#What the heck is style consistency lol
drlessy · 3 months
sorry I’m in my *how the heck do I draw* phase and I am wondering if you have any tips because I really love your art style
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i dunno how great I am at giving tips!! but here's things I do personally: - draw what makes me happy! trying to get a comfort character's hair right can really motivate me to improve HAHA - practice yes, basic tip ever but practice in areas you seek to improve in. (eyes, hands, legs, etc) - try different brushes. you have no idea how frustrated I'd get while drawing only to realize I was using the wrong brush the entire time. it absolutely makes a difference. - use 3D models, they are at your disposal!! look up poses online too. use your resources & use them without shame! - be as sketchy as you heckin want. not everything has to be clean, especially if you're just drawing for fun. - you can absolutely trace as to practice shapes n stuff as well! (obviously don't trace other's art with the intention to post it.) - with how I do eyes & even hands I learned from others! don't copy another person's style ofc but feel free to try drawing how they do eyes or hands- find what's comfortable for you! I tend to look at other's art for face shapes especially lol - most importantly, I think, just draw. don't burn yourself out, of course. but I only got better because my younger self decided pumping out art every single day onto the internet would be fun. now i'm at that stage where I'm still improving but it's hard to get back into the rhythm of consistently drawing BECAUSE I am improving and all my art looks weird to me. you'll always go through these kinds of phases, but know it's because you're getting better and you'll always reach a stage where you're happy with your art! if that makes sense. hope this helped in some way. :,)
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nejishadow · 2 months
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31 Days of Sonic: Day 25 - Partner
Creation date: Nov 29th, 2022
An even older sketch page that I repurposed for 31 Days cause it was when I was figuring out what the heck to do for some days. This was me just trying to remember how to draw Tails from memory, cause I tend to do odd things when not looking at a ref, like giving him 4 cheek fluffs
Different color palettes, different styles, different proportions, no matter what it's still Tails! The best partner and little brother anyone could ask for!!
I draw him more consistently / good again now, don't look at this for long, it's a glorified doodle page lol
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astro-royale · 5 months
I just saw what you said about Venus in Leo men. Many people have noticed that in a man’s chart, Venus usually represents his ideal/dream woman instead of his love style. Maybe because Venus is a feminine planet, the sign it’s in reflects his ideal woman instead of himself. I also remember someone saying how they noticed Aries Venus men like assertive, dominant, and passionate women. Do you think a man’s Mars sign is a more accurate description of his love style?🤔 Have you seen men act more like their Mars sign than their Venus sign in a relationship?
Hey boo thanks for the question! In my experience I’ve noticed that both tend to manifest. They act like both their venus and Mars sign , because we all have feminine and masculine energies within us.
I think a man’s Venus sign can also depict how he acts when he’s in his feminine energy, or just his more artistic and creative side also. I think it’s super relevant as a love language too because I’ve seen it happen that their non sexual way of expressing love tends to be more like their Venus sign.
But definitely venus does show what he finds attractive. also make sure to look at what degrees it’s in because it’s definitely relevant.
But I do certainly think that they act more like their Mars sign in a relationship, especially sexually ,,
I think the rising sign is really relevant to the courting process and what they will do to win you over. I’ve seen Capricorn rising men be very consistent when it comes to the courting process for example,,
I remember this venus in Taurus guy being obsessed with taking me to try different places to eat which was so stereotypical, or the way he would initiate dates would be in relation to food?? ANYWAY very food oriented courting process lol
Venus in Leo men tend to like being of service and they tend to enjoy women who are kind and expressive, not expressing your admiration and love for them puts them off but if they see you are open,, they tend to reciprocate. They like women who are inspirational and aspirational in a way, women they can put on a pedastal.
Mars is more of the physical realm of expressing love and I see Venus as more of a heart based intangible energy but also superficial attraction aka “the shiny object” and things like flirting are very venusian.
But heck, I even think that the sun sign is more relevant to a guys personality than it is in a woman’s chart because men are so ego driven,
Venus sign on the streets Mars sign in the sheets as a summary
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puzzled-pegasus · 7 days
Some Leo and Piper thoughts because I have no outlet for my feelings abt them
These guys are platonically soulmates and I love them dearly
I love the idea of them doing karaoke of or screaming along to pop songs together and especially doing silly duets
Additionly Leo being impressed by Piper's voice every single time she sings bc she has a lovely awesome voice
Im gonna make an au wherein they are fwb for my own mental health lol I just think that would be sweet as heck (maybe also poly with jason idk. or mybe thats even another au xD)
In general though they are usually just bffs
Leo likes to always show Piper things he's working on or asks her what he should make when he's bored lol
Piper also sometimes asks Leo if she looks okay and Leos always like why tf are you asking me I have no sense of style whatsoever lmao
Piper is Leo's main source of snuggles most of the time and she also lets him play with her hair and braid it when he needs a stim or when theyre just chillin
They also write and draw on each others skin w marker wjen they're bored and a lot of times they'll just have their arms covered in random misspelled words in the others handwriting lmao
Leo likes cooking and Piper likes baking and they both try each ofhers stuff that they make and gibe good feedback
Piper is a couple of inches taller than Leo forever >:3
piper has really cold hands and leo has really warm hands in general
Whenever they need to vent they generally go to each other and be frustrated togetehr about annoying bullshit that goes on lol
they also hype each ofher up a lot
both being hyperactive adhd kiddos a lot of their conversations consist of them excitedly interrupting each other lmao
Leo likes to infodump about technical and math stuff or theoretical stuff or really anything that he likes a lot and Piper doesn't get most of it but she loves seeing him excited so sje asks all the questions hehe
Conversely, Piper likes to tell life stories in great detail when she's deep in conversation and Leo gets invested because really she's a pretty great storyteller but also bc he loves her
i think it would be cute if they made jewelry for each other
They like to banter and also fake flirt (and real flirt sometimes, depending lmao)
at some point really soon adter they met Leo was like hey what color are ur eyes and Piper was like actually i have no idea loll and then he just stared st her eyes trying to figure it out for several minutes and idk that image is just cute
piper also does that mom thing where if there's schmutz on Leos face she has to clean it off with anything she can find or sometimes her thumb lol, jason does that same thing and Leo's an easy target cus he gets dirty a lot lmao
Piper sings to Leo to calm them both down in the evening sometimes, not sure what songs she normally sings but they're like calm songs yk or maybe she just makes something up. Sometimes seh puts his name in the song lol
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shannankle · 5 months
My Running Thoughts on DFF (Episodes 1-4)
Just started and caught up with DFF, thoughts from my watch for episodes 1-4 are below
Episode 1
Okay but people not hearing from someone is kind of the definition of disappeared
"Don't over think it he probably just moved" lol very comforting
Okay why are you smoking with asthma--I assume this will be related to how he dies, you better keep your inhaler on you at all times when the horrors start
Hmmm some relationship red flags from this guy
Lol our killer getting a bit handsy lol, but what are the actual logistics of that?
