#Then I though about playing with one of my eos teams
earthykinous · 6 months
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weirdmageddon · 9 months
Would you recommend I play explorers of sky, any tips on how best to enjoy it?
i recommend everyone plays it lol
gameplay tips, some known and some more obscure
avoid spoilers lol
store any extra reviver seeds and petrify orbs you find. you will probably need it
if you find yourself in a bind, USE ITEMS. even a sleep seed can go a long way when you toss it at an enemy
the move dig is insane against the main campaign boss
stack missions if you can! if you have more than one mission from the bulletin that takes place in the same dungeon you should do all of them at once
base stats in pokemon mainline series means nothing here. you can have a butterfree with max stats in everything (255). you can boost pokemon stats permanently with medicinal items (protein, iron, etc) and drinks from spinda’s cafe. this lack of base stat disparity is why people can clear zero isle with smoochum. also there is no base speed stat unique to each pokemon, because it’s a dungeon crawler all pokemon have equal speed unless it’s modified with movement boosting. some pokemon may have a +1 boosted movement speed by default, such as deoxys-s, shaymin-s, and dialga with time tripper IQ skill unlocked. and kecleon when you steal from a shop for some ungodly reason. some abilities may increase movement speed in different conditions like chlorophyll in sunny weather
odd floors will generate male pokemon and even floors will generate female pokemon. this might not seem significant but it can be helpful for some gender-based evolutions like getting a female snorunt or male kirlia. at 0 stage stat changes, male and genderless pokemon have a 1.5x bonus applied to a move’s base critical hit rate while at the same time decreasing their evasion rate from foe hits by about 1.03 (268/256). female pokemon have higher move accuracy by about 1.03 (268/256) and neutral evasion (256/256), but this evasion is better in comparison to male or genderless pokemon. i believe genderless pokemon can appear on either floor dont quote me on that but it will follow the male bonus regardless of it was found on an odd or even floor
turns are everything in this game. smokescreen isn’t really a good move in mainline games but it’s fuckin nuts here because it basically renders opponents unable to hit you for a few turns
i really need to link moves more but thats why theyre awesome. there are so many big brained combinations. usually a status move and then an attack but it only takes up one turn
if you eat gummis normally you get an IQ increase and Maybe stat increase, but you will always get stat increases when you make gummis into drinks at spindas cafe so you get more out of them. you can save scum at the save well for “good feeling drink” bonuses if you want. like maybe every 3rd gummi if you dont get a feel good bonus you reset, and every time you do get one you save
gummi effectiveness chart
why eat gummis? IQ skills are important and helpful in different ways. my favorites are map surveyor, stair sensor, acute sniffer, all-terrain hiker, natural gifter, deep breather, and multitalent
different pokemon families fall into different IQ groups (A-J). a group is essentially a different “kit” of IQ skills. IQ groups basically tell what kind of role they have on your team
heres the list of IQ skills in EoS. off to the side under the “group” column you can click on each IQ group for their kit and the pokemon in that group. list of pokemon in each IQ group (ctrl + F searchable)
x-ray specs are broken when you combine them with map surveyor and stair sensor IQ skills. you can also tell how many items on the floor are hidden with acute sniffer by subtracting the number visible on the map with x-ray specs from the number given by acute sniffer. they need to be worn by the team leader though.
you can collect items in walls with a one-room orb, mobile scarf (watch out for belly drain), palkia’s absolute mover, or being ghost type
speaking of the team leader there are many things that are only effective when done by the team leader, such as recruitment, so watch out for that. also you need to be on an adjacent tile to a pokemon to recruit it. if you defeat them ranged it wont work
natural gifter is busted with natural items like seeds and berries (especially with items like golden seed or sitrus berry) because the team leader also gets the boost. but if you want to spread the effect of artificial items like vitamins and gummis to your whole team, you want a team leader with the IQ skill pierce hurler equipped with lockon specs. pierce hurler is essentially a built-in pierce band which allows thrown items to penetrate through whatever is in tile line of sight before going out of bounds. lockon specs boosts the accuracy of the item coming into contact with the pokemon, so it’s better than just the pierce band because you can ensure that none of the beneficial items “miss” your teammates. go into a dungeon hallway with your team in a single file line, make sure the IQ skill pierce hurler is turned on, have your lockon specs equipped to the leader, face your team and throw vitamins or gummis. this is excellent for vitamins but i prefer doing spinda’s cafe for gummis in the long run one at a time since you get a guaranteed increase in at least one stat every time and sometimes rich bonuses like HP increase as well if youre lucky
monster houses are fuckin scary at first but easier as time goes on. when you first start seeing them you should use petrify orbs. eventually you will start seeing some room clearing moves such as blizzard, discharge, earth power. if you can get that on your side you’ll have an advantage. you should also account for movement speed. you’ll be able to attack multiple times in a row if your movement speed is boosted, whether its from a quick seed or agility. probably the best room clearing move is silver wind because it hits multiple enemies and each hit has a chance of boosting all your stats including speed. it has a low hit-rate though to balance it, but unless youre extremely unlucky youre probably going to get multiple hits across the monster house
USE TEAM TACTICS. it gives you a bit of control over how your partner pokemon move. a cleared monster house is a great example because they are usually filled with traps. maybe your team leader has trap seer IQ skill (Able to step on traps without setting off) but not your teammates. change the team’s tactics to “wait there” in the hallway outside of the monster house, go in and collect the loot, go back to the hallway and turn it back to “let’s go together”. no harm done to teammates or even yourself if youre careful. (or your items: there are sticky traps which make your items unuseable, explosion traps which damage you, your teammates, and destroy all floor items and walls around, pokemon traps which turn floor items into pokemon, sludge traps which turn edible inventory items into grimy food. so it’s always good to avoid these scenarios when you can.) another example is if your teammate gets tile warped to a different part of the floor. dont let them move unless you know they can handle themself. change their tactic to “wait there” and go find them while making sure they dont die with oran berries.
you can also control your teammate’s moves by switching them off in the menu. this comes in handy when they start using status moves for no reason. the check mark next to the name of the move means it’s switched on and the teammate will pull from whatever moves you have checked. it doesnt mean anything on the leader pokemon though
i find it more convenient to use less strong moves such as confusion instead of psychic because they tend to have higher hit rates and more PP. the reason why is that the item ginseng can permanently boost their power, but ginseng is hard to come across so i just generate wonder mail s codes for them like a chump (shoutout to the og apointlessplace.net…i remember thinking “well its not very pointless is it” and that same thought still echoes in my head). but this is optional you dont have to cheat.
i go with celebi as my leader most of the time, with ginseng’d weaker moves. i originally shaped celebi in an attempt to recruit kecleon (which i still havent had success with) since you need the fast friend IQ skill in addition to the golden mask and be at lv 100 to even get kecleon’s chances ABOVE 0% recruitment. but even without all the kecleon recruitment stuff having deep breather IQ skill + chrono veil item in bag i virtually never have to use max elixrs for myself. by making celebi prepared for kecleon i incidentally made celebi prepared for anything lol
uhh thats all i can think of also gamefaqs has great in-depth guides
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Now, I have trying to organize your iterators from the oldest to the youngest and it looks like this:
Zephyr, Boreas, Fish, Euros
Now, who is the youngest? Notos or Haboob?
Because I was looking at older post and for a moment I thought it was Haboob, but then you said that Haboob was isolated so I couldn't take that first meeting between Notos and Haboob as the introduction of Notos to the local group because in the ask I made about her colony you mentioned that Notos welcomed her as a pier and not a stranger.
Also, how is the relation between Euros and Haboob?
Haboob is the baby of the Anemoi! Notos is an incredibly early Gen 3- like in the first five Gen 3s of the Eo group. Haboob is a mid Gen 3
Notos welcomed her as a peer into their lil boss group cuz Notos does not differentiate or give a shit bout much things. if you are good to Notos, Notos will be civil and kind. if you won't be, it will either just stare for a sec before leaving without a word or will be passively aggressive if forced into interaction. what it saw when Haboob was added out of nowhere was a young iterator, confusion and fear straight up pouring out of her and it was just getting worse n worse as the other three elder ones were conversing about how wrong this is. essentially calling Haboob herself wrong. Haboob was like a kicked puppy in that moment and well Notos May be a logical thing, but it is also kind and wants the right and fair things to happen to people around it. so it barked a lil at the other three and then did what it wanted which was to offer Some kind of safety for the newbie by approaching her like that
sure worked out, considering Haboob latched onto it as her big sister and best friend. something goes wrong? Haboob is booking it to Notos before anyone else
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THOSE TWO WAS A. MESS AT FIRST. cuz Euros was jealous of SO many things Haboob has going on. the free puppet? the nice colony? the interactions Boob has with all of them? becomes even worse the moment he realizes how similar young Sparrows n Boob are. but also he didn't exactly wanna just shit on this poor unknowing kid so for a good while he tried to minimalize their interactions. until one day... hmm.......
gonna go with Boob havin a breakdown in a group call about smth unrelated over how pushed away from everyone she is even though they are supposed to be a team and apologizing for not knowing they are Meant to Suffer. "i'm sorry for being happy with my life- i didn't know i wasn't meant to be." and she's so painfully genuine cuz she doesn't know what else to do to make this better anymore
Notos didn't say anything to that cuz it knew this needed to play out between the other four, Zephyr- you can imagine- IMMEDIATELY snapped into full attention and started doin her best to gently and kindly correct that train of thought while the boys were kind of stunned in the background. B n Caper then talked about it by themselves and promised each other they were gonna try and be better. that's how they eventually manage to get here
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they share memes together so she Knew :')
Boob even called up Euros (along with Fish) to help her name that big crab of hers later on!
