#Tourniquet Market
shashi2310 · 3 months
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customantibodymarket · 6 months
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kunalp1234 · 9 months
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seolinkbiulding · 2 years
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markettrend24 · 2 years
Tourniquet Systems Market is Going to Boom | Delfi Medical; Zimmer Biomet; Hammarplast Medical AB; VBM Medizintechnik GmbH; Stryker; Ulrich Medical; Rudolf Riester GmbH
Tourniquet Systems Market is Going to Boom | Delfi Medical; Zimmer Biomet; Hammarplast Medical AB; VBM Medizintechnik GmbH; Stryker; Ulrich Medical; Rudolf Riester GmbH
Tourniquet Systems Market Size Analysis and Insights 2022: Tourniquet SystemsMarket Report 2022, the business scene is covered from driving variables to upstream business sectors and the general condition of the market. An inside and out examination of the general development possibilities for the worldwide and regional market was given which depended on a top to bottom investigation of key…
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A Surgical Tourniquets is a medical device that is used to control blood circulation in the blood vessels for a long period of time
Surgical Tourniquets with pneumatic computer assistance have improved the device's adaptability and usability in challenging situations, expanding on the advantages of the first-generation tourniquets. The surgical tourniquets is anticipated to grow as more invasive operations use them to limit blood loss and to motivate young patients to lead pain-free lives.
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Traditional and conventional medical procedures have a number of disadvantages, such as a protracted recovery period, a higher risk of infection, and astronomical expenses. These limitations have led to the adoption of minimally invasive Surgical Tourniquets Market. Even though surgical tourniquets have been used for about a thousand years, they have developed into a very flexible technique.
Read more @ https://digitalgrowinfo.blogspot.com/2022/07/surgical-tourniquets-are-medical.html
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 years
/dsmp /rp tw for mentions of violence, death, war, medical details
the various skills of philza minecraft and where he learned them.  a collection of the half-lost memories of an immortal.
basic medical procedures.  he was around 350 years old when he stumbled to the doorstep of a village doctor.  a polite, patient woman who wore shawls and long dresses.  she wrapped his wounds, gave him tea, and they hit off well enough that philza spent the next 5 years with her.  he watched her operate on soldiers, on children, on mothers and fathers.  he learned how to amputate a limb after a pre-teen boy crushed his hand during a cave exploration, and while he lay half-conscious and drunk on pain pills, his remaining hand grasped philza’s sleeve.  “how do you keep from falling in love?” he asks the doctor.  “i don’t,” she replies, “i just let it happen.”
(her home is targeted by a clever army.  if you take down the doctor, you eliminate the chance of recovery.  philza uses what he learned to try to save her-- tourniquets, cpr-- but it isn’t enough.)
herbal mixes.  he spent around 80 years with a commune deep in the mountains-- a collection of folks who needed a home and found it within one another.  they built beautiful structures and gardens where they grew herbs to mix into teas and pipes.  he outlives all of them and their children.
carpentry.  his foggiest, most distant memories take place on a farm.  he’s a clumsy young boy following his father around, holding candles for him while he worked, learning about different woodworking terms.  years and years have passed, and he can no longer remember his father’s face or name, but he’s kept many of the lessons.
flying.  everyone has to start somewhere.  phil trained with an old elytrian-- a man who has taught many, many children over his years.  when phil first approached, the man thought he was another hunter seeking to slice his wings from his back and sell them, as humans often did, but philza showed him how his wings were attached to his back and explained that they were a gift from death herself.  the elytrian’s training methods were harsh.  birds drop their children from the nest to teach them, and similarly, philza found himself tossed into the void with no option but to save himself.  his lack of other bird-like features made things interesting.  With no tail to steer or talons to grasp a perch, the old mentor had to adjust his ways when he worked with phil.  they stayed together for 20 years before the elytrian left him, as he did with all his children before.
handling panic attacks.  after a village is burned to the ground, the survivors ran away together and tried to restart.  philza joined them for a while.  many of the villagers break down into tears and tremors, barely breathing between sobs, and phil watches a young mother help them.  she coos, she traces fingertips along their skin, she whispers compliments and affirmations and confident declarations that they’ll be safe.  an earthquake destroys their efforts, and as a little boy suffocates under the ruins of his new home, philza talks to him.  coos.  traces fingertips along his skin.  whispers to him, with confidence, that he will be okay.
playing guitar.  he travels, briefly, with a warden hybrid.  being born in darkness and sculk, the hybrid has an easier time navigating cave systems than the airborne philza, so phil elects his help when he makes a journey underground.  the man is blind, and he uses music as a way to pass the time.  phil can only play basic chords, but it’s enough to help him teach his son later on.  philza doesn’t realize the man has died until he visits his home many years later to ask for his aide again, only to find the structure long abandoned.
braiding hair.  a talkative young woman at a market stall offered to teach him, insistent that he’d look lovely if he tied his long hair back.  he only wanted to buy some wool off of her, but he left with a new skill, a blush on his face from all the compliments she gave, and a discount on the wool.
(he tells kristin later, and she laughs and laughs and laughs)
leatherworking.  he pays a woman very handsomely to teach him.  she has strong, muscular arms and eyes that tear through him, and she isn’t patient with his mistakes.  her voice, heavily accented and deep, is frightening when she raises it, but philza enjoys her company regardless.  he’s been spending many years alone, and her commanding presence is a stark contrast to the silence he’s been enduring.  he likes finding ways to make her laugh.  when he returns later, hoping to ask her about a saddle he’s struggling with, he finds the shop flooded and destroyed, no owner in sight.
there’s a nerve in the spine that, if sliced, can turn the strongest of men into drooling vegetables.  philza cut it once, reducing a bloodthirsty warlord to a mindless lump of flesh within a heartbeat.  phil doesn’t talk about it, but he was 22 years old at the time, and although thousands of years have passed he still remembers the emptiness in that warlord’s eyes.  he scared himself.  he felt more aware of the consequences of brutality, of the frailty of the human body, of what vengeance can lead to.
