#The two girls and then another boy
caterpillarinacave · 1 year
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Henry and Charlotte really went and adopted a child a sixth months before they had twins
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neishroom · 11 months
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cleo mood board
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evie-doesnt-write · 4 days
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Revolutionary Girl Utena: Ep.22//Ep.34
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lucreziaborgiagf · 18 days
i think a lot about grace chastity is explained by her spending her summers being looked after by the jerries
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mo-ok · 3 months
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everyone: let me see what you have Sosuke: a knife! everyone: NO
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
If five pebbles was ever built for zephyr the same way he was built for moon, would he ever see her as a mentor?
i imagine that he'd!!! be more open with her than he is with Moon, because their personalities match better. Zephyr isn't really the doting, overprotective kind. She didn't have the chance to learn how to be affectionate and warm even though she wishes she could be and she needs to watch her own systems like a hawk 24/7 so she ain't got the attention to spare to nag at him even if she wanted to. they'd end up bonding over their anger at the injustice of the Iterators' fate, though
Pebs would probably take someone else as Mentor™ (she wouldn't be capable of fullfilling the expectations of that role), but he'd probably still look up to her a lot. she'd be like. a not-the-title mentor in the specific field of being angry at their situation and doing Something about it
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beansterpie · 2 months
rewatching LoK, i'm being reminded how much I dislike the.... the brothers, mako and bolin, yanno? they're such underwhelming characters on basically every level. it'd almost be impressive if they weren't in every episode and didn't annoy me so much ugh
#bean talking into the void#also this show in general is very flawed lol#cool things about it but the choice to structure it more like a#prestige tv show#as in each season follows One Story#is... i wouldn't say it was a bad choice but i feel like you can see the growing pains#switching over from the episodic structure of ATLA#s1 while flawed is solid#it knows what it's trying to do even if it doesn't always stick the landing#season two feels like a season-long filler episode LMFAO#which is hilarious because a lot of world-building stuff happens#but tonally it's all over the place#serious political plots interspersed with the B Plot following Tenzin and his family#on vacation???#so fucking random#but anyway back to roasting the brothers#i find bolin just annoying in general his brand of comedy totally doesn't work for me#but at least he has like#a personality that's consistent#mako is sooooooo blah#the writers have no idea what to do with him and he comes across as having a strikingly boring personality#with no defining traits other than being wishy washy (and a boot licker)#it FEELS like he was meant to remind viewers of Zuko#at least in appearance if nothing else#another broody pretty boy to latch onto#but he has literally nothing interesting to actually get invested in#sure he's got his tragic backstory and he's the 'older brother who took care of his younger brother after their parents died' boo hoo#but that's all just exposition and it's barely shown in a way that feels illustrative or emotional in any way that matters#(other than him comforting bolin in s1 after he KISSES THE GIRL HE KNEW BOLIN HAD A CRUSH ON lmfaoooooo)#(what a good big brother lmfao)
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tomboxed · 2 months
and now for more oc's
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sqlmn · 9 months
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Sebastian (pink hair) and Cornella (blue hair) meet as children and realize "ah, that's the kid my parents told me to avoid because of business reasons" and immediately decide "hey, we're going to be best friends and not fight". Which... in the long run helps a lot in regards to their parents companies because now the parents have to play nice around their kids.
long history below lol
So they're just bffs throughout their youth and a couple years before their high school graduation, Sebastian spots a kid with messy hair who looks really nervous. Since it's early in the year, maybe the kid needs help finding somewhere? So he goes over to offer to help him to class buuuuut the guy flinches and runs away. So Sebastian is ready to report to Cornella at lunch but she slams her hands down on the table saying "I JUST SAW THE CUTEST GUY EVER". And Sebastian puts his concerns on hold until he realizes they're about to talk about the same guy.
The duo then decide "operation befriend shy guy" and spend like an entire school year getting Matis to warm up to them. Good! Except now they're seniors and STILL both pining for the underclassman (only a grade below) and they have an agreement to not pressure Matis into any weird situations about picking between them.
Matis and Sebastian like to draw though and so one day as Sebastian is vibing and sketching Cornella while stealing glances at Matis, he decides to put little hearts around her head. It's fine, it's not weird, it's totally cool. And Matis sees and comments he must really like her and while he DOES really like her it's .... not quite like that. So he laughs it off.
