#Tilly & Hess
biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
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I added text to my Gerry X Adelaide drawing from last week. And even though this is a shit post essentially, it describes them better than it should. And probably half the relationships in the Tilly project if we're being honest...
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tutuprincesse · 1 year
tda predictions??
Mini top 3: Lilly, Ellary Day, and Elsie
Mini top 10: Sylvie Win, Kendyl Miller, Harper Anderson, Brooklyn Ward, Tillie Kuhl, Melina Blitz, Madisyn Amos, Stella, Ella-Nani Knight, Bella Charnstrom, Tatum Self, Khloe Douros
Junior top 3: Savannah, Kiera Sun, Keelyn Jones
Junior top 10: Kelsie, Aria Du, Fiona Wu, Tahari, Faith Crain, Roxie, Addison Price, Isabella Tjoe, Ingrid Wirtz, Kylie Lawrence
Teen top 3: Crystal, Izzy, Isabella Lynch, Keira
Teen male winner: Ian Stegman
Senior top 3: Isabella Jarvis, Sabine Nehls, Ava Wagner
Mini top 3: Camila, Mya, Lily Hackney
Mini top 10: Olivia, Remi Hilson, Belle Arauz, Anita Rodriguez, Lainey Hess, Macey, Mikaela, Mila Simunic, Brinley Evans, Anna Holley
Junior top 3: Zoe Flores, Kya, Kiera (put her in both vegas and orlando bc idk which she's doing),
Junior top 10: Diana, Esme, Isabella, Ella Dobler, Kate Baldwin, Kensington, Bella Rey D'Armas, Braylynn, Lexus Natalie, Kennedy Anderson, Regan, Ainsley
Teen top 3: Gracyn, Cami Voorhees, Sophia Garcia
Senior top 3: Bella Tagle, Destanye Diaz, Dyllan (delusional), Caroline Quiner (actual)
Senior male winner: Sam Fine
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gonzalo-obes · 6 days
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Día Internacional de los Arganes, Día Mundial del Lupus, Semana de Acción Contra los Mosquitos, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
San Antonino y Santa Blanda.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1993
Se produce un deslizamiento de tierra en un cerro del caserío minero de Nambija, Ecuador, sepultando a más de 200 personas. La mayoría de las 200 casas del barrio de las Brisas quedaron sepultadas bajo la avalancha de piedras y lodo.
François Mitterrand, del partido socialista de Francia, es elegido presidente al derrotar a Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. (Hace 43 años)
El número tres del Partido Nacionalsocialista de Alemania tras Göering y Hitler, Rudolf Hess, vuela en un pequeño avión sobre Escocia y se lanza en paracaídas en un sorprendente intento de negociar un tratado de paz con Inglaterra, tomando tierra a unos 30 kilómetros de la residencia del Duque de Hamilton, a quien ha conocido brevemente durante los Juegos Olímpicos de Berlín en 1936. Su objetivo es ganar al Reino Unido para la causa nazi y vencer juntos a la Unión Soviética, país recién invadido por los alemanes. Inmediatamente será hecho prisionero por la Home Guard y posteriormente confinado en la Torre de Londres, hasta el final de la Guerra. Tras la Guerra, será juzgado en Nuremberg siendo condenado a cadena perpetua. (Hace 83 años)
En España, Manuel Azaña resulta elegido presidente de la República. (Hace 88 años)
En Estados Unidos y cerca del Gran Lago Salado (Utah), mediante un simbólico clavo de oro, quedan unidos los raíles del ferrocarril, dando servicio de costa a costa: el Este y el Oeste ya están conectados. Estos adelantos resultarán de suma importancia para la colonización de todo el Oeste. (Hace 155 años)
En Francia, al morir Luis XV, sube al trono Luis XVI, casado con María Antonieta, hija de la emperatriz austríaca María Teresa. Su reinado estará marcado por una grave crisis financiera y por la Revolución Francesa de 1789. Morirá guillotinado en 1793. (Hace 250 años)
Felipe V instaura en España la Ley Sálica, que establece la imposibilidad de que puedan reinar las mujeres, alejando así el peligro de que la corona pueda volver al imperio de los Austrias. (Hace 311 años)
Las tropas de la Liga Católica, al mando del conde Tilly, conquistan la ciudad de Magdeburgo (Alemania) tras varios meses de asedio. Los soldados vencedores entran a saco en la ciudad y matan a 25.000 de sus habitantes además de incendiarla. (Hace 393 años)
Jacques Cartier, navegante al servicio de la monarquía francesa, llega a Terranova con el fin de buscar una ruta alternativa hacia las Indias por el noroeste de América, debido al dominio que ejercen españoles y portugueses sobre las rutas meridionales. (Hace 490 años)
Miguel Ángel Buonarrotti firma de mala gana el contrato para la decoración de la bóveda de la Capilla Sixtina, que le ofrece el Papa Julio II. Terminará de pintarla en 1512, tras cuatro años de solitario y duro trabajo. Serán más de 300 figuras en unos 500 m2 de superficie. (Hace 516 años)
Cristóbal Colón descubre las Islas Caimán, a las que bautiza como las Islas Tortugas debido a la gran cantidad de ellas que moran en sus aguas. Por el abastecimiento de carne que estos reptiles proporcionan son incluidas en las rutas de navegación entre Europa y América. Las islas permanecerán deshabitadas durante siglo y medio hasta que sean ocupadas por Inglaterra en el transcurso de la guerra anglo-española de 1655-1660. (Hace 521 años)
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taketheringtolohac · 3 years
📂 [slides this across the table to u]
If everything was normal Winnie would be a butch lesbian horse rancher and would be married to her truck driver wife Helga and they’d run an after school program together for kids in the neighborhood for free that teaches them how to care for the animals and tend to the farm
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thevehszlegacy · 4 years
Background Characters wip
OCs who are mostly in the background. They don’t play any really important roles and are here to support the mains and secondaries. Click the name to go to their profile.
