#William Costello
maaarine · 14 days
"What leaps to my mind is misogyny that occurs within relationships, which maybe isn't as visible."
'"Insecure jealous partners are way more threatening than the sexless incels that [women] may or may not encounter.
But the misogyny within relationships functions similarly, I think.
Why do people insult their partners? That's when you're trying to lower your partner's mate value and self-esteem so she's less likely to leave you.
You hear abusive men say things like "look at you, who would have you except me?".
That's a clear indicator, I'm trying to not let you know that you could leave.
It's a shady thing and a weird concept to wrap your head around, to want to lower your partner's mate value.
Basically we describe it as "mate retention behavior". There's two types of strategies for mate retention.
One is benefit provision: you provide so many benefits to your partner that she doesn't want to leave you.
If you don't have much benefit to provide, you have to cost inflict. The dark finding is that this manifests in status-mismatch couples.
When women are higher-educated or earn more than their partners, it's a massive predictor of intimate partner violence.
I'm at risk of losing her so I need to lower her sense of self-esteem, which is really dark.
One white pill on that data is that it doesn't apply to men who enter willingly into a relationship with someone who's out-earning them at the beginning. It's when it flips that it's a risk factor.
To get back to incel misogyny, I describe that as that cost-inflicting strategy from outside the confines of a relationship.
Jim Morrison from The Doors said "women seem wicked when you're unwanted", that's exactly how it manifests.
Then it becomes a cycle, because as I understand it, women don't like to date misogynists. So it creates more rejection, more resentment."'
Source: Novara Media: The Truth About Incels | Ash Sarkar meets William Costello
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lookcaitlin · 1 year
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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We Aim to Please (1934, Dave Fleischer, Willard Bowsky)
Popeye the Sailor #17
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Popeye the Sailor Man was Based on a Real Person
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Who Created Popeye?
Popeye was created by Elzie Crisler Segar who was born on 8 December 1894 in Chester, Illinois.
Segar was a newspaper cartoonist who first introduced Popeye in his comic strip, “Thimble Theatre,” in 1929.
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The character of Popeye was inspired by a real-life sailor named Frank “Rocky” Fiegel. Fiegel was a rough-and-tumble man whom E.C. knew from his hometown.
Fiegel worked in a local saloon. Segar based the character of Popeye on Fiegel because he wanted his comic strip to be realistic.
In all honesty, Popeye wasn’t supposed to be the main character, but he quickly became popular with readers.
A “people pleaser” and a daydreamer at heart, E.C. pursued his lifelong dream of being a famous cartoonist and took a leap of faith.
It’s likely he didn’t realize just how popular the sailor would become, yet he took the chance anyway.
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Frank “Rocky” Fiegel
Segar’s comic strip was originally about a cast of characters, including Olive Oyl, Ham Gravy and Castor Oyl.
The Thimble Theatre was featured in the New York Journal on 19 December 1919, and despite the rumors, it wasn’t an instant hit.
Like many publications, it built a steady following.
E.C. took inspiration from his hometown, studied those people’s characteristics, and made them come to life in his comic strip.
But it was Popeye who stole the show and captured people’s hearts.
When E.C. met Frank, he was a retired sailor contracted by the Wiebusch’s Tavern in Chester, Illinois. His job was to clean the place and maintain order amongst the patrons.
He was always getting into fights, so he had a deformed eye, leading to people calling him “Popeye.” He’d won so many fights that he became a local legend.
And because he constantly smoked his pipe, he would speak out of one side of his mouth.
Frank was born in 1868 and migrated from Poland with his family to America when he was young. So, Popeye’s appearance didn’t come from E.C.’s imagination either.
Frank often smoked like a chimney and wore striped sailor’s t-shirts and his trademark cap daily. He also had a strong chin and thick, muscular arms.
When he was with children, he held the pipe with the corner of his mouth and told them about foolish things he did when younger – often boasting of his physical strength and loudly claiming that spinach was what made him invincible.
Like all the other children, E.C. grew up listening to Frank’s stories, turning them into elaborate adventures in his mind.
E.C. said that Frank was known for fighting, but he was also known for playing with children and telling stories.
Ultimately, Frank’s gentler traits are what inspired E.C. to create his character in Thimble Theatre.
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A Brief History of Popeye
Popeye first appeared in the comics on 17 January 1929 and spoke his famous first line, “‘Ja think I’m a cowboy!?”
On August 27, Olive Oyl mistakenly kisses Popeye on the cheek, instantly winning over the sailor’s heart and beginning their on-page love affair.
The character was an instant success and has appeared in comics, cartoons, movies, and TV shows ever since.
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Over the years, Popeye and his adventures have undergone some changes, starting in 1933 when Bluto enters the picture as Popeye’s nemesis and Olive’s love interest.
On 14 July 1933, a Betty Boop cartoon titled Popeye the Sailor was produced by Fleischer Studios and distributed by Paramount Pictures.
William Costello initially voiced Popeye, but later, Jack Mercer took over. During his animated appearance, he also earned his own theme song.
The show also coined one of Popeye’s most famous lines, “I’m strong to da finish ’cause I eats my spinach.”
Later that month, on July 24, Popeye finds Swee’Pea the “infink” on his doorstep and decides to adopt him.
