abigdumbanimal · 2 years
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1969 Dodge Hemi Daytona. NASCAR #22 driven by Bobby Allison. Concours quality restoration and going to auction.
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aziraphales-library · 9 months
Hi, do you have some fic where the bentley ship them? Ty in advance
Hey, here are some Bentley ships it fics...
The Bentley Changes Her Tune by CousinSerena (T)
How will Crowley ever confess his love to Aziraphale? The Bentley helps him out.
In Love With My… Car? by freyjawriter24 (T)
When Aziraphale gets discorporated and needs a receptive body to help stop the Apocalypse, the nearest willing consciousness to where he'd been talking to Crowley happens to belong to one semi-sentient car…
A Will of Her own by SentientBentley (G)
A view through time of how the Bentley forged a friendship with Crowley, pushing him to go after the love of his life and helping him realise that maybe he is just a little bit of a good person.
Celestial Harmonies by lynamoon (T)
The story of a demon falling in love with an angel throughout time and his automobile acting as his wingman. (wingwoman? wingcar? ... you get the idea).
Driving Back in Style (In My Salon Will Do Quite Nicely) by evil_moo_bunny (T)
Crowley has been ordered to seduce Aziraphale and is panicking. Aziraphale thinks is a great opportunity to get lunch together more often. When everything seems like it may fall apart, it falls into place instead.
All I Hear is Your Gear… by herebewyverns (G)
When humans need sanctuary, they go to holy places. But Aziraphale isn’t human. He has the next best thing, though: Crowley’s Bentley.
- Mod D
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watcheraurora · 3 months
Wing Lessons
This was supposed to be 1.2k words of simple silliness. I don’t know what happened. Just a little thing between "brothers." Takes place after Double Life 4.0k words
Potential CW: one very brief flashback with Mild Body Horror that can easily be skipped over. It's one paragraph that’s inspired by ezzriin’s Blackest Hand animatic
Grian looked up from his drafting table where he'd been planning out his next build. "What is it, Tim?" He pulled his glasses off and set his pencil down. He stood and approached the doorway, stretching out his wings as he did. He'd been sitting for a while and his bones were sore.
Jimmy shifted a little so the door was still blocking most of his body. "Could I ask a favor?" he asked.
"Depends on what it is," Grian replied.
"You know how I've been the first one out of the Games every single time?"
"Of course." Grian suppressed a giggle.
"Well... it's changed me. I'm... I'm not used to this."
"What do you mean?"
Jimmy finally pushed the door away from him.
Revealing small, juvenile wings poking out from his back. They were mostly brown with streaks of yellow. Not quite downy, not quite proper adult plumage either.
Jimmy, unable to meet Grian's eyes and turning red from embarrassment, cleared his throat. "Will you teach me how to preen them?"
Grian stared. "Canary wings," he said. Not a question. "They'll get more and more yellow the more they mature." He made a shooing motion. Jimmy backed up and Grian pursued him out of the office. "C'mon. Let me show you." He led Jimmy down the hall into the bathroom.
"When did you get yours?" Jimmy asked as Grian opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a few wingcare tools. "You didn't have them in Evo."
Grian felt his wings twitch and try to puff up at that. He forced them to remain still. "Not long after I left," he replied. "What do you remember about how I left?"
"The Watchers took you. Said they were going to keep you."
Darkness, purplish lightning, the empty hoods and long sweeping robes. Screaming as wings tore themselves from his back and eyes began to open in the skin of his face—
"Something like that, yeah," Grian replied. "After I got away from them, I got wings." A simple lie. One Jimmy wouldn't see through.
Tucking his wings in close, Grian grabbed the back of his red jumper and pulled it off, leaving him in the collared white button-down he wore beneath it. Jimmy followed his lead, though he had on a blue button-down with the sleeves rolled up his arms and a white T-shirt underneath.
"Alright. So. First thing's first. It's best to rinse our wings in the shower first. Do not use soap on them. Just the water is enough. They sort themselves out much better without soap. After that, you'll want to ruffle them and puff them up to, sort of, reorder the feathers where they're supposed to be. You might need to do this with your hands too, if your feathers are too messy. Once they're in order, it's time for the oil. This brush right here—" He lifted the instrument in question. "—is to get the feathers closest to your spine that your hands can't reach, but it also spreads the oil from our uropygial glands over our feathers. Actual birds only have one gland and it's usually at the base of the tail. We don't have tails and we have a lot of normal skin in-between each wing. As such, we have one gland per wing. We also have much larger wings than any bird in existence. More glands, bigger glands, more oil. More surface area. You get the point."
The unfocused look in Jimmy's eyes betrayed that he did not, in fact, get the point.
Grian sighed. "Let me show you." He grabbed a tea towel and soaked it in the sink. "Stick your wing over the bath."
Jimmy did as he was told. Grian transferred the tea towel over and stood on the ledge of the bath to be tall enough to reach the top of Jimmy's wing. Jimmy was taller than Grian, and his wings were going to be much larger and longer. At the moment, his were a little smaller than Grian's, and not big enough to support Jimmy's weight for full flight. Grian already knew he'd be the one teaching Jimmy to fly. He wouldn't trust anyone else to do so. As Jimmy's older "brother," sure he would mess with him a lot, but Grian would never allow Jimmy to fall out of the sky.
He wrung out the tea towel over Jimmy's wing, then used the tub faucet to soak the towel again and again until the wing was thoroughly soaked. Goosebumps prickled across Jimmy's arms and he shuddered.
