#The ark'' and shadow joins them
roadimusprime · 2 years
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corffee · 5 months
Sonic movie 3 hopes: Go!
• Sonic Team brotherly moments
• “Careless Whisper” Sonadow meeting ( or even “I just died in your arms tonight”)
• Dr Stone (yes it’s not agent anymore) and Shadow become bffs. Stone even designed Shadow’s new air shoes. But Stone’s intention was to always manipulate Shadow for his own desires.
• Dialogue during Shadow and Sonic’s fights. Even tho they fight, they still communicate
• SA2 Soundtrack throughout the entire movie
• Tom’s family is somehow connected to Gerald’s downfall. Shadow finds out from Stone and goes full revenge mode on Sonic’s family. In the beginning Tom and Maddie take the three boys to San Francisco to meet Tom’s parents, that’s how they arrive there.
• Sonic goes on his own and returns back to his home for safety and Shadow follows him there. They meet but don’t fight, just talk. Sonic shows him around town and talks about how he grew up alone and without a proper home (also showing him his old hobbit hole), and how when he met Tom, all of that changed. Tom, Maddie and Green Hill accepted him and his brothers. “It became my home, and it can be yours too.” Sonic shows Shadow his house and introduces him to Ollie (that’ll be so cute). They have a bonding moment but all that gets interrupted by Stone’s drones since he can track where Shadow is. Sonic comes to realize it was a trap, but Shadow never intended it.
• Fight between Knuckles and Shadow
• Sonic is the one who confronts Shadow on the Ark after Gerald’s confession. I dream that Sonic finds old recordings in the form of holograms of Shadow’s life on the Ark made by Maria. Sonic learns about Maria, Gerald, the hardships Shadow had to go through during tests. They lead Sonic around the Ark. The last recording is where Maria saved Shadow before she was killed and is where Shadow is found overlooking the Earth. Sonic’s words reaches his heart and causes him to break. I want no one tear bullshit. I want rivers.
• Sympathy from Shadow to the Biolizard
• Super Sonic and Shadow hand gesture from the ending of the BioHazard fight
• Sonic successfully catches Shadow and Chaos Controls them to Earth, but he’s too late. This repeats how he is the cause of his loved ones death and how he can never save them. Sonic has an outburst that creates a chaos blast that can be seen from space and causes the emeralds to be drained and destroyed due to Sonic’s negative energy. But they were actually used to bring Shadow back to life. Tangled reference with Shadow saying “Y’know, I’ve always preferred emeralds.” (Referring to Sonic’s eyes)
•Happy ending and all that junk. Shadow doesn’t join GUN but gets a motorcycle anyways.
• and lastly “Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.” “Goodbye, Sonic the Hedgehog.”
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au-sonic-smackdown · 4 months
AU Sonic Smackdown - Round 2, Right Side
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Gaia Born AU belongs to @juliemultiverse (art by @thefantasylife)
Evil Sonic AU belongs to @kittygamer2888
Learn more about them under the cut!
Gaia Born AU-
Sonic is like a big gold retriever. He’s happy to make friends where ever he goes. He was made on the ARK but was immaturely taken out of his incubation tank as an infant. He was raised by his brother tails on bygone island before they moved 5 years later.
His abilities include, Shadow Melding, Super strength, elastic arms and has the ability to sense others emotions.
Evil Sonic AU-
Sonic’s personality is mostly firm, serious, and can be a bit arrogant at times. He can also be quick to rush things like attacking without a plan and plan’s his fights during battle. He could care less about Knuckles and his friends, he just wants the Master Emerald and have that ultimate power to himself.
His abilities are mostly the same as the original Sonic (Spindash, homing attack, etc.) but he tends to use his machines more as he doesn’t like getting his hands dirty, those are only in rare and dire times.
