#Whatever you call the simmons ship
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Before you complain about the picture: I asked people to send in better pictures of Grif and Simmons and NOBODY DID
Submission message for Janis: Mean Girls  - Janis + Person who submitted Janis here. Yes, I meant the movie. The whole time it is implied she's a lesbian only for her to end up with a dude lol
Submission message for Grif and Simmons: Hi! I’m submitting Grif and Simmons from Red vs. Blue. I think they’re the worst personally because I’ve spent a third of my life being queerbaited by someone’s fucking halo ocs.
Additional propaganda: Meanwhile Janis from Mean Girls IS queerbaiting:
    She’s presented as a lesbian throughout the film
    She gets very emotionally attached to girls and tries to sabotage them after they ‘betray’ her and become more interested in boys/popularity (Regina in the past, Cady during the film)
    Proudly declares herself a “big lesbo” to half the school during her trust-fall scene
    Wears a suit to Prom and kisses her gay best friend Damien, they both show complete disgust afterwards
    But in the LITERAL LAST SCENE OF THE FILM, she’s shown dating a guy and kissing him.
((I also haven’t seen the musical yet, so I can’t comment there))
Vote Janis, she’s the only right answer.
this ain't enough information about Grif and Simmons; these two are literally the intro character for the entire series. The first conversation they had became a running joke and repeating theme to the point that, years later, it was used in a dramatic moment so Grif could identify Simmons while fight an evil look-alike. When one of them got injured, the other donated various body parts, including skin and organs, and then became a cyborg, thus having the metaphor of "becoming part of each other" and "you have my heart". They still bicker constantly and and trade insults. They've been glued at the hip for more than a decade. The one time they were split up, it was treated like a devastating divorce, with one of them using the line "I quit you". They then both proceeded to have mutual pining and emotional withdrawl from being apart because they're just THAT codependent. They've been forced to share living space, and immediately devolved into having old-married-couple situations. During a planet-wide sex party, they fooled around in a closet, everybody knows this happened, but they refuse to fully acknowledge it. The VA for Grif even plainly stated that "Grif is in love with Simmons". Simmons once mentioned that he and Grif carved their initials into a tree. When we see the "inner worlds" of their minds, Grif's is almost empty except for a tiny Simmons that runs around to annoy him, and Simmons imagines a Grif that has to do whatever he says, but STILL insults him because Grif can't stop being Grif.They had a talk show together and even called themselves their ship-name "Grimmons". They've been having one long conversation for 2 decades. They're slow-burning like a tire fire. They're married, but they'll never properly get together. IT'S BEEN 2 DECADES
Let's not forget Tucker's actually-in-the-show commentary when he's spying on them over the radio of "I've only been listening to them for five minutes but I can tell they're really in love. Why can't they see it?”
It's literally been two decades.
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bloodgulchblog · 1 month
Okay okay okay okay. I will dump a list of thoughts and feelings here:
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good god rvb get better jokes, a couple were still pretty good but woof. the "you guys are so predictable i could leave a prerecorded message" bit was incredibly stale and i felt like the zoom call joke went on for 15 years.
red team's interactions in the early part of this while sarge is still there are so rote, man.
yes caboose's voice is different, i was curious about how they were going to handle that. (there was a falling out with the old guy, i mostly just know he said some shit during the george floyd protests but looking it up it sounds like something had happened earlier and he'd been laid off in 2019.)
fascinated that sarge's death stuck, but i've always thought grif and simmons without sarge was interesting, so. why not. i feel like with red team especially here, the whole point is that life moves on? this is very much a "you grow up and move on from the things you loved when you were young" kind of story and sarge is one of the most big goofy cartoon parts of the show, so ending him and having grif and simmons figure out how to move on from him has meaning i guess. the older people who shaped your world inevitably pass out of it. not to give rvb too much credit, but hey.
poor tucker, but i still think maybe having an incredibly angsty unexplored subplot might be better than having to spend 2 seasons having all his character growth dissolved away in favor of absent father jokes and whatever the fuck all that shit was in 16
live commentary on the whole thing with red team acting like they were abandoning caboose and then coming back to help him:
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also this:
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simmons you poor nerd i'm sorry it took all the way to here to give you anything, wasn't expecting this to be a good season for simmons of all people but at least he got something.
THE REAL CURVEBALL WAS I NEVER EXPECTED THEM TO GET KATHLEEN ZUELCH TO REPRISE TEX EVER AGAIN, i was going to make a crack about how tex getting a better ending would've never been on my bingo card in a billion years but i'm actually not sure this counts because i never cared about chex enough to think about it that hard. raincheck.
tex protecting carolina is nothing but it's also everything.
i'm stupid and missed that doc was dead for a while holy shit that's actually really sad and on the one hand oof, but on the other hand i love really sad things. fuck.
restoration donut only coming back for one last stupid fucking gay joke in an aside vs season 17 centering donut and how he was always such a neglected character. hmm. hmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmm.
it's sad wash wasn't there more, but i really did love "wash throws himself off a cliff to intentionally injure himself and summon carolina instead of contacting her in a more normal way" for him.
and i love that if something bad happens to wash carolina will come down on whatever it is like a hammer from orbit. at the very least, it made me so happy to have it reinforced one last time how much those two mean to one another before the end. after everything i enjoy a moment of them being okay.
overall i do think the group splitting up in pieces feels better to me than them all living together in a big weird codependent cluster forever, it feels like a braver and more true ending, but it's one of those things where season 17 was so much better at thinking about the inner lives of a bunch of characters that it's hard for me to say this is clearly better without reservation in all areas. like, sometimes people matter to you intensely for a big chunk of your life but then you have to move on. and fuck, maybe that's not even forever, but i feel good about grif getting to finally go home and i feel good about grif and simmons saying goodbye to one another and trying to be normal about it. let them have some space from one another. they need space to decide who they are with this part of their lives being over.
nothing they did here can stop me from shipping that and i can very easily fanfic out an ending for them in my brain from this. i'm fine. i'm thriving.
POOR POOR TUCKER, please hug tucker, he has to be going through so much right now.
i wonder if locus, somewhere out there, feels like he dodged a bullet and doesn't know why. (i wish he'd had to deal with red team one last time)
idk i probably have more thoughts kicking around feel free to talk to me i've been so insane about this for so long it's my oldest brainrot-
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aromanticbuck · 4 months
What do you mean about fate and FS and Moustead?
Hello! Thank you for falling for my lil trap!
There is so much because I'm longwinded, have fun with this I got too excited getting to put this all into words.
I've been against using "fate" as an argument for FitzSimmons, specifically, since... 2017? Yeah, that's when that half of s4 aired. I'll give you a SparkNotes version, for anyone who didn't watch Agents of SHIELD - Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons, who I do love as a ship in the early seasons, I have nothing against the ship specifically, just the "they're fated to be together" argument. They met at the SHIELD academy when they were kids, when Jemma sat next to Fitz in a class and they became... friends? They both thought the other hated them and they were gonna be rivals, while secretly admired each other and how smart they were the whole time. Anyway, now they're married and have a daughter, which is cute as shit, good for them, this is not an anti-FitzSimmons post.
I don't think they're fated to be together.
I use the Framework-created alternate reality to make this point every time. In that reality, Ophelia is the one who sat next to Leopold, and that butterfly effects into them being in a relationship down the line. Ophelia specifically set it up to be that way, I get that, I know that's how the Framework arc worked. My username was HoldenDadcliffe across most social media for 4 years, I know what I'm talking about. But the argument could be made that Fitz would have ended up with anyone who sat next to him in class and engaged with him, whether as a friend or a presumed rival or what have you. That's the only point I want to make. It could have been anyone. In the real world, it was Jemma. In the Framework, it was Ophelia. It could have been Matt, my Bruises Verse OC, it could have been anyone. It was the situation that brought them together, not the universe. That doesn't make the relationship any less important or genuine, it's just a fact.
Anyway, I would argue that Moustead is fated to be in each other's lives, especially if we take the possibilities in Bolivia into account. Not necessarily in a romantic way, because soulmates, or whatever you want to call it, don't have to be romantic. I just think they're meant to exist in the world together, and the universe seems to be encouraging that.
For instance, in Afghanistan, Jay did make friends with Knox first. In canon. They were close, they built explosives together, had to rely on each other to survive, the whole nine yards. They were halfway around the world with only their team to count on and trust. They had to be a family to stay alive. And then Knox did everything he did, and that friendship was obviously completely ruined after that, which meant that one of Jay's most important relationships at the time was just... decimated. He had to find someone who he could actually rely on, someone who wouldn't murder civilians because he wasn't taught to handle his emotions in a healthy way.
Mouse wasn't exactly handling his emotions in a healthy way, either, but at least his poor coping mechanisms didn't have a civilian body count, you know? Like, the only person he hurts is himself? It's fine, he gets better, eventually. But the idea of the universe seeing Jay make a friend, and going "wait, no, not that one, come back here" is just so... *chef's kiss* It's just a coincidence, at that point, but there sure are a lot of coincidences, aren't there?
He gets attached to the one other person from Chicago. The one other person who survived that war zone with him. The one person who kept him sane - who he also kept sane - when they got home and had to navigate civilian life again.
They just work, you know? They balance each other out in so many ways. Jay is absolutely driven by his heart - he wants to help people, he wants to put good into the world and take bad out, he wants to fall in love and have a constant presence in his life. On the other hand, Mouse is driven by his head - he's so smart, and he uses that to learn about computers and the world around him, and he has great ideas. They both rely on those opposites so much that it hurts them. Jay holds onto relationships until they tear him apart. Mouse thinks things through so much that he had to turn to drugs to keep himself from unraveling.
They even go so far as to completely reject those opposites in themselves. If Jay used his head, he'd know to let go of relationships and connections long before they hurt him the way the do. If Mouse used his heart, he'd be less untethered, he'd have more connections to his Chicago life than just Jay. Of course, all of my labels for them are just headcanons, but Jay being aspec and Mouse being arospec adds to this so beautifully.
Even if it is all coincidence, that balance is so important to their relationship. If one goes too far, the other can pull them back, and they really make up one fully functional human being together. They share a braincell, for sure, and Mouse usually has it. Jay certainly didn't have it in s5, that's a fact.
I think, with Jay leaving the show - and rehashing the same speech that Mouse gave him with only slightly different wording - the universe might be pushing them together again? Obviously, canon hasn't mentioned Mouse since s4, and we're never going to know if they're actually serving their country together again, but I can pretend. I can pretend that the person Jay called his best friend is still in his life, somehow.
But especially with how s9 went, and that whole year leading up to Jay leaving for Bolivia...
Even just starting with the Knox episode, 9x03, that had to bring up memories that he hasn't thought about in a while. I'm almost certain that he came across a few pictures of Mouse while he was doing his digging, even if we didn't get to seem them on screen.
After that, I want to bring up 9x09. Lovingly, the rushed marriage episode. (I love Upstead, but their romance arc was rushed and if they, the writers, had taken the time to develop the relationship more, they could have navigated the distance much more easily, or at least put off the actual wedding until Jay made his way through his crisis and they were both in a more stable place, but that's just my opinion and not the point of this post, ignore me) I just think about that episode a lot in a Moustead context because of what made Jay panic and rush into it like that. They had to get the FBI off of Voight and Hailey, obviously, but the steps they took had to be personal to him, at least in the context of his friendship with Mouse. A young, queer-coded drug addict, who was the same age that Mouse was when they met, using him and this weakness (that Jay canonically doesn't judge, he literally gave Mouse drug money in s1) and holding that over his brother as leverage, it's... He saw the lowest point of his best friend's life right in front of his face, something that he couldn't fix before and can't fix now, and Jay...
Jay, who just wants to help people, and put some more good into the world, and fix things because he hasn't had much control in his life and now he's older and stronger and he can do something. He used this intimate knowledge he has of people in that situation for his own personal gain, in a way, and doesn't that make him feel so dirty? But he can't think about it too hard, because he's not the one who uses his head. Mouse is his head, the one who would have actually said out loud how stupid and reckless and horrible that idea was and how they shouldn't do it. Because it was exploiting a literal child, who didn't do anything wrong beyond giving into vices. But Jay... Jay is the heart. He finds someone he cares about and he holds on so tight. And he was already engaged to Hailey, so what's the harm in moving the wedding up?
He'd already lost the person he'd been thinking about for months, and it's not like he could just call and ask Mouse to come back to Chicago, not after how things ended. But he could hold onto the people he loved who were close. He could turn an engagement into a marriage. He could insert himself further into Voight's bullshit. He could cement himself in the team and focus on what he had, not what he missed.
Then there was Adam's undercover thing, and the overdose, and even if November 2011, specifically, is from my headcanons, how many times did Jay worry? How many times did he text or call or pop by to make sure that Mouse was high but not in danger? How much did he check in after Mouse's multiple felonies and other petty crimes and make sure he was okay and alive? How many times did Jay have to worry, over their 10+ year friendship, that he'd lost someone he cares about so much?
And then there's s10, with his exit, and that entire episode doing the exact same thing to me, emotionally. 10x03, my beloved, my ride or die, my defining moment... A veteran is doing his best, getting pulled into crime just to pull himself afloat, getting hurt and getting himself killed through that. Isn't that something Jay has seen before? Just with a less tragic finale? Of course he helped clear up the guy's record, so that his family could still get the benefits, and all of that wasn't done for nothing. And then...
He left. He went back to the army, however loosely, basically quoted Mouse's reasons for why - because how else would he explain it? The logic is sound, of course it is, the head handles the logic. Jay just followed the logic laid out for him six years earlier, when his heart finally caught up with it.
