#Westbound Records
musicollage · 1 year
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Funkadelic – Free Your Mind And Your... 1970 : Westbound.
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soulmusicsongs · 11 months
Living For The City - Ceasar Frazier (75, 1975)
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mymelodic-chapel · 23 days
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Funkadelic- Maggot Brain (Funk Rock, Psychedelic Soul, Psychedelic Rock) Released: July 12, 1971 [Westbound Records] Producer(s): George Clinton
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0verstepping · 1 year
please, take me home i know where this all goes just for the record let it show just for the record that we have not lost we've got so far to go in this endeavor so don't let go not now or never
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recvordsvin · 3 months
# 01: introducción y vínculos.
¡Bienvenides a RECVORDSHQ! Por acá les dejamos lo que consideraremos la primer actividad a realizar dentro del grupal, el primer paso a realizar dentro de WESTBOUND RECORDS; ¡Vínculos, introducciones y formación de bandas! Este en realidad es un paso bastante sencillo y bastante divertido que nos ayudará en un par de cosas:
Conocer un poquito más a los personajes que van a acompañarnos a lo largo del recorrido.
Pautar el inicio de todes dentro del cambio que se viene en la disquera gracias al fallecimiento de Don Crowlley.
Comenzar a darle forma a lo que se realizará durante el primer capítulo de la trama del grupal.
Recuerda dejar por aquí en los comentarios si es que tu(s) personaje(s) está(n) interesado(s) en formar parte de una banda o de una colaboración, esto para no forzar a nadie a estar en una dinámica que no considera que se llevaría bien con lo que pensaste. Recuerda también que tras realizar el post, etiqueta este mismo como #WESTINTRO, nosotros nos encargaremos de dar reblog a todas las publicaciones, además de dejar los accesos sencillos para que todes estén enterados de lo que sucede. También te dejamos por acá los tres enlaces a revisar.
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recvordshqs · 4 months
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* westbound records informa.
el fallecimiento de don crowlley mejor conocido como 'el rey midas de la música' ha sacudido la escena musical de los angeles dejándonos con más preguntas que respuestas, el trono se encuentra vacío y músicos que han firmado su alma, perdón es decir, contrato con la disquera de crowlley se preguntan si siguiente verdugo mejorará o empeorará la situación en la que se encuentran, mientras aquellos músicos que solamente contaban con promesa verbal entran en pánico, ¿será que boleto dorado al estrellato se ha ahogado junto a su mesías? muchas interrogantes y pocas respuestas, los músicos de westbound están a un pelo de entrar en una crisis, y por supuesto, nosotres, sus groupies del cotilleo, estaremos aquí para informarles de todo, no les pierdan la pista, porque la bomba está a punto de explotar.
main oficialmente abierto.
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cypressv · 3 months
buenas buenas, aquí 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗲𝗻 presentando a 𝗰𝘆𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀. abajo les estaré dejando detalles de su historia/datos para que la conozcan mejor y por aquí les dejo su audición también, por si quieren saber más sobre ella. siéntanse libres de proponerme cualquier idea que venga a su mente, de todas formas dejaré algunos indicadores de dinámicas que me hace ilusión rolear. los invito a ponerme like aquí e iré corriendo a hablarles o directamente me pueden escribir al im o a mi discord queenie.#5619 ♡
# 𝗖𝗬𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗦 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗡𝗘. 𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢/𝘴𝘶𝘺𝘢. apariencia actual:
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datos base: tiene treinta años y proviene de los ángeles, estados unidos. es músico, toca la guitarra acústica, el piano y el teclado. también canta pero en privado y en secreto, solo don lo sabía y actualmente lo sigue escondiendo. le gustan todos los tipos músicales, es muy versátil en ese sentido, puede tocar tanto baladas como canciones de rock. en principio era solista pero debido a que nunca se animó a ser vocalista terminó tocando un instrumento en una banda. hace 3 años que firmó con westbound.
