career, I don’t want to look back and just say, ‘Well, I had a successful career because I won so many championships and scored so many points.’  There’s something else that you have to do with that.  (The homelessness) issue is one that kind of gets pushed on the back burner because it’s easy to point the blame at those who are homeless and say, ‘Well, you made that bad decision.  This is where you are.  It’s your fault.’  In life, we all make mistakes and to stand back and allow someone to live that way and kind of wash your hands of it… that’s not right.”
               Is it still surprising why Bryant achieved that iconic status of his?
               “An icon is the perfect word for him.  His impact was far more than basketball.  Unbelievable,” Brandon Goldberg of Celtics Nation said.
               “Kobe was an icon and a legend.  He was always driven and committed to his goals.  A man with vision,” said my own sister in the US, Kitchie Beltran, not especially a staunch sports fan like another younger sister, Lourdes Beltran is (they’re married to brothers, thus the similar surnames), but who knew Kobe through the extent his stature reached.  “The impact of his death was felt by almost everyone.  They say that the people’s reaction to Kobe’s passing could be compared to the way the world reacted to the death of JFK (former US President John Kennedy) and the loss of Princess Diana.”
               That’s true, of course.  And that's also due in part to the available technology nowadays, which really brings more intimacy to a worldwide public, providing infinitely more people much closer knowledge about a celebrity or icon, particularly a great basketball star like Kobe whose game has become a global sport much like football.  And this is why the impact of Kobe's death is felt more not only because of the circumstances of his death, but also because basketball is now in the world's cultural mainstream due to the technology available.
               Even then, all those factors wouldn’t have made a difference in making Kobe Bryant even bigger in death than he was in life perhaps without the element that counts most of all – his character and greatness as a human being. That element transcended race, sports and cultural boundaries for him to be universally mourned.
               As my favorite golfer of all time, Jack Nicklaus, said, “Kobe Bryant embodied excellence.  Legendary talent; inspirational athlete; great role model; American icon loved globally.  Sports lost a tremendous friend but (you) don’t have to be (a) sports fan for your heart to hurt.  Just have to be human!”
               “You inspired a generation,” my brother Raul’s inaanak Angel Espejo de Llana said in his own obituary for Kobe. “You were the example of hard work and determination.  You will always be remembered as an inspiration and a hero.”
               “Kobe was truly larger than life, a legend,” Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio tweeted.  “LA will never be the same.”
               Perhaps Bill Velasco, in his eloquent tribute to Bryant in The Philippine Star, put it best when he wrote, “I believe that the deepest, core reason why Kobe Bryant stirred us so is that he took us to places inside us that very few of us dared to go…  It was his fearlessness to look within, to face his weaknesses, to pile onto his strengths, to refuse to recognize limits, that is what we mourn…  Kobe Bryant ventured alone into the realm of what is possible more deeply than most of us ever will…  He showed us the light that leads inside of us, and faced his own demons and flaws to prove that it could be done.”
               Rest in peace, Kobe.  Yours was a life that was short by human standards, but it was a life well-lived, and a life that gave joy to millions of people.
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witchreflection · 7 years
Question game
I. Always post the rules.
II. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
III. Write 11 questions on your own.
IV. Tag 11 people. Tagged by (OMG!) @thursdayplaid
1. Text or call?
Text: it’s funnier and I find easier to say some things on text
2. What’s your favorite constellation?
Orion because I can always find it
3. Listen to the whole album or the same song over and over again?
Usually the whole album
4. Urban legend or fairy tale?
Urban legends just because they end up being either things like gators in the sewers or Rosarito the cannibal girl of Tacubaya  
5. Time travel to the past or the future?
The past, to time travel to the future is redundant
6. Open world video game or story line driven?
Story line driven
7. How often do you journal?
I used to do it once a week but it’s been years since (I tried to bullet journal for a while; I only lasted a month or so because of routine)
8. What is your favorite bird?
Pygmy Falcon and chickens (they are cool even if most poultry are evil)  
9. Haunted house or carnival?
Neither :/
10. Super heroes or magic powers?
Magic powers
11. Have you ever gone roller skating?
When I was a child I used to have roller skates but I had to have adult supervision to use them and I never had an adult willing to supervise. Now im too scaredy to try
Aaaaaand 11 more I stole from the most wonderful @sch-yabanned :
1. What is your favourite fruit?
I love all fruits, except, may be, dragon fruit and star fruit and those fruits that are more scent than taste
2. What do you think about your city/town/community?
I absolutely love my city! It’s so pretty, there are so many galleries, and there’s the anthropology museum, and the parks, and there are constant cultural events and festivals, and the weather is so nice and there is so many interesting people doing cool things all the time because of the university. It has its problems, like all cities, but I love to live here <3
3. What place do you want to travel to?
To Campeche! My friend who lives there is gonna have a baby in January or so and I really want to see her!
4. Name a tool you use in a way it was not intended to.
I once used a canvas needle to splinter a broken umbrella’s rib  
5. How do you decorate your room?
I don’t really decorate, I have some plushies, a photograph of me and my parents and a couple props that had to the stored somehow, that’s it.
6. What do you normally eat for breakfast?
Milk coffee and a cookie.
