#The idea just wouldn't leave my brain
kettouryuujin · 2 years
Reverse Inheritance
[Set in @ailingwriter's Post-Rus AU]
“Sorry about that!”
“It’s alright…” Palina sighed, slowly walking through Jubilife Village, being careful to not step on or through anything important. Rebuilding was going at a decent pace, and she was - “Look out!” - getting by rather well.
Except for the size.
Everyone had shrunk down after Akari had gone to see Arceus (who was apparently the actual Almighty Sinnoh), except for her. Everyone had gotten smaller and weaker, when she hadn’t. And as a result, she felt like she was in a world made of paper - one wrong move, and someone would be hurt (Or worse…she didn’t like thinking about “worse”).
“Whoa!” “Hey!” “Watch it, kid!” Wait, that wasn’t about her. A look towards the source revealed an orange-and black blur. 
“MOMMA!” Ruff! Wow, the young Lord had definitely been getting stronger. His Warden laughed, gently moving him from the front of her neck to her back. 
“Heh, see all you want to see for now?” She got a soft nuzzle in return. 
“More or less! I just really wanted to be with you Momma.” Palina couldn’t help but chuckle, heading towards the main hall. Most mothers wouldn’t let their children out of sight for so long, but then again most mothers weren’t adopting a young future Lord who had already survived on his own for a while.
She’d honestly expected him to come back during the meeting, but…this way she could keep an eye on the pup. Hopefully the others wouldn’t mind her adopted son coming along…
And then her lip was bit. Iscan actually hadn’t met the young Lord yet, at least not since the rebuilding began. Then again, she hadn’t seen him either…his new form didn’t lend itself well to the rebuilding process, so instead he and Lord Basculegion had worked with the others who had wound up aquatic Pokemon. They had talked since Akari’s fateful meeting with Almighty Sinnoh, but even then it was only via messenger.
It was partially her fault, at least - and Iscan, thank Sinnoh, understood. The trauma from the prior Lord Arcanine’s death hadn’t fully left her yet, and once the youngling decided that she’d adopted him, swimming lessons seemed like the worst possible idea. But she’d not been able to work up the nerve to tell her boyfriend that she was technically a mother now - well, she’d hinted at it once or twice, but it was so subtle it had to have gone over the Basculegion’s head…
A sad sigh escaped her muzzle, her charge looking down at her face with confusion. This would be the first time they’d be able to meet up with Iscan since the Pokerus subsided… it had been agreed that Jubilife Village would be the best meeting ground for inter-clan events, given it was the base of the (relatively) neutral Galaxy Team. And they were going to meet to discuss how the reconstruction was going, as well as what modifications would need to be made.
…hopefully she wasn’t going to be the focus of many of those modifications.
An hour and a half in, and Palina had learned one thing about these meetings: They got packed fast.
She could see a flick of piscine scales here and there through the sea of fur and feathers, but the only Basculegion she could get a clear view at all of was the Lord. It was…honestly somewhat frustrating. That and she barely had room to fidget without bumping into somebody, but to her that wasn’t as big a deal.
There were others who found the tight quarters very frustrating, however. “With all due respect, Ms. Cyllene, do you intend for this to be the final size of the meeting house?”
The Abra sighed, rubbing her forehead. “Originally, yes. However, we forgot to include the Nobles in our plans, which is why our current situation is so…cramped.” A cough. “Thus, we will be revising those plans once this meeting concludes. It will set us back some, but future gatherings will be simply impossible with this kind of space.” A chorus of agreement sounded in reply, and Palina joined in with a couple barks of her own.
Her “son”, however, wasn’t as happy. “...They aren’t upset with you for being so big, right Momma?”
What else could she do but look back and give the youth a gentle lick? “Of course not, dear. My size isn’t the lone issue here, after all.”
He sighed in relief. “Oh, thank Arceus. I was worried they were upset because you got to be a Noble…”
If Ingo could see into Palina’s mind right now, he  would describe its current state as a “train crash”. “...what?”
A blink so cute it almost distracted the Warden from what had been said. “What what?”
The pup remained oblivious to the ceased chatter in the room, alongside every eye falling on the two of them. Palina was not, but she had a bigger problem. “...W-what did you say?”
“Oh! I said I was worried they were upset because you got to be a Noble.” And suddenly everyone had something new to talk about. Loudly, and in a very unorganized manner.
“Erm, excuse me!” Those words cut through the chatter and jabber, forming a dam to let their speaker weigh in on matters. “You…do realize it makes no sense for Palina to be a Noble, right?” The Professor ruffled his feathers, gently approaching. “The status of Noble is passed down along one’s bloodline. As much as Miss Palina has cared for you, she’s not a blood relation, so…”
“So?” The youth jumped back in, blinking. “She’s Momma. Papa said that my other Momma could be a Lady if he had to leave before I was ready.” The room chilled slightly at the implications, before heating back up as thoughts veered back to the topic at hand.
“Y-you’re saying…” Palina gulped, shock gluing her eyes on her young charge. “You’re saying I’m filling your father’s role?”
“Yep!” The pup gave a happy bark, oblivious to the mounting confusion in the room. “You’re Lady Momma Palina Arcanine!”
The silly words of a babe were all it took. The dam crumbled, the questions and worries it tried to keep at bay now flooding the room.
Her pup was washed away in the deluge of confusion and debate, falling off his mother and onto…something. Adaman, maybe? Palina really didn’t care. She…she needed to go. And so she did.
Thankfully, her large (Noble…) size meant she had to stand near a door. Thus, the Arcanine was able to just stumble out, ignoring her “son’s” confused yips and barks. Even if she was able to process them, she really needed some time alone.
She was a Noble. That changed everything. She had to keep an eye on territory now. On the rest of the litter. More so than she had as a Warden.
And the offerings - sweet Sinnoh, were the others going to make her offerings?!? Oh that was going to be so awkward… not to mention the whole Warden thing, she’d need a replacement apparently…
Suffice to say, the Arcanine was Freaking Out. And that was just the mildest way to put it...her actual thoughts were best left unmentioned.
“P-Palina?” Ugh, Iscan found her, she’d need to find somewhere else to think-
Iscan found her?!?
The Fire-Type whirled around, worries and fears briefly forgotten in her eagerness to see Iscan again. And there he was… At her eye level. Wait, what?? True, the Basculegion was not that small, all things considered - why, he had been the bigger of them before Arceus stepped in! But with how large Palina had stayed, she never expected him to be so close in size! Wait, no, as she looked down she noticed he was hovering off the ground a fair ways… y-yeah, that had to be it. That made more sense. She gave a crooked smile, eyes drifting back up to her lover’s worried visage as he voiced his worries. “...Palina, h-honey…is everything alright?”
