#UTI telemedicine
hoclinical · 5 months
H & O Clinical PLLC
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Website: https://www.hoclinical.com
Address: 2025 Central Park Avenue, STE 203, Yonkers, NY 10710 and 10 North Wood Avenue, STE B2, Linden, New Jersey 07036, USA
H & O Clinical PLLC specializes in telehealth services, offering a comprehensive range of medical solutions including family medicine, mental health services, and various health tests. With a focus on virtual consultations and a commitment to personalized care, they cater to non-emergent symptoms and chronic disease management. Their services extend to weight loss programs, medication management, and more, ensuring accessible and quality healthcare for all.
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reportwire · 2 years
Scripted Launches in Pacific Northwest: Allowing Patients Convenient, Affordable, and Accessible Healthcare at Their Local Pharmacy
Scripted Launches in Pacific Northwest: Allowing Patients Convenient, Affordable, and Accessible Healthcare at Their Local Pharmacy
With Scripted, your local pharmacist can now prescribe treatments such as UTI medications, ED medications, inhalers and more Press Release – Oct 7, 2021 CHICAGO, October 7, 2021 (Newswire.com) – Scripted (www.scripted.co) announced its new service to transform healthcare into an on-demand approach, where local pharmacists can prescribe and fill medications for common tests and treatments for…
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24hrdoc · 4 days
The Importance of Early Treatment for UTIs
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are among the most widespread bacterial infections worldwide, impacting millions yearly. While UTIs may cause discomfort and can even progress into more severe health complications if left untreated, early treatment is important as it will quickly alleviate symptoms while also preventing complications down the line. Here's why early intervention matters when managing UTIs.
Understanding UTIs
Urinary tract infections, commonly referred to as UTIs, occur when bacteria invade the urinary tract - comprising of bladder, kidneys, ureters, and urethra - through infection of any one of their respective parts. Common symptoms of a UTI include a burning sensation during urination, frequent urges to urinate as well as cloudy or strong-smelling urine as well as pelvic pain - usually seen most commonly among women, though men and children can also become affected.
Advantages of Early Treatment
1. Reducing the Risk of Complications
Without timely treatment, UTIs can quickly progress into more serious infections like pyelonephritis (kidney infection), leading to painful and potentially harmful conditions like kidney pyelonephritis. Early treatment can prevent bacteria from ascending further up the urinary tract and spreading further along its pathway.
2. Alleviates Symptoms Quickly 
Early intervention can quickly alleviate symptoms and allow individuals to return to their usual activities with minimal pain or discomfort, especially those whose daily lives have been significantly disrupted by UTI symptoms. This is especially crucial when UTI symptoms interfere significantly with daily tasks.
3. Prevent Recurrence
Treating UTIs early can help ensure all bacteria are eradicated, decreasing the likelihood of future infections and potentially leading to resistance against standard antibiotics. Recurrent UTIs can become chronic problems requiring extensive treatments and even resistance.
4. Limit the Spread of Infection
Early treatment benefits the affected individual and can help limit its spread to others living closely together, for instance, in families' homes or residential care facilities.
5. Prevents Stronger Antibiotics
When treating UTIs early, milder antibiotics often suffice. Delaying treatment could result in a harder-to-manage infection, necessitating stronger medicines with potentially more serious side effects and the potential for resistance development.
Strategies for Early Detection and Treatment: 
1. Recognize the Symptoms
Individuals must recognize the early symptoms of UTIs. If any symptoms appear, seek medical advice immediately.
2. Take Advantage of Accessible Services
Take advantage of services like telemedicine to receive quick and professional medical consultations online without the need to visit a clinic, making treatment more likely to start sooner. These online consultations may provide prescriptions and advice without visiting a physical location, making early treatment easier.
3. Take Preventive Measures
Regular hydration, proper hygiene practices, and cranberry supplements are three effective preventive measures to lower the likelihood of UTIs while supporting overall urinary health.
4. Stick With Treatment
Once an infection is identified, it is imperative that all prescribed antibiotics be completed, even if symptoms seem to improve, to ensure the complete removal of all symptoms from the infection.