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what's this? a sister without an endless supply of spice (only reasonable amount of pissery)? here we thought that was impossible.
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pyromaniac-cyndaquil · 10 months
YO how do you do a soullink on explorers??? that sounds so fun,,, id like to do that with a friend :0
Definitely having a blast with it! Me and my friend decided we wanted to mix it up a bit after doing several main series randomizer soul links, here's the way we've been doing it:
General PMD Soul Link Rules
Pick the same hero and partner. Your hero is your friend's partner and vice versa, with the same names and team name! You're in this together and are each other's partners.
Give them the same moves in both games and discuss changes to the movepool together - will this move benefit your hero? Does that work for your friend's partner?
(example: I'm playing as a Rowlet, level up and can learn aromatherapy. After some discussion I teach it - I have a move I'm fine with scrapping and my friend's zorua hero is struggling with poison traps, so his partner having a way to cure poison is super helpful. Once Rowlet is the same level in his game, he teaches it too. You can also teach TMs if you both already own the same one and can decide what move to replace.)
Go through story and dungeons together at the same pace. Found the stairs? Great! Tell your partner and wait at the stairs till they find them too, or go up but don't explore till they join you.
For non story missions, pick a dungeon you can both get jobs in and do that. It's okay if they're on different floors or if you have more/less than your partner, just go through floors together till one of you finishes first and can leave. The other person can continue on alone if needed.
If one of you faints in a dungeon, no resets, you gotta take the loss. The other person also needs to press the 'give up' button and also take the loss. Sorry about your money/items.
If you choose to add new recruits, send them back to the guild immediately, until your partner gets one too (up to you if they have to be the same species but they have to be from the same dungeon/recruitment method, with the same nickname). No hard rule on movesets for extras. If an extra team member faints for one person, the other should send them home.
We didn't set any rules about item usage - those are all fair game and don't have to be the same.
The only exception is using joy/golden seeds at the same time, just so we're at fairly similar strength.
You can do this with any pmd game! Ofc only eos can do randomizers, but if that element isn't important to you, go wild.
This is obvious, but communication is key! You gotta make sure you know where the other person is up to and work through things together, really helps with the immersion too.
For randomized runs
Randomizers will obviously need to use eos, due to being done with Skytemple Randomizer. To get the full experience you also might wanna get Skytemple and edit the hero and partner lists in order to have both your hero and partner choices available interchangeably (Eg. Having mew as a hero choice is fine, but if they're not a partner choice as well you'll need to edit that).
If you gotta edit the hero and partner choices here's a simple screenshot based tutorial on how to do that!
We're playing our randomizer with the same seed and it's great, plus it makes it easier to talk about which characters are doing what. Discovering the randomized chapter names and character switchups together is pretty priceless too.
We've noticed the ROM we generated seems to crash a lot for some reason (may be some of the patches we added idk), so we're working with a crash clause too - if the game crashes while on an exploration, the other person has just gotta wait for them to catch up. If one of you then faints on that same exploration, the other can continue to just wait while the one who fainted is permitted to reset - otherwise the crashes REALLY start to suck all the fun out of it.
Don't randomize ROMs that use the expand pokelist patch. If you don't know what that is, you probably don't need to worry about it. Expanded sky uses this too though, so DON'T RANDOMIZE EXPANDED SKY. idk why you get something like uhh. This:
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Ofc they're not set rules and you can alter them all you like, but that's how we've been playing! I'm currently playing as a Rowlet called Bacon, and my friend is playing as a Zorua called Snickers. Our team is called Mintyfresh and we escaped the future and got to treeshroud forest last night :)
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rukia-writes · 1 year
Rukia. I have a question. Please do not feel stressed or forced by this. I know you're bound to get a lot of requests and I can understand that because you're the queen. 💥👑 I'll try to explain briefly what my request would be: In Greek mythology, Ares was very much in love with the titan Eos. And somehow I would find it cute if there was an Eos reader who also develops feelings for Ares but some gods laugh at Ares because they don't believe that Eos reader would fall in love with someone like Ares because he is the god of war. (Could well imagine Adamas making a fool of him and then maybe in front of the assembled team) So that Ares becomes very uncomfortable...and then Bäääm Eos reader comes and teaches Adamas and all the others who made a fool of Ares how to behave. But like I said, it's just a small wish. Don't feel pressured. Take your time. And if you don't feel the topic, that's totally okay. Anyways love you Rukia. You make tumblr so much nicer and reading from you makes me so happy every time. ♥️♥️♥️
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A/N: I’m so sorry this was late ⏰ but I hope you enjoy it ♥️
Eos! Reader (fem) x Ares
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The Gigantomachy.
Ares was having his wounds tended to by the nurses as his rescuer waited impatiently outside the door. Worried about his fellow comrades Ares wanted to go back out and join them in battle against Gaia. However, he also wanted to thank his rescuer a winged goddess that brought the dawn every day and also his long time love interest. Finally, (Name) was able to check on Ares. The bandages covered his whole chest, and even though Ares was still in pain he played it off the best he could when (Name) entered.
But, (Name) wasn’t fooled and lightly tickled Ares abdomen with her right wing making the god chuckle here and there as he tried to get her to stop, even though he enjoyed her smile. In truth, (Name) wanted Ares to stay put for awhile before going back to the fight. Luckily, (Name) was able to convince Ares to stay with a smile and asking sweetly.
“What happened out there?”
“Gaia and her army! They’re too powerful, we need to come up with a plan.”
“That would be wise. I fear, Zeus may not have a plan.”
Deep down Ares knew his beautiful love interest was right, his father wasn’t a thinker but he was a fighter and he too was one. Also, Ares was fighting not only for the realm but for (Name) as well. While (Name) kept Ares company, Poseidon, Hades and Adamas had arrived as well. The brothers weren’t too fond with how things were going so far in the war and wanted to discuss what to do next after Hermes gave the reports.
Once, Ares joined in the council meeting Hermes began to report how the war was going. Which wasn’t good from what (Name) could here from behind one of the doors and that seemed to only flame her worry for Ares and just as she was thinking to herself how she could help a familiar voice broke out in the meeting.
“You look like hell Ares! I bet even the sweet (Name) wouldn’t look at you now.”
“On the contrary, she um, came to my room and helped me recover. I’m thankful for her kindness.”
“Ooo, Does my son have a crush?”
Zeus decided to quickly tease his son about a possible love interest and to Zeus’ surprise seeing Ares blush only confirmed and it was finally Hades turn to speak.
“You should confess after the war, love is a beautiful thing-“
“As if, brother Hades. The sweet and beautiful (Name) would never get with someone like Ares. Besides, he’s most likely to bite it in this war-“
Hades believed Adamas said too much as he and everyone watched the winged beauty tickle Adamas with her wing while on the floor telling him to apologize as she stood above him. Ares was amazed yet the red on his cheeks told he was happy to see (Name) defend him.
“That’s it! Of course! We should pummel our enemies to the ground! Hermes! Tell everyone that!”
Zeus got the idea that he should just crush his enemies as he expanded his muscles happy at seeing (Name) “attack” Adamas, everyone agreed and began to leave, leaving Adamas yelling for help as he was still being tickled. The only reason (Name) stopped was to check on Ares and make sure the god of war was okay as he still had his injuries.
“Are you okay, Ares?”
“Hm, oh yeah. I’m fine.”
“Good, let’s get you to bed so you can fight in the ear at top condition.”
Ares nodded his head as he wanted to fight but once he noticed his sweet and beautiful love interest place a kiss on his cheek made the god of war turn a bright red and became bashful. Neither noticed but Ares wounds seemed to be healing, thru the power of love Hermes later called it.
Hermes, informed Zeus that (Name) hadn’t left Ares bedside yet and that she was still with him. Zeus was going to ask about something else, someone important but he forgot and asked if he thought (Name) and Ares were a perfect match. Hermes believed the two had chemistry and also firmly believed anyone who disrespected Ares had a fight with (Name).
Hermes suggested maybe she should fight for them as she easily handled Adamas.
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darrowsrising · 7 months
this is going to be rather chaotic so accept my apologies in advance but tonight I dreamt the gala scene of golden son with the circus by britney spears as the soundtrack, with “when I crack that whip, everybody gon' trip just like a circus” in the moment of the big reveal during the duel. while this is kind of wild and random (and iconic) I though that dance and music was a big part of darrow life as a red , like during the carving he got that instrument as a gift to feel better, and as far as i remember he never got into that with all that happened after. i don’t remember if in IG or DA there was somthing said on the matter, but if not do you think we will see him play music again?
second part is not really a question but i would love to hear your thoughts on it, especially if you will start the reread. when darrow learned gold moves, there was the parallel between dance and fight and the fact that gold danced/dueled in pair and of all colors only reds danced alone because that’s how one is in life. i loved how it was presented as a strength but over the course of the story darrow realised he was not alone and the main fight in the end was them fighting in group, like a wolf pack. i’ve never seen anyone talk about this so i’m curious of your take on this
Finally got around to answering this one, thank you for the long wait.