"Oi!" Grian protested. "No shaking off the water yet! I'm not done!"
"It's cold!"
"Yes, because the water has rinsed off the oil that keeps your wings insulated. We're going to be reapplying it. But you have to be patient and not shake off the water."
Jimmy shivered again, but not as dramatically. "Okay. I'll try to hold still."
A few minutes of squawking, slinging orders, and shouting at each other later, both of Jimmy's wings were sopping wet. In seconds, Grian had doused his own wings in water as well, somehow managing not to even get his shirt wet, despite Jimmy's T-shirt being soaked.
Grian took a tool off the bathroom counter and showed Jimmy how to ruffle and puff his feathers to put them back into place. The tool was used to carefully fix feathers that didn't easily fall back into place. Then passed the tool—like long, strong tweezers—over. Jimmy fluffed and shook and reordered his feathers.
"Like that?" he asked hopefully.
Grian assessed him. "Actually, yeah. Didn't expect you to get it right on the first try. Proud of you."
Jimmy looked flabbergasted at the compliment, but didn't have time to bask in it.
Grian scooped up the brush he'd showed off first. "This is where it gets complicated." He twisted and extended one wing straight backward, primary feathers brushing the wall. "Right there. In the middle of the base of my wing, see that dark spot?"
Jimmy leaned closer, eyebrows scrunched. "Oh! Yeah!"
"That's where the gland secretes the oil that we use to finish the process. I'll go fast on the first wing and then slow so you can see what I'm doing, but we have to spread that oil everywhere. It's how we waterproof, insulate, and protect the feathers from parasites and bad bacteria. Also, feathers are essentially dead like hair. So without the oil, they'll get dry and brittle and fall apart. Which is why preening is so important." He used the brush to drag the oil across the underside of his wing first, and then used the specialized, scoop-like brush bristles to carry it over to the backside of his wings.
Jimmy watched with a dropped jaw. "How do you do it so fast?"
Grian smiled. "Years of practice, Tim," he replied. "Don't expect yourself to do it this fast and still be thorough for your first year or two. Now let me do this one slow so you can actually see what I did."
Jimmy watched closely, bent close to Grian's wings, his own juvenile ones moving around with excited twitches. Wings were like a second facial expression to anyone who knew how to read them. And Jimmy's showed off how intrigued and excited he was to learn.
Grian hoped Jimmy was actually paying attention, rather than just looking without seeing. He doubted this would be the only time he taught Jimmy how to do this. And that was fine. Preening was a process. He'd had to teach himself after leaving the Watchers and it hadn't gone well. If he could make it easier for Jimmy than it had been for himself... well. Maybe that made up, somewhat, for all the teasing.
Once his second wing was freshly oiled, he cleaned his preening oil off the brush before handing it over.
"Why'd you clean it?" Jimmy asked.
"To avoid passing any bacteria or viruses from me to you," Grian answered. "Now. Hold your wing out behind you, like I did." Jimmy did as he was told. Grian guided Jimmy to look at himself in the mirror from the side. "See the oily spot?" He pointed to a dark patch of feathers that weren't fluffy like the rest of the air-dried plumage.
"Yeah!" Jimmy exclaimed.
Grian pointed to the brush. "That's where you're going to brush from. Careful not to go against the direction of the feathers if you can avoid it. You don't want to rip any of them out."
Carefully, he guided Jimmy's hands through the oiling process, boosting himself to sit on the bathroom counter when he was confident Jimmy could do it on his own with only verbal guidance, rather than physical assistance.
"By the way," he said when Jimmy was halfway through his second wing. "We'll get you your own preening tools. It's best for every Avian to have their own. To avoid passing along bacteria. Like how you wouldn't want to share a toothbrush with someone. It's fine for this one time because it's not actually exactly like sharing a toothbrush, but in the future, you'd be better served to have your own. You'll need a longer brush, I imagine."
"Why?" Jimmy asked.
Grian gave him a skeptical look. "Our wings are proportional to our heights. Yours are going to be significantly bigger and longer than mine. Just to reach around them to the back, you'll probably need a longer handle when they're fully mature."
"O-oh. Okay."
"I'll get a set ordered for you. Call it a birthday present."
"Awww! Thanks, Grian!"
Grian pulled his red jumper back on, easily slipping his wings through their slits in the back of it. His glamour on them—the one that made his plumage look like that of a parrot, rather than the purple-tinted-black of a Watcher—flickered for a moment. Jimmy was too absorbed in his own wings to notice.
"So how often do I have to do this?" Jimmy asked, tangled up in his own arms and feathers while he tried to finish his second wing.
Grian leaned back a bit on the counter, keeping his freshly-oiled wings away from the mirror to avoid smudging it, and crossed his legs. "Well... that's a good question. Ideally, every day. At maximum, every three days. Your feathers will get really itchy and uncomfortable if you wait even that long, but sometimes things happen and you won't have time."
"Every day?!" Jimmy squawked. "This takes forever!"
"That's because this is your first time," Grian said flatly. "If you preen every day, right after you shower, you'll be as quick as I am in no time and it'll be as much of a routine as brushing your teeth within a few weeks. Also, you missed a bit."
Jimmy spun in circles, looking for a patch of feathers that hadn't been oiled, using the mirror to see the backside.
Grian snorted. "Nah, I'm just kiddin'," he said.
"You absolute buffoon!" Jimmy exclaimed in frustration.
Grian hopped nimbly off the counter and dodged out of the bathroom. Jimmy pursued him, preening brush still in hand. They ran through the base. Jimmy was shouting and Grian was cackling.
