#Wherever You Go Hyunlix
queenofadarkworld · 5 months
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Gezählte Wörter: 6526
Warnungen: Keine
Darks persönliches Vorwort: Greetings everyone! 🫰🏻
Nach insgesamt vier neuen Anläufen habe ich es endlich geschafft, das erste Kapitel meiner ersten öffentlichen Fanfiction “Wherever You Go” mit Bezug auf Felix und Hyunjin (Hyunlix) von Stray Kids fertigzustellen. Es tatsächlich bis zu diesem Punkt zu schaffen und mich letztlich auch zu trauen zu veröffentlichen, was ich geschrieben habe, hat mich einige Tage Kopfzerbrechen gebraucht. Aber hier sind wir. Mit dem ersten Kapitel. Puh!
Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr mir mitteilen würdet, was ihr vom ersten Kapitel haltet, damit ich weiß ob sich das Schreiben eines zweiten Kapitels überhaupt lohnt.
Selbstverständlich habe ich alles mehr als einmal durchgelesen, um Fehler in der Rechtschreibung möglichst zu vermeiden. Solltet ihr dennoch Fehler finden, möchte ich mich gleich bei euch entschuldigen. Leider habe ich keinen Editor, der mein Werk gegenlesen kann, bevor ich es veröffentliche.
Nichtsdestotrotz hoffe ich, dass ihr zumindest ein wenig Freude an “Wherever You Go” finden könnt.
Eure Dark 🖤
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hyunbunlix · 2 days
Phantom [Star Wars!SKZ Part 01]
Characters: Felix, Hyunjin, older fem!OC Rating: T for Teen Content Warnings/Tags: mentions/depictions of the Jedi massacre, orphaned HyunLix, Felix and Hyunjin both lose their tempers Word Count: 4,274 Summary: A decade after the fall of the Jedi Order, Felix finds himself face to face with the person who saved him and Hyunjin from extermination. It does not go well. Note: Full AU can be found here!
She appeared from nowhere to shatter his world.
            “If you want to stay alive, you’ll come with me. Now.”
            Even to a child like Felix, this sounded a little far-fetched. A stranger whom he had never met before appearing just outside the Initiates’ training yard in the Jedi Temple to save him from danger? What danger could there be inside the Temple? What made him different from any other Initiate? Or did specificity not matter in a kidnapping?
            Despite the logic, Felix had always been good at reading the energies of others, be it through the Force or just some extra sense of his own, and this stranger didn’t seem dangerous to him. She looked like an adult, but only barely so, as tall as most men he knew, but with purple hair that Felix was pretty sure he would have remembered seeing had she been a Jedi at the Temple. Nevertheless, she looked urgent—afraid, even—and despite his brain telling him not to trust her, his heart was at peace with it.
           “Are we in danger?” he asked, stalling for time that he felt certain he didn’t really have.
            “Yes,” she answered.
            “Can I go get my friend?”
            “Quickly,” she urged, and Felix ran. Maybe it was foolish to go back for Hyun Jin, but if they really were in danger, then Felix wanted to make sure his best friend made it out, too. Besides, it seemed unlike a kidnapper to make unnecessary stops that could jeopardize their quarry . . . Maybe she was telling the truth, after all.
            Felix nearly barreled into Hyun Jin, grabbing the other boy’s sleeve with one hand and removing his augmented reality headset with the other. “We have to get out of here,” Felix hissed. “Something bad is going to happen!”
            Hyun Jin looked perturbed but also doubtful. “What—”
            And then the screaming started. Other Initiates went running, tripping over one another in their desperation to get away from something. Felix grabbed Hyun Jin’s arm and dragged him in a different direction than everyone else seemed to be running, back to the girl with purple hair. Her eyes were wide, watching the door behind them as they barreled through. Two Jedi lay dead nearby, but Felix didn’t have time to question it. The girl grabbed Felix around the middle and put him on her back, where he clung for dear life. Then she picked up a squirming Hyun Jin and bolted.
            “What’s happening?” Hyun Jin demanded.
            “The fall of the Jedi is happening,” she panted. She ran out of the Temple, off of Temple grounds, and into the dense city crush of Coruscant, where she slowed down. It was dark, and in the chaos that had begun, nobody noticed them. She put the boys down and dragged them by the hands onto a side drag long and dark enough to alter their clothes with her own—their drab colors were too conspicuous, Felix realized.
