#We made a reservation for brunch on Saturday.
jeonginify · 1 year
deny me (lovesong) — kim seungmin. ·˚ ༘♡
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↝ pairing: kim seungmin x reader ↝ genre: humor, fluff, established relationship!au ↝ word count: 4k ↝ warnings: general menace behavior, you and seungmin are in love but pretend not to be, gross sickening fluff, jisung obviously doesn’t have the paboracha brain cell this week (don't mind that the banner isn't a gif my photoshop subscription expired.......)
↝ summary: the only thing you love more than your boyfriend seungmin’s smile is his obsession with fucking around with his friends. or, after one too many fights between his two best friends who can’t get along for the life of them, han jisung isn’t sure he can handle it anymore (who’s going to tell him that they don’t actually hate each other and are, in fact, dating?)
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Thursdays have always been your favorite day of the week.
“Hi babe.”
To be fair, any day that you get to see Kim Seungmin is your favorite. But for the six months that the two of you have been dating, Thursdays have always been your day because it is when you get to see him the most, free of any distractions.
The two of you met through your mutual friends, and although you love them (well, you love them sometimes), they can be demanding. Early on in the friendship, back when you were all itty bitty freshmen with a thirst for the party life, Changbin claimed Fridays as your going out nights. Saturdays, then, were reserved for movie night at Hyunjin and Minho’s after a few too many Marvel marathons sophomore year. Sundays eventually ended up being taken by weekly brunch with Jeongin, and every other day of the week—well, those ended up occupied by one clingy, over-attached Han Jisung.
But Thursdays? Those Seungmin kept clear just for you.
“Ew,” you wrinkle your nose as your boyfriend leans down and plants a sloppy kiss on your forehead.
He raises a brow before flopping into the seat next to you and wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Say that again,” Seungmin mutters as he peppers more kisses on your face.
Somehow, he manages to make the words sound both threatening and endearing at the same time. His lips trail their way down your cheek, along your jaw, to the corner of your lips, until you can’t take it anymore.
“Okay, okay,” you relent with a laugh. “I missed you too.”
“That’s what I thought,” he says triumphantly. You tilt your head up, ready for the final kiss, but he pretends not to notice the way you pucker your lips.
“Now get away from me.”
Seungmin dramatically pushes you off, but the smirk playing across his face tells you that he is just joking.
“Okay, loser,” you sniff, taking a sip from your coffee.
“How was class today?” He asks, shrugging his bag onto the ground.
“S’alright,” you sigh, pushing a cup towards him. You had ordered his iced Americano when you had arrived a few minutes earlier. This was your favorite café, and it had become a tradition to meet here after classes—it was a bit far from campus, sure, but you never minded, and neither did Seungmin.
He takes a big sip from his drink, grinning happily. 
“Are you finally done with that project Professor Cho assigned?”
“Yes, thank god,” you roll your eyes.
“Good,” he laces his fingers with your hand on top of the table.
“Now you can focus all your attention on me again,” he bats his eyelashes. 
“Awww, was my Minnie jealous of my biology class?” You coo.
“Never,” he wrinkles his nose. “I don’t get jealous.”
“Riiiiiiight,” you nod. “So what do you call that time you ignored Jeongin for two weeks because, and I quote, he was ‘breathing too close’ to me?”
“I just didn’t want any of his stupidity to rub off,” Seungmin says sincerely. “You need every brain cell you can get.”
You scoff and try to break free from where his hand holds yours, but his fingers just tighten their grasp.
“Okay, well what about that time you blew up on Changbin because he fell asleep in my lap?”
Your boyfriend’s eyes narrow at the memory.
“That was, like, a week before we made it official,” he insists. “It wasn’t jealousy, it was anxiety.”
“And who’s fault is it that it took us so long to get together?” You tease.
“Jisung’s,” Seungmin says immediately.
“Okay,” you admit. “That’s like, half true.”
Before you and Seungmin started dating, before the two of you were even friends, there was Han Jisung.
You met him on the first day of college orientation. He latched onto you immediately, claiming that you were the only one who seemed nice enough to be friends with someone as annoying as him. You thought he was just trying to be funny, but after three days non-stop with hi, you learned the hard way he was being dead seriously. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), he was annoying in the exact same way as you, so the two of you got along splendidly.
Seungmin on the other hand had no choice in his relationship with Jisung. Neighbors by chance, childhood friends by force, the two of them were attached at the hip all throughout middle school and high school. In what your boyfriend describes as a cruel twist of fate, Jisung even ended up following Seungmin to university a few towns over. He jokes about how he’ll never be free of him, but you know Seungmin does actually care a lot about Jisung, even if he refuses to admit it.
Once it became apparent that you were a permanent fixture in his life, Jisung made it his duty to connect the bridge between his two best friends. Unfortunately for him, however, you and Seungmin don’t have the smoothest of starts.
The day that Jisung tries to introduce you is probably the worst day possible. You are irritated and sleep deprived, and Seungmin is a week out from the deadline for his biggest presentation of the semester. In short, the two of you are teetering on the edge of sanity and are a little more than a bit exasperated with Jisung himself.
After staying up all night studying for an exam, the last thing you want is to get wasted and stay out past 2am, and yet that is the most likely fate you face when Jisung drags you out to a party against your will.
You really don’t want to be here, but—well, you figure that since you have nothing else to do, you might as well take a chance to de-stress. The party is still in its first leg and hasn’t grown into the rager that it undoubtedly will be, so it is relatively easy to venture into the kitchen and grab a drink.
The first time you lay eyes on Kim Seungmin is when you make your way back to Jisung. The two of them are standing in the backyard, locked in a tepid conversation as you approach.
“Seriously, Jisung,” Seungmin says, running a hand through his hair. “This is why you dragged me out of the library?”
The first thing you notice is how hot he is. Tall, strong jawline, angular face, chocolate eyes. 
The second thing you notice, almost immediately after, is how unhappy he looks to be here. Even more unhappy than you.
“C’mon,” Jisung whines, tugging on Seungmin’s arm. “It’s just for a little bit, and I promise Y/N is cool! Is it a crime that I want my best friends to be friends?”
“It is when I have a ten page paper due tomorrow,” Seungmin mutters.
You don’t blame him for being pissy, but something about the way he says it, with such clear disdain in his voice, rubs you the wrong way.
“Nice to meet you too,” you say sarcastically as you come to a stop next to them.
“Y/N, there you are!” Jisung exclaims happily, latching on to your arm too.
You take a sip of your drink, pushing down the wince that threatens to spread across your face at the taste of pure battery acid jungle juice. And the entire time, you maintain eye contact with Seungmin, never breaking even as you swallow.
To his credit, Seungmin stares back with no hesitation. If you hadn’t been annoyed with him, you probably would have found his confidence insanely attractive. Instead, it annoys you even more. 
And while the two of you are locked in an intense staredown, Jisung stands in between you, one arm still linked with yours and the other with Seungmin’s.
“Y/N,” Jisung begins excitedly. “This is Seungmin. Seungmin, this is Y/N.”
“Right,” Seungmin says dryly. “No offense. I’m sure you’re great...”
The rest of the sentence is implied: “...but I have better things to do right now.”
“You too,” you can’t resist jabbing back.
“So nice to meet you,” Seungmin says briskly. It’s not rude, but it’s not not.
“Not sure if I can say the same,” you respond, a smile stretching across your face despite the acid in your tone.
“G-Guys...” Jisung interrupts nervously, but neither of you notice. 
“Right...” Seungmin says again, nodding slowly.
Despite your abrasive remark, he doesn’t show much reaction. His apathy is like an itch under your skin; in the end, that is what annoys you the most. 
(Now, you love how cool and collected Seungmin can be. But back then, when you first met him, you hated it.)
“Well,” Seungmin turns to Jisung, who has gone as pale as a sheet by now. 
“We met. I’m going to go now.”
“W-What—?” Jisung stutters. Before he can intervene, Seungmin nods once at you and turns, taking three long strides away from you.
By the time Jisung finally finds his words again, Seungmin has already disappeared.
The next time you meet Seungmin is at one of the first movie nights at Hyunjin and Minho’s. It has been a few weeks since Jisung’s failed attempt to introduce you, and you are already cozy on the couch next to Felix when Seungmin walks in.
Jisung is in the middle of telling a very animated story to Minho when he spots Seungmin and immediately freezes. The color leeches from his face so fast that you think he might pass out, but it is only when he looks quickly between you and Seungmin that you realize exactly why he looks so nervous.
“Min,” Felix says happily. “You made it!”
Seungmin nods, his eyes briefly passing over you before he spots the empty spot next to Chan and makes a beeline for it. 
After a little time and a lot of sleep (and maybe just a tad bit of reflection) you have come to the realization that maybe your reaction to Seungmin at the party wasn’t warranted. After all, he was entitled to be annoyed at Jisung and the situation in general, and it wasn’t you specifically that he was irritated about, so you have no reason to take it personally or hold a grudge.
Which is why you’re not annoyed at Seungmin’s presence. tonight. Instead, you can’t help but feel a little bit... awkward. Chagrined, maybe?
You might feel calm but Jisung is two seconds away from pissing his pants. In fact, he’s so desperate to clear up any misunderstandings that halfway through the movie he texts you for an emergency rendezvous in the kitchen.
“IpromiseIdidn’tknowhewasgoingtocometonight!” Jisung blurts out in one breath once you two are away from the rest of the guys.
“Okay...?” You raise a brow.
“So, like,” he blabbers, “don’t hate me! I love you both and I’m sorry for forcing you guys to meet—”
“—Jisung,” you interrupt. “It’s okay.”
“Really?” He asks uncertainly.
“Really,” you affirm.
“Okay,” he nods, and you feel the overwhelming urge to give him a paper bag to breathe into. Not because that is the proper treatment for hyperventilation—precisely because it isn’t, and maybe if he passes out then he’ll stop worrying.
When you walk back into the living room, Seungmin doesn’t even look up at you, but you have the strangest feeling that he knows exactly what you and Jisung were talking about.
Later that night, you loiter around the apartment a little bit longer than you usually would, just to avoid leaving at the same time as Seungmin. Your plan backfires, though, when Jisung has to leave early. You try to hang around a little bit longer, but then Minho and Hyunjin start to wonder why you are still there, and you have no choice but to leave. 
Which is how you end up trailing awkwardly after Seungmin on your walk back to your apartment. It takes him precisely two minutes to notice that you are behind him, and then three more before he comes to a halt.
“I’m not following you!” You insist immediately. “My place is just in this direction too.”
“Okay...” you parrot back awkwardly.
“So,” Seungmin begins a moment later. “I just... I wanted to apologize.”
“For that night at the party,” he clarifies. “I was kind of... no, I was very stressed. And rude. It wasn’t cool for me to treat you like that.”
You are so stunned you don’t know what to say.
“Jisung speaks very highly of you,” Seungmin continues. “And I swear, if it had been any other day, I wouldn’t have been such a dick. Not that it’s any excuse...”
“Well,” you begin, a warm blush spreading over your cheeks. “I don’t think that’s really your fault. I was kind of a bitch, too.”
His serious facade cracks and a small hint of a smile peeks through.
“Either way,” Seungmin says. “I did actually want to make a good impression, believe it or not, so... Do you think we could start over?”
You don’t even have to think before you respond, “I’ll gladly erase that version of Y/N you met for this one. I promise, I’m not always that rude.”
His face breaks into a bigger smile, and it almost takes your breath away.
“Well,” he says. “That makes two of us.”
That is the beginning of your friendship with Seungmin. After that first movie night, you start to see him more frequently on campus. Then, the new semester starts, and you find that the two of you share an intro to film class.
Almost naturally, the two of you start to hang out more and more, and you begrudgingly realize that maybe Jisung was on to something when he insisted that the two of you meet.
It is only when you’re too deep in and the feelings (romantic, of course) for Seungmin have really started to take root do the two of you realize—even though you rehabilitated your relationship, Jisung still thinks you hate each other. 
This realization hits on a Friday at a party that Changbin drags the entire group to. This time, thankfully, both you and Seungmin do want to be there, and the night is going well.
(At least, as well as it can when you are grappling with the complicated newfound feelings you have for a recent friend-slash-study buddy.)
Then, in the midst of a tequila the midst of a tequila-induced haze, Jeongin finds you and Seungmin on the dancefloor.
“Hey!” he shouts. “You guys are friends, right?”
Seungmin looks at you, then shrugs.
“Yeah!” You shout back. 
“Then why,” Jeongin asks, “is Jisung about to have a mental breakdown about you two?”
“What do you mean?”
He keeps whining to Changbin about how horrible it is that you two hate each other!”
“We don’t—” You begin.
The realization hits you and Seungmin at the same time, and it’s like you can see the lightbulb go off in his head. 
“Oh...” you mutter.
“Oh,” he agrees.
“You guys are weird!” Jeongin shouts, eyes flitting between the two of you as you stare at each other.
“Heyyyyyy!” Jisung shouts even louder, his voice anxious as he comes to a stop between you and Seungmin.
“How are you both doing?”
His nervousness is almost laughable, but when you look at Seungmin, there is a devious twinkle in his eyes.
By now, you know him pretty well. And that look? It tells you only one thing: that he’s about to do something to fuck around with Jisung.
“I’m fine,” Seungmin says primly. His tone is such a stark contrast to how he was speaking only moments ago—it is guarded and prickly, and you catch on immediately.
“Who knows,” you mutter a moment later, going along with Seungmin.
