#Tw:self image
aerynwrites · 7 months
hello! I'm happy your requests are open! Hope you're doing well <3 I've been having a lot of self esteem issues lately. I feel gross, my hips are wide, my booty is big. Bleh. If it's alright, can I please request a fem Tav feeling unworthy, just not good enough for Gale? Like she loves him, but since he was with a Goddess she just feels she's not enough for him? Thank you <3
Hello friend! First of all thank you for seem this and second and most importantly -
Please please don’t let your inner self image issues get you down. I’ve also dealt with really negative self esteem issues (still do!) and I just want you to know that you ARE worthy and you are amazing!!
I just finished writing this oneshot for Gale and it will be posted next week ❤️ (if you’d like a little sneak peak please DM and I’m happy to share!)
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Part 2 with the Side Characters following this Ask from 🌹 Anon!
Read Part 1!
TW:Self-deprecation, discussions of weight and body image, possible triggering language, Swearing. Please read at your own risk and let me know if I missed anything that could be triggering!
Genre: Angst/Hurt, Comfort, Fluff.
Please be aware that I am not a professional. I do possess a degree in Psychology, but everyone's experience is different when it comes to personally dealing with this topic. I apologize if this does not align with your own personal experiences
Taglist: @delphi-dreamin @sassykattery @bite-sized-devil @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar (feel free to ignore if this isn't for you!)
Harsh Thoughts, Gentle Praises
The Demon Prince was expecting your arrival any moment now
The two of you had planned to spend the evening together
However, he didn't expect you to show up in the state that you were in.
Your face was splotchy and swollen, and your eyes puffy and red from crying. "Hi Dia." You said, your voice lacking any sort of emotion.
He immediately ushered you in, guiding you to his bedroom. He sat you down on the edge of his bed and kneeled in front of you on the floor.
"MC, my darling. What has happened to put you in such a state?"
Your face scrunched up, trying your best not to cry in front of him. "Nothing important."
Of course he didn't believe you. He's never seen you act this way before.
"Now, I find that hard to believe." he said, reaching up and brushing a strand of hair back from your face.
You winced at his touch, sending a pang of hurt through his chest. What happened to you?
You turned your head away from him. "I was just wondering... what you think of me?"
Diavolo frowned, obviously confused by such a question. "MC, whatever do you mean?"
He watched as a fresh tear rolled down your cheek. "D-Do you think i'm....disgusting? With the way that I am?"
His brow furrowed, gazing up at you with a grim expression. "Of course not, how could you think otherwise?"
You began to weep once more as you told him about the terrible things that demon had said that day. He grew visibly angry at your words.
"MC, I will be asking you for that Demon's name later. I will not tolerate anyone who stands in the way of peace between us and the human world."
He paused, taking your hand and planting a kiss on the back of it. "More importantly, I believe we need to have a conversation."
You drew in a breath as he leaned up to meet his lips with yours. "I've chosen you, MC. Need I explain more? There's no one else I'd rather have by my side as my future consort of the Devildom."
You shivered at his words, not expecting him to bring up the future of your relationship together. But it made your heart flutter.
He pulled you to your feet and wrapped his arms around your waist. "My beautiful human." he murmured, burying his face into your neck.
You gasped as he kissed it, leaning your head back to give him easier access. "I love you, Dia."
You felt him smile against you as you swayed together. "Please believe me when I say I love you too."
He found you that day at RAD.
Whether it be his foresight kicking in or just his natural instinct as your partner, he sensed something was wrong.
He followed you down the hallway, noticing your normal bubbly smile was no longer present.
When he caught up to you, he placed a hand gently on your shoulder.
"MC, would you care to follow me to the Young Master's Office?"
Of course he didn't mean to deceive you in anyway, he just wanted to get to the bottom of this uneasy feeling he had in the pit of his stomach.
Instead, he lead you into an empty classroom, locking the door behind him.
You narrowed your eyes at him. "What the hell Barbatos?"
He ignored your protest. He was more concerned about you. "Something happened."
Your eyes gave you away as they began to fill with tears.
"I don't know what you're talking about." you hissed.
Barbatos tilted his head, still not convinced.
You had pressed yourself up against one of the desks, arms wrapped around your torso self consciously.
He stepped closer, caging his arms around you so you were trapped between him and the desk.
"Shall we retreat back to the castle a little early today? As long as you don't tell the Young Master."
