#Understanding Article 370
prabodhjamwal · 4 months
Benevolent or Traitor: Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad's Legacy in Kashmir
‘A Fate Written on Matchboxes’: Hafsa Kanjwal’s book recounts incidents where Bakshi wrote appointment letters on a matchbox or anything else lying nearby. Iftikhar Gilani SRINAGAR: At a time when getting a coveted government job in Jammu and Kashmir seems to be an insurmountable task, it is almost unimaginable to imagine a time when these posts were given out on the streets. Bakshi Ghulam…
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scribblersobia · 4 months
''I won't adjust the furniture of my house the way you like it, I will decorate my house the way I like it.''
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
History of Kashmir from 250 BC to 1947 [to understand Kashmir's multi religious history and how we got to 1947]
Broad timeline of events from 1947 to the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution in 2019 (BBC) [yes, BBC. hang on just this once]
Human Rights Watch report based on a visit to Indian controlled Kashmir in 1998 [has a summary, background, human rights abuses and recommendations]
Another concise summary of the issue
Sites to check out
Kashmir Action - news and readings
The Kashmiriyat - independent news site about ongoings in Kashmir
FreePressKashmir - same thing as previous
Kashmir Law and Justice Project - analysis of international law as it applies to Kashmir
Stand with Kashmir - awareness, run by diaspora Kashmiris (both Pandit and Muslim)
These two for more readings and resources on Kashmir: note that the petitions and donation links are from 2019 and also has explainers on the background (x) (x)
To read
Do You Remember Kunan Poshpora? - about women in the Kashmiri resistance movement and the 1991 mass rape of Kashmiri women in the twin villages of Kunan and Poshpora by Indian armed forces
Until My Freedom Has Come: The New Intifada in Kashmir - a compliation of writings about the lives of Kashmiris under Indian domination
Colonizing Kashmir: State Building under Indian Occupation - how Kashmir was made "integral" to the Indian state and examines state-building policies (excerpt)
Resisting Occupation in Kashmir - about the social and legal dimensions of India's occupation
On India's scapegoating of Kashmiri Pandits, both by Kashmiri Pandits (x) (x)
Of Gardens and Graves - translations of Kashmiri poems
Social media
standwithkashmir and their backup account standwithkashmir2 (main account is banned in India wonder why)
jammugenocide (awareness about the 1947 genocide abetted by Maharaja Hari Singh and the RSS)
To watch
Jashn-e-Azadi: How We Celebrate Freedom parts 1 and 2 - a documentary about the Kashmiri freedom struggle (filmed by a Kashmiri Pandit)
Paradise Lost - BBC documentary about how India and Pakistan's dispute over the valley has affected the people
Kashmir - Valley of Tears - the exhaustion with the conflict in the post nineties
In the Shade of Fallen Chinar - art as a form of Kashmiri resistance
Human rights violations (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Land theft and dispossession (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
A note: I know annoying Desis are going to see this and go "Oh but Kashmir is Pakistan's because-" and "Kashmir is an integral part of India because-". I must make my stance clear: Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris, the natives, no matter what religion they belong to. Neither Pakistan nor India get to decide the matter of Kashmiri sovereignty. The reasons given by both parties as to why Kashmir should be a part of either nation are bullshit. The United Nations itself recognises Kashmir as a disputed region, so I will not entertain dumbfuckery. I highly encourage fellow Indians especially to take the time to go through and properly understand the violence the government enacts on Kashmiris. I've also included links to learn more about Kashmiri culture because really, what do the rest of us know about it? Culturally and linguistically Kashmir differs so much from the rest of India and Pakistan (also the amount of fetishization of Kashmiri women...yikes). This is not just a bilateral issue between these two nations over land, this actually affects the people of Kashmir. And if you're still here, thank you for reading
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Now that I have your attention, let me just tell you how utterly INSANE that concert was.
For a little more background, this Saturday (Aug. 26) Ateez came to Brazil for the first time and held their 1st stadium concert at Allianz Parque in São Paulo. According to a few articles, there were around 30k people, even though they weren't using the full capacity of the space (around 45k I guess). So far, this is the biggest public they have performed in front of. Also, the only other kpop group to perform there was BTS, so there's that.
I know some countries work differently, but in Brazil we don't have numbered chairs/spots in most of our concerts, so the first ones to get inside on the day of the concert are the ones with the best spot to watch it. That being said, there were people camping around the stadium 3 MONTHS before the concert even happened, just after the tickets were sold. Yes, we hate that kind of people.
But funny enough, when a VIP package was announced, 10 days before d-day (yeah, that's right, a soundcheck-early-entrace package announced only 10 days before the concert - and we hated that also), that meant that unless those people bought the VIP expansion, their camping would have been useless. Fun fact about the VIP expansion/upgrade: it ranged from 1,8k reais (+-370 USD) to 3k reais (+-615 USD) depending if you already had Pit (kinda front rows?) tickets or would need to upgrade - and our minimum wage is 1,7k/month (+-350 USD/month).