breve historia de vida: sus padres eran músicos y hippies, sin embargo el embarazo no fue planeado y nunca se ocuparon ni le dieron demasiada atención a cypress, continuando su vida de solteros a pesar de tener una hija. creció siendo una niña muy solitaria y se crió prácticamente sola en un ambiente poco adecuado para una niña. toda la familia vivía en una casa rodante y ni siquiera tenía su propia habitación, sus padres salían por las noches, se drogaban en su presencia, etc. a su vez, se sentía un bicho raro en la escuela y no sabía como explicar la dinámica de su familia disfuncional. su objeto más preciado era un ukelele, así aprendió que era muy buena con los instrumentos y lo que antes eran “canciones” sin mucho sentido comenzaron a ser hermosas melodías, en las mismas podía desahogarse y sentirse mejor. con el paso del tiempo aprendió a no tomarse personal ni darle importancia a quienes la señalan con el dedo y comprendió que debía esforzarse para escribir su propio destino. sin embargo, al no haber tenido nadie que la guiara por un buen camino copió los malos modelos de sus progenitores y actualmente es alguien realmente caótica. 
personalidad:  - se define a sí misma como muy impulsiva, espontánea y extrovertida. detesta los compromisos, el control y las rutinas, es un alma en libertad, siempre en busca de nuevas experiencias. también es muy caprichosa y egoísta, tiene un carácter fuerte y puede pecar de infantil por no tomarse las cosas en serio. nunca se deja pisotear y se defiende ante las injusticias.  - no se lleva bien con las responsabilidades de ningún tipo, es muy despreocupada y no suele reparar en las consecuencias. por lo contrario le encantan las fiestas, el sexo, las drogas y cualquier experiencia que le haga sentir algo distinto a lo que usualmente vive.
reputación: - la prensa la cataloga como una "oveja negra" y una "chica alocada" porque adora salir de fiesta, las ropas sueltas y originales (tiene un estilo muy particular) porque hace, dice y luce como quiere sin importarle el “qué dirán” y porque se rehúsa a cumplir con los estándares impuestos por la sociedad, no sigue el mismo camino que “las personas de su edad” y vive según su propia filosofía (es su propio estilo de hippie moderna).
don crowlley y westbound: - adoraba a don, lo quería como si fuese un padre y si bien nunca tuvo nada malo para decir (en su mente westbound records tuvo éxito pura y exclusivamente gracias a don crowlley, con su gran espíritu, su visión y buen ojo para cazar talentos) siempre detestó la industria en general, teniendo sus quejas y sus disconformidades, pero con él nunca lo sintió, notándolo genuino y buena persona. - actualmente no piensa igual, desde el fallecimiento de don nada volvió a ser lo mismo, ve a los directivos como pirañas que solo se interesan por el dinero y no por sus artistas y por ende existe tensión entre ellos. detesta la competitividad que se ha generado y aunque intenta no participar de conflictos para no perder su lugar allí cada vez le cuesta más. 
CONEXIONES: - me gustaría que fuera la "buena o mala influencia" de algunas personas (según como lo miren ustedes), puede ayudarles a ser más libres y abrir su mente, como meterles en caminos turbios ya que ella tiene mucha facilidad para tomar malas decisiones y cometer errores. - drinking buddies, amigues que se juntan a tocar juntes y algún que otre confidente. - también amaría explorar el tema de su libertad en el plano romántico/sexual, quizá con algún crush donde hay coqueteos, amigos con derechos o encuentros de una sola noche, es bisexal y muy abierta en ese sentido, siempre está dispuesta a tomar riesgos. a su vez vive mucho por la noche, adora divertirse y habiendo asistido a tantas fiestas en los ángeles seguro se encontró a mucha gente de westbound allí.  - sería interesante crear rivalidades con tensión sexual dado lo loquita que está cypress, puede enojarse de un momento a otro y explotar ya que es bastante impulsiva y tiene un carácter fuerte, siempre defiende lo que cree y es caprichosa y bastante infantil. en la misma línea también podrían darse enemigos a muerte ya sea porque la detestan por su personalidades distintas o por algún otro desencuentro que haya sucedido. - por último pero no menos importante, busco conocidos/as por encuentros en westbound y ese círculo en general.
