#UTA ( general tag. )
duthea · 2 years
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Luffy meeting Uta when they were kids raises some questions I hope they never answer
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muselexum · 2 years
Reading the Tot Musica’s Elder Futhark Runes because it’s fun
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[ ᚷᚨᚺ - talent, mouth, havoc
ᛉᚨᚾ - defence, mouth, need
ᛏᚨᚲ - warrior, ash, torch ] x2
ᛒᚱᚨᚲ - birth, road, ash, torch
Possible reading: Using my gift of the mouth to bring fourth chaos, I call on this power in my time of need. A warrior of destruction. I choose the path of destruction.
ᛗᛁᛖ - human, freeze, horse
ᚾᛖᚷ - night, horse, gift
ᛟᚾ - heritage, need
[ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ - gift, freeze, human, torch ] x2
Possible reading: I will freeze my humanity and become a stallion, a stallion of doom with this power. Bestow this power upon me. Freeze my humanity so I can destroy. Freeze my humanity so I can destroy.
ᚾᚨᚺ - night, ash, havoc
ᛈᚺᚨᛊ - hidden, havoc, ash, sun
ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ - warrior, horse, defense, defense, luck
ᛚᚨᚺ - lake, ash, havoc
Possible reading: The world will fall into darkness as chaos descends upon it, the sun hidden behind a cloud of ash. Brave warriors may rise and fight against this night stallion, but all that will be left is a sea of destruction.
Note: Runes have multiple meanings and may mean different things depending on the context of other runes beside it. Could be wrong about some of these. The meaning of runes really depends on how you choose to interpret the collection of symbols all together.
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angelicdevil · 1 month
Luffy has a sister????
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systemrestart · 11 months
i feel like it's getting harder and harder to find/import CDs and other stuff from Japan :,( i collect OSTs and sometimes Vocaloid producer albums, but a lot of the services i used to use are defunct now, or no longer do imports, etc, and a lot of stuff (that isn't even that old) has seemingly vanished from online markets
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oprarepairweek · 10 days
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Buckle up everybody because the (un)official One Piece Rarepair Week is sailing your way! 🎉
Posting begins June 17th, 2024 and will continue through June 23rd. If you're late, that's okay! Content will be reblogged long after the week ends, so take your time and have fun with it!
Please use either the #oprarepairweek or #oprarepairweek2024 tags so that we can find your post! You can also directly tag this blog (@oprarepairweek) as well.
All forms of media (art, writing, videos, etc.) are welcomed! (AI generated media is EXCLUDED.)
Sensitive content (i.e. NSFW, gore, violence, etc.) is allowed as long as it is tagged/censored appropriately.
This event is only being hosted on tumblr and AO3, but feel free to share your work on any platform!
Please note that this event is for rarepairs only. See the list under the cut for examples of ships.
Day 1: First Meeting | First Kiss
Day 2: Laughter | Tears
Day 3: Dancing | Sleeping
Day 4: AU | Clothing Swap
Day 5: Season | Festival
Day 6: Flirting | Jealousy
Day 7: Future | Free Day
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! The askbox is open 24/7 💖
As mentioned previously, this is an event for rarepairs only, so please try to avoid creating content for the more popular/well known ships in the fandom if you can! Below is a list of some of those ships to give you a general idea of what should be excluded from the event.
Guidelines for what is considered a rarepair and what isn't is very loose, so don't worry too much about it if you aren't sure (and again, you can always ask!) If you happen to make something for a more "popular" ship I promise you won't get in trouble. We're just taking out the really obvious ships in order to let the less popular ones get their chance to shine ✨
And as for some of those less popular ships...if you need examples, here's a whole bunch!
...And tons more! This list doesn't even include any poly ships, so just use your imagination and go wild ;)
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
@lucyrose9820 asked: Tsugikuni Yoriichi Hc's?
Tags: @leveyani @kanaosprotector
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, stalking, controlling behavior, threats, intimidation, death, abduction
Yandere Tsugikuni Yoriichi Hc's
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☀️​Yoriichi is a man who has already lost his first wife and their unborn child yet none of his sorrow is expressed from the outside. His nonchalant and solemn exterior rarely gives anything away from his current emotions so you never seem to notice how he is truly feeling for you. Nor does Yoriichi want you to notice as he is lucid of the extent of his feelings for you. He hides them and locks them away as he considers how you might get scared of him if you would know about it. And as much as he doesn't want to admit it, his own selfishness doesn't want you to stray away from his side because of his feelings. Silent and serene, maroon eyes are almost constantly following you as soon as you are in his field of vision as they observe your every movement closely. The death of Uta and his unborn child have left a scar after all so now that he has fallen in love with someone else again, Yoriichi can't help himself but grow more protective.