Jedi Knights
Karn Mana
Kidak Hess
Jedi Consulars
Baesk Tre’fon
Republic Troopers
Sith Warriors
Sith Inquisitors
Imperial Agents
Bounty Hunters
Veir Tro
Nori Tro
Pyre Tro
Sunii Tro
Iudresc Tro
Tilly Tro
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years
Bride of Chucky (1998)
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Bride of Chucky is the next logical step in the Child’s Play series. Some will be disappointed it largely abandons its horror tone in exchange for a darkly comic one, but the franchise needed a change. Did you really want Chucky to come back and go after Andy Barclay or *shudder* Ronald Tyler one more time, just to fail again? And honestly, how serious can you take a killer doll movie the fourth time around? I say this fourth installment is fresh, funny, memorable, and creative.
Set a month after Child’s Play 3 (remember, it was set in 1998), Charles Lee Ray’s former girlfriend, Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly), has obtained the remains of the doll, pieced it back together and brings Chucky (voiced by Brad Dourif) back to life. After the formal serial killer gets into a fight with his lover, kills her and brings her soul back inside a doll, the two go out to find an amulet that'll make them human again. To get it, the couple force able-teenagers Jade (Katherine Heigl), Hesse (Nick Stabile), and David (Gordon Michael Woolvett) to help them.
Chucky’s gone through a number of looks. There’s the traditional Good Guy Doll, the burnt up version at the end of Child’s Play, the one-handed design from the climax of Child’s Play 2, I’m even a big fan of his look at the end of Child’s Play 3, where half his face is missing. Once again, the design team and the special effects masters have brought their A-Game in this picture. Chucky’s never looked better in terms of special effects and this new, more frightening appearance is glorious.
As for Tiffany, she’s a smart addition. Everyone better beware for the murderous couple that romance each other by slashing throats and coming up with new, creative ways to mutilate innocent bystanders. As the big horror franchises like Friday the 13th and Hellraiser went on, most became so bad you had to laugh at them. This self-aware sequel embraces this, inserting references to other horror films, bringing in some meta humor, and upping the gore/violence.
I don’t know if I’d call it a horror movie classic. Some laughs may be unintentional, and there are points where it just kind of becomes stupid but key moments are too good to miss. The scene where Tiffany asks Chucky if he has a condom is one you'll never forget. I enjoyed the references/parallels to Bride of Frankenstein. It even sorta makes me appreciate Child’s Play 3 a bit. Not quite enough to like it, but the continuity being preserved is a nice touch.
You can tell that the people behind Bride of Chucky are true fans of the series and not simply looking to make a quick buck. Tiffany is a great addition to a series that was starting to get stale, and I’m not just saying that because Jennifer Tilly is one sexy lady. It's creative and splattery, often so much you can't help but laugh. It’s worth persevering through the previous film to get to Bride of Chucky. (On Blu-ray, November 12, 2016)
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bm2ab · 6 years
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Man's Impact on the Environment Berlepsch Castle Hesse, Germany
Schloss Berlepsch , Berleipse, Berlepse, Berleiffen , is a three-winged complex with Binnenhof and park about 400 meters northeast of the Witzenhausener hamlet Hübenthal in Hesse . The castle is located only a few hundred meters from the state border with Lower Saxony and southwest of the Friedländer district Mollenfelde of the district of Göttingen and the Neu-Eichenberger district Hermannrode in Werra-Meißner-Kreis .
After the destruction of their ancestral castle Barlissen in the 14th century, the Berlepsch family settled down on the Werra , where they already owned goods. First, she lived in the landgräflich -Hessian castle Bischoffhausen. It was located above Bischhausen (today belongs to the city area Witzenhausen on the left Werraseite) on the Baden stone (356 m above sea level.). A little further north, near Hübenthal , Arnold von Berlepsch was then allowed to build the Nuwe Hus Berleybischhin between 1368 and 1369 on the site of today's Berlepsch Castle . Since 1369, a defensive wall with portal completes the north side of the three-winged complex.
