#They asked him dude just hear cyclonus out
scribe-of-hael · 9 months
the girls are fighting
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Top 10 Worst Cooks? Obviously Guyhawk, but otherwise I have no clue
oh. oh bitch. you dunno what you’re fucking in for.
Tfp Airachnid. She tries, she really does, but unless it’s letting meat roast by a fire, she cannot cook. Her tea comes out like jelly, her cookies are burnt outside but raw af on the inside, her turkey meat comes out in fucking ashes, and you swore you saw her oatmeal breathe once. I actually did a roleplay where she was with Bulkhead, and he forced himself to eat her food to not hurt her feelings. I put that man through some shit.
tfa Bumblebee. You told him to peel half a bag of potatoes for dinner. He peeled half of every potato in the bag. He is not allowed to use the oven, and he needs to be supervised if he’s using the microwave. He turns his shit up too high so it fucking burns, and he’s too impatient to read through all the instructions.
tfp Megatron. Unless it’s space crack, dude can’t cook jack fucking shit. He tried making scrambled eggs in the oven, nearly sent the entire ship aflame. He just has no fucking clue what he’s doing.
Cyberverse Hot Rod. The most he can do is hot pockets and frozen lasagnas. He doesn’t know how to cook shit, but at the very least he’s willing to try to learn. Responsible for the death of thousands of pancakes.
Cyberverse Dead end. Him cooking is a lot of “The fuck is that?” “The fuck is this?” and “Fuck this shit”. He has no patience to cook, he’d rather eat shit straight from the box than put in any actual effort. Possibly the laziest cook on this list.
tfp Knockout. It isn’t that he’s inept in the kitchen, it’s just that he is so focused on his looks the whole time, making him forget what he was doing. He gets frustrated that nothing is coming out right, so he asks Breakdown if he can pretty please make dinner. Though by his logic, him asking Breakdown to cook IS cooking, so he’s totally five stars.
RID2015 Drift. I know, weird choice. Hear me out here. Dude knows his way around a battlefield, but when shit surprises him, he gets REALLY thrown off balance, and decides cooking is beneath him. As such, his boys make him his meals every night.
tfp Wheeljack (This series has so many gays that can’t fucking cook) Dude should not be allowed near ANY fucking flames. No oven, no microwave, don’t even give him a fucking easy bake oven. Something will blow up, a mess will be made, and Ratchet will have to fucking clean it up.
Beast wars Inferno. He thinks everything needs to be flambéed. Do I need to make it anymore clear???
 G1 Galvatron. He get’s ONE eggshell in the bowl and he’s fucking done. He’s flipping the table, he’s smashing windows, he’s throwing bowls- just let Cyclonus make dinner for gods sake. 
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 4: Rung is the Most Dangerous Man Alive
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There are so MANY of you.
So, when last we left off, the Lost Light had VOMPFed into a massive body of water, or at least something water adjacent, and was surrounded by guys. Let’s see how this plays out.
Ultra Magnus is dubious about this whole “being completely surrounded by tiny little dudes” thing, but Mainframe’s got a pretty good read on the situation, given that he’s the one actually looking at the screen for the radar. Off in the background, Brainstorm and Perceptor discuss the structural intent of the Lost Light. Perceptor alludes to the fact that there’s more than one way to be alive as a giant space robot, introducing the term “warm-wired”, which I don’t recall ever being addressed after this issue.
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Er, well, no, they’re not actually, Magnus, they’re Ammonites. Way to stereotype, dude.
For this issue’s tie-in toy, Hasbro chose the Mini-Con Centuritron. Only problem with that was that Centuritron wasn’t at all established within the IDW universe. Mini-Cons also hadn’t been established, at least not in name. There were little guys running around, but they weren’t Mini-Cons. So, what to do?
In the proper tie-in issue publication- not the issue that was sold in comic shops- certain lines of dialogue were changed to help establish that Mini-Cons were a thing, by calling the Ammonites Mini-Cons. In the standalone issue, the terms are used interchangeably, mainly because none of the folks in the lime-light this issue went to the bar on Hedonia where we met the Ammonites.
So where did these little buggers come from? Perceptor has a theory, which he shouts with so much vim and vigor he briefly turns the world around him into an anime background.
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There you go, shippers. There’s where the name comes from. Hope it was worth the last 82 pages.
Anyway, Ultra Magnus decides that he’s going to talk to these guys. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
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And that’s a series wrap on the crew of the Lost Light! Let’s give them a hand, folks!
Over on Cybertron, that awful black dusting thing is still going on, so much so that the sky has been blacked out like there’s a major forest fire going. Things are looking rough for ol’ Starscream; even Scoop, the nicest man to ever friggin’ live, is a bit cross with him.
Scoop makes this known by heading a mob to yell at Starscream, pointing out that he’s got a big ugly black mark slapped on his chest, a mark that means he’s obviously going to bring about the end of days. Rattrap attempts to protect Starscream from these harsh words, promising that they’ll figure this thing out. Whether or not Starscream will get to keep his crown after today remains to be seen.
Back on the Lost Light, Roche’s lines have left and been replaced by event-standard artist Raiz, as the hole blasted in the ship hemorrhages water on all our beloved friends.
Skids enters the narrative to fill Magnus in on what exactly they’re facing, and Getaway predicts a pun. Magnus decides that it’s time for recess, because they’ll be going outside for this fight.
Of course, if you’re going to go underwater for a battle, you’re going to need some ability to be evasive. None of these guys turn into submarines or ships though. What to do?
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Meet Rodimus’ midlife-crisis within his midlife-crisis, the Rodpod. It’s garish, silly, and very round. Nobody’s terribly impressed with it, but it’s what we’ve got.
Smashcut to everyone outside- Atomizer is firing off arrows somehow, someone let Swerve have a gun that wasn’t his My First Blaster, and Rung has a fucking stick.
In the Rodpod, Skids, Whirl, Ultra Magnus, Perceptor, Brainstorm, and Getaway for some reason, are packed in like sardines. We’re really pushing Getaway in this, aren’t we? Their job will be to protect the fuel quills of the ship- those red spiky doohickeys sitting on top of the roof.
Y’all ready to see Rung get scary?
Rung dodges the fist of an Ammonite with a deftness usually reserved for people who aren’t skinny little nerds, spouting off his character stats as he hands this guy his own ass. With a fucking stick.
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I want you to imagine a chorus of 50 air horns going off right here. Clearly he is a force of nature not to be reckoned with.
Then the moment passes and he gets bodychecked. Also, he’s got bushy-ass people eyebrows in this. Make of that what you will.
The Ammonites begin combining, becoming larger and larger until they’re bigger than the ship, only for Whirl to blast a hole in them and pass right on through.
Over in the Dead Universe, things aren’t looking so hot, and it’s not for the reason you might think. See, Rodimus and Hardhead have decided to have a go at it, Hardhead poking at the fact that Rodimus just up and left Cybertron for everyone else to clean up, while he went on a space-cruise. Rodimus reminds everyone of the Remain in Light arc, then claims that if needed, he’d come back to Cybertron to take things over, but somehow I feel as if his heart isn’t exactly in that promise. Cyclonus looms in the background, looking like a night demon. He doesn’t contribute to the conversation, but it’s nice to know he’s still here with us.
The conversation gets turned around to the Primes, and how the last several really sort of sucked. When Cyclonus is asked about his opinion on the matter, it’s revealed that he’s fucking dying. So we’re going to have to deal with that. Also, Nightbeat’s here now. No idea how he got ahead of the group, considering he doesn’t seem to have a ship.
Back on Cybertron, over with the Titan, folks are slowly disintegrating. Frenzy looks absolutely terrible. Nobody’s really sure what to do. Ravage wants to fight a guy 800 times his size. Soundwave hears screaming with his special powers. Down in Crystal City, Megatron is the one screaming, as Shockwave pokes at him with something that’s probably medical equipment, but looks like a wrench and a paring knife hooked up to a car battery. Shockwave is still willing to give Megatron a seat at his weird logic table, but Megatron don’t want that shit. Metalhawk is also here, which is nice, I guess. Shockwave lets Megatron know that Nova Prime and Galvatron are still alive. Megatron tries to appeal to Shockwave over the fact that he’s important, but Shockwave has some bad news for old Megsy:
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Then he hits a switch and activates the space bridge in Megatron’s chest, and robots start bursting out of his chest as he screams in anguish.
…Roberts wrote this scene, didn’t he?
Back at the Rodpod, the fellas are getting chased by the Ammonites, looking like a giant ammonite themselves. Using evasive maneuvers, they dive into an abyss. Only, it’s not an abyss.
It’s Metroplex’s eye hole.
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 19
it’s 2021 now!! time for more transformers 
we start off w/a flashback showing tyrest retrieving ultra magnus’s body from the ship - and we get a look at magnus’s spark, which is the green color of a 0.1%er [eyes emoji]
tyrest punching magnus..... grrrrr leave my dad alone bastard man
‘the divided self’ what a good title 
rodimus is like listen man this is a lot for my poor thot brain to take in
in flashback land, we see tyrest immediately launch into a crazy person spiel about how he can and will edit the law as he sees fit to conform to the situation, because that doesn't seem like a blatant abuse of power or a huge conflict of interest or anything 
oooh the screen in the corner that says ‘thought warfare,’ I see that
oof, poor magnus. its gotta be rough to hear your boss rant about how bad at your job you are....especially bc this is right after overlord called magnus a joke and nearly killed him
its especially brutal bc as magnus says, his job is his life 
augh, I love the panel where the armor is falling off around minimus, and then the one where he’s holding the ultra magnus head...poetic 
its fascinating that there was an ‘original’ magnus who was an actual guy, and then tyrest chose to make him into this legacy symbol - I'm assuming the OG magnus had no say in this, and probably didn't even know that he was gonna become this lawman legacy figure
I do wanna know though - obviously everyone thought that ultra magnus was one dude, but how did the different guys wearing the armor deal w/that? like, did minimus have people coming up to him like ‘hey ultra magnus old buddy! remember when we fought those guys in that one place? good times!’ like, do they have to study up on the lives of the past armor wearers to prepare for the role of ultra magnus?
augh poor minimus, of course he’s been wondering about what happened with overlord after he was KO’d
oof, drift...I feel like minimus looks surprised and a little skeptical at the idea that drift was the one behind the entire overlord thing - which is interesting bc as we saw at the beginning of the story, he doesn't exactly trust drift, but it’s still pretty far-fetched that one person orchestrated the entire thing
tailgate :(
the concept of a load-bearer is SUPER cool, I love it so much
it also puts a much-needed limit on things - as in, there IS a limit to how much weight/mass a normal cybertronian frame can carry, which is why you don't see everybody upgrading to be Massive - bc they actually CANT
oof, the worst part is that tyrest is RIGHT, minimus essentially DID have a nervous breakdown after the war ended bc of the rigid way he views the world
mental health support is clearly in shambles for cybertronians, yikes. they literally have 1 therapist for their entire race, and he’s not even licensed anymore due to hipaa violations. what a mess
the ‘attention deflectors’ thing is so cool and clever and also a great explanation as to why ratchet or anyone else never said ‘hey wait a minute, you're actually a much smaller dude in a trench coat’ 
I love tailgate knowing all the stuff about the autobot code bc of magnus...my BOY
and THATS why minimus was asking about skids specifically earlier!