And the idea that they somehow ended up in the same area again? Working together and rekindling their friendship now that they're finally on the same page? What else could that be?
It's fate.
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luvvbitten · 2 years
Not the ideal first date
Luke Alvez x reader
Requested? Yes/no
Word count: 914
Warnings: light mentions of a knife, rest is fluff ;D
Matt Simmons try’s to play Cupid by tricking you and Luke into babysitting his kids together. Call it a win-win situation
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You could hear the commotion coming from the other side of the door. Matt scurrying to get his things and Kristy yelling for the kids to behave before she appeared in the doorway. She wore a navy dress that complimented her ginger hair. It was a miracle that she got this far without a stain.
“Y/n, hey! - she said with a gracious smile - I can’t thank you enough for watching the kids. Matt and I have been pushing date night back for the longest time.” The women said looking over her shoulder, Matt now only a few feet behind her.
You could hear him mumble something, but his words were just out of earshot. Whatever he had said made the children erupt in giggles. The tall man swiftly got up from his crouched position, not before he ruffled David’s hair. The small boy quickly patted it back down.
The couple thanked you once more before heading out the door.
“Alright! Last time I promised you four we would paint, so guess what I brought!”. You pulled four 5x7 canvases out of your bag, which also had paint and brushes messily thrown in the mix. Their eyes lit up with joy, the two youngest, Lily and Chloe, clapping in victory. You sat them around the dining room table, paper tablecloth coving in case anyone spilled anything. You’d have to intervene a few times when one would attempt to consume the non-toxic liquid.
Around 20 minutes had passed when there was a knock on the door. It caught everyone’s attention. It had only been 8:00 o’clock, Matt and Kristy weren’t meant to be home until 9:30. Being in the fbi had given you many useful skills, but it also made you extremely cautious in certain situations. Especially when children were present. You shushed the 4 wide-eyed youngsters. Careful not to make any loud noises as you snuck into the kitchen, grabbing a steak knife from one of the drawers. There was another knock, but it was more of a banging this time. Your heart raced as you made your way to the door, knuckles turning white from the grip on the knife handle. You’d be damned if they thought they could get in this house without a fight.
The knife had been brought up to the man’s, now shocked, face as you opened the door. Your brain scrambling to process who was infront of you.
The name rang throughout the house. Causing the children to come running with Jake in the lead. He laughed as he watched your face turn from frightened, to surprised, and then confusion. The makeshift weapon was now lowered at your side, kids shuffling past you to hug the brown eyed man. Urging him to come to the dining room to show off the paintings. Your heart rate soon returned to normal, and the fight response died down.
“Did I scare you?” He chuckled. “Yeah, I thought I was the one watching these balls of energy. I assumed you were an intruder! What was I meant to do?! Let you in unarmed??” It was a rhetorical question. But for some reason your statement puzzled him. “Wait I thought I was the one babysitting… - his lips grew into a smirk when it hit him - Matt set us up.”
It was no secret Simmons shipped you two- hell the whole team did! Alvez’s flirty remarks and gestures would help either. It was a running joke that you two bickered like an old married couple. But no one actually expected someone to do something to push it. This was Matt’s attempt at playing Cupid; and so far his attempt almost got Luke killed and you charged with murder.
The rest of the job went smoothly. The little ones were successfully put to bed near the end of the night. Leaving you and Luke crashing down onto the couch with a sigh. “Tonight went well, besides you know- the whole knife to my throat thing”. You giggled, “yeah sorry about that. Maybe make your presence known next time.” You said looking over to him. Noticing features you usually paid no mind to. Like how his eyes would crinkle when he smiled, indicating that it was real. How soft his lips appeared to be.
“Like what you see?” He remarked in his usual flirtatious tone. A red pigment tainted your cheeks. It was painfully obvious that you had some sort of attraction to him. He would take note of that too. God you hate profilers, even though you were one.
“Oh give me a break Alvez”
The Hispanic continued to watch your movements and expressions until Kristy and Matt arrived. Trying to decide if he should ask you out or not. Thankfully confidence overtook doubt.
“Y/n wait up, I gotta question.” The man jogged over to you, resting his hand on the door of your car. “I was wondering if you’d let me take you out sometime? And I know it’s probably weird to ask you in our friends driveway but-” his body cut him off when you cupped his cheeks with both of your hands. Instantly melting into your touch. “Yes, Luke Alvez. I’d love that.” A smile washed over the two of you. Luke letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding onto.
“Really?! Uh- cool. - he was giddy with anticipation - because this, this was not the ideal first date”
“I agree, but I’m still glad it happened”
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stoportotouch · 1 year
(Feel free to answer publicly) I’m really interested in the terror but I have a couple friends I tend to watch shows with, they have some mixed to positive feelings on horror and creepy/spooky things as well as thrillers and prestige tv and the like (loved breaking bad and BCS) our group has some CWs around rape/roofies
Could you give me like a recommended breakdown/pitch for the show so I can get them involved and make them watch it with me (we are at a weird watch group crossroads where we have like 3-4 shows that we are watching that are only enjoyed by 2 but not all 3 members and need something for when everyone is together)
(first it did take me a moment to figure out that BCS is Better Call Saul and not, as google suggested, the british cardiovascular society, barclays bank, or the british computer society. i really am not a tv watcher other than like. a couple of highly specific shows.)
as far as the two CWs that you mentioned i can't imagine that there's anything that could be a problem. there is, though, a mention of somebody lying about coersion (and we know in canon that he's lying and the whole thing was consensual). there's also uh. the odd reference to drugs (and alcohol). but that's more because it's the 19th century, and if you went to the doctor and said "got a bit of a tummy ache, doc" he would reply "may i offer you some nice cocaine in this trying time?"
in any case! the terror is an adaptation of dan simmons' novel of the same name, which is a supernatural-ish horror story about the ultimate fates of sir john franklin's lost expedition to find the northwestern passages. (supernatural-ish in that while there are supernatural elements... there isn't much that's supernatural about the depths of human despar.)
it follows primarily not sir john franklin but captain francis crozier, the second-in-command of the expedition (and captain of erebus' sister ship hms terror). but it does also have a massive cast of men who i swear you will be able to tell apart eventually. on your first watch you will be saying "which of the three guys with prominent sideburns is this?" and getting it right... actually pretty often. subsequently, however, you will be going "THERE HE IS. THERE'S LIEUTENANT HODGSON." and pointing to a blur in the background. (i did literally do this yesterday watching the third episode.)
also i genuinely think the terror is like. one of the best written shows i've ever seen. partly because it has The Gumption to essentially start the show with "ready to find out how all the people you're about to meet are going to Fucking Die?", partly because of how much rewatch value it has. even knowing all The Twists and basically being able to quite vast chunks of the show, there's always something new.
also the writers and actors have. what i can only describe as a remarkable ability to take somebody who is not on paper particularly sympathetic but really make you understand them. like there is probably at least one character who you will initially look at and say "...eurgh. don't like that." but either come to Sympathise With or just want to take out of the show and let him sleep for about sixteen hours in a very comfortable bed.
and to be a bit pretentious for a second, which is only fair in a show like the terror, i think one of my favourite things about it is the synergy between setting and story/storytelling. on a naval ship most spaces have multiple purposes and there's nothing on board that isn't there for a reason. so even if a scene or a shot or a character (or a line -- i had a sudden moment of "billy? BILLY????" during my most recent rewatch of the first episode) doesn't seem to be there for a purpose... you'll see! maybe not for a couple of episodes but you'll see.
also pretty much all of the relationships between the characters are very much more complicated than "just friends" or "hate each other" or "lovers" or "captain and lieutenant" (or whatever). it's very interesting to watch and essentially keep track of "they're this but also this" or a slightly more straightforward "he literally just needs him and he will fall apart if they're separated". (then they get separated. this is two separate relationships that i'm thinking of.)
finally, if you like men... there's men. since we're in the royal navy in the 19th century there very much are men in this show. great numbers of them! at times the 19th-century-accurate facial hair Looks are a bit much (especially when there's one guy who conspicuously just has a completely normal 21st century beard), but if you can look past that there's truly something for everybody in amc's the terror.
actually finally, because i just thought of it: warning for gore and violence and... i can't quite explain it better than just "really, really overwhelming bleakness". (including some fairly understandable but still disturbing and quite difficult to watch responses to violence.) there are a couple of scenes that it might be better to spoil in advance to give yourself a pep talk before. (you will get warning for it -- there aren't any jumpscares but the waiting almost makes it worse.)
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fourdollarwords · 2 years
Thoughts on Criminal Minds Evolution:
I'm still really sad Krystall is dead as I adored her in the show, but I knew it was coming the moment they said what Rossi's current state was gonna be in the show. That said, Rossi being so comfortable swearing is my new favorite thing. "I'm not naming this jagoff. Fuckhead! Okay? Call him that." had me absolutely cackling.
I had a feeling they were gonna reveal one of the characters was queer this season, but I will admit I was hoping it was going to be Prentiss as her character was originally written to be a lesbian and then it got cut. But I'll be happy with bi!Tara. As long as we get some more interaction with her and her girlfriend. Right now we've just gotten affectionate looks between the two. I would like something actually shown of them in a relationship.
And speaking of showing a relationship, let me get to the Luke/Garcia. Unlike a lot of the fandom, I never shipped Garcia/Morgan. I loved their relationship so much exactly as it was. Two friends that adore each other and flirt for fun. I flirt with all my friends, to the point a lot of my friends' wives and husbands have told me they were jealous of my relationship with their partner when they had first started dating. So I never shipped Garcia/Morgan because I never felt like it was missing anything. They were perfect as they were. I did not have that feeling with Luke/Garcia. Garcia's hostility and defensiveness around Luke made a lot of sense with how she's handling the change of losing Derek in the party. And Luke is intrigued and enchanted by her, like, his first episode. Which, Luke, same. Their banter doesn't have the "babe, I adore you" comfort that her and Derek have, it has almost this defensive "what if?" element. I squealed so loudly when he asked her out in the finale. My shipper heart was sad that was all we were gonna get, but I still had my Captain Holt "VINDICATIOOOOON" moment. But now we're gonna get more. And we BETTER get more. I hope we find out that the reason they only had one date was because of the pandemic and starting a new relationship when the world is going into isolation is damn impossible. And not because it was awkward dating and they didn't click that way. But I remain positive as Kristen Vangsness has said in interviews the two of them filmed a lot of scenes together. The cheek kiss was a good start, now gimme mooooore.
Lastly, just me being nickpicky, I understand the behind the scenes reason for "I can't discuss Reid and Simmons' assignment" but, like, what about Matt's family? Is he still in contact with them? Is Kristy handling all five kids by herself while he's on whatever secret mission they have him on? Your solution for not having the actors has consequences in universe writers!
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savingthrcw · 10 months
Self-indulgent CANON DIVERGENT multimuse rp blog, 21+, written by Ele (30+). High activity and enthusiasm but I don't rush rp partners, so if you don't see recent threads it's because I don't have drafts. MUTUALS ONLY, MEANING I ONLY INTERACT WITH BLOGS I FOLLOW! People who try to interact ic or to make me follow them will be blocked because they are ignoring my very first rule. I also write @smiletimeisrunningout and take commissions. Hard block me, don't soft block, or I'll re-follow because I've a bad memory!
Easiest to have crossovers with at this time: Jenny literally can exist in any fandom I know. All present-world characters are open to Lost crossovers including sci-fi ones if you are inclined. Highest muse at this time: Jenny, Kate if we write Lost, Lex (Tav).
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Some are open to all muses and fandoms, some aren't, so you should check the wanted interactions to avoid awkwardness later! After we become mutuals I'll wait so you can read my pages, then try to interact ooc and then ic. If you don't respond to either or if you drop all threads right away and don't make attempts to start anything new, I'll block. I'm here to write, not have a high number of silent followers.
Googlesite (with rules, about pages, and their wanted interactions.) General links: memes, thread tracker, general starter call, 'permission to ship' call (permission to have my muse interested), plotting call, reverse meme calls, reverse open calls, self promos!, interest checker posts
Under read more you can find individual links. Do use them if we are mutuals, timezones will keep me from posting when most people are online. If I forgot to add something, they are usually tagged as 'name of the character - thread/open rp/whatever - semicolon' like sarah thread; or jenny thread; kate open rp; only headcanons don't have the semicolon.
Kate Austen (Lost) [open to: canon and canon div. characters I know // crossovers: yes] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / Wishlist / Threads - like if interested
Sarah Walker (Chuck) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls // opens // threads - like if interested
Jenny II, Doctor's daughter (Doctor Who) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls // opens // headcanons / threads / wishlist - like if interested
Clarke Griffin (the 100, s1-s6) [open to: a few canon and canon div. characters // crossovers: no] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / Wishlist / Threads - like if interested [formerly written also at wearesostupid and @stilltryingallthetime] Alien Jemma Simmons (AoS, s1-s4) [open to: some canon and canon div. characters, some ocs // crossovers: yes (selectively)] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / Wishlist / Threads - like if interested [written also on @whydoyouthinkileft @shewassoferal @sosadandyetsoamazing and more]
Lex (Baldur's Gate 3 act 1 and act 2, the Tav) [open to: a few canon and canon div characters, some ocs // crossovers no] starter calls / opens / Threads / Headcanons - like if interested
Alex McHugh (Chuck) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: maybe] starter calls // opens / threads / headcanons - like if interested [formerly written at @namedafterhim]
Terra Branford (ff6) [open to: canon, canon div. characters and ocs // crossovers: yes] starter calls // opens / threads / headcanons - like if interested Neria Surana, elf mage Hero of Ferelden / potential follower (Dragon Age) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / Wishlist / Threads - like if interested
Lily Tabris, elf warrior Hero of Ferelden / potential follower (Dragon Age) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / Wishlist / Threads - like if interested
Testing (trying them out):
Book!Alina Starkov (Grishaverse) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested Show!Alina Starkov (Shadow and Bone) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: not yet]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
Bad Wolf Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) [open to: a few canon and canon div. characters // crossovers: no] starter calls / opens - like if interested Ana Lucia Cortez (Lost) [open to: a few canon Lost characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls // opens // threads - like if interested Ellie Bartowski (Chuck) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: maybe]: starter calls / opens - like if interested Cassandra Cillian (the Librarians) [open to: a few canon and canon div. characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested Tauriel (The Hobbit) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: not yet]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
Under request (meaning I won't answer your open starters with them nor send you memes from them unless given permission!)