Arnold von Berlepsch received the villages of Hübenthal and Albshausen in 1369 from the landgrave Heinrich II of Hesse, both today part of Witzenhausen. He also received Hermannrode (now part of Neu-Eichenberg) and Grebenhain to fief , and the family received for the oldest male member of the hereditary court office of the chamberlain of the Hessian landgraves. After the death of Arnold's son Hans von Berlepsch, who remained childless, brought the castle man Thilo von Berlepsch from Ziegenberg 1392 against the wishes of the landgrave in the possession of the castle. In 1400, the castle was destroyed by Hessian troops and rebuilt. In 1461 the knight Parakeet of Berlepsch was entrusted with the castle; he surrounded the castle with strong walls and reinforced them with towers and kennels . In 1593 the stair tower with renaissance portal was built.
In the Thirty Years War , Tilly's mercenaries plundered and burned the castle in 1623. In 1625, Wallenstein's troops invaded the castle, and in 1631 the castle was once again devastated by Tilly's troops. In addition to Tilly and Wallenstein, the troops Aldringens , and Fuggers sought the area around 1631 and 1632 home. Villages were looted and the castle Berlepsch devastated. Richard von Berlepsch calculated the damage to 2813 thalers . In the spring of 1632, armies of Brunswick and Hesse in the area of ​​Leine and Diemel fought against Gottfried Heinrich zu Pappenheim , who captured Richard von Berlepsch as a hostage because of unencumbered sums. Richard died in 1635, two years after his retirement. The family's wealth declined due to ongoing fighting. Lands could not be ordered, buildings of goods and Vorwerke were partly destroyed. Berlepsch, Ellerode, Hübenthal and the Hof zu Gladebeck had been completely cremated, the debt burden of the family was 48,000 Taler, while the consequences of the war did not abate. 1636 an imperial army moved from Göttingen through the lands and provoked fighting at Wendershausen . A year later, the Croats ravaged the Werra, having been brought into the area by the 1632 fire- plaque of Pappenheim. New dangers of war in 1646 led the von Berlepsch family to relocate the rest of their archive to a safe place.
On August 14, 1801, Goethe visited Schloss Berlepsch. 1809 Friedrich Ludwig von Berlepsch lived on the castle. From 1881 to 1894 Count Karl Friedrich von Berlepsch and from 1893 his son Hans gave the castle its extensive shape and changes its present form, which also includes a ceiling painting Carl Wiederholds . These changes are exemplary for the late Hanoverian Neo-Gothic and were planned by the architect Gustav Schönermark . The ornithologist Hans von Berlepsch established an ornithological collection at the castle, and Karl von Berlepsch gathered from time to time a circle of well-known poets on the castle. On the crest stone at the extreme of the three gates, the coat of arms of the two Berlepschlinien is walled.
After World War II , Hubertus von Berlepsch transformed Schloss Berlepsch into a hotel with a restaurant.
In 1980, both had to be closed because Hans-Sittich Count von Berlepsch founded the sannyasin center Arvind on the castle for the followers of Bhagwan . The sannyasin center was dissolved again in 1982. In the following years the Bhagwananhänger rented as a collective apartments in the manor Hübenthal , which belonged to the family Berlepsch. The Baghwan trailers were responsible for the reconstruction and restoration of the former stable buildings and barns. They founded the Mandir Club , which in 2005 bought the dodecagonal marble-lined meditation room. 35 members of the Baghwan followers founded the cooperative Parimal Gut Hübenthal eG on October 31, 2007, which also purchased the first floor of the Green House on June 17, 2008. In addition to the kitchen and dining room, the common room Sangha and living space were created here. In 2014, the cooperative already has more than 90 members. The remaining buildings are now used in a mixture of residential and commercial.
Since 2011, the castle has tourist offers such as gastronomy, guided tours and regular events. The gastronomic offer takes up the topic " Middle Ages ".
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charlesjening · 5 years
Accountants Behaving Badly: Update on Ex-Wife Basher, Bank Fraud Guilty Plea, Sexual Assault
Let’s see who in the accounting profession got into trouble with the law over the past week or so.
Asian accountant, 51, who smashed his ex-wife’s head against a car and called her a ‘bacon basher’ after she began dating a white man is ordered to pay her £150 compensation [Daily Mail] Here’s an update to a story we included in Accountants Behaving Badly on May 27:
An Asian accountant who smashed his ex-wife’s head against a car and called her a ‘bacon basher’ when she started dating a white man has been spared jail and ordered to pay her £150 in compensation.
Syed Ahmad, 51, viciously assaulted former spouse of 21 years Perveen Ahmad, also 51, outside a David Lloyd centre in Cheadle, Greater Manchester.
He attacked the mother of his three children after she emerged from the gym to find her white Lexus had been sprayed with black graffiti.
As Mrs Ahmad called police to report the crime, Ahmad dragged her to the ground by her Louis Vuitton bag and started beating her, before slamming her into a nearby BMW, denting the bodywork.
Syed Ahmad
Ahmad was convicted of assault by beating and criminal damage at an earlier hearing.
Along with the compensation, he was also banned from contacting his ex-wife as part of a 12-month restraining order.
He was also ordered to pay £818.32 to the BMW owner plus £735 in costs and surcharges.