The moment he pushed through a door and out into the fresh air, Grian's wings snapped out and he took off. A powerful downdraft blasted Jimmy's hair and feathers backward as Grian launched into the sky.
"You get back here, mister!" Jimmy called. "You get back here and—and—"
Grian cackled as he soared higher, spinning and rolling. Banking in a circle while Jimmy kept shouting for him. This high up, with the wind roaring in his ears, Grian couldn't hear him.
"What's that, Tim?" he teased. "I can't hear you!" He laughed harder. Jimmy was gesticulating wildly, trying to mime for Grian to land.
Grian didn't. Just twisted into an aileron roll and shot off. Laughing the whole time.
It only took a week for Jimmy's wings to fully mature. Given how quickly after the Games they manifested, Grian wasn't surprised that they matured fast.
Which was how he found himself standing opposite his "brother" next to a cliffside near the base via the Nether, letting the sun warm his feathers. Jimmy's wings had indeed grown much bigger than Grian's and were so blindingly bright yellow they almost hurt to look at.
"Alright, Timmy. Put these on." He handed over a pair of flight goggles. "You'll get used to the windburn in your eyes eventually. For now it's best to wear those."
Jimmy pulled them on—and Grian snorted so hard he hurt his throat.
"What?!" Jimmy demanded.
"You look ridiculous," Grian managed to say between giggles. "No matter, no matter." He fought to get himself back under control while Jimmy pouted. Grian took several deep breaths, reining himself in. "Okay. Lesson one: flying."
"Shouldn't lesson one be, like, taking off?"
Grian laughed. "No. Lesson one is learning how to fall. Lesson two is learning how to land. Lesson three is learning how to fly. And lesson four is learning how to take off."
"How... how am I supposed to learn in reverse order?" Jimmy asked.
"Easy. Like this."
Grian shoved Jimmy off the edge of the cliff. Jimmy was bigger and taller than Grian and should have been able to stand his ground easily. But nothing a little Watcher power couldn't overcome.
Jimmy screamed as he plummeted.
Grian cackled as he hurled himself over the cliff, wings tucked close to his spine, and dove after Jimmy.
He caught up, since Jimmy was fighting to fall slowly and Grian was diving.
"Spread your wings, Timmy! Face the ground and unfurl them!"
"I can'tIcan'tIcan't!" Jimmy cried.
Grian eased his wings a little bit out to help guide him. He got close to Jimmy and grabbed his hands. "Come on! I'm holding onto you. I won't let you crash! Let them out!" He twisted so his back was facing the ground and Jimmy was above him.
Screaming, Jimmy unfurled his wings.
His falling momentum arrested abruptly.
Grian let him go, flipped over, and snapped his own out. Wind filled his feathers like sails. He navigated so he was gliding beside Jimmy. Their wings were so long that they were nearly thirty feet apart.
"Grian! Grian, I'm doing it! I'm flying!" Jimmy screeched, voice high-pitched.
Grian laughed. "Not yet! You're gliding. You fell, and now you're coasting." He lowered his wing closest to Jimmy and swept below him so they could be a bit closer to talk. "Step two is learning how to land! And it's best to run into your landing so you don't just drop and destroy your knees." He pointed toward a beach not far from the cliff. "Dip your left wing and we'll glide over there. You can watch me before trying for yourself!"
Jimmy struggled, but managed to angle himself into a bank heading for the beach.
Grian dipped and plunged through the air toward the ground. Jimmy followed at a much shallower angle. Grian pulled up at the last possible moment to slow down significantly. He banked in a circle like a vulture to get even slower as he lowered himself toward the ground. He got his legs under him and braced them to run the second they hit the ground. Jimmy kept circling overhead.
Grian ran into his landing. He could land without a run at this point, but he was a Watcher—too durable and immortal to royally screw up his joints. And he needed to teach Jimmy the easy way first.
Once he stopped and looked up, he snapped his wings back out and threw himself back into the sky. "Your turn! I won't let you crash!"
Jimmy screamed the whole way down as he spiraled ever closer to the beach. Grian stayed in tight formation just above, carefully monitoring. He had an instinct for flying now—
And he knew Jimmy was coming in too hot. At the wrong angle.
Jimmy seemed to realize it too. He was still screaming, but it got louder and more frantic.
Grian pulled up short and flapped in place, hovering as best he could. He lashed one hand out, the other wound back behind him. Both of them with strained fingers.
Purple light surrounded Jimmy and adjusted his angle. He slowed down until he was at nearly a standstill and stumbled to a landing.
Grian released the power holding Jimmy and twisted into a sharp dive, landing only a wings-length from Jimmy. "Bad angle, Timmy," he said.
Jimmy whirled. "How did you do that?!"
"Do what?"
"You stopped me from falling. I don't know how—but you did it!"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Grian said flatly, just the right amount of obliviousness in his eyes for Jimmy to believe it.
"Then how did I land?"
"Favorable wind, is my guess." It was so difficult not to smile or giggle.
"Do I get to learn how to take off now?"
"Nope," Grian said. "We're going to hike back to the clifftop and we're going to jump again so you can learn to fly first. There's no use knowing how to take off if you don't know what to do afterwards."
"We have to hike?!" Jimmy complained.
Grian gave him a look. "Coming from the athletic one between the two of us," he said sarcastically, already heading for the path that would lead them back to the top.
Jimmy sighed dramatically and ran to catch up. "Grian—Grian—talk me through it while we walk, yeah? Once we get up there, how do I fly?"
