#Truck Touchers
vilevilescorpio · 8 months
'You were never supposed to live like this. Your ancestors never lived like this. Your ancestors were brave, proud ferocious man things only recently bipedal, not entirely competent on two legs which is why they crouched down on all fours when they spotted the approaching Neanderthals'
Episode 236 - Truck Touchers
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Truck Touchers alternate ending: Blake ens up winning the car because Kasper starts making out w him on it, after pushing him down onto the hood ::3
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violet-moonstone · 8 months
Saw the title of the newest night vale episode (truck touchers) and my first thought was: ahh yes, my favourite derogatory term for conservatives
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taleblrlorekeeper · 13 days
Clip isn't for the funnies, I just think it's interesting and reminds me of the story potential for Toilet Toucher
[Video: MAIL DELIVERY! - Gmod Mail Truck Mod]
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bookgeekgrrl · 7 months
My media this week (15-21 Oct 2023)
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😍 The Bell in the Fog (Andy Mills #2) (Lev AC Rosen, author; Vikas Adam, narrator) - love how well this series captures the '50s noir vibe but also manages to not be completely bleak - Andy's learning to find the small joys among the fraught life of being openly queer in the '50s
🥰 Camp Folktale, Summer of '86 (cairparavels) - 113K, steddie summer camp AU; very lovely & fluffy slow burn
🥰 The Body In The Back Garden (Crescent Cove Mystery #1) (Mark Waddell, author; Daniel Henning, narrator) - fun little cozy mystery, pretty standard for the genre but queer (which meant I didn't have to contend with the MC worried about his weight and/or eating, if nothing else) - definitely looking forward to more in this series
💖💖 +105K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
A Dream Model (Aria_Lerendeair) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 26K - human AU with artist!Dream and model/muse!Hob
spilled ink and daffodils (issylra) - The Sandman: Dreamling, 31K - human AU, tattoo shop/florist
Murdoch Mysteries - s15, e8-17
That Thing You Do!
Our Flag Means Death - s2, e6-7
D20: Burrow's End - "A Second Sun" (s20, e3)
D20: Adventuring Party - "I'm Here and I'm Jaysohn" (s15, e3)
Practical Magic
Re: Dracula - October 15: Hear it in the Shrouds
Desert Island Discs - Adrian Edmondson, actor, writer
Re: Dracula - October 16: We Shall Be Ready
Re: Dracula - October 17: Fall Into Dust
Vibe Check - I’m Here to Ask the Important Questions
⭐ 99% Invisible #328 - Devolutionary Redesign
Into It - What Britney Reveals, and What George Clooney Wants Resolved
Today, Explained - So I unelected an authoritarian
Dear Prudence - Is It Okay to Ghost A Friend? Help!
Today, Explained - Airbnbanned
Welcome to Night Vale #236 - Truck Touchers
Ologies with Alie Ward - Pomology (APPLES) with Susan K. Brown
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Nasothek Noses
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Robot Saints
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Golem
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Wishing Tree
⭐ Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford - Oil and Blood: The Osage Murders
Uncle Fester's Record Collection
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Does anyone want a collection of screenshots of all Daniel Kitson's entries in Edinburgh Fringe Festival programs? Because I made a collection of screenshots of all Daniel Kitson's entries in Edinburgh Fringe Festival programs (courtesy of this website, and the things in it are really worth looking through if you're interested in comedy at all). It's something I do with my life sometimes.
Note: This was meant to be just a collection of screenshots, obviously turns into a catalogue of his whole career. Obviously. It got a little out of hand as I was writing.
The Number One Show
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Joint late-night Gilded Balloon thing with Andrew Maxwell and Trevor Lock. He has told stories about this on stage sometimes, about how in the late 90s he mainly performed in rough London clubs including the Comedy Cafe where he was absolutely horrible to the audience, and then went to Edinburgh where he acted the same way until Trevor Lock and Andrew Maxwell told him that Edinburgh isn't the same as the Comedy Cafe and he needs to tone it down.
When he tells that story, he says Edinburgh 1999 was hard because he had a bit of a crisis when he realized they were right and he'd been acting badly. This critical self-reflection is a wild contrast to how he came across in a documentary that chronicled his time at Edinburgh in 1999 with:
The Monkey Touchers
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Noel Faulkner, owner of the aforementioned Comedy Cafe, took some of their comedians to do shows out of the back of a truck in Edinburgh, including Daniel Kitson who performed with another guy named Lee Canterbury as The Monkey Touchers. Neither of them come off well in the documentary that showcases this, but it's worth noting that he was only 22, and you cannot hold people to everything they said when they were 22.
Fun fact: that Barry Cryer quote comes from this video, of the finals of the 1995 BBC New Comedy Awards. Daniel Kitson made those finals when he was only 18 (he didn't win, but Julian Barratt did win, Lee Mack's in it too, the whole thing's worth watching), Barry Cryer's one of the judges, and while discussing Kitson's performance, Barry Cryer says he felt sick at the thought of someone so young being such a strong performer.
Daniel Kitson did not return to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2000, but came back in 2001 with:
Love, Innocence, and the Word Cock
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Note the large-ish poster that even has some colour on it - this was when he still had an agent who made him do publicity things, but more than that I think it was before he even personally objected to publicity things. Unironic praise in the blurb, genuinely trying to sell himself. And it worked, he was nominated for the Best Newcomer Award. Which he lost to the Garth Marenghi stage show (precursor, of course, to the brilliant TV show) with Matthew Holness, Richard Ayoade, and Alice Lowe.