The instrument is called a zither, if I remember correctly and according to google, it looks like this:
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I don't actually know if Darrow will ever play it again. He seems to value dancing, then singing and then making music in this specific order. Which is perfectly alright. He might do all of them in Red God, but maybe not. At this point I am just happy he solved some of the traumas he has (and gave me others lol, I love him so much).
As for Polemides - Child of War Dance - it resembles the Reaping Song, but it has a baton included instead of a slingBlade, I think. It does not mention if this dance must be executed in pairs, as Darrow performs it alone for Matteo.
However, Darrow is told Golds dance in pairs, while Reds are the only ones dancing alone. Weird, as Eo and Darrow dance as a pair for the Laurel celebration. Perhaps it just depends.
I think Darrow has finally learnt to rely on others in Morning Star and share the burden, though he still needs practice at times. It was hard on him to do so, because he felt guilty about dragging his friends in this war while deceiving them. Once they chose to follow him, he still had a hard time being reliant on them at times. We can discuss more about it for the tetralogy, but it would leave a bitter taste. Point is, it's good that Darrow found a new strength within himself and a bit more self-preservation so he can still rely on himself and delegate at the same time.
What I think works wonderfully and Pierce owrs it to us at this point is that Golds dance in pairs. And Darrow and Virginia are a very particular pair, a pair of opposites that just work together perfectly. They sort of exchanged roles in Light Bringer and it was supremely interesting (the editorial team can suck it) and I think an expansion and a reunion are LONG overdue. Basically, they should dance. And fuck. A lot.
Thank you again for your ask. I will keep an eye out for textual bits in my next re-read.
Howl on.
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thisismehappy · 1 year
Random SVU Sheila Porter headcanon that I felt the need to post in other people's comment sections.
Oh hey I don't know of a fic but headcanon time! Liv's at the mall with Elliot, Noah, Maureen and her kids. Buyers choice but I think EO are together and Elliot set up this little kid date bc he's a big old softy and wants the kids to know each other I think they probably did laser tag and Elliot played with the kids but Liv and Mo sat out bc Mo didn't want to and Liv has the bad ankle plus she gets enough of that stuff at work. It's like a week before Noah's birthday Just for context lol.
After the laser tag, EO wander off for a minute bc idk they have some flirty nonsense to get up to. Mo's walking down to the jungle gym with the kids (yes there's a jungle gym in the mall. It's a very cool one too) when Noah yells out "Grandma!" (In this reality Sheila's out of the psych ward and they've had some heavily supervised contact.) Mo's confused bc who is this lady? And why is she like the same age as Liv? But Noah's happy to see her so +
The rest below the cut lol. @rahleeyah here's your lesson to never encourage me to do this. 😘
And now the continuation:
So Mo stops and lets Noah say hi. The woman comes up and gives him a big smile and hug and introduces herself to Mo as Sheila Porter. "Porter?" Mo thinks "hmm…". Sheila's attention doesn't stray from Noah for long and she tells him she was just out shopping for his birthday even though she wasn't going to be able to see him until a while after but this is perfect bc she can give him his presents right now. She has a slightly excessive amount of too expensive presents that make Mo a little uncomfortable on Liv's behalf. She's never been captain of the Olivia fan club, but this is a LOT.
Mo's boys ran themselves over to the jungle gym which is within eyesight so it's just Mo standing there watching this lady fawn over Noah fawning over his presents when she hears Liv's somewhat feral voice boom out "What are you doing Sheila?"
Sheila's a little chagrined and shrugs and says "Sorry, I didn't know you were here and he saw me first," and a little under her breath, but not enough, "What was I supposed to do? Just walk away?"
"Yes. Sheila. That's exactly what you were supposed to do." Olivia says none too politely. Elliot's just as confused as Mo is but he's ready to take this lady out of need be, just based on Liv's whole vibe.
"It's okay Mom look!" Noah waves some of his expensive crap in the air, "She gave me my birthday presents early!"
Liv cocks an eyebrow at Sheila and Sheila just shrugs again. "I just wanted to make it special. Nine is an important year in a boy's life."
"Can Grandma Sheila come to my birthday party?" Noah asks obliviously.
"We'll talk about it later, Noah," Liv responds through clenched teeth "Say goodbye to Grandma Sheila. She has to go now."
Noah hugs Grandma Sheila and she holds on a little too long and a little too tight and after she *finally* let's go, she just kinda hovers, not leaving.
Olivia finally tells Noah to go on and play with the boys, but as he turns to leave she grabs Elliot's forearm and says quietly, "Go with him and don't let him out of your sight for one second. Don't even blink."
Elliot immediately jumps into action and starts to follow Noah over to the jungle gym, but his gate falters as he goes bc he's not too far away to hear Sheila say, "Come on Olivia, you know I'd never do that again." Even before that Mo knows from experience that it would have taken a swat team to get to that kid, but now Elliot looks like he's fighting the urge to pick up Noah and tuck him under his arms like a football and get him the hell out of there.
Once they're out of earshot, Liv abandons all pretense."Look Sheila, what you just did here is not okay. I could have you arrested for this. How do you think that would make Noah feel?"
"Olivia, that boy is my blood. I know you don't know what that's like, but you can't just keep him away from me," Sheila's gloves are off too.
"Leave now Sheila or you're leaving in a squad car," Liv's not bluffing and Sheila can see that too. She holds up her hands in mock surrender and turns and leaves.
"Olivia I'm so sorry, I had no idea she wasn't supposed to be near him," Mo's aghast. As a mother, she doesn't need to know the specifics of what this woman did to know that if it had been her she would have lost her fucking mind walking into that.
Liv touches her arm "It's okay sweetheart, it just never occurred to me that she would be here. She's not even from this area." Liv reassures her even as she is mentally calculating the odds.
They quickly make their way over to Elliot and make a pretty hasty exit from the mall after Liv reveals just one little bit of the Sheila saga: Sheila kidnapped Noah from a shopping mall when he was four years old. She might tell them more later after they're safely settled at Mo's house. Sheila's definitely not coming to the birthday party.
P.S. Turns out at their last supervised visit Noah told Sheila about the plans at the mall with the laser tag and the jungle gym. He doesn't even know the name of the mall or where they even are really so he couldn't have been specific. Did she scope out all of the malls in the area until she found one that matched the description? If so, why exactly? LMAO
Okay way too much but there you go LMAO.
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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“When you're weak, I'll be strong... I'm gonna keep holdin’ on! Now don't you worry: it won't be long... Darling, if you feel like hope is gone, Just run into my arms --  I'm only one call away... I'll be there to save the day... Superman got nothin’ on me --  I'm only one...I'm only one...call away...”
~“One Call Away (cover)” by Karlijn Verhagen & Mike Attinger
Carewyn’s dress robes based on this design -- so good to draw the outer sleeves more accurately than my original sketch, after making several mistakes with them I couldn’t fix in post the first time!
Oh gosh, some actually canon Carion content!! My dears, it has been a while... 🥰
For those of you who don’t know my personal canon for Orion post-Hogwarts, our favorite Quidditch Papa Bear enters into a couple of short-lived relationships while playing for the Montrose Magpies Quidditch team as their Chaser and later Captain, even though after seeing her Patronus that matches his right before he graduates, he’s left wondering if he and Carewyn could’ve been a thing romantically, if he’d both figured it out sooner and been brave enough to broach the issue with her. The most important of those relationships for Orion resulted in his beloved daughter Eos, who Orion took sole custody of after her mother abandoned both her and him in the midst of the Wizarding War, right before the fall of the Ministry. Since he was an orphan with no knowledge of his magical ancestry, Orion had to then go on the run from the Muggle-Born Registration Commission with baby Eos, only to get cornered and caught when he tried to covertly buy a replacement for his broken wand. While in custody, Orion kept Eos (strapped safely to his chest with a makeshift wrap) under his cloak in a desperate attempt to prevent their separation, pretending that she was his arm and that it was broken to explain why he wouldn’t let anyone touch or examine it too closely. Thankfully, when Orion and Eos arrived at the Department of Mysteries awaiting a trial and sentencing, several resistance members at the Ministry secretly broke in to rescue the most recent prisoners -- and one of those resistance members was Carewyn, still working under the radar in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. 
Once Carewyn managed to smuggle Orion and Eos out, she sent him to stay with another resistance member -- an associate of her brother Jacob, who was also hiding fugitives in his London flat Secret-Annex-style -- where he and Eos could remain safely in hiding. As they parted, Orion couldn’t help but look upon this woman he hadn’t seen in person in six years with a kind of anxiety he hadn’t felt since the Quidditch Cup: one inspired and touched beyond words, but concerned for her well-being, as well. 