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gisachi · 1 year
Twenty Words: Shinichi/Ran
Drawing inspiration from prompt challenges. Twenty prompts, twenty sentences of twenty words each. Fluff and angst. Pairing, ShinRan.
Dominant - “What do you mean? We’re not competing,” Shinichi laughs, licking his lips, “We’re in love, ‘course I’ll let you lead.”
Wartime - He reaches for her hand despite every resisting muscle under the armor — after all, how dare he aid the enemy?
Sleep - The tranquilizing dart is ready behind his back, then she says, “Don’t you dare, Shinichi… let me finish for once.”
Pattern - Whenever he returns, she doesn’t say ‘You’re back’ — for a tiresome pattern of two years, he never is, never was.
Discipline - “On your knees, Shinichi,” Ran glares and Shinichi bites back a menacing smirk, taking that as reward more than punishment.
Outcome - The worst combo - murder case during a long-awaited anniversary date - leaves him with the worst outcome: Ran’s week-long silent treatment.
Champion - Shinichi champions himself as a smart man, but Ran somehow manages to dumb him down everytime she smiles like that.
Waste - “It’s not wasted time if spent with people you love…” Shinichi glances at Ran, ears red, his words fading shyly.
Hidden - ‘Wait for me’ — hidden in Shinichi’s study, she reminisces the ten-year-old plea, forlorn smile confirming her final answer to Araide.
Award - To Shinichi, it isn’t the trophy that matters most, but Ran’s grin of victory from the bleachers everytime he scores. 
Book - Shinichi can read Ran like an open book - god he wished he couldn’t - because he’s down to the last page.
VCR - Ran smiles, a wistful one, before playing the cassette, a ‘96 news recording, “See, that’s your dad right there, Sakura-chan.”
Mob - She goes past the mob into the source of commotion, stunning Shinichi and the knife-wielding culprit with a roundhouse kick.
Speech - A declaration of love, a fearless kiss – Shinichi’s always one for dramatic flair, and tonight, he jumps off a cliff.
Sinner - Maybe he shouldn’t stay here, wrapped in the arms of an Angel, for sinners like him don’t deserve hundredth chances.
Immortality - Count Shinichi clutches at the faded photograph, and weeps – to live another century without this woman is his death sentence.
Girlfriend - “What if I stop calling you my girlfriend…” before Ran can react, Shinichi’s on one knee, a ring in hand.
Shaking - Ran thought nothing could scare him, until a shaking hand grips hers after the dentist chirps, “This won’t hurt, Kudou-kun!”
Westbound - Of the many times they’ve visited Osaka, they arrive with hands entwined this time, and Heiji and Kazuha are thrilled.
Holiday - May 4th isn’t a holiday, but she leaves work early anyway; otherwise, nobody will light the candles on his grave.
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recvordsact · 3 months
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# capítulo primero:
el nuevo orden.
Dos semanas han pasado desde la tragedia que sacudió a Westbound Records, el fallecimiento de Don Crowley ha sacudido los cimientos de una discografía que siempre se auto-convenció de que dictadura era imprescindible, que buenas ideas jamás estarían en otra cabeza que no fuese la de su líder; Pensamiento casi sectario se ha derrumbado por completo y es, finalmente el día, en el que, tras dos semanas, incontables homenajes y un ostentoso funeral hay claridad en mentes de ejecutivos acerca de los pasos a tomar a partir de ahora. Todo comenzó con una llamada, bandas, solistas y colaboradores han sido reunidos con el pretexto de acompañarse y abrazarse en tiempos tan difícil, en demostrar que la familia que se forma en Westbound es familia que se debe apreciar, lamentablemente todavía hay quienes quisieran aferrarse a liderazgo fantasmal de Crowlley; Recepcionista ha corrido el rumor de que reunión entre ejecutivos y músicos será para medir las lealtades, la disposición a qué tanto se está dispuesto a olvida a infame 'D.C', hay un nuevo jefe al mando y con él llegarán una serie de normativas que resquebrajan el futuro que esperaban muchos tras firma de contratos eternos, de lo que antes parecía promesa y más bien se ha vuelto sentencia, el rey Midas de la música se ha ido y con él también la manera en la que se ha establecido todo hasta el momento. Hay sentimientos encontrados con respecto a lo que se puede esperar en el momento que poco a poco las reuniones a puerta cerrada se van desarrollando, algunos están esperanzados, muchos han rogado por cambios dentro de su música, en su imagen, otros tantos se encuentran escandalizados, ¿Cómo es que sitio privilegiado va a terminarse por petición de alguien a quien no se ha llegado a conocer? Incertidumbre está ganando la partida y solamente hay una pregunta en el aire. ¿Estás listx para conocer al nuevo midas?