“So you guys—” Jisung begins wearily.
“He keeps following me,” you point out.
“She keeps following me,” Seungmin rebutts.
“R-Really?” Jisung asks nervously. 
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes. “I’m going to find Felix.”
Seungmin averts his gaze quickly, but not before you see the way he is biting back his laugh. And when you turn on your heel and head outside, a smile is plastered to your face as Jisung begins to badger him with questions.
The smile remains glued in place as the sound of Seungmin fibbing fades into the background.
That is the first time you pretend to still dislike each other in front of Jisung. The next time it happens is right before Hyunjin’s birthday when Felix ropes everyone into baking brownies for him. After that, it is when you and the guys go paintballing and you and Seungmin end up on opposite teams.
The fun of it is always how flustered Jisung gets. None of your other friends actually believe that you and Seungmin dislike each other—they know better than that. But Jisung, with his whole chest, thinks you and Seungmin hate each other. (Never mind the fact that you can’t look at him without hearts in your eyes...)
Once the charade started, you and Seungmin never clarified how long you were going to play along with it. Eventually, months have passed, and then when he finally works up the guts to ask you out officially, the face remains firmly in place.
Which is how you wind up here, six months later and happily dating, with your mutual best friend under the assumption that you guys actually hate each other.
“What are you thinking so hard about?” Seungmin asks as he takes a sip from his iced Americano.
“How irritating you were when we first met,” you say wistfully, tapping your fingers affectionately on the back of his hand.
“Hmmm? I recall you being just as irritating,” Seungmin tells you. 
“Me?” You gasp. “I’m an angel. I could never.”
“More like a devil in disguise,” he rolls his eyes.
“If I’m a devil, what does that say about you?”
“What can I say? I love charity work,” he declares dramatically. “You’re my community service project.
“I’m telling your mom,” you attempt to pull your hand out of his, and this time you succeed.
A pout stretches across his face, and it only takes a few seconds for you to break and lace your fingers with his once again.
“You’re scared of my mom,” Seungmin challenges, a lazy smirk stretching across his face.
Butterflies swim through your stomach, but you shove them down at the obvious jab.
“I’m not scared of her!” You insist. “I’m scared of meeting her. There’s a difference.”
“Sure, babe,” he nods solemnly.
“I’m serious!”
“I’m sure you are,” he placates.
“Stop looking at me like that,” now it is your turn to pout.
“Like what?” He asks innocently. 
“Like you think I’m cute.”
“But I do think you’re cute,” Seungmin points out.
“Well,” you say, flustered. “Stop!”
“It’s your fault for looking like that,” he says. “I’m not making you do that. In fact, don’t you think it’s more unfair for me?”
“How?” You narrow your eyes.
“I should be the cute one in the relationship,” he says like its obvious. “It’s not fair that you’re more adorable than me.”
“Awww, Seung,” you light up.
“I think you’re very adorable, and—” you coo, but stop short when something outside the coffee shop window catches you by surprise.
“—And I hate you,” you finish shortly, shoving Seungmin’s hand out of yours and crossing your arm with a huff.
“What?” He mutters, confused. “Wait, what just happened? Did I do something wrong?”
You roll your eyes, scooting your chair away from him. A distinctive chime rings, indicating that the door has been opened and then closed.
“Babe—” He begins, but then he stops too.
“Bab-y,” Seungmin says derisively, arranging his face into a mask of cool disdain.
“I’m calling you a baby.”
“Nice save,” you mouth, and Seungmin sticks his tongue out at you.
“Y/N,” Jisung’s voice comes behind you. “Seungmin! What are you guys doing here... Together?”
He sounds equal parts shocked and horrified, and for a moment you feel bad for him.
Then you remember that time last month when he woke you up at the ass crack of dawn and dragged you on a hike up a mountain, only to abandon you halfway up because he got a call from the girl he’s been hooking up with to come over, and you suddenly don’t feel bad anymore.
“Our professor assigned a group project,” Seungmin fibs seamlessly. “Y/N and I got paired up.”
“No need to sound so annoyed,” you say sweetly, kicking him under the table. 
(It’s less of a kick and more of you playing footsies with him, but it has the desired effect when Jisung’s eyes flit nervously around and Seungmin’s finger twitches ever so slightly towards your hand.)
“Who said I’m annoyed about it?” Seungmin asks, a serene smile stretching across his face.
“You did,” you tell him. “Many times, actually.”
“I’m more than annoyed. Exasperated, maybe, or incensed.
“Anyways,” you roll your eyes, barely able to keep your laughter at bay.
The funniest part about this conversation is that Seungmin isn’t completely lying.
Although the two of you aren’t currently working on anything, you were paired up a few weeks ago. Throughout the project, he couldn’t stop complaining about how annoying it was to be paired up with you—he claimed you were a pretty distraction, and that he couldn’t be expected to get any work done around you when he could kiss you instead.
“What are you doing here, Jisung?”
“I was just passing by!” He says shrilly, a little bit too fast.
Your raise an eyebrow. Recently, any time Jisung finds you and Seungmin in a (fake) argument, he can’t seem to escape fast enough. Individually, he has no problem being around you two. But it’s like he’s afraid to be standing in the blast zone when it comes to you and Seungmin together—which, in your opinion, is hilarious. 
The farce, then, is both amusing and beneficial, which is probably why you and Seungmin have dragged it out for so long. Because god knows, if Jisung knew that you and Seungmin actually liked each other, he would never give you any alone time.
His two best friends being friends is his dream. His two best friends dating? Frankly, you’re scared to see how he would act...
“Passing by?” Seungmin asks. “This far away from campus?”
“Yup!” Jisung exclaims cheerily. “And would you look at that? It’s already 4pm. I’ve got to go! I’ll see you later, bye!”
He is already inching towards the door before he begins speaking. By the time he has squeezed all the words out, his hands are on the door. 
You barely have the chance to say a quick “bye!” before he swings the door open and rushes out.
You and Seungmin watch through the window as Jisung speed walks away from the coffee shop, his fingers gripping his bag tightly.
And then, when he is out of sight, you both burst into laughter.
“Sorry babe,” you pout, reaching for Seungmin’s hand once the coast is clear. “I don’t actually hate you.”
“Well, unfortunately,” he clicks his tongue. “I was actually calling you a baby.”
Your pout deepens.
“But you’re my baby,” Seungmin amends, giving you a little kiss on the cheek. You sigh happily, scooting close so you can link your arm through his.
“D’you think we should tell him sometime soon?” You ask. 
A moment of silence passes.
“Nah,” Seungmin says finally. 
“He was a menace to me throughout high school,” he says. “This is my revenge.
“Okay...” You say uncertainly.
“And, if you think about it,” Seungmin goes on. “It’s his fault that he still hasn’t noticed after all this time. All the other guys know. Even Hyunjin knows.”
“You know, that is a good point.”
“Thanks babe,” he kisses your cheek again, a smirk on his face. “I know it is.”
“Oh, hush,” you mutter, not entirely happy with how smug he looks.
But then, he leans in and finally kisses you on the lips, and you forget why you were annoyed with him in the first place. 
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judysxnd · 7 months
Hiiii!! I have a Pedro request - f & plus size reader if that is okay!
So reader has some friends visiting/staying at Pedro’s place for holiday whilst he’s on a break from projects and they all decide to go out for casual brunch one day. They think they have slipped out incognito however haven’t realised that someone caught wind and alerted the paparazzi (who are outside restaurant waiting to pounce). When they leave Pedro and reader get mobbed by paps (reader is shoved/pushed an gets hurt - grazes, split lip, possible black eye i’ll let you choose). Pedro becomes protective and quickly tries to get them back home. He then tends to the wounds etc and consoles them.
Make it as angsty/fluffy as you like, thankyouuu!! <3
Not going to lie, I delayed this one a little because I wasn’t in a bad mood, like, sometimes I write the ideas when it matches my mood, not sure if it’s good or not but here I am today trying to write this one as I don’t really feel good. I don’t really know how to explain it, and it doesn’t really matter, so there it is!
Also I noticed I’ve never written any story set up during winter, probably because I don’t like it 😂 I’m going to try here. It’s a small detail that will help.
I hope you like it!!!
You were the first one to arrive at Pedro’s house. He invented a few friends to his house for the weekend as he finally came back from filming. He was on a break as it was a week before new year’s. Of course he came back for Christmas, but he didn’t get to see you before leaving to spend the holidays with his family and you with yours.
So, he decided to make a new year’s weekend. It was on a Sunday, so it was perfect. He wanted to do a party on Saturday night and a nice brunch the next day to like sober up and start the year with his closest friends. It would be later in the afternoon probably as no one would be up for 12 or even 1pm. So you arrived there first like you wanted, hoping to have a few moments alone with him. You haven’t seen him un months. FaceTime and texts don’t count as real physical interactions. After some time everyone started to arrive, so the party could start.
The party went great. Music blasting very loud, drinking, dancing, talking, playing games, everything that could be done was done. You all counted down till midnight. Not to forget the tradition, Pedro kissed you went the clock rang. You were blushing as you didn’t expect him to kiss you. You hoped for it, but you’re so used to be private and never do anything in public that it surprised you.
Yes. You’re dating, but you’ve not made anything official. You want to see where it goes before making big commitments, plus you don’t want to deal with all the haters and such. You have other stuff to be focused on. But, your closest a friends know about it, so you don’t have to hide in your own home surrounded by people you can trust.
The party went on until 3/4am. That’s why you only woke up in the afternoon. It was around 12pm, and you were the last to wake up. You were surprised as you thought no one would be up so early, but it was good, because it meant you could go eat at the restaurant.
Going out after that party was risky, but Pedro made reservations in a secluded spot, so you wouldn’t see anyone. He wanted to have a fancy lunch, but didn’t want to have it at home. You tried to come as secretly as possible, in a regular car, almost entering the place one by one. And you did, well at least that’s what you thought.
When you were at the end of the lunch, trying to enjoy your desserts, you all heard voices outside. Not paying attention to it at first, thinking it was maybe a big group at a table in the restaurant, you tried to get back to your lunch. But Pedro had a feeling. He got up and went to the bathroom, making him go through the restaurant. As he did, he caught a glance outside and saw what he feared: a large group of paparazzi trying to get in.
“We have a problem” he said as he came back, looking worried.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him as he sat back next to you, avoiding any eye contact. You put your hand on his thigh. “Pedro”
“Paparazzi” everyone looked at him. “I don’t know how they know, but they’re outside waiting for us”
“seriously” one of his friends sighed
“How?” Another one asked, upset
“I don’t know” Pedro said, starting to get angry too
“Let’s finish our desserts then we will improvise” you said trying to calm him down
“I can’t believe it” he said shaking his head, grabbing his spoon and picking a piece of his cake. “I made a reservation, we arrived in small groups, no one saw us”
“It’s okay” you said “we’ll go out by the back door”
“No it’s not okay. We should be able to leave outside, in peace”
“I know”
You all tried to finish your desserts as relaxed and happy as you could, but it was a lost cause. No one talked, too focused on what could happen next. You all had a reason to fear this moment, making you angrier at each second. At some point you had to leave, so Pedro got up and left the room first. You decided to join him, not wanting him to make some mistake because of his anger.
“Excuse me, I would like to speak to the manager” Pedro said at the first server he saw once he got out. The young man pointed to an older one behind a bar, talking to a lady. You both walked to him, which made him stop his conversation.
“Hello” he said nervously
“Hi, I was wondering if there was another exit to leave because as you can see it’s a little complicated for us to just go through the front door” he said in a dry tone
“I’m sorry but there isn’t”
“What?” You said surprised
“What do you mean there isn’t an other exit?” Pedro was getting angrier
“Don’t you have an emergency exit?”
“We do but it just leads to a backyard, completely closed by walls”
“Shit” Pedro said looking around. “So what if there’s a fire you’re just stuck in there? What kind of restaurant is this?” He started to raise his voice
“Calm down P, it’s not his fault” you said putting your hand in his stomach.
“Yeah by the way, how did they know we were here?” He asked “When I made my reservation, which was made with you precisely, how did it get out?”
“I-I don’t know” he said anxiously. “Only the two servers and I knew about your reservation”
“So it’s the two servers. I would like to see them”
“I’m not sure if it is a good idea” you said, looking at Pedro who was staring at the manager. “Pedro” he finally looked at you, his eyes filled with anger. “I think we should focus on leaving and get home safe, that’s all that matters” he took a deep breath
“Okay. Let’s get out of here” you took his hand and you both went back to the room where you had your lunch. “So, there’s no back door, we’ll just have to confront the paparazzi” he said to everyone. They all started to mumble and swear.
“Let’s go” you said
You took a deep breath as you followed Pedro outside, holding his hand tightly. You barely stepped outside that all you could see were flashes from their cameras. You didn’t realize there were so many people. It was the worst minute of your life and it was going insanely slow. Pedro struggled so much to get through them that you felt like you weren’t even walking.
You couldn’t even hear what they were saying. You just heard words here and there. “Pedro! Pedro! How do you feel being seen with Y/n?” You first heard. “What… think.. her size?” You then heard. They were trying to get any type of reaction. If they couldn’t get a good one, they would search on the negative ones. Sadness, anger, anything that would make a perfect picture. “Defenseless”, “.. heard fat jokes?”, “weird relationship”, “Pedro what do you see in Y/n?” And laughing.