“...I should think it would be pointless, to encourage you to hide as well.”
Carewyn’s face turned very grim as she shook her head.
“If I do, then I lose the position I have which can help me help others hide,” she said. She looked away, her expression becoming sadder. “...There’s so little I can do, right now. There are so many people I can’t help -- that I’ve failed to help...”
“You’ve helped me,” Orion said gently. “And Eos, as well. And for that...”
His black eyes rippled with emotion despite himself.
“...I lack the words needed, to express how I feel about that. The...gratitude I feel for it.”
Carewyn looked up at him, her almond-shaped blue eyes betraying deep emotion despite the brave smile she put on. She brought her arms around him, one holding the back of his neck in a hug and the other lightly resting beside the wrap holding Eos. 
“There’s no way I would’ve let them hurt you, Orion,” she said quietly. “You or Eos.” 
There were so many things Orion felt like he wanted to say, but he knew their time was short, and he ultimately lost his nerve. Even with this, though, his parting words to Carewyn were resolute --
“Next time we meet, it shall be because I have come found you -- hopefully in a more peaceful world.”
And Carewyn’s response was said through another resilient, pretty smile --
“I'll try to make that world come soon.”
Sure enough, after the War was over, Orion stopped by Carewyn’s office at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, both to acquire some help on behalf of the newly reformed Quidditch League and to follow up with Carewyn about her letters regarding the solidification of his legal custody over Eos.  And it was through this reconnection that both Orion and Carewyn truly realized how destined for each other they truly were. 
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soniabigcheese · 1 year
Hello! For the warm & fluffy bingo, how about Alan + Distracting you to win ?
Ohhhh ... thank you!
And thank you to @warmandfluffybingocards for the bingo card
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The Online Conquests of Alan Tracy - Sorta
I don't normally go for writing stuff down in a journal, cos it's boring and I have my brothers to do that sort of stuff. Especially big bro Scott.
Ho boy, is he a pushover.
Just the other day, I was bored, I'd finished my homework and avoided grandma's 'tasting sessions' in the kitchen. When I decided to challenge Scott to my latest tournament game.
Reluctantly, he agreed. Couldn't use the excuse that he was helping Brains with some retro fits to Thunderbird One, cos just then, Brains popped up to say the parts weren't ready yet (we make most of our stuff on site, rather than wait for someone to deliver)
Anyways, I showed him how this tournament worked - as he hadn't a clue. He didn't listen, wanted to dive straight in. Just like the impatient big bro that he is. We were going well to begin with, then I yelled 'THERE'S A ROCK!' He laughed, didn't bother to duck, so it hit him and his character died. All lives lost.
He wasn't happy about that, said it was a stupid game and stormed off.
Game time total? 15 minutes - I think. Could have been 5. Happened so fast I wasn't keeping track.
Next one was Virgil.
Another sucker. He lasted a bit longer than Scott
He's not really that into video games, but he, like Scott, would do anything to get out of tasting grandma's food. He didn't fall for the rock trick. So I had to be clever and pretend that his character was the medic (it wasn't) Bribed him with a promise of proper cookies and coffee
Ha! First beast his character encountered, it was bleeding so his first instinct was to heal it. Tried to tell him that this beast reacted badly to the potion his character was carrying.
Got slaughtered on the spot, used all his lives up.
Virgil sat there for a few minutes, dumbfounded and protesting that he was doing his best. Before stalking off, grumbling that the game was dumb.
"That's not how stuff works."
Was his parting shot.
Game play, total of half an hour - or thereabouts
John next.
Now he took some convincing. And had EOS on his side so he had an unfair advantage. They were both familiar with the game, after she sneaked inside to make sure there were no bugs in the game or cheat codes.
I have to admit, they almost got me, but I managed, when I told John that EOS was changing the score. Things got a bit tense and the game almost crashed, due to EOS' temper tantrum.
It wasn't my wisest move, as now I have made an enemy out of EOS now. I have a lot of sucking up to do, cos she never forgets and can hold one heck of a grudge.
Game play total? Lost count after several restarts and crashes - along with EOS shutting it all down without saving (glad it auto saves after a pause or two)
Forget it.
He knows my moves only too well, and no amount of bribery can get him to play with me. Besides, he's too googly-eyed over a certain Lady Penelope.
A worthy opponent.
She's a fast learner and can outwit me and the game itself at every turn.
I could say that my defeat was because I'd 'turned all noble' but nope. She beat me fair and square. I think I'll make her as part of my team, so we can battle beasties together.
She died twice, only because .... I don't want to talk about it.
Nope, I will.
For some reason, my stupid game glitched and my hero character started making funny spins and pirouettes - I'm watching you EOS - so I couldn't control him. Then the graphics went weird.
Funny how it never happened to her character.
Game play? I lost track of time but it's got to be a record though.
We had to give up, I checked online and it was a common glitch - apparently - and they were fixing it right now. Just suggested that once a patch was released, we have to do a hard reset of the game.
Well, that sucks.
Okay EOS, you're forgiven
Alan Tracy - out
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team-heavenly · 2 years
(Disclaimer: I don’t have any fancy screenshare/capture capabilities so I take pictures with my phone or iPad... the quality of which is only so good. I am more than happy to provide captions, descriptions, etc upon request.)
Welcome! The following is a record of everything there is to know about my randomized EOS Playthrough!
For the uninitiated: The Sky Temple Randomizer is an extremely neat tool that lets you randomize pretty much all aspects of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Sky Game! This includes:
Starter and partner Pokémon options
Your/your partner’s moves and abilities
Personality quiz questions
Chapter names
NPC Pokémon
Dungeon names
Dungeon enemies and their moves/abilities
Dungeon environments, music, complexity, and even the number of floors
IQ group assignments
Items available in shops and dungeons
And so much more! For example, some other options that I did not toggle on include randomizing overworld music, randomizing the types of you/your opponents, randomizing when you unlock the next explorer rank, and randomizing how many IQ points you gain from which Gummi. (There's also an option to randomize all text but I highly suggest you proceed with caution: the chances of bugs/instability are high, never mind not being able to play because you can't understand anything going on in the menu.) This is just a cursory look, so if you’d like to know more, please download the program and take a look yourself!
The creator (Marco Köpcke, aka theCapypara) did an awesome job with this tool, and I can only imagine how many hours went into it. Because all possible chapter names, quiz questions, and dungeon names alone? Were put in manually.
Let’s get a sneak peek, shall we? This is the very first question I was given upon starting the game:
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Okay, okay... let’s settle this once and for all. Unlike some of the internet, I was taught banged in the head with PEMDAS repeatedly during middle school until I could recite it in my sleep.
First, Parenthesis: [8 / 2 (2 + 2)] -> [8 / 2 (4)]
Next, Exponents: None, so it’s still [8 / 2 (4)]
Then, Multiplication and Division from left to right, hence:
[8 / 2 (4)] -> [4 (4)] -> 16
(There. You’re welcome.)
The quiz has the default questions mixed in too, so nothing special there. Some other noteworthy ones I got in this run:
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(Yeah sorry, you’ll see whatever dirt is on the screen too. I chose “The power of a mystic” and “STOP”)
From that, the quiz determined..
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Huh. You really just called me out like that, now didn’t you.
So what is my super ultra secret Pokésona?!
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Miss Medicham of Team Charm!
OK so funny story, this was my second time doing the quiz (because I didn’t get the idea for this blog until Chapter 2, and I needed to go back for pictures). The first time, I was assigned Doduo. Which, alright, but I wanted something with a little more substance. I saw Medicham among my options and very nearly went with that. But then something else caught my eye... and before I knew it, I grew attached and couldn’t bring myself to change this time through. Thanks for the cameo though, Medicham!
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Enter Togekiss! Isn’t she such a lovely lady?
As for my partner... I could have had Zapdos. I could have had Porygon. I could have had Solrock. Heck, even Dusknoir was available. Any of these choices would’ve been hilarious. But again, for some reason my eye was drawn to...
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Look at her!! That face! The pure :3. With teeth. How could I say no?
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Idk where the name Andrea came from tbh. I don’t know any inrl. It just popped into my head and felt right.
And so, with that out of the way...
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Let’s go! 😄
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podcastsaremyjam · 3 years
Podcast Recs!
Sometimes it can be difficult to find new fiction podcasts through the jungle of nonfiction ones. I LOVE finding new podcasts through other people’s recommendation’s, so I figured I’d take advantage of tumblr’s “pin a post” feature to pin a list of my favorite podcasts to the top of my page! Be sure to check out the tags on this post too—I try to be pretty consistent with tagging on this account. I’ll keep updating as I find new podcasts!