Ellana Lavellan, dalish elf mage / inquisitor, never follower (DAI) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no] - starter calls // threads - like if interested
Solona Amell, human mage (??) Eldritch horror / hero or follower (DAO) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no-ish because she's a joke] - starter calls // threads - like if interested Emma Swan (OUAT) [open to: Killian, David, Snow // crossovers: no] starter calls - like if interested [written on too many blogs to name because I started 12 years ago, but: @askemmaswan @imtiredoflivinginthepast @butweareafamily]
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thevaudevilledemon · 10 months
Death Battle: Lister & Rimmer vs Grif & Simmons
The following is a fan-written fight between Dave Lister and Arnold J Rimmer from the British Sci-Fi comedy “Red Dwarf”, and Dexter Grif and Dick Simmons from the Rooster Teeth sci-fi comedy, “Red vs Blue”.
This is in no way official, nor affiliated with the Rooster Teeth series “Death Battle”, and has no tied to either the BBC, Grant-Naylor Productions, or Rooster Teeth.
This is fan-work, though and through.
Contains: Death, Minor swearing, violence, and Arnold Rimmer.
Lister and Rimmer are standing in the observation deck, mindlessly staring out into space. "Lister..." "yeah?" "You ever wonder why we're here?" "I wonder that every day, why are we here? Is there some kind of cosmic coincidence that I am the last human in the universe? Or was it all some massive plan?" Rimmer was silent. "What the smeg are you babbling about? I meant why are we here, on the Observation Deck?" "Oh, right. Well, we picked up odd activity on the scanners, so Kryten thought it would be a good idea to see if we can spot the ship from here." "With our eyes? Instead of the thousands of high powered computers we can use to detect these things?" "Let's just keep watch." The two returned to silently staring out at space, until a massive crash was heard. "We have been staring at the wrong side, haven't we?" Rimmer asked.
*Cut to a different part of the ship, where two armour clad soldiers have crashed their ship.* "Grif, that was one of the worst landings I've ever been in, of all time!" "Hey, if you wanted a smoother landing, you could have done, I dunno, fucking anything!" "You were the pilot, I was merely the navigator." "Well why don't you navigate one of your bullets somewhere it can do the most damage." "With pleasure!' Simmons took aim at Grif, 'I'm sorry, you want me to shoot you, right? "Eat a dick, Simmons."
Grif and Simmons look around. Noticing a couple familiar things as they did.
"Hey, why does this ship have a Warthog?" Grif asked. "From all my research, this a mining ship, meaning they have a lot of mining equipment." "And we're here to do... what exactly?" "Dumbass, we're here to get supplies."
"I wouldn't if I were you!" Rimmer's voice called out. Grif and Simons turn around to find Lister and Rimmer, Lister holding a bazookoid towards the sim-troopers. "Get back in your ship, and leave... now!"
Grif and Simmons looked at each other, then raised their guns.
"Lister, what was the plan if they raised their weapons again?" "Uh... Run."
The two began to leg it while Grif and Simmons began to open fire. Lister and Rimmer take shelter behind a massive crate. Grif and Simmons keep shooting at it. "What the smeg are you doing?" Lister asked to Rimmer. "I'm hiding, you?" "Why are you hiding?" "Same reason you're hiding Lister, they have automatic machine guns pointed directly at us!" "I'm not the one that's a hard light hologram, Rimmer!" "I'm not taking any chances!" "Well at least grab a bazookoid, or the matter destabilizer."
Rimmer pulled the matter destabilizer gun from the top of the metal crate, and had an idea of what to do with it. Lister meanwhile, poked the bazookoid from beside the crate, and fire directly at Grif and Simmons. The two jumped as the bazookoid blast hit the ground near them.
"They've ceased fire, let's leg it!" Lister shouted. "Where to?" "Find Cat and Kryten, and they'll get us out of this jam!" The two were stopped by the sound of a warthog revving up. Grif was driving, with Simmons manning the turret. Lister and Rimmer ran in opposite directions, Grif began to chase down Rimmer. Who managed to climb over some crates as Grif drove passed him.
"Grif! Why did you chase down the guy without a weapon?" "I dunno, he just really annoys me." "Whatever. Now, where is that slobby dumbass?"
Rimmer managed to find Lister, behind some large crates of curry powder. "Set the bazookoid to heat seeker." "Why?" "Because, that blast will follow the vehicle and give us time to escape and find Kryten." "Good thinking, man!"
Lister set the bazookoid to heat seeker, and when Grif drove near them in the Warthog, Lister took aim and fired. The bazookoid blast began to follow the warthog closely.
"Grif, we're being followed by a heat seeking plasma shot!" "Heat seeking? Isn't this a mining ship? Why does it have equipment that can heat seek?" "Finding heat emitting material, hitting a repeat target, I dunno, just drive numb-nuts!" "We aren't going to outrun it forever, can't you just shoot it?" Simmons got to firing at the heat seeking bazookoid blasts, with no luck, but he then pulled out a rocket launcher and fired a blast, which collided with the plasma ball and exploded. Grif then pulled over closer to Rimmer and Lister, Simmons moved up to Shotgun to get a direct hit with the rocket launcher. "Oh smeg!' Lister shouted 'Rimmer, grab a bazookoid!" "On it!" Rimmer grabbed a near-by bazookoid, setting it to heat seeker. Simmons fired a rocket, but Lister blasted it away with a bazookoid blast, then both Lister and Rimmer fired a blast at Grif and Simmons.
Grif managed to steer into a tight spot, so he and Simmons ditched the vehicle, which blew up as the bazookoid blasts hit it. Grif and Simmons were caught by the blast and tossed into the open hall. Grif stood up and helped Simmons to his feet. "Aww man,' he moaned, 'there goes the Warthog."
"Warthog?' Rimmer's voiced piped up, "Why do you call it a Warthog?" "Uhh, because it looks like a Warthog." Simmons responded, like a dick. "Really? I thought it looked more like a giant cat." Lister replied. "Like a Puma?" Grif asked. "Actually yeah."
After this somewhat friendly exchange, Grif, Simmons and Lister all pointed their guns at each other. Rimmer dropped his bazookoid and raised his hands.
"Now, I know tensions here are high,' Rimmer began, 'but I think what we all need to remember is-" Before saying another word, Rimmer used the Matter Destabilizer and shot it at the floor beneath Grif and Simmons' feet, causing the two to fall to the floor below. "Quick, let's get out of here."
"Hang on, what floor is directly below this one?"
Within less than a minute, the self-destruct alarm was sounding. "Warning, this ship will self-destruct in two minutes."
"Oh smeg..." the two said in unision.
*Cut to Simmons hacking at a terminal on the Red Dwarf, and Grif leaning onto a different Terminal.*
"Okay, now we just need to get back up and get out of here." "Yeah, about that, what floor are we on?" "We're just below the floor we landed on, so we just need to find an elevator or something, and get out of here."
As Grif and Simmons exit the terminal room, they do happen to find an elevator, just one that opens with Lister and Rimmer already inside it.
"What, but this ship is about to blow up, why aren't you two evacuating?" "Because' Rimmer began, 'We know something you don't know. This ship doesn't have a bomb." "What!?" "That just seems like poor design choices." Grif offhandedly remarked.
Lister cocked his bazookoid, Grif and Simmons stepped back as he fired a bazookoid shot, which hit the wall behind Grif and Simmons, causing them to fall forward and Simmons fired his gun as a reaction, managing to hit Lister in a couple areas, and causing him to collapse.
"Lister!" Rimmer shouted. He then picked up the bazookoid and dragged lister back into the elevator and shot off. Grif and Simmons ran up the stairs.
Grif and Simmons reach the storage floor and find a trail of blood on the ground, following them to a room full of wooden crates. "Simmons, I've got a bad feeling about this, is it just me?" "No, Grif, it's these boxes that say 'Explosives' on them." "Ah."
"Smile you Smeggers!" Before they could really react, Rimmer fired a bazookoid shot at Grif and Simmons, they got out of the way, but it hit the explosives crate, causing the entire room to explode. Grif and Simmons lay dead inside, and Rimmer collapsed, right next to Lister, who was being tended to by Kryten.
"Don't worry Mr. Lister sir, I'll have you patched up in no time."
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
It's all sorts of stuff going on I'm slowly whiskey and selling whiskey to chips that are departing and loading up big huge tanks and they get tanked and they start fighting and say it works and we see it working a little otherwise just sit there it's about 2000 septillion from 400 ft to a half mile and about 1,000 septillion 1 mi and about 100 10 Mile and 10 20 mi and the second wave is still is half gone and the max out there with big ships and it's a war against warlock who are here it's amazingly weird and yes the population numbers have changed
Desegregated morelock, we're at 10%, no they were at 15% earlier today and that's globally at all populated areas and it is an average across the board some areas are much more dense than some areas are much less dense. Right now it's at about 10% and our sun guessed it but Gene Simmons said he was helping out and he got burned and our son helped figure it out and he's trying and it's very difficult because we have to run these places that he was driving into the ground as a threat but Tommy f was doing it and he seen some of the imagery of the hardware and now he gets it a little and it's a lot of that down there it's 4 times the surface of Earth the tunnels are huge and he started calculating and he said well these areas are big and there's caverns and they stack them and then he said it doesn't include stacking it's like no I said oh no I said. But you'll get it eventually. And 10% is nothing to scarf at it's one out of 10 people and the pockets diminished from 30% of what they had before by number of pockets to about 10% and the dwindling fast and they're not fighting too hard to keep them. Their areas are reduced to three out of all of the areas they don't have control over any of them anymore it's the upper Midwest Australia and Alabama parts of New Zealand and that's it. The upper Midwest is emptying rapidly and Tommy boy was on mildly today and tomorrow will be a lot more as I need troops up north and they're calling for theirs now from all over the world and yeah they're jam-packed in the cities about they're there getting ordinance in ammo and weapons and heading after the clones and they are going after them in a serious way there's huge huge numbers going after them giant numbers and they are grabbing whatever ammo they can get.
And I'm issuing the warning now
Thor Freya
We support the statement fully
I was part of formulating this and I will be recognized for it
Me too.