Now that I've covered that, let's move on to my personal experience, because that's what I really want to talk about (and no other social platform would really listen, so thank you tumblr for allowing me to talk to myself comfortably).
I live kinda near São Paulo, but the bus I had to take would only do the longer route, so that meant waking up early. Like, 1am early, to have breakfast, get dressed up and styled for the concert, and get to the bus station. I went with my sister and my best friend, we did our best to stick to our schedule, and we almost missed our bus - shout out to the other bus driver who took pity of us and helped us get to the right bus, you're the best and I hope that both sides of your pillow are aways cold.
We arrived in São Paulo at 6am, and took the subway to the stadium's district. We also had to walk 1,5km to get there, as most streets around it were closed and no uber would take us. So picture me, in 12cm platform boots, walking 1,5km. It was an experience, to say the least.
When we finally got to our sector's line, it was around 7:30 in the morning, and there we stayed until 4pm. Yep, almost 9 hours in line, with barely enough space to sit down for a few minutes before the line would move forward for no apparent reason. But, I also met new cool people, and got a few free pc and pins to keep as souvenirs!
I know it must sound like I'm complaining about the whole experience but I promise I'm not. Actually, it was my fist kpop concert, and also my first time on a floor spot, and everything felt so crazy and intense, I don't even know what I was expecting from it all.
We got inside at 4-something pm, and that was the first bathroom break we took since we left the subway (and about that, never doing that again). We managed a place not that far from the b-stage, fixed our things and ourselves, and waited.
If you ever watched an Ateez concert livestream, you know that sometimes they run a bit late, perfectly normal. But let me tell you it didn't take more than 10 minutes for them to start, and I'm pretty sure that if we were excited and nervous, they were 10 times more.
Unfortunately Jongho wasn't there, he's in Korea and will have to fix his ankle with surgery. We did our best to sing his lines even more energetically so that the boys would see that we understand the situation, and that we love Jongho just as much. 8 makes 1 team, after all.
There's not much to say about the concert, I guess everybody knows the setlist and the interactions they usually do with the crowd. But my honorable mentions go to:
The boys introducing themselves in Portuguese! Also them speaking Portuguese randomly during the concert~ it really felt special seeing them doing it
Their reactions to our cheerings! We are known for our passion, and honestly we are very much proud of being loud - they looked so happy whenever we'd match their energy
On the topic of cheering - the "break the wall" chant. Or even better, THE "break the wall" chant. Not to be cocky, but I challenge any other country to surpass us
Wonderland. I mean, do I even have to elaborate? We did our best to sing Jongho's highnote, it wasn't perfect but it was full of love
Last but not least, us making them blush HARD. we have this chant that goes "Lindo, tesão, bonito e gostosão", and you can translate it if you want, but roughly it means we called them beautiful and hot <3
I don't think I'll be posting my videos in here, but if you wanna fell the Brazilian vibe, you can check out my Instagram highlight "ATEEZ IN BRAZIL" on @/itsme_clarinha, or my Twitter (X?) under the same name where I'll post a thread with the full videos I didn't manage on Instagram ✨️
So that's it! I probably forgot a bunch of stuff, but what I remembered was what I wanted to mention the most;; and if you got this far, here's the video of the best brazilian fanchant ever lol
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skruffie · 3 months
People aren't just the customers anymore but we are the products. Surge pricing is going to be more widespread. The Kellogg CEO is saying we should eat breakfast cereal for dinner if we can't afford a more hearty meal, as if cereal was also affordable anymore. The election this year in the United States is between Dementia-and-Genocide and Dementia-and-Genocide but in red. Everyone says we're not in a recession but we see article after article about side hustles and turning our hobbies into profit. Artists are having their work stolen to train AI models to do the work instead. Massive layoffs. At Alice's previous job, it was $444/month for our health insurance with no deductible and at mine it is $370 with a few thousand deductible for myself and a spouse. We split our rent payment 60/40 to have it paid throughout the month and the flex program helps "build credit". I got almost 119% in my sales goal last year and my hours got cut between 5-8 each week until the whole store can turn a better profit. You can go to college and get a degree and sling coffee or work in a tech job you hate that makes you want to kill yourself because you were told your whole life to go to college, but then when the jobs ran out every asks you "well why didn't you go to trade school?"
Cities take away benches, put up boulders and spikes to drive people away from sitting and standing and existing in public. Slavery was never actually fully outlawed in this country, you know. The 13th amendment makes an exception to use slavery as punishment for a crime. It is literally in the constitution. The federal minimum wage is still under $8/hr. The CEO of the medical side at work doesn't understand how someone can't afford the $39 retinal imaging copay because for him it's not that much money but we're the people in the store navigating explaining insurance benefits to patients every single fucking day who have to decide if they want to see clearly with glasses that will last them until next year's appointment or get a cheaper pair to tide them over. He does this and then manages to screw up the pay for the techs doing the pretesting so they're constantly having to monitor their paychecks every two weeks.