Throws cigarette over the railing, starts a fire, end of show--it's all a PSA: only YOU can prevent forest fires
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Lol did he just bite his dick to make a point 😂 That's right stand your ground, bite his dick!
Okay so is this a real person or supernatural? Cause the hand and now only one person is hearing weird things. I wonder if there will be a trend of the newbies not hearing or seeing things for a while
Owww. Well the murder got right to the point--the stick kind
I don't know anatomy that well but why is there blood in his mouth? I mean I'll let it slide since it's a trope but I'm still wondering
I think we should split up 😅
Poor guy hasn't even started lessons yet and now he has to deal with tree impalement. Oh good, yeah he's right don't pull it out
Some good delegation from Phee (? still learning names)
Okay that's so not where you're going to find jumper cables ...Okay I was wrong but it certainly wouldn't be where I'd look
Maybe one of you just take the motorcycle? Seems like less of a waste of time, cause it'll take at least 10 minutes to jump that truck...
Oh good, but they should've done that before wasting time finding cables
Oh walkie talkies or radio smart
Who keeps a saw in their kitchen?
Team bike is not doing well lol
Wait so the murderer did try something, enough to cut his arms, crazy that they figured that out just like that though
Okay so it is supernatural maybe cause they aren't seeing it at the same time. I guess it could be hallucinations but it's so consistent
Oh brave to try and bring the bike back still
Wait are they holding off on what they saw in the video till next week or did I just miss it, I'm very good at missing more subtle jump scares but then jumping at stuff that wasn't supposed to be scary
Oh wow they actually used a busted bike for shooting, love that, truly delightful
Love that they give us these behind the scenes it's a nice reprieve from the spooky spooky. It reminds me of something I read on tumblr about how blooper reels serve a similar role to curtain calls for tragedies, they let us know that the actors are okay after all and it's all a show. I will now take all horror with bloopers please! sincerely, a resident scaredy cat
Alright I enjoyed that even if I won't sleep tonight, that mask is so well done and I'm starting to get a feel for the characters
Episode 2
Wait does iqiyi only have this tagged as romance 😳
Ah yes separate from the group that's smart
This is why you don't go off on your own in a horror show, and your even one of the ones convinced it's supernatural man
The masked man: Can you give me directions please, I seem to be lost
Oh wait I'm bad at faces it's the other guy, but also still stupidly alone
I know you're alone but maybe try and fight back
So will the axe be gone and no one believes him or will someone find it later in horror?
Lol he's seeking revenge cause he's upset you tried to film a sequel, don't mess with a writer 🤣
"Thai ghosts can do anything"...Oh interesting that they're making that explicit distinction. If my understanding is right, thai phee can be physical and there's less of a distinction between corporeal vs incorporeal, ghost vs monster. So they're setting the possible stakes and genre. This is a western style slasher but if it is supernatural we'll likely be operating on thai rules for that not western ghost stories. Heck it might mean that this is both physical and supernatural.
Guys, I don't think getting rid of evidence is going to make a ghost move on from its attachments
Ooof that's more than a little rash ouch. Oh not real. So if they're hallucinating it's not just the old group
Interesting to phrase it as "beat him"--so was it self defense in the past or maybe they see it as justified?
Ouch is right my poor ears
Okay physical knife but hallucinated choking. I like that they're playing with whether this is a person or supernatural. It totally fits with the emphasis on this potentially being a thai ghost. Cause it's hard not to waver back and forth.
Is it still not noon yet? Like I assume that'll fall through anyway but still, will the plot all happen in like two days? Interesting if so
All he said was he heard a sound, why are you asking if he saw someone? Suspicious me thinks
Ah really un-suspicious doc
Okay but 2 guys there were also around 3 years ago, you just gave your plan to find the drive first away...
I'm confused why Jin doesn't want it destroyed
Oooh punchout, fight fight fight
Well I knew the uncle wouldn't make it but goodness gracious 🤣
Okay I know it's supposed to be scary but I laughed when he was still handing them the bags
Wow seriously just abandon everyone including your boyfriend, you're on my shit list now
Also you didn't check that you were past the wire when you rode off
Okay Top, but you and Tee literally have encountered the thing before why are you acting like Tee is ridiculous for saying he saw and heard someone
Oh good job you do care a little even if you're going to lie your ass off about it--you're still on my shit list, Tee
Ghosts don't use wire, but like Thai ones could technically, but I guess that's a lot of extra work when you could do anything else as a ghost. I'm really liking how it's playing that line. Is this supernatural? Is it a slasher? What type of horror is this? We don't know yet, the characters certainly don't either.
Did the uncle's body just move?
The end song is very pretty, not what I'd choose for a horror show but it is a nice safe wind down from the scary
Episode 3
Really liking Ta's acting here, it's obviously a bigger role but he's standing out way more to me than in KinnPorsche
Okay I know we are upset about trust issues, but saying Top shouldn't go alone is smart actually you dumb asses
Sure you can set up the walkie talkies to communicate but then anyone can listen in if they know what channel you tune it to, so watch out
Oh yes let White go get the other walkie talkie alone
Ummm shouldn't you still have it tuned to the outside and try it as you drive out to see if you can reach anyone
I feel bad for the guys who are new. Unless they're in on it. Tan is pretty persistent
I do like that we as the audience are as curious as the newbies about what the heck happened in the past, it's a nice way to draw us in and give that past stakes beyond just a motivation reveal
Okay thank you, no touching or concealing bodies thank you. But good point about attracting animals
Okay yeah his body did move
I don't know why that attack felt so cartoonish, not in a bad way just visually it read that way to my brain
Oh Top is gone...dramatic!
Nice that they want to go after him but also how do they expect to catch up with a bike
Wait weren't they leaving, how'd he get back so fast?
Okay so only Top saw it, so is it supernatural or are more people in on it. Tan, I have my eye on you
Lol that's a big temple to just be hiding, spooky though
I want to know more about this Janta. Is it supposed to be a buddhist sect or older practices? Feels like it fits a trend I've noticed of older folk practices being framed as spooky in thai horror but my sample size is small and my context still pretty limited
Duuude great doctor over here, trying to shut up the dying guy. Have you killed before Fluke? Huh?