As you thought it couldn’t get worse, they thought it would be funny to start pushing around. As if being verbally mean wasn’t enough, they started to get physical. Pedro always told you to never respond to anyone if they were too many people, to keep your head down and leave as fast as possible. But they were really too many. You’ve ever seen so much people. They probably had no one else to harass. Business was hard for them.
That’s what made them touch you. You felt hands trying to grab your arms. You even felt some touching your stomach. You felt tears forming in your eyes, but you had to hide them, it wasn’t the right time. Pedro stayed very close to you, holding you close to him. He was begging them to stop. The weather didn’t help. The snow on the ground, it was freezing and slippery. As you were being pushed around, you found it hard to walk properly.
You had to look up to see where you were going. But when you did, something unexpected happen. You’ll remember that moment for the rest of your life. You were almost out of the group, you looked up, a little on your right. You randomly looked at a camera, but it was the bad one.
Because the camera went down, not taking you in pictures anymore. You then looked at the person behind. A young lady, she looked younger than you. She was wearing a red beanie and she had curly blond hair. You saw the expression in her eyes: jealousy. She was filled with anger, not sure why at first. But then, you saw that she raised her hand, formed a fist that ended on your face. More specifically in your left eye.
Her action made you fall on the ground, slipping off Pedro’s embrace that was trying to protect you. Once on the ground, it was difficult to focus. Too many flashes, Pedro yelling, his friends trying to gather around you to hide and protect you. Next thing you knew, Pedro grabbed you and helped you run as far away as he could.
Once you finally got to his car, you couldn’t hold the tears anymore. Neither of you said anything. You still in the rush and too scared. Pedro wanted to drive you to the emergency room, just to make sure you didn’t get a concussion or anything. But he knew it would be a bad idea. The paparazzi would know you would do that, and the same scene would happen again.
He could still call a doctor to come home if needed. So he drove home. Once there, he helped you get out, and you both walked to his bathroom. Once you were laying against the sink, seeing you were stable, that’s when he broke the silence.
“Are you okay?” He looked at you, but you couldn’t look at him. You were staring at the floor. “I’m so sorry, I should have protected you more, I-” he stopped talking when you hold his hand. He get you were still shaking. You were in shock. You finally made eye contact
“It’s.. it’s not your fault” you said softly. Your voice was so low that you didn’t even know if you actually said it out loud
“I know but still, I could have done better”
“Don’t feel guilty” you said turning around, looking at yourself in the mirror. Your skin was turning purple around your eye. You barely touched it that it hurt. “Ouch”
“Let me take care of you” he said breaking the space between you two, putting his hands on your shoulders. He then grabbed your hand and brought you to his bedroom and made you sit on the edge.
He held your feet, carefully removing your shoes covered in snow. Your pants were wet because of your fall, and you had snow on your coat. Pedro helped you get out of your clothes and left you in your underwear.
“Don’t move” he said before rushing to the bathroom again. You heard him open the water. Ten minutes later he came out, walked to you, offering his hand. Grabbing it, you both went back in the bathroom. “Get in the bath, I’ll get ice for your eye” you smiled. “We’ll clean those little wounds after okay?” He said looking at the small red wounds you had in your arms and legs. You would definitely bruise there too.
He helped you get in, and left you alone for a moment. You surprisingly felt a little better. The pain started to get away, probably thanks to the hot water that made you forget your own body. You closed your eyes and started to breath deeply, trying to calm down. But it only made you relive that scene again. Your eyes shuttered open when you saw the punch again.
Pedro came back with ice for your eye. He even helped you wash yourself as your body was starting to hurt. After the bath, he cleaned your wounds and put cream on it. He brought your pyjamas and helped you get dressed. The pain was coming back, you could barely move. Your body was stiff.
“How do you feel?” He said holding your face
“Everything hurts”
“What about your eye?” He said looking carefully at the bruise
“Only when I touch it”
“And your head? Do you feel dizzy or anything? Nausea?”
“I’m good”
“I just want to make sure you don’t have a concussion or anything”
“She didn’t hit me that hard” you sighed
“I’m fine” you looked at each other
“We don’t have to talk about it now, or tomorrow, but I don’t want you to withdraw into yourself. I’m here okay?”
“Thank you” you said hugging him. You pulled back, looking at him when you realized. “Wait, are you okay? Did you get hurt or something? I didn’t even ask, d-”
“I’m okay, they didn’t get me” you felt better “I wished they hit me instead of you”
“Don’t say that”
“I would rather they hurt me than you”
“Look I’m okay, it’s just a few bruises”
“Are you sure? They said some pretty bad things back there” you didn’t answer right away as you started to remember it. “Shit I made you remember it” Pedro said, realizing what he just did. “But let me make it clear, what they said isn’t true okay? It’s not important what they said, they were just trying to get us to snap. Cariño you’re the sweetest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on” he said, his hands on your face. You felt butterflies in your stomach. You smiled and probably blushed too as you felt your cheeks heating.
“No no yeah I know it’s not true, I know how they are..” you tried to reassure him “let’s just go to bed okay? I just want this day to be over”
“What a way to start this new year” he joked. He was unsure if he should have said that so he was paying attention to your reaction. But when you chuckled he felt better. He saw a small smile on your face. It reassured him.
After talking a little to his friends and saying good night, you both went to bed together, cuddled up. None of you letting go of each other. You spent the night glued together.
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crazyunsexycool · 9 months
The love we gave away
Chapter 4
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x reader
Word count: 3.4K
Warnings: fluff, some alcohol drinking, not much else
A/N: i was going to make this one chapter but it was going to be too long so it’s going to be divided into two! This is a bit dialogue heavy so I’m sorry for that but also I’m not!
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“If you called me one more time about the dress I won’t show up at all.” You look straight at the phone with an exasperated expression.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I really would.” You say before going back to making some last minute adjustments on the gown before you.
“I thought we were friends.”
“What gave you that impression?”
“I don’t know, maybe everything we went through in high school.”
You smile. On the phone was one of the very few people that you kept in your life after having the twins.
“Fine, I’ll give you that one Fai.”
Faith Carter was the girl you had bunked with in high school. She had been reserved and timid. She kept her head down and her grades up. Still she had been bullied beyond belief because she was a bit overweight back then, something she grew out of. That didn’t matter to you because she was a life saver. Faith had become the first friend you truly ever made. She showed you kindness you hadn’t found before and when you got pregnant she helped however she could. When you went to Italy she showed up unexpectedly to celebrate your birthday. Faith was the type of friend everyone should have but most didn’t deserve and you cherished her.
“So you’ll be there two days before, right? I have some fun things planned.”
“I will, dress included. I would like some time the day before to do a final fitting.”
“Of course. I have brunch set up just for us on Friday. We can do the fitting then and it will still give you Saturday to make any adjustments before the wedding on Sunday.”
“That sounds perfect.” You say before tying the end of the thread and cutting it off. “Who else did you invite from high school?”
“Oh I invited everyone. I want all of them to see me now, in my one of a kind wedding gown and hot husband looking better than any of them ever will.” You both giggle at that.
“You better fucking strut down that aisle. They don’t even deserve to breathe the same air you do.”
“I know but being the kind and generous person I am, I’ll allow it.”
“Dork.” You giggle and shake your head as you move to grab your phone and set it on your desk. “I know you’ll love the dress. It’s one of my favorites.”
“Can’t you show me now?”
“Nope, we agreed after the last fitting that you didn’t want to see it until right before the wedding.”
“It is right before the wedding.” She huffs.
“Faith, please let me just surprise you. You know I would never do anything to make you look bad.”
“Fine.” She huffs in annoyance but you just smile.
There’s a knock on your door before you are able to change the subject. When the door opens Theodore pops his head in and gives you a small wave. Your face immediately lights up and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Faith.
“Hey, give me a few minutes and I’ll be right out.”
“Who was that?”
“I will tell you in person. Gotta go Fai, I’ll see you on Thursday.”
“Ok, bye.” She says as you hung up the phone and walked out toward the waiting room.
“Hey guys.”
“Hey.” Abigail and Theodore say in unison.
“Come on in. I need to finish a few things up here.”
You hold the door open for them. Theodore walks in first and settles on a small loveseat you have against a wall. Abigail gasps as she sees the wedding dress you’re working on.
“I didn’t know you made wedding dresses.”
“I don’t. But my best friend from high school is getting married so I offered to make her dress. What do you think?”
“It’s gorgeous. I mean it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Abigail gushes.
“Well thank you.”
“When’s the wedding?”
“This Sunday but I’m heading out a few days early. The bride has a few things planned.”
“Will you take pictures of her with it on? I’d love to see them.”
“Of course, but how about you guys? What are you doing?”
“We’re going back home for a few days. Before classes start.” Theodore says.
“That’s good. You’ll be able to see your friends and family. I bet you miss them.”
“Yeah, grandma makes the best pies. And there’s this fair that happens every year right before school starts, we never miss it. So we’ll get to go as a group.” Theodore explains excitedly. Ever since he expressed his fear of forgetting his father he had been way more open to getting to know both you and Ransom. “I’m also going to pick up my camera equipment.”
“Well make sure to take lots of pictures because I want to see what you guys were up to.”
Theodore nods as he watches you put away any possible supply you’ll need for the last fitting. Then you box up the dress with their help and let Wanda know everything is ready for the trip.
“Alright, ready to go?”
“Yes, I can’t wait to finally go to the Met.”
“You should see it during one of the galas. It’s amazing.”
“You’ve been to the Met gala?”
“Yeah. It was about two years ago though.” You tell them as you head to the elevator. “Now I just prefer to dress people that go.”
“You have to tell us everything.”
“Ok. I will. I have amazing embarrassing stories.”
“Her head is going to explode.” Theodore jokes as you both look over at an overly excited Abigail.
“You should have warned me.”
“What’s the fun in that?” He smiles and you roll your eyes playfully.
“Is your mom joining us for dinner?”
“Yup. She’s coming from work. Is that ok?”
“Of course.” You nod before getting into your car, your driver shutting the door behind you. “I can send the car for her since we won’t be too far from the restaurant.”
“Thanks. I think she’s had the hardest time adjusting to the move.”
“Anything I can do to help I will. For all three of you.” You smile at your son and pat his knee.
“Thanks.” Abigail takes your hand and squeezes. “Really, we appreciate it.”
You give a small nod and swallow the lump in your throat.
“Now, these embarrassing stories. What was the worst thing that happened?”
You take a deep breath and start talking about all of the things that happened at the gala.
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The last thing you expected when your plane touched down was that Faith would be waiting for you. Yet there she was leaning against the SUV meant to take you to the hotel that would be hosting the wedding.
“I hope you’re here because of me and not the dress.” You call out as you walk out of your private jet.
“Sure let’s go with that.”
You chuckle but shake your head as you get closer. Faith throws her arms around you and pulls you in for a hug.
“You’re getting married this weekend.” You say once you pull away.
She shakes you uncontrollably while screeching in delight.
“I’m getting married this weekend! Can you believe it?”
“Yes, yes I can. Now can we go. I’m so fucking tired from this long ass trip. Did you really have to have a wedding on the other side of the world? There are plenty of islands closer to home.”
“Of course I did. I’m nothing if not extra.” Faith replies as you both get into the SUV. “The hotel will take care of bringing the luggage and dress.”
“Yes. Mine of course but I made you something extra.”
“You didn’t.” Faith mouth falls open as she stares at you.
“I did. You said it yourself, you’re extra.”
“This is why you’re my best friend. I’m just sad you didn’t want to be a bridesmaid.”
“Fai I could have made your dream wedding dress or been a bridesmaid but not both.”
“Fine, you’re right. Still I appreciate everything you’ve done.” She throws her arm over you and pulls in for a side hug.
“It’s mutual. Now get me to this hotel.”
You both talk about what’s going on this weekend. Faith is buzzing in her seat as she explains that she actually just has the wedding party and a friend or two for the pre-wedding events. Just so that she and her fiancé could relax. By the time you get to the gorgeous hotel you already feel more prepared for the weekend and are actually looking forward to it.
There are bellhops and valet parking employees running around outside. Your door is opened for you. You step out and stretch before Faith walks around the car and loops her arm with yours. She leads you into the lobby and straight to the receptionist's desk. You look around while she gives the employee behind the desk all the information. Anyone that was important to the couple were on the same two floors but the hotel was practically booked with the rest of the guests that would be attending the wedding on Sunday.
“Here is your key to the suite. Your things will be brought up shortly. Here is the key to the room you requested for the gowns. Only the hotel managers and yourself have access to the room in order to prevent anything from happening.”
“Thank you so much.” Faith says as she grabs everything and turns to you. “Here you go. You should freshen up because we rented a yacht and we will be spending the day and most of the evening there. Make sure you wear a bathing suit.”
“Fine. I’m going.”
“I’ll wait for you at the docks. We leave in 15.” She pushes you toward the elevators and you give her a thumbs up.
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Just like Faith said she was at the docks waiting by the yacht. She was already sunkissed from being at the hotel a few days before you. Still it didn’t stop her from soaking up the sun some more. She wore a swimsuit cover up but it was sheer enough to see the white two piece bathing suit she was wearing. It was paired with oversized sunglasses and sandals.
You on the other hand decided on linen shorts and an oversized white button up. It was lightweight and kept you cool. You kept a few buttons popped open to reveal your olive green one piece suit. To complete the look you wore a braided wide-brim sun hat, sunglasses and sandals. Everything for the next few days had been carefully selected by you and Wanda so that you could look your best. It was meant as a big ‘fuck you’ to the people that made you miserable at school.