            She pulled a hood over Felix’s head and then ruffled Hyun Jin’s shaggy hair to ensure his thin Initiate's braid was hidden. She took each boy by the hand again and started walking. Behind them, the Temple began to smoke.
            The hardest part was pretending to be the appropriate amount of panicked, and yet, Felix still trusted that wherever they were going, it was where he and Hyun Jin were supposed to go. She arrived at a ship, punched a number into the keypad, and got them inside. Once the door slid shut, her urgency returned, and she hurried to the cockpit.
            “Strap yourselves down,” she ordered, and Felix scrambled to do as he was told, noting a wide-eyed Hyun Jin doing the same. Then they were exiting Coruscant orbit, and the planet shrunk and disappeared as the girl engaged hyperdrive. Felix didn’t realize then that he would never see the planet again.
            With the ship on a steady course, the girl unstrapped her safety harness and came back to speak with them.
            “What happened?” Hyun Jin demanded again, but he stayed buckled in. Felix stared at the girl with huge eyes. She sat down cross-legged on the floor in front of their seats before answering.
            “Anakin Skywalker killed the younglings. He would have killed you, too, if you’d been there a minute longer. All over the galaxy, Jedi and their apprentices are being exterminated,” she said.
            “Why would they do that?” Felix asked, his voice trembling. He knew of Anakin, of course, knew of his legendary exploits in the war. He didn’t connect right then that this final act would end that war, that the Jedi and the Republic had lost.
            “There’s a lot at play right now. He’s acting under his master’s will, and I don’t mean Obi-Wan Kenobi,” she bit out. Confusion overwhelmed Felix. “This is just the beginning. When we get where we’re going, if you want to stay alive, you have to stop using the Force, do you understand? Nobody aligned with the Jedi is safe right now, and will not be for a long time. If you want to survive, you need to forget everything you ever learned in the Temple, and try to reclaim the lives that were stolen from you as babies. Do you understand me?”
            “How do you know all this?” Hyun Jin asked, his voice smaller and less hostile now.
            “I can’t tell you that. The less you know, the less you’ll have to forget. Please, just promise me you’ll abandon the Force, that you’ll live, all right? You have to live. Somebody has to,” she said.
            “I promise,” Hyun Jin said quietly.
            “I’ll try,” Felix said.
            The girl gave them a weak smile and drew out the smallest knife Felix had ever seen. Hyun Jin shrank back from her.
            “It’s for your hair,” she explained quickly. “I have to take your braids off; they’re a giveaway.”
            Felix leaned his head to make it easier to reach his braid. A little snik was all it took, and then his braid was in her hand. She did not offer it back to him. With trepidation, Hyun Jin leaned forward, too, and rather than cutting his off completely, she carefully unwound it and cut off the bits that were longer than the rest of his hair.
            “That’s better,” she said softly, and retreated to the cockpit.
Felix and Hyun Jin changed hands and planets several times. The girl dropped them off with an informant, who handed them off to a married couple, who in turn took them to a home for lost boys. The entire time, nobody told the boys their names, and refused to learn the boys’, either. The less everyone knew, the better, they all said. The less everyone knew, the less likely the boys could be traced.
            Once settled in the boys’ home, Felix and Hyun Jin learned the extent of what had happened. Not only had Anakin Skywalker slaughtered the Jedi younglings, but the Clones had turned on the Jedi, butchering them wholesale. Suddenly, the warning they’d been given on the girl’s ship made sense. Felix and Hyun Jin were part of an endangered species now, and if they revealed themselves they would certainly be killed for it.        
            Chancellor Palpatine became Emperor Palpatine; the Republic fell. Palpatine said peace could flourish now that the rebellious Jedi had been crushed and the galaxy was no longer divided. Yet, all Felix could think of again and again was his relief that he’d gone to get Hyun Jin, that despite every horrible thing that had happened, Felix didn’t have to be alone, or to live with the grief of losing his best friend.
            He didn’t know why they’d been saved. He didn’t know if he’d been a target specifically, or if the purple-haired girl would have taken any Initiate that had decided to speak to her.
           But he and Hyun Jin were alive, and no matter how hard Felix tried, he could not forget.
That had been a decade ago. Hyun Jin, to his credit, did seem able to forget. He’d thrown himself into studies, desperate to get out of the boys’ home as soon as possible, and had gotten good at electrical engineering. He’d always been good at drawing, and it translated well to blueprints and schematics. He specialized in androids and biomechanical limbs, but he wasn’t half bad with ships, either.
