#WILDLY out of character but that is what happens when you send me person a person b reqs. that is what happens
Tigress: Look what you made me do.
Le Chevre: I didn't make you do anything! You just walked in here and threw a lamp through a window!
Tigress: This is why we cant have nice things.
Le Chevre: yes, you are the reason i cant have nice things!
Tigress: Don't blame me.
Le Chevre: I- oh my god. I see what you're doing you motherfucker-
Tigress: I did something bad?
Le Chevre: If the next thing you say is another Taylor Swift song title I swear to god we will have-
Tigress: Bad blood?
Le Chevre: All right, I’m going home.
Tigress: Come on, you walked into that one.
Submitted By: Anonymous
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Sir Pentious perhaps?
Certainly, my dear!
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: His dorkiness! I like how he starts out trying to be intimidating so he'll be thought of as a formidable foe, and then learns to embrace his naturally dorky self and be a better person. Maybe there's a message there about toxic masculinity? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Least favourite thing about them: That so-called 'joke' in Episode 6. You know the one. I mean, you can't have a whole episode taking sexual assault seriously when it happens to Angel Dust and then turn it into a joke when it happens to Sir Pentious. I'd have preferred it if, instead of Pen being dragged into the sex room, Valentino overheard his "sex with everybody" line and started offering him a job at the porn studio and making him flustered, and that was what motivated Angel to stand up for his friends.
Favourite line: "The only cool thing here is to say 'No' to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!"
brOTP: I like the enemies-to-friends thing he had going on with Angel Dust! My favourite moment is in Episode 5, when Pen is trying to shield his cookies for Lucifer from Angel's grabby hands, and then he has to stand up straight to salute Lucifer with a quick, "Your majesty!" before he goes back to shielding the cookies, but it's too late because Angel's taken one, but Angel doesn't make a big deal of it, he just says, "Heya, short king," to Lucifer as if there's nothing out of the ordinary going on. They're like brothers! Pen is the responsible one and Angel is the naughty one, but at the end of the day, they've got each other's back. It's fun to watch!
Also, now that Sir Pentious is in Heaven, I love the thought of Emily becoming his new best friend! She could show him how Heaven works, and he could teach her what he knows about Hell, and together they could try to find a way to let Charlie know that redemption actually works.
Plus, there's the angst potential of Sir Pentious interacting with Molly - he knows who Angel Dust is, and she knows who Anthony is, but they don't know they're talking about the same person... I'd love to see a Pen/Emily/Molly trio going on escapades in Season 2!
OTP: CherriSnake! I wasn't sure about the ship at first, but it's grown on me. It's a neat example of the enemies-to-lovers trope, where Sir Pentious' admiration for Cherri as a worthy opponent turns into something more romantic. And they could have bonded over being inventors - Pen with his gadgets and Cherri with her "brilliant explosive contraptions". Too bad he only confessed his love a few seconds before his heroic sacrifice...
I think I like this ship for its potential. What will Cherri do now that Pen is gone? Will she find out he's in Heaven? Will that motivate her to stay at the Hazbin Hotel, to get redeemed herself and be reunited with him? It's rife with story possibilities!
nOTP: Sir Pentious and Vox (StaticSnake?). Mainly because Vox told Pen to kill himself in Episode 2. That was unacceptable.
Random headcanon: Sir Pentious has a son! Remember that moment in the pilot when Angel said, "Harder, Daddy!" and Pen replied, "Son?!" I think Pen did actually father a child when he was alive, and he'd been scouring Hell trying to find him again. (And for a moment there, he thought Angel was declaring that he was his son.) Pen never found his son in Hell, but now he's in Heaven, maybe he'll have better luck...
Unpopular opinion: I actually quite like Sir Pentious' singing voice! It's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. And I much prefer it when characters' singing voices match their speaking voices, instead of being wildly different. (Looking at you, Vaggie.)
Song I associate with them: @hazbinned made a video of Pen being kept awake at night by Angel blasting out "Made You Look" by Meghan Trainor, so now I associate that song with Sir Pentious! LOL!
Favourite picture of them:
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solomons-poison · 1 year
okay so hear me out. for the kinds of kisses prompt that you reblogged. satan from obey me and the prompt "kissing them while tending to their wounds". like he gets angry with someone (not mc) and gets injured somehow and mc tends to his wounds.
Aww I like that idea! I'm sure Satan would love MC tending to him, and I think it's nice to imagine comforting Satan that way after he's in a fight. This one got away from me a little bit lol, the paragraphs are a little long but I'm still keeping to my 5 paragraph rule
Satan x GN!reader
♡ sharing a kiss while cleaning their wounds
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Satan was always so careful about his fits of rage these days. In the beginning, of course, he let his emotions fly loose and could be incredibly cruel, a true demon in his personality and viciousness. But after meeting you, he became cautious, careful, a sweeter side emerging as he embraced other emotions besides his rage. Although you'd never deny him his natural sin, he knew you didn't like it when he was violent, and he never wanted to scare you away by doing something wrong. But sometimes it just took the wrong comment or someone's stupidity and it was easy, then, to give in and let his rage take him.
That's what led to now, as he trudged into the House of Lamentation, covered in some cuts and bruises, drying blood stuck in his hair and clothes. Someone at R.A.D. had made a less than savory comment about you, making disgusting implications about you and the Devildom's most powerful, that instantly made his blood boil, and all he could see was red. The fight was over before he knew it, his opponent barely being able to limp away at the end, and he instantly hated himself for what he'd done. It mostly just looked worse than it was, asides from the ache developing in his bones. He had hoped to maybe slip past you, get himself fixed up before you found out what happened, but of course you stumbled across him first.
Regardless, he hated being dishonest with you. As much as it would hurt, he still made sure to be up front about these things, made sure to never lie about something so important. He had earned your love and your trust, and he was so, so careful in keeping it. But that didn't stop his heart from feeling like someone was squeezing it tight when he saw the look on your face, a mixture of worry and fear as you took in his sight. He knew it wasn't fear of him, you always reassured him of that. (Sometimes he worried too if your life wasn't at risk being with someone like him.) But rather you feared for his safety.
It was almost comical, the fragile little human worrying about the safety of a near-immortal being with a great amount of power. He could even use magic to heal most wounds, not much worse for wear by the end of it. But he knew you better than that. You weren't a fragile creature, you were stronger than most people he knew. Perhaps not physically, but your courage and honestly gave you strength beyond his measures. And you were always there when he needed you, ready with your little first aid kit and careful hands to pour your strength into him, help him heal with your touch.
As he watched you patch up his wounds, now cleaned up after a shower, his earlier rage was now replaced with overflowing love and adoration. It was incredible the way you affected him, turned him around and let him experience so many new feelings while being so forgiving to his darker side. He wasn't sure he'd ever be able to verbalize just how much it all meant to him, how much you meant to him. But as he leaned forward to press a kiss to your lips, warmed from his hot shower but warmer from his heart beating wildly, he hoped that perhaps his feelings still came through this way, at least. And given the way your hands paused in your tender care, eyes fluttering shut to lean into him, give in to his touch, it reassured him a little that it did.
Send me a type of kiss and a character!
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ashes-writing · 2 years
three stupid words | shameless ; l.gallagher
A/N ; I, uh... I dunno where this came from and more importantly, I do not know where this is going, if it's meant to be a one off thing with a fem!reader or there will be more in the future. But hey, it's here and I thought, ahhh.. why not.. i'll wake up and choose violence in the form of angst today. So here we fuckin go.
( By all means, if you guys want more to this pls... Encourage me and my fuckery. )
Pairing ; Lip Gallagher x Best Friend ! Fem reader.
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ; This is set around the time that Karen was pregnant had Lip believing he was the father but the father turned out to be some other kid and they broke up. If I were to continue this, a lot of Lip's stuff on the show would arguably change. And I dunno that this would actually follow a lot of the canon plot or anything. So.. yeah.
Tag List ; There is nobody on my Shameless tag list. if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including Shameless, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
Warnings ; Angst. Friends to nothing to lovers. Alcohol + creepy asshole scenario mentioned, Kissing. Three stupid words. This one is tame.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open (pls.. pls... send me things) but they're limited to headcanon asks + filth/fluff alphabet letters and I'm not accepting wrestling / wrestlers in my ask box. Any other fandom/character but wrestling that I happen to write for is fine and I beg of you -> send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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“And furthermore, Phillip,” you’ve got your hand on your hip, your chest is heaving and your nostrils are flared. All that’s missing is your hands gesturing wildly or the way you always seem to wind up invading each other’s personal space whenever you butt heads. It’s been like this since you were both around 6 and 7.
From the kitchen doorway, Fiona tries not to double over.
Lip takes a long sip from the bottle of beer he’s confiscated from Frank’s stash in the fridge. He’s calm. Smirking a little. “What, princess?”
Your nostrils flare just a little more. You step closer. “What did you just call me?”
“You heard me.” Lip smirks. Stepping closer to you. Vee, who has just wandered in and is observing this whole thing, nudges Fiona. “One day they’re gonna tie up and Lip’s going to kiss her to shut her up.”
Fiona laughs. “Nah. They’ll storm off like always. But she’s not wrong. She came by to check on him in the first place but naturally, he’s being a little bitch.”
“Not because of Karen.” Vee’s only half joking and at the mention of Karen’s name, Fiona rolls her eyes. Then she nods to you. “All she’s doing is telling my brother the truth.”
The two of them turn their attention back to the scene unfolding in front of them. By now, Lip’s back is against the door of the fridge and you’re listing off every single flaw Karen Jackson has one by one. You end with a breathy, “She’s a lying, cheating, selfish little slut, okay? I’m sorry you’re hurt, I really am. But we all tried to tell you there was a huge fucking chance the kid wasn’t even yours.”
To Fiona’s surprise, Lip hasn’t stormed off yet. And he seems to be taking it in. Staying calm. He takes a sip of the beer and drags the back of his hand over his mouth. “You about done, princess?”
You throw up your hands because you assume that nothing you’ve just said, not a damn word of it, has gotten through to the guy. “Yeah. I’m done. You accept the love you think you deserve, idiot. Think about it.”
Fiona and Vee share a puzzled look until something clicks for Vee and she gapes and promptly nudges Fiona. As she explains what she thinks you meant by the last comment you made before storming out the door of the Gallagher house, Fiona glances across the room at Lip. When she stops and really thinks about it, she’s not wrong. All the signs have always been there, Lip’s just been too blind to notice them.
Lip swings at the kitchen wall and then aggressively grabs his cigarettes and lighter before storming out to sit on the back stoop.
You stopped to take a few deep breaths, glancing back at the Gallagher house as you drag a hand through your hair. Your friends are right. Mandy was right. Maybe it’s just time to let the past -and your almost lifelong friendship with Lip Gallagher, go. Your next deep breath is shaky. You’re unsettled by what you’ve just realized. But you stand taller as if that’ll help somehow. As if it’ll make it easier to do what you’re about to try.
– ( almost three weeks later ; a block party in the South Side ) 
You haven’t spoken to Lip Gallagher in almost a whole month. It hasn’t been easy, especially given that Lip seems to linger, to pop up anywhere you happen to be. You weren’t planning to come out all day because of the block party going on in the streets down below, but Mandy Malkovich showed up with Ian Gallagher in tow and the two of them practically dragged you out of the house.