# algunas aclaraciones ooc.
¡Bienvenides al capítulo primero y a la apertura oficial del rol en RECVORDSHQ! Estamos muy emocionades de tenerles por acá.
Debido a que es la primer actividad, se realizará por medio de starters.
Recuerden responder al menos dos starters antes de abrir uno propio, si se cuenta con más de un personaje, recuerden abrir con uno y responder con otro.
En el momento en el que consideren que tienen un número de notas significativas pueden remover su starter del blog sin problema alguno.
No hay un código de vestimenta, esto debido a que el desarrollo será dentro de la disquera, sin embargo, pueden subir sus outfits con el tag #westfits.
Recuerden que no se permite la selectividad, el rol burbuja o el godmodding.
A lo largo de esta actividad se estarán haciendo públicos los promts, así como la información que se creó para las bandas que previamente se formaron en la actividad previa al rol.
La actividad comenzará el 23/02 y se lanzará el plot drop el 27/02, la fecha de finalización dependerá del movimiento del dash y de sus narrativas.
¡cualquier sugerencia o duda estamos disponibles en el main o en discord!
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scotianostra · 8 months
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On September 26th 1934 the Liner Queen Mary launched at John Brown’s shipyard, Clydebank.
The construction of still the unnamed Cunard Queen Mary ship began in December 1930 (the ship’s keel was laid down on 31 January 1931) in the yard of “John Brown & Co” at Clydebank. The launch was scheduled for May 1932, but the work on the ship was suspended in December 1931 due to the world economic depression. A loan of 9.5 million pounds from the Government was granted to the Cunard Line with enough money to complete the Queen Mary ship and to build a second liner – the Queen Elizabeth.
As a direct result of this most advantageous deal, the Cunard Line merged with its main rival White Star on 10th May 1934 into Cunard White Star Ltd. The Queen Mary construction resumed in April 1934, the liner was completed by August and launched on 26th September at a total cost of 3.5 million pounds sterling.
The work was completed in March 1936. The Queen Mary ship sailed out for preliminary trials and after being painted in Southampton, the liner was handed over to Cunard White Star Line on 11th May 1936. RMS Queen Mary ship first sailing was on 14th May with its Transatlantic itinerary being Southampton-Cherbourg-New York. By May 1937 the liner had carried a total of almost 57,000 passengers.
The main speed-rival of the QM ship was SS Normandie – a liner built in France and operated by the French Compagnie Generale Transatlantique line. The Queen Mary took the Blue Riband (the prestigious award given to a ship with the speed record for a transatlantic crossing) from the French liner SS Normandie in August 1938, with record speeds for both west- and eastbound crossings of the Atlantic Ocean – the average speeds was, respectively, 30,63 kn (35m25 mph, 56,7 km/h) and 30,14 kn (34,68 mph, 55,82 km/h).
In 1937, the Normandie liner was refitted with new propellers, enabling her to take the Blue Riband, but in 1938 the Queen Mary ship reclaim the honour for best speeds in both directions – westbound 30,99 kn (35,66 mph, 57.39 km/h) and eastbound 31,69 kn (36,47 mph, 58.69 km/h). This record was beaten by the SS United Sates liner in 1952.
