#Warden: Haelia Cousland/Theirin
mediumsizedwildcat · 2 months
inspired by @aisieart's posts (both on tumblr & tiktok) a quick drabble
"Commander! Someone's at the gates!" The guard calls.
The Warden Commander joins them. "Huh? Are we expecting anyone? Is it a darkspawn? I swear if I encounter one more sentient darkspawn-"
"I think that's Anders," Nathaniel says from the Commander's side.
She narrows her eyes and tries to make out the figure. Indeed, it is Anders. The Commander jumps with joy and starts down the rampart.
Coming closer now, Anders lights up when he sees her. Justice does, too. She's been a good friend to both of them.
The Commander leaps into Anders' arms, hugging him as tightly as she can. It hurts a little, makes it hard to breathe, but Anders wraps his arms around her and holds her just as tight.
When they both have enough, they pull apart, and she looks Anders over. "You look bad," she huffs. "Haven't you eaten anything?"
Nathaniel, who had been following the Commander as if this was a pleasant walk, snorts. "Yeah, mage, anything besides templars?"
Anders glanced to the side as he murmured his answer, "You do something once..."
The Commander's eyes widened and she pulls off one of her gloves. She starts hitting Anders' shoulder. "Cannibalism? Really? What's next, blood magic? No, blood magic would've been understandable! Do I have to train sense back into your head?!"
Nathaniel snickered. "Didn't he blow up Kirkwall's chantry?"
The Commander let out a frustrated cry and put her efforts into Anders' other shoulder. "I'll start spraying you with water, Anders, I mean it! Just you wait until we find Justice, he'll right out duel you!"
Anders ducks under the glove assault, cringing. "Yeah, about that..."
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123dragonage · 4 years
Shizuka Cousland.
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Full Name:
Shizuka Cousland.
Lady, Lady Cousland, Lady Shizuka, Ice lady,  Yukion'na, Shirayuki-hime.
Quiet, Summer, Fragrance.
Snow Woman.
Snow White.
Lady, Warden, Lady Warden, Shirayuki, Shirayuki-Hime, Shizu.
Pet Name:
Pup, Ice Lady, Hime.
Gender Role:
More lady-like than anything. But, she has her moments.
Enchanted Warrior
Sheild and sword.
Real Age:
Depends on the place and time.
Age Appearance:
August, 24th.
High Ever.
Zodiac Sign:
Immediate Family:
Bryce Cousland.
Mother: Eleanor Mac Eanraig.
Brother: Fergus Cousland
Sister in law: Oriana.
Nephew: Oren Cousland.
Alamarri and a Fereldan.
Eye Colour:
Crystal blue.
Hair Colour:
White-Silver, with a blue Tint in it.
You would think her hair was easy to tame, but it wasn't. She has thick hair and while it was still straight and seemed to look neat, Shizuka always had a hard to taming it into the usaul hairstyle. It was down, never tied up so what could be hard about that. Right? you would be surprised to know how many tugs is there.  Brushing it into a neat place and leaving it was the hard part mostly, unlike most nobles who move there hair into buns or braids. She preferred it down and long, at least to her hips. Her bangs were combed to both ends, right and left. Leaving the centre of her forehead and face to be seen.
Her lips are painted red or pink, depending on her mood or how they got up. There was no need to put anything on her face really, she was perfect the way she is and her mother believed that woman should wear less than more when it comes to make up. She did, have some silver eye shadow as well. It was barely seen though.
Body Type:
Athletic, but looks fragile from the first glance.
Petite looking, but well built for a women.
There was a birth mark, of two eagles on her right shoulder, her twin has it as well.
Distinguishing Features:
Her pure white hair, pale skin and blue eyes.
No one can place her scene, but apparently it's a flower called Andraste's Grace.
Mother and Father, Though recently it was the Grey Wardens.
A wolf, Though for this it is going to be like a normal dog, able to withstand the Taint.
Wardrobe examples:
F-o-r-m-a-l. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. B-a-l-l-r-o-o-m. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. F-i-g-h-t-i-n-g. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. C-a-s-u-a-l O-u-t-f-i-t-s. D-a-n-c-i-n-g. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. N-i-g-h-t w-e-a-r.