☀️​You don't notice when he is trailing behind you when you go anywhere when the sky is already dark as he is worried that a demon might try to take you away the same away they took Uta and his child away from him. He remains pretty distant and as a silent protector for some time where you often see him but know little besides his name about him. You can't help but wonder if he doesn't like you but it is the complete opposite. In fact Yoriichi is actually a bit scared that his feelings for you would spiral out of his control if he would get any closer to you. Eventually the inevitable happens though as the two of you slowly get closer to each other and his worries partially become true. His overprotective antics sometimes result in him growing more monitoring and controlling as he asks you with a serious expression on his face to do something for him.
☀️​I would say that he is less prone to being jealous and just more prone to reacting more protectively. Even in a scenario where he has hardly anything to worry about his eyes are still glued to you just in case anything happens or in case he realises that you look uncomfortable. Yoriichi makes a good effort to try and not let his own feelings interfere with your social life as he tries not to be too selfish with you. Honestly, he is quite good in not letting his own obsession interfere but you should still be aware that he is watching you most of the time. Even when he stands a few feet away from you to not potentially intimidate people around you, his eyes never leave you nor the people you interact with. He's usually quick to step in though when he notices that someone tries to flirt with you or shows signs of attraction for you. He can be rather intimidating when he wants to be as he calmly stares down at them.
☀️​As always there is a clear line when it comes to slaughtering demons or actually taking a human life. He has always shown a calm disposition when he killed demons and he continues with it even as his darling appears in his life. I would say that his trauma with allowing a demon to kill his pregnant wife has made him generally more warily when it comes to any demons around your village so as soon as he notices the tiniest sign that there might be one, he is quickly alarmed and instantly seeks them out to dispose of them as quickly as possible. As a man who slays demons and is normally very kind, he is more considerate and gentle when it comes to treating humans. Which doesn't mean that anyone can just take him as easy for it as his aura can change into one of silent and cold rage if someone really pushes his buttons by harming you and triggering his protective instincts. Perhaps it is this overwhelming calmness he showcases even in moments of rage that is so frightening as he whispers a low warning, a threat to stay away from his beloved.
☀️​When it comes to an abduction Yoriichi is not as bad as some others would be. Considering that he is still very overprotective though, you should expect that he has some rules and wishes he would like you to fulfill just so that his mind can rest a bit easier. He dedicates his time to just accompanying you, whether you know about it or not, during the time where both of you shouldn't live together yet and he establishes his rules as soon as both of you live under the same roof together. Otherwise Yoriichi lets you have your freedom as much as he can because he sees no need to restrict you. That changes when something does happen that triggers his feelings and that can quickly escalate into him turning much more controlling as he suddenly doesn't want you to leave his side for an extended period of time and keeps you within the four walls of your home.
☀️​Yoriichi is besides those moments where he reacts quickly more protective less obvious with his overall unhealthy behavior. It is easy to brush his protective tendencies off as lingering paranoia from his last wife's death and nothing more. He's gentle and calm around you and whilst he isn't one who talks much, he loves listening to you talking about anything. Especially when he realises that you are really passionate about it as he just sits next to you and enjoys your presence. His love is warm and bright for you as it gives you a feeling of safety and protection but underneath the surface one spark might be enough to erupt and escalate this warmth into an all-consuming blaze that calmly burns down everything that threatens you. If it wouldn't be for Yoriichi's vast self-control, things wouldn't be as nice most of the time...
