#This is from Rhona's pov
l-e-morgan-author · 5 months
Patience in Recovery
They said she was full of hope, all that time.
They said a lot of lies. I knew because I'd listened at the door, when they didn't know I was in the room at all. I'd overheard the doctors talking, and I knew what they said.
They weren't particularly happy with the way things were going. Nobody was quite sure if her voice would recover properly, because of how long she'd been breathing smoke. Mine recovered just fine, and I wasn't hurt as bad as Patience was.
It was irony, I guess, when you thought about it, that her name was Patience, because now we all had to wait to make sure she'd get better. The doctors had talked to her, and she wrote back answers (carefully, and with her right hand, because the left was still in plaster).
They told me she was brimming with hope, like the way my eyes had been when I woke up in hospital and they told me what had happened. She was ready and waiting to get better.
But I heard them discussing worriedly among themselves, how she was lying there and not actually wanting to get better, like it was too hard. Her body was battered, and seems her mind was, too.
I don't understand. She brightened up a lot when I first came in, and I thanked her for saving me, and she smiled, just a bit, and made a thumbs-up gesture. She was awfully white, and made the sheets look skin colour, and there were all sorts of bulky dressings everywhere, but she whispered, in her hoarse voice, that it was "worth it". I can still hear that if I think about it.
They said she'll walk again, all that sort of thing, but they're worried about the way her hand was damaged, and the amount of burns she got. They don't know if she'll be able to comfortably knit again.
Knitting is her safe thing, her biggest hobby; what would Patience do if she couldn't knit?
She told me she'd knit me a jumper when she was out of there, and that was as good as telling me she loved me, for Patience. Seems she warmed up to me at last.
I was trying not to complain; you know how it is, though, sometimes? When you're living in a house and someone else in the house doesn't like your existence. I guess it was pretty sudden, and Patience is a cagey old dear, but it doesn't feel nice.
Mum wasn't cheerful anymore, not how she used to be. Her expression was worn and like she hadn't slept in a week. I heard her crying one time after she and Dad met with the doctors. Then she and Dad got into an argument, the worst argument I've ever heard, and that's saying something. It was just words, but words are important. Some of the things they called each other weren't very nice, and I shan't reproduce them.
Grief can tear apart a family. I hope it doesn't ours. I hope Patience gets better soon, and all better, because otherwise I don't know what we'll do. She's important, though I'm sure she doesn't realise how important. She better get better quick. I pray for her every night, and I wouldn't like to tell her how much I cry about it. She wouldn't be in trouble if she hadn't saved me. Then again, they say I'd probably be dead.
I guess she figured I was worth saving. Guess I'd better buck up and be someone worth saving.
Get better soon, Patience, and I hope when you're better I can show you how much I care, in a less obnoxious way to how I did before. Rhona out.
Added this story to my page of free stories, found here. There's almost 6k of writing on here, all told, and I continue to add to them on a fairly regular basis.
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Writing Newsletter #1: March 2024
So! Lil author's note to explain this. I decided to start up a newsletter, monthly, but until I get around to figuring out website hosting &c., to post on here instead of emails. Once I get that sorted, I'll switch this to email, and there'll be a newsletter signup gift of two stories - Ever Changing, Ever Near (hosted on my website until recently) and A Fragile Solace. Together, in unedited form, they're around 3k. They're Inklings stories, both of which were highly commended in the separate competitions I wrote them for. Anyway, if you want to be on the taglist for this monthly newsletter, say the word and I'll add you.
Writing update
Lately, my main project has been Patience, Changing. It’s a story about autism, changes in routine and loving despite the inconvenience. There’s also a spice of mental health in there, because I’m me and that’s what I do. Also my protagonists are eleven and twelve years old. Very fun. Rhona is incredibly over-dramatic and while in some ways she’s justified, in other ways she’s just not—I’ve written a couple of scenes from her perspective that I intend to cut, just because I love her so much. (It’s meant to be all from Patience’s POV.) An interesting thing that I’ve noted in the last few days is the inclusion of a character I’d intended to be already gone before the story began, but on a whim I decided to change the timeline. If you’ve read The Patience of Hope, the character I’m referring to is Hannah—Patience’s aunt, who dies of anorexia complications long before. However, I’ve chosen to include her in Patience, Changing because as someone who suffers from anorexia myself, I felt it was important to include the possible outcomes. I’m not entirely sure what her role in this story is, but I’m discovering that she is very important to Patience, so we’ll see when she dies. I’ll have to edit The Patience of Hope to change that detail, but that’s okay.
This is the second time I’ve made myself cry over a character I originally wrote as dead before I wrote them before they died, but anyway.
In terms of word count, I’ve written 80k of assorted Patience content since I started writing the novella in mid-December, so I’m pretty happy with that.
Reading update
At the moment I’m reading Walking on Water by Madeleine L’Engle for Lent (well—Lent-ish), as well as Cry of the Raven by Morgan L. Busse. This is my first time reading both, and I’m tremendously excited to finish them both. The first Ravenwood book was one of my favourites for a long time and I only recently read Flight of the Raven for the first time. It lived up to my expectations.
I’ll have more to put in this section next newsletter when there’s been a definable sense of time since the last one, so. Yeah.
Hi. This is just an area where I can ramble about whatever. Since I’m new to this whole newsletter thing, this one is pretty empty. I’m considering how I want to do this thing—considering whether I add in a Goals section or not, or whether I try and get back to posting on my blog, but anyway. Hopefully here on out will become more polished, or something. This was a pretty last-minute idea—I’ve been kicking around the idea of creating a writing newsletter for a While, but until now didn’t actually get round to it.
Anyway, please contact me and let me know what works best or what you’d most like to see! I need the advice.
Under Pressure
“Patience!” he called.
She turned to him with relief, pressing her hands to her face in distress. “Oh, Nathan!” she said, leaning a little towards him. “Why can’t I just—be normal?”
“You’re normal—for you,” he said gently. “The public perception of ‘normal’ is so weirdly skewed it’s crazy. Don’t think any less of yourself just because you can’t handle that.” He gestured to the party they had both left behind. “You’re fine, Patience.”
