#Tony Fauci
ireton · 1 year
DISCLAIMER: Please do your own research and come to your own conclusions.
Why was Tony Fauci - The Highest Paid Employee In U.S. Government ?
Gain of function research.
War crimes are War crimes.
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jonostroveart · 1 year
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zpresrun2024 · 2 years
Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
Originally  Published on March 15, 2020 and Updated on December 30, 2020
Mark Twain was right (or was it Will Rogers?) !
I’ve never enjoyed studying infectious diseases so a career in epidemiology seemed out of the question for me in active practice. That’s a shame because I do enjoy analyzing trends and how they are influenced from within and without. Then comes CoViD–19 and it seems that everyone with a microphone wants to stir people into a panic.
Fake Statistics abound – the people included in the sample and compared with whatever it is in question – is why so many seemingly scholarly opinions are out there with such a wide range of “conclusive” findings. One of the concerns in the current pandemic is that there is no immunity in the human community so more people will get sick if exposed to the virus. It’s pretty widely known to exist, though the seasonal flu vaccine, while not conferring 100% immunity will at least lessen symptoms and make the flu less dangerous to those most likely to suffer great harm if infected.
For those who love the math, infectious diseases present a left weighted bell curve when first discovered. All that fancy phrase means is that at the start the spread is rapid because it hasn't been recognized that a new disease is at work so the exposure and infection rates climb quickly. Once recognized and people begin to react to this new threat to their health, diseases tend to slowly fade off into a lull. Sometimes this is the last we hear of the disease, sometimes it’s a seasonal change in the organism’s ability to move from person to person.
You may remember when people were terrified of MRSA. Every human being on the planet has the staph aureus organism on their skin from the time they leave the hospital after being born (or immediately after being born if not in a hospital). Of those a certain number have the mutated resistant staph. Of those exposed, very few will actually suffer an infection. Of those, very few will suffer spread of the disease within themselves. Of those, very few will die. This is precisely the same mechanism as Plague, Spanish flu, H1N1, pneumonia, the common cold, and every other infectious disease.
Some pundits have mentioned seasonal flu and it's a good place to start; 350,000,000 people in the US, 80% exposed to flu (or “tested positive” on a nasal swab) = 280,000,000; 10% of those exposed actually get the flu - 28,000,000,; 0.1% - 0.2% of those who get the flu die = 28,000 - 56,000. Any change in any or all of those variables will change the outcome.
The first statistical analyses of this novel virus were trending toward about a 3% mortality rate. The mortality rate in the United States as of about 8:00pm EDT on 14MAR2020 is about 2% (2,055 sick folks and 59 dead = about 2%). This will very likely change and decrease as this virus runs its course, but this is the most current information available at the moment. Most of the infectious disease physicians I have read or spoken with think that once all the actual disease affected folks (those who actually get this bug) are finally accounted for when this is over, will likely end up somewhere between 0.5% and 1%. This high rate versus seasonal flu is directly linked to the lack of a vaccine that helps reduce severity of a disease even if it doesn't prevent getting the disease.
Still; remember, that with the same rate I used for seasonal flu that's 350,000,000 people in the US, 80% exposed to CoViD–19 (or “tested positive” on a nasal swab) = 280,000,000; 20% of those exposed actually get the disease - 56,000,000,; 0.5% of those who get the disease die = 280,000 or 2% of those who get the disease die = 1,120,000. Not exactly your seasonal flu. Not the apocalypse, either.
There are a lot of other considerations – like more people actually getting the disease since there isn't a vaccine yet, underlying patient vulnerability due to disease or poor immune response, but this is really pretty straightforward math.
Remember, though, that the sickest among us are the ones most likely to suffer the most. For example I'm over 60 with mild emphysema and asthma and a 90 pack year history of tobacco abuse. I still go to work as a nurse every day and practice infection control techniques the way I learned in nursing school and additional continuing education. If I screw up I am at a much greater risk of death than my 28 year old daughter who runs in ultra–marathons and works in a mother–baby unit at a NC hospital. Still, my daughter knows to practice the infection control all of us learned as children: wash your hands regularly, don’t sneeze or cough without covering your mouth and nose, wash your hands after sneezing or coughing, don’t breathe in other peoples’ faces and don’t let them breathe in yours. Any caregiver or relative could transmit any contagious disease to anyone else just by not being generally cautious.