"I believe in learning as it happens," Grian said blithely. "Besides, you don't listen."
"I do too!" Jimmy protested, blustering a bit. "Just—just talk me through it! Like, the flapping or whatever."
Grian snickered. "Fine."
He gave very thorough, clear instructions the whole way up. Jimmy looked overwhelmed about two minutes in. But, at the very least he looked like he was trying to understand. He asked questions and sought clarification.
Soon enough, they were back atop the cliff.
"Okay. Just hop off and give it a try, then," Grian said. "Running jump to give you as much outward momentum as possible."
Swallowing hard, Jimmy backed up several long steps, looking at the ocean beyond the cliff. "Okay. Okay, okay, okay. I got this. I'm Big Man Jim. I can do this. I can fly." He nodded to himself. "I'm gonna fly. I will."
He ran toward the precipice.
And stopped within a foot of the edge. "I can't do this! I can't just yeet myself off the side of a cliff! Into midair! I can't." He shook his head, staring over the drop.
Grian rolled his eyes. "Oh, for goodness' s—" One quick pull and push of his arm smacked Jimmy in the back with a gust of wind that sent him off the edge screaming again. Grian ran to the edge and launched himself off. "Get your wings out, Tim!" he shouted.
Thankfully, Jimmy figured that bit out. He righted himself and got back into gliding position. Grian dove beneath him, coming back into the same formation as before.
"Okay! Now remember what we talked about! Flapping for height and distance. Banking for direction. We'll get to rolls and tricks in a long time."
Jimmy nodded, gathering his courage back up.
He started—slowly—navigating the sky.
"Yes! That's how you do it! Tim, you're doing amazing!" Grian shouted. He churned the air with his wings and surged up to follow after Jimmy.
"Grian! Grian, I'm flying!" Jimmy shrieked. An ear-to-ear grin covered his face.
Grian laughed, brushing the outside tips of his primary flight feathers against the tips of Jimmy's in a moment of reassurance. Before he flipped into an aileron roll and came to a glide on Jimmy's other side.
"How'd you do that?"
"Practice." Grian took a deep breath. "Feel that warm breeze? Use it to ride higher. It's an updraft!"
Jimmy caught a couple more meters of altitude, but when Grian hit the same updraft, he soared much higher, laughing with joy and glee.
They flew around for a little bit, practicing, before Grian came to a gentle glide above Jimmy. "Ready to practice landing again? Are your wings getting tired?"
"A bit."
"Let's land. Then we'll do a quick takeoff lesson, land again, and then call it a day."
Jimmy nodded.
Instead of returning to the beach, they landed at the top of the cliff. Jimmy managed to catch the angle much easier since he hadn't gotten too much higher than it this time. He ran into his landed much smoother. Grian just dropped onto the ground and tucked his wings back easily.
"Not bad. Now, for takeoff, it's easier to take a running start. Fill up your wings with air, and such. Standing takeoff is a lot harder. Let's start with the running."
"Okay. Yeah. Okay."
"I'll show you first." Grian opened his wings and took off at a dead sprint before beating his wings at the air and taking to the sky.
Jimmy followed. Taller, longer legged, and more athletic, he hit the air with his take off quicker and stronger, surging upward.
Grian cheered. Jimmy laughed hysterically, like he didn't believe he'd done it.
"Grian! It worked!"
Still in the air, Grian managed a pretend bow. "You've learned from the best, my young apprentice," he teased in a goofy voice.
They both banked into an easy landing. Jimmy snatched Grian into a bone-crushing hug, still careful to avoid his wings. "Ooooh! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Grian chuckled. "You're welcome, Tim." He squirmed out of the hug and took a few steps back. "Nether portal home?"
Jimmy nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah." His face was flushed with windburn and exhilaration as he pulled the flight goggles down around his neck. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever done. It's so much cooler than an Elytra!"
"Harder, but better," Grian said. "The Elytra and rockets do most of the work for you when it comes to landing and taking off, but flying under your own power is much more rewarding."
Jimmy nodded enthusiastically.
They hiked a short way to the Nether portal they'd made on the way here and ducked into it.
The journey through the Nether wasn't long. The whole way back, Grian was lost in thought as Jimmy rambled.
It had been a long time since he truly appreciated the gift the Watchers had given him by giving him wings. He took them for granted. But watching Jimmy discover the joys of real flight, not just Elytra gliding, reminded him of when he first learned to fly properly and thought it was the most amazing thing.
He glanced over at his younger "brother"—who had no memory of how Grian had been torn away from Evo and turned into a Watcher, whose wings were the result of a Canary Curse—and the smile still covering Jimmy's face was enough to make him smile himself.
Yeah. Being a Watcher wasn't always so bad, if it meant he got to share fun experiences like this with his friends.
One quick beat of his wings got him up high enough to sling his arm around Jimmy's neck and give him an affectionate, soft noogie. "I'm glad it got to be me, to teach you how to fly, Tim."
Jimmy, his big hazel-brown eyes suddenly getting a little misty, smiled. "Me too, Grian. Even if you did push me off the cliff." He gave Grian a playful shove. Grian shoved him back. They started pushing each other all the way back to the Nether portal that would take them back to their overworld base, laughing and calling out playful jibes at one another, tumbling through the portal home.
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cerasus--flores · 22 days
do halovians have wash days for their bigger wings? do they have special wing and feather care products? i can't imagine there wouldn't be an industry for it the way we have industries for all parts of our bodies irl. robin wingcare line when?
