#This is what it looked like when I came out of gpose
drowxiv · 2 months
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Little bonus 'behind the scenes' fat cat roll from the really quick shot I did of my new Eureka weapons.
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scionshtola · 4 months
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do as your heart decrees, without hesitation or regret
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 10 months
Intention: short post
Reality: we will find out
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This is Duck. He is secretly important.
When I was first doing gpose things, all those years ago, I realized something I enjoyed was having my minion photobomb what I was doing. Originally for Dusk, it was usually tiny Estinien.
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And that was all well and good, but at some point Dusk came into possession of the Ugly Duckling minion. I thought he was cute, so started running around with him out instead, sometimes. This had an inadvertent result: people looking at my pictures of Dusk LOVED the duck.
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Not that I blamed them, mind you. He's very cute, and seems happy to be here.
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At first, he was just. You know. Around? While Dusk was doing whatever dopey-ass thing Dusk gets up to. But whenever I posted a picture of Dusk that didn't have the duck somewhere in the frame, people would ask me where he was. The duck had started to become expected.
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The worst was when I was taking pictures of the ShB relics to show people who didn't want to just look it up their damn selves. I'd be putting in work to make the weapon the focus, but if the duck wasn't there, WHERE IS THE DUCK.
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"Fine," I thought, "If people want the duck, I guess I'll actually pay attention to what he's doing in the picture."
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This was not enough, somehow. Now people wanted to know his name. I pondered this, I really did, and I realized: This duck is not Dusk's pet. Or at least, Dusk doesn't think of him that way. So Dusk only calls him Duck, and refers to him as a friend.
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Before I started using anamnesis/ktsis sometimes, Duck was a tremendous pain in the ass to pose. This pose, which should've been simple, took me like 20 minutes to get Duck to STAND IN THE RIGHT GODDAMN PLACE long enough for me to get into gpose, even using /handover to get him to move. And then I-don't-know-how-long to get his head pointed in the way I wanted.
(Ignore Dusk's hair. It was a Phase.)
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Duck is, I think, probably an auspice. Dusk has no idea, of course, he just ... thinks Duck does as Duck pleases, and doesn't question how he gets to where he does. Standing there in the middle of a battlefield? He'll keep himself safe, surely. He's on the First? Well, good, it's nice to see another friendly face. The edge of the universe? Seems normal, would be stranger if he wasn't there, to be honest.
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So yeah, get used to seeing Duck. He's happy to be included.
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humblemooncat · 10 months
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Happy 10th Anniversary to what has become my favorite MMO I've ever played.
I went into why and when I started playing here, but I figured I'd go more in-depth on my characters (and why Ki'to is my main) in this post since it's finally Rising time again.
Warning, long ass rambling post ahead
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As I had mentioned, I started playing in late 2020 when a couple friends I played D&D with introduced me to it.
At that time, I created my first character Suna Amantius (Whom I still have for nostalgia, but don't play). Since au ra were free to play at that time, I made her a pink raen Arcanist. Yes, back when carbies gave every arcanist heart palpitations because they used aoe without asking. Thus why it took me a long time to pick it back up again.
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The very first screen I got in cc while making her. <3
We only played together a few times, but since I was so deep into Genshin, I ended up uninstalling since XIV's a massive space-hog.
When I picked it back up for the free 30 days after my other friend bought me the game & expacks, I ended up making a viera named Bunilla Chai over on Faerie since my little brother was playing over there at the time. She was a WHM, and another I have kept for nostalgia's sake. (I sadly don't have a screen for her, but she's cute. uwu)
I kinda main-hopped for a while after I got back into the game and actually subbed in September of '21. I played with Bunilla for a little while, but when the option to make male viera came out with EW, I ended up making one by the name of Kieran Vashanti (The surname being an homage to my old TERA character of the same name; Kieran actually went on to become Seire, and now Vikesh). I co-mained him alongside Orias, my longest-standing OC, who actually started out as an Elezen.
Kieran / Seire / Vikesh
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How it started > where it went > where we are now
I also ended up making a lalafell since I saw how much fun my mother seemed to be having with her own. My dear little Sprout Arboris. <3
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The best pic I have of her. xD
I rotated through this menagerie of mains for a while until I fanta'd and renamed Sprout. Her new name? Nox Vitae.
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Yup. My horrible son was initially a sweet lalafell lady. xD Though he did go through one hell of a transition, from fem lala, to fem viera, to fem miqo, to masc viera (this was about when I had come out to my friends, so I embraced it in my main at the time as well. As such, he started out looking like a self-insert, but took on his own traits after a while. This is also why he is canonically trans ftm, as I see both viera transformations as canon for him. His fem form being what was canon in appearance for Vitae when he and U'nhea were sprouts)
(I did miss Sprout after a while though, so I remade her on Zalera later.)
Alongside Nox, who was my main for a while, I also had an alt on Siren I used to play with other friends, A'razi Tia. He was my first introduction to Monk, as well as catboys. To say I took maybe too many pictures admiring him is an understatement. Before Ki'to, he was my most gposed character. xD
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We ended up moving data centers a little while after last rising, and then is when I created Y'rhala and Ki'to, whom I played as alts while I switched back to A'razi for most things.
Once I hit the CT ARs with Razi, my social anxiety got the best of me, and I decided to run an alt for a while and redo ARR. So I picked back up with Ki'to, whom I had made as a pretty ashen moon keeper simply to grab the moonfire outfit last year.
He wasn't meant to be more than an alt. Honestly, he looked like a fuckboy and it made me laugh when I logged him.
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Look at this fuckin' nerd. I do miss his ashen kitty days, truth be told, but I can't fanta him now. He wouldn't look right any other way.
He looked like this until I reached post-ARR. I ended up using his ARR fanta to make him a self-insert, thus his baby-faced face 3 catboy era.
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Thankfully, with the FC he joined, I ended up getting help powering through CT and finishing ARR fully. It was post-ARR that I got another fanta and gave him more defined features with face 4, and gave him the face he's known for today.
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As I put it on my personal discord:
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It wasn't too long after this that I made this blog and captured his adventures through HW and beyond. It was then that I committed to making him my main, as the story had sucked me in and he was my protagonist. I couldn't imagine any other in his place.