“I may have a surprise waiting for you on the main deck.” Faith says as you walk through hallways and up stairs.
“What kind of a surprise?”
“A good kind.”
“Fai, you’re not trying to set me up with anyone right? I really don’t have the energy for that right now.” You say just as you join the rest of the guests.
“Well it was about time you joined us.”
You turn to see Faith’s parents sipping on some cocktails.
“Mr. and Mrs. Carter It’s so great to see you again.” You say as you hug both of them. Like Faith they had been so kind to you.
“It’s great to see you too. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you Mrs. Carter.”
“Please, you’re family, call me Millie and call him Derek. We’ve been in each other’s lives long enough.”
You nod and smile before turning just in time to see Faith’s younger sister barringly towards you.
“Hope.” You laugh as you both hug.
“Finally, it’s been so long.”
“I know but I heard you’ll be moving back to New York soon so we’ll definitely be hanging out more.”
“Absolutely. I can’t wait. There is so much I want us to do.”
You laugh as you agree to whatever she is saying because she is talking way too fast for you to understand. She was like the little sister you always wanted.
“Thank God you’re here. These two were driving me crazy. I thought Faith was marrying you instead of me.”
“Don’t get too comfortable that option is still on the table.”
“Scott.” You smile up at Faith’s fiancé. “It’s good to see you.”
“Good to have you here. How was the trip?”
“It was long but good.”
“Good.” He nods.
“Come on, I want you to meet some of Scott’s friends. There are some real hotties here.” Faith grabs your hand and pulls you to where the rest of the bridal party is gathered.
Immediately your eyes fall on the last person you thought you’d see at Faith’s wedding.
“Ran, what are you doing here?” You look up at him wide eyed.
Ransom looked good in his navy blue swim shorts and white button up. He left most of the buttons undone and you could see the smooth plains of his chest. His hair fell over his forehead and covered his sunglasses.
“I’m friends with Scott, we met in college. You’re obviously here for Fai. I was pleasantly surprised when Scott told me about his girlfriend.”
“Wait I’m sorry am I missing something?” Faith says with a pout as she looks between you and Ransom.
“Am I missing something?” Scott says from behind Faith.
“Ransom and I dated in high school.” It felt weird reducing your relationship to him like that. As if you didn’t have two kids running around that shared both of your DNA. It was just easier to not talk about it than to get into such a long explanation.
“This is very disappointing and anticlimactic. I wanted you to see each other across the deck and realized how much you missed each other.”
“I’m sorry Fai. Let’s try that again.” Ransom takes his sunglasses off and rolls his eyes but turns to you. “Y/N?” He puts both hands on his cheeks and makes an exaggerated surprised face. “Is that really you? I can’t believe it. The last time I saw you was-“
“Like two weeks ago in New York. You’re right it’s been so long.” You play along and begin to fake ugly cry. “I can’t believe Fai’s love has brought us together again.”
“You guys are stupid, I hate you both.” Faith pouts as you and Ransom laugh and high five.
“Seriously though, you guys really dated in high school?”
“We did, for two years.”
“I cannot imagine you two together.” He says as he looks between both of you. “Ransom is such an ass.”
“I don’t know how to respond to that.”
“And I’m slightly offended. Want something to drink, Thimble?”
“Anything that will get me away from Faith’s glare.”
Ransom chuckles as he places a hand on your lower back and guides you to the bar. You take a seat at one of the stools just as the yacht begins to move.
“Sex on the beach?” Ransom asks you with a sly smirk.
“Perv. You know I don’t like to drink.”
“Ok, how about a watered down version. I promise to keep an eye on you.”
“That doesn’t sound like a good idea, I know you like to drink.”
“Actually, I’ve cut back on my drinking. Please have a drink and have a good time. I promise I’ll have your back.”
“Since when did you cut back?”
“Honestly, since Annie told us what happened to her husband.” Ransom looks away from you for a moment. “You know Theodore called me that night.”
“Really? What did you talk about?”
“I will tell you after I order you a drink. Let me get a woo woo for the lady. Don’t make it too woo-y.” Ransom tells the bartender who immediately gets to work.
“A woo woo?”
“Yup, nice and sweet with a little bit of tartness. Just like you.”
“You need to work on your flirting.”
“Oh baby, I’m just warming you up.”
The bartender sets a very pretty pink cocktail in front of you. You give the bartender a quick ‘thanks’ and take a sip.
“Ok, this is really good.”
“You’re welcome. Now let’s go start this party.” Ransom takes your hand and leads you towards the rest of the group.
There’s good music, good food and best of all good company. Initially you sit with Faith and the bridesmaids but somehow you always end up side by side with Ransom. You could be on opposite sides of the yacht but somehow you’d always end up together. Even when the yacht stopped in a perfect spot and everyone shed their extra layers of clothing and jumped into the ocean.
It was the most fun you’d had in a while. For the first time in a long time you could stop thinking about your responsibilities and just enjoy yourself. It helped that there was eye candy all around, especially Ransom. He had definitely bulked up.
“You’re drooling.” Fai leans in and says.
You were perched up on the swim platform watching as the others goofed around in the water. No matter how much you tried, your eyes kept coming back to Ransom.
“Am not.”
“Please, you’d give him another set of twins if he asked you to.”
“Can you stop?” You said with a laugh. “No one is getting anyone pregnant.”
“Just laid. I plan to get you laid before this weekend is over.”
You roll your eyes before standing back up and jumping back in the water.
As the sun began to set dinner had been served. Everyone sat around a long table. Ransom was of course by your side. His arm resting on the back of your chair as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Maybe it was, it felt like it was. But your mind tends to romanticize things that are out of the norm in your life. Rarely did you take a vacation but now here you are in a romantic setting with the man you once loved, and still did, sitting beside you. And in the blink of an eye the two of you fall into an old routine. You can’t help but be around each other, the pull is too great. It’s safe and comfortable.
After dinner everyone breaks off into little groups. You move away from the noise and sit in a lounge area toward the back. It gives you a great view of the last rays of the sun. The orange and pinks giving way to the inky black of night. It doesn’t take long for you to have company. You don’t even have to turn around to know it’s Ransom. He places an arm on the back of your seat and nudges you so that you rest your weight against him. You stay cuddled up and appreciating his warmth until the yacht is docked. Neither of you said a word, you just appreciated each other’s company.
Wordlessly you follow each other out of the docks and back to the hotel. Faith throws you two thumbs up as she watches you get into the elevator with Ransom.
“I’m glad you’re here.” You tell him.
“Yeah? Why is that?”
“Because I won’t have to navigate this whole thing alone.”
“Woah thimble,” Ransom holds up a hand. “What makes you think I want you to cramp my style?”
“Cramp your style? The fact that you said that lets me know you have none.”
He chuckles. “Well if this party is as wild as that post prom party was back in sophomore year we’re going to have a great time.”
You scoff, remembering that party perfectly. That night was the second time you had slept together.
“You mean the night you got me pregnant?”
“That was the night wasn’t it?”
“Yup.” You say as you walk out of the elevator and towards your suite.
“Told you, wild party.”
You open the door and turn to look up at Ransom. He looks so good with his sun kissed skin, silky hair that you wanted to push away from his face and his smile. It wasn’t that cocky smile he presented to the world, no it was his real smile and it made him look younger. It was reserved for you.
“I’m glad you’re here too.” He leans down and places a kiss on the corner of your mouth. “See you tomorrow thimble.”
He leaves you at a loss for words and your heart practically beating out of your chest. But then again he could always make your heart do that. Slowly you close the door to your suite and rest against it. There’s one thing you know for sure.
Things are going to get a lot more interesting this weekend.
Ch 5
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monkeytrick · 8 months
This is my weekend as a 28-year-old living in Chicago. Started my day off with a Guru and making my bed. It was mental health awareness day at my company, so I got brunch with my friend Lizzy and had a few drinks. Then I met up with Evelyn and we kayaked to the Chicago river. It was actually pretty dope. Priscilla had never been to the field museum, so we had to check it out. Then we headed to El Paraiso for some drinks and vibes. The tacos were scrumptious. We also got a margarita tower? So… yeah. After that I had to take my forerunner to the shop to get a new transmission, then I then I came home and just chilled a little, before going to see Bill Maher at the Chicago Theatre. He absolutely crushed it. After the show, I met up with Lindsey Jacobellis and her sister, Malmo, for tequila shots, and yet another marg tower. It was so much fun. Then we went to Rind for their stuffed pineapple which was absolutely to die for. And their snow crab is pretty good too. Here’s a brow brow in Tomlin Square, with Jake, Ben, and Jordan - my friends are the craziest. More drinks, then we went to Rose Mary for small bites, and somehow we ended up going to Medieval Times. I don’t know, the rest of the night was kind of a blur. Woke up Saturday and took Lunch for a waltz, we found a cicada skin and I tried to get him to eat it, but he didn’t. Another Guru, then a much needed pork chop from the Golden Nugget. Rosie invited me to The Museum of Ice Cream, which was actually pretty dope. She’s so precious. Then we got hungry, so I made pesto aioli to put on some Italian hoagies. After a couple rounds of Zathuro, we went to the world’s largest Starbucks, then met up with McKenzie and Marvin at The Museum of Ice Cream, which was actually pretty dope. Got a marg tower, then I had a dessert date with Kara at The Museum of Ice Cream, and then we got hungry so we grabbed a bite at Wendell’s. Me and Gira had reservations at HideSeek for their alpana, and then got lomo at Tanta, which I highly recommend. I was pretty wiped, so then I just chilled for a few. Met up with my girlfriend Darla at Legoland, then caught a rooftop movie with our friend, K.P., and stopped at Target on the way to Bobobo for drinks, then stopped at Target before going to Cafe Menu at the east loop for Georgina’s 45th. I got the #6, which includes pizza, salad, stir fry, and pasta. Which I highly recommend. Tyler had an acoustic set at the plunge hole, so I stopped by that, and then went to Ben’s performance at a docuragan restaurant. Then it was time for dinner at D’Angelo’s, where you have to get the cheeseburger egg rolls tacos and tacos. I got a spare of marg towers, then I totaled one in linkin park and had a beautiful drive home. I spent the night teaching guitar online and watched Trumblo for like the billionth time. Woke up on Sunday and hit T.J.’s in Phillis with Alice and Peckler, my wife and husband thought it would be a good day for a hike, so we… did that. After that, I ranked every girl I know on a scale of 1-10, then wrote apology letters to the sub-4s. Yet another marg tower. Went on a hike with Erin, then Friendsgiving at Lina’s condo. And we played some VR and made hot dogs and saw a comedy show and saw a comedy show and made some aioli. So I guess that was my weekend
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didee-anne · 13 days
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The trip so far has been amazing! A couple little hiccups but nothing worth stressing over. We reserved a specific car and one wasn’t available when we got to the rental place but we ended up settling on a Challenger which is a pretty awesome car; and the second snafu was it got a flat tire after arriving to the restaurant for the reception. Ror changed it out for the spare between dinner and dessert but that was still frustrating. Anyways, after we got our car Friday night we grabbed dinner and it was 👌🏻 We shared a sampler appetizer and then split a burger and fries.
Saturday morning I met one of my oldest internet friends for brunch at Rudy’s Can’t Fail! We’ve had a chance to hang out multiples times over the years and it’s always so good to see her! After brunch we came back to the airbnb that we’re sharing with the bride and groom and got ready for the reception. The view at the reception was gorgeous and the food was amazing! They had a Photo Booth set up and that was a lot of fun! There was a little girl at my table that I made friends with and she wanted pics together and that made me so happy. The party favors were these little bottles of sour rainbows or trail mix
Today Ror and I slept in and then went to the gym and worked chest and shoulders. It was MUCH less intimidating going to a new gym with someone else there with me! After the gym we stopped at Safeway for lunch and then the beach and walked for a couple minutes. I love the ocean; it’s soothing to my soul. On our way back to the airbnb we saw a road stand selling cherries so we stopped and bought a couple pounds. And lastly the flower is Bird of Paradise and there’s a bunch growing around where we’re staying!
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itsthebpdformee · 1 year
Today I felt nothing but engulfing waves of sadness.
It's my birthday. A day I usually love, a day dedicated to yours truly, full of love and appreciation and a consistent splattering of validation.
I don't know why today felt so different at 28. The last 2 weeks probably didn't help, usually I would plan a party, fill my calendar with brunches, friend dates and family get togethers. This year I didn't, because some weeks ago I fell into a depression spiral & didn't feel like making any plans. I didn't feel like partying or seeing people so I kept it basic. Now my birthday has arrived I do feel pangs of regret about that, but overall I just feel an empty sadness.
Saturday - the first time I have properly seen my dad since the breakup, that wasn't him crying telling me how suicidal he felt and how much he had messed up. Agreeing to meet him was so difficult but something I felt I had to do and get out of the way. It was torturous, although I told people after it was ok. Lily's, chocolates, fudge - my favourites. Trying to buy my love aka the only way he's ever known how.
Saturday evening was nice I can't deny that, Thai with a wonderful friend & her husband & my other half. We laughed, we drank, I felt normality.
