#Vivisection anon
"noun: vivisection
the practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation or scientific research (used only by people who are opposed to such work)." Idk why but I was more amused because of the accidental dehumanization- - Vivisection Anon (Imagine having that title... yeesh that sounds terrible.)
Im pretty sure its illegal.
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daily-basil · 2 months
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Otomerson's Pursuit AU is one of the most well-written, dark and emotional fics I've ever read. It doesn't center around Basil but like the rest of the cast his brain is absolutely fascinating to pick apart,,,
anyways. Here he is
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new-revenant · 1 year
Hi! can I share some angst and weird thoughts?
TW: mention of blood and vivisection?
Imagine that the Justice League (with Batman and Constantine) or any of the other heroes summon the Ghost King/Danny Phantom (sorry I'm only a few days into this crossover and trying to figure it out) to solve the problem. But their main problem recedes into the background when a screaming and crying Phantom with scars on his body appears in the summoning circle.
Fresh wounds from vivisection.
Danny almost suffocates and realizing that he is relatively free and not on the operating table, clamps down on the badly bleeding wounds so they will heal and nothing will fall out of his body.
JL calls for Danny and everyone sees the tired teenager look at the heroes in surprise with one of his organs in his hand and put it back into himself with icy calmness.
Danny literally: yo you're just in time. That was my favorite organ.
Danny tries to act as chill and calm as he can, acting like this is just a normal thing that happens. The League just share a look with each other before jumping into action, because this is their new problem now, not whatever probably-world-ending threat they were going to deal with.
One of them asks why a ghost would possibly need organs, and Danny just says “I honestly don’t need them in this form, but the government is kinda a bitch not gonna lie.”
“Aren’t you like, the Ghost King? How could the government get you?” Another League member asks.
“Well, ghost hunting technology is a thing, and I’m like a C-student, I’m not smart enough to come up with an escape plan while somebody is actively tearing me apart.”
The Justice League is regretting their decision to summon this “Ghost King,” since he might not be of much help. But hey, not only did they save this ghost teen, now they’ve got yet another problem to deal with!
But, to their surprise, Danny Phantom does indeed have the power fitting for the King of the Infinite Realms, as he helps turn the tide of the battle they were in. How could the government ever manage to capture someone so powerful?
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aww sleepy boi~
Sleepy boi who doesn't know about the good cop bad cop routine and how giving the whumpee an emotional rollercoaster will be more likely to break them than all pain~
Sleepy boi who doesn't remember day three :)
😭😭 poor boy
he anticipated an impersonal setting; just testing various methods and giving his own opinion on them. After all, it isn't like he hasn't been tortured before, and he doesn't expect anything beyond the usual: beatings, electrocution, various drugging and deprivations. All things he can handle.
But in past cases, his captors (and Vic) wanted to keep him alive and relatively whole, and didn't have access to healing technology, so he was in no way anticipating extreme methods that would be capable of killing him if not for the tech.
He also wasn't anticipating the lovely Technique Suppliers (you all) to be hell-bent on breaking him down :)
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bowenoke · 10 months
Right before Grian joined was season five, which is when Stress and Zedaph joined. Honestly, both of probably can and would do vivisection and other surgeries.
if I realized anything drawing the comic it was that there's absolutely no shortage of hermits who would vivisect someone as long as they could find a way to make it funny and the person didn't like. mind. It's a 1-1 circle with hermits who would be game to perform an unlicensed top surgery
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batbeato · 2 months
In regards to Natsuhi, I’m aware that she would withhold food and rest from Sayo (working as Shannon) even as a young child. She would also place Jessica into closets for misbehaving (if I’m remembering right?).
Considering abusers tend to repeat abuse on different people, though not always (it can take different form depending on the victim?), how likely would it be that Natsuhi would sometimes also withhold food from Jessica as punishment, put Shannon in a closet (at least when they were younger)?
The way she lashes out, is strict, is different in regards to her relationship with the victims of her abuse - but the similar punishment - treatment of them - is similar, if that makes sense?
I think, because to her she’s doing this for Jessica’s sake, she’d be ‘lighter’ in a sense to her own daughter? Rather than withholding food throughout the day, it’s closer to having no dinner (which is…still…bad…), more lectures on behaving like a lady and pushing for her to study, rather than literally working her to physical exhaustion and berating her for poor work, as she did for Shannon.
I don’t know how likely that would be for Natsuhi, though. she might not even perceive what she’s doing to Jessica as abuse - which also makes me wonder how she was raised, because people repeat abusive patterns that they were raised with.
Anon I just want to thank you profusely for also being a member of the "Natsuhi abuser" club I have so many thoughts about this subject
And yeah, she would place Jessica in the closet, that's confirmed in EP5. She also restricted Jessica somewhat, in the manga Jessica mentions that her mother wouldn't allow her to watch TV or eat snacks/sweets, but in the VN this is only "forced to live formally" and "only she had been in a heavily constricted environment. forced to learn various things, and it had even interfered with the friends she had played with." The manga is a bit more intense.
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I think a strong case can be made for Natsuhi restricting Jessica's food. I can imagine her telling Jessica to go without dinner, and from the manga it seems like there are general food restrictions, like not eating unseemly/unhealthy things. Natsuhi is shown to have an aversion to commoner food in that EP5 scene where Krauss is trying to get her to eat nuts in Taiwan, so I can imagine her deeming certain foods unfit for her daughter. In addition, many mothers place a lot of emphasis on their daughter's weight and controlling their diet to prevent weight gain, which I can imagine Natsuhi doing.