Former accountant pleads guilty to bank fraud, faces up to 90 years in jail [The Herald-Dispatch] In last week’s ABB, we told you that Kimberly Price was expected to enter a guilty plea June 17 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia in Huntington for embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from a client’s account. And that’s exactly what happened:
A Huntington accountant pleaded guilty Monday in federal court to three counts of bank fraud by embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from a client’s account, according to the office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of West Virginia.
Kimberly Dawn Price, also known at Kimberly Swann, 60, faces a maximum of 90 years in jail and a $3 million fine when she is sentenced on Sept. 9.
Kimberly Price
Price faced an indictment of 28 counts of bank fraud allegedly committed during her time as a staff accountant at the Huntington-based firm Hess, Stewart and Campbell PLLC, which has since denounced its former employee.
Price was originally arrested in January 2016 and charged with more than 900 counts of embezzlement, forgery, and uttering in Cabell County after the executor in charge of the trust for Elizabeth Caldwell, a Huntington woman who died in the fall of 2015, went to the West Virginia State Police after noticing the account was lower than expected.
According to a criminal complaint, Price “paid off (a) vehicle, went on trips, helped her son start a business, paid off her (son’s) student loans, supported her boyfriend and supported her gambling habit.”
Ex-Milwaukee County supervisor Johnny Thomas charged with fourth-degree sexual assault, disorderly conduct [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] Johnny Thomas, an accountant at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Milwaukee and a former Milwaukee County supervisor, who was cleared of bribery charges in a high-profile 2012 trial, is now accused of touching the breasts of one co-worker and exposing the breasts of another in separate incidents earlier this year.
Thomas is accused of touching the breasts of a coworker without consent while the two were having lunch at the veteran affairs’ office on March 11. The coworker said she did not inform her supervisor “for fear of a fight at her workplace,” according to the two-page complaint.
The second woman said she was having a conversation with Thomas in a hallway at the office when he asked, “Did you wear that dress for me?” He then unzipped her dress a couple of inches, exposing her chest while he rubbed against her breasts, the complaint said. The woman said she immediately contacted her supervisor.
Johnny Thomas
On the fourth-degree sexual assault charge, Thomas faces up to a $10,000 fine and nine months in jail. The disorderly conduct charge carries a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine and 90 days in jail.
Bail hiked in assault case after defendant failed to appear in court [Daily Local News] John Michael Swirsding, a CPA in Easttown Township, PA, who allegedly proclaimed that he was going to teach his girlfriend a lesson while choking her in their bedroom, had his bail raised on June 20 from $30,000 unsecured to $100,000 cash, after he failed to appear for trial June 17 on the criminal charges against him stemming from the alleged domestic assault at his Easttown home.
John M. Swirsding
Swirsding told the judge he had been forced to help his elderly parents move from their Pennsylvania home to Florida over the weekend after their house was sold last week and the plans for a new home they had put a bid in on fell through.
Swirsding, 48, was arrested on May 3, 2018, after officers were called to his home around 1 a.m. for the report of a domestic disturbance. The 911 dispatcher told officers that they could hear sounds of things being broken in the background, and yelling and screaming coming over the phone during the emergency call.
Officers said they found Swirsding sitting on top of a woman, holding her down on a bed while she screamed.
The woman, who was identified as Swirsding’s girlfriend but not named in the complaint, said she had been in bed when he attacked her, grabbing her by the neck and choking her. She said she could not breathe and thought Swirsding was going to kill her. During the attack, she said Swirsding told her multiple time that she was “getting a lesson this time.”
He was charged with strangulation, simple assault, terroristic threats, and related charges.
According to his LinkedIn profile, Swirsding is currently a managing director at financial consulting firm CFGI. He previously was a partner for several years at ParenteBeard, which merged with Baker Tilly in October 2014. He also used to work at EY.
Prison time, restitution for accountant who stole thousands from Club for Boys [Rapid City Journal] Olivia Kuehner, former accounting manager of the Rapid City Club for Boys, is heading to federal prison and will pay $235,159 in restitution after stealing from the nonprofit and a Rapid City business.
She was sentenced on June 20 to 41 months in prison after pleading guilty to wire fraud, money laundering, and tax evasion. The first two crimes have maximum prison sentences of 20 years, while tax evasion has a five-year maximum.
Kuehner will have to pay $180,861 in restitution to the Club for Boys and Collins Siding and $54,298 in restitution to the IRS.
Kuehner embezzled $121,642 from the Club for Boys from September 2012—just one month after she was hired—until May 2017. She covered her actions by not listing the payments in accounting records, or saying the payments went to employees or vendors when they really went to herself, husband, son, and a business.