Sunday came, my other half of course wrote a lovely card & got me an amazing gift which of course was lovely & I know I should feel so loved but I just felt somewhat deflated. Missing cards from people, no cards or gifts from friends, which sounds incredibly bitter & shitty of me, but I go out of my way to make thoughtful loving gifts for my nearests and dearests and to open nothing felt like all my friends' clearly hate me. For the first time ever my brother hadn't even bothered to get me a card, instead it was from my mum, with a card she had dug out from a forgotten pile in the last second. He hasn't spoken to me all day other than a insta collage he nonchalantly posted at 5:50pm. My nan was too poorly to join for a birthday dinner. Everything felt incomplete. Our reservation took over 45 minutes before we were seated, we waited a total of 3 hours start to finish. My mum and grandpa left midway. I smiled & tried to make conversation throughout but eyes glaring at me could see through the front I was clearly putting on.
I have to go back work tomorrow after two weeks off from stress and the dread is insurmountable.
I know this is the wingiest post I've ever written, I sound so ungrateful but I just can't shake the feeling of being incredibly unloved on a day I usually feel full of love.
Oh and I watched Attack on Titan and the death made me sob. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day day...
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spiritofwhitefire · 1 year
“We called them the Nine-to-Fivers. They lived in accordance with nature, waking and sleeping with the cycle of the sun. Mealtimes, business hours, the world conformed to their schedule. The best markets, the A-list concerts, the street fairs, the banner festivities were on Saturdays and Sundays. They sold out movies, art openings, ceramics classes. They had evenings to waste. The watched the Super Bowl, they watched the Oscars, they made reservations for dinner because they ate dinner at a normal time. They brunched, ruthlessly, and read the Sunday Times on Sundays. They moved in crowds that reinforced their citizenship: crowded museums, crowded subways, crowded bars, the city teeming with extras for the movie they starred in.
They were dining, shopping, consuming, unwinding, expanding while we were working, diminishing, being absorbed into their scenery. That is why we -- the Industry People -- got so greedy when the Nine-to-Fivers went to bed.”
-Stephanie Danler, Sweetbitter
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lifewithoutmeds · 2 months
Tuesday, March 26
Tuesday. work from home day, and the first working day since yesterday was a holiday.
recap: monday, march 18th: nothing calendared. probably just wfh and the usual chores. tuesday, march 19th: in office day, and i met up with stephen t during lunch break and we had hainan chicken in his office and chatted and affirmed how much we appreciated and enjoyed each other's company and conversations. we had an in-person training day at the office learning how to fill out this quarterly form and i knew all of the answers and would raise my hand and eagerly answer the questions. afterward, the three koreans in the office waved me over and told me about a happy hour next wednesday as a colleague was retiring. i was surprised because i hadn't yet been invited out to a happy hour and i really hadn't seen myself making friends in this office. i was flattered, naturally. after work i went to BJ's for a few beers and met a queer lady at the bar and we had a really nice chat and exchanged ig handles and have been keeping up a bit. no attraction on my part but we had a lot in common so that was fun. wednesday, march 20th: mm, nothing calendared. thursday, march 21st: coworking day with danielle. we took a long walk with snicks at lunch and another one after work, instead of the typical happy hour. we walked over to get a healthy wrap from hummus republic, and then watched an episode of Love Is Blind and kind of realized that we could have fun without drinking and be healthy as well. it was still a bit tempting to go out and drink, but that was nice also. friday, march 22nd: worked from home, and about noon a guy came over to inspect my windows and we identified three that needed a tuneup. after work i joined a new abbey hiking group at griffith park, and i almost threw up as the elevation and pace were a bit much for me, but had a really nice hour and a half chat with one of the hiking leaders. saturday, march 23: slept almost the entire day, and then lana came over at about 6pm and we drove downtown to watch fortune feimster at the United Theater (formerly known as the Ace Hotel). we had pretty good seats, tig notaro made a surprise guest appearance to introduce fortune, and later on we realized that she and her wife were sitting directly in front of us so after the show we said how we were fans. afterward we walked to senoratown and lana treated to a delicious burrito. it was a really nice time. we get along really well, understand each other really well, and also have a very complementary sense of humor. however the burrito gave me a bit of a stomachache so i didn't sleep well. sunday, march 24: slept all day. about 12 hours. didn't go to church. just slept. monday, march 25: this is a newer county holiday, cesar chavez day. i finally got up, met up matt klapp for brunch in pasadena, and then we walked about one and a half hours on the trail behind JPL, talking the whole time, about life, about relationships, about xio, about how to get better. it was a really good time. i came home, did some chores, then hung out with my mom for an hour and ate some of the costco pizza she had purchased earlier that day. afterword i met up with lorena a bit spontaneously at BJ's and we had a couple beers and for some reason i had gotten randomly very sad and wept, per usual.
tuesday, today! worked pretty productively from home. did two loads of laundry. took a longish lunch hour walk, took a shower, read about 25 pages of my book while sitting out in the partial sun by the pool, reserved my Puebla hotel on the phone, and had planned to go walking with tracy after work, but she asked to postpone since a therapy session had to be rescheduled. although i was a bit disappointed to not be able to meet up as she's great company and i was looking forward to a long walk, this week has gotten increasingly busy, so i don't mind the break from activity.
the week ahead: wednesday: in office day, and happy hour afterward at highland park brewery near chinatown. will try not to get manically drunk and leave by 7:30pm. 8 tops. thursday: work from home, and then chrissy d will be coming over so we can go to the wiltern to see Sleater-Kinney, one of her favorite bands from high school. i think she mentioned she'd get dinner before, as i'd quit work at 5 and we'd probably need to leave around 6 or 6:30 to get to the wiltern and find parking timely. friday: RDO, but a 10:30 a.m. brunch with matt and patti, facetime with kelda at 2pm, and dinner with jeanine randomly at 6pm. saturday: just VBAS volunteering from 2-4pm. sunday: church, and lorena has said she'd come.
so yhea, lots to do. literally something every day or night.
i'm happy to note that this last week has been so much better than two weeks ago. it's a bit unsettling, how much my emotions have settled down. the intensity, the pain, the horror, the screaming in my soul have abated, and i just have a sort of sweet heavy sadness. the burden is not too great. i'm a bit lower energy than usual, but i'm not shrieking in pain. i had a really nice time with matt and i hope i was a help to him. i want to make it a point to go out walking with him every few weeks. although i can't quite relate to the depths of grief and sorrow that he is experiencing, i think i get it more than others, as my daily existence is typically plagued by that.
i'm thinking again about our incompatibilities. i was messaging with jingmai and she was saying how she does the little things like drink out of a klean kanteen and other small acts of consideration to people and the environment. i remembered that i drank almost exclusively out of my nalgene for water, and out of my little yeti thermos for coffee, and my reusable utensils at work. i make it a point to recycle. i bundle up or use a small space heater if i'm cold even though i can turn the heat up as much as i want without having to pay any extra for it. it's kind of interesting how i don't think people have much of an effect on big things, global things, like climate change, or capitalism/consumerism, or racism, or poverty, etc., so i don't think it's a worthy investment of resources to even try. but then again, why then do i use my nalgene? why do i reuse deli cups? i must in some way think that i'm capable of helping out, of making a dent, of trying to make the world even a slightly better place to live. i'm not sure what to do with that information though. if i think my small actions can make a difference, should i also throw myself into systemic change and wide-ranging policies? how can i actively not think it's helpful but also automatically act in ways which i think are helpful? there's some incongruity there that i should take some time to think about.
this week has felt better. i'm watching less youtube, and it has less of a pull on me. granted i think on saturday i had 14 hours of screen time, which is odd, considering i also logged 12 hours of sleep. i somehow wasted more than 24 hours in a given 24 hour period. hm.
small successes today: took a few walks got some sun while reading my book made my puebla hotel reservation counted my calories, and even though i'm not quite in a deficit, also won't just completely sabotage myself by running to ralphs to get a pint of ben and jerry's.
i feel grateful to have friends.
friends i am so grateful for: lana grace yoon grace kim amy lee tracy danielle caroline patti lorena amy caves jingmai
matt t matt k steven t amir t raymond m that's a nice amount. also in terms of gratitude: 15 years in the County (10 away from health insurance for life) condo $1300 mortgage payments 2.625% interest rate subaru my coffee set up mom, alive, and living close by working on the health. lots of walking in the last couple days, and i've eaten an apple (but also four slices of costco cheese pizza) more consistent reading, and less screen time also this week has an insane number of social activities i also signed up for my next few sessions of VBAS volunteering to make my 8 hours/month
i remember thinking about how my last two years have been. 2022 was mostly sleeping, crying, raging, and numbing myself. it was buying a bunch of gummies, it was playing 30 hours of oregon trail on my phone a week. it was new horror after new horror as i saw myself being scrubbed from jadai's ig, of watching her stuff slowly get moved out. it was also the year of my obsession with lorena, messaging her, visiting her, flying her out, spending so much time and energy in keeping her engaged, in treating her to the finest foods and experiences in LA. taking her camping, taking her fishing, all while she was falling for reyna, and eventually partnering up with her, and the agony i felt as i facilitated it like the simp/cuck that i am. 2023 was the year i tried really hard to get myself out. i made a bunch of resolutions, i started reading a bunch of books, i started an llc for my kimchi pancake business that never really got off the ground, i fostered kiwi and signed up to become a volunteer at the burbank animal shelter. i made friends with LD and tracy via bumble bff. i camped in bishop with LD and her partner. but then in may the mental health crisis hit and i could do nothing but sob for months. the week i felt my new meds start leveling me out, i learned about jadai's engagement and lost it all over again. but there was something a tiny tiny bit different. i reached out like crazy. i visited nida. i constantly called and texted my friends. i made plans. i coworked with amir once, and made monthly plans to cowork with danielle. i bought a bunch of books about grief and lost relationships. i reached out to kelda and made my therapy sessions more frequent. in a sense, i was the saddest i'd ever been, but there was also this weird sense of .... desperate attempts to dig myself out. granted there were so many triggers: my birthday, her birthday, christmas, new year's, etc.
2024 was off to a good start. i hung out with my mom and cindy eemo a lot. i went camping at joshua tree with my new lesbian asian friends. i followed through with the volunteering stuff (interview, livescan, etc.) i started to read again and made resolutions. i scheduled in live shows to fortune feimster and alanis morissette. i started listening to alanis, jason mraz, and pearl jam again. i watched more of The Office and less of police body cam videos. but then, the text from jadai came, and then the insane, sick coincidence of bumping into her on the street. on our anniversary. and the week and a half of mental breakdown that precipitated.
i know that it won't be smooth sailing, that it won't be that once i push through one crisis or hardship, that i'll be one and done. i am feeling some new insights occasionally, and sometimes my sighs are not so deep and heavy.
things to keep working on/at: maintaining friendships working out and eating healthily reading and writing volunteering at the shelter dressing and feeling better about myself making some home improvement repairs
i just need to keep plugging away and not feeling and acting only in extremes. i also want to spend more time with people who bring out the best in me like lana, tracy, and patti, and less time with those who drain me, as selfish as that may sound.
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thegaytraveler · 1 year
AspenOUT and W Aspen partner for inaugural launch of Aspen Pride
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W Aspen
Longtime Aspen nonprofit LGBTQ+ advocacy and support organization, AspenOUT and W Aspen have partnered to launch Aspen Pride this June for the first year in the city’s history.
“For 27 years, AspenOUT has been a part of the Aspen Community and is synonymous for hosting Aspen Gay Ski Week,” said Chris Jaycock, General Manager, W Aspen. “Based on demand, W Aspen and AspenOUT partnered to create Aspen’s inaugural Pride event. We have a longstanding commitment to the LGBTQ+ community. Ensuring that we are creating a safe and welcoming environment where all feel valued and accepted is at the heart of everything we do at the W, and we couldn’t be more excited to be the host hotel for Aspen Pride.” 
W Aspen will kick off Aspen Pride with a month-long series of activities, including Pride Opening Weekend:
Beginning on Friday, June 2, guests and locals are invited to start Aspen Pride with a splash on W Aspen’s WETdeck, surrounded by beats from an incredible lineup of LGBTQ+ DJs. The Pale Rosé by Sacha Lichine will also be activating a limited-edition Pale Pong table for guests to try their hand at the elevated party game for the month of June, available exclusively on WETdeck.
Festivities continue with a foray into Aspen’s spectacular mountain landscape to enjoy a serene yoga class on Saturday, June 3, led by a special guest and yoga guru, all capped off with a champagne toast. A prominent tastemaker and spirits writer will also be on-property hosting Mixology 101 and sharing his masterful cocktails with guests. The day’s events will culminate with Pride Ball Extravaganza, featuring stellar DJs and special performances throughout the hotel.
Guests are also invited to enjoy a jam-packed Comedy Brunch Sunday, June 4, featuring unforgettable comics, glam stations, and costume closets. All ticket proceeds from Pride Opening Weekend will be donated directly to AspenOut.  
In addition, throughout the month of June, W Aspen will offer new programming and incentives to support the LGBTQ+ and greater Aspen community. Every Thursday in June, proceeds from cocktail purchases will be donated to AspenOut. There will also be mixology classes by legendary bartenders and pop-ups by renowned cocktail bars as well as wellness events such as morning yoga sessions, stretching and meditation classes, sound baths, and other mindfulness programs.  
“It is important to us at W Aspen, to work with partners and vendors who share in our values of acceptance and community support,” said Ryan Crist, Director of Marketing and Sales, W Aspen. “The brands W Aspen has partnered with all have made social and financial commitments to organizations supporting the LGBTQ+ community and are integral to our Aspen community, making them valuable partners for this hotel and patrons of our property.” 