“...I…no. Nothing’s alright!” Haunches plopped on the floor as she let a mournful whine, the faked smile giving way to legitimate despair. “I’m a Noble, by Sinnoh’s name! I’m going to have to get offerings now, and patrol my territory, and-and-and…”
“PALINA!” Suddenly, her face was full of fish (And why did that make her blush?), the Diamond Clan member’s eyes boring into her own with surprising intensity. “Palina…y-you’re catastrophizing…”
This was a catastrophe, alright, but… “H-how does that have to deal with all thi-”
“Y-you’re jumping to the worst case scenarios, thinking of the worst that can happen.” His fins gripped her head tighter (Wait when’d they get there?). “I-I know, because…because, well, I do it a lot myself…”
A sad sigh as the fish backed away from the dog. “Best example I have… isn’t that current, but… I-I’ve always assumed the worst about Ghost-types in the past. Always thought they’d steal my s-soul or something.” That was common knowledge, sadly. “W-why, I was scared of Lord Basculegion for a while…” That, on the other paw, was not.
“Seriously? You were scared of your Noble, yet you became his Warden?”
“A-actually… it was because I was making progress past my fear of him that I was chosen as his Warden…” A small chuckle. “I’ve always had a talent with fish, so that f-fear was all that stood in the way, really. And…when I realized that my Lord wasn’t technically dead, unlike other Ghosts, it gave me something…of a release. If that was different, then surely more could be different.”
“Wow, that fast huh?”
More laughter. “Oh Sin-Arceus no! Having to watch over him was still as much of a nightmare. And besides, my fears just had less grounding. They weren’t all gone.”
“...But you came around eventually, right?”
A nod. “Y-yeah. Eventually, I got used to my Lord, and realized that he…really wasn’t something to be afraid of.” A small smile. “I…I think you might have to do the same here.”
The Arcanine locked back up at the reminder of her new status. “B-but…it’s not the same…”
“Really? You’ve been thrust into a situation you’re terrified of, and you have no way to tell if it’ll pan out or not… A-am I wrong?” As much as Palina hated to admit it…
“N-no. You…you really aren’t wrong…” A bit lip. Sinnoh, why was she going along with this? Oh. Right. It was Iscan. Her lover. That would be why. “But…this is a much bigger deal…”
A fin tapped her shoulder, snapping her out of her thoughts. Looking up, her eyes met with Iscan’s once more. “Hey. We’re going to be in the same territory. Lord Basculegion and I will help as much as we can…” His smile grew. “And I’m sure the rest of the Nobles will also.”
“...A-alright…” A shudder as she made to stand, wobbly. “I guess we better head back to town now, huh?”
“Y-yeah…” The fish chuckled, gently helping Palina back towards the village. “And, uh, don’t worry about the kid. Lord Basculegion was keeping an eye on him for me.”
“Oh, phew.” Palina sighed in relief, at least the future Lord was being looked after…
Hang on. “Wait, you already knew?” And there she goes, blushing again while her fellow Warden (was that right anymore?) just chuckled. Maybe those hints in her letters weren’t so subtle after all.
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idk-bruh-20 · 10 months
Irondad fic ideas #154
CW: this one's pretty gruesome. read at your own risk 
Peter is a young child who's been kidnapped. His parents and/or his aunt and uncle were killed and he was taken. Along with a bunch of other little kids, he's been held captive and experimented on.
When the Avengers suddenly bust the kidnapping operation, the kidnappers try at the last second to destroy their research. They gas the small room where the kids are being held.
It's Iron Man who ends up blasting through. What he finds is horrifying. All but one of the children are dead.
The one who's left is just sitting among the bodies, crying, shocked, terrified. Iron Man carries him out of there, then once they're safe from the gas Tony steps out of the suit to comfort the kid while he's given oxygen.
Little 5-year-old Peter Parker imprints on his savior hard.
He just went through an unimaginable amount of trauma, then Iron Man burst through like an avenging angel. This is the first time he's ever felt protected in his memory. Tony holds the crying kid, and the kid can tolerate no one else near him.
This becomes a slight problem when they get back to base. But Tony can't find it in him to let SHIELD take the kid away, let them strip him of this one tiny bit of comfort. He keeps seeing all those other kids when he closes his eyes.
This one needs him right now. And if "right now" eventually becomes "this is my son," well. Who could've predicted that.
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disastersareajoy · 11 months
The Shower Incident
Stu x Billy x FEM!Reader
Tags: Sex toy, masturbation, voyeurism for a sec, dirty stuff happens in the shower obviously, dirty talk, degradation, praise, lots of kissing, marking, handjob, edging, begging, slight dacryphilia, mention of denial, mention of being tied up, mention of oral (fem receiving, and giving to a toy), mention of double penetration, mention of anal (fem and male receiving), open end, Sub!Reader, Dom!Billy, implied Switch!Stu but mostly Sub!Stu
Hiya babes!
I had this idea and it wouldn't leave me alone the entire day so I wrote it down and if I do say so myself: This shit is pretty hot.
I'm super glad my first public fic is with these two idiots because I love them to the moon and back and cannot get enough of them. I hope you enjoy this wild ride - I know I did. I wrote this in like an hour and then proofread it four times total, but English isn't my first language so if you see any mistakes feel free to (politely) let me know and I will fix it. Same as any tags I missed. Of course, non mistake related comments are also very welcomed. I hope you thouroughly enjoy this product of my brain rot! Let me know what ya think.
Stu and Billy had been away for a few days and you were needy. Wanting to be bent over and fucked hard and rough, four hands gripping at your body and manipulating you into whatever position they desire. They were supposed to come back in the evening so you wanted to take a shower before then.
That's when the idea struck.
You practically stumbled over your own feet to get to the closet and pull out the box of toys the three of you had accumulated over time.
You picked out your favorite dildo and quickly made your way to the bathroom. With the help of the suction cup the toy stuck to the shower wall. After cleaning yourself in record speed you bent over and pushed back onto the dildo. It filled you slowly and stretched you perfectly. Your wetness made the intrusion easy but the thickness of the toy still made you pause, and forced you to take a couple of deep breaths. Although it wasn't long before you were fucking yourself back onto it and completely loosing your mind in the process. Moaning their names and begging into the empty room.
At the same time Billy and Stu were on their way up to your shared apartment. The two of them decided to surprise you by coming home a couple hours early so you could eat dinner together and cuddle up in front of the TV.
When they came through the front door and weren't immediately met with your smiling face, kissing and hugging them in greeting, they were a bit perplexed.
That was until they heard the shower running.
And then they heard a litany of moans, accompanied by a loud slapping sound of skin against tile. They shared a look and ventured closer to the bathroom door which you had left open a crack in your hurry to fuck yourself.
The sight they find absolutely takes their breath away. The shower is on and water is hitting your back as you're bent over nothing, supporting yourself with your hands against the wall as you continuously slam your ass back onto the dildo stuck to the tile wall. They can see the toy glistening with your wetness and someone lets out a groan. You don't hear it and keep moving your hips with a clearly desperate and already fucked out sway to it.