“I’m autistic,” she said bitterly. “I’ll never cope with the world.”
“That’s not your fault.” He didn’t touch her, only smiled, and she was comforted.
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Alright, crow thoughts on, drumroll please…
Dark Age!
Because wow! That ending was something else…
( @kool-kat1324 I know you drc but you might wanna read my ramblings anyways)
Also if it wasn’t made clear this will def have spoilers so soz to anyone who runs across this, I can’t find the cut feature on mobile lol
Anyways wow… I really can’t wait until Lightbringer comes out because there are SOOOO many ties to finish knotting up…. The biggest thing I can think of is Cassius’ arrival from what everyone assumed to be his ‘early’ grave… like I knew it was a little off to just assume Cassius the great would’ve died just like that but… Pierce Brown, my goodman, you SAVED CASSIUS BUT NOT ALEXANDAR??? Alexandar’s death was just… AUGHHHH ANGUISH- AND THEN RHONA NOOOOOOOOOO 😭😭
I guess the biggest question I have is… will Darrow end up actually succumbing to his lung puncture? Because it… wouldn’t make sense to have a Red Rising book without the man who made it possible… actually, killing off Darrow completely would turn me off so hard from this series… but I guess we’ll have to wait and see… as well as Sevro’s captivity- like Sevro being tortured by their enemy just- I stg if Lysander does anything to our smelly unwashed wolf man I will personally burn each one of his pov pages in an inferno
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scrapyardboyfriends · 2 years
Caught up with today’s episode...
I thought they did a really good job with it. It’s always nice getting focused episodes without all of the extraneous stuff. Also it was nice that Chas was not invited to this party. Haha. 
The Marlon pov stuff was definitely a tough watch but it was well done and I thought Mark did a great job with all of it. And it was hard watching April be the one to find him. 
There were definitely several moments of Robron plagiarism in there from Marlon’s opening monologue trying to write his speech to the double proposal and the jinx bit. But I do have to say, I feel like Marlon and Rhona fit the double proposal and jinx moment better than Robron did. I never really liked that they did that for them. Of course I love it and accept it because it’s them and sure, why not, but I never really thought it fit them that well. Yelling a proposal mid car crash was definitely more their style than a cutesy, in unison proposal. But I thought it worked pretty well for Rhona and Marlon because they’re more those kinds of characters. 
All in all, it was a well done episode and I hope they continue to do a good job with it. That said, it’s very frustrating that they can do such a good job with this kind of stuff when they actually try and yet they don’t even put a fraction as much effort into the day to day sometimes. Like it was nice to have all of the character history remembered and referenced. That kind of stuff always makes the characters and the village feel more real and I wish they would insert it more often where relevant. 
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shiramoonshadow · 3 years
This is the second part of the last post.  
What is your favorite moment in the show? Rhona, and then Omari, and then Paula and then Jack.
Omari: I don’t have a moment but I think like whenever I see and hear Harrow speak I get emotional because I think of myself as a kid and seeing this like honorable, powerful king who happens to look kind of like me, I just think I didn’t really have that often on animated shows so I get...I get emotional. Again, you’re talking to a guy who every time I watch Spider-man into the Spider-Verse I cry while they’re talking like I...It just affects me on a deep level.
Paula: For me it’s an episode and it’s 2x05, when Viren is trying to convince the council to go to war and Queen Aanya is not having it, that whole episode I just love it and Jason was just talking forever and it was great, even being in the room for that episode was amazing. Just love it.
Jack: Ezran ascending to the throne. I just think like a shot of him entering the throne room and taking that on, I think it’s just one of the more well-earned and beautiful, like whoa, him leaving the journey to go back take on that responsibility, I think is just incredible.
Rhona: I think another special moment was just the first time seeing Amaya sign. That was really a special moment, you know, it felt like having black royal family, groundbreaking, and having a character sign, groundbreaking.
Mental illness representation, Callum’s anxiety...oh, okay. What do you guys think of the kind of ever present discussion of people dealing with “are they capable?” Because both Rayla and Callum are very much open and honest with like “am i a failure?” (This was mine!)
Omari: Oh, it's great to see characters that are, you know, lack confidence and struggle with these real things that I'm sure a lot of viewers do as well."
Jack: I'm a person with generalized anxiety disorder, it's what it’s been called to me, and I struggle with anxiety a lot and it's a big thing that I connected to with this character and it does feel like the show explores it in a way that isn't like…. Sometimes it’s in like, sometimes it’s in a character description as just like “anxious” just like “Oh, that’s just like a trait” as opposed to a like... a part of this person and a struggle that they're facing and I think Callum really does read to me as a person with an anxiety disorder and they really like, you know, he is really grappling with it and working through it and the dark magic coma scene that I’ve talked about a bunch because I just love it. I love that, you know, to unlock the person that he needs to be, it's stuff that I do to work on anxiety where it’s like “oh he's gotta calm down and channel his breath and think and focus on just the thing in front of him”, like those things, I think that's beautiful and I love it. Love it.
Was there a point in the story that really surprised you? Like, I did not see that. (I already wrote Paula's answer and Jack's reply, twice because I'm stupid and tumblr hates me)
Jack: I just said it, but truly, Ezran leaving. I think was a real like...It’s just so not in the outline you think of this journey when you look at the beginning of the series. You go like, oh these three kids who are like going off to meet the dragon queen and this is the one who can, this kid can like talk to animals, so he’s going to be there to talk to the dragon queen, and the fact that “no, it makes more sense that he has to go back and do the adult thing" even though he’s an 11 year old. I think that’s a really logical plot decision that is, I think, completely shocking from just a genre perspective of like, you know, this is the show where it’s about kids on an epic quest, the main kid doesn’t leave in the middle of the epic quest to go home and do a job. That’s weird, but I think it just really makes sense and it’s really cool.
Paula: What you said (about Rayllum) it’s kind of funny because I think her..for me, in terms of the relationship with Callum, for Rayla it was like “oh, this annoying guy that I have to take care of and I’ve got to explain everything to him”. Well, that does sound like the start of all my relationships so...I don’t know why I didn’t see it coming.
