adhdgwen · 3 years
you were red
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and you liked me because i was blue
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but you touched me and i became a lilac sky
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and you decided purple just wasn't for you
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ironhusband · 3 years
day 1
Wanda returned the next day. She didn't expect the government to still stay after her indimadating display of power, especially since she doubted that spineless director would stick around after having twenty guns pointed at him, but she needed to check anyway. No one could hurt her family and if there was a threat, she was going to eliminate it.
Wanda looked out at the view outside of Westview, satisfied to see the tents and equipment were cleaned out. She smirked, happy to see motherhood hasn't made people any less scared of her (weird how she once didn't want for people to fear her. It was clearly an advantage to get what she wanted). Wanda scanned the horizon, checking to see if SWORD was simply hiding away.
She paused as she saw a small tent in the far distance.
Cautious, Wanda decided to see what it was. It could be an innocent camper, and she had to be careful not to reveal herself. But it could also be one of them, and she had to make sure her home was protected.
She paused when she found Monica Rambeau, swaddled up in a thin blanket and eating cereal, watching the credits roll on their show.
The poor girl startled when she looked up and found her, immediately scrambling for her gun.
Wanda cocked her head to the side, smiling teasingly. "An ally, huh?" she said, in the thick sokovian accent.
Rambeau carefully lowered her gun, seeming a bit ashamed at her own hypocrisy. "You nearly gave me a heart attack."
"Are you alone?" Wanda cut to the chase.
Rambeau spread her arms as if to show her, "you tell me."
Wamda looked around, looked at Rambeau's belongings. She could spot a phone among her things but no walkie talkies, or flies, or bugs. Nothing that seemed like there were people with her, just a little further away. Wanda frowned, "they left you alone to die?"
"No," Rambeau said, gently, "I left them."
Wanda stopped scanning their surroundings, looking at Rambeau’s honest, pleading eyes.
Wanda looked away from the gaze of her betrayer, "I threatened to kill whoever stayed."
Rambeau raised her chin in challenge, "do it then."
Wanda couldn't understand this. Rambeau seemed so... confident. At ease about the idea of being killed. Wanda was used to people fearing her. She could kill people, if she wanted to, and everyone knew that. But Rambeau.... Rambeau almost seemed like she didn't believe Wanda was going to kill her.
She didn't summon the red smoke.
Wanda scoffed, "leave."
day 3
Wanda held herself back from returning for a whole day. She figured Rambeau was stubborn, and coming back will only egg her further. Not returning the next day will convince her that whatever she thought she was doing was a dead end.
When Wanda returned on the third day, Monica was still in the same position Wanda found her at first.
"Hey," Rambeau lifted her eyes to Wanda, this time completely calm, "great episode today."
"I could kill you, you know," Wanda threatened once again.
"Oh, I know." Rambeau was eating stew this time. She offered her some off the hot plate, "want some?"
Wanda rolled her eyes and walked away.
day 5
"Why won't you leave?" Wanda asked, frustrated.
Rambeau was unbothered, "why won't you make me?"
day 8
"How are the twins?" Rambeau asked on her next visit.
Wanda nodded towards the TV, "didn’t you watch the show?"
"Wanda, as much as I love TV, it can't tell you people's emotions," Monica said and turned off the TV, fully turning towards her, "it's why books are better."
Wanda didn't answer her question, but said, "maybe we'll turn the show into a book then."
"Wandavision: Now In Pages."
Wanda struggled with her smile.
day 13
"You know, for someone who seems to like books more than television, you sure watch TV a lot."
Monica looked up from the credits roll, surprised at Wanda’s friendly snipe, "I do read."
Wanda nodded at Monica's belongings, “no books around.”
Monica dug up a notebook from the blankets on the ground, "I read my notes."
Wanda glanced at the pages Monica was flipping through, "notes of the show?"
Monica nodded.
"But why? You can't do the research like with SWORD."
Monica shrugged, "it's fun to guess what can happen. I have theories to share with the forums.”
Wanda was too amused to notice that Monica could have been using a codename.
day 17
“Are you happy?” Monica asked her once.
It isn’t the first time she asked a question like this. Monica didn’t outright ask her to leave Westview, but it seemed to be her angle with all this.
Wanda tried not to think of her headache from keeping everything running smoothly inside the town and the fight she had with Vision that Monica must have seen, “of course.”
Monica hummed, “then why do you keep coming here?”
Wanda left in her fury.
day 20
“Why won’t you leave?” Wanda asked, more furious in her next visit.
“Why won’t you?” Monica shot right back.
Wanda left, confused as to why she didn’t kill Monica at the spot.
day 23
“I need a break from the kids,” Wanda explained, “the show any good?”
Monica smiled and rewinded the episode for her.
day 27
Wanda has been coming around every day for the past four days. Wanda always explained it away and Monica never called bullshit on her reasons. She seemed to learn her lesson with crossing boundaries.
“I like coming here,” Wanda explained that day.
Monica beamed so wide, Wanda was sure she could outshine the sun.
day 33
“Why won’t you leave?”
It’s been a while since Wanda last asked her that. Usually she asked every other visit. But this time… Wanda realized how small this life must be for Monica. In her small tent, watching the show, writing notes in her notebook, theorizing based on her writings, eating canned goods, and sleeping on those thin blankets. She didn’t know what was there for Monica in this life.
Monica was more quiet this time when she answered, “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
In her surprise, this was the first time Wanda sat down next to Monica.
day 36
“Viz won’t speak to me,” Wanda told her one day.