I think this was also his first year hosting Late 'n' Live, putting those Comedy Cafe skills to work. It was definitely a year when he hosted Late 'n' Live (not 100% sure it was the first, but it probably was as he wasn't there in 2000 and was new to the whole festival in 1999), because there's a documentary series about Late 'n' Live that shows Kitson hosting it in 2001. Specifically, it shows him working with Adam Hills and Ross Noble to drag a drunk Johnny Vegas off stage.
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A poster again, but it's smaller, and there's no colour this time.
Big year, this was the show that won the Perrier Award and he got so angry about having success foisted upon him that he refused to let anyone find out he exists ever again. I find the line "on the verge of critical backlash" quite funny, as he's been saying for years that he's had his time in the sun and everyone is going to get sick of him soon, but it's extra funny that he was already saying it by 2002. This show was about love and his grandmother, his first significant move toward thoughtful beautiful stuff and away from calling people cunts in the Comedy Cafe. Although I think it was also the second year he hosted Late 'n' Live, so he wasn't entirely done with calling people cunts.
A Made Up Story
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Another poster, black and white but this one took up half a page.
This show seems to have been a turning point in Kitson's career. First theatre show he ever did - this was a fictional story with video and lighting cues and shit like that, rather than stand-up. He's said he made it specifically to get rid of the horrible fans who liked him because he called people cunts in The Comedy Cafe and Late 'n' Live, or because he played a role in Phoenix Nights. He was also trying to drive away the general increase in numbers he got after winning the Perrier in 2002. The way he did that was by writing a sensitive theatre piece that no fans of Phoenix Nights or of calling people cunts would enjoy.
Meanwhile, he did slightly contradict this by spending the time in Edinburgh when he wasn't doing the sensitive theatre piece hosting the fairly insensitive Late 'n' Live. This was the year they took apart a cow.
He did also do a stand-up show in 2003, called Overrated and on Tour (the title a sarcastic reference, again, to his Perrier success). But he didn't take it to Edinburgh because he didn't want people to actually see it. He only wanted them to see the theatre.
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No poster. He's gone far enough down the anti-publicity road to have stopped doing those.
That's a sufficiently vague blurb to suggest he did not know what this would be when he started writing the show, which makes sense, as it was a bit of an odd year. He did a tour that year, called Lover, Thinker, Artist, Prophet (again, sarcastic reference to his critical success), that was quite straightforward stand-up. This was the first tour during which Gavin Osborn accompanied him, not as part of his actual show, but playing songs before it, or during a break in the middle.
However, in Edinburgh he did not perform that. He instead performed a show that he did not perform anywhere outside of Edinburgh 2004, called Dancing. This was a breakup show about that Australian woman who left him for a musician and then he didn't stop talking about it on stage for over ten years, but this show was just after it happened so a more reasonable time to do breakup material. It's a nice show, with some themes and a structure and it's all wrapped around different stories about his relationship to dancing, and it's on Bandcamp.
My guess is that he left the blurb vague because when he wrote it, he hadn't yet written Dancing but was upset about a breakup and wanted to do something besides his regular stand-up tour show to acknowledge that.
In the audio version on Bandcamp, they mention at the end that Political Animal is starting right afterward. That was the mixed bill show where comedians would do political material and was compered by John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman, and Kitson used to perform there too. So I think he appeared on Political Animal as well as doing Dancing in 2004, and he was hosting Late 'n' Live.
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He's back on posters. This was just before he left his agent, citing that he didn't like being told he had to do promotional things, so maybe part of what he got mad about was having to go back to putting a poster in the Edinburgh program. In protest, he made it an extremely simple poster with no colour or anything advertising it.
Also possibly also in protest against publicity, he didn't even give the show a title. This show was performed many times in the classic cycle - early WIPs in late 2004/early 2005, more advanced previews in mid-2005, a run in Edinburgh, and a few performances post-Edinburgh, and at no point was it given a title. Which is very annoying for me, as I try to organize my collection of Kitson files. It's a lovely show though, and also on Bandcamp (where it's called Midnight at The Stand, but that can't be the actual title, because he performed it outside of Edinburgh and at those times it wasn't at The Stand, even though the blurb says World Premiere).
Stories for the Wobbly-Hearted
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This entry was in the theatre section (that's why it's a different colour - comedy is purple, theatre is red), and immediately shows a contrast that would continue for a while: he was more willing to promote his theatre than his stand-up. This poster is much bigger and nicer than his stand-uo one, has an image and some colour. I guess he figured theatre people are nice sensitive souls whom he wants in his audience, while comedy fans just want to see him call people cunts so he doesn't want to attract those. Also, at the time, he'd been doing stand-up a long time and had established a strong audience for that. But he was new to theatre shows, and as much as he said he started writing those to drive away his comedy audience, he did need some audience for them, so he had to work a bit more to introduce himself to theatre fans. That's my guess, anyway, about why he put nice posters in the theatre sections of Edinburgh programs when not going the same for stand-up shows.
This was his second theatre show and is probably the most purely sentimental show he's ever done. I think it's lovely, but it was also very much what people mean when they make jokes about Daniel Kitson writing sappy sad twee stories about people and love and loneliness. It's also on Vimeo. It includes some multi-media, including video clips that feature Gavin Osborn and Amy Darcy. Some versions also include Gavin Osborn performing songs live.
He was also hosting Late 'n' Live again, and would have appeared on Political Animal that year.