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itsokbbygrl · 3 months
Proper Education: A Dark!Joel Saltburn AU Chapter 1: Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair
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Pairing: Dark!Joel Miller x OFC!Reader (written in 2nd POV)
Chapter Rating: M for foul language, underage drinking, mentions of sexual activity and drug use
Word Count: 1.1k, just a baby chapter to kick things off (don't get used to this, most of these chapters will be monsters)
Reader Immersibility: OFC is insanely white coded (frankly this whole story is full of white nonsense), she is from an old money wealthy family that owns an estate from the Gilded Age in New York, she is 18 years old, a college freshman at University of Texas at Austin, and is considered beautiful by society's standards in 2006 which means she is thin, has long hair, and is able bodied. She is relatively smart, but by no means a scholar. She is very sociable and often uses her charm to get her way. Story is written in 2nd person POV so the reader can feel what she is feeling as the story progresses and to keep the reader’s perspective limited as things start to get weird whacky and wild, but it will be difficult for the average reader to see themselves as her physically (myself included, trust me).
Chapter Tags: 18+ MDNI, foul language, implied drug use, underage drinking, mentions of sexual activity, college freshman aged OFC, rich white people doing rich white people things, author is requesting that you suspend your disbelief for some of these things!!!, OFC's family estate is a real place but is not a family home, liberties are taken with regard to UTA student life, inspired by Saltburn
Dividers by @pommecita, story is not beta'd, just written and edited by yours truly
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Yet do I fear thy nature;  It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness  To catch the nearest way.  -Lady Macbeth, Act 1 Scene 5
The car slows to a stop in front of the familiar old tower. The stone structure bleached by unrelenting ultraviolet rays from the unrelenting sun baring down an omnipresent heat. You’d almost forgotten what it was like, the Texan summer. Almost. 
Your driver removes your luggage from the trunk of the black town car as you exit from your seat and step into the perpetually sticky August air, shading your eyes with a hand at your brow so you can properly thank him before you reach for your purse and leave him with a generous tip. You can’t remember his name, but you’re thankful for his service nonetheless. You’ve long become accustomed to a variety of faces in your family’s employ weaving in and out of your life; he is simply another face and name to add to the ever-increasing register.  
Your family sent the majority of your things ahead of move-in day, the university easily agreeing to transport them to your suite in student housing, a benefit of having your last name on one of the buildings, you rationalize, leaving you with a single suitcase and weekend bag to attend to on your own as you make your way to the designated key pickup zone. 
You were regretting your choice of attire the farther you strode across campus. You’d spent the last three months of your summer break idling at your family’s Long Island estate. The cool sea air making you quickly forget how unabating the summer heat was in landlocked central Texas. Your family had escaped the annual calefaction just after your graduation, retreating from your home in the rolling hills of Austin to the cool serenity of the Island. The estate is grandiose, passed through generations and now belonging to your mother and father. A bit gaudy in its opulence, in your opinion, but you harbor many fond memories from your summers spent there throughout your life—running through the vast gardens, sunning yourself on the meticulously manicured lawns, learning to golf and play tennis and swim, and as you grew a bit older, partaking in the many lavish parties hosted by your parents and grandparents alike, kissing boys in secret corridors, drunkenly losing your virginity in the grand library, gleefully breaking your D.A.R.E. pledges with your dear sister and cousin in your bathroom the first time someone brings over a tiny plastic baggie full of unlabeled white powder. 
Your exposed skin glistened with sweat; low rise denim skirt clinging to the skin at your hips, skin beginning to chafe uncomfortably between your thighs. You were glad you’d opted to clip your hair up in a classic twist before you’d gotten off the plane, keeping your neck free from being insulated by your thick tresses. You’re thankful for the many trips to campus over your lifetime as you head towards the designated booth for freshmen to pick up their dorm keys. You’re a fourth generation Longhorn, a legacy, and you know you have a reputation to uphold. You try to keep your face poised, relaxed, friendly, as the growing beads of moisture begin to drip in tiny rivulets between your breasts and along the central dip of your spine. 
You introduce yourself to the upperclassman working the table for your building and complete the requisite paperwork before you’re handed your keys—one for your door, one for your personal mailbox—and instructed to stop in the lobby before you drop off your items so you can have your student identification badge issued. 
“Your ID works like a key to get into the building after 10pm. Don’t lose it,” you’re warned by the table attendant. 
“Thank you, I’ll be careful,” you answer congenially, leaving them with a charming smile before you head in the direction of your dorm. 
You find your building without issue and reluctantly have your picture taken by the residence hall staff for your student ID. They give you a rundown of the general building rules—curfew is 10pm, after which time only residents with their programmed ID badges will be permitted entrance, all overnight guests must be checked in at the front desk with a government or student ID, no alcohol or illicit drugs are permitted on the premises, smoking is not permitted inside the building—and you maintain eye contact with the staffer and smile and nod while you let their words flow in one ear and out the other. 