Early treatment for UTIs must be considered. Recognizing symptoms early and seeking prompt medical care ensures effective management, reduced complications, and speedier recovery from this infection. If you believe you may have contracted one, seek advice from healthcare providers immediately so they can prescribe appropriate remedies. Early intervention is the key to combatting UTIs effectively while protecting overall urinary tract health. Get the relief you need with an Online UTI Prescription from our dedicated healthcare professionals at 24HrDOC. Accessible, quick, and hassle-free, our service ensures you receive the appropriate treatment without stepping out of your home.
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dradityasharma-1 · 1 month
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Expert Pediatric Urology: Ensuring Best Care for Children's Urinary Issues
In the realm of urology, the specialized care of children demands a unique level of expertise and sensitivity. Pediatric urology addresses a range of urinary issues in infants, children, and adolescents, requiring tailored approaches that prioritize their well-being and development. Dr. Aditya Sharma, a renowned figure in the field, offers comprehensive pediatric urology care, ensuring that young patients receive the best possible treatment and support.
Understanding Pediatric Urology Pediatric urology encompasses the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract disorders, congenital anomalies, and other urological conditions in children. These issues can range from urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bedwetting to complex congenital abnormalities affecting the kidneys, bladder, or genitalia.
Specialized Care for Children's Needs Dr. Aditya Sharma's practice emphasizes personalized care for every child, recognizing that each case is unique and may require a multidisciplinary approach. With expertise in pediatric urology, Dr. Sharma provides a wide range of services tailored to address specific conditions, including:
Bedwetting (Nocturnal Enuresis): Offering compassionate support and effective treatments to help children overcome bedwetting and achieve better bladder control. Hydronephrosis: Diagnosing and managing this condition characterized by the swelling of one or both kidneys, ensuring optimal kidney function and health. Congenital Anomalies: Addressing abnormalities such as ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO), vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), and hypospadias with surgical expertise and ongoing follow-up care. Comprehensive Treatment Options From minimally invasive procedures to complex reconstructive surgeries, Dr. Aditya Sharma employs advanced techniques to provide the best possible outcomes for his young patients. With access to state-of-the-art facilities and technology, children receive comprehensive care in a supportive environment conducive to their well-being and recovery.
Integrating Technology and Innovation As a leader in pediatric urology, Dr. Sharma remains at the forefront of advancements in the field, incorporating innovative technologies to enhance diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficacy. From robotic-assisted surgeries to advanced imaging modalities, he leverages cutting-edge tools to optimize outcomes while minimizing risks for his young patients.
Accessible Care Near You Located in Sector B, Lucknow, Dr. Aditya Sharma's practice offers convenient access to expert pediatric urology care. With a focus on patient-centered services, including telemedicine consultations and personalized treatment plans, families can rest assured knowing that their child's urinary health is in capable hands.
Conclusion When it comes to pediatric urology, expertise and compassion are paramount. Dr. Aditya Sharma and his team are dedicated to providing exceptional care for children facing urinary issues, ensuring that they receive the support and treatment they need to thrive. From kidney transplants to addressing male infertility and beyond, their commitment to excellence makes them the premier choice for pediatric urology care in Sector B, Lucknow, and beyond.
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Easy Healthcare: Solving Small Problems with Online Doctors
In today's fast-paced world, accessing healthcare conveniently and efficiently is becoming increasingly important. With the rise of telemedicine, online doctor consultations have emerged as a valuable solution, particularly for addressing minor ailments. This article explores the benefits of online consultations for patients dealing with minor illnesses, while also highlighting important considerations and limitations. One of the primary advantages of online doctor consultations is the convenience they offer. Instead of scheduling an appointment and travelling to a physical clinic, patients can seek medical advice from the comfort of their own homes. Additionally, some platforms provide a free online doctor consultation number.
The Convenience of Online Consultations:
Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: Online doctor consultations provide patients with the flexibility to seek medical advice from the comfort of their homes or while on the go. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or limited mobility.
Shorter Wait Times: Compared to traditional in-person appointments, online consultations often offer shorter wait times, allowing patients to receive prompt medical attention without the need for lengthy delays.
Cost-Effective Healthcare: By eliminating the need for travel expenses, parking fees, and other associated costs, online consultations can be a more affordable option for patients seeking treatment for minor illnesses.
Reduced Risk of Infection: Especially in the context of contagious illnesses or during times of public health crises, online consultations help minimize the risk of spreading infectious diseases by reducing the need for in-person interactions.