This was his huge, flagship show of 2006. It was his most ambitious show to date, a tightly themed manifesto about his beliefs on mainstream and alternative culture and about society in general and pretty much everything. It's also on Bandcamp. He started doing WIPs of it at the very beginning of 2006 (though some of the material in it he started in late 2005), toured it all over the UK, performed it constantly for about six months. He took it to the Melbourne Comedy Festival in the spring.
In June, he did his first-ever performance in Regent's Park. For the first half he did Weltanschuung, for the second half he did Storiers for the Wobbly-Hearted with Gavin Osborn playing songs. It was a huge moment in Kitson history, doing this big ambitious stand-up show and then this twee twinkly story show in a special outdoor venue to a much bigger crowd than usual and he had Gavin doing songs and it seems like a beautiful summation of his career thus far. I'm almost sure it was also the last time he ever performed Weltanschuung.
In any case, he didn't take it to Edinburgh. It was part of a move toward pulling back on stand-up in Edinburgh, and pushing theatre stuff instead. My guess is he did this because Edinburgh is where performers go to expand their audiences, and he wanted to expand his theatre audience, but not his comedy one.
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He did, however, do this in Edinburgh in 2006. C-90, another really sentimental theatre show about mixed tapes, which had no poster but he did at least advertise it with a blurb in the theatre section.
He did not do Late 'n' Live that year. Instead, he did:
The Honurable Men of Art
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This show was created when Kitson got sick of all the cunts at Late 'n' Live, so he took his toys (and by toys, I mean Chocolate Milk Gang) to The Stand for their own late-night mixed bill thing, where they'd do fun nerdy things like play scrabble on stage, and no one was allowed to be a cunt. It featured a rotating cast each night of whatever Chocolate Milk Gang members were around. One of those rotating cast members was meant to be John Oliver, as mentioned in that blurb. He's in the blurb because that program was printed before what Andy Zaltzman has referred to as "that day in June 2006 when [John Oliver] told me he wanted to do the Daily Show job in America, instead of going with me to Edinburgh to talk to 25 people a day in a darkened room." Andy Zaltzman had to re-do the Zaltzman and Oliver joint Edinburgh show to be a Zaltzman only show, and host Political Animal on his own. And Daniel Kitson was down a person in his Honourable Men of Art lineup. They did, however, sometimes have John Oliver join via the best live video linkup technology 2006 had to offer.
It's the Fireworks Talking
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This was another big, flagship show for Daniel Kitson, which is why I find it odd that he said in the blurb he didn't know what it would be. He definitely knew about It's the Fireworks Talking by the time he had to write that blurb, even though that was a few months in advance, as he'd been doing It's the Fireworks Talking since early 2007. He even had it polished enough by the spring to take it to the Melbourne Festival, where it won the Barry Award. But still, when he had to write his Edinburgh blurb, he thought he might not do it there.
He did end up doing It's the Fireworks Talking in Edinburgh. My guess is maybe he'd hoped to write something else and then didn't get around to it so figured he'd just fall back on backup option of the Barry-winning stand-up show. It's a fucking incredible show, and it's on Bandcamp.
He didn't do Honourable Men of Art that year, he was back at the Gilded Balloon hosting Late 'n' Live. I'm pretty sure 2007 was the last year he did that.
This has nothing to do with Edinburgh, but he did another Regent's Park show with Gavin Osborn in June that year. The stand-up half was It's the Fireworks Talking, and the story half was The Ballad of Rodger and Grace (also on Bandcamp), which featured stories by Daniel Kitson and songs by Gavin Osborn.
The Impotent Fury of the Privileged
Another big, manifesto-like stand-up show, this time getting somewhat political, talking about the way the world's going and how to bring back compassion and whole lot of other stuff in this densely packed, complex, nearly two-hour show. It's not always perfect, but I think it's overall amazing in many ways, and it's on Bandcamp.
He performed it all over the place throughout the year, including at another Regent's Park night with Gavin Osborn in June. That night, the stand-up half was The Impotent Fury of the Privileged, and the story half was called The Revenge of Heckmondwyke.
However, he didn't take Impotent Fury of the Privileged to Edinburgh, instead focusing on his theatre show there again:
66A Church Road
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Note the Higgldy Piggldy thing - he'd left his agent a couple of years earlier, and had to set himself up as an incorporated thing so he could manage himself, and legally had to give the incorporated thing a name, and named it Higgldy Piggldy because he thought that was funny. So this was post-agent and when he didn't have to have posters anymore, but he still chose to have one (a simple one, but still), in the theatre section, because he was trying to tell theatre audiences about himself.
This was a big theatre show, he toured it in several countries and for several years, but it started in 2008. It had props and lights and things like that.
The Honourable Men of Art
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He brought this back in 2008, being done with Late 'n' Live for good (though after 2008 there was no more Honourable Men of Art either, I guess he just got some sleep or something).
We Are Gathered Here
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I'm not sure when he first started previewing We Are Gathered Here, so I don't know if he really didn't know about it when he wrote this blurb, or if he kept the blurb vague to leave open the option of writing a different show (like I assume he did with It's the Fireworks Talking). But he did end up doing We Are Gathered Here in Edinburgh.
I think this show is a bit underrated, in that it's not one I often think of when I consider his best shows, but when I listen to it I remember how absolutely fucking hilarious it is. It was an absolutely fucking hilarious stand-up show about the death of his aunt (I'm not being sarcastic or anything, it really is funny), and grief in general, around the era when "dead dad shows" were getting popular and just before the era when making fun of dead dad shows was getting popular. It's on Bandcamp.