           Felix, on the other hand, preferred people to machines, and no matter how stupid it was, he’d always wanted to be a bartender. And now, at twenty-three human years, he was seen on most planets as biologically mature enough to sell and consume alcohol. Between the two of them, they made enough to live together and finally get their life on some sort of track.
            Until Felix ruined it.
            (In his defense, he didn’t mean to.)
Felix spoke a few languages well and several others passably. It was good practice to be able to understand your patrons as much as possible, not to mention it helped boost their tips. It also allowed him to eavesdrop on patrons, which was helpful in getting thugs thrown out before they could cause trouble, or just to pick up on funny stories to tell Hyun Jin when he got home.
            That was how he heard a couple of patrons talking about a tall female human with purple hair that they had to meet later.
            “You have it, right?”
            “Of course I have it. I don’t want a repeat of last time.”
            “You saw her last time?”
            “Of course not. Tiarlar did, and he still can’t walk. Apparently tried to give her a fake.”
            “Damn fool. You can’t cheat the purple knight.”
            “That’s what I tells him. You do something foolish like that, you get tossed out a window.”
            “Damn human’s stronger than she looks.”
            There weren’t a whole lot of humans whose hair just grew out of their head that color. Most of them had some variation of brown, like Felix’s blond or Hyun Jin’s near-black. Quickly, he went to find one of his coworkers.
            “I’m really sorry, I just had an emergency come up at home. Would you mind covering for me? You can have all the tips I’ve made so far.”
            That usually did the trick. Firstly, that Felix didn’t take off often, but secondly, that a young, pretty humanoid like him raked in tips. His coworker offered their condolences and told him to get out of there. Felix could practically see the credit tally in their eyes.
            He ran to the back to get changed and left the building to hang out at the bean and leaf place next door until he saw the two smugglers come out. Maybe “smugglers” was a bit harsh of a word, but that’s what they’d made it sound like. Who else tried pawning off fakes for money and had contacts that threw them out windows when they got mad?
            Felix knew he had to be crazy. There was more than one purple-haired woman in the galaxy. There were plenty of women with fake purple hair in the galaxy. Maybe the contact was a shape-changer. But then, why would the description have sounded so specific? A contact had to look the same every time so as to be easy to find. Especially if her alias was built around the color purple.
           Or so Felix assumed. He’d never done anything illegal before. Not on purpose, anyway.
            Once the duo came out, he followed at what he hoped was a safe distance. He nearly lost them a couple of times, but his sense of awareness brought him back to them each time. He didn’t think he was using the Force to do that . . . but maybe he was. It didn’t matter, he decided. This was important, and besides, it was the tiniest of infractions.
            At least, it was important to him. Felix knew that Hyun Jin would have rolled his eyes and told him to forget it already. She clearly didn’t want them to find her, and she clearly had no interest in finding them, so they should follow her advice from years ago and forget the past entirely.
            Felix sighed. That’s what he should have done, but he couldn’t. The questions he’d had that night as a boy had never truly gone away. Who was the purple-haired girl? How had she known about what Anakin would do? What else did she know about Order 66? How had she gotten into the Jedi Temple at all? Why did saving a child or two matter during a complete massacre of the Jedi, especially two random children? None of it made any sense, and none of it should have even happened in the first place. Felix and Hyun Jin should have died.
            If Hyun Jin was plagued by these questions too, he certainly didn’t show it, and Felix couldn’t comprehend how that could be when he himself found it impossible to put these things out of his mind.
            Maybe now he would finally be able to ask.
            He hid as the two smugglers worked their way into an old warehouse, and then out the back into a narrow alleyway between buildings. The place was a dump; nobody else was around except for them, and Felix didn’t want to stand out. The alley was fenced off at one end and bricked off on the other. If he was noticed, escape wouldn’t be easy.
            “Yo, Knight!” one of the smugglers called. The figure they addressed dropped her hood and waved her hand. Felix gaped. It was her, her purple hair tied back in a high ponytail. He had replayed those memories again and again enough times to know. She hardly looked any different, just older and wearier and more jaded.
            “This had better be the real thing this time,” she said. It was her. It was her.
            The smugglers tossed her a box, which she caught and opened. Felix would have thought it strange that they didn’t ask about their payment first had he not overheard the part about getting thrown out of a window. They were obviously afraid of her.