-Family sword.
-Sword level one.
-Sword level two.
-Sword level three.
-Cousland Shield.
-Shield level one.
-Shield level two.
-Shield level three.
-Family Ring with the crest on it.
-Magic book
-The crest of the Cousland family.
Biggest Failure:
Letting the people she loved die alone, even at all.  Her life was always about them and how she would bring her people up as a heir. At least, they told her as much. If she didn't then her brother would. Even then, they would have found someone willing to marry her anyway.
As a young girl she wished to be free, never to hold herself back. Her family always knew she wanted to be free and wander like her brother did. However, due to her class he was forced to ignore that and grow up. But, in there group she fears that her secret love for freedom might come out. A witch who has been free since a child, A sister who choose her path and lived with it, Even there Assassin friend made her wonder.  No one like her should even be thinking of that, but she did.
Writing in her journal and diary, by herself, Walking in the forest alone or with someone, Watching the night sky, singing, Dancing, writing poems, horse riding.
-There is a small part of magic in her, but not enough to call it dangerous. I'm trying something new with this, so I hope you will accept this part- She is NOT a full blood mage. -Casting without her hands. -Making her magic flow into her weapons. -Knowing different herbs, poisons. -Cooking. -Flower Arranging. -Can work with a shield, but she choose a smaller one than most.
Singing, Dancing, Children, Animals, her brother, Alistair, morrigan, Writing poems, Cooking, Night walks.
People treating Elves, Servants or anyone of low class bad, Her title coming up, talking about the past,  howe.
Pet Peeves:
-The Servants being treated badly. -Someone giving up with not say in the matter. -Pointless talk. -Bringing up the past. -Judging someone for no reason.
Personality Detailed:
The Virgo are an intelligent lot, who would love to know about various subjects and increase their general knowledge.
Practical They don't believe in living in the fantasy world and will be very much in touch with the reality. Their practical approach is one of their biggest strength.
Analytical The Virgo possess an analytical mind and see things in black and white. They are capable of producing a clear analysis and thereby a solution of even the most complicated problems.
Reliable You can trust a Virgo for following the instructions and trying his best to do the job well. Besides, he is a rational person and would not let emotions affect his decisions.
Modest Since they are goal-oriented, perfectionists, rational and reliable, it is very likely that they are great achievers too. But you will rarely see them boasting about their accomplishments. Overcritical They have such a clear picture in their minds as to how things should be, the Virgo tend to be overcritical and lose the plot in the process. Fussy The Virgo-born often get lost in details and they will not have a peace of mind till they resolve all the issues. Besides, their strong likes and dislikes make them quiet fussy. Fastidious Pleasing or impressing a Virgo is tough job, as anything less perfect (in their eyes) does not make the cut. Harsh They call a spade a spade and they don't sugar-coat their opinions before putting them across. Their harshness does not always go down well with the people around them.
Conservative The Virgo are conservative and won't readily accept modern ideas. Maybe it has to do with their need to test the waters and be sure of the outcome.
The Virgo-born are criticised for being judgemental. They cannot ignore faults and mistakes as anything less than perfect is not good enough for them.
Cousland Crest.