Something has to fucking give. This cannot keep going on.
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georgedpr · 1 year
Blogging and Streamlining the Process
I have been trying to blog for years, and over the years I have found that there is no magic or “silver bullet”1 Writing anything from a work memo to a grocery list requires you to plant yourself somewhere and start writing. Put one word after another till you get to the “The End” (figuratively or literally depending on what you’re writing). This seems like a simple endeavor though it often proves harder than one imagines due to life stressors and other factors.
There has even been a recent reflection on blogging having a resurgence given the recent upheaval in the social media space.
Bring back personal blogging - The Verge
I hate what blogging has become: Reflections after a blogging break
What I should do, however, is to stay true to myself and blog whatever the heck I want, even if it impacts my rice bowl.
And some retrospectives from those who have been blogging for numerous years.2
This all brings my attempts at blogging and writing into new/sharp contexts. I have had this domain for over ten years now, and I have been blogging (between this blog and prior instances for longer). I started the blog to create a professional voice (like my blog idol at librarian.net or the librarian avengers) though the blog has evolved over the years.
I still write to get ideas into the world though it helps me process and understand the world as it unfolds around me; it has never been easy and never as often or as well as I desire. Yet, I want to keep writing. I think this is partly because I am inherently curious and also a “tinkerer” at heart.
I am saying all this for context as I was disheartened to find draft documents for blog posts dating back years sitting ideally and not posted or started and never continued. Most on reactions to a news article or a half-finished idea and it pains me to post them now so I thought I should rework my workflow to try and prevent this from happening again. I have tried a few services over the years to host the blog3 and I like to write in a Markdown editor before posting to my blog rather than the native client. I think it is best to have a local copy of your posts saved as a text file as that means I have an offline copy.
The downside to this process is that the Tumblr app does not allow for native Markdown so I have to export the blog and then try to access Tumblr via the web to post via the web. 4 I used to use an app called Byword for years though that seems to have been abandoned, and there are other similar apps like iA Writer though they don’t have integration with Tumblr and don’t have plans to implement the service. I could look at different clients likeMarsedit though I really wanted a mobile client and Marsedit does TOO much. The reason I like Tumblr is that as much as I want to nerd out over the HTML and it simply allows me to post (in theory) without worrying too much about the backend HTML. There is also the Tumblr API though would be a stretch to create something to post natively (as exciting as that does sound in theory) so I think the technical solutions may not be worth the effort at this point.
I am not sure what a good solution will be at this point though I was thinking about creating a publishing calendar that would help me create a habit to blog and then also work on better tracking WHAT I’ve written about to help spur ideas. Though I don’t know if that will only further convolute the process. I know that writing and creating are important human endeavors and it feeds the soul. I feel as though I write some version of this post every year though yet it is important to keep trying, and trying.
I am not sure where that statement comes from though it seems pertinent in this case.  ↩︎
I came across this recommendation from Jeff Perry (@[email protected]) on writing, which is a discussion between Jason Kottke and John Gruber on the The Talk Show ep. 370 - ‘Fine Hypertext Products’, with Jason Kottke - Jeff Perry  ↩︎
I have used Rapidweaver to self-host, then Blogger, and now Tumblr, which has been my home for several years.  ↩︎
Also the Tumblr Markdown they’ve implemented does not allow for some Markdown functions like footnotes so I need to export the text as HTML.  ↩︎
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wengdotlam · 16 days
Week 6: What is Digital Citizenship? Hashtag Publics, Political Engagement and Activism
Welcome To Lam’s Blog 
Heya! Done reading my first post? Now let's dive into the topic of digital citizenship. Who are those ‘CITIZENS’? AI? Data? 
Nope, WE are digital citizens. 
Digital citizens are anyone who uses the internet to connect to the digital society. Digital citizenship includes the rules and regulations we follow when using technology, like privacy, safety, responsibility, respect, and peace in digital communities. If you're curious about responsible online behavior (Digital Citizenship 101 2023).
As a digital citizen, I bet you're familiar with hashtags. Every post, reel, or article on social platforms has hashtags below. What are hashtags for? Hashtags help expose the information you share to the right audiences. They're like simple signs to connect people online and communicate or discuss similar topics.
 This link has some interesting stats that let you know the importance of hashtag on media:
Hashtags aren't just for #OOTD or #RAYAOUTFIT. They can transform activism, like #ClimateStrike and #StopAsianHate (Jagoo 2022). The power of hashtags helps promote social issues, letting more people understand the intersectionality of these issues and trying to change society. In the recent reading, intersectionality highlighted by Choi and Cristol (2021), shows how various aspects of identity (like race, gender, and class) interconnect and affect experiences with social inequalities.
Furthermore, social media platforms can also impact political engagement and activism. For example, #AllEyesOnRafah is now trending on Malaysian media platforms like Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram. 
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This activism has raised awareness about the situation in Rafah. People share it all over social media to get international advocacy efforts, humanitarian aid, or policy responses from governments and organizations. They use hashtags to engage users and transform activism into powerful political movements.