Once you finish signing your agreement to follow the established residence hall code of conduct, your student ID has been printed and programmed. You take the badge with kind smiles and ample thanks before you haul your luggage to the elevator and make your way to your assigned room. A private double room all to yourself. Your parents insisted, making sure you’d have enough space to study and relax in equal measure. 
“Sweetpea, you know how it is there, those RAs are not gonna be as lenient as your daddy and I with the,” your mother stops her sentence and gestures, mimicking smoking a joint with one hand and drinking from a bottle with the other. She had sat on the other end of the plush sofa with you as you debated which residence hall to choose after coming home after your new student orientation the previous spring. 
You scoffed and kicked out a leg, painted toes bumping her thigh. 
“What? I’m just sayin’, babydoll. You’re a good time, college is a good time, but the RAs can be real,” she lowers her voice, “cunts.” She snickers a laugh at her own crudeness. 
“Mama, I know. I just thought it was part of the,” you raise both of your hands, forefingers and middle fingers miming quotation marks in the air, “college experience to have a random roommate or whatever.” You look back at the brochures in front of you and sigh before relenting. “I guess you’re right. The privacy will be nice.”
“Damn straight, baby. Plus, you don’t have to worry about a roommate being around when you bring a nice young man home to fu—”
“MOM, jesus,” you cut her off, shaking your head as she laughs. 
“What?! Baby girl you are my daughter, that means you’re half of me, and I fully know what that entails, ok? No reason to be ashamed of it, you’re young and gorgeous. Enjoy it while it lasts,” she tips her glass of white wine in your direction. You reach for your own on the coffee table, lifting it to hers, allowing the crystal to clink and chime in cheers as you both take a sip. 
You use your new key to unlock your door and haul your bags inside, finding boxes stacked neatly in the corner for you to unpack. “Welcome home, I guess,” you say to the four walls you’ll call home for the next year.
Navigation: Chapter 2: coming soon | Series Masterlist
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a/n: thank you for reading! this is a multi-chaptered work in process with new chapters being posted approximately every other Friday at or around 7pm CT (pending my work schedule changing to late shift). please consider not only liking, but reblogging and leaving a comment or tags to give me some feedback! reblogs are the only way content is circulated on this platform and are always appreciated!
follow @itsokbbygrl-notifs and subscribe to notifications to receive notice when new chapters are posted.
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fairy-writes · 1 year
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: @bublipuppy
Fandom(s): Tokyo Ghoul
Pairing(s): Uta x Human!Investigator!Reader
Prompt: Holding their lover when they cry (Action Prompt #8)
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Human!Reader, CCG Investigator!Reader
Notes: We’re pretending that Uta is in his early thirties in this. No matter how much I research, I CAN’T find his age.
This is for my 1K followers event! It’s going on between June 8th and June 22nd!
Uta heard your stifled sobs the moment he unlocked the front door. 
He sets his bag down by the door and toes off his shoes in exchange for slippers. He puts them neatly beside yours and wanders his way through your apartment, peeking his head inside your kitchen, bathroom, and guest bedroom in search of you.
He finds you in the corner of your bedroom, wrapped in the blanket he gifted you for your birthday, and shaking silently. 
He knew this cry.
It was the cry that meant that you just couldn’t stop, that you were trying your hardest not to break down. 
What had happened?
He settles down next to you, tugging the blanket from around your face and announcing his presence.
“It’s me.” He says quietly, and immediately, you’re turning and throwing yourself into his arms, your own going around his waist and burying your face in the crook of his neck. 
Uta doesn’t ask, doesn’t say anything really, as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, nosing your hair and inhaling. You smelled absolutely delightful—like blood and muscle and tissue and food.
Hey, he was a ghoul. 
He couldn’t help it. 
It wasn’t like he was going to eat you. 
No, no, no, he cared about you too much for that. 
So he still doesn’t say anything, not a word, only offering what he hoped was a comforting presence. 
“They’re all dead.” You rasp, and he stills where he had been rocking you gently back and forth.
“Your squad?” He asks and feels you nod. 
That’s right. 
Your squad. 