Now you’re out, wandering through the crowd. You’ve got a Seagram’s wine cooler in one hand and a bag of cotton candy you’re grazing on every so often in the other. You spot Lip up ahead and you immediately turn with every intention to walk away but when you turn, you find yourself body to body with an asshole named Henry who likes to pop up and corner you and every single time, it makes things uncomfortable ™ but Henry doesn’t seem to care.
You’ve got a bet going with Mandy about the jerk, he’s definitely in line to be the first incarnation of Ted Bundy or Richard Ramirez, there’s just something empty in his eyes that spooks you way too much. You gulp as Henry immediately pins you so that you don’t really have much of an escape, with your back against one of the local food trucks and his hips. As he opens his mouth to say something to you, the sour stench of beer and vomit makes you cringe hard and you roll your head away instinctively. You’re raising your knee when out of nowhere, something smashes against the back of Henry’s head and Henry slumps over.
Lip is standing there with the neck to the bottle he’s just broken over Henry’s head and he extends his leg, nudging the toe of falling apart Converses into Henry’s side and he does it hard. Then he leans down. “What’d I tell y’, huh? Leave her alone you fuckin fuck. I told y’ this was gonna happen next time you pulled your bullshit.”
You’ve done literally everything a girl can do to avoid Lip Gallagher at this point, even going as far as to find a whole new tutor and getting your schedule changed around at school just so you don’t go down any of the hallways Lip does.
That’s how serious you are about avoiding the guy. There’s no other choice but to avoid him because if you don’t, you’re going to lose your damn mind pining away while Lip chases whatever girl he’s putting up on a pedestal for the next few years til you can hopefully leave South Side behind.
You haven’t seen Lip in almost a month and somehow, seeing him right now has the exact effect you were afraid it would. Everything you feel comes rushing back all over again and there’s a tug at your heart, that empty space he occupied is gnawing at you now under the intent stare of glazed over baby blue eyes.
“I,uh.. Thank you.” you manage to get the words out and then you do the only thing you can in this situation. You bolt. You don’t run but you speedwalk away as fast as you can, putting a big chunk of drunken party goers between yourself and Lip.
Once you’re down by the corner store, you lean against the brick storefront and rest the back of your head against it as you take a few deep breaths and you fight like hell to keep from caving into the urge to go back to him and just… Pretend like nothing is wrong and your heart doesn’t break every single time he gets mixed up with a Karen or one of those preppy princess-y types he’s always oogling in the halls, the ones who only use him for his cock and then they’re done.
Because you can’t keep living like this.
And you’re so close, you’re almost free of the chokehold Lip Gallagher has on your heart.
– or you like to tell yourself you are. Deep down you know the truth and you know that you’ll probably never be free of it.
He’s shouting your name and somehow, he’s gotten both his brothers in on it too.
Ian knows you too well. So you’re not surprised when Ian finds you hiding out in the alley between the corner store and some old store with boarded up windows, smoking a cigarette as you finish off the Seagrams wine cooler you swiped from your mom’s fridge. 
“Just talk to him. C’mon..”
“Ian, I can’t.”
“But you can, though! This whole thing is driving him crazy, alright? I almost can’t live with the miserable prick lately.”
You bite your lip and take a deep breath. “Talkin’s not gonna do anything, Ian. Not when I’m the one with the problem. Look.. I love him. I can’t just sit here and watch him keep chasing the little princesses or the Karens and getting fucked over because it kind of physically hurts. He deserves better, I just.. I can’t deal with him until he finally realizes it.”
You don’t realize what you’ve just done until you hear the sound of glass shattering at the top of the alley. Your head snaps up and you find a very stunned Lip Gallagher standing there with his mouth open almost comically.
Ian goes to leave and you stand because this is not how you wanted things to come out. You’re in fight or flight mode, leaning heavier to flight. You never wanted anything you just admitted to Ian to come out of your mouth at all and yet, now it has. You know you need to run, to get the hell out of this.
Because let’s face it, Running is so much easier than standing here and dealing with the aftermath and the awkwardness you think you know will be coming.
“Ian, take a walk, buddy.” Lip fixes his gaze on his brother. Ian nods and the two share a look.
You go to leave with Ian but Lip’s arm shoots out, hand resting against the brick wall close to him for purchase. Forming a barrier so you can’t escape. “Where th’ hell do you think you’re goin, huh?”
“I-I..” you stammer around your words and finally shut your mouth because nothing is coming. 
For at least two or three minutes too long the air is heavy, filled with what you just confessed and a thousand other things unsaid that you’re a little too afraid to admit. You go to duck beneath his arm again but he refuses to budge. You glance up at him. “Lip, don’t.”
You tell him not to but deep down, you don’t mean it because you’re faced with losing him and now that you’re actually looking him in the eyes, you’re a little frantic. You don’t want it to happen.
But damn it, you can’t bite your tongue anymore, either.
“You’re avoidin me and I’m fucking tired of it, princess.” his eyes get a little stormy, they always do when he’s angry or upset, you know him like the back of your hand.
You place a hand palm flat against the front of his tee shirt when he steps closer just to keep a little space between the two of you because this is hard enough already and the closer he gets to you, the harder it’s going to be.
Blue eyes settle on the way your hand rests against his chest. Right over his heart.
But he doesn’t keep trying to get closer and invade your personal space. He takes a few shaky breaths instead. “What you said t’ Ian… Any of it true?”
You gulp.
“All of it.” you answer quietly, eyes trained on the word Fuck screenprinted on his shirt. You don’t dare make eye contact.
But Lip hates it when you won’t look at him, especially right now when he needs you to the most. All he wants to do is figure out why you’ve practically disappeared off the face of the Earth for the better part of three weeks because it bothers him because now he’s come to realize that he loves you and that seeing you around or hanging out -even when you wind up arguing, that was one of few things that kept him from clawing the walls.
So he grips your jaw and makes you look up at him. “I love you.”
You blink. This shocked haze settles over you and you’re barely listening to anything else he says because you’re still trying to process the first thing he says to you. Meanwhile, Lip has gotten desperate and this is what leads to him stepping up to you. Pushing you against the wall you’re both standing close to with his hips pinning yours flat as rough hands shakily skim your sides before squeezing your hips.
Your noses smash when he leans down and in towards you to kiss you and you pull away a little, holding your nose. Lip surveys your nose critically while muttering apologies over and over but then the words die away. And he’s focused again, he’s leaning in again with only one thought on his mind.
His mouth bumps yours clumsy and lazy and you’re about to pull back but you just…Can’t. Your mouth falls open ,welcoming the intrusion of his tongue as it drags over your teeth and massages yours and you feel yourself starting to come out of the daze just in time to realize what’s happening. His hand catches in your hair and he pulls your mouth in deeper, rough and thin fingers twisting and tugging at soft strands as he all but melts into you. You start to kiss back, you try to take dominance in the way your mouths meet but he’s quicker and he wants control more. You wind up wrapped around his body with your arms around his neck as your fingers rake his scalp and tug at curly hair before coming to a stop against the back of his neck. He shivers when you rub against him and melt into him just a little more and for a second or two, he nearly forgets to breathe.
The kiss finally breaks. His hand raises and it catches against the side of your face, his thumb dragging your cheek. “I’m sorry, I’m so fuckin sorry.”
“I’m sorry too. I just.. I couldn’t take it anymore, okay? Like..” you look down, you’re toying with the end of your shirt sleeve as it hangs over your finger because there’s a loose thread, “Even if you couldn’t… Love me… I couldn’t just sit back and keep quiet when you’re always letting yourself get hurt.”
“But I do love y’.” he answers quietly. He’s grabbing your face again, his forehead against yours with the warmth and the smell of cigarettes, beer and the fried pickles he ate earlier lingering on his breath, “I mean that. I always had, just..” he hesitates. Swallows hard. “You’re too fuckin good for me, princess.”
“Lip, don’t…” you take a deep breath. “Stop saying that!”
“It’s true.” he shrugs.
“It’s lies.” you pout up at him.
“Agree to disagree?” he questions and you both laugh quietly.
“C’mon. Let’s go lay under th’ tracks and watch the trains go over.” he mumbles with a laugh and then he takes off at a run with you and you’re clinging to him, laughing. Smiling.
Because maybe everybody’s wrong.
Maybe sometimes, there are reasonably happy endings. Maybe, you think to yourself, this can be one of them.
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pawnshopbleus · 1 year
Put Me in a Movie - Chapter Three
Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
Summary - You’re a famous actress and he’s one of the greatest directors of all time. What happens when you get cast in his new movie?
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Chapter Two
The buzzing of your phone wakes you up. It’s still dark out when you wake up. You grab your phone and check to see who’s calling you.
“What do you want, Stella? It’s four o’clock in the morning,” you grumbled.
“You promised me you wouldn’t get drunk!”
“I didn’t!” you lied.
“Don’t lie to me. Miguel told me everything.”
You search your mind for the festivities of the night. All you remember is drinking and then lying down on a lounge chair. The events after that seemed like a blur.
“What do you mean ‘Miguel told you everything’?”
“Do you not remember?” Stella asked. When you didn’t answer she continued, “Miguel saw that you were drunk and drove you home. You fell asleep in his car and you weren’t waking up so he had to carry you up to your bed.”
Oh my god. There’s no way that your new boss had to carry you in your drunken state all the way up to your bedroom.
“How did he get into my house?” That was a genuine question that needed answering. Even though he was your new boss he was practically a stranger.
“I let him know where your spare key was,” Stella said.
“Stella, you can’t just let strangers know where a key to my house is. For all I know, he could be dangerous.”
Stella didn’t answer you. All she said was “I’ll let you get some more sleep. You need to be at the table read by two in the afternoon,” before she hung up without another word.
The second time you woke up was at ten o’clock in the morning. You were a bit more rested but your head was killing you. You took some Advil and ate a carb-heavy breakfast. You liked cooking. It brought you peace of mind in the morning before a stressful day.  
The drive to the studio was nerve-wracking. You were sweating even though the air conditioning was on full blast. You felt like you already messed up your first impression with the director. Did Miguel think that you were some spoiled brat that couldn’t handle her liquor? Well, you guess you’ll just have to find out.
The table read was held in a large conference room. There was a long table in the middle of the room with enough chairs for a small army. There were a few people in the room. A man about five foot ten with brown hair and hazel eyes. He seemed pretty friendly and welcoming so you decided to approach him.
He welcomed you with a warm smile and a handshake. “I’m Peter B. Parker. I’m playing James, the American soldier your character falls in love with. I’m a huge fan.”
The two of you talked for quite some time as more people filled the room. Most of the cast and crew came up to introduce themselves to you. You met a few producers and a few minors and supporting characters, the writers of the script, a few heads of departments, and studio executives. The only person that didn’t come up and introduce themself to you was a girl about two or three years younger than you. By no means did anyone have to come up to you and introduce themself to you, but her vibe felt sort of off. She was standing in the corner of the room glaring at you. It took you a few glances to finally make out what she looked like.
She was tall, about a whole foot taller than you. She had fiery red hair and a wildly beautiful face. It was unnatural how beautiful she was. You recognized her as Tasia Wells, the daughter of actress Florence Wells and director William Wells. Tasia started off her career as a runway model but she soon realized that acting is where she could make a mark. She was a pretty new actress having only acted in two films so far. But from what you’d seen she wasn’t half bad.
You gulped as you and Tasia made eye contact. It was for a brief second, but it felt like forever. She looked like she was sending you a message of some kind. The message felt like a warning. The two of you definitely wouldn’t get along.
You asked Peter who Tasia was playing. He said Tasia is playing Rose, an American nurse that falls in love with Peter's character but he obviously doesn’t return the feelings.