Throughout the rest of 1933 and 1942, Popeye got a cartoon series produced by Fleischer Studios and distributed by Paramount Pictures.
He became one of the most popular cartoons from the 1930s to the 1960s.
He even had short 15-minute episodes on the radio. Then, in 1942, Popeye received his first color adaptation from Famous Studios. From then on, Popeye would influence young generations worldwide.
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The character would achieve TV syndications and magazines and be featured in art.
In 1980, a live-action film was released with Robin Williams as Popeye and Shelley Duvall as Olive Oyl.
Popeye would also be commemorated on an official stamp from the U.S. Postal Service in its “American Comic Classics” collection around 1995.
Later, in 1998, Hanna-Barbera ran a new series starring the sailor.
How Did Popeye Become So Popular?
Generations of children have watched Popeye the Sailor Man cartoons and read the comics, but how did this lovable character become so popular in the first place?
Frank had the tough guy persona and often tackled terrific feats and succeeded – just like Popeye does in the cartoons.
In addition, Frank’s stories about his younger years and physical strength inspired E.C. to create Popeye as a tough guy who consistently beats the odds – primarily because he eats spinach.
Of course, there are other reasons for Popeye’s popularity. For one, he’s relatable.
Many people see a bit of themselves in Popeye – whether it’s his determination, sense of humor, or love for Olive Oyl.
In addition, Popeye is always ready for a fight, and people admire that about him. He’s also unafraid to stand up for himself and those he loves, which is another quality many people want to have.
Ultimately, it’s Frank’s gentler traits that have inspired Popeye the most. He may be tough on the outside, but he’s a big softie on the inside. He loves children and always has time for a good story.
These qualities have made Popeye the lovable character we all know and love today. But no matter how the story has changed, one thing has remained the same:
Popeye is still the little guy who always manages to come out on top, which is something we can all root for.
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Elzie Crisler Segar (8 December 1894 – 13 October 1938), known by the pen name E. C. Segar, was an American cartoonist best known as the creator of Popeye, a pop culture character who first appeared in 1929 in Segar's comic strip Thimble Theatre.
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hamarhemmo · 2 years
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Not my best one but anyways.
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nobodyytodaylol · 4 months
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wren-was-here · 5 months
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i give you the torchwood polycule (simplified)
i only included characters that were either in multiple episodes, had a significant impact on the plot of the show, or were with their partner(s) long-term.
red box means they're dead alsakljdljksf
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princewoble · 1 year
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days 1-4 of doodling every day for lesbian visibility week (:
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witchofthemidlands · 1 year
post series 1 I often wonder how many times the team were just either mildly inconvenienced or outright furious with jack to the point where they thought they could literally kill him, he'd come back so it would be fine, they could probably get away with it.
why do i feel like jack wrote into all of their work contracts (assuming torchwood has formal paperwork) that they're not allowed to kill him no matter how angry he makes them.
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Happy 54th birthday, Robert Sean Leonard!!!
Happiest of birthdays, sir! You don't have any idea of how much I appreciate your existence and how much I treasure your work (be it on the theatre, tv movies, tv shows, and films). I've talked extensively before of how characters like Neil, Wilson, Housman, Barry Kempler, Danny, and many others have resonated with me; and how your work has changed my life time and time again. In honor of your birthday, I proudly present:
Robert Sean Leonard on the stage
For the full HD version on YouTube: here
If you want to know more about RSL's stage career, @samnyangie has a very good guide here
PS1: I know he probably won't see this taking into consideration that the man doesn't use social media, and it's almost impossible that he would choose to look at the hellsite, but one can dream
PS2: I chose Elvis Costello's music because he said he liked it on an interview
Tagging my fellow RSL lovers: @greenparadiseperry @deelaundry @house-and-wilson-boyfriends @aedan-mills @giolovesyousm @gustingirl @midsummerperry @scarletblakeney @arthurianarchipelago
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gatutor · 4 months
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Elena Verdugo-Lou Costello "El pequeño fenómeno" (Little giant) 1946, de William A. Seiter.
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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A Dream Walking (1934, Dave Fleischer, Seymour Kneitel)
Popeye the Sailor #14
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secretartquotes · 1 year
Ok question for the wider Torchwood fandom but if anyone else knows feel free to say. How do you get good photos/screenshots from the series? Because i've been getting them from YouTube and I've been working on something and I can't get this one specific shot of Suzie and it's driving me insane.
Please tell me in the comments or like send an ask. Just tell me what's your method!
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tanambogo2113 · 1 year
Mr Peabody and the Mermaid and Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein filming in 1948 at Universal Studios.
During breaks in filming, the casts occasionally intermingled at the cafeteria or around the lot.
Tourists were surprised to see Glenn Strange and Ann Blyth having lunch in their respective costumes. Glenn was up for some monkey business carrying Ann in her Mermaid costume while dressed as Frankenstein. He also paraded around with Olivia de Havilland, who was not associated with either film. Backstage fun on the sets.
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In addition, when Mr Peabody concluded its production, the cast from Abbott and Costello were invited to the wrap-up party. Lon Chaney Jr.and Glenn Strange attended in costume.
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nobodyytodaylol · 10 months
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