#The originals imagines
xxwritemeastoryxx · 9 months
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader - Soulmate Au!
Word Count: 6.1K
Warnings: Angst, arguments, Elijah being overly protective but denying himself happiness as always, canon typical violence, a bit of fluff at the end.
Author’s Note: Because I'm apparently on a sequel kick, here's another. I promise I'm getting to the requests that I have and all the things I still need to work on from last year. I'm going where the muse takes me in my writing flow. So there's that. Also please note that you need to read Hidden Marks before reading this one.
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
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It had been months since Elijah had seen the three intertwined circles on the middle of Y/N’s back that made up her soul mark. The first and only time he'd seen it, he'd been pulling a wooden bullet out from her back when she asked for his help. From the moment Elijah helped to remove the bullet, the mark haunted him. 
Seeing her mark should have been a great thing. It should have brought him some peace and happiness to see her mark. That her mark matched the very one he had just below his left clavicle. A perfect pair that made sense for how close they had become as friends over the century. If anything, since seeing her mark he's been conflicted on his feelings. 
Part of him wants and tries to be protective of her. His soulmate that had come into his life when he least expected it. The woman that had become his best friend over the century had been the one thing he never actively searched for. He now knew why she stepped into his life and never left. But it was the other part of him that caused him to fight daily with his feelings. 
Y/N would be in danger because of him. She would soon become a target if even the slightest word had slipped about who his soulmate was. An endless cycle he'd force her into if an enemy ever came knocking. Threats and being captured for the sole purpose of being leveraged against him. 
Not to mention if his brother had ever lost his temper with him. Klaus wasn't one to spare the women in Elijah's life before. What difference would it make this time? All it would take was one action that made Klaus feel the slightest ounce of betrayal and he'd take it out on her. 
Elijah was willing to take on the devil himself if Y/N was in danger. He was reminded of it any time she recklessly put herself in harm's way. An argument he had with her plenty of times during their friendship, but held a deeper meaning as of recently. 
He was also reminded daily how easily she could bend him to her will with a simple smile as she walked into the room. Or the occasional knowing look she'd give him when he or his siblings said something she didn't agree with that would almost instantly change his mind about the situation. Especially if she added in her details that would make it reckless on her part. 
But no matter how many times that feeling of comfort and love started to grow for the woman he believed he could only care for platonically, he could never voice it. He could never bring himself to mention the details that he knew. And because he chose to keep it to himself, it began the yoyo effect of wanting to keep her at a distance and keep her close for his own sanity. 
It hadn’t gone unnoticed by Y/N either. From the moment she offered him a night out to deal with the humans who had put the bullets into her back, she noticed something different. She noticed the way his demeanor changed around her. He grew worrisome over the smallest of things he never had before. And even fought with her longer over details of plans to help take down the threat the Mikaelsons had been faced with. 
She found herself frustrated on the days that he brushed her off and all but ignored her. He had never once been cold to her in the time that she had known him. They had pushed each other’s buttons on occasion, but Elijah had never once pushed her away like he had been doing now. Every time he did, it hurt more than Y/N had ever expected it to. 
They were close friends, she knew that. She knew there would always be moments that Elijah would pick his family over her. That there would be moments where he would keep his family safe and do anything he could to also keep her safe. She knew she was not the highest priority. But why did it feel like someone had staked her when he walked away from her when she felt she really needed him for a few moments?
That's when the thoughts of doubt had been planted in her head. Doubts that were formed and fueled to drive her insane for most of the night that made it almost impossible to sleep. What had she done to earn such coldness from someone that she was close with? Had she crossed a boundary that she had suddenly been unaware of? 
The final straw that broke her had been moments ago when she offered to go with him to deal with the beginning of a threat. It was always something they had done together. A way to have Elijah’s calm and calculated approach and her glimmer of chaos that would always work out in their favor. But when he told her to stay behind, she could no longer keep anything at bay anymore. 
The moment Elijah had told her to stay behind, her face fell at his words. And as he walked past her to leave his expression hadn’t changed. And as she turned to face him, she let it all out. 
“What have I done?” She asked, causing him to stop in his tracks. “Have I wronged you in some way that makes you no longer want to be around me?”
Elijah heard the way her voice cracked towards the end. He had hoped that his actions wouldn’t hurt her. But here she was asking what she had done to him when in reality it had been him to do it. He turned to face her and shook his head slightly. 
“No.” His voice was composed in comparison to hers. “You have done nothing at all.”
She shook her head as she crossed her arms. “I’ve known you for over a century, Elijah. I know well enough to know you are lying to me. If I’ve done nothing wrong there wouldn’t be this shift between us where it feels like you suddenly want nothing to do with me.”
“I assure you that if I had wanted nothing to do with you, you would not still be standing here.” It was as close to the truth he could go to without coming out right with it. “We are facing a potential threat that I feel as though I need to do this with my siblings. We have no idea what they are fully capable of and the last time I checked, you are not as indestructible as you believe.”
Elijah had no idea how this threat would continue to play in their lives. He had no idea what knowledge they planned to use against them in an attempt to try and take him and his family out. That was why Elijah wanted to do this without her. He wanted to make sure that she would remain safe. 
He didn’t want to take Y/N with him with the possibility of allowing them to get an inkling that Y/N had now meant more to him than he let on. He didn’t want her in danger from something he didn’t fully understand. This was the part of him that was willing to do anything to protect her. He just had to slightly push her away in order to do so. 
“That never stopped you before.” She noted as she took a step towards him. “I may not be an original, but I am still a whole lot older than a majority of the threats that walk into the city. I have proven myself over and over that I can handle my own. I’m even better by your side. But ever since you’ve seen my mark, it’s like you don’t want to be near me. All I want is the truth from you. Did I do something or did my mark tell you something that you haven’t told me?”
Elijah looked at the ground for a moment before looking back up to her. He could see the hurt in her eyes as she expressed everything. But he couldn’t bring himself to tell her even though every part of him wanted to. To bring some peace to her mind on his reasoning instead of making her feel as though she wasn’t wanted. 
“I’m going to try to make this as clear as I can." His voice was still even, almost void of any emotion. "This threat is not to be taken lightly. While we do not have the full specifics on who they are or why they are here, I do know they have come close to harming the people I care about." His eyes met hers. "While our normal plan pairs perfectly with the riff raff we deal with, at this moment it does not. So no, you will not accompany me tonight. I need you here." 
After taking in his words, all she could manage was a nod before he was gone from her sight. He didn’t even give her a chance to respond or fight him on what he was telling her. And it left Y/N feeling defeated. 
Her mind still tried to make sense of the changes that had come over the last few months. Every push and pull that happened between the two being analyzed as if it had been some rather important document or experiment being worked on. She was trying to find something, anything, to show what caused Elijah’s sudden change. No matter how many ways she thought about it, it only came back to one starting point: the night Elijah saw her mark. 
Had seeing it really thrown him off to not want to be near her like he had used to? Not showing them their marks had been a preference they decided on early in their friendships. If there was ever a day they felt comfortable in showing what it was, they would have. And that night, with a bullet in her back, it hadn’t mattered if Elijah had seen it or not. 
She ran a hand along her face, trying to shake off the thoughts that had kept her pacing her room for hours after he had left. She no longer cared about the mark or who she may have possibly shared it with. Why did that change now that Elijah had seen it?
It made her wonder if he had seen the mark on someone else. If there was a possibility that he felt guilty in some way after seeing it. There had been plenty of enemies in his existence. At some point he could have easily come across it and not realized it until he saw it on her back.
Did it belong to someone who had betrayed him? Had he seen it on someone that he had taken their life out of necessity? Or had this person been a victim of the many spells he had endured? 
Deep down she knew it was the fear of losing Elijah. Something she had thought about over the century and a half she had known him. Friendships can only last so long before one reason or another comes along. She knew plenty of people who had left her on the back burner after finding their soulmate, even during her human years. 
She had grown used to having Elijah in her life. It would take her longer to find a memory that didn’t involve Elijah versus the ones with. Over the years she had become dependent on the fact that Elijah had always been there for her just as she was for him. He was a constant and part of her hated the thought of her ever losing that. 
At the thought, Y/N had felt her heart sink. A simple thought putting everything into perspective to her. The idea may have been formed from past experiences, but it all made sense. Elijah must have found his soulmate. And if that was the case, she was sure this was the beginning of being put further back on the burner.  
“Y/N?!” Rebekah’s panicked voice had broken her from her thoughts, causing her to move quickly to find Rebekah. 
Upon reaching the courtyard, a gasp left her lips as she found Rebekah dragging a half standing Elijah towards the couch. The majority of his clothing had been covered in blood. Parts of the fabric had been torn in several places. It was as if Elijah had picked a battle he couldn’t win. 
“What the hell happened?” Y/N asked as she moved to help get Elijah settled on the couch. Her eyes had still been taking him in, accessing his injuries. 
“Witches.” Elijah breathed out as he tried to get a hold of reality. He had lost enough blood and his mind had been a distorted mess from the magic he had been subjected to. 
“Everything had been going according to plan but whatever spell they used on him, it threw him off course.” Rebekah took the moment to leave the room to get items they needed to help Elijah for the time being until Freya could get back there. The moment she was back she continued. “The others are still there dealing with them.” 
Seeing the items Rebekah had brought, Y/N reached for the towel that had been sitting in a bowl of water and began cleaning off the blood from Elijah’s face and neck. “I can understand the disorientation, but what the hell ripped into him?” 
There was panic rising within Y/N. She hated that he had made her stay behind. She could have been there to help him in some way. Been there to help prevent him from being hurt as he was now. 
"Between the spell and some of the wolves within the vicinity, he couldn't watch his back." Rebekah said as she picked up another towel and folded it before placing it on Elijah's forehead. Afterwards she began picking up little containers of what Y/N could only assume were herbs and salves that Freya had instructed her to use for the time being. 
As Y/N ran the towel over his neck, Elijah lifted his hand to her hand, stilling her movements. It caused her to look up at him. His eyes had been looking over her face, before they settled on her eyes.
"You're safe." His voice was barely above a whisper. 
She nodded her head. "I am safe. You made sure I was." She wasn't sure if that was what he needed to relax more as she attempted to help clean him. "Freya will be here soon." 
With that, Elijah seemed to relax his hold and it allowed for her to continue wiping up the blood. So far it looked as though any of the injuries he sustained were healing. It may have been at a whole lot of a slower pace, but his wounds were healing. But the moment her hand moved to remove the shredded fabric stuck to his skin along his left shoulder and chest, his hand grabbed a hold of her wrist, not wanting her to continue. 
"I need to make sure your wounds are healing Elijah." She said softly as she brought her eyes up to his once more. "Or to at least give me the peace of mind that this looks way worse than it is." 
"For once let someone take care of you." Rebekah added and pulled his hand away from Y/N. It had been too easy to remove his hand. His strength is almost non-existent given what he'd been through. 
Elijah hated that he couldn't get his mind to process the protest he wanted to give. He hated that he couldn't give a strong enough response to say he'd deal with it later. But the spell within his mind made it difficult to think clearly for more than a second or two at a time. 
Elijah’s eyes never left Y/N’s face as she began to move the fabric away from his chest. He didn't care about the wounds he was facing. He didn't even care that Y/N and Rebekah were caring for him. It was what laid just under the layers of fabric she was removing, that had him worried. 
Quickly dipping the towel into the bowl of water between her and Rebekah, Y/N brought it back up to his chest and began to rid him of the drying blood. There was a part of her that was relieved to not see some gaping wound that he was trying to prevent her from seeing. 
That relief soon turned into curiosity as the blood was being wiped away. The beginning of Elijah's mark became clear as day. With each wipe of the towel the mark continued to grow. And as last of the reminisce of blood was removed from the mark, she all but dropped the towel. 
Just below his left clavicle had been three intertwined circles. It ran horizontally across his skin in the exact same way it ran across the middle of her back. And for a moment she fought herself on reaching out just to run her fingers along the mark. A need to make sure it was really there. 
Elijah had watched her the whole time. Even through his hazed mind he could see the way relief had flooded her eyes before her brows began to furrow. The curiosity in her eyes had been evident and there was nothing Elijah could do to fully protest in his current state. All he could do was watch her as she learned what he had months ago. 
Her soulmate had been right there in front of her for over a century.  
Her eyes snapped to him and Elijah could see several emotions flash through her eyes. He could see the way there was a sliver of excitement before hurt filled them as she tried to stop the tears from welling up. 
"What is it?" Rebekah asked as she caught on that Y/N had stopped her movements. 
Y/N shook her head slightly before looking away from Elijah. "Nothing worth noting." She said as she went back to wiping the blood. 
She kept her eyes away from the mark and as best as she could from keeping them from looking up at Elijah. She could feel his eyes on her. But she refused to look his way. 
All of her wild thoughts that had been going through her head earlier had only been partially right. She honestly never thought this was the case. And if she was being honest with herself, this felt worse. 
He had found his soulmate like she thought.  But she hadn't expected it to be herself. Not with the way he had pulled himself away from her during the course of the last few months. Not with the way she felt that she was losing her best friend. 
Elijah knew that he was her soulmate and he didn't tell her. There wasn't an excitement at knowing that the person they spent decades with had been the one person they both chose not to actively look for. Their life had been great just as it was. Until Elijah saw her mark. 
She tried to stop the spiral of thoughts that began to form. It was already too late to try to spare her heart the pain it was currently feeling. No matter how hard she tried to focus on helping Rebekah take care of him, one single thought played in her mind on a constant loop. 
He knew they were soulmates and he tried pushing her away. 
The moment Freya came running into the courtyard with Klaus and Kol behind her, Y/N pulled herself slowly away from the side of the couch. It was a way to not only keep the now unwanted attention of her facial expressions away but to give the necessary space Freya would need. 
When she moved a little too far for Elijah’s liking, his hand grabbed a hold of hers. This time his grip was tighter in comparison to earlier. He was getting better, stronger. The venom from the wolf bites was leaving his system while the spell kept a tight hold over him.
Y/N's eyes met his one more time. She could tell he was pleading with her to stay there with his eyes. Almost to say that once Freya helped him he'd explain everything to her. That he needed her to stay there.
There was something in her eyes that changed a moment after his words had pierced the air. “Would you tell me if you saw the mark on someone else?” 
“Of course.” He said even though it had been a lie. He knew he wasn’t going to speak of the very mark that was on his chest. 
Her heart ached at the sudden memory that filled her mind. She wanted to break down. She wanted to run to get fresh air. Do anything that would allow her to process the information she had been given in the last few minutes. 
Freya came over and knelt down beside Elijah, giving Y/N the chance to pull her hand away from Elijah. She took several back as she tried to decide if she wanted to stay or leave the area. But a heartbeat later she was mumbling some excuse and left the courtyard. 
It was only when she was safely behind the door of her room, she felt more clarity than she had downstairs. The wave of emotions she felt calmed in comparison.  While silent tears had begun falling, it hadn't felt like her world had come crashing to a halt as it had. 
"For as many times as I've come here to hide away, there's never been another person here." Y/N said as she took in the stranger. "Might have to find a new one if this one is compromised." 
"I can assure you, I've known about this place for a lot longer than you." The stranger looked towards her. "I may have been out of the city for some time, but I will know more about the history than you ever will.”
A laugh passed her lips causing a smile to form on his lips. “What if I told you I watched that town in the distance be built?”
His eyebrow raised slightly before he looked towards the town she had been speaking of. “I’d then ask if you knew what was out there before the town was built.”
“A small village.“ She responded.  “One that was destroyed just a few years after I was born. There are stories of a creature that roamed the woods that surrounded that village. A creature that was hunted but never killed.” She shrugged her shoulders before looking back towards the stranger. “Though I’d love to hear what you have that can top that.”
He laughed for a moment before he placed his hand out between them. “I’m Elijah. And I assure you, I can surpass any story you’ve been told about the area.”
“That’s a challenge I’m willing to take.” She said as she placed her hand in his. “I'm Y/N.”
That year Y/N needed to get away from the life she had found herself in after being a vampire for a few centuries already. The mountaintop just above the town she was born in had always been her go to place to reevaluate her life as a human and as a vampire. That night, Y/N had been debating on watching the sunrise for the last time. 
But Elijah had been there to pull her thoughts away from the sunrise and into a life that she had now thrived in. Elijah had been there when she needed him the most. Her soulmate had been the one to pull her back from the edge and she never knew it until now.
Elijah had saved her that night. He saved her and it wasn't long after he paid off a witch to create a daylight ring for her. A friendship shouldn't be had just in the dark. Those had been his words as he held up the daylight ring for her to take a few minutes before sunrise a few weeks later.
Her heart picked up in pace as her mind continued to accept everything that happened. The details of their meeting to this current moment made sense from a soulmate perspective. No matter how many times the flashes of memories played through her mind, there was no changing the facts. 
"What if I don't want to marry my soulmate?" A young Y/N asked as she kicked her shoe at the dirt. 
Her mother's laugh filled the air. "You don't always have to marry your soulmate. Sometimes it depends on what best suits the both of you. Your soulmate can be a best friend or even a lover. Sometimes they're both." She knelt down to Y/N's height. "There's one thing I know though. Having them in your life in any form is a whole lot better than not having them in your life or losing them. So when you are able to meet the person that knows your soul without needing to try hard, fight as hard as you can. Fight with them, for them and alongside them as needed." She ran her hand along Y/N’s cheek. "I know this doesn't make a lot of sense right now, but I promise one day you'll understand. "
The sound of the knock on her door followed by the door slowly opening had pulled her out of her thoughts and memories. Without even looking she had already known it was Elijah. She quickly wiped at her cheeks before she turned towards the door. 