Sonic used to be this normal, brown, free-spirited hedgehog who just wanted to make friends with the animals and mobians in the woods and cities, but that all changed when he broke the sound barrier, changing him from brown to blue. Everything changed that day as his friends backstabbed him and betrayed him, left him for dead out alone in the woods. More time passes by and he would get bullied non-stop, and he was no longer the same friendly hedgehog he used to be as he became more distant and quiet throughout his years as a kid. But once Sonic saw how Tails would be bullied for being different too, he convinced Tails, manipulated him into joining his plan. To take over the world and change the planet his was, their way. And Tails, being a gullible kid at the time, accepted it. And after a while, Sonic didn’t want to admit it, but deep down, he started seeing Tails as his beother later on in the years. To this day, Tails still works for Sonic, him being the one who plans the robots and builds them while Sonic is the one who plans the battles, but he has been practicing building his own robots with the help of Tails around.
Extra info: His name “Sonic” was just a nickname his friends used to give him because of his speed, and because of this, Sonic would go back to referring himself to his government name, “Ogilvie Maurice”. And because the nickname “Tails” was a name that was given to the fox by the bullies in this AU, Tails still goes by “Miles Prower” here.
But because of Knuckles being the hero of this AU, he comes up with a new nickname for Maurice, it being “Needlemouse”. So now that’s what Maurice goes by, “Mr. Needlemouse” while Miles is simply just “Dr. Miles Prower”.
Bonus: All of the characters here are aged up more, so Sonic here is only 20 years old and is 3'4. So.. there’s that.
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bandcampfun2021 · 2 months
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Now, I know that other people have made similar connections between the Wachowski family protecting Green Hill for the past fifty years and Project Shadow but I'd like to plant my own theory about how I think Sonic the Hedgehog 3 will go down.
So, while the timeline isn't specifically clear, I was able to pinpoint exactly when Project Shadow was taking place: the 1970s. Do you know what else was taking place during the 1970s?
The Cold War. Project Shadow was built as a supersoldier to help GUN during the Cold War.
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However, after GUN becomes paranoid of Gerald seeing Shadow as a member of his family rather than the weapon he made, they make the decision to invade Space Colony Ark.
And amongst the GUN soldiers is none other than Tom Wachowski's grandfather, a young, hopeful man in his late twenties to early thirties who has hopes of making the world a better place.
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During the raid, Mr. Wachowski suddenly sees Project Shadow running with a shaking, pale twelve-year-old girl in a blue dress and thinking the worst, decides to go after the two, worried about the girl's safety.
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However, it's only after a reckless, fatal decision that Mr. Wachowski learns the truth: Maria Robotnik really was an innocent child who was already suffering from an illness. And he took whatever future she may have had prematurely.
All because of the government's paranoia of Project Shadow.
Now disillusioned by the organization he joined to bring world peace and his dreams shattered, Mr. Wachowski makes the decision to resign from GUN and move to a small, countryside town to completely start over.
This town happens to be Green Hill, and he becomes their Sheriff over time, earning a reputation for being a likeable, loving yet protective Sheriff of their town.
However, despite becoming the Sheriff, Mr. Wachowski knows that whatever good he may do in this small town will never bring back the innocent twelve-year-old who stood defiantly in front of an escape pod.
Becoming embittered, scarred and almost broken, Mr. Wachowski only finds the mental strength to carry on would be his son (Tom's father---whom I'll call Michael). Judging by the fact that Tom seems to be in his mid-to-late thirties by the first film, Tom's father Michael would've likely been anywhere from a toddler to eight years old at most by the time GUN raided Space Colony Ark.
In the following years afterward, Mr. Wachowski never once reveals to his wife or family what actually happened at the Ark, knowing that they'd never forgive him for taking the life of an already sickly child. He only keeps a small diary that contains his thoughts over the next 50 years, thoughts of grief, regret, and horror over what he had done.
It's shortly after his grandson Tom is born that Mr. Wachowski passes away, taking his secret to the grave.
And it's not until after the events of Sonic 2, when Tom and Maddie find Mr. Wachowski's journal and the secret he's kept for all these years, forever shattering Tom's view of his grandfather.
And now, Project Shadow is coming for them (I mean, his glare during the final seconds of the second film says it all)....