Seconds later, Miguel enters the room and everyone falls silent. They all await their master's next order.
He commands everyone to sit in their designated seats. You sat in between Peter and Tasia. She’s even more intimidating closer up.
“Alright, everyone. I think we should start with introductions first. I’m Miguel O’Hara. This is the seventh film that is attached to my name. Don’t fuck it up and make me regret it.” Some people in the room visibly gulped in fear when he said that. Miguel was an intimidating man and you didn’t want to find out what happens if you get on his bad side.
It was time for everyone to introduce themselves. You got the vibe that everyone would be easy to work with except Tasia. This was her introduction, “Hi everyone, my name is Tasia Well, yes Tasia Wells and no, I will not introduce you to my parents so don’t ask.”
You dealt with a lot of nepotism babies in your years working in Hollywood. Most of them were very humble and grateful to work in the same industry as their parents, but sometimes that wasn’t the case. Once in a while, you would encounter nepotism babies that acted like Taisa, arrogant and egotistical. Those were the ones you hated working with.
The script in front of you was pretty thick. It was about one hundred and eleven pages long which meant that the film would run just under two hours. The script was titled To Love . Your character breakdown was pretty simple. You would be playing Polina, a Russian spy who poses as the American nurse, Linda,  during world war two. Polina was very closed off and mysterious and that’s why James, played by Peter, liked her.  
You knew you were going to love playing Polina/Linda. From the first line to the last line, she had you laughing, crying, or questioning yourself. She was such a complex character which made you go outside of your comfort zone. You were used to playing the underdog in most films, but in this one, you were the heroine.
After the table read, a few people stayed back to socialize. You talked to Peter about his wife whom you’d admired for a very long time. Mary-Jane Parker was a New York Times bestselling author and journalist. She’s written about four of your all-time favorite books. Without them, you wouldn’t be the person you were today.
In the corner of your eye, you see Tasia talking to someone. You can’t see who it is unless you turn your head. You decide to risk it and you turn to see who she’s talking to. Miguel looks completely disinterested in the conversation they are having. His arms are crossed and he’s looking at the wall. As if he can sense your gaze upon him, his eyes meet yours. The way he looks at you makes you feel like the only girl in the world. You quickly avert your gaze back to Peter who didn’t notice that you weren’t paying attention.
“Anyways, I better get going. MJ and May are waiting for me at home. I’ll see you soon.” Peter bids farewell and soon enough, it’s only you, Miguel, and Tasia in the room.
You can still hear her voice. It’s a sickly sweet one that makes teen boys go crazy. You almost want to chop your own ears off from the sound of her voice. Is this jealousy talking or your actual feelings?
You leave the room and start to head over to your car. It was getting pretty dark outside and the only form of light was the ones on the outside of the sound stages. You parked by a dead tree and a stray dog that looked like she hadn’t eaten in a few days. She didn’t have a collar and she looked pretty young. You said to yourself that if the dog was still there by the time you were done with the table read then you would take her home with you, and lo and behold the pup was still there.
You bent down and extended your hand out so that the dog could sniff it. The dog wearily came up to you and sniffed your hand. She was a pretty puppy. You didn’t know what kind of breed she was so you would have to take her to the vet to find out. Surprisingly, she let you pick her up and caress her skinny body. Your heart broke for the dog because she was alone. Much like yourself.
“I didn’t know you were a dog person,” Miguel’s distinct voice said behind you. You didn’t hear him approaching you so you jumped out of fear.
“I love dogs,” you said as you looked down at your new puppy. “How are things going with Miss. ‘No, I will not introduce you to my parents’?”
Miguel laughed at your question, “She’s a character but I’ve known her since she was a kid. Plus, I owe her dad a favor.”
“Did anyone actually audition for this film or was it kind of like you filling in roles with people you already knew?” You asked. The dog shifted in your arms.
“More or less. Peter was actually the only one out of the main three to audition,” he added. Miguel wanted to ask you how you were feeling after last night but he thought that it wasn’t the right moment to speak about that. You awkwardly shifted from your heels to the balls of your feet.
You had the feeling that this conversation with Miguel was going nowhere so you told him that you were going to leave now. What’s the worst thing that could happen? He’s already seen you drunk out of your mind and now you were saving a stray puppy.
At home, you gave the dog some water and a bowl of leftover white rice. You looked it up on Google and it was safe for dogs to eat. You let her go outside to use the bathroom before letting her back inside to sleep.
Before you settled down in bed, you received a text message from an unknown number.
“Hope you and the dog made it home safe.” Who could that text be from?
Chapter Four
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surielbonecarver · 1 year
In defense of Tamlin
I never really had the chance to like tamlin because the person who recommended acotar to me told me not to get attached to him, so I was riding the tamlin hate train until acowar. After I finished acosf, however, I started to reevaluate how I felt about pretty much all of the characters because I started to realize my feelings about some characters was influenced by semi-spoilers and after I finally caught up on the series I noticed my interpretation of the story was different then what I'd been told.
Once I realized that, I quickly got off the tamlin hate train and am currently (affectionately) riding the Rhys hate train lmao. (Affectionately, because, at the end of the day, I'm a bat boy stan, but I acknowledge that Rhys is kind of a pos too).
Tbh I still don't feel one way or another about tamlin (I'm not into blonds, sry), but it's a little wild to me how many people jump on hating him when objectively (subjectively) he really doesn't do anything. At least, imo he doesn't do anything to warrent all the hate. The hate he gets seems so wildly inflated compared to what he did, imo. Same with Nesta, actually. People treat them like they're the worst villains in fictional history, and???? To me, Nesta is a bully at worst (not to say bullies aren't bad, but people act like Nesta tossed Nyx off Ramiel or something). And Tamlin, most everything he does *from his point of view* makes sense to me. Not to excuse his behavior, but I find myself wondering if I would've done any different.
Like how people jump to defend Rhys for withholding information about Feyre's pregnancy. Tbh, if I were Rhys, I think I might've done the same thing. And when Tamlin joined forces with Hybern to get Feyre back...
Keep in mind that Rhys has played the villain for 500 years. For the last 50 years, he made everyone believe he was willingly working for Amarantha, killing and torturing innocence. (He literally put a severed head in Tamlin's garden in book 1 both to antagonize and warn him). That is the Rhys Tamlin knows. Tamlin has known Rhys as a villain for 500 years, but Feyre has known Rhys for what... 2 years? 3?? And Rhys showed a very different side of himself to Feyre. So Tamlin and Lucien believing that Feyre was kidnapped and mind controlled/manipulated by Rhys when that's what Rhys has been doing for 500 years is valid. When I look at it that way, Tamlin being willing to team up with his enemy to rescue someone (he loves) he believes to be in danger isn't *that* bad. And I probably would've done the same, if I'm being honest. Rhys has definitely done much worse.
Tamlin teamed up with Hybern to rescue Feyre. Feyre destroyed the Spring Court... because Tamlin tried to rescue her???? Rhys has mind controlled people to do things they wouldn't normally do (Feyre has, too), and Tamlin *knows* this. So ofc Tamlin is reasonably confused and concerned when Feyre (who had been riding the Rhys hate train pretty hard), all of a sudden writes him a letter saying "I'm in the night court with Rhysie~ I'm doing just fine so you don't have to come get me~ teehee~ ✨️". Let's also not forget that from Tamlin's pov, he doesn't know that Rhys has been teaching Feyre to read and write, so receiving a letter from "Feyre" was probably highly suspicious.
Tamlin also being over protective and overbearing to Feyre after under the mountain makes sense. *She* was his trauma. He forsaked his land and people to send Feyre back home and to protect her, but she came back and *died*. He lost her, and he doesn't want to go through that again. Obviously, as someone from the outside looking in, I think what he did was wrong. However, if I look at everything that happened from his point of view, he never had any malicious intent and did everything out of a want to protect Feyre. This ended up being a detriment to her mental, physical, and emotional well-being and ultimately drove her away, though.
It's like I sometimes say: sometimes you're not the one that's best equipped to help. Tamlin wanted to help Feyre, but he just wasn't the one. And trying to be the one only made things worse. (That and very poor writing/recons, but that is a different story).
Besides locking her up (seriously, I felt my heart crack a little at that part), I genuinely wonder if I would've done any different. I'd like to think I would've communicated with Feyre better and tried to help her through her trauma, but again that's outside looking in and I don't have 50-500+ years of trauma clouding my judgment.
Tamlin is the type to hope that his trauma will disappear with time (technically, a lot of characters are like this too, but this isn't about them). And going back to what I said about Feyre being Tamlin's trauma (or a very big part of it, at least), you see that's exactly what he did. He ignored the warnings and the triggers and hoped that it would eventually all go away/get better with time. And when you look at it like that, how many of us can really point fingers at him? I know a lot of people who ignore their problems and hope that they'll eventually go away. In that regard, do some people hate tamlin because his red flags are similar to their own, but they just don't want to admit it?
After Feyre dismantles the Spring Court, that's when Tamlin realizes that Feyre wasn't being manipulated by Rhys and that she was with him because she wanted to be. So his feelings turned sour as he felt she'd betrayed him. Which, again, considering Rhys *purposefully* played the villain for 500+ years, that's not a wholly unusual conclusion to come to.
Anyway, tl;dr tamlin ain't so bad
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cecilysass · 1 year
Fic Recommendations: DeadAlive
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So I really like post-DeadAlive fics. Not because I’m a big resurrection story fan (Jesus / Osiris stans, no offense) but because I can’t get enough of angst, repressed feelings and baby daddy reveal drama. I am going to post a version of my very own later this week. Meanwhile, I read a lot of these, so I thought I would share some recs. Here are a few of my favorites.
Slow Returns - o666666  You just don’t know how often I reread this. I love it so, so much. This one puts the emphasis on Scully’s trauma, and it’s so angsty, and it’s so sweeeeeet. I tear up every time.
DeadAlive AU - @markwatneyandenesemble I always say I actually think this should probably be called Three Words Canon Divergence or something, but whatever it is, I love it. The premise is two specific changes to canon. When Mulder comes back from the dead: (1) he has memories only to 1996 and (2) Scully isn’t visibly pregnant yet.
Author Skuls seems to feel about about this subgenre like I do, because she seems to have written a lot of post-DeadAlive, and I’m not complaining. Here’s a little DeadAlive Skuls tasting trio:
the smaller odysseys - skuls (@ghostbustermelanieking)  An AU DeadAlive fic in which Doggett convinces Skinner to keep Mulder’s resurrection a secret from Scully for longer. This ends like awwwwwwwww.
ashes and dust - skuls (@ghostbustermelanieking)  A largely canon-compliant DeadAlive / Three Words deep dive.
inches between them - skuls (@ghostbustermelanieking)  Another Skuls fic on this subject, also exceptionally sweet.
Doctor, Copper, Sailer, Corpse - Scarlet Baldy This is a series of first person vignettes from Scully POV. Extremely angsty and a little painful, with a very self-destructive version of Mulder here, but ultimately a hopeful ending. 
Ray of Light - OnlyTheInevitable (@gaycrouton) Honest conversation, then hot pregnancy sex—a Three Words fic we can all get behind. Which I think is actually one of the suggested positions for pregnancy sex.