oh minimus, please don't put so much stock in tyrest being stable and resonable...
aaaand there's skids and swerve! brainstorm says it best - ‘because something unexpected hasn't happened for at least nine seconds.’ lmao ily brainstorm 
finally checking in w/whirl and cyclonus - god I love that. whirl asking cyclonus how many cons he killed and cyc is like psh I wasn't keeping count....................ok it was six
hhhhh cyclonus IS looking for a cure for tailgate, even though he told tg that there wasn’t anything to hope for....excuse me as I go be emo 
and now we flash over to the unethical medical conduct hell zone, where pharma is being weird and horny and ratchet is appropriately horrified 
I seriously love how unhinged pharma looks, the art & colors do such a good job conveying his feral energy 
ratchet has some massive dick energy for taunting pharma when he’s currently just a head and pharma has dual chainsaws for hands 
ugh, I love whirls speech about anger...and I feel like he really does see cyclonus as a peer, despite cyclonus wanting to kill him, which is why he tells cyclonus all of this 
I fuckgin love that cyclonus’s reaction to very suddenly getting stabbed thru the abdomen is to just glance down at the sword, looking mildly inconvenienced 
back over to ratchet - and at first its like oh wow I can’t believe pharma was stupid enough to let ratchet goad him into this contest....but then you see first aid and ambulon and its like UH OH this is gonna be BAD
the idea that getting sliced in half is no big deal for a cybertronian is wild
‘you're gonna let doctor djd cut us in half?’ yeahhhh that's an appropriate reaction, yikes
pharma you piece of shit
poor ambulon :( :( :( that's fucking brutal. amazing panel but....jesus
and like, to further my point from last issue’s liveblog - the fact that this very gore-y panel is okay, but swearing isn't...that's really funny honestly. I guess robo-gore is acceptable, while I'm guessing regular ole run of the mill human gore wouldn't be
then back to cyclonus, who is still looking only vaguely put out by the sword stuck right thru him
and then cyclonus just pulls it right out, which is a very bad idea for humans but probably not as big of a deal for big near-immortal alien robots
circle of light stuck in capitalistic urban hellscape cubicals 
poor skids, being asked to stand trial while having no idea what his crime is due to Big Amnesia 
OH SHITTTT I totally forgot that getaway shows up here
that is super clever though, with chromedome confusing the name ‘getaway’ with the concept ‘needing to escape’
cant believe tyrest is really dumb enough to tell minimus all his evil plans
BUT that means its time for some very important forged vs constructed cold lore
jro spelling ‘program’ as ‘programme’ made me remember when he said that he considers everyone on the lost light to be british, which is perhaps the least valid thing he’s ever said vhbghjsdbfjkhasbjk
the idea that they used the matrix - which is portrayed as kind of a holy object - in reproductive experiments is really interesting
AUGHHHHH this is all so good and interesting...im really fascinated w/this particular brand of like, alien robot racism/constructism/whatever you wanna call it - I feel like it does such a good job as a plot device, where many other ‘fantasy racism’ concepts from other franchises fail, bc there's not really a ‘human metaphor’ being used here (as far as I know/can tell) - as in, this isn't a thinly veiled metaphor for something that happened/could happen in human history
in fact, this type of bigotry (or w/e you wanna call it) isn't something that is even really possible in humans - I guess if there was a stigma against being born via ivf or something...? but there isn't, so there's no obvious real-world equivalent, which I take as a sign of good writing and worldbuilding - it makes the cybertronians feel more Real, bc of course they would have their own types of bigotry based off of completely different things than humans 
additionally - and this is crucial - tyrest is wrong: there’s no like, inherent moral corruption in cold constructed bots. there's no difference at all, other than method of construction. fantasy racism plotlines often flounder here, with the oppressors having a ‘valid reason’ for oppressing the oppressed, but tyrest is just operated on religious zealot bs and some biased science
like, dude, did you ever think that maybe there are other reasons why your trials only condemned cold constructed bots? like, maybe the trial itself was biased? or societal conditions were to blame? correlation is not causation, my dude, especially when the conclusion is ‘cold constructed bots are inherently SINNERS’ lmao 
like, tyrest rlly said ‘FUCK separation of church and state,’ huh
anyways I just think the whole cold construction vs forged thing is really interesting and well-done, and serves as a good precursor to the more fleshed-out functionism stuff we see later 
so tyrest is clearly off his rockers w/the whole drilling thing - dude, you accidentally gave yourself a lobotomy, okay - but I find it kinda funny that he’s right about a lot of that stuff he said at the end, about primus and the guiding hand and stuff being real 
cyclonus saying ‘tailgate and the others’...I see you, man, I see you
also cyclonus looks fine now??? didn't he just get stabbed??? 
ah, tyrest sprinkling a little light genocide onto his plan to find salvation. nice, dude!
‘fully deserved’ SHUT UP BIIIIITCH
poor minimus is taking a lot of Ls this arc, geez
oof, great issue! again, as usual....I loved the lore we got this issue, its so interesting...and some good character stuff too. I love minimus, I feel like he’s gonna be my fav this readthru; my first read my fav was brainstorm, second readthru was whirl, and I feel like its minimus/magnus this time. I just love his character arc...
hype af for more B) 
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tf-tmnt · 5 years
Fallin. Rodimus x reader
this is a Rodimus x reader i wrote like years ago, that i had forgotten about that never got uploaded to wattpad. heres the first cringey ass chapter now.
"What in the hell is that!"
"Jee. I don't know, it kinda just fell outta the fucking sky!!"
"why is it so small?"
"and fleshy."
The different voice jumbled around me as my head spun. I groan, raising my hand over my face to cover the light.
"I wonder if it speaks."
I feel movement, the ground shook slightly underneath me.
"Will you idiots move! I need to see if it's injured." there was heavy movement and grumbles before a gasp. "By the all spark.."
i feel like i recognize that voice, but i just can't put my finger on it. "Ratchet. What is it?" a younger voice calls out.
He sighs. "She's human you dumb ass. you should know this! you wen't to the planet with us for primus sake!" Ratchet..that sounded familiar too.
"She doesn't seem to be injured. Just a bit shaken up, But I'll need to do a full scan back on the ship.." the voice known as Ratchet said.
I groan, pushing myself up from the ground.The small chatter and movement around me stopped as I opened my eyes. Man do I regret opening my damn eyes. I jump back, panic struck through me, upon seeing the giant ass robots in front of me. Most of them looked somewhat familiar. Then It clicked as I whipped my head around, looking at the closest mech.
"Ratchet?" My voice was scratchy.
The bots jumped back, Ratchet's optics widened. "Yes?"
My eyes go wide and go to the next bot. "Magnus? Ultra. Magnus?" I questioned. He just looked shocked but shook his head.
I nod my head towards the one horned, giant purple people eater, "Cyclonus."
My head shifts to one quite a bit smaller, a mini bot. I smile, seeing the white and blue bot. His head was pushed into his shell like body, slightly hiding behind everyone else. "Tailgate?!"
My head whips to each bot. "Brainstorm...Drift...Rewind...Chromedome...Whirl..."
Then my eyes land on him, the bright orangey red paint along with the yellow. Oh my god..my childhood crush stood right in front of me. "Roddy?!" I couldn't help but scream out his nickname. The already confused bots furrowed their brow ridges at me.
"How in the fu-" Whirl was cut off by brainstorm.
"Whoa, how do you know our names? How are you even breathing, humans need oxygen, don't they? What if this is a trap!" he spewed out words before pulling his blasters out, shoving them in my face, i jump back, smashing into the ground.
"Hey, hey, dude, chill, Im not a decepticon or from the D.J.D.-"
"How do you know about the D.J.D?" Chromedome stepped closer to me, kneeling slightly.
I sigh, face palming. "Okay, look, i don't know how I got into this..whatever this is, but Where I'm from you all are apart of this comic book series. You're called Transformers. Cybertronians from the planet cybertron. After the 4 million year war, and cybertron was rebuild, Rodimus set off to find the knights of cybertron, he got a crew, and a ship, the lost light, and set off.. Now I don't know how much of this is the same as my world, but that's how I know about you guys, and as far as the breathing thing..I uh, I don't really know to be honest. Please, just don't kill me, I'd rather not be killed by my childhood heroes"
"Us?" Ratchet asked, surprised.
"Childhood?" Brainstorm squinted at me.
Oh yeah..forgot they don't know earth terms.
"Oh, sorry, Sparkling hood heroes. And yeah. I mean, I was a quiet bitlet. I liked reading and watching TV, and instead of friends, I in a way had you guys, which probably sounds weird to you..so I'll just shut up now.." I blush as I let word vomit spill from my mouth. Ratchet smiled sweetly. He actually smiled, I made him smile! I did that!
Rodimus gawked. "Holy shit. She just made him smile. She really is from another universe if she can do that!" I chuckle and roll my eyes. Rodimus never changes.
"So. I have a lot of questions..Do you know our future? Did we have toy figures?! OH do I get my arms back!? Does Cygate become a thing, cause I ship that shit, when does chromewind get married?! Oh, do I get to be bad ass? I am for sure bad ass." Whirl went on as I just looked at him.
"Um. Yes. Yes. Tbd. Yes. and Tbd. and yes, whirl Very bad ass." i nodded, chuckling at him.
"What is this 'tbd' Magnus asked.
"To be determined" me, whirl and rod answer.
I whip my head around to Rodimus. "I didn't know you were text savvy." I tease.
He smirked. "Gotta keep up with bumbles back on cybertron!" I roll my eyes. I completely forgot those two were like the same age.
"Okay..well, I'm getting bored, soo, to the ship we go?" Whirl turned to the giant, no huge, no, gargantuan ship that was off in the distance.
He walked towards it, not waiting for anyone else to object, we all start towards it. I mutter an "Oh shit." as I stumble and stand fully, before running up after the group, who were just walking.
I bolt up to their peds, I was between Rodimus and Drift, who were talking about..what sounded like how to care for a human. they (Mostly Rodimus, while Drift silently agreed by shaking his head yes.)  Seemed like a kid getting their first pet, which I should be offended being compared to a pet, but since its Rodimus and Drift, I will even bark like a dog if it means it will please them. He talked about getting me a bed, and food, and my own room. Honestly, sounds fucking great, can I get belly rubs too?
"Hey ratchet, you know what all a human needs right?" Rodimus called, looking to the older bot.