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fourmula1 · 7 months
do you think sentient boy car and honey sorta hate each other?? are they competitive?? can max speak to honey?? pls i can't stop thinking ab boy car being the best wingman?? wingcar?? possible
extremely competitive!! just like their drivers. I think they don’t hate each other but they are colleagues with the same goal: winning.
max probably can speak to honey but he doesn’t, and she’s not interested lmao. it’s possible they could. it they’re both not dying to. max feels boy car is an extension of himself. same soul in different “bodies”. daniel and honey don’t have that same intensity even if they are intensely bonded.
boy car and max are one and the same, thus buy car knew max’s most deeply intimate desires (daniel) and he felt he could make that happen for max, when max couldn’t realize it for himself.
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yifeiyay · 1 year
24h le mans 2023 Moments Of All Time:
quali was already such a mess we should have known
the 311 squad's parade car breakdown being an omen of their race to come (jack 😔)
the rain and everyone spinning
the 38 starting p60, managing to lead the race, yifei taking off its back, it goes into the pits and gets fixed, and then antonio taking off the front hours later
the 75 dnfing and giving the 38 crew their spare parts which they have to replace the livery of
kamui getting a race ending rearend after an already bad day for the 7
olli in the 35 serving a penalty in the pits as the clock strikes midnight and comms wish him happy 21st birthday
the peugeots surprising everyone with their performance here and then having that all evaporate
the 50 getting pole and then becoming reduced to 51's wingcar
the fact that so much stuff was happening in hypercarland you barely hear from the lmp2s or gtes
ryo binning 8 while chasing the 51
the sheer amount of gte retirements
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vav-official · 6 years
VCAM(브이캠) EP.22_VAV 'SPOTLIGHT' 윙카 콘서트(VAV 'SPOTLIGHT' WingCar Concert) VAV 3rd Mini Album [SPOTLIGHT]  has been released.
Listen on APPLE Music https://goo.gl/eJ81kk iTunes https://goo.gl/RftUhg MelOn   https://goo.gl/qNAhMZ Mnet :  https://goo.gl/1auUbm olleh music :  https://goo.gl/WxXbPg genie :  https://goo.gl/7yXJmC NAVER MUSIC :  https://goo.gl/X7xQh7 soribada :  https://goo.gl/PkajsK Bugs :  https://goo.gl/TptYvZ
*VAV Official fancafe http://cafe.daum.net/VAVofficial *VAV Official facebook https://www.facebook.com/VAVofficial *VAV Official twitter https://twitter.com/VAV_official *VAV Official Instagram https://i.instagram.com/vav_official/ *VAV Official weibo https://www.weibo.com/vavofficialpage *VAV Official site  http://goo.gl/tiABrT *A team http://www.ateament.co.kr
VAV 3rd Mini Album’s main title [Spotlight (光)] is an Urban R&B genre dance pop with Minor-code progression. On top of its seamless instrumental beats, groovy Synthesizer and Baselines stand out to create inspiring sounds. Monotone-based Modern Chic style was completed with not only music, but also the lyrics that narrates “I reach out my arms to my only spotlight, you”, successfully demonstrating the [Spotlight] that VAV finally found from the blurred vision at dusk.
Double-title song [Gorgeous] shows the completely opposite side of VAV with Funky Disco based dance pop that was inspired by Michael Jackson & Prince from the 80s. Unlike the monotone [Spotlight], [Gorgeous] presents kaleidoscopic vision with manifold natural colors. VAV completed this impressive confession with their powerful vocals and extraordinary dance moves.
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....... Philadelphia Auto Show ........ " PLYMOUTH SUPERBIRD " . #hotrodstopromods #doorwarz #carshow #carshows #phila #Philadelphia #plymouth #superbird #cars #car #carlife #carinstagram #mopar #moparlife #supercars #supercar #moparlove #1970 #1970superbird #carporn #horsepower #bigblock #bigblockmopar #wing #wingcar
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rjbailey · 4 years
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Reposted from @mecum_auctions Slap a sold sticker on that Aero Warrior! .. This 1969 @@dodgeofficial Daytona sold for $198,000 and has landed on the top 10 list. ... The car is 1 of 503 produced in 1969 and is powered by a 440 CI V-8 engine. ... #Dodge #Daytona #DodgeDaytona #Mopar #WingCar #AeroWarrior #LimitedProduction #Blue #MecumSummerSpecial #Mecum #MecumAuctions #WhereTheCarsAre #Car #Cars #Auction #Auto #CarLifestyle #Lifestyle #Drive #DriveTastefully #CarsWithoutLimits #CarsOfInstagram #CarPhotography #Photoshoot - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpOQ0uAT4c/?igshid=506kvzscmhex
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artworkvision · 4 years
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The wing car of the Cologne artist HA Schult. Towers on the roof of the historic stair tower of Cologne City Museum. #wingcar #museums #artoninstagram #cathedralcologne #artworkvision #michelstichter #2020 #happynewyear https://www.instagram.com/p/B6vaJoFH9ZH/?igshid=vve9t3o2vzsz
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abigdumbanimal · 5 years
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hii! I was wondering if you could recommend any good fics where someone acts as azi and crowley’s wingman? Perhaps anathema or Adam, but any other character would do.
Thanks! :)
Hello! We have some fics you might be interested in on our #matchmaking tag, and here are more matchmaking/wing(wo)man fics...