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Though, the story isn't the only reason he's become my most robust OC ever, that came through story and interactions over here. I'm constantly thankful that I decided to make this blog when I did, because using it as an outlet for headcanons and getting asks from the friends I've made during his journey has made him such a well-rounded character with a clear personality and character arc.
I am very grateful for those of you I've met here, not only have you been some of the best people I've met through this game, but you've all helped to shape Ki'to in some small way. The man fights for love because he was made from love. <3
Hope you enjoyed my rambling about my journey, and happy Rising my friends! Here's to 10 more years! /toast
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starrysnowdrop · 6 months
Hello! Another little Hali question if I may?
Feeling a bit inspired by the screenshots you posted of Hali and Aymeric in Ishgard, I was wondering what Aymeric made of Sharlayan and it's culture?
I've really enjoyed reading about Hali's impressions of Ishgard, but I'm wondering how it went when she accompanied Aymeric to Sharlayan and how she might have helped him to make sense of any cultural differences?
Fortunately Aymeric has exquisite manners, so that probably helped, but were there any challenges (other than the cuisine I imagine!).
I expect that the scholarly proclivities of the Sharlayans were not entirely alien, given his familiarity with Saint Endalim's Scholasticate, but were there things that surprised him? Did Hali show him around the Noumenon? Or even take him to dance beneath the artificial stars of Labyrinthos?
After all the time she spent away from home, did she quite enjoy playing tour guide? Or did she feel somewhat ambivalent about her homeland and her connection with it?
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Yay!! I’ve been blessed with another Mimble ask!! And this is a good one too, because I’ve been meaning to talk about Aymeric’s impressions of Sharlayan since I’ve talked extensively about Hali’s impressions of Ishgard already. So let’s jump right into it! 💖
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Aymeric had heard so much about Sharlayan from Hali over the years, and he was familiar with the abandoned Sharlayan colony and Idyllshire, so he had seen ruins of Sharlayan architecture before, but it still didn’t prepare him for just how beautiful Sharlayan is (as were many of us too when the EW trailer came out). It was breathtaking, with the white marble buildings, the harbor with the Thaliak statue, and all of the water features found throughout the city. Aymeric appreciates fine art and architecture, so he was quite impressed with all the sights.
Another element that Aymeric was impressed by was that there was no class or caste system in Sharlayan society. Everyone was equal, and there was a true democracy in place that Aymeric really enjoyed seeing. It was prevalent everywhere he went, and all had an equal opportunity to make a good life for themselves. Well, unless you were an outsider that is.
You see, Aymeric was treated very well, and him being so polite, respectful, and dignified, most Sharlayans were very welcoming to him… until they found out that he was Ishgardian. He found out rather quickly that many Sharlayans are, well, snobby and think very highly of themselves. No one said anything to him directly, but he was well aware of the looks that they gave him. They were judging him for being an Ishgardian, and just as Fourchenault looked down on Eorzeans when he visited Gridania, it was likely due to fighting the Dragonsong War for a thousand years, something that Sharlayans frown upon.
Even with this, Aymeric still enjoyed himself overall, as Hali was happy to give him the full tour, showing him the Noumenon with more books than he ever could imagine, the Studium where Hali studied and graduated from, eating at the Last Stand where he ate some great food (as Hali made sure to keep Archon Loaf far away from him), and of course Labyrinthos, her actual home where she was born and grew up. He visited with Hali’s parents in their home in Labyrinthos, and he was fascinated with the artificial sky, but he quickly understood why Hali was so adamant about leaving Sharlayan and seeing the world. An artificial sky and artificial environment could never replace the real thing, and he was happy to finally see where a little girl who dreamed to see the real world had grown up to become the woman he fell in love with.
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That’s about it for now! Thank you so much @mimble-sparklepudding for this amazing ask! It really helped me to brainstorm how Aymeric would feel about Sharlayan, and I might expand on all of this in the future. You also gave me some gpose ideas (dancing underneath the artificial night sky in Labyrinthos being at the top of the list), so thank you!!! 🥰💖
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discountdps · 8 months
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The eternal bonding ceremony with @pumkinbones was so lovely and beautiful. I really wasn't expecting this many people to come. And thanks to @bnuycula, we even got a local Brynhildr celebrity to show up! It was so nice having all of our friends there to celebrate with us. One of our friends even resubbed just to attend!
We both also wrote a speech to deliver. Without even planning it, they ended up being pretty similar, which is exactly what Varian thought would happen lmao. I'm including mine under the cut just to save it because I did work pretty hard on it.
I'm normally a pretty private person, so making a big public speech about how much you mean to me feels way scarier than it probably is, especially since we're surrounded by friends. But I also know how judgemental our friends are, so maybe being a little scared is understandable.
From the first time we met, I knew you were someone special. I never really get into a voice call with people I don't know, but we sat for hours and just talked. I was happy to make a friend that I shared so much in common with. I can't remember everything we talked about while we were hanging out, but I know you sat down and sketched me a picture. It was the sweetest thing someone had done for me and I still treasure that sketch to this day.
You were always pretty busy so I didn't always get to hang out with you, but when I did, I found myself having a lot of fun. I'd look forward to putting on FC events because it generally meant more time hanging out with everyone, but especially you. There was a long stretch of time, though, that you just weren't around. I was pretty bummed when events would come and go and there'd be no sign of you. I just kind of shrugged and chalked it up to you moving on like people have done before and tried not to be TOO upset about it.
But then you came back and things just felt different. Not in a bad way, but I definitely felt like I wanted to spend more time with you because I didn't know if you'd disappear again. Whenever I'd see you hanging out in Discord, I'd do my best to find some free time to join in and hang out with you. You'd listen to me fuss about things while you were drawing or Gposing and it was just really nice to vibe again.
I don't know when those platonic feelings turned into something more. I tried to deny it to myself for a lot longer than I realized, but even if I didn't, I wouldn't have acted on it out of fear of ruining our friendship. I wasn't sure if you felt the same way, so I just kept going on the assumption that we were just friends. Even with the extremely-obvious-in-hindsight clues you were dropping.
And then you invited me out on an adventure and it was all over for me. I knew from that moment on that I had to tell you how I felt. I tried to play it cool and kind of joke about it, but then you asked if you could call me your boyfriend and all pretense at being calm was lost. I had never been anyone's boyfriend before, since all my other relationships were pre-transition. But I especially loved the idea of being YOUR boyfriend.