The Interminable Suicide of Gregory Church
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No poster for this theatre show, and going forward, there are no more posters for stand-up or theatre. I guess by 2009, he'd decided the theatre people know who he is and he doesn't need to advertise himself to them anymore either. This is a story show that I really love, about discovering a mystery in his house. It's on Vimeo. It's another big one; he started it in 2009 but then toured it in the UK, the US, and Australia in 2011.
Oh, and in 2009 he also brought back his Regent's Park night with Gavin Osborn, but instead of doing a half stand-up/half story show thing in one night, he did Stories for the Starlit Sky, which is three parts, and each part involves stories by Kitson and songs by Osborn. He performed it across three separate nights in its initial form in 2009, before bringing it back in later years as something to be performed all in one very long night.
It's Always Right Now, Until It's Later
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Another theatre show that he filmed and put on Vimeo, and toured across several years - he started it in 2010, then did runs in the UK and the US in 2011 and 2012. This was the only thing he did in Edinburgh in 2010 - this marked his initial period of pulling back from stand-up to focus on theatre.
Continuation of his "pulling back from comedy" era. He toured Gregory Church and It's Always Right Now Until It's Later, but didn't do any new shows, and didn't perform his own stuff in Edinburgh at all. He definitely went to Edinburgh, though, as he appeared in the reunion gig of Political Animal, that John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman did to celebrate John returning to Edinburgh for the first time since he'd moved to the US in 2006. At their Political Animal reunion gigs, they did their famous God sketch, where Daniel Kitson reprised a role he'd played in that sketch when they'd performed it in their early years, as the voice of God. So he was in Edinburgh, showing up on Political Animal, and I don't know if he was on other things, but he didn't do a show of his own.
This year he made his triumphant return to a few things he'd left behind in the previous decade, such as stand-up and compering late-night shows with the Chocolate Milk Gang and Regent's Park with Gavin Osborn. His big new show was:
Where Once Was Wonder
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This is my favourite stand-up show in the entire world, it's incredibly funny and incredibly well written and incredibly complex and introspective and fucking brilliant. It also ran at around two hours, mainly because it packed in several years worth of material, that he'd been saving up from mess-around WIP stand-up things that he'd been doing since 2009 but didn't put any of it into a new full show until 2012.
Also in Edinburgh that year, he did:
As of 152 GMT on Friday 27 April 2012, This Show Has No Title
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Advertised in the theatre section, as you can see from the red colour. This was his first really self-referential show, a story about his own writing process and a look at his own career. It started out with him erasing the words "It's Always Right Now Until it's Later" off a blackboard, suggesting he was trying to move on from those years he spent on those same sentimental theatre shows. This was the first of several shows he would do that were about how he doesn't do that stuff anymore.
I have no screenshot because it didn't appear in the Edinburgh program, but in Edinburgh in 2012, he also did a show called ZOCK!, which stands for [Andy] Zaltzman, [John] Oliver, [Alun] Cochrane, and [Daniel] Kitson. John Oliver had again traversed the ocean for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, so Daniel Kitson had a Chocolate Milk Gang reunion in which they all did things together like they had (well, like all of them but Oliver had) at Honourable Men of Art.
Also in 2012, but not in Edinburgh, Daniel Kitson compered a show called Fuckstorm3000, featuring Andy Zaltzman, Alun Cochrane, and Gavin Osborn. Same idea as the others - a Chocolate Milk Gang reunion, this time at The Hob in London. I find that title interesting - he called their original show Honourable Men of Art as a way to rebel against the bearpit of Late 'n' Live, to say they're going to be sober nerds who like art and he'll shake off his reputation for calling people cunts at raucous gigs. Then he spent several years pushing his sensitive theatre pieces hard and recreating his reputation as one that is honourable and artsy, and then he got sick of being known for that, so he wrote a show about not wanting to keep doing sad stories all the time (This Show Has No Title), and he named his Chocolate Milk Gang gig Fuckstorm, to rebel against his sensitive image and let everyone know that he's still a guy who will fucking swear.
He also did another Regent's Park night with Gavin Osborn, this time doing Where Once Was Wonder for the stand-up half, and a story called Lucinda Ding and the Monstrous Thing for the other half.
He didn't do any new shows in Edinburgh, and I don't know for sure that he even attended the festival, though he may have in a similar capacity to 2011. He did, however, spend the year previewing and then performing After the Beginning, Before the End, which is officially stand-up but it's also kind of theatrical (it has background music and he performed it sitting down), and it's on Bandcamp. He toured it around the UK and the US and Europe, but not Edinburgh.
He also wrote two new theatre shows: Tree (his play with Tim Key, which was streamed earlier this year but the video isn't available online at the moment), which was performed in Manchester, but not in Edinburgh. And Analog.Ue, a very ambitious theatre thing that is available as a video for free on his website. That was all done through various machines, a sign that Kitson had well and truly passed beyond his "sad stories about an old man in a room full of mixed tapes" era, and entered his "complex, hard-to-understand experimental theatre about an old man" era. He performed Analog.Ue in New York, but again, not in Edinburgh.
Again, no screenshots because he didn't appear in the Edinburgh program that year. However, he did write A Show for Christmas (which he decided this year to sell as an audio recording, and he's currently offering it for pre-order on Bandcamp), featuring Isy Suttie, and he performed that in some places that were not Edinburgh. He also did a US tour with Eugene Mirman called Pretty Good Friends.