You were so kind and empathetic toward ghouls that he usually forgot that you were an esteemed member of the CCG. A First Class Investigator at the young age of twenty-seven. You were good at your job, often tasked with training the next generation of ghoul investigators. 
And so you were given a squad to look after and train, much like the Quinx squad that Kaneki was over when he was Sasaki Haise. 
“Can I ask how?” He asked, and you shivered,
“Aogiri Tree. It should have been a quick hit. In and out. But an SS rank showed up. They didn’t stand a chance. And I—I couldn’t get there fast enough.” You whimper, and he pulls back to look at you in the face. Your eyes are red-rimmed and puffy, tears hot and sticky streaking your cheeks, your bottom lip quivers, and he feels his twisted heart ache. 
“Don’t do that to yourself. You had other things to worry about.” He tries, and you shake your head vehemently.
“They were my responsibility! And I still haven’t given these to their families yet!” You shove folded papers at his chest and dissolve into another bout of tears.
He takes a look, and his eyes widen marginally. 
Last testaments.
He had heard about these from you before. All CCG investigators were required to write them before missions such as yours. Especially big ones that always resulted in large amounts of casualties. And it looks like your squad’s had been entrusted to you.
How twisted. How inhumane. How cruel. 
Uta opened one and found himself stopping, almost not comprehending the words on the page. 
That was it. Two sentences. They were written in bold kanji, almost tearing the paper in half with how harsh the strokes were. It didn’t even have a name signed at the bottom.
“That was Yū. They were twenty-one.” You croak, and he looks at you. You are avoiding his gaze. 
“Isn’t it funny?” You suddenly say, your voice dark, and he narrows his eyes slightly, “Their name is Yū. Written with the kanji for brave. And yet… they were scared to die.” You say and scrub a hand down your face, getting to your feet and leaving him behind as you meander your way to the kitchen.
You had been looking at the shaky words with dead eyes. 
No emotion. Just… Dead. Like you had cried out all the tears you had. 
He hated that expression. He doesn’t want to see it on your face. He wants you to be happy and loving like you usually were. This expression meant the world was getting to you, sucking the life out of your soul. 
And he didn’t want that.
But he didn’t know how to make it better. 
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eemamminy-art · 16 days
Tagged by @4th-make-quail to spell my url out using songs!! What a fun little idea! 😄
E: (the) emergency - BT (x) E: evil eye - Franz Ferdinand (x) M: metropolis - Owl City (x) A: art of conflict - VNV Nation (x) M: metal: brute justice mode - Masayoshi Soken (FFXIV) (x) M: make up your mind / catch me i'm falling - Next to Normal cast (x) I: i <3 u - Boy Pablo (x) N: northwind and sunshine - Toriumi Kousuke and Maeno Tomoaki (Uta no Prince-sama) (x) Y: you're the top - Cole Porter (Anything Goes, 2011 revival cast) (x) A: a boy like that (un hombre asi) / i have a love - West Side Story, 2009 revival cast (x) R: (the) real world - Owl City (x) T: tomorrow and tomorrow - Masayoshi Soken (FFXIV) (x)
what a time to have this long nonsense word of a username haha
My music tastes are a bit varied so I tried to get a general sampling of stuff I like!