As well as the #MAGA (Make America Great Again) slogan, from Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, is another powerful example of digital citizenship. It had a major impact on American politics and society, helping Trump supporters organize and shape debates on economic nationalism, immigration, and law and order. Widely used on social media, #MAGA amplified Trump's messages, increased political polarization, and led to counter-movements like #Resistance. The slogan became a cultural symbol, especially through red MAGA hats, influencing media coverage and public opinion. It also guided economic and legislative actions, supporting the "America First" agenda and boosting political legitimacy among Trump supporters (#MAGA).
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To be honest, sometimes as a digital citizenship we can share those post or write a post to support the campaigns or serious social justice that on going to give out your supports to contribute one hand to make the real-world change.
Join hashtag movements from now on, spread kindness online together : )
Comment your thoughts or experiences with digital citizenship below. I'd love to hear from you!
See you on next blog #lamdigitalcommunitiesblog ! Hehe!
As it happened: Climate strike protests sweep around the world, n.d. , BBC News, viewed 17 May 2024,
< https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-49753710>
Choi, M., & Cristol, D 2021, Digital citizenship with intersectionality lens: Towards participatory democracy driven digital citizenship education. Theory Into Practice, 60(4), 361–370.viewed 17 May 2024,
Digital Citizenship 101: Responsible online behavior: 2024, 2023, CyberCitizenship.org. viewed 16 May 2024, <https://www.cybercitizenship.org/digital-citizenship-guide/#1-the-basics-of-digital-citizenship>
Jagoo, K 2022, What’s come out of the #StopAsianHate movement a year after the Atlanta shootings, Verywell Mind, viewed 16 May 2024,
#MAGA, make America great again and Social Media, n.d. , #MoveMe, viewed 17 May2024,
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facesofcsl · 1 month
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Bonita Bohnet- Bachelor of Arts, Faculty of Native Studies
Bonita Bohnet (she/her) is Métis and is completing her Bachelor of Arts in the Faculty of Native Studies. She is in her fifth year and final term at the University of Alberta. Bonita has been an intern in the Humanities 101 Program (HUM) within CSL for three years.
Can you trace your involvement with CSL?
When I first became involved with CSL, I participated in the Humanities 101 class in 2019. The Humanities 101 Program offers free, non-credit university education to people who face barriers to post-secondary education by valuing their lived experiences and knowledge. From there, I became a university student. After my first year of university, I interned for Humanities 101 and have been with the program for three years. So, it’s been wonderful being able to do that. Besides my involvement with HUM, I’ve also taken CSL courses within my studies. 
Why did you decide to take your first CSL course?
I took my first CSL course by accident! So, I’m also in the Indigenous Governance and Partnership Certificate, embedded in the Faculty of Native Studies. I took a mandatory course, Colonization and Decolonization, to fulfill the certificate requirements. I was informed that there was a CSL component only once I started the class. It was my first CSL class, and it was great! 
What CSL placements have you completed?
I completed my placement with Métis Crossing while I was enrolled in the Colonization and Decolonization course. We were placed in groups and tasked with creating an interactive activity that could teach people about the different aspects of the Métis Nation of Alberta Constitution. As part of my group, we developed a Geocaching activity, where people can learn about various aspects of the Constitution and Metis history while exploring. Geocaching is like a scavenger hunt. It’s a worldwide activity with an app attached to it. While people are out in nature, they can hide little notes or trinkets and upload the location coordinates to the free app. This included an official kit from Geocaching that included tags and other materials that Métis Crossing could put in their vicinity. People participating in Geocaching can go there and engage with it and feel like, “Oh, there’s something we can customize!” So, that was a fun one, and I enjoyed it. 
Last spring of 2023, I was in the course CSL 370: Special Topics and Community Engagement, Uprooting and Embedding Knowledge. This one was really great, too! We went to various community organizations, from Boyle Street to Kindred House. We also met with Elders, and a lot of our experience was outdoors. It was really about getting to know people and building relationships with those who access and are involved in the services, so it was more relational. We did a lot of gardening, which was related back to the land. For instance, we made seed bombs, planted seeds, walked in the forest, and explored urban gardens.
I am currently in my third CSL course, a capstone course for my certificate in Indigenous Governance in Partnership, and currently completing a placement with the Keewatin Tribal Council in Northern Manitoba. The Tribal Council represents multiple First Nations communities, and they are in the process of starting their land claims and negotiations with the government. We are working with them to form a partnership. They wanted to know about different First Nations governments, the scope of their law-making power, the kinds of government models used, and fiscal relationships. I’m analyzing the Tlicho Nation from the Northwest Territories, in which they are the first First Nations to have a land claim and government settlement. I analyze many documents and articles and prepare briefing notes for them, supporting them to know what other governments have done and what works and doesn’t so that they can better understand the next steps forward. 
What was your favorite CSL placement, and why?