Interesting how their desire to hide the past keeps making them go against what would be best for survival, like telling white to go somewhere else
Yay white being smart and polite to the deceased! He best live
I think this is the first time I've seen them carrying weapons/defense of any kind. Hope they use it
Oh God how bad is this going to be? That is a lot of blood
Well he's not on the ceiling. After watching both Shutter and Nang Nak the possibility is totally there
I wonder what the writing says
Wait was that a statue or a mummy
Lol aware of the genre now, let's not split up, a little late, but good job guys
Wait one of them is named Phee, I'm guessing it's intonated differently but still an interesting choice
Ah here comes smoking with asthma, still betting that fucks him over when his inhaler is stolen or something
Wait who asked about the smell, cause White doesn't seem to be sniffing or anything
White being a little princess and the pea over here, good for him, I'm putting my bet on him for final girl. White for final girl 2024!
Oh boy what they absolutely don't need is a gun in this situation, I see it helping for defense but also being ripe for so much to go wrong
Lol the sudden flash back scared me more than the axe throwing scare earlier. My ability to miss jump scares but jump at random shit instead prevails
Okay good hide that sucker, no one needs to know you have a gun until the pivotal moment you use it to save yourself
Okay it was the dudes at the shrine who asked about the smell
Wow these guys are so unobservant pffff, let's all pay no attention while the axe guy just walks right up to us
Okay they all see it this time, so unless it's Top in there the rest are accounted for I think
Glad they're fighting back physically this time
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I mean maybe try a few more swings before running, 4 on 1 you could maybe get the mask off
Maybe wait on opening the drive, White, cause I feel like doc is going to come looking for you soon
Oh doc is scary, hope White hid that in time
I don't feel like hiding in a confined axeable space is the smartest choice
Ah saved by another idiot
Locked in a casket by your own stupidity. I think they should kiss about it.
Oh did he already sew the wound? Not sure the logistics on that when it's a stab wound
Okay these two are stupid, like there was so much time to run while axe guy just slowly walks
Okay but axe guy on the motor bike is such a funny image...WEEEEEEE
Interesting, so does axe guy not want the disk shown or is he after doc now
So not abandoning White this time, how gallant
No but White is right you best sterilize things
Doc is losing it
And the gun comes out at the worst time
Okay so mask reveal, interesting
Will we actually get to know so early?! It's got to be a twist. Cause if it's Top under there then there's definitely more to it
Episode 4
Fluke's lost it
Is he going to force white to do the sewing?!
Boy you better sanitize that needle
Oof did not want to see the stitching, but at least doc did it himself
He's bleeding in his abdominal cavity AND you just used unsanitized equipment so he's probably going to get a nasty infection
Ah the romance of being locked in a box. I think the oxygen problem could be resolved by kissing actually
Again? Did he dislocated his arm in the past or something
Not going to try and snap it back in, probably smart I guess
What ghost or human could lift a person like that, well it's got to be one or the other guys
Wait I'm pretty sure those were the pants Top was wearing
Yeah okay kind of suspected but how does that work?
And does that mean he's headed to help or harm White
Oh now a ghost? And not in a mask so a real spirit this time, unless it's hallucinations? So I'm guessing multiple things are happening at once in terms of the attackers.
Again only one person seeing it
Omg did this fool just pull a "I'm not lost the woods are just cursed" 😂 going to pull that one out next time I don't want to admit I'm lost. Not all who wander are lost, some are just stuck in cursed woods where they shot a horror film and are now being hunted down for real.
They literally went a foot before spotting the house
I see they brought the supplies the uncle bled all over inside
Why is a random newspaper with tee's uncle sitting there, seems very planted. Did Fluke put it there?
Oh God is that foreshadowing is there something in his stomach
Did Top poison himself or was he forced?
He probably shouldn't become a doctor if he's complaining over two patients
Looks like some clay can but that's cursory search. Oh he learned it from detective conan how cute if this wasn't life or death
Bleeding eyes seems to be a thing
Why are they using a hair dryer on the clay and not like the oven
Hmmm maybe try the oven before waiting till the sun comes out!
Dun dun dun
Possession? Or has Top just lost it?
Oh no! Friend on friend violence! We're one man down now
Okay but why now? Por has been dying just fine until now. And the killer seems pretty well planned. So I don't think Top is the actual one behind anything. I mean I guess he could've faked the poisoning but again why kill him now? Cause wouldn't it be better to go after White who saw the tape?
I mean no one checked it was loaded so I guess it makes sense it wouldn't be shooting bullets
I'm not convinced it's just Top being a maniac, I still think there's a supernatural component or at least more going on
Ruh roh it is loaded after all what did I say about bad things happening if you throw a gun into the mix
White love you bud but you are being super unhelpful right now
It looked more like he was trying to shoot himself
Good job White atta boy!
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Oh fluke looks so sad...
And then there were 7 (or 8 I guess if we have an extra person running around after all)
I do like that because this is a show and not a film we get their moment of grief and that's given space 😔
Now doc has no patients (too soon?)
Ahhh poor doc, that's a lot before you've even had your training, wouldn't blame him if he switched majors (allowing he stays alive and all)
Yes for goodness sake tie him up, though I'm guessing he'll be back to normal and it's not the end, that or he's gone already
How'd these idiots get locked in the shrine, you were outside before, go around
Wait who was on the walkie?
Dude I think getting out is way more important than your resume, though I guess if you think it's over
The comparison and contrast between Top losing it supernaturally (or hallucinating idk) and fluke losing it cause of the past and his anxiety over the future
Ah the joys of youth, friendship, and threatening each other with a gun in a cabin
Dang dude
Once again fear of the past is making them choose to screw themselves over, mostly Fluke here, but yeah
Dude you have alibis and CCTV footage, you'll be fine (i mean you won't cause it's definitely not over but yeah)
Top making a hilariously dramatic re-entrance
And then there were 6? 7 I guess if we still assume there's an extra person. If the shot actually landed. Maybe doc just got himself a new patient instead
Oh looking forward to seeing Non and a non-passed-out Por next week!
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chatonyant · 9 months
I'm still on my mount hua kick but I'm rereading some of the other manhwas that's updated in the last couple months I haven't read them and
Star Instructor Master Baek
(Brief summary: Set in the murim world, the Mc is a highly skilled instructor of the blood demon sect ordered to learn the martial arts of four renowned and now captured martial arts masters. In the end the sect decides to kill them all, but the mc had expected this and, banding together with the four masters, kills most of the sect but they all die as well. But the mc wakes up in the sickly body of a son of a man who lives in the mountain for his son's health and teaches martial artists to the locals.)