Omari: For a selfish pov just, you know, Corvus going from tracker to a protector, an ally. It was a great story and we talked about it on the previous one, just spoke of the brilliance of the... just the nuance of the storytelling, constant twists that are really surprising and fun.
Rhona: I feel like I want to use the same moment, just the first time I saw Amaya sign and I think the show approaches so many issues with such respect and it’s not made this big deal of... and I loved also that there wasn’t a translation. I think that it really blew me away to see that and, you know, we mentioned in our panel last night how there are fun little signing easter eggs left in there. I don’t know, I just loved that moment.
Who’s the most likely to break character and laugh during the session?
Paula: Jesse.
Rhona: Oh, he’s not here to defend himself.
Paula: Jesse and Racquel together.
Jack: Yeah, the combo.
Last question, what movie or show would your characters be a fan of? (This was mine too)
Rhona: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Like getting in there, stealing precious artifacts, going on adventures....
Omari: Terminator 2.
Paula: I think Rayla's pretty into sports, if she’s gonna watch a movie might be something like Tomb Raider, something with a girl.
Is there a sports woman movie?
Jack: Hold on, what’s like a hard-edged female sports movie…
Rhona: I, Tonya?
Jack: There’s a Drew Barrymore...roller derby movie? (Whip It) (About Callum) I was trying to think if there’s like an animated thing because he’s so into drawing, so I was trying to think if there was like an animated...Um…
Rhona: The Last Airbender.
Jack: The Last Airbender, yeah. He’s really into The Last Airbender. He has a big connection with boomerangs and he doesn’t understand, I think that’s perfect.
Edit: sorry I forgot to say that I didn't write any questions about through the moon since none of them have read it yet, but Rhona has started a free webinar series called Mistressclass and Omari's been one of the few men that they had on their platform. It's to learn about the industry from mostly women to voice over, to on camera, to commercials, to head shots to agents. They are going to have one about audition nerves and anxiety if you're interested!
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jmflowers · 4 years
3, 15, 17 for the fanfic ask 😊
3. Do you prefer canonverse or AUs?
I think for reading, I always lean more towards canonverse. I like those fill-in scene fics and being some place in a story that is ultimately really familiar. Canon fics are the ones I most often go back to and read again.
As for writing, I find myself much more drawn to AUs. I was always very, very driven by character development when in school and required to write my own creations, but I never really felt like I got good at world-building or plot lines. I started writing fanfiction specifically because it gave me established characters and, as such, forced me to get better at the other stuff.
15. Post the last line you wrote without context.
A lighthouse, guiding Charity home to safe harbour.
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
I wish this one was more than just an idea because I love the concept so much and it was so cathartic to write the first two parts, but I’ve been stuck on it for months and I’m not sure where to go with it next.
It’s called Hell & Back, inspired by the song of the same name by Maren Morris. I wanted to write something in second person that had an actual plot, as opposed to the usual character analysis style I typically do in second person POV. So far, I have written two interactions: the first and second times Vanessa meets Charity.
I don’t know how to talk about this one without giving it all away… I’m just gonna post part one here and we’ll see what happens...
               You meet Charity on a Thursday, when the sun has finally given way to the storm clouds that have been creeping closer all morning. The rain pelts down in cold, hard slaps as you bend over a sheep that looks about as miserable as you’re starting to feel, examining its hooves for what you’re certain might be the start of foot rot in the herd. Moira won’t be pleased, not in the slightest.
               “Shouldn’t you be ducking for cover?” someone calls over the sound of the rain, their voice slicing through the rising crescendo to reach your ears.
               You twist, startled, looking up quickly to find the source. It’s a woman, stood about four yards away, watching you with her arms crossed atop the fence. There’s a fog that seems to hover around her, rising slowly like the steam above a hot cup of tea. It’s something you should look at closer, you’ll realize later, but in the moment, it flits away from conscious thought in the passing breeze.
               You shiver, the rain well and truly soaked into your coveralls now, bits of hair plastered to your forehead in such a way that you’re sure isn’t flattering. Not like in those movies Tracy keeps making you watch. 
               “Shouldn’t you?” you retort, already turning your attention back to the sheep struggling in your hands. Fickle creatures, them; smart enough to recognize each other but not to see that you’re only there to help. You pull it harder onto its hindquarters, rendering it unable to escape and earning a pathetic bleat in response.
               “Really rather be torturing sheep than cuddled up warm and dry?” It’s the woman again, her voice suddenly closer than it’d been before. You look up just in time to see her leaning over the side of the pen you’re in, pulling a face at the animal in your arms. Your eyes flick to the gate she’d been stood beside before, the chain still wrapped securely around the fence post just as you’d left it.
               “I’m not torturing it,” you murmur, eyes dragging back to her face. Did you miss the sound of her hopping the fence? Are you so tuned out that you wouldn’t be aware of someone approaching like that?
               She laughs, the green of her eyes almost sparkling as she tips her chin up into the air. “Don’t know that he’d agree with that statement, babe.” She’s near enough now that you can count the freckles trailing down her neck, guiding your eyes to the dip at the top of her jacket.
               “She,” you say without thinking, always just a breath from correcting. Like your mother, that; a habit you’d always hated when you were on the receiving end.
               But she doesn’t scrunch up her nose like Tracy does when you do the same to her, voicing annoyance louder than her words ever could. No, Charity just tilts her head and hums out one of those noises that sounds like a question, as though she’d rather you explain further than shut right up.
               “This is a ewe, not a ram,” you offer, trying to pull back that prim and proper tone that seems to appear whenever you’re clarifying something. It’s like a flashback to being sat in the front row at school, pretending you didn’t hear the girls snickering behind you. “Male sheep have horns, females don’t.” Even Rhona’s teased you for it, mimicking after she’d overheard you giving directions to a client.
               “Huh,” Charity says, dropping her gaze to the animal once more, “Guess that’s why everyone always assumes the devil’s a man.”