My favorite placement was with the CSL 370 course. Even though we didn’t go to one specific place, I do a lot of relational work, so I liked how it was very community-engaged and outdoors, which recognizes the knowledge gained from working with the earth. I think relational work is significant because the knowledge and creation of collective and community engagement is often forgotten in traditional academia, which tends to focus more on just writing papers. So, I find myself doing a lot of relational work and enjoy it! We visited many places, met many people, and learned their stories. It was great to share knowledge. I really enjoyed this one! 
Did CSL change your ways of thinking about certain things, and how?
My first exposure to CSL, taking the Humanities 101 class in the community, was about the value of one’s lived experiences, collective and collaborative learning, and the opportunity to come and participate without specific prerequisites. That’s what really made me feel like, you know what, even though I don’t have a high school diploma, I do have a lot of knowledge, and I can attend university as well. So, coming to university and being in the Humanities 101 Program and seeing the diversity, lived experiences, and knowledge of so many people has taught me so much. People come to learn from what we facilitate, but I’ve learned so much from them because they have so much knowledge, which is great! That’s really changed how I think about academia. I’ve reflected on questions like whose knowledge is valued? Who is valued? What’s considered knowledge, and how do we get knowledge? 
What was the most important/memorable lesson you learned?
I learned a lot from the people who participated in the Humanities 101 program. They have a wealth of knowledge, and that’s the most memorable lesson I’ve learned. People participating in the Humanities 101 Program are often excluded, ignored, and dismissed by society. They have so much knowledge to offer, and it’s about relationship-building and learning from others. 
How has CSL impacted your academic and/or personal life?
CSL has impacted me academically in terms of what I see as valuable. It's not about being in class and having someone tell you things to memorize. It’s about learning and thinking critically, questioning and challenging things. How I see and engage with the university as a whole has changed. I’ve learned that it’s very exclusive and institutional, which I wasn’t aware of before. When I started working with the Humanities 101 Program and with communities, I got a voice to say that the exclusive nature of traditional academia isn’t serving people, and we need to work toward change. 
Within the Humanities 101 Program, is there an experience or story that stood out to you?
For someone who didn’t have a high school diploma and had barriers and challenges to getting a post-secondary education, going from a participant from HUM to becoming an intern at one level and then switching to a high-level intern, where my experiences and knowledge are valued, gave me a sense of self-worth and inspiration. Somebody once told me that a person from the class remembered me! I was like, what do you mean? They said I was remembered because I was a critical thinker and challenged people. Because of what I was questioning and engaging with people, I became memorable to them. 
 How would you sum up your experience with CSL in one sentence?
CSL has given me the opportunity to learn something new every day. 
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huixin0707 · 1 month
Week 5: #ShoutYourAbortion's Impact on Digital Citizenship and Participatory Democracy
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Social media platforms have become effective activism tools in the digital age, allowing people to advocate for social change, mobilize communities, and magnify their voices. One such initiative that has gained popularity recently is #ShoutYourAbortion, a grassroots effort to de-stigmatize abortion and give those who have had the surgery a stronger voice. The #ShoutYourAbortion movement, which got its start on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram, invites people to discuss their own experiences freely with abortion in order to break social taboos and promote unity among those impacted by reproductive healthcare policies. This study aims to explore its implications for digital citizenship and participatory democracy.
Intersectionality Framework
The #ShoutYourAbortion movement highlights the principles of intersectionality by acknowledging and amplifying the diverse identities and experiences of individuals affected by abortion. People from different socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds are involved in the movement, demonstrating how these intersecting identities affect their views on healthcare access and reproductive rights. Through raising neglected perspectives and experiences, the movement adds to more general conversations about equity and social justice in digital spaces (Choi & Cristol, 2021; Kim & Lee, 2022).
Participatory Democracy
By giving people a forum to tell their stories, participate in public discussion, and push for changes to the law, the #ShoutYourAbortion movement is a prime example of participatory democracy in action. Through social media platforms like Instagram, participants make use of their rights to free speech and collective action, influencing public opinion and shaping the discourse around abortion rights and stigma. The movement embodies the principles of participatory democracy as outlined in the article by using digital technologies to promote expressive participation and personalised politics (Choi & Cristol, 2021; Kim & Lee, 2022).
Digital Citizenship Education
Understanding and navigating complex social issues in online spaces requires knowledge of digital citizenship, as demonstrated by the investigation of #ShoutYourAbortion on Instagram. Participants in the movement demonstrate digital citizenship skills such as critical media literacy, ethical engagement, and responsible advocacy. Educators and policymakers can draw insights from the movement to develop digital citizenship courses that promote inclusive discussion, critical thinking, and civic engagement in digital environments (Choi & Cristol, 2021; Kim & Lee, 2022).
All in all, examining #ShoutYourAbortion on Instagram illuminates the complex relationship that exists in the digital age between digital activism, citizenship, and public discourse. The movement is a prime example of the ability of social media to challenge social norms, raise the voices of the marginalised, and spark social change through the visual representation of personal narratives, advocacy messages, and group solidarity.