Gosh the art is so nice to look at
I do really like the character designs and costume design
My mini gripe is that the beginning (I honestly can't remember the rest yet but I'm getting there) is weirdly disjointed? If that's the word? Things kind of happen suddenly and the events don't really tie into each other and some of the minor details that would've been helpful to contextualize the rest of the events are missing. Of course, these things were probably cut in favor of time and simplicity but personally I think it was a really bad call.... especially with the art style and the way the artist draws expressions and small actions, I would've loved to see the scenes in between
Like for example, I decided to read the novel too cause I was wondering how much was cut
And there's a scene where the dad asks the son (the mc) if he truly is his son. And the Mc has this moment of introspection and we learn of the father son relationship prior to the Mc being dropped into this body and that very much contextualizes the grief and guilt the father holds and why he treats the son way he does. But that's missing in the manhwa so it's just. Weird.
And the novel goes more into detail as to who the mc was before dying, why he was trusted to learn the martial arts, and generally more context to his skills and who is
Which is sorely missing in the manhwa :(
Also maybe cause I'm spoiled by mount hua but the novel does not really explain how the heck qi works here and im like? The guy doesn't have internal qi? But he's using it? What? Is it two different things? Murim novels each have their own internal rules for this kind of stuff so it'd be nice to get that bg info
Lol I keep griping but I genuinely do enjoy this manhwa. The art is really pretty and the expressions are spot on and the action scenes are easy to follow
Artist is doing a good job lol
And the novel is pretty funny (I only read a couple chapters but i think I can say it's consistently funny)
I like the personalities of the father and the mc, they're very different but still somewhat similar and it flows well and they bounce off each other well
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friendshipgun · 9 months
🥰& 🤗
How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
oh yes, definitely! i'm always happy to talk about my fics c: i'd honestly probably ramble forever about them if i didn't think it'd bore people lol What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
general writing advice that i stand by is: read a whole heck of a lot. keep reading. read different genres and writing styles. for fic in specific i'd say: write what you yourself want to read. if you're engaged in what you're doing your readers will be too c: (plus you'll just be having a better time lol) also kind of more general advice but: write a lot. keep practicing and trying out new things (writing from different characters' povs; writing things you feel you're not great at--i see a lot of fic authors say they're not great at action scenes, for example; trying out a different tense or perspective than you usually use; etc etc.) but really, the more you practice the better you'll get, like that's incredibly basic advice but it's true lol. also bonus general advice that i personally think is helpful but ymmv: read poetry. try to write poetry if you don't already. there's so much you can learn about rhythm, word choice, imagery, etc etc that will really enrich your prose. it's actually something that i lowkey kind of keep regretting, that i stopped writing poetry, but i also think that it helped my prose TREMENDOUSLY, can't recommend it enough. (all of this is kind of general writing advice actually uh. i guess something concrete that is fic specific: if you're concerned with character voice, pay very close attention to how the character speaks in the source material. word choice, formality, sense of humor (do they have one lol), do they use expletives, are they verbose or not, etc etc. there's an additional dimension of: would they have knowledge about XYZ? is having that character make certain pop culture references going to seem natural or out of place? do they have expertise in a certain area that is going to come up in their speech (using jargon a lot, for example)? do they LACK knowledge of certain things that would make itself known in conversation with other characters? etc etc.) tho tbh i think that translates well to thinking about consistent characterization and character voice in original writing too, can't get away from general advice lol.
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megumixtsumiki · 1 year
Hi! This is in response to your post on Megumi and Tsumiki. Can I just say that I was completely underwhelmed with the outcome of their story and it almost feels a little comical. Like what the heck was that ending? I was genuinely upset that she ended up dead because it felt like we were going to get this big reveal with them and it just never panned out.
I have my issues with Gege and the way he kills off his female characters as a way to power up other characters. I am not a fan. But I feel like everyone else got some closure when their character died. Megumi and Tsumiki did not get that closure.
I would go a step further to say that the last real conversation they had was when she threw the strawberry milk at him. Because she was possessed by Yorozu and I don't think that Tsumiki was in there at that point. So they left on horrible terms. Which is completely heartbreaking.
I view Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship as completely different from Yorozu and Sukuna's relationship. Sukuyuro had one scene together and it was so one sided. I think it's because Yorozu and Sukuna are the complete opposites of Megumi and Tsumiki. They don't cater the same values or bonds to one another. Sukuna doesn't care about Yorozu. Whereas Megumi has always been consistent with his priorities when it comes to Tsumiki. Yorozu is completely selfish. She does what she wants without any regard for anyone else. Tsumiki cares to a fault and it causes a rift between her and Megumi. MeguMiki just worked.
Anyways, I was so sad when she died. I really wanted Megumi to get up and fight but he was so defeated it crushed me. I too feel like reading copious amount of fanfic to help ease the pain.
Sorry for the long post. Love your blog by the way :D
Hey hey! First, thanks for the mail and the compliment. This blog is for megumiki fandom so, whatever you guys want to talk about, let's do it!
Second, sorry! You know how it goes... life.com.
Can I just say that I was completely underwhelmed with the outcome of their story and it almost feels a little comical. Like what the heck was that ending?
A straight up dose of irony, Gege style. That's what that ending was.
Looool 🫠
Let's taco'bout it under the cut...
So I have to admit I loved parts of how the whole tragedy unfolded because I personally loved Yorozu, but overall I do feel empty when it comes to megumiki and more specifically, Tsumiki.
How to say... like I never expected Gege to come out and overtly say megumiki is canon (because he seems to only do it for very specific ships), but...
Excuse me, wut?
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We don't even see them interact in real time?
I seriously don't even know what or how to feel because, as of chapter 225, it's all still so inconclusive, and with the way Gege is rushing, who knows whether he'll elaborate.
That said, the story is not over yet and he might still reveal something. Otherwise I have to come to terms with the idea that Gege gaslighted me lol 🤡.
And, yes, I feel gaslighted because I know a "canon" ship when I see one! I know I've said this three hundred million times, but the way Gege introduced this dynamic was soooo ambiguous.
He presented them as "childhood friends to lovers" and then *boom!* jk they're step siblings. Gege is a troll, let us never forget that.
I was genuinely upset that she ended up dead because it felt like we were going to get this big reveal with them and it just never panned out
I'm curious to hear more about what you thought would/should have happened.
I think for me, I would have liked to see that apology. Perhaps even Megumi letting his guard down and being vulnerable with her. But he literally wears his "cold and aloof emo boy" mask right up until he realizes Tsumiki has been long gone.
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The sheer look of terror in his face is *chef's kiss* and probably some of the realest panels with Megumi since he hardly ever shares how he feels.
Also, the fact that he says "all this time" implies the obvious idea that Yorozu was acting like Tsumiki all along--I just also feel like it isn't out of the question to overthink and assume Yorozu might have been leading Megumi on as Tsumiki.