The outpost of Highever was originally a bannorn and was held by the Elstan family, who was a secondary branch of the then-freeholder family of Howes. During the Towers Age, Bann Conobar Elstan was murdered by his wife, Flemeth, thus ending the bloodline. Sarim Cousland, the captain of Conobar's guard, took the lands and title. The Couslands declared their independence from Amaranthine, starting a war that lasted thirty years. When the war ended, Highever won its independence and possession of half the land that had once been southwestern Amaranthine. Highever became a teyrnir during the Black Age. Previously, the Couslands held only the minor title of Bann. During the lycanthrope plague, Bann Haelia Cousland[1] or Mather Cousland[2] according to other sources, gathered the lords together under the Cousland banner to drive the werewolves out of their lands, thus earning the title of Teyrn. Calenhad Theirin was born in Highever in 5:10 Exalted as the third son of a poor merchant. He left at a young age to become a squire, but returned during the Unification of Ferelden as a Teyrn. The contemporary ruler of Highever was Teyrna Elethea Cousland; She fought the soon-to-be-King Calenhad in an attempt to maintain Highever's independence, and so when Calenhad's army reached Highever, Teyrna Elethea led the local banns against him, but lost against the future king. After Elethea's men were defeated, Calenhad asked her to swear fealty. She did, thus allowing the Couslands to retain the teyrnir in Calenhad's new kingdom.[2] In the beginning of the Storm Age, the Couslands conspired with Warden-Commander Sophia Dryden in the Grey Wardens' attempted rebellion. The rebellion was betrayed to King Arland by politicians before it began, and the king's guard ambushed their meeting place, with the rebels barely managing to escape. The Couslands were not so lucky, however. King Arland executed the Cousland Teyrn and a number of others, and then sent soldiers to Soldier's Peak to stamp out the remainder of the rebellion. During the rebellion against Orlais, the Couslands opposed the Orlesian rule. However, Arl Tarleton Howe of Amaranthine supported the Orlesians and this resulted in several bitter battles between Amaranthine and Highever. Eventually, the Couslands manage to capture Harper's Ford and hang Tarleton Howe for his treachery. Unlike his father, Rendon Howe was part of the rebellion like his uncle Arl Byron Howe. Rendon and Bryce Cousland fought beside each other at the battle of White River, becoming two of the fifty rebels who survived the defeat. Thereafter, Arl Rendon Howe was a great friend of the Couslands. Arl Howe later betrayed the Couslands, using the chaos of the Fifth Blight as his route to power. Teyrn Cousland had called together the forces of Highever and Amaranthine, intending to ride with Howe to support King Cailan against the darkspawn. However, upon arriving at Highever, Arl Howe told Teyrn Cousland that the Amaranthine forces would be delayed for a few of days. Not one to keep the King waiting, Teyrn Cousland sent the bulk of Highever's forces ahead to Ostagar under the command of his eldest son Fergus Cousland, intending to leave with Howe's Amaranthine men once they arrived. After Fergus left the castle, Howe's forces took advantage of the Couslands' weakened defense and made a surprise attack during the night, killing the teyrn, his wife Teyrna Eleanor Cousland, and Fergus' wife Oriana and son Oren, as well as most of the other inhabitants of the castle. Though Fergus was left as the rightful heir to the Teyrnir of Highever, Howe then declared himself the new teyrn. Eventually, however, Duncan will rescue the human noble from the surprise attack on Castle Cousland in exchange for joining the Grey Wardens. Following the end of the Fifth Blight, Fergus Cousland will inherit Highever and become the next Teyrn. Fergus will also be given control of Amaranthine, which he presents to the Grey Wardens.
Theme song:
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chaotic-good-hawke · 5 years
My OCs Masterpost - Grey Warden Edition
Here is a brief introduction to my Grey Wardens. 
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Name: Ciembe Mahariel
Worldstate: Worldstate 1 (and Multi-warden AU)
Age: 19 at start of DAO (born 9:11 Dragon)
Species/Race: dalish elf
Class/Specialization: Rogue/Assassin/Duelist/Shadow
Height: 5’3
Gender/sexuality: woman/bi
Romance: Zevran Arainai
Characteristics/personality: sarcastic, dark humor, strong-willed, flirtatious, bold in words, cautious in actions, protective, questioning, says what she means, anger rises quickly
Hair: straight, long black hair that is kept back from her face, often in a braid
Eyes: golden eyes
Distinguishing features: Ghilan’nain vallaslin, various small scars
Hobbies: talking to people, exploring, hunting, keeping her friends out of trouble, playing card games, leatherworking
Brief Background: Raised in clan Sabrae alongside Tamlen and later Merrill. Ashalle was like a mother to her. Before the mirror incident, she never imagined leaving the clan. After joining the wardens, she can’t imagine going back.
Family: Ashalle; her clan; the wardens; her kids are Carmen, Wren, and Mateo.  