They're both stuck in their spot, staring at the divine sight that is you. The way your body moves to get the perfect angle of the dildo, your thighs trembling with exertion and your hand aimlessly sliding against the wet wall, trying desperately to hold onto something. The way your pussy stretches to accommodate for the thickness of what they recognize as your favorite dildo. The one that you love sucking on when they both have you filled. Or that you love for them to fuck you with when they're getting your ass ready and you already need your pussy filled.
The dildo that's been in all of your holes to help pleasure, tease, edge and make you cum. They can't get enough of watching you throw yourself onto the dildo, making such loud and obscene noises.
What finally gets them to snap out of the trance your body has put them in is your next moan.
“Billy, please.” You interrupt yourself with another desperate whine. “Fuck, please fuck me harder. I need you so bad. Oh my god, Stu.” You elongate the end of Stu's name with a loud moan that's closer to a sob if anything. With the way your hips tilted, Billy suspects you found the perfect angle to hit that special spot inside you. Next to him, Stu breathes out a small moan and looks at Billy with a plea in his eyes.
With the okay given, Stu bursts through the door and is on you in no time. He grabs your face in both hands and barely sees your eyes open in surprise before he has his mouth pressed to yours. Desperately making out with you while making sure you're still fucking yourself onto the dildo. He mumbles out praises between kisses, not able to stop himself from telling you how good you look.
"You look delicious. Fucking yourself so desperately, moaning our names like we're here with you. You that pent up, baby? It's been three days and you're so needy you start fucking yourself how you want us to fuck you, huh?”
“But it's not the same, is it?”
Now Billy joins in as well. He already stripped out of his clothes, completely naked and palming at his erection while Stu kneels halfway under the spray of water, drenching his clothes. You mewl a negative, not trusting yourself with words. Afraid that if you pull away from Stu and open your mouth the only thing coming out would be pleas and their names.
“No. Even though our good little slut is filled to the brim by a toy and is fucking herself just as fast as we do, she still can't quite get it right. Can you, doll?”
You make a non-committal noise and place your hands on Stu's shoulders, thankful to have something to hold on to. Billy is unsatisfied with your wordless answer and grabs Stu by his hair, pulling his head back to expose his long neck, stopping you from hiding in his kisses. Stu whines long and loud before staring back at you, desperation clear in his eyes.
“Please baby, answer him.”
“Aww. Would you look at that? At least one whore here remembers his manners.”
Billy leans down to press hungry kisses onto Stu's mouth. Both of them moaning into each other's mouth, making you want even more. You mewl and whine at the display in front of you. Billy pulls away from Stu's mouth with a grin that he then turns on you.
“You better start using your words. Or he's gonna get all the attention and you can watch without touching yourself. And cumming will be completely off the table.” With that he attaches his mouth to Stu's neck, kissing up and down, sucking marks into the soft skin and biting. Which makes Stu let out the most beautiful array of whines and moans you've ever heard.
“Please,” you manage to breathe out.
“Please, what?” Billy still has his face in Stu's neck while answering, not letting his mouth detach for long. You whine and can't help yourself from slowing down your movements to gather your thoughts long enough to form a sentence.
“Please, Billy. Please fuck me. Both of you. I need you so bad, please ” Billy pulls away from Stu and grabs your jaw hard with his hand, turning your face in his direction. He gets close to you and smirks. “There she is. That's the good little whore we've been waiting to fuck for three days.” He doesn't let you answer before attaching his lips to yours and making you moan into his mouth. He lets go of your jaw and grabs your shoulders instead, shoving you back onto the dildo, hard. You moaned into his mouth as he forces you to start fucking yourself again. Distantly, you hear Stu whine as he kneels in front of you and waits for his turn to be kissed again.
Once you have a steady rhythm going again, Billy pulls away. He looks at you with a grin and you could tell he has something planned.
“Now, I asked you a question. And you didn't answer. Instead, you made out with this little attention whore next to me.” A moan from Stu. “But I want you to answer my question. I will not repeat it, and neither will Stu. You're gonna have to use your big girl brain and remember what I asked you. And you're not gonna stop fucking yourself on that dildo. If you slow down you don't get to cum. If you stop you get to watch, tied up and gagged as I fuck Stu into the mattress.” A whine from Stu. “But if you keep going and answer me correctly,” his grin widens and he leans back slightly. “Then you get exactly what you want.”
You moan, frustrated that you don't immediately remember what he asked you. While you're desperately trying to remember the question and not slow down your hips, Billy starts helping Stu get his wet clothes off. He also shuts off the water which leaves your skin cooling down rapidly, goosebumps appearing on your skin and sending shivers down your spine.
Once he has all of Stu's clothes off, he kneels behind him and starts palming his dick. Slowly but firmly taking it in hand and stroking him up and down. Stu lets his head fall back onto Billy's shoulder and moans unabashedly at how good he feels. How good Billy is making him feel. The sight makes your concentration waver. Your mind is completely empty, safe for the two beautiful men in front of you. The way their hair sticks to their foreheads, Billy looking at you with hunger in his eyes and that feral edge. Stu squeezes his eyes shut as he softly starts thrusting into Billy's hand. Usually that would have earned him a slap to the thighs and a warning, but right now all Billy wanted was to tease you.
He takes pity on you as Stu grows closer and closer, holding onto Billy and you with one hand each.
“I'll give you a little hint, darling. How does the dildo feel?” Suddenly his words sprang back into your mind.
“Even though our good little slut is filled to the brim by a toy and is fucking herself just as fast as we do, she still can't quite get it right. Can you, doll?”
You immediately scramble for an answer.
“Fuck, Billy.”
“Good start.”
You whine once more as your hips desperately try to keep up the pace Billy had set for you.
“I can't get it right,” you sob in frustration as your wetness drips down your legs. With the shower turned off you can be sure it was the juices of your pussy that are making such obscene noises and dripping slowly down your thighs.
Billy gives Stu's sensitive tip extra attention, making the tall man writhe in his place on Billy's lap. He moans as a blush spreads down his chest. “That's right doll, you can't. But why? And you better hurry because if Stu cums before you answer, you're watching.” He chuckles at your frustrated groan and speeds up his hand on Stu's cock.
“I- oh my fuckin God. I can't get it right because-” Stu moans loud and desperate, getting closer each second. “Because it's not hard enough.” Billy hums long, considering your answer. “Yes. But why?” You groan again, this time louder and with more annoyance behind it. “Careful,” Billy spoke low and with warning.
With one last whine you focus all your concentration on your words and close your eyes. “I can't get it right because you fuck me so much harder and I can't fake that. I need your hands on my hips as you pull me into every thrust and I need you to speak to me, to call me names and to tell me I'm doing good. I need you to pound into me like I'm your personal toy and I can't fake that with a dildo, please. Please fuck me like I need you to. I'm begging you Billy, please.”