               It’s a funny thing to say, odd enough that you freeze for a moment before you manage to come up with a response. Later, you’ll understand why she did, when you know her well enough to grasp the twists and turns of her mind. But not right now. No, the first time you meet her, you just think she’s a strange one.
               “Male and female goats both have horns,” you sputter when the quiet between you has stretched on for too long. You want to kick yourself the second her eyes flick back to you, her gaze so clearly telling that it is you – not her – whom she thinks is odd.
               “Is that right?” she asks with a smirk, “Always did like them better.”
               You, too, though you don’t say. Not normal conversation, is it, to tell a stranger that you’ve always preferred that gentle knowingness hidden behind a goat’s eye? Be a vet, Vanessa, if you must, your mother had said, But, don’t be one of those people who only speaks of animals.
               The prim and proper comes from her, you know, all the things you’d been poked and teased for stemming from the ideal daughter she’d tried to craft you into. Not like your father, who laughs when he shouldn’t and smiles when it’s impolite and says the sorts of things you’d never dare to. You wonder, often, how they ever got together long enough to have you.
               “So, what are you doing then?” she asks, lurching her body further over the pen until you can feel her breath beside your head. It’s hot, much hotter than you’re prepared for when the cold is so busy burrowing into your bones. She keeps her eyes trained on your hands, trying to get a good look at the hoof you’re clutching – not a pretty one, either, not the sort you’d ever show anyone other than Paddy or Rhona. You tuck it a little lower, trying to hide the swelling beneath some wool.
               “They’re sick,” you mutter, your brain spiralling backwards to the game plan you’d been formulating before she’d interrupted. You’ll need one, before you head up to the house to tell Moira what’s going on. It’s likely the field, you think, all this low-lying ground and the abundance of rain in the past few weeks has surely not helped the situation.
               “With what?” Charity presses. Her breath feels like fire where it meets your neck, scalding the gooseflesh beneath your ponytail as she speaks.
              You lean away, lowering your arm enough that the sheep squirms hard in your grasp, knocking you off balance. You fall back against the fence, hands grappling behind yourself to grab onto something sturdy. The sheep takes its opportunity, tipping to the side before scrambling to its feet and taking off towards the others. They bleat at the new arrival, corralling themselves into a bunch beneath the only tree at the far edge of the pen.
              You huff, frustrated instantly and unsure where to lay the blame. You can feel your brow furrowing when you turn to meet her eye, catching the twinkle and the smirk that you assume are present at your expense. “Foot rot,” you mutter, pushing away from the fence angrily. Won’t be easy to catch that one again, now that it’s had a taste, especially not when the field’s gone slick with mud.
               “Sounds gross,” she says, dropping down off the fence to follow as you stalk across the pen to your bag. The rain has sent splatters of mud up the side of it, a match to the boots on your feet. “You a farmer, then?” she asks.
               The laugh comes before you can decide whether you mean to or not, a breath bursting across your lips at the notion of you in Moira’s shoes, depending on animals for your livelihood in a different sort of way than you already do. No, you’ve never quite managed to imagine a clean picture of yourself with a farm, always something just slightly off that made you shy away.
               “’Fraid not,” you chuckle, “I’m a vet.”
               She nods knowingly, stepping back out of the way when you open the gate to the outer laneway where she stands. “They’ll be okay, then?” she murmurs, eyes shifting over your shoulder to the herd.
               You shrug, because it’s not a guarantee of course – none of these things ever are – but you’ve caught it early enough that you don’t anticipate too much damage. Some zinc sulfate baths to start, a round of vaccinations if it comes to it, and the sheep will be good as new in no time. “They’ll be fine,” you answer, “Though I might not be, when I tell Moira she’ll have to spend the next few weeks coaxing them into a few feet of solution to stave off the infection.”
               Charity laughs, the sound lighting something low in your belly. The rain feels distant when you’re stood so close to her, the wet of your coveralls barely a blip in your mind though you’ll be desperate for a hot shower the second she’s gone.
               “Well, best be careful, then,” she suggests, the remnants of her smile softening the edges of her words, “Wouldn’t want to miss seeing you again.”
               She turns away before you can formulate an answer, strolling down the laneway toward the open fields at the back of the property. You have half a mind to call after her, to invite her inside for a cuppa and a towel, but she’s over the hill before you can find the courage to shout.
               It’s not until much later, when you’re laid in bed replaying the day in your mind that you realize she hadn’t much seemed like she’d needed a towel. She hadn’t much seemed like the rain had touched her at all.
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Rumour has it that the corrie Robert is shot dead in the Rovers on christmas day. Whether that is true or not... who the hell knows. Graham is apparently january in a special week which according to DS a couple of weeks ago has each ep covering the same day from a different characters POV (basically ripping off SSW 2016).
(Corrie) I’d heard that about Robert, I am just sick to death of him. I’m not even watching, but the mentions outside the show are driving me batty.
As for Graham, I’m doubting that. I’m just getting the feeling he’ll peg it this year, it feels like it’s slowly building on screen too. Now, saying that we’ll get special eps from the same day Graham died a few weeks (or months) later to see who was doing what, I’d believe that, but I personally don’t think he’ll last until January. Especially as a few late December spoilers (in my TV mag) mention Rhona which feels strange if he’s still alive.
You don’t know it’s ripping off SSW until you’ve seen it, and the disdain for current emmerdale at the end of this ask almost made me not answer it. No one’s forcing you to watch it.
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mintmentos · 5 years
Book Review
Dark Age by Pierce Brown
The fifth book in the Red Rising saga, so I’m gonna skip a synopsis to prevent spoilers. There will be spoilers for the rest of the series, so read on at your own risk. There are some things I absolutely need to talk about in this book, so spoilers for Dark Age will be under the cut.