Random Notes: Mabari is named Bear; primary love language is physical touch; planned to be bonded to Tamlen; cheats openly at cards when she is among friends, is never seen cheating when among strangers
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Name: Catheryne “Eryne” Haelia Cousland
Worldstate: Worldstate 2 (and Multi-warden AU)
Age: 21 at the start of DAO (born in 9:09 Dragon)
Species/Race: human noble
Class/Specialization: Rogue/Assassin/Bard/Shadow
Height: 5’8
Gender/sexuality: woman/straight
Romance: Alistair Theirin
Characteristics/personality: reserved, diplomatic, loyal, guilt-ridden, cold fury, ruthless, educated, charming, curious about other cultures, slow to trust, but deeply loving
Hair: Long curly black hair that she keeps in a functional bun
Eyes: brown
Distinguishing features: burn scar on her left forearm from the attack on Highever
Hobbies: spending time with family, sailing, archery, traveling, metalworking
Brief Background: A bit wild as a child, her mother and father guided her to use her energy for practical things: like sailing, archery, people politics. She was extremely close to her family, wanting to visit Antiva with her sister-in-law. Duncan had to pull her away from her parents, her deep sense of duty tearing her between obeying and protecting her family. It took her years to regain the same vibrancy she had before she lost her family, at that was due mostly to Alistair, their children, and her friends.
Family: Parents Bryce and Eleanor Cousland, Brother Fergus, sister-in-law Oriana and nephew Oren. Children twins Duncan Bryce and Rose Eleanor Theirin.
Random Notes: loves the sea and sailing; mabari named Galahad; a Ferelden lady – lead from the frontlines and work with your hands; when she is nervous or stressed, she pets her mabari, one of her few tells
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Name: Damita Mavis Surana
Worldstate: Worldstate 3 (and Multi-warden AU)
Age: 18 at the start of DAO (born in 9:12 Dragon)
Species/Race: elf
Class/Specialization: mage/spirit healer/shifter/blood mage
Height: 5’2
Gender/sexuality: woman/bi/demi
Romance: Leliana
Characteristics/personality: reserved, inquisitive, clever, organized, shy, caring, often passive; forgiving to a point, her awkwardness is endearing; precise, a kind sweet soul, accepting of her friends
Hair: Long dark brown hair that she braids intricately and bangs (she lets them grow out over the course of the Blight)
Eyes: Purple
Distinguishing features: Freckles across her face and body, no scars whatsoever
Hobbies: research, magic, playing the lute, gathering potion ingredients, sketching
Brief Background: Taken from her family to the Circle when she was 4, she has the barest memories of them. Anders, Karl, and a few others took her under their wings. She was a quiet, obedient child, but she was always watching and learning.
Family: Parents, Myles and Britta Surana, siblings, Sybil, Telia, and Josiya. Cathal Tabris is her cousin on her mother’s side. She considers her companions and friends her family. Her daughters are Delphine and Beata, which she and Leliana adopt after Leliana is declared Divine Victoria.
Random Notes: Her mabari is named Sir Barkington; by the time Inquisition comes around, she wears reading glasses; primary love language is words of affirmation; gets so engrossed in research hours can pass; a bit clumsy
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Name: Cathal Elga’nar Tabris
Worldstate: Worldstate 4 (and Multi-warden AU)
Age: 20 at the start of DAO (born 9:10 Dragon)
Species/Race: city elf
Class/Specialization: warrior/twin blades/champion/spirit warrior
Height: 5’6
Gender/sexuality: man/bi
Romance: Morrigan
Characteristics/personality: headstrong, sincere, protective, angry at the world, outspoken, distrusting, unsure of world outside Denerim, blunt, focused, indignant
Hair: white blond hair that reaches his shoulders
Eyes: green
Distinguishing features: left handed, various scars
Hobbies: pick-pocketing, training, map-making, crafting poisons, later traveling, sewing/quilting
Brief Background: Raised in Denerim’s alienage, Cathal has never been outside the city before. His mother taught him the basics of how to use a sword, and after her death, he continued to train in secret, observing templar’s and knights training when he could. Took every opportunity to steal or trouble nobles/guards without getting caught.