Guests and locals are invited to start Aspen Pride with a splash, the evening of Friday, June 2 on W Aspen’s WETdeck, surrounded by beats from an incredible lineup of LGBTQ+ DJs. The Pale Rosé by Sacha Lichine will also be activating a limited-edition Pale Pong table for guests to try their hand at the elevated party game for the month of June, available exclusively on WETdeck. Festivities continue with a foray into Aspen’s spectacular mountain landscape to enjoy a serene yoga class, June 3, led by a special guest and yoga guru, all capped off with a champagne toast. A prominent tastemaker and spirits writer will also be on-property hosting Mixology 101 and sharing his masterful cocktails with guests. The day’s events will culminate with Pride Ball Extravaganza, featuring stellar DJs and special performances throughout the hotel. Guests are invited to enjoy a jam-packed Comedy Brunch Sunday, June 4, featuring unforgettable comics, glam stations, and costume closets. All ticket proceeds from Pride Opening Weekend will be donated directly to AspenOut.  
Special Room reservations, which include all-access passes can be made online, using code LPR when booking. For each room booked using the code, W Aspen will make a donation to AspenOUT. 
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pashterlengkap · 2 years
2022 was making us thankful following election season. Then came Saturday night
No year is perfect, but 2022 was shaping up to be a great sigh of relief following election season. MAGA was reeling. Trump was shrinking. A pandemic was receding. Then came Saturday night. A young man with a gun and a mind poisoned by the ideologies we’d hoped to vanquish at the ballot box came roaring into a bar in Colorado Springs and our social media to remind us that the hate is still real. How can anyone be thankful? It would be easier to curse those who made that terrible night possible. They are easy targets. It would be simpler to lay down our phones and avoid the news. What we don’t know can’t hurt us. It would be humbler to pray for those who lost their lives and the young man who inflicted so much pain. Maybe we should do all of those things. But today, we also have to explain to a tableful of family and friends, and ourselves, what we are thankful for amid this public tragedy and a million other private ones we’ve been spared. It might feel like a cruel exercise and terrible timing, as though we are moving on after the requisite thoughts and prayers, away from the wide shot to our own, more manageable story. But the burden of the big picture is unsustainable. At some point, we must leave those who lost family and friends that terrible night to grieve. When assigned on Saturday morning, this article was supposed to list 22 things to be thankful for in 2022. “Seems a lot LOL” my editor slacked at me with the assignment, but now it feels like not nearly enough. Some on the list were related to politics, like winning and losing candidates. Others were heroes who’d made a difference in the arena. The World Cup, brunch and Nancy Pelosi all made an appearance. But now, just the last few feel appropriate to the moment. A free press We take it for granted in the United States, but the First Amendment protections of freedom of speech and freedom of the press separate democracy from the black night of authoritarian governments. Should we lose the ability to write and speak freely, democracy will have vanished with it. Co-workers The people we work with — in person or remotely — are a chosen family, and if we’re lucky, together, we’re making something worthwhile that we’re proud of. Families feud and members fall short, but they also raise one another’s game. We can all respect and be thankful for the best of our co-workers’ contributions. Our readers Across the page from a free press is the audience we’re writing for. By sharing accurate, timely, and thoughtful information with our readers, we help inform the vox populi. We’re thankful our readers trust us enough to click through, making LGBTQ Nation the most followed source of LGBTQ news. Family Family and Thanksgiving come in all shapes and sizes, from dozens around a dining table to what a queen makes for dinner: reservations. Whoever your chosen family is this Thanksgiving holiday, hold them close, share the love, and be ever so thankful you have them. http://dlvr.it/SdK6l5
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dinneratsheilas · 2 years
Brunch on the Deck with my sister!!! (finally)
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My sister, who lives in Pennsylvania, finally made it to SLO a couple of weeks ago!  She has visited many times since we have moved here going on 10 years ago.  But...
the week the Pandemic began, almost 3 years ago, when she was due to fly out for a visit, she was forced to cancel her flight.  Little did we know it would take this long til she could safely fly out to visit.
During that time she had made reservations a number of times to come, and each time there was another surge in Covid, forcing her to cancel those flights.
During the Pandemic we became grandparents (for the first time) to our adorable grandsons, who are now 2 years old, and 7 months old, and we now have a granddaughter who is approaching 2 months old!!!
So my sister’s visit was not only to see my husband, myself, and our sons and daughters-in-law, it was also to meet her great-nephews and her great-niece!  And it finally happened!!!
Through these past few years these three sweet grandchildren have become a bright spot through what was a challenging time for us and all my siblings, living on the east coast and the mid-west.
Through many photos, face-times, and family zoom sessions they have been able to share in the joy of the births and growth of their nephews and niece. And my husband and I have been able to share in the joy and enthusiasm they experienced.
My sister arrived on a Saturday, and on Sunday morning we were able to have our brunch on the deck with her which was long overdue.
When I was looking for a tablecloth I pulled out this one above.  There’s a story behind that cloth...
Many, many years ago my grandparents would get in their Cadillac and squeeze in my grandfather’s siblings and drive, (yes, drive) from Pennsylvania to California! 
My grandmother would always return with a gift from their trip, and among them, sometimes a tablecloth, the one you see above.
When I placed it on the table I was stunned to see San Luis Obispo on the map front and center! 
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I never would have imagined so many years ago when we received the gift of this cloth we would be living right smack in the middle of it!
And so happy I happened to pull it out after so many years of forgetting I even had it.  Especially since my sister and I could share the memories  it holds over brunch on the deck!
(Brunch menu...Bagels, smoked salmon rounds (dill, pepper, and plain),  veggie platter, olives, sliced heirloom tomatoes, fruit plates of fresh pineapple, persimmons, peaches, and blueberries, strawberries and oranges, homemade pumpkin bread and rugelach, and assorted pastries from Scout Coffee Shop.)
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blumains · 2 years
Samba restaurant
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#Samba restaurant full#
Samba Grill can be found on the following ships:Ĭheck out photos of Samba Grill on Allure of the Seas. The cover charge for Samba Grill is $30 per person for all-you-can-eat appetizers, salad and meat. A classic lunch staple made with lettuce, green asparagus, sunflower seeds, crispy beets, and herb-marinated chicken breast. Note: This is a sample menu it's subject to change by ship and itinerary. Menu for Samba Brazilian Grill provided by. Four of our delicious desserts made for sharing. Don't be surprised if you don't have room for dessert, but it is offered.Ī light system tells the waiters when you'd like more (green) or when you've had enough (red). Traditional Brazilian custard with mango coulis and toasted coconut tuille. Our menu included five different types of beef (including ribs), chicken wrapped in bacon, lamb chops, cheese and herb-crusted pork loin and cured pork sausage. All you can eat, dancers you must see on Friday and Saturday night. It is also open for breakfast some of the time. See 7 photos and 10 tips from 204 visitors to Samba Brazilian Steakhouse. Of course you can get any of your favorite tropical cocktails. It is in the center of action and has fun, reasonably priced food. Samba Kitchen brazil brazilian restaurante brasileiro Nova York steakhouse caipirinha brunch. It is a good place for lunch by the pool. Gauchos (waiters) wander from table to table, offering as much meat as you can handle, all cut tableside. The most convenient restaurant for Grand Mayan guests, the Samba is by the pool. Samba Grill, open for dinner only, features a buffet of appetizers and salads, but be careful not to fill up on those. The vibe is cooler, despite the humidity, and more casual thanks to white tables (sans tablecloths) and faux wicker chairs. Meanwhile, on Allure of the Seas, the venue takes over the adults-only Solarium area at night, meaning that food is served poolside - and often in uncomfortable humidity. Tablecloths give the space a slightly fancy air. Squiggly designs on the walls look a bit like bacon. Find details for SAMBA RESTAURANT in Redondo Beach, CA, including venue info and seating charts. On Radiance of the Seas, for example, tables and booths abound in shades of red, maroon and gold. SAMBA RESTAURANT tickets and upcoming 2022 event schedule.
#Samba restaurant full#
Rodizo Option Price Description : Full Rodizio: 46.95: Full rodizio service with fresh-grilled meats carved table-side by our Gauchos plus our first-course salad bar with a bounty of freshly prepared salads, gourmet cheeses, and other delectable sides. Learn about SAMBAZONs mission at our story wall, watch how we. Samba Brazilian Grill is inspired by this tradition. The look and feel of this eatery changes from ship to ship. SAMBAZON Aa Bowls will take you on a trip to Brazil and through the Aa berrys journey. It does exist - in the form of Samba Grill, Royal Caribbean's Brazilian steakhouse. Make a reservation for Sushisamba London online or call the restaurant to check availability.Imagine a cruise ship restaurant where waiters serve all the meat you can eat, along with delicious appetizers and desserts. Thank you for dining with us Tax & gratuity are not included. Food Bank will generate 15 meals from this donation. How can I book a table at Sushisamba London? Enjoy unlimited food and drink at three restaurants and three bars, and a variety of non-motorized water sports. Sambuca will donate 5 to the Houston Food Bank from each 55 HRW 3-course dinner sold. Sushisamba London is open from 12pm to midnight Sunday to Wednesday, and from 12pm to 2am Thursday to Saturday. What are Sushisamba London’s opening hours? Its small plates are ideal for sharing, with vegan and gluten-conscious options also available, while the panoramic views across London are simply stunning. It is in the center of action and has fun, reasonably priced food. Samba is the best restaurant in Minnesota hands down wife and I both definitely recommend Samba Taste of Brazil, wonderful food,staff and location. This lively restaurant and cocktail bar serves a colourful blend of inventive Japanese-Brazilian-Peruvian-fusion dishes packed with flavour, including Brazilian churrasco, Peruvian anticuchos and Japanese tempura and of course sushi. The most convenient restaurant for Grand Mayan guests, the Samba is by the pool. Sushisamba London is located on the 38th floor of the Salesforce Tower (formerly Heron Tower) at 110 Bishopsgate in the City – only a few minutes’ walk from Liverpool Street Tube Station. Where is Sushisamba London and how do I get there? Discover colourful Japanese-Brazilian-Peruvian-fusion fare at Sushisamba London Heron Tower, the original Sushisamba London restaurant – its sister outpost is Sushisamba Covent Garden. Panchvati Restuarant Sunny Mess Dream Land Eat Point Hungry Hoops Jasrotias Jagdish Hotel and Restaurant Sharma Bakery Narsingh Store Ishant Hotel &.
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manikrege · 2 years
Your late 20s might be a lonely time. Are you ready?
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Do you remember breaking up with a bestie in school? The first time you had a fight that grew beyond a small quarrel or misunderstanding?
It was probably something silly, wasn't it?
Growing up, I always dreaded that kind of abrupt ending ... until I experienced something much more sobering.
Many times, the start of adult life will randomly fade out bonds that you thought were strong enough to stick together for life.
I say "randomly" because I have pals I connect with twice a year but I never find it difficult to catch up with them. It's as if we Zoom everyday. The conversation flows effortlessly & one of us has to remind the other to go to sleep.
But a few of my friends have been moving inches away every day, and now they're just out of range. Funny how they're technically just a text away but I'm finding it too heavy to start a new chat or reply to their DMs.
Mind you there is no "negative" reason in particular for this. Maybe in the hasty run to make it into the next stage of our careers, we had to choose different paths & adopt different mindsets. Or maybe we just missed a couple birthday wishes so it's too awkward to care again.
It's like I'm holding a 120kg barbell without gloves and I can feel the grip slipping as it rolls & heats up under my palms.
Friendships that die slow deaths leave harsh bruise when you're finally past them.
Because they ruin playlists, singers, songs, and entire genres too. All the special things they introduced you to.
Oh yes, it was the recent Friendship Day celebration that made me think of all this. While I did send & receive grateful wishes, it did hurt not being able to forward those messages to certain someones.
What took that thought forward was the cascade of more than two dozen confessions on Reddit by 25-30 year old boys talking about their loneliness.
The guys said that they're finding it hard to socialize & find their tribes, have never went out on dates, and envy the colleagues or peers who are supposedly settled into tight circles. They marvel at how so many people are getting married all of a sudden!
So I thought someone should address these stories. I've lived them too.
Yes, your 20s is a time when you start earning so the ideal goal is to have people with whom you can plan treks, go out for brunches, and chase those road trips goals you've been dreaming of since college.
But see that's the happy part everyone puts up on their Stories.
There will also come long dry periods after you graduate when the batch mates you promised to meet every year ... become stuck in an exhausting cycle of grinding too hard & then being too burnt to lift a finger.
You will go through this too.
I haven't yet used the word "busy" because one of the realities you'll learn to accept is that people can be 100% free & available & still not want to dedicate that time to you because God knows that one Saturday evening is the only time they get to breathe & watch a good show at length (Sunday is reserved for errands & classes).
Again this completely fine & understandable, in my opinion. Because I do it, too.
Understand that people do care but most often they just don't have the energy or the same priorities to reciprocate your efforts & love with the same intensity you would ideally expect from them. Also people express their love in different ways that might not fit your definition of what it means to care.
Bluntly put, it would hurt less if you tried learning to love & give without hoping for an ROI.
Your friends are just too caught up.
I don't know how to explain it but now I sorta need everything in my Google Calendar LMAO or I'll have no energy or interest in the activity.
I had this crazy back-to-back with a friend when we had to keep postponing our mandatory quarterly call for one or the reason. It became so irritating at one point that he sent me an official proposal on email asking for my appointment.