3/5 stars
My thoughts:
This was by far the grimmest book in the series so far - there was never a break in the action; it was always one thing immediately followed by anther
I feel like I literally had no clue what was going on at points - there were so many groups of people all doing different things at the same time and it confused me loads (might be an effect of listening to the audiobook)
Thought I wouldn’t like Mustang’s pov but I quite enjoyed it. Nowhere near as much as some of the others but she was an interesting character to read from
Lysander annoyed me so much in Iron Gold but he grew on me loads in this one. Couldn’t stand his new narrator though
Lyria and Ephraim were still my favourite pov characters. Feel like with every book I care less and less about Darrow
I never know what direction these books are going in and honestly some of the plot twists in this were so unexpected I don’t think anyone could have guessed it. Some of them did feel a bit contrived and ridiculous which wasn’t great but tbh even if it was all bad I’d still read the next one for the characters
I cried at literally every one of these books except this one. That’s not to say bad things didn’t happen; they definitely did, but I think this lack of an emotional response might be due to the neverending horrors of this book as opposed to its predecessors
First off, as if Ephraim died?? I wasn’t happy, almost wished Darrow had died like everyone predicted instead
Everything that went down with the Obsidians was mental, can’t get over the carnage of it and Sefi’s death in particular
Was super stressed about Lyria because we never had any chapters for almost the entire first half of the book but the wait was SO worth it for Lyria, Volga and Victra bonding. Their friendship(?) was my favourite thing about this book by far
Was devastated about Ulysees’ death, Victra has been through so much. Just glad Lyria and Volga could be there for her
Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on with the baby jackal clone?? I actually couldn’t believe that when it happened, this was possibly the most ridiculous/horrifying thing about the book, especially when you think about his weird relationship with Lilith now
So I say Lysander grew on me ... up until he straight up killed Alexander! I was certain they were going to be friends and then that happened. I’m actually super upset about this and Rhona having to deal with that
I 100% knew Cassius was still alive. Can’t pull the wool over my eyes. I’m excited to see where this goes though now that he’s back but against Lysander and working with the Rising, especially because they might blame him for how Lysander turned out because he basically raised him, and Lysander is going to feel so betrayed by it
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rustandruin · 6 years
Honestly I kinda respect Emmerdale's audacity. They were like "right lads, the world cup is on, our schedule's going to be all over the place and the ratings will be shite. Let's put all the garbage on *now* and save the death and attempted murder and proposals for when people actually give a toss". I respect ur hustle, Emmerdale ✊
Hey Anon!
Hard LOL, because I suspect that this is kind of what happened (along with some strategic actor holiday scheduling). 
But looking back, it wasn’t all that bad seeing as Matty still had a great entrance (in Pride Month no less) and Tracy officially kicked David to the curb. We even got some good drama from the Sharmas with Priya leaving Whingles, and of course, Doug telling Diane he slept with Brenda while half the village listened in??? The only truly weak spot was Dan and Daz, but that’s not a major surprise. Hopefully, everyone’s learned from this mistake and Kerry is freed to find the happiness she so justly deserves they’re never given an A-plot again. 
Having said that, this would have been a great time to produce some truly weird episodes (which I’m definitely in the minority for):
A Tip the dog POV episode: She may be the village’s shortest resident, but seeing as people tend to ignore dogs in the background, this would be a great chance to show us little-seen sides to characters we love. 
A village kids support group: Right now, most of the kids on the show are having to serve as the voices of common sense for their drama-prone parents. Imagine them getting a chance to compare notes and discuss just how truly mad the adults in their lives are.  
Pete Barton farms: Pete just lifts things and takes care of the sheep for a half an hour. This would be a nice way of exploring his relationship with Rhona… while also surrounding him with baby animals. 
An actual episode of Real Hairdressers of Harrogate: They keep giving us glimpses of the show, and we saw a bit of Daz’s appearance on it. Why not just have Kerry audition for and temporarily join it for a bit?
Sam and Lydia plan a wedding: I’m (mostly) joking about all the other ones, but it would be nice to see both of them actually start hammering in some details about their big day seeing as they’ve been engaged a while. Also, Robert somehow being picked as best man and having to plan Sam’s stag night without any help from a greatly amused Aaron, would be nothing short of amazing.    
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mashawrites · 2 years
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(🇺🇸/ 🇪🇸) Qotd: What book did you finish in a single day? ¤ The Trapped Wife by Samantha Hayes - This was a mind blowing read. Straight forward and filled with suspense and mystery. It follows the life of Jen, a doctor who is living with her 16 year old son. Recently, her husband died in an avalanche and she's trying to move on. All of a sudden, a man shows up in her life and basically starts stalking her. That is when things start to get heated and she realizes she might be in danger. I don't want to get deep into the plot so as not to share the whole story but just know this - I thoroughly enjoyed reading this! It is psychological thriller at its best. The storyline was so twisted, to the extent I questioned every single character from Jen to her best friend Rhona to even young Kieran. Honestly, I felt so anxious anxious to know what will happen next. Each chapter ended in a more complex twist and I was left wondering who is lying and who isn't. The characters were developed well, I related to Jen on a deep level. Written in two POVs - Jen and Rhonda, the descriptions were so picturesque and vivid. Full review on my blog  - The Introverted Reader ♡ 💭 ¿Qué libro terminaste en un solo día? 😂 Bastante en estos días en realidad. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZriH0VAq5w/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mavencree · 7 years
Another Emmerdale Opinion
I read @dingledsugden ‘s great article this morning and I reblogged intending to leave a small comment agreeing and continuing what had been said in the article… It wasn’t so small so I’m just going to put it here.  Please keep in mind, this is just my opinion.  I have no standing in the Emmerdale world.  These are just my thoughts.  Trolls will be stuffed under a bridge to be ignored.
(Regarding the current Robert and Aaron storyline mess.)  I hate when Emmerdale used excuse they use that people on soaps cheat. Yeah they do. How’s that working out for soaps in general? They’re dying. The successful ones are moving away from that tat. Emmerdale didn’t win all those awards in 2016 and 2017 because Cain cheated on Moira or Zak cheated on Lisa. It was because of Ashley’s story, and Aaron’s story and Holly.
When soaps first started, cheating couples were scandalous.  They were sexy. They were made for the housewives peeking over their fences to see what their neighbours were up to. It’s 2017. Half of all marriages end in divorce.  Cheating is no longer ‘sexy’. That’s not what people want to see anymore.