Words, Words, Words - Circe Invidiosa (@invidiosa ) I’m not much of a Doggett fan, but I love this fic about Doggett breaking things down for Mulder. This is subtly written and moving— a heartbreaking Mulder characterization, in my opinion. home run - kittenscully Another great “Doggett gets involved” fic. Also very moving. Apparently this is how I like my Doggett. The Laws of Coming and Going - Buckingham A gentle Mulder-centric fic focused on his good intentions and slow moves back towards connecting with Scully. Very in-character and sweet. Hour of Lead - DarlaBlack (@sigritandtheelves) This is an excellent read — but watch out for the bleak, tear-out-your-heart ending. It's only painful because it’s canon compliant, so warning: you have to remember what happens with Scully’s longed-for miracle baby in canon. Waaaaah. So much angst. Untitled - @wtfmulder I see you, you wildly touching little drabble. This is set between Three Words and Empedocles, and it’s meant to explain the seeming change in Mulder’s attitude, and why does this make me cry?
What have I missed? Y’all have other post-DeadAlive fics you like? Have you written any? SEND THEM MY WAY.
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
so ill take some time to tell any newbies some fandom veteran unspoken rules or just remind people of things
There is not "wrong" versions of the egos!!! There are a million and one designs a for every ego depending on the blog, artist, writer etc. Every marvin looks like a wildly different character and people have their own headcannon personalities, genders, orientations and more for every ego. Some people have multiple aus and characters intertwined. So dont go telling anyone their version of the egos is incorrect or not accurate because these characters have been up for interpretation for a VERY long time so please remember that. If you dont like someones version of the egos or its not accurate to whatever cannon comes out, shut the fuck up and leave the one who created that version of said egos alone. All your ego designs are valid and creative and fantastic and dont drop them just for the cannon if you dont want to.
Ego shipping is fine! So far we have had no cannon confirmation to say that theyre siblings, the same person, or related in any way that would make ego shipping wrong. If that becomes the case, most people with either drop it or actively start making the egos their new OCs to continue shipping their personalities and designs. however, if that doesnt happen, dont bash people for shipping the egos. The sanders sides fandom and markiplier fandom get along just fine shipping characters played by the same guy so just be less judgy if you feel the need to tell people you dont like what they like. And if you really dont like it, its not that hard to just block an artist or ask them to tag their ship art and filter the tag. Its really not that deep so dont go sending anon hate to people for shipping the egos.
Dont be fucking rude. End of. Just dont be rude. If you dont like a blogs interpretation of the egos, just block them. Its not that hard. Be. Nice. Most of us are, but theres some bad apples so please dont be one of them and support artists and writters and editors you like and ignore others.
Ego cosplayers are fine and some of them are really cool and talented people so leave then alone with your hate. If you think theyre cringe, dont interact with their content. Sean has stated he likes them and/or apreciates their skills so dont send ego cosplayers hate. Support their talents god damnit.
Reblog, for the love of god reblog. We arent as big a fandom as we were and we have some serious talent in here. @leobashi @d-structive @tracobuttons @mythicalitycosplay @soopticboop @koryabeebee to name a few. And their content gets nowehere without reblogs. This isnt tiktok, therers no algorithm and liking does essentially nothing so boost content when you see it to make sure our artists remain motivated and adored as they deserve.
Share your content! We love to aee it and theres a criminally low amount of jse content on tumblr these days so give us all of it.
Robbie is a non canon ego and dont bash people for him being their favourite, hes great and hes flexible, being non cannon. Dont get angry for people putting him in the main tag because he is pretty much a part of it all and has been for a while, trust me id know.
Dont steal art(general advice)
Dont hassle @turquoisemagpie because theyre not going to give you any of seans content. At the most, you'll just give yourself a bad name in the community so just leave soph alone and dont nag them for any cannom content. Also sophs word is not gospel and their and is not all cannon confirmation so dont treat it that way. Theyre a person, not a content cow so give them lots of respect and love
Thats all i can think of but feel free to add. All in all i love this community and all of its members. It brings me so much joy to be a part of it and im glad that soon we could gave a whole new wave of members in this community too :)
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goddesspharo · 5 months
emoji fic asks: 🥺🌞✅
(let it be known that i resisted a very strong urge to send you the WIP emojis)
[fic emoji ask game!]
If you had asked me about the WIPs, it would basically just be wildly out of context make outs!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I don't know that I feel strongly enough about my own writing to be "in the feels" about it as I'm writing, but I do have a soft spot for when the more emotionally closed off character lets their guard down a bit. The first use of a pet name is always a good one (when that first "baby" hits, just know that I'm patting myself on the back for throwing it in there), something I was NEVER one for until they had Selina Kyle use it so deftly in The Batman. (It's all about how COOL the person saying it is and how much of a dweeb the person they're saying it to is. Matt Reeves was a real one for translating that specific bit of their dynamic from the comics so well.)
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I almost always do the bulk of my writing at night. Alas, what I prefer (reasonably early at night, maybe when I don't have to be up early the next day) and what actually happens (always starts around 11pm the night before I have to be up at 6am the next morning to go to work and be on call) are not the same. Basically, nearly every fic that I have written in the past year has resulted in me being sleep deprived the next day.
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Every once in a while, I see that tumblr post that is some variation of "look at me writing the same story again" (or conversely, Nick Miller's "there are only seven types of stories") and I feel like that's BASICALLY me these days? Am I just writing the longest "idiots fall in love" anthology? Sometimes the idiots are different and there are extenuating circumstances, sometimes they fall into hate first, sometimes they're not even gonna call it love, but that's essentially what I'm doing. One day, someone's gonna be like GIRL, FIND ANOTHER ANGLE and then maybe I'll tackle dog vs zombie.
Speaking of Nick Miller, I do feel like Jake Johnson was right on the money when he recently said, "Whenever I'm writing something, if there's not a love story, I don't know what it is." (Hilariously, he said that while promoting his movie Self-Reliance which only really works in the twenty minutes he lets it get rom-com lite with Anna Kendrick so he should've stuck with that instinct MORE.) I don't need or want all stories to be love stories, but I find that it grounds them a bit to have some sort of emotional connection involved. But recent fics aside, I'm also less of a plot-driven fic writer so of course I'm saying that. That said, I tend to usually have one person be wiser to the relationship dynamics than the other person. They're almost never on the same page until they are because I don't know how to sustain even my own interest if everyone is transparent about their feelings from the very beginning. Someone ALWAYS falls first and my favorite thing in the universe is to sprinkle just enough in it throughout so that when it finally clicks for the other person, it's not a shock that the robot has fallen in love. On a more superficial note, you're always gonna get some pop culture references in anything that I write.
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acacia-may · 3 months
Hi Acacia!
I'm so happy to see you back here 💕
Anyway for the ship ask game I'd like to ask about Zora x Nebra and Finral x Vanessa. 😉
Hi Lola! Thank you so much for your ask and the welcome back. It's nice to be back, and I'm very excited to answer your ask. Thanks for sending it in and for playing! 💖
Zora x Nebra I honestly never thought about or would have thought about if not for the fandom. I'm not sure I can really imagine my personal perceptions of Zora and Nebra really getting along with each other seeing as they are so different as people and have such wildly different priorities and values, but if they did manage to come to appreciate, respect, and even admire their differences (as they do in some of the great fics I've had the pleasure to read about them 😊), then I could definitely support the ship. I can also see how the banter they might have would be fun and entertaining. I just personally don't have much of an opinion on it or any clear ideas on how it would happen or what their interactions with each other would be like, so I'd say I'm pretty neutral on this one personally, but I do see the appeal. ^^
Finral x Vanessa is a favorite pairing of mine for sure, though I also love them in a purely platonic sense as well. I did the big write up about them here, but to summarize, the Finral and Vanessa dynamic whether romantic or platonic has always been one of my favorite things in all of Black Clover. They just know each other so well, are so good for each other, and just care for each other so much and so deeply as friends. They're basically platonic soulmates in my opinion. For that reason, there is definitely a part of me that doesn't want to change the dynamic at all and doesn't want it to go to a romantic place. It is so beautiful and so healthy just as friendship and the world needs more examples of healthy, deep, and platonic relationships (and male-female friendships especially!), but... on the other hand, I'll admit imagining their friendship taking a more romantic turn someday is a huge guilty pleasure for me.
I'm usually not much into romance in fiction or in real life, but best friends to lovers (when it's done well) can really get to me, and in this particular case, I think, after everything Vanessa and Finral have both been through and suffered in their lives, it's just nice to imagine that they get to have a happy future and a relationship that's comfortable and easy with someone who really understands them—someone who is genuinely supportive and who truly sees them for who they are: both the good and the bad and who chooses to loves them anyway. 🩷💚
And I don't think it is completely impossible for them for find it with each other (even if it's definitely unlikely, especially now that Finral's history with Finesse has been established). While I do believe they are genuinely best friends (and not in any sort of "mutual pining" situation or something like that), the idea of them as a ship does make sense to me because I can imagine their relationship taking a more romantic turn under certain, specific circumstances (that take place way, way in the future after Finral does some serious soul-searching: learns to love himself, kicks that incessant flirting habit, builds confidence, and sorts out what it is that he actually wants, just to name a few things), and I can imagine a world where they could end up romantically interested in each other and happy together in that way, in a relationship that develops healthily and naturally by just building on that strong friendship foundation they already have kind of like the ‘icing on the cake’ of their already amazing bond. It's not impossible, I think, and I'll admit it is something I really enjoy thinking about and sometimes exploring in my fics.
They are definitely in the "guilty pleasure ship" category, but I do think it makes sense (to an extent) and it's extremely compelling for me and one of my favorite canon character x canon character pairings in Black Clover.
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Do you have any headcanons regarding Sonic characters and their sexuality? Either from idw, archie or just Sonic in general
I do, actually! Since I have quite a lot I'll put a bunch of random ones under the cut
But if there are any sexuality headcanons I didn't include under the cut or you'd like me to elaborate on, feel free to send me another ask!😊❤️
Sonic (Archie):
Oh boy. So, writing inconsistencies aside, from pretty early on I settled on Archie Sonic being on the AroAce spectrum. And originally, this was because of how his relationship with one Sally Acorn was handled. I've read my fair share of "will they won't they" romances in my lifetime, so I could understand having one or both of them being jealous when there's an implication that the other may like a different person romantically. I can also understand being afraid to confess or trying to make the other person jealous so they'll chase them without having to make a proper confession.
However, I soon became very frustrated at the writers' handling of this relationship I'd so loved when I was a kid. Why? The simple crux of the matter is that there is a point early on in Archie Sonic where both Sally and Sonic are aware that the other has feelings for them, but the story is still played like a "will they won't they". These two were often treated like they were in this weird spot between dating and childhood friends. So if Sally kissed someone else (like Geoffrey) it would make Sonic wildly jealous. With that, in moments like these, each of the other would react as if they'd been cheated on (although if memory serves me well, Sally's actually kissing other people or pretending to be into someone to make Sonic jealous wasn't treated as badly as Sonic looking in the direction of a love interest, but I digress). And as this relationship started stretching out to 50 and 100 and more issues, I started going from wondering if it would ever be resolved in the runtime (because their relationship drama always seemed to be milked for views, with Sally's character traits often changed on a whim so she would create this drama) to just wishing they'd have the two go for other people or something (and perhaps perserve any love I still had left for a nostalgic childhood ship).
The thing is is that the longer their relationship and "will they won't they" stretches on, the more it just seems like there are no excuses for them not to have started dating officially yet. And honestly? It really isn't even fully Sally's fault that it takes so long for them to get together initially. Why? Well, early on pretty explicitly, Sally makes it clear that she's afraid to push her relationship with Sonic because then *Sonic* gets afraid and sort of runs instinctually away from being tied down. Interesting, right?