The two graduate and then start to train at their parents companies while attending college and the years go on. They still sometimes think about Matis and go "wonder how he's doing" "wonder if he's more outspoken now" "wonder if he'd remember us" because they're both very normal about the lingering crush they have. Cornella walks into the building she works at one day and is going directly to her office in hopes no one sees her since she's supposed to be off when she hears her name.
"I'm not here, you didn't see me and you REALLY didn't see me if my dad's asking" is her immediate response but the guy's like 'oh, sure, understood. i am interviewing someone who said he went to school with you' and so she looks over and is just. Floored. Yup, still nervous looking, definitely remembers them, he's doing fine, and he's apparently now working at her company. Fabulous.
She does say hello and then nervously excuses herself to go to her office before anyone else sees her but hey see you around good to see you bye haha... and calls Sebastian with "He's hot now" with no context. So he asks who and she's like "oh only the cutest boy to ever plague our brains for years" and Sebastian is just "wait wait, Matis ? ? YOU SAW HIM? WHERE? HELLO? Why was I not invited to see him? Why did you not video call so I can see him? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S HOT" and then they scheme how to actually meet up and involve Matis. And they agree while he's definitely handsome dealing with other people, the fact he still blushes and looks nervous around them and looks to them for approval is the absolute cutest thing on the planet.
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rosehathawhey · 3 months
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kravchikfreak · 10 months
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i bet you know how these two pairs are the same one ship
and i FUCKING HATE them both for that
shit's gross, i'm actually anwell
i'll rant on my stupid tags but this is important
#i'm bi and i hate all of this shit#cazzie#madlyn#well okay to be fair i don't hate the first one#but ONLY cause i shipped them long before they turned out the way they did#but i HATE IT when they take “straight” girl in “straight” (and in both instances in actually decent) relationship#and make them “bi” just so they can legally push them into lesbian relationship#FFS#and once again it's kinda okay with cazzie cause they were like legit friends with legit development and all#and writers only made casey an asshole in order for wlw ship to happen instead o ongoing wlm one#but with ash and maddox they made two inocent boys to be fucking assholes just so “bi” girl could be legal lesbian?#i'm sick of this gross fucking trope it's so shit and everyone who use them is shit too#also making one bi character an actual cheater and another bi character almost a cheater???? out of the only two confirmed bisexuals#WOW just wow#and they both cheating and almost cheating with the sex opposite to their actual significan other's sex? REALLY?????#p.s. i don't hate madlyn per say it's okay as a ship and all go queen all that#but the way they were inserted in canon is outraging that's it#same goes for cazzie#i was shipping them from like their start and ypu know the feeling when you actually see your ship having canon feelings?#well for me it wasn't all that fun cause i knew THE PRICE#and i will never forgive writers for how shitty they made me feel about my beloved ship becoming an actual canon
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faunandfloraas · 5 months
inadvertently stopped using my freckle fade cream without thinking.... right around the time i started making gifs of felix.... coincidence?
#positive influence.....#i do wonder sometimes how jarring it must have been for he and lil chris to go from australia to korea#bc i copped shit for being pale and freckly as a kid#i have a core memory of this girl talia wearing a country bumpkin costume with these cartoonish freckles drawn on and she pointed at me#and was like Lol im jessie haha and i was like Okay so you want to fight??#another time had to do some speech and when i finished and had questions from my classmates and two boys just asked me why i was pale#and why they could see idk i guess my bloodvessels in my legs ??? i didnt even notice like i was just like UHHHH idk ask about my topic#had so many instances like that and they werent terrible but it did make me insecure#like in the 00s here being tan was /it/ you had to be nice and tanned- go lay in the sun and ignore we are number one in melanoma deaths#like it was so consistently the thing... prob why i have so many freckles bc i didnt tan in the sun i freckled#but in both felix and chans aus photos they were quite tanned!#so imagine going from Hey go lay in the sun and get nice and brown ya pale fucker to Do Not Do That. Be pale as a ghost#white as fuck twilight vampire printer paper ass complexion or else you arent the beauty standard must have been so...... odd#idk beauty standards are so fucked and stupid#at least for me it was just like mean it wasnt like systemic. still wasnt nice but its not damaging the same way#but yeah I imagine some of the cultural differences must have been jarring and weird#like when chan said he was glad to get sex ed in australia bc it was comprehensive here and its not something i would have thought about#but yeah he went to school here and there he would know#idk must be hard to be an idol and straddle that line of not wanting to cause any ripples but having your own ideas and beliefs#oh i'd love to talk to him off the record lmao#dont take this as anti korea sentiment btw like australia is also wack#it just must be interseting and sometimes hard...#wow these tags are long SORRY
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 7 months
decided to rewatch oli's christmas song stream from last year and remind me again why the fuck oli/sausage is a rarepair again. he sings no less than five romantic songs about sausage (admittedly two of those are just different versions of santa, baby). one of them is him and sausage singing baby it's cold outside together. oli literally left heaven to find this man. what. what am i seeing that everyone else isn't hello.