The post Accountants Behaving Badly: Update on Ex-Wife Basher, Bank Fraud Guilty Plea, Sexual Assault appeared first on Going Concern.
republished from Going Concern
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electorquotes · 5 years
The Continuation of Mr. Rapin’s History of England, 1761
Page vii: Footnote: In the proclamation for calling his first parliament, he arbitrarily prescribed as well to the electors as elected, and subjected both to severe penalties, in case any return should be made contrary to his proclamation. And in a speech to the parliament expressly tells them, “As it is blasphemy to dispute what God may do, so is it sedition in subjects to dispute what a king may do in the height of “his power.” So possessed was the king (says Burnet) of a divine right in all kings, that he could not bear that even an elective and limited king should be called in question by his subjects, and therefore would never give prince Frederic, his son-in-law, the title of king, nor lend him any assistance for the support of his new dignity. It was also usual with him, from the same principle, to call the Dutch, rebels, for endeavoring to shake off the tyrannical yoke of Spain.
Page xlvi: Footnote: The house of commons of the same parliament, the last day of their sitting, voted, “That the acts of parliament made in the reign of queen Elizabeth and king James, against popish recusants, ought not to be extended against protestant dissenters.” And, “That the prosecution of protestant dissenters upon the penal laws, is at this time grievous to the subject, a weakening the protestant interest, and encouragement to popery, and dangerous to the state of the kingdom.” It was also given to the members of the last parliament of this reign, as an instruction from their electors, to repeal the 35th of Elizabeth and the corporation act. By the favor thus shown them, the non-conformists (says Burnet) behaved themselves very indecently, and fell very severely upon the body of the clergy, which made the bishops and clergy apprehend, that a rebellion, and with it the pulling the church to pieces, was designed. It was easy therefore for the court to inflame the clergy, and cause them to turn their apprehensions of popery into a dread of falling again under a presbyterian government.
Page 272: But with all this, the arms of France did not prevail this summer. Three considerable armies rose up against her at once. One of 50,000 men, under the duke of Bavaria; one of 47,000, under the elector of Saxony; and the third of 51,000, commanded by the elector of Brandenburg. The duke of Lorrain was at the had of the imperial troops, who after a siege of two months, took Mentz by capitulation. The French, by their own concession, had above 900 men salon, and 14,000 wounded. The duke, sensible of the merit and bravery of the marquis dUxelles, left him master of the articles of capitulation. By the taking of Mentz, Franconia, which before lay exposed, was now covered. The elector of Brandenburg laid siege to Keiserswert, and was pursuing the attacks with vigor, when the garrison, partly French and partly Germans, dividing themselves, demanded to capitulate, and surrendered upon articles. Flushed with this success, the elector besieged Bonne, where baron d’Asfeld commanded with very good officers under him. He had eight battalions of foot, a regiment of horse, and another of dragoons. The siege, by reason of several interruptions, proved very tedious; but at last the counterscarp, and some outworks being taken by storm, the garrison surrendered after fifty-five days blockade, and twenty-six days close siege. The taking of Bonne, which laid the Rhine open as far as to Mentz, was partly owing to the duke of Lorrain, who, after the surrender of Mentz, let part of his army to the assistance of the elector of Brandenburg. The duke showed a generous regard for baron d’Asfeld who had so long and so bravely defended the place against himself and the electors of Bavaria and Brandenburg. With this siege ended the campaign on the Rhine.
Page 361: He went from thence to England, and passing through Holland, entered into a particular confidence with the prince of Orange; and being invited by the elector of Brandenburg to Berlin, was made governor of Prussia, and set at the head of all the elector’s armies. He was treated likewise by the young elector with the same regard that his father had shown him, and in 1688, was sent by him to Cleves, to command the troops, which were raised by the empire for the defense of Cologne. When the prince of Orange was almost ready for his expedition into England, the marshal obtained leave of the elector of Brandenburgh to accompany the prince in that attempt: upon whose advancement to the throne of England he was made a duke. He was a man of great calmness, application, and conduct, and thought much better than he spoke; of true judgment, exact probity, and of an humble and obliging temper. He had a thorough experience of the world; knew men and things better than any man of his profession ever did; and was as great in council as at the head of an army. In his declining years his memory very much failed, but his judgment remain true and clear to the last.
Page 411: The French were not able to draw any advantage from this success; for the Dutch repaired their losses with admirable diligence, so that prince Waldeck being reinforced by the five English regiments, which were not in the action, eight or nine thousand men from Hanover, and ten thousand more of the bishopric, of Liege, Brandenburghers and Hollanders, under count de Tilly, he joined the elector of Brandeburg with all his forces. By this conjunction the confederate army being reckoned 55,000 strong, bent their march to Genap, and so to Bois-Seigneur-Isaac. And though Luxembourg had been likewise considerably reinforced, yet he sat contented with the glory of having gained a signal victory this summer, and fortified his camp so, as not to be obliged to fight without considerable advantage. On the other hand, the states-general sent positive orders to prince Waldeck not to hazard another engagement till the fleet should be again at sea; and this restrained elector of Brandenburg, who, in conjunction with the Dutch, was superior in numbers to Luxembourg. And afterwards, when the states superseded this orders, he did not think fit to hazard his army. Such is the fate of confederate armies, when under a different direction, that when the one is willing, or at least seems to be so, the other standoff. So there was no further action in Flanders this campaign.