(who could ever deserve this?  for all that he’s done, is this justice?)
archery.  escaping the violence (and the demands for his head), philza spends some time in the nether.  befriending the piglins comes easily, and they don’t really care about his past.  they do, however, care very much about how small he is.  his bones snap easily, a shove from one of their shields can toss him across a field.  they insist that he learns more long-distance techniques, and he undertakes archery.  he masters it, and he lies in wait until the overworld forgets him.
horseback riding.  he learned this from technoblade.  having lost his ability to fly, he needed new ways to travel quickly, and horses were a good option.  sitting atop a horse felt like a defeat, like a loss, like a demotion from the angel of death that he’s been for centuries, but techno taught him with a smile.
playing patty-cake.  he’s walking through a distant village when a boy, no older than 5 years old, takes a fistful of phil’s feathers.  the child is wandering alone, and when phil asks him where his parents are, he answers with questions of his own.  why do you have wings, mister?  why are you wearing a hat?  phil takes him by the hand and leads him to the side of the road, away from the horses and travelers.  the boy doesn’t seem frightened, which could be a good sign, and phil sticks around in hopes that his parents will show.  he pretends not to know how to play patty-cake as the boy teaches him.  he messes it up in exaggerated, humorous ways (smacking himself in the face, using a foot instead of a hand) to make him laugh.  when his mother returns to retrieve him, her face a deep red, he tells her that she has a most lovely son.
(philza would say that patty-cake is one of his most important skills.  and blowing raspberries on a baby’s stomach, and planting rapid-fire kisses on a toddler’s cheek until she squeals and blushes.  how do you keep from falling in love?)
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lullabyes22-blog · 4 months
Snippet - Old Bonds - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
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Vi remembers a different time...
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
"Flex your fingers," Sevika orders. Vi curls her hands into fists. "Good. Gloves on."
The gloves are ten-ouncers. Well-worn, but good quality. Vi butts her fists together, and frowns. "These fit me."
"You thought they wouldn't?" Sevika says. "I remember your size."
It's wrong to feel the sick tremor of nostalgia. But Vi does. The first time she'd sparred with Sevika was during the Equinox Bazaar, after all. She remembers because they'd gone afterwards to the market for Vekauran-style lentil stew with mango pickles.
Sevika explained that an old boyfriend from the Pump Station used to like it that way. Vi figured he must be dead, because Sevika's eyes would hold a gloss nearly like sadness whenever she mentioned him. Other times, her lip would unconsciously curl into a sexy little smile.  Whoever the guy was, he'd apparently eaten pussy like a pro, given the details Sevika would drop sometimes about his technique, details Vi could barely take in over her own flushed waves of embarrassment.
Even then, she'd been a little bit jealous, a lot aroused, and a whole lot confused.
Afterward, Sevika had stripped off her heavy-duty gloves to show Vi the calluses on her hands: six Hex-sized patches so tough they put pressure on the nerves.
"Rather have real Hexes in my hands," Sevika had griped.
Sometimes, she'd give Vi tips on dirty footwork and sneak-jabs. Vi was a firecracker of raw potential, but Sevika had a decade of experience at laying the nastiest opponents flat with a well-timed blow. She'd show Vi how to deliver a sidewinder by turning her hips the barest fraction. How to move her hands and feet in unison, like a pair of dancers. How to talk trash and stay patient until it was time to go for the knockout.
"You need to get that temper under control," Sevika had warned her once, after a particularly punishing match. "It's gonna get you killed."
Vi scoffed. "Temper's my specialty."
"It'll be the end of you."
"Well, it hasn't been."
"Yet." Sevika shrugged, wiping her brow with a towel. "Then again, I'm not the one you're always trying to impress."
Vi's eyes snapped to hers. The words had a bite, but Sevika's look was knowing.
Vi dropped her gaze.
She'd never told Sevika about her need to prove herself to Vander. Prove that her parents hadn't died for nothing. Prove that she could be strong enough, brave enough, to keep the Lanes safe.
Prove that she could protect Powder.
Now, looking at the familiar glide of Sevika's fingers, her easy competence with the laces, Vi finds the same emotions bubbling up. Dread that she'd never live up to Vander's legacy. The gut-deep longing to prove her worth. Prove she was a force nobody would mess with, because that was the only way to keep everyone safe.
Sevika had that in common with Vi. They'd both lost their families. Both found meaning only in their fists.
But Sevika wanted more than strength. Her bottom line was rooted in one principle: brute will. Her gang always ran the loosest, fastest, riskiest jobs in the Lanes. They played dirty, had little qualms with cutting corners, and none with breaking necks.
Sevika was a hardheaded bitch. If the Undercity was a battlefield, she was always gunning for top-dog. 
Vi remembers one night at the Drop. A fight had broken out over a poker game. The Sledgerunners had been caught cheating. The Dead Enders had taken offense. Violating the Drop’s rules of neutral territory, they’d savaged each other like dogs.
By the time Vi and Sevika arrived, the Sledgerunner's leader, a beefy bastard named Chud, had pulled a blade. His victim lay on floorboards gone glittering-red with broken glass and blood. Mylo and Claggor had helped Vi make a tourniquet out of old belts while Powder ran to fetch a medick. Sevika had flattened Chud with three precise blows and held the rest of his gang at knifepoint until Vander returned.