The Adventure Zone
If you’re into D&D, you’ve probably at least heard of this one, but it’s definitely worth the hype! TAZ was created by the McElroy brothers who, along with their dad Clint, play D&D together. The whole thing is INCREDIBLY hilarious, but each story really gets more complex and interesting as it goes along. The first “season,” TAZ: Balance is my favorite—classic D&D setting following Magnus, Taako, and Merle as they adventure and a larger mystery slowly unfolds. #adventure #dnd #found family
A collection of stories set in the same magical universe by the team who created Wolf359. Each episode has been really interesting, and the worldbuilding is really great! #magic #lgbtq+ rep #mental health
The Two Princes
Rupert and Amir are princes of two kindgoms at war who decide to take destiny into their own hands by pursuing the cause of the curse plaguing their kingdoms. To do so, they will have to create an uneasy truce as they forge deeper into the enchanted forest. This podcast is so lovely. The characters growth is just *chef’s kiss* I just found out that seasons 2 & 3 were released exclusively on Spotify, so guess who’s “to listen” list just got longer? #princes #lgbtq+ rep #prophecy #enemies to lovers
Girl in Space
Our narrator (who’s name has not been revealed as of the end of season 1) is a young scientist who’s parents have died, leaving her as the sole living inhabitant of the research station Cavatica. Space seems so vast when you only have yourself to talk to...until it isn’t. One of my all time favs—there is so much depth in the story and characters! #space #research #mental health #grief #space station
Y’all, this one made me cry the first time I listened to it! The story (in season 1) follows Frank as he works as a caretaker watching over the cryogeniclly stored bodies of people on their way to a space colony. It’s such a poginant exploration of the social bonds we take for granted. #space #mental health
Wolf 359
Told through the audio logs of Communications Officer Doug Eiffel , Wolf 359 follows the crew of the Hephaestus as they monitor the star Wolf 359. If I could only recommend 5 podcasts to someone, this one would definitely make the cut. Each of the characters is so well flashed out as the podcast progresses, and the conversations it has about mental illness are handled so well! #space #mental health #space station
Moonbase Theta Out
Ugh, this podcast is so good! The first season follows the researchers and workers on Moonbase Theta as they prepare for base shutdown. However, with political issues threatening the safety of family planetside and those in charge being suspiciously unwilling to provide information on certain topics, our narrator pushes for answers before he goes into cryogenic stasis. Note—the narrator of season one and his husband are sappy and adorable. I love them so muchhhh. #space #politics #lgbtq+ rep #space station
The Orphans
If you love sci-fi, this is the podcast for you! The Orphans tells the story of a universe full of future technologies and humanity continuing to push forward into unknowns. Each season tells a different story arc set in the same universe, interconnecting and building on past seasons. #technology #space #survival
An adorable anti-capitalist comedy set in space! #space #aliens #lgbtq+ rep #space station
EOS 10
OMG This podcast always makes me laugh so hard! It follows two doctors, a nurse, and a hypochondriac alien patient as they navigate medical appoinments and daily life on the station EOS 10. Shenagains ensue. #space #medical #lgbtq+ rep #aliens #space station
The Strange Case of the Starship Iris
Hooooo boy! Bring on the found family adventures in space we all deserve! Something here about the Each character is just beautifully written, layered in complexities that start to peel away as we get to know them. #aliens #space #found family #lgbtq+ rep
The Bright Sessions
Therapy session recordings of Dr. Bright’s patients. Only, her patients aren’t there for help with anxiety or depression. They’re there because they’re “atypicals,” people with incredible abilities. I love each of the characters in this podcast, and learning more and more as the plot unfolds!
The Magnus Archives
I don’t normally listen to horror, but I started listening in the middle of the pandemic and HOO BOY. It did not disappoint! The story follows Jonathan Sims working in the archives at the Magnus Institute, an institute dedicated to gathering information about strange and unusual occurances. Each episode is Jon recording himself reading statements people have given in order to better organize the Archives. Starts off a little slow in terms of Jon’s interaction with other characters, but that aspect starts picking up halfway through season 1. #horror #supernatural #lgbtq+ rep
King Falls AM
Though not as terrifying as the other shows in this section, King Falls AM can definitely be unsettling. The show follows Sammy Stevens and Ben Arnold as they host a late night radio show in the not-so-sleepy town of King Falls. Though newcomer Sammy is skeptical of the town’s reputation for supernatural events, there is definitely more to the town and its inhabitants than meets the eye. #supernatural #mental health #lgbtq+ rep
Welcome to Nightvale
My first ever podcast! You’ve probably already decided if Nightvale is your cup of tea if you’re on my blog, but basically WtNV is a radio show covering events that happen in a town where glowing clouds rain dead animals, a country of tiny people exosts under a bowling lane, and librarians will must not escape the library. Vaguely creepy and definitely weird! #supernatural #lgbtq+ rep
Levar Burton Reads
If you love short stories, definitely check this one out! As the title suggests, the immensely talented Levar Burton selects a different short story for each episode and reads it. His selections span lots of genres, and he’s read stories from some of my favorite authors like Neil Gaiman and Nnedi Okorafor!
Me & AU
This podcast is sooooo cute! It follows Kate as she hyperfocuses on a new show called Selkirk and becomes friends with a fellow Selkirk fan named Ella.
Under Pressure
Follows a doctor of literature aboard a deep sea research station three miles underwater.
36 Questions
A musical three part mini-series about the relationship fallout between a husband and wife after the husband discovers that his wife isn’t who she says she is.
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bearcina · 2 years
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Welcome to my page, I’m your host, Bear! I’m a 20yr old aspiring author and OOAK doll customizer!
Masterlist (Amazon wishlist)
My pronouns are they/them/he/she/dude
I’m always looking for new friends, I don’t bite! I just write kinky stuff!
My Ask Box is always open, feel free to ask any questions!
Presenting, under the cut!: Q&A!
I see you’re here for the rest of the post!
Where can I find you off of Tumblr?
You can find me on Discord, Bearcina#5637!
My Steam is the same, Bearcina!
My AO3 is Bearcina, and here’s a direct link!
My KakaotalkID is bearcina! My kakao name is Bear'ika (little bear)
I’m on Wizard101 as Maria Rainbowbreath, a level 50-something Balance wizard, I specialize in supports, hit me up for a True Friend code! I just finished Dragonspyre!
What do you use to draw?
I use an XP-PEN brand tablet for digital work!
I do doll face-ups with Arteza watercolor pencils, soft chalk pastels, mica powder, Mr. Super Clear UV Matte Flat, and LOTS of DuraClear in Matte, Gloss, and Ultra Glossy!
My sketchpads are off-white and textured for watercolor pencils! I use Pilot pens for inking, and these pencils for sketching!
Do you have a Masterlist of your fanfics and works?
Yes, and here’s the link to the Masterlist!
I’m into Astrology, what’s your birth chart?
I am a Gemini (sun), Sagittarius (Mars), Libra (Rising), Taurus (Venus), Ares (Moon) and a Gemini (Mercury)!
What the FUCK is wrong with you?
A LOT. I’m disabled and mentally ill from some serious childhood trauma! Here’s a nonexhaustive list of my problems!:
Generalized Anxiety
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Panic disorders
More Depression, but make it ~Seasonal~
Migraines (a LOT)
Herniated spinal discs
Chronic fatigue
And so many more!
I’m also autistic, I have ADHD, dyscalculia, and my brain is about as functional as a goldfish! (surprisingly smarter than expected but still dumb as a damn rock-)
What fandoms are you in? What interests you?
I currently enjoy: (current fixations are bold!)
Katamari Damacy
The Outer Worlds
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout 4
Fallout 3
Spyro the Dragon
Hades (game)
Pokemon! (Sinnoh, Alola, and Galar right now! I have one of every gen but Hoenn)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, and Explorers of Darkness/Sky (I don’t have time!)
The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Link’s Awakening (all three editions), and A Link Between Worlds and many others!)
Portal 2
Portal: Aperture Tag
Portal Stories: Mel 
Animal Crossing (Check above for my switch codes to play NH with me!!)
Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer
Star Wars, specifically The Mandalorian and things related to Mandalorians! (I’m learning Mando’a with help from the Oyu’baat!)
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld 
Good Omens
Prospect (2018) (I love Ezra!)
SCP Foundation
The Penumbra Podcast: Juno Steel! (podcast)
The Magnus Archives (podcast)
Wolf 359 (podcast)
Elaines Cooking for the Soul (podcast)
MarsCorp (podcast)
Oz 9 (podcast)
StarTripper!! (podcast)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris (podcast)
Welcome to Night Vale 
Mars’ Best Brisket (Podcast)
EOS 10 (podcast)
Distractable Podcast (by markiplier)
The Sims
Sewing, I do mine by hand and machine! (ask me about my machines!)
Historical sewing
Cosmetology (I grew up in a salon, my mother is a beautician and I love dying and cutting hair!)
Acrylic nails (they’re so pretty!)
ToonTown ReWritten (Find me as Fancy Lolipop the bear or Deputy Biscuit the deer!)
Wizard101 (I like playing!)
YuGiOh (I collect the cute cards >w<)
Martial arts (I did karate for many years and i got my black belt! I also like playing with rope darts, though I’m not good!)
Tarot Cards and other such fortune telling things, I’m a pagan and a witch!
Any other questions? Send me an ask!
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fallenfurther · 3 years
Homecoming - Together
Chapter 4 - The boys visit their father
Chapters 1 , 2 and 3.
A short one from Jeff's point of view. Enjoy!