Page 431: Footnote: The ambassadors and foreign ministers present were those from the emperor, the count de Winditsgratz, and Berks, with the chevalier de Campecht; from the king of Spain, don Emanuel de Colona; from the king of Denmark, the count of Rebenklam and M. Centhe; from the king of Sweden, the count of Oxensterm; from the king of Poland, M. Moreau; from the Elector of Bavaria, the baron of Boomgarden and M. Prielmeyere; from the elector of Brandenburg, M. Van Diest and Smettau, from the elector of Saxony, M. Haxhausen; from the elector of Treves, the baron de Leyon, and M. Champagne; from the elector of Mentz, M. Talberg and Meyers; from the elector of Cologne, the general and baron Berusaw and M. Soelmaker; from the elector palatine, M. Hertermans; from the duke of Savoy, the count de Pielat and the president de la Tour; from the duke of Zell, M. Zieger; from the bishop of Munster, M. de Nort; from the landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, the baron Gorts, and M. Reppelaar; from the duke of Wolfembuttle, the baron Crosek; from the duke of Hanover, M. Klekk; from the duke of Holstein Gottorup, M. Turkey; and from the price of Liege, counsellor Mean.
Page 493: Flandrs lay exposed to great danger, where the feebleness of the Spanish government so exhausted and weakened the whole country, that all the strength of the confederate armies was scarce able to defend it. The Spaniards had offered to deliver it up to king William, either as he was king of England, or as he was stadtholder of the United Provinces. He knew the bigotry of the people so well, that he was convinced it was not possible to get them to submit to a Protestant government; but he proposed the elector of Bavaria, who seemed to have much heat, and an ambition of signalizing himself in that country, which was then the chief scene of the war; and he could support that government by the troops and treasure, that he might draw out of his own electorate. Besides if he governed that country well, and acquired a fame in arms, that might give him a prospect of succeeding to the crown of Spain, in the right of his electress, who, if the house of Bourbon was set aside, was next in that succession. The Spaniards agreed to this proposal; but they would not make the first offer of it to that elector, nor would he ask it; and it stuck for some time at this. But the court of Vienna adjusted the matter, by making the proposition, which the elector accepted; and was accordingly appointed governor, and the choice of him declared at Madrid, in the council of state; which put new life into those oppressed and miserable provinces.
Page 509: Some changes were likewise made in Scotland, where affairs were put into another method. Lord Tweedale was made lord chancellor of that kingdom, lord Melvill appointed lord privy seal, and most of his creatures were laid aside. But several of those who had been in Montgomery’s plot, were brought into the council and ministry. Mr. Johnston, who had been enjoy extrarordinary to the elector of Brandenburgh, was called home in February, and made joint-secretary of state for that kingdom with the lord Stair. It began soon to appear there, how ill the king was advised, when he brought in some of the plotters into the chief posts of that government.
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biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
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12/22/22: I did some character pages! This is Tilly’s character page (I have 3 others I did today). 
“Tilly” Matilda Murray/Mr. Matthew Murray-Grey/Professor Matilda M. Knight
Charles and Danice Murray’s second daughter. Rosalie’s younger butch horse-loving sister. Conspired with her sister to make their second governess, Miss Grey’s life miserable because they wanted their first governess Miss Holburn to return. 
Tilly becomes a female husband and marries Hester Knight under a new male identity. 
Later in life, she finishes her incomplete education and reunites with Miss Holburn to help her run an all girl’s school. They are both professors with college degrees by this point. 
Through her sister Rosalie’s social connections, she meets The Starlings (a couple in a lavender marriage- a gay man marries a lesbian) and then becomes Lady Gerry Starling’s long time lover. 
Birthday: April 30th (Taurus) 
Tilly is a soft butch with a generally naïve nature.
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tutuprincesse · 11 months
Can you repost your nationals predictions I can’t find it lol?
I plan on posting an updated one for TDA Las Vegas once I can see the schedule, but this is it for now.