I heard you snickering fool you better watch that I'm right on you
If I ever get up to you I'm going to be right on you LOL for a good cause
Yeah you sicko I knew that but not right now
chocolate and she's interested in it I'm selling the chocolate, it's selling pretty good and she doesn't want to see it in those pubs well maybe a little and she wants with hers in there and wants a little weird Wonka is a little weird and he says maybe we can set up like a wholesaler and candy shops will just go there and so I started doing that and Hera and Zeus came up with it and he saw it because of bjA so I sent him an invite. And we have one it's on the outskirts of New York City somewhere and it's a wholesaler for Willy Wonka candy and Willy Wonka's wacky candy and he said
Apollo and Goddess Wife
this is insane this stuff is insane it's awesome it's cool it's cute it's attractive to women it's just about as luscious as it gets and it tastes great and it's low and sugar and other other things sugar alcohol and it really doesn't give you the poops that's what you eat too much and those watercress crackers work great with it he's pretty smart for a kid who knows nothing everybody says it so I went over there and I bought that stuff and I bought tons of it and I'm starting to sell it and my stores and they said that we can have a decent agreement with you and I said good so I have this candy store and I started thinking about before and how was I got sad and Rose I kind of want to share it so I'll probably do the 16 candles series
This is what's happening I remember you drinking cheap beer and a bunch of it and all those cheap beers coming out I remember follow you around and buying stuff for inexpensive amounts of money and that's what they're doing all day and now you're hitting with this candy store and I think a wholesaler and they're buying a candy wholesale and eating at their house I got a little sick so it stopped doing it but now they're going to do it now and they're going to buy it from bja and it said this candy is awesome so I talked to bja today I said where can we put like a wholesaler for our new beer company and it should promote your cause and he told us where and he said I can do it I can do the distributing I said well that would be great and so he's opening it now it's a huge Warehouse in New York City it's probably like 500 million square feet this is Giant is Chinese what else is a billion square feet and it's gigantic since two levels is huge and holds a lot of weight and so they can only hold like one pound up here but we have so all sorts of accessories the koozies and the dispensers so he's going to do all that too and he's going to have some money because he has none so I really need this so he's doing it now and his people are going to him for beer and candy and since I need food I guess well remember that wholesaler meat company and fish and stuff so he's laughing going okay so he's going to do that we have a company that does it now he's like wondering what the hell up and it was his family and he's alone except for Ken who sits and watch the TV still
I do see what you're saying but you said it to me and I did and it worked and she came back to life and she said what happened and he said he pointed it out and it's one of us she said you look great in uniform but you're not well you know and I'd rather make life skill than the eagle so she got that it said I'm wondering about what to do and that was us and we know what to do and tomorrow is Wednesday so it's not time yet I said we're not on the phone or text right now okay I understand that so I'm getting going and I hear your ideas I'm going to help you market it in position it and get with people and probably get a job he says I know what it is it's a go between and Tommy Allen and people like him will pay me to get them stuff and Jason's on the line and others and I'm going to go ahead and start this and he is giving me his permission and cycle of George and they're used to it those guys used to buy stuff too and they said they want the candy this is good I'll get him a huge Wonka bar and my father and mother are going to help get to and you can help Ken it'll be great and I'm going to do that too and I know how to do it now as a distributor and I'll test the chocolate and we'll see it and we're going to go ahead with it
And we're going to stop you now we need chocolate and we need beer not really together and there are things that go with chocolate like amaretto and mudslides and things and the girls are going nuts now which is great and yeah we have girls
Oh gross
Tommy a
0 notes
innogreys · 2 years
Contraband cast
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The film is shot by The Hurt Locker's Barry Ackroyd, though one does wish Kormakur had opted for a bit less in the way of hand-held shots. Simmons is a hoot as the captain of the ship upon which Farraday decides to pull his heist, while Caleb Landry Jones joins Diego Luna and Lukas Haas in rounding out the better than usual cast for this type of cinematic fare. Instead of your stereotypical good guy or bad guy, Foster does an excellent job of layering his performance with a remarkable depth of humanity. Ben Foster seems like he's always cast in this type of role, but that's likely because he's so darn good at 'em. Massively underrated Giovanni Ribisi is awesome as Tim Briggs, a sort of cajun-speakin' psychotic whose every move elicits anxiety and dread. In a rarity among action films, even the supporting players are well cast here. That said, her personality fits with Wahlberg like a glove as both performers project a sort of simmering placidity in their demeanor. Beckinsale, of course, is also a bit of a kick-ass action star thanks to the Underworld films, a fact that does make her role here as a somewhat victimized wife seem like a bit of a stretch. Wahlberg is teamed well with Kate Beckinsale as his wife. he's completely believable as someone who would do just about whatever it takes to protect his family, and his performance here is both exciting to watch and emotionally resonant. This film offers Wahlberg the chance to flex his biceps and his emotions as Farraday, a buff kick-ass dude whose entire reason for re-entering his former profession is deemed noble because he's doing so to protect his family. While Wahlberg has never been a brilliant actor, he's a consistently good one who over the years has challenged himself in a variety of genres and in films where you'd swear he'd fall flat on his face (and he occasionally has). Director Baltasar Kormakur starred in the Icelandic original, and while there's not an ounce of originality in the film there's an abundance of decent action and macho humor.Ĭontraband is the kind of film that's perfectly suited for Mark Wahlberg, one of the few actors who is at home in an action flick as he is in an arthouse flick. Mark Wahlberg stars as Chris Farraday, a former smuggler turned family man who's forced back into the action when his wife's (Kate Beckinsale) baby brother (Caleb Landry Jones) becomes massively in debt to baddie Tim Briggs (Giovanni Ribisi) after a smuggling job gone bad. An American adaptation of a 2008 Nordic thriller called Reykjavik Rotterdam, Contraband is your standard issue action thriller with the notable exception that it's well cast enough to maintain consistent watchability and to be far more entertaining than you would ever expect.
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reaction2whatever · 2 years
Agents of SHIELD S3E01-S3E03 reaction
welcome welcome to my ramble on season 3 lol
I hope Simmons is alright
I hope the crystals in the ocean by last season aren't giving the team too much trouble!
Alright imma start now
Agents of SHIELD S3E01
-ahhh so the fish oil can really make normal people transition huh
-Oh my fucking god just how handsome and cool was that entrance of Skye?!
-She just blew away two guys and a car like it's nothing
-She also cut her hair??
-Her gauntlets look cool and ugghh I am loving the whole superhero look
-mmm why did she introduce herself as Daisy?
-She's changed her name?
-Good to see Mack didn't actually quit
-wtf? when did shield develop/invent a flying containment thingy
-where is this thing flying towards??
-ohhhh so this is the new bus?
-who are these guys trying to kill the new inhuman guy? Are they government or something?
-and Skye introduced herself as Daisy again so she really changed her name huh
-I guess it's kinda fitting. She's finally got closure with her family and found her real name
-I always wondered why she named herself Skye tho. Are we gonna get an explanation one day?
-I would really love a flashback to her time as a teenager or a kid or something, get her background story
-no matter what she looks stunning as ever
-I'd say it's the short hair that's making her gorgeous but she'd look good in any haircut tbh
-Bobbi!!!! It's good to see you! she's recovered from the torture of Ward!! yessss!!
-I see that they've built a new prison for inhumans lol
-With the record of Skye and prison rooms of shield I'd say at one point she's gonna end up in here just like in season 1 and 2 she ended up in shield prison room lol
-and Bobbi is calling her Daisy now
-? what?? what's going on with Hunter and Bobbi again???
-they literally went to hell and back SURELY they'll just be in love now why are they not talking YET AGAIN ugghh these two idiots
-annnd Coulson is very much me when adjusting the transition from Skye to Daisy lol imma need to adjust to the new name huh
-lolol "She's the muscle" Mack
-When did Mack and Daisy become partners?
-I love the fact that she's the one who helps inhumans like what her mom used to do
-I feel bad for this guy, his life just got turned upside down
-whatever happens, just how hot is Daisy in a tank top
-and she indeed is the muscle. She takes down this guy so easily lol
-She's so powerful I love her
-so liquid rock is called a monolith?
-Of course Fitz will try to save Simmons
-aww Bobbi doing Simmons' old job
-yes yes I'm still shipping Bobbi with Simmons lol
-So Fitz run away from shield duties to save Simmons?
-very in character
-Look at Fitz. tricking a whole lot of mob
-I'm proud of my boi
-Daisy's tanktop ma'am ugghhhh that is so distracting
-she's so hot
-Coulson's approaching this new government woman with only Hunter mmmm
-That's a risky move but he's smarter than that
-Lincoln is a whole proper doctor now? he's pretty hot in doctor suits
-This Rosaline person is the one hunting inhumans this season?
-wtf? what the hell is that thing???? It's a whole monster???
-That thing looks HUGE
-This monster thing is targeting inhumans? It just specifically asked where are the inhumans
-Mack shot him so many times and still that thing isn't dead?
-Coulson escaped lol they handcuffed a guy without a hand I knew this was coming. So predictable
-Skye+Lincoln barely make the monster guy flinch???
-What is this thing????
-oh right it's Daisy now
-I keep on typing Skye ughhh Gotta get used to it
-are Bobbi and Hunter gonna get married again or what
-I'm rooting for Hunter to kill Ward
-After what Ward did to Bobbi it's normal for them to want to have revenge. I will be rooting for them
-It's so sad to see Fitz's trouble just lead to one word "death"
-Poor Fitz
-He's not ready to give up on Jemma
-He was so close to a date with her. awww man. life is so cruel
-oh fuck no
-Fitz. Please don't do anything stupid come on now
-Never have I ever thought I'd get emotional watching a man screaming at a rock
-That was top notch acting right there good job Fitz's actor
-Simmons!!!! So glad to see she's still alive!!!! but that... doesn't look like earth
-Where is May in this episode? Is she really never coming back????
Agents of SHIELD S3E02
-what do they mean no one ever returns from the rock? Simmons has got to return right?
-Daisy's right, the team's active agents seem to be down to only Daisy and Mack?
-Bobbi is in rehab, Simmons is missing, Fitz is saving Simmons, May is gone, Hunter is going after Ward, Coulson's lost a hand
-shield is not doing so good these days.
-That makes the partner thing between Mack and Daisy more reasonable lol
-So season 3 starts months after season 2 and Fitz has been trying to save Simmons for months
-poor FitzSimmons ughh
-Seeing Bobbi and Hunter kiss makes me happy lol
-Ward. I can't say I miss him, but he makes a good villain of a story
-ahhh i remember this Asgardian dude
-He's an interesting character
-"he did it" lolol Asgardian dude has personality
-Daisy missing May awwww sooo cute
-ahhh MAY!!!!!! i miss you!! come back to the team!
-Asgardian dude proving himself to be useful! Finally, a clue to save Simmons!
-the whole bag of rats just made me jump in front of my screen holy fuck
-Yep, it is confirmed, Ward still knows how to get under my skin god damn it
-what does Ward even want anyways What's his bad guy motives this time around
-Fitz just walked into a death door without even thinking/hesitating
-what a man
-I love Fitz
-Had to agree with Skye here. The new Inhumans could turn any moment, the ATCU thing is dangerous too and this new huge monster comes out of nowhere
-annnd Skye and Mack are the only two in the field dealing with them?
-It's a LOT for two people
-Time for May to be back!
-yes! yes to May's ex husband! I love the thought of Skye as a leader!
-she's thinking like a superhero this season because she's trying to use her power to do good. I love that
-"neighborhood watch" lmao Hunter is so hilarious
-If May pair up with Hunter that'd be an interesting duo
-It's miracle how this equipment from a few hundreds of years ago still works lol
-It's almost impossible
-This thing really can control the stone??
-and this thing just made Skye pass out?????
-ahhh fuck I made the same mistake as Coulson ugghh
-It's Daisy
-damn it I'm so bad with names
-I'm loving May's time with her dad
-Gives layer to her character
-ahhhh so the frequencies control the monolith!
-Daisy's power is so versatile ahhh I love it
-She's willing to risk her life to try to open the portal for Simmons
-I hope there will be some Simmons Daisy friendship scene once they get Simmons back
-I get so oddly excited whenever Daisy uses her superpower ahhhhhh
-Did Fitz just jump through the portal?
-What the fuck a warning would be nice
-holy hell I get so nervous
-I feel like there is no way they can rescue Jemma this early in the season
-But it was heroic of Fitz and Daisy to try
-I'm rooting for Daisy to hold on soooo hard
-just a little longer DAISY!!! you can do it!!!!
-I cannot believe my eyes they actually rescued Simmons????
-In episode 2 of the season????
-LOL thank you writers for not making me wait for this drama to be dragged out
-This show has balls
-I'm so happy Simmons is back
-So May is helping Hunter right? ahh she is so pretty
-poor Simmons she's traumatized
-the way she sleeps on Fitz's leg that's so cute awww
Agents of SHIELD S3E03
-Lincoln's power is pretty cool but why are they hunting him? He didn't do anything? He was just a doctor and then a monster attacked him? what did he do?
-Poor Simmons I hope she gets better
-Daisy is soooo hot help
-she is wearing a lot of tank tops this season and I'm loving it
-Never thought I'd see punk!May. she so hot
-I wonder what happened to Simmons on that other planet?
-knowing this show it is probably gonna answer my questions in a later episode? I hope?
-FitzSimmons walking together is so cute lol
-I never get tired of hearing Bobbi and Hunter telling each other to not die
-punk!May in a tank top is sooo hot oh wow
-Mmmm so Lincoln used to have a drinking problem? He'd struggled with addiction?
-yes!!!! Daisy and Simmons scene!!!
-"You can call me whatever you want"
-yes yes I still ship them together uggh
-It's good to see Daisy and Simmons have a chat after everything
-I feel so bad for Lincoln his only friend turned on him
-and he has a heart attack??????
-poor Lincoln he never wanted this. it's not his fault. not really
-I wish the scene between Daisy and Simmons is longer but it was still sweet
-Lincoln calls saying "I need help" lol that's such a classical hero's love interest thing to do
-I feel like Bobbi is a FitzSimmons shipper lol She was helping Simmons last season and now she's helping Fitz
-Sorry to say this lol I am not impressed by half-naked Hunter
-lol these guys gonna die for sure. flirting with MAY out of all people lmaooo I legit fear for their lives
-I love this fights scene so much! kick ass May is so cool and so hot! Ma'am I'm glad you are back
-AND this line is making me ridiculously happy: "a tiny, little asian woman kicked your ass"
-ughhh fuck yeah I love May
-why is Hunter so tiny without clothes omfg
-ahhh Coulson you can't just hand over Lincoln because of a picture of Daisy
-I mean I understand him but uggghh
-I love this dialogue between Daisy and Lincoln
-I feel like their position sort of reversed compared to last season.
-Last season Lincoln helped Daisy with her powers and helped her accept herself and convinced her she's not the monster. This season seems like it's Daisy who is helping Lincoln accept himself and convince him he is not a monster.
-I feel like Lincoln and Daisy have some shared trauma
-They are definitely gonna get together this season lol
-holy fuck they are kissing now?????
-lmao I thought the writer's gonna make this pairing later in the season and bam the next minute they be kissing
-But mmm idk I feel like there are gaps in between two seasons that are not explained well
-From what I've gathered so far. Between the two seasons, there are some months where Lincoln became a doctor and Daisy became a leader for a special task force.
-Lincoln wanted nothing to do with Daisy and shield two episodes ago and now they are kissing?
-I mean it was pretty quick mmm but I guess they have some romantic foundation in season 2
-Everything moves SO fast in this damn show
-Every time I thought it's gonna be a thing that drags on and on and on and it turns out to be not a long boring drama I get a bit happier
-I don't think Daisy has kissed anyone in season 2
-the trauma of kissing Ward lolol
-Lincoln is at least a massive upgrade
-I really like how it was Daisy who closed the gap between them and kissed Lincoln. She was the one who put a hand on his neck too lol What a queen
-Coulson really turned over Lincoln when they just had their first kiss???
-ahhh good job Lincoln lol his power is enough to knock down everybody
-How did Coulson make the ATCU stand down? what did he offer her?