We both cracked up so hard talking about it & agreed how deeply embedded we are into our work lives. Not to mention the hundreds of other unbaked hustles we're trying to set up on the side.
Adult friendships are complicated & nothing like the ones you may have been a part of in school. Because your timetables & priorities were the same back then. Now? Not do much.
Our generation is chasing difficult goals harder than any before ours. Everyone's under pressure to start a blog, launch a Reel page, post LinkedIn Motivations, build their startup, create an NGO, and how could I forget - grow a YouTube channel too now. It's the influencer life or no life.
The problem is that for those of us going at a slower pace or taking detours, this hustle culture can us feel left behind. It can make us question our worth.
As if we're the only lost wanderer without any concrete game plan or a good team to execute it.
But I'm here to remind you (as I always do) that there is a SHITLOAD of time left for you to gather guests for your party.
It might be in your 30s. Or 40s. But you'll find them, I promise.
I guarantee you'll eventually find your zones. One tip to fasten that process would be that rather than randomly seeking out company, join hobby or activity classes. Even a sports or gym class if you can. Go where communities already exist. Because shared interests make it easy to bond.
There you'll meet quality people who speak to your heart and listen to its beats.
Who understand your rhythm & know how to vibe with it at a cozy distance. A distance that brings you warm soup like feelings of safety but also respects your personal space.
You'll meet folks you can cook brunch with on a Sunday morning. Folks who you can enjoy silence or simple things with.
Butttt.... And it's a big but.
Until that happens, you should start getting comfy with the person you're going to spend the biggest chunk of your life with - yourself.
When you start thinking of it less as loneliness & more as freedom, it'll almost get addictive.
I go for movies I WANT to watch. Head out to restaurants I WANT to eat at. Travel in the style I WANT with my kind of itinerary (or none). And I do get a lot of stares or looks of pity from all the people who've come there in groups or as couples.
I wish I could stand up & express how content I am to dine in alone or sit in theaters all by myself. Soaking in the ambience, one breath at a time.
This is not to prove myself. But so that when they find themselves without a group, they don't feel sad or awkward about it.
Yes sharing slices is always fun but that's its own kind of joy, and so is getting to finish an entire pizza a la solo.
Does that mean I don't crave companions or groups? That I never feel the need for having a girlfriend by my side?
Absolutely I do & I won't deny it.
But over the years, I've learnt to stop letting these be items that I need to cross out ASAP.
I know they'll happen at the right time & place. Or they won't and I'll still have lived a meaningful life.
But until that conclusion unravels, I'm growing fonder of my own company.
Strutting alone through Mumbai's soaked streets this windy rainy season, I'm moving as per my own breeze in no set direction.
And it has led to sketching out many good plans that were previously dependent on having co-passengers. Plans I'm actually looking forward to. Plans that won't be cancelled at the last minute because it'll just be me.
More than enough.
You're not "empty" waiting to be filled fully. You're not unlucky. Nor miserable. You have everything you need to discover & enjoy the planet.
And like so many others who've felt the same, your late 20s might as well feel like a lonely time. But it won't be that bad once you start befriending yourself first.
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easykorean · 4 years
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Easy to Learn Korean 1704 - Brunch. Please Visit our site for higher quality images.
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gurugirl · 2 years
The Tiffany Club Part 3
Summary: Camille is a sex club worker living in NYC. She meets Harry, a private equity CEO millionaire one day and they realize they like each other. A lot. But will Harry be willing to overlook Camille’s career choice?
AN/Warning:I will have a * by the parts when smut is included. This warning list is comprehensive for all parts, not all contain smut or listed warnings. NSFW, smut, oral (male and female), 18+ only (as always), angst, dom & sub themes, sex work, light alcohol use, mentions of disordered eating and food restrictions
Pairing: Sex club worker Camille x Harry Styles
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Part 2 here
Part 3 – Camille
When we get to the booth Harry’s occupying I notice another man is already there. I’ve seen this guy before. I think his name is Richard. I’ve never danced for him or anything before, though. Harry slides in and I scoot in at the end next to Harry. The other man’s eyes go wide for a second and he leans over Harry to extend his hand for me to greet him.
“I’m Richard. Nice to meet you.” I nod and smile, “Angel. Nice to meet you, Richard.”
We get comfortable in our seats as the next routine begins and it’s always so exciting watching the burlesque dancers do their thing. They’re amazing and train hard for the job. We do the burlesque show Fridays and Saturdays here. The other nights are full of entertainment too but each night has different themes. And once a month on Sundays we do a Burlesque Brunch. The club doesn’t serve food (well, not really, there is a kitchen and we can accommodate those willing to pay) so it’s always a special production on those Sundays. Tiffany’s also does not open to the public until 8 PM typically. Reservations are made far, far in advance for the brunches. Opening at 10:00 AM and serving breakfast comes with a hefty price. Just to get on the list costs $500 and then, once there’s an opening (could be months down the line before there’s an open space) you finally get in and then you’ll pay extra for the food and tips. Not to mention the yearly member’s fee for the place. I don’t even know how much it costs to be a member here. I’ve heard various things from different people. I think it’s income based or donation based. Its not a part of the business I’m privy to. All I know is I get paid well and I’m treated well.
I look down at the table and see the “menu” is open with my face staring up at me. I quickly close it and Harry notices as I do so. I don’t mind the menu with all of our faces on it, not really. It makes it easier for guests to explore if they choose. Sometimes people are shy to order something or ask about something. The menu makes it easy and there’s a better chance of getting a patron for the evening this way (more money). I just don’t love the idea in general. It makes it seem like we’re cattle. But as I’ve mentioned, we don’t do anything we aren’t comfortable with here.
The first time Edmond ordered me when I first began working here we didn’t do much of anything. Mostly we talked. I sat naked with him in one of the private rooms on a plush chair, while he sat at my feet and rubbed them. That was it. I liked it. He tipped me very very well and that was when I realized how this job could change me. And it did. Now, our monthly meetings happen on a Wednesday night usually. He pays me $10k for each session. Before I started having sex with him it was $5k. Then one night, maybe the fourth or fifth time we were together, he got bold as I had him tied to the settee, face down in one of the private rooms. He asked me if we could have sex. Now, at that time, I’d seen him naked plenty and I was always fully nude for him during our sessions anyway. I said no at first, but I wanted to have him show me proof that he was clean. We’d be using condoms no matter what, if I chose to have sex with him, but I needed to see a clean bill of health. I had him send the email from the doctor to the club and then the club sent me the email thread. It came in from a legit doctor (who I looked up) and the attachment contained the results. Edmond also had only ever had sex with his wife, he told me. And I believe him. I’ve gotten to know him very well during my time here. Everything he’s told me checks out.
Then, our very next session I dipped my toes into the forbidden and had sex with a client for money. Does that make me a hooker, a whore, a prostitute? Yes. I suppose it does. But it’s only ever been Edmond. $10k is a lot of fucking money and he’s not that bad. I do most of the work. I usually tie him up or bind him and then ride him. I don’t always get off. I think he’s attractive but it’s a job first and foremost to me so it’s not particularly sexy. I have orgasmed a couple of times, admittedly but only when I’ve sat over his face and made him eat me out. I also don’t get off on dominating. I’m good at it. Good at putting on the show. It brings me lots of tips. Men love being dominated, humiliated, put in their place... Well, the ones that order me do. I have another regular who is a top-notch asshole but he likes being gagged, slapped, bound, and humiliated. That’s all he wants. So I give it to him and he fucking loves it. I’ve made him come without even touching him, I’m that good.
Harry slides his arm on the seat back behind me and leans down to speak to me, “So, tell me a little about yourself. How did you start working here?” He’s not asking me in a way that’s talking down to me. He seems genuinely curious. So I tell him a little about it. Explain to him the tier system. First tier are the burlesque dancers (they do other stuff too, but they get paid top dollar because they put on the big shows that bring in the most money). I tell him my days off are Sundays and Mondays. He finds out what my major was in college and how one day I’ll be able to focus on that once I’ve gotten everything I can out of the club (until they tell me I’m too old to entertain anymore). Harry is listening with keen interest. His face is very close to mine, but far enough that I can see his features. The man could work here for god’s sake, he’s gorgeous. I find out he is the founding partner of a private equity company headquartered in London and he’s opening a NYC office here, which is why he’s in NYC right now, finding an apartment. His plans are to go back and forth, from London to NYC. The man is obviously extremely wealthy. His suit, the shirt he wears underneath (which is not the coffee stained one from this morning), his shoes, the rings on his fingers, and the scent he wears for cologne are indicators. I know when someone has money. Even if they dress down, I can see it and smell it. I’m well trained, comes with the job.
I notice that he’s being very good too. He’s trying to not let his gaze wander but I wouldn’t mind if he did it. I catch him getting glimpses of me here and there, but I can’t blame him. I’m practically wearing nothing. This is a regular getup for me. It’s usually something in a cream or white that’s delicate and skimpy. It also throws the men off who want me for some sort of BDSM play. They are used to seeing women clad in dark leather, but I stick to the white, delicate outfits to go with the name Angel. I could play up the BDSM thing a little more but I do what I want and it works for me. I do have some dark leather things for when I get a customer who requests it. I keep it in my locker and bring it out when necessary but I rarely ever need to. It turns out that some men really like it when they’re getting dominated by an innocent looking young woman in white.
There’s a part of me that hopes Harry wants something else tonight but I think his ego might be a bit too big for something like this. Paying for a woman to dance for him or whatever it is that he’s into. I can tell he’s not into being a submissive, that’s for sure. I have a feeling he could get any woman he wanted at any time. I bet he does too. I notice him licking his lips and watching mine as I speak. He’s into me, but he doesn’t know what to do here, in this setting. It’s too bad that we’re not out at some bar having a casual chat instead. It’s nice getting to know him like this and having someone listen to me talk about the Incan Empire. He seems truly interested but the glaring thing that stops us from taking this any further is that I’m on the job and he’s too full of himself to ask me to a private room. And I get it. I truly do, but it’s a shame. I’m curious about him, to see what he’s like when he’s in that vulnerable situation. His fingers graze over my shoulder sporadically and each time he makes contact with me it sends a shiver down my spine and goosebumps rise up on my skin. My nipples are already poking through my dress but being next to Harry with his soft touches and low, sultry voice in my ear has them nearly slicing through the fabric.
He talks about London and his job a little. It sounds awfully boring but he loves it. He and his partner founded Styles Capital five years ago together. They built it from the ground up, getting money from investors to start their first fund, and then that leads them to where they are now, finishing up their fourth fund and it’s now a very profitable firm. He seems proud of his work. I find out he’s 31 and he learns I’m 26 when he tells me his age.
At some point Richard needs to get out to head to the bathroom so he slides out on the end he’s seated on and Harry stays dangerously close to me, his cologne and presence filling my senses and making me hot.
He leans down to speak to me and I cross my leg to turn further into him to listen, “Are you from New York City originally?” He keeps his face near mine as I look up to his face and answer him, “No, I’m from Ohio. Raised in a good Christian household, then ruined by all the knowledge I learned at university in the big city here.” I laugh and Harry laughs with me. He moves his head to his other side and watches me for a moment, like he’s working up the nerve to ask me something else. When he does finally ask, it’s not at all what I expected, “So, how does Barry like living in the big city? He must get lonely while you’re gone at work.”
Ahhh… he is trying to be clever with that question. He wants to know if I’ve got anyone at home waiting for me, other than Barry. But I take the bait, “Barry loves just being with me. I don’t think he minds the tiny apartment. He gets three good walks a day and I take him on a quick potty break as soon as I get home after work. He’s pretty chill. So, being alone while I’m at work doesn’t seem to bother him much. I keep the television on for him.” I chuckle thinking of him. Barry’s the best.
Harry smiles at this and I see him look away for a moment and then back to me, “So, no boyfriend?” My eyes widen at his sudden forwardness. I knew it. I can’t help but smile and shake my head, feeling my face get hot. Harry has barely done or said anything that could be construed as forward flirting but his presence and the eye contact along with the light touches on my shoulder have me feeling rather turned on.
“No. No boyfriend. Had one in college but then after we broke up and I got this job after graduating it’s just been casual with the men I see. There’s no man that can handle this.” I state in all seriousness. I’ve had a couple of dates with guys while working here but they don’t like that I work at the club so it doesn’t ever get far. And I’m okay with it.
Harry hums and nods, pulling his lips into his mouth and squinting at me before he speaks, “Maybe. Or maybe you have just been seeing the wrong types.” He smirks down at me, a dimple pressing into his cheek and I want to kiss him. I watch his lips and I could just reach forward and kiss him but I don’t. I know what he’s implying and it makes me feel a flutter of nerves. The wrong types. As if he would be the right type? Or maybe I’m thinking too hard about it. Maybe it was just an observation. So, I test the waters to push the conversation a little further.
“Perhaps you’re right. I’ve been told a few times that it was okay, my job, but it never turns out that way. Men think they can deal with it but when it comes down to it, they get too possessive. I’ve yet to meet a single man who can handle it, Harry. I doubt I’ll find anyone who doesn’t care about how I make my money.” I raise my hand up and smooth over his collar, adjusting it so it’s tucked back into his suit jacket neatly. Harry grasps my wrist gently and holds my hand in place over his collar.
“Let me take you out. Tomorrow, on your day off. You can bring Barry too. We can go for a walk through the park and get something to eat. Get to know one another.” He’s telling me, not asking me and my head involuntarily begins to nod an eager yes to him before I’ve even had the chance to think about it.