            She pulled the object out of the box, and Felix couldn’t be sure, but—
            She pressed a button, and out came the blue blade of a lightsaber.
            “Well done, boys,” she said. Felix couldn’t believe what he was seeing. She was in the business of smuggling lightsabers? He had even more questions now.
            “Unfortunately,” she went on, “you were followed.” She pointed the saber at where Felix was hiding. He stood up and immediately put his hands over his head.
            “I’m sorry. I didn’t know, I swear,” he called, stepping away from what he had thought was cover. The smugglers were staring at him but didn’t seem to recognize him. Ah, the invisibility of a hospitality worker.
            “But you do now,” she said. She tossed a credit case to the smugglers, which they barely caught in time. “Get out of here, and be more careful if I decide to grant you a next time. Clear?”
            The smugglers tripped over themselves to provide acknowledgments and then scurried away back the way they’d come, one of them carelessly bumping Felix on the way by. Felix didn’t dare move. Perhaps an entire minute passed before she deactivated the saber.
            “You should be more careful, kid,” she said, tucking the saber away and pulling her hood back up. “You’ll get yourself killed.”
            “You have no idea who I am, do you?” he said, daring to take a few slow steps closer. She gave him another long look and shook her head.
            “Should I?” she asked. Felix just stared at her. He hadn’t even paused to consider that he had spent almost half his life obsessing over something that nobody else even remembered.
            “I was there that night on Coruscant ten years ago. The night you saved my life,” he said. She blinked, seeming to remember the event, but still not recognizing him at all. She took a moment to look him over, top to bottom and back up again. Still, not an ounce of recognition entered her eyes.
            “You were a lot smaller then,” she said. “I don’t know what you want me to say. It was a long time ago. I remember the night, of course, but not you specifically.”
            Felix wasn’t sure why that stung, but it did.
            “So there really wasn’t any purpose to it. I just happened to be there when you showed up,” he said, sounding a little annoyed even to his own ears. He was more annoyed with himself than anything. Hyun Jin would have told him to drop it, to leave, and he would have been right.
            But Felix couldn’t.
            “Correct,” she said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t have anything more for you then, and I don’t now.”
            “How did you know what would happen? And why did two little lives matter amidst all the butchering? Why did you even care?” he demanded. Now he sounded angry, and he didn’t know why. Her expression lit up a little bit.
            “The other one is still alive, too?” she asked.
            “Yeah,” Felix said, caught off guard. “I live with him. Still.”
            She looked pleasantly surprised, incongruous with her next words. “I don’t need to know that. I don’t need to know anything about either of you.”
            Felix stomped up to her. Forgetting himself, forgetting the danger, forgetting that she had the galaxy’s deadliest contraband in her hand.
            “Then why?” he shouted. “You clearly didn’t give a fuck about us then or now, so why did you stick your neck out for us? Why did you save our lives?”
            “Will you keep it down?” she hissed. She was taller than him, probably the same height as Hyun Jin. “Just because I chose this spot for a deal doesn’t mean it’s secure. You want the entire universe to know what you are? You want to undo the last ten years of safety?”
            “Stop evading my questions,” he growled, but he did bring his volume back down.
            “I did it because I knew what Anakin was capable of, and I knew what he had already done, and I knew that I couldn’t stop anything he would do. But just because I couldn’t stop him didn’t mean I could content myself with doing nothing. I couldn’t just stand by and watch him slaughter people, watch Palpatine use the Clones to slaughter people. Even if I could count the lives I was able to save on just one hand, would that mean they weren’t worth saving? No. So I did what I could. I snatched two Initiates right before it was too late. And it didn’t make a difference, but it helps me sleep at night. All right? You’re not special. You never were. But I’m happy you’re alive, nonetheless,” she said.
            “So you knew about Order 66?” he whispered. She shook her head.
            “Not exactly. But I knew somebody was leading Anakin down a path to darkness, and I knew Obi-Wan Kenobi feared the worst, and I knew that nobody could stop him quickly enough, or at least that not enough people would try. But the universe could use some good people in it, even if the Empire is doing everything it can to ensure they go extinct,” she said. “The dark side of the Force . . . It has its lures, and Anakin fell for them.”
            “You sound like a Jedi,” Felix breathed. She smiled wryly.
            “I’m not good enough to be a Jedi,” she said.
            “But you’re Force-sensitive?” he asked. She nodded.