So I jumped in feet first and I haven't regretted it. I don't have any other way to really describe how I feel about you other than you feel like home. You fill in the parts of me that have felt incomplete. You're my paramour, my partner, my person. And I promise to be a partner that you can rely on, through the good and the bad.
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avaritia-ffxiv · 2 months
5 Songs I'm Into RN
1. Tuoni - Kuolonpyörä
I LOVE the lyrics in this. But it's Finnish. And if you look up a translation, the chorus is wrong. And the chorus is the best part. So I'm a lil salty about that and had to translate it MYSELF for captainqster when sending it to them like "OMG THIS IS SO GNB GIOVANNA"
But it is, it really is her.
(Also the correct chorus goes like this:)
Pyörä pyörii - läpi ihmiselämän (The wheel turns - through human life) Pyörä pyörii - aina nauttii vähemmän (The wheel turns - always enjoys less) Pyörä pyörii - ei hellitä ikinä (The wheel turns - never relents) Kuolonpyörä - liekki ja kipinä (Wheel of death - flame and spark)
2. Beyond Awareness - Crime
This is from Nazaire's playlist.
Will I ever be fine? Do I belong in another life? Oh please show me the place where I can leave this behind Can't replace what's inside I'm all out of will to carry on with this life But if I just closed my eyes for now It's a crime
Apparently this is a Finnish band too?? The more you know. Anyway yeah very Nazaire, makes me vibe in his name.
3. Bloodbound - The Warlock's Trail
Hey it's a Swedish band this time. That's so far off.
Either way, this is from D&D Gia's playlist
In the mist of the morning a winter's day Came a man in robe from far away Out of ashes and clay of the magic vale 'Cause sorrow sail on the warlock's trail
Idk if I've ever talked about him? He's a ruthless little thing, and a warlock, so the song suits him p nicely.
4. Hozier & Bear McCreary - Blood Upon the Snow
It's not from some version of Gia's playlist!!! It's from Damonient's. I fucking love this song and it really... Gets his mood across, I feel? The melancholy, it's so good.
To all things housed in her silence Nature offers a violence The bear that keeps to his own line The wolf that seeks always his own kind The world that hardens as the harsher winter holds The parent forced to eat its young before it grows It's not my arms that will fail me But this world takes more strength than it gave me The trees deny themselves nothing that makes them grow No rain fall, no sunshine No blood upon the snow
I still haven't gotten around to doing a lil gpose to it with him.
5. Project Vela - War on Falling Stars
Embracing the darkness Telling you that it'll be okay But it's more than harmless This disease will rip your soul away I don't want to live my life by your beliefs I don't want to be caught up in vanity I don't want to swallow pills you offer me I just need to suppress these memories
This is from Saga's v2 playlist, soooooo himst after his corruption arc 'cause we can't have good sweet pure characters in this house, must ruin their whole outlook.
Tagged by @captainqster
Tagging idk who hasn't gotten tagged yet so if you've already gotten tagged or don't feel like it just ignore this but @soulshards-ooc @shadesofblades @vmbral (YES I KNOW YOU ALREADY GOT TAGGED BUT I WILL TAG YOU AGAIN) @cosmicharm (same at you) @midnightmagicks
@abalathia @shieke @briar-ffxiv @allyennah
Honorary mentions and a whole bunch of spotify links under the cut:
Bad Omens - Kingdom of Cards (from Amthan's playlist)
I made my way through hell again, I paid for my mistakes Next time, I think I'll stay awhile and pour myself a drink When I return, I'll look for you, so listen for your name If you can make it out above the roaring of the flames If it's the mask you want, then it's the mask that you will get But when I take it off, remember that you asked for this I tore myself apart to give you all that I could give Don't think that I will let it go, don't think that I'll forget I thought I wanted legacy, I thought I wanted fame I didn't know I'd lose all my loved ones in exchange Left 'em all behind and yeah, for that, I am ashamed But that's the price I'm paying 'til I'm buried in my grave
Blacklite District - Goodbye (rock mix) (from Gia and Saga v2's playlists)
Goodbye Say goodbye to the knife That you sharpen with your life Say goodbye To the dark side Goodbye Say goodbye to the lies And the pain You hold inside Say goodbye to that old life Goodbye
Hollywood Undead ft. Hyro the Hero - Comin' Through the Stereo (from Narin's playlist)
I'm going to the top and nobody's gonna stop me now Another nightmare and it's coming through the stеreo Keep going 'til I drop, 'til the hands on the clock run out Anothеr nightmare and it's coming through the stereo Straight out the gate, got them bodies dropping Ain't no grave that can hold my coffin I'm going to the top and nobody's gonna stop me now Another nightmare and it's coming through the stereo
Battle Beast - Where Angels Fear to Fly (from Nazaire's playlist)
I spread my wings and like the midnight sun I will be rising Into the frozen heights, where stars are born And where they die I'm lighting up horizons With thunder and lightning Through the darkest skies Whеre even angеls fear to fly
I COULD GO ON FOR SO MUCH LONGER, DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH MUSIC I LISTEN TO. But also yeah if I can't make it related to one character or other, it can't keep my interest.
Good thing I have a gazillion characters!
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📥👖🧠✨️ for the fic asks!
Thank you Liz! More centered on my ffxiv stuff since this is the blog for that haha. Anyway! Let's get right to it starting with the last question!
FanFic ASk Game
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Emotional, tongue-in-cheek, free-spirited or at least so I hope!
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Is it cheating to say any of them? Because I love seeing what people have to say on what I write and put out there! Among my ffxiv stuff I always love seeing comments on things that involve Stasia and Carly (which is mostly wips i know) as they are the ones that stray from the general story and aren't always likable so I like being able to see how they come across and make sure that its the way I intend to and think I'm doing when writing. A more specific piece it would have to be this piece with Anthea and the final days. I feel its one of my best works posted in completion and I like seeing how an event like that comes across to others especially given that much of that time period is up to interpretation of an individual.
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
No planning we die like men! jk jk I am more of a plantser in that I go into a wip with a general idea in my head on what I want the main focus of a piece to be, the intention of it, and any specific lines or actions that inspired it. After that I just write it out and see what happens! A lot of times I get to where I was planning and in ways I didn't expect, other times I end up somewhere different but it felt so natural writing it that I had to leave it. There are the rare occasions I don't do any planning and just get the urge to write and so I do just that and will come back to it if I get stuck, this happened recently with a piece where I had very little in mind other than knowing Phobos is reading various letters Deimos got, but who they were from and what they said and going back home were all things that I came up with on the spot.