Sonic the Hedgehog flirted with Sally Acorn, sure. He even had grudges with characters like Antoine or Geoffrey because they expressed similar feelings for Sally, and acted jealous when anyone threatened to take Sally away from him. In issue 50 of Archie Sonic, Sonic had an all out brawl to the death with the original Robotnik in that comic over him orchestrating Sally's death.
And yet, it doesn't matter what happens. Once Sally's no longer looking at some other guy, he doesn't kiss her or try to get her to date him. He lets things go back to normal on purpose. He succeeds at making her only look at him because he apparently doesn't want others to take her, but then doesn't confess. He saves Sally from a kiss after thinking she died, being sentenced to banishment after being framed for her death, and after fighting their mutual enemy to the death over it, and all he can do when Sally wakes up is play it all off like he doesn't actually like her like that. The romance tropes are shoved in front of his eyes (fairy-tale romance tropes even)!
But the moment he's sure Sally isn't looking at anyone else or that he has her, he immediately makes sure things go back to how they usually are. For the longest time it seems like no big life fearing event or act of jealousy is enough for Sonic to solidify that relationship. And because he has so so so many moments and chances to, moments that other characters in a story snatch up in a heartbeat (especially when they know the feelings are mutual), it's hard not to feel that this is purposeful or means something.
So while reading I proposed the headcanon or possible reading that Sonic is on the AroAce spectrum. More specifically, that he's solidly aroace/grayaroace and is suffering from comphet, or that he's litho. I personally surmise that he cares about Sally Acorn a lot (that was never out of the question), but as they are childhood friends about the same age that can work well together, everyone and themselves assumed that the two of them would naturally end up together. I think the real reason Sonic would get so jealous when Sally kissed someone else early on was because he had it in his head that that was supposed to be them, and was afraid that if anyone else dated Sally then he and Sally wouldn't be able to have as strong/close of a relationship as they do. I think he ran away when Sally would try to confess and make things go back to normal when Sally was okay and only looking at him because he didn't actually want to be in a romantic relationship with her. Essentially, he wanted the security that she'd be around and they'd still be close without actually dating. At the end of the day, even if they both knew their feelings were mutual, Sonic avoided confirming their relationship status for the longest time because he didn't actually want to date her (and I'll be clear right now, the event that finally gets Sonic to date Sally in Archie canon was not only less life endangering than when he thought she was dead, it was very clearly a forced moment where Sonic finally had to make a choice for the sake of the audience. And despite not really indulging in Mina's advances, it says so much that the writers were seriously going to make Sonic choose and then date whichever girl the fans liked more).
And beyond how Sonic himself spent so much time avoiding confession and actually dating Sally, there's also this. He never really presents real romantic affection towards any other female character (in fact, it's largely implied in scenes like Mina kissing him that he didn't feel the same because he was pursuing Sally). He expresses not wanting to marry Sally because he doesn't want to be tied down and stuck as king of the country instead of adventuring. In fact, he has a nasty breakup with Sally after they finally get together because she tries to force him to stop being a freedom fighter and settle down in the castle with her. Once, Tails even asks Sonic why he's not dating any girls, and Sonic expresses to Tails that he can date pretty much any girl he wants out there, but that "girls are too much trouble" and that he'd rather be free and be himself than be tied down (also implying to Tails that he doesn’t really want to be with anyone). When Robotnik is dead and the rebuilding of Mobotropolis begins, Sonic opts in on taking Tails on a worldwide adventure with him to find Ixis Naugus (a journey that told me personally that Archie Sonic was at his happiest when being able to freely explore the world at his own discretion with his little buddy at his side). While this is a small thing also, in the issue centered around he and Sally having a date, they are both late to it (in a way that almost makes you wonder whether it was really an accident).
So, to end this bit. While I think it's clear Archie Sonic cared about Sally a lot and did like having kids, the handling of his relationship with Sally most of the time makes a lot more sense to me if I recontextualize it as Sonic having a strong platonic bond with Sally and dealing both with his comphet/internalized homophobia telling him that they naturally have to get together and that he has romantic feelings and the truth of him not actually wanting to date anyone (or girls at least). That's really why I feel like Archie Sonic could be litho or generally on the aroace spectrum, especially since his stronger more passionate bonds are often with rivals/enemies like Knuckles and Scourge, and how the damsel in distress tropes or the "you and me together forever makes me happy" thing was applied to his relationship and journies with Tails.
Sonic (IDW):
My actual general headcanon for Sonic’s sexuality is AroAspec but also gay, just because he often shies away from certain advances that certain girls make that he doesn’t mind when guys do it. However, Sonic also to me seems to just have a thing for people who try to kill him. So even though I align him as AroAspec and gay leaning, I do concede that the rival/enemy effect (aka, Sonic just really having a thing with people who have all out brawls with him or genuinely try to kill him) transcends gender. I suppose I could headcanon IDW Sonic as bi but eh. Even though there are female characters I ship idw Sonic with, those relationships are just special to me and don't neatly fit into the romantic category.
Tails (Archie):
Okay, so in general I headcanon most versions of Tails as bi. I'll get that out of the way first. To me that is a bi fox.
However, Archie is one of the few Sonic properties where I headcanon Tails as gay specifically. Why? I'll tell you
So early on in the beginning of Archie Sonic, the most Tails expresses any strong feelings is when he upholds Sonic as his hero (the same way Amy does when she is introduced). For a little while he's not shown to be interested in any real romance or in any girls romantically. However, there hits a point where it often seems like the writers will go "Ah shit uh. This fox likes girls okay! We promise!", present it in the most forced manner, and then not actually put any real substance into Tails' alleged feelings for said girl. The biggest moment of this though (as all the moments before are really tiny) is when Tails meets the robot copy of Fiona Fox.
Personally, the origins of the Fiona Fox thing always seemed forced to me. From a Doylist perspective, it felt like the writers started the Fiona Fox thing to prove that Tails was a "normal" growing boy who obviously would like girls, naturally. In this case, quite possibly because the fans just wanted Tails to have a girlfriend since Sonic was paired with Sally and Bunnie with Antoine. From a Watsonian perspective, especially with the emphasis on Tails wanting to be treated like a grown up and insisting he's mature, well... Let's just say that what better to prove that you're just as mature as everyone else than by having a fairy-tale romance with a girl fox about your age who is aesthetically pleasing?
No but honestly. Since Tails was a younger character who hadn't expressed any real romantic interest before this (with him putting the most passion into his admiration for Sonic), the Fiona Fox thing felt extremely forced. It was hard to believe that someone who'd never really expressed interest in girls or dating before would suddenly fall madly in love. Plus, after the reveal of his love story being fake and made up, the dramatics kind of shift between Tails going off about his lost innocence and how he can't bear to fight Fiona and loves her so much, to him being...unconcerned with his "broken heart" and more concerned with seeming mature and how he wants to be treated with respect by the freedom fighters. It was hard for me personally to take those stories seriously and seriously believe that Tails was into girls in Archie.
And for Archie Tails, the Fiona thing as far as I remember was the only thing he had going for him romantically. Like Sonic, he put all of his fixation onto the one girl he's narratively supposed to like romantically and didn't show an interest in romance with girls otherwise. In fact, Tails' romance prospects after this don't really come up again until the real Fiona joins the freedom fighters. And while the intent of this is to show "oh, Tails still has feeling even though what he had was fake", here's my reading of Archie Tails (re:the Fiona thing).
Just like with Archie Sonic, I don't actually believe Archie Tails wants to be with girls romantically. I think the robot Fiona thing was (at best) infactuation, and more than likely him playing into the romance angle because of "he was a boy she was a girl can I make it anymore obvious" and wanting to prove that he's as mature as the other freedom fighters and deserves respect reasons. It's also common for gays suffering under comphet to find this one person you can fixate on. Essentially, this person who would make sense to be attracted to, who is objectively attractive, and who you can put on a pedestal and endlessly pursue because they will never date you. Essentially proving you're "normal" by pursing someone who will most likely never like you back, specifically because deep down if they never like you back you never have to get in a relationship with someone. I think that when Fiona returned (organic this time) as this beautiful older girl who other people he knew would objectively describe as "sexy", she was someone he could easily put back up on that pedestal and pursue even while she clearly wasn't interested in him. And with that in mind, even though Sonic's dating of Fiona put a strain on his and Tails' relationship, it always seemed to be that this was not because "Sonic stole his girl". Rather, Tails was more distraught over Sonic breaking "the bro code" and getting together with someone Sonic knew he had a thing for (or allegedly did). Essentially he was more concerned with Sonic breaking his trust or not considering his feelings than he was over someone else getting to have Fiona romantically.
And again, outside of the Fiona thing, pre and post sgw Tails is rarely implied to genuinely have romantic interest in girls. He gets married to Mina in 25 yrs later and has kids with her, but we never get to see the leadup to this, he is never implied to have feelings for Mina in the Prime universe, and when he actually appears in 25 years later to speak it's more of a given that he's married to Mina than he's actually shown having some profound romance with her.
You get me?
The Tails Variants from Sonic Prime:
They're another exception to my usual "Tails is bi headcanon", largely because I see them on the aroace spectrum and as gay😂
Amy Rose:
I have sort of conflicting headcanons with her. I both see her as a lesbian who put Sonic on a pedestal as a boy she could chase around and pursue romantically (even though Sonic clearly didn't reciprocate) while having the security that Sonic won't actually agree, and I headcanon her as someone on the AroAce spectrum who is more in love with the concept of love than someone who actually experiences romantic love herself. This is a largely universal headcanon I have for her, and while I can lean more one way or the other depending on the Sonic property, I usually enjoy both of these headcanons.
Knuckles (Archie):
Every iteration of Knuckles is gay to me. I'll just put that out there. And in Archie Sonic specifically I headcanon him as gay and ace (or on the ace spectrum). This is largely because, well.
To even date a woman, the universe (and Mr. Penders) had to forcibly deliver him one in the form of a soulmate. His early writing of his relationship with his love interest, Julie-Su is often so inconsistent as well that you know he considers her a friend at some point, but his alleged "romantic feelings" feel like they're inherent (like he has to have them because they're Echidna soulmates) and that the interpretation of them being romantic is being pushed onto him. Mr. Penders played the "a boy pulls a girl's pigtails and calls her annoying cause he secretly likes her" card with this relationship, but Knuckles quite literally confides in his father that he doesn’t get why she annoys him and that he gets along so much better with his guy friends. Knuckles even suggests that girls should stick with girls and boys should stick with boys before his father, Locke, gives him a talk that kind of amounts to "sure you could be with guys but of course you as a normal boy would eventually want *more*". And this is also after Knuckles confesses that he doesn’t look at other girls (unsurprising, given that he doesn’t pursue any other girls romantically).
This is all to say that while not only was his romance arc forced and it's often hard to believe he has romantic feelings for her, it's hard not to read how he acts generally and his conversation with his father as him being an allegory for a closeted queer boy who doesn't know that boys can kiss boys. And really, even while Mr. Flynn actually presented Julie-Su and Knuckles' relationship in a way that makes more sense where you can tell they care about each other quite a lot, even Flynn Era just before the sgw feels easier to read Knuckles and Julie-Su as platonic soulmates who've formed a strong partnership.
Also this *is* the Echidna that joked in front of a bully of a gorilla (Monk) that he (Monk) probably loves seeing him in the "groveling position"
But I digress.