And he did go to Edinburgh, where he performed A Variety of Things in a Room, with Gavin Osborn. This show had a bit of everything: stand-up from Kitson, songs from Osborn (plus even a few scripted spoken things from Osborn), recorded bits of Isy Suttie's voice, and a fictional story running through it. It was a really, really lovely thing that only got performed on eight nights (plus a couple of previews), starting at midnight, not advertised in the program, at The Stand Comedy Club in Edinburgh 2014.
Also in Edinburgh that year, and also not in the program, he did Fuckstorm3001 (same idea as Fuckstorm 3000), with Andy Zaltzman and Alun Cochrane. So Daniel Kitson's Edinburgh 2014 just involved doing little Chocolate Milk Gang reunions - nice twinkly stories and songs with Gavin Osborn, and Fuckstorm with the other two CMG members who were still around by then.
He's finally back in the Edinburgh program, with:
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This was another experimental theatre thing (in the theatre section, note the red colour), performed with speakers scattered throughout the audience on which he'd recorded the voices of his friends. Another retrospective on his career, and how he was running out of ideas (like the one in 2012 about how he was running out of ideas, immediately after which he had quite a few new ideas). Also ruminations on art and performer/audience relationships and things like that. Very meta, looking at his own career but also larger issues.
Besides that, he spent 2015 reprising his shows Tree, A Show for Christmas, and Stories for the Starlit Sky.
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A three-character play, with one character played by Daniel Kitson on stage, one by Daniel Kitson's recorded voice, and one by Isy Suttie's recorded voice. Performed in Edinburgh, as well as elsewhere in the UK and in the US.
Daniel Kitson Presents an Insufficient Number of Undeveloped Ideas Over Ninety Testing Minutes
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This was mostly improvised stand-up. He'd done a bunch of WIP shows earlier in the year, mainly at the Battersea Arts Centre in London and Das Kino in Nottingham, and he'd tried to put enough together to have a full stand-up show. But it didn't really happen, so he just did more WIP-type stuff in Edinburgh. He did the few bits he'd written and made more shit up and messed around with the crowd. It was very funny.
He didn't do any of his own shows in Edinburgh. He did write and perform Something Other Than Everything (this used some material from his WIPs in 2016), which he toured around the UK, but not Edinburgh. He also did another run of Stories for the Starlit Sky. And he wrote a new story show called A Short Series of Disagreements Presented Here in Chronological Order, for which he did WIPs in London and then a run in the US.
He wrote a new stand-up show called Good For Glue, did WIPs across England before doing a run of it in Edinburgh. However, this run is not mentioned in the program. He had, apparently, gone from not using posters for stand-up, to not using posters for theatre stuff, to not even putting a blurb about his stand-up in the program.
He wrote a couple of new theatre shows: Keep and Shenanigan, which he toured in other places but didn't perform in Edinburgh. In Edinburgh, he did a run called Everything Smells of Orange, which was a bit like his 2016 thing in that it was largely improvised, using material he'd come up with at WIPs but hadn't managed to work into a full structured show before Edinburgh, so he just made Edinburgh more WIP time. It was, again, not in the program. It was, again, fucking hilarious.
He also brought back his Regent's Park thing with Gavin Osborn, doing a night called Outside. Again., in which Kitson did stand-up and Osborn played songs.
He wrote a show about his pandemic year called Dot. Dot. Dot., and livestreamed it from empty venues. Obviously he didn't go to Edinburgh. If he had, he'd have been the only one there (except the people who live in Edinburgh, I guess).
He did, however, do the radio show Trifle on Resonance FM, which broadcast Monday to Thursday in August 2020, and came together with a mystery and a story. That story was partly set in Edinburgh, and included recorded voices of his various comedian friends (plus spoken words and some songs by honourary comedian Gavin Osborn), in a way that sort of acted as a makeshift, remote, substitute for an Edinburgh show.
He re-structred his show Shenanigan, called it Shenaniganagain, and did some livestreams of it. Didn't go to Edinburgh.
He wrote a stand-up show called Outside, about his experience of the pandemic. He performed it only in outdoor theatres, sometimes with Gavin Osborn playing songs to open for him. He didn't go to Edinburgh.
He also wrote a new story show called Maybe a Ghost Story, but only performed it on two nights at the Globe Theatre in London, around Halloween.
He's back in the Edinburgh program!
First Thing
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It's a theatre thing, but it's very funny. It's a play performed by Daniel Kitson and his audience. It's extremely meta and self-referential. It's his third career retrospective/explanation that he's out of ideas (note that his first was in 2012, and he's arguably had one or two ideas since then). It was previewed briefly in London, then performed in Edinburgh, then just this month he brought it back in Bristol under the name Collaborator.
This show also talks about how he's losing his audience these days and never gets new fans ("Everyone who sees me has already seen me") - I don't see how that could have happened, after all those years of deliberately not putting his shows in a major festival program. But his sudden epiphany about the pitfalls of that may be why he's back in the program now.
He also did a few more performances of Maybe a Ghost Story around Halloween, and will do more performances of A Show For Christmas in December.
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automatadog · 1 year
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I've been lurking in the fandom since before 2006, and only started getting involved early 2020. I'm a Computer Toucher by trade (DevOps Engineer), and I've always enjoyed working with computers/electronics, cars, gaming, etc. I'm fairly reserved until we get to know each other.