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blueberryblogger · 2 months
just saw someone recycling ye olde "X character doesn't read as Y identity to me, someone who doesn't & has never held that identity & thus am not as intimately familiar with mannerisms, tropes & characterizations that are typically associated with Y identity. There is no evidence for X being Y and you guys are acting insane."
like. do you understand that you are using the EXACT SAME excuse that other people are using to shit on YOUR headcanon that you're so attatched too because it has so much evidence?
did it ever cross your mind that it would probably be harder for you, person who isn't X, to pick up on subtler tropes & identifiers of X that you've never experienced because you aren't X?
like you get how it sounds like you're shitting on other wueer people?
#blocking another god damn fantasy high account that i really liked#because when people say 'theres no evidence for your headcanon' and theyre wrong its bad and tbeyre erasing underrepresented identities#but when YOU say 'theres no evidence for this' you are good and correct and the rest of us are just stupid weirdos#like oh my fucking god bro#if i see one more person who isnt fucking gay say 'erm actually fabian cant be gay he liked girls' im gonna lose it#gay men also experience comphet!#and it's not because he's 'effeminate'#because he really isn't THAT effeminate or flamboyant#he dances and he talks like a rich boy and those are the only two things i can think lf#that make him seem 'effeminate'#but like. dude rides a motorcycle from hell. he fights with a sword and plays football#he punched someone on the first day of school & routinely punches and gets punched by his friends#like. fabian is wildly more stereotypically masculine than he is feminine#most of us think Fabian is gay because up until he took interest in Mazey#he had exclusively expressed interest in girls that were unavailable or unobtainable#his 'type' was literally toxic and/or unavailable women#which SCREAMS comphet to anyone who has fucking experienced it before#'yeah i love women but only the ones i cant have amirite lads'#'classic completely heterosexual man behavior'#anyway#i think its incredibly rude to take people seeing their lived experiences in a character and say 'youre insane bc i dont see it'#especially when YOU YOURSELF have a headcanon that a huge chunk of people cannot understand fully but accept anyway because they get it#because they understand seeing yourself in a character and how important that can be#unlike you#vagueposting#me when i vague for the first time in like 3 years
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p2ii · 5 months
if I had a nickel for every time the resulting negligence of an overworked father caused their son who they have a strained but previously close relationship with to get into a traffic accident and for them to have a robot son replacement made that they realized they could never truly love the same way and so abandoned in the 2003 version of astro boy I'd have 2 nickles. which isn't alot but it's interesting it's happened twice
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Okay. You know how most fandoms with siblings have a "separated" au? Well, I think we have a unique position to have an MBS "not seperated" au.
Imagine that Nicholas and Nathaniel never got split up. Either they both get adopted, or they both remain in the orphanage/run away. What would even happen? Nothing. They're just two super geniuses who do stuff as a highly effective and close-knit duo.
Because in this story, Curtain wouldn't have started the Emergency/Nicholas wouldn't need to create the Society, the kids would be kept separated! Reynie would stay in the orphanage (Maybe he'd get adopted at some point?), Kate wouldn't have ever lost Milligan (Unless you want to make someone else the villain, in which case she'd stay with the circus), Sticky would have either ended up in an orphanage/lived on his own/or never have run away, and Constance would have kept living in the library (Or maybe, since the Recruiters wouldn't have gone after her, she would have gotten adopted).
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