Post sgw as well, Knuckles also seems to reject the idea that he's dating or even leading on either Rouge or Relic.
Rotor the Walrus:
Gay Ace.
Cobar the Echidna, Tommy Turtle, the events in 25 yrs later or him being roommates with Tommy
His lack of romantic interest most of the time
Honestly even his origin story post sgw read to be a bit like an allegory for being disowned for being queer
Must I say any more?
Bunnie Rabbot:
I don't have much to say about this other than that she clearly has feelings for Antoine and I always felt she got on with Sally well
The most she ever really shows interest in guys is when she body swaps with Sally and it's implied she felt feelings for Sonic through this. However, she decides to create a body so she can hang out with Sally (and watches the stars with her). She doesn't present romantic feelings for any guys after that either. Even with Shard, I always got the feeling that they became friends because of their similar situation and their status as ais who obtained free will and "humanity" so to speak, but that Shard had a onesided thing for her while she just considered him a good friend.
Tangle the Lemur:
I think what solidified this for me is the difference in how she acts when she meets Sonic for the first time vs how unwell she is about Blaze in that same issue when she first meets Blaze. That and both her initial interest in Whisper and how her relationship with Jewel kind of read like a "best friends who are exes" deal when Jewel first became a character.
While I do ship her with certain girl characters, she always struck me as the person who likes dressing "sexily" without actually being someone who experiences sexual attraction. Likewise, so much of her flirting reads to me as something she does in service of doing her job or getting things she wants. Especially in IDW, it's more than implied (practically shown) that Rouge is more in love with gems and the master emerald than any one person she flirts with. Honestly, she's the type to end up in situationships
Lanolin the Sheep:
Jury is out. I have no headcanons right now. So far she just seems entirely uninterested in romance or sex and is more married to her job
Also bi
Sally Acorn:
Pre sgw? Bi
Post sgw? Lesbian
Elias Acorn:
I take no criticism on this one. Gay.
Geoffrey St. John:
Surge the Tenrec:
Surge to me is gay but like. She's gay in that way that anyone attracted to her is gay, and anyone she's attracted to regardless of gender is always in a gay way. Likes a girl? Gay. Likes a guy? Gay. Likes someone of any gender? Gay
Kinda like with Sonic though I also often read her as on the AroAce spectrum, especially since she seems to have no personal interest in romance. Like at best the most passionate she is is the hate she harbors for Sonic, and whatever she has going on with Kit. So like. AroAspec and gay. That's my final answer
Kitsunami the Fennec:
Vector the Crocodile (Archie):
In all other Sonic media I see him as bi, however
Gay. He tries and fails to prove to Espio that he actually likes women and can get a woman after Espio says he's all bark and no bite. Like sure he takes the service worker lady with him to the event he and the Chaotix were invited to, but he never actually stays with her. He's also one of the two 25 yrs later characters who has a kid but is not married and has no mention of the other biological parent (the other is Lien-da). Literally his son has more charisma and success with picking up girls than him, and Vector doesn't even really seem to like girls (although honestly I'll admit Penders gave *him* more chemistry with Julie-Su than he gave her and Knuckles)
AroAce and also more lesbian leaning
Romance and sex is far from anything she worries about or dabbles in, and at best she uses flirting the way Rouge does (empty flirting to get her way or to mess with people). The only reason I said lesbian leaning is because she seems the type to me to end up in situationships/atypical enemy relationships with women
I'm always oscillating between gay and just grayaro/gray ace. Depends on my mood
Frankly it depends on the adaptation.
Movie!Robotnik I feel is more demi or gray aroace
Sonic X Robotnik is bi to me
Prime universe's Archie Robotnik (this goes for the original and his replacement) is gay while also being on the aroace spectrum to me
But yeah in general Robotnik is on the aroace spectrum and whether I read him as bi or gay depends on the adaptation
Metal Sonic:
Chaos Sonic:
Also gay!
Sorry, but Shard to me likes women the same way Archie Sonic does to me. This is to say, he forms a strong relationship with *one* female character and confuses what they have for romance because comphet. So on the aro/ace spectrum and seems to get into situationships with guys fairly often
Mina the Mongoose:
King Max Acorn:
Hoho definitely bi
Locke the Echidna:
I want to say gay but he's like a heavily closeted queer at baseline. His relationship with sexuality is complicated, and while he has been with women before (sexually and romantically), he seems to relate a little to well to Knuckles' plight of not being interested in most girls and thinking guys should just stick with guys. Plus there's that scene where Scourge and Rouge are both surprised that Rouge's flirting and sex appeal isn't really doing anything for Locke.
Like if I had to label him I'd go closeted gay, but I feel like if he ever became comfortable enough to label himself as "not straight" he'd be more comfortable with the term queer or simply "not straight" as a catchall so he can avoid using a usual label
Gay!! This goes no matter the adaptation
I have no headcanons other than that he does like boys
Bi, but I also like to think of her as Demi too
I take no criticism. Bi
Nic the Weasel:
Gay, man. She and Fiona just had something
Nack the Weasel:
Gay but also married to his job
Bean the Duck:
The duck is queer
Bark the Polar Bear:
Vanilla the Rabbit:
Charmy the Bee (Archie):
In general I don't have a headcanon for him, just because of how he's depicted in idw and the games these days.
But pre sgw Charmy (back when he was depicted as 16) is either gay or bi depending on how I feel. Not super solid on it, I just know he likes boys.
Fiona the Fox:
I don't take criticism on this one either. Demi Lesbian
I have not once felt that she was genuinely really into a guy romantically. I think she just has a thing for danger and is a sadist in general, and I think she uses both Sonic and Scourge to get her fix for it. But frankly just like Scourge she tends to get bored in the opposite sex, and despite any declaration is liable to split the moment she's in danger. If she has anything for him, it reads as pretty shallow.
Scourge the Hedgehog:
Gay but like extremely comphet about it. Like he seems to be more fixated on the idea of being desired by women and the idea of desiring women than he actually desires them. There's an issue where he grows bored with all the girls in Anti-Mobius (even Anti-Sally) and decides to find Sonic instead to start a fight so he can be no longer bored. The cover of that issue shows all of those hearts with his name + a girl's name written in the middle, AND a heart where he's written his name + Sonic in the middle. Despite having Fiona at his side, he proclaims he actually wants Prime!Sonic to rule beside him with the two of them as Kings. Like he seems to like the attention and seems to understand what an objectively attractive women looks like, but he's always growing bored with them and partnering up with them only to not really have much substance in a relationship with him. And while I will put the disclaimer that Mr. Flynn did not create Scourge's original character, nor does anything he says push or deny ships for legal reasons, he did once say in a bumblekast episode that in a hypothetical "Scourge Team Racing", Scourge would choose Miles and O'knux as his teammates because he "dislikes them the least".
Antoine D'coolette:
Antoine's Father:
Absolutely Bi
Clutch the Opposom:
Jewel the Beetle:
Whisper the Wolf:
Not completely sure yet. I think I kind of settle on Arospec but likes girls
Sonic (Sonic Prime):
I see him on the aromantic spectrum but also like. Gay
Sonic (StC)
Just straight up gay. At worst he's gay but comphet about it in a similar way to Scourge
Generally she's a lesbian to me
Bi but also married to her work
Adam the Ai:
In general he is always gay to me
Chuck Thorndyke:
Haha. Gay
Thanks for the ask, anon! I enjoyed answering this one😊
Like I said, this is by no means a comprehensive list, but I did put down some characters from different Sonic media off the top of my head.
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(I break down the door)
hello there as a jack bright fan here to explain what's up with the dude. block me if you hate it and say hi if you dont
Like somebody else said, Bright is a SCP researcher from the. The website. Ya know, the website. His story is that his soul is trapped in an amulet that basically makes him entirely immortal. This is the base story for the character, with a lot of the other information coming from the various writers. The site has no definitive canon apart from that base description.
Often he's depicted as a Chaotic Neutral funny dude. With trauma. And that's I T. He's a stock character with flavor.
A lot of the controversy comes from two things: 1) The List 2) The creator.
The List is basically a really infamous list of things the guy is not allowed to do, and its known for being... really NSFW and raunchy. There's things there that are... mm. mmmm. I hate that list personally and I would not mourn it if it gets nuked from orbit. But one important thing to remember is that there is no canon in the site, and therefore the list is not a definitive canon for the character. Yes, it sucks and its NSFW as hell and has some horrible stuff implied on it, but IMO its not really something you have to use?? I've seen great takes on the character that don't use it at all. brb while i get my chainsaw cannon out for that list (and the guy below)
The bigger one at the moment is the creator, who is an Absolute Dick and I Do Not Support Him In Any Way. Other people can likely do a better job explaining what's wrong with the guy and I agree the guy is a verified Bad Dude. As the character was originally the guy's self insert (he eventually did distance himself from the character) a lot of people are uncomfortable with the character because of the associations to the guy. Plus, the creator using the character's popularity to... get to people. So being uncomfortable is totally valid! Personally since the character is more so a stock character for the website and a lot of the content has been made by other people, I don't blame the character himself for the actions of the creator- he's mostly been taken and ran with by wildly different people. The creator using the popularity to harm people absolutely sucks, but that's because the creator is a sucky dude that would use any sort of popularity he gets for his own nefarious purposes.
Since of the creator stuff people have been trying to remove the character from the site. Its a whole thing. It sucks. Since as you can tell from my own bias (yes im happily in the love category) I think the character is literally a stock character on a Creative Commons licensed website where most of the content is not from the creator and a lot of it is very, very well done. The creator should be widely ostracized and people should know what they've done yet not have that impact their enjoyment of a fancy stock character. Plus, harassing fans of the character is 100% NOT OKAY. And that dang list... use it or ignore it, I blame the community for letting it happen more so than the character himself. why are yall like that (this is why fandom can't have nice things)
This is already stupidly long. No guarantees I won't send more propaganda for this dude since gegrggr44g I love him ngl. he's so good when distanced from this nonsense. but i hope this shows at least some of the issues going on plus my personal takes on it!
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trainingdummyrabbit · 19 days
AAAAAAA I FORGOT TO SEND MY ASK!! BUT!!! 10, 27 AND 39 mayhaps? :]]
WAVE WAAAVES HI HAAAI ^w^/ SILLYMODE !! i um. so i sorted them a lil different bc uhhhhhhhhhh The Flow ^_^ dontworry about it ^_^
27. What's the nicest thing someone has ever said about an OC?
honestly?? th fact that anyone looks at them at all is insane 2 me... like. they r my little guys... and i talk so much nonsense... and ppl will just... read it??? like Actually Read It??? and like, recognize and remember them???? wh ;_; huh????? huh hwuh????? ;_: whu
39. What's your favorite part to draw on a certain character?
cocoas dumb lil twintails and wolfes hair! fun fun shapes, i like drawing fluff :] makes me happy. something something that post thats like "every time i draw an oc they just get flufflier" thats just like ME FOR EEL!!!!!