The moment she had, Elijah could see that the whirlwind of emotions he saw earlier in her eyes had shifted. Even as her eyes welled up, he could see the hurt along with acceptance. And if he was being honest with himself, the acceptance is what scared him. 
He took a few steps further into her room before he came to a stop. "What I've done was-" 
"Cowardice?" She finished for him before he got the chance to even form the next word. It made him raise his brow. "Because whatever reasoning you have for not telling me was the worst decision you have ever made. And I know there have been plenty of questionable decisions you've made." 
"I know I should have told you that night." He gave a slight nod. "For a brief moment I wanted to. But then I realized the danger you would be in because of me." 
She had already begun shaking her head before he finished speaking. "Danger that I haven't already been in from just being close with you. Or to your siblings for that matter." She watched as he opened his mouth to speak but she quickly continued to stop him. "I know it's not the same. Putting it out there makes it more real and practically puts a target on both of us. I know what that target looks like. That just means we'll be better prepared for it." 
She knew from experience how easy it was to use a soulmate as leverage. How easy it was to threaten them to get someone to bend to their will. There was a dark decade in Y/N's existence where she had once toyed with humans and their soulmates. A time where her humanity had been switched and she hadn't cared. 
She knew the tricks that could be played. She knew how much damage someone could take before they snapped. The emotional torment that could be played on both parties to get the point across was something she lived for during that dark decade. 
At least that was until her humanity had been forcefully switched on. She tormented herself afterwards on how she could carelessly manipulate people by using the one weakness they all had. It was part of the reason she found herself heading back to the mountaintop. 
"If today has taught me anything it's that you were safer without me near." He watched as her eyebrow raised before he continued. "While having you by my side would have been beneficial for many reasons, I watched as my worst fear played through my mind because of a spell. A spell that provided sufficient reasons on why I was right on my decision to not say anything." 
"A spell that was used to distract you.” She noted. It explained why he had seemed so relieved at seeing her safe. "And a fear that we could have worked out beforehand if you simply had told me. I spent the last several hours wondering how and when I had become the problem. Part of me knew that you had found your soulmate and that was why you were pushing me away. That maybe you were trying to distance yourself from me to make room for them." Her eyes began to well up. "I just never thought you'd be pushing me away because I am your soulmate."
Elijah shook his head slightly as guilt filled him. He could see in that moment how hurt she had been by it. The emotions she had displayed when he first came into the room broke down bit by bit. And the thought that she believed she was the problem stung him in ways he never believed it would. 
"I don't know if I can be what you need me to be." He said a moment later. "It has been proven time and again that whenever I let an ounce of happiness into my life, it's quickly taken away. I refuse to have the same thing happen to you. And if that means keeping you at a distance or even you leaving the city-" 
"Nothing has to change!" She cut him off as she shook her head. "We have been by each other's side for over a century without even knowing we were soulmates. We have been through hell and back together without even questioning how it was possible. I have fought by your side not caring if I died in the process." She wiped at her cheeks as more tears escaped. "I will continuously be by your side even after this. I don't care if it is as something more or keeping things as it has been. But don't you dare for one moment think that I would be safer with you pushing me away or even deciding that it's better without you in my life." 
He sighed softly before taking a few steps to close the distance between them. "If anything were to ever happen to you because of me, I'd never be able to forgive myself." His hand came up to her cheek before using his thumb to wipe away more of her tears. 
"It's going to happen with or without you in my life." Her eyes met his. "I am no stranger to being threatened by your family. I have had Klaus's hand on my heart and I'm still here in front of you." She placed her hand on top of his as she leaned into his touch slightly.  A way to prove that she was there. "I am not even a stranger to having a witch use me as leverage or even used to fight against you. I can leave tonight and what's to stop anyone from coming after me once it's actually figured out?" She watched as he took in her words. "This isn't just one sided either. I am afraid of what each new threat could mean for you. I want and need you to be safe, maybe even for my own selfish reasons. But I will not let you push me away without at least fighting to stay. I will continue to be by your side no matter how much you push. I will stand there by your side and face the enemy with you and die there with you if it comes to it. I will continue to be your friend or more if that is what you need and you'll never have to worry that I'll leave you. But I will not let you try and push me out of your life for the fear of what could possibly happen to me just because you're afraid to let yourself be happy."
Elijah's eyes never left hers as she spoke. He couldn't bring himself to look away from her. Not when he was seeing everything play through her eyes. Every emotion, every piece of history and hopeful future had been displayed within them. And he could no longer ignore what he'd been trying to avoid. 
He knew everything she said was right. He would hate himself if anything happened to her while she was gone. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how it would feel if he ever learned the news that something had happened to her. He couldn't ignore the fact that throughout the years and even now she was fighting for her place to stay no matter how hard he tried to keep her at bay and safe in his eyes. 
The same safety that he had been trying to provide her since the night they met. How broken her eyes had looked from the moment she took a seat next to him on that mountain top. And how everything within him had told him to protect her from anything. Even himself if it ever came to it. 
But as he looked into her eyes now, he could see the woman that had become his best friend.  The woman that stood there beside him as threat after threat came. How she cared for him in his moments of need even though he fought her on it. The one person he couldn’t go more than a few days without speaking with. It was why the thought of losing her scared him even more than he ever believed. 
After a moment, Elijah nodded his head. “I give you my word that I will not push you away or ask you to leave.” His thumb gently moved along her cheek. He watched as something changed within her eyes. “I don't believe I could actually watch you leave, let alone be alone out there in the world. Nor can I picture a day where you are not in my life in some form or another. You have your selfish reasons and I have mine. But I have never wished for you to look so hurt as you have today and I will spend as much time as needed to make up for it. ” He looked elsewhere for a moment before looking back at her. “I just don’t know how things will change from here.”
The part of Y/N’s heart that expected the worst had felt relief. Relief that he wasn’t going to continue to push her away. Relief that he was willing to accept that they were soulmates and that she wasn’t going to go down or leave without a fight. And if anything, there was a small tug of a smile at her lips at his words. 
“We continue as friends, just as we have.” She offered. “If in the future things change, we’ll go from there.”
A hum of agreement passed his lips as he pulled his hand away from her. As he did, He maneuvered his hand to take a hold of her’s, finding comfort in just holding her hand within his. Her offer of nothing needing to change played in his ears.
There was something within him that agreed with that. Mixed within the agreement was the hope that things would change for the better. But for now this was a step in the right direction. A step that meant he wasn’t going to push her away as he had planned to. It was in a direction that he strongly believed he’d never lose her in the way that he feared.
“We’ll handle things as we always have.” He nodded his head, a small smile pulling at his lips. 
“Together?” She asked as a small hopeful smile pulled at her lips. 
She could joke about how they would work together as she always had in the past. She could have added in how reckless they could be. How the calm and chaosbetween them would keep things interesting. But at that moment, she only needed the confirmation that it would continually be them against everything else that came at them.
“Together.” He promised with no intention of ever breaking that promise. Even when the world learned of the mark they share, he’d keep his promise and keep each other close to their sides. As a friend, as a potential lover, but most importantly as soulmates that would never have to live without the other. 
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rere-the-writer · 1 year
can you write headcannons for Kol Mikaelson being head over heels for you and basically being wrapped around your finger?
Yes and yes
Warnings: Fluff, Soft!Kol, Protective Kol
Kol met you in Mystic Falls
Soft sweet lady with a blood thirsty vampire
A fox with a shy little mouse
Kol is protective of you
Men who flirt with you or makes you uncomfortable are gone
This man is willing to kill for you
Kol will and has dropped anything for you
Will get you anything you want
Klaus is annoyed with how Kol follows you around like a love sick puppy
Elijah and Rebekah find you two adorable
You literally calm Kol by breathing
Midnight cuddles are a must
You wake Kol by peppering him with kisses
Kol barely feeds on anyone that isn't you
Elena and others always bring up Kol's mistakes
His nicknames for you: sunshine, beloved, little mouse
Your nicknames for him: Ko, handsome fox, honey pie, love
Elijah could name many times on one hand that Kol threaten Damon
Kol loves seeing you in sundresses
You have so many gifts that Kol had gotten you when you made off hand comments
Say the word and Kol would do whatever you ask
"I always wanted to go to Paris." Cue Kol booking a first class seat to France
Whatever hobbies you have Kol is getting the supplies for it
"I love you, honey pie." "I love you more sunshine."
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aklaustaleteller · 1 month
On One Condition
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Klaus feels bad for messing up Y/n's exam preparation schedule, so he asks her what it is that he can do to 'earn her forgiveness'. Yet somehow, he manages to put up a condition when she asks him to help her with an art project...
Warnings - none, really. Word Count - 1.4k
So, I was rewriting an old fic when I decided to write a little backstory, i.e. this fic, and I hope you guys like it! I'll be posting part two within the next two days so yay!
Update: You can now read part two here!
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She was something else, a feisty one who liked a good chase. And Klaus should've noted that from miles away. But he was too deep in now, and he wasn't going to back down until he had her.
He was waiting outside the school to catch Stefan, have a chat with him and warn him against trying to harm him because telling him off meant telling off the entire group, and Klaus found that lovely.
And he had just caught sight of Stefan when he saw her behind him, her hair bun not so tight as hair stands fell out and framed her face. She was walking with another girl who seemed to be trying profusely to convince Y/n of something -- probably a party if Klaus were to guess but he felt himself tuning in when she walked in a closer range to him.
"I really cannot do it, Vicki. Please try to understand that I'm myself giving exams right now," he heard her say, and then saw as she put her hand on her shoulders. There was softness in her voice that he'd never wished previously to be directed at him.
Bringing her in for a hug, Y/n explained herself again, as if she felt bad for denying whatever it was that Vicky wanted. "I would've helped you out had I not missed out on my preparation earlier. I’ve quite literally been studying the night before for each exam." She smiled, with what emotion Klaus couldn't quite see, but he found it beautiful, nonetheless.
"Why don't you ask Elena? I'm sure that way you'll bump into Jeremy a couple times as well," Y/n grinned, passing the squinting brunette a quick wink before turning back towards the exit with a sigh of relief.
Though it only took a couple steps for her to bump into Klaus, not so accidently. She'd seen him the moment she'd gotten out of the gates, and the fact that she had to pass him in order to reach her car only made her feel... more positive, let’s say.
She hadn't gone out of her way to slam into him, but he had. And the only other thing she has to blame is her spiteful walk that led the one library book she'd borrowed to topple out of her grip.
"Klaus, back off," she gritted, quickly picking up her book and moving once he did.
"It's not my fault, you know, that you bumped into me," Klaus said with a lure in his voice that suggested he just wanted to rile her up. "I'd apologize to me," he shrugged, a lopsided grin pulling up on his face when he noticed her turning.
"I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but that'd be a cruel and unusual punishment," she bit back, pressing her key to unlock the car.
"Please, save your breath. You'd probably need it to blow up your next date," Klaus teased, remembering the night Klaus had crashed her date and scared off the guy by doing nothing, really.
Sighing, Y/n gripped the steering wheel of her car and closed her eyes for a second. "Say something else and this book will become a lethal weapon," her voice was agitated as she warned him, and when he truly backed away with a proud grin on his face, she finally pulled back and drove home, daring to spare him a glance in her rear-view mirrors, an angry blush creeping up her neck when she caught his eyes.
Once she reached home, she didn't bother to lay out her clothes before jumping into her shower. Still, she buttoned up a loose striped cotton shirt and pulled her underwear up her legs. It didn't take her long to just decide on a pair of pyjama shorts.
After a good bowl of salad for lunch, she brought out her schoolwork to just do it on the porch considering the nice weather. But of course, that was a mistake because soon into her immersive study session, she was disturbed by loud clashing noises coming from the house across hers, Elena's house.
Taking a deep breath, she was just getting up when she caught sight of Damon and Stefan inside the house, speeding towards each other. It was purely for the dramatics, she was sure, considering the fact they wouldn't kill each other, they simply didn't have it in them.
She just felt sorry for Elena's dishes, maybe some of her furniture as well.
Twisting the knob she had just pushed the door in to go back inside the house when she heard a voice behind her. "Too noisy, aren't they?"
"You already messed up my preparation schedule once, Klaus. Do not dare to do it again," she said calmly, though her grip on the knob was probably tighter than normal.
With that, she decided to cross the line and enter her home. Then she turned around to face him, but he didn't seem to be in the mood to mess with her either.
"I came here to apologise, and perhaps, make up for the troubles I've caused you," he admitted, looking at her with such sincere eyes that she could've given in right then.
"And how do you plan on doing that? Plus, if this is a joke, I still have that book with me."
"You tell me what it is that will earn me your forgiveness," he said dramatically, making her look down to hide something from him, maybe a smile.
Opening the door wider, she looked at him and then hesitated a little. "Don't make me regret this," she said. "Come in, please."
Klaus was caught a bit off guard but managed to get inside, his eyes wandering right away to take in her house.
"I'm not sure how to word this really, so I'm just going to say it." Taking a breath, she sat on one of the dining table chairs and urged for him to do so too, getting a little flustered when he took the one right by her side and shifted so that he was turned towards her.
"What is it, love?"
"This might be a little ridiculous for you but it's very serious for me," she told him while maintaining eye contact to make sure he understood the situation.
Klaus simply nodded for her to go on, now leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.
"I know you paint, quite impressively, might I add but that's not the point here," she quickly shut the topic before Klaus could tease her.
"The point is, I have this art project that I said yes to under pressure because my favourite teacher asked me to. But were you to see even my handwriting, you'd know I'm no good at it. The most I can draw is a stick figure and even that's wonky sometimes," she admitted bashfully.
"I used to have a friend who'd do it for me, but she left town last year and now... I don't really have anyone who would," she let out a breath at that, her eyes closed in anticipation of his answer.
"So, you wish for me to help you out with this said art project?"
Sitting stiffly, she nodded.
"Okay then. I'll do it... but what is it?"
"Oh great!" She cheered; happiness evident on her face. "It's supposed to be this super zoomed in image of either a grapefruit, or a pomegranate."
Klaus leaned back in his chair then, sighing as he considered it. "I will do it on one condition," he proposed.
"And that is?"
"You will stay with me in my studio when I'm painting it," he shrugged, as if it wasn't so much a big deal.
"But were you not doing this for my forgiveness?" She narrowed her eyes, but when he began to get off the chair, she struggled for some answer to come out of her mouth before he could leave.
"Okay, okay! I will!" She agreed immediately, sitting back down in defeat when he remained standing, a smile on his face.
"I'll go now." He said, walking backwards towards the door and he could see the uncertainty in her eyes. He could've teased her about it but decided against it.
"Come by my house tomorrow, around three or four… your wish," he said before turning to open the door.
He turned back to see her reaction and a smile crept up on his mouth when he saw her smiling back at him.
"I will," she told him while waving him goodbye, stopping just before he sped off with his dead heart beating a mile an hour. 
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calummss · 7 months
Orange, White and Dark Rosé | Rebekah Mikaelson
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summary: with cancer slowly eating you alive, you come back to school to see a beautiful girl that has started to make you question everything you thought you knew
pairing: fem! reader x rebekah mikaelson
words: 3.9k
a/n: for my girl kissers!! <33 also i believe this is my longest fic yet… NOT PROOFREAD
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You’ve had the worst few months of your life. What started out as a simple cough became more painful throughout the weeks. Each cough as though your lungs were torn from your chest, no air to keep you breathing. Night sweats became drowning; difficulty swallowing became not eating at all.
‘You have pleural mesothelioma, Miss Blanchard.’ The words the doctor uttered still so freshly imprinted on your mind. He continued moving his lips but nothing but inaudible muffles penetrated your ears as the sound of your own heartbeat filled your empty void.
Several nights after your diagnosis you woke up. The air drained from your lungs as fluid started to build up between your lungs and chest wall. The sensation of drowning without water in sight. It was a nightmare. Your body turning on you, ready to take you away despite the care you took to look after it.
Following those events you were pulled out of school, your parents worried sick as their daughter was at risk for involuntary death any minute of any day. The feeling of loneliness only increasing as you spent most days alone in your room; on the chair at your therapist's office; or the dining table chair, eyes piercing through you as you tried to make conversation about anything else but your cancer.
‘Do you need help cutting the chicken?’, ‘Need more water?’, ‘Leave the dishes, sweetheart. Your dad and I’ll get to them.’
Your cancer not only took your life but your maturity, letting people treat you like a damsel in distress, needing help with everything when you wish you could just forget everything bad for one day and live as normally as you could, one day at a time.
‘I’m going back to school,’ you said, placing your cutlery down on the dinner mat, staring onto your plate as you could hear the chewing of rubbery green beans stop.
Your mother grabbed her glass of wine, clearing her throat and washing it down all at once. Your father stared at your mother as she tried to find words that reflected her wish to protect you and to keep you as comfortable as possible.
‘I’m sorry, darling, you said you wanted to go back to school?’
‘Can I ask what brought this sudden request.’ She neatly folded her ageing hands underneath her chin, her eyes resting on you as your father’s eyes jumped from frame to frame, unsure what to say.
‘I just want to live as normal as possible,’ you let out a sigh, ‘I miss my friends, I miss having to do stuff, I miss…I can’t believe I’m saying this,’ you chuckled, feeling heat rush through your face. ‘I miss homework. School assignments, presentations, stuff I hated before but made me normal. A normal girl living a boring life. I’m missing my chance at a full life just because of this cancer I’m sure will rob me even further as time passes. I need to be able to feel like I belong somewhere despite…all this.’