7. What has been the most impulsive, absurd purchase you have ever done?
I only make small impulsive purchases, like some fancy candy or a new notebook I don’t need, I never have enough money to buy absurd expensive ones XD
8. What is the oldest possession you have?
My grandmother’s typewriter
9. A random fact only you know.
I thought about this a lot and most are, like shared secrets between myself and others
10. A song that reminds you of someone you deeply appreciate.
A bit silly, but I will forever associate the animaniacs theme song to my most beloved Limbo Kids (specifically the time we had to get N to a medic so she could get sutures, true friendship I tell you)
11. Why do you keep a Tumblr blog?
It’s a bit like scrapbooking and I’ve meet cool people ;)
 My 11 questions:
1. Is there food you always refused to eat as a child that was actually delicious when you tried now that you are older?
2. A knitted blanket or a stuffed quilt?
3. What is your favourite snack?
4. Do you prefer notebooks with blank paper, ruled paper or squared paper?
5. When was the last time you got caught in the rain?
6. Of all you clothing, what’s your favourite item?
7. Do you have a project you are working on (even if it is mostly unattended in the back burner)?
8. Is there a movie you can’t never manage to watch complete in one sitting for some reason?
9. What is your guilty pleasure song?
10. What is the silliest, most ridiculous lie you have ever told?
11. A piece of wisdom you want to impart to the masses.
@her-satanic-majesty @joxem @why-its-kai @silentblackpanther @mori-esque @full-of-pride-and-self-loathing @takinchimera @nareulwonhae @opheliaelric @leelunee @subyong
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bucketjournal · 6 years
İzlenmesi Gereken Filmler [Psikoloji]
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Guguk Kuşu), 1975, 8.7/10
A Clockwork Orange (Otomatik Portakal), 1971, 8.4/10
Fight Club (Dövüş Klübü), 1999, 8.9/10
The Silence of the Lams (Kuzuların Sessizliği), 1991, 8.6/10
Taxi Driver (Taksi Şoförü), 1976, 8.4/10
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (Henry: Bir Seri Katilin Portresi), 1986, 7/10
Fatal Attraction (Öldüren Cazibe), 1987, 6.9/10
The Cable Guy (Baş Belası), 1996, 6/10
Vertigo (Ölüm Korkusu), 1958, 8.4/10
The Deer Hunter (Avcı), 1978, 8.2/10
Manhunter (İnsan Avcısı), 1986, 7.2/10
Persona, 1966, 8.2/10
Eraserhead, 1977, 7.4/10
Blue Velvet (Mavi Kadife), 1986, 7.8/10
Repulsion (Tiksinti), 1965, 7.8/10
Straw Dogs (Köpekler), 1971, 7.5/10
A Woman Under the Influence (Etki Altında Bir Kadın), 1974, 8.2/10
Requiem for a Dream (Bir Rüya İçin Ağıt), 2000, 8.4/10
Drugstore Cowboy, 1989, 7.4/10
Trainspotting, 1996, 8.2/10
M, 1931, 8.4/10
Platoon (Müfreze), 1986, 8.1/10
Reservoir Dogs (Rezervuar Köpekleri), 1992, 8.4/10
Se7en (Yedi), 1995, 8.6/10
Peeping Tom, 1960, 7.8/10
The Conversation (Konuşma), 1974, 7.9/10
Sunset Blvd. (Sunset Bulvarı), 1950, 8.5/10
Mulholland Dr. (Mulholland Çıkmazı), 2001, 8/10
Patton, 1970, 8/10
The Lost Weekend (Yaratılan Adam), 1945, 8/10
My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown (Sol Ayağım), 1989, 7.9/10
Paris, Texas, 1984, 8.1/10
The African Queen (Afrika Kraliçesi), 1951, 7.9/10
The Wrestler (Şampiyon), 2008, 7.9/10
Black Swan (Siyah Kuğu), 2010, 8/10
The Shining (Cinnet), 1980, 8.4/10
Full Metal Jacket, 1987, 8.3/10
Jacob’s Ladder (Dehşetin Nefesi), 1990, 7.5/10
Born on the Fourth of July (Doğum Günü Dört Temmuz), 1989, 7.2/10
Rain Man (Yağmur Adam), 1988, 8/10
Kids (Çocuklar), 1995, 7/10
Sling Blade (Bıçak Sırtı), 1996, 8/10
Apocalypse Now (Kıyamet), 1979, 8.5/10
Heavenly Creatures (Cennet Yaratıkları), 1994, 7.4/10
Dead Ringers (Ölü İkizler), 1988, 7.3/10
The Snake Pit, 1948, 7.7/10
As Good as It Gets (Benden Bu Kadar), 1997, 7.7/10
Memento (Akıl Defteri), 2001, 8.5/10
American Beauty (Amerikan Güzeli), 1999, 8.4/10
The Breakfast Club, 1985, 7.9/10
Chinatown (Çin Mahallesi), 1974, 8.3/10
Fargo, 1996, 8.2/10
Spoorloos (Kayboluş), 1988, 7.8/10
Girl, Interrupted (Aklım Karıştı), 1999, 7.3/10
Sasom i en spegel (Aynanın İçinden), 1961, 8.1/10
Smultronstallet (Yaban Çiçekleri), 1957, 8.3/10
Good Will Hunting (Can Dostum), 1997, 8.3/10
A Beautiful Mind (Akıl Oyunları), 2001, 8.2/10
Shutter Island (Zindan Adası), 2010, 8.1/10
Silver Linings Playbook (Umut Işığım), 2012, 7.8/10
King’s Speech (Zoraki Kral), 2010, 8/10
Hellhounds, 2013, 6.3/10
Sybil, 1976, 8/10
American Psycho (Amerikan Sapığı), 2000, 7.6/10
A Dangerous Method (Tehlikeli İlişki), 2001, 6.5/10
The Soloist (Virtüoz), 2009, 6.7/10
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Benjamin Button’ın Tuhaf Hikayesi), 2008, 7.8/10
Still Alice, 2014, 7.5/10
Göne Girl(Kayıp Kız), 2014, 8.2/10
What About Bob? (Peki Ya Bob?), 1991, 7/10
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