One thing I really let free and hardly put any thought into ahead of time is the formatting of my writing though. I like to at times be a bit of a visual writer in that I will use breaks, bolds, italics, lack of spaces, etc. to convey something that I probably would take too long to write out in any other fashion. Besides how else can I best describe racing thoughts and anxiety than putting a bunch of words together without any space between them haha.
Also will mention that much of my stuff looks like panster writing because I was writing it as I was actively playing the story so I had no idea how it was all going to end and what I wanted to do with my kids as Sib and Demos started in two different universes.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
This would depend more on what you would call a wip. I tend to count anything that's at least a few paragraphs or dialogue long, which there's quite a bit of that. If we're talking just straight ideas then there's plenty of moments that I would love to write but I don't have a way to write them quite yet. Things like the last conversation Carly and Zenos have, the conversation Demos has with his mentor after the Vault, lighter moments like Sib trying to tackle Emet in ShB or the montages of the gang waking up at first light to get moving with a frantic Sib trying to catch up anime style getting ready. Hell the time that Deimos believed he could randomly tame a unicorn resulting in him, Emet, and Hyth being chased by a herd of them. Or the start of Etheirys' Worst Girls Trip with Sib and Stasia landing on their guide. I just have a lot of little things or big moments that I'd love to write because I can see them in my brain and how they play out but it can be so hard to translate that. I feel this is also why gposing has become a way for me to tackle these ideas as I plan as if I'm watching a show or movie so I can better get the angles and descriptions without having to actually describe anything haha.
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claire-ashe · 4 months
Lemure Family Collector
Again and again, the world had beaten her down. Again and again, everywhere rejected her. Again and again, nothing seemed to last. Again and again, she was bloodied and bruised. Again and again, she rose to her feet. Again and again, she carved a place to call home.
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Hello, and thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm Hazel and this is one of my alt characters for FFXIV RP. My pronouns are he/him, I'm an early 20's college student still trying to figure out what to do with my life, but I'm getting there!
I'm still very new to roleplaying but I've always had a ton of thoughts and ideas about my characters so this blog is both to help consolidate those thoughts and to also share them with anyone who wants to see them.
Claire's Carrd can be found here if you want a quick overview of things, though I will be going more in depth with who she is on this blog. My main FFXIV character's page can be found here as well.
I'm situated on Zalera (Crystal) and spend most of my time either raiding or taking GPose shots, but regardless I look forward to seeing everyone around the great, vast star we find ourselves on.
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About Claire
Claire's past is a mystery to everyone who meets her, and she prefers to keep it that way. Claiming to hail from Ala Mhigo during the peak of Garlemald's occupation, she has since traveled to and taken up residency in Uldah. Her reasons for leaving Ala Mhigo behind are left up for debate, but most simply assume her to be a refugee like most others. Claire also claims to have been involved with the liberation effort of her previous home, though no formal records of her enlistment in any Eorzean Grand Company or the Uldahn Brass Blades can support this claim. Her only ties to any combative history is as a member of the Lemure Family, a group of mercenaries stationed in Uldah. To this day Claire works as one of their top sellswords and collectors, having been personally trained by the head of the Lemures herself.
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Her attitude during jobs is always strict and to the point, she doesn't linger for much small talk, and she always takes on missions alone. All of this only adds fuel to the blazing fire in many minds: who is Claire Ashe, and why is she trying so hard to bury the answer? . . . . . You really want to know?
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Who are you, really?
Claire's full, true name is Claire bas Syndris, a pure blooded Garlean born and raised in Ala Mhigo during the height of Garlemald's occupation. Her father was a well enough off commander put in charge of one of the platoons securing the capital, and her mother ran a fairly successful restaurant near the palace's front gate. 22 years of Claire's life passed by behind the blinding veil of Garlemald's propaganda, with the exception of one small hole: her Ala Mhigan friends.
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After one fateful, painful day Claire decided to defect from the life she knew and sought to join the liberation efforts in Eorzea. Donning a headband and taking her now late best friend's name as her new surname, Claire spent the next six years training as a Lemure, being recognized as a potential Reaper and given a Soul Crystal. From then on Claire received personal training from Drusilla in the nearly forgotten Garlean art. When the time came, she aided in any way she could as a freelance mercenary, helping to return Ala Mhigo to the people it truly belonged to. Claire never saw her parents again, and to this day she is unsure whether or not they're still alive. Nowadays Claire puts her all into aiding her newfound family, the Lemures, taking every step towards the future she can to help bury her past behind her.
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snotsloth · 5 months
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Hey, wanna see the most ominous Gpose I've ever taken? Please enjoy this angsty pre-ARR Taliesin.
In the decades leading up to the events of FFXIV, Taliesin was the on-again-off-again lover or one Emperor Solus zos Galvus. As the Garlean empire grew in power, the two of them began to drift apart.
By the time of the Calamity, Taliesin spent more time away from Court than he did in it, only returning to Solus's side once or twice a year and only staying for a handful of days at a time. The excerpt below is from one of the last times Taliesin came to visit before Solus's death.
“Ah, there you are, darling.”
Taliesin turned from the leaded panes of the window to see Solus stalk into the room. He was in his full regalia; an ankle-length coat woven from the finest Garlean wool, lined with white fox fur, and trimmed with gold epaulets and a cascade of medals. He looked every inch the conquering emperor, lord of half the known world. Taliesin could barely see the upstart legatus of six decades ago through all the glamor. He was beginning to regret agreeing to this event, and it hadn’t even started.
Solus stopped and tilted his head, giving Taliesin an appraising look. The sharp scrutiny of his golden eyes made Taliesin blush and fiddle with his cuffs. How could his attention still fluster Taliesin after all these years?
“You look magnificent,” Solus said, his lips curled in smug satisfaction. “No one will be able to take their eyes off you.”