My personal headcanon is that Shannon was also sometimes placed into the closet, or at least, that Shannon was further traumatized by witnessing Natsuhi lock Jessica in there. Considering that Natsuhi didn't want Jessica to play with Shannon, I can imagine her punishing Jessica with the closet for 'reflection' while Shannon has to watch (or learn about it later from Jessica) and then ordering Shannon to do difficult work unsuitable for her age/ability, as she does in EP2 when Shannon is 'disrespectful'. Natsuhi's reason for the closet was to make Jessica reflect on her actions, but it seems like, for the servants, her method of forcing 'reflection' is assigning difficult work. Jessica is her daughter and a lady, so I agree that Natsuhi would probably make Jessica do studying or piano or something 'ladylike' as punishment instead of physical labor.
I definitely don't think Natsuhi realizes that her actions are abusive - a lot of abusers don't. She may think that she's being a bit harsh, but that it is 'necessary' to prepare Jessica for success, or to prepare the servants for 'the real world', or that the servants deserve it for being disrespectful. In the eyes of the Ushiromiya family, the servants being servants is a special privilege - they're paid well, they get work experience, they get the privilege of serving them. So any perceived slight or failure needs to be punished and corrected. They should even be grateful for the privilege of that, probably.
Natsuhi is from a traditional Japanese family. I think it's said that she was really moved by waiting for her father for hours in the entryway with her mother, kneeling? I forget where, though. But it seems like she was raised in a very traditional family with a lot of gendered expectations and a lot of classism. Natsuhi marrying Krauss was like a punishment for their old-money family - being forced to marry their daughter to new-money like the Ushiromiyas. I can imagine she was raised in a very abusive environment, even if she probably doesn't perceive it as such and is in deep denial of it.
Natsuhi is just... a very stressed, abused woman in a misogynistic family with very little power of her own and she takes power where she can in her violent abuse against the servants, and is trying to keep her daughter from ending up like her or ending up worse with her harsh upbringing. It's really fucked up.
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dramatic-shitpost-poet · 11 months
Thinking about being strapped down and having my clothes removed meticulously one item at a time with scissors or a scalpel. You can tell it turns me on but you ignore me, going about your work. Then, when I'm ready, you bring in another doctor you're mentoring, and begin to vivisect me, slowly and thoroughly, to teach your student about anatomy.
Damn, my pet is quite horny tonight... so needy!
But, that sounds lovely and you'd be a great educational tool! I don't plan on having human crotch goblins ever, so mentoring would be the best way ti make sure my work lives on.
I'd love to actually take in 2 students to watch as I slowly dissect you, making sure there's a greater chance my legacy lives on as I strip off your clothes with a sharp pair of scissors, all seeming protection you had stripped within a minute.
As you are my project and this shall be your purpose, education, it would be unwise to waste iodine on a specimen who is just here to tear apart. My blade would press coldly between your breast area as I glare above, not meeting your eyes simply as I know you stare at me, begging for mercy. One slice would travel down and open you through the center until your belly button, then for help, I would tell my apprentices to each make a cut to ensure your skin is shaped into an open and bleeding Y shape. Then, they shall watch as I caress your organs slowly, blood leaking onto my gloves. I would ask questions and make them point out every organ, tissue, muscles, tendon, nerve. Then, I would provide material for them to dissect together and mark it with a sharpie as I stand above you, waiting to correct them if needed. I might even hold my hands over your mouth if you whine too much. They are here to learn, a pet shouldn't be a disturbance.
As you go out from shock, I'll inject with adrenaline again and again until they are done. I hope you pass with satisfaction for being such a good tool.
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westvocap-ocbracket · 5 months
V Vs. Anon-Chan
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virgincels · 6 months
wesker content because i loveeeee to yap
i will die on the hill that wesker has a medfet. evil scientist man who gets turned on by the medical aspect of his experiments. performing pointless procedures on you because he wants too. you’re just a test subject, you can’t say no to him. he’s stronger, bigger, and has the power of uroboros. realistically what could you do to stop him in that moment? nothing, you just have to accept that he’s probably cutting you open and cumming inside. painting your insides white in a whole different way. deff wants to kill you just to have a reason to use a defibrillator -🍮
appreciate ur yapping omg I LOVE MEDICAL MALPRACTICE!! I think weaker is unnecessarily cruel about it too fuckin vivisection and shit
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
[lyctor at a sleepover voice] do you think jod and cytherea ever explored each other's bodies?
CANON TO ME. listen. of all the Lyctors, Cytherea would 10000% be the one to strap John to the table and pull out his lungs. for fun.
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daily-basil · 3 months
Basil but he smokes Basil
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he talks in comic sans when he's extra doped up
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new-revenant · 1 year
Excuse me, I want to share a cringe
Imagine a fem!denny or trans!denny? At the very least do they have a uterus? Sorry for the weird horror. ughhh
Au that the parents took the ghostly side of Denny.
Danny: yo mom remember you wanted to study my internal organs?
Maddy, confused, but like a scientist, answers very readily: yes?
Danny: *Penetrates her/his body with ghostly powers and extracts the uterus* - I'm sure I won't need it anymore
Maddy and Jack: ??????? (I want to make a joke about Danny walking in with Frostbite and his medics and just "hey man, I'm dead, which means it's time to get rid of all the trouble!"
Danny’s parents are horrified and very concerned for their child’s mental state. Danny just like :D no more periods for meeeee~
Maddie and Jack probably do have to do a little vivisection to make sure that Danny didn’t fuck anything up with their other organs.
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How would Kiv take a vivisection?
poorly lol
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bowenoke · 9 months
You’ve inspired me to give more of my characters lore to do with vivisections. thanks
my apologies to your ocs for my small hand in their vivisections. very excited for you though! nothing better than taking an oc apart to find out what makes them tick! :) you know. metaphorically :)
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bioswear · 4 months
Buddy I am a fag.
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this all has made me realize i dont post gore on main enough. i should take my own advice and get weirder and grosser
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