His whole family was relaxing in his private garden. Scott and Virgil sat beside him at the table, a pack of old playing cards between them with a game of rummy pretty much abandoned. It was a good thing they weren't keeping score as almost all their attention was on Alan. It was Alan's turn to share what had happened over the past eight years and he was currently standing before them, full of enthusiasm, as he recounted his mission to Europa. Gordon was perched on a cushion with his legs crossed, occasionally butting in with his own comments. His youngest still radiated energy, just as he’d done as a child, and Jeff could see the joy in Gordon's eyes when talking about the Pendergasts. He was going to have to look them up later to see what all the fuss was about, just as he'd done with Cavern Quest. Alan started to build up as he reached the climax of the rescue. Jeff had yet read the report for this rescue so wasn’t sure how much was being exaggerated, and although he knew they would be okay, his heart still raced at the drama. The sense of relief that washed over him when Alan informed them of their safe landing was immense. Alan really did remind him of himself, and brought back the memories and thrill of his own first trips into space. It hadn’t helped that Alan threw his arm into the air to show off their trajectory as they’d burst through the ice, face full of excitement. He'd hoped the young man would go to college, but with his eyes set on space and with access to a rocket, it might be hard to convince the boy otherwise. There was a round of applause and a bow at the end of the story, before Alan settled into the floor next to Gordon.
"So, Gordon, did you ever get to join WASP or did you go straight into the family business?"
Gordon had once had his eyes set on WASP after finishing his Olympic career. Jeff regretted that he wasn't there to see Gordon take gold, but they had shown him the footage. Gordon had been pulled into a hug as tears of pride fell from Jeff’s eyes. He'd re-watched the footage multiple times since, as well as the other home footage they had supplied over and over when he felt alone in his room. The boys had been his motivation to survive and they were still his biggest motivation now. They had all turned into respectable men despite his disappearance and he was so proud of them all.
"Actually, I did. Only for the training year though. They did say they would welcome me back if I ever got bored of International Rescue. It was definitely the right thing to do. WASP taught me so much when it came to the sea, currents and challenges of being in an underwater craft. That training set me right up for piloting Thunderbird Four, helping me work as a team and focus on learning the best ways to rescue people. They're a really cool bunch of people and I'm still in contact with them."
"That's good to hear, son."
Jeff wanted to place a hand on Gordon's shoulder, but he was on the wrong side of the table. He'd always worried about Gordon, who'd struggled with paying attention at school. Jeff had spent hours trying to convince him to study and do homework. If it didn't line up with his interests, Gordon never wanted to do it. The school teachers always compared him to his brothers, who had all been good studiers and never needed prompting, yet Gordon would always surprise them when given free rein on the topic. If he could make it about the sea, he would, and that was when Gordon would shine. The diorama of the coral reef and pollution levels had surprised his teachers, especially when Jeff had confirmed that Virgil had only helped by giving Gordon verbal painting suggestions. Knowing Gordon had still pursued WASP meant everything to Jeff. He'd only wanted the boys involved with International Rescue out of their own desire, and not pressured by a feeling of duty. Gordon had joined WASP, seen what it would have been like to work for the organisation and decided he wanted to be part of the family business. The man had still stayed true to his own hopes and dreams.
"Hey, Dad, I was…" Scott started before a beep came from John's wrist, who was sitting quietly on the bench in the shade next to their grandmother. The familiar voice of EOS filled the garden.
"Sorry to interrupt, John, but there is an emergency that requires International Rescue for the greatest chance of success."
"What's the situation?"
"A building site explosion has caused some steel framework to collapse against the skyscraper across the road. There is a high probability people are trapped and there is a risk of further explosions as the cause of the first is currently unknown. Further explosions could lead to more damage to the surrounding buildings. I believe Thunderbird One and Two are both required."
"FAB, EOS." John turned to the group, determination on his face. "Ready to go?"
"What are we waiting for?" Alan jumped to his feet, fist in the air. "Thunderbirds are go!"
The scraping of chair legs filled the air and Scott placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Duty calls, Dad. See you soon."
Jeff’s boys were running back into the facility with a wave goodbye over their shoulders. The pounding of their feet slipped away leaving the air still and the garden eerily quiet. Neither occupant spoke, waiting for the rumble that they knew would follow. It did just that. The roar of those great engines had faded in Jeff’s memory over the years, just as various other sounds of Earth had slipped from his mind. They were things he was experiencing again. This was Jeff’s chance to live again. Yet his boys couldn't stand down International Rescue when they visited as a family, so they always landed the craft in the field beside the facility. The downdrafts created by Thunderbird Two swept over the facility and his wind chimes clattered as the ship came into view. The quieter Thunderbird One was beside the green giant. Thunderbird Two picked up speed while Thunderbird One turned and sped away with a bang in the opposite direction. The green craft was soon out of sight, her roar fading away to nothing, and the slowing chimes and empty chairs the only evidence that they had ever been there. The rough scratching of a chair moving closer to him made him turn away from the sky before the space elevator came into view.
"They'll be back, don't you worry."
The smile on his mother's face was warm, familiar and filled him with comfort, even if it didn't chase away his worries. His boys were gone again, barely recovered from their last rescue. They had all been here. It still felt like such a rare treat, just as it had ever since Scott had left for the Air Force.
"It was never meant to be this way." Jeff sighed. His mother placed her hand on his and her cool blue eyes met his.
"This is your dream. Your boys are flying the Thunderbirds and saving people."
"Not like this though. I never planned for International Rescue to be needed as much as it is."
"Well, you couldn't have predicted just how successful and necessary International Rescue would be. They've risen to the challenge amazingly, Jeff."
"I know, Mum, but at what cost?"
Jeff ran his hand through his hair as he leant back and gazed at the sky. There was a small black dot that he believed was the elevator whisking John away. That's what the world did now. They called on International Rescue and snatched his boys away. Before, the rescues had been a few a month, leaving them plenty of time for relaxing and being together, especially when Alan and Gordon were home from school. He could see the exhaustion in his sons, the fact that there never seemed to be enough hours in the day for them to sleep. Alan seemed the least affected and appeared to have the most spare time, but Jeff had heard the yawns when they played Cavern Quest together.
"A cost they are willing to pay. Now, let's see if you've still got it in you to beat the master at Blackjack."
A bag of tokens landed on the table as his mother slid the discarded cards into a pile up and started to shuffle. Jeff smiled, though not entirely happy at the obvious distraction tactics, as he tipped the familiar coloured tokens on the table.
"If I remember correctly, you're in my debt at the moment, sure you want to deepen it further?"
There was a glint in his mother's eye as she met his own and her lip curled up.
"Just put the usual million on the table and we'll end the day with you owing me."
Jeff started stacking the counters into the required piles, happy to accept the challenge though he did wish his mother would let him listen in on the rescue. Hearing their voices would settle him a little, though Mum probably thought their daredevil antics would be too much for his old ticker. His heart worked fine. He'd just wanted his boys.
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darrowsrising · 3 years
An analysis attempt at Darrow's...fears and complexes (?):
I will analyse, but also...interpret and say my takes on certain things. Please don't take this as entirely fact.
What clouds Darrow's perception of himself/makes him an unreliable narrator are the following: his guilt complex, his fear of abandonment and his fear of not being enough.
His fear of abandonement started from young - his father protested and was killed for it, so young Darrow took it as his father abandoning him and their family. It manifested as Darrow always obeying the rules, but after Eo died - abandoned him - he always carried that people are abandoning him. It doesn't manifest in one big thing like before, it comes here and then when his mind is at rest and eats itself. In his lonely hours when it gets harder for him to withstand his secret alone and the mere notion of anyone knowing scares him. In that table, when he is broke. Even 10 years later, he is afraid of abandonement, but even more afraid of doing the abandonement.
His relationship with Cassius and perception of Cassius are deeply rooted in Darrow's guilt for killing Julian. Of course, it's not the only thing, but it's a main thing for sure. Even though...Cassius killed someone in the Passage too, it's just that no one came after him with Blood Feuds for it. But Cassius is a stark reminder of killing Julian and Darrow needs that, because that is what he fights for, a day where people like Julian won't have to die. Killing Cassius would mean Darrow losing himself in a way, because Cassius isn't bad, he just plays for the wromg team and has the internal biases of his upbringing.
Things got even more complicated after he found out Eo took their unborn child with her. Why? Because that sealed it in that he is not enough - not enough for Eo to live, not enough to save her and their child. At the gala it became - not enough for Mustang, not enough for anyone, just alone, always alone.
He is biased towards Cassius, even though they don't spend that much time together as friends. Although Cassius is not a bad guy, he is not better than Darrow, he's still very much a willing accomplice of his Society to the point he wants to protect the status quo and Octavia as Sovereign. Darrow makes statements about Cassius being better (I suppose he reffered to morally better) than him and his honour still being honour, even though it's the corrupted sort. It's obviously either the guilt complex or the fear of not being enough speaking.
The first statement was made in GS, after he found out about Eo and at the gala and while talking to Virginia at the late breakfast - I associate those with the fear of not being enough, because he felt he wasn't enough and that negatively impacted everything, even his relationship with Virginia.