My fursona is a Bohemian Shepherd, a breed originating from Czechoslovakia, where most of my family is from. My name is a reference to Automata theory: the mathematics behind computer science. I play a wide variety of games, like Factorio, Path of Exile, Euro/American Truck Simulator, Hardspace Shipbreaker, etc
Artist upload here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42784793/
You can call me Auto.
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dangerousyako · 7 months
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photos-car · 1 year
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paragonrobits · 2 years
vague details for MILF OC floating in the brain:
she is a MILF in the sense of ‘thicc sexy motherly character in at least early to mid 30s’ but also in the sense of... being a mother. none of her kids seem to show up and she’s extremely cagey about their location or what they’re doing and the implication is that whatever’s going on with them is deeply weird
possibly eldritch vibes; she periodically makes vague references to having being around before the dawn of land-based life and following some of it around and poking it with a stick or a treat. she also suggests that she was responsible for making some of it that way. possibly her MILF status is in the sense of ‘mother of all life’ as we know it but if so it was probably on accident
absolute gremlin. extremely mischievous, likes to hide in boxes and jump out at people going BOOGA BOOGA especially when it would be physically impossible for her to fit there
she is the mom-friend of the team who tries to take care of things for everyone else and handle all their burdens and make them feel happy. she is also almost completely unsocialized, borderline on being feral, and her attitude towards conventional societal needs such as money, ownership or not hitting someone with a truck for being mildly rude to you varies from ‘well thats kinda boring’ to ‘I WILL DESTROY YOUR WORLD ON PRINCIPLE YOU SMELLY TOUCHER OF TACOS’
related to being a mom friend, she’s not exactly an assertive personality and just seems to docilely bop along to whatever’s golng on, but she does have some need to be in charge (which is a manifestation of a darker compulsion to dominate, which she is actively channeling into more socially acceptable means) and she tends to react badly towards aggressive/assertive personalities that wind up grating on her. she’s also extremely direct and any percieved challenge will be met head on and possibly with a demand to battle at sunrise.
as time goes on by it becomes increasingly clear as she is in fact a non-human precusor THINGS masquerding as an ordinary person with some unusual powers (and not very well, either) desperately trying to fit in because she got attached but in the end her own sense of identity is malleable and she doesn’t really know who or what she IS or anything beyond what she wants, and she’s trying to channel her monstrous nature into more socially acceptable ideas and is extremely bad at this
on that note she has a lot of horror vibes in her power set. while it tends to fluctuate a lot, she consistently derives power from freaking people out. in mild ways, this manifests as her getting stronger from messing with people, disrupting their sense of convention or screwing around with the established order or laws. by frightening people she gets stronger; she has a perfect defense that relies on her having recently frightening someone to work. At its most extreme, she can induce unnatural feelings of horror or revulsion in completely innocent things
she has weird powers based around channeling the vibes of something or eating things that should be impossible to eat. she can then physically transform herself or part of herself, or do the same to others, into the things she has consumed, or manifest its absract qualities/purpose as a temporary power. she can eat a sword and then turn her legs into peg leg swords and walk around yelling ‘IM STABBY FOOT BLORBO’ and then fall over. Alternatively, she can do the same thing to a wheel but doesn’t transform, but gets the power to move faster or make OTHER things accelerate because moving faster is what a wheel is for
she has seen the abyss, and it was in a mirror. that abyss is HER.
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philippinesvsusa · 5 years
35ème weekend et 30ème semaine de cours
Samedi six avril, j'ai fêté mes dix-huit ans pourr la première fois loin de ma soeurette !!!🌎🌏Le matin, je suis allée au musée historique de Longview pour faire du bénévolat. Ils organisaient une journée de reconstitution d'un braquage qui a eu lieu dans le centre ville. Il y avait donc des acteurs habillés à l'ancienne et tirant avec de réels fusils, de nombreux food trucks, un petit parc pour caliner des chèvres, cochons et autres. Je m’occupais de jeux avec les enfants qui à chaque tour étaient récompensés et pouvaient choisir soit une babiole ou des friandises. J'ai donc eu des petits malins qui jouaient seulement pour les bonbons haha. À 13 heures, il a commencé à pleuvoir. Après un repli stratégique rapide, j'ai donc appelé mes parents d'acceuil pour qu'ils viennent plus tôt que prévu. J'ai eu le temsp de manger avant Lol. Ensuite, dans la soirée, ma maman d'acceuil m'a fait un gateau au chocolat fourré au beurre de cacahuète avec de la crème chantilly! 🎂🎂🎂 Après avoir soufflé les bougies, nous avons dégusté et j'ai reçu un cahier à dessin et tout un set de crayons. Ce soir-là , j'ai également fait de la pate pour des crêpes et deux types de gauffres.
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Dimanche, nous sommes allés à l'église avec Sharina et Zeek pendant qu'Alex restait avec Zadiah malade. Ensuite, j'ai cuit mes crêpes et gauffres tout l'après-midi. Mais après le fun de la préparation, la vaisselle m'attendait!🍽🍴🥄🔪🍵 J'ai apporté une quinzaine de crêpes à la famille d'Ashly parce qu’apparement leur crêpes sont toujours trop épaisses et finissent en pancakes. À 17 heures, Sofia est venue me chercher pour aller à l'Eglise pour une soirée écrevisses. De longues tables étaient installées et tous les jeunes de l'église étaient assis autour. Ensuite les adultes ont amené d'énormes plats remplis d’ écrevisses, champignons, onions, ananas, pomme de terre et saucisses au fromage. Après une démonstration de comment manger une écrevisse nous avons entamé le repas! Oh Lord, c'était super épicé !!! J'ai failli mourir trois fois et j'avais trop peur de toucher les écrevisses! 🦐🦐🦐 Ensuite, nous avons jouer au vollet!