Addressing Minor Ailments:
Common Cold and Flu: Symptoms such as cough, congestion, and fever associated with colds and flu can often be effectively managed through online consultations, which may include advice on symptom relief and over-the-counter medications.
Allergies: Patients experiencing seasonal allergies or allergic reactions to environmental triggers can consult online doctors for guidance on allergy management strategies and prescription medications if necessary.
Minor Infections: Skin infections, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and other minor bacterial infections can be diagnosed and treated through online consultations, with prescriptions sent directly to the patient's pharmacy as needed.
Digestive Issues: Upset stomach, indigestion, and mild gastrointestinal problems can often be addressed through virtual consultations, where dietary recommendations and over-the-counter remedies may be recommended.
Considerations and Limitations:
Scope of Practice: While online consultations are suitable for many minor illnesses, certain conditions may require in-person evaluations or diagnostic tests for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Patient Education: Ensuring patient understanding and compliance can be challenging in virtual settings, highlighting the importance of clear communication and follow-up instructions.
Technological Accessibility: Patients must have access to reliable internet connectivity and basic digital literacy skills to participate in online consultations, which may pose barriers for some individuals. However, advancements in technology have led to the development of user-friendly solutions, such as free online doctor consultation apps, which simplify the process and make healthcare more accessible to a wider population. These apps often offer intuitive interfaces and comprehensive features, allowing patients to easily schedule appointments, communicate with healthcare providers, and access medical records from their smartphones or tablets.
Online doctor consultations offer a convenient and accessible solution for patients seeking treatment for minor illnesses. While they provide numerous benefits, it's essential to recognize their limitations and consider the appropriate context for their use. By leveraging technology to bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers, online consultations have the potential to enhance healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes in the management of minor ailments. In countries like India, where access to healthcare can be challenging for many, the availability of free online doctor consultations in India further expands access to quality medical care, especially for those in remote or underserved areas.
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katecordiscotelemednp · 4 months
Telemedicine and Best Practice Prescribing
Telemedicine care has increased significantly since 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  It has increased access to care for many Americans that would not have been able to be seen previously; it has also opened up communication with patients and increased health knowledge among patients being seen. However, some questions still remain.  How can telemedicine NPs follow guidelines for prescribing medications? More specifically, how can telemedicine NPs follow best practice guidelines when prescribing antibiotics?  As I continue to practice via telemed, I ask myself: am I practicing responsibly, especially with antibiotic prescribing?  I wonder if this is something that we all consider.  
In this day and age of antibiotic resistance and the need for antibiotic stewardship, is the medical  threshold different for prescribing antibiotics in a telehealth visit? This is something currently being reviewed, and we are seeing studies coming out with some interesting findings about antibiotic stewardship and telemedicine practice. 
Here is an interesting discussion about barriers to antibiotic stewardship from this article:
Sine K, Appaneal H, Dosa D, LaPlante KL. Antimicrobial Prescribing in the Telehealth Setting: Framework for Stewardship During a Period of Rapid Acceleration Within Primary Care. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Dec 19;75(12):2260-2265. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac598. PMID: 35906829; PMCID: PMC9384578.
 The Barriers to Antimicrobial Stewardship in Primary Care Settings Utilizing Telehealth
The Barriers:
Paucity of well-validated antimicrobial stewardship strategies specific to primary care settings utilizing telehealth to guide interventions
Inability to complete physical examination
Lack of diagnostic services
Patient expectations, satisfaction ratings, and changed dynamics of patient-provider relationship
Providers may have lack of up-front information without patient records or concerns for integrating the visit afterward with current electronic medical records
Lack of provider training in use of telehealth technology, lack of education to adjust to shorter visit times, and lack of information technology support for providers
Challenges associated with patient access to technological resources, connectivity, and ability to operate e-visit technology
Some things the NP may need to consider when prescribing via telemed:
What is the current best practice for evaluation prior to prescribing the medications?
Is what I am prescribing adhering to best practice?  
What is the NPs responsibility when prescribing via telehealth?
How can we differentiate the diagnoses?
Case Scenario: A couple of years ago, a family member (62 years old morbidly obese with PMH of heart disease and RA) was experiencing fever, burning with urination and nausea. That was it.   No change in mental status, no vomiting, no new back pain. She was prescribed macrobid and zofran. She did have to go to the ER that evening for pyelonephritis. When I asked about the back pain, she stated, “I always have pain everywhere.” 