-I finally get the FitzSimmons romantic dinner but this is not how I wanted things to go and now it's sad
-Fitz is (understandably) eager for everything to be romantic/back to normal
-But I don't think this is a good move for Simmons' sake
-She's obviously dealing with trauma
-awww man the way Simmons is crying I feel so bad for her
-She's been through a lot and she just started to heal. I don't think she has what it takes to get involved in a romantic situation with anyone. sometimes a person is just that emotionally drained.
-She needs time to process and deal with trauma before diving into a relationship
-so I'm very glad the writers didn't make Simmons just happily date Fitz like right after getting rescued
-This keeps things real and keeps Simmons human
-what is Coulson thinking?? He is working with this ATCU???
-Mack kept what he heard on comms private
-I love this scene of Daisy playing video game with Mack
-Mack is more likable this season
-what??? Simmons was so traumatized by this other planet but she still wants to go back???
-Now I have questions
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jamiedc-they-them · 3 years
Forgive and forget what happened in another time (Platonic)
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Requested Imagine: After the incident with the Doctor, Daisy and Jemma see how much it hurt you and do what they can to help, but there is only one person who can really help. Fitz
Leopold Fitz, that name used to make you feel safe, happy, protected. A name of a brother figure, of a best friend.
Now, it was a name of danger, of hurt, of caution; of someone who once meant the world to you, but now a complicated thing. That was the what the name brought now. 
Your hand went to the wound he had caused you, a bullet wound; the scar being patched up by Jemma, who had been doing all she could for you. 
“Knock knock.” You heard Daisy said a your door swished open, there was no knock that was a lie, only the words and swoosh of the door to alert you of her presence in your room. 
You quickly put the shirt down, covering the scar, but you saw her eye go to where it would be on your front (your back was to her, you had turned your head to look at you, even then you only saw her from the corner of your eye) and her smile was sympathetic. 
She had her scar too, running her hand along the back of her neck.
“Hey.” You greeted, trying to sound like you both thinking about the same thing.
“Hey.” She parroted back, trying to do the same thing. 
You cleared your throat, fully turning to your friend and crossing your arms, “So, what’s up?” You asked.
She suddenly remembered why she was here, “We’re gonna be landing soon, gonna need you there with me.” She said, giving you a smile, one you mirrored. 
She hated this, seeing her sibling in pain like this; she hated that your brother figure hurt you both. 
You had found where his ship was after interrogating one of the crew, all you had to do was get to it. 
As you walked, with Daisy leading, Jemma grabbed you by the arm and held you back, “Y/N, if this is it, then --” 
“Now’s not the time.” You said, trying to get her to release you so you could just end this journey. 
“When is the time?” She pressed; you looked at her in the eyes, this journey had made her go to dark places, but she was still the caring soul you met all that time ago.
“Not now,” You said, removing the hand, “Besides, if it is him...then he’ll be with you, and Daisy can do the talking for me.” 
You entered the part of the ship you needed through the ceiling, with Jemma leading the way. You found the pod, and you waited with baited breath. She looked to you and Daisy, two of her best friends in the whole world who had followed her out here for this one moment. 
Her face dropped when she opened it...nothing was there, only some blood. 
She stayed in the pod for a bit, breaking down. You, meanwhile, sat in the commons room, alone, and you allowed yourself to admit it. 
You were happy that he wasn’t. 
And part of you hated yourself for it. 
“Y/N,” Jemma called out to you, you looked up to her, “I need you for something.” 
That was a bit of a stretch, it was more of a team meeting, and something she had spotted on the pod, writing. 
In a language she knew apparently. 
You and Daisy were trying to keep the rest of you guys in check, and at the same time get Simmons to see that you would not survive this trip. 
She, however, saw it differently.
She, however, pulled the lever and sent you deeper into space, chasing after a translation.
Jemma knew, she knew that you were pissed by that option; and as much as she defended it, she saw the toll all this was taking on you. 
But, this was her husband, she wasn’t going to just leave him stranded, even if the chance of finding him was small. 
“Y/N --” She said, having a moment alone with you before they went to the city of Kitson, a place apparently only the worst people would go. 
“Don’t.” You were firm with your words, and she could detect the bite. 
“Y/N, please --” Again, she couldn’t finish. 
“You had no right!” 
“I have to find him, Y/N. You would do the same if it was Daisy, me, or anyone else.” She couldn’t stop the words, her goal of finding her husband stopping her from seeing the consequences of her words.
Those consequences came when your eyes widened, almost at the audacity of the words said, before you let out a humourless chuckle, “‘Anyone else’ hasn’t shot me while I’ve tried to free my sister from his split. I get it, not fully in his control, his trauma too, but what about mine, Jemma? You expect me to just move on from it? Sure, Daisy’s done better, but --”
“You don’t need to compare yourself to her, Y/N. You’re making your own progress, I promise…” She was torn, and you could tell. 
“Whatever, let’s just go, ok?” She could tell things were a bit icey between you both, but she knew that you both still cared for each other, even during this time. 
You went to Kitson, yourself and the two girls getting high as a kite in your search, “Co-come on, Y/N...We need to find our british friend.” Daisy said, holding onto your hand and bringing you through the crowds. You had no idea where Jemma had gone, part of your brain wondering if she was real…
If what Fitz had done was real. 
She was, as you found out, being brought onto the floor in a crawl as you went under the table to find some solace from the people.
You observed the surroundings, eyes wide as you blinked a few times, but you swore you saw a man in a suit, a beard and an emotionless expression on his face staring at you a few times in the crowd, but each time you just shook your head and he was gone.
A blaring ‘dolphin’ noise brought the three of you out, it was a signal. But Chronicoms were on your tail, so you both looked to Jemma, assuring her that - despite your states - you could handle them. Jemma looked to you and smiled, glad you still had her back. 
She went, and you and your sister got to work, Daisy spinning on the table and you throwing glasses at the trained opponents. It was funny, how you both almost reverted to how you were before all this - you throwing glasses in a bar fight - and her distracting herself during a conflict and having fun with it. 
With that cleared up, Jemma had news for you. 
“He’s alive.” She told you, and she knew where to go. 
Your search led you to a Chromicom ship, or rather the ship. But, you saw him for the first time --
Not the doctor who had hurt you and your sister --
Not the man who had a split and lost for a moment to his demons --
But your best friend, your brother. Jemma’s husband --
Leopold Fitz.
Daisy was all but ready to make do on her threat of Fitz being hurt again, she’d tear the ship apart. She knew this wasn’t the Fitz that had hurt her, had hurt you. 
You were willing to do a lot of things to get him back, but forgiving him would be another thing. 
You had tried a runner, only for you to find yourself surrounded; you and Daisy were more than ready to fight --
But Jemma stopped you; you couldn’t quite focus on her words, your heart racing as you saw the tears in Daisy’s and Jemma’s eyes. 
This was a goodbye between you three siblings. 
Jemma then looked to you, shaky smile on her lips, “Y/N --” She wanted to say something, anything to help make this better. But she couldn’t think of anything. 
Her youngest sibling was hurting, just as much as her other younger sister. 
You brought her into a hug, one she returned, no other words were spoken; you both just hugged. 
Then she was gone, and you were going home with a member gone, maybe forever. 
As you went home, Daisy found you in your room, she sat next to you, not saying anything but she knew her presence would help. 
Hell, it had helped her, she knew how you both worked. You were her best friend since birth, brought up together in the orphanage. Now, you were more hurt than you were before. 
Still, you went back to earth, the ever present image of Jemma Simmon walking away, to whatever her fate held, was etched into your mind. 
You felt Daisy’s gaze on you every so often as you got closer to home. Still, no words were spoken, just the gaze of, not concern, just care. Was she worried? Yeah, but she knew displaying that to you would only make you go further into your hole you had dug for yourself. 
Still, you disembarked and found yourself now in a new situation, a new trauma; Phil Coulson had returned...sort of. 
It was him in the physical form, just not the...mental form? Still, it threw yourself and Daisy, just how seeing Fitz (the older version you cared for dearly) threw you earlier. 
You and Daisy walked away, trying to ignore what you had just seen. It didn’t, however, work that way. 
You instead ended up on the man’s (Sarge) truck, going to stop someone known as Izel, you didn’t care who she was, just that she was a threat to your family. 
So, on board you went. 
He pulled you up to the front, Daisy giving you a pat on the shoulder for encouragement as you went; you gave her a smile before entering. 
“So, smiley tells me you went off to space.” He said, wasting no time it seemed. 
You nodded, “Had a little trip, sure.” 
“What for?” 
“It wasn’t for you, if that’s what you’re getting at.” 
He scoffed, “Trust me, I might have an ego, but not that high of one. What were you really looking for?” 
“Why do you wanna know?” 
“Snow’s...difficult, but I’ve known her long enough to know when she needs to talk.” 
“You offering me a shoulder?” 
“A cold one. But you seem to be more open than your sister. All she wanted to talk about was me.” 
“She’s always been inquisitive.” 
“And you're sensitive.” 
“Sounds like there’s a story there.” Wow, he was not stopping. 
“I will when you do.” He smirked. 
And he did, just to spite you it seemed; he opened up about Izel and his past; how his planet was destroyed and how revenge and hate drove him. 
He lied at one point, saying it was love, but he quickly said it was the hate that drove him instead. 
Love drove you, you knew that, but also fear. Fear of who Fitz would be.
Sarge looked at you, eyes almost daring you to open up; Daisy caught the look, quickly brining the attention back to her and away from you. She hated it, the look in his eyes, the amusement he got from causing you that discomfort. 
Then he was gone, he was out and you were barreling for a tower filled with Shrike (little bat things) that would infect everyone. 
Sarge was gone, and you were going to slam into the tower with a nuke. 
Deke did what he could to try and defuse it, but was unsuccessful. 
Daisy looked to you, seeing you only staring at the bomb that would now surely take your life; you looked devastated. Her eyes softened as she took one of your hands in her own, she gave it a squeeze, a silent “I love you.” 
Then it all went black…
Only, you woke up. You woke up to Daisy over the bomb with her powers making it go back into the bomb. 
She took care of the shrike too, vaporizing them as they entered. 
Then...then he entered. Leopold Fitz…
It was different seeing him in person, actually seeing him. 
Deke had hugged him.
Daisy smiled, as did May. 
You did, a small amount; he looked like his innocent self, not the beared man who had hurt him. 
But he was still there...always there deep down. 
You had a party, and he smiled at you; you lifted your bottle up, but your smile wasn’t as full as it used to be. 
You left early. 
Then you were forced to work together, looking into what made Sarge...well, Sarge, as Daisy spoke to him. 
She let it all out, the vitreal, the anger at this situation. Fitz chanced a look to you, seeing how you kept your distance, didn’t look at him. 
“Y/N...are you ok?” He asked; Jemma even paused what she was doing to look over at you in concern. 
You gulped, just hearing his voice made you go back mentally, “...Yeah, fine.” You said, trying to hang tough. 
His hand hit your shoulder, and you flinched away, slapping the hand away. He ignored the pain, he just kept his hands up and took a step back. 
“...I can’t do this, I’m sorry.” You said, walking away, ignoring Jemma saying your name softly as you left. 
You went back to your retreat. You felt the place shake, but you just hid yourself more. You couldn’t do this, your hand went to your wound as you felt the burning from it when you were shot. You heard the broken of “NO!” From both Daisy and Jemma. You --
You felt a hand on your shoulder, a soft one and yet you still cried out at it. The hand stayed, however, and you felt yourself be pulled into a hug. 
“I got you, Y/N...I got you.” It was Daisy, and you felt her tears hit you on the top of your head as you sobbed. 
You stayed like that for a bit, with you just sobbing into her as you took yourself back to what would have been your death had...had Jemma not acted so quickly. 
Jemma, the woman who had been by your side this whole time, along with Daisy of course. But Jemma never forced you into anything about the topic, she respected your boundaries. 
“Is...is he?” You started to ask before you hiccuped.
“He wanted to wait...but he understands if you don’t --”
“No, no I wanna see him...It...I can’t just ignore him forever.” You said, Daisy still holding you close.
“Ok...ok.” She said, kissing you on your head before helping you up and bring you to the door.
She opened it, and you smiled at your brother. Not the doctor. But Leopold Fitz, the man who hadn’t lost to his demons. 
And he smiled back softly. 
Daisy gave you a hug before departing on her mission, and that left you with Fitzsimmons. Jemma stood on one side, Fitz on the other. 
You stood as a united trio as you watched the mission occur. 
“Y/N, I...I’m sorry.” You let him finish this time. 
This time, you also looked at him, “It -- it wasn’t you.” 
“...I know. But, I still did it.” He said, not wanting to let himself of the hook.
You nodded sadly, “We fixed the timeline...We saved you, we’re all back together now...I’m sure we’ll get there with us, anyway.” 
He smiled, he knew you would, and he hoped dearly that he would. 
Jemma smiled, glad you were starting to heal. 
Now though, without knowing, it would be a while before you would see your friends again fully...
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sharkselfies · 3 years
The Minds Behind The Terror Podcast Transcript - Episode 2
Here is a transcript for episode 2 of The Minds Behind The Terror! In this episode, showrunners Dave Kajganich and Soo Hugh are joined by author Dan Simmons and actor Adam Nagaitis, who plays Cornelius Hickey. They cover episodes 4-6  of the show, getting into Hickey’s psychology and Adam’s incredible acting, Dan’s feelings about never revealing the monster too soon, Adam getting locked in a conference room with the Tuunbaq prop for twenty minutes, and the spectacle that is Carnivale.
The Minds Behind The Terror Podcast - Episode 2
[The Terror opening theme music plays]
Soo Hugh: Welcome to The Minds Behind The Terror Podcast. I’m Soo Hugh, executive producer and showrunner of this labor of love, here with my partner in crime Dave Kajganich, executive producer and showrunner.