            “You could say I’m hiding, too,” she said. Felix gave a long exhale.
            “You won’t tell me your name even if I ask, will you?”
            “That’s correct.”
            “At least give me something to call you,” he said. She was quiet for a long moment.
            “Call me Knight. It’s what everyone else uses.”
            Knight. Like the Jedi. No doubt people had started calling her that on purpose on account of what kind of artifacts she dealt in. It was a little insulting, but with what Felix had just come to learn, it was fitting, too.
            She put up a hand before he could say anything else.
            “I don’t want to know your name. Or the other boy’s. I want you to go home, and I never want to run into you again. Understand? Live in a way that will let you continue living,” she said. And then she walked around him—so careful not to touch him—and made her exit.
            Felix held his tongue, and when she turned that first corner out of sight, he walked away, too.
Felix got home late, but not as late as he would have had he taken his entire shift at work. He desperately wanted to wake Hyun Jin and tell him what had happened, but Hyun Jin likely wouldn’t receive the news well, anyway, and it would be even worse if Felix didn’t let him get his sleep.
            Felix got changed and went to his own bed, but he felt unable to sleep. Finally, he gave up and went out to sit in the shared living space, waiting for Hyun Jin to wake up. If he remembered correctly, Hyun Jin had a big assignment the next day to work on droids in an Empire hub. He couldn’t say which one, and Felix didn’t like that he was helping the Empire, but they paid all right, and no matter what state the galaxy was in, they both still needed to eat and pay rent.
            Sure enough, bright and early, Hyun Jin got up, went to the washroom to clean up, and then came into the shared living space to eat and hydrate before he got his things together to leave.
            “You’re up early,” he said to Felix. Usually, after a long night at the cantina, Felix would sleep until at least noon. It was barely past dawn just then.
            “I couldn’t sleep,” Felix said, getting up to follow Hyun Jin to the tiny kitchen. He didn’t realize until Hyun Jin started riffling through their rations that he was also hungry.
            “Shit from work?” Hyun Jin asked, and on a normal day, he would have been right.
            “Kind of,” Felix said, deciding to ease into it. “We had a couple of smugglers come through last night. They had a lightsaber.”
            Hyun Jin froze, straightened, and turned to look at him. “What?”
            “Yeah. I couldn’t believe it either. They were handing it off to someone,” Felix said, deciding to leave the stalking part out of his story. He could still barely believe he’d done that. Who was he? He was usually so well-mannered.
            “That’s a dangerous business,” Hyun Jin said, his voice a little softer, and Felix knew he was replaying the same kinds of memories that he always told Felix to forget. Hyun Jin’s mood was soft, then, pliable, and Felix blurted—
            “I met her.”
            “Met who?”
            “The girl with the purple hair. I mean, woman, I guess, but it was her. She’s the one who picked up the lightsaber.”
            Hyun Jin stared at him, eyes huge, breakfast forgotten.
            “What do you mean you met her?”
            “She was the contact. I could barely believe it, but then I talked to her, and she confirmed—”
            “You talked to her?” Hyun Jin said, and Felix could hear how hard he was fighting to keep his voice down, afraid their neighbors might hear. Their lodgings were the size of a shoebox, and they had neighbors on nearly all sides.
            “Yeah. I know I shouldn’t have, but I . . . Hyun Jin, this has been bothering me for a decade,” he said, immediately defensive. He had known this conversation would go badly, but he couldn’t just keep the information from Hyun Jin, either.
            “You can’t let it happen again,” Hyun Jin said quickly.
            “It seems doubtful anyway,” Felix said, a touch bitterly. “She was pretty eager to get away from me. She wouldn’t even tell me her name.”
            “What did you tell her?” Hyun Jin asked.
            “Just that you were still alive. Nothing else, I swear.”
            Hyun Jin gave a long sigh, finally remembering his food. He turned away and slapped a breakfast together to take with him.
            “She’s Force-sensitive, too,” Felix went on. “I guess that’s how she was able to sneak into the Jedi Temple so easily. She said she wasn’t a Jedi, though—”
            Hyun Jin rounded on Felix again, and Felix lost his words.
            “There are no more Jedi,” Hyun Jin snapped. “Why can’t you just let it go? Why can’t you leave it be and pretend none of it ever happened? Why do you have to keep making things harder?”