10. Do any of your OCs contain any symbolism in themselves/their story?
SLAPS TH TABLE. ROSE AND WOLFE. those two get SO MUCH bullshit, its kind of the core of their characters. at the start at least; theyve shuffled and changed since they first started out but its still very much There. like... rose's primary symbolism stems from beauty and the beast; the story. which. i guess. explains their no-longer-placeholder names.. though thats mostly just from a baseline point. her honest symbolism is the Concept of Symbol to begin with. the rose in a glass case, a prized flower in a garden, nightingale in a gold cage. meant to be held up as an Idea, something to Envy and Emulate-- the hushed whisper parents do when they tell a child, "be this way and you will be good. be that way and you will be bad." a symbol, a negligible variable yet at the same time upkept meticulously. to be a symbol is inherently dehumanizing, if that makes sense. rose, as a character, holds herself up as it is simply what is expected of her. to carefully and precisely trim the leaves, adjust your presentation-- become something Useful in the eyes of others. its a habit, its instinct, its what she Is-- but she's rather bitter of it. its something she uses to shield herself, but its also something she uses as a diversion, as a Tool to get what she wants; equal parts boon and curse. she knows what she is, what is expected of her, what she wants, and what (she believes) is out of reach. she knows her place in the story, and will pull any strings she can to get what she wants, exactly where people will least expect it. but what is it that she wants? oh, well.
wolfe, on the other hand, has heavy Dog symbolism. which, like, yeah. look at her. but specifically, hers is more in line with the concept of Archetype and Agency, than anything else. she's spent a lot of her time being pulled around and directed, and its built up a Lot of resentment. she's never been able to control where she is or what happens to her. as such, she responds to any sort of perceived threat by trying to make herself seem bigger and scarier than she Actually Is. more than anything, a lot of her behavior stems from the desire to be heard. shes intent on following the image of what she Should be in order to keep herself safe, but due to her own habits, tends to lose sight of exactly what that Is. the thing about her is that, in trying to avoid that applied control, she tends to swing wildly in the other direction, regardless of what that Is and what it Means for her-- so long as she's able to say (or believe) that it was her own choice. which.. unfortunately, means it is very very easy to get a rise out of her. it just makes her easier to predict and direct. all this, however, Also happens to tie in very very deeply with her dynamic with rose. she never really Intended to interact with rose much at all, but unfortunately rose is what is commonly referred to as: Fucking Annoying. annoying, in that she cared-- and was persistent. and honestly, after a while, rose becomes the only person she will trust. deeply. completely. there isnt a lot she Wouldnt do for her.
in all though, both of them have a heavy, heavy tie in Objectification-- they just kinda handle it differently. badly. they handle it badly. anyway,
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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this "Velvet Room" is so fucking messed uppppppp
you know if Igor were actually here I am sure that this fire sale alarm shit wouldn't happen
anyway yeah i'm still convinced the "Igor" here is a fucking fake, every thing out of his mouth is wildly out of character also I can't find it rn but he like alluded to, uh, either killing Reverie or letting him die if he failed his "rehabilitation" and I am like what the fuck is even going on here
Notigor, I'm tellin' ya
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sooooo uuuuuh Kaneshiro's shadow self is...... a flyman who starts using-- god, this is probably not the intended pull but he reminds me of Gangnam Style, that specific mockery of superficial nouveau/fake rich people?
Also he has a giant pig-shaped mecha and I'm like............. Is this a reference to the Absolutely Safe Capsule? I have no idea but it sure felt like it.
Fight was a breeze, Ann has sleep magic, everyone got stomped.
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blah blah Sae's boss is like the big bad or something blah blah
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So it SEEMS that when Morgana gets to touch a Treasure, he almost remembers something about himself, but its leading him to believe he's wrong and he's not actually human after all, which is distressing to him.
My current theory on Morgana is that he's similar to Teddie, in that he's a being built of the desires of humans. He just didn't do enough sit-ups and hasn't gotten a human body yet.
The form of a kitty cat is.... an interesting wrinkle in the whole thing. Teddie manifested as a literal mascot out of the desire to be liked and have friends (basically, it's more complicated than that). Morgana is a kitty.
So... possibility one is there is some Obvious Association with cats that I am missing that answers why kitty. Or.... maybe it's not as one-to-one with Teddie and Morgana is the manifestation of someone's desire. And that person is a cat person.
Maybe Morgana is Reverie's imaginary friend given solid form, WHO KNOWS. Reverie needed a talking cat, okay. His life is better for having Morgana.
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In other The Velvet Room Is Fake As Hell news, Caroline and Justine are giving Reverie the usual "make a persona with X ability" tasks BUT they don't know where their list CAME FROM. And the fact they don't seems to disturb them.
/squints at the twins
It.... sure is interesting that they are tiny and they are each missing the opposite eye and their personalities are so diametrically opposed they almost seem like two halves of one person
and in this """"Velvet Room"""" fusion is explicitly the act of killing two personas to funnel their energy into a single new person.
This is by FAR the Edgelord-iest Persona yet, so I am seriously contemplating if it'll Go There and have the twins fusion executed into a single 'complete' Attendant
but like. I wouldn't put it past this game honestly. We already had a lot of other heavy shit in this game, why not use a guillotine on two children.
/rubs eyes with hand
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Maruki is Fucking Weird ain't he. Like, he's objectively a terrible therapist for one, the amount of personal details he lets slip and inserts un-prompted into his work is wildly unprofessional.
Also the thesis of his work seems to be purposeful clouding of perception to 'heal' patients of inner pain and boy fucking howdy what the fuck.
I am squinting at him too. He makes me nervous.
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hi, hello, what the absolute fuck
Mishima, our biggest fan that we never asked for, literally knows nothing about the actual Thieves and is more focused on making them (and as a byproduct himself) more famous. He tries to get Reverie to go after this... random up and coming celeb? Because it'd be big news?
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and it gets WORSE
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He's also finding anyone on the Phansite he doesn't like and is sending them threatening messages as if he's the fucking Thieves.
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which, putting aside the fact I hate Mishima so much, this feel so much like a cry for help right here, like he's become fucking Twitter Poisoned and is aware of it but can't get his ass off the site and needs an intervention. He completely and totally sounds like those people who joke about how socmed is ruining their lives and how they know it's a cesspool and they should quit but they are also addicted to it.
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ryuji he is that bad
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So we actually go find his Shadow in Mementos and, lmao, this fucking "you just had to" BRO YOU SEEM TO MISREMEMBER HOW THIS WENT, you know, when you followed me around at school and back me into a corner so I had to admit I was one of the Thieves and you shoved this Phansite thing into play when no one asked
Mishima needs help but also dude has been holding a shovel and does not know when to stop diggin' and then keeps blaming other people for the dirt of his shirt
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we don't even fight him, just leave him alone with himself, which: good. Goddamn. I would tell you go talk to Maruki but he's sus as fuck.
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athenafire · 3 months
🚩 🚩 🚩 [can I get uhhh post formatting, shipping, and memes/prompts?]
Send me a 🚩 and i'll share my unpopular rpc opinions and hot takes [Accepting]
//I'm going to put these under read mores because my salt tends to burn.
//I cannot with the motherfuckers out there who think it's cute to overly format to the point I can't read your fucking rules page, and then get mad when I break one.
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//FOR FUCKING FUTURE REFERENCE, COLOR CHOICE IS ALSO IMPORTANT!! There is a god-damn reason I use plain black font, with white background. It's not because I'm boring, or because I don't care. It's because I do care, you rapid dogshit clout chasers.
//If I see another baby pastel blog with white background bitch and moan about people not reading their rules, I'm getting me mallet. People aren't following your rules not because they don't care, it's because your fucking blog is unreadable!! Cry more, maybe you'll wash out the colors enough to force a repaint.
//This goes for dashboard formatting as well. I don't care if you use tiny text or overly floral fonts/colors. Just keep in mind that it needs to be legible! Have fun but don't get mad when people just stop hanging out with you.
//Ahh, shipping, my beloathed. I love shipping. I hate shipping with people. Hate how I have to look at a person for a while and judge their literacy before I even think about shipping, even joke ships.
//A popular example is Joker and Harley Quinn from Batman. Yes, it's toxic. That's the point. That's literally part of Harleys character arc!! But some people swing wildly in the "It's a perfect fucked up romance like me and my boo" (Btw seek help) and the "It's toxic, and you're bad for liking the content!" (also seek help) directions.
//I don't even have issues with most kinds of ships, I just really do not like it when people have opinions that aren't rooted in media literacy.
//A more personal example is Meredith and The Emperor from 40k. It's toxic. The power dynamic is fucked, neither of them communicate by the halfway point, it's not built on mutual trust but just raw emotion (which can run wild in a war story) and they do love each other, but they're not good for each other.
//I love that ship because both parties are so close to making it work, but their core characters won't let it happen.
//Fuck it, we ball. That's how things have been since the old days, and that's how I always have treated memes/prompts. Doesn't have to make sense, just have fun with the silly situation.
//The major annoyance I have with these is when they continue, and it leads into my second-biggest issue with the rpc, which I'll elaborate on here in a different ask. Lack of response formatting.
Remember, kids, a rpc reply is not just reacting to what happens and sitting there like a viewer. You're an active participant. Add something! Throw in a new character, or a dead rat. Don't have an idea on where to progress the plot? Make it up on the fly! That's half the fun. Or, better idea TALK TO YOUR PARTNER!! USE YOUR FINGERS OR MOUTH OR WHATEVER TO EXPRESS WORDS AND IDEAS!!
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ashes-writing · 2 years
more than a feeling pt IIIII | stranger things ; e.munson
A/N ; Holy shit... This is kind of a milestone for me, babes. This is the first time I have ever 'finished' a fic. This one was never meant to be very long at all and I may or may not already have a different xfem!reader fic in the planning stages for Eddie here. BUT.. BUT.. I left the ending to this kinda open -and happy, so if I wanted to, I could write snippets from the future for this reader and Eddie.
Anyway... all the parts to the story can be found I | II | III | IIII and this one. The others can be reached via clicking on the capital I's.
Pairing ; Eddie Munson x NewGirl!fem reader
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ; As stated previously, all the parts to this can be found one - two - three - four , by clicking the number. Also, a reminder that this is totally AU. It's time is season 4 but nothing from season 4 happens / has happened yet. So like... this is the fall of 86. All that other stuff takes place around Spring but I'm gonna go ahead and say that if I do write spin offs to this then none of the stuff that happened on the show will be happening here.
Tag List: @musichealsscars is the only person on my stranger things taglist but I would also like to throw a tag out to @rampagewriting as well -feel free to ignore this if you want bb, no pressure. if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including Stranger Things, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
[ eta - @musichealsscars and @rampagewriting ]
Warnings ; It's sooooo fluffy I could dieeee. Seriously. It's cute. Lowkey, but cute.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open (pls.. pls... send me things) but they're limited to headcanon asks + filth/fluff alphabet letters and I'm not accepting wrestling / wrestlers in my ask box. Any other fandom/character but wrestling that I happen to write for is fine and I beg of you -> send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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“Okay, what gives.” you question the two freshman boys the second you're sitting down at the table you always sit at.
Dustin and Mike shared a look when you asked them the question. “What do you mean?” Mike asks. Lucas glances from Mike to Dustin and rolls his eyes. “You two are being weird again. If you know somethin, just tell her.”
“Thank you, Sinclair!” you shoot the taller teen boy a smile and he gives you a thumbs up. You take an aggressive bite of the pizza on your tray and down the table, Gareth speaks up. “So uh… Did you ever decide? About you know what?” he gazes at you as he asks the question. You hurry and look around because Eddie walked outside to talk to somebody and you didn’t want him to hear anything.
“She can’t do it tonight.” you shrug when you say it.
“I still can’t believe you’re going to do this. I mean, you’re staying… Why not just do what you really want, hm?” Gareth’s question is asked with all of the blunt nature he possesses and literally zero tact or care. You blow at the way your hair is falling down into your face. “Dude… Look at her, okay? Then look at me. Tell me who you’d pick.”