Case scenario 2: Former patient of mine was seen for UTI via telehealth and was prescribed antibiotics.When she followed up with her PCP because the antibiotic did not work, she was found to have a yeast infection.  
If you are reading this and stating, “ these are one offs or anecdotal,” I would like to state that the telemed NP who originally diagnosed these patients never found out about either of these incidents. We really do not know what the actual follow up is for errors. As for the original discussion about antibiotics: they are both examples of misdiagnosis/ wrong treatments.   
So what can we do to improve adherence to best practice and better outcomes?
As telemedicine use grows, I believe we need to work on tools to guide and aid in evidence based decision making. Until then, I will always be asking myself: did I utilize best practice for the patient and was I a good antibiotic steward?
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urologistdoctor · 8 months
Brief Guide of Common Urological Problems by Dr. Sandeep Nunia
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Are you experiencing discomfort or unusual symptoms in your urinary or reproductive system? You're not alone. Many individuals encounter urological issues at some point in their lives, and seeking the guidance of an experienced urologist like Dr. Sandeep Nunia can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore common urological problems, their symptoms, and when it's crucial to consult the best urologist in Jaipur like Dr. Sandeep Nunia.
Understanding Common Urological Issues
Urological issues encompass a wide range of conditions affecting the urinary tract and male reproductive organs. These issues can be uncomfortable, worrisome, or even life-altering, but with the right care, most can be effectively managed or treated. Let's delve into some of the most prevalent urological concerns:
1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):
Symptoms: Frequent urination, burning sensation, cloudy or bloody urine. Dr. Sandeep Nunia. Expertise: Prompt diagnosis and antibiotic treatment to prevent complications.
2. Kidney Stones:
Symptoms: Severe lower back pain, blood in urine, nausea. Dr. Sandeep Nunia Expertise: Utilizing advanced techniques for non-invasive stone removal.
3. Enlarged Prostate (BPH):
Symptoms: Frequent urination, weak urine flow, nocturia (nighttime urination). Dr. Sandeep Nunia Expertise: Tailored treatment plans, including medication or minimally invasive procedures.
4. Erectile Dysfunction (ED):
Symptoms: Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. Dr. Sandeep Nunia Expertise: Comprehensive evaluation and personalized ED management solutions.
5. Bladder Issues:
Symptoms: Incontinence, urgency, difficulty emptying the bladder. Dr. Sandeep Nunia Expertise: Diagnosis and a range of treatments, from lifestyle changes to surgical options.
When to Seek Expert Urological Care
It's essential to recognize when your symptoms warrant a visit to a urologist like Dr. Dr. Sandeep Nunia. While some urological problems may resolve on their own, others can worsen without proper attention. Here are signs that it's time to consult a top urologist in Jaipur:
● Persistent or severe pain in the urinary or genital area.
● Blood in your urine.
● Frequent urination or difficulty urinating.
● Changes in sexual function.
● Family history of urological conditions.
Advancements in Urology
As medical science progresses, so does the field of urology. Dr. Sandeep Nunia is committed to staying ahead of the curve, ensuring his patients have access to the latest advancements in urological care. Some notable innovations in urology include:
● Minimally Invasive Surgery: 
Dr. Kayal utilizes minimally invasive techniques whenever possible, leading to faster recovery times and less post-operative discomfort.
● Laser Technology for Kidney Stones: 
Advanced laser technology allows for precise and efficient treatment of kidney stones with minimal side effects.
● Robotic-Assisted Surgery: 
In cases requiring surgery, robotic-assisted procedures offer enhanced precision and smaller incisions.
● Telemedicine in Urology:
Dr. Kayal also embraces telemedicine, providing remote consultations and follow-ups for patients, ensuring continuity of care.
Urological issues are a common part of many people's lives, but they don't have to disrupt your well-being. Dr. Sandeep Nunia, a renowned urologist in Jaipur, specializes in diagnosing and treating these conditions, providing patients with expert care and peace of mind. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, don't hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sandeep Nunia. Your urological health matters, and he's here to guide you towards the best possible solutions.
Remember, early intervention can make a significant difference in the successful management of urological issues. Don't let discomfort or uncertainty hold you back—reach out to Dr. Sandeep Nunia today.