You prepare yourself to hear Billy ask you for another, better answer, but it didn't come. Instead you hear Stu's sob and whine as he is denied his orgasm. No doubt having been right on the edge. When you open your eyes again, Stu looks back at you with tired, teary eyes and his mouth hanging open. Billy on the other hand looks absolutely feral. His eyes have a certain glint in it that tells you that you are in for a ride.
He reaches out to touch your cheek and strokes his thumb over your skin. “That's a good girl. And just in time too.” He softly pushes Stu to sit on the shower floor and keeps a leg behind his back to help him stay upright while he pulls on your shoulders to stop you from continuing to fuck yourself on your dildo. “Now, you have 5 minutes to help Stu get up and get both of your asses to the bedroom. I want you on the bed, legs spread and ready with Stu right between them. He gets to make you extra worked up with his mouth as a bit of revenge for his edge.” At that, Stu hums satisfied and lets out a chuckle.
“I'm gonna watch him edge you however often he sees fit, and then we're both going to fuck you. Nice and hard.” Billy grabs your jaw and pulls you in for a quick kiss before staring at you an inch away from your face. “Because I know that's what our little whore craves. Isn't it?” You nod eagerly and correct yourself with a quick “Yes sir,” before Billy can say anything.
As soon as Billy lets go of your jaw and nods his head towards the bathroom door, you're scrambling to help Stu on his feet, your own knees still wobbly.
Billy watches as the two of you slowly make your way to the bedroom with shaky legs, sees how wet your thighs are and how there's still more dripping out of your glistening pussy. He watches Stu grab your ass, squeezing the flesh beneath his finger in a way that is sure to be a promise of all the teasing that's to come. He truly can't wait to see Stu ruin you with his mouth before they fuck you until you can't remember your own name.
God, he loves the both of you so much.
Please don't repost or reupload this fic anywhere else. It's mine and I'd love to keep it that way.
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lillotte17 · 1 month
I don't know where it fits into the timeline of their relationship yet (possibly act 2 before things get Serious and they take a sex break) but I NEED some sort of slightly tipsy Nivan bragging about his bedroom skills and saying something along the lines of "If you wanted I could take you so sweet and slow that you'd just fall to pieces with my cock inside you."
And Astarion is Suffering from a case of Why Do I Have Feelings for This Idiot and just, "That's nice darling, but I don't think you're equipped for that."
Nivan, offended and stubborn,"What? Yes, I am!"
Astarion, completely stone-faced and within hearing range of everyone else in the party, "Darling, I've had my tongue in your cunt."
*cue various unhappy groanings and spit-takes*
And then Nivan has to belligerently explain that he DOES have a dick, he just LOST it, because the mind flayers didn't take all his equipment when they kidnapped him. So, now his penis is just...on the loose somewhere. Lost in the wilds of Faerun.
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fandomsonly · 10 months
Xie Lian watched as San Lang once again bludgeoned the Chinese language with a few sweeps of his brush. If he stared long and hard enough, he could see where San Lang had tried to follow the correct curve for the first line of the word water, and possibly even an attempt to give the proper unfolding width of the last. Kind of.
It had been years, and he hadn't seen much improvement at all.
He was not so silly anymore as to believe his husband perhaps a slower learner, or perhaps himself a poor teacher. Rather, his husband seemed to enjoy teasing Xie Lian during each and every session, feigning confusion over the same stroke over and over again simply because the curve of the line would make Xie Lian lean further into him.
No, the problem wasn't in his teaching methods or Hua Cheng's skill level. But Xie Lian hadn't yet figured out how to motivate San Lang into doing this properly! The teasing was cute, the time together fun, but! He knew his husband was more than capable, and though he thought his husband's calligraphy was as wild and endearing as the man himself, he really did want to see all of these hours pay off!
"Gege," San Lang called out, his voice carefully light, his gaze scorching. "How does it look?"
Xie Lian looked it over again. There was progress from his first time, definitely. A little bit. Probably. "Very good," he said, ignoring the slight crescent shaping itself into San Lang's eye and the corner of his lips. He looked the piece up and down again, then made San Lang hold it up a bit. He'd used a bit too much ink, and it ran slightly. "Maybe use a little less ink?"
"Mn. Gege is wise."
Xie Lian opened his mouth to tease back, only to pause. San Lang held the paper up between them, long fingers curled over the edge of the paper, so that the paper looked to almost be a piece of fabric San Lang was holding up to Xie Lian's skin.
The burst of revelation hit him so strongly his jaw dropped.
Xie Lian leaned forward, pushing San Lang's paper out of the way so he could grasp those beautiful hands in his own. "San Lang!"
His husband smiled, leaning forward. "Yes, gege?"
"Write it on me."
His husband stilled. Instantly, he looked Xie Lian up and down, taking in the skin of his face, his neck, now bare, and finally dipping to his robes. Already Xie Lian was pulling at his outermost layer, nearly buzzing with excitement. Finally! The answer!
"Write it on me!" he said again, nearly hooking his own arms into his robes like rope. Ruoye twirled around his wrist, helping him shake it free.
This was it! San Lang was still a bit silly when it came to Xie Lian. Never allowing him to remain dirty for long when he could take a bath, fussing over every bruise or cut, even simple ones like the small papercut he'd gotten when grabbing paper for practice earlier.
Xie Lian pulled down his last layer, until one shoulder and collarbone were bare. He looked up to see San Lang staring greedily at the expanse of skin, eye wide and dark as it was before they began less scholarly pursuits. It made him flush. Still, he pushed through. "Write on me," he whispered, watching the war on his husband's face. "Write your feelings for me here." He placed a hand over his collarbone, just above his heart.
His husband would be horrified at the idea of writing what he considered his disgusting script, yet the idea, once aired, dragged its hooks into him. He thought about San Lang writing his love onto his skin and shivered.
But! This was for San Lang's improvement! It was practice! Practice! And thus practical!
In the end, his husband barely raised the brush before they ended up thoroughly distracted. But after that day, his husband took his calligraphy lessons very seriously. Unsurprisingly, his husband learned quickly, and there was definitive improvement over the course of mere weeks (though his husband refused to write any of it on him).
He did in the end, though. He wore their poem proudly on his skin all day after that. He couldn't tell who was blushing more by the time night pulled them to stare at the words together in their bed.
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dickfuckk · 2 years
Here, have this
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mothram · 7 months
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spring-lxcked · 8 months
henry: [ doing some completely mundane shit around the pizzeria ] william: [ staring after him like he's 0.03 seconds from drooling ] the employee who just wants to continue their training: uh—
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I am asking you very niceys for a c!Hermes drabble /np (I love the way you write about tick /gen)
"Your uh- your shapeshifting," the faerie asks, wringing its lower set of hands together, "does it- can you only shift into those four beings?"
"No?" Hermes answers. "I can shift into anything I want, basically."
The faerie nods, red eyes unblinking as ever, "could you uhm. Could you try shifting into - into someone? For me?"