Their eyes stayed focused on you, soft eyebrows trying to interpret what you needed the most in a time where everything slowly started to deteriorate.
‘Have you thought about what your school life would be like now, Y/n?’ Your father engulfed your hands, his thumb rubbing circles as he often did. ‘You would need to carry around an oxygen tank in case of an emergency. You complained every day that the school day was hard and now it will be three times that of before. I understand where you're coming from but I need you to know what decision you are making…Your mother and I only want what’s best for you and if that is going back to school so be it. But we will have to make sure you are okay at all times.’
‘I really do want to go back…’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Fine,’ your mother took your other free hand. ‘You can go back to school. But promise us that when things get hard that you will tell us and may have to take a step back from school again.’
‘I promise.’ You smiled at them, squeezing their hands tight. ‘I will accept my limits when they come.’
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The very next week you stood back on the familiar ground of Mystic Falls High; home to the timberwolves. The bell you dreaded every morning , rather wanting to exchange gossip with Elena and Caroline. However that particular morning you have never felt more excited to walk through the halls. Hallways you haven’t seen in a few months. Faces of fellow students.
Walking through the door you noticed a heap of pitiful glances, welcome backs, get well soons and prayers. It wasn't unusual for everyone to know what had happened to you, Mystic Falls was a small town after all. Their words of condolences were sweet. You cherished them. But when you live on limited time, burned out hope and terminal cancer with a survival rate of 9.6%, it was hard to pretend like you would get better when their words could easily be uttered to a person that simply caught the common cold. Nothing could fix you. The only thing you had were fifteen months to make sure to drain every last drop of experiences life has to offer. No prayers, no words of the world could help—only medicine could. And even that was a shot in the dark. Caroline had offered her vampire blood to you on more than one occasion, but you were convinced that it wouldn’t help so you declined it over and over again, continuing to deny the chance at a normal life that you craved more than anything.
Heading towards your locker, you placed your emergency oxygen tank inside, the dust of month’s absences piling on old books you had left behind the day the cough became too unbearable.
Closing the door you made your way to your first class of the day; history taught by Mr. Saltzman. Bracing yourself to walk into a room full of eyes, you noticed that the classroom was empty for the exception of a girl. She was beautiful. The type of beautiful you would see beyond your day, wondering whether or not you would see them again. She had light hair, almost as white as her skin that bore freckles across the apples of her cheeks and nose that stuck between pages of a book that let her long black lashes show. Full lips pursed, knitted eyebrows framing her face.
‘I’m sorry,’ you felt rude for interrupting her obvious devotion to studying. ‘Is this history with Mr. Saltzman?’
‘Yes.’ She answered boorishly, eyes stuck on the pages, rushing her words as she paid no attention to you.
‘Where is everyone?’ God you were embarrassed to disrupt her again.
‘How would I know?’ She sighed, finally looking up. Her blue eyes locking with yours as you appreciated her beauty, wishing you looked like her. To be so flawless.
‘Oh, I’m sorry—I just—ehm, it’s kind of my first day back in a few months and the lack of students is making me doubt if I am in fact in the right room…’
‘No, this is the correct room,’ she stopped looking at her notes, her crystal eyes glued to your face as you continued to study her details. ‘So you went here before then?’
‘Why did you stop?’
‘Got sick.’ You pressed your lips together, sliding your hands into the back pockets of your jeans that clung to your thighs.
‘What sickness?’ She asked with a genuine look of interest, almost as if it were her first time encountering a sick person. Lucky her.
‘Ohh,’ she puckered up her lips, squinting at you, her words confusingly sounding concerned and uninterested. ‘That sucks.’
‘Yeah,’ you breathed, the continuous standing started to make itself known as your shoulders started to feel lighter. ‘It sucks.’
‘Well you are free to sit next to me. I don’t tend to be liked by most.’ Her pearly teeth peaked between dark roseish lips. ‘I’m Rebekah by the way,’
‘Y/n,’ you smiled back. ‘Nice to meet you.’
Walking over to sit down next to her, the sudden sound of familiar voices washed over you as Caroline and Elena came through the entrance, their eyes widening as soon as they saw you standing back in the classroom that had felt your absence the past months.
‘Y/n, oh my god!’ They almost shouted in union as they sprinted to hug you tight, their arms merging into your back as you reunited with your friends. No hospital visits or phone calls, just friends seeing each other in school like you always have.
‘Come sit with us!’ Caroline dragged you towards the front of the room, your eyes turning back to Rebekah who had observed your encounter with the girls, her eyes smiling back at you, her spark diminished as you parted from her.
In your next class you saw Rebekah again.
Again sitting alone at the dissecting table and when you made up your mind to sit next to her, Rebekah noticing your upcoming footsteps, Elena and Caroline barged through the door like they had before. Pulling you towards the opposite end of where she was sitting, her seat staying vacant as her eyes continued to find you throughout the lesson.
‘Rebekah, wait!’ You called after her, the last sound of the bell signalling the end of the school day.
Rebekah turned around, her blonde hair framing her face. Strands of hair blowing across her face, caught amongst her lashes. The sun reflecting on her skin.
‘About your offer to sit next to you,’ you lifted your arm to block the blazing sun. ‘I would like it if you held that spot for me tomorrow. If you still want me to sit next to you…’
‘Sure, it’s not like it’ll be occupied anytime soon. It’s yours to take.’
‘Okay then…’
‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/n, okay?’
‘Sure, yeah totally,’ you cleared your throat as you mentally prepared for the criticism you were about to hold above your head. ‘See you tomorrow.’
Rebekah gave you a last smile, ‘Bye.’
‘Bye,’ you whispered, her feet already taking off towards the other side of your way home, leaving behind a manipulative smell of vanilla and macadamia nut, that you swore was the nicest fragrance you had smelled in a long time.
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The next day you came walking back through the class again, finding Rebekah by herself at her assigned spot, her hand swiftly moving across her page.
‘Good morning, Y/n.’ She greeted, her eyes never leaving her paper.
‘How could you tell it was me?’
‘I smelled your strawberry perfume before you even entered the room,’ she finally lifted her head to reveal her face.
‘Do you like it?’ What is wrong with me?????
‘I do.’ Nevermind.
‘You don’t mind if I keep my word, right?’ You eyes up the chair next to her, waiting for her response, silently hoping that no one would barge in to seat you away from her.
‘Feel free to use all the space you need.’
You chuckled, letting your feet carry you to the table next to her, her familiar scent back in your memory as you took out your school supplies, feeling her gaze on you.
‘So,’ you turned your head to her body already turned towards you. ‘Are you new here? I haven’t seen you before?’
‘Yeah, I am. I moved here a couple of weeks ago. My brother has been here for a month now and I wanted a change of scenery.’ She let out a breath. ‘There’s only so much of New Orleans you can take.’
‘New Orleans? That is very different from Mystic Falls…’ You raised your eyebrows with a grin, your armpit resting over the back of the chair, legs crossed, turned towards her. ‘Do you like it here?’
‘So far I do…’ Rebekah glanced at you, a shimmer of light swimming amongst her pale eyes.
‘That’s good…’ You stared back because it was the only thing you could do.
Her hand reached for your hair, taking a strand of it and twirling it around her index finger, gently laying the curls heated with her body temperature on your shoulder, ‘You have really nice hair.’
‘Thank you,’ you felt a rush of heat make its way to your cheeks, your stomach starting to feel queasy as you let her words repeat in your mind. ‘I love your— well actually everything about you is really beautiful.’
‘You are too kind.’
‘I wouldn’t lie.’
‘I know you’re not.’
‘Good…’ Your eyes couldn’t part from her, her face burned into the back of your mind, still wanting to stare at her as long as you could. Her smile bringing warmth to you.
‘I wouldn’t lie either,’ she repeated.
The teacher came in, disturbing the awful long eye contact, both cleared by loud coughs, Rebekah and your eyes settling to the front of the class; no more looks being exchanged for the rest of the lesson, though you fought the urge to catch a glimpse.
‘Do you have anything planned today?’ Rebekah and you walk out of the building, the school day coming to an end as grey clouds started to gather above you.
‘No, I don’t think so.’
‘Would you like to come over to mine?’ She turned her face to you. ‘We could watch a movie, bake something, I don’t know. Do something typical for a teenage girl.’
Typical for a teenage girl. Normalcy. She treated you normally. Never once mentioning the fact you were sick or if you were okay with it. She treated you like an equal.
‘I would love to.’ You replied, feeling glad that a person could forget about everything shitty in your life and talk to you like you were just like them.
Rebekah drove you to her home, finding out that she had a rather large heep in possession. The kind of car you’d take to the beach on an early summer morning; running towards the cold water as sand stuck to your naked skin. Rebekah was a good driver, unlike your father that made you glad that you had health insurance…
Seemingly arriving at her house, a big mansion greeted you. Surrounded by trees, a long driveway leading to the mansion’s entrance.
‘This is your house?’ You asked, eyes glued onto the building, imagini how many room it must’ve had. How many square feet it covered.
‘It’s so nice.’
‘I know,’ she chuckled, unbuckling her seatbelt. ‘I have to admit that my brother does have great taste when it comes to architecture. Suppose it’s his only good trait.
‘You have a brother?’
‘Too many…’
You let out a laugh, you too unbuckled your seatbelt to step out of her car, feeling so small as you walked towards the door. The interior of the house was just as beautiful. Simple yet classy Rebekah threw her keys onto one of the dressers that stood by the door and told you to follow her, your head turning left and right, mesmerised by everything you took in.
‘Rebekah.’ You suddenly heard a male voice call from behind you. He had a nice accent just like she did.
‘What, Nik?’ She didn’t sound too happy to see him.
‘Aren’t you going to introduce me?’
‘This is Y/n from school. Don’t eat her, she has cancer.’
You listened to her with a quizzical look on your face, looking at her as she mirrored your expression.
‘What?’ She asked.
‘Vampire?’ You asked.
‘You don’t seem surprised…’
‘I have lived in Mystic Falls all my life,’ you let out a jestful breath. ‘Nothing surprises me anymore.’
‘Well,’ his voice made you turn your back on Rebekah, his tone full of pride and confidence, ‘welcome to my humble abode.’
‘Humble is a great word to describe all of this,’ you grinned, looking at the room once more. ‘But it is really nice. You have good taste.’
‘I know I do. Best get going then,’ he pointed towards Rebekah whose facial expressions couldn’t have made it clearer that she wanted to get away from him.
‘Nice to meet you.’
‘You too.’
You paced towards Rebekah who told you to follow her, different hallways leading towards a really nice kitchen.
She grabbed all the ingredients that you thought was going to make a cake and watched as her eyes crinkled, so focused on finding everything that you needed.
‘Are we making a cake?’
‘We are,’ she snuck a quick grin, her head pack in the cabinet searching for a baking tin.
‘What type of cake?’
‘Well,’ she resurfaced, placing the tin on the counter, her cheeks lightly flushed. ‘I kind of asked Elena what your favourite cake was and she said your favourite was a lemon cake, so we are going to make that. Unless she lied…’
‘No, no,’ you tried hiding a grin, fingers picking at your palm. ‘It is my favourite.’
‘Good.’ Rebekah exclaimed, almost throwing the flour at you. ‘You'll do dry and I’ll do the wets.’
Continuing to make the cake, Rebekah was whisking the cake batter enthusiastically, dancing along to Stacy’s Mom that blasted through the stereo. Carelessly throwing her limbs up and down, swaying her head with the biggest grin you had ever seen…She was so beautiful
‘Oh,’ Rebekah gasped, your mouth widening in shocked as wet drops of batter landed on your face, Rebekah accidentally swinging the wrong arm to the rhythm.
You let out a giggle, trying to swipe away the batter but it was no ise. Every stroke just spreading it more evenly across your face. ‘Shit.’
‘Here I got it,’ she set aside the bowl and came closer, placing her thumb on your cheek, getting the batter on her finger, her eyes momentarily longing on you. She retracted her thumb and licked off the excess, eyes never breaking contact.
You stared at her for what felt like forever, captivated by her face; her eyes, her lips, all whispering to you that you should come closer. You leaned in, your heart beating so powerfully you ought to stop, exhaustion that came with the sickness. But you didn’t. Neither did she. Her breath ricocheted off your cheeks, her glimmering eyes infatuating yours as you could feel your lips take the lead but before your skins touched, a loud opening of the door made you jump back, looking back at what had caused you to separate.
‘What do you want, Elijah?’ Rebekah asked forcefully, the older man’s eyes glimpsing at both you and her
‘Do I need to want something walking around in my house?’
You observed the two, their banter making it clear that he too must be one of the ‘too many’ brothers she had talked about.
Feeling queasy, you quickly said goodbye to Rebekah and Elijah, telling them you weren’t feeling too well, a perk when being the teenager with cancer. Everyone at all times will believe it.
You had to get away from Rebekah. She was clouding your mind and falling for a girl wasn’t supposed to happen. You’ve been with a guy or two and those feelings you felt when you were around them, you recognised as the image of her resurrected itself in your mind. You liked her, but you couldn’t like her. At least not right now.
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‘I’m home!’ You called into the house, the smell of grilled eel filtering through the air: your favourite.
‘We’re in the kitchen!’
You placed your backpack next to the stairs, ready to take them to your room once you were done with dinner. Entering the kitchen you saw your mother plate the last of the cut up eel pieces onto the plate, placing it on the table with some salads and rice. Your father stood by the kitchen aisle making some mocktails from his newly purchased mocktail cookbook thing you got him recently.
After dinner you went up to your room, putting the oxygen tube on your face as today’s exhaustion came running to you. Thinking back on the moments that increased your heartbeat.
‘Honey, are you okay?’ You heard your father’s footsteps approaching your room, leaning against the door frame.
‘Yeah,’ you nodded, glancing at your oxygen tank. ‘Hard day. Have to catch my breath. Literally.’
He chuckled, coming in to hug you. ‘Just make sure to tell us once you’ve reached your limit, okay? I know you like to act tough and pretend that you can still keep up but you need to have a reality check. You’re not the same as before and that’s okay. No one is trying to put you in a box. You just need to accept that certain limits cannot be reached anymore…’
‘Yeah I know, dad. I know. It’s just hard having to turn my back on my past life.
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The next few weeks Rebekah and you pretended like the moment back at her house didn’t happen. Continuing to sit next to each other in class, meeting at each other’s houses or going out in town.
It was easier ignoring the moment than trying to talk about it because if you were being honest, what would you even say? You liked her as a friend. Nothing more. You’ve known her for less than a month so how could your heart possibly flutter at the thought of her touch on your skin.
Then you were invited to the Mikaelson ball, a card delivered to your doorstep. On the back Rebekah’s writing said, to meet her there to clear stuff up.
So when Friday came, you managed to find a dress and head towards the mansion you had previously entered before. Only this time you were hooked to oxygen after a water build up episode that caused your lungs to fill with water.
Arriving at the mansion you were greeted by servants who took your coat, without looking, wanting to grab your tank thinking it was luggage. ‘I’ll be needing this…’
You turned around, already knowing whose soft voice it belonged to.
‘You look gorgeous.’ She awed in amazement.
‘You too.’
‘Are you okay?’
‘Oh, yeah,’ you noticed her lingering stare on your tank. ‘Lungs filled with water. Nothing crazy.’
‘We need to talk. I’m sorry.’
‘No I’m sorry.’ You said.
‘For what.?’
Compelled in the moment you pulled the last of your confidence together and stepped closer to Rebekah, who looked unsure of what you were about to do. ‘For this.’ You placed your lips on Rebekah’s, gently kissing her lips as a thousand thoughts filled your mind, all screaming to stop, but you didn’t want to.
Rebekah’s hand found your face as she deepened the kiss,careful not to tangle the oxygen tube.
You’ve never felt this way before. You thought Rebekah was just the type of pretty you wanted to be, not knowing that she was just someone you wanted to be with. And with dying time there wasn’t another person you would rather kiss other than her.
The start of a short love story; the dead and dying.
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heliads · 2 months
Hello! If you don’t mind, I would like to request a Rebekah Mikaelson x reader?
Something like, reader is human but is the key to one of Klaus’s plans, so he takes her to the Mikaelson mansion and keeps her there. She’s kind of a prisoner, but Rebekah has seen this film before, so she’s just expecting one of her brothers - or both of her brothers - to fall in love with yet another stupid human and make everything complicated again
However, reader starts to get affectionate with her. She starts looking for her when she needs something, when she has to make a decision, she looks at her for reassurance, she goes to Bekah’s room late at night to talk and very often just falls asleep there, it’s a whole thing, but Rebekah is always expecting the moment she’ll leave her for her brothers, not really opening her heart, she’s scared because she has been fooled so many times
So, one day she sees reader talking with Elijah and she’s even giving him those pleading eyes she usually reserves for her and they both shut up immediately when she gets close, and she knows the moment came, Y/N will be Elijah’s, Klaus will freak out and hell will break loose. She’s hurt but pretends no to be and just starts keeping reader away
But reader was only talking to Elijah because in one of these late night talks, Rebekah told her that no one has ever baked for her even though she has been doing it forever, so she was just trying to convince him to get everything she needed to bake for her, she’s completely in love with Rebekah
So, that’s it! I hope you like the request, thanks anyway!