In Dr. Sandeep Nunia capable hands and with the latest advancements in urology, you can look forward to a healthier, more comfortable future.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):- 
1. Can urinary tract infections (UTIs) be prevented?
While some factors contributing to UTIs are beyond our control, you can take steps to reduce the risk. Dr. Sandeep Nunia advises staying hydrated, practicing good hygiene, urinating before and after sexual activity, and avoiding irritating substances like strong soaps.
2. What lifestyle changes can help with an enlarged prostate (BPH)?
For individuals with an enlarged prostate, Dr. Sandeep Nunia often recommends lifestyle adjustments such as reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, managing stress, and maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. 
3. Are there non-surgical treatments available for kidney stones?
Yes, Dr. Sandeep Nunia offers non-surgical treatments for kidney stones, including extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and ureteroscopy. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as stone size and location.
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drankitkayal200 · 9 months
Brief Guide of Common Urological Problems by Dr Ankit Kayal
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Are you experiencing discomfort or unusual symptoms in your urinary or reproductive system? You're not alone. Many individuals encounter urological issues at some point in their lives, and seeking the guidance of an experienced urologist like Dr Ankit Kayal can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore common urological problems, their symptoms, and when it's crucial to consult the best urologist in Jaipur like Dr Ankit Kayal.
Understanding Common Urological Issues
Urological issues encompass a wide range of conditions affecting the urinary tract and male reproductive organs. These issues can be uncomfortable, worrisome, or even life-altering, but with the right care, most can be effectively managed or treated. Let's delve into some of the most prevalent urological concerns:
1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):
Symptoms: Frequent urination, burning sensation, cloudy or bloody urine. Dr. Kayal's Expertise: Prompt diagnosis and antibiotic treatment to prevent complications.
2. Kidney Stones:
Symptoms: Severe lower back pain, blood in urine, nausea. Dr. Kayal's Expertise: Utilizing advanced techniques for non-invasive stone removal.
3. Enlarged Prostate (BPH):
Symptoms: Frequent urination, weak urine flow, nocturia (nighttime urination). Dr. Kayal's Expertise: Tailored treatment plans, including medication or minimally invasive procedures.
4. Erectile Dysfunction (ED):
Symptoms: Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. Dr. Kayal's Expertise: Comprehensive evaluation and personalized ED management solutions.
5. Bladder Issues:
Symptoms: Incontinence, urgency, difficulty emptying the bladder. Dr Kayal's Expertise: Diagnosis and a range of treatments, from lifestyle changes to surgical options.
When to Seek Expert Urological Care
It's essential to recognize when your symptoms warrant a visit to a urologist like Dr. Ankit Kayal. While some urological problems may resolve on their own, others can worsen without proper attention. Here are signs that it's time to consult a top urologist in Jaipur:
Persistent or severe pain in the urinary or genital area.
Blood in your urine.
Frequent urination or difficulty urinating.
Changes in sexual function.
Family history of urological conditions.
Advancements in Urology
As medical science progresses, so does the field of urology. Dr Kayal is committed to staying ahead of the curve, ensuring his patients have access to the latest advancements in urological care. Some notable innovations in urology include:
● Minimally Invasive Surgery: 
Dr. Kayal utilizes minimally invasive techniques whenever possible, leading to faster recovery times and less post-operative discomfort.
● Laser Technology for Kidney Stones: 
Advanced laser technology allows for precise and efficient treatment of kidney stones with minimal side effects.
● Robotic-Assisted Surgery: 
In cases requiring surgery, robotic-assisted procedures offer enhanced precision and smaller incisions.
● Telemedicine in Urology:
Dr. Kayal also embraces telemedicine, providing remote consultations and follow-ups for patients, ensuring continuity of care.
Urological issues are a common part of many people's lives, but they don't have to disrupt your well-being. Dr. Ankit Kayal, a renowned urologist in Jaipur, specializes in diagnosing and treating these conditions, providing patients with expert care and peace of mind. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, don't hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kayal. Your urological health matters, and he's here to guide you towards the best possible solutions.
Remember, early intervention can make a significant difference in the successful management of urological issues. Don't let discomfort or uncertainty hold you back—reach out to Dr. Ankit Kayal today.
In Dr. Kayal's capable hands and with the latest advancements in urology, you can look forward to a healthier, more comfortable future.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can urinary tract infections (UTIs) be prevented?