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Lundi, j'ai répéter mes textes de poésie en débat comme j'allais le faire toute la semaine! Avec les enfants nous avons dessiné à la craie dans l'allée de la maison.
Mardi, j'ai eu un gros contrôle en économie ! Après l'école , nous sommes allés au mall avec Angie. Vous allez finir par croire que j'y passe ma vie! J'ai été tellement de fois ces dernières semaines! Nous avons acheté des bracelets d'amitié. Lol. J'ai aussi acheté un sac parce que le mien s'est cassé il y a deux mois et que je devais rendre celui que j'avais utilisé jusqu'à présent et qui appartenait à l'équipe de track. J'ai donc scanné tous les modèles de sac à dos. J'en voulais un en particulier que j'avais vu sur internet mais quand je l'ai vu en vrai c'était tout petit! Finalement j'en ai trouvé un en solde qui fera l'affaire pour ces deux mois.
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Mercredi, en classe de débat on a eu un remplaçant qui était super chouette. En anglais, la prof était aussi absente donc nous avons regardé un film. Le soleil est de retour ! Je suis allée à l'église avec Sofia et Maddie. La soirée était plutôt triste car un des prêtres est décédé la semaine passée.
Vendredi, nous sommes partis à 11heures direction le nord de Dallas pour le concours régional de UIL pour débat, poésie, math et sciences. Nous nous sommes arrêtés pour manger dans un des restaurants de la chaine “Chili”. J'y ai mangé des enchiladas. À la fin, il fallait payer avec une machine et je sais pas comment j'ai fait mais j'ai payé deux additions haha. Du coup, le prof pour qui j'avais payé m'a remboursée en cash. Compliqué ces petites machines! Après avoir déposé nos affaires à l'hôtel, nous sommes allés à l’école du concours pour débat. L'endroit était immense. C'est une région très riche et du coup l'école publique est genre BIG level. La fille qui participait en débat a malheureusement été éliminée. Du coup, nous sommes allés manger une glasse et sommes rentrés. Après une douche, nous nous sommes couchées. Nous étions quatre filles dans la chambre avec deux lits doubles.
Gros Bisous😍😘
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just started listening and HAHA BLAKE IS A TRUCK TOUCHER
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skateofministry · 3 years
Everything You Need to Know
On this season of Marrying Millions, we meet Nonie Creme, a magnificence mogul who’s courting Reese Report, a skateboarder who’s 17 years her junior. Followers are collectively fascinated by Nonie, who began out doing nails as a option to make a pair bucks and ended up working with celebrities, was the founding artistic director of luxurious nail polish model butter LONDON, (which she ended up promoting for $20 million), and now runs a number of new magnificence and wellness manufacturers.
How did all of it begin? Nonie moved to London as a result of she was in love with a boy…who ended up turning into her first husband. When she was in London, she selected doing nails as a result of she did not have a visa, and being a manicurist meant she might receives a commission in money. So, not solely did she begin her profession in London, however she had her first severe relationship.
Who’s Nonie Creme’s ex-husband?
Nonie Creme’s ex-husband is called Lalo Creme. The 2 have been married for 22 years, and are nonetheless on good phrases, as they co-parent their daughter. Lalo is an actual property dealer and artistic who lives in Seattle, Wash. On his website, he describes himself as “a artistic chap from England who loves telling model tales by way of design. Artwork Director, Designer, Re-Toucher, Video Producer, Musician.” As evidenced by his Instagram feed, Lalo is tremendous into bikes, and is a cat lover.
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In keeping with Lalo’s website, he is truly professionally collaborated with Nonie, as he lists butter LONDON as one of many manufacturers he is labored with. Whereas folks assume Lalo could not be extra completely different from Reese, they’re truly extra comparable than you’d assume. As an illustration, Lalo likes to skateboard.
“Skateboarding not solely guided me by way of my teenagers, it formed me into the particular person I’m now. The social scene, the music, the adrenaline, however most significantly for me: the graphics. I’ll always remember the primary time I stepped right into a skate store, completely surrounded by color, and by recent and subversive design. I used to be hooked!” Lalo writes on his website.
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Lalo and Reese are completely different in that (except for age) Reese appears to be much less established. Lifetime describes Reese on their website: “With solely a highschool diploma, he works odd jobs as an arborist and handyman. He works laborious to pay his personal method, however lacks motivation. Earlier than he met Nonie, Reese was homeless, residing out of his truck.” It is unclear if Lalo is rich per se, however it looks as if he owns a pleasant house in Seattle and has a gentle move of earnings.
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In keeping with Lalo’s Instagram, it seems like he’s at present with a big different of his personal (it is unclear in the event that they’re courting or married). He additionally posts photographs of his and Nonie’s 12-year-old daughter, Paloma. 
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As of now, we do not know precisely why Nonie and Lalo bought divorced. There’s an opportunity we’ll discover out although — Nonie told the Seattle Times that she’s engaged on getting Lalo on the present. “He has been requested a number of occasions. We’re engaged on it as a result of, boy, he’s hilarious,” she mentioned.