'didn't like the ending' - rebekah mikaelson
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God, Rebekah Mikaelson has seen the same scene play out so many times, she’s starting to feel like she’s spent half her immortal life in deja vu. For a family of Original vampires that prides itself on being leagues beyond the rest of their bloodsucking proteges, the Mikaelson brothers can be a little, well, predictable. Especially at times like this.
If there’s one perfect example of the Mikaelson men repeating themselves, it would have to be the hostage problem. Rebekah can’t even begin to count the amount of times she’s witnessed the same damn thing over the centuries. At this point, it’s starting to border on ridiculous, yet the only one who seems attuned to this problem is Rebekah. And it’s not as if her brothers are really that keen to listen to her, anyway. Certainly not about something like this.
Every time, it starts and ends the same:  one of her brothers, maybe even Rebekah herself, will drag in some human or vampire or witch to serve as a hostage during one of their many disputes with the neighbouring supernatural beings. They’ll chain up this poor sap in a cell, or lock them in one of the many rooms of the Mikaelson mansion. At first, all will be perfectly ordinary. The hostage will beg and plead to be rescued, Rebekah’s family will laugh scornfully from atop their ivory towers, and everything will go as planned.
But then the negotiations don’t happen as quickly as they would like, and the Mikaelsons end up spending a lot more time with their hostage than initially envisioned. They have to tolerate the company of this foreign presence more and more, especially since the hostage often ends up being a key part in someone’s plans, and information is required from them. Then, Elijah or Klaus, or heavens, even Kol sometimes, will end up spending far more time with this hostage than ever before, and they’ll do the unthinkable and fall in love.
Rebekah is no stranger to the plight of the lovestruck Mikaelson. Although it seems impossible, one of her brothers will fall in love, and then face the unsightly issue of having to wrestle with their guilt over letting the hostage go, or the more likely option, they’ll keep the hostage forever as a little trophy or token of their affections until they fall out of love again and the hostage is set free.
This has happened many times over the centuries. No matter how much her brothers love to talk about how they’re so above mortal things like feelings, Rebekah has watched them fall victim to their hearts until an affection becomes an affliction. Normally, she wouldn’t have a problem with any of this, it is rather amusing to watch her brothers fall over themselves in an attempt to woo a human of all things, but more often than not she ends up being the reluctant ear to their monologues, so the whole affair has grown rather wearisome over the years.
And so, when Klaus drags yet another human hostage into the Mikaelson mansion as a cog in one of his many elaborate plans, Rebekah just sighs and mentally starts planning when she’ll take an extended vacation out of New Orleans yet again so she won’t have to deal with all of this. It’s a shame, too. She was just starting to put herself back out there again, and now all of her hard work is for nothing.
Rebekah watches from the balcony as Klaus dramatically announces to the hostage that they’ll have nowhere to go unless they help him. This time, he’s allowing the hostage free reign of the place, since he’s had a witch charm the hostage into being unable to leave the mansion unless Klaus directly allows it. That way, he won’t have to deal with pesky things like vervain getting in the way of his commands.
Rebekah sighs, rolling her eyes at the scene. The hostage seems like a perfectly nice young woman, albeit one that has absolutely no idea what’s coming for her. Inwardly, she wonders if she should start issuing ominous warnings about staying away from the Mikaelson brothers, although if this hostage is in any way involved with the vampiric communities of New Orleans, she supposes they would already know more than enough about that.
A sudden whoosh of air by her side; Rebekah looks up to see Elijah suddenly emerging from the shadows of the hall to stand next to her. “Something seems to be troubling you,” he notes. “Should I be afraid to ask?”
Rebekah just groans. “Klaus has gone and conjured himself up yet another hostage. This is not going to end well.”
Elijah arches a brow. “You don’t mean to tell me you think Klaus will harm her already? He should hold off at least a week or two, he needs her alive.”
Rebekah shakes her head. “Worse. I think he’s going to grow to care for her. Either you or him.”
Elijah chuckles. “Well, I hardly think that being under the protection of a Mikaelson is cause for concern. If anything, it should extend her lifetime a few decades or so.”
Rebekah scoffs. “I couldn’t care less about how long she lives. I just don’t want you two to bother me when you fall in love again.”
Elijah gazes down at the hostage. “You don’t even know if she’s our type. We might not like her in the slightest. Rebekah, have you even bothered to learn the poor girl’s name? That’s meager hospitality on your part.”
Rebekah almost laughs. “Dearest brother, I do not give a damn who this girl is or what she’s done wrong to get herself on Klaus’ radar. The more she stays out of my way, the better.”
With that, she spins on her heel and heads back towards her quarters. This plan is one of Klaus’ mad schemes, not hers, so Rebekah is determined to avoid the whole matter as much as she can. Maybe then she could finally manage a moment or two of peace and quiet around here.
Peace and quiet, as it turns out, are not the sorts of things to hang around the Mikaelson estate, certainly not when Klaus has a few tricks up his sleeve. Try as she might to stay out of the way, Rebekah finds herself brought back into the mix not by Klaus, or even Elijah on one of his many attempts to bring the family together, but by the hostage herself:  Y/N L/N.
Rebekah had been honest with Elijah when she said she couldn’t care less about the hostage. Really, she couldn’t. For some reason, however, Y/N seems to have decided that Rebekah is her best bet when attempting to navigate the complex relationships of the Mikaelson extended sphere. She’s not wrong, really, Rebekah can be level-headed when she decides it’s interesting enough for her, but she can’t fathom why Y/N would seek her out intentionally.
Yet this is precisely what happens. Y/N takes it upon herself to introduce herself to Rebekah out of the blue one day, then keeps tracking Rebekah down to ask her questions or seek advice on how to deal with Klaus. Honestly, it’s ridiculous. Rebekah does not need new friends, nor would she try to find them in a human.
That being said, she doesn’t entirely mind Y/N, not really. As far as humans go, Rebekah would be kind enough to say that she’s one of the better ones. She doesn’t annoy Rebekah like some of the Mystic Falls crew did, and she listens intently whenever Rebekah speaks, as if she truly cared about what Rebekah had to say. After many lifetimes over her brothers overruling her every thought, Rebekah can’t deny that it’s nice to have her opinion valued every now and then.
Just as expected, Y/N’s tenure in the Mikaelson mansion drags on for longer than planned, and what was meant to be a stay of just a couple of weeks turns into one month, then two. Y/N remains, and she remains by Rebekah’s side. They actually exchange jokes, and secrets, and before Rebekah knows it, she actually looks forward to when she crosses paths with Y/N. They get along brilliantly, and when Y/N isn’t with Rebekah–
Well, when she’s not with Rebekah, she’s with Elijah. Practically glued to the hip. At first, Rebekah would jealously tell herself that Y/N would never get along with Elijah, but inside, she knows it isn’t true. If Y/N can win over Rebekah when Rebekah was firmly opposed to the whole idea, then good-tempered Elijah would be a walk in the park to Rebekah’s bloody battlefield.
It makes Rebekah sick. She knows how this play turns out, doesn’t she? Rebekah has attended many showings, and no matter the venue, no matter the star actress, it always turns out the same. The hostage falls for a Mikaelson brother, not sister. In the end, there is love to be shared, but not with Rebekah. Never with Rebekah.
She wants to tighten her hold, but afraid of pushing Y/N away for good, she pretends as if nothing is the matter. Y/N doesn’t seem to notice the war brewing between Rebekah’s ribs. She spends more and more time in Rebekah’s room, talking over some issue or other. Sometimes, when the nights get low and Y/N forgets to leave, she’ll even fall asleep on Rebekah’s bed, or when leaning against her shoulder. It feels personal. It feels like maybe, it might even be Rebekah’s turn to fall in love.
She knows better, though. Of course Rebekah knows better. Rebekah has been through enough lifetimes to know that hope is a very rocky fissure upon which to build one’s aspirations. Even if a lot of her life has been spent daggered in a box, she still knows enough to not be naive. This story isn’t going to go her way. It never does.
She’d like it to, though. She really would. Y/N gets along with the whole family, and Rebekah can’t stop herself from imagining how nice it would be to have a significant other that wasn’t in danger of getting murdered by Klaus or Elijah for once. Klaus, with admittedly great reluctance, has come to value Y/N’s input. And Elijah’s conversations with Y/N seem to increase in number, but mainly whenever Rebekah isn’t around.
That happens a lot, actually. They’ll be getting along, thick as thieves, and then the moment Rebekah turns the corner and comes into their direct line of sight, the two of them mysteriously clam up. Keeping secrets, it seems. From her. And Rebekah reckons she can guess the subject matter quite well.
That’s it, then. That’s the mystery sorted, the grand question of which Mikaelson their latest hostage would fall for. It’s not as if this hasn’t happened before, but Rebekah finds herself far more disappointed than she had for any of the others. Vampires are protective and jealous and selfish, and Rebekah is the worst of them, but still, she swears she had never wanted anything quite like this before. Now this thing, this love, this woman, is out of her reach, and Rebekah’s entire existence has suddenly turned tragic.
Although she should take the high road and pretend that nothing is the matter, Rebekah has never been good at brushing off trivialities. Once, when she was younger, Klaus had told her that she had a ‘gift for theatrics.’ At first, she’d been delighted, assuming her brother believed her to be a master actress, and then she’d realized that Klaus’ words, as they always seemed to be, were nothing but a barb meant to wound her. Then she’d stomped around as usual, doing nothing to raise her spirits and only proving him right.
Stomping around can be rather satisfying, though. When Rebekah runs into Y/N and Elijah deep in a heated conversation one day, she just can’t take it anymore. This time, instead of running away and pretending as if she hadn’t seen a thing, Rebekah purposely walks towards them. Just as before, Y/N’s eyes go wide, and she hurriedly shuts up. 
Rebekah isn’t willing to let it slide, though. She stops in front of them and folds her arms across her chest. “What’s all this about? You look as if you’ve been caught red-handed. Which, I suppose, you have.”
Y/N grins weakly. “Nothing. We, uh, aren’t doing anything.”
Rebekah arches a brow. “That’s hardly believable, now, isn’t it? How about you try telling me the truth for once. I’d certainly like to hear it.”
Elijah claps his hands together. “Actually, I think this is a matter just for you and Y/N, my dear sister. I don’t believe this concerns me at all.”
Before either of them can stop him, Elijah disappears down the hall, gone in an instant. Y/N glares after him. “For an immortal vampire, he’s absolutely terrible when you want someone to stand by you.”
“That’s Elijah for you,” Rebekah murmurs. “He never likes it when we fight.”
“Yeah, well, I can hardly blame him,” Y/N muses. “Fighting with your family seems rather painful.”
“It is,” Rebekah instantly agrees, then remembers that she’s supposed to be upset. “Now, you can’t distract me anymore. Tell me what’s going on, I mean it. I know we’re friends, but you don’t have to hide things from me.”
Y/N’s eyes go wide. “You mean– you know? And you’re okay with it?”
Rebekah feels as if she’s been daggered. She almost wants to turn around and see if her murderous brother is standing behind her, ready to put her in a coffin again for another century or two. Y/N does like Elijah, then. How utterly heartbreaking. “Why wouldn’t I be okay with it?” She asks listlessly. “I know my brothers, and as far as Mikaelson men go, you chose the one who tends to be the most stable. Nothing wrong with that.”
Y/N’s brow furrows. “Wait, what are you talking about?”
Rebekah looks away. Thinking it is one thing, but admitting the painful truth aloud suddenly seems far worse. “You know. You’ve fallen in love with my brother.”
She isn’t sure how she expects Y/N to react. With relief, maybe, that she won’t have to hide anymore. What Rebekah certainly isn’t expecting is for Y/N to start laughing. “What? No, Rebekah, I’m not in love with Elijah. I’m in love with you.”
The floor seems to have fallen about beneath Rebekah’s feet. “With– with me?”
Y/N laughs again. It’s a lovely sound. “Yes, Bekah, I love you. It’s very easy to do, you know.”
Rebekah shakes her head, still not entirely sure that she isn’t dreaming or something. This certainly feels like a dream. “But– you’re always with Elijah– and you keep sharing secrets with him that you won’t tell me–”
Y/N grins. “That’s because I’m trying to make sure he won’t tell a soul. Elijah figured me out a few weeks ago. Mainly, though, I’ve been trying to persuade him to get me a few things. I want to bake something for you, and Klaus only ever keeps this house stocked with blood and alcohol. It’s sort of horrific, actually. You don’t even have baking soda.”
Rebekah’s brow furrows. “You wanted to bake me something? Why?”
Y/N’s smile turns quiet. “You mentioned it once. You were sad that no one had ever baked for you even though you were always making things for your brothers. I didn’t want you to feel that way anymore.”
“I can’t believe you remembered that,” Rebekah says softly. “I only mentioned it once.”
“I like listening to you, Rebekah.” Y/N tells her.
And at last, at long last, Rebekah knows why. She’s seen this play before. For once, she gets her happy ending.
vampire diaries tag list: @mayfieldss, @alex-1967s-blog
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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aackxrmxn · 1 year
Elijah Mikaelson: A Promise
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Warnings: Maybe a tad bit of violence, swearing.
Plot: After you had been captured by some vampires, Elijah makes a promise to protect you at all costs.
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I had heard them before I saw them, the voices close but distant. A pain like never before throbbed from my head down my neck and to my left shoulder. I winced as I tried to lift my head, seeming impossibly heavy at the moment. What happened? Where was I?
“Ah!” One said enthusiastically, “She’s awake. Perfect!” A rough hand grabbed at a handful of my hair and yanked it upright. A gasp fell from my lips as the pain soared through my body even more. “What a pretty little thing you are…” The same one snarled and I felt his breath on my neck but I didn’t dare open my eyes.
“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing? That Elijah guy seems like the real deal.” Another spoke, his voice filled with worry.
The hand left my hair and whoever was close to me had left my side. “Quit it, Paul!” They shouted, “We can finally win against those son of bitches.” I finally decided to open my eyes and look around to see where I was.
I seemed to be in an abandoned building tied to one of the supporting beams, the ground was trashed with old newspapers and other rubbish. There was broken windows and graffiti over the walls.
The two men were bickering off the side of me and I went to lift my head but my vision swirled and spun. A groan left my lips involuntarily, a small whimper escaped as well.
“Oh, isn’t this poor little thing in pain?” The same one cooed and lifted my head with his finger. His face shifted to his vampire one and he snarled at me, showing his fangs. “It’s too bad Elijah can’t save you, I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he realised that you’re dead.”
My eyes widened as I realised what all this was for; Elijah had killed one of their members a few weeks back for what reason I still didn’t know. Elijah didn’t tell me the gruesome details of his kind, not wanting me to view him or his family different, even though I never would. They wanted pay back for what Elijah had done, and what better way then kidnapping his girlfriend and killing her?
“You’re making a mistake.” I blurt out then, my voice hoarse and dry.
The same guy raised his eyebrows, “oh, how’s that?”
I could feel my heartbeat increase as tried to think of an answer. “Elijah is an original, much stronger than you two combined. He’ll kill you the first chance he gets, but he will make it painful like no other pain you’ve ever experienced before.”
The other guy who seemed reluctant rolled his shoulders with a worried look. “Ceder…”
“Shut up Paul, the girl thinks she’s better than us.” The first one smirked.
“No I don’t think I’m better than you, but I know I’m smarter than you and I’m telling you to let me live or you’ll regret it.” I warned.
The first guy, Ceder, laughed dryly. “Alright, I’ve had enough of this brat, time to eat.” He suddenly was in front of me and grabbed me by the shoulders, “And quite frankly, he can hurt me all he wants, I won’t regret this.”
Unbearable pain shout through my neck as his fangs clamped down on my neck, I screamed as the pain shot through my whole body. I vaguely remembered that Elijah said that a vampires bite would hurt bad but would get more pleasurable; this was not becoming pleasurable.
Ceder was torn from above me and I heard a cracking sound, like someone’s bones had snapped. “No one hurts my family and gets away with it.” A heard a familiar voice but my eyes were shut, and my head dropped, too heavy to hold up.
The body dropped, the impact causing the wind to hurt my sweating yet cold face. Another hand cupped my cheek, comforting and familiar. “‘Lijah…” I mumbled.
“Shh,” He whispered, “I’ve got you.” A small smile creeped up on my lips at his comment before I felt something touch my lips, instinctively I pulled away. “It’ll help you Y/N, you only need a little bit.”
I did whatever Elijah said and tasted blood, any other time I would have gagged at it, but I was too weak to care as I swallowed it.
I heard someone yell, almost like they were scared before I heard that same bone cracking sound. I opened my eyes then, seeing Elijah crouched in front of me and Klaus holding a bloody heart in his hand with those two men dead on the floor.
My eyes widened, I had never seen a real heart before, let alone covered in blood. Elijah noticed and blocked my view before lifting me bridal style. I knew he was worried about what I had seen but I didn’t see him or Klaus any differently.
“Let’s get you home, love.” Elijah said then and all I could manage was nod at him as he carried me out.
A warm blanket was draped over my body and I turned to see Rebekah was a comforting smile. “How are you feeling? I hope the soup was alright, I don’t normally make food.” She laughed.
“It was good, thank you.” I said and moved closer to the middle of the bed so she could lay beside me. “I wanted to talk to you about something if you had a minute.”
“Of course, what’s wrong?” She asked me.
“I want you to know that I don’t see you guys any different, vampires or not, I don’t care about that. You guys have taken me like your own family and I can’t be anymore thankful.” I explained, my hands sitting in my lap until Rebekah grabbed them and help them.