Sevika proposed taking an ear from both the Sledgerunners and Dead Enders as compensation for the broken peace. Vi suggested letting them off with a warning. Vander had listened patiently to both. Afterward, he'd sent both the Sledgerunners and the Dead Enders back to their territories.
Then he'd taken Vi and Sevika aside and made his thoughts plain.
"We're not judges, and this isn't the gallows," he'd told them. "We're here to keep the Lanes stable. Not make a name for ourselves."
Sevika had looked pissed. "So you'll let them disrespect your turf?"
Vander's eyes had grown dark. "It's not my turf. It's everyone's. I'm here to help keep the peace, not enforce a regime."
Vi's own frustration had bubbled over. "What's the difference?"
"The difference is whether you wanna be a part of the solution. Or the problem. Because that's what it comes down to." Vander sighed. "Sevika, I'm grateful you stepped in. But the Drop's not a chopping block. You don't get to decide who leaves with what body parts."
"Unless you keep your house in order, they'll do this again," Sevika shot back. "They're already running roughshod over half of Entresol."
"I'm not startin’ a gang war."
"You've got the numbers. They'd be too scared to try again."
"We're not soldiers. This isn't a battleground."
"He'd say otherwise."
Vander's features went rigid. "That time's passed. For all of us."
Sevika stared at him for a long moment. Then she'd stalked out. Vi had been ready to go after her. Vander laid a heavy hand on her shoulder. "Let her be."
"I'm not asking, kiddo."
Vi's belly churned: anger, confusion. She'd only been fifteen. But she'd sensed she was on the verge of forbidden territory. Things unsaid between Vander and Sevika. Memories—names—better off forgotten.
"What happened?" she asked at length. "Who's 'he'?"
"The past." Vander eyes were distant. "We all have one."
"She's not wrong, you know. We gotta keep a tighter fist on things."
"Not the way she wants to."
"But what if the gangs get stronger? What if they push into the Lanes?"
Vander looked at her with something like reproach. "That's not why we do this." He took a breath. "When the world tells you no, what do you do?"
"Say yes back. Show 'em they're wrong."
"Right. You do that by being better than them. You do it with decency. Not hate."
Vi shook her head. "What if it's not enough?"
"It's not." Vander smiled ruefully. "Which is why we gotta keep at it."
"Vi." Gently, he gripped her chin. "The world will tell you no. Over and over. It'll try to break you. Make you hard and cruel. But the best thing you can do is find a reason to keep saying yes. Even when things look hopeless. There's more strength in that than you know."
Vi’s eyes refocus.
Her gloved hands are securely fastened. The laces are wound tight.  So is the grief.
She seethes, "How could you do it?"
Sevika quirks a brow.
"How could you turn on Vander? Leave the Lanes to that monster?"
Sevika's face hardens with restrained impatience. "We've been over this already. Vander betrayed the Lanes too many ways. He was weak. We were all weak under him. What use is loyalty without power?"
Vi seizes Sevika's mechanical hand. "This is power?"
Sevika jerks Vi's hand off. "This is the cost for a bigger reward. Our freedom."
"Yeah?" Vi takes in the suffocating dimensions of the prep room. "Is that why you're down here instead of at Silco's party tonight? Enjoying your freedom?"
Sevika shakes her head. "I'd take the filth down here to what's at that party any day."
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southernprideyall2 · 24 days
Like so many other young Southern defenders, Thomas Jefferson’s great-grand nephew died due to Lincoln’s unlawful war from wounds received during the battle of New Market.
“Jefferson escaped the initial blast. When a fellow cadet was hit, Thomas stopped to help. He removed his canteen, tore the strap from it, and fashioned it into a tourniquet which saved his comrade’s life. He then proceeded onward, advancing toward the line of battle. Upon reaching the orchard near Bushong House, the fire became so intense “it seemed impossible that any living creature could escape.” It was here Thomas was struck in the chest by a bullet. He fell, and when his fellow cadets stopped to help him, he urged them onward. “You can do me no good,” he told them, and sent them on their way.
After the battle, the townspeople carried the wounded and dead from the field. Thomas was found and carried to Lydie’s home, where he was placed in her mother’s bed. A surgeon cut the bullet out of Thomas’ back, but the damage was done. He died three days later.”
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tailoredshirt · 1 year
FIC: As long as it’s with you (TK/Carlos, PG-13)
TK just wanted their first Valentine’s Day as a married couple to be special.
Unfortunately they spend it in the ER.
1.3k // PG-13 // AO3
Written for @strandbuckley for the @tarlosweeklyprompts Valentine’s Day Fic Exchange! I hope you like it. <3 Thank you to @finetune for all of her assistance and hand holding.
“All right,” Dana said, removing the tourniquet from TK’s finger. “Keep your hand in the air and apply pressure to the wound…just like that.” She gave TK a wry smile. “It’s almost like you’ve done this before.”
TK laughed. “Yeah, although I think I like it better when I’m not the one losing a finger.”
“Stop being dramatic,” she said, tossing a bandage wrapper into the garbage. “It’s not the whole finger.”
TK looked up at his hand, which he was still holding up in the air. “Still managed to ruin my night.”
Dana rolled backwards in her chair to put back a roll of tape, then rolled back to TK. “Big plans?”
“No. Yes.” He glanced at his phone, where he and Carlos smiled up at him, dressed in their tuxes. “First Valentine’s Day since my husband and I got married.”
“Pic?” Dana asked. Her eyebrows went up when TK showed her the lockscreen on his phone. “Nice.”
“Right?” TK said, setting the phone back down. “But he drew the short straw and had to work this year, so I thought I would make dinner. You know, surprise him when he got home.” He sighed. “This was not the surprise I had in mind.”