            The words were meant to hurt Felix, and they did. He couldn’t even summon anger right then; Hyun Jin was the most important person in his life, and now he would leave for his job angry, and with the pair of them on opposite shifts, Felix didn’t know for sure when they’d get to talk this out, to make it right.
            “I’m sorry,” Felix murmured. Hyun Jin swallowed hard and turned stiffly away to collect the rest of his things. As he slung his bag over his shoulder and put his boots on at the door, he looked to Felix one more time.
            “Just be safe, all right?” Hyun Jin said, breaking the tense silence.
            “You, too,” Felix said without hesitation.
            “I will,” Hyun Jin said, hand on the door panel.
            “Me, too,” Felix said, completing their ritual sendoff. Hyun Jin nodded one more time, and went out.
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mooribi · 5 years
Stray Kids Ships x Reader | Poly
Word count: 1514
By Tokki
Stray Kids pairings x reader!
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Aussie line | Chanlix [Chan x Felix]
•Felix’s regular soft cuddles & Chan’s sudden warm hugs
•combination of English & Korean, like rapid changes between languages sometimes
•staying up late with Felix to wait for Chan to come home
•Chan coming home to find you two asleep cuddling on the couch
•it always makes Chan smile and takes pictures
•Felix and you later notice Chan’s phone background is you two cuddled together
•going to watch Avengers together, getting all your hearts broken together 😔✊
•Chan calling you baby girl
•Felix laughing at your red face every time Chan calls you it
•then the tables are turned when Chan calls him baby boy
•Playing with Felix’s smoll hands
•especially when you’re nervous
•which is when Chan pulls out his aegyo, Felix joining along with him
•you laugh at them, calling them idiots softly
•they always respond with ‘we’re your idiots’ with the biggest grins on their faces
•Chan & you gang up together to shower Felix in compliments
•Felix never suspects it and goes super soft
•Chan & you kiss Felix’s freckles
•Combing your hand through Chan’s naturally curly hair
•Chan loves it; it calms him down
•Especially when he can’t sleep
•Your phone wallpaper is from one morning after you woke up to make breakfast and came back to the room to see the softest sight
•Felix gently grabbed Chan’s sleeping face and started placing small slow kisses all over his face, which caused Chan to scrunch his face up cutely
•you had taken a picture the moment Chan opened his eyes and smiled at Felix softly
•Felix’s wallpaper is a meme
•a friend had taken a photo of you three being crackheads and the instant Felix got his hands on the picture he made it his wallpaper
•you two weren’t surprised
 Hyunlix [Hyunjin x Felix]
•super clingy
•Hugs and cuddles 24/7
•English time is soft time
•Felix and you love listening to Hyunjin speak English bc it’s so t i n y & s o f t
•dance time is whipped time
•whenever the two dance, especially together, you realise how w h i p p e d you are
•Hyunjin’s fluid, sensual like moves + with his intense looks makes you lose your breath every time
•Felix’s strong, powerful moves just hit you, hard + it amazes you how effortless he makes it look
•When they dance together you just kind of sit there in awe, zoning out the world and focusing on them
•after they finish you momentarily forget their sweating and jump excitedly at them, rapidly showering them in compliments
•they’re both happy and thank you softly
•then they laugh at you when you realise how sweaty they are and try to get away from them
•they usually chase after you, cackling
•Felix secretly buying Hyunjin and you gifts
•two basically jump him and start thanking him with kisses
•he goes soft every time
•Felix and you being whipped together when Hyunjin asks you guys what he should wear
•“You could wear the ugliest thing in this world and you’d still look hot.”