While some factors contributing to UTIs are beyond our control, you can take steps to reduce the risk. Dr. Kayal advises staying hydrated, practicing good hygiene, urinating before and after sexual activity, and avoiding irritating substances like strong soaps.
2. What lifestyle changes can help with an enlarged prostate (BPH)?
For individuals with an enlarged prostate, Dr. Kayal often recommends lifestyle adjustments such as reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, managing stress, and maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.
3. Are there non-surgical treatments available for kidney stones?
Yes, Dr Kayal offers non-surgical treatments for kidney stones, including extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and ureteroscopy. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as stone size and location.
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interstellarfig · 1 year
Hey Jane has launched its telemedicine service in Virginia, offering healthcare services for abortion, birth control, and vaginal infections (UTIs, yeast infections, herpes, and bacterial vaginosis).
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How Does Online Doctor Consultation Work
While specifics vary from doctor to doctor and from nation to country, the general workflow for most online medical consultations is the same. Making an  Get Online Doctor Consultation and Digital Patient Engagement Platform is the first step. A doctor then gets in touch with you via text, phone, or video call to have a one-on-one conversation. Your virtual doctor can more accurately comprehend your symptoms thanks to Online Doctor Consultation via Audio. 
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You can ask questions and discuss your concerns with your doctor during an online video/audio consultation. Essentially, you should approach the situation the same way you would any other Best Patient Engagement Software in India ,  Full body checkup at home. Even though some online medical services offer timed visits, most consultations last between 10 and 15 minutes.
Your doctor will diagnose your illness and give you a unique care plan after the audio/video online consultation. This might contain any required prescriptions in some nations. Doctors are not permitted to issue prescriptions online in some nations. In the majority of developed nations, if you need a prescription, your doctor will electronically transmit it to the pharmacy of your choice, where you can pick it up whenever it's convenient for you.
What are conditions you can get treated via online doctor’s appointment:- 
Even after the pandemic, COVID-19 will continue to alter how people live their lives. Health care is one area that will undoubtedly change; seeing a doctor, a hospital, an emergency department, or even for a routine checkup may never feel the same way again. Telemedicine online consultation will probably be used more frequently than ever in the future to discourage people from visiting a doctor when they don't need to.
Telemedicine is beneficial when you need medical assistance but are unable to physically visit the doctor. Approximately 80% of patient concerns can be resolved through online video consultation, and it works best for extremely minor conditions. 
Here are the lists of conditions that can be diagnosed online and you can treat them without visiting a doctor’s clinic. 
1. Pink eye. 
Doctors can diagnose this contagious infection remotely.
2. Cold and flu symptoms. 
There's no need to expose fellow patients in a waiting room if you're feeling sick. Doctors can review your symptoms from afar, especially if you're in otherwise good health.
3. Hair loss.  
Doctors can examine you for hair loss through a video call or if you send them photos.
4. Allergies. 
Itchy eyes and a runny nose? Yep, a doctor can guide you on what to do if you have allergies.
5. Erectile dysfunction. 
Telemedicine is usually enough to diagnose and treat this common disorder.
6. Urinary tract infections. 
Many infections, including UTIs, require just a round of antibiotics to clear. Doctors can easily do that over the phone.
7. Vomiting and diarrhoea. 
Whether it's a stomach bug or something else, you can stay home and chat with a doctor as a first step in dealing with these symptoms.
8. Skin infections and rashes. 
Many telemedicine services let you send photos to your doctor, which is perfect for identifying rashes, infections and other skin concerns.
9. Cold sores. 
Just like skin issues, the same guidance applies to cold sores.
10. Sinus infections. 
Like UTIs, a remote doctor's visit and some antibiotics are usually all you need to clear up a sinus infection.
These are but a few of the conditions that are manageable with online doctor consultations. People who need continuing testing or have underlying medical conditions will probably still need to visit a clinic or doctor's office. To identify any health issues, telemedicine can be an excellent place to start. During a Online Video Consultation with Doctors , the doctor may advise you to visit a doctor in person.
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almasfatma02 · 2 years
Dr. Almas Fatma
Mumbai, Maharashtra  400706, India
+91 7829779561
Dr. Almas Fatma is a General Physician in Navi Mumbai with an experience of over seven years. She has completed her MBBS & Diploma in Family Medicine and also holds the distinction of being a lifetime member of Telemedicine Society of India. After having worked at Apollo Hospitals, Dr Almas Fatma has begun to cater her patients through online consultation. She has expertise in providing healthcare services in Fever, COVID19, Diabetes, UTI, asthma, hypertension and general health check. Dr. Almas Fatma has an experience in both extensive hospital setting and telehealth to strategize the best treatment plan for her patients.