“Well, if it helps, you’re not the only mandolin accident of the evening.” Dana checked on TK’s hand and seemed satisfied that he was doing a good job of keeping pressure on the wound. “Hang tight. I’m going to get your discharge paperwork.”
TK leaned back against the wall and looked down at his phone. His dad had texted him, asking how dinner had turned out. The last thing TK had texted him was a picture of a small pile of fresh vegetables he had picked out at the farmer's market. He'd been so excited that afternoon, sending Carlos 'sorry you're stuck at work babe :( we'll celebrate this weekend' texts while picking out fresh scallops and a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne.
Not great, he told his dad. His thumbs hovered over the keyboard as he tried to decide how much to tell him. Should've stuck with pasta.
Suddenly the door opened, and Carlos popped his head in, his eyes big with worry behind his glasses. “Hey.”
TK sat up straighter in his chair. “Hi, baby.”
Carlos sat down next to him, smelling very faintly of the light cologne he wore to work. He took the arm TK was holding up to inspect the bandaged finger. "What'd they say?"
TK shrugged. "It'll heal but it'll take a few weeks. I’ll just have to change the bandage."
Carlos nodded. “Why are you holding your hand up like this?”
“To make sure it stops bleeding.”
Carlos looked stricken, and TK grabbed his other hand. “Hey, it’s fine. I probably could have treated it at home—”
“No,” Carlos said firmly.
“—but I knew you’d want me to get it checked out,” TK said, smiling softly.
Carlos still looked unhappy, but his posture relaxed. He continued to hold TK's hand up for him. "What were you doing with the mandolin anyway? You never use it."
TK sighed. "I was trying to cook dinner. For Valentine's," he added unnecessarily.
Carlos blinked at him. "For me?"
"No, for my other husband. Yes, you."
Carlos still looked confused. "Oh. That's..."
"I know, I should’ve just waited for the weekend so we could go somewhere nice.” The embarrassment was setting in. Not only had he screwed up making a meal that Carlos could have prepared in his sleep, but after a long day at work Carlos had to come sit with him in the emergency room. “Sorry,” he muttered.
“What were you making?” Carlos asked him.
“Seared scallops with rainbow carrots and zucchini.” He wasn’t even sure if they went well with scallops. He just thought they looked cool. “With a citrus glaze.”
“I love scallops,” said Carlos.
“I know. I’ve been watching this lady on Instagram, and…” He didn’t want to admit that her schick was impressive-looking meals in 30 minutes or less. “They looked good. I put the scallops in the fridge so you can make them later.”
Carlos’s thumb gently stroked the inside of TK's wrist. “We can make them later. Together.”
His husband was so sweet. TK didn’t deserve him. “They’d probably taste better if you made them.”
“But then I wouldn’t get to cook Valentine’s Day dinner with my husband.”
Carlos, still holding TK’s injured arm at the elbow, put an arm around him. TK sighed and leaned his head onto Carlos’s shoulder. They both stared at the mess of tape and bandages on TK’s finger.
“Sorry I ruined our first Valentine’s Day,” TK said quietly.
“You didn’t ruin anything.”
“I kinda did though,” TK said, moving his injured hand for emphasis. Carlos brought TK’s hand to his face so he could kiss his palm. Then he placed a very soft kiss on the bandage covering TK’s finger.
TK huffed. “Gross,” he whispered into Carlos’s shoulder.
Carlos looked down at him, and they sat in silence for a moment, watching each other. TK felt Carlos’s fingers stroking the base of his neck.
“How was your day?” TK asked him.
“Did you—”
The door opened. “Okay, got your discharge paperwork,” Dana said, closing the door behind her. “Hello.”
“Hi,” Carlos said, nodding politely.
“Also have your tegaderms,” she said, tossing a bag of bandages onto the table. “Unfortunately they were out of Scooby Doo, so you’ll have to settle for the plain ones.”
Dana went over discharge instructions with both of them. She gave TK a plastic finger protector and helped him into the sling.
“Tyler Kennedy—you know, it never even occurred to me to wonder what that stood for until now?” Dana said, snapping off her gloves as TK sighed. “Anyway, Tyler Kennedy Strand-Reyes, I now pronounce you…not my worst patient of the evening.”
TK held his good hand to his chest. “Thank you, Dana. I’m honored.”
“Keep him away from cooking utensils?” Dana told Carlos. “Or at least the sharp ones?”
“I’ll try,” Carlos promised.
“Won’t be a problem,” TK assured her.
As they made their way through the parking lot towards the Camaro, holding hands, Carlos asked, “So are you on a first name basis with all of the nurses?”
“Just the ER nurses.”
“And which coma does Dana know you from? Or did you meet her after the concussion?”
TK rolled his eyes. “You know that I’m EMS, right?”
“That stands for Emergency Medical Services. That means we make a lot of trips to emergency rooms, especially this one.”
Carlos stopped as they reached the car. “Hey.”
Carlos leaned forward to press a soft kiss to TK’s mouth. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“And it doesn’t matter what happens on Valentine’s Day,” Carlos told him, cupping TK’s cheek, “as long as I get to spend it with you.”
TK smiled and leaned back against the car, pulling Carlos with him. “So you’re saying you’ll spend every Valentine’s Day in the ER with me?”
“No, I am not saying that.”
TK kissed him, slipping just enough tongue in so Carlos would know that it was a promise for later. “There’s still two hours left, and I know how we can spend them.”
Carlos raised his eyebrows. “You know your arm is in a sling, right?”
“My mouth still works.”
Carlos shook his head, but he was smiling. “Come on, babe. Let’s go home.”