“Y/N, you’re my sister, I would do anything for you, just like my siblings. You don’t judge us and you don’t think we’re creeps for drinking blood.”
I laughed, “well, I think it’s weird you drink blood but I guess it’s like humans needing water… which I would kind of love right now.” I said, noticing my dry throat.
Rebekah was quick to get me a drink and that’s when I noticed Elijah standing at the doorway of the room. Rebekah came over and said she’d give us some privacy before leaving.
“I’m good Elijah, for the hundredth time already.” I smiled bashfully and picked at my nails. Gosh, they needed doing.
My attention was bought back to Elijah as he came over and moved some hair behind my ears. “I know, I’m just worried that you’re stressed.”
“Well… I am stressed. I was bitten by a vampire, any human would be stressed over that.” Elijah sat beside me and bought me in close to him with his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I sighed and snuggled into him and closed my eyes, the TV in front of us as background noise. There was a silence that came over us then, I could tell there was something else Elijah wanted to say. I sighed again, “Elijah I don’t want you to hide what you are from me.” I looked up at him and he was staring at the TV, though not paying attention to it.
Elijah looked down at me after a few seconds, “I just don’t want you to be scared of me.” There was a glossy glint in his eyes, like he was about to cry. I smile knowingly, leaning up with what little strength I had at the moment and kissed Elijah on the cheek then to his lips.
It was soft and passionate, all the emotions of sadness, anger and confusion mixed into it. We had never kissed like this before. I pulled away after a while, needing air and smiled against his lips.
“I promise I’m not scared of you, not ever.” I whispered. I managed to get up and straddle his waist, linking my arms around his neck and his securely holding my hips. “Can I ask you something?” I said then, pulling away a little more.
“Of course, my love.” Elijah said, smiling at me.
“Can I see it?… Your vampire face.” I didn’t know how else to describe it, but it was the face they all made right before they drank blood, I had seen other peoples, but not his.
“Please ‘Lijah, I want to see. I’m not scared of you, I’m really not.” I played with the strands of hair on the back of his head. I wanted to see who he really was… what he really was. I wanted him to know that I trusted him with my entire being, that nothing he could say or do would ever break my trust with him.
He looked at me a moment longer, like he was contemplating his choices. I wouldn’t forced him… I couldn’t compel him, but I was curious as to what he looked like.
Slowly, his eyes darkened and veins protruding from under them. He didn’t take his eyes off me, going to stop at any moment I may have seemed uncomfortable, but I smiled at him and my fingers traced at the veins under his eyes.
“You’re…” I took a moment to think of the word, “beautiful.” My mind was still fuzzy after today and I was starting to wonder if I was hallucinating all this. To make sure, I leaned in again and kissed him, this time harder than before.
I felt something prick my bottom lip slightly and I pulled away to see his fangs slightly showing.
“I have another question…” I asked, this time more shy then before. Elijah didn’t say anything so I continued, “I want you… to feed of me.” Elijah stared at me, his face not changing, “stop staring at me and say something please.”
“Why?” Is all he asked.
I gulped, and he noticed. “You said to me that it’s pleasurable.” I spoke, I was still in pain though I had been healed and any type of pleasure would make me feel better.
“You’ve already lost too much blood today, you need to rest.” His grip on my hips tightened slightly, I know he wanted to taste my blood, ever since he had told me about how pleasurable it would be for me, it was his way of letting me know. He would never plain out ask me.
“I’m fine Elijah, plus I’ve been curious to how pleasurable it would be.” It wasn’t a lie. Slowly, Elijah took my wrist, never once taking his darkened eyes off me and brought it to his lips.
I gulped again and realised he was waiting for me to give the nod. I did and braced myself, and as his teeth clamped down, I gritted my teeth.
It was painful, but not nearly as bad as the other guy today. Elijah closed his eyes, his other hand holding me close and slowly the pain subsided to something better.
I sighed as a calm washed over me and I bit my lip, wriggling in Elijah’s lap. He hummed and his hand smoothed over my back until it was resting on the back of my neck and he pulled me closer so my head was resting on his chest.
I panted as my eyes drooped, starting to feel tired and a moan slipped from my lips. Elijah suddenly pulled away but I was too tired to take notice as he manoeuvred me to lay on the bed. Something touched my lips and I tasted blood again, this time I took it without pulling away.
A kiss was placed on my forehead and my eyes opened as I saw Elijah wipe away the blood from my lips and I smiled at him. “Ever the gentlemen.”
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Life update as of 5/14/24:
I graduated nursing school!!! 🎉🎉🥳🥳
With no more school to worry about I want to write more! Don’t know how much because ya know mom duties 🥹 but we’ll see!
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Jealous Sex
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^ I couldnt choose one 🫢😳
Character: Hayley Marshall (Werewolf)
Reader Type: fem, omega
Warnings/Notes: werewolfs, jealousy, NSFW themes, omegaverse, smut, breeding kink, choking
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“I’m not a jealous person!”
You simply laughed at the annoyed expression of Hayley’s face, the two of you have been having the same feud for the last ten minutes. The werewolf being absolutely certain she was never jealous or possessive in any way something u knew to be a lie.
You can vividly remember her almost attacking Rebekah for simply complementing your outfit. Having had to pull her away and sit in her lap and make out with her to calm her down.
“Sureee you’re not,” Kissing ur girlfriend’s cheek you chuckled at her eye roll and then your eyes locked on a certain blonde original and you got an idea.
Smirking you sauntered over to her, grabbing her arm as you spoke to her. Hyper aware of hayley’s eyes on you so you decided to set your plan into action, giving bekah a play along look to which she smirked at.
She started flirting with you, both of u feeling hayley’s gaze and knowing with her wolf hearing she could hear everything, with this knowledge you couldn’t help but push further and giggle at her. Following it by getting impossibly close to her and tracing her face calling her such a beautiful alpha, before a deep growl was heard next to you.
You didn’t need to look to know it was hayley, having been with her long enough to be able to distinguish any noise that she lets out. You smile up at her.
“Thought u didn’t get jealous?”
Theres a smugness to your words that just infuriates her further. She doesn’t respond verbally, and simply grabs your arm and drags you into your room and you don’t get a word in before shes slamming u against the now closed door. Her hand wrapped tightly around your throat.
She stares at you then, eyes yellow and jaw clenched her whole being radiating her jealousy. Its still then, neither of you making any movement and not a sound in the room until you let out a small whine that makes her smirk a small chuff coming from her in amusement.
“So thats what you wanted, eh? For your alpha to dominate you and throw you around?”
She talks deep and low, punctuating her words with open mouth kisses and small nips to your neck humming in appreciation when your head tilts to give her more room.
In a swift movement her lips are on yours and shes tugging your clothing off and walking you towards the bed. backing you up until you fall on to it, before she pulls away. She coos in fake sympathy when you reach out to her at the loss of contact. She makes quick work of undressing before shes climbing onto the bed and hovering over you.
“Who?” She growls out, jaw clenched and eyes hard.
“Daddy~” it comes out as a whine, and it makes it harder for her to resist giving in to you right then. But no this is a punishment and she needs you to know that.
Grabbing your chin she makes you look at her her pulling your lip down with her thumb she stares at you like a wild animal about to devour a feast.
Reaching down she runs her cock against your core, gathering the wetness on her tip with a groan.
“So wet for me baby” she hums in appreciation.
Grabbing your legs she pushes them against your chest, steadying her hands either side of you as she pushes in. Locking you into a mating press as she bottoms out, her cock filling you till her tip kisses your cervix.
She groans deeply, almost a growl, when she pulls out before slamming her hips down again filling you once more. Not caring for your pleas she sets a rough fast pace, abusing your hole with every thrust.
“B-baby- Ple-ease” you stutter between moans as she bites into your neck, creating a fresh mark over her already faded mate mark that lays there.
“Your mine. Mine only” she growls against your neck, her pace quickening. “I’m going to show you that-“ she moans “y-your mine.”
You pull her closer by her neck, crashing your lips to hers as she thrusts her cock deep with a bruising speed. Moaning against her mouth when you feel her first load into you hot ropes filling you deep.
“You like that, hm?” She bites at your jaw “like me filling you deep, breeding you?” She hums against you thrusting extra harshly when you don’t give her a verbal answer. “Words. Use your words baby.”
“Y-yes! I love it, love you filling me up daddy!” Your words spurring her on she growls in delight when you cum.
“So good, taking your punishment so well,” she moans reaching down to choke you slightly, her other hand reaching down to pinch and rub at your clit.
“mm fuck!” You rasp out as you cum again, her hips stuttering and eyes shutting as she unloads again.
Pulling out so only her tip remains inside she moves your legs to wrap around her waist, thrusting deep as your legs lock in place.
“One more baby” she answers your whines of over-sensitivity kissing and sucking at your chest as her hips thrust just as harshly as before her knot swelling to almost full capacity.
“Please! Knot me baby please-“ you whine, a whine she cant help coo at.
“Gonna give it baby” she gasps out rearing back she gives a harsh thrust her knot popping and locking into place as she bottoms out completely her tip pushing almost into your cervix.
“Fucking take it baby! Gonna give you pups” she shouts as her cum fills you again this load so much bigger and seems to fill your womb.
“Baby!” You yelp as another orgasm rips through you.
You feel soft kisses being placed against your neck as you come down from your high. Hayley taking a second to nuzzle at your cheek before speaking up, “You okay baby?”
“Didn’t expect you to go easy on me,” you laugh lightly “thought you were a big bad wolf”
She hums against you sharing your amusement, “I didn’t wanna break my little omega” she coos kissing your cheek softly as you roll your eyes.
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A/n: Damn i suck at endings.
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imaginefan · 2 months
Klaus Mikaelson X GN!Reader
Word Count: 1119
Requested: Anon
Request: Could you do klaus x reader hanahaki diase i would by greatful my love
Warning: talk of reader's death, Hanahaki disease, breathing issues and mention of blood
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In all honesty you should have known that your one sided love story was going to catch up with you but when the witch cast the spell it really dawned on you that you were going to die because Klaus didn’t return your feelings. You had been close to him since you had met him and he had learned to trust you, which was why you were by his side when he got back to New Orleans and found out about Hope. You were there when he fell for Cami and you were there when he grieved her. It was always you, you were always there, as the family slowly started to get back together each of the siblings started to notice it too. Kol and Rebekah had even tried to keep your mind off of it.
Even now as you life depended on it you couldn’t bring yourself to tell any of them what had happened, so you just hit that there was anything wrong, the first stage, the petals, was easy you were human so getting sick wasn’t completely out of the question, you just coughing into a tissue and made sure to get rid of them outside of the compound, you lived in a small apartment a few blocks away so it wasn’t hard. The second stage became harder to hide, with the full buds came blood, you had to be careful that it wasn’t left on your lips when you pulled the tissue away from your face but this was where people started to become suspicious.
“(Y/N) are you sure that you're okay?” Elijah asked. “I’m fine Elijah, it’s just a viral thing, I’ve gotta wait for it to run its course, I promise if anything else happens I’ll let you know.” You lied as you waved him off. “If you’re sure.” He said watching you for a second longer before you disappeared from view heading out and home. “They’re acting weird.” Rebekah said as she walked over to her brother. “I don’t think it would be wise to push it, if they doesn’t want to tell us then there’s nothing that we can do.” Elijah answered. “We both know that’s not true.” Rebekah answered. “We should respect their privacy.” Elijah reminded her and she nodded. “Fine but if this keeps happening then I’ll find out what’s going on myself.” Rebekah said.
Turns out that they didn’t have to wait too long, Kol burst into the compound the next morning “where’s (Y/N)?” Kol asked. “What do you want with them?” Klaus asked. “We really don’t have time for this, if what that witch said was true then they’ve only got a little time left.” Kol answered, “What are you talking about?” Klaus’ tone changed immediately as he sat up in the chair that he had been lounging in. “A witch came to speak to Davina today. Apparently a small group of them were getting antsy and decided that they might be able to weaken you by getting to your second in command, the human that lived outside of the compound, who apparently placed a curse on her.” Kol answered. “Call Freya and get your girlfriend here, they’re going to find a way to fix this while I go and find them.” Klaus ordered and Kol nodded, taking out his phone as Klaus left the compound.
Klaus didn’t bother knocking and he was glad that he didn’t because as he walked in he caught sight of you on the floor in your kitchen hunched over blood dripping through your finger as you clutched your chest uncomfortably “(Y/N)!” Klaus called as he rushed over, he gently repositioned you, gently leaning you against him as he pulled out his phone. “What have they done to you?” “D-don’t worry about it.” You forced the words out but he could tell that it was hard, painful. “Stop talking, just concentrate on breathing.” He mumbled as he dialed Kol’s number. “I have them, they are not doing well, I think it’s going to hurt them more if I move them, have you found anything?” He asked. “It’s called the Hanahaki curse, if someone is the victim of unrequited love then they will fall victim to the curse.” Freya explained. “At this point we can remove it but the spell will remove all ability to love with it, almost like a vampire that flipped the switch, they wouldn’t be them anymore.” “So what’s the other option?” Klaus asked. “The person that they loves, confesses genuine romantic love to them.” Freya answered. “Well then we need to find out who-” “It’s you Klaus.” Rebekah was the one to speak this time. “What?” He asked. “They’ve been by your side since the beginning, sides with you, stick up for you and encourages you to pursue anything that would make you happy, even if that was someone else to love.” Rebekah explained. “They sacrificed themself to save you from the darkness that you were falling into,now you are the only one that can help them.” Klaus looked down at your form, your chest rising in shallow, effortful breaths, he hung up the phone and leaned down so his face was closer to you. “Me? I’m the reason that you are like this?” He asked. “You… Did… Nothing wrong.” You shrugged to answer. “You are not… obliged to love… me.” “I do love you.” Klaus answered. “I know.” You mumbled. “No you don’t, if you did you wouldn’t be like this. I love you.” Klaus confessed as he pulled you closer “you can’t leave me, not you too, not before I could show you.” He felt it first, the release of magic, then the deepest breath you had taken since he had gotten there, it scared him, he pulled away to look at you and for the first time your eyes were open, trained on his face. “You meant that?” You asked, he didn’t answer verbally, just leaned down pressing his lips to yours in a forceful kiss, one that portrayed the tension, fear and relief all at once, you smiled at him as he pulled back. “I love you too.” “Don’t ever try dying to prove it ever again.” Klaus ordered still holding you close. “Now get dressed, you're not leaving my sight but there’s a witch I need to track down.” “Klaus-” “Don’t argue with me love, or I’ll carry you out of here in what you're wearing now.” He warned you. “Alright.” You smiled as you raced to the bedroom to get dressed, he could tell that you still weren’t back to normal but you weren’t dying anymore and he’d never let you get that close to death ever again.
Requests and general question!