The last commercial sailing of the ship Queen Mary was on 30 August 1939 departing from Southampton and then berthed at New York until the end of 1939. With the outbreak of the Second World War, she was converted into a troopship and ferried Allied soldiers for the duration of the war.
Following the war, Queen Mary was refitted for passenger service and along with Queen Elizabeth commenced the two-ship transatlantic passenger service for which the two ships were initially built. The two ships dominated the transatlantic passenger transportation market until the dawn of the jet age in the late 1950s. By the mid-1960s, Queen Mary was ageing and, though still among the most popular transatlantic liners, was operating at a loss.
After several years of decreased profits for Cunard Line, Queen Mary was officially retired from service in 1967. She left Southampton for the last time on 31 October 1967 and sailed to the port of Long Beach, California, United States, where she remains permanently moored. Much of the machinery, including one of the two engine rooms, three of the four propellers, and all of the boilers, were removed. The ship serves as a tourist attraction featuring restaurants, a museum and a hotel. The ship is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The National Trust for Historic Preservation has accepted the Queen Mary as part of the Historic Hotels of America.
RMS Queen Mary remains in Long Beach but recently it has been reported it is in need of significant repairs according to assessments and photos in 2019 and 2020. An estimated $289 million in repairs are needed after years of decline and the most recent operator going bankrupt.But even to “retire and recycle” the liner could cost up to $190m. One of the suggestions are to dismantle and sink the liner, although no long term plans have been finalised as yet.
The Queen Mary is due to open again to visitors next month, let’s hope someone can come up with a rescue plan to save her.
It has been mooted that it could return to the Clyde but the eyewatering amount of money it would take surely rules this out.
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i like catbite, we are the union, and jer! i dont listen to a lot of ska like i said but those are some bands ive listened to and enjoy :)
Z0MG i love JER!!! Kill Lincoln is also really good, you should check them out, i recently listened to their album You Were There! id also recommend Jeff Rosenstock's album Ska Dream
i also liked the Ska Against Racism compilation from bad time records; it has a song by JER and another by We Are The Union on there, and JER's song was one of my favorites on it. i also really loved the one by Kill Lincoln and the one by The Skints and the one by Westbound Train. great stuff! not all the songs are winners, i disliked one or two of them but its a great album overall with broad array of artists and musical styles
i discovered ska through the Digimon movie when i was 10 so its a very nostalgic genre for me ^_^ id love to hear your recs! been trying to branch out lol
it sounds like i should be getting recs from you! i follow bad time records (on jers recommendation, theyre very knowledgeable about ska, even just on a technical level) and i feel like thats a good place to start. i remember listening to some kill lincoln and jeff rosenstock and liking them both too!! like i said i dont follow ska super closely but i like most of what i hear :]
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soldiersofthequeen · 10 months
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Maiden Voyage of the SS NORMANDIE
Finally on May 29 1935 , NORMANDIE was ready to depart on her greatly anticipated maiden voyage. In Command was of course the French Line’s Commander of their new flagship, Captain René Pugnet, who had briefed his officers and staff ensuring it would be a smooth and a perfectly run operation throughout the voyage.
As her guests commenced to arrive dockside, she slowly began to fill with happy passengers all of whom were looking forward to an exciting voyage across the Atlantic. As they boarded the world’s largest liner and having been promoted as being a super luxury Ocean Liner, all her guests had much to look forward to as they departed sailing via Plymouth and then headed for New York on this remarkable liner.
The clipper-like bow, the streamline-shaped superstructure and the three teardrop-shaped funnels – all aligned in perfect harmony and aesthetic perfection. And the forecastle was a masterpiece in itself. With very little gear visible behind the teak-coloured whaleback, the decks were clean and uncluttered.
When the Normandie left on her maiden voyage from Le Havre to New York on May 29, 1935, she was the largest, most innovative and fastest ocean liner afloat.
Her powerful engines were unleashed at high speed yet they were very quiet Compared to all other ships.
Most of her passengers loved her rather over the top interior décor, but everyone absolutely loved the sublime French cuisine. French Line distributed to her First Class passengers sailing on her Maiden Voyage a specially minted magnificent bronze 2.75 inch diameter Medallion.