The second statement was made in MS and honestly, what the fuck Darrow, I never understood what you meant by that, I swear to Reaper. Corrupted honour is HYPOCRISY! That is what House Bellona is, hypocritical. The fact that Cassius finds it within himself to make something of honour is a testament to his changing, but he and his family behaved extremely hypocritical - they were vengenful, bot honourable.
Darrow's guilt complex is...the most proeminent thing in his story. He feels guilty for everything he has done and will have to do to destroy slavery permanently. If you read any chapter of his, there is no way you won't find some sort of thing he feels guilty about. The fact that people had to die because of him, innocent people, his soldiers, his friends will never ever leave him. If he does get therapy for his fears and PTSD (although the post is relative), then that guilt will never go away no matter what. Thing is, his guilt is legitimate most of the times, it's natural for him to feel horrible for his friends dying, because he made mistakes. But sometimes...he exaggerates - like when he felt guilty for not being on Mercury when Atalantia attacked, even though IT WAS THE SENATE'S FAULT. I mean...Dancer can't give two squirts of piss about the Free Legions - although he was the stupid bitch who thought peace with fascist slavers is good - and Darrow hears the voices of the dead reminding him that nothing can live in the Reaper's shadow.
Yes, I am still pissed about it. Can you tell that I am tired of people exploiting Darrow's fears and guilt complex one way or another? I mean, this guys is pretty hard to manipulate, he still let Lysander go with Cassius and gave even his Mars ring, because of Julian. He still went for the Free Legions and through living hell while the Senate and Vox Populi was sucking dick, even though IT WAS THEIR FAULT and they wanted to let him and the legions die.
Anyway, what do you guys think about this? Any additions are welcome, any discussion or disagreement even more so.
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thisismehappy · 1 year
I need, for when they finally have their *conversation* for it to be long single takes. Few edits. Id prefer a bottle episode. Stuck somewhere. No choice but to talk it out. In the words of Abed from Community "They're wall-to-wall facial expression and emotional nuance"
Basically I want a play.
Do i want the script to have an outline and have M and C improv the rest? Also probably.
Sorry! I think this got buried in my notifications! I don't get very many asks and I just saw this in my inbox which I never usually look at.
This was a lot so I figured out how to add a cut. See below. 
Generally, I'm not a *huge* fan of bottle episodes. Pragmatically speaking, bottle episodes serve a purpose in the TV industry as a low-budget episode because they only need to use one set for the whole episode and there are no location shots and relatively few actors and probably no extras. That puts a huge amount of pressure on the writing and the actors and it is, as you say, more of a play format which makes sense given everything I just mentioned. Most of the time they feel, to me, like the writers and production team are trying to *do* something in a way that as an audience member I don't actually want to be aware of. Like maybe they're swimming beyond their depth. It feels forced, is what I'm saying. Forced and itchy and uncomfortable and I find myself checking the time every 2 minutes waiting for it to end. So I almost never hope for a bottle episode.
BUT I have really liked Mariska's bottle episodes on SVU. I'm thinking specifically of Something Happened, Part 33, The Year We All Fell Down, and 911. None of which were perfect bottle episodes, as I recall, because they did have some movements to other sets and some location shooting and things like that. But any 43-minute show that has Mariska on my screen for 40 of those minutes is fine by me. And she tends to do really well with them. I get the feeling she enjoys the challenge and so she puts a lot of herself into them. She won a freaking Emmy for 911 after all. I also think if it was an EO episode, she would be so beyond focused on making it perfect bc this has been her dream really since day one imo. (There's a clip floating around if Chris giving an interview in season one and Mariska runs up and hugs him and says, "He's playing a detective that's in love with his partner," or something along those lines.) And I think Chris would be great at it too. So all that to say, I do think the actors are up to the challenge.
I worry about the writing a bit though. While I understand where you're coming from, I'm not sure I'd agree about them just ad-libbing it bc to me this is something that needs to be pretty carefully thought out with a clear understanding of the implications of the words and a pretty specific memory of the past events they're discussing and the actors are great, but they've been part of this for 24 years and aren't going to remember everything. Someone needs to go back and reference old episodes. If a bottle episode happens, I want that script to be *crackling* with subtext. I want to hear Elliot apologize for not being there and Olivia say, "I know you can't spend your life looking over your shoulder to make sure I'm okay." I want them sharing a drink. I want her to have to blink a light at him to show she's okay. I want him to ask if anyone's taking care of her. And I want him to cradle her in his arms like he did in fault and spooked. I don't expect all (or realistically any) of that too happen, but I think a carefully, beautifully written script would do this moment the most justice. Idk if the writers are up to that or not, but they've been showing us things this season that (mostly) give reason to hope.
The actual plot of a bottle episode is where I get tied up though. SVU is a police procedural above all else and every other bottle episode they've ever done has been related to solving the mystery of a case. An interrogation, a hostage situation, a mystery girl on a phone, and argument in a court house waiting room. These are what we've seen before and what we would expect to see from a show like SVU. An EO bottle episode is uncharted territory. Is there a case that's going to be taking up half the plot? I cannot imagine them really talking unless they were alone so that rules out most of what we've seen before. (Although, Olivia having to interrogate Elliot for a crime while half the department stands on the other side of the window does sound *delicious*.)
A court house argument could work, with the aspects of the case hitting *all* the wrong buttons for them, but it's been done before. Some kind of escape room type scenario could be really fun and interesting. Where they're trapped somewhere and need to solve a mystery to get out. That could be on point and very them, but unless it feels like life-and-death, idk if there would be enough of a driving force to get them where they need to be emotionally.
If I were going to write a fic about it, it would be a situation where they were maybe chasing a suspect or investigating a location and no one really knows exactly where they are and they get hurt and trapped somewhere. Personal preference, I would have her more hurt than him. I want it to be kinda enclosed so maybe it's triggering her claustrophobia (which she has if it's my fic). I want him to need to pull some of her clothes off to help with her injuries and find her scars from William Lewis. I want her to ask him to take Noah if she dies. I want him to be in serious pain from his own injuries but feral to save her. Maybe in the end, his recovery time is worse bc he does something stupid to get them out. I think the fear of death and of missing their chance to be together might be what it takes to make it finally happen. These two are very stubborn. If they were just trapped in a room together with no other problems idk if they'd get there. (Maybe, he's pretty motivated now, so that would help. But idk if he's going to push her too hard if she's really fighting him in it.)
Also, they're gonna kiss if it's my fic, and imo, their grievously-injured bodies are about the only thing I think would keep them from going all the way the first time they kiss. And I don't mind that either, but the idea of them finally being together, but having to wait 6-8 weeks to get medically cleared for sex sounds really fun. The first day in the hospital is very *serious* but the second day features them both trying to check out AMA and him hobbling his way into her room and making out with her in a hospital bed. They're going to get busted multiple times by different people. And yes, realistically they should be traumatized, but things worked out in the end and they've got the world's best security blankets. And I think even Liv's shrink would tell her to go for it.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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“Now I'm seeing clearly how I still need you near me -- I still love you so... There's something between us that won't ever leave us -- There's no letting go... We had a ‘once in a lifetime,’ But I just didn't know it 'til my life fell apart...”
~“If Ever You’re In My Arms Again,” by Peabo Bryson
His entire school career and beyond, Orion Amari had always been the wise counselor to his friends and teammates when it came to finding balance with their emotions and lives. Even though he had his own struggles thanks to his less-than-balanced childhood in an orphanage and suffered from anxiety attacks every-so-often, he’d still been able to live a healthy life regardless and find proper coping mechanisms for his trauma. When Orion found himself falling in love, however, it was a struggle he hadn’t known quite how to handle, or even how best to ask for help with.
Orion realized something was off-balance when Carewyn Cromwell -- a Slytherin one year younger than him who he’d finally managed to convince to rejoin his Quidditch team after three years to help their team win the Quidditch Cup Final -- got badly injured by a Bludger and ended up in the Hospital Wing with a bruised lung. Carewyn’s condition had paralyzed Orion in a severe anxiety attack the likes of which his teammates had rarely seen before, and although he managed to get his emotions under control once Carewyn was conscious, even he was unsettled by how bad the attack was. Admittedly, though, Orion had always been quite fond of Carewyn, given how well they saw eye to eye and how much they both respected each other, and Orion had felt responsible for her having gotten injured. He probably would’ve simply passed his feelings off as just guilt and worry were it not for what he saw the morning of the Quidditch Cup Award Ceremony.
While training before dawn as he always did in good weather, Orion caught sight of a gleaming white Patronus in the form of a Winged Horse. His breath stilled, disbelieving -- it was the same as the Patronus he himself had only just learned to conjure earlier that year in Defense Against the Dark Arts. And when he flew down after the Patronus and saw who had cast it, he found Carewyn waiting for him in McNully’s commentator box. Orion would look back on that day and wonder how in the world he reacted as calmly as he did, while knowing the superstition surrounding people sharing Patronuses -- but at the time, the sight had only made him want to be with her, to talk with her, to...look at her...look upon her with more clarity than he ever had before. And when he did, he realized that Carewyn Cromwell truly was a beautiful person: a selfless, kind, resourceful person with more fire than a Fire Crab and all the courage of a Chinese Fireball. It was little wonder that her classmates regarded her with such admiration, whether because of her Cursebreaking or not. Anyone could fall in love with the likes of Carewyn Cromwell. Even he...could see himself falling in love with such a woman.