Ratchet Rolled his optics, muttering out a "For fuck sake..." "Rodimus. She literally talks, just ask her for what she needs to survive!" He shakes his head at the young mech. Poor Ratchet, Always dealing with their bullshit. no wonder he is always so Done TM. with life. I would be too. he's too old for this crap.
I drag myself over the rocky and sandy terrain, I was jogging, almost running while the bots walked, we were about halfway to the ship. the 3 suns above us shun brightly , my face was red and sweat dripped down my back and through the gray shirt I was wearing. My jeans stuck to my legs. my red converse, no doubt had sweat pools at the bottom of them. My red flannel wrapped around my waist. I pick a great day to fucking wear jeans. why didn't I grab one with holes in them. I legit only have one pair that DOESN'T have holes in them and the One fucking day I wear them I get sucked into another World and end up sweating my ass off, walking to a spaceship with some giant robots. Just my odds. I grumble to myself as I try to make it down a "small hill" it was 10 foot, and steep as hell. once i was over it, I lost my footing slightly, my converse which had no grip slid against the rock and sand.
"Oh shiitt!!" I let out a shriek as I tumbled down the hill. My face collided with the hard rock, scraping my face, As I rolled down the hill. It got steeper as I fell, and I dropped off the side, landing on my right arm with a sickening "Crack". I scream out in pain, tears mixing with the blood on my face as I held my arm to me. This was just fucking great. I 100% just broke my arm..but look on the bright side, it was my right arm..I'm left handed, so at least I can still draw. I wail out, clutching my arm to me as pain throbbed through it. Everyone turned towards my screeching, optics wide with worry, Rodimus bolts towards me.
"Oh my primus, are you okay?" He gently scoops me up into his servos, turning towards the rest of the group, who just stood, looking panicked.
"Shes...leaking..red goop.." Whirl pointed out, obviously disgusted.
Ratchet shoves through the crowd of bots, pushing his way towards Rodimus and I. "Oh Boy...shes loosing blood. We need to get her to the med-bay!" He shouts, everyone squirms and makes way to start running back to the Ship, which now seemed even bigger than before.
"Will she be okay?" Rodimus asked, looking down at the little being in his servos.
Ratchet sighs. "Yes. humans are tougher than they look. She, from what i can see, she has broken her right arm, and has a cut on her face that will need to be disinfected and stitched up, but other than that she is perfectly fine." He pats Rodimus' shoulder before taking off towards the ship at a faster pace with the rest of them.
The walk..well Run, back to the ship was a bumpy one for me, every time Rodimus would slightly jostle me, I would groan in pain from my arm, making him repeat "sorry" over and over, I'm pretty sure I've heard him say sorry 36 times in the past 2 minutes. The sound of metal moving and air depressurizing filled my ears. The blinding Suns were now gone, the metal ceiling above me blurred in a gray and silver. The clanking of peds running in different directions, and Rodimus yelling out commands to the crew, echoed off the walls. "Drift get the ship in the air, Cyclonus, prepare everyone for take off, Tailgate..see what a human needs to live...Everyone else..er, do your jobs!" His voice boomed, making me vibrate against his chassis. We turned down a hall, the lights above brightening, I guess we were in  the med-bay. Rodimus brought his servos gently to the berth in front of him, letting me roll out of his palm and onto the metal bed. I groan upon impact, but sit up.
"ep, ep, ep, don't move!" I hear Ratchet shout from another room
Rodimus looks down at me, worry in his optics. Then he turns to Ratchet, who was now in the room with a very small, human sized bag in his hand. "Tell me when you're done repairing her." And with that, Rodimus walked out of the room, leaving me and Ratchet. I look about the room for a second. it was huge. well huge for me. there were a couple cybertronian sized desks, and about 5 berths, besides the one i was sitting on. Different Machines were shoved in the corner and to the sides of the room. Papers littered EVERYWHERE.  Messy was one word to describe it, but lets call it..Organized Chaos.
Ratchet Groaned in annoyance and looked down at me. "Ya know. I haven't had to use this stupid holoform in years! I never thought I'd see another freaking human again." he grumbled, placing the human sized bag down in front of me, which i could now see was a Doctors bag.
"Now here I am, using the stupid thing to patch up a human that supposedly from another Dimension, who just happened to fall out of the sky right were we were walking, on a random deserted planet! Ugh!" he continued to complain.
I shyly smile. "Its my destiny I guess.."
"Yeah. yeah. Destiny my aft. you already are starting to sound like Rodimus..Just. Sit still while I do that." he grumbled once more before a high pitched fizzling type sound rang out, along with the sound of Ratchet transforming to Alt mode. A man Appeared in front of me. My mouth dropped open wide. In all my time reading Fanfic, I never imagined Ratchet to look like this.  He looked about 50 but had gray hair, spiked up in the front, white streaked through the sides. he was tan, his eyes a bright and kind blue. he worn an orange button up underneath a white lab coat, Black dress pants with some bland doctor type shoes. My eyes widen as I look him up and down. I breath out a "Whoa." his eyebrows pushed up.
"What? Do I not look good for human standards?" his voice, sounded exactly the same, but more human.
I chuckle a nervous laugh. "No, its just, I've never imagined your holoform like this..not that I've imagined your holoform, cause that would be weird.." I mentally slap myself, face going red at the stupid thing I had just said. why can't i just keep my mouth shut? life would be so easy if I just didn't talk.
he chuckled before walking towards me, and the bag sitting in front of me. "I'm gonna need you to lift up your head" he asks, rummaging through the bag before pulling out a disinfecting wipe, and stalking towards me. He raises it to my face but stops seeing me flinch as he touched my face. "Easy. It may sting a bit.." He pushed the wet rag against my cheek, my skin screaming out in pain as he wiped away all the dirt, rock and blood from my face. Then he cleaned up my arm and started to wrap it, making me hold it straight out as he wrapped the black around it.
"Do you remember anything at all of how you got here?" he questions, face scrunched in concentration.
"I uh..I had just gotten up, and was on my way to work.. Did the same thing I did every other day, got dressed and then its off to work, work was pretty normal..until some lady came up to me, she was talking  about Wolves, and babies, it was weird. but she handed me this necklace and...wait" My hands go to my pockets and root through them till my fingers land on the rope chain. I pull it out, holding it up to the light to show him. the light shined through it, making colors go everywhere. "Anyways, she handed me this, and said something alone the lines of what i guess would translate into. Follow your destiny. Later than night i was walking home, it was late, the moon was shining brightly above me, and I tripped and fell and then next thing I know I'm falling on top of Rodimus!"
Ratchets eyes widen looking at the crystal on the necklace. "Oh my Optimus. we need op- oh primus." he started to panic, stepping back, clutching his chest. breathing heavily his holoform flickering. He was having a spark attack.
"Ratch. breath! breath okay?! look at me, look at me. you are fine okay?" I clutched his arm making him look at me, trying to calm him. He shook his head, looking into my eyes, clutching me back, breathing heavily.
"I. I need to..I need to finish your cast." he breathed out. Of course this idiot is more worried about my stupid broken arm, than him actually dying!
He grabbed onto the roll and continued to wrap it, his eyes staring at it, you could obviously see that something was bothering him. Did I do that? or was it the crystal? why did it scare him or whatever it did to him, so badly? is he okay?
"Done." he pushed down the last side, and looked at his work. I stick my arm out looking at it, my arm would be stuck in this thing for months. ugh. I hate this already.
"Thanks Ratchet..but are  you okay, like seriously, get First Aid in here or something, because you are not okay. what was that with the crystal?" I looked up to eyes, he still looked shook to say the least.
"Pah, I'm fine, better than ever! I may be old, but I can still get around! These hands are as steady as ever!" he waved me off, flickering off his holoform and transforming into his bi-pedal form.
I look up to his bright optics with worry. "No, no, something happened, what happened, what is this?" i pushed the crystal upwards closer to him, he eyed it cautiously. This thing is obviously important, but what is it?
"Ratchet, please, you obviously aren't telling me something, what is it?" i push further, batting my eyes and him and pouting my lip slightly. I'm a grown woman, but pouting should work, it always does, I mean, it works for dogs with humans, why not for humans with cybertronians?
He sighs loudly, crouching down a bit to be eye level with me. "Fine. What you have there...is very valuable, in fact, it could change the fate of our world. you have a fragment of the all-spark. which till now, we had thought was destroyed long ago within the battle, alpha trion had said it was destroyed within a forge.  I-I had glitched out a bit upon seeing it...And I don't really know what to do with it, I would call optimus, but he is busy with bumblebee, trying to restore cybertron, and we are so far in the galaxy, it would take eons before they could even get here..We cannot let anyone else know about this. they will want to take it from you. use what power it still has...from what i know, the all-spark has a way of..claiming owners, it will cling to a certain person, and then that person is the only one able to use it." he pauses looking down even close to me. "though. that does not explain why it sent you here, or why that woman on your world had it in the first place..and as for the wolves....well i have a few theories, but those can wait till tomorrow, you've had a long and stressful day, and you no doubt will be the center of attention for a bit."
he stands completely up, holding out a hand for me to jump into. i quickly waddle over and sit in his palm. he raises it slightly, holding me to his chassis before starting down a hallway. I looked all around, eyeing the different doors as we pasted, till we got to a big opening. it was what looked to be the main hall,  Rodimus'  winged speeches, and Drift whispering things in his audio receptor to say, all happened here. I smile to myself, thinking of all the goofy things they probably do on the ship.
Ratchet takes a turn that has a hall, and at the end, a single door. There was a sign on the front of it, it was written in gold lettering. "Captain of the Lost Light.' under it sat a Rodimus star, which was crudely tapped on. flame stickers all around the wording. Who let him be captain. like for real, like I love Roddy, but whoever thought putting a teenager in charge was a good idea, needs to be fired.
I chuckle at the door. Ratchet scoffs.
"Don't encourage it. He'll add more." he rolls his eyes, holding his servo to the door and banging on it. Almost immediately the door swooshed open. Out popped a orange and yellow head.
"Heya Ratch!-"
"Don't call me that."
"is the Human okay?" Rodimus brought his head down to where I sat in ratchet's palm, holding a digit out to me like a human would a stray animal. Me being me, as the digit got closer and closer, I pounced at it, hanging onto the giant finger. He lets out a shriek and jumps back, falling over his own peds. he topples onto the ground, a hard metal thunk sounded, making the ship shake and then groaning. I thankfully let go before he fell back completely, so i was now slightly hanging on ratchets digits.
"Why did it do THAT!" Rodimus screeched, still sitting on the floor.
I pull myself up towards ratchet, seeing my struggle, since I was doing it one handed, he pushed me back up with the other hand, giving me the silent 'that was dangerous, are you trying to die' look, with a hint of humor to it. I whip around to Rodimus, putting my hands  on my hips.
