whiteladyofithilien · 4 months
I truly think that the greatest of all of Samwise Gamgee's great deeds is the mortal blows to Shelob. Shelob the spawn of Ungoliant. Ungoliant who destroyed the trees in Valinor at Morgoth's bidding. This deed ranks above even Gandalf's slaying of the Balrog as far as sheer badassery goes.
Here is this little Hobbit who's spent his life gardening and just admiring elves as a thing in songs and far above him doing a deed so great that any elf lord in all the history of Arda would bow to him for it. The orcs thought there was a mighty elf warrior in the passage and they weren't too far off. Any ancient hero of elven lore would have ranked slaying the spawn of Ungoliant as one if not the greatest of his achievements.
There may be no more amazing deed of heroism in all the trilogy than this. Shelob the last descendant of the most foul of all creatures brought down by Samwise Gamgee. It's even more epic than Eowyn and Merry slaying the Witch-King for this is a remnant of a far more ancient evil. An evil that never was anything but evil. No tragic seduction by the Dark Lord here. Just the spawn of the light eating wholly evil giant spider who terrified even Morgoth.
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by Guillem H. Pongiluppi
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vaporwary · 2 months
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saurongorthaur9 · 2 months
I believe the core differences between the two dark lords of Arda can be summed up with two facts:
One Dark Lord almost got himself eaten by the resident giant demon spider.
The other Dark Lord referred to the resident giant demon spider as "his cat" and occasionally sent her his servants to eat to keep her happy and to amuse himself.
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ylieke · 10 months
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“So I offer you something much better.” “Why wouldn’t you devour it yourself? Why share?” “I don’t need it, I just need it gone.” “That is hard to believe. Does the Hunger not bother you?” “My hunger is different from yours.” (a fragment of an illustration for the fanfic by @eternal-fear)
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irasoboleva · 9 months
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Melkor doesn't like shibari
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fistfuloflightning · 18 days
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oliviarampaige · 7 months
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“The Gloomweaver’s Brood”
Day 2 - Spiders
Inspired by the annual tarantula migration in southern Colorado.
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catcas22 · 3 months
I love the little bits of cosmic horror Tolkien slipped into his legendarium. Like it's mostly high fantasy, tragic more often than not but ultimately hopeful.
Then he'll go on a little tangent like "So there's this spider that was so big she ate the sun and the moon and the very concept of light, and would have eaten the devil himself if his crew hadn't rescued him. Nobody knows where she went. Probably she ate herself, but she could still be out there."
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violecov · 19 days
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Ungoliant elf-shape.
I want soo bad her having an elven shape😢
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marcomilkie · 8 months
Maglor: I drink to forget but I always remember. Maedhros: You're drinking orange juice.
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qwertysmagic · 9 months
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I was a little sad in the evening, so I made some Melkor as popular memes from pinterest. I'm sorry x"d
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buffyfan145 · 4 months
Word of warning we just got a ton of possible leaks about season 2 of "Rings of Power" coming from The One Ring Net source. However, I will point out while a few of these seem possible this reminds me a lot of other "leaked" things for my other fandoms, especially DC and Marvel movies/shows, and most of those turned out to be false and fans just posting things for their own enjoyment. However, this is how it first leaked that Halbrand was Sauron before season 1 aired. Some of these do match scoops/spoilers we've gotten from Fellowship of Fans an interviews with the cast, but some of these are so out of left field. I'll post a breakdown under a cut of the major ones but you can see the post in full here. But I will point out some of these would be massive changes to the lore that even I'd be shocked if they do it, so again we'll see.
So the first thing that matches what FOF and even Charlie Vickers teased is that season 2 is going to show a lot of Sauron flashbacks and tell his side of the story and that we'll be in on his plans the whole time. But according to this post the Mairon version is a separate actor and that Gavi is actually the Annatar version but Halbrand/Charlie is still the main one going forward.
They're saying the Tolkien estate gave Amazon more access to "The Silmarillion" and we will see all the Valar, Maiar, Eru (he's just a voice though so we won't see a person), Melkor/Morgoth, Mairon (even called this name), Gandalf/Mithrander (who is Daniel's The Stranger), and even Ungoliant as we get this full backstory in the show.
Halbrand will go back to the dwarves and reveal he's Mairon to them and they truth him because of Aule.
It'll be revealed that Sauron/Mairon had a son and Adar killed him, which was why the line Adar said about "a woman or a child" was said in s1. No idea who the boy's mother is but possibly Amelia Kenworthy's character. This is a huge departure but would be interesting to have Sauron/Mairon/Halbrand actually have been a father and the 2nd Maiar besides Melian to have children.
Gandalf/Mithrander will also have flashbacks, including that he almost sided with Mairon, and even introduce Shadowfax.
Tom Bombadil and Goldberry will appear, which we already saw a leak about this possibly happening last year.
Supposedly Halbrand/Sauron does keep up his infatuation with Galadriel but actually goes back to Eregion not as just Annatar but as Celeborn!!! 😮 So they don't rescue Celeborn after all but it is Sauron/Halbrand and it's making it sound like there's romantic scenes between them but again it's actually Sauron/Halbrand with Galadriel and not Celeborn. I know some of us Haladriel shippers have written this exact thing in our fics and if this really does happen that again hints that Sauron/Halbrand really could be Celebrian's biological father which I would be shocked if the show did this even though I'd also love it. LOL Then add in if they do this change where Sauron had a son that died and possibly ends up having a daughter with Galadriel. It does sound like the real Celeborn does come back too at some point so if this happens this is going to be interesting, even though I know a lot of the purists and regular LOTR fans might hate it.
The season does end with Sauron forging the One Ring, which FOF has also been speculating. The thing is if Galadriel will be with him when he does as FOF reported on her being captured by Adar during the Battle of Eregion with this also confirms happens in the last 2 episodes.
They're also saying too that the season will also end with Galadriel making a choice to save either real Celeborn and/or Sauron/Halbrand as Celeborn, which again could point to above that she gets captured and then decides to stay with him. So this is going to be very interesting if any of these turn out to be true.
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velvet4510 · 1 month
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cirrdan · 4 months
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I'm back. With a bit terrified Melkor
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hauntedinsomnia · 1 year
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The two trees of Valinor - by Kinko-White
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