“Thank you,” Taliesin said. “Though all the credit goes to your head seamstress. You know I’m absolutely useless when it comes to fashion.” He would never have dreamed of this sort of getup. He was in a sleek, tightly tailored black bodysuit that shone like silk but stretched enough that it didn’t bunch or wrinkle much as he moved. Gold braided chords crisscrossed over his stomach, giving the impression of corseting. Over his shoulders, he wore a white blouse, cropped up high, well above his natural waist. It was made of the finest linen he had ever seen. His collar and cuffs were long and crisp, but the frills at his chest and loose, billowing sleeves draped elegantly, accentuating his long arms and narrow shoulders. To finish off the ensemble, the seamstress had shoved him into black leather thighboots with a modest heel, pointed toe, and just the slightest touch of gold filigree on the cuff. He felt more like a doll than a man.
“You would think that after sixty years of this, you would have learned how to dress yourself for court,” Solus mused as he moved closer and caught up Taliesin’s hand in his own gloved one and laid a soft kiss against his knuckles.
Leaning into his warmth, Taliesin nuzzled into Solus’s fur collar. “In my defense, these were much more modest affairs sixty years ago. Back then, I could show up at whichever château you and your officers had bunked up in, wearing naught but a woolen cloak and threadbare hose and be lauded as the second coming of Lakshmi.”
“My memory may not be what it once was,” Solus said. Taliesin snorted. They both knew that was a boldfaced lie. “But as I recall, whatever clothes you showed up in didn’t stay on your body for long anyhow.”
Taliesin clicked his tongue and playfully shoved at Solus’s chest. “Slander!” he chided. But he remembered those early raucous nights before the Empire, when Solus had been just another Legatus with a dream of unifying a beleaguered people scattered across an inhospitable homeland. He remembered how luxurious it felt, lying out next to the fire on a pile of furs, clothed only in the invisible armor of every other officer’s fear and admiration for Solus zos Galvus.
But all those men who had stared but never touched were either dead or long since retired, replaced by sycophants and spoiled sons who only thought of further expansion and lining their own pockets with treasures looted from the other side of the world.
Taliesin's smile quickly melted away as his mind once again turned to melancholy. Looking back over his shoulder, he gazed at the craggy horizon, his heart already halfway to Eorzea. Still, his hands clung to the lapels of Solus’s coat.
“I know that look,” Solus said, wrapping his hands gently around Taliesin’s wrists. “When will you leave?”
“Probably tomorrow morning, after first light. This far north, the days are too short to waste daylight,” Taliesin said. Solus let him go as Taliesin turned to look back out the window. “I find my tolerance for this life grows a bit shorter with each visit.”
He could feel Solus’s eyes on him, that piercing golden gazed that missed nothing, and gave away so little. They stood in silence, the distance between them already widening, despite physical proximity. Either one of them could force it back, pulling the other close, trying to fit into the other’s life like a foot in an ill-fitting shoe, but pretty soon, blisters would start to appear.
Then, the soft click of Solus’s boot heels broke the silence. Gloved hands at his waist and wrist pulled him back into the warmth of Solus’s chest. Taliesin could feel Solus’s nose press into the downy hairs at the base of his ear.
“Take your time,” Solus whispered. “Wherever I am, you are always welcome.”
It was the closest he ever came to saying, “I love you.”
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abimee · 1 year
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back when i played in ARR i was shown a trick on how to jailbreak sprouts from limsas without needing an airship fly and it involved teleporting to your friend's estate in a goblet/lav beds area, and i think the second day i played my bestie broke me out and took me on a world tour since ARR just gave everyone the ability to fly
so as a literal like level 1 player mags just took me all over to every ARR area and had me attune to all the aetherytes, and before i even got to lvl 10 in msq i was able to just go Anywhere i wanted to as long as i had enough gil. he took me down the streets of ul'dah and through the markets of gridania, showed me the farthest reaches of thanalan and the wedding chapel of the shroud, but one place i will literal never forget is when he took me beyond the city states to a little cold pocket area of Coerthas
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i was in the lvl 1 gear! and i was shown a little campfire up on a post and learned to gpose and use emotes IN gposes there, and i had no idea what this place was besides a wintery region full of castles and vigils. we even went back during starlight for pictures when i was still bumming around in like the level 10-20 MSQ as a lvl 50 scholar (my priorities were... somewhere. somewhere that involved picking up scholar before running tam tara)
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and for some reason this little area sticks out in my head in my ARR days because when we sat around the campfire, luka (besties m'iqote) got up and started running around the camp through doors, and in party chat he said that he was ''looking for haurchefant'' but couldnt remember ''where he'd be''. literally retained none of that in the moment, i just sort of went ? must be some guy and then went on with my day of bumming around the areas and avoiding MSQ.
i never once bumped into him beforehand, i never went into the inside areas much at all, because i mostly came here for gposes and was too focused on not getting eaten alive as a little lvl 1-30 baby at the start, and then coming back as a lvl 52 sch and just waltzing around the enemies to see some cool rocks. starlight always reminds me of this time, TWO years ago now in ARR, and i like to imagine its part of tock's lore itself; that the random catboy she met in the limsa markets took her around to help her get acquainted with Eorzea and prepare her for the unseen future, and unbeknowing to her she had in fact almost met someone very special before she was anybody special. and now starlight leaves a strange and lingering taste in her mouth
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miqojak · 11 months
Send 🏅 to see a screenshot or gpose of which you are especially proud.
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Obscure Screenshot Meme
I've been AGONIZING over this, since I have a ton of old screenshots of which I'm proud - I'll look at a photo-shoot and be like 'this is my favorite'... then I'll say the same thing about the next one! The first ones here are because I just...the lighting/shadows just get me (a character half in shadow is just a sweet spot for me, especially when it's thematic for them), the door's colors tying in with the outfit - and really, because I kinda accidentally made this outfit all on my own and fell in love with it! It's mostly Solona's stuff, except for the shoes, but all from different outfit packs... and I just like how the high-waisted skirt works so well with the Hilda shirt! (I also can't help but love the very subtle middle-finger Jak is giving in the first one - as if to say 'eyes up higher, pal!') Plus I just can't stop using Reshade's 'magic border' feature that makes screenshots pop, and I'll never not love that.