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The Stars, The Moon, The Sun, and an Incoming Constellation
A DP x DC x Tfrb fic - also posted on my Ao3 Agentsquirrel
After marrying Danny and getting engaged to Tucker, Sam packs up the trio and heads to Griffin Rock, a place that is rumored to be just as chaotic as Amity Park.
Of course, the Fenton luck follows them, and the three of them find out their family will soon become bigger than they thought.
"Shots fired at the dock! Dad, be careful!" Cody said, his voice shaking with worry.
"I promise, all protocol will be followed to the letter." Chase said, speeding towards the dock, Blades flying overhead.
They parked, and immediately, Charlie knew they were in over their head. A white goth woman no older than Dani was pinned behind a cement parking barrier, her forehead grazed and her forearm shot right through the skin, missing bone but severing muscle. She was oddly calm though, her body language free of shock as she kept pressure on her wound and watched the battle with rapt concentration.
"Danny, love, quit being cocky and wrap this up. The police are here, and Tuck's gotta scram." She said into her flip phone, the thing absolutely ancient compared to the cell phone, this year's model, shoved in her steel toed boot.
"Chase, I can't see anything! Whatever is opening fire is just a green blur!" Blades was bordering on a full on panic, Dani fully in control.
"It looks like a fight between a gang trying to set up shop and whatever that green blur is. Stay back dad, looks like it can fly fast." Dani said, retreating from the fight after scanning for civilians. The situation seemed to be resolving itself without them.
"Miss, do you require medical attention?" Charlie yelled over the sounds of gunfire.
"I'm fine, my partner needs to HURRY THE FUCK UP!"
With one last final blast, a white, blue eyed, black haired boy ran from the scene and behind Chase, his sneakers soaked in blood and a green substance Charlie hoped was paint.
"I got trapped between that… thing and the shootout. I don't know what I stepped in, but I think it's all blood." He said, panting hard, his face and arms cut up from debris. "My name is Danny Mason. That's my wife Sam. I'm a medic, got a first aid kit on you?" Charlie handed it over, and on a whispered count of three, he dashed over to his wife, quickly applying a tourniquet and dragging her towards the squad car. "Tuck's fine, is at the hotel. After we give a statement, I am taking you to the hospital."
"Wait." Graham said over comms Daniel and Sam Mason-Foley, with their fiance Tucker? Like, Mason industries, and Foley computer systems? Dad, half the island buys their tech, its the most repairable, environmentally sustainable, and secure software and computer companies on the market, and a flagship brand against planned obsolescence. Please, play nice. This could legitimately be huge for the island."
"Noted. Kade, you too."
Kade sighed. "Got it. Be nice to the Luskey Jrs."
"Do you need a ride? I can follow up on a statement later. I can have you flown to the mainland for a checkup or let you call for a ride."
"It's not-" Sam started, wincing as Danny cleaned her head wound.
"We will take that flight. I don't like the look of her head wound, and I am no good at stitches."
"First, call Tucker, so he can rub it in our faces." Sam said, hissing as Dani caught up to them and started redressing her wounds, Chase and Charlie clearing the area, Charlie trying not to vomit at the sight of the finely pureed gangster decorating multiple shipping containers and an overturned forklift.
"Well, this is… unpleasant." Chase said, wrinkling his nose at the smell.
In the background, Blades flew towards the mainland, very glad he wasn't on clean-up duty.
"Hey, there's my moon and stars!" Tucker said, dropping his duffel bag on a spare chair before resting a hand on Danny's shoulder and kissing Sam's cheek.
"Only if you are the sun." Sam said, a little loopy from the pain medication, the hospital keeping her under observation for a few more hours.
The nurse came in, oddly nervous, holding a box. "So, I have some news. Sirs, could I ask Mrs. Mason a question in private? Hospital policy, it will only take a minute."
"Oh." Danny said, suddenly concerned. "Sure. Be back soon, Sam. Love you."
"Love you too." Sam replied as Tucker and Danny awkwardly shuffled out of the hospital room.
The nurse watched them leave, then took a deep breath. "It's hospital policy to for this to be private. There's a few questions I have to ask first, but…" She opened the box. Inside, there was a positive pregnancy test, in a sanitary box, and some paperwork.
Sam looked shocked, covering her mouth and choking back a squeal. "I'm pregnant." She whispered. "I thought that. Could you bring my partners in?"
"Of course, but I have to ask a couple of questions before it, standard stuff."
"Oh. OK."
"First I have to give you this." The nurse gave Sam a couple of business cards with referrals to maternity resources, domestic violence hotlines, and reproductive care information. "Nothing personal, we give them to all patients with positive tests. In the same vein, have you experienced any threats of violence, acts of violence, coercion, or felt that your right to consent has been violated by chosen partners, friends, ex partners, or family members?"
"Would you like or have the need for confidential referrals to counseling on your pregnancy, either by our support counselors or religious clergy?"
"Would you like to keep the test?"
Sam smiled. "Yes. Could you bring my partners in?"
The nurse nodded, and closed up the box with the test inside. "In the box is the same forms and resources in writing, and some other paperwork. Congratulations."
"Thank you." Sam said, wiping away a few tears.
Tucker and Danny rushed back into the room, their voices overlapping with worry.
"Guys, enough. Open the box." Sam said, offering it to Danny.
Danny ripped it open, throwing the top aside. He dropped it in shock. "I'm…I'm…"
Tucker gasped, a huge grin on his face. "We are gonna be dads!" He yelled, rushing to hug Sam while shaking with excitement.
"I didn't know I could…" Danny said, obviously in shock.
"Danny, DANNY!" Sam yelled, snapping him out of his trance. "I demand attention for my sacrifice."