“Yes. Okay. I’d like that, actually. Um…” I smile nervously as Harry lets go of my wrist and leans to the side and pulls his phone out of his pocket, keeping it under the table so no one sees. Phones are not allowed to be used in the venue for the safety of the workers. He passes it to me, “Put your number in and text yourself.”
I type in my number and send a quick text to my phone simple with Harry Styles. I slide the phone back to him which he promptly puts away. I keep my eyes on him and he watches me in return with a gaze that makes me feel weak and needy for him. It’s been a very long time since I’ve felt like this. Usually men are fumbling their words and act nervous around me. Either that or they’re just shitheads and overcompensate so they don’t appear nervous. I’m not used to men like Harry with confidence and swagger. He’s so sure of himself, but also genuinely interested in me and what I say that it’s caught me off guard completely.
Just as I am about to say something the waitress stops by the table and asks if we want another round. Harry looks at me first as if to ask if I’d like anything and when I shake my head he declines. The waitress smiles and then puts a small payment book in front of me. It means I’ve been ordered. She says 15 minutes and then walks away. I open the book up and see I’ve been ordered for a private room - a dance and some conversation is all this one says. The orders usually look like this but when I get into the private rooms I quickly learn that the men (and women, too, actually) wind up with something else in mind. It gets added to their bill of course. I’m a little disappointed that it’s not Harry who’s ordered it, but I knew he wouldn’t.
I look up at him as I close the book and smile sheepishly. It feels kind of sad to be in this moment. Where he’s just asked me out, I’ve given him my number and then I’m called away to go do something a little taboo with someone else. I won’t be having sex, but everything I do at this job is about sex, even if I’m not actively engaging in it.
I see Harry swallow as his Adam’s apple bobs and he looks down at the book and then back to me.
“I have to earn.” I shrug my shoulders and move away from him a bit. I’m expecting him to change his mind about seeing one another tomorrow, tell me he just remembered that he has something else going on that he forgot about but that he’ll call me when he has time, or when he gets back from London on his next trip. What I do not expect is for him to grasp my shoulder and pull me back toward him. I don’t expect it when he lightly drags his hand up my thigh, and I especially don’t expect him to lean down and kiss my cheek, and then softly kiss the edge of my mouth, leaving me yearning for more. He’s got me like putty in his hands, this man.
“It’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Camille.” He says lowly. I kind of want to punch him for not ordering me tonight. Letting me go to some other person so easily. I hate a possessive man but I want Harry to feel a little jealous. I wish he’d say that he realizes he should have asked me for a private room instead so no one else could have me tonight. But he doesn’t. He just stays cool and we say our goodbyes. When I’ve slipped out of the booth, Richard is returning. I tell them to have a good night and I walk away toward the private rooms. Even though I don’t turn back to him, I can still feel Harry’s eyes on me, watching me as I move across the room and out of his sight.
Part 4
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olderjustneverwiser · 2 years
Just Friends (Fred Weasley)
I’m back on my bullshit.
A Fred Weasley fic, heavily based on "Just Friends" by Virginia to Vegas. 
Warnings: Fred’s POV, pining, friends-to-lovers, angst, mentions of war and trauma, tooth-rotting fluff??
Just a fic about two best friends in love using each other to cope. Enjoy!
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It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and like most beautiful Saturday mornings, we were out and about in Muggle London, exploring this new world and escaping the one we lived in.
It had become a tradition for her and I ever since the end of the war; a way to decompress and for us to try to heal. The war had taken a lot from us and we needed to find a way to move on. I lost my daring nature and almost lost my legs. She almost lost me and, well, I couldn't really explain exactly what she'd actually lost. She'd been different since the battle in a way I couldn't describe; the same in almost every way, but I noticed subtle changes in her. Still beautiful, but I often saw the sadness she tried to hide. Still my best friend, but she'd hold my hand a little tighter, stand a little closer to me. Still the girl I fell in love with, only now she was more cautious and hesitant, like she was always waiting for something bad to happen. 
I guess she'd lost her sense of wonder and desire for something more.
The war hadn't taken us from one another, though, and for that we were grateful. We'd made a vow to each other to never let the effect the war had on our lives hurt our friendship or lead us away from one another, which is where the idea for our little 'dates' was hatched. 
It started just months after the war had ended, once the injuries I'd sustained had fully healed. We had both grown tired of reading about Death Eater trials and being called 'war heroes' while walking down Diagon Alley, so we decided to venture out into Muggle London. We were both in a rut we were desperately trying to escape from and quickly found that the Muggle world was perfect. Walking through the bustling city was a new kind of freedom we hadn't known we could have; we were completely anonymous here. No one to shake hands with or fake a smile to. Not to mention the plethora of music to discover, plays to watch, and museums to visit. 
We set off into this new world almost every day we had off together. She'd call them friend-dates, (I tried as hard as I could to hide my disappointment every time I heard that damn phrase. I don't think she'd ever noticed, since she never commented on it,) and I let her be in charge of the adventure we would take for the day. Today she'd decided on brunch in the West End then a play at a local theater, which I quickly agreed to. Then again, I would have agreed to anything she wanted, but she didn't have to know that. 
The two of us were currently in the back of a taxi, her head resting on my shoulder and her knee against mine. She had indulged in quite a lot of champagne during breakfast, and it seemed like she was still feeling the effects of it. The ride to the theater was quiet and comfortable, as silences shared between us often were, until she spoke up, her speech slightly slurred.
"I kinda wanna kiss you, Freddie."
My eyes widened at her sudden confession; and I quickly shot a look at the driver. He seemed to be completely ignoring us, so I turned back to her, "Is that so?" I asked, breathing out a laugh. Although, it really wasn't unheard of for the two of us to be together in that way; we usually just reserved our kisses for wild, drunken parties and late nights when we were laying in my bed alone before falling asleep. Normally not in front of people, and never in the light of day where we'd have to face what we were doing and what it might mean for our friendship.
She shifted a little in her seat and turned her head to look me in the eye, "Well, I kinda always want to, but we're just friends. Best friends, so it wouldn't be a good idea."
Way to send me mixed signals, there, love.
At that moment, I was grateful that I had only indulged in a nice tea at brunch. If I would've drunk as much champagne as she had, I might have just gone for it in the backseat of the taxi, which would have been terrible. If I was ever going to get the chance to make this thing between us real, I wanted to make sure she wanted it just as badly as I had for years, and that it wasn't just happening because either of us were drunk. I'd hoped that she wasn't as buzzed and she was acting, but it was futile. Noting the pink tinge on her cheeks and the slightly hazy look in her eyes, I decided that she was definitely not in the right state of mind. The realization made my heart drop a little.
"How many of those drinks did you have?"
She laughed, a joyous giggle that made me smile even in this strange circumstance. "Only seven or even six, Freddie."
I felt my heart sink a little more, but put on a brave face nonetheless and pulled her closer, "I think I need to get you a strong coffee before the show, love."
Not wanting to leave Muggle London just yet, the two of us grabbed a quick bite after the show then decided to end the night at a Muggle club. It was one we had gone to together before, with pulsing lights and too many patrons. It was the perfect place to lose yourself, to be anonymous, and to be alone together. 
Once inside, she grabbed my arm and made a beeline for the crowded dance floor. I was grateful that she bypassed the bar; I was hoping we could both be in our right minds tonight and stop this game we'd been playing. I hoped for this every damn time we did this though, so I prayed it wouldn't be in vain tonight. 
Before I knew it we were in the middle of the dance floor and she stopped, turning to look at me to silently ask if I was okay with this tonight. I quickly nodded, and the way her smile lit up her face made me glad I did. She turned in my arms with her back pressed against me and began to move to the beat of the song. My hands quickly found their way to her hips as they swayed to the music, and I noticed the little sun dress she was wearing rode up her thighs every time the flashing lights hit her. 
Now, it wasn't unusual for us to do this. Every time we went out in Muggle London, every raging party we attended a friend's flat, we would normally end up in this exact situation; her body against mine and my hands holding her. This time was different, though. We weren't plastered like we usually were, we were completely right minded and completely aware of what we were doing. It never really bothered me before (how could it when she was so perfectly pressed against me?) but it always made me wonder if it meant as much to her as it always did for me. Feeling her body against mine didn't feel quite right tonight, though. It didn't take me long to figure out why; it was because I wanted her for so much more than drunken kisses and not-so-platonic dancing. I wanted her, all of the good, bad, and everything in between. I wanted to be hers if she would have me.
I decided to take a chance. I hadn't taken one since the battle; too comfortable in the security I'd built up for myself since that night. But after the little hints she'd let drop (albeit under the effects of champagne) I'd decided it was time. We had been dancing around the thought of us becoming so much more than we were for over a year now, so I went for it; no thoughts of consequences. I was Fred fucking Weasley for Merlin's sake, and it was about time I started acting like him again.
I let one of my hands loosen their grip on her hips and move slowly, up her waist and to her neck, and brushed her hair to the other side before placing a soft, simple kiss to her shoulder. 
A test.
Even in the hot, sweaty club, goosebumps broke out on her skin. She didn't falter; didn't even act like anything happened, so I did it again, just as soft and quick. That one got her attention and she spun to face me, with her eyes wide and lips parted. I watched her face as the purple, blue, and red strobe lights illuminated her skin for any indication of how she was feeling, but I couldn't read her expression. She moved my hand that was still on her waist, and I braced myself for the inevitable let down.
"Hey, let's take a break, maybe go get a drink?"
Something snapped in me at the ease in which she blew what just happened off. Merlin knows what made me say what I said next, but the words came out before I could think twice. "When are we gonna stop playing this little game?"
She couldn't hide the shock on her face,  "Freddie, I don't-"
"Why can't you stop pretending like we're just friends?" I pressed. 
I saw it flash in her eyes; she was thinking of some quip, something to blow my question off, but I couldn't allow it. We needed to have this conversation. 
"Follow me," I'd said as I led us outside, my words sounding harsher than I meant them to due to the loud music in the club. The cool air hit us as we stepped out and we found our way to an alleyway on the side of the building. 
"We need to talk." 
"Fred, I really don't-"
"No, just please stop!" I didn't mean to yell, I'd never mean to ever raise my voice at her, but I couldn't help that my temper was rising. I took a breath, trying to calm myself, "What's going on between us?"
"Wha- we're just having fun!"
"You know what I mean. We're not just friends and you bloody well know it. Friends don't kiss me like you do, not to mention the cuddles on the couch, little forehead kisses, we even sleep in the same damn bed when you stay at the flat! And what the hell were you playing at today? Telling me you want to kiss me, grinding on me in there, you're telling me it's just fun? Do you know what that does to me?" 
"You were the biggest flirt at Hogwarts!" She retorted, "I didn't think harmless dancing would bother you; it's never seemed to bother you before!" 
"Well it does when you do it!"
"And why is that?"
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" I bellowed, ignoring the stares of people walking past us. There it was, out of my heart and into the space between us. Not in the way I would have planned it, but it was done. My chest was still heaving but I felt relief. "I love you," I said again, calmly this time, but she still hadn't answered. She was staring, tears threatening to fall.
"Don't say that," she whispered, and my heart stopped. "I can't lose you, Freddie."
"What are you talking about?" I asked, grabbing her hands once more.
This time her tears managed to escape and trickle down her cheeks, "I almost lost you once! Whenever I went back into the Great Hall and saw your family circling around you on the ground, I thought you were dead! You can't imagine how that hurt me to think you were gone. When I saw that you were alive I felt such relief, it was inexplicable. But if this happens I could lose you for good and I can't.
You'll never lose me, I thought to myself, I'm yours as long as you want me.
"What if it'd end badly?" She sniffed, "What if we break up one day and hate each other? What if we sleep together, then it's too awkward for either of us to be around the other? What if it all goes wrong for us?"
I brought a finger to her chin and tilted her head, "But what if it all goes well? That's another possibility, love."
She was trembling, though I don't know if it was from the chilly night air or the gravity of the situation we had found ourselves in. It felt like an eternity had passed while I was waiting for her to say something, but when she finally did, her voice sounded so small I barely heard it. 
"Dammit, of course I love you back, Freddie!" Her voice cracked as another tear slid down her cheek. "You know, I even liked you in school. I expected us to just happen after we left, but then everything went to shit, and the war started, and you almost died. I knew nothing could happen between us. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle losing you, so I decided it would be best to just stay friends. I promised myself to not love you anymore like that, but of course that didn't work; I don't know how I ever expected it to. I've just been scared to lose what we have already."
For the first time in as long as I could remember, I was at a loss for words after her little monologue. Sure, there were a lot of things I had wanted to say for years, but none of them felt quite right. Luckily, she broke the silence before I had the chance to.
"But I think I'm ready to take that chance now," she said, eyes wide and hopeful. "I'm ready if you are, 'cause I don't think we'll lose anything."
I almost laughed at that because of course I was ready; I'd been ready for years. Thankfully I didn't, instead I cupped her face in my hands, wiping the remnants of her tears away with the pads of my thumbs. It took me approximately two seconds to close the gap between us and press my lips to hers without hesitation or worry.
This moment almost felt too intimate considering where we were; we could still hear the music from inside the building, and cigarette smoke and lively conversations surrounded us, but we couldn't make ourselves care. We kissed just like we had done countless times before; she still tasted the same, still held me as close as she always had, but it was different this time. This time held the promise of so much more than we had ever had before. 
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