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These beach ones are because once again, I'm in love with vivid colors!! Plus it's really, really hard to get a picture with the fireworks and time it just right - no matter what tools you're using, it's just about timing and patience, and... the ADHD means I'm not the most patient person when I'm excitedly waiting on something, so this was an endeavor...and then I ended up with several good shots with different color-bursts of fireworks, and was like... well, you can only cram so many shots on a post before it's cluttered, so I picked one with the green/yellow color burst because that's the color of her eyes! Here, I can toss out a couple other contenders - the double burst of fireworks for cool factor, or the almost-bi-colors for bein' heckin' gay! (I came very close to using that one, but the tie-in to her eye color was too good!) PLUS it has proven quite difficult to find a swimsuit that I feel good putting Jak in... one where it feels like she could feel sexy - but it's not just thin strips of cloth that make me feel like she's a piece of meat on sale. She doesn't mind people looking, but you can't give it all away! (It also cracks me up that the lighthouse lights are like, highlighting her butt? xD She'd approve, she's proud of her assets! )
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Last but not least - I love re-visiting screenshots I tried to do when I was new, and tackling them anew now that I have a lot of practice under my belt. They're usually not exactly the same, but in the same or similar vein, as an homage - and this is basically what I had in my head when I first made Jak, and I had to use the anemos jacket as her leather jacket! The Streetwear set was a godsend for her, as well as the Yorha stuff, but I've never had any qualms about most of the base Miqo racial gear - Jak likes her skirt! As a former 'streetrat' as she was so 'lovingly' dubbed by her now-partner, she learned that if people are admiring the view, they're not as likely to notice that you've robbed them blind while they let base animal instinct distract them. But here, I get to finally envision her tattoos, her style, her attitude... I've been really working on my expression-work (it's not easy), because Jak is expressive! I want to convey a little more than the base emotes give, most times (though there's nothing wrong with a /sneer most days... I just want more brow movement sometimes! XD) Also! The Yorha explorable zone is just... top notch for Gpose shots for her! I'd love more diverse backdrops (And I do mix it up at times!), but this one is so often the best suited to her aesthetic, that I keep coming back and using different areas of it.
Thank you so much for this ask! Sorry it took a bit for me to decide...then I got long-winded, as usual!
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aoife-asturmaux · 10 months
Aoife has a very similar skin tone to my wol and I was wondering if you have any good shader recommendations that don’t wash out darker skin tones? Thank you if you take the time to answer!
Thanks for asking!! I actually used to have a recs post but I deleted it after the gshade drama earlier this year. Might as well make a new one!
First, i should mention that a lot of shaders are very dependent on the lighting and environment! Some only look good on dark-skinned characters at night or indoors, or in conjunction with the gpose lighting/brightness slider to get the tone you want juuust right.
With that caveat out of the way, here are some favorites!
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Ipsusu Screenie Amber
Ipsusu's shaders are primarily gameplay-focused, but their "screenie" shaders have all the fancy bells and whistles of other screencap-focused presets. I'm particularly fond of the Amber variant, because it adds a really nice warm tone and looks great in broad daylight or bright places. There are a number of variants (Melon and Crystal are also quite good!) so try out the ones that look best on your wol!
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Glace Clear Bloom B
This one can have mixed results (beware bright sunlight!) but works pretty well outdoors if you use the sun as your rimlight and shine a gpose point light on your wol.
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Maya Sharlayan Portrait was tuned specifically for use in Sharlayan during the day, and while it works pretty well in other waterside locations I'd limit its use to outdoors/daytime. Maya Purple Cocoon has a bunch of shaders tuned specifically for darker-skinned wols, and while I don't use them very often they look pretty good with aoife. definitely worth looking into!
I'm still playing around and experimenting to find shaders that work best with aoife (and some don't work as well as advertised >_>) but definitely play around with different lighting environments and light setups. Shaders that wash your wol out in the daytime might look fabulous at night!
I'm going to put the remaining recs under a cut bc i actually don't want to give the person who made these any more free advertising. buuuut if your shaders came from a previous gshade install, you will have these already, and it would be remiss of me not to at least mention them when i use them every day.
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Simple & Clean 2 in the Natural folder is my go-to for... just about everything, honestly. I don't always use it in daylight because it does tend to wash out skin, but at night or indoors it's phenomenal.
I also get a lot of use out of Hanami in the same folder, but that one's way more hit or miss w/ skintones.
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Nami is another shader in the Natural folder that works pretty well with dark skin. It adds an overall cool tone (works great in Ishgard!) as opposed to simple & clean 2's warm tone.
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Traveler can be tough to use because of its high contrast, but in certain environments it's unbelievable how good it looks. I use it most often on the moon and in ultima thule.
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Vanilla Natural is in the Final Fantasy XIV folder in [Universe], and it's just what it says on the tin: all it adds is a little more saturation and a stronger depth of field blur, but otherwise there aren't any fancy effects. There's also a version with just the blur and no additional saturation. This is a great shader for folks who like the look of the vanilla game (or want to preserve their wol's skintone ;))
and that's that about that!
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paintedscales · 1 year
WoLstinien Week 2023 -> Day 7 -> Living Together
Flip flopped on wanting to do Gpose or write something. Writing something won out if only because I had things to do.
Word count: 1,532
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Home always felt warm. Home always smelled of herbs and spice – of flowers and palm.
In the day, the pitter patter of feet and the merry laughter of two girls could be heard. On occasion, Estinien’s deep laugh and playful words as he tended to the whims of his daughters caught the attention of Nomin. At night, the soothing voice of the xaelic woman reading a book aloud for those girls flowed as naturally as the waters flowed through the island. Estinien had often found himself a willing victim to the allure of sleep in those moments where calm could wrap around him like a blanket.
Home was surrounded by flora and fauna native to the island. Home was surrounded by flora and fauna introduced to the island by Nomin. Home was abundant in its bounty that both the tilled and nurtured fields yielded, and the naturally occurring wealth that the island produced. A symbiotic and loving relationship between those who lived upon the land and the land itself.
“Home…” the word was a ghost upon Nomin’s lips as she sat out on the swinging bench that had been built upon the porch of the island cabin. Before long, a silent scoff left her, and she soon smiled to herself. She used the tips of her toes to rock herself every now and then.
The thoughts of what ‘home’ meant danced around her head in recent time, almost as if they had been aching and begging to surface for a long while. For what did ‘home’ mean to one who used to travel exclusively from place to place to place? To one who allowed herself to wander as her heart desired?
A hearth? A roof over one’s head? A place where you could cook warm meals? A location where you could rest your head?