Hermes shares a glance with Ides, then with Wicker, who shrugs.
"I suppose I could," Hermes looks back to the faerie, who immediately perks up, its little ears flicking, "what exactly are you looking for?"
"Uhm I'm- I didn't think you'd say yes," it gives a nervous little laugh, gesturing to its antenna with its upper set of hands, "he's like- he's like me but- but bigger, uhm. Can you- can you be an endermite? And a bee, but also...also shaped like me?"
"I can try," Hermes answers, giving it a smile that tick hopes is reassuring. Tock gestures for the faerie to turn all the way around - it does. Tick begins to shift.
Four arms, a set of antenna, a set of broken wings. Within moments they hold up two sets of black and white hands - the pixie looks as if its about to be sick.
"Black turns purple," it says. "and white turns yellow," it points to its eyes, right first, then left, "eyes are - are yellow and red."
Tock nods, making adjustments. Black fur ripples over into purple scales, white turns fuzzy yellow. Tick blinks, changing their eyes. Their clothes shift as well, taking on the pixie's loose shirt and breeches, split black and white. A tail, thin as a whip with fluff at the end, curls around tock's ankle.
The faerie stares, unblinking.
"His wings are a little more put together," it whispers, no longer staring at Hermes but instead at...something else, something far away, "sky blue on the left and lavender on...on the right."
Then it goes quiet, hovering and unblinking.
Hermes shifts back into tickself, wings disintegrating into nothing and four arms melding back into two. Within moments they're Hermes again, purple jacket and green eyes. Tock waves a hand in front of the faerie's face.
It flinches, red eyes snapping up to meet green, "I'm not Apollo anymore."
"No it's-" the faerie hovers back, closer to Wicker, "I should- I should be sorry. Uhm. Thank you for- for shifting, for me. That was. Thank you."
"Anytime," Hermes smiles. "Glad to be of service."
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sisterdivinium · 1 year
I suppose I don't much focus on avatrice because I judge that what the show has given me is sufficient.
This isn't to say I think there is no need for the story to go on or that we had a satisfying "definitive" ending (not at all!), only that the treatment Ava and Beatrice have received in canon was so well-done (and I trust it would continue to be so in future episodes) that my imagination doesn't find much interest in coming up with alternative scenarios or weaving theories of what might be in store for them or filling in any blanks.
This is entirely personal and subjective, of course, and I'm not deriding anyone who does any of that. I am content with what I have received and might yet be given if all works out, so I prefer to enjoy and contribute to fandom in other ways.
The reason for writing this is not to point fingers at others from my high horse, merely to state that even if I do not interact with this particular aspect of fandom, I do love avatrice, as it is.
It might also be a good time to say that, even though I very much write fanfiction (which I technically shouldn't be doing, after officially "retiring" in 2017 in favour of original fiction), I haven't read any in some ten years and probably won't unless clearly asked to do so. This is for a few reasons: a) the aforementioned disinterest in fan renditions of something I am quite happy with already, considering how, to my knowledge, most of the stories going around focus on the main ship; b) to preserve my own ideas for stories, should I encounter someone exploring a plot I had thought of exploring myself, so I can avoid mixing things up, or going through the disheartening effect of "they've done it already so I won't bother"; and c) because my eyes are not what they used to be when younger: between reading fanfic on a screen and reading classic authors (my favourite) in physical books, I hope you will not begrudge me for choosing the latter.
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Violetta (TV 2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ludmila Ferro & Natalia Vidal Characters: Ludmila Ferro, Natalia Vidal, Camila Torres Additional Tags: One Shot, Awkwardness and Tension hehe, Fluff and Angst Summary:
Naty signs up for a Figure Drawing class and realizes a little too late that she knows the model.
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apollo-zero-one · 4 months
Too old to be a kid too young to be an adult just the right age to cry myself to sleep
#every day I want to give up and go back to my mom's house and apologize for leaving#I'm still powerless here but this is unfamiliar. at least I knew what to expect there#I still had people to avoid and I still didn't want to leave my room but at least I knew I wouldn't be kicked out if I broke a rule#I'm so scared and so sad and I feel so small and so alone#all I want is a home that is mine that I can feel safe and secure in that I can retreat to that I can have power in#All I want is the safety ans security to take a break and to take care of myself#I want to be able to focus on my health for a little while my mental health is so so bad and my stupid brain has realized that I only get#help when it's visible so whenever my mental health gets bad like this I have these constant terrible urges to tear myself apart#The ideas are so vivid and so constant I want to tear my skin to ribbons and break all of my bones and gouge my eyes out and bite my tongue#I want to claw up my face and bite off my fingers and snap each of my ribs#I get phantom aches all over and my body is so tense and wound up and my heart beats so hard for hours and hours#I want to slam my head into a brick wall until something cracks and I hate myself I hate myself for this I hate myself for my selfishness#and for my weakness and for my existence and I want to vomit up my guts and I want my suffering to be real and treatable#I want someone to save me from myself. I want the pain to go away. But there isnt pain is there because its all in my head#I'm doing this to myself just like I have my entire goddamn life. My mom says I was born in pain and cried nonstop for a whole year. Then I#grew out of it and I was perfect. except no I wasn't because I wrote big long notes in phonetic spirals about how I deserve to die.#isn't that a sign?? Isnt that a sign?? i was born this way and things will never get any better they will only change and change and change#and still hurt in ways that I cant prove that I will second guess because maybe they aren't real and I'm just stupid useless helpless weak#when I bleed I can ask someone for a bandaid. when I... exist like this. I can't ask for anything. What helps? What helps? nothing really.#being useless helps until it doesn't. I have to work to pay for the chemicals that barely help. Why do innocent people die every day and not#me. when I pray for it. When I beg. And I'm not afraid to walk alone at night because NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENS TO ME. Because I'm so lucky.#Soooo lucky. it isnt fair. She deserves it more than me. who? pick. anyone. Someone who wants it. Maybe who I could have been if I were#better. Not me. I dont get hurt. I dont get lost. I dont die. Maybe I cant maybe I never will. I'm more afraid of having to live like this.#My life is always on the line of not quite not quite and I never need help and I always need help and I'm never enough and I'm average.#the standard. the center. Above me dont need and below me do and I? What do I? both. neither. I shouldn't exist. It hurts to exist like this#in between. I should be able to do this myself. I'm the worst player on the best team and the best player on the worst and I don't fit in#either and everyone hates me for being one or the other and I can never be better so I want to be worse and thats my whole life in one#sentiment. I'm always at the bar and I can never get over it. I've been begging forever please lower your expectations I cant do better than#this. so I'll do worse. I'll make myself worse. I deserve it anyway. I'll be more scars than skin and more pain than person and then maybe#I'll belong somewhere god fucking knows even if its a padded room I could belong somewhere.