Mini top 3: Lilly, Ellary Day, and Elsie
Mini top 10: Sylvie Win, Kendyl Miller, Harper Anderson, Brooklyn Ward, Tillie Kuhl, Melina Blitz, Madisyn Amos, Stella, Ella-Nani Knight, Bella Charnstrom, Tatum Self, Khloe Douros
Junior top 3: Savannah, Kiera Sun, Keelyn Jones
Junior top 10: Kelsie, Aria Du, Fiona Wu, Tahari, Faith Crain, Roxie, Addison Price, Isabella Tjoe, Ingrid Wirtz, Kylie Lawrence
Teen top 3: Crystal, Izzy, Isabella Lynch, Keira
Teen male winner: Ian Stegman
Senior top 3: Isabella Jarvis, Sabine Nehls, Ava Wagner
Mini top 3: Camila, Mya, Lily Hackney
Mini top 10: Olivia, Remi Hilson, Belle Arauz, Anita Rodriguez, Lainey Hess, Macey, Mikaela, Mila Simunic, Brinley Evans, Anna Holley
Junior top 3: Zoe Flores, Kya, Kiera (put her in both vegas and orlando bc idk which she's doing),
Junior top 10: Diana, Esme, Kennedy Anderson, Isabella, Ella Dobler, Kate Baldwin, Kensington, Bella Rey D'Armas, Braylynn, Lexus Natalie, Kennedy Anderson, Regan, Ainsley
Teen top 3: Gracyn, Cami Voorhees, Sophia Garcia
Senior top 3: Bella Tagle, Destanye Diaz, Dyllan (delusional), Caroline Quiner (actual)
Senior male winner: Sam Fine
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kfvbook · 7 years
2016 (20)
the ox-bow incident (walter van tilburg clark) - 8/10 tarka the otter (henry williamson) - 8/10 frost (thomas bernhard) - 6/10 no longer human (osamu dazai) - 9/10 the age of innocence (edith wharton) - 8/10 people of the city (cyprian ekwensi) - 5/10 doctor zhivago (boris pasternak) - 8/10 army of shadows (joseph kessel) - 8/10 tell me a riddle (tillie olsen) - 7/10 mislaid (nell zink) - 9/10 ask the dust (john fante) - 9/10 in the labyrinth (alain robbe-grillet) - 8/10 jealousy (alain robbe-grillet) - 6/10 a man asleep (georges perec) - 10/10 things: a story of the sixties (georges perec) - 7/10 gertrude (hermann hesse) - 8/10 lonesome traveler (jack kerouac) - 7/10 coup de grace (marguerite yourcenar) - 7/10 the hottest state (ethan hawke) - 8/10 cold mountain (charles frazier) - 10/10
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Bookshelf Overload: December 2016
Well, December happened, as I knew it would. I took advantage of a large number of holiday and end of year sales and made good use of coupons and gift cards, so my wallet is happier than it would have been otherwise, but I still managed to pick up an absurd number of things. This includes an unusual amount of anime for me, such as the Amazon-exclusive limited edition of Cowboy Bebop which was on super sale at one point. (This will replace the bootleg copy I unintentionally bought when I was much younger and didn’t know any better or how to tell the difference.) Probably the manga release I was most excited for in December was the return of Makoto Yukimura’s Vinland Saga. (I’ll hopefully have a review of the eighth and most recent omnibus to share in the near future.) I’m also especially happy to have the deluxe edition of Junji Ito’s Tomie and the conclusion of The Ghost and the Lady by Kazuhiro Fujita on my shelves. And, of course, more of Inio Asano’s Goodnight Punpun, Haruichi Furudate’s Haikyu!!, and Izumi Tsubaki’s Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun are always welcome. Fans of Mentaiko Itto will also want to be aware of the poster collection recently released by Bruno Gmünder. It’s labeled as “1,” so there may very well be more to come. (Ahem.) As for comics, Reindeer Boy by Cassandra Jean is a lot of fun and I recently read and highly recommend The One Hundred Nights of Hero by Isabel Greenberg.
Manga! Aoharu X Machinegun, Volume 1 by Naoe Blood Blockade Battlefront, Volumes 1-7 by Yasuhiro Nightow Bungo Stray Dogs, Volume 1 written by Kafka Asagiri, illustrated by Sango Harukawa Dragon Voice, Volumes 1-10 by Yuriko Nishiyama Fruits Basket, Omnibus 1 by Natsuki Takaya Gangsta: Cursed, Volume 1 written by Kohske, illustrated by Syuhei Kamo The Ghost and the Lady, Volume 2 by Kazuhiro Fujita Giganto Maxia by Kentaro Miura Goodnight Punpun, Omnibus 4 by Inio Asano Haikyu!!, Volume 7 by Haruichi Furudate Happiness, Volume 2 by Shuzo Oshimi He’s My Only Vampire, Volumes 1-3 by Aya Shouoto Holy Corpse Rising, Volume 1 by Hosana Tanaka Hunter x Hunter, Volumes 1-8 by Yoshihiro Togashi Kiss of the Rose Princess, Volumes 1-2 by Aya Shouoto Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Volumes 1-2 by Shinobu Ohtaka Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun, Volume 5 by Izumi Tsubaki New Lone Wolf and Cub, Volume 6 written by Kazuo Koike, illustrated by Hideki Mori One-Punch Man, Volume 10 written by One, illustrated by Yusuke Murata Ōoku: The Inner Chambers, Volumes 11-12 by Fumi Yoshinaga Pandora Hearts, Volumes 20-22 by Jun Mochizuki Persona 4, Volumes 4-5 by Shuji Sogabe The Prince and His Dark Days, Volume 2 by Hico Yamanaka Seven Princes of the Thousand Year Labyrinth, Volume 1 by Yu Aikawa Sweetness and Lightning, Volume 3 by Gido Amagakure Tomie by Junji Ito Vinland Saga, Omnibus 8 by Makoto Yukimura Welcome to the Ballroom, Volume 2 by Tomo Takeuchi
