captain--miracle · 2 months
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Touchstarved sketches drop :3
Posting all at once so nothing gets lost in the feed. Leais is so silly 🤭🤭😝, and Kurais is so everything. And Mhin is badass as always, love them a lot.
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solar-halos · 21 days
i think if thg characters were playing monopoly annie would steal the monopoly money but still lose anyway. finnick is the banker but he looks the other way bc she’s pretty. when johanna notices she just literally fucking pounces on annie. haymitch takes this as his opportunity to steal even more monopoly money. katniss is already asleep by the first few rounds bc she doesn’t like how long the game is taking. idk i just thought i should share that
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an atheist in a fantasy world who says "No, I know gods exist, I just don't think they're all that powerful since I've been able to kill so many of them."
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softleesam · 11 days
sitting on someone's lap or between their legs, their arms wrapped around you as you lay back against them
the intention was to play a game but that's quickly abandoned as their intention becomes clearer and clearer~ giving you all their attention and love, snuggles, kisses on the top of your head, tkls when you expect them least-
what were you doing again..?
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cjskribblez · 4 months
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Secret Santa gift :)
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Ft some wips bc I like them
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parkitaco · 1 year
sigh . lots of jonathan and mike content in the world. never enough nancy and will
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alteredsilicone · 1 month
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lilgoblinbitch · 1 month
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what type of music girly do we think michonne is?
personally i would see her listening to frank ocean, kali uchis, and also maybe mitski. idk why but her with rick is giving mitski love song, like “my love mine all mine.”
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franboos · 2 years
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i think i can see it now
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idollete · 2 months
juju, pelas fotos e vídeos que a gente pode ver do behind the scenes de lsdln, os meninos parecem todos gostar de jogar videogame, então em minha mente lelé da cuca me peguei pensando, como você acha que seria se a lobinha tímida fosse super competitiva, e num dia quando ela estivesse jogando com um dos meninos, numa maré de sorte incrível, sem perder uma única partida sequer de seja lá que jogo eles estejam jogando, ela solta brincando "aposto meu cu que ganho de ti de novo" só que oh meu deus, quem diria? ela perde!!!! ela tá toda tristonha e nem se lembra da aposta brincalhona que fez, mas quem diz que o adversário dela esquece? promessa é divida, não é?
não mas você meio que me deu uma ideia e você tocou num ponto mto sensível 💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭💭
nesse cenário aí eu vejo simón, matías, pipe e lain. não sei como você imaginou, mas......
penso que o adversário em questão deixaria passar quando a partida acaba, ele não precisa lembrar disso, não ali na frente de todo mundo. mas quando você vai no banheiro, ele vai atrás. tá te esperando na porta, encostado no batente com uma expressão de quem veio cantar vitória e você só faz revirar o olhos e resmungar, só que ele não te deixa passar, te encurrala ali contra a porta mesmo. a expressão já mudou, tá diferente, ele nunca te olhou desse jeito. ele se curva, sorrindo muito malandro, pra dizer que "tá esquecidinha ou tá se fazendo, bebê?" e você genuinamente não pega de primeira, acha que é só mais alguma provocação barata, idiota. "pela carinha, esqueceu mesmo, né? mas eu não. você me deve algo" e você cora na hora, nem consegue mais olhar na cara dele. ele te pega pelo queixo, estalando a língua no céu da boca enquanto balança a cabeça em negação. "sabe, é muito feio uma menina tão bonitinha assim não manter a palavra, precisa cumprir com o que prometeu". você até tenta argumentar, diz que foi brincadeira e que ele é muito ridículo por achar que foi de verdade, sendo que por dentro você tá muito curiosa pela possibilidade, até tenta disfarçar, mas aquele ponto no meio das suas pernas já tá pulsando e você não não tem alternativa a não ser apertar uma coxa na outra, "eu ganhei, gracinha, e vim aqui pegar o meu prêmio"
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brianmaysclog · 7 months
thinking of! writing a mid 40s nanami fic! age gap ofc. recently divorced. forced (not really forced) to join dating apps. meets reader. skeptical about it, obviously. they’re (you’re) young, he’s old. it’ll never work out, or so he thinks (you swiped right on him afterall)
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selarina · 1 month
Nanami x Reader (Roomates!AU) WIP
There were a lot of things Nanami hated about this place. The creaking door of his bedroom, the jumping neighbors up above, the constant faint noise of a moving car, but if there’s one thing he would say he liked about this place — it’s the balcony.
It’s located in a little nook attached to your living room, its entrance delineated by two modest, mahogany doors. The space there isn’t much, but you always seem to squeeze your way through, promptly, every evening after work.
Nanami never did manage to go all the way through — always finding something to complain about but at least he stopped censuring you for going yourself. And if he’s being entirely honest, he happened to like this routine of yours. Even as the winters came, he would want to chide you into shutting the doors, but he could never truly bring himself to say anything.
He would resort to grabbing a lonely chair in the living room and practice sitting. Maybe he’d make some tea, or fill out the tiny crossword on the day’s newspaper. Occasionally, very occasionally, his eyes would rise above, peeking over to see you perched on what looked like a cold slab.
Your eyes are heavy with weariness as you let the wind hit you straight in the face, your clothes ruffling as you stare away at whatever seems to have caught your eye for the evening.
If he’s being honest, it took him a little time to get used to you. He had been friends with you for years, but living with someone — he thinks takes a special level of patience and intimacy.
He wasn’t fond of your nocturnal self – staying up till the crack of dawn, eyes bleary and body aching as you tried to catch the very few hours of sleep you could muster in before work. He was used to structure. He liked structure.
"It fuels my creativity," you would assert in your defense.
“You have five words written,” he’d say, bending down to match your height on the seated chair. “And three of them are part of the title.”
But he’d leave you a cup of coffee anyway before he made his way out, even if he saw that it did more harm to you than good.
And you weren’t that different, even if you did get used to him way earlier than he did you.
There weren’t a lot of things to hate about Nanami. He was clean, he took out the trash, he cleaned up after himself, and he was your friend. But if you really had to nitpick something, it would be his newfound smoking habit. It had started quite recently after the two of you had moved in. It started because of what you now call the early stages of his job at Wall Street. When you had realized this habit of his wasn’t going away, one would have thought that would make you get over it, but you never really did.
For your sake, he finds himself trying sometimes.
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mariejordans · 6 months
just saw a theory on reddit that said that the reason emma has a shake in the prison might be because she was still small when they captured her, so they fed her in order to bring her back to normal size (bc as far as the public is aware, they still think her shrinking is due to food intake)
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scrollonso · 26 days
ik i should be writing the 4 chapters i have to do before Fernandos birthday chapter buttttttt 🤗
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shycoconutt · 29 days
wait wait wait wait wait WAIT!
hear me out…
nanami kento
full-time sorcerer by day
part-time stripper by night
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dreemurr-fever · 25 days
Chat chat chat
I need you to hear me out
AU where Galvatron is actually Megatron's son...
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