Family: Father Cyrion and his mother, Adaia (though his mother was killed many years ago by humans). He is close with his cousins, Shianni and Soris. He has some memory of his aunt’s family and he remembers that he had a lot of cousins (which he later learns was Damita’s family). Kieran is his son.
Random Notes: Has both a dislike of extremely enclosed spaces and wide-open areas; mabari is named Traitor. Loves warm bread and crisp apples. Gets a tattoo of a bear print over his heart (for Morrigan), later adds a small white print over it for Kieran.
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Name: Signa Brosca
Worldstate: Worldstate 5 (and Multi-warden AU)  
Age: 23 at start of DAO (born in 9:07 Dragon)
Species/Race: casteless dwarf
Class/Specialization: rogue/archer
Height: 4’4
Gender/sexuality: woman/pansexual
Romance: poly Alistair/Zevran (in multi-warden AU – Freya Aeducan)
Characteristics/personality: sarcastic, thoughtful, grin and bear it mentality, will steal anything on a dare, daring, so very curious, a survivor, laughs easy, not shy at all
Hair: short white hair
Eyes: sky blue eyes
Distinguishing features: casteless tattoo
Hobbies: pick-pocketing, cooking (she can make anything taste good), trick-shots; parkour
Brief Background: Born in Dusttown, Signa has faced an uphill battle her whole life, struggling to fight for a living. She early on learned the value of stealing, which attracted the Carta’s attention.
Family: Rica Brosca is the only family she cares about. Well and later her nephew.
Random Notes: Mabari is named Barkspawn (she takes Alistair’s suggestion); has an incredible sense of direction; Alistair teaches her to read; When Zev confronted her about her feelings for either him or Alistair, she pulled Zev over to Alistair and forced the three of them to work it out.
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Name: Freya Aeducan
Worldstate: multi-warden AU
Age: 25 at start of DAO (born 9:05 Dragon)
Species/Race: dwarven noble
Class/Specialization: rogue/double axes
Height: 4’5
Gender/sexuality: trans woman/bi
Romance: Signa Brosca
Characteristics/personality: cultured, tenacious, calculating, proud, ruthless
Hair: long black hair kept up in a braid bun
Eyes: grey eyes
Hobbies: training with her axes, studying history and strategy,
Brief Background: Freya was only 7 when she told her father that even though she was born the identical twin to her brother, Liam, she was actually a girl. Her father accepted this immediately, sending out notices that Freya would take her grandmother’s name. She tackled politics with wicked pleasure, loving the secrets and machinations. In the AU, Freya and Liam meet up with Signa in the deep roads and travel together to survive, until they meet the Wardens and then win back the throne. Freya and Signa marry and are queens of Orzammar.
Name: Liam Aeducan
Worldstate: multi-warden AU
Age: 25 at start of DAO (born 9:05 Dragon)
Species/Race: dwarven noble
Class/Specialization: warrior/two-handed
Height: 4’5
Gender/sexuality: ace/aro man
Romance: N/A (marries Rica Brosca in a marriage of convenience)
Characteristics/personality: sweet, tired, wants to be left alone with his books, wants to be a shaper
Hair: long black hair and beard
Eyes: grey
Brief Background: Liam appreciated that he would never have to rule. He is a gentle soul, having no desire for Dwarven politics.
*Art by @star--nymph and @destinyapostasy. Picrews from here and here*
Link to my OC Masterpost: Hawke Edition! 
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Cousland Family
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The Couslands are a noble family from Ferelden. From their seat, Castle Cousland, they rule the teyrnir of Highever, one of only two remaining teyrnirs in Ferelden, giving them wealth and power second only to the royal family.
The outpost of Highever was originally a bannorn held by the Elstan family, who were a secondary branch of the then-freeholder family of Howes. During the Towers Age, Bann Conobar Elstan was murdered by his wife, Flemeth, thus ending the bloodline. Sarim Cousland, captain of Conobar's guard, took the lands and title.
The Couslands declared their independence from Amaranthine, starting a war that lasted thirty years. When the war ended, Highever won its independence and possession of half the land that had once been southwestern Amaranthine.