Tea by StellarCorpses (G)
When Crowley sauntered away from the wreckage of his Bentley, come to save the day, a lot of feelings rushed to the surface. Unfortunately, Aziraphale experienced these feelings with Madame Tracy's brain. If Madame Tracy could coax Sergeant Shadwell out of his shell and his apartment, she can certainly get Aziraphale to admit his feelings for Crowley.
Crowley had a way with kids, particularly the mischievous sort. If Adam fell on a side, it was Their Side, really. So, all things considered, it was no wonder he found himself visiting the Them now and again. Anathema paid them visits, too. The kid without an aura was a good listener, and who else in Lower Tadfield was she meant to talk to, R. P. Tyler? Crowley and Anathema wound up in the same place at the same time, and the shift in his aura at the mention of Aziraphale, a bit like a blush, is hard to miss.
Celestial Harmonies by lynamoon (T)
The story of a demon falling in love with an angel throughout time and his automobile acting as his wingman. (wingwoman? wingcar? ... you get the idea).
Wedding Bells & Brides From Hell by Zakani_Donovan (T)
Aziraphale is a wedding planner, Crowley owns a catering business and they first meet while working at the wedding of Anathema Device and Newton Pulsifer.
Plan Me No Plans by CaptainLeBubbles (G)
Frustrated by how long Her otp are taking to become canon, God informs the Archangels that the Ineffable Plan is dependent on them falling in love with each other. The Archangels then take it upon themselves to get the pair together.
Cue five Archangels attempting to orchestrate a Meet Cute between two people who have been hiding their friendship for thousands of years at this point.
Good Company by lyllytas (T)
In a world where the not-pocolipse never happened, Gabriel was on his way to Aziraphale to get a standard report. Unfortunately, the bookshop is locked, and he overhears the strangest conversation
the one where Gabriel decides to play matchmaker and some really odd changes take place
Mayonnaise, Starbucks and Moby Dick by lionofsounis (T)
A distraught girl ducks into the shop moments before closing. Aziraphale is compelled to help her because he's Aziraphale, Crowley is exasperated about it because he's Crowley. Frivolous miracles and petty banter ensue.
Alternate summary: Crowley invented Miracle Whip and Frappuccinos, Aziraphale does not know what gift cards are, and God is a wingwoman.
- Mod D
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Okay I managed to hold out til Cloth Caturday so uhhhhh have a Cloth and Nola headcanon wall because I love them and I’m 110% sure they were adorable hadhashdh
Butterfly Nola headcanon stuck with me so fuck it she’s a butterfly
You know how monarch butterflies migrate? What if uhhh Nola was a monarch butterfly, and during the summer her tribe would go up to bUg sCoTlaNd to vibe because it’s cooler up there (literally)
So like during their childhoods they only saw each other a couple months out of the year but they were still bestiessss 🥺
Baby Nola was the little shit that always pulled pranks and dragged Baby Cloth and herself into trouble, and Baby Cloth was the lesser little shit that got them out of it
They came out of their final molts at the same time and spent hours admiring each other (especially wings!!! Wings are cool!!!)
They’re friends to lovers your honor
It was Nola who popped the GF question. Yes it was awkward. Yes Cloth loved it anyway.
To this day Cloth still doesn’t know why Nola loved her so much...Nola was perfect in every way and she was just...Cloth
Nola was a badass who hunted a lot for the tribes, Cloth was not a badass yet and often stayed well within the tree to help with the nymphs (baby cicadas)
And they helped each other out a lot even though Cloth was terrified of being murdered by some predator and Nola was completely helpless around kids dhahdjsjkf
Nola would try and boost Cloth’s courage and self-confidence when she could, and Cloth would keep tabs on Nola’s health so she wouldn’t overwork herself
Nola’s antennae curled into a heart shape whenever her super cool gf was nearby 🥺🥺🥺
Wingcare wingcareeeee they would take care of each other’s wingssssss
During winter all the cicadas would hibernate, but Cloth made sure the house would be well-stocked and warm enough for Nola, and Nola would guard Cloth while she hibernated just in case something happened jsjsjfjskf
They’re soft lesbian soulmates help ksjdjajfkslfldlgldkvkdkvjahdkskf
Fuck it, what if...they got...married...jk jk...unless???
And had a...wedding...jk jk...unless???
And they were only married...a few months...before tragedy struck...jk jk...UNLESS???
Hoo wow hey guess what, an ancient beast decided to attack the Bug Scotland nurseries, and guess who the local power couple that stepped up to protect the children was? :)
And guess who died brutally right in front of her significant other? :))
And guess who survived but not only lost her wings, but was also left to deal with the guilt of not protecting her significant other for the rest of her life? :)))
And guess who left her home and hid herself from the world out of shame, to the point where she hasn’t seen her own face in years? :))))
And guess who still hasn’t gotten over the death of her significant other and still hates herself for it, but will never tell anyone because it means reliving the trauma and admitting her failure to protect one of the few bugs that loved her, leading to her new Found Family leaving her in disgust and fueling her self-loathing, until she has nothing left, until her desperation to join her wife in death triumphs over all? :)))))
-Scottish Cloth Anon
I’m LATE for Cloth Caturday AGHHH. But these are all very good and I am afraid I don’t have much to add on, but this was a very good read.
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britishsass · 2 years
wings and winged AU: there's a few early issues of true psychic tales that are pretty different from the later ones, including an entire issue dedicated to stuff relating to wings, like wingcare, flight tips, modifying clothes to work with wings, wing anatomy, etc. it's one of raz's favourite issues alongside the one about the helmut and bob wedding. it also has shirtless helmut on the cover, which got it banned in grulovia, just like the wedding one (banned for the exact same reason & picture)
Aww, that's a nice idea.