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That's not to mention his inability to see Tsumiki as having her own sense of self and agency. To Megumi, Tsumiki is a doll, an idea to be protected, not a real person with her own desires and thoughts. That's not to say Megumi didn't love her, just that Megumi is immature about how he relates to her. Heck, they both are!
So I am not surprised by the outcome because to me it feels like Gege was always going for tragedy with megumiki. On so many levels too... but I have to be honest, I would have liked to see her, Tsumiki. Not Megumi's idea/memory of her.
So again, it makes sense we never saw Tsumiki because we're experiencing jjk through Megumi's pain rn, and in Megumi's mind, Tsumiki is a damsel in distress that needs to be rescued. She's an idea, a projection of Megumi's emotional life.
I have my issues with Gege and the way he kills off his female characters as a way to power up other characters. I am not a fan.
Yeah, not to excuse him, it's just that the way I see it we're just seeing the edge of feminism in Japan. I'm not sure a lot of fans are aware that Japan ranks low in the feminism index for being a developed nation.
Coincidentally, a moot recently posted about how the women in Gundam Wing basically serve the purpose of powering up other characters, most frequently males.
I reckon this might be a frequent theme in manga geared at young boys? idk...
I like to think that the women getting sacrificed in jjk is an unconscious cultural and societal bias about how women's role is to support men? Who knows...
But I feel like everyone else got some closure when their character died. Megumi and Tsumiki did not get that closure.
Yeah I totally get you!
Hell, as of right now, Megumi himself does not have closure. We don't even know if he'll survive.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed tho. I can't imagine Gege won't at least say something about only Megumi's most important person.
I would go a step further to say that the last real conversation they had was when she threw the strawberry milk at him. Because she was possessed by Yorozu and I don't think that Tsumiki was in there at that point. So they left on horrible terms. Which is completely heartbreaking.
Na, that was Tsumiki.
Remember she went into a comma when she became possessed.
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Regardless, as you say, they totally left off in bad terms, which only makes it all the more tragic. So, again, we're seeing Megumi's immaturity showing.
I may or may not be exploring this theme in the fic I've been working on someday I will finish it dammit.
It's just that I 👏🏼 am 👏🏼 telling 👏🏼 you, Gege is one of those mangaka that does 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 do 👏🏼 happy pairings.
I know "tragic" ships that are "meant to be" is not everyone's cup of tea but I find it so compelling.
I view Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship as completely different from Yorozu and Sukuna's relationship.
Yes! I do too. I just also agree with the idea that, psychologically, Sukuna and Yorozu are an exploration of the toxic traits of the bond they shared.
Basically, Tsumiki is a girl who takes her role of "big sister" a little too seriously, possibly to the detriment of their "romantic" bond because it causes conflict with Megumi.
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So you have Sukuna mirroring that very same dynamic with Yorozu in which Sukuna is not interested in how Yorozu tries to relate to him. Yorozu basically wants to own and subdue Sukuna.
What is Tsumiki doing when she's nagging at Megumi not to fight? Well-intentioned or not, Tsumiki is trying to control Megumi and Megumi does not like it.
Anyways, that's how I see it.
But again, yes! They're their own person. Sukuna is not Megumi and Tsumiki is not Yorozu.
I think above all, regardless of how uninterested Megumi might "look", I just can't imagine that Megumi would have killed someone if it wasn't because of how much she means to him.
I think I already mentioned this but there's a post in this hellsite that implies Megumi and Tsumiki had a rocky relationship because of the panels we see of them. But I couldn't disagree more with the post because...
1) it fails to acknowledge that Megumi's poker face is an act. Megumi is the kind of character who looks aloof while there's an emotional storm brewing within
2) again, if they really had such an awful relationship and there were no good times for Megumi to think back on, why would he go through such great lengths to save her?
In the end, these are two kids who were abandoned, who've had no one else but each other to rely on. They don't know what a healthy relationship looks like so it's likely they had a rocky and dysfunctional relationship.
Anyways, I was so sad when she died. I really wanted Megumi to get up and fight but he was so defeated it crushed me.
I know 🥲.
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He's all traumatized... I need him to save himself...
Sorry for the long post.
Sorry for the long wait!! I've literally been just working and have been working on answering your ask for a couple of weeks now. Thanks for your patience!
Thank you for stopping by and keep the #thoughts coming! <3
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taegularities · 5 months
hi! I'm really sorry if this comes out as awkward or like really out of the blue, but I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate you writing and consistently posting stuff, and being excited about sharing your works with your fans. being one such fan myself, I am so glad to have found you during my tumblr phase (I think it's more than a phase now, lmao). if I was reading a book and a notification of you posting popped up on my phone, I'd leave whatever I was reading to read your stories. I'm mostly a silent reader, and I don't interact much, but I can't begin to tell you how much joy your writing has given me. I can't even explain it in words, your writing inspires me so much that I started writing as well :). picked up that novel I left a year ago, and it's kinda progressing(?). I'm sure you're a busy person, but you having the time to reply to your readers and posting consistently really shows how dedicated you are. I'm not saying that if you decided not to, it means your not dedicated, taking a break is important as well, but I have come to really appreciate and admire how you take the time to do so.
over jeweled hills was the first fic that I read from this blog, and safe so say, I was hooked from the very first sentence I read from that story. I couldn't help myself but go through your master list, and it was truly a wonderful experience. I love your writing style and your plots and everything, because of how beautifully it is put.
also, that yjhd fic that you wrote like two years ago? a thousand reasons why - that one? I have been building the courage to say something to you ever since you posted that. yjhd was a childhood favorite of mine, lmao. the soundtrack is still present in almost every one of my playlists. when I read your fic about it, I just felt so nostalgic. you wrote it so well, and I went to watch it again after eight long years. since I was young back then, I didn't understand bunny at all. but after reading your fic and watching it again, it made me reconsider what I felt about him, and really just changed my perspective. everything about that fic was just so perfect. the relationships in between the characters, the chemistry, the reunion with reader and jungkook, everything.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to make this a long ask, but you're just so wonderful, really. thank you so much for all that you write. maybe it's just a hobby of yours, but I'd like to remind you that it brings a lot of us comfort. thank you.
this is not awkward at all… oh gosh, this is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me, are you kidding 🥺 and i don't mind this being long, i'm gushinnngggg :(( woah, you read over jeweled hills? it's been so long that i even thought of that one, i'm so happy you liked it!! 😭 and ahh atrw :( it's my favourite movie as well, and i tried my best to capture the emotions well, so i'm truly flattered you liked it so much and that it could help you understand the characters better wow what the heck :(( seriously, tysm for being here and sticking around.