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crazyk-imagine · 4 months
Finding their Mate
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A/N: This feels like I wrote an entire series, but it was simple headcanons, which I've found to be oddly fun to do from time to time
After everything that happened with her aunt Dahlia and her giving up everything for her family to live their best lives (without her). Can you imagine how surprised she is to find out that you two are mates; the girl is baffled beyond baffled. She doesn't pursue you when she learns the truth. If you two are friends and she has feelings for you, she'll begin to pull away a bit which leads to you confronting her and asking why she's acting the way she is because it feels like things are weird and you don't want to deal with weird. You have a hard time making friends or finding people who can tolerate you. One awkward conversation later, you two share a kiss and are on a date. I mean, if you consider you watching her practice a spell while she tries not to blush too much as a date, there you have it
Before his mother forced this life of eternal damnation onto him even if it was due to losing his youngest brother. There is one thing he never anticipated finding... you, his mate. If anyone had told him mates were real and he would meet his soon, he'd probably think you were insane. And that's saying a lot since his life has been revolving around the supernatural since he was a child. Meeting you certainly helped him through this new life, but it didn't do much when he finds himself daggered at the hands of his brother. Knowing you were out there on your own dealing with him family drove him crazy, but he didn't know you asked to be turned to live with him (imagine his surprise when he awoke nine hundred years later and found you). After talking with you, he can't imagine living without you and thanks his lucky stars for you
When his memories came back of how he harmed Tatia, he was less enthusiastic about pursuing another female. But Davina made a friend in you (because you helped her bring Kol back) and that was the end of it. It didn't trigger that you two had met years ago until he saw the three of you enjoying breakfast together. His memories came flooding back to him and he realized that you weren't in your original body yet, hence where his younger brother got the idea to do so, trying to find the doppelgänger. You two slowly began bonding and then came the hardest time in your relationship, he lost his memories, his mind would never let him forget your face. He never knew until he and Klaus were at their end, but his brother admitted your death to him and explained that's why he has an ache in his heart. A werewolf had gotten you while you were protecting Hope. He never got to admit how sorry he was for hurting you, not until he saw you standing there, waiting for him with Hayley by your side
He didn't believe it for a second, thought it was a hoax; thought it was something the witches cooked up to blackmail him. But the more he saw you, the more his heart raced and the more his need for you grew stronger. Not to mention the fact that his wolf didn't help, the voice calling and wanting him to take you for his own so they can claim you as theirs. He knew he was dangerous and that's why he did all he could to stay away from you in the beginning when he ever so slowly begins to accept that your fates are tied to one another. There was no way he'd let you be put in danger due to his issues or because you're associated with his family. After you manage to protect Hope and yourself while defending him and his name, he thinks maybe his family wasn't lying when they said you two were fated mates, destined to be together (perfect for one another eve). He was more than hesitant to try and form a relationship with you. You had to be the one to take the step and make things right and stop the aches n both your hearts
He initially planned on using you as leverage since he knows his brother cares about you (whether it was platonic or not). But then, there was this little spark you had and not just because you managed to shock him with your powers, to escape from him and his mother. After that he knew he had to know you, someone who is genuine friends with his half-brother and can take care of themself in they ever needed to. That one hell of a keeper and there was no way he could let you go. So, yeah, he's going to try and become your friend (only after you reject him when he asks you to go out on a date). Then when Davina tried to help him return to his body, she came to you and knew you'd be able to help more than anyone because working alone isn't enough. No one, supernatural or not, cannot deny the bond between mates. You two confessed to one another once he came back from the supernatural purgatory, in his original body, and that was that
After watching her brother kill almost all her lovers and ruining any chance she had at a love life, she found it hard to believe that she was offered a chance at having someone fated to be hers. Someone her brother couldn't kill without causing her severe harm. She loves too hard and fast, she knows that, but she can't help it. Now that mates are thrown into the mix, she is a little hesitant at starting something with you, but she also knows how you are (being allies with her family helped her learn more about you). Then when her siblings find their mates and watches how happy they are, she can't help but basically run into your arms and confess that she feels the bond too and wants to start a relationship with you (and if you hate Elena, that's such a bonus for her)
When she lost her parents and her Uncle Elijah, she never imagined anything good would come into her life. Always believing herself to be cursed and imagining loads of misery would continue to come her way even as she genuinely tries to let good things into her life. Then you came into play, and she was floored. First off, you're the most good-looking person she's ever seen, Landon does not compare whatsoever. But it also is more of a reason for her hesitation when it comes to interacting with you or her just trying to get to know you. You knew right away who she was to you, another reason why you wanted to talk to her, figure out how you would fit into her life. You started to pursue her, not ready to give up even as she continuously turns you down, waiting until she'll accept you. After some time, she decided to try and have her own epic love like her parents and uncle Elijah did. She doesn't regret it
After learning the truth about her family, she didn't expect to hear that mates were a thing. Then as soon as she stepped foot in New Orleans, imagine her surprise when she met not one but two wolves who continuously looked out for her. She manages to bond with one of the two wolves right away, slightly alarmed at how easy it was to spot you in your wolf while she is out in town. Then came a full moon where she met Jackson, who may or may not, have known who the wolf was and told her, about you and your back story or the bond you two share. Unfortunately for her, you were cursed differently. Only when you find your mate on a full moon and they accept you, will you be able to turn into your human form again. She searched three moons before finding you and she thanked her bloodline for giving her someone so, well, you. You're more than she could have ever known
With everything she went through before and after learning about everything witch wise, finding a lover much less a mate was the furthest thing on her mind. After she came back from the other side and was dealing with the ancestors' punishment, you entering her life was more a blessing. Which is something she and Marcel can easily agree on. Then you put in the effort to learn about her, just as she starts to find herself, accepting everything she's done and what the other witches keep doing to her; you stay by her side is what's kept her together. She would never admit it out loud to you but ever since you had entered her life, it was more of a blessing than anyone even realized. She continues to thank her lucky stars every day once the two of you are together. You are more than she could have ever imagined, and she'll do whatever she can to protect you because there's a lot that goes on in town
After Klaus pulled his siblings out of town after the fire and the Mikaelson's thinking he was dead, losing Rebekah... he never thought he'd get the happy ending he wanted. But then, he was out at his favorite bar, trying to charm the pants off Camille (yet again) and you waltzed in, changing his life for the better. He never knew why his heart was so full and pounding so hard until Elijah told him. Finding out that mates were a thing? He was... safe to say pleased because like the man who treated him like a son always said, a king must have a queen (or king, in some cases). And you, my dear, are his royal highness lover from now until death and that could take a while. He will always do whatever he can to give you whatever you want to keep you happy and satisfied. He wants you to feel like you can rely on him for anything and everything, which kind of makes him look like a sugar daddy with all the new things he buys you
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
This is because I Love You
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Request from @sessa23 Klaus Mikealson x reader where the reader is in a relationship (or at least very very close friend) and to protect them from an enemy. Klaus compels the reader to leave mystic falls (or new Orleans) to go to another city where he has compelled and to forget about him and his family until he says otherwise.
@rosie-posie08 @colbysbrocks
Entering the witches attic I eyed Davina who I had become friends with very easily when I decided to move to New Orleans from Mystic Falls. She got to her feet talking my hands in hers. "Are you sure you want me to do this Y/n. I think it might be more painful than you think."
"I keep having this strange feeling like I should know someone. But I can’t picture whoever it was. I have to know who I think I am supposed to know, Davina. So do it.” I begged the witch sitting down on the bed waiting for her to start doing the spell. She raised her hand causing some pain to shoot through my head instantly.
Klaus and I stomped through the house both angry at each other. He halted in his tracks standing in front of the burning fireplace growling at me. “You shouldn’t have followed me out there tonight. My mother nearly killed you and she would have if I wasn’t as quick as I was.”
“I don’t want to be a damsel in distress or the girl who waits for the guy to get home, Nik. You can’t expect me to do nothing when I am falling in love with you all the while you’re mother wants to kill you. I’m choosing you and so accept that I will be lopped into all your crazy family drama regardless that I am human!” Throwing my hands away from my sides I begin to cry not ever intending on telling him I love him like this.
He vamped up to me grabbing my face in his hands sniffing through tears that was a rare thing to see from him. He would only show me his weak side otherwise to the world he was heartless. “Y/n, I can’t be forced to watch you almost die again. You are the one good and innocent thing in my life. That is so precious that I wish to tear anything a part that makes you upset. And whatever brightens your smile I want to make be possible forever. Which is why you can’t stay here, not until it’s safe…you will leave Mystic Falls and-“
“Are you seriously compelling me right now. You promised that you would never try and do that. Don't make me forget you after I just admitted I love you!" Hitting my hands against his chest he managed to snag my wrists keeping me in place.
He rested his forehead against mine sniffing through tears himself. "I know and I'm sorry. There are too many enemies of mine lurking around. I cannot afford nor will I lose you to one of them..." He held my chin in a firm but gentle grip compelling me again. "Forget me and do not remember my name until I tell you to do so."
Lowering my hands from my head I began sobbing but not from the pain that was caused anymore. Davina came over to me resting a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright. I didn't want to hurt you too bad."
"No D I'm...I'm okay." I replied back.
Someone bursts into the church from downstairs where we both went down as quickly as possible. Standing in front of my witch friend I gasped seeing a familiar set of blue eyes and dirty blonde hair with his nostrils flared as he vamped up to us. "Get out of my way girl. I have business with the witch who is holding my brother hostage!"
"I know you....Klaus Mikaelson right?" Tilting my head it all came flowing back to me meaning that her spell had worked. "Nik."
He blinked his eyes stepping closer to me but I didn't lower my arms still protecting Davina. "Y/n, how did you break my compulsion?"
"That's your first words to me after all this time. Not I'm sorry or this is the reason I did it. God, your just concerned with as to why I found someone who might be more powerful then you. Maybe it was a good thing I didn't remember you for a while. Good bye, Niklaus. Come on Davina let's leave." I began to drag the girl up the stairs until she screamed and I was gently pushed into the wall.
Klaus had his hands on either side of my head trapping me between him and the wall hearing my heart skip a beat a few times. "I did it because I love you!"
"Wait really...then why do anything to me at all. If you care then why not tell me the night I told you instead of pushing me away?" I croaked out through some tears before meeting his gaze seeing him was crying too.
"Because I need people to run at the sound of my name. I need them to fear me, Y/n. I have a thousand enemies and there may come a day when they come after the things I hold dear to my heart. I didn't want to hurt you and I have an eternity to make up for what I did. If you'll take me back. Become my Queen and rule the Quarter with me. I promise to never hurt you like I did ever again. All of this is because I love you."
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I don't know what came over me jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my waist watching my next movements until our lips met in the middle. He deepened the kiss pressing my back against the wall. Lifting my fingers through his curls I tugged on a few hearing him moan. He removed my lips from his burying his face in the crook of my neck trailing kisses. "Ohhh Nik!"
"Uh so you two are together again I take it?" Davina asked causing us to break away from each other.
He lowered my feet back onto the ground for a split second. "Yes, Harvest girl. Bur I'll be back for Elijah in a few hours."
"Nik! What are we doing?" I squealed wrapping my arms around his neck with him picking me up bridal style vamping me back until we were in his house and my back hit the bed seeing him smirking above me already shirtless.
He moved his hands down ripping my shirt in half crashing his lips onto mine hungerly. "Making up for lost time. I will never force you away again. You are my everything."
"I don't want to lose anymore time either. So after this night I want you to turn me." I declared holding his face in my hands with him running his fingers through my hair.
Ditching the rest of our clothes in the process I gasped out a moan when he pressed his lips down onto mine again. "Anything you want you shall have. For you Y/n are my queen and the keeper of my heart." Wrapping my arms around his neck the kiss instantly became heated and it remained that way for all eternity.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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rere-the-writer · 1 year
Hi I love your writing sooo much. I was wondering if you could do a Elijah and Klaus with reader ✨spicy✨ story where someone was flirting with her and they get jealous.
Let's do Poly time
Warnings: Fluff, Protective!Elijah, Protective!Klaus, Klaus being Klaus, spicy
Klaus growled lowly watching a brave young vampire flirt with you, the hybrid was having a hard time holding hisself back. Elijah had joined his brother eyes narrowed at the young vampire who was now touching you.
You were in Klaus's words, Elijah's and Klaus's human. Their girlfriend of three years after they fought over you the first two years of knowing you.
You were an innocent librarian with dark curls and beautiful eyes. You met Elijah and Klaus though Finn, you were surprised that both Originals adored you.
Both tried to get you to pick, but you couldn't choose between the two. And told them you weren't going to come between the brothers. So here you were, three years later in a happy relationship.
"That is a brave vampire." Elijah said lowly eyes darkening seeing the male touch your bare back. Klaus's glare got darker when the vampire leaned closer to you whispering something in your ear.
"That he is. Completely ignoring our marks on her." Klaus said lowly wanting nothing more than to tear the vampire from you. You had clear marks on your neck, bite marks from both Elijah and Klaus.
"Unfortunately our darling is too sweet for her own good. Shall we put an end to their conversation?"
"Yes, we shall." Klaus said heading your way with Elijah. Marcel sighed having noticed the two Originals headed over to you and the vampire you were talking to. Marcel knew that the night might end with blood spilling.
"Beloved." You jumped hearing Elijah purr in your ear while his hand replaced the vampire's on your back. You heard Klaus growl when the vampire stood straightener, challenging the two Originals.
"Eli, Nik. Meet Thomas, he is new to the city." You say feeling Elijah nuzzle your neck as Klaus moved next to you kissing your hand. Both stared at Thomas noticing right away that he was challenging them.
"Lovely to meet you both. I wasn't aware that Y/N was taken by you two." Thomas says watching you lean into your lovers touch.
"I couldn't help but notice that you were comfortably flirting with her. Clearly she was taken, the bite marks on her neck says she was already taken."
"Right....well I thought some low raking vamp had her. And I was right." Thomas said sipping his drink. You swallowed hearing your lovers growl lowly.
"Watch your tongue Thomas. Niklaus and I are Originals, show some respect." Elijah said eyes darkening and you turned placing your hands on Elijah's chest.
"Right so called creators. The first ones, I mean no disrespect but Y/N should be with someone more stronger." Thomas said smirking watching you try hard to not let Klaus tear into him.
"Brave thing to say." Elijah says lowly eyes darkening clearly angry with the vampire. You swallowed looking between the vampires hoping that Thomas won't be stupid.
"Well I am sure you would agree if you were in my shoes." Thomas said and at that moment you knew the vampire had mess up. Klaus growled slamming Thomas onto the ground while Elijah moved in front of you.
"I do not take well to disrespect from baby vampires." Klaus said lowly eyes flashing yellow. You wanted to step in to calm Klaus but Elijah held you back.
"I meant no harm. But pretty weak of you to share her with your brother if you ask me." Once those words left Thomas's lips, Klaus tore the vampire's heart out. Elijah lifted you up carrying you up stairs as Klaus glared at the vampires.
"Anyone else that challenges me or Elijah. Will end up like little Thomas." Klaus growled out and followed Elijah up stairs to your bedroom.
"That was uncalled for Nik." You tell your hybrid when Elijah placed you down. Klaus smirked watching Elijah unlace your dress.
"Was it love? Or very much called for?" Klaus said taking off his suit jacket and tie. You frowned as Elijah kissed your neck wrapping his arms around you.
"You both can't keep killing men that flirt with me." You mumbled stepping out of your dress. Elijah smiled against your skin and Klaus chuckled stepping forward rubbing your sides.
"Now love, you know that you belong to Elijah and I. Other men should learn to stay away." Klaus tells you pressing kisses on your chest then lifted you up.
"Elijah, you agree with me." You whined seeing the vampire taking off his own suit jacket and tie. Klaus moved behind you making you jump feeling his bare chest against your back.
"Sorry baby but I agree with Niklaus." Elijah says moving down between your legs. You felt heat flood your veins when Elijah's mouth on your thigh.
"You two are the worst." You tell them your voice coming out breathy. Klaus was gently biting your neck while his hand cupped your chest.
"Yet you still love us." Klaus teases you gripping your hips once Elijah reached your center. You let out a soft moan, the first of many that night.
"Nik.....Eli.." You whimpered gripping Klaus's thigh while Elijah was practically devouring you. Klaus nipped at your neck playing with your chest.
"Let's see if we can make you scream tonight, love." Klaus whispered in your ear. You flushed shivering seeing the dark smirks on your lover's faces know you were about to have a long night.
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aklaustaleteller · 4 days
heyy how are you! i have this idea that wont leave my head, the reader is scared of love and runs away from it and keeps pushing anyone that tries anything away, but klaus does everything to prove to her that his intentions are pure, and after he does with a little while, she find out about him being a hybrid (maybe she gets really scared) and he has to grovel his way into her life
Mendable Inside Your Ribs
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Y/n, all her life, had reached for love and then felt her white-knuckled dying grip on it slip. Then suddenly, Klaus comes in her life looking like the light at the end of the tunnel – and maybe, just maybe, their monsters have more in common than they originally thought.
Warnings - Mentions of animalistic urges, monstrosity, blood, wounds and bruises but it's all in a metamorphic manner (well, except for the blood) Word Count - 3.2k
Finally, Anon, I'm posting your request! I'm so sorry I took so long, but I truly hope that you find the wait worth it once you're done reading this! I could've written this in an entirely different and simpler manner, but I was already half-way through it already written it in a poetic/metamorphic way, so I hope you guys still enjoy it for I am quite proud <3 Please do tell me if you do!
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Y/n, all her life, had reached for love and then felt her white-knuckled dying grip on it slip. So many times had it happened that now she was found sat with her hair tangled, dried blood and dirt on her face and inside her nails with crooked teeth, clawing at her own skin sitting in a corner, rocking herself back and forth to comfort herself as she saw love creeping towards her with a smile so sinister that it could make shivers run down the devil’s spine. 
From her parents shaming her for wanting something so simple as love, to her romantic partners who’d always stumble a couple steps back upon realising just how hungry she was for love – how animalistic she could get just for an ounce of it. 
All of it turned her into a person as cold as a tombstone standing over a dead person’s grave, unfeeling and unmoving.
But when she would feel, it felt like her own heart was pushing her head under the water, holding her in there until she had only one more breath left in her. It made her want to snarl and to hiss, to bite and to claw at the person who made her heart leap out of her chest. 
Which would then make her turn and run the other way as fast as her feet could carry her, back to the corner where she belonged. Sometimes she would raise her head and look at the walls inside of her, reading the numbers she had madly tally-marked on them to keep track of just how many days she had kept herself chained there. And somewhere along the passing time, she’d begun defeatedly losing count.
Yet as she sat in that very corner and raised her head this time, she saw something bright. Almost like a light at the end of the tunnel. So she’d gotten forward on her hands and moved on her knees, curiosity pulling her forward until she reached the border which she’d have to cross to get to the other side. 
And that’s when she saw him standing there – Klaus Mikaelson. Smiling down upon her like she was the cutest lamb he’d ever come across, instead of falling backwards because he actually saw the love-hungry animal that she was. 
So, she had taken it upon herself to back off, and ran away from him. But horror crept over her and held her tight when she saw that he had followed her back inside, back to her corner where she resided. 
“Love,” she heard him whisper as he brought his open hands in front of him, wanting her to place her own calloused ones in them and come with him. 
But she never did, always turning away with a growl so that he’d leave. But every time she’d look his way to check if he’d finally left, she’d find him still standing there, with that same smile and those same open arms. 
“Go away, Klaus,” she said coldly, looking away so her dead eyes wouldn’t have to witness hurt flash through his starry eyes. 
He wanted nothing more than for her to see herself the way he saw her. Wanted for her to know that he was the one who’s undeserving of her love, actually. He was the animal here, not her.
But she profusely denied all of his pleas and begs, holding herself strictly uptight so that she wouldn’t fall into pieces upon him and crush him under the weight of all her grief, anger and tragedy. 
He just couldn't seem to get through to her, no matter how hard he tried. So he just decided to remain persistent, and show her how truly pure his intentions are via small acts. Like buying her gifts that he knew would matter to her, such as those small plants that never grow, or random postcards that he knew she put up on her walls, or books that he’d annotated for her to get her to take a glimpse into the way he saw her.
