jam2go · 8 months
Synplant 2 is incredible
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technician-the · 8 months
So, I dont think enough people know this, but spitfire will give you a free pro-level orchestra vst.
You just sign up, and after a waiting period, they'll email it to you. its great for students or bedroom producers who can afford to wait
It looks like they have eliminated the wait period since I downloaded this. Now its just Free.
I have this plug in, and I use it extensively
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malka-lisitsa · 5 months
Starter for @hargrove
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Two or so weeks of playing the long game was enough for Katherine. She was ready for some answers, and as much as she genuinely liked Billy's company, she's on a mission.
Which was why she had lured her little interrogation target to her motel room, honestly it wasn't hard- Billy is a man who knows what he wants and recently that's been focused on Katherine.
Who can blame him honestly, she's addictive, a fact she absolutely uses to her advantage and often.
With a small push, she sent Billy backwards onto her bed and climbed over him with that hungry look in her eyes. Their lips reunited and her fingers slipped into his hair, suddenly and sharply pulling his head back. She trailed kisses down his neck and then stopped.
"Let's play a little game." She purred against his skin. " I ask you a question, and you answer it.... and if you're good... I'll even reward you."
She lifted her head from his neck so she could look him in the eyes.
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"It's like truth or dare... you tell me the truth... and I dare you to lie to me."
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lmaoumagadjieva · 2 years
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The dark path to reincarnation
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Forse la ragione per cui beviamo fino a fare schifo è sentirci di nuovo come quando eravamo bambini e nulla, o quasi, era un problema.
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audiotechtv · 12 days
Check out the Softube Lofi plugin bundle!
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kondoomwitu · 11 months
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extraplugins750 · 6 months
Initial Audio – Heat Up 3 Full Version
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Embark on a sonic journey with the revolutionary Heat Up 3 by Initial Audio, a groundbreaking update to the beloved Heat Up 2 virtual instrument. Designed to meet the evolving needs of music producers worldwide, Heat Up 3 sets a new standard for sound quality and expression, unlocking the full potential of each instrument.
Unparalleled Sound Quality: Heat Up 3 raises the bar for sound quality, delivering an unparalleled audio experience that captivates music producers and elevates their creative process.
Expressive Power: Experience a new level of expression with Heat Up 3, allowing you to infuse your music with emotion and depth, bringing out the best in every instrument.
Expansive Instrument Library: Dive into a vast array of sonic possibilities with Heat Up 3's impressive collection of 1500 instruments. The Studio Essentials, RnB Essentials, Urban Essentials, and Grime expansion packs provide a diverse palette for producers.
Genre-Focused Design: Tailored for the modern beatmaker and producer, Heat Up 3 focuses on genres such as Hip-hop, Trap, Drill, and RnB, making it the ultimate go-to solution for contemporary music production.
Versatile Plugin Formats: Heat Up 3 seamlessly integrates into your workflow as a VST plugin for Windows and both VST and Audio Unit for Mac. The standalone app ensures flexibility, allowing you to play Heat Up 3 without a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).
Comprehensive Expansion Packs: Enrich your sonic arsenal with expansion packs like Studio Essentials, RnB Essentials, Urban Essentials, and Grime, providing a wide range of sounds to enhance your creative exploration.
Cross-Platform Accessibility: Heat Up 3 caters to both Windows and Mac users, ensuring compatibility across different operating systems and making it accessible to a broad community of music producers.
Standalone Application: Explore the standalone app feature, enabling you to use Heat Up 3 independently of a DAW. This flexibility empowers spontaneous creativity and on-the-go music production.
Multi-Format Support (OSX): Heat Up 3 supports multiple plugin formats on OSX, offering seamless integration into various digital audio workstations for a hassle-free production experience.
Quality Assurance: Initial Audio emphasizes quality, value, and an extensive range of sounds. Heat Up 3 stands out in the crowded landscape of audio plugins, providing a comprehensive solution for every producer's sonic needs.
High-Quality Multi-Samples: Elevate your productions with high-quality multi-samples meticulously recorded from diverse sources, including real instruments like pianos and brass, as well as samples from analog and digital hardware.
Diverse Sound Sources: Heat Up 3 captures the essence of a wide array of instruments, ranging from traditional acoustic to cutting-edge electronic, offering a diverse sound palette within a user-friendly plugin interface.
Sonic Fusion: Immerse yourself in the sonic fusion created by Heat Up 3, seamlessly blending real recorded instruments and samples from analog and digital hardware. This fusion results in a unique and captivating sonic identity.
Effortless Integration: Easily integrate Heat Up 3 into your existing plugin collection, complementing your favorite tools with its expansive library and advanced sound design capabilities.
Quality Over Quantity: While there are many choices for audio plugins, Heat Up 3 stands out with its commitment to quality over quantity, ensuring that each instrument and sound encapsulates a level of excellence that resonates with producers worldwide.
Innovative Technology: Benefit from the innovative technology underpinning Heat Up 3, providing a cutting-edge solution that reflects the ever-changing landscape of music production.
Simplicity in Complexity: Despite its powerful features, Heat Up 3 maintains simplicity in its user interface, allowing both beginners and seasoned producers to navigate and harness its capabilities effortlessly.
Holistic Approach to Sound: Heat Up 3 adopts a holistic approach to sound design, capturing the intricacies of various instruments and genres, making it an indispensable tool for producers across diverse musical landscapes.
Creative Freedom: Unleash your creative freedom with Heat Up 3, inspiring musical innovation and pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in contemporary music production.