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belovedcloud · 1 month
Boxes | Older! Neighbour! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
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✎ Notes: Older Leon has been rotting my brain recently, especially DI Leon ugh. I'm making another fic with him but I honestly might do Vendetta Leon. I just know this man would help you out with moving in.
➤ WC: 3K
➤ CW: Strangers to lovers? Pet names: Sweetheart, Love, Baby, Darling, Good girl. Reader is seen to be in their low 20s whilst Leon being 38. Leon feeling ashamed of himself for liking you, mentions of Ada, Helena, Claire. Leon has a fleshlight. Touch starved Leon. Both you and Leon are a bit tipsy. Tit play, Leon eating you out, P in V (unprotected sex), aftercare.
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Carrying boxes was strenuous. You moved in a few weeks ago from your parents house, it was time for a new start. Although, your arms seem to regret the decision as you lift up the remainder of your boxes to the 12th floor. But it wasn't as bad when you had a certain man by your side. Leon was lucky enough to see you struggle your way up the apartment complex. Your first meeting with him had a slight tinge of embarrassment but soon died down as you got to know each other soon enough. With Leon carrying all of your heavy belongings such as your disheveled chairs and whatnot - you could see the strain on his muscles, it was attractive without a doubt. Despite the fact that he was older than you, the way he carried himself with looks and personality made him extremely enchanting. He was a man of charisma.
Today was like no other, however, it was the last lot of boxes you had stored in your parents house. Therefore, it shouldn't be that hard right? Leon was coming to help you out anyways, he insisted.
A few minutes passed, your back towards your car as you wait for Leon to come out of the complex. A similar silhouette appeared, Leon closed the door behind him - approaching you with a small smile. "Last set today then?" He spoke out to you as he opened the trunk of the car. "Yeah, good for you right? Your old back won't be cracking every 5 minutes" You teased leading to Leon giving a low chuckle as he looked at you. "Old? You wound me." He laughed out as he took an airy box. "I don't look that old do I?" He passed the package to you, taking a hefty one for himself. "No... no, you look good." You mumbled out, hoping he didn't take the compliment in a different way. "Good? I'll take it." Leon gave you a smirk as he shifted the box, walking towards the door. You hurried up behind him, ensuring you didn't make yourself look weird. Entering into the complex with a nervous look on your face. Even though moving in was arduous, the thoughts of not speaking to Leon daily made you feel quite upset. How would you even make up an excuse to see him? Knowing him for a few weeks was short but the way you linked with each other was different. It was like you were friends for years, comfort was found within you when you spoke to Leon. If only you knew how he felt about you.
Leon felt bad. He felt ashamed that he found you so attractive. The way your shirt hugged your body and your jeans show the curvature of your ass and your thighs strained. You were so much younger than him - he couldn't help his mind wandering to images of you whilst he laid in his own bed. Wishing it was yours. He built your bedframe, he helped you place the soft clean mattress on top. Yet he felt pure filth in his self as he thought of your body on his. His hands intertwined with yours as ideas of fucking you flooded his brain. Night after night it would be the same for him, his cock thrusting into his hand or fleshlight. He tried to think of anyone else but you. Ada, Claire, Helena could only stay in his mind for a mere 20 seconds before his brain cogged back to you. You. It wouldn't help hearing you over the thins walls as you touched yourself. The softest but most pornographic moans leaving your lips. Leon only wished that it was him making you sound that way, but it was wrong. What would his friends think if he dated you? He believed he was out of your league - if only he knew about the sinful thoughts you had about him too when you indulged in your own pleasure. Two fingers thrusting into your cunt wishing it was his, gushing all over your thighs as images of him engulfed your brain.
"Stay here, I'll get the last few boxes for you." Leon maintained a steady voice shaking out the immoral ideas in his head. Keeping a level-headed smile he gave you a small wave before you could argue back. Seeing his back turned towards you, your eyes subconsciously wandered on it. Soon landing onto his biceps, subtle veins leading to his hands as he went stood in front of the elevator. Snapping yourself out of your trance, you unpacked the two boxes you and Leon took up. Placing the glasses into the kitchen cabinet and hanging up clothes was therapeutic in some way. Helping you calm yourself from your thoughts on Leon as you felt a wet patch on your panties. Pouring out a glass of wine for two as you waited for Leon to come back.
"I think that's it.. unless you have some hidden ones in your car?" He joked as he placed down the final box to the side, looking up to see you with two glasses of wine in your hand. "Oh?" He smiled, stretching his back before walking to you. "Seems like you need this then." You giggled passing him the glass, Leon rolling his eyes as he took it. "Thank you for the past few weeks helping me move in... I was wondering if you wanted to relax for a bit?" You murmured, sitting down on your couch. Leon soon accompanying you. "How can I say no?" He gave you a slight smirk as the rim of the wine glass pressed against his lips, the alcoholic liquid sliding down his throat.
A bottle or two of wine later caused the both of you to erupt into laughter and giggles - getting to know each other quite well. You learned that Leon worked for the government, although not being able to go into grave detail, he was an important figure for the USA. It wasn't long until you also explained what your job was, explaining in why you chose your path. However, you felt hot. Way too hot as you sensed his eyes gaze all over you. Lingering onto your lips and eyes as he looked at you with such awe and fascination. Leon felt warm within himself, you were like a new light that he had been longing for. You spoke without care, refreshing for him as his job withheld such secrecy. An urge secreted in him as your soft lips moved with grace. He yearned for you, and it was becoming evident from the pained strain in his jeans.
Taking another sip from your drink, you spoke without thinking. "How's your love life?" Shit. Was that too personal? Hoping for the best outcome you fiddled with your glass as your eyes wandered to his face, trying to decipher what expression he had. "Boring. If I'm being honest with you, I haven't dated anyone for years." A deep chuckle elicited out of his throat. The rasp laced in his tone giving you a shiver. "Seriously? You're joking." A giggle came out of you. Was he actually single? "Nope. But I'm surprised you don't have a certain someone here. You've got a boyfriend haven't you?" Leon hiccupped out, the alcohol making him feel fuzzy. To his surprise, your head shook side to side. "No, I'm single alright." You said with a soft smile plastered on your face. Leon genuinely couldn't believe it. A woman like you single? "Now that's a surprise." Leon grinned as he finished his 4th glass of wine. "Well, I'm sure you'll be able to find a man of your age. Although most of them are probably a pain in your ass." He laid back onto the couch, his arm behind his head. Again, your eyes couldn't help but avert to the flex of his bicep. This time, it didn't go unnoticed.
"You're right." A sigh came from your lips, "Which is why I don't usually go for guys my age." You admitted, making Leon confused. So who did you go for? "Hm? So you like younger men?" He asked, staring into your eyes with his own lustful ones. Praying that what you were looking for was the opposite of young. A mellow giggle followed out of your mouth as you shook your head once more. "No, I like older men." Leon's smirk became wider as those words left your mouth. Maybe he had a chance after all. Perhaps his wrongful thoughts were okay with you - that you wouldn't mind a man near twice your age to fuck you. "Really sweetheart?" A low groan drawn out his throat, his eyes basically fucking you. That same heat returned to you, just much more insatiable.