The rise of ships and shipping (whether those words are used or not) are evidence of that.  People want to see their favourite couples UNITED fighting adversity TOGETHER. When soaps don’t realize this, they die. (How many daytime soaps are still on in the US?)
I had begun to expect more from Emmerdale. I was actually touting the show to friends as something different. And then that went and gave us more of the bad same. Iain’s excuse was that couples can’t be all happy and shiny all the time and we were being unreasonable or whatever, for wanting that. Right before this mess happened Aaron was in jail being physically abused, and mentally and emotionally tortured. His husband on the outside was working himself to death trying to keep all the plates of their lives spinning all by himself while getting no sleep on a too small sofa because he can’t stand sleeping in their bed without his love being beside him.
Is this the happy shiny story that Iain was referring to? Because I friggin’ loved all that angst. It was a great, heartfelt, believable storyline… that nobody thought about again after ‘that night’ happened. I no longer cared about any of Aaron’s prison issues because I was in total WTF mode for weeks following. Apparently the show no longer cared about Aaron’s in prison story either after that because they dropped it almost immediately after.  We get Aaron apologizing for the drugs and yelling, then practically the next time we see him, it’s weeks later and he’s being released.  Guess all that suffering wasn’t that important after all… It was just a nice lead in to a baby story that NOBODY WANTED.  (By the way, thanks Emmerdale for turning me into a person who literally wants a baby to die. {Before it got here. Now I just want her gone and him too if he's not Robert's.}  Aaron wasn’t alone in that feeling.)
And as for Iain saying ‘Don’t worry. Robron is endgame’… THE JOURNEY MATTERS!
Then there’s the other trope they dragged out. It’s great that TV is showing more same sex couples getting married. But the INSTANT they do (especially if it’s two men) the very next storyline is them becoming parents… usually because one of them slept with a woman because of reasons. It’s like the second a gay couple get married the writers have no idea what to do with their characters anymore.  Because what else could a same sex male couple do once they’re married other than become parents, right?
So okay, you want to showcase them, or Robert as a dad.  Fine. THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY OF DOING THIS???!
One of the reasons I was so touting Emmerdale was that I was actually doing storylines where I learned things.  I used to thing dementia just was when you got confused and forgot things.  I had no idea about all the rest of it.  Thank you for that Emmerdale.  (Seriously, thank you.  That Ashley POV episode was brilliant.)  So hey, you have two married men who want to become parents.  How about making THAT a teaching moment?
You’ve shown the process of adoption for Paddy and Rhona.  How about show how much more difficult it can be for same sex couples?  That could stretch over a few months.  Then if/when that doesn’t work, how about teaching your audience about In Vitro Fertilization?  You know, the thing that ONE OF YOUR CAST JUST WENT THROUGH. Show the difficulty of finding a surrogate.  How about it’s not taking and they have to find someone else?  How about the surrogate miscarries?  Do they put themselves through that again?  THERE ARE SO MANY STORIES THAT DON’T INVOLVE CHEATING!
Irony, back when Rebecca was actually becoming a character instead of a plot device, I was thinking, you know, I’m kinda starting to like Friend-Rebecca.  She gave some good advice to Liv.  She helped convince Aaron to use the money.  She stopped Robert from turning their home into a space shuttle. And I was like, you know… one day Robron might want become parents… they may need a surrogate.  Hey, they have a good friend named Rebecca!  Rebecca could be their… *sigh*
It’s just laziness really.  You could have elevated and moved forward.  Instead you just slid back into the muck.
Do better Emmerdale.  We expect more from you now.
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l-e-morgan-author · 5 months
All twelve chapters of The Patience of Hope have now been released! I ended it a day later than planned because I had to take one of the days off, but with the last chapter having just been posted, that wraps up this story, which clocks in at 18,280 words and tips into novella land. If you like explicitly autistic characters, hopeful themes and surety of Christian love, you might like this story.
A couple of acknowledgements - thanks to both @graycedelfin and @stealingmyplaceinthesun, who helped me with betareading. Thanks also to the @inklings-challenge; I wouldn't have written this story without the Christmas challenge it's for.
I love this story so much, and I'm delighted to share it with y'all, even though it's far from its best, having had perhaps not enough time to marinate before I shared it. I hope to edit it in future.
Each chapter was set one day after the previous one. Don't squint too hard at the worldbuilding, either, because it was sort of set in the present time but also sort of not really.
Chapter one: Nativity was for Christmas day itself. Chapter two: Stephen introduced a character and plotline that featured heavily in the rest of the story. In chapter three: John, there was a somewhat difficult conversation, and a kind-of-sort-of cliffhanger. Chapter four: Innocents looked more at how the results of that conversation were going to affect Patience. Next up, chapter five: Shepherds brought a surprising situation into the mix. Chapter six: Joseph had a spot of conflict, as well as much-needed reassurance for Patience. Chapter seven: Magi brought more fluff, as well as a necessary conversation. Chapter eight: David showed one of Patience's favourite things, knitting for people. Chapter nine: Baptism was shorter than I would have liked, and I intend to revise to add another scene at a later date, but it's okay as it is. Chapter ten: James briefly brought back a character sidelined in an earlier chapter. In chapter eleven: Mysteries, her father returned to take care of Patience and try to clarify the situation she was in. Finally, the chapter that just released (chapter twelve: Epiphany) contained a hard conversation, surrounded by discussions of Bible verses and wordplay, and closed the story on a hopeful note.
Thanks for reading, and please reblog this post, and please tell me what you think of the story! Also see the most recent story on this post (or one of my most recent tumblr posts), for a short story from Rhona's POV during the events of Patience, Changing, "Patience in Recovery"!
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8, 9, 11, 17 for the writer/artist asks!
8. Do you have any OC family trees?
I do, from several years ago, but I can't remember where I put them. I could recreate them, tho.
9. Favourite OC?
Since I already answered this, I'll pick another favourite, Tom. His insecurity and struggles to unlearn habitual misogyny have captivated me because my boy is TRYING he's DOING HIS BEST at separating from the poor company that influenced him for years. He slips up, but he's still trying his best. Overall he's a very relatable character.