"Oh!" Danny squeaked, jumping into action. He gave Sam a peck on the cheek before grabbing her hand and flopping into one of the chairs. "We gotta call Jazzy."
"No, duh, but first, I want you two." Sam grumped, returning Danny's kiss. "I already have names for 'em." She said, resting her head on Danny's shoulder while Tucker was already looking up all the latest baby gear and thinking up his own.
"If it's Danny's bio kid, then it's gonna be Cassiopeia or Orion. If it's Tucker's bio kid, it's either Sadie or Orion. My selections are final and not up for debate."
"Yes, ma'am." Danny and Tucker intoned, only half joking. Sam's word was law, after all.
Danny counted backward in his head and gasped. "Uh, Sam. Who's gonna tell your parents that this one's probably mine?"
"Not it!" Danny and Tucker yelled, Sam catching on too late.
"Fuck." Sam hissed.
Danny chuckled. "Apparently, we are quite good at that." He earned a tug on the ear for that comment. "Ow. I deserved that."
Tucker did the math too. "Yep. First one is likely gonna be… no, wait, Danny failed math, we have got a fifty-fifty shot here."
"Meh. Doesn't mean much to me. I am bad at doing hair anyway." Sam said, only half joking.
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lordkingsmith · 24 days
March lyric prompt list 2024
1. Girls get loose when they hear this song/Hundred on the dash get me close to God/We don't pray for love, we just pray for cars-star boy by The Weeknd
2. Ain't no problem when I'm the equation/Presence noted, observation/I'm not new here, reborn creation/Come and find me, sending location-The King’s Affirmation by Iniko
3. Living in devotion/It's always like the first time/Let me take a part-Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking
4. When all is clarity, the hate you gave to me/With all sincerity hurts like a disease/The wings that brought you here will take you far and near/But you will always be no angel to me-0% Angel by Mr. Kitty
5. I like digging holes/Hiding things inside them/When I grow old/I won't forget to find them-no roots by Alice Merton
6. Confusion that never stops/Closing walls and ticking clocks/Gonna come back and take you home/I could not stop that you now know/Singin' come out upon my seas/Cursed missed opportunities/Am I a part of the cure/Or am I part of the disease?-clocks by Coldplay
7. Oh, what a shame/Your spirit never left/Possessed me like a demon/Made them worship at your bed/Oh, yeah-supernatural by barns Courtney
8. It was dark and I was over/Until you kissed my lips and you saved me/My hands, they're strong/But my knees were far too weak/To stand in your arms/Without falling to your feet-set fire to the rain by Adele
9. I'm not a fan of puppeteers, but I've a nagging fear/Someone else is pulling at the strings/Something terrible is going down through the entire town/Wreaking anarchy, and all it brings/I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all/I curse the name, the one behind it all-Discord by The Living Tombstone
10. You're in the wind, I'm in the water/Nobody's son, nobody's daughter/Watching the chemtrails over the country club/Suburbia, The Brentwood Market/What to do next? Maybe we'll love it-chemtrails over the country club by Lana Del Rey
11. I can't sit back and wonder why/It took so long for this to die/And I hate it when you fake it/You can't hide it, you might as well embrace it-In Too Deep by Sum41
12. My God, my Tourniquet/Return to me salvation/My wounds cry for the grave/My soul cries for deliverance-Tourniquet by Evanescence
13. I can't live in a fairytale of lies./And I can't hide from the feeling/cause it's right./And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for love.-faster by within temptation
14. And it's my whole heart/While tried and tested, it's mine/And it's my whole heart/Trying to reach it out/And it's my whole heart/Burned but not buried this time/I'm on trial, waiting 'til the beat comes out-which witch by Florence and the machine
15. Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near/Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear/Isn't it lovely, all alone?/Heart made of glass, my mind of stone/Tear me to pieces, skin to bone/Hello, welcome home-Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid
16. Another late night, another crazy mood/And I didn't think twice what it would do to you/I was a wild child, you always knew it/It was a matter of time before I blew it-Karma by Brit Smith
17. Yeah I heard you look good in a sundress/I heard you look good when you're undressed/I heard you like to get away/I heard you like to stay out late/I heard you had a couple boyfriends/I heard they didn't treat you right/I heard you're hated by your girlfriends/‘Cause all the guys want you tonight, yeah-rumors by NEFFEX
18. Don't overthink this/Look in my eye/Don't be scared, don't be shy/Come on in, the water's fine/You say the ocean's rising like I give a shit/You say the whole world's ending, honey, it already did/You're not gonna slow it, Heaven knows you tried/Got it? Good, now get inside-all eyes on me by Bo Burnham
19. Deep in the dark, I don't need the light/There's a ghost inside me/It all belongs to the other side/We live, we love, we lie-the spectre by Alan Walker
20. The words you whisper are like a love letter/Give you my heart now, for worse or for better/But when the fall comes, will you remember?-sugar high by Scott frenzel
21. Hey, we're just two people trying to love/Oh but how, how can we love/With this wall between us, holding us back-if you were a woman and I was a man by Bonnie Tyler
22. You think you're ready, think you're ready/You're already giving up!/(Woah, who? Oh, woah)/You show me what you've got but you know it's not enough,/And you think this isn't fair,/'Cause you're ready but you're not prepared-scary movies by the home team
23. Mother looking at me/Tell me what do you see?/Yes, I've lost my mind/Daddy looking at me/Will I ever be free?/Have I crossed the line?-all the things she said by t.A.T.u.