Jeff glances up from the Heavy Metal comic he’s oogling tucked away into his notebook and he gazes in the direction of Chrissy’s table for a few seconds. Then he shrugs. “She doesn’t really like him. Not like that. You do. And don’t you dare sit there and try to say you don’t.”
“Yeah, well.. I can’t compete with all a’ that.” you gesture wildly towards your friend’s table and Chrissy happens to spot you and she gives you a split second grin. You give her a thumbs up and hold your hands to your throat as you nod in the direction of Jason, her on again and off again boyfriend.
And a guy who you’re convinced will be the next Jim Jones.
Jason spots you and Chrissy looking at each other and he glares from the head of the table. When he’s turned his attention away again, Chrissy uses her middle finger to ‘scratch’ her nose and you laugh to yourself quietly.
And then, Eddie is there. Sitting in the seat right beside you as he scoffs at the way you are eating the square pizza all rolled up while shaking his head. You stop chewing and bat your eyes at him. “Problem?” you ask through a mouth full.
Eddie leans in a little and you nearly choke on the bite you’ve taken. As the rough pad of his thumb drags over the corner of your mouth, it’s all you can do to clench your thighs beneath the table and try like hell not to look every bit as affected as you really are.
“You uh.. Pizza sauce on your mouth.” he mutters quietly. But his gaze is lingering and it’s something you’re not really used to. You manage a nod and swallow down the bite you’ve taken. Then you chase it with chocolate milk.
You find yourself wondering if he’s looked at you like this before but you can’t come up with a solid answer either way and so, the pessimism ingrained in you says that the answer has to be no.
And then one of you or the other moves just a little closer. So that your sides are touching. You suck in a breath before you can stop yourself and you’re willing the cafeteria floor to open up and suck you down before you do anything else stupid.
Before things get so awkward you can’t even be around him anymore.
Oh but it’s a little too late for that already, because lately, you’d have to be an idiot not to pick up on a certain level of awkward in the heavy tension between you and Eddie. You’re kind of surprised he hasn’t because he’s a really observant guy for the most part. And you keep waiting on him to mention it, but so far, he hasn’t.
The bell to end lunch rings and you grab your plate and practically bolt out of the room like the hounds of hell are after you and this is how you collide into Chrissy.
And she’s all smiles. She asks you a question that seems innocent enough at first.
“What are you doing for Halloween, hm? I’m sorry again that I have to bail. My mom…” and you nod, you give her an understanding smile. Her mom’s not really good at faking her disdain for you. Or anybody who isn’t on Chrissy’s team that she might happen to speak to.
“It’s okay. Really. Another time.” you smile at her even as your stomach twists in knots because after all, you’re still not entirely sure that given you’re not leaving town anytime soon, you’re not entirely thrilled with the fact that you’re going to set her up with Eddie.
The boy you’re in love with.
Because that makes all the sense in the world, right? You’re in love with your best friend and he’s in love with your friend. The prettier one. So you’re determined not to sit back and pine away like all the girls in all the stupid movies you watch secretly. You’re going to do the smart thing, you’re going to bow out with a little class and a shred of dignity.
Because it’s probably better that way anyway, you’re not good at any kind of relationship, whether it be friendly or otherwise. Mostly because you’ve never really given yourself a chance to open up.
Chrissy looks relieved. And then, when you tell her you told those two freshman kids that Eddie knows that you’d come to something they’re doing in the woods tonight but you tell her you’re not really sure if you’ll actually go, Chrissy pretty much demands you to do it.
Which, okay, weird… But she points out that if you’re sticking around, you need to at least try to make more friends.
By the end of the day, you’ve decided what the hell.. Might as well go.
– hours later , in the woods.
“Okay, where the hell is she?”
“You said you got her to agree to meet us all up here.” Mike glared at Dustin who glared right back. “I said she said she might.”
“Might isn’t will.”
“It also isn’t won’t. She’ll be here, okay? Look, Chrissy stopped me before I got to the bike racks after school and told me that she got her to at least think about coming.”
“Again.. Think about isn’t doing.”
“Will both of you just shut up, damn it? I think I hear something.” Lucas hisses, glaring at both of his friends calmly.
They catch sight of a weak beam of light just as you step out into the clearing where Eddie is sitting on top of the picnic table.
“And here we go.”
“Let’s hope this works.”
“It’ll work, okay? It has to.”
The three boys go quiet and find a cluster of trees further away to watch from because hidden there, they can see better. And so, they get to see the exact moment Eddie Munson happens to look up and catch sight of you.
You’re wearing your favorite boots, a gauzy bell sleeved dress and the stupid flower crown again. You’re also wearing the pink glow in the dark fangs and you’ve got fake blood smeared at the corners of your mouth. After you took your sisters trick or treating earlier, you decided not to change, to just get this over with.
“Midget?” Eddie nearly swallows his tongue as his eyes drag over you slowly. And then again. Slower.
You shuffle your feet and as your eyes dart around, two things start to become clear. One, there is nobody here but you and Eddie and two, somehow, you know exactly what’s going on. Now your odd conversation with Chrissy in the hallway after lunch makes perfect sense.
She got those two freshman kids to help her pull this off. It’s not a surprise, Chrissy is one of those girls that boys just don’t say no to.
“Goddamn it, Henderson and Wheeler.” you mumble, giving  a rueful laugh. “I uh.. I guess there’s not some Halloween thing happening with Hellfire tonight, hm?”
Eddie’s blank look has you kicking at dry leaves as you swear under your breath a little.
“Sorry.” you mutter.
“For what?” Eddie reaches out, a hand settling on your hip and the other one gingerly gripping your jaw to make you look him in the eyes.
“Because I know what the idiots are up to right now and I know why. Pretty sure they dragged you away from something you’d rather be doing, so I uh… I should go. Yeahhh.” you turn and you’re about to walk away but your lack of context is not satisfying for Eddie at all, so he catches up to you and grabs you from behind to turn you around. “Uh uh.. You’re going to explain what’s going on, okay? C’mon.” he nods to the picnic table.
You bite your lip and swallow hard. And for some reason, you’re laughing.
“You don’t wanna know.”
“Oh, but I do, actually.” Eddie deadpans. You wander over to the table he’s sitting on top of and you pull yourself up to sit next to him. For at least two or three minutes neither of you really say anything, but then Eddie clears his throat as he looks at you.
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “It’s so dumb, okay?”
“You’re my friend. Just tell me what’s going on.” Eddie gazes at you.
You don’t think any of it will come out when you open your mouth but then it just pours out. You’re telling him that you planned to set him up with Chrissy because you know he likes her and you wanted him to be happy because you like him, only you didn’t exactly say like.
No, no.. Of course you didn’t.
You manage to blurt out the single most terrifying L word you’ve ever known.
Love. You tell Eddie Munson you’re in love with him and you give him that whole stupid schtick about loving something and setting it free as you shrug and go quiet.
 You’re staring at your shoes, the bench beneath your feet, anything but him because you absolutely refuse. You can’t, you absolutely cannot.
“Wait..” Eddie finally speaks up, a stunned quiet voice. “You were going to set me up with her.. Because you’re in love with me…How… That doesn’t make any sense.”
You shrug. “I never said it did.” you mumble quietly. You’re still waiting for laughter, for him to politely reject you or something but so far, all he’s done is ask why and tell you that what you were planning to do doesn’t make any sense at all.
Which, duh, you realize this.
“You love me.” he repeats, a quieter tone. Dazed. His eyes lock on you and he reaches out, making you look at him by the way he grabs your jaw again. Gently.
He’s always been so… careful… with you. Now that you’re really thinking about it. 
“I..Yeah.. but it’s okay,” you’re fidgeting, stammering over your words and rambling all at once, “You don’t have to…” you cough and swear under your breath because feelings make you highly uncomfortable ™ and you’re only realizing this now because now is the only time you’ve ever really allowed yourself to deal with them.
You’re really not expecting what happens next, not at all. Eddie steps closer -or maybe it was you, you’re not entirely sure, but you know he’s towering over you with a hand hesitantly placed against your hip. You can feel the cool metal of the rings on his fingers through the gauzy material of the dress you’d thrown on to dress up as what you’ve been calling a ‘hippie vamp’ all night long. 
You suck in a sharp breath at the gentle contact, -because you’re not used to it and you weren’t expecting it, and you can feel the flower crown slipping down over your forehead just a little more with every second that lingers and stretches. Your heart is racing. It feels like there is a swarm of bees buzzing around in your stomach and you’re nervous. Nervous but excited. Alive.
Luckily,  you’re too stunned to do anything really awkward like getting too eager to kiss the taller boy towering over you so that you awkwardly raise to the tips of your toes to grab hold of his shirt and haul him down to your level. You want to, but sheer self-preservation wins out.
Eddie’s hands -both of them, settle on your hips and you’re pulled up off the ground slightly. You manage to knock noses at first and there’s when it starts to kick in for you that he’s about to possibly kiss you. And cue completely mis-timed and awkward fit of giggles.
You honestly wish you’d get sucked down below the ground but you’re not. And after he laughs quietly and you lightly smack faces, his mouth meets yours, the contrast between rough lips and the taste of cigarettes and soda on his breath have your heart thump,thump thumping lazily against your chest. Your mouth falls open willingly and you just barely manage to admit that you haven’t ever, uhm.. Kissed a boy before. Like ever. Eddie remembers the incident you told him about, when a boy tried to kiss you in middle school but you panicked and swung at him instead, effectively punching him in the throat. And just to be a bit of an ass, he mutters in a voice smooth as silk against your mouth, “Not gonna punch me in the throat…Right?”
“No.” you stammer and the word seems to linger, only to be swallowed seconds later by the way his mouth crashes against yours, hungry and greedy. You’ve melted against him completely, he’s literally holding you up at this point. You know how he is about your hair but it looks so soft despite it’s frizz that you can’t resist trying to touch it and this is how you wind up with your fingers tangled in the hair at the back of his head, pulling his mouth against yours more deeply. Your legs wrap around his waist as he picks you up a little better. 
The kiss breaks when the flowers from your slipping crown manage to form a scratchy wedge between the two of you and Eddie grumbles, reaching up to pluck it off the top of your head. The fake fangs stab his lips and yours until you have to slip your finger into your mouth and pull them off your teeth. Eddie laughs as he goes in for another kiss.
And in the cluster of trees, three freshmen as well as Gareth and Jeff, all exchange high fives. “I’ll tell Chrissy it worked in homeroom tomorrow.” Jeff chuckles to himself quietly. Lucas snickers and nods to the way Eddie’s got you wrapped around his body as he stands to full height. “C’mon, Henderson. C’mon, Wheeler. We should get goin.”
“Agreed. It’s weird, staying here to watch. It’s almost as bad as the time I walked in on Johnathan and my sister.” Mike grimaces at the memory.
And you and Eddie are so caught up in the whole thing that neither of you notice the five culprits responsible for the events of the night as they slip out of the trees and go their separate ways as they leave the heavily wooded area.
The kiss finally breaks for a second?, third? Time and you’re giggling like an idiot and you can’t stop. Eddie snickers and slips an arm around your shoulder. “C’mon…” he yawns. “If we hurry, I think Wayne’s still got leftover lasagna. I heard your stomach growling earlier.”
You lean against his side and nod, reaching up to lightly touch your thumb to his bottom lip. You’re definitely still dazed because tonight is not something you anticipated either before or after you were dumped in Hawkins to live with a grandmother you never really knew…
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