11. Sum up one or more of your wips!
I wouldn't exactly call this a wip because I haven't seriously worked on it for years, only bouncing around my brain a bit, but: Patience, the dear beloved knitting oc. I love her and her story and may even find it in me to write it during nanowrimo this year, if I haven't properly planned out any of the other ones I want to get written.
Patience copes with life by hiding away in a small sandstone cave a lot of the time, halfway up a mountain. She knits a Lot, so much so that she has to sell her pieces just so she can afford to buy enough yarn to knit with. This upsets her, but hey, she copes. She's really quite contented with her life, until one day she hears the rattling of *her* rope-and-stick ladder that *nobody else* uses, and a head pops up above the ledge. Unfortunately, its owner is trying to be friendly. Even more unfortunately, due to a combination of circumstances it is sprung on her completely without notice that this is her new adopted sister, Rhona. Patience does not like this. Patience Does Not Like This. However, she does her best to try and work with her, but Rhona just doesn't vibe very well, really. Time passes and her parents are at the end of their rope and it seems that Rhona will have to go elsewhere, though where they don't know. I completely steal a plot point from Dear Enemy in which Patience saves Rhona from a fire, in the process breaking several bones. While she recuperates, Rhona comes to understand her more and learn how Patience works and vibes and how they ought to interact, better. By the time Patience is well enough to go back to the cave as previously - having to overcome her newfound fear of heights, with Rhona's support - they are good friends and enjoy one another's company. In the final scene, Patience is teaching Rhona how to knit.
17. What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
The Sudden Realisation, in romance; I do not know how romance develops, or how feelings grow. If I have a POV character, either they're Suddenly Aware, or it's an already established thing. (Examples of the Suddenly Aware include both Tom and Adira - he realising he's not actually interested in another girl romantically, she by seeing a photo of them asleep together and going oh - and the established thing would be Paddy and Lilac.) I love the grumpy one/sunshiney one as a trope, and to some extent that's represented in Vaniah and Anneka's relationship, and certainly with Neil and Faith. (Spoilers!! Faith takes a while to be introduced and that relationship certainly surprises the other characters.) I can't think of any other tropes or dynamics off the top of my head rn, but if anyone wishes to pick them up in my writing and ask specifically about it, I'll answer, lol.
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aarondinglestears · 6 years
I will try to be coherent. Pete x Priya, 2 hot ppl, sharing hot scenes & a forbidden story, what went wrong? When the same ppl view Robron affair as something intense, hot & poignant? I already have half ass obvious answers for that question in the back of my head but I want your POV/ Pete & Rhona's dynamic is better (than Pete x Priya) because *insert your POV again* Rhona & Paddy: why Rhona chose/fell in love with Paddy?// (jeez that got messy)
+ last part; if Robert/Aaron hadn't fell in love this hard *the sentimental factor* (I still believe Aaron's love was more consistent/intense) what they would get out of their relationship? I can see the appeal with Robert/Rebecca because I can see/visualize their adventures, their daily life, their common goals, how their ambitions cross paths. I tried my best to be short & specific.
listen my terrible opinion is that i dont think either members of prete are very convincing actors. but something special comes out of pete when he is with rhona. the robron affair was genuinely passionate and fiery so i wouldnt compare the 2 affairs. and the other part of my answer is there was no emotional foundation to pete/priya whereas right now pete has a lot of family-related angst and rhona has a lot of exes-related angst that is causing them to be drawn to each other for safe, gentle, fun companionship.
paddy is the typical guy u fall for who has a good sense of humor, rly is enamored with u (if u are a nice/pretty lady), and feels uncomplicated in theory (rip). rhona had a thing for marlon in the past too so she def has a track record for that type.
for robert he gets from aaron the safety and comfort to be himself - his bi self, his misbehaving self, his self that has had a complicated rl with his family, etc. for aaron he gets a guy who makes him feel like a good person and who insists to him wont abandon him which has always been a fear. for 2 ppl who have not had many rl’s in the past providing those senses of comfort and security. its not what they actively do that makes the relationship feel valuable and worthwhile to them, its the feelings they get out of it which are harder to visibly convey.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 4 years
Anytime I see the words Graham and Revelations or Bomb Shells in the same sentence I just roll my eyes so hard because how many more insane convoluted backstories can one character rack up? 
Also the whole ‘let’s tell the same story from different povs each episode” thing just feels like they really want to capture that ssw 2016 magic but with Graham and the Home Farm crew taking center stage...that doesn’t seem likely. 
Also, trying to involve Charity just so she can be a suspect also feels like reaching, kind of like her random feud with Chas. It all just seems like they’re trying too hard. 
I do hope Rhona and Marlon get good material out of it all though. 
I don’t know...maybe they’ll surprise me...haha
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curewhimsy · 6 years
So I'm writing a Pandemic AU and I'll show you what I have... I guess...
It's probably not so good, since I've never really read or watched any media about this topic.
TW: Death, suicide, many possible disease-related triggers, may cause anxiety if you are the faint of heart. (Like me.)
Pandemic AU
The disease purple flu is a virus, named so as it gives your skin an odd purple hue
Symptoms- Sweating Dizziness Decreased blood flow to the head Pneumonia Congestion Stroke Hemorrhage Fever Internal bleeding Organ failure Paranoia and insanity (partly because of the mental strain of having the disease)
It can be transmitted through sweat, blood, food, and mucus. Sumi got it by ingesting food with the virus on it.
Think about how the disease and the panic effects culture. -Prayers for the world to get better -People all over are writing songs and making art pieces depicting the situation -Quarantines -Mass suicide when it looks bleak -Media that comes out is meant to cheer people up and uplift them
Think about the shortage of hospitals and how rapid people are becoming sick and dying. Eventually, it's decided nothing can be done...
Bianca's last day before the pandemic news breaks out is a very lighthearted, memorable day of having fun with friends, the exact kind of day you get sad when it ends. This is to show how suddenly lives are being affected by the disaster.
Rhona is one of the scientists researching a cure, along with Zero, and Reisei, who is a doctor in training.