"IT? did you just call me an IT?" I screech, trying to sound as bitchy as possible. I love dicking with people. It doesn't really trigger me when I am called it. I understand it, coming from Aliens, who are different from humans.
His optics bug out. and he starts to stutter, he knows he fucked up, he went through this with Chromia, when he made the mistake of calling her, he. it wasn't his fault! he's just use to it! I mean how can you blame him, almost all cybertronians are male!
"N-No, I didn't mean, that, I- well i kinda mean't it, I just didn't know what pronoun you use and I didn't know if you were actually just a fem looking mech or-" he blubbered out words, trying desperately to fix his words.
I bust out laughing, I didn't mean to, it was just him. I mean, Rodimus loosing his cool was just too much. He was know as the cocky always ready for anything Rodimus Prime, not blubbering and rumbling for words. "Rodimus. Rodimus! I was kidding, calm down!"
"Wha-What?" he stuttered, his voice quiet as energon rose to his cheek plates.
"I'm not mad or offended. I was just messing with you!" I giggle, as he still sat on the ground
he looked up at me grumbling as he stood up. "Ya know, I don't remember humans being this big of jerks!" he complained, pointing to me in a teasing manner.
Ratchet cleared his throat before speaking. "She had a broken arm and a few stitches, she needs rest, I hope you will care for her properly. she is not a pet, If i hear even the slightest word about her needs not being met I will have someone else do the job." And with that, Ratchet held his hand out to Rodimus, who plucked me from the medics palm. I watched as Ratchet walked back towards the med-bay, and the captain's door shut in front of us.
I turn in his hand to look up at him, he was looking down at me, a small smile on his lips. His optics were even brighter than I ever imagined, they could light up a whole room with their pretty color. I hadn't really realized i was staring at him.
"You okay, human?" he asked, looking me up and down, looking at my injuries.
"huh. what? oh yeah. Yeah!..I'm fine, just got distracted by your optics...thy're pretty.." I mumbled the last part out, hoping his audio receptors didn't hear it.
"o-ooh....hey, uh you want me to sit you on my desk?" he asked, blue on his cheeks, obviously, trying to keep a conversation, despite the awkward tension.
"oh, uh. sure." I smile up at him, as he holds me against his chest, walking over to a desk that was right next to the berth.
there wasn't all that much in the room..that i could see at least. there was a berth, and a desk which was cluttered with papers, which i'm currently standing on, a dresser type thing that had empty blocks of energon on it, some of the drawers were pulled out, showing the different waxes and what would normally be car supplies on earth. there was also a closet..which was latched shut, you could see a blue thing, trying to spill out of the door, it looked almost like a skateboard.
I turn my head back to Rodimus after looking about the room. "Sorry about the mess, wasn't expecting company." he chuckled nervously shoving papers to the side of the desk so that i could sit on the edge. I push my legs down, so they dangled off the side.
"So...what do you need, to like, survive?" he cocked his head slightly, like a confused dog.
I chuckle a bit at his cuteness before answering. "Well, uh. I'm gonna need a bed, a bathroom, a food supply, entertainment, and some different clothes." I listed off different things that I would need to stay on the ship. I knew it would be a while before i could even think about getting back home, that is even if I wanted to.
"Okay, consider it done!...just one question...whats a bed? and a bathroom? and cl-oth-es?" he listed off his questions, holding out his digits.
"i-um-uh." I pausing thinking of how I could explain this to him.. "Okay..so a bed, is like a berth, but soft, and for humans...clothes are...well these" i grab my shirt and tug on it slightly, doing the same to my pants. "and a bathroom is um a...- wait a minute! Can't you just google this shit, you're a Robot for gods sake!" i burst, throwing my hands up at him.  My cheeks glow with embarrassment.
he bursts out laughing at me. "ya know i was on earth for a bit, i didn't learn much but i did know what a bathroom was....mainly cause the human i had to guard constantly needed to use one....plus i can use google. so I kinda put 2 and 2 together." he chuckles again, I roll my eyes.
"Anyways. tomorrow around noon we should be arriving at a depot, so we can get some of your supplies there. for whatever reason, all other species are like, obsessed with earth products, so it shouldn't be too hard to find some things." he smiled down at me.
"Including you?" I ask with a smirk, thinking about the cans of wax that were in the drawer.
"Shut up, not my fault your species makes good products to keep metal shiny and clean." he holds his head high, probably trying to protect his pride.
I grin back up at him, chuckling when a loud voice boomed over an intercom, it sounded like Ultra Magnus. "Lights are now out. Everyone must go into your assigned habsuite, failure to do so will result in punishment from me. Goodnight." the voice shut on ask quickly as it came.
I cock an eyebrow up at Rodimus in question. he sighs. "He's starting this new, curfew thing, cause too many bots were staying at swerves and constantly getting drunk."
I scoff.
"Yeah, I know its stupid. me and Drift and the others sometimes sneak out, just to try and get caught by him. its a fun game, we should play it sometime when your arm is healed." he looked down at me and then to the berth.
"Yeah. I'd love that." I smile up at him.
"We should be getting to recharge." he sighs, shuffling towards the berth, peds dragging on the ground. He falls onto the berth, making the room shake slightly.
his head was now closer to mine, since the desk was right near the head of the berth. I turn towards him and stand, walking closer. he holds his hand out slightly.
"I know it isn't the softest place in the world, but you can sleep over here with me if you want..I promise I won't squish you." He holds out his hand for me to crawl across, onto the berth.
I chuckle softly before climbing on, and across his arm, sitting next to him slightly.  he shifts around a bit and I hear a click before the room goes dark, other than the slight glow of the energon slipping through Rodimus' Armor cracks, and the bright glow of his optics. He shifts a bit again, I close my eyes, curling into him a bit, snuggling the warmth I could get. I drifted deeper and deeper into the darkness till I felt myself being picked up and placed on something much warmer, I sighed in content and curled into the warmth, clinging to whatever was producing. the last thing i remember was the slightest whisper from Rodimus.
"Goodnight little human."
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optiprimus · 7 years
lost light #7, or: i’m suing for whiplash because that’s the fastest i’ve ever gone from loving an issue to...NOT
All of the spoilers under the cut.
Breakin’ in the sideblog with a reaction to lost light 7! It’s a shame I fucking hated it. 
I liked the first...fifteen pages--I liked everything Rodimus did, I liked Magnus’s actually really tragic not-breakup with Megatron-who-is-no-longer-around. I liked Tailgate’s teen drama reaction to Whirl’s news! It’s exactly the kind of silly, over-the-top solution I’d expect from him (and, let’s be honest, most of the rest of the crew.)
The ending? Did not like that. For anyone who’s interested, here’s why. TL;DR at the end.
COMPARABLE DEATHS OVER THE COURSE OF THE TRANSFORMERS: MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE (i.e., deaths of one half of a romantic relationship where the other half is left alive to mourn)
REWIND AND CHROMEDOME. This is the O.G. Dead Gay Robot Tragedy; I wasn’t around when it happened, but I hear the outcry was so great that we, uh, got Rewind back. Because killing off one of your two canon gay men at the time is not a particularly progressive storytelling choice. And I���m glad James has no problem fixing his mistakes--hell, in this issue we get another reference to the whole “estriol positive” gendered sparktypes situation, specifically to hammer it into the ground that just kidding, that was a poor decision on my part and I apologize for it. But I digress.
Rewind’s death was INCREDIBLY fucking sad. I cried. My high school friend who knows absolutely nothing about trans formers cried. But narratively, it was satisfying. Rewind dies as a heroic sacrifice; he dies saving all his friends and the person he loves, and while that is tragic, it makes you feel proud of him. His last act is selfless, which is, in my opinion, the best note to end on.
The romantic nature of his sacrifice (romantic in the “idealized view of reality” sense as well as “expression of love”) is somewhat undercut by the apparent brutal nature of his death--if we’re to believe Overlord, he got, uh, ripped to pieces and cried for help the whole time. Which, to be fair, is what I would be doing too.
From a metafictional point of view, Rewind’s suffering is a consequence of his choice to be a hero. While this isn’t fair, it’s an established convention, and it’s what makes “making the right choice” difficult. That’s why it carries the weight it does.
Also, he, uh, comes back to life. Although the “alternate universe version of my lover returns to replace the one that died” plotline is its own can of worms, the fact remains that at the end of the day, both living members of the couple are happy again. As happy as you can be in this sort of comic.
Carrying on.
SKIDS AND NAUTICA. Hoo, boy, this one makes me cry. I will be honest: I did not realize this was meant to be a romance until issue...fifty-two? Maybe? And then I went back and looked at the panels where they’re there in the background but don’t speak, and I was so impressed by the visual storytelling that I forgot to be sad for a few minutes.
But then I was sad again. I liked Skids. I really like Nautica. I want them both to be happy. I think they made a cute couple--but Skids’s death served as a necessary part of the story in so many ways. He gets a heroic sacrifice that allows his friends to stand firm in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds (although you could argue that their powerups were pointless; they are set to lose anyway until Megatron shows up, because it’s always about Megatron. Just kidding; I like that guy.) 
It’s a natural conclusion to his character arc, and although it’s a tragic one, it’s one I really liked, in the same way I liked Sunstreaker’s death in All Hail Megatron. It’s sad, but it’s narratively satisfying (there’s that word again), because at least when they’re dead, they’re at peace.
It serves Nautica’s development, in a way that’s incredibly reminiscent of the countless dead-girlfriend-in-fridge narratives we’ve seen since time immemorial. Skids’s death pushes her towards violence in an actually really sad nod to her ongoing desire to learn more “practical” skills. When they’re up against the personality ticks, she laments her lack of combat ability, and then outsmarts the enemy instead of punching it. With Skids, there’s nothing she can fight or outsmart--but at least she can get some revenge, and put his sacrifice to good use.
Skids gets the death of a romantic hero, and for what it’s worth, I doubt he’s gone forever. I doubt any of these guys are gone forever, given what little we know of the Big Plot of the comic so far. But we can’t assume, so for now, he’s dead; he just died well.
LUG AND ANODE. Who are confirmed girlfriends, to the surprise of hopefully no one. This one feels almost like it shouldn’t count, because we see Lug in almost every issue (even if she’s a brain ghost for a lot of those) but it fits the pattern.
Lug’s death and reincarnation are one hundred percent fodder for Anode’s character arc. Let’s get that out of the way now. She dies because of Anode’s reckless adventuring ways, Anode hallucinates her presence, Anode overcomes her fear of blacksmithing to resurrect her, and Anode’s grief is resolved. In this arc, she is a storytelling tool that serves to introduce Anode and what she’s like as a person.