A ger or a traveler’s tent could certainly be all that and more. Not to mention that either one had been easy enough to disassemble and pack up to bring to the next location.
“The girls are finally asleep,” came Estinien’s voice as he walked out from the cabin, his words causing Nomin to jump somewhat. It seemed her Echo had not alerted her to his presence. That, or she was too deep in her own thoughts to really even pay it any mind. It mattered little at that point.
“Truly?” Nomin questioned briefly, moving over on the swinging bench a small ways to allow Estinien room to sit on it next to her. “I imagine it wasn’t easy. It’s a treat for them, you know. Getting a story out of you, that is. All the time since you first regaled them with one of your stories, they ask me, ‘but when will papa tell us about how mama and his friends rescued him?’ They love hearing your side of it versus mine.”
“That they do… I wonder if they find themselves curious about the power of Nidhogg and his grasp on my soul and body,” Estinien replied with a sigh. He sat down on the bench, leaning back on it and draping an arm around Nomin all the while. Though his words were spoken rather casually, Nomin could not help but to wonder his mental state on reliving that.
“... Does it bother you at all?” Nomin asked, resting against Estinien once he had made himself comfortable.
The silence did little to comfort the auri woman, and she looked up at him, attempting to gauge his thoughts based on the changes in his facial expression that she could discern. However, he seemed to shrug it off, wrapping both his arms around her and pulling her close.
“It does not,” Estinien replied with no betrayal of conviction. “They shall find out sooner or later at any rate. What with Ser Edmont de Fortemps’ book in your very own possession. Not to mention the manservant’s writings that have made it to publication, as you told it. The one that often accompanies the younger Fortemps lordling. Best to sate their curiosity now.”
“You mean Honoroit?” Nomin asked, her question more rhetorical than a genuine one. Of course that was who he meant. It seemed that even with his overall growth as a person, there were still times he exhibited difficulties in remembering names of people he had met briefly, or had little interaction with.
“Mm…” Estinien hummed in neutral response, not giving a proper one to confirm nor deny. He simply rested there, rubbing Nomin’s shoulder as they sat there in silence. Nomin minded this fact little. Silence and being together in silence was just as valuable as filling it with talk – especially when they could simply bask in one another’s presence.
Relaxing and nestling into Estinien on the bench, Nomin turned her gaze out toward the surrounding flora that enveloped the cabin’s grounds. Fireflies danced with one another; a pale imitation of the stars that glittered in the velvety night sky, but beautiful all the same. Crickets weaved their songs, their fiddling accompanying the gentle winds that rustled the leaves of the encompassing foliage.
This is what life had been like being settled on the island. A veritable paradise of peace and privacy, thanks in no small part to both Tataru and Baldin making sure that only approved guests might visit the island.
“I have been thinking…” Estinien quietly started, breaking the silence. “Fleurette and Cyrielle have been rather…excitable when it comes to any talk of my being part of the Knights Dragoon, or your helping to revive the art of the Red Mage.”
Nomin shifted, giving Estinien more of her attention. She had a feeling she knew where this was going.
“Should…you…feel they are ready, perhaps we can set aside some time to start teaching them?” Estinien suggested. “Loathe as I am to think about the mere fact they may need to defend themselves for whatever reason, I think it best we begin teaching them and helping them should they show their aptitude for whichever teaching appeals to them.”
Nomin clicked her tongue with a silent sigh. Indeed, she had known where the discussion was going. Given both hers and Estinien’s reputations and status, there would surely be those that would want to challenge them down the line. Or have the desire to want to cause them harm – for whatever reason they could dredge from the bowels of their stomachs. Teaching the girls their stances and how to utilize their aether was paramount, most like.
“I agree, and I do feel they are the appropriate age – I learned to use my first bow when I was ten summers. They’re already sitting at nine,” Nomin replied. “We can speak with them about it on the morrow. Besides, it may be best to get some training supplies from those that may be able to better provide it than we.”
Estinien nodded and stayed silent for a moment, considering. He then finally spoke in a serious tone: “do you think those mammets ‘round the island here have qualms in being used for target practice?”
Nomin audibly gasped. “Estinien!”
“I jest, of course,” Estinien replied with a shrug of his shoulders and the curl of a smirk upon his lips. “Though they would make decent enough targets. But…I know that you have some relegated to tending the fields, and caring for the karakul, aldgoats, chocobos, and dodos.”
Relaxing back against Estinien, Nomin gave an amused scoff and shook her head.
“Regardless, I’ll have to get into contact with Arya and see if she can provide me with anything that might help a budding practitioner of the art of Red Mage. Especially since I doubt I can readily come into contact with X’rhun. I’m afraid my first rapier and focus were shattered due to an overwhelming amount of aether drawn and mistakenly being channeled through them without the proper attention or care to my actions.” Nomin paused, bringing a hand to her chin in thought. “Although… Urianger did make Alisaie her own. I wonder if he might be able to do the same for the girls…”
A low chuckle rumbled in Estinien’s chest. “All in due time – I have no intention on handing them blades so early. The important part would be to help them learn their stances to keep firm, to keep balance, and to keep them properly mobile for whatever may come up. Besides, much as those damnable mammets infuriate me, I cannot deny that their ability to create a myriad of items proves useful. If not for target practice, then they can perhaps at least be asked to provide something sturdy enough.”
“I hadn’t really thought about that till you said it…” Nomin admitted. She then smiled and stretched, laying herself out on the bench and resting the back of her head on Estinien’s lap, closing her eyes. “I suppose that’s the benefit of remembering what exactly we have access to living out here.”
Estinien brought a hand down, stroking Nomin’s head as she laid there.
“Well…as you said: ‘tis all a learning process, is it not?” Estinien posited, bringing up an old discussion they had when the girls had been born. “This, too, will be a learning process.”
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stxrmnight · 7 months
The Claws of the Griffin
Since this heavily involves Nemi's personal history, more walls of texts. There are some good gposes here though.
Finding of a cache of crystals being procured by the Ala Mhigan resistance, Nemi's legs almost buckled, specially after witnessing what happened to Ga Bu. Though it was only a new faction that seemed responsible, this still meant the Ascians were preying upon their suffering. This was far above what any mortal could handle, as much as she understood Wilred's feelings that one day...