Dave Kajganich: Hello. 
SH: Today we welcome The Terror author Dan Simmons, and actor Adam Nagaitis who plays Cornelius Hickey in the TV series. Dan is calling in from Colorado, and Adam you’re here from London.
Adam Nagaitis: I am! Hi! 
DK: Adam and Dan, I don’t know that you have been introduced to one another, so welcome both we’re happy to have you! 
AN: Thank you! It’s lovely to be here. 
Dan Simmons: Thank you. I have to start with just a fanboy meltdown here, I don’t do this, I don’t praise actors that much even when I’ve met them, but I need to use a word that as a novelist and as a mature, American human being I don’t use because the younger generations have appropriated it, it’s the only adjective that they use in their whole vocabulary, but Adam, your performance as Cornelius Hickey was brilliant. It was awesome. 
AN: Thank you so much, Dan, and obviously the feeling is beyond mutual. There is no Cornelius Hickey without you, so, um, really overwhelming to hear someone like you say that, so thank you so much.
SH: This is so touching.
DS: And I’ll confess something else to Adam, the first time I watched it, I thought your character was a good guy because he jumped down in that grave to put the lid back on.
DS: It was on my second viewing I thought, “Wait, he stole the boy’s ring! Bastard!” 
SH: So this is the second podcast of this series, if you haven’t heard the first one, episode 1, we recommend highly that you go back and listen to those, that first episode will cover episodes 1.01-1.03. Today we’ll talk about episodes 1.04-1.06, and if you have not seen those episodes please, please don’t break our hearts and listen to this podcast! Watch the show first! We’ll have many spoilers that we’ll be discussing. 
SH: So now since you guys have finally met one another, Dan and Hickey--Dan and Adam.
SH: Should we talk about, Dan, just how you first originally structured Hickey in the novel, and we know that you loved Hickey, but your experience watching the show in terms of seeing the changes that we have made and what we’ve kept from the book, how that affected you. 
DS: Mostly the changes that you guys and Adam did for the character of Hickey I think, uh, I don’t wanna praise too much, but they’re marvelous. They showed me a succession of, um, not villains but a complex, sometimes wicked character in a way that I don’t think I got to in the book. My character was like--a bit too much like Iago in Othello, you know, he tended to be motiveless malevolence, or malignancy, which is the way you describe Iago. And there are many Iagos in the world, but the way that Adam created Hickey out of the soft clay of my introduction was marvelous to me. I could just see all the wheels turning in Hickey’s head, all the ways he’s looking for an edge, so I took it to maybe point C or D, you guys took it through Y. 
DK: The last thing that we’ve seen Hickey do is that he has gone through the lower decks of Terror and has shat on a bed...
DK: ...and has found a resignation letter from Crozier that no one is meant to see, because Crozier is now in command of the expedition. We have laid out a different kind of ascension, if you will, or architecture for Hickey’s arc in the show from the book, and I wonder, Adam, if you could speak a little bit to having read, I think, part of the novel and been told to stop reading by me and Soo because we didn’t want you to be confused. How did you receive these episodes, and how did you plan to sort of make the--cover the distance between those two points in Hickey’s arc, which it’s a lot of distance to cover.
AN: There are pieces of the novel that stayed with me and unfortunately I could not get out of my head as much as I would try, ‘cause they were very potent aspects of Hickey, were always useful, but it’s as you said, Dan, it was just that the switch, I’m just backtracking ‘cause there’ll be a reason, but the switch from, the clarification for me, or the justification of his motivations was all really I had to find. A new soul, a new motor. And that motor sort of begins--perhaps changes gear, in episode 4, when Hickey is--I don’t wanna say betrayed? But you know, for the first time he’s proactive about a decision he makes when he goes and grabs Lady Silence.
[show audio]
Crozier: There’ll be no violence towards this woman without charges brought and well proved. Who is responsible for this?
Hickey: I am, sir. 
AN: He’s pushing the boundaries of what his courage is allowing him to do at that point, and he knows that this is dangerous. But it’s also completely necessary and he can’t help himself. And I think he’s fairly sure of a reward. But what ends up happening, he considers himself constantly self-aware, like an incredibly high introspective IQ, that if he’s achieved anything in his life, it’s that he is completely honest with himself at all times. He has these conversations in the mirror all day, every day, just to make sure that he’s sharp, that nobody will call him out on any sort of fracture that they can see within him. He sees his weaknesses, he accepts--that’s a soulful narcissist, I suppose, as a way of describing him, but one thing that has escaped him he realizes is that his desperate need to be accepted, to be loved, to be seen, and be patted, and to be, um, to have that authority figure, whatever you wanna call it, allowing you the rite of passage.
[show audio]
Hickey: Captain Crozier, there’s something I wanna say, but I hardly dare speak the words.
Fitzjames: Oh, speak the words, Mr. Hickey. 
Hickey: Well, of all I know in this world--and of this world… I tell you. That… I do not believe it is an animal we battle.
AN: And he realizes when he gets lashed, this day of sort of revelation, where he understands every time he gets hit, you know, he--I took a lot of the lashing I took through the way that Hickey’s described in the book, that his life has been this low level horror story, and pain is something that is incredibly interesting to him. It’s not something to be avoided, it’s something to be embraced. 
[show audio]
[sound of the lashing, Hickey gasping in pain]
SH: Adam, if we had to break down the whipping scene, ‘cause I mean your performance in that moment, I mean, it’s so extraordinary, the amount of what you were able to pull out physically as well as just emotionally in your face in that scene. Will you walk us through, what did you internally--‘cause in all you were saying about Hickey being with one foot planted in practice but also at the same time being the self-aware philosopher, but in that moment of the lashing, some different, higher kind of understanding must have been in place, ‘cause pain is at work there. Was your process different in that scene? 
AN: You must forgive me as well for goin’ on, ‘cause when I talk about Hickey I get lost 
[Crosstalk, Soo reassuringly saying “No!”]
AN: and I go forever, but I remember it sort of breaking it down, preparing it was breaking it down into how you are perceived when you enter that realm of torture or judgement or whatever it is, and he always is gonna make sure that he didn’t lose the experience in stupid, human things like shame, or, you know, consideration of embarrassment, he never walks in--it’s almost as if there’s never anybody else in the room, he doesn’t care to cloud it. And that was the very first point, was to get in and go, “What does it mean to be punished as a boy?” I was thinking, “You know, that’s it, what does that mean? I wonder what they’re gonna do to me?” When he realizes that and these people around him, that--I don’t know, it’s kind of--I suppose it was such a strange collaboration of sensations, because at the one point, you know, I’m in this, as an actor I’m naked in this scene with all these people, and being punished as a boy should have taken Hickey down, you know, the shame should have overwhelmed him, and it should have been this sort of embarrassing situation, and instead it became empowering. He wasn’t afraid of crying and screaming, and again, it’s not--if it’s practical, and it helps, it’s no big deal. It’s just pain. And everybody else would be in pain, and it doesn’t matter. Even if, you know, if people perceive him as weak, he’ll find a way to get ‘em. It doesn’t matter. 
[show audio]
Crozier: Again.
[whip cracking, ship creaking, muffled groan from Hickey] 
SH: And something we haven’t talked about much yet in these podcasts is this theme of hubris and the hierarchy and the patriarchy, and Dan you explore it fully in your book. In terms of figuring out, you know, where our characters come from, and their foundations and backbones, they come from a very distinct historical period that really thought that their empire was the crowning achievement of human civilization, right? And that the royal navy is this prime embodiment of that conquest. They were gonna go out into the world, find that sea route to China, and the world will be theirs. In both the book and our show, that kind of thinking is what drives them into the heart of peril, right? And what was always interesting about the Hickey character, in some ways, was he questioned--in some ways he’s very--too modern for his times, in some way, in that he questioned that hierarchy, that patriarchy. 
And that’s something that I think Dave and I can both sympathize with as well. The character was so interesting to write for because Hickey was in some ways an easy embodiment of our voice today. And then when you--when we watch your performance, what was great about your performance was it was never slippery, ‘cause it’s really easy to play Hickey as slippery. I always felt that your performance was always located in something very very direct. People can play characters like Hickey where you don’t--they never wanna commit to anything because he’s supposed to be nebulous, or too ambiguous. That was never the situation. When you had that smile on your face, when Irving is saying, you know, “climbing exercises!” we know you’re not playing Irving, which is great, and I think that’s such a success of your portrayal of Hickey, is it never feels slippery. 
DK: Well an awful lot of people came in to audition for this part, and what we found was a lot of people, most people--in fact, everyone but you, Adam--played Hickey as a kind of pre-built villain, and when we saw your first tape come in and you were open-handed, and you were smiling your way through the same monologue that everyone else had put fangs on, we knew that you were our Hickey, because that kind of charisma, and that kind of confidence, and that kind of hubris, in a way, is what were going to be the magic ingredients, I think, it’s what we sort of loved about the opportunity for the show to take the Hickey from Dan’s book and sort of turn it in a different unexpected way so that readers who hadn’t read the book wouldn’t know right off the bat whether they were meant to sympathize with Hickey or be wary of him or both, and I think that’s a great achievement of the performance is you sort of feel you’re on both rails the whole time, and I think that’s kind of an amazing achievement.
AN: That’s how you wrote it! I mean that was exactly--I think that you saw what you wrote, the real strength of that character was in his understanding of himself and his understanding of the hierarchy and how this world functions, you know? He’s studied it, gave him an intelligence, that’s the way I saw it when I read it.
DS: But it’s pretty amazing to think that by this point in the show, you have stolen a dead boy’s ring, you have shit on your ex-boyfriend’s bed, you have murdered our favorite doctor--
I mean there’s a lot, you’ve done a lot of things to turn the audience against you, but I don’t think that’s how an audience will feel! 
AN: All completely justified.
SH: You’re acquitted. 
SH: Can I steer the conversation just slightly in a different direction, ‘cause Dan, you made our lives very difficult in one way, so you have these two incredible set pieces in your book
[Crosstalk, Dave saying “yes.”]
SH: and they happen to fall chronologically so close to each other that production wise we had to film them one episode apart.
[Dave laughing, and he laughs a few more times in the background throughout the following]
SH: So in 1.05 we have the huge Blanky mast Tuunbaq fight sequence, and then in 1.06 we have Carnivale. They are along with something that comes at the end of our show, they are--those two scenes--those two sequences are, you know, some of our biggest biggest, just, action set pieces. They’re just extraordinary spectacles. But Dave and I, you know, we grew many grey hairs in this process because they’re so fantastic in the book, they’re fan favorites in the book, we knew that we had to--we knew we were gonna be pillaged based on whether or not we succeeded in those scenes. So seeing the mast sequence and seeing Carnivale, what did you think? DS: I know the difficulty in putting two set pieces like that close to each other, I mean, the chase with Blanky was pretty dynamic, and even more so from the book to your show, it was very dynamic.
[show audio]
[Tuunbaq fight scene! tense music, Blanky yelling, Tuunbaq roaring]
Hodgson: Fire!
[cannon fires, the shot hits the Tuunbaq and it growls, Blanky falls and screams, the mast creaks]
DS: And I love the character of Blanky, all the way through to, you know, his ending. He’s wonderful. 
SH: Speaking of the mast sequence, what we were discussing prior, this is the first time we actually get to see the Tuunbaq. We’re curious how both of you--you know, ‘cause Dave and I, we’ve been very careful about how we utilize and deploy the Tuunbaq in our show, and making sure also that narratively in the story-wise it didn’t feel like, “Oh, we need to ramp up this episode, we’ll throw the Tuunbaq in,” that we were very more deliberate about when we put the Tuunbaq in our show, and making sure that it didn’t, like Dave was saying, didn’t fit the monster of the week. But I mean Adam, you have a very particular relationship with the Tuunbaq that starts to become revealed in episode 4, could you just walk through how you were thinking about it? 
AN: The way that I started to think about the Tuunbaq was as a character, that was the best way for me to think about it, as another, you know, another member of the narrative in general, and it’s a person--it, of all the people, there are only, including the Tuunbaq, there are two that I respect: Crozier, who I see as something of maybe a soul mate, would be a way of describing it; and the Tuunbaq, who I see as a person who is, he or she is, true to themselves and unafraid, and undeterred, and pure in their resolve, you know, and their execution, and so it’s almost admiration and mutual respect, and that when that Tuunbaq looks at me, and I look back, that I see myself. And I see what I might become, you know, and I have--and Hickey sees himself as having elements that the Tuunbaq doesn’t have, you know, the idea of, Hickey so rarely sees people that he acknowledges, that, in his mind, deserve or warrant his acknowledgement, and when he first meets eyes with the Tuunbaq, that’s what he goes through.
[show audio]
[wind whirling, footsteps, Tuunbaq growling]
DK: Dan I was always curious to ask you about the Tuunbaq in terms of your creation of that creature. I mean in our research we found elements of different sort of spirits from Inuit mythology that seem like the Tuunbaq is kind of an amalgam of, can you walk us through sort of how you hit on that idea and what parts of it are from Inuit mythology that you can remember and what parts of it are your own invention, or just how that creature came to be, it’s such an interesting, fascinating creation?
DS: That’s a good question, I’ll answer it, but first I wanted to add an unharmonious, non-praising comment, which is when I was watching the series on my little computer screen and I got to the Tuunbaq chasing Blanky up the rigging and so forth, I paused the show, walked out in my front yard, aimed west, and shouted, “Don’t show the fuckin’ Tuunbaq!”