Comics! Babybel Wax Bodysuit by Eric Kostiuk Williams Battles by Jenn Woodall Canopy by Karine Bernadou Centralia 2050, Chapters 1-2 by Michelle Stanford A City Inside by Tillie Walden Diesel Ignition by Tyson Hesse Dirty Diamonds, Issue 7: Imagination edited by Claire Folkman and Kelly Phillips The End of Summer by Tillie Walden Forest Dew by Heldrad Hot Dog Taste Test by Lisa Hanawalt I Love This Part by Tillie Walden Little Kinano by Yeehun Mondo by Ted McKeever Oath: An Anthology of New (Queer) Heroes edited by Audre Redpath The One Hundred Nights of Hero by Isabel Greenberg Panther by Brecht Evens RAV, Volume 2 by Mickey Zacchilli Reindeer Boy by Cassandra Jean Rosalie Lightning by Tom Hart Small Town Witch written by Alex Singer, illustrated by Jayd Aït-Kaci Somthing Terrible by Dean Trippe Spidersilk, Volume 1 by Pamela Kotila SuperCakes by Kate Leyh That Which Wills: Virgo Rising, Book 1 written by Alex Singer, illustrated by Jayd Aït-Kaci
Artbooks! BLKBT by C Lijewski Burl & Furl edited by Irene Koh, Ricardo Bessa, Paul Reinwand, and Kevin Jay Stanton Poster Book 1 by Mentaiko Itto
Novels! The Borrowed by Chan Ho-Kei Memoirs of a Polar Bear by Yoko Tawada Moshi Moshi by Banana Yoshimoto Orochi no Yaiba written by Itoshi, illustrated by Aldaria Outlet by Randy Taguchi
Anime! Cowboy Bebop directed by Shinichirō Watanabe Detroit Metal City directed by Hiroshi Nagahama My Love Story directed by Morio Asaka Natsume’s Book of Friends, Seasons 3-4 directed by Takahiro Omori The Perfect Insider directed by Mamoru Kanbe Persona 4: The Animation directed by Seiji Kishi Terror in Resonance directed by Shinichirō Watanabe Yurikuma Arashi directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara Young Black Jack directed by Mitsuko Kase
By: Ash Brown
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biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
Friend me on Storygraph!
Bookblr friends; this is my storygraph account. I’ve been meaning to add this link but keep forgetting. It also has my reading history imported from goodreads so I have everything I’ve read from about 2011/2012 on there. 
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biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
Tumblr media
So I broke 50k on my NaNoWriMo for 2022 today! I’m nowhere near being done though. This story is one expansive Victorian beast so I’ll keep writing every day this month. And cheer everyone else onward to victory! Come on, Writeblr! You got this! <3 We’re at the half way point so anything is possible. :)
Also new title for the project because, well, it fits the story better:
Tilly: The Progress of a Victorian Lesbian and Female Husband
I didn’t do my update post yesterday because I started getting sick last night so I logged off early. I’m still sick, but the show must proceed as planned! 
Day 14 Word Count: 6,253 Words (the total was 49,466 words)
Day 15 Word Count: 1,245 Words
Current Total: 50, 711 Words
I pretended like I had no idea what she was doing. Hopefully, she liked what she saw. I didn't stop her from looking, if she wanted to. Though I couldn't be entirely sure, I liked to believe her hunger matched mine. That she actually liked women the way I did. After all, it was Miss Adelaide Green who introduced me to this hidden world of desire. No one would accuse her of being not lady enough. No one could deny her femininity. Mama kept measuring my feminine failures against Rosie’s and Miss Green's many successes. 
Papa had thought it cruel and usually (though unhelpful in Mama's opinion) offered to go riding with me to cheer my dampened spirits. I missed my horses; I missed Papa letting me go out. And oddly enough, I sometimes even missed Mama's fussing.
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biromanticbookbabe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 4
Today was even better for writing (word count wise). However, I’m writing way out of order and all over the place so this is going to suck to try to slap together at the end of the month or whenever I’m done drafting this. I wrote three partial scenes from different parts of the novel. 
I have classes off this week so this is when I had the least obligations from school. So the further I get this week, the easier it will be for me to get to 50k.
Day 4 Word Count: 4,205 words
Word Count Total to Date: 13,090 words
Excerpt (one of several scenes at the Victorian Lesbian bar): 
One wife was a lovely lady of forty with a husbandly lover who was likely also near her more mature age. The other couple was probably close to Hess and I in age, maybe only a few years older. The older lady seemed to know Hess, I realized. She had never told me how she came to know about this place. Perhaps she had been here before.
Her husband looked at me with an assessing wise brown eye but said nothing. His gaze intimidated me. What did he think of me? Did he think me worthy of Hess? He gave me a secretive smile and wink.
"You're alright, kid." Was all he said after that tense moment. 
I felt warm as though I had received extremely high praise but I couldn't begin explain to you why that was. His look of approval made me feel fortified. I knew without having to even know his name that he was another female husband, out enjoying a night with his wife and their likeminded friends. If I wasn't aware of the concept of female husbandry, I would have simply thought him a neat little gentleman who was with his wife. 
He wasn't smoking but handed me his flask. "Mulberry wine, it's the wife's recipe. She came from a brewer's family, makes the finest alcohol in this part of the country. I'd bet my best pistol upon it." He told me, urging me to take a drink.
Ah, it was so delicious! 
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