i'm so glad you found your way here, too, and i appreciate it to bits that you reached out despite usually being a silent reader. and also like… you put your novels aside to read my stuff? goddd, can i give you a tight hug fr, love, like 😭 and it's super fkn cool that you started writing and that it's progressing, too!! i hope you've been having fun with it 🥺 no honestly, thank you so so much. i don't even have the words to express my gratitude lol like idk what to say except tysm 😭 i know writing to someone can be difficult and intimidating at times, but if you ever want to talk or reach out again, i'll be here 🫂🥺 love you!!!! 🤍
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alaskasbignaturals · 5 months
bro right after i answer that super sweet anon i go to draw another request and my art style said lol bye and so i have the worlds worst drawing i cannot for the life of me get anything to look consistent like what the heck man
i have SOMETHING but i dont want to post it for the request bc its just a messy sketch waahhh
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I’m just going to reply to you directly since you want my attention so bad and it’ll be the only time, really: you can pretend all you want and you can send yourself all those anons all you like but you pretending doesn’t change the facts that you’re harassing me and you’re also attacking a BUNCH of other people (feelboss isn’t a liar, neither is nuxcia, or zoological, kain, heck, I wouldn’t have met these people if it wasn’t for you, funnily enough) and going to extremes like pasting that old picture of me onto a naked woman’s body; which, btw, definitely constitutes sexual harassment, and since you used a photo of when i was a minor, that’s something that can get you into a bunch of legal shit unless you take it down. I’ve also moderated fic comments and disallowed anons, which you would do if you were so concerned about your “own” anons, but you won’t because you need those fake anons as “proof” lol.
Go on. Moderate your comments and disallow anons. If you’re not the one sending them to yourself that should be an easy step to take.
Let’s face it, Jessica: you have such a sad, pathetic life that stalking me and all these other people is the only thing that gets you out of bed every day. I don’t say this to be cruel, I’m just saying this as general statement. I have friends, a job, a family I care about and I like to do things with my life outside of the internet. So do anj and wiki and everyone else. What do you have? I can’t say I or they ought to care about you at all since all of your problems seem mostly self-inflicted and I’m not interesting in whether or not you have a sad background. Your motivations or lack thereof don’t excuse your behaviours toward us.
Because at the end of the day, I can go do things without giving you a second thought unless you’re being a fool again. Can you say the same for yourself? Can you honestly go through a whole day without checking my blog or sending me racist rape threats? Do you have a job? A hobby outside the internet? Family you can talk to? Do yourself (and everyone!) a favour and try doing something entirely else! Everyone will definitely be better off for it.
Really? So Renee sent herself anons for seven years. Do you realize how insane you sound?
You sent those anons, 2goldensnitches, the writing style, the emojis is all consistent with you. FEelboss is a stalker, she has a note, nuxcia celebrated theft of empress’ story and Kain, he literally covered for you and pretended he was harassed. Zoological? Bah, he was harassed by you. You met these people because you stalked and harassed Renee, it is hilarious you think this doesn’t prove you were stalking Renee.
Here is the funny bit, Nuxcia never received hate mail from Renee, the artstation thing was resolved and there was never any abuse. You know the name cause you were excited that you got an opportunity to harass Renee again. Imagine being such a pathetic loser, you went to look up people just to pretend you care about them. Sad. You have my absolute disgust.
You sent my sister, and Renee messages with the words “ spank me, mistress. Sex dungeons” for say, over seven years – that is criminal sexual harassment.  Also, telling my sister and Renee, that it was self sent, that is gaslighting.
I believe that picture constitutes fanart, which is very legal. Right?
Renee choosing not to disallow anons or moderate comments does not reflect my or Renee’s guilt. And if you didn’t want that pic to be passed around, you will delete the receipt blog and submit an apology but seems like you want to use the blog for more harassment.
Notice how I am not doing it to myself, cause I haven’t presented any such sexual harassment. I or Renee can’t imitate emojis or the way you talk.
Oh Nick ,you’re an attention whore, begging for attention and resorting to harassment and abuse to violate people because face it, your life sucks, and you just lying to yourself.  And you want me to pity you after saying these things, you want me to feel bad for you after being such a vicious asshole.  You are not fooling anyone Nick, you are pathetic, you sexually harassed someone for years, your life is pretty damn sad.
Nope, you clearly care because here you are..lol. Again, you sent Renee hundred s of messages, you lied that she sent it to herself. You stalked her, now you’re crying because why? You want pity? Lol. Delete your receipt blog then.
The fact is you started it to harass Renee and my sister, and continue to do so...
Ok, Renee totally sent herself anon messages, I agree. You're right. Now the question remains, if Jessica is so insane as to send herself anon messages over seven years, why are you trying to reason with her?
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Here is the emails along with dates. So your theory is she spent all this time harassing herself to make poor little you guilty. Didn't work the first time, but she kept doing it. Yet, here you are trying to reason with her. Kind of odd. Clearly, she likes harassing people so why would anything you've said move her?
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katara-stan-club · 1 year
17 Questions, 17 People
I was tagged by @stars-and-darkness, thanks!!!
Nickname: my name doesn’t nickname well so none!
Sign: I know what this is actually asking, but instead I’m gonna say that the sign for my name the deaf community at my church uses is the first letter of my name held from temple to midriff to show my long hair, which was the notable feature I had for a while (I used to be able to sit on my hair)
Height: 5′7″ and whatever the heck that is in heathen (metric) units
Last thing I googled: my godmother’s name cause if you scroll long enough in google images, the online photo album of her wedding pops up and I wanted to find pics of 5 year old me as flower girl
Song stuck in my head: Cemetery Drive by My Chemical Romance
Followers: 835 but like reminder this blog is Old and still has followers from before I changed it to a zk/atla blog
Amount of sleep: never enough because my cat consistently wakes me up about an hour before I would naturally wake up to harass me for food, no matter when I actually go to sleep
Lucky number: I don’t really have one/pay attention to numbers like that
Dream job: archaeologist working in a museum so I don’t have to teach
What I'm wearing: a Rebel Alliance baseball logo style long sleeve gray shirt and blue jeans from the men’s section at Levi’s (them pockets babey!)
Movies/books that summarize me: [404 error: answer not found]
Favourite song: how can I pick just one? I’ll go with History by X Ambassadors
Favourite instrument: forever the cello
Aesthetic: I oscillate between all black and pastel/vaguely vintage inspired for clothing, and I am a maximalist in design terms
Favourite book: how can I pick one!! uhhhhhh I’ll pick The Lunar Chronicles series and pretend it’s one book lol
Random fact: I have over 200 bottles of nail polish because uh what’s impulse control?