It was like a flip in you switched, your body longing for touch as so for Leon. Sloppy kisses shared between you two as Leon's hands gripped the fat on your hips. Subconsciously grinding himself into you as he felt your clit throb on his crotch. Your quiet whimpers muffled by the crashing of yours and Leon's lips unmethodical rhythms as saliva was shared. "F-Fuck.." A moan left Leon's lips, his head clouded by lust as he tapped your legs. "Wrap 'em around me darling." He demanded as he held you up, your legs squeezed tight around his waist - your irregular breathing echoing in his mind. Leon wasn't going to just fuck you on the couch, he wanted to show you his love. Heavy footsteps followed behind him as he nudged your bedroom door open, placing you gently on your newly built bed. "Let's see how well I built this frame, yeah?" Leon joked as he littered your neck with butterfly kisses. Pinning you down, stopping your squirming beneath him. "L-Leon..." That was enough to get him going, the pornographic moan after the lustful mumble of his name had his cock throbbing for more. He wanted you, he needed you.
Leon's hands slowly crept under your shirt, caressing your chest as he kneaded your tits. Pinching at your nipples to elicit another whine out of you. Your soft, mellow skin opposed his calloused hands. The hands that killed bioweapons were fondling with your tits, shakily taking off your shirt to show them in true beauty. "So fucking gorgeous." Leon groaned out, without a doubt in his mind he shoved his head in between your breasts. Your whimpers echoed throughout your bedroom, just to be stopped as you gasped when you felt his knee part your legs. Rubbing your clothed clit as he sucked on the plush parts of your tits. His hands methodically unbuttoned your jeans, slowly pulling them off you as he saw your pretty laced panties. They would've looked so innocent if it wasn't for the soaked wet patch in the middle of them. "All this for me baby?" He murmured, enchanted by how wet you were. You could couldn't help but frantically nod your head, needing to feel his touch somewhere else. "P-Please Leon.. need you to touch me." You moaned gently, your hips bucking for any type of touch. Who was he to say no to such a polite question? "Alright sweetheart.. C'mon spread your legs f'me." He ordered and you obeyed, feeling like mush in his hands.
The pads of his fingers played with the lace and the little bow at the top. Cute. Slowly, he slid your panties to the side, your slick leaving a small strand attached to the material. Leon was mesmerized by the sight, yet you felt embarrassed. Trying to close your legs failed as his strong hands pried you open. "Don't close 'em love, you're so beautiful. Let me appreciate you, yeah?" He groaned, feeling himself rut into your fresh linen sheets. Leon positioned himself in front of your clit, feeling his mouth water as he looked at it. His eyes flickering to you before asking "Do you want me to carry on darling?" His hot breath tickling you, a soft moan squeezed out your throat. "Yes.. Please Leon.. Want your tongue on my clit." Leon gave you a deep chuckle in response, his eyes flickering back to your clit. "'Atta girl.. Didn't know you were so dirty." He whispered before licking your slit, slowly capturing you in his mouth.
This was pure filth. Your moans alongside the wet sounds your pussy was making as Leon's pistoned two fingers in and out of you. His tongue skillfully flicking over your clit as his baby blue eyes watched your reactions. Your fingers felt themselves entangled in Leon's hair, pulling at his strands as choked moans fell out of your mouth. Chasing for that sweet release, you subconsciously bucked your hips, allowing for Leon's nose to press up against your clit. Deep, shallow moans trembled into your clit as Leon was determined to make you cum. He wanted all of you, he needed you to be ready for his cock. "C'mon, give it to me baby." He pressed his tongue against you, curving his fingers in you in the right spot. "L-Leon... I'm gonna.." Your sentence was soon cut off by the shaking of your body as the coil in you snapped. The orgasm took over your body, your lips chanting his name as you pulled on his hair. Granting you a groan from Leon as he swallowed your cum. "So sweet." He chuckled, pulling himself off you. Before pulling your face close to his, allowing you to taste yourself as he kissed you.
Leon felt a hand tug on his shirt, your pleading eyes staring into his blue ones. A smirk tugged his face as he took off his shirt. Slowly unbuckling his belt, removing his jeans alongside it too. Your cunt ached to be fucked, your mind telling you that only Leon could satisfy your needs.
He pulled down his boxers, a pretty dark red tip beamed at you. Glistening with pre-cum smeared all of it. You couldn't help but stare as Leon's face flushed a light pink. "Fuck.. Don't look at it like that sweetheart." He moaned softly, positioning himself right up against your entrance. "You ready?" His hand slowly caressed your face, a nod coming from you as he intertwined his hand with yours. He was big. Real fucking big as you felt yourself stretch open, your eyes rolling back in pain mixed with pleasure. Fuck. Leon could've came right there as he saw your expression change. You were so attractive. He slowly rutted himself into you, moaning your name as his hips sputtered. "Y-You alright?" He stuttered out, you were so tight. "Yeah.. I'm okay. You can move Leon." A soft smile appeared on your face, he couldn't help but reciprocate it back. He moved his hips, his thrusts soft - but it was hard to keep it that way after a minute. His thighs started to slap against yours as his dick pistoned into you. Leon threw his head back in otherworldly pleasure, moaning sweet nothings as he felt himself lose himself inside of you. You were no different. Your moans and screams increased in volume and pitch as you felt him pound into you. Your legs shaking in pleasure as you felt that same coil tighten in you again. "My good girl.. f-fuck so fucking good f'me." Leon growled, feeling his body become weak to your pheromones. He buried his head into your neck, marking you with lovebites. He felt his dick throb as his hips moved without thought.
"Leon.. I'm gonna cum again.. Feels too good." Mewls escaped from your throat as your hands scrapped at his back. Scratching him. The pain mixed with pleasure was enough for Leon to start panting as he felt himself get close. "Cum for me, please cum for me baby.." He whined as he thrusted into your sweet little pussy. You were so pretty for him, his good girl. The marks on your neck slowly started to become more evident, a smirk appeared on his face as he saw you scrunch up your face. His hand snaked down to your clit, slowly rubbing it. Giving you a whole new sensation as you felt his dick pulsate inside you. "I.. I.. Leon!" The coil in you snapped again, twice as hard as you creamed all over his cock. He didn't stop smacking himself into you, a white ring forming at the base. Leon started to chase his own high. "Take it, take it, take it." He chanted as he felt his hips stammer. The clapping of your skin quickly died down as Leon jerked himself out of you, rubbing his dick as his cum splattered all over your stomach. You couldn't help but think how handsome he looked as he threw his head back, moaning your name.