The ghost of a smirk briefly drifted across your face.
But Barbatos saw it. He sees everything, after all.
When you arrive at the castle, hand in hand, he brings you to the common room, sitting with you on the couch.
"Now my dear, what's troubling you?"
You begin to break down, telling him of the horrendous day you've had.
"Wouldn't you agree though, Barb? Like, you could have anyone you want... and you chose me..."
Barbatos is stunned, taking your hand in his gloved one and stroking it softly.
"My love, the opinions of those so called students are irrelevant. My opinion of you should be the only one that matters."
You sniff, looking up at him. His green turquoise eyes were locked with your own tear filled gaze.
"And in my opinion, you are the most beautiful being i've ever seen. I'm honored to have fallen in love with such a kind, compassionate and outgoing person such as yourself."
Your tears began falling again as you fling yourself into his arms.
He smiles softly, rubbing circles on your back.
"I love you, my dear. Please, would you have some tea with me while I instruct you on all of the attributes that have me so smitten with you?"
You were expecting Simeon to pick you up any moment now.
He was taking you back to Purgatory Hall for lunch with him, Luke and Solomon.
In all honestly, you really didn't want to go. You stood waiting in the entryway to HoL, fidgeting nervously.
A knock on the door made you jump, and you opened it up to Simeon's ethereal smile.
"Hello, my little lamb."
You couldn't help but smile as he took your hand, planting a soft kiss on the back of it.
"Hi Simeon." you said, your voice slightly trembling as he lead you out the door.
Of course he noticed. "MC, are you okay? You seem a little off today."
Your gaze dropped to the ground as you walked. "Yeah I guess. Just a bad day."
He looked concerned, pulling you instead to the direction of the garden.
"Come with me, we'll talk."
You attempted to protest, but he wasn't having it.
He pulled you further into the maze of hedges, guiding you down to the gazebo at the end of the cobblestone path.
"The truth is, Lucifer told me you've been upset. He wanted me to take you out today to try and cheer you up." he admitted.
You felt a pang of anger in your chest. "W-What? Really?"
Simeon could sense the tension, and motioned for you to sit with him on the bench. "Now don't think that's the only reason I asked you out. You know how much I admire spending time with you."
You crossed your arms over your chest, narrowing your eyes.
"I don't understand why. When I look the way I do."
Simeon's smile fell. "MC...what are you talking about?"
Your eyes welled up with tears again as you explained what happened at RAD the other day.
Simeon doesn't normally get worked up, but now he was angry.
His arms were around you in a second, pulling you close.
"MC, you are absolutely the most precious thing to me. I don't care what those demons had to say about you. And you shouldn't either."
You sniffed, finally wrapping your arms around him.
"I-I don't know Simeon...you're so perfect...and flawless.. how could you possibly love someone like me? I'm fat. Disgusting..."
Simeon hushed you, gently kissing the side of your head.
"Who says your flaws make you ugly? I think they make you stunningly unique."
He pulls away for a moment, studying your face.
He shakes his head. "If you were anything but beautiful to me MC, why would I always have the urge to do this?"
You sighed as he pressed his lips gently to yours, his hands beginning to wander down to the curves of your hips.
"Do you believe me now?"
You shook your head stubbornly. "I think you need to prove it to me a bit more."
You bailed on your training session with Solomon. Again
He wasn't thrilled to receive the text from you saying you were sick for the 2nd week in a row.
But he had a hard time believing you.
He decided he was going to come see you for himself.
He ran into Lucifer on his way to your room, who didn't look happy to see him.
But he felt a hand on his shoulder as he passed by.
"Please check on them. They haven't been their usual self lately. They refuse to talk to any of us."
You were in your room, curled up in a giant hoodie and sweatpants as you dabbed at the tears falling down your cheeks.
Solomon didn't bother knocking, he just walked right in to see you sobbing with your phone laying beside you.
"MC, I would love an explanation as to why this is the second time you are canceling-"
He stopped in his tracks when he saw the state you were in. "Oh, Mc..."
He was next to you in an instant, but you rolled away from him. "Go away, Sol. I don't want to talk right now."
Your feistiness never bothered him, but there was something about it this time that did.
"Lucifer mentioned you weren't feeling yourself lately?"
You rolled back over slightly to face him. "That jerk can't mind his own business?"
Solomon chuckled at that, rubbing a hand over your leg. "I won't deny he seemed worried about you though. What's been going on?"