(Bob, who has special editions of both: ...what? isn't a man allowed to be gay for his husband?)
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chaoticevilbean · 3 years
Four In One : Chapter One
"Lance, on your left!"
The Blue Lion moved just in time to avoid a cannon blast, twisting with practiced ease. It laid cover fire as the Red Lion moved in to take out the command ship, the whole thing exploding within ticks.
A few dobashes later, all five Lions were safely in their hangars, having successfully gathered information, freed a few prisoners that were sent off in escape pods, and destroyed the rest of the fleet. The Paladins all rushed out to greet each other, giving and receiving praise for maneuvers and quick thinking.
"Well done, Paladins," Allura called out as she entered the main hangar where the team was still standing. Her white wings fluffed with pride, showing off streaks of pink and silver. "That was one of your most successful missions to date, and it truly shows off your skills as pilots."
"Wouldn't have been able to if you didn't push us so hard," Shiro replied, his dark grey and black wings fluffing as well.
"But the breaks are appreciated," Hunk added quickly, as though worried not reminding the princess would mean her reverting to the relentless training she had given them when they were still new.
"Of course," was the elegant reply. After a few more minutes of talking, the group started to head towards the lounge area. Hunk headed straight for the kitchen with Coran to make dinner, while Pidge began to decode the information they gathered. Shiro and Allura began talking quietly about the ways each paladin could've done better, and how to improve each minor weakness. Keith sat down with a book, and Lance settled on the other side of the couch, content with just thinking.
Like many times nowadays, his mind wandered to wings.
On Earth, there were scaled wings, feathered wings, and wingless. There were minor mutations, and a few major ones as well. Upon coming into space, it was found that Alteans also have wings, though Galrans do not.
Each of the Paladins of Voltron had different wings. Hugely different.
Pidge's wings were small, made for speed and agility, but still with downy spots. It was obvious that there was room for growth, and the youngest paladin made sure none of the boys, or anyone else for that matter, forgot it. But whereas most wings were shades of brown, grey, or red, Pidge's still developing feathers held an ombre pattern of bright green. Streaks of dark and light hues highlighted the wings whenever they puffed up in indignation, which was often, considering the rest of the team thought it was adorable and annoyed her just to see the adorableness. Not that they'd tell her that.
Hunk's wings were feathers as well, in golden tones that ranged from deep chocolate brown to a khaki tan. They were strong, made to hold much more than just Hunk's weight. Their softness was unrivaled, and no matter the weather, warmth radiated from the large appendages. And large they were. The longest wingspan ever recorded, they were at least twelve feet on either side, and bigger in size as well.
Shiro's wings were black with shading of dark grey throughout them. His time as the Champion caused a few light grey streaks and white feathers scattered throughout. They were streamlined, made to be fast, but not nearly as agile as Pidge's. Fully extended, they reached about eight feet on either side, meaning they were strong as well.
Keith's wings were the only ones with scales. About a movement into their time as Paladins (the space equivalent of a week), Allura and Coran did full scans of all of the humans, since they had no information on human biology. That led to a discussion of how much Keith knew about his parents, but it did allow Keith to reveal his wings, which he had previously hidden, as all humans are able to do. His scales shone with different patterns and shades of red, and were built for quick movements. Angled a bit differently than feathered wings, they cut through the air easily. And sitting just below his six foot long wings were a slightly smaller set, a slightly lighter coloring and meant to provide a boost in flight.
Allura's wings were a sight to behold, capturing the attention of the five Earthlings when they first met the Altean princess. White wings with streaks of silver and pink that caught the light, changing with each form the alien royal took. They were just as elegant as the being they were attached to.
Coran's wings were apparently as strange among Alteans as the Altean was to the Paladins. Apparently scaled wings were so rare in Altea that there were under a hundred of the population with them at once. Orange scales speckled with blue and white and brown, built for protection and endurance. Despite most scaled wings being cool to the touch, Coran was much like Hunk - always warm.
Lance sighed internally at the confidence in which each of his companions held themselves and their beautiful wings. His own wings itched to stretch, but he couldn't do it here. Even if he was willing to show his team, there wasn't enough room.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The sea glistened as the McClain family swam in the beautiful water, ran along the sandy beaches, dragging neighbors, friends of family, and even "strangers" from nearby to join in the fun. Children and adults alike took the skies.
Lance had always known this life. His wings were spread out along the sand around him, providing many of his younger family members a soft place to nestle. Despite the strangeness of them, the sheer impossibility of them existing in the first place, every community member had accepted them. Accepted him. When someone new came to town, they were kept away from Lance until it was decided they could be trusted - or they simply continued on their way. In school, fellow students would move chairs and tables around to allow him to spread his wings a bit. Rainy days would lead to little kids and even some smaller teens seeking refuge under the boy's appendages.
On days like these, when the sun was slowly setting, the air warm, the sea calm, and the entire community slowly making their way to the impromptu get-together, Lance felt a joy unlike any other. Neither flying nor swimming could compare to the pure contentedness he felt.
Leandro Charles McClain was the boy born with impossible wings. His wings were a brilliant ombre of blues, and their wingspan was a whopping four feet. At most, babies had two feet of feathers or scales, though apparently there was a two and half foot wingspan record for a Samoan child. Along with the strange color and length, there were two more features that were definitely not normal.