I am not tagging anyone because I have not seen the sun in days so who has the energy for that? not me! if you want to do this then go for it and say I tagged you!
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2goldensnitchesfilth · 10 months
2goldensnitches asked:
I’m just going to reply to you directly since you want my attention so bad and it’ll be the only time, really: you can pretend all you want and you can send yourself all those anons all you like but you pretending doesn’t change the facts that you’re harassing me and you’re also attacking a BUNCH of other people (feelboss isn’t a liar, neither is nuxcia, or zoological, kain, heck, I wouldn’t have met these people if it wasn’t for you, funnily enough) and going to extremes like pasting that old picture of me onto a naked woman’s body; which, btw, definitely constitutes sexual harassment, and since you used a photo of when i was a minor, that’s something that can get you into a bunch of legal shit unless you take it down. I’ve also moderated fic comments and disallowed anons, which you would do if you were so concerned about your “own” anons, but you won’t because you need those fake anons as “proof” lol.
Go on. Moderate your comments and disallow anons. If you’re not the one sending them to yourself that should be an easy step to take.
Let’s face it, Jessica: you have such a sad, pathetic life that stalking me and all these other people is the only thing that gets you out of bed every day. I don’t say this to be cruel, I’m just saying this as general statement. I have friends, a job, a family I care about and I like to do things with my life outside of the internet. So do anj and wiki and everyone else. What do you have? I can’t say I or they ought to care about you at all since all of your problems seem mostly self-inflicted and I’m not interesting in whether or not you have a sad background. Your motivations or lack thereof don’t excuse your behaviours toward us.
Because at the end of the day, I can go do things without giving you a second thought unless you’re being a fool again. Can you say the same for yourself? Can you honestly go through a whole day without checking my blog or sending me racist rape threats? Do you have a job? A hobby outside the internet? Family you can talk to? Do yourself (and everyone!) a favour and try doing something entirely else! Everyone will definitely be better off for it.
Really? So Renee sent herself anons for seven years. Do you realize how insane you sound?
You sent those anons, 2goldensnitches, the writing style, the emojis is all consistent with you. FEelboss is a stalker, she has a note, nuxcia celebrated theft of empress’ story and Kain, he literally covered for you and pretended he was harassed. Zoological? Bah, he was harassed by you. You met these people because you stalked and harassed Renee, it is hilarious you think this doesn’t prove you were stalking Renee.
You sent my sister, and Renee messages with the words “ spank me, mistress. Sex dungeons” for say, over seven years – that is criminal sexual harassment.  Also, telling my sister and Renee, that it was self sent, that is gaslighting.
I believe that picture constitutes fanart, which is very legal. Right?
Me choosing not to disallow anons or moderate comments does not reflect my or Renee’s guilt. And if you didn’t want that pic to be passed around, you will delete the receipt blog and submit an apology but seems like you want to use the blog for more harassment.
Notice how I am not doing it to myself, cause I haven’t presented any such sexual harassment. I or Renee can’t imitate emojis or the way you talk.
Oh Nick ,you’re an attention whore, begging for attention and resorting to harassment and abuse to violate people because face it, your life sucks, and you just lying to yourself.  And you want me to pity you after saying these things, you want me to feel bad for you after being such a vicious asshole.  Your not fooling anyone Nick, you are pathetic, you sexually harassed someone for years, your life is pretty damn sad.
Nope, you clearly care because here you are..lol. Again, you sent Renee hundred s of messages, you lied that she sent it to herself. You stalked her, now you’re crying because why? You want pity? Lol. Delete your receipt blog then.
The fact is you started it to harass Renee and my sister, and continue to do so...
Ok, Renee totally sent herself anon messages, I agree. You're right. Now the question remains, if Jessica is so insane as to send herself anon messages over seven years, why are you trying to reason with her?
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Here is the emails along with dates. So your theory is she spent all this time harassing herself to make poor little you guilty. Didn't work the first time, but she kept doing it. Yet, here you are trying to reason with her. Kind of odd. Clearly, she likes harassing people so why would anything you've said move her?
0 notes
2goldensnitches asked:
I’m just going to reply to you directly since you want my attention so bad and it’ll be the only time, really: you can pretend all you want and you can send yourself all those anons all you like but you pretending doesn’t change the facts that you’re harassing me and you’re also attacking a BUNCH of other people (feelboss isn’t a liar, neither is nuxcia, or zoological, kain, heck, I wouldn’t have met these people if it wasn’t for you, funnily enough) and going to extremes like pasting that old picture of me onto a naked woman’s body; which, btw, definitely constitutes sexual harassment, and since you used a photo of when i was a minor, that’s something that can get you into a bunch of legal shit unless you take it down. I’ve also moderated fic comments and disallowed anons, which you would do if you were so concerned about your “own” anons, but you won’t because you need those fake anons as “proof” lol.
Go on. Moderate your comments and disallow anons. If you’re not the one sending them to yourself that should be an easy step to take.
Let’s face it, Jessica: you have such a sad, pathetic life that stalking me and all these other people is the only thing that gets you out of bed every day. I don’t say this to be cruel, I’m just saying this as general statement. I have friends, a job, a family I care about and I like to do things with my life outside of the internet. So do anj and wiki and everyone else. What do you have? I can’t say I or they ought to care about you at all since all of your problems seem mostly self-inflicted and I’m not interesting in whether or not you have a sad background. Your motivations or lack thereof don’t excuse your behaviours toward us.
Because at the end of the day, I can go do things without giving you a second thought unless you’re being a fool again. Can you say the same for yourself? Can you honestly go through a whole day without checking my blog or sending me racist rape threats? Do you have a job? A hobby outside the internet? Family you can talk to? Do yourself (and everyone!) a favour and try doing something entirely else! Everyone will definitely be better off for it.
Really? So Renee sent herself anons for seven years. Do you realize how insane you sound?
You sent those anons, 2goldensnitches, the writing style, the emojis is all consistent with you. FEelboss is a stalker, she has a note, nuxcia celebrated theft of empress’ story and Kain, he literally covered for you and pretended he was harassed. Zoological? Bah, he was harassed by you. You met these people because you stalked and harassed Renee, it is hilarious you think this doesn’t prove you were stalking Renee.
You sent my sister, and Renee messages with the words “ spank me, mistress. Sex dungeons” for say, over seven years – that is criminal sexual harassment.  Also, telling my sister and Renee, that it was self sent, that is gaslighting.
I believe that picture constitutes fanart, which is very legal. Right?
Me choosing not to disallow anons or moderate comments does not reflect my or Renee’s guilt. And if you didn’t want that pic to be passed around, you will delete the receipt blog and submit an apology but seems like you want to use the blog for more harassment.