After both of your highs, Leon practically collapsed on top of you. "G-Get off.. You're so heavy." You tried to push him off, a laugh escaping Leon's lips as he pulled himself off of you. Pressing a soft kiss against your lips. He climbed out of your bed, pulling up his boxers and walked out of your bedroom. Soon, he returned with a damp cloth in his hand with two bottles of water in the other. Whilst wiping you down, Leon flashed you a quick smile and passed you the cold bottle. Your lips pursed the top as you gulped down the liquid. "C'mon... Let's shower." He took his hand into yours, lifting you up from your bed and carrying you to your bathroom. Your hot thighs pressed against the cold counter as he flipped the shower on. "Hey guess what." Leon couldn't help but giggle out the sentence. Your eyebrow cocked up as you looked over to him. "What?" You asked him with a smile on your face.
"At least we know I built the frame right." He laughed out, finding himself hilarious. "Oh shut up." Your laughter soon followed along.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
love that Vaggie had ZERO fucking idea how much of Adam and Lute's brain space she was apparently taking up
legit she has NO thought of herself being important enough for them to have noticed. meanwhile, Adam, Lute, and the other Exorcists were just like
Vaggie: "Yeah, I'm pretty sure my old coworkers won't recognize me."
Adam: (instantly recognizing her) "ITS ON SIGHT BITCH ITS ON SIGHT!!!"
Vaggie: (answers door and comes face-to-face with them) "Charlie's not here. Leave a message after I slam the door on you."
Adam: "???? I'm here to see you???"
Vaggie: "Why."
Vaggie: "And?"
Vaggie: "So?"
Adam: "?!?!!??!?!?!?!??!!?!???????!?!?!"
Lute: "You're gross and we hate you."
Vaggie: "Is there a point to this."
Adam: "Sure there is! Betray the woman you love or else."
Vaggie: "Nah."
Adam: "IM SUING"
Adam: "Okay Exorcists! Who here remembers Vaggie!"
ALL the Exorcists: "BOO!!! HATE HER!"
Adam: "???? just cut off her head?? can we just cut off her head like normal people with a normal weird obsession over someone???
Lute: "I hate you so much I'm gonna rip my own arm off and throw myself at you!"
Vaggie: "Oh for fuck's sake- I wouldn't have spared your stupid life if I'd known you didn't even have one!"
Vaggie: "YOU fired ME like three years ago! Where the hell is this even coming from???"
Lute: (ineffectively throttling vaggie with her remaining hand) "YOU SHOULD'VE KILLED ME WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE!"
Vaggie: (wheezing) "WHY THE FUCK AREN'T YOU IN THERAPY???"
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mrfoox · 1 year
Ok over an hour later and no im still a mess...
#miranda talking shit#I know i wont find an answer today bc i need time to weight pros and cons etc but like... My mind really is all over#Do i have the right to set some kind of rules? He's more experienced than me and this was his idea. Meanwhile im a virgin and basically not#Done much at all... Would it be crazy if i set some rules or boundaries anf what would those be? The obvious is. If i say im uncomfortable#It stops. That goes for him too. But idk if i can demand more and what it would be? I at one hand cant see myself setting the pace#Bc im so anxious and shy... Plus i wonder if theres anything one can do about ... Me feelinh potentially used? I dont know#Thats a worry for me. That he'll just want to f me and then hes gone. He said he wouldn't bc he cares about me#But its a worry? But how would that... Work... He have to give me a hug before he leaves? Would that be stupid idk.#My biggest fears is that I'll feel used or develop more feelings. I think i have the feelings under control. I obviously like him already#But if we do this we would go in with those expectations. Id not expect him to love me like that... I feel like i should for my own saftey#Set up some ttpe of rules to prevent me being hurt but i have no experience so i cant say what a rule would be stupid and what would be#Helpful/reasonable? I also know. We wont go all the way any time soon. He said that to me that he knows that im still a virgin#And he would not want to be the one to take it if i wasnt completely comfortable with it. He knows that if we do iy it'll be very#Well... Mild for a long time unless always. I know anyone who knows me will most likely scream and tell me not to... But also more than 50%#Of me really wants to... I feel like if this is a mistake? He'll be the best person I'd be able to do that mistake with? Does that make#Any sense? Because i trust him and like him and i feel like he does the same for me... I feel he would listen to me and respect me and not#Force me or push himself on me? And im definitely curious... Like yeah... And id kinda want to get some more experience... And gasp#Have fun??? Like when we discussed this even i laughed. He made me laugh during this. So i was obviously comfortable enough to do that#I guess this is an brain vs heart thing... Am i stupid and selfish for wanting this bc it'll potentially feel good and I'll feel wanted?#Maybe. Probably. But also... I can not think of any mistake like this ive ever made in my life. I havent allowed myself to do stupid shit#Ive not gotten stupid wasted or done something like that in my teens... This feels. If it'll hurt I'll learn from it and not be scarred#Forever? But i dont know. I think big part is that its new and exciting and all that and i want something like that... I want to feel#Something like that.... At least for a while as long as its actually fun...#Any advice or thoughts please do share. I know i sound naive and stupid bc i am honestly... But is that only a bad thing?#Idk genuinely so... Any thoughts I'll take anything. Or questions or any own experience i just need some others views
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kiefbowl · 23 days
one of my lil feminist pet peeves is this sort of pervasive but unspecific idea of a sort of historical female stupor. it's unspecific because it's so assumed and presumed that people aren't even aware they believe it enough to question it, and our historical record pretty much confirms it by the fact that female history is largely ignored and undervalued to be archived by contemporaries, and then that lack is largely reconstructed and interpreted by men in the future. i.e. - women and their contributions to society are erased. but they surely existed, they surely had great impact, even in the worst of female subjugation.
"women wouldn't have talked like that, thought like that, behaved like that" has little and less proof so much of the time. I'm not sure why I, a human woman, would be so different than a human woman 500 years ago. Or even 1,000 years ago. Or more. If I can perceive the illogical fallacies of my modern day society, why would a woman before me be incapable? If I can feel stymied and undervalued, why wouldn't that be the same for other women before me? I just don't like entertaining even for a moment the sort of male fantasy that women turn off when men leave the room, and only have the thoughts and beliefs as their men allow them to have. I would rather imagine the most anachronistic female fantasy possible, because even if I would be wrong, I think I would be closer to the truth than the non-existent, compliant, passive, dullards men want us all to believe all women were prior to our most accessible shared history. It was always our grandmothers "starting to get up to trouble" - but of course never their grandmothers. I just don't believe that. I don't care, I just don't believe it! I think my great great grandmothers were loud mouthed, angry, and smart enough. I certainly didn't inherit this personality and big brain just from my catholic school education and my centrist parents. Certainly if I'm human, they all were, too.
I would much rather believe women had transgressive and revolutionary thoughts, thoughts dangerous to men, all the time in every era and corner of the globe at every level of society, and those thoughts systematically scrubbed and denied then think for a moment women believed the world was always right and just to them.
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