I don’t think this is necessarily bad. Lug has a character of her own, even if she has no agency in this arc, and from now on she gets a chance to have her own angsty plotlines. I’d be on edge of Anode were, you know, a dude, but she’s not, so this is something I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt...on. about. I don’t think that works
Lug doesn’t die a hero’s death. Her death is an accident, resulting from someone else’s carelessness; it’s not a conscious choice on her part, which means it’s also not her fault. The story doesn’t blame her for her own death. It’s not the inspiring sacrifice we get from Rewind or Skids, but that’s okay; not every death is like that, even in fiction.
And again, she comes back. Which we sort of knew would happen, given what Anode used to do for a living. In the end, everyone who’s, you know, alive doesn’t have to be alone. It’s perhaps a bittersweet ending, but it’s a happy one.
And now the main event.
Here’s a fun fact: I don’t think Tailgate is actually dead. I think he’s going to make it out, one way or another. I don’t know how long he’s going to be gone. We lost Rewind for upwards of a year; I don’t want to do that again. Either way, this is written with the assumption that he’s perma-dead, because as of right now that’s what we’re being led to believe.
Here’s a fun fact: if one of these two had to die, I would have preferred Cyclonus. In a heroic sacrifice. Yes, I know he wasn’t the one scripted to die way before this. No, I don’t want either of them dead. But if any character would be one hundred percent satisfied and at peace dying to save someone he loved, it’s that guy.
But instead we got this.
Tailgate dies a horrible death as a result of being a dick (apparently due to powers that...make him lash out at people and be a dick. If I’m reading that right.) You can argue that Fangry (who had such a good name, man, why did he have to be a throwaway villain. Assuming he is one) was justified in what he did; personally, I don’t think he did his due investigative diligence. Also if he was helping Kaput with this project wouldn’t he have heard him mention that Tailgate’s aggression is due to his magical girl powerup? Digression.
Here’s what the order of story events is. Tailgate breaks up with Cyclonus in a teen drama esque scene complete with a very sad visual callback to issue whatever is the one where he does bomb disposal. Cyclonus leaves and is sad. Whirl comforts him. Tailgate says “please Doc remove my dangerous superpowers so I can not die and also finally get together with the boy I like.” Doc says okay I’m going to irradiate the fuck out of you. We bury Tailgate in what is transparently a coffin a BIG BOX and then Fangry shows up and says “enjoy death fucker.” Some flowers grow. The end.
Tailgate gets revenge-killed...because he wanted to be alive and happy with the person he loved. Within the story, that’s of course not how it went down, but narratively, his death is a consequence of wanting a happy ending.
If he hadn’t had the audacity to want that, he wouldn’t have been in a position to be murdered. From a meta point of view, he is responsible for the situation and for the motivation of his killer, because he had weird superpowers and liked a boy. And he had weird superpowers because...oh. Because he liked a boy.
Maybe he’s not really dead. Maybe he escaped the death box! Maybe he’ll come back like so many others have. But even if that’s the case, I don’t understand the point of this fakeout. I don’t get it! What emotion is this supposed to engender in me besides disappointment? I’m not concerned for Tailgate because I have no way of knowing if he’s survived and I doubt I’ll find out either way for a while. I’m sad for Cyclonus, because uhh yeah I’m sad for Cyclonus, but I’ve been sad for Cyclonus since like the first issue! This isn’t new!! Anyway.
TL;DR: Every other couple split up by death has had the death be a heroic sacrifice, or not a direct result of the dead person’s mistakes, and most of them came back. Tailgate died because he beat up a dude (bad) maybe because of his magic powers (not his fault)--and because he asked Kaput to fix him so he wouldn’t die or kill anyone else and he could stay with his not-boyfriend. He died because he asked for a happy ending. Even if he’s not dead, I don’t see the point of the cliffhanger; if he’s dead, he’s dead, and we’ll be wondering indefinitely if he’s going to come back. If he’s alive, we spent [x] issues being needlessly anxious about him. That’s not a fun cliffhanger.
Drama thrives on conflict. Them’s facts. But some conflict feels good to read, and some just makes you feel sick, because it’s scary or unfair or hits a little too close to home, and I don’t know about you, but I read this comic about space robots that turn into cars for fun. Not because I want another story about “life isn’t fair” where good people die in horrible ways and bad guys get away with being bad. And if you dare to ask for a happy ending, with the person you’ve been fighting to be with for sixty issues, you suffer for it.
It’s pain for the sake of pain. It’s pointless. God knows we have enough of that already, thanks.
P.S. holy shit sorry to all the people who were invested in megs/mags that SUCKS and I feel for you
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It’s like half a year late but I just realized I saved this post as a draft and never actually posted it sO 
*Breaks down sobbing* L-LOST LIGHT 25 READ….THE LAST LIGHT…. 
My hands are shaking as I open up the file. How am I supposed to say goodbye and mean it. This comic’s changed my life, who am I going to be without it
I could spend the rest of my life looking at that cover :’) Rewind and Chromedome…Tailgate and CycLONUS….WITH WINGMAN WHIRL….SWERVE HOLDING RUNG’S GLASSES…DRIFT AND RATCHET (and ratchet holding the sparkflowers which represent everyone who died on the mission #called it), ANODE AND LUG….BRAINSTORM AND NAUTICA (probably watching some goofy video on Brainstorm’s cellphone??), MINIMUS AND RODIMUS…..SOBS….I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH…..
“The story so far: You’re joking, right?” LMAO
I saw the one page preview earlier this week and for the life of me I expected it to be Megatron. I expected them to be planning a fake funeral for Megatron buT THEN PROWL WAS THERE AND THAT THREW ME OFF.
I know Rewind doesn’t have to be glued to Chromedome’s side at all times but THE FACT THAT THEY”RE AT A FUNERAL AND HE”S NOT NEXT TO CHROMEDOME IS DRIVING MY ANXIETY UP THE WALL
RATCHET!??!?!? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A bunch of supersparks because of Rung’s message :’(((
Prowl pls, I understand your point of view completely but…THE SPARKS…be cool dude
I guess this is post-all the Unicron business??? Where’s Optimus, why isn’t he at his best friend’s funeral. (Though, even as I say that I am Very Much Aware that he probably died in the other comics, true to his style)
Prowl puts his finger on Rodimus’ mouth to shush him and I have mixed feelings about that because A) rude but B) it indicates a level of familiarity I’m surprised Prowl would do, even if it is just for the sake of shushing Rodimus
“No to everything you’ve said and everything you will say. And while I’m at it, no to anything you’ve said or will ever say ever” “Rodimus”
Awh Rodimus puts himself betwEEN MEGATRON AND PROWL….WHEEZES
Prowl’s got his hands on his hips and his door wing things hiked up oh my goshhh I HATE THAT I THOUGHT “You are Precious” THIS IS HOW FAR IVE FALLEN HUH
GuhhhhhhhhHHHH the sad look Megatron and Rodimus give each other…. :’((( There’s no way this trial will end with them letting him off, the fans would riot.
“It’s a joke” “I suppose you had to be there" SOBS EVEN HARDER
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"Do you trust me, Prowl?” Aw oh Roddy…WHAT DO YOU MEAN LAP OF HONOR are you going to race Prowl, Rodimus buddy pls
“I’m conscious we haven’t seen each other in years” AW MAN SO THEY REALLY DID ALL SPLIT UP :’(((( I mean I guess that’s expected but hrGHH….HECK THAT MEANS RATCHET PROBABLY REALLY IS GONE OH NO…SALING IM SO SORRY
SWERVE HAD 113 BARS JRO PLEASE “I guess I’m not ready to be reminded of the good times” SWERVE I WILL CRY RIGHT NOW
Dratchet confirmed but AT WHAT COST
And it sounds like Nautica (maybe none of them) revealed that Rung was Primus???? Oh man
Also I’m 99% sure Optimus must be dead because there’s no reason why he wouldn’t be at his best friend’s funeral (unless he pops up later on in this comic)
I took all these notes earlier when looking at the preview and now that I’m here, with the full comic, about to read it, I can’t even get past the cover. I’m looking at all their smiling faces and I’m just realizing how much I’m going to miss them
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO!
I just pounded my fist on my desk so hard and shouted “NO” over and over again.
So he’s not dead? But is he suffering? Is he ok???
“He just asks Chromedome about something called Rung” WHAT
Is Brainstorm’s case a teleportation device now???
I’m so confused and sad and angry but I’m going to hold off judgement til I get to the end
I took a break to go give my Tio and Tia’s giant German Sheppard a rubdown but MAN I still feel horrible…I really hope there’s going to be more of a happy ending for Rewind and Chromedome than that, that feels so horrible…and they forgot Rung??
“There’ll always be an ending– and if you’re lucky, you get to see it coming.” :(
Aw Cyclonus is singing for Tailgate and they have all of Ten’s toys next to the Lost Light toy replica….
“And this is my wife, Anode” MY HEART JUST GREW THREE SIZES
“I forgot I tried to kill you” “Sorry I tried to kill you” Ah, good ‘ol post-war Cybertronians
“Making me look good. Highest calling” RODIMUS PLEASE
“I was wondering if I was remembering things before they happened” OH NO
Ok but WHY is Whirl in his holoform
“Treat him well, doc. He’s a keeper” awh….what a good bro
The tender Ratchet expressions are so sweet but AT THE SAME TIME IM LIKE….IS RATCHET DEAD OR IS HE OK, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY: IS REWIND OK??????????
LMAO Are these all scenarios that JRO wanted to write???? I can’t believe the Lost Light got impounded
“We should measure our lives in moments and the rush of joy, of grace, that exists within them. You flare, you flicker, you fade. And in the end, all your tomorrows become yesterdays. Afterlight.” This entire exchange has me on the floor weeping. Of COURSE Magnus has his poetry memorized
"I never thought I’d say this, but…it’s been fun” *STARTLED EXAGGERATED GASP*
Magnus thinks that wanting some professional relationships makes him sound like a hopeless romantic, oh my GOSH (same tho Magnus)
Oh my gosh, the Deceptidorks run off in their own little cruiser with Grimlock, that’s so them
THAT"S SO SWEET….coming from Cyclonus that’s such a huge thing, he’s so grateful that Rodimus gave him the chance, gave him the opportunity to go on this mission :’)
Of course Rodimus looks a little shocked when Cyclonus grabbed his face like that I"D BE A LITTLE BIT LIKE “UHHH” TOO
GOSH that’s so cute I can’t get over that
AW Cyclonus picks up Tailgate and flies off with him THAT"S SO CUTE
Oh my gosh, that graffiti in the background that says “Megatron will save us” :“’(
"But sometimes you hardly know they’re here” OH MAN DID THEY TAKE AFTER RUNG
(Post-reading, I discussed with Saling and YEAH RODIMUS PROBABLY LIED TO HELP MEGATRON’S CASE)
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AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Rodimus. Whatever happens next, whatever my fate, I deserve worse.” :(((((((
What’s wrong with Rodimus’ aura????
What did Rodimus promise Ratchet he’d look after, I wonder….
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!