The disease doesn't infect animals and Bianca feels terrible about leaving Snowbell all alone in a world with no humans, but cannot bring herself to end the cat's life. In the end, Snowbell wanders all alone until her death, caused by thirst.
Some domestic animals linger around longer than others, but all eventually pass away due to the absence of humans.
Lulu has a little song to cheer her up, her version of "A Few Of My Favorite Things". Right before her life ends, a sad reprise plays. Terrified Lulu can't handle the circumstances, and waits for the disease to kill her in order to escape the hellish world filled with suffering.
Bianca, a germaphobe, can't handle medical stuff, and panics more than anyone else. She's the type of person to get stressed even when the common cold makes its way around her school. Only this time, it's going around the entire world and it's killing everyone in its path! How fun!
"This is it. This is the end. I'm going to die. I've decided to take it. I wonder though, what happens next?"
People dying before being able to live their dreams.
"Little did I know that happy times would be over for those innocent kids playing on the street, the merry adults going on their way, those peaceful old folk, and everyone. Little did we know we had our final happy Christmas, and that starting when I got sick, the days were going to be winding down."
Lots of crying, fear, panic, and emotions. Even the most stoic characters end up breaking down into a sobbing mess.
SPOILERS: Everyone dies.
The cure is halfway complete, but all the scientists died before they could finish it.
SPOILERS: BUT, in the end, it is revealed that heaven does indeed exist and everyone is reunited and in a much better place. After all the horror they faced, they all became heroes in their own right.
Earth will be there, just the way it was left when everyone died. It will be this way for hundreds, thousands of years.
However, there might be alternate endings. There could be an ending where only half the population survives as well.
Story Progression- This is an AU that takes place solely on planet Earth. "It all started with a honey bun." The disease starts in Canada in January 2018 after Sumi eats a contaminated honey bun out of an old vending machine at a party. Sumi contaminates Ember and Reina. Ember contaminates Claudia. Reina flies down to Brazil to visit family and unintentionally brings the disease with her. Ember ends up contaminating Alaska when visiting her family back in Barrow. Claudia brings the disease to Belgium when she visits her grandparents.
Bianca, one healthy person in Maryland with sick people all around her, feels helpless...
Bells ringing signaling the world going into emergency
The final one to die...?
Sumi's POV
That night I first started randomly sweating buckets, I just didn't think much about it. I thought it was unusual, but maybe I was just overworked or coming down with something mild. I did just come back from a lively party where I did do a lot of dancing. I'm an introvert, so such things do tend to take a lot out of me. It was probably nothing. I was sure of it. I was so sure I would wake up the next morning and forget all about it.
I made sure I drank an extra cup of water that night, and went to sleep. Little did I know, I wasn't going to get better, and that this was the modest beginning of a dreadful nightmare.
It turned out, I was one of the first people to contact the fatal purple flu.
When I woke up the next morning, I felt sluggish and the first sensation I noticed were my soaked pajamas and bedsheets. It was as if my entire skin had sprung one big leak.
I had been sweating profusely all night long.
That's when I started to worry. But of course my mind didn't jump to a pandemic just yet.
"I wonder what's wrong..." I asked myself. I normally didn't sweat when I was sick, and even when I did, it wasn't without the congestion and fever. What could've been the cause of my sudden profuse sweating?
I took of my wet clothes, dried my embarrassingly wet body with a towel, took out my tablet and began to look on Google. I normally didn't look up my symptoms online, but this time I felt stumped.
Long story short, Google didn't help. I just moved out on my own, so I decided to call my parents. It was still quite early in the morning, but I'm sure they would understand.
"Hey, mom? Um... this will sound a little weird, but I started sweating a lot last night."
"What?" Came the voice on the other line. "Sweating?"
"Yes, I'm sweating a lot. And the next morning I woke up soaked."
"You're probably just coming down with something. Take it easy today." My mother said.
"Oh no, I can't..." I said, "I have a big exam in a few days..."
"I'm sorry about that, just do your best!" My mom said.
That's right. I was just coming down with something. I tried reminding myself. But I somehow just couldn't convince myself. This felt so different. For the first time, I thought that maybe it was serious. But I never would have imagined it was the start of a pandemic.
I was still sweating when I got to school. At this point, it was just embarrassing.
"Hey, Ember." I said when I passed by her on the campus.
"Sumi! What's up?" My friend responded.
Was I going to tell her? I decided to try, but it didn't quite go in depth.
"I didn't feel so good last night." I said. "In fact, I still don't feel good now." I said.
"Hm, yeah. You don't look too good. You're all red..."
"Yeah... well, actually I've really just been-"
But before I could say the word "sweating", Ember got a phone call.
"Oh, Sumi? I gotta go now. Claudia wanted me to meet her by the bridge."
"Oh. Alright." I said, "It's time for my class anyway." I said.
"You take care, I hope you feel better!" Ember waved to me. I waved back.
Little did I know, these normal days were basically about to end.
Art class started normally. I was a bit late, so I had to sit further in the back. Wiping sweat off my brow, I was hoping to live out my day normally. I chatted with a few other students and followed the professor's instructions.
But by the time we started drawing figures, I felt a little dizzy. I shrugged it off. But by the third or forth pang of dizziness, I realized it could've had something to do with my sweating. I bit my lip and decided if it continued, I would go to the nurse on campus.
The pangs returned, and right before I decided to raise my hand, the dizziness got intense. I felt sweat streaming from my pores...
"You look horrible, Sumi." The professor said. How nice of him to say. But I understood. I was so red I looked purple.
When I spoke, my speech was slurred, and by this time I was frightened.
I barely remembered the words my professor said when he dismissed me. I just remember myself rushing out of the room and forgetting my favorite pencil.
By the time I got to the nurse's office I could barely stand.
"Um... can I lay down?" I asked.
"Oh heavens, sure you can!" The nurse said. "I'm sorry you don't feel good."
I didn't know if I could drive home at this point. Not like this. I decided to call my mom, but during the middle of the conversation, my phone hit the ground, or so she tells me.
When I woke up, I didn't know what had happened, but I saw my friend Reina there...
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