Tagging: @lesbxdyke @sigmundite @superfluouskeys @randomsquirrel @salmonking - and anyone else who wants to do it! And no pressure if you were tagged it's just for fun 😊
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animemusicbrackets · 1 year
sorry for the wait u_u
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(Text version, with dates under the cut below)
For franchises that had more than one submission, I grouped them together so that after round 2, there will only be one contestant per franchise. to try to be fair or whatever, so that a small number of franchises dont dominate the bracket
yes i know mdzs and tgcf arent anime but its my poll tourney and i do what i want godbless
this might be too much to ask but please watch the videos if you can and vote based on that! idc how much you like or dislike the anime, how much do you like the OPENING. obviously this is for fun so you can do whatever but if possible i dont rly want this to be a popularity poll :')
propaganda welcome :)
Tag List: round 1 round 2 round 3 quarterfinals semifinals finals third place round propaganda bracket updates matches (the actual polls, not including any reblogs)
PART A (5/6 12:00pm ET)
Match 1: "Peace Sign" - Kenshi Yonezu (My Hero Academia) {VS} "Hitamuki" - SUPER BEAVER (My Hero Academia) Match 2: "THE DAY" - Porno Graffitti (My Hero Academia) {VS} "H. T. [Humanoid Typhoon]" - Tsuneo Imahori (Trigun 1998) Match 3: "Kaen" - QUEEN BEE (Dororo 2019) {VS} "Naru" - PON (Tsurune: Kazemai High School Kyudo Club) Match 4: "DANZEN! Futari wa Pretty Cure" - Gojo Mayumi (Futari wa Pretty Cure) {VS} "Bye Bye" - 7!! (Kimi To Boku) Match 5: "Hikariare" - BURNOUT SYNDROMES (Haikyuu!!) {VS} "FLY HIGH!!" - BURNOUT SYNDROMES (Haikyuu!!) Match 6: "Gun's & Roses" - Paradise Lunch (Baccano!) {VS} "Flyers" - BRADIO (Death Parade) Match 7: "MAN HUMAN" - Denki Groove (Devilman Crybaby) {VS} "Goya no Machiawase" - Hello Sleepwalkers (Noragami) Match 8: "Maji LOVE 1000%" - STARISH (Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000%) {VS} "KICK BACK" - Kenshi Yonezu (Chainsaw Man)
PART B (5/8 12:00pm ET)
Match 9: "Papermoon" - Tommy heavenly6 (Soul Eater) {VS} "Resonance" - T.M. Revolution (Soul Eater) Match 10: "Hyadain no Kakakata☆Kataomoi-C" - Maeyamada Kenichi (Nichijou) {VS} "Parallel Hearts" - FictionJunction (Pandora Hearts) Match 11: "Easy Breezy" - chelmico (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) {VS} "Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru" - Koji Makaino (Rose of Versailles) Match 12: "Tank!" - The Seatbelts (Cowboy Bebop) {VS} "COLORS" - FLOW (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion) Match 13: "Melissa" - Porno Graffitti (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003) {VS} "Golden Time Lover" - Sukima Switch (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) Match 14: "Rain" - SID (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) {VS} "Again" - YUI (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) Match 15: "Monochrome Kiss" - SID (Black Butler) {VS} "Brand New World" - D-51 (One Piece) Match 16: "Smile Bomb" - Mawatari Matsuko (Yu Yu Hakusho) {VS} "Dream Island Obsessional Park" - Susumu Hirasawa (Paranoia Agent)
PART C (5/10 12:00pm ET)
Match 17: "R★O★C★K★S" - Hound Dog (Naruto) {VS} "Lovers" - 7!! (Naruto: Shippuden) Match 18: "Far Away" - Asian Kung-Fu Generation (Naruto) {VS} "Blue Bird" - Ikimonogakari (Naruto: Shippuden) Match 19: "Hero's Come Back" - Nobodyknows (Naruto: Shippuden) {VS} "BLOODY STREAM" - Coda (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Match 20: "Aoi Hana" - Kikukodan (Sweet Blue Flowers) {VS} "Unravel" - TK (Tokyo Ghoul) Match 21: "Setsuna no Ai" - GRANRODEO (Bungo Stray Dogs) {VS} "Gurenge" - LiSA (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) Match 22: "Scar" - Tatsuya Kitani (Bleach) {VS} "Eternal Blaze" - Nana Mizuki (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's) Match 23: "Sono Saki e" - RIRIKO (Children of the Whales) {VS} "Rondo-Revolution" - Masami Okui (Revolutionary Girl Utena) Match 24: "Motteke! Sailor Fuku" - Aya Hirano, Emiri Katou, Kaori Fukuhara, and Aya Endo (Lucky☆Star) {VS} "Moonlight Densetsu" - Dali, Moon Lips (Sailor Moon)
PART D (5/12 12:00pm ET)
Match 25: "99.9" - MOB CHOIR feat. sajou no hana (Mob Psycho 100) {VS} "1" - MOB CHOIR (Mob Psycho 100) Match 26: "99" - MOB CHOIR (Mob Psycho 100) {VS} "Kibou no Uta" - Ultra Tower (Food Wars) Match 27: "Departure!" - Masatoshi Ono (Hunter x Hunter) {VS} "Sakura Kiss" - Chieko Kawabe (Ouran High School Host Club) Match 28: "History Maker" - Dean Fujioka (Yuri!!! On ICE) {VS} "Kaikai Kitan" - Eve (Jujutsu Kaisen) Match 29: "Drunken Dreams of the Past" - Lin Zhixuan (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) {VS} "Connect" - ClariS (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Match 30: "No Parting" - Jeff Chang (Heaven Official's Blessing) {VS} "Delicate ni Suki Shite" - Ota Takako (Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami) Match 31: "Kiss Me" - Celeina Ann and Nai Br.XX (Carole & Tuesday) {VS} "Sudachi no Uta" - Anemoneria (Wonder Egg Priority) Match 32: "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" - Yoko Takahashi (Neon Genesis Evangelion) {VS} "Shinzou wo Sasageyo" - Linked Horizon (Attack on Titan)
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muselexum · 2 years
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Young papa Shanks and lil Uta with hair loopies I’m fine I’m fine
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nitrokiraru · 7 months
since i've been a lot more active on this acc i figured i should make a pinned ^__^
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welcome to my accounttt!