Her maiden voyage was a grand success as she broke the record for fastest transatlantic crossing both on her westbound and on her eastbound sailings! In New York NORMANDIE got a reception that had never been surpassed.
This was the first time a French ship had won the Blue Riband! During the Normandie’s career the Blue Riband was passed back and forth between her and her main rival, Cunard’s RMS Queen Mary. Up until 1940, the Normandie held the record for the world’s largest ship and it still holds the record for the most powerful steam turbo-electric passenger ship in the world
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soulmusicsongs · 9 months
Mighty Mouse - Ceasar Frazier (75, 1975)
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lonestarbattleship · 2 years
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"Winning The Blue Ribbon" by Mark Karvon, link
"The SS United States is considered the fastest ocean liner to cross the Atlantic ocean in either direction. The ship had the most powerful steam turbines of any commercial vessel at the time, with a total power of 240,000 SHP. It was designed to be converted into a troopship if required by the US Navy during time of war. The top speed of the ship was once a military secret - often surmised to be 43 knots. On her July 3-7, 1952 maiden voyage, the United States broke the eastbound transatlantic speed record by more than 10 hours. The United States also broke the westbound transatlantic speed record on the return voyage. The ship still holds the trophy to the present day. This a reworking of my earlier painting featuring the great ship."
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tidalwavesmusic · 2 years
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A co-founder of the P-Funk movement, Clarence Eugene “Fuzzy” Haskins was born in West Virginia in 1941 and started as a singer in the doo-wop vocal group The Parliaments, led by George Clinton in the late 1950s. He was a founding member of the groundbreaking and influential 1970s funk bands PARLIAMENT-FUNKADELIC. Fuzzy Haskins toured and appeared on P-Funk albums as a singer, and occasionally as a guitarist, throughout the 1970s. He is a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, inducted in 1997.
Despite the success of Mothership Connection, Fuzzy Haskins was growing frustrated that his songs were no longer being featured on albums by Funkadelic and Parliament. He also watched as Bootsy Collins, a relative newcomer to the family, embarked upon a solo career. This added to Haskins’ frustration and at the height of P-Funk’s popularity, Fuzzy left the ensemble to pursue a solo career.
Fuzzy Haskins released two landmark solo albums on Westbound Records: ‘A Whole Nother Thang’ in 1976 and ‘Radio Active’ in 1978. With his brand of earthy & heavyweight funk, Fuzzy Haskins’ solo works fits right in with many of the other great P-Funk side projects and was sampled by renowned artists and acts from the likes of Prince, The Prodigy, N.W.A and Fatboy Slim.
On the album we are presenting you today (Radio Active from 1978) you’ll find eight sublime tracks written (or co-written) by Mr. Haskins himself and recorded by Richard Becker at the legendary PAC 3 Recording Studios in Dearborn, Michigan where classic albums from Norman Feels and Dennis Coffey were born. One of the tracks (Woman) was personally mixed for the album by Tom Moulton (the originator of musical revolutions like ‘the remix’, ‘the breakdown section’ and the ‘12inch single vinyl format’).
Fuzzy switched between drums and guitar, while taking charge of the lead vocals and production, he was accompanied in the studio by an all-star musician line-up of P-Funk family members such as Jerome ‘Bigfoot’ Brailey (drums), Cordell ‘Boogie’ Mossom (bass), Gary Shider & Michael Hampton (guitars), Glen Goins (piano, drums & guitar)…and of course the fantastic Mr. Bernie Worrell on keyboards. Besides these Parliament/Funkadelic alumni, also present on the recordings are Bruce Nazarian (The Temptations) on Moog and Jazz pianist Gary Schunk (known for his collaborations with Marcus Belgrave & Wendell Harrison).
The result of all this musicianship was a record that oozed quality. Despite the quality of the music (and just like with ‘A Whole Nother Thang’) the album didn’t sell the vast quantities that were projected and didn’t reach the audience it deserved.