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24hrdoc · 1 month
Can I Get a Prescription for a UTI Online? Exploring Online UTI Treatment Options
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be uncomfortable and require quick treatment, often from within your home. Thanks to advancements in telemedicine, patients now have access to online UTI treatment services that offer convenient, fast, and effective ways to manage this painful condition - without traditional clinic visits! Online UTI services now offer convenient treatment solutions with many advantages over in-person visits. Let's examine how they work and their benefits further.
Understanding Online UTI Treatment
Telemedicine has transformed access to healthcare, making it simpler and quicker than ever to receive medical advice and prescriptions for common conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs). Online healthcare services offer an efficient method for diagnosing and treating UTIs without needing to visit the doctor's office directly - here's how it usually works:
Initial Assessment: You begin by visiting a telemedicine website or app and filling out an in-depth questionnaire about your symptoms and medical history.
Virtual Consultation: Once your responses have been reviewed and evaluated by a licensed healthcare provider, they may conduct a virtual consultation, either via telephone call or video conference, to discuss your symptoms and any relevant health concerns.
Diagnosis and Prescription: Once your UTI is identified, the provider can prescribe antibiotics as standard treatment. Your prescription will then be sent directly to a pharmacy of your choosing, where it can be picked up in-store or delivered to your home address.
Follow-Up Care: Many online services also provide follow-up consultations to monitor recovery and address ongoing symptoms.
Advantages of Online UTI Prescription Services
Opting for an online UTI treatment and prescription service has several advantages; among these benefits are:
Convenience: Receiving medical care and prescriptions without leaving home can be particularly convenient for busy schedules or those with limited access to traditional healthcare settings.
Speed: Online services often offer same-day consultations, making treatment quicker and relieving symptoms faster.
Privacy: For some, discussing health issues over the Internet can be less daunting than attending in-person appointments, providing a more accessible and discreet means of seeking treatment.
Continuity of Care: Certain platforms provide features that enable patients to stay in constant communication with one healthcare provider from the beginning to the end of treatment, ensuring continuity and personalization of service delivery. 
Considerations and Tips
While online UTI treatments may provide an effective solution, a few key points must be remembered before choosing. These factors include:
Not an Urgency: Online treatments should only address uncomplicated UTIs. Suppose you experience severe symptoms such as fever, back pain (indicating a possible kidney infection), blood in your urine, or any fever-like illness. In that case, it is recommended that medical advice be sought immediately.
State Regulations: Remember that telemedicine laws vary between states, which could impede your ability to obtain online prescriptions depending on where you reside.
Select a Service: Choose a reliable telehealth platform that employs certified healthcare providers and ensures the security and confidentiality of your medical data.
"Can I Get a Prescription for UTI Online?" represents an emerging trend toward more accessible, patient-oriented healthcare options. Online UTI treatment and prescription services have provided patients with more efficient healthcare access options; understanding their workings and benefits allows you to take charge of your health without traditional doctor visits for UTI treatment. If you are suffering symptoms of UTI, consider the convenience and effectiveness of online UTI treatment services—they could just be what's needed!
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psychokangaroo · 4 years
Apparently when you do 10 straight hours of telemedicine visits while wrangling with a UTI, insomnia, migraines, period cramps, and a very very unreliable EMR, your brain undergoes some caseating necrosis.
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copperdigitalinc · 4 years
5 most innovative M-health apps of 2020 and how they benefit the users
Over the years, innovations in mobile technology and M-health apps have led to a significant change in the way people look at healthcare. From implantable devices to smartwatches, mobile technology has improved the delivery of healthcare services to the masses. They allow providers to streamline communication between patients, providers, and caregivers effectively.
Improving a patient’s health and providing efficient healthcare are the two core reasons for healthcare mobilization. The Healthcare industry is thereby putting more and more focus on creating improvised mobility solutions for health and wellness. Apps provide better healthcare, streamlining operations, cutting costs, and increasing productivity. In this blog, we cover the top five trending and innovative healthcare mobile apps in 2020.