24. All I want to do/Is be more like me/And be less like you/Can't you see that you're smothering me/Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control?-numb by Linkin Park
25. So insecure, so uptight/I break my neck, to be polite/I cannot take your/whispering, your whispering-dance without you by Skylar Grey
26. I play within my head/Touch my own skin/And hope that I'm still breathin'/And I think back to when/My brother and my sister slept/In an unlocked place/The only time I feel safe-lights by Ellie Goulding
27. Strawberries on a summer evenin'/Baby, you're the end of June/I want your belly and that summer feelin'/Getting washed away in you/Breathe me in, breathe me out/I don't know if I could ever go without-watermelon sugar high by Harry Styles
28. I see a ship in the harbor/I can and shall obey/But if it wasn't for your misfortune/I'd be a heavenly person today-blue Monday by new order
29. Big surprise you're not welcoming/Cause your cliques got cliques/And they don't pick me/No worries I don't want to be/A part of your A team/I came to make a scene cause/Who died and made you king/Nobody-I’m not sorry by NEONI
30. I'm on a cliff, should I enjoy the view/Or fear the fall?/Looking around I breathe in it all/Isn't it funny how things can change/Oh funny how things can change/Oh isn't it funny how/My heaven became my hell-my heaven became…by unlike Pluto
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three--rings · 1 year
Okay so I was listening to Placebo's album Black Market Music today while driving, and...this whole fucking album is like Vegaspete the Album.
I mean there's already so much Placebo on my Vegaspete playlist, but now I need to rethink my choices.
And because I feel like it, a self-ingulgent exercise.
Track 1 - Taste in Men - Already on my VP playlist, very Kinnporsche feeling in general. "Come back to me a while; Change your taste in men"
Track 2 - Days Before You Came
"Days before you came It always seemed enticing To be naked and profane There is no denying Days before you came Thunderbolts and lightning Each day a brand new vein Each tourniquet colliding"
'nuf said.
Track 3 - Special K - already on my VP playlist
"No hesitation, no delay You come on just like Special K"
"I'll describe the way I feel You're my new Achilles' heel Can the savior be for real"
Track 4 - Spite & Malice
"Soft and wet, scarf tied to the bed Jack is all tragic when he stands alone Feeling demonic, harmonic, and in a no-go-zone You look well suited like you came to win Lust, spite and malice your degrees of sin Cruising for pity and looking pretty as fuck Ace take your chance, queen wish you luck"
(Honestly one of the lesser VP songs on the album to me but, see lyrics. Still pretty much The Mood.)
Track 5 - Passive Aggressive
"Every time I rise I see you Falling Can you find me space inside your bleeding heart It falls apart"
Eh not that specific but still a harmonious vibe.
Track 6 - Black Eyed (This is where I started being like oh, this is a Vegas song and then the rest of the album was like oh yeah no the whole thing.)
"I was never loyal Except to my own pleasure zone I'm forever black-eyed A product of a broken home
I was never faithful And I was never one to trust Borderline bipolar Forever biting on your nuts"
Track 7 - Blue American - let's ignore this song I hate it. it's the song that keeps this album from being 100% perfect to me
Track 8 - Slave to the Wage
"Runaway from all your boredom Runaway from all your whoredom And wave your worries and cares goodbye"
Eh again, not super relevant. But not NOT appropriate.
Track 9 - Commercial for Levi
"You're the one who's always choking Trojan You're the one who's always bruised and broken Drunk on immorality Valium and cherry wine Coke and ecstasy You're gonna blow your mind"
Vaguely a Vegas song, though his self-destruction isn't exactly drugs. But I have a lot of personal feelings tied into this song, so it's difficult to associate it with characters.
Track 10 - Haemoglobin - Okay ignoring the actual context of the song, which is racist lynchings, I, uh, get Pete vibes from it.
"I was hanging from a tree Unaccustomed to such violence Jesus looking down on me I'm prepared for one big silence. . .
At the time they cut me free I was brimming with defiance"
Track 11 - Narcoleptic - Pete to Vegas, especially when he's in the hospital.
You'd better keep it in check Or you'll end up a wreck And you'll never wake up Wake up, wake up Wake up, wake up It seemed a place for us to dream
Track 12 - Peeping Tom -Mostly Pete POV but general VP also
"I'm weightless, I'm bare I'm faithless, I'm scared The face that fills the hole that stole my broken soul The one that makes me seem to feel much taller than you are"
Track 13 - Black Market Blood - This one is hard to relate because of all the she/her pronouns. But about impending doom and destruction.
And I HONESTLY don't know what to do about my VP playlist. Definitely adding at LEAST Black-eyed. Might remove one or two other placebo songs in favor of Days Before You Came and Narcoleptic or Peeping Tom? IDK Or just add them all and be damned? It's already SO placebo heavy. Look placebo was the reason I decided I needed to make a VP playlist tho.
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seolinkbiulding · 2 years
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I couldn’t remember all the emoji’s but can I get trypanophobic💰+✌🏻(blood draw?)
And can the reader’s relationship be somewhere in between 🤝 and 💖? Like soft and physically contact but without kissing or anything associated with sexual attraction? (Asexual friendly)
Hugging, shoulder touching, back rubs/ pats/ soothing, hand holding is fine <3
Thank you so much for the request! Hope you enjoy! 💜
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💛 Anon requested that Ravio has difficulties with his procedure.
💛 Anon requested that Ravio throws up.
💛 Anon requested that Reader calls Ravio заяц which is a Russian term of endearment translating to "bunny rabbit". Pronounced "ziats", rhyming with "bias" with the addition of the "t".
💛 Reblogs appreciated along with likes and comments!
💛 You can request your own scenario here!
💛 Content under the cut!
From the moment you step inside the building, Ravio is a bundle of anxiety and fear. You have to grab his shoulders and manually guide him over to the front desk so you can get him checked in. The poor bunny almost trips on his own locked knees as you walk to the room where the provider will be drawing his blood.