Lance's wings were both feathered and scaled. The feathers covered the top half of his wings, before seamlessly giving way to scales on the bottom half. And there were four of them. Four bright blue, large, half-feathered half-scaled wings, positioned along his back.
In a few months, Lance would be heading off to the Garrison. His wings would be hidden like all of the students were required to do, at least while in uniform. There was a desert nearby where he could stretch his wings without worrying about prying eyes, and his grades were good enough that he couldn't be kicked out without plausible reasons.
So, he enjoyed these days of slow sunsets, warm air, and calm seas.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lance was brought back to the present by something jumping on his back. And something else jumping on his lap. And two somethings jumping on him from either side. A yelp erupted from him, and he looked around semi-frantically. Then he groaned as loudly as possible, as his teammates laughed.
"Lance, you back on the ship?" Pidge giggled from where she clung to his back, careful of the wings none of them had seen yet.
"Yeah, bud. Ya zoned out and weren't responding when we said your name." Hunk chuckled at his friend, who now seemed mildly confused.
"Yep. You had Allura pretty worried," Shiro replied, as Keith nodded seriously, or as seriously as he could while helping Shiro hug-pin his competitive friend. Lance peered over Hunk, who was clinging to his front, in order to gaze at the princess. She offered a slightly sheepish smile, before speaking loud enough for them to hear her from where she stood across the room.
"Alteans do not 'zone out' as you say, at least, not as deeply or for as long. When you didn't respond, I was worried you were ill."
"Thanks for worrying, princess, but I'm fine. And if Hunk is here, that means dinner is either done, or close to it, so can y'all get off me. I can't exactly move, like, at all." The group laughed once more before untangling themselves and rushing towards the dining room.
Dinner was filled with jokes and praise for the mission, and it was one of the many times the group felt like a real flock. A Space Flock, but still a flock. Afterwards, Shiro announced that everyone was to gather in the nest for their nightly grooming session. Grooming was a maybe bi-weekly necessity for proper wingcare, but the Space Flock got together each night to bond and relieve some of their tension. Grooming in a group was considered an act of trust and love.
The younger four Paladins raced to the nest, which was situated in the lounge. The lounge itself was a very large room, and the nest was on a raised platform. It was big enough to hold all of the Paladins and Alteans with their wings spread out - minus Lance. A ladder was connected to the wall, installed in the first movement, when two of the Paladins still hid their wings. It was also there for if someone's wings were injured, and for Lance, who always helped the others groom.
The six other flock members never understood why he hid his wings. They had asked if he was wingless, to which he had assured them he was not. He also let them "groom" his hair and help with his skincare routine, teaching them how to do it properly so that they knew he trusted them. After all, he cared deeply about his skin and hair, much like all humans cared about their wings.
Once settled in the nest, Lance immediately began grooming Hunk's left wing, while Pidge started on the right one. Shiro forced a wiggling Keith in front of him, stopping the squirming by gesturing for Coran to let Keith groom him. The Altean quickly complied, his other wing held out to Allura.
Two vargas later, Keith was letting Lance braid his hair "for bed, now shush, Mr. Mullet McGrumpyPants, this'll only take a tick," Pidge was doing the same for Allura, Shiro was doing the same for Hunk, with the promise that he would let the boy braid his floof, and Coran was brushing Lance's hair.
"Done!" Lance called out as he tied Keith's french braided mullet.
"Same!" Pidge and Hunk called, both doing similar with their subjects. Lance and Keith both tried and failed to hide snickers at the fact that, while Hunk, Allura, Keith, and even Pidge sported very pretty braids, Shiro... well, he looked pretty, alright. Like a pretty little unicorn.
"Alright, alright, I get it," the man said, using his trademarked dad voice. "Now, let's help Lance with his skin and then bed for us all. After such a successful mission, we're sleeping in the nest tonight." Lance tensed slightly, and since they all were scooching closer in order to do his version of grooming, they all noticed.
"Don't worry, Lance. We all know you want your privacy, so Coran was finally able to find that blanket that hides wings." Allura's kind smile reassured Lance, and at his relaxing form the others continued with their activity. Though only being in space for a few phoebs, the others had slept in the nest a few times. Each time, Lance had gone to a different room to sleep, in order to release his wings and stretch without being seen. Coran decided to look around for a special Altean blanket that was used for situations such as these, where one wished to hide their wings during intimate activities. It was basically a miniature space pocket, warped to allow any size wingspan to stretch out fully, while practically suctioning to the body to keep any edges from lifting. Apparently, it was incredibly comfortable.
Coran did not lie.
Lance was the first one out, curled up with his arms around Pidge, his legs entwined with Hunk's, and Shiro holding him with arm. Keith was being held in the other, causing the two boys to be essentially cuddling. Allura sat curled in the spot created by Hunk's and Lance's legs, holding Pidge's legs in her lap, while Pidge's arms cradled Coran's legs. Coran was grasping Hunk's arms, and the latter was doing similarly. Wings curled around all of them, creating a warm cocoon of feathers and scales.
No one had nightmares that night.
No arena haunted Shiro, or planetary destruction to plague the Alteans.
No homesick dreams for the Garrison Trio, and no blurry figures abandoned Keith that night.
All that remained were sweet visions of all their good times, mushed together for pure bliss.
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ourangeloftrash · 4 years
Oh my goddddd wingcare is the best why is there not more of it
i don't know but it's a crime!!
also i need there to be ways of accessorizing wings!! maybe decorations like youd put in your hair? dyed feathers, wing piercings?
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