DS: “Not yet!” I’m sure you heard that. 
SH: Did you think we showed it too much in that sequence? 
DS: I did when I saw the sequence. When I’d seen the show front to back, one and a half times now, I think it’s fine. Dave, you remember, when we first talked about things, that was--I was stressing that left, right, and center, which is--I was basing it on a favorite movie of mine, which nobody else has as a favorite movie, but it’s the 1951 version of The Thing. Howard Hawks directed it even though he gave the credit to his DP, but he directed it, and it got so every time a door opened, every head, every person turned to look. And the monster turned out to be James Arness in a silly suit. But the tension was tremendous, and I think you guys build up very nicely, you know, everybody’s ready, looking over his shoulder, there’s that scene where somebody does, and the wiser man says “It’s only the ice, Georgie, it’s only the ice,” but of course it’s not.
[show audio]
[Neptune the dog barking]
Strong: He’s been goin’ on like that since the wind died. 
Hartnell: Take your wigs off. 
[rustling, wind whistling, Neptune continues barking]
Hartnell: Don’t you hear that?
DK: It was a fine line to walk, because on the one hand, you know, I don’t know if anyone would have made the show if it didn’t have, you know, quote unquote “a monster” in it. So we were trying to be very intelligent on how we deployed the Tuunbaq in the show, and wanted to make sure that when we did it didn’t feel like it was meant to spice something up, that it felt sort of earned, in some way, and you were confident that the less we showed of the Tuunbaq the better. But that isn’t--it’s not the easiest sell if you don’t happen to agree with this point of view, and you know, luckily we were sort of able to have our cake and eat it too, in a way, but still, even when episodes one, two, and three aired, we were reading reviews and people’s comments online saying, “Is there a creature in this show or isn’t there?”
DS: Or what, yeah. 
DK: Some people really want that settled, and so we tried to do it both ways, we tried to show just enough to make sure that it felt like we weren’t being coy about it, but not so much that we exhausted what’s interesting about it.
SH: And also the fear--there is a danger, if you put it off, ‘cause, Dan, Dave and I agree with you that you wanna hold off the reveal of the monster as long as possible because it’s just gonna be more satisfying that way, but there’s a tipping point to that as well, of course, you know, right? ‘Cause if you delay it too long then the expectations are almost too great. And when you delay the monster for so long the level of perfection that the audience is gonna expect is never--we were never gonna please them. So at some point, by finding that right balance point of “we show them enough that they know we’re not playing coy with them.” 
DK: We also had a storytelling reason, a really good one, to make sure we did show it up front in the first third of the season, which is, you know, by the time you reach episode six you realize there’s something wrong with the Tuunbaq, that it is getting sick, or it is going off somehow, I mean, when Lady Silence finally decides that she’s going to offer her tongue to it in hopes that it will accept her as a Shaman and that she can contain this sort of mythological disaster that’s happening, and it rejects her, and it shows up to that scene looking a little woozy, and you know, there’s obviously a cause to be concerned about it.
[show audio]
[eerie music, Tuunbaq growling and snuffling]
DK: That wouldn’t have landed if we hadn’t seen, in some form, the Tuunbaq in all of its majestic glory. You know, we think of the Tuunbaq as quite presidential, in terms of its comportment, you know, that it is a pure expression of this mythology, it is the keeper of equilibrium, it is neither a hero nor a villain. But by the time we get to episode six, we should be feeling a little bit panicked about what this creature is becoming. It seems to be falling apart in front of us in the same way that the men are.
SH: Our Tuunbaq exists. We don’t play that game of “it’s a figment of our characters’ imagination.” That is one route we could have gone, we did not wanna do that. 
DK: Adam, I don’t know if you remember, when we finally got the scale model head of the Tuunbaq to Hungary, and we had it in a conference room, I think, and I grabbed you from set and I didn’t tell you where you were going, and I took you to a door and I pushed you through it and closed it behind you, and in that room was the Tuunbaq, and you were the first person in the cast to see it. Do you remember what that experience was like? 
AN: That was terrifying! 
AN: I do remember, I remember that day very very well. It was just a head on a stick, wasn’t it? 
DK: A big head, but yeah.
SH: Enormous. 
DK: It was just the head--
AN: A great big head on a stick! And I knew the importance of it, so I sort of closed my eyes and opened them. I remember thinking, it was the eyes, the human eyes, that convinced me that it was a unique, thinking machine. It was a unique creature that had--that was worthy of respect, that was kind of the thing that I remember thinking about it. And of course it was terrifying. But yeah, I remember the teeth, the human teeth. It was so brilliant, it was so brilliantly conceived. I remember it was head height, and I just stood in front of it for a while.
DK: I remember it was twenty minutes before I opened the door!
AN: You opened it for a long time! I was like, uh, is it gonna move? It was great. It was really scary.
DK: So Dan, walk us through where it came from. I mean, this is a creation from, almost from scratch, I think, from you. 
DS: Well first I built the Tuunbaq out of what I think is a good monster and would be a good monster in the Arctic. And after constructing it, I went just tearing through Inuit mythology and stories and oral tales for quite a while before I found the right creature. He was called Tuunbaq in the mythology, but it could’ve been Sedna, Sedna was a great sea monster. They have so many wonderful beings. But you guys summed it up in dialogue…
[show audio]
[man speaking Inuktitut, another man translating] 
Translator: From the Shamans… the thing that eats on two legs and four… a thing made of muscles… and spells. 
James Clark Ross: I don’t understand. Is he describing a man? 
Translator: Sorry, Sir James. I don’t know what the hell he’s describing. 
DS: That was the best summary of the Tuunbaq that I’ve heard. I’m gonna steal it from you if I ever do readings on this book again.
DK: Oh good.
[show audio]
[men cheering]
Fitzjames: There it is. We’ve not heard that sound in far too long.
DS: I especially enjoyed Carnivale. I like it that you didn’t follow my lead and turn the Carnivale on the ice into the scene from The Masque of the Red Death. I had a sailor who’d actually read that story in Boston in my novel, so he’s the one who set up the Carnivale with all the rooms from the Edgar Allan Poe story, and yours, the idea of celebrating, going home essentially, when the sun rose, that made a lot more sense to me. 
DK: Well do you know the reason we went in that direction, I think in the writer’s room when we were discovering all the different sort of signs and symptoms of things like scurvy, nostalgia was considered a primary symptom of scurvy, and one way you could diagnose it. And we thought, well, if these men were going to throw a party and all bets were off in terms of what the theme of that party would be, we wanted to embrace the likelihood that a lot of those men who were in early stages of scurvy at that point might have leaned too heavily on nostalgia. And that gave us a kind of a surprising new sort of code to sort of explore in Carnivale. 
[show audio]
Fitzjames: Come on, boys! 
Fitzjames: Now, let’s get our hair good and powdered before that damn sun finds us again.
[more cheering]
DK: The idea that Dr. Stanley, who has a child back in England, and, you know, has a clear sense of what the kind of illness that’s on the table being discussed could do to the men, and he hears the news of the beginning of episode six that they’re probably running out of food and, you know, the episode, that episode six is called “A Mercy” for a reason, that really Stanley thinks he’s doing a great favor to all of the men by killing them. And it just was--I’m curious, when you watched that reveal in particular, that the Carnivale disaster was not going to come from the Tuunbaq but was going to come from somebody who was a kind of Cassandra in a way, like understood what was coming, in a way that lot of the men didn’t understand, whether that rang true emotionally to you in terms of how you would position these characters at that point in the novel.
DS: In the novel, you don’t have to compress time like that. The things can almost coexist and still work. So I had a little more freedom to do the Carnivale. But when you showed the malignant motives of the various people behind it, the doctor and so forth, the burgeoning insanity made sense.
[show audio]
[distorted music, liquid pouring, yelling]
Crozier: Hold him, hold him!! 
[flames crackling, more yelling]
DK: Hickey’s arc between episode four and episode six, you sense someone who’s coming into a power, but doesn’t exactly know yet how he wants to use it, and is scanning other people and other relationships to try to find out where will the advantage come from. And I think what’s great about the final shot we have of Hickey in six, that is Hickey just before someone tells him, probably, that they’re going to be walking out.
AN: By the time we reach episode six, he’s well on the way to formulating in the material world, in our physical world, to formulating his sort of group. What’s going on inside him, what’s going on in his--maybe even subconsciously, or even very very very quietly consciously, is a furthering of his understanding that this universe is for him. These happenings are for him. They have his name all over them, his real--and since the beginning of his life he’s been checking the dials, trying to tune into the right radio station where there’s a clear voice of the numinous, or the supernatural, or the universe, or God, or whatever you wanna call it. He’s hoping for the clear voice that says his name. 
DS: I have a question for Dave and Soo, which you looked at the muster of the crew as I did, you know, I had to decide who was what in a fictional term, you have about 127 interesting stories if you want to pursue them, but were you aware early on that there was gonna be one messiah developing in the story? 
SH: I don’t know if we looked at it in terms of a messiah figure.
DS: Ah, but Hickey does. 
DK: In these episodes, I think he doesn’t quite yet know what he’s going to become, except he knows he doesn’t have to be subservient anymore to other people’s versions of what he could become. I think he’s not quite sure where he is. He knows he’s just moved from one ladder to another ladder, he’s no longer on sort of the hierarchical ladder of the ships, he’s on a bigger ladder and he’s climbing, and he doesn’t quite yet know what heights that will reach, but it’s fascinating to see Hickey unleashed in these episodes, but not yet know what he’s going to put his power toward. 
[audio from the show]
[the music from the end of episode six during the brief moment of sunrise plays]
SH: 1.04-1.06 takes place from the last sunrise of the year, and then the end of 1.06 is the sunrise of the year, so in terms of just that lovely visual metaphor, it’s also our dark nights, where we have polar nights. Did you guys, watching the episodes, did you guys feel that darkness? You know, Dave and I were so curious whether or not people understood what it feels like to live in perpetual darkness for months, and whether or not our audience was gonna get that. How did that come through for you? DS: The darkness, it was a hard thing, I think, to do in a series like this, it’s pressures, like the men in the ship not only have the pressure of the ice groaning and moaning and growling and pushing at the ship, they have the pressure of the months of darkness. And I think you did it well, I don’t know if it was a reviewer or a friend who said the show is all about--in the ship it’s all about claustrophobia, outside the ship it’s all agoraphobia, fear of open spaces. 
SH: Oh that’s wonderful! 
DK: Absolutely. We talked a lot about that in the writers’ room, about how there was--we didn’t know which was worse, you know, and characters would have different opinions about that. Is it better to be sort of sealed up in almost a coffin-like environment, or is it better to be exposed with no way to protect yourself? I don’t know what I would choose. 
[The Terror opening theme music plays]
SH: So that is episodes 1.04-1.06, Dave and I are here with Dan and Adam, and it’s been such a pleasure you guys, thank you for joining us, and next time we’ll be covering episodes 1.07 and 1.08. Dan and Adam, both of you will be back as well. 
DK: Wonderful. 
DS: Great. 
SH: Thank you! 
[preview snippet from the next episode plays]
AN: In complete honesty, it never occurred to me that any of those things were cruel or despicable!
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There’s something wrong with my eye,” Simmons announces loudly.
No one answers him.
“I said, there’s something wrong with my eye!” he repeats, louder this time.
“So?!” Grif hollers back from down the hall. “What the fuck do you want me to do about it?!” 
“I want you to get in here and offer to do something about it!”
“What exactly do you expect me to be able to do about it?” Grif asks, appearing in Simmon’s doorway, looking disgruntled. He’s holding a well-worn comic book in one hand, one finger stuck between the pages to mark his place. “Do I look like a fucking medic to you?”
“My <em>mechanical</em> eye, doofus,” Simmons says flatly. Comics are the only thing he ever willingly reads. Simmons always tries to make sure they have enough left over in their monthly budget to get the latest issues shipped to their base.
“How does that make any difference?” Grif demands. “Go ask Sarge for help. Or Lopez.”
“They’re not here, though, and you are.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“I don’t want to get up. I don’t know if my legs will work right.”
“Wait, what?”
“Last time I had a glitch it made my knee-jerk reaction go off spontaneously and I accidentally kicked Sarge in the-”
“I don’t wanna know! Look, are you sure we shouldn’t just fetch Lopez?”
“I think it’s probably just a screw loose,” Simmons says, offhand. Easy fix. “Messing up the wiring in my brain.”
“Why is your eye wired into your brain?”
“Everything is wired into my brain, dummy. It wouldn’t work otherwise. 
“That seems like really bad planning.”
“Your eyes are wired into your brain, too.”
“Mine are organic! You lose one screw and it messes up everything!”
“Grif, you’re so useless! Are you going to help me or not?”
“Alright! Jeez, what’s eating you today?”
“Oops, sorry. The glitch is making it hard to control what’s coming out of my mouth. I just keep uncontrollably blurting out everything I’m thinking.”
“That’s what you do every day. Are you sure that’s part of it?”
“Shut up! I find this situation very frustrating and inconvenient. I wish you would hurry up and screw my missing piece back in.”
“Maybe you should say that last bit a bit louder, I don’t think Tucker heard you that time.”
“Grif, sometimes I sincerely do not like you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Take your helmet off, then, let me get a look at this.”
Simmons reaches up and carefully removes his helmet, as instructed. Grif reaches over and carefully lays his comic down on Simmons’ desk before moving closer.
“Oh, I see it now. It’s this one right here, barely hanging in there by a thread. Dude, I think this whole, uh, face-plate thing is hanging crooked on here.”
“Well, fix it!”
“Alright already! Where’s a screwdriver?”
“In that drawer.”