“Give me a few minutes to prepare, then we can get started. Please make yourself comfortable in the meantime,” the provider says from where they are setting out equipment.
You let your hands fall from Ravio’s shoulders and grab his hand. “Doing okay, заяц?” you ask softly, even though you know the answer.
Ravio squeezes your hand back, gripping tighter every time he spots something new. His eyes dart every which way, taking in the boxes of bandages and gloves on the counter, the two chairs lining the opposite wall, the sharps bin full of discarded syringes. His breathing comes out in stutters and gasps, and he squeaks, “No!”
You immediately pull him into a hug so he can stop looking for a moment. “Hey, I’m going to be here the whole time. Remember what we talked about. Take deep breaths, make sure you don’t look, and think about what I told you we’re gonna do after.”
Ravio hiccups then mumbles, “You said we can go to the market and I can get whatever I want?”
“That’s right! Remind me what you want me to buy?” you prompt, leading him to the chair and dragging the other right next to his.
“A new bell for the shop door… a-and some premium treats for Sheerow…” Ravio says, squirming in his seat. “And maybe some-” His words freeze in his throat as he glances at the provider, who has finished setting up.
“Hey, Ravio.”
His ear flicks back, gaze still set on the medical equipment.
“Look at me, please?”
He does, and you reach out and wipe a tear from his cheek. Your fingers spread to cup his face and he leans into your touch as your thumb smooths over already-tearstained skin.
“Focus on me, okay?” you tell him.
“All right, are we ready to begin?” the provider asks, the question making Ravio flinch.
“Ready as we’ll ever be,” you say, smiling at the provider. You try to ignore Ravio’s wide eyes silently begging for more time to delay.
“Very good. Tell me, Ravio, have you ever had problems during a test before?”
“This is his first time,” you answer for him.
“I see. Well then, would you like me to tell you what I’m doing before each step?”
Ravio whimpers and closes his eyes. Still cradling his face with one hand, you grab his dominant hand with your free one.
“I think it would be better if you don’t, please,” you say, watching Ravio’s reaction. When no argument comes, you nod to the provider.
They tie a tourniquet above Ravio’s elbow and clean his inner arm with a sanitizing wipe before feeling for a vein. He startles at the contact and tries to move his head and look, but you hold him in place, making sure he keeps facing you.
“You’ll make it harder on yourself if you look, заяц. Listen to me…” You keep up a steady stream of soft chatter, encouraging Ravio to focus on you and not the current situation. You pause a few times to answer the provider’s questions when they locate an ideal vein and explain the next steps using minimal detail.
“Deep breath, Ravio, like me,” you say, timing your example as you see the provider angle the needle towards the unsuspecting merchant’s arm.
Ravio yelps as the needle enters, thankfully not attempting to yank free of the provider’s grip. He squeezes your hand, face scrunched up in discomfort as the provider fiddles with the placement of the needle. After a few moments of experimenting, they pull the needle out and replace it with a sterile one.
“Don’t worry, it’s normal to take more than one try,” the provider assures you and Ravio.
Tears are flowing freely down Ravio’s face as the provider goes through two more sticks, each time having difficulty in their attempts to pierce the vein. You murmur and hush Ravio’s cries, squeezing his hand back whenever he feels another prick of pain. He grows paler, barely noticeable but still visibly so, and his hiccups turn into desperate gulps for air.
“It’s the vein,” the provider explains, preparing yet another new needle. “You may have some symptoms of dehydration or even malnutrition, Ravio. These problems often cause your veins to weaken, making them harder to keep in place for procedures.”
“That’s important to know. We’ll have to keep an eye on that,” you say. Ravio only lets out a strained whine.
The provider finally manages to insert the needle into the stubborn vein and you see Ravio’s blood begin to drain through the tube.
“You’re doing well, заяц! Now we just have to wait. How are you feeling?” you ask, noticing his overexaggerated steady breathing and eyes shut tight.
“Nnn… I think I’m gonna…” Ravio gasps, “Be sick-”
Before the provider can even move, you jump up and dart over to the counter, grabbing a small bin you noticed earlier. You place it on Ravio’s lap right before he loses the battle with nausea. He vomits into the bin, intermittent sobs breaking your heart as all you can do is rub his back and wait it out.
Thankfully, the spell passes before long. You set the bin aside so neither of you have to see or smell the sick. You’ll have to bring Ravio to the restroom later so he can clean up, but for now, you settle for holding him as closely as you can without jostling his arm. Your fingers reach up to play with his hair, gentle and careful to soothe without pulling at his sensitive scalp.
“I know, I’m sorry for all the pain you had to go through today,” you whisper, looking around him to check how much blood has been drawn. Good, it seems like he is almost done. “You’ve been so brave, my заяц, and you only have a few minutes more.”
True to your word, you barely have to wait before the provider slides the needle from Ravio’s arm and binds it with cotton and gauze. They instruct you to wait in the room until enough time has passed for Ravio to safely stand. Ravio shudders, exhausted from the stress of the procedure, and leans heavily against you.
“You’re all done now,” you assure him, giving him a smile that he is too tired to return. “And once we get out of here, the market awaits!”
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I like having everything i need with me on a daily basis. This includes a knife. I like carrying things that only would be used in an emergency, too. This includes a gun and a tourniquet.
I believe I have a legitimate purpose for everything I carry.
Due to the type of things that I carry, I could be roughly described as an “EDC enthusiast” if you really wanted to do that.
However I will always point and laugh at WFH tech guys who own, like, $200 carbon steel automatic OTF knives that they only use to open amazon packages full of expensive treats.
Their behavior is a symptom of the “EDC industry” which is largely a way to market expensive toys to men who want to feel more masculine.
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