Choi, M., & Cristol, D. (2021). Digital citizenship with intersectionality lens: Towards participatory democracy driven digital citizenship education. Theory into Practice, 60(4), 361–370. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405841.2021.1987094
Kim, Y., & Lee, S. (2022). #ShoutYourAbortion on Instagram: Exploring the Visual Representation of Hashtag Movement and the Public’s Responses. SAGE Open, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440221093327/ASSET/IMAGES/LARGE/10.1177_21582440221093327-FIG5.JPEG
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kameshwar · 1 month
When you start doing things consciously, you stop doing meaningless things. When you are present in the present, your mind stops chattering.
Today it was mostly a quiet day for me. Got up late in the morning today. Last night I could sleep at 1 AM in the night. Netflix was the culprit. I stayed awake late night because I was watching a film, ARTICLE 370. It was a film loosely based on the actual events that culminated in the final event , the abrogation of Article 370. The film is an eye-opener. I kept thinking about the film long after I had finished watching the film.
Today morning, I got up late and the Sun was already hot. I decided against going to the park for my regular grass walk. I took the car of an aunt who lives in the same apartment. She had requested me a few days ago to take her car for a drive. Otherwise the car battery dies down. The engine needs a little action every few weeks. She lives alone. She has no one to drive the car and keep it in drivable condition. She lost her husband to Covid in 2021. Her only son lives in America and her only daughter in Mumbai. She, the aunt, is a nice woman. She is also a good client. She invests her money through us. It was a Sunday morning and I was free . I took the car for a spin and came back after half an hour.
Coming back, I picked up the book ZEN & THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE for reading. This book is a popular read worldwide and has been so for more than 50 years. After a long time, I have picked up a book that is autobiographical in style. The book is an interesting read. This seems to be a book from a genre I like very much. Traveling, motorcycling, nature-watching, reading and introspecting- all these are so close to my heart. I wish I could do all those things all my life. This book has all those things. So far I have finished only 5 chapters, but I feel like picking up the book each time I sit at my study table.
I tried working out some appointments with my clients. None materialised. One had some other engagement while the other was out of the town.
After reading till 12 noon, I bathed and got ready as is my routine all days through week. I had to compensate for the lost sleep of the previous night. I lay down to have some sleep. Thankfully, no mobile calls came through during my sleep. At 3 PM, I got up and felt hungry. My wife had cooked rice and a vegetable from potato and and adding curd to it. The lunch was pure bliss. Simple home-cooked meals made with love are incomparable.
Of late, I have arrived at a life-stage where I have fallen in love with the food my wife prepares for me. It is not that she was not making tasty meals before. Two things have happened. First, she has been cooking meals for me for the last 26 years and she is gaining perfection as she is getting old. She always endeavours to cook light but healthy meals for me. She would not use much cooking oil or spices. Items that require adding sugar are seldom cooked.
Secondly, I have outgrown the desire of having fancy dishes at fancy restaurants. Meals cooked at hotels and restaurants no longer excite me. Now I generally avoid them. Now I truly understand why many people prefer home-cooked food even when traveling. My grandfather would rather stay hungry when he went on a day-long journey than eat anything cooked in the market places.
In the evening , my wife and I went out for buying some stuff from market. When we returned, I felt the craving for reading some more pages of the book, ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE. I finished around 20 pages and took a break.
Youtube didn't cause much distraction today. I was a little more vigilant about getting drifted in the wave of watching funny YouTube shorts. The only video I watched there a podcast where Peepal Baba was being interviewed . He has planted more than 2 million trees in the span of the last five decades. He is truly a nature-lover. He tells some very interesting aspects of human life. Buddha, Mahavira, Guru Nanak, Kabir and many others sang the song of life that gave them the ultimate joy. You sing the song of life that you feel like singing. You do what you are passionate about. That should become the psalm of your life. Day in day out, you sing the song of your life and you have a fulfilled life. What else do you need ?
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theloquence128 · 2 months
Is BJP the only democratic political party in India?
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In the vibrant tapestry of Indian politics, where ideologies clash and alliances evolve, one question often surfaces: Is BJP the epitome of democratic values in India? With its meteoric rise to power and subsequent dominance in national politics, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has sparked debates about the essence of democracy within its ranks. Let's delve deeper into this discourse and unravel the complexities surrounding BJP's democratic credentials.
Understanding BJP's Democratic Foundation:
At its core, the BJP espouses the principles of democracy, advocating for electoral processes, freedom of expression, and the rule of law. With a robust organizational structure and widespread grassroots presence, the party has successfully mobilized support across diverse demographics. Its adherence to democratic norms is exemplified through internal elections, where leadership positions are contested, albeit with varying degrees of openness.
Inclusivity vs. Exclusivity:
Critics often scrutinize BJP's ideology, questioning its commitment to inclusivity and secularism. The party's historical association with Hindutva, a cultural and nationalist ideology rooted in Hinduism, has raised concerns about minority rights and religious tolerance. However, proponents argue that BJP's inclusivity extends beyond religious boundaries, emphasizing cultural nationalism and economic development as unifying factors.