But sometimes, those acts got rather intimate. Like that time he brushed her hair for her for a week long when she had broken her wrist, or that night when he took her feet in his lap to massage them gently after she’d given her best performance on stage. Hell he’d even gone as far as to cook for her on especially hard nights so that he could feed her his love. 
And maybe he was just growing delusional now, but he was beginning to feel like she was taking down her walls around him brick by brick. She no longer glared at him with those ice cold eyes when he would enter into a close proximity to her, nor did she sneer at him to go away. 
Instead, he saw her eyes grow a little wider when he’d enter the same room as her, the dead stare tucking itself away for other people as some life took a dive in her eyes. And he heard a lullaby in her voice when she’d greet him back, her body turned towards him and eyes on him to give him all of her attention.
That’s how he knew that he had brought her away from that corner and back to the very border, again. And he also knew that he now had to tread carefully so that she wouldn’t go back, tumbling away from him. 
And Klaus didn’t know if the Salvatore brothers telling her all about the supernatural world, about who The Klaus Mikaelson was, was his fault or not. 
But what he did blame himself for, was for lowering his guard when he’d brought her just one step away from crossing the border and loosened his grip on her because the moment she was told about his past, not only did she go fumbling back but she also left crescent moons dug in his shoulders from when she’d been shaking him, sobbing loudly and crying out for him to tell her that all of it wasn’t true.
But Klaus couldn’t lie to her, so he’d stood frozen with tears spilling from his eyes as she ran back to her corner, tally-marking another day after so long that her eyes had taken a moment to adjust to the darkness that surrounded her again, this time, more like an evilly laughing capturer instead of holding her in it’s arms like a pitiful mother. 
Y/n awoke this morning with her eyes puffed up, it happened every time she went to sleep exhausted out of her mind. And as the flashes of last night began reeling through her mind again, her eyes grew moist and her vision grew blurry while she climbed down the stairs to go into the kitchen. 
Grabbing a glass of water she chugged it down, leaning over the sink and mumbling to herself that everything was fine, that she was fine. Her eyes remained shut but tears slipped out regardless, sniffling sounds echoing through her house as she tried not to retain any of the information that had been dumped on her. 
“He’s a …hybrid,” Stefan had said, looking at her through his lashes like he was talking to a child about how tooth fairies aren’t real.  
“And what’s that?” She asked, a feeling in her gut telling her that it was, in no way, a sweet creature. 
“He’s half vampire, and half werewolf,” Damon finished saying behind her. 
Breath was knocked out of her lungs at that. She’d always had her suspicions about some certain people surrounding her, like Stefan and Damon themselves, but never once had she felt anything remotely scary when Klaus would stand in front of her. 
Perhaps it was because of his big starry eyes, and those unruly blonde curls that he kept trimmed for some reason. Or those dimples that would shy away from her gaze and that mouth which would always stretch into a smile upon her sight. Or, those hands that held her so gingerly, and those feet that held the weight of her body as he carried her home. 
And maybe it was the fact that he’d never once told her about this himself, that hurt the worse. He had lied to her, or kept the truth from her, dare she say to defend his honour. But it felt like a punch square in the chest when she learned about the blood that stained his hands, his clothes, his face and his mouth. 
Despite that horrifying revelation, she had run straight to his home and shouted at him to come outside. And the moment he had, she was pushing and shoving at him, putting her hands on his shoulders and shaking him, crying – “tell me they are lying! Tell me that you aren’t what they say you are, that you have no blood on your hands!” 
“Tell me!” She had broken down, resting her head on his chest as she let out the sobs. 
“Tell me this wasn’t your intention!” She shook him again and Klaus had opened his mouth to agree with her, but she had fallen to her knees then, looking up at him with tears staining her cheeks and blood swirling in her eyes. 
“Please don’t take me home,” she had told him despite the hot tears streaming down her face and fog settling in her mind. “I can never go home now,” she whispered, scared. 
Home was something that was supposed to be a constant in one's life, that one returned to every single day. And there hadn’t been anything like that for her until Klaus. And now that the shelter of his frame had been uprooted and thrown away, cold rain scraped at her skin all over again as she scrambled around to find her corner to go back to. 
She didn’t want that corner to be her home but time and time again, it was proven to her that it was – whether she liked that or not. 
Taking deep breaths to gather herself, Y/n went back up to her room to get ready for the day – knowing that all she was going to do was read and write and water her dying plants and maybe bake some biscuits that she was never going to get Klaus to taste now. 
And just as she came back to make her first cup of tea, she heard a hissing sound and turned to see a paper that had been folded into half. It had been slipped in through the crack underneath the door. 
She picked it up and opened it, immediately recognising Klaus’ handwriting. 
I know I’ve wounded you deeply by keeping who I truly am from you. But spending so much time with you, I’d somehow mistaken myself to be just the Klaus Mikaelson that you saw. I'm the one who’s wrong at that part, forgive me for it. I never meant to lie to you, perhaps, I was waiting for the right time. But it’s never the right time, is it? I’ve learned that now. 
And while I’m sure the brothers told you enough, I’d still like to introduce myself to you all over again. This time, by laying all my defences down. I should’ve said it then and there, but something came over me and I couldn’t form words. But I hope you’d believe me when I tell you that hurting you was not my intention – it’s something far far away from what I truly do intend. 
My family is hosting a traditional ball tonight. Please save this sick lover of yours a dance. And, you need not fret for I have brought you a dress, come outside? 
Yours truly,
A deep weight rested itself on top of Y/n’s chest as she slowly walked towards her door, and opened it. She’d been expecting to see Klaus, but instead there was a box on her porch with a silk bow resting on top of it. She sat down and brought it to her lap, opening it to reveal a blue dress, folded neatly inside the box. 
She knew she was going – there was no doubt about that. But what did gnaw at her, was the chance of what would happen when she’d get there. She wanted to accept the feeling that told her he wouldn't hurt her. And yet, a tremor coursed through her body as she sat and sipped on her tea, waiting for the evening to roll around. 
She wanted for him to unleash himself and show her who he truly is, so that she can love him for him. She didn’t want to fall in love with just his bruised upper skin – no. She wanted to get to know him, inside and out. Wanted to know what his guts found intimidating and what his soul found peaceful. 
But if he wasn’t going to show her that, then nothing could ever make her clean herself up and rid herself of all the wounds that had been inflicted upon her, so that she doesn’t bleed on him from the cut that he didn’t inflict. She had a feelling that maybe, just maybe – there monsters had more in common than they thought they had. 
There must be a reason behind the blood tainting his skin, perhaps, it was thrust upon him for all she knew! Maybe he didn’t want to be the monster that he had been turned into. 
And if that’s true, Y/n wondered if she would still want to unravel him if it turned out that he was just a monster that had no other driving force apart from some personal fun. 
So she dressed herself up for the night. Prepared to listen to him and ask him questions if he wouldn’t have answered them already in his explanation. 
Entering the mansion that she always ran far away from, Y/n took a huge breath before wandering her eyes around to search for the one and only. And It didn’t take long before their eyes locked, with him already looking at her with rather guilty eyes and a relieved smile for she had shown up. 
Walking to her, Klaus took in a shaky breath as he fixed his suite. He was nervous, hell, scared even. Honestly, terrified that tonight might be the final time he would see her and the final memory he’d have of her would be of her sprinting away from him for she couldn’t bear the sight of the ugly monster he had ended up growing into. 
“You came,” Klaus smiled, looking at her with those same starry eyes except tonight they were shining because of the sheen layer of tears glossing them up. 
“You asked me to,” she shrugged faintly, her mouth cold to sight but her eyes were big and almost smiling up at him. 
With her hand still in his’ from when he had bent down to kiss the back of it, Klaus walked her over to the vacant balcony – nothing to witness the tragedy but the sky that had itself gotten dressed in its best constellations and ornament, the moon.
Klaus wanted to believe his heart when it told him that she would listen to him and try to love him, but his head’s juxtaposition was not gentle. It prepared him for the worst, reminding him of how no one had ever loved him before, and no one would now. For all that was true, he had only gotten worse over time. 
“To hurt you, was never my intention,” he whispered, his big eyes looking into hers. 
“It is true that I am a Hybrid – a vampire and a werewolf. It is also true that I’m covered in blood from head to toe, from my bones to my skin, I am drenched in it.”
His legs were growing jittery and breathing was becoming harder to do than it should be. But his hold on her hand only tightened, tears collecting on his bottom lash line. 
“It is true that I am a monster. One with a heart that doesn’t beat and a soul that feasts upon the love it never gets,” with his free hand, Klaus wiped the tear as it slipped down the slope of his cheek. 
She only stood still in front of him, urging him with her eyes to go on. Her own breathing ragged as she began seeing him and listening to him
“But I need you to know, before you leave tonight,” his voice shook as he stole his eyes from hers for a second to gain back his courage, as all of it had been spent the moment he mentioned her inevitable departure. “That I would never hurt you, I never can, hurt you,” he assured her, searching her eyes for anything. 
“I truly am in love with you. And I will take forever to show you that if that’s what you’ll ask of me,” bringing her hand to his chest, he rested it there. “I want you to lay yourself bare in front of me so that I can show you that even your ugliest is loved by me,” he whispered.
“Say something, please,” he almost cried, his voice cracked, not having anticipated her departure to come so soon. 
“I –,” Y/n began, her voice hoarse due to not having used it for so long. “I think I can love you, Klaus,” she uttered, looking away from his eyes, fearing that he was going to deny her heart upon realising just how ugly and bruised and beaten it is.
Upon the realisation that sure, her insides are a million colours – but they are all shades of blue. 
And when the deafening silence got too much for her to bear, she turned away from him to make a run back home. 
But her hand felt to have gotten caught in something and she was pulled right back, into a hard and vulnerable chest as her mouth felt something soft press itself hardly against it. 
Klaus’ mouth. 
His mouth was on hers and one of his hands was curled against the back of her neck while the other cradled her face with force. 
Everything inside of her erupted into flames as she tilted her face to better mould it against his’, and fisted the curls on the nape of his neck, pushing him further into her while bending her back to accept the force. 
“Say it again,” he breathed, breaking the kiss and resting his forehead on hers, his tears slipping from his eyes and falling onto her cheeks. 
“I think,” she exhaled sharply, trying to catch her breath while her eyes remained stuck on his mouth. “I think I can love you,” she confessed again, instantly moving her lips in sync with his’ as he kissed her desperately, finally. 
“My heart – it is shabby and broken but it’s already yours,” she choked out. “And it’s only mendable inside your ribs,” her shoulders shook as she cried, now fisting the shirt of his collar to keep him close to her. 
“My love, your heart – it, it is safe with me,” he breathed with her, trying to calm his racing heart down. “And my heart will forever beat on your command,” sniffling, he tucked her hair behind her ear, gently lifting her face to seal his confession by breathing in her breath and letting her take away his’ as he pressed his mouth against hers, once again. 
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calummss · 1 year
Infect Me With Your Lovin, Fill Me With Your Poison | Klaus Mikaelson
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summary: you have rejected klaus mikaelson a few more than once, even if he charmed you. when you find out that klaus slept with hayley, jealousy overcomes you and makes you snap at the hybrid who in return gets exactly what he wants
pairing: fem! reader x klaus mikaelson
words: 2.7k
a/n: please listen to this song whilst reading if you can!! life changing
tw: sexy vampire x hybrid smut (blood, kinky sexy) 18?+ smut BUT i can’t write smut well so i wrote some stuff and as everyone knows by now, self interpreted ending :)
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‘Where have you been?’ Caroline asked as soon as you entered the back garden of the Mikaelson house, her eyes telling you that she was already fed up.
‘Dreading to come actually,’ you rolled your eyes, immediately snatching Caroline’s planner chart to see what had to be done by today.
Apparently Klaus and his siblings wanted to host some kind of ball and asked Caroline to help, and Caroline being Caroline couldn’t say no. Not only that but she also dragged you into today’s schedule because Klaus had a soft spot for you and thought you could protect her from him, and there was the other reason being that you also loved planning and organising.
‘Caroline, those blue flowers are so ugly…are you seriously going to use them?’ You judged her as she gave you the same look back.
‘Yes,’ she beamed sarcastically, ‘Morning glories are pretty.’
You cleared your throat.
‘Well maybe you should’ve been there when we discussed everything today.’
‘Caroline, please.’ You breathed, silently enjoying the banter. ‘I was not hating…just, you know, judging.’
‘Then stop.’ She snapped, taking back her chart and started to walk towards the terrace where Tyler and Matt tried to detangle pairs of fairy lights.
Chuckling at the two, you observed the scenery in front of you. Flowers in full bloom, greenery as wide as the eye could see as well as a pond that served as a home to multiple ducks. But at the bridge that led to a gazebo that stood on a small hill, you saw Hayley and Klaus talking. They were too far away to eavesdrop but you could tell that she kept smiling at him. You have rejected Klaus Mikaelson more than a few times, even if he charmed you. You just weren’t quite ready to date the most evil villain in supernatural history, but seeing Klaus with Hayley made you clench your teeth.
‘Oh my, I’m so sorry.’ A girl bumped into you with a box Caroline most likely sent her to another location of the house.
‘Watch where you’re going.’ You scoffed, defensively squaring up.
‘I apologise.’ She murmured, her eyes quickly glancing left to right.
‘And I said watch where you are going.’ You stepped closer, so close that you could lean forward to compel her. ‘I want you to go home and write down 100 reasons why you’ll never be worth anything.’
The girl left just as Caroline approached you with an angry look on her face.
‘What was that?’ She kept her eyes on her.
‘I compelled her to leave.’
‘We need help here. Hello? I mean we only have a few hours left!’
‘She was useless Caroline.’ You stated, letting your head fall back. ‘I’ll do whatever she has to do.’
‘You better,’ her white teeth smiled at you.
‘By the way,’ you straightened yourself, staring back into the distance where Hayley and Klaus were still talking about god knows what. ‘Why is that wolf girl smiling at Klaus like she owes him just that?’ You shot back one of the champagne glasses that stood on the table, quickly wiping a drop with your sleeve.
‘You haven’t heard,’ Caroline raised her eyebrows, she too now staring at the two of them. ‘Tyler’s bitchy werewolf friend Hayley slept with Klaus. Don’t ask why, I wouldn’t know how that happened.’
‘So why does she keep smiling at him?’
‘Maybe she fell for him.’
Somehow hearing that made you uneasy, like you wanted to rip her heart from her chest.
‘Why?’ Caroline smirked, turning to face you. ‘Jealous?’
‘What?’ You snapped back.
‘Oh come on, Klaus has been practically drooling over you and you kept pushing him away. I’d say you’re jealous because maybe he moved on.’
‘He didn’t move on,’ You grabbed another glass.
‘You say that so confidently.’
‘He sent me a dress to wear tonight,’ you took a sip, ‘a pink one. He knows my favourite colour is pink…he still likes me. Even asked me for a dance.’
‘So are you going to give him a chance?’
You kept your eyes on Hayley who had just put her hand on Klaus’ arm, throwing herself onto him hidden by a violent laugh.
Shooting back the second glass you walked past Caroline.
‘I’m going to get more decorations from inside the house.’
‘They’re in one of the backrooms!’ Caroline shouted from behind as you walked into the house to get away from anything Klaus and Hayley related. The thought of them having sex made your stomach churn. But it also sparked a flame from within; hatred; jealousy? You were pretty sure you were jealous you just didn’t want to admit it just yet.
Walking into a room you were greeted by many cardboard boxes that were filled to the brim with all sorts of decorations. Some where definitely for Christmas, others for Easter. Grabbing a garland you tried pulling it out but it didn’t budge. Repeatedly you tried to get it out, tons of ornaments refusing to move under the massive amounts of other stuff.
‘Why won’t this come out!’ You sneered, ripping part of it off and throwing it at the wall.
‘There there, love,’ Klaus’ voice caught you by surprise, turning around to see him leaning against the door frame. ‘I don’t know what that poor garland did to you but certainly it couldn’t have hurt you that much.’
‘What do you want?’, you scoffed, once again trying to get that bloody garland out but it would just not move.
‘Why do I have the feeling that you have been ignoring me, love?’
‘I don’t know, have I?’
‘Come on,’ Klaus stepped further into the room, arrogance dripping down his shoulders. ‘It’s rude not to let me know why…’
You turned around to face him, your body starting to feel warm. ‘Why don’t you go back to Hayley hm?’
‘So this is about Hayley? I suppose Caroline told you. You two seemed pretty close just moments ago.’
‘So it’s true then? You slept with her?’
‘Shouldn’t I have?’ He cocked his head, his devilish smirk adding to the rising warmth within.
You stayed quiet and instead turned around to face your luck once more.
‘Does it bother you?’
‘No it doesn’t bother me,’ you grabbed ahold of the decoration once more. ‘You can fuck whomever you want to, Klaus. Just leave me alone and go back to fucking her, why-the-fuck-won’t-this-stupid-decoration-come-out!’
‘You’re jealous.’ Klaus chuckled, you could hear it in his voice how amused he was.
‘I’m not. You go back to that little slut of yours and leave me alone.’ You stepped closer.
‘I have fancied you for months so now when I sleep with someone you suddenly seem to care…why?’
‘Okay fine, Klaus,’ your hand fell over your face, bile starting to rise in your throat. ‘I care. I am so angry at you for sleeping with Hayley when you should’ve fucked me!’
Klaus continued to smirk, his eyes glistening. Somewhat happy that you finally had exploded and accepted that you actually had like him for longer.