you can just call me ren! i like to be referred to by she/they pronouns. im an adult (20 y/o).
my main interests that i'll talk about on this blog: nitro+chiral visual novels, bl visual novels, prolly bl in general. ive accidentally turned myself into a n+c updates blog i also like non bl visual novels as well, but will probably mainly talk about blvns
list of my vns on vndb, just for reference of the ones i have played and will play in the future: vndb
main favs include:
-the entirety of nitro+chiral (dramatical murder, slow damage, sweet pool, togainu no chi, lamento)
-you and me and her
-saya no uta
-uuultra c
more favs soon to be added as i play more!
might also reblog other interests from time to time or aesthetically pleasing pics, but i will mainly post things myself about n+c visual novels or updates from ones im currently playing
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i like the "controversial" n+c LIs/ships such as madatowa, minao, and shiaki. it's completely fine if you don't, but that sort of stuff will be on this account! i do like all n+c ships though, and will reblog/post abt all of them. (also by ships i mean canon to the game, i dont have strong opinions on the crack ones. although noiz x koujaku is and will always be the shit)
i don't really tag stuff like triggers, not because i dont care but because im not nearly as active on here to even know ;; i just sort of come on here post about my usual brainrot about some yowie man and reblog things from the tags i follow. honestly i dont really tag reblogs period unless its to add a comment
since most of the visual novels i play have pretty mature themes and stuff that probably needs trigger warnings, just let it be known that if you have certain triggers this blog might not be that safe! i just want everybody to be comfortable ^_^
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the basic dni criteria, pls refrain from interacting if you are racist, homophobic (it would be ironic if you to be here-), terf/transphobic, etc.
if you hate anything i regularly post about. pretty self explanatory i dont wanna hear abt a character i posted abt is bad or a series i like is problematic or something you are free to have this opinion i just would prefer you not have it on my account <3
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thats pretty much it! (unless i think of something else to put later lol) overall thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy my blog full of blvn/eroge brainrot. i hope u can also be equally as insane as me about these various characters and vns/media
also let it be known all fujoshi, fudanshi, and fujin are welcome on this page. BL is for everybody (real) <3 the world should all become yaoipilled
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tsukaproshp · 10 months
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                                         ㅤ۫ ꒰ ◞ ˬ ◟ ꒱ 𓂂 ׄׄ pinned !!
hello quick pinned for my account,, uhm hi i'm coddy aka the scary fujodanshi && himedanshi proshitter that is a shotacon grrr be terrified of me.
i use he / it pronouns mainly but i like neopronouns so do wtv u want w that! i won't started blaberring about my id but i'm trans && queer i'm a minor ( 145) && i'm autistic and dyslexic,, i speak both french and english.
i have no dni expect for terfs - i use the block button pretty often.
i am a selfshipper && pro/comshipper,, my mains f/os are Shu Itsuki, Nazuna Nito, Sacha Ketchum, Kanato Sakamaki, Azuka Mukami, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kidou Yuuto, Ciel.
my main ships are,, sakumacest ( ensemble stars ), maoritsu ( ensemble stars ), POLY *old* VALKYRIE, POLY RA*BITS, amagicest ( ensemble stars ), dazaidoppo ( bungou strays dogs ), kaeluc ( genshin impact ), sebaciel ( black bulter )
my main fandom are,, ensemble stars, project sekai, A3!!, uta no prince-sama, vocaloid, DRAMAtical Murder, bungou strays dogs, pokemon, inazuma eleven, black bulter and of danmei ( like sssvs, everydays the protagonist want to capture me, the demon lord always think im in love with him, 100 to kill an heartthrob, ect... )
my tags,,
kody rambles ꒰🍰꒱ = rambles / random post
online debate 🧷 = discourse post
borlos kissing 🖍️ = ships post related
my darlings borlos 💗 = general self-ship post
/oomfies 🧇 = posts i rb / responds & asks that come from my moots
answering the mails ! 🌸 = answering asks
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asksakura1125td · 11 months
I've decided to make a pinned post to let people know more about me!