I have watched hurricane responses since the early 1960s in S Florida where I grew up and they did a much better job back then. I was Hurricane Control NCO at Eglin Air Force Base in 1975 when we re-wrote the hurricane operation plan. The disaster management people on that base were phenomenal. I wish they were in charge of the responses to hurricanes Andrew, Katrina, Maria, and others, as well as terror attacks and this bloody virus. Those folks showed me the benefit of teamwork and how to make the best use of every resource available.
A healthy respect for the damage this virus can do will help far more than panic or fear. Our Federal government hasn't got the best record in responding to significant problems over the last 40 years or so. We can do better.
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maceingeweihter · 7 months
I've been "abstinent" from Christian music for years. Going to my Christian IG and realizing there are people searching for Messiah. Hurts me a bit to miss out. But I'd rather worship alone than ever be involved with another Fake Christian. (Those who Abide are known by Good).
It says after all that every builder should be careful with how they build. Some day...maybe after the Z virus / T virus.
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wolfspaw · 10 months
Remember Fauci Face? Remember this POS? Remember Bill Gates? Another POS? Yep, don’t forget them. They are still behind the scenes working hard on viruses and vaccines and your food. Coming soon to a place near you.
Say NO and continue to say NO TO COVID VACCINES!! Never never again will America fall for this! And they know it! But it DOESN’T mean they won’t try to find ways around it. Say NO to covid vaccines!
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bostonfly · 1 year
“I’m a physician,” he told me in response to criticism that he had pushed the country too far. “That’s my identity. [...] I don’t mean to seem preachy, but I don’t want to see people suffer and I don’t want to see people die.”
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ifucankeepit · 1 year
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explo-bit · 2 years
Meglio tardi che mai ...
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trickricksblog08 · 4 months
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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗶𝘁𝗺𝗼 𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁: 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗪𝗵𝗼 𝗕𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮
Where They Go One They Go All
1. Hillary Clinton
2. Bill Clinton
3. Nancy Pelosi
4. John Podesta
5. John Brennan
6. James Comey
7. Maxine Waters
8. Adam Schiff
9. Hunter Biden
10. George W. Bush
11. Dr. Anthony Fauci
12. Huma Abedin
13. Bill Gates
14. Anthony Wiener
15. George Soros
16. Lindsey Graham
17. Mitch McConnell
18. Kevin McCarthy
19. Chuck Schumer
20. Kamala Harris
21. Robert Mueller
22. Mike Pence
23. Joe Biden
24. James Clapper
24. Lloyd Austin
25. Dick Cheney
26. John Kerry
27. Alexander Soros
28. Loretta Lynch
29. Andrew McCabe
30. Peter Strzok
31. Lisa Page
32. James Baker
33. Eric Holder
34. Tony Podesta
35. Susan Rice
36. Harry Reid
37. Paul Ryan
38. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
39. Sally Yates
40. Mitt Romney
41. Jerry Nadler
42. Klaus Schwab
43. Michelle Obama
44. Sally Yates
45. Andrew Cuomo
46. Herbert Raymond McMaster
47. Deborah Birx
48. Mark Zuckerberg
49. Nikki Haley
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
By Jim Ferguson
Before the world had even heard of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Prof. Ralph Baric, Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) knew about it, having received prototype mRNA (modRNA) “vaccines” from none other than Moderna.
Newly unearthed documents that were supposed to remain confidential show that Cambridge, Mass.-based Moderna sent the prototype vials to UNC several weeks before COVID was announced to the world.
Baric signed the material transfer agreement for them on Dec. 12, 2019, followed by a signature from Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at UNC, on Dec. 16, 2019.
Two representatives from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the federal agency that was then headed up by Tony Fauci under the umbrella of the then-Francis Collins-led National Institutes of Health (NIH), also signed the agreement. One was Amy F. Petrik, PhD, a technology transfer specialist, and the other was Barney Graham, MD, PhD, an investigator.