You glanced away again, your eyes watery and upper lip trembling.
"I just... I don't know how you can love me, Sol."
Solomon tilts his head, confused.
You begin to tell him of what went down that day at RAD, sobbing through your words.
Solomon sighs, reaching to gather you up into his arms.
"My love, demons are cruel. They will often feed off of your despair. There's no reason for you to believe their harsh words."
You sniffed, burying your face into his chest.
"But it's true. It's not like they lied to me, right? Clearly i'm fat. Overweight. I hate myself."
"It's hard being human, living in the world where there's so many unrealistic expectations. But have I ever thought any different of you?"
You shook your head, and he planted a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Then you have every reason to believe me. I've lived a long time, but you are the most beautiful human i've had the pleasure of loving."
This time, his lips met yours as he rocked you gently in his lap.
"We're only humans, but I promise to love you till the end of time, no matter how much we change. Now, let's get started on our training. I have a new curriculum in mind for you this evening."
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exclusivenyc · 1 year
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We just spotted KITTIYA VAN DIJCK ( DAVIKA HOORNE )  hopping off a plane in the City that Never Sleeps! Make sure to send in your account within 24 hours and read our NEW MEMBER CHECKLIST before getting settled. Can you make it in the Big Apple?
Not everyone can say they’ve been to the Big Apple, but  [ KITTIYA VAN DIJCK ], a [ 31 ] year-old [ FEMALE ] has lived in [ MANHATTAN ] for [ 2 YEARS ]. This is the city of dreams and [ SHE] knows it, because they came to NYC to be a/n [ OF CREATOR/SOCIALITE ]. Living in the city means they meet all kinds of people, but everyone always seems to think they look like [ DAVIKA HOORNE]. They even got away with free cab fare once because of it!
She is an only child, from a family that has old money, the kind where she doesnt have to work whatsoever, so despite her of being very successful she only does it as a side thing to keep herself busy and for fun. Her father is belgian and her mother is thai, and spent most of her childhood travelling between LA and Thailand.
She has a 1.5 year old daughter
tw:self image/anxiety. She has some issues when it comes to anxiety and generally being scared of being abandoned or dying alone. along with some issues regarding her outward apperance, always wanting others to find her attractive as a way to make herself believe she is beautiful too.
(hanne, 27, gmt+2, she/her, non)
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I'm sure this has come up on more than several occasions but I'm bringing it back because it's still a thing. Victor hates his body. He hates his scars and he hates the "imprints" his father left upon him, as he would say. Although most of his external scars were self-inflicted during his teens, there are many that he had no, as he would say, "assistance" with. And those are the only scars he hasn't had tattooed (given their sensitivity ------ especially the scar left from the bullet wound.)
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When you are so self destructive and hate your body so you want to starve yourself but you can't because you have bad sugar problems and fainting spells
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hwoaarang · 11 years
I will be short bc time is ticking holy shit so
out of all the nicely put remarks I've heard about me over the past few years (I'm going somewhere with this watch) I'll gather the ones that struck me the most with how eloquent they were
'what is that thing ,a boy or a girl?' - random person who doesn't even know me
'you're so ugly you shouldn't even have an opinion on other people' - my friend
'you're fat you need a diet' -random 4th grader
'wow you're ugly' -another random 4th grader
'she has short hair she must be a boy,her clothes too...'- kindergarden KID???????
'are you a girl or a boy?' -2nd grader
'are you a lesbian' -don't really remember who said this 
so I'm trying to give you a little something on the way society depicts people,in my case females. Well from what you've gathered girls shouldn't
they should only wear girly clothes ... SWEAT PANTS???WHA T S THAT
if you're not normal looking to them they feel the need to point it out regardless of how they think you'll feel about it
so here's the thing, if you've been told these things ,or experience something similar here's what you gotta do 
step up your game 
if you have friends to stick up for you then that's hella amazing, but if you're like me ,you have to rely on your willpower and mental strength. If you don't accept yourself,you will be stuck on the same thing over and over again. If you love yourself and who you are, you honestly  won't give a damn about other people's opinions,so find your inner strength and use it please!
a female with short hair, who wears boyish clothes and loves the D very much thank 
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lyrasoxford · 11 years
I'm not even particularly ugly I'm just
nothing much.
I hate the way i look.
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bougiepunk · 11 years
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