“Give that back to Drift and say Thank you. Say it’s a lovely gesture, but I’m not broken, and I don’t need fixing” :’)
I love Whirl so much
Did they…did they force themselves to forget about Rung??? About the fact that he was Primus???
Rodimus looks so much older, this is making me so sad THIS WASN”T SUPPOSED TO BE A DEPRESSING ENDING
“Without Love There Is No Meaning” aaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
But that means they doom at least one version of themselves to a sad ending…
PERCY YOU FRICKIN GEEK you and Brainstorm deserve each other
I’M…..SO TORN…….
Oh my gosh WAIT….the bad timeline doesn’t know anything about Rung because Rung is with the good Lost Light…which means that the “canon” timeline IS the good Lost Light….WELL….I GUESS THAT MAKES THINGS A LITTLE BETTER (MAYBE??? IN RETROSPECT I ACTUALLY THINK BOTH VERSIONS FORGOT RUNG...HECK...)
I guess even in the “bad” ending we got some good stuff (like the Whirl & Tailgate / Cyclonus thing) but oof….Rewind’s the only one who remembers Rung…that really hurts…I am glad he and Chromedome are both somewhat ok though :(
“Over To You”
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The comic ending with a preview of the first MTMTE issue feels so poetic
I FEEL LIKE. I”M STILL PROCESSING EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED. This comic’s been such a huge part of my life, I don’t know how to properly react
I guess the biggest thing I can say is “I can’t believe it’s over”
Post reading note: I had mixed feelings about the ending, but JRO shared this article “How To Say Goodbye and Mean It: The Last Message of IDW's Lost Light” by Cenate Pruitt and it helped settle some stuff for me. I think it’s definitely worth a read once you’re done with LL25. 
0 notes
thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 8: Swoop is a Good Ally
Bumblebee doesn’t turn into a convertible, but that won’t stop Megatron from riding around with his legs hair in the wind, as the two of them book it for Iacon from the Crystal City. Bumblebee’s making great time, despite carrying a dude who is significantly larger than he is. As the burning city comes into view, they discuss the fact that the Titan that’s making its way downtown (walking fast, and it’s homebound) is full of Shockwave ores. The life and death ones, to be exact. This is a problem, because that means it’s neither alive or dead, and you can’t kill something that ain’t alive.
 Then Megatron goes on about how Cybertron needs him, and has always needed him, to end oppression.
Mighty high opinion of yourself you got there, Megatron. We’ll see how that plays out as the day goes on.
Over with Starscream, our fearless leader’s reflecting on how true the term “rat bastard” fits dear Rattrap. Rattrap’s more concerned about the fact that people are literally dying right now while Starscream has a pity party. Good thing Rattrap brought some party guests.
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Starscream double-checks that all these friendly faces aren’t with the Titan, then gets called incompetent by just about everyone. Prowl puts together a strategy for this nightmare scenario, staring directly into the camera and showing off his lovingly rendered nose as he starts giving orders. While everyone else is going to be either rounding up the injured or trying to pick a fight with a dude roughly 50 times their size, Prowl’s going to try to figure out how to stop the Titan.
Back inside Metroplex, things are looking tense, as Nautica and Chromia are about a hair’s breadth away from beating the Rod Pod Squad to death. In an effort to dispel the hostility, Getaway points at his bellybutton, and then sat Nautica’s, quoting Optimus Prime and saying that there’s no reason to fight, because a bunch of little murderous bastards are about to pour in and cause some trouble for everyone.
And then a bunch of little murderous bastards are about to pour in and cause some trouble for everyone.
Everyone starts climbing up the rope Nautica and Chromia dropped last issue, except for Whirl, who would prefer to spend his time kicking ass as opposed to hunting for Metroplex’s brain. As the gang crawls around in the vents- because of COURSE they do- Nautica realizes that she’s talking to none other than Ratchet, and has a bit of a moment. Ratchet’s more concerned with the concept of gender being introduced into his world.
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You’re right, Ratchet, it doesn’t matter. Just let people live, dude.
Everyone ends up in the left shoulder blade area of Metroplex, where his brain is, and where we meet Windblade- our fan-created character, and a huge part of why IDW had to jam the concept of sexual dimorphism into their continuity posthaste. 
 In 2013, the Fan Built Bot polls were held on the Hasbro website, where fans could vote on several traits of a new character. One of these traits was gender.

Which I’m sure Furman was thrilled about.
The majority rule was for a female Transformer to be created, one hailing from Kaon, who was an Autobot telepath who turned into a jet and had a sword. Not all of this information was kept, simply because it didn’t jive with what had been established about gender previously. Things were still very messy, so Windblade’s place of origin was changed.
But we’ll get to that later on.
Right now, all you need to know is that Windblade is here to keep Metroplex alive.
Over in the Dead Universe, Nightbeat leads Team -Imus to Kup, the lot of them blasting and gunning down zombie robots the whole way. Cyclonus still has the Hollywood Tuberculosis cough. When they reach Kup, Orion Pax calls him old. Cyclonus has a gun now. Rodimus explains why he’s got numbers carved into his palm.
After the nightmare that was Overlord happened, and then the Luna 1 stuff, Rodimus enacted the Crisis Act. Now, the last time we saw the Crisis Act was in Eugenesis. It’s been a minute, so here’s a refresher:
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In this case, Rodimus enacted the Act on himself, having the crew of the Lost Light vote on whether he should remain captain. 89 voted for him to get the boot. This weighs heavily on his mind, so much so that he’s decided to carve the vote into his hand, so he can never forget those he failed.
Off in the corner, Cyclonus is dying, but this isn’t about him, this is about Rodimus’ sense of guilt.
Orion isn’t thrilled with how Rodimus handled the situation- he claims that Rodimus would have simply stepped down from his captaincy outright, if he really felt that badly about the situation.
Off in the corner, Cyclonus is still dying, but this isn’t about him.
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Not my space dad.
Nightbeat scoops Kup off of his bed and helps the old man stand, not that he needs it. No sir, this crotchety old bastard is so full of piss and vinegar, he’s gotta have the entire Industrial Revolution backdropping his big badass speech.
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And then that final claim is tested, as Cyclonus’ limp body is fastball-specialed into Kup’s torso. Nova Prime’s here, and he’s pissed. Orion decides he’s gonna square the fuck up. It’s time for Prime Prime-Time Fight Time.
Back inside Metroplex, violence is taking place, as Whirl, Getaway, and Skids are eviscerating the Ammonites. Over with Metroplex’s brain, Windblade is explaining her whole deal.
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Chromia, don’t be fucking rude.
Windblade is a City Speaker, a robot who can interpret the the lights and wave patterns of a Titan’s brain module for the purpose of communication. It’s a pretty sweet trick. Brainstorm doesn’t care about that though- he’s more concerned with getting the hell out of here. Ultra Magnus agrees, though he’s more concerned about the current state of Cybertron and the fact that Shockwave’s still running around. Windblade tells them to do whatever, but she’s gonna stick with Metroplex. It’s at this point that we find out how our new friends got here in the first place.
Turns out Thunderclash’s ship was taking new crew members on, and these three lovely robots were a part of the new blood. The Vis Vitalis ran into Alpha Trion not too long after they joined, freaking the hell out because Metroplex- his best friend in the whole entire world, as established in Spotlight: Orion Pax- just vanished.
Not sure how you lose an entire city that you’re riding around inside, but whatever, Alpha.
Alpha Trion was worried about his friend, but not enough to stop looking for the Holy Grail. So he had Chromia, Windblade, and Nautica come out here to do it. Unfortunately, they haven’t been able to do much. This might be why Metroplex pulled the Lost Light over to this rinky-dink little water planet- so he wouldn’t die.
Do you think Roberts and Barber were aware that they were having a bunch of male characters walk all over the hard work of these female characters, by way of making them better at the thing they were sent here to do? Do you think they thought about that? Because that’s pretty much what’s happening here. They’ve been here all of ten minutes, and Nautica- who is a quantum mechanic and engineer, as will be established- has been outdone by a bunch of doofuses who’ve only got the benefit of being properly established characters helping them out.
With a little set up, Metroplex’s brain is plugged into the Lost Light’s engines remotely, and Ultra Magnus tells our boy to rise and shine.
Back on Cybertron, Fixit and Flatline are about to throw down, which Starscream thinks is hilarious. There’s a whole medical slab that contains only a single shin. People are laying in trailers, but I guess that lone shin has priority for whatever reason. Outside, Scoop is being a good lad and helping get the injured to safety. Rattrap is also there.
The Titan has hit the city limits, and everyone’s shooting at the thing to cope. The Dinobots are upset because they’re being ignored, but at least Swoop is proving to be a good friend, as he’s already acclimated to Slug’s name change. Good on you, Swoop.
The plan of attack here is shooting the Titan in the neck until the signals to the brain are cut off from the rest of the body. It’s not really working out so hot, but smart boy points for trying, Prowl.
A building explodes, because we haven’t had an explosion yet this issue. Prowl, whose little red chevron seems to be shrinking by the panel, asks Soundwave for his opinion on the current situation. Soundwave goes “I dunno” and then Megatron shows up.
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Friggin’ drama queen.
Prowl, who’s had about enough of everyone at this point, breaks out a gun and tells Megs to start talking before things get uglier than they already are.
Megatron has a plan. Are you ready to hear it?
He wants everyone to:
Load up on ships
Fuck off into space
Come back later when the DJD show up
Bumblebee does not like this plan. He dislikes it very much, in fact, and throws Megatron’s legs on the ground in protest. Megatron pouts about being called a meanie warlord shit-for-brains.
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Bumblebee rattles off a very inspiring speech about the perseverance of the Cybertronian spirit, and how you should never give up, and oh would you look at that Metroplex just showed up with the Lost Light.
Time for some Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots. Hell yeah.
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thanksjro · 4 years
MTMTE #13: Signal to Noise, A Lost Light Interlude- No One Can Resist the Siren’s Call of the Souvenir Shop
You know what we haven’t seen in a while? A Roberts prose story. Let’s fix that, shall we?
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Hey, you. Do ya like Rung? Do ya like the therapy twink who got thrown across a bar four million years ago and then never made an impact on anyone ever after that moment? Because if so, you’re in luck- this story has Rung smeared all across it.
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…God fucking dammit, James, this is the first line.
Rung, in the eerie, odd quiet of the ship, can hear his inner mechanisms at work. Now, you might think that it would have to be mighty quiet for such a thing to occur, and if we were dealing with human characters you’d be right! However, Rung and all his peers are giant space robots. It probably sounds like a forty car pileup on the freeway when they walk down the hall.
He marvels at the wonder that is the Cybertronian body, revealing himself to be, like apparently half the friggin’ cast, to be old as shit. Rung, who existed during and even before the Functionists, has never changed his body. He looks exactly like he did when he came into the world, and that includes the eyebrows. He didn’t change for the war, he didn’t change to be tall like all his friends, he won’t change for you, and he certainly won’t change for me. Rung’s good where he is.