On Dec. 17, 2019, the final signatories of the agreement were Sunny Himansu, Moderna’s investigator, and Shaun Ryan, Moderna’s deputy general counsel.
“All of these signatures were made prior to any knowledge of the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus,” notes The Exposé (United Kingdom).
“It wasn’t until December 31st, 2019 that the World Health Organisation (WHO) became aware of an alleged cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. But even at this point, they had not determined that an alleged new coronavirus was to blame, instead stating the pneumonia was of ‘unknown cause.'”
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theargonautsproject · 29 days
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Nome: Luminectra Aquilis
La Luminectra Aquilis è una creatura maestosa che abita le profondità inesplorate del pianeta Acquilis.
Questo essere, simile nella forma a una balenottera terrestre, sfoggia un corpo allungato e flessuoso che può raggiungere lunghezze impressionanti fino a 30 metri.
La sua pelle, di un blu profondo e ricoperta da sottili strisce argenteo-luminose, è tanto liscia quanto resistente, adattata per navigare con grazia attraverso le correnti acquee più tumultuose.
Una delle caratteristiche più affascinanti della Luminectra Aquilis è la sua capacità di rilasciare, tramite trasudazione, migliaia di minuscole particelle bioluminescenti quando si sente minacciata.
Questo spettacolo di luce, che varia nei toni del blu e del verde, non solo serve come meccanismo di difesa per disorientare i predatori, ma è anche uno spettacolo mozzafiato per qualsiasi osservatore fortunato.
Le particelle bioluminescenti, una volta rilasciate, rimangono sospese nell'acqua per diversi minuti, creando un'aura incantata attorno alla creatura.La dieta della Luminectra Aquilis è principalmente composta da piccoli organismi acquatici e plancton, che filtra attraverso le sue enormi fauci in un processo simile a quello delle balenottere del nostro pianeta.
Nonostante le sue dimensioni imponenti, questa creatura si muove con una grazia sorprendente, ondeggiando lentamente attraverso gli abissi scuri del suo mondo acquatico.Il comportamento sociale della Luminectra Aquilis rimane in gran parte un mistero, sebbene siano stati osservati gruppi, o "pod", che sembrano comunicare attraverso complessi modelli di bioluminescenza. Questa comunicazione luminosa, unita alla loro natura pacifica, fa della Luminectra Aquilis uno degli esseri più affascinanti e misteriosi del pianeta Acquilis.
Restate connessi 🚀
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bighermie · 1 year
Report: Dr. Tony Fauci Increased Personal Wealth from $7.6 Million to $12.6 Million During Pandemic - A 65% Increase in Wealth! (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
Always follow the money
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nathanielaaron · 10 months
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wolfspaw · 1 year
Remember Fauci Face? Remember this POS? Remember Bill Gates? Another POS? Yep, don’t forget them. They are still behind the scenes working hard on viruses and vaccines. 
Say NO and continue to say NO TO COVID VACCINES!! Never never again will America fall for this! And they know it! But it DOESN’T mean they won’t try to find ways around it. Say NO to covid vaccines!
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Fraude sur les mots, fausse science et fascisme postmoderne… deux ou trois mots sur l’idéologie du point de vue de la psychanalyse
Lorsque Nicolás Gómez Dávila écrit: «La science nous trompe de trois manières: en transformant ses propositions en normes, en divulguant ses résultats plutôt que ses méthodes, en passant sous silence ses limitations épistémologiques», il parle de la science d’avant, une science "baconienne" certes trompeuse mais dont la réfutabilite était de structure (cf. Karl Popper: "il n’y a de science que réfutable"), mais une "science" non encore passée par la moulinette idéologique de "l’innovation technologique" postmoderne, qui en pervertit radicalement la structure, ce qui se traduit en termes de logique borroméenne par: passer du statut SIR (la science Symbolise ce qu’elle Imagine du Réel) au nœud RSI caractéristique de la religion (la religion Réalise le Symbolique qu’elle Imagine)…
Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire?