Grif pulls off his own helmet and sets it aside, pulling open the indicated drawer and rummaging through the clutter inside.
“Is this the right one?”
“No, you need the purple one.”
“This one is purple!”
“No, it’s not, it’s blue!”
“Is this malfunction making you colorblind, too? It’s fucking purple! Look, here, give me the screw. See? This is the right size!”
Grif brandishes the screwdriver in front of him, for emphasis. Simmons stares at it for a moment.
“Grif I think the malfunction is messing with my color vision too.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Grif leans in and reaches out to adjust the metal plating on Simmons’ face back into place. Simmons blinks, hard, and suddenly the handle of the screwdriver looks a little bit more purple.
“Is this going to, like...hurt you?” Grif asks, pausing with the screwdriver in his hand.
“No,” Simmons assures him. The screw itself is only about half an inch long. Not nearly long enough to poke through far enough to do any damage.
“Alright then, hang tight.”
Grif lines the screw up and starts fumbling with it, frowning.
“It doesn’t want to go back in...”
“You have to hold it straight.”
“I’m trying! It’s at a weird angle. Stop turning your head.”
“Wow, your hands are like...really warm. That’s weird. Or maybe my face is just cold? Is my face cold?”
“Shut up,” Grif grumbles, “you’re distracting me.”
“Sorry. I’m just feeling a little, uhhhh, vulnerable. And nervous.”
“Stop fidgeting.”
“Yeah, I guess I’m just not really comfortable with the idea of you being so close to me?”
“Hey, I offered to go get Lopez, and you said no.”
“Oh, it’s not because I don’t think you’re capable-”
“I said stop fidgeting!”
“-it’s because I find you very attractive.”
“Wait, what?!”
“Oh my god, Simmons, get a fucking grip!”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
“Sit still, you’re gonna make me drop the screw again-”
“I didn’t mean to say that!”
“For the love of fucking- sit down!”
Grif takes one hand away from Simmons’ face and grabs him tightly by the shoulder. Simmons makes an especially undignified high-pitched sound of distress, and freezes in place.
“You’re a dumbass, and I hate you,” Grif growls. 
“I’m really sorry. I never told you that because I thought it would be awkward aaaaaaaand it turns out I was right. I’m sorry.”
“For the last time, sit fucking still.”
“I didn’t want to make things weird, especially since we’ve been living together since, well, basically forever now.”
“Shut up.”
“But the truth is, I know you really just don’t like to shave, because you’re lazy, but I think it’s nice how you always have some kind of stubble situation going o-”
“Simmons, for the love of god, if you’ve got to talk, go back to talking about something that’s not me!”
“I can’t control it!”
“I’m fixing your damn screw as fast as I can, but if you say one more thing about me I’m leaving right now!”
“I think Doc is attractive, too?” Simmons confesses, in a desperate attempt to steer his ridiculous and increasingly-panicky word-vomit trainwreck in another direction.
“You have terrible taste in men.”
“And Locus.”
“Alright, well, that one’s a given. Everyone thinks Locus is attractive.”
“Yeeeeaaaaahhhh. I overheard your sister and Wash talking about him once, and I was glad it wasn’t just me.”
“I think I’ve almost got this- there! How does that feel?”
Simmons flexes the human muscles in his face, tensing up against the edge of the metal plating. It seems to be fitting more normally. He can still feel himself blushing, but he hasn’t blurted out any other embarrassing secrets in the past three seconds, and the screwdriver in Grif’s hand is most definitely purple once again.
“I think that did it!”
“Really? You sure you don’t have any other stupid shit to say? Like how you’ve always secretly wanted Sarge to step on you, or anything like that?”
“No! Dude, that’s gross!”
“So was all that other stuff you just said! Seriously, I’m embarrassed for you right now.”
“Grif, look, forget I said any of that, ok? Please? Just...forget it.”
“I’d like nothing better. Believe me.”
“Sorry,” Simmons mutters as Grif angrily jams his helmet back onto his head and recollects his comic book.
“Whatever. Just don’t call me to fix any more of your malfunctions in the future, ok?”
“Yeah. I just...sorry.”
Grif hesitates on his way out the door, as if there’s something more he wants to say.
But in the end, he just snaps, “you really do have terrible taste in men. You should get out more, or something,” and stalks off back down the hall.
“Yeah,” Simmons sighs to the empty room. “Maybe I should.”
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savingthrcw · 4 months
Self-indulgent CANON DIVERGENT multimuse rp blog, for 21+ people, written by Ele (30+). High activity and enthusiasm but I don't rush rp partners, so if you don't see recent threads it's because I don't have drafts. MUTUALS ONLY! People who ignore this first rule will be blocked. I also write @smiletimeisrunningout and take commissions. Hard block me, don't soft block, or I'll re-follow because I've a bad memory!
My navi (with the wanted interactions/fandoms I write in, and a link to googledocs with rules and about pages) There are more than 20 muses, some are open to all muses and fandoms, some aren't, so you should check the wanted interactions to avoid awkwardness later!
Tumblr media
Highest muse at this time: Janey, Lucy, Rose, Terra, Stella, Kate if we write Lost, Jenny.
General links: memes, thread tracker, general starter call, permanent call, 'permission to ship' call (permission to have my muse interested), plotting call, reverse meme calls, reverse open calls, self promos!, interest checker posts
Under read more you can find individual links. Tags are usually 'name- thread/open rp/whatever - semicolon' like sarah thread; kate open rp; Only headcanons don't have the semicolon.
Kate Austen (Lost) [open to: canon and canon div. characters I know // crossovers: yes] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / Wishlist - like if interested
Stella the conwoman - (fandomless oc with small backstory and super high activity) [open to: all canon, canon divergent and oc characters] starter calls / opens / Wishlist - like if interested
Sarah Walker (Chuck) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / opens - like if interested
Jenny II, Doctor's daughter (Doctor Who) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / opens // headcanons / wishlist - like if interested
Janey Howard (Fallout Prime AU) [open to: some canon characters for now // crossovers: no] starter calls / opens / headcanons - like if interested
Lucy MacLean (Fallout Prime) [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
Rose MacLean (Fallout Prime AU) [open to: some canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested Alien Jemma Simmons (AoS, s1-s4) [open to: some canon and canon div. characters, some ocs // crossovers: yes (selectively)] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / wishlist - like if interested [written also on @whydoyouthinkileft @shewassoferal @sosadandyetsoamazing and more]
Alex McHugh (Chuck) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: maybe] starter calls // opens / headcanons - like if interested [formerly written at @namedafterhim]
Terra Branford (ff6) [open to: canon, canon div. characters and ocs // crossovers: yes] starter calls // opens / headcanons - like if interested Neria Surana, elf mage Hero of Ferelden / potential follower (Dragon Age) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / Wishlist - like if interested
Lily Tabris, elf warrior Hero of Ferelden / potential follower (Dragon Age) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: yes] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / Wishlist / like if interested
Lex (Baldur's Gate 3 act 1 and act 2, the Tav) [open to: a few canon and canon div characters, some ocs // crossovers no] starter calls / opens / Headcanons - like if interested
Book!Alina Starkov (Grishaverse) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls / opens - like if interested Show!Alina Starkov (Shadow and Bone) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: not yet]: starter calls / opens - like if interested Ana Lucia Cortez (Lost) [open to: a few canon Lost characters // crossovers: no]: starter calls // opens - like if interested Ellie Bartowski (Chuck) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: maybe]: starter calls / opens - like if interested Tauriel (The Hobbit) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: not yet]: starter calls / opens - like if interested
Clarke Griffin (the 100, s1-s6) [open to: a few canon and canon div. characters // crossovers: no] starter calls / Opens / Headcanons / Wishlist - like if interested [formerly written also at wearesostupid and @stilltryingallthetime]
Ellana Lavellan, dalish elf mage / inquisitor, never follower (DAI) [open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no] - starter calls /- like if interested
Solona Amell, human mage (??) Eldritch horror / hero or follower (DAO) [Open to: canon, canon divergent and oc characters // crossovers: no-ish because she's a joke] - starter calls - like if interested Emma Swan (OUAT) [open to: Killian, David, Snow // crossovers: no] starter calls - like if interested [written on too many blogs to name because I started 12 years ago, but: @askemmaswan @imtiredoflivinginthepast @butweareafamily]
Bad Wolf Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) [also test] [open to: a few canon and canon div. characters // crossovers: no] starter calls / opens - like if interested
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amandajoyce118 · 4 years
Agents Of SHIELD Series Finale Easter Eggs And References
This is it. The last two hours. What is it they say? It’s all been leading to this? Yeah. 
As always, and for the last time, if you haven’t yet watched the episodes, you should stop reading now. This list of Easter eggs assumes you’ve already seen the episodes.
Also, I’m going to say, since I’m writing about two episodes at once here, and I’m assuming everybody reading this has actually watched the earlier episodes of the show, I’m probably not going to explain every single callback to earlier storylines. When series end, they tend to do even more than usual, and I think most people will pick up on the majority of them. So, they might not all be here.
Now, let’s go.
S7E12 “The End Is At Hand”
Malick wants to set Kora free
I’ve pretty much said this since Kora met Malick, but yeah, their dynamic is so, so, so much Ward and Kara. It’s creepy. But I think Kora recognizes it more so than Kara did.
The Fitz stance
I love that Deke recognizes that Fitz has a certain stance when he tries to jog Jemma’s memory. Does he know that they stand the same way sometimes? Probably.
The blue and purple of it all
Okay, so maybe this is just my tv, but the stuff in space is very much in Daisy’s color palette. Purple has always been her color, and a lot of the stuff in space the last two years has had either a lot of red or blue. When Daisy heads into the chronocom ship, there’s a lot toward the blue end of the colors, showing that this is still Daisy’s story.
Garrett being left to die
I know they call this out in the show, but I do like Garrett being left to die by the bad guys too and realizing he can switch sides, just like in the original timeline.
The shock stick
Admittedly, I don’t remember what this is called, but this a very Whedony throwback. It was first used in the second episode of the series by Grant Ward in Peru. It’s based on a weapon used in the series Firefly. I don’t think it’s been used on the show in quite a while.
Jemma wants a suit
Is Jemma the only member of the team who hasn’t had a formal tactical suit/super hero costume. I think so. She’s had the standard SHIELD ones like everyone else, but not the suits like Daisy, Bobbi, and May have worn. Even Elena doesn’t wear the standard one. Of course she wants one.
Jemma’s rambling
While DIANA is melted away in her brain (which, uh, seems like it would not be good for your brain, just saying), Simmons starts to ramble a whole lot. She references a lot of past events in the show, but also, she kind of sounds like dialogue in Alice In Wonderland, which just seems fitting for a woman who keeps ending up in strange places she doesn’t want to be in by strange travel devices.
The 084 Meet Up
I love that we get slightly familiar faces without them being named. I mean, Victoria Hand is obvious, but not sure who the rest are. I also love that we get pay off for what Enoch and Koenig bonded over when he was left behind way back when. The two of them (and the rest of the Koenigs) distributing 084s throughout time to loyal agents for this moment is genius.
And yes, both episode titles are said out loud in both episodes.
S7E13 “What We’re Fighting For”
Quantum Realm
Yes, that’s the same realm they use in Avengers: Endgame to gather the infinity stones and move between timelines. Fitz is using some Ant-Man tech.
1983 NY
I just want you all to know that there was a major blackout in New York in 1983 in Manhattan…. On August 11, as reported in the New York Times on August 12. The same day this episode aired. I did not know this random bit of information. I googled it.
Back to the season 6 finale
When we get the first tidbit of FitzSimmons backstory for Jemma’s refrain of “we had time,” we get to see Fitz, Simmons, and Enoch go back to the events of the season six finale as they intercept Piper and Flint. Not only that, but the people Jemma brings with her to the temple to save everyone are the actual team. That is some paradox level science fiction right there. Very comic booky. (Edited to say: I can’t believe none of y’all corrected me because I had season five here when this just happened in season six! I literally woke up in the middle of the night remembering that I wrote it wrong. Hahahaha)
The stars in their skies
I love that this episode really laid it on that Jemma’s first love was astronomy. We get the scoliosis story again, but we get to see how Jemma has worked her love of the stars into her life. Her favorite star system as a child is where she starts her family, what she names her daughter after, and she even repeatedly utters the phrase “stars in your skies” as a nod to love. Nice.
A situation in Moscow
Look, all I’m saying is that last time SHIELD was in Russia, Bobbi and Hunter were disavowed by the agency. And Mack is now there with a helicarrier? Hmm.
The anniversary meeting
This is very reminiscent of how Natasha leads her meetings from afar in Avengers: Endgame, though probably enhanced by whatever alien tech Fitz and Simmons have put together here. It’s perfect that Daisy, Sousa, and Kora are in space while Mack and Elena are still part of SHIELD and May is teaching at the Coulson Academy. I really thought Mack would retire, but he just can’t let go, huh? Fitz and Simmons are really the only ones to truly retire. Though Coulson has more time.
Piper’s wish
She gets an LMD/Chronocom version of Davis. I just - that’s adorable. She wants her best friend back. And yes, he’s tech. They didn’t go back and save him. Fitz and Simmons built him because he mentions being programmed to be stupid.
Code 136
The code Coulson puts into his briefcase to get the keys to his new Lola? Yeah, that’s how many episodes there are of the show.
Edited to add: And one I missed, courtesy of VFX guru Mark Kolpack:
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And that’s it. The end of the SHIELD we all know. I hope some of these actors will come back to play these characters once in a while for Marvel all over again because I think, despite it ending at a solid point, we’re all going to miss this show a lot.
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