Notice how I am not doing it to myself, cause I haven’t presented any such sexual harassment. I or Renee can’t imitate emojis or the way you talk.
Oh Nick ,you’re an attention whore, begging for attention and resorting to harassment and abuse to violate people because face it, your life sucks, and you just lying to yourself.  And you want me to pity you after saying these things, you want me to feel bad for you after being such a vicious asshole.  Your not fooling anyone Nick, you are pathetic, you sexually harassed someone for years, your life is pretty damn sad.
Nope, you clearly care because here you are..lol. Again, you sent Renee hundred s of messages, you lied that she sent it to herself. You stalked her, now you’re crying because why? You want pity? Lol. Delete your receipt blog then.
The fact is you started it to harass Renee and my sister, and continue to do so...
Ok, Renee totally sent herself anon messages, I agree. You're right. Now the question remains, if Jessica is so insane as to send herself anon messages over seven years, why are you trying to reason with her?
Tumblr media
Here is the emails along with dates. So your theory is she spent all this time harassing herself to make poor little you guilty. Didn't work the first time, but she kept doing it. Yet, here you are trying to reason with her. Kind of odd. Clearly, she likes harassing people so why would anything you've said move her?
0 notes
I've been rereading your fic to refresh it in my mind for this new chapter, and stumbled upon the fact that Peter has hair somewhere in chapter 3. Can I ask how long it is, or the way it's styled? I may have missed it somewhere, but I'd love to visualize it a little better :)! I absolutely ADORE this story <3
Thank you!! I really appreciate the compliment—I'm an attention monster, so the positivity keeps me motivated like nothing else in the world LOL.
I’m glad you noticed! It was a fun touch I decided I wanted to add early.
Since he initially lost his hair, he has gotten it shaved when it reaches the weird in-between stage between a buzz cut and a length that can be styled. He’s been consistently bald or bald-adjacent for ten years by the start of the fic. (I think it helps him to feel closer to his father too. Peter is very fixated on the fact that his father lost his hair. I have the reader wear a lot of braids and he is constantly commenting on them. It’s kinda on purpose tbh.)
It’s in that weird in-between stage when he finally meets Reader for the first time, and he hasn’t been back to the hairdresser since then. It’s not really on purpose at first, he just gets caught up in you and then you tell him you like it. I’ve been vague about the exact timeline, but they initially met in April and the newest chapter takes place in late November. So it’s been around 7 months. His hair has grown out around 3-4 inches since then. 
If I’m being honest, I usually picture Taehyung’s wavy hair but shorter to be in line with the timeline. I just like how messy it is. I don’t think Peter really knows how to style his hair. He hasn’t had to think about it since highschool when he had, like, two feet of hair that he abused the heck out of with his straightener. Any attempt at styling will probably be undone but his fidgeting.
Hopefully that’s what you were looking for. 🙂
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.41--Episodes 18-19
I have watched through S4E19; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—This is a fun, new kind of pain! I think this time it’s not so much an emotional stabbing as it is having a cheese grater taken to my heart. Interesting.
—In case you couldn’t tell, this is about Rump. I really need him to be playing a longer game to actually avenge his son, or I’m gonna be mad as hell at him. How can he work with that witch with a B? What an ARSE!
—That horse-vs-bicycle chase through New York is without a doubt one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.
—I fricking hate Zelena. And yet I get the strong feeling that I will hate her more by the time she actually dies.
—This is an oddly brilliant take on Robin Hood. He’s not just a thief by occupation, he’s a thief in his heart, but he wants to find a way to use his thieving nature to help others. That’s deep.
—Will Scarlett’s clothes in Oz were gorgeous.
—Robin giving Will that heart potion (reverse pickpocketing him, no less) was wonderful. I love Robin for being a noble scoundrel.
—It is impossible to make a goodguy out of someone who kills dogs, and I’m deeply pleased that this show didn’t even bother. We got a solid fakeout for a hot second there, but actually Cruella is just evil at her core. That’s what doggy-killers are.
—Poor Pongo. He’s having a *ruff* day.
—Fun little reference that Cruella’s favorite song was the Cruella song from 101 Dalmatians. And that song goes hard for no reason.
—If Emma goes evil, does Lilith revert to her original state? (I am going to keep calling her Lilith, not Lily, because Lilith is one of the coolest names possible. Especially for the daughter of an evil sorceress.) It would be pretty fly if Lilith returning was what saved Emma.
—Although I’m pretty sure Lilith still hates her, so….
—Cruella’s flapper-style dress was gorgeous. I adore that fashion—the beads, the sparkles, the T-strap shoes, the fluttery drapery bits, the headbands—it’s gorgeous. And flappers are kinda girls gone wild, dancing at all hours at what have you.
—As I was watching, I was all, “lol, did he write ‘Cruella can’t dance?’” But no, it was actually a little bit deep. I can’t believe they actually made killing the thing that Cruella loved most.
—The Author still gets little to no sympathy. He’s not doing what Authors are supposed to do. But, he talks about stories the way I wax poetic about them in my wormy little brain. Before he went against the Authors’ Code, he was a pretty cool guy.
—I love that New York is consistently the place used to horrify displaced fairytale characters. There is no city in the nearby area that is worse.
—Seeing Rump in a hospital was weird as heck. And terrible. Seeing a body in a hospital like that inspires just about the most unequivocal feeling of helplessness possible, and I’m glad I’ve only had to do that once for a person in real life. I mean, other than going to visit my mom after my kid sibbies were born, but that’s a lil different. Anyway, it’s even worse when he’s supposed to be sustained by magic, because in this show “real” world methods are generally a last resort.
—But the physical implications of dark magic are intriguing. We’ve seen the darkening of a heart before, but not what that does to a person physically, and I think it’s pretty fascinating, even if it is taking Rump down.
—We have now established for sure that killing the Author just passes the mantle on, so we’ve got some possibilities opening up here. Manifesting Author Henry, please and thank you.
—Seriously, I’m really mad that Zelena survived. I hate her. I want her to be dead. I don’t even want her alive for the satisfaction of getting to see her die again. She disgusts me. And she’s still a huge brat! *shakes fist threateningly in Zelena’s direction* *that’s actually just the TV* *works well enough*
—I need Regina to get her happy ending. I need her to not be the one to kill Zelena, also, because she doesn’t deserve the emotional damage of killing her sister—even if her sister does suck. Maybe while Emma’s feeling evil she could just take care of Zelena real quick?
—The Sheriff of Nottingham is a loser. He should get a swift kick in the nuts.
—I think I might’ve liked real Marian. She’s tough, and she’s loyal to Robin, and her fashion sense is right on! That cloak? Yes yes.
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