We get a mention of something truly unbelievable- apparently there are OTHER psychiatric professionals on Cybertron, and their names are just as blatant riffs on real-world psychiatry as his own. Transformers play on words never go terribly deep, so it’s in theme.
Rung doesn’t remember a ton of what happened when he was shot, though he remembers Overlord’s nasty lips for SOME reason. He woke up from his head injury, had a little face blindness, then Swerve, using a prototype of Rewind’s idea of using stories to heal the mind, gave Rung a helping hand.
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Way to use that medical degree, Swerve.
Then we get the period of time that the Shadowplay arc was framed within, flit through the whole Temptoria debacle, touch on the fact that the original plan for Rung and Brainstorm teaming up on the avatars was to make them more energy efficient, and arrive in a seedy tourist trap gift shop.
Rung realizes he forgot about someone. He hates when that happens to him, so it kind of bums him out.
I mean, you just got out of the hospital, dude. I’m sure they’ll understand.
So, we’re at the gift shop. Tailgate’s there, Rewind’s there, Skids is trying on hats.
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Tailgate has not said Whirl’s name once in canon, and I’m not completely convinced he’s aware of that fact.
Whirl has decided that he’s going to bang his head against the glass of the window outside. That’s what he’s going to do in this moment.
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Rung, who the fuck gave you your degree, my guy?
Rung feels kind of bad about leaving Swerve to his fate with Ultra Magnus- this is an interlude, after all, so it’s in the middle of our story- and the fellas wonder just how much trouble they’re going to be in when all is said and done. Tailgate suggests they run away. Rewind’s more interested in conspiracy theories.
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But forget all that, someone very special’s just walked through the door of this tacky little shop. Also, Whirl’s disappeared, but no one actually cares about that.
Cyclonus gives his version of a greeting to Tailgate- i.e. looking at him for a second- then starts wandering around the store. Tailgate reveals that Cyclonus has some fucking cheddar to spend, then gives the gang a quick rundown of the big purple guy’s personal philosophy-
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Oh god, Cyclonus, are you sad? Is that why you’re humming? Because you’re sad about something? I’m gonna overthink every time you sing now because of this issue.
Skids and Tailgate get into it over just what exactly Cyclonus’ deal is, and also whether shopping is a valid hobby, and Rung walks off to make his purchase for the evening. He walks by a rack covered in memory sticks touting the ability to allow one to relive the Hedonian experience, and Rung gets smacked in the face with the realization of just who exactly he went and forgot.
Back on the Lost Light, Rung is doing his best to keep up with his silent companion on the walk to Rodimus’ office, who is as awkward as he is tall, and it’s Ultra Magnus, so… yeah. Rung wouldn’t typically need an escort to the captain’s office, but it would appear this is one of Rodimus’ off days.
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It’s been a rough few months.
We get a quick peek at Ultra Magnus’ personal philosophy on language- namely, that it should be as dry as cardboard and so straight to the point you could use it as a ruler. Rung asks Magnus to please, for the love of god, make a follow up appointment, whether due to professional concern or professional fascination isn’t clear. Then Magnus tries to tell a joke.
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I think it might have fallen flat, just a bit.
They reach the office, Rung marvels at the cacophony of mental health issues he lives inside, and they enter.
Rodimus is busy carving shit into his desk, with a scalpel he probably swiped from the medibay. He invites Rung to take a seat, makes light of all the friggin’ awful things that have happened since this trip started, and Rung begins to wonder if he needs to expand his office hours.
Ultra Magnus gets things back on track, and we finally get to see just what exactly Rung forgot.
It was Red Alert, and that very incriminating recording he showed Rung back during the Delphi arc.
Rodimus gets twitchy when it’s brought up, asking Magnus to guard the door. First he tries to deflect, calling Red Alert crazy. When Rung brings up the fact that he heard the basement voice too, Rodimus promises to check into it, right after he does about a million other things.
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Looks like Rewind called it.
Rodimus runs out of the office to do his errands, and Rung decides to share a little conversation with Ultra Magnus, because we’re just totally committing to being friends with every patient we have, aren’t we, you creamsicle-looking son of a gun.
You know, we never did find out where Chromedome was during this whole shore leave situation. I hope he had a nice, quiet evening in, and absolutely nothing nefarious took place.
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #2- Yet Another Robot Falls Out of the Sky
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Issue #2 opens with a phone call between Brainstorm and Rodimus, and it’s going well, all things considered. They only get sidetracked twice in their 30 second conversation, which is honestly pretty good for them.
Brainstorm and Perceptor have managed to suss out what exactly happened to make the quantum generators explode as fantastically as they did. Brainstorm’s calling now as opposed to after all the testing Perceptor wants to do, because he’s impatient and is so self-assured that he’s already got the answer, it might actually kill him to wait.
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Yep, Brainstorm’s that guy who walks around talking on speakerphone in the middle of work. Is he doing it to keep Perceptor in the loop while he’s busy working on the generators? If he is, he’ll never admit it, because he’s too tsundere to admit he wants to be noticed by his science senpai.
Brainstorm, much like a majority of the Lost Light crew, has a complicated relationship with relationships.
Rodimus tells Brainstorm to get his butt out in the field, so they can find the rest of the ‘bots who got thrown through the stratosphere after the quantum jump, then takes another call from Chromedome, who’s over with Rewind and Hound pulling Cyclonus out of a lake. Chromedome and Rewind have run into the guy who committed an act of terror on their former place of employment twice in the last few hours. We’ll see just how the hell he wound up there a bit later on. What’s important in the here and now is the fact that we’ve gotten our first glimpse at Rewind’s magic color-changing pants.
Issue #1
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Issue #2
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What a strange and terrible power this tiny robot holds.
Up in the sky, a small yellow ship vops into existence from a portal that looks very similar to the one the Lost Light went through during their quantum oopsie. Inside, we find a guy who apparently fell asleep while holding a lit weld torch and a gun. He’s got no idea what’s going on, or who he is, or that he’s in grave danger.
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Honestly, not the WORST name I’ve ever heard out of Transformers.
No, actually, that’s not his name, but rather some repressed trauma trying to work its way back up to the surface. His real name is Skids, and he’s just kind of making it up as he goes at this point, as he sets the ship to crash into the planet below and jumps out.
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Now that’s just gratuitous.
This is about par for the course when it comes to Skids- he’s just so very extra, all the time.
The ship crashes behind him, and it would appear that vague sense of paranoia was completely justified, as the burning remains reconstitute themselves into multiple giant robots with swords.
So we’re gonna have to deal with that.
Back over on the Lost Light, Rung’s getting patched up by Ratchet, and we get our first taste of his perpetual forgettability. Of course, Rung knows who Ratchet is, because everyone does, and butters him up for no real reason other than he can, I suppose. Or rather, because Roberts was feeling a bit cruel.
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Twist the knife a little more, why don’t you?
Of course, Rung’s assumptions are quickly dashed against the rocks, as Ratchet proceeds to loosen up his sticky fingers by smashing his hand with a mallet right beside him.
As Ratchet reattaches Rung’s arm, they get to talking about their new friend, Tailgate, who’s still passed out. Swerve’s watching over him, because he’s just a nice guy like that.
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That’s the smallest Tailgate’s feet will ever be.
Drift calls the medical bay to let him know that they’ll be bringing in the guys who fell out of the ship, so Ratchet should put on a smile so they’ll feel better. This, of course, doesn’t sit well with Ratchet, who starts griping about Drift’s newfound hippy-dippy state of mind, a result of him having almost died back during the Chaos storyline. Swerve, never one to miss out on a good trash-talk session, starts feeding the fire, until Ratchet gets distracted and burns Rung by mistake.
Then Whirl wakes up and starts strangling people.
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Whirl wasn’t meant to be on board this ship, and he probably hasn’t seen Rung since he got booted from the Wreckers, so waking up from a fight still raring to go and finding the guy who tried to make him connect with his Feelings™ hovering over him was bound to start some nonsense.
Ratchet tries to talk him down again, with Swerve “assisting”, but nothing seems to be getting through to Whirl until Rung threatens him with prison time. Whirl doesn’t like prison, to put it lightly, so he snaps out of his stupor, drops Rung, and leaves the medibay. No one is particularly sad to see him go.
All this commotion must have woken up Tailgate, who’s introduced to the others. He asks if he’s on board the Ark- you know, the one from roughly six million years ago- and suddenly all the weirdly ancient internal parts Ratchet found inside him start making a lot more sense. Swerve bribes Ratchet with food to get to be the one to break the news to Tailgate.
It goes about as well as one could expect.
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Back over with Skids, we see that not everyone survived the fall through the stratosphere, as the burning bodies of Hyperion and Polaris sit in the foreground as Skids prepares to face off with the giant yellow robots.
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Corpse desecration! Fun for the whole family!
Polaris slams into one of the yellow robots. Thinking quickly, Skids makes a makeshift bomb out of Polaris and a gun, blasting his fuel tank and making a very big explosion.
There’s still another robot to deal with, but it looked pretty cool.
Back on the Lost Light, Cyclonus seems to have recovered from his dip in the lake, and he’s finally getting his meeting with Rodimus.
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They’re so awkward. I thought you two were supposed to cool.
Also, major dumbass points to Cyclonus for tying himself to the roof of the ship like camping gear on the top of a family sedan, and making it through a goddamned quantum jump.
Here we get a glimpse at the thought process behind Rodimus even bothering to be in the same room as this guy: Cyclonus turning on Galvatron back in Chaos probably gave him and Optimus an extra few seconds to save the entirety of reality from the Dead Universe. That’s a pretty big solid, and he recognizes that. However, there’s still the whole Kimia thing, which was pretty un-chill of Cyclonus to have been a part of.
It probably doesn’t help that the Venn diagram for “Lost Light crew-members” and “dudes who were on Kimia when shit went down” is practically a circle.
Yeah, Cyclonus kind of isn’t allowed to have friends until issue #21.
Cyclonus isn’t going to apologize for what happened on Kimia, because- and this is honestly a pretty fair point- virtually everyone on this friggin’ ship is a war criminal and ought to know the score by now. War is hell, y’all. He doesn’t want a fight, he just wants to cruise around on this space-yacht and chill out for a little while.
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Like, perhaps love?
Nah, that’s crazy-talk. He’s too stoic and emotionally-dead inside for all that.
Rodimus hears him out, and agrees to let him stay on the ship, on the condition that he’s going to have to deal with Rodimus being the guy who’s going to judge his every move, like an easily-disappointed father. Rodimus will be Cyclonus’ Optimus.
Ultra Magnus comes in to add that if Cyclonus screws up, he’ll be breaking out the heavy hammer of justice to pound him flat.