Highever became a teyrnir during the Black Age. Previously, the Couslands held only the minor title of Bann. During the lycanthrope plague, Bann Haelia Cousland or Mather Cousland according to other sources, gathered the lords together under the Cousland banner to drive the werewolves out of their lands, thus earning the title of Teyrn.
Calenhad Theirin was born in Highever in 5:10 Exalted as a third son of a poor merchant. He left at a young age to become a squire, but returned during the Unification of Ferelden as a Teyrn. The contemporary ruler of Highever was Teyrna Elethea Cousland; she fought the soon-to-be-King Calenhad in an attempt to maintain Highever's independence. When Calenhad's army reached Highever, Teyrna Elethea led the local banns against him, but lost against the future king. After Elethea's men were defeated, Calenhad asked her to swear fealty. She did, thus allowing the Couslands to retain the teyrnir in Calenhad's new kingdom.
In the beginning of the Storm Age, the Couslands conspired with Warden-Commander Sophia Dryden in the Grey Wardens' attempted rebellion. The rebellion was betrayed to King Arland by politicians before it began, and the king's guard ambushed their meeting place, with the rebels barely managing to escape. The Couslands were less fortunate, as King Arland executed the Cousland Teyrn and a number of others, and then sent soldiers to Soldier's Peak to stamp out the remainder of the rebellion.
During the rebellion against Orlais, the Couslands opposed the Orlesian rule. However, Arl Tarleton Howe of Amaranthine supported the Orlesians, resulting in several bitter battles between Amaranthine and Highever. Eventually the Couslands manage to capture Harper's Ford and hang Tarleton Howe for his treachery.
Unlike his father, Rendon Howe was part of the rebellion, as was his uncle Arl Byron Howe. Rendon and Bryce Cousland fought together at the battle of White River, and were two of the fifty rebels who survived the defeat. Thereafter, Arl Rendon Howe was a great friend of the Couslands.
Arl Howe later betrayed the Couslands, using the chaos of the Fifth Blight as his route to power. Teyrn Cousland had called together the forces of Highever and Amaranthine, intending to ride with Howe to support King Cailan against the darkspawn. Upon arriving at Highever, Arl Howe claimed that the Amaranthine forces would be delayed for a few of days. Not one to keep the King waiting, Teyrn Cousland sent the bulk of Highever's forces ahead to Ostagar under the command of his son and eldest child, Fergus Cousland, intending to leave with Howe's Amaranthine men once they arrived.
After Fergus left the castle, Howe's forces took advantage of the Couslands' weakened defenses, making a surprise attack during the night, and killing the teyrn, his wife Teyrna Eleanor Cousland, and Fergus' wife Oriana and son Oren, as well as most of the other inhabitants of the castle. Ilona Cousland, Bryce and Eleanor's daughter and youngest child was the only one who survived the massacre. Though Fergus was left as the rightful heir to the Teyrnir of Highever, Howe declared himself the new teyrn.
According to Dairren, Ilona may have been chosen to take over the Teyrn instead of her brother because of her exceptional skills as a warrior, popularity in Highever, and kind and compassionate personality. Eventually, however Duncan rescues Ilona from the surprise attack on Castle Cousland in exchange for joining the Grey Wardens. Ilona stoped the blight by killing the archdemon and became known as the Hero of Fereldan. She also married Alistair, the illgilimate son of King Maric Theirin, therefore becoming Queen of Fereldan as well.
Following the end of the Fifth Blight, Fergus Cousland inherited Highever and become the next Teyrn.
Known members 
Bann Sarim Cousland
Bann Haelia/Mather Cousland
Teyrna Elethea Cousland - She was both an Alamarri and a Fereldan.
Teyrn Ardal Cousland - He was killed at the Battle of Lothering during the Second Orlesian Invasion of Ferelden, defending King Vanedrin Theirin. 
Teyrn William Cousland - The father of Bryce Cousland.
Teyrn Bryce Cousland
Teyrna Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Ilona Cousland - The Hero of Ferelden 
Oriana Cousland
Oren Cousland
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