And yet, when another person might have tried to make a move...Orion hesitated. He only had one week remaining at Hogwarts, before he graduated and joined the Montrose Magpies as their newest Chaser. The dream he’d worked so hard for -- his “gold,” if one recalls Orion valuing the “tenacity of a niffler” -- was finally within his grasp. Could he really put all of that at risk, by trying to alter course now? And Carewyn had her own “gold” as well -- her quest to protect Hogwarts from the Cursed Vaults. She would never choose a romance over helping her brother and protecting her own found family. Orion didn’t even know if what Carewyn and he had could even be considered a romance. Would he even have looked at Carewyn as anything romantic if he hadn’t seen her Patronus? He wasn’t sure...but now that he had, wouldn’t he then be assuming that there was more between them than there really was? Was he only projecting the “soulmates” superstition onto them, just because he fancied her? A crush was not love, after all. As much as he himself believed in fate as well, Orion knew that Carewyn did not. More importantly, he knew she’d both want and deserve someone who loved her for who she was, not due to some old magical wives’ tale. As much as he admired her, Orion couldn’t say definitively that he was in love with Carewyn, and the thought of putting all of his dreams on hold just to try to grab at a chance -- as a Slytherin, Orion just couldn’t see the sense in it. He couldn’t make that choice, not after he’d worked so hard! A Chaser can’t get distracted by the Golden Snitch, when their job is to score goals. And perhaps, in the deepest, darkest part of himself...Orion worried that he could never be what Carewyn needed. He knew how much she loved her brother and how much she wanted her family to be as it once was -- he remembered the pain in her eyes, when he’d first told her he was an orphan. Carewyn needed a family -- a home -- something stable and warm to return to...all things Orion knew absolutely nothing about. He didn’t want a conventional family life -- he had no interest in getting married or having lots of kids or buying a house with a white-picket fence. He wanted to play Quidditch and be free to live his own life, the way he wanted. And as much as he thought it was possible he could fall in love with Carewyn some day, he dreaded the thought of sacrificing everything he’d ever wanted to pursue her -- of giving up the “gold” he’d been chasing for so long.
And so, after a lot of thought, Orion made the decision to keep his feelings to himself. If they were truly meant to be, maybe their paths would realign again someday, he told himself. It was a decision that tormented Orion for the next six years he played for the Montrose Magpies. Not that he talked to much of anyone about his inner conflict -- even Orion’s best friends Skye Parkin and Murphy McNully and “star twin” KC @kc-needs-coffee​​ could only really read between the lines, noticing that he seemed oddly avoidant whenever any mention of Carewyn was brought up. Orion even entered into a few relationships, but none of them lasted long, often because Orion’s partner wanted “more” than Orion was willing to give. The Star Chaser didn’t want to sacrifice his freedom, his dreams, or his independence. It was the main reason he hadn’t chased Carewyn in the first place...even though she’d seemed to understand him so much more than any partner he’d ever had. Carewyn would still send him letters sometimes -- Orion didn’t answer as much as he probably should have, but he always had a lot of difficulty answering her letters whenever he was in a relationship. It made him feel like he was being unfaithful, somehow. And as the years went on and Orion lived his own life and heard about Carewyn’s successful trials at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he tried to tell himself all the more that he’d made the right choice not to pursue Carewyn. If you love someone, you have to be willing to set them free, right? Not that he knew for sure that he’d been in love with her, but...they could’ve been something, maybe...if he hadn’t been so cowardly...
Orion’s longest relationship was with a young woman named Delilah Flint, who had taken a desk job with the Magpies’ PR department. The distinction probably wouldn’t have had much weight (given that they’d still only been together for about a year), were it not for Delilah ending up pregnant. Neither Orion nor Delilah had ever been interested in marriage, Orion because he didn’t see much reason and Delilah because she came from a family who would’ve never approved of her marrying an orphan of mixed magical ancestry -- but after the birth of their daughter Eos in summer 1996, the two reacted in completely opposite ways. Orion, who had never really had much interest in having a family, nonetheless felt a wonderful new paternal feeling swelling up in his breast toward his daughter and promised himself and Eos that she wouldn’t grow up alone, unsafe, and scared like he had. Delilah, on the other hand, suffered from severe post-partum depression after giving birth, thanks in no small part to when Eos was born (right after the return of Voldemort was revealed to the Wizarding World), and she was also in such severe financial straits that she’d have to go to her pureblood family for help, who would never agree to help her knowing she’d had a child out of wedlock. Delilah tried to give Eos up to an orphanage -- Orion, understandably horrified, tried to pacify Delilah however he could, even going so far as to suggest marriage if it meant keeping her and his infant daughter in his life...but in the end, that December, Delilah dropped Eos in Orion’s lap and left, never to be seen again.
The following year, the Ministry fell, and Orion had to go on the run, just barely escaping the Death Eaters with Eos thanks to the help of his Quidditch League associates McNully, Skye, Erika Rath, Oliver Wood, and Andre Egwu. Going on the run with a one-year-old was a difficult proposition, and after several months, a group of Snatchers cornered Orion trying to covertly purchase a new wand from a private vendor after his had gotten broken, and they took him into custody. Orion, who was bundled up in a cloak and looked to be holding his arm as if it was broken under it, went quietly with the Snatchers to the Ministry, his face oddly pale as he forcibly tried to calm his intense anxiety. He was rounded up with several other prisoners and put in a room in the Department of Mysteries until they could be “processed through the court” (read: wrongly convicted of “stealing magic”) and transported to Azkaban.
Fortunately for Orion, Aurors Angelo Lancaster @angellazull​ and Talbott Winger had caught wind that a new round of prisoners had been brought in, and they reached out to their main contact in Magical Law for help in busting them out. The contact -- an old school friend of theirs who was an up-and-coming lawyer -- arranged the trial hearings’ schedule so that there was a noticeable window of time before they started. In that short time, Angelo, Talbott, and their contact were able to break into the room and rescue the prisoners...and yes, the contact in question did indeed turn out to be a pretty young woman with emotional, almond-shaped blue eyes and a short ginger bob wearing flowing dress robes and bright red lipstick.
When Carewyn and Orion got over the shock of seeing each other face-to-face again for the first time in six years, one of their very first exchanges was --
“You cut your hair.”
“So did you.”
Another involved Carewyn offering to mend the “arm” Orion was holding under his cloak.
“You’re hurt...let me -- ”
“No! No, I’m...not hurt...I...”
When Orion tentatively raised his cloak to show Carewyn his tiny daughter bundled up in a wrap around his chest and cradled in his arms, part of him had wondered how she would react. He hadn’t mentioned Delilah or any of his other relationships to her in those short responses he’d sent her -- it’d been uncomfortable for him, to try to talk about his love life in his letters to her. But regardless of the surprise that rippled over her face, when Carewyn looked from the little baby to up into Orion’s dark eyes, her pale face nonetheless betrayed a weak smile.
“Is...is it a she?”
“Yes. ...Her name is Eos.”
Carewyn’s eyes softened visibly, welling up with a beautiful warmth, like the kind Orion had sometimes seen her show toward her friend Barnaby or younger students like Cedric Diggory. A maternal warmth...
“She’s beautiful.”
Carewyn’s whisper made Orion’s heart swell up in his chest, slamming against his ribs as if it wished to push itself through a set of prison bars. Even after so many years, her soul was truly more like his than anyone else Orion had ever known before.
Together Carewyn, Talbott,and Angelo worked to shrink all of the prisoners down to a size that they could smuggle them out of the Ministry and then help them go into hiding. After the War was over, Carewyn helped Orion with the paperwork needed for him to claim sole custody of Eos, since Orion and Delilah not being legal partners meant that Delilah and her family would have first priority if they ever sued for custody. Orion wasn’t sure if the Flints ever would try to take Eos, but Carewyn was determined not to give them any legal opening.
“You fought for her, Orion, not them. And now I plan to fight for you.”
“No. I don’t want them to ever feel like they can just waltz in and take her, not after leaving her to the wolves. I’ll do whatever I have to, to make sure Eos stays with the man who put his life on the line to keep her in his life and safe. She deserves that.”
The stubborn fire in Carewyn’s blue eyes and the sincerity of her convictions was all it took. Orion had been on the edge for so long, feeling faintly off-kilter with every step for seven years, but had always just barely managed to feign composure and balance...but now, in a single moment, it was all for naught. He had fallen -- despite his best efforts, despite all of his avoidance and his flagrant cowardice -- into the wonderful, swirling abyss of ethereal, warm chaos that men called “love.” In that moment, and in many moments after, Orion cursed himself for not chasing after Carewyn Cromwell from the very start...for wasting so much time and being so passive, so short-sighted...so consumed by “what-if’s” that he’d completely discarded the “what-could-be’s.”
Fortunately there was a chance, now, to make up for lost time. A rose is no less beautiful just because it blooms slowly.
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