Monica placed her food on the ground, “yeah, I saw.”
“This was supposed to be everything I wanted,” Wanda whispered, brokenly, and tried to keep the tears at bay.
Monica, unhesitatingly, wrapped her arm around Wanda’s shoulders, “then why aren’t you leaving?”
Wanda found herself leaning into the touch, “same reason you aren’t.”
day 37
This time, Monica wasn’t watching the episode ending but was rewinding to a specific scene.
‘My parents died when I was ten,’ the Wanda on screen said.
Wanda looked away from the hurtful scene. It was different saying the words and watching herself say them. “Why are you watching this?” her tone unnecessarily defensive.
Monica didn’t look away from the screen, “my parents are dead too.”
day 40
“You could come to Westview,” Wanda offered her once, “I could give you whatever you want.”
Monica’s breath hitched with the idea. Wanda could tell she was tempted. But then, after a beat, Monica shook her head. “I can’t do that. I can’t escape to a perfect reality.”
Wanda laughed, not creully, but teasingly, “so what is this? Isn’t this escaping reality?”
Monica shrugged, “I guess so. But watching TV, eating bad food, talking to a friend... Not different from how normal people grieve.”
Wanda rose from her seat, enraged. Her eyes didn’t start glowing red but her hand was pointing at her accusingly, “I am normal.”
In her rage, in her storming off, Wanda didn’t realize Monica called her a friend.
day 44
When Wanda came the next time. She didn’t speak at first. She just sat down next to Monica, wordlessly. Monica rewinded the episode for her, but Wanda didn’t watch it. She watched Monica instead. Monica wasn’t bothered by the stare, but she was wondering what Wanda was finding there.
“Can you show me how to be normal?” Wanda requested, eyes now on the show, where Wanda was trying to keep her family together.
Monica smiled and turned towards her, looking away from the show, “I love how you think I’m normal, Scarlet.” She tilted Wanda’s head so they were staring into each other’s eyes, “but I’ll show you anything you want.”
Monica leaned forward and kissed Wanda, hands going slowly from her chin up to her soft, soft hair.
Wanda froze for a moment. She froze for a moment, and then- then she sank into it, hands gripping at the fabric at Monica’s hips.
It couldn’t have been more than ten seconds (but it felt like forever) when Wanda pulled away, shoved Monica away and told her, “stop. Stop, this is a mistake.”
Monica was speechless when she watched Wanda, a strangely calm seeing Wanda, walk away.
day 45
Wanda didn’t come the next day. Monica didn’t expect her to. She knew she screwed up with the kiss. She just wished she’d left it at her words instead of her actions.
On the 45th day the TV shut off. Monica frowned, smacking the side of the screen, trying to jerk it back to life. The TV didn’t turn back on, no matter how hard she tried.
But then she heard a sound.
When she looked up it was to the forcefield collapsing, throwing her back twenty meters.
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Name: wordsmisleadinghere Card number: 019 Square filled: A Cocktail Dress (G2) Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, WandaVision (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, but Mentions of Anxiety/Nervousness Relationships: Wanda Maximoff/Monica Rambeau Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Monica Rambeau Word Count: 100 Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s01e09 The Series Finale (WandaVision), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Drabble, Established Relationship, Anxiety, Dresses, Aesthetic Arrest, Love Series: Part 2 of Marvelous Rare Pair Bingo Summary: Avenger parties always made Wanda nervous. But she could do this, she could.
Another fill for @marvelousrarepairbingo in the bag! Man, trying to get a perfect 100 words is hard. XD
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kanthony · 3 years
like mother like daughter, carolmaria and wandamonica lbr, they love powerful women, i wanna see it
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adhdgwen · 3 years
Remember how jimmy wasn't able to get close to westview because "can't you feel it? it doesn't want me coming close." but monica could?
Remember how even after monica got blasted out, she always wanted to come back and treated coming back as a necessity, like something she had to do?
I have a theory that Westview, or more specifically, Wanda is calling her.
Maybe Wanda knows she's about to reach the point of no return, that she needs help, that she needs to be saved, that she is hurting people in her grief, and thus is sub-consciously or unconsciously calling out to the one person who she feels could truly understand her, could help her.
It's the same way she called out to pietro, (and I know agatha had a hand in pietro's appearance but so did wanda, she called to him, Agatha just made him appear) and she's calling out to monica too.
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adhdgwen · 3 years
petition for wanda and monica's ship name to be: scarletspectrum/wandamonica
and monica and darcy's to be: astrospectrum/darbeau
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kanthony · 3 years
vision escaping wandas sims game and she’s coming to accept her grief
wandamonica rise please thank you
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adhdgwen · 3 years
Hi, I'm raven.
You can follow my primary blog at: @sapphicanarchist but this is a seperate blog for fandom stuff. I'l spam reblogs, character analysis, ships brainrot, etc.
You can also follow me on twitter (dm first) though i'm multifandom and jump from one brainrot to another quite quickly.
Fandoms I'm in:
Harry Potter
Comfort Characters:
Comfort Ships:
Comfort Characters:
Comfort Ships:
Comfort Characters:
Comfort Ships: (look, i ship EVERYTHING but some more than others, hence "comfort")
Marvel (comic-verse and cinematic universe)
Comfort Characters:
Comfort ships:
Spideypool (comic verse ONLY)
The Hollow
Comfort Characters:
Comfort Ships: (not against any ship but really, I only have one comfort ship for this show)
My Hero Academia
Comfort Characters:
Comfort Ships:
Various Podcasts
kachako (platonic And romantic)
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