Also, he brought Whirl. It’s time for Cyclonus and him to kiss and make up.
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What a beautiful start to this friendship.
Back outside, Swerve’s accompanying Tailgate on a cool-down walk, so he doesn’t pass out due to stress twice in a 24-hour period. He’s probably uncomfortable when people start crying, which is a staple of the Tailgate-brand freakout.
I looked into this, and unless I missed something, the “overheating optical filaments due to emotional stress fizzing up and away from the eye” thing is the only real instance of Transformers being able to cry. Roberts really made the robots have a physiological response equivalent to crying so he could hurt them more thoroughly.
As they walk, Swerve starts asking questions, because he’s incapable of shutting up- literally, he has logorrhea. He asks to see Tailgate’s alt-mode, what he did for a living before he fell in the hole, what the ruined decal on his arm used to say, and it turns out that Tailgate’s a pretty interesting little dude. He was on a bomb disposal squad with the Primal Vanguard.
The two of them catch sight of Rewind and Chromedome on a cliff, and Swerve makes introductions, comparing the pair to Rack’n’Ruin in terms of closeness, Rack’n’Ruin being two robots who share a lower body. 
You know, when it’s put like that it sounds a bit dirty, doesn’t it?
Skids falls into the scene, and demands that someone take the Inhibitor Claw off of his back. Chromedome obliges, because he’s the only one tall enough to reach Skids’ upper body. Once the thing’s off, Skids’ can activate his onboard weaponry, which he does with aplomb.
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Chromedome, you fool! You’ve made him too cool!
As Skids kicks the ass of this mystery ‘bot, more of his memories come back, until all he’s missing is the short-term stuff. Once he’s done, everyone tells him how awesome he is, Swerve having maybe fallen in love just a bit, as he asks just what Skids’ whole deal is.
Skids is a theoretician, which means he forms/develops/studies the theoretical framework of a subject. I can’t imagine that pays too well, maybe that’s why he’s moonlighting as a hired gun or whatever.
Chromedome seems to know Skids, and invites him back to the Lost Light so they can try and figure out what exactly is going on with his brain, and also that gun that he’s been holding in his hand this entire time, but never noticed or used.
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Yeah, that one.
Tailgate’s wandered off to get a closer look at the robot Skids annihilated, getting its last words: nineteen eighty-four. Guess he really likes Orson Welles as an author.
The Lost Light takes off, and as everyone congregates on the bridge, Rodimus wonders just what the hell he’s going to say to them all. Between Ultra Magnus’ bleak starkness and Drift’s blindingly sunshiney outlook, he figures that he’ll just wing it.
Down below, Swerve’s managed to convince Tailgate to try transforming, by way of talking his ear off, then walks away the moment he begins the conversion- he’s a little stiff, so it’s going to take a minute. Swerve starts chatting Skids up and poking him in the ass, because that’s what you do when you want to be friends with someone. And Swerve really, really wants to be friends with Skids.
Skids doesn’t really cotton to this whole questing thing the Lost Light’s trying to do, and asks for a little more clarification on just what exactly they’re trying to accomplish. He’s not super impressed with the information once he has it.
Rodimus, having collected himself enough to face the crew, announces the deaths of Ore, Polaris, and Hyperion, and that while their collective passing is very sad, they’ve got to press on with their journey. Their next scheduled stop is Crystal City, once they figure out where the hell that quantum explosion dumped them.
Whirl brings up the fact that every good adventure team has a sweet name. Swerve tries to pull a Chaos Theory Optimus and take back the suffix -cons by calling themselves the Crusadercons, but nobody seems too keen on that idea. Don’t worry, Swerve, you’ll get there one day.
While the boys try to name themselves, Rodimus is given the phone. Red Alert’s on the line, and he’s freaking out, because there’s a murderous monster on board the ship.
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You can tell the art style hasn’t settled yet, because they’re still photoshopping the insignias on after the fact.
A sparkeater is a major problem, but it’ll have to wait until next month to be dealt with, because that’s our cliffhanger ending for this issue.
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 12
lets do itttt
I love nick roches art...he draws rodimus so twinky, its a delight
ohhh I forgot abt the non-linear storytelling this issue. bangin
rewinds feet don't even touch the ground hhhhhh tiny
i fuckgin love that panel of skids talking abt briefing vs debriefing, everything both he and rodimus say is just golden
I love hearing tailgate tell completely made up stories from his primal vanguard days, that slaps storytelling-wise
HHHHHH and the fact that tailgate’s happiest memory is movie night at rewinds ;_; gosh
lmao I love whirl kicking down the door 
OOOOH and then the time skip!!!!!!!!! I fucking love non-linear stories
jesus, swerves whole face being gone is still disturbing
magnus rlly is a grade A badass. I forgot he has missile shoulders
rodimus saying ‘wham, bam, in the van!’ is my fuckgin favorite hvbsdhhfbhdjkf that's my son right there
cd saying that rewind is allergic to ultraviolet light [eyes emoji] remember how UV light is the only way to see mnemosurgery marks? that little detail must be in there for that ‘cd did mnemosurgery on rewind’ plotline that jro didn't end up doing (thankfully) 
I love how mtmte came up with a name for cybertronian marriage :) that's the kind of lore I want baybe!
also rewind and cd hhhhhh they....the og canon gays...confirmed outright in issue 12, which is so early on, considering!...its a beautiful thing. I will talk about the representation in mtmte Extensively throughout my reread since this is, yknow, Just The Beginning when it comes to canon gays - which, again, what a beautiful thing!
actually I'm not done. thinking abt the fact that this issue came out in 2012 and also this is freaking TRANSFORMERS of all things - a long-running franchise whose primary audience is adolescent boys - is extra amazing. augh, the representation! it gets me man.
ok, so, the story! jesus poor cyclonus
chromedome riding on the trex guy hbhsjkfbjshdf dude. I choose to believe that that’s his go-to tactic here bc he’s probably pretty terrible at fighting. idk how canon that is but I just see cd as the type of dude who cant fight well at all, regardless of how many fights he’s actually been in
minibot squad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm really interested in the little we see of general cybertronian attitude towards organics - obvs the decepticons think very little of them, and the autobots generally believe all life is important, but the post-war attitude seems a little more grey and I like that 
tailgate!!!!!!!!!!!! I love tailgate SO much. the way he volunteers to defuse a bomb that he has NO idea how to defuse, and the way he lies so quickly and casually? fucking love it 
and then he takes all of his bomb disarming cues from rewind, who ALSO isn't a bomb disposal expert by any means - like, tailgate risks both his own life and everyone else’s, just because he wont come clean about his real job - that's some [chefs kiss] characterization right there, I love it
augh I love how he prompts rewind, who of COURSE would have some idea about this as an archivist, for help, and rewind doesn't have any idea that tailgate’s even more clueless than him
but tg, being a generally good person, still tells rewind he should proooooobably stand clear - just in case!!!!! 
and then rewind whips out some marriage issues and tg is like ooookay then lol
cyclonus just stabbing people w/his hands....icon
whirl quoting the raw ass line ‘you, who are without mercy, now plead for it?’ nice
swerve. WHY would you point a gun AT YOUR OWN FACE. especially a gun made by BRAINSTORM. why did anybody let swerve handle firearms if this is how he does it. actually, why did anyone give swerve a gun after the thing w/rung. jesus yall. so not only are hipaa laws basically non-existent on cybertron, but gun safety is a rarely-taught thing as well. no wonder yall have issues
so cd must not like cyclonus bc cyclonus was the one who attacked kimia, where cd worked. right?? am I remembering tfwiki correctly? lmao 
OOOOF cd saying he was born w/out innermost....I cant remember, is it canon or just extrapolation that that isn't true, and rather it was that cd gave all his innermost energon away w/his previous husbands and whatnot, but he doesn't remember since he forgot about them? either way, oof
all the functionist history stuff is so INTERESTING...I could read an entire comic about just like, pre-war when the functionists were just taking over
tg saying he hates dominus - is that that tweet from jro where somebody asked him why tg said that, and jro basically said ‘he’s petty and jealous’ lol I fucking love it. I love how a character like tailgate, who is very ‘pure’/innocent, has flaws as well
cd has a good point - its hard to kill tfs. so, that makes it extra fucking depressing that cd was seeking out death to that extent
gahhhh the whole rewind-dominus thing is so INTERESTING - I love how vague things are...we only hear about dominus from other people’s perspectives; mainly rewind who clearly thought highly of him, but he’s obviously biased, so it’s hard to tell what dominus was REALLY like, especially with the unavoidable power gap between rewind and dominus...UGH its so interesting
oof, the whole dynamic of cd thinking that rewind cares more about dominus - dominus the ghost, and finding out what happened to him in general - than chromedome himself, is just so Ouch
and the fact that cd thinks that the SOLE reason that rewind is going into battle is so he can look for dominus, but tg makes a good point - rewind is likely also worried abt cd’s safety, especially after dominus disappeared how he did - rewind is probably terrified that the same thing will happen w/cd, bc rewind cares about cd just as much as he cared/cares about dominus, but cd cant see that. AUGHHHH the Complexity!! mannnn
HHHH and like I adore that this first gay couple we get isn't perfect, and that's OKAY bc they’re not The Gay Rep, we get plenty of other gays with their own 3-dimensional relationships....augh bruh it Gets me ok
who was that talking to cd?? I don't remember....it must've been drift, I think? or maybe brainstorm...
whirl :’) I mean, we find out later that its kinda his fault that rewind was blown up, but still, him putting his own life at risk to save rewind...aww
cyclonus be nice to tg, he’s trying to give you his cool baja blast innermost energon
we gotta have our slowburn, tho....OOOOUGH
hhhh and then cyclonus like, realizes how much of a dick he’s being and goes back to help tg.... ;_; 
cyclonus my man u are lucky that tailgate is so forgiving
and then we have whirl and cyclonus, which is another relationship i LOVE. their development is just...[chefs kiss]
cyc just grabbing tg by the head and YEETING him out the door...lmao
cyclonus’s extremely detailed threat to whirl came at like, the WORST possible time lmao 
alternatively, rewind unfortunately asked the worst two people for help at the worst time
also alternatively, tg defusing his first bomb ever based on instructions from another amateur was maybe not the best move
and of course whirl just deciding to lock cyclonus (and rewind whoops) in with a bomb lmao
the requisite to joining the lost light is that you have to be a complete disaster of a person, on some level 
cyclonus shielding rewind ;_; 
fucking love how they managed to have a cliffhanger w/the bomb going off, despite us seeing exactly what the outcome of that was earlier in this very issue. brilliant
ah, issue 12, the issue that officially canonized the gays and introduced us to a whole bunch of worldbuilding on cybertronian relationships. i love it! plus we have some fascinating backstory and some cool character stuff, and relationship development for tg and cyclonus. awesome stuff!
up next: humansona business! oh fuck yeah
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