Democratic Practices in Action:
BJP's governance record at both the central and state levels provides insights into its democratic ethos. The party's emphasis on decentralization, evidenced through initiatives like the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and direct benefit transfers, aims to empower local governments and enhance accountability. Furthermore, BJP's electoral victories in diverse states highlight its ability to adapt to regional dynamics and accommodate varying political ideologies within its coalition framework.
Challenges and Controversies:
Despite its democratic aspirations, BJP has faced criticism for its handling of dissent and opposition voices. Instances of curbing free speech, crackdowns on civil society organizations, and allegations of authoritarian tendencies have marred its democratic image. The contentious revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and the implementation of controversial citizenship laws have ignited debates about the balance between national security imperatives and individual rights.
The Plurality of Indian Democracy:
While BJP's role in shaping India's democratic landscape is significant, it would be simplistic to label it as the sole torchbearer of democratic values. India's political ecosystem thrives on diversity, with multiple parties representing a spectrum of ideologies and interests. From the Indian National Congress to regional powerhouses like the Trinamool Congress and Shiv Sena, each party contributes to the vibrant tapestry of Indian democracy.
In the grand mosaic of Indian politics, the question of whether BJP stands as the only democratic political party in India elicits nuanced reflections. While BJP champions democratic principles and has spearheaded transformative policies, its journey is fraught with challenges and controversies. The essence of Indian democracy lies not in the supremacy of any single party but in the collective voices and aspirations of its diverse populace. As India navigates its democratic evolution, the role of parties like BJP remains pivotal, yet subject to continual scrutiny and introspection.
In conclusion, BJP's democratic credentials are integral to the larger narrative of Indian democracy, but they are by no means exclusive. Embracing diversity, fostering dialogue, and upholding constitutional values are imperatives that transcend partisan lines, ensuring a robust and inclusive democratic framework for generations to come.
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basicfinanceloan · 2 months
Unraveling the Latest News from Jammu and Kashmir
In the heart of the majestic Himalayas lies a region of profound significance - jammu kashmir news. Renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, this region has been a focal point of national and international attention for decades. As the political landscape evolves and societal dynamics shift, staying informed about the latest news from Jammu and Kashmir is paramount.
Current Affairs and Political Developments
Jammu and Kashmir have witnessed significant political developments in recent times. From the abrogation of Article 370 to the formation of a new union territory, each development has shaped the region's trajectory. Keeping abreast of the latest political narratives, governance initiatives, and administrative reforms is essential for understanding the region's evolving dynamics.
Security and Strategic Insights
The strategic location of Jammu and Kashmir makes it a key area of interest concerning national security. Updates on counter-terrorism operations, border tensions, and security measures provide valuable insights into the region's security landscape. With ongoing efforts to ensure peace and stability, monitoring security-related developments is crucial.
Socio-economic Progress and Cultural Vibrancy
Beyond politics and security, Jammu and Kashmir thrive with cultural diversity and economic potential. Exploring stories of socio-economic progress, cultural celebrations, and heritage conservation efforts highlights the region's vibrant spirit. From tourism initiatives to entrepreneurial endeavors, these narratives showcase the resilience and creativity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Connect with The Northlines for Comprehensive Coverage
To stay informed and engaged with the latest news from Jammu and Kashmir, The Northlines is your trusted source. With a commitment to unbiased reporting and in-depth analysis, The Northlines provides a comprehensive view of the region's multifaceted developments. Whether you seek updates on governance, security, culture, or economy, The Northlines delivers timely and reliable news coverage.
As jammu kashmir news navigate through dynamic changes and embrace new opportunities, staying informed is key to understanding the region's complexities and aspirations. The Northlines serves as a gateway to insightful news coverage, offering a nuanced perspective on the unfolding narratives shaping Jammu and Kashmir's future. Explore the latest updates and delve into the diverse facets of this captivating region with The Northlines.
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ipandlegalfilings · 2 months
Article 370 was an issue of great importance, especially because it was repealed in 2019.as a result numerous changes were taking place in the region. However to understand the reason behind its controversy let’s first understand the importance of article 370.