Watch Marrying Tens of millions each Wednesday at 10 p.m. ET on Lifetime.
Source link
from Skate World. Skateboard News, skateboard shop https://ift.tt/2PQomQA
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sexynatacha · 3 years
Mes deux potes et moi on se fait une nana dans la forêt
https://just-porno.com/?p=28925&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Mes deux potes et moi on se fait une nana dans la forêt - https://just-porno.com/?p=28925&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr Porno amateur XNXX Les trois potes on est allés à la sauvage forêt, il faisait vraiment chaud, je ne sais pas les dégrées mais on se plaignait des vêtements. On était le tors nu. Au même temps on avait envie de nanas, mais on était dans le conquit du monde. On attendait des bruits mais en regardait et il y avait personne. JE vais me balader un peu, j’en marre d’écouter des trucks de nana et on n’a pas une. Soudain je me trouve une, c’est incroyable mais vrai. Mes potes la saluent aussi, elle veut bien prendre quelque chose avec nous. JE la prends de la main et on monte les escaliers de la cabane. J’étais vraiment heureux, comme un petit bébé qui voit un jouet. Je lui présente mes potes. Elle mignonne, un corps infernal, elle prend un verre avec nous. Je lui fais un petit massage pour se relaxer. Et je commence `+a lui toucher les seins. Mes potes dès qu’ils voient ceci il commence à faire de même. C’est le paradis.
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gamehayapkmod · 4 years
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Car Run Mobile Game
Car Run Mobile Game
Game Car Run Mobile Game là dòng game RacingAction & Adventure
Giới thiệu Car Run Mobile Game
Car Run Mobile Game est un jeu gratuit de type runner dans lequel vous allez devoir aller aussi loin que possible avant la fin du temps imparti et sans toucher autant que possible les autres voitures et camions sur l'autoroute ... - Plusieurs voitures avec des performances différentes sont à débloquer... - Plusieurs circuits sont disponible et a débloquer (été, hiver, désert, etc.)... - Des trophées, etc... Amusez vous... :) Note : Ce n'est pas une simulation de conduite AAA ! c'est un petit jeu fun pour passez le temps ou pour occuper les enfants :D Car Run Mobile Game is a free runner game in which you will have to go as far as possible before the end of the allotted time and without touching as much as possible other cars and trucks on the highway ... - Several cars with different performances are to unlock ... - Several circuits are available and to unlock (summer, winter, desert, etc.) ... - Trophies, etc ... Have fun... :) Note: This is not an AAA driving simulation! it's a fun little game for spending time or taking care of children: D Mise à jour de l'écran de sélection des voitures... Mise à jour de l'écran de sélection des routes...
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Comme un gros truck marin.
Tu tire ta révérence, d’une manière j’ai envie de te lancer au bout de mes bras et de te dire de dégager, mais en même temps t’as su balancer les choses et me faire revisiter ma vie d’une élégante façon.
Le début de 2017 était correct, sans rien que je me souviennes tout roulait sur des roulettes. Faut se le dire la vie c’est pas rose tout les jours parce que en mai, ma cousine s’est enlever la vie, comme ça, dans la nuit ; Une belle jeune femme de 23 ans,brillante comme la Voie Lactée n’était plus là. Pour ne pas te mentir c’était un horrible coup de pelle dans le cœur, avec le cœur rempli de ciment j’ai fini mes examens et avec la plus grande tendresse j'ai pris soin de ma famille. J’ai eu mal et je me tourmentais, non c’est pas ma faute, non pis oui, oui pis non, on se remet en question, le pourquoi sans réponse sera éternelle. L’été arrivait mais tout ce que j’avais envie de faire c’était de mettre ma vie sur pause et apprendre à marcher avec mon gros cœur lourd comme s’il était rempli de ciment. L’été et le rire des gens m’ont apaisé , tout les petits enfants qui faisait des bombes dans la piscines et tout les parents qui mettaient 5 pouces de crème à leur bébé dans la poussette me rendait un peu plus forte. J’ai rencontré l’amour en 2017 quand je croyais que rien de beau allait m’arriver, j’avais tord. Il m’a permis de revoir la vie en rose. Il m’a fait sentir que peu importe ce qui m’arriveras il va être là. Je suis mille fois reconnaissante à la vie pour un gars, comme lui. Aussi , j’ai finalement eu l’audace de faire fuck off je vais étudier dans ce qui m’intéresse, je te jure que maintenant je sais où est ma place. J’ai aussi créé avec Annabelle cette plate forme qui nous inspire chaque jour et que lorsqu’on planifie, des projets on a des étoiles dans les orteils et des boutes de braise dans le cœur.
L’Océan 2017 m’a donné la plus dure des leçons, avec ses eaux tumultueuses.Si tu te retrouve dans une eau trouble sans planche à surf, sans bouée, sans aide, tu vas  en avaler de l’eau,tu vas tousser, tu va brailler avec ton âme , mais sois patient(e) parce que tu vas toucher le sol et t’assoupir un moment sur la rive. Tu vas te réveiller et te dire que la vie est fragile mais que c’est beau s’en sortir. On souhaite pas tomber à la mer mais quand la vie fait sa though et te met la tête sous les houles, t’as qu’a t’accrocher à elle et lui montrer que tu vaux la peine.
Mon ami(e) soit positif/positive.
Je vais avoir 20 avant que l’année s’achève je suis prête pour des nouvelles aventures et pour toi grande prodige je vais sauter sur toutes les occasions possible pour te rendre fière de moi.
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