La "vraie" science revendique la rigueur de sa méthode qui s’appuie d’abord sur des faits consciencieusement répertoriés, ("table des présences" de Bacon, qui implique un primat du Réel sur le Symbolique dans l’observation et la collecte des données…), puis la logique consiste à rapporter les dits faits dans un ordre qui permet d’en tirer les conséquences mesurables donnant lieu à des anticipations. Le réel est a priori visé, cerné, décrit par le symbolique. Aujourd’hui, avec l’arrivée de la "fausse science" charriée par le discours dominant (Discours Capitaliste dans son acception stricte lacanienne) la plupart de ceux qui sont présentés comme des "scientifiques" s’appuient a priori sur des modélisations mathématiques, des calculs de probabilités qui leur confèrent une "imaginarisation du réel" auxquels ils croient et ils demandent "à tout le monde" de croire comme si c’était "la réalité"... à venir! Pour un véritable esprit scientifique, il n’y a rien de plus anti-scientifique que cette procédure invertie. Le réel est évacué, il reste seulement du symbolique détrempé d’imaginaire, autrement dit du fantasme, homologue au plan de la structure, à la mousse religieuse… Qui croit "les professeurs" Delfraissy ou Fauci comme à des prophètes? Réponse: les sujets pris dans le discours courant…
Rappelons ici que c’est suite à une note confidentielle du mathématicien universitaire modélisateur Neil Ferguson prévoyant un demi-million de morts en France, parvenue le 12 mars 2020 au président Macron, qu’un confinement généralisé fut décidé le soir même...
On sait depuis lors que c’est ce même Neil Ferguson (devenu conseiller de la Banque mondiale et de nombreux gouvernements) qui, en 2001, avait convaincu le Premier ministre britannique Tony Blair de faire abattre 6 millions de bovins pour stopper l’épidémie de fièvre aphteuse (une décision qui coûta 10 milliards de livres et qui est aujourd’hui considérée comme aberrante). En 2002, l’expert Neil Ferguson calcula que la maladie de la vache folle tuerait environ 50 000 britanniques et 150 000 de plus lorsque elle se transmettrait aux moutons. Il y en eut en réalité 177. En 2005, il prédit que la grippe aviaire tuerait 65 000 Britanniques. Il y en eut au total 457. (C’est ce même genre de "raisonnement" qui fait conclure à l’Intelligence Artificielle qu’il faut une infirmière pour quinze lits, ou qu’un résident en Ehpad doit manger pour 4,57€ par jour. )
Le sujet postmoderne, formaté par soixante-dix ans de l’idéologie qui a accouché du "numérique", devrait être averti qu’il n’existe aucun bouton "réinstaller les réglages d’origine" ou "restaurer le système" en cas de nécessité ultime.
Le système immunitaire naturel fonctionne selon le principe que toute récupération confère l’immunité et aura renforcé le sujet dans l’épreuve, ainsi en est-il de l'espèce qui devient plus forte. L’être peut s’enorgueillir d’un milliard d'années de perfectionnement biologique, et depuis le petit million et demi d’années que l’homme est arrivé sur Terre, c’est ce qu’il fait, les animaux ayant commencé avant lui.
Une politique réfléchie et responsable de santé publique aurait isolé les quelques uns qui risquaient de mourir suite à l’infection virale et aurait laissé l’immunité faire son travail, la récupération offrant toujours de loin la meilleure sécurité immunitaire, pareil pour toutes les mutations.
Ce n’est pas la médecine qui a inventé la santé, encore moins l’ascience. Quant aux politiques… faire confiance à un gouvernement pour "éradiquer un virus", a-t-on déjà entendu proposition plus délirante? Évacuez les intérêts de l’industrie pharmaceutique de l'équation, et vous verrez que les choses se présentent avec une certaine logique: ne pas se faire tester sauf en cas de symptômes précis, l’attraper quand on n’aura pas pu faire autrement (ce n’est pas dans le "moi" que ça se décide…) et le surmonter.
Voilà ce qu’un "président" sain aurait pu dire à un peuple sain. Les peuples ont le gouvernement qu’ils méritent…
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vomitdodger · 2 years
Commies gonna commie. Get the rope.
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