•It makes Hyunjin do his cute little scrunched up face when he giggles, it causes you and Felix to go into cardiac arrest
•Felix’s earrings are something Hyunjin and you love to discuss (you gush to your friends about Felix’s and Hyunjin’s earrings)
•Felix always thinks you two are talking about something serious until he sits next to you and blushes when he realises you two are talking about him
•you both stop when he blushes, then changes the topic to Felix blushing, causing the boy to get super shy as he listens to you two gushing over him
•then he whines for you two to stop & you both pounce on him
 Minsung [Minho x Jisung]
•constant teasing between all three of you
•mainly Jisung tho
•which makes him pout and whine until you and Minho decide to stop
•both of you always give him smooches afterwards as an apology
•teasing is actually very common between you three
•especially when a target is chosen & two of you gang up to tease the chosen person
•usually results in kisses tho
•Jisung and you love to watch Minho when he dances
•He gets stuck in his own world
•you both love it & tell him so whenever he zones back into the world
•makes him laugh his adorable high-pitched giggle, bc Jisung & you look so awestruck & in love
•then it’s Minho’s turn to be awestruck & in love with you when you both listen to Jisung’s rap/music
•Jisung’s emotions are easily expressed through well written lyrics which he loves to perform for you two
•You both have an album on your phone which consists only of Jisung’s/3racha’s songs
•Minho’s weirdness is yours and Jisung’s secret favourite thing
•but it’s always sudden so you both are never suspecting it
•sitting in each other’s laps are your thing
•Minho’s babies cats are also your and Jisung’s babies
 Changlix [Changbin x Felix]
•cuteness galore
•all your friends are done with you three bc you’re all disgustingly cute together
•your heart explodes every time one of them does something cute
•then you just kinda happily die when they join forces and do cute things together
•Changbin is a constant cute overload tho
•Felix and you don’t complain
•especially bc you both love the huge difference between him performing to being with you two
•when Changbin raps, Felix and you hype him up so much
•you two always rap along with Changbin (or as best as you can bc the boy doesn’t bReAtH)
•Changbin loves performing, especially for you two
•then Changbin and you hype Felix up whenever he does anything
•literally anything: beat-boxing, rapping, dancing, singing
•You’re both in love with Felix’s singing
•and his stupid mosquito noise
•or mozzie as Felix calls it (bc aussies shorten everything lol)
•Changbin loves to go shopping
•so does Felix
•so hopefully you love shopping
•if not, that’s okay bc you love them and go with them anyway
•all your cupboards are just filled with clothes
•but that’s your favourite thing bc you love to wear their clothes bc they’re so comfy
•Changbin notices straight away when you’re wearing his hoodie and always makes you pose for a picture
•then he notices Felix is also wearing another of his hoodies and makes you two pose together
•Felix and you always have matching earrings
•kisses have kinda become all 3 of yours’s thing
•Changbin constantly wants kisses from you both
•Felix and you don’t disappoint
•Felix always confidently says he wants a kiss, despite Changbin and you know he’s secretly shy
•you kiss him at the same time
•Felix’s smile is the best reward
• Whne you ask for a kiss, you sometimes be cute which makes the boys explode in happiness
 Seungin [Seungmin x Jeongin]
•Pestering Jeongin is Seungmin’s full-time job and your part-time job
•your other part-time job is helping Jeongin escape from Seungmin
•Seungmin also loves to annoy you
•Jeongin loves to join in as well
•their weird noises are one of your favourite things about them
•sometimes you join them
•most times you just watch them tho
•Jeongin tends to act like you and Seungmin are bothering him
•you both know he loves the attention
•Seungmin and you teach Jeongin English
•you love how they both have tiny Australian accents bc of Aussie Line
•you three are all each other’s best friends
•wherever you are, Jeongin & Seungmin are and vice versa
•you three are usually seen in sweet shops
•Woojin and Chan try to make sure you three don’t eat too many sweets
•emotions aren’t any of your fortes but all three of you try to work it out
•listening to them sing is your favourite pastime
•Seungmin’s smooth voice and Jeongin’s pure vocals always make you happy
•sad and down in the dumps?
•one listen to their voices and you’re all good to go
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queenofadarkworld · 8 months
Thanks to Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook I couldn't continue writing both my crazy mind perspective about "Kiseki: Dear To Me - Episode 3" and the first chapter for my first fanfiction about Hyunlix "Wherever You Go". Thanks for that guys. 🫣😅
So I'm going to post some videos now, continue writing my perspective and then I will go back to my fanfiction. 🫣
Fighting! 💪🏻😅🫰🏻
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queenofadarkworld · 10 months
Mʏ ᴘʟᴀɴɴᴇᴅ ᴜᴘᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ғᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴs﹗
✨ 𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ✨
• Wherever you go! {Felix & Hyunjin °Hyunlix° - Stray Kids}
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✨ 𝑆𝘩𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 ✨
• Jungkook {BTS} & Y/N
• Suga {BTS} & Y/N
• Jimin {BTS} & Y/N
• Felix {Stray Kids} & Y/N
• Hyunjin {Stray Kids} & Y/N
All fanfictions long as well as the short ones will be posted in both German and English language.
The whole process of writing, editing and translation might take a while but I try to be as fast as possible. 😊🫰🏻
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