1. Medici:
One of the most popular apps for healthcare and telemedicine is Medici. It’s almost as famous for Whatsapp Messenger for communication. The app helps patients to receive a fast response regarding their health concerns.
The app also allows doctors to virtually complete with telemedicine companies. Patients can avoid the waiting room by getting their questions answered on a virtual platform. Also, they can receive prescription refills without going to administrative staff. The patients can also receive prescriptions without going to the doctor’s office. For physicians, the app saves a whole lot of time. Professionals involved in the healthcare industry can respond to patients quicker and get paid per consult basis.
2. Doximity:
Another private network for physicians and Medical professionals is Doximity. The app is designed primarily to avoid any time gaps in communication between healthcare providers and patients. It makes it easy for patients to find exactly whom they are looking for. Patients can quickly search over 567000 US physicians based on their requirements. They can even narrow down their searches based on specialty, location, clinical interest, hospital affiliation, or insurance.
Also, the app has a Social Media news feed for Medicine. The app helps its customers to keep up with the latest clinical news based on our preference. Physicians can also send out HIPAA secure faxes from anywhere.
3. ClotMD:
Third, on the list is ClotMD. It helps to manage and streamline onsite testing. With a unified platform to connect Medical professionals and caregivers, the app brings altogether enhanced coordination. The app also provides access to patients consistently and reliably. The information provided to them is in real-time and anywhere they want. It’s a well-known name in the field of healthcare businesses.
A few of the app’s most prominent features include real-time alerts and notifications regarding the patient’s INR levels, testing schedules, appointment reminders, or any communication from the physician’s end. It also works as an in-build INR library to help track patient’s INR levels for future consults.
4. Talkspace:
Talkspace is another innovative and yet affordable mental health app. The app serves as a platform to help people communicate with a licensed therapist in their area with the comfort of being at home. It facilitates enhanced communication via text, voice, or even video calls.
The app currently has a user base of over 1 million people, serving an entire age group of 13 and above. With unlimited access to therapy sessions, you can book a session at your convenience.
5. Doctor on Demand:
Last, the Doctor on Demand app connects patients with certified doctors and highly qualified therapists on the list. The apps allow doctors to examine a patient virtually all together. It solves multiple health-related issues, including the common cold, UTI, allergies, depression and anxiety, skin and eye problems, urgent care, etc.
This saves time for both patients and healthcare providers—the online consultation costs flat $40, including the essential services. With the help of online consultation, Doctor on Demand can help you save time and efforts and provide personalized care.
In conclusion, mobile apps bring speed and efficiency in healthcare services. There is a rapid increase in m-Health apps in the last five years because of massive investment in the digital health market. The M-Health app market in the US is expected to grow to $50 billion by 2025, making it imperative for businesses to move towards mobility solutions. It’d be interesting to observe the shift and how companies adapt to untapped opportunities.
Source https://bit.ly/2FMmyTQ
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crankyfacedknitter · 4 years
Mother’s Day started, for me, around 5am with abdominal pain. Yep! Time for my yearly UTI. Thankfully, Mr. C’s company is based in a country with national medicine, so their health insurance choice for their US branch is a pretty good one, and the telemedicine thing worked exactly as it was supposed to. I got medicine within an hour of the appointment, and am already feeling better.
Made yesterday pretty rough, but I have to say...if I’d had to go out to an urgent care, I wouldn’t have gone until I was in quite a lot of pain yesterday evening. I might have even waited (unknowingly) until the urgent care centers around here closed (which is around 3pm on Sundays, it turns out), and had to wait another day. I’m very, very glad I didn’t.
Mr. C made cinnamon rolls from scratch (first time he ever tried, and he did a pretty good job of it) and meant to make bacon and eggs for breakfast, but I wasn’t hungry. There wasn’t much to be done but let me sleep and be crabby, and he did go to the pharmacy for me. He grilled salmon for dinner, which we all enjoyed, and cleaned the kitchen at least once. And then he was utterly exhausted by 10 and couldn’t stay awake any longer. I guess all that kitchen work was hard.
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If you want urgent care near Phoenixville Pa, then visit: https://www.tricountyurgentcare.com/. Tri-County Urgent Care, Health And Wellness Center offers telemedicine services via a video visit for patients experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, as well as for a variety of urgent care symptoms ranging from a sore throat, runny nose and cough, to UTI, allergies, sunburn and more.
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