My name is Theresa, im taken. I'm an adult who loves anime, music, stage plays, lives/concerts and video games. I'm a multifandom account and I ship things heavily. I don't tag posts unless we're close friends. I have adhd(diagnosed since childhood) and probably a dash of autism(undiagnosed)
My current interests/big fixations are
Bungo stray dogs
Blood blockade battlefront
Demon slayer
Paradox live
Hypnosis mic
Otogi no uta chronicle
Clock over orquesta
Blue lock
Nu carnival
Vtubers (mainly hololive and vshoujo but I also like nijisanji)
Five nights at Freddies
Twisted wonderland
Dr stone
Nier automata/replicant
Persona series
Yugioh series
One piece
Uta no prince sama
Sk8 the infinity
Pokemon, splatoon and Nintendo in general
I also take my plushies around and take silly pictures of them
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I hope you enjoy my account. I've been here for like....7 or 8 years?
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kingsbride-moved · 11 months
I don't wanna reblog the post but tagged by @dudefrommywesterns for songs I've had on repeat lately ^.^
1. Kaho Nakamura | Sono Inochi
2. ZABADAK | Walking Tour
3. Maaya Sakamoto | Shippo no Uta (Tail Song) 2013 live version
4. Asian Kung-fu Generation | A Lost Dog and the Beats of Rain
5. Cicada | Seeking the Sources of Streams
I don't feel like tagging anyone so if you see this feel free to do it and say I tagged you okay!!
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starsign-system · 10 months
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☆Starsign System
⊱ System Tag ⊱
⊱ System Type ⊱
☆fictive heavy
☆Med Recognized
⊱ Collective Name ⊱
⊱ Collective Pronouns ⊱
⊱ Hosts-Co-Host ⊱
☆ Benji Woodside|He/Him|Religious Traumaholder/protector/possible Avenger?/cohost
⊱ Frequent Fronters ⊱
☆Uta|25|He/Him|Masking Alter
☆Liam Dunbar|22|He/Him|Avenger/traumaholder/protector
☆ClockWork|19|She/It|Time management
☆Vincent Metzger|25|He/Him|Sexual Protector
☆Galian Beast|Hellhound Subsystem|He/It|Sleep alter/soother
☆Neil Josten|24|He/Him|protector/parental trauma holder
☆Ignis|1000s of years old|He/They/It|Caretaker/Soother
☆Aaron Minyard|He/Him|Medical protector
☆Benji Woodside|He/Him|Religious Traumaholder/protector/possible Avenger?
☆Licht Todoroki|20|He/Him/Angel|protector
☆Xie Lian|1000s of years old|He/They|Soother/Caretaker
☆Akira Kojima|20|He/Him|trauma holder
☆Andrew Graves|22|He/Him|trauma holder
⊱ DNI ⊱
☆Fake Claimers
☆BSD-Mori, Fyodor, Ango
☆BTD-Sano, Cain, Strade
☆KH- Xheanort, Xigbar
☆FF- Hojo, Ardyn
☆TW- Peter, Deucalion, Void
☆TFC/AFTG- Riko, Drake
☆TG- Tsukiyama
☆TCOA&LL- Ashley Graves
☆Servamp- Tsubaki, most of C3
☆HFWU- any of the Angels
⊱ Partners ⊱
☆Partner System- Space🌌
⊱ Comforts ⊱
☆Animals in general
☆Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy/Life is Strange/The World Ends With You
☆Slasher/Horror films but like the campy ones from the 80s
☆Some modern horror
☆Rainbow Brite
☆2000s Barbie Movies
⊱ Extras ⊱
☆We are extremely fictive heavy due to having Audhd and seeking comfort in our hyperfixations as a kid, we dont mind being asked questions just dont be ignorant about it.
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