Though she knew better than to fall for deceptive platitudes, the False Griffin's speech did make ice pierce through her chest. If she'd spoken to more than just her father about where their village's crafts were going, would they have changed course? Could they all have fled like she did? But she herself saw that if in numbers, the Eorzeans of the west were not merciful nor plentiful because of the Empire's tighter hold in the prior days... the speech was not fair to the meager means the fellow refugees had, unless there were more Ala Mhigans with asset power? Just like Raubahn...
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Finding Yda and Papalymo again warmed her heart instantly, and she would have hugged them if she did not feel shame that they actually were doing something, even if, she was more preoccupied with things thrown at her in Ishgard. The information on the Griffin and Yda's jest dropped her in thoughts though: Sure, Yda did wear a mask, but she was not hiding where she was from like it was a danger. With her name cleared, why did Nemi still feel reluctant to reveal her heritage?
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The reveal that the Griffin Impersonator was none other than the one she saved with the medicine in Gridania... her jaw slacked to the genuine gratitude he expressed to her example despite their dissent in methods. She pulled on her robe and begged him that, no matter what they did, they never did it alone and with losing sight of the life they want to see thriving. They shouldn't lose focus like she did when Estinien took Nidhogg's eye.
Though Papalymo admonished Yda for being touched by the False Griffin's words, Nemi later took her aside and expressed her sympathy, understanding her frustration with the right factors not yet landing for a full forray into Ala Mhigo being possible. She debated telling her she's also Ala Mhigan, sharing what Ilberd said back then and express her fear he had recognized her identity, but she didn't disclose.
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After the Warriors of Darkness were gone and M'naago's wounds were nursed, Nemi tried not to show her awe for meeting a resistance member of the mainland, someone so expert and enduring ro make it all the way to Mor Dhona. She wished to ask her many things once healed but, alarms had to be rung.
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Her friends' discontent with political fealtries really made her giggle. She wasn't insane for finding the matters tepid either, even if she understood the necessity. Good thing she never had interest for these things.
When the time came to incur in Baelsar's Wall and stop the summoning, Nemi would be knocked her off her stance with Blast Power. The Griffin hasted to hack at her claymore and make her tumble, grabbing the front chain of her armour and beholding the truth tattoed on her now uncovered right eye.
"I knew it. You are one of the lost village."
"Oh, where have you been prodigal child? Would you like to know the answer?"
Nemi snarled and kept fighting, finally breaking his stance before the others arrived. He revealed the meaning of his plans, and Nemi felt in a flash all the wrath, frustration and grief the pressures of the empire had forced on her life in different ways crawl out of her chest. Was that a stroke of emotions found, or had the allusion alone ripped out her feelings to aid Shinryu's summoning?
Before falling to the abyss, Ilberd looked firmly into Nemi's eyes and beseeched:
You, you are the proof Rhalgr's Fist can descend to bring true judgement. Burn brighter with these embers. I see the longing for freedom in your eyes.
To this echo, Nemi could not move a muscle, but she could simper with restraint and cant her head in a slight nod to Ilberd's mission. She could not jump to that tower to stop him so, might as well not lie to a man in his last moments of desperation.
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Profound extra writing aside, seeing these two made her chuckle.
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If Shinryu is restrained just after making a fatal blow to the Gaerlan barrier, everything will be alright, right?
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She probably was not the only one gazing at the skies, watching in awe a battle of giants that would not cross again. As the protective wards barely held around the Garlean fort, Nemi hoped there were no people living on the other side of Baelsar's Wall.
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Well, that is as far as the free trial let me go back then. A long time of waiting would pass... and Nemi's story would really incense.
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yloiseconeillants · 2 years
going through my old caps again while my work continues to be a clownfestival
i may have gone mad with power (lmao) when i realized that gpose was a thing i could in fact do on a console and there are a couple of really early quests in arr where the npcs are much more obliging to pose than in other scenarios and the very first thing i did with erasmus before even loading into the rest of balmung is take some couples photography w/ wymond? EDIT: MY GOD THAT IS THE SAKURA PARTICLE EFFECT I WAS OUT OF CONTROL.
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idk why not - he saw erasmus off at the airship after all
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my notes are a huge wreck rn with cramming for febhyurary, which i don’t think is going to be a thing after all (on this blog anyway, as mentioned, i simply do not have the content volume) BUT i do have an entire backstory plotted out for erasmus which came together really quickly and i have to wonder if i’m getting better at this or if i’m going to scrap it all in like two weeks (Yloise’s backstory literally went through at least three MAJOR alterations - I mean, like, she was a pirate at some point lmao).
Erasmus comes from a mining family who were just starting to reach a point of financial stability before the Calamity. He had already been apprenticing at the Goldsmith’s Guild for a few years at that point, but when his youngest brother is injured in an accident, he takes up adventuring to help support his family.
He’s got a close working relationship with an older Roegadyn merchant (or perhaps mentor goldsmith? whose name is still pending but I know what he looks like) who he absolutely ends up having an affair with until the merchant/goldsmith goes missing one day (UL’DAH MAFIA PLOT). This may have happened A While Ago, but it keeps Erasmus wary of doing any business as a sellsword outside of the Adventurer’s Guild.
He does have the Echo and I think he is also a WoL (in addition to Frederyk the Monk - my partner’s character, who is gonna stay up tonight and see if they can transfer into Mateus lol - and Yloise, Zezesu the Black Mage is not, which means I need to find some other DPS to join their adventuring party at some point). Fred and Erasmus were definitely part of an adventuring party together (and members of the Scions) before Yloise joined, and I think they defeated Ifrit without her (and lost their healer, who was tempered, in the process).
Joining the Scions went almost exactly the way it happened in the game - Thancred’s like ‘oh nice Echo there, go visit Momodi pls” whereas with Yloise, it’s a more formal process where Y’shtola petitioned Minfilia on Yloise’s behalf (so Yloise doesn’t do any of the early ARR dungeons, except maybe Sastasha, as a Maelstrom recruit on loan to the Adventurer’s Guild).
I think his eye injury is just a corneal abrasion, he’ll be fine in like a week. Scar’s gonna take a while though.
I have written THREE COMPLETELY SEPARATE AND UNRELATED DEATH SCENES for Erasmus and ended up scrapping every single one so I think my brain has given him plot armor. I may... make this into a whole thing with him, honestly. 
(if everyone else gets the death scene fakeouts, my WoLs certainly can)
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