Efficiency and Workflow: Streamline your workflow and enhance efficiency with Heat Up 3, where quality, versatility, and ease of use converge to create an environment conducive to artistic exploration.
Unified Sound Universe: Immerse yourself in a unified sound universe curated by Heat Up 3, where instruments from different genres coalesce seamlessly, offering a cohesive and harmonious sonic experience.
Realism Meets Digital Precision: Strike the perfect balance between the realism of recorded instruments and the precision of digital technology, as Heat Up 3 seamlessly merges these elements for an authentic and dynamic sound.
Dynamic Musical Palette: Build a dynamic musical palette with Heat Up 3, as it empowers you to experiment with sounds, textures, and genres, ensuring that your sonic creations are as diverse as your artistic vision.
Intuitive User Experience: Navigate Heat Up 3 with ease, thanks to its intuitive user experience. The user-friendly interface empowers you to focus on the creative process, eliminating unnecessary barriers.
Future-Proof Sound Design: Future-proof your sound design with Heat Up 3, embracing a tool that evolves with the ever-changing landscape of music production, ensuring that your creations remain ahead of the curve.
Community of Creators: Join a vibrant community of creators who have chosen Heat Up 3 as their sonic companion, sharing insights, tips, and inspiration that fuel the continuous growth and innovation within the music production community.
Innovate Your Sound: Embrace the opportunity to innovate your sound with Heat Up 3, where each update and expansion pack introduces new sonic possibilities, keeping your creative journey fresh and exciting.
Comprehensive Support: Experience comprehensive support from Initial Audio, ensuring that you have the resources and assistance needed to maximize the potential of Heat Up 3 in your music production endeavors.
Inspiration at Your Fingertips: With Heat Up 3, inspiration is always at your fingertips. Explore its vast library, experiment with different instruments, and let the intuitive design spark new ideas for your next musical masterpiece.
Evolution of Virtual Instruments: Witness the evolution of virtual instruments with Heat Up 3, a testament to Initial Audio's commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology and creativity in the realm of music production.
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I made this song "Evisceration" a while back. What's fun about it is this track is 100% made with Vital, the amazing (and free) wavetable synthesizer by Matt Tytell. (With exception of the laugh) even the drum hits were made in vital!
I made it just to test the power of Vital never expecting it to be released, but God damn if it didn't come out one of my filthiest tracks.
(and yes, I do make 9/10 of my drum sounds from scratch, and make 99.9% of my synth sounds and fx from scratch)
You can actually find the sounds used in this song and many more in the Vital Preset pack "Napalm"
Check it out and download Evisceration FREE here:
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technician-the · 6 months
I just found this cool little distortion/bitcrusher plugin, based on old mp3 encoders. Its a free, open source download.
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malka-lisitsa · 6 months
Continued from here with @havvkinsqueen
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Theres a christmas market. Of course there is. Why wouldnt there be? People go ape shit just to buy a small wooden christmas tree to set on the window sill next to the real christmas tree and the ceramic one with little built in lights.
Katherine let her head roll aggressively, very much so conveying her disappointment with humanity.
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"Honestly I could list about four billion places I would rather be, than at that market. Unfortunately, every single one of those other four billion places will also be playing that god awful music and pushing novelty sales. So. Buy me something alcoholic to numb my disdain and I'll go with you." Shes bored anyway, at least this gives her something to bitch about and throw shade at.
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lmaoumagadjieva · 2 years
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Exchange with a local resident in the game
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NOIZECLICK by Sick Noise Instruments [FREE For Limited Time]
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cynical2k · 1 year
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sylvyspritii · 1 year
What do you like more: Touhou music with old era instruments (LM4 Mark, Super Quartet, etc) or the new ones (Groove Agent, The Grand 3 and so on)?
That's a pretty complicated question, but in general, i'd say that my favourite "era" of ZUN's music was between 1998-2011, i started enjoying Touhou music a little less starting with Ten Desires (the style difference felt very big to me compared to UFO), but in general, i'd say i like the MoF-GFW era the most in terms of instruments I think my main issue with modern ZUN instruments is that i feel like a lot of the instruments don't compliment each other well, as in, they don't "blend" together as nicely as the instruments from before TD, i feel like this is because the modern VST's have a bigger variation of different kind of sounds and textures, instead of the pre-2011 days when around 80% of the instruments came from the SD-90 Nowadays, around 60% of the instruments comes from VST's, but all these VST's have different "types" of sounds, and i think the way ZUN blends this greater variety of instrument sources (including his EQ'ing and mixing/mastering style) isn't always the most pleasing for me personally, especially things like the post-2011 guitars often feel very loud and jarring, they often feel out of place to me, and i feel this way about multiple other instruments too (for example a lot of the Groove Agent 4 drumkits ZUN uses nowadays, especially Elementic is a choice i feel rather mixed about) It's not like the new VST instruments are bad, it's just that i feel like they are a bit more difficult to mix together with the SD-90 insturments in a way that sounds consistent and satisfying for me personally, but it's totally okay if people like the new instruments too of course
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wetalkmusiconline · 1 year
Ableton Live Tools from SCHEPPERZ
Dark and distorted Techno Tools #techno #producer #thoriumrecords schepperz #ableton
If you’re a techno producer looking to add dark and distorted elements to your music, the SCHEPPERZ website might just be the perfect resource for you. The website offers a collection of Ableton Live tools designed specifically to help you achieve your desired sound, with prices ranging from free to just a few dollars. Starting with the free offerings, SCHEPPERZ has several tools available at no…
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