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Federalism in the Article 370 Verdict: Unanswered Queries and Justice Ravindra Bhat's Observations on the Supreme Court's Silence
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Introduction The verdict on Article 370 by the Supreme Court of India has been a subject of significant scrutiny and debate since its issuance. Retired Supreme Court judge Justice S Ravindra Bhat, in his recent remarks, shed light on a crucial aspect that remained unaddressed in the Court's decision – the issue of federalism. This essay aims to explore the implications of the Supreme Court's silence on federalism in the Article 370 verdict, as elucidated by Justice Ravindra Bhat. Through an analysis of relevant legal principles, precedents, and contemporary constitutional concerns, we seek to understand the broader ramifications of this omission within the Indian legal landscape. Contextualizing the Concern To comprehend the significance of Justice Bhat's remarks, it is essential to contextualize the issue within the broader framework of constitutional law and governance in India. The abrogation of Article 370, which granted special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, was a landmark decision with far-reaching implications. While the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of this move, questions surrounding federalism and the powers of the Parliament remained unanswered. Justice Bhat's critique highlights the need for a robust examination of federal principles within the Indian constitutional framework, particularly in the context of state reorganization and centralization of powers. Federalism in the Article 370 Verdict: Key Points of Concern Justice Bhat's critique centers on the Court's failure to address the fundamental question of whether the Parliament has the authority to downgrade a State into a Union Territory. This omission is particularly concerning as it has significant implications for the federal structure of the Indian polity. By accepting assurances from the Solicitor General regarding the restoration of statehood for Jammu and Kashmir without specifying a timeline or addressing the broader legal implications, the Court missed an opportunity to clarify the constitutional boundaries of federalism. Analyzing Legal Precedents To elucidate the gravity of the issue, it is instructive to analyze relevant legal precedents and judicial interpretations that inform the understanding of federalism in India. The concept of asymmetric federalism, as articulated in cases such as Govt. of NCT of Delhi v Union of India, underscores the nuanced relationship between Union Territories and the Union government. By recognizing the distinct treatment afforded to different Union Territories based on their constitutional status, the Court has established a framework for accommodating regional diversity within the federal structure. Examining Federalism in the Article 370 Verdict Through Legal Precedents Justice Bhat's remarks also draw attention to the evolving nature of constitutional jurisprudence in India, characterized by a dynamic interplay between legal principles and societal norms. Cases such as the Demonetization Case and the Maharashtra Assembly case have demonstrated the judiciary's role in interpreting constitutional provisions in light of contemporary realities. As the Indian polity undergoes transformative changes, it is imperative for the judiciary to adapt interpretations to reflect evolving societal norms while maintaining fidelity to constitutional principles. Navigating Technological Advancements In addition to constitutional principles, Justice Bhat's remarks also touch upon the impact of technological advancements on legal norms and governance. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies has posed novel challenges to traditional legal frameworks, particularly in areas such as privacy, public opinion, and policymaking. As AI-enabled products permeate various aspects of society, there is a pressing need for collective efforts to navigate these challenges and reshape legal norms to align with the realities of the digital age. Conclusion: Implications for Federalism in the Article 370 Verdict In conclusion, Justice Ravindra Bhat's critique of the Supreme Court's silence on federalism in the Article 370 verdict highlights broader concerns regarding the interpretation and application of constitutional principles in India. By failing to address fundamental questions surrounding federalism and the powers of the Parliament, the Court missed an opportunity to provide clarity on critical issues of governance and constitutional law. Moving forward, it is imperative for the judiciary to engage in robust deliberations on federalism and adapt legal interpretations to reflect evolving societal dynamics while upholding constitutional values. Only through such proactive engagement can the judiciary fulfill its role as a guardian of constitutional democracy and ensure the preservation of federal principles in India's evolving political landscape. Read the full article
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buzz-london · 2 months
Please send it all your groups, known and related people. Please target atleast 1000 people by each person. The domino effect of your action will be that in one week it will reach 10 crore people and in three weeks 100 crore people ● Pakistan wants BJP to lose ● China wants BJP to lose ● Arms lobby wants BJP to lose ● Pharma lobby wants BJP to lose ● Radical Islamist wants BJP to lose ● Anti-Nationals want BJP to lose ● Missionaries want BJP to lose ● Leftists want BJP to lose ● Muslims want BJP to lose Because... BJP fulfilled its promise of... ● Ram Mandir ● CAA / NRC ● New Education Policy ● Article 370 ● Strengthened Defense ● Tightened NGOs ● Tightened Naxals ● Tightened Missionaries ● 5th Largest Economy ● CORONA vaccination ● Kashi Corridor ● Conquered SPACE ● Erasing signs of slavery ● Infrastructure ● IITs ● AIIMS ● Zero Corruption at the ministry level ● GST ● DeMonetization ● Zero Bomb Blast ● Peace in Kashmir ● 2nd in mobile manufacturing ● 100% Electrification of Railways ● Complete elimination of Railway gates ● Vande Bharat Train ● Destroyed Pakistan without firing any bullet ● Contained China ● Water at every household ● Medical insurance under Ayushman Bharat ● Char Dham Yatra for senior citizens And... ● BJP won't sell the nation ● BJP won't sign a secret deal with China ● BJP won't go soft on Pakistan We Have to ensure BJP wins again and again. 2024 BJP🚩 2029 yes, only BJP🚩 2034 BJP🚩 And beyond...... Educate atleast 11 People around you and turn Non BJP to BJP Votes then Our Children are Safe Our life is safe for ever We have lived a Good safe happy Life We have to Give a Secured safe Society Secured safe Life Secured safe Future For our Next happy safe Generation Understand this and Share it in 11 Different Localities Group and Share it with 11 Friends and Explain them the Necessity Thank You
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