‘Radio Active’ is filled with keyboard-driven spacey funk, sharp hooks, popping bass-lines, JB styled soulful (yet sexy) vocals, a hint of disco, fantastic guitar build-ups and breaks that make you shake…a true gem that deserves a place in your record collection (mint vinyl copies are hard to find and pricey these days). If you are a Funkateer…this one’s for you!
Tidal Waves Music now proudly presents the FIRST ever vinyl reissue of ‘Radio Active’ since 1978 (the year the record was originally released on Westbound Records).
This unique album comes as a deluxe 180g vinyl edition (strictly limited to 500 copies) with obi strip and features the original artwork created by virtuoso Ronald Edwards (known for his graphic work with Parliament-Funkadelic, Bootsy Collins, Fred Wesley, George Clinton, Maceo Parker, Bernie Worrell, Fishbone…and countless others). To top it all off, this release also includes an insert featuring the original liner notes written in 1994 by renowned author and producer Rob Bowman (Otis Redding, Isaac Hayes, Marvin Gaye) who reflects on Fuzzy Haskins’ two solo albums.
Available on 180g WHITE vinyl (limited to 500 copies w/obi strip) and on 180g BLACK vinyl  (limited to 500 copies w/obi strip).
Available in record stores worldwide and online from www.lightintheattic.net
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team-reasonable · 1 year
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So, anyway. I didn't technically close up shop here until June. I had already listened to so many records by then. It would be a shame not to drop (at least) one more year end list. The funny thing is that I have listened to more records this year than I have in recent years. All told, I ended up listening to around 125 new releases this year. I kept pretty detailed notes about most of them. I could have easily turned that into reviews or content. I would have stopped listening to new records had I done that though. Turning my enjoyment of music into a thing was a mistake. Anyway. Here is the list. It's 40 records. A good amount of these are jazz. Just be aware. If you're looking for dope punk rock records, this probably won't be the list for you.
In alphabetical(ish) order:
Alice Sandahl - "Bright & Blue"
Alison Shearer - "View From Above"
Alvvays - "Blue Rev"
Angel Olsen - "Big Time"
Anthony Coleman & Brian Chase - "Arcades"
Barrie - "Barbara"
The Beths - "Expert In A Dying Field"
The Bogie Band & Joe Russo - "The Prophets In The City"
Camilla George - "Ibio-Ibio"
Chicago Soul Jazz Collective - "On The Way To Be Free"
Dave Gisler Trio - "See You Out There"
David Hillyard & The Rocksteady 7 - "Plague Doctor"
Georgia Harmer - "Stay In Touch
High Alpine Hut Network - "727 / 16 EP"
Jeanines - "Don’t Wait For A Sign"
Jobber - "Hell In A Cell EP"
Julieta Eugenio - "Jump"
Kate Bollinger - "Look At It In The Light"
Kit Downes, Petter Eldh, James Maddren - "Vermillion"
Kristine Leschper - "The Opening, Or Closing Of A Door"
Lisa Ullén, Elsa Bergman, & Anna Lund - "Space"
Little Low - "Reasons To Grow"
Lupe Fiasco - "Drill Music In Zion"
Marta Sanchez - "SAAM (Spanish American Art Museum)"
Mary Halvorson - "Amaryllis" / "Belladonna"
Melissa Aldana - "12 Stars"
Nectar - "No Shadow"
The New York Second - "Music At Night"
ORD - "Hemligheter På Vägen"
Otoboke Beaver - "Super Champon"
Perennial - "In The Midnight Hours"
Potsa Lotsa XL & Youjin Sung - "Gaya"
Quelle Chris - "Deathfame"
R.A.P. Ferreira - "5 To The Eye With Stars"
Renata Zeiguer - "Picnic In The Dark"
Tender Slit - "Tender Slit"
Tomberlin - "I Don't Know Who Needs To Hear This..."
Walking Cliché Sextet - "Micro-Nap"
Westbound Train - "Dedication"
Widowspeak - "The Jacket"
I've included that Spotify playlist. It has stuff from most of these records, and some other stuff. Maybe I'll throw something up in 2023? Who knows. It's what it's
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