‘First of all, love,’ he came even closer, his chest so close you could almost feel his heartbeat through your chest. ‘I wouldn’t just fuck you, I would worship you.’
‘Is that what you told Hayley?’ You gazed into his eyes, his lips so close you could almost taste him.
‘Barely did any talking.’ Klaus’ nose brushed against your, ‘I thought of you whilst I was inside of her,’
‘That doesn’t exactly make a girl swoon,’ A suppressed laugh escaped your lips, breaking eye contact before Klaus’ finger pushed your head back up at him.
‘Let’s not pretend that you don’t love it, Y/n,’ he said sturn. ‘Why keep this wall up of yours.’
You raised your eyebrows.
‘Come on, darling. You love that the bad guy has a soft spot for you.’ He chuckled. ‘No one’s going to judge you for wanting to sleep with me…maybe even more.’
His lips came closer and closer, both hands already cupping your face. You really wanted to kiss him. You really did.
Heat arose from your stomach to your chest. His lips were getting closer and your heart skipped a beat. His dark blue eyes sparked with sin as his eyes didn’t leave your gaze. Your heart pounded in your chest as your knees got weaker. The empty void that filled the space between your bodies was filled with his presence as he stepped even closer. Your whole body tingled, the feeling of his frame leaning on yours, as his arms wrapped around you felt nearly forbidden. His lips brushed against yours, softly, delicately, like you were a porcelain figure, one crack away from falling to pieces and being broken forever. Seconds later the gap was closed. His hands cupped your face as his lips crashed into yours, lips plump and smooth against your own. His arms found themselves to your back, pulling you closer than was possible—you also wanted to be closer to him. You could only focus on how soft he felt against your lips, how addictively he invaded all your senses.
You pushed away from him before he could indulge once more as you hastily pulled back from the kiss.
‘We shouldn’t do this. This is a terrible idea.’ Your thoughts scattered across the floor, breathing heavily.
‘You’re right . . . Want to do it again?‘
Barely a sound escaped you before he cupped your face again, kissing you more forcefully than before; your arms finding their way to his neck, making sure you wouldn’t fall from the force he was impacting you with. His arms were around your lower back, pulling you towards his torso. Your hands had found his hair that you had secretly been dreaming of tugging since the moment you saw. Not breaking the kiss you went to one of the bedrooms just next door, closing it before resuming the kiss.
You parted your lips, urging him to open his, moaning into his mouth. Dragging his lips against your cheek up to your ear, his hand found your face again, his thumb pulling down your bottom lip, breaking the kiss again, your eyes meeting, now under different circumstances.
You tore off his shirt, gently stroking his chest as he pulled of your trousers and shirt as you kissed him again. His tongue pushing past yours, his hands at the back of your head pushing you further into his kiss.
You played with his belt, trying to unbuckle it as he clipped off your bra leaving you in only your panties. Your fingers continued to brush against the light stubble on his lower abdomen when he suddenly broke the kiss, his eyes darkening as his lip curled almost devilishly.
Klaus walked over to the door, ‘Do you get turned on listening to people have sex, Hayley?’, and swiftly opened the door to reveal Hayley whose eyes were wide with shock, taken aback by having been found.
Klaus pulled Hayley into the room by the collar of her jeans jacket, locking the door to ensure that no other person would interrupt again.
‘I didn’t mean to.’ She said, barely audible as the shame started to settle in, her fingers playing with the hair tie around her wrist. ‘I won’t tell anyone.’
‘We don’t care if anyone knows about us, love.’ Klaus drawled, rolling his eyes.
Hayley’s eyes met yours before they visibly travelled down to your naked chest that already bore red spots from Klaus’ foreplay.
‘You are interrupting.’ You said coldly, almost hissing as you felt the annoyance rise in you, your fingernails digging into your palms as you tried to control yourself.
Klaus gazed at you then back at Hayley.
‘Now what do we do with you,’
‘I want her dead, Klaus.’ Monotone. You could only stare at her, your mind filling with images of every way you could ensure to stop her beating heart.
He chuckled. ‘You hear that little wolf? My darling girl wants you dead…,’ his hands grabbed Hayley’s shoulders and squared them with his. ‘And everything my girl wants she gets.’ Klaus looked directly into her eyes. ‘Stand here and don’t move.’
He moved her hair from her neck, ‘Fancy a drink, love?’
You stepped towards Hayley, your eyes filling with lust as your teeth finally pierced through her delicate skin. The thick sweet taste of werewolf blood coating your tongue as you felt an euphoric rush travel through your veins. You could feel the life drain out of her body as shallow breaths of dying filled your ears. Glimpsing over at Klaus who also had his teeth buried into her neck, you noticed that he already had been staring at you.
Blood started to drip down the corners of your mouth, falling onto your chest, nipples hardening in arousal. The warm blood messily smearing over your naked body. Taking your index finger, you collected some of the blood and placed it on your tongue, closing your mouth around it as you sucked it off, your eyes never leaving his.
Klaus pushed Hayley’s dead body to the ground, clenching his jaw. You stood inches apart, your nose picking up the scent of blood mixed with his cologne.
Seconds later the gap was closed again. His hands cupped your face as his lips crashed into yours. His arms found themselves back at your back, pulling you closer.
‘If only I had known how twisted you really are,’
Your eyes found his; chest rising and falling heavily waiting for him to finish his sentence.
‘I would’ve fucked you sooner.’ Klaus smirked, pulling you in for one more heated kiss before he pulled away. His breath sent shivers down your spine, raising goosebumps on every available patch of skin that was naked to the open.
Your breath hitched when you suddenly felt his mouth on your tits. He started to trace long slow licks; licking of the blood. His right hand found its way to your other breast, massaging it thoroughly and pinching your hardened nipple. You bit your lower lip closing your eyes as you felt your heart beat outside of your chest, your cunt aching from between your thighs, soft moans escaping your blood stained lips.
‘God you are so beautiful.’
‘Fuck,’ you hissed, his tongue starting to flick your nipples as your fingers buried themselves his his hair. Gently tugging it.
Your hands fell to his face bringing him to your face, and forcefully kissed him again, the sight of him being covered in blood sending heat waves down to cunt, feeling that your panties were already soaked. Your arms found their way to his neck, to make sure you wouldn’t fall from the force he was impacting you with. His arms were around your lower back, pulling you towards his body.
‘She tastes good but you would taste better,’
He pushed your body onto the bed, ripping off your panties as a long lick from your hole to your clit made you arch your back. His finger parted your lips and started to explore your already wet cunt, his teeth biting the thin skin of your inner thighs.
‘We barely started and you're soaked? Just for me,’ he chuckled. ‘And here I thought you hated me. Turns out you’ve just been fighting me?’ You closed your eyes and turned your head to the side, difficulty concentrating as he started to push his tongue deeper into you. Slowly he began to pump his fingers out of you, too slow for your liking. Your hands grasped his wrist, nails digging into his skin, asking for more.
‘Not satisfied darling?’ He cocked at you.
You could only concentrate on the pleasure you were receiving, and whimpered out a no. You barely had time to take another breath before he reattached his mouth to your aching cunt.
‘Fuck!’ You yelled out, grabbing a fistful of his dark hair. A deep moan escaped his lips, sending vibrations through your body. He added another finger going even faster than his previous pace, curling his fingers, hitting your spot perfectly.
He continued to pump his fingers in and out of you, making you cry out in euphoria. With every forceful hit you felt your orgasm draw nearer and nearer. It felt like a knot inside of your stomach was going to explode any second which Klaus started to notice. Just before you could release your screams, he pulled out his digits and grinned.
‘Please make me cum,’ You whimpered out desperately.
Klaus’ lips hovered over yours, giving you a taste of yourself as you caught his lips. ‘With time, love.’
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Being an original would include:
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Under the cut because it got too long!! This turned out fairly Kol centric, which I’m really happy about as he’s one of my favourite tvd/to characters. Parts of this aren’t exactly Klaus friendly. You’ve been warned. Let me know what you think, because I’m tossing up whether to do a part 2. 😊
Child. Sibling. Witch. Original. Monster. Mikaelson.
You’ve had many names throughout history.
But you prefer Y/N.
You’re Kol’s younger twin, born minutes after him. You’re inseparable as children, rarely seen apart from each other.
You know how he thinks and he can understand you with a look, which makes you closer to each other than the rest of your family.
‘Always and forever’ never applied to either of you. Instead you had ‘Us against the world’, an unspoken promise that was made with clasped hands, pats on the back and little smiles that you tried to hide from your siblings.
You both tapped into your magic early, spending days with your mother and Ayana as they taught you the principles of magic. The feeling of your skin buzzing as your first spell succeeded remains one of your favourite memories.
Life is hard in the 10th century, but your siblings are a bright spot that keep you going.
You stopped thinking of your parents with any affection after they created the ritual.
After waking up without the familiar feeling of magic crawling in your veins and an overwhelming urge for blood that can’t be quenched, the horror of what you have become dawns on you.
You were the one to witness Nik murder Esther. Part of you is angry that he did it first. When you hear him lie about Mikael being the murderer, you let the matter be and privately tell Kol the truth.
He shares your animosity for your biological creators, so the truth won’t pass his lips either.
Klaus never realised that you both knew.
You come and go among your family. After spending the first century together, you and Kol start visiting different covens.
On one trip, you met the love of your life. His name was Paolo, a member of a famous witch family in Italy.
You adored him with every bone in your body. And, by some miracle, he loved you too.
He didn't want to become a vampire, so you spent the rest of his life together.
The plague took him after nearly 20 years together. You nursed him throughout his illness.
He made you promise to keep your heart open and to find happiness again. You reluctantly agreed, swearing it again and again every time he asked.
When he finally died, Kol was the only family member you contacted. He stood beside you as Paolo was buried. He helped you grieve.
Your grief resulted in you and Kol creating a bloodbath in Eastern Europe, that was later thought to be a plague outbreak.
It's the first time Nik daggered you.
It wouldn't be the last.
Paolo stayed a secret between you and your twin. You never tell the others.
And as the centuries passed, you found yourself loving again.
There was Stanislav, Alice, Margarita and Magnus. All of them were special in their own way.
But you still keep the ring Paolo gave you hidden in a box that goes everywhere with you.
Your history is filled with stories of empires and kingdoms won and lost because of your schemes and plots.
It's better to be the power behind the throne instead of the one wearing the crown.
You've been an advisor to Emperors, Queens, nobles and some of the brightest minds in history.
But Klaus' paranoia and Elijah's constant catering to his whims means the time you spend in your coffin gets longer and longer.
You secretly alerted Mikael to your family's presence in Cadiz in 1702. The speed of his arrival startled you, but you all managed to escape.
It's the only secret you've kept from Kol.
You spend the next 2 centuries befriending New Orleans’ witch community.
Although opinions on your family remain divided, there’s a general consensus that Y/N Mikaelson is one of the more reasonable members of the family to be approached if one finds themselves in need of aid.
Witches soon learn that you’re happy to be drawn into discussions on different types of magic and if a witch is clever enough, they might be taught a spell from one of your many personal grimoires that you’ve collected across the centuries.
Your relationship with your family remains cordial, but you find it hard at times to swallow your resentment for them.
You can trust Elijah with any matter that doesn’t involve Klaus.
You like Rebekah but you don’t trust her with anything beyond superficial matters because she’ll go running to your older brothers at the first sign of discontent.
You love Nik, but you can’t stand the person he’s become after so many centuries. Sometimes you catch glimpses of the boy he was, but these days, he’s more Klaus than Nik. You don’t trust him at all.
You know about Kol’s war against Klaus, but you won’t get involved. If it had happened 300 years earlier you would’ve been scheming right beside your twin, but your time being daggered and watching Klaus’ descent in paranoia has left you skeptical about the chances of success. You warn Kol once about the possible consequences before staying silent on the matter.
The only secret Kol ever kept from you is just how close he got to creating a dagger for your dear older brother.
You barely escape New Orleans after Christmas in 1914. Kol is daggered and put back in his much hated coffin, but Klaus remains convinced that you’re involved in the scheme too. You’re saved from a similar fate by an ally of Klaus’, a witch who owes you a debt after you saved her child’s life five years earlier.
The next ninety years are spent in far-flung corners of the world. You know how to keep a low profile and there’s no bloody way you’re going back into a coffin.
It’s not all bad though. Time spent with an Estonian coven gave you a soul link with Kol. Although his body remains in his coffin, his ghost is living life beside you.
However this has limits. You have to be carrying something special to your brother (a ring he had taken from a King six hundred years earlier) and it only works if you’re in the same country as his physical body. You soon resign yourself to staying in the same country as Klaus, but your network of supernatural contacts keeps you abreast of his movements.
You finally feel safe enough to make contact with Klaus after he completes his transformation.
‘Congratulations on finally achieving your life’s goal. Hope it was everything you hoped it would be. Maybe we can do a family reunion soon with all our siblings, xoxo’
You also send a selfie of you “celebrating on his behalf” in an LA bar with drinks and compelled partygoers.
Of course you flee the city after messaging him because you’re not ready to be found just yet.
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nmikaelsonimagines · 2 years
Glass Half Full: A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Request from Anon: Hey I love your imagines and was hoping you could do one where Klaus goes to the grill and the new bartender is who is super sweet until customers become rude in anyway with and he is amazed with her but they get off on the wrong foot please and thank you!🖤🖤🖤
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
Remember to submit your quote and your favourite imagine for Imagine 200 here x
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To most people, Klaus presumed, she would be seen as quiet and unassuming. A small town girl, probably, with a knack for good customer service, her mind full of big dreams, only having taken this job to pay off her student loans. They probably wouldn’t take any notice of her large eyes, of the intensity of the smile she gave customers, of the lilt in her voice when she asked the patrons of the Mystic Grill what they wanted.
To most people, Klaus presumed, the new bartender was a glass half full kind of girl. But he knew better than anyone that there was always more to a person than first met the eye.
It wasn’t long until he was proved right.
Klaus had been finding excuses to the visit the Grill for about a week now. He was pretty sure his siblings thought he was on his way to becoming a pertinent alcoholic – he was also pretty sure that particular train had been boarded about eight centuries ago. Not that he cared what they thought – again another train that had been boarded a few hundred years ago.
All he cared about was discovering what was hidden behind the beautiful smile of the woman behind the bar. Y/N, according to her name tag.
Y/N always had a smile on her face when she dealt with customers, was always kind, had even smiled at Klaus a few times as she poured him his seventh – or maybe it was his ninth – Bourbon. It was endearing, Klaus admitted, but he was waiting. Waiting for the moment she would snap. Klaus had a tendency for noticing the darkness lurking in a person, and Y/N reeked of it.
He sat up as he noticed a rather indignant-looking man approach the bar. Here we go.
“Is there a problem, sir?” Y/N’s voice was as sweet as ever, sliding over Klaus like syrup.
“We’ve been waiting half an hour for our food. Where is it?”
“I’m sorry sir, I’m a bartender, not a waitress. But I’ll – ”
“You’ll what? It doesn’t matter what you are, you’re here to serve. So do it.”
Klaus watched as Y/N seemed to consider the man’s point. It reminded him of himself – the way he would contemplate just how to deal with people who annoyed him. It usually resulted in death, but Klaus had a feeling it wouldn’t end that way with Y/N.
But it would be just as exciting.
Again, it wasn’t long until he was proved right.
“You’re right, sir. I’m so sorry. Let me just – ” And with that, Y/N picked up the cocktail she had been mixing, and poured it over the man’s head. Klaus couldn’t stop himself from laughing, just as the unfortunate customer called Y/N something unseemly.
As Klaus got his breath back, he watched as the man lunged for Y/N. Using his preternatural speed, he was over there in an instant, grabbing the man’s arm. “I wouldn’t do that, mate.”
“And who are you? Her boyfriend?” Klaus didn’t answer, and let go of the man who glared at both of them. “Well, good luck with a woman like that.”
Klaus watched him leave, before turning to Y/N. “Are you okay?”
He didn’t know what he was expecting, but whatever it was, it was much nicer in his head than what he got.
“I didn’t need your help. I swear to God, I’m sick and tired of men thinking they can either insult me or need to run to my rescue.” Y/N untied her apron and slammed it on the bar. “Someone tell my boss I came over ill and I’ve gone home,” she said to no one in particular.
Well, that was unexpected.
Klaus paused for a moment, before following her. He found her against the back wall of the Grill, head between her knees. “At the risk of repeating myself, are you okay?”
Y/N looked up at him, and glared. If reaching out to her was to be a challenge, then Klaus welcomed it. He continued. “I think we got off on the wrong foot. I’m sorry if I offended you, those weren’t my intentions. In fact, I think your act of aggression in there proved that you definitely didn’t need my help.”
Y/N looked at him. “I’m sorry too. It just gets too much sometimes, you know. I only took this job to pay off college fees, and I thought I’d try and make the best of it. Glass half full and all that. And then you just get people like that who think they can treat you like crap, and it gets to you. Sorry again.” She held out her hand. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
Klaus took her hand and smiled. “Klaus.”
“Can I get you a free drink to apologise for being such an asshole?”
“Well, that would be nice. But maybe at a different bar.”
Y/N didn’t know why she had felt the need to make it up to Klaus, nor did she know why she ended up telling him her entire life story over a few whiskies. In fact, she wouldn’t know the answer until a few years later when, after dating for quite a while, he bent down on one knee and asked her to marry him.
Klaus, on the other hand, started to believe that maybe he should start looking at life from a different perspective. Glass half full, and all that.
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