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maria lives AUs (or as i like to call them, “what if she WASNT doomed by the narrative” AUs) are always fun but like. where do we start. is she with shadow when he wakes up or not, and if not does he think she’s dead or does he know she’s also cryofrozen? cause literally all of those pathways open up completely different situations
she’s there with shadow when he wakes up? she can keep him calm and sane. but is she trying to figure out who this guy claiming to be their cousin is, does she trust him immediately or is she sus? does she stamp down her foot and refuse to join his evil plans or is she broken by what she saw on the ark? if she takes shadow away from ivo immediately, what do they do then?
shadow wakes up but knows she’s alive, he’s going out to find her, fuck what eggman wants. does he get captured? does he get attention? does sonic track down this weird faker only to find him digging through government files to find his sister?? did maria wake up on her own and escape???
shadow wakes up and she’s not there and he thinks she’s dead, it goes the same as canon... until he sees maria. when does that happen? during sa2? heroes? shth??? 06??? forces???? the possibilities are endless, and each one changes the canon drastically from the point where she appears
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Here they are!! All my AU Shadow's!!
Some design info + small trivia bits under the cut:
Refraction of a Shadow:
Story takes place after Sonic Heroes but before SHTH 2005. Emerald and I go back and forth about how it's like Shadow The Hedgehog (2) in the sense that there's multiple endings but also like Sonic Adventure (3) where you'd follow different characters in overarching stories with different perspectives. It was, at first, a fun idea about what it'd be like if Terios (The prototype of Shadow during sa2's development) were to exist within Sonic canon. This rides off how Shadow NEVER joins GUN and as a result, they seek to create their own "Shadow" of sorts, as a basis for a robotic/organic army (Since Shadow never joined them, they view him as a potential threat, both politically in how they're responsible for the covered-up ARK deaths and shadow knows and physically, as the Ultimate Lifeform.) Shadow's design is close to how I'd draw him cemented into the Team Dark dynamic; he ditched the white gloves for fingerless black ones and wears red mascara. He's attempting to heal from his experiences and trauma, but this new threat is opening up old wounds.
Rumination in Saudade:
Oh this guy is just so fucked up
Sa2 but everything is so FUCKED amiRIGHT!! So uh. I'd imagine hurtling towards Earth and losing all your memories after this blue angel of a hedgehog tries to save you. That can kinda..fuck you up. Esp if you're a weird little alien thing. Like...Having to relearn how to be something, how to be personable, and mask (haha...autism) He doesn't remember how he was conditioned by Gerald and Black Doom to train and be the Ultimate Lifeform, and doesn't remember how he grew up with Maria, loving Earth and all the people in it. He doesn't have any of it. He's just a weird little freak of a guy. He's off-putting, doesn't know how to control his chaos energy and black arms DNA, and overall just...Trying his best to re-learn what it's like to be a person. No influences from anybody except himself and Sonic. His design elements are basically Sa2 But With Some Extra Bits. Thousand yard stare, singed from becoming a fucking meteorite, an extra eyeball, messed up little tail, 'n an awkward demeanor. So your average unmasked teenager
I Was a Teenage Werehog:
The anxiety and dread of not being able to remember anything but bits and pieces not your style? How about a werewolf au where I self-indulgently combine everything I love about werewolf stories and their tropes for shits and giggles? No please don't run awa-
Basically Unleashed..2. I was inspired by the zombot arc in the comics and was like "haha what if....werewolves" and it kinda went from there. Shadow is your typical Experiencing Werewolf Issues protagonist, except he's not patient zero. Like instead of the real werewolf protagonist dealing with the pain and turmoil of waking up in a mess of blood knowing that something horribly went wrong for some random joe on the street, you get to see what happened to that guy instead. Shadow keeps things to himself; he's the ultimate lifeform, nothing can hurt him! He fell out of space! He fought THE DEVIL !!! Sonic's fucked up werewolf virus will have no effect on him and his mobian/alien DNA <- Guy who is so wrong and incorrect. For design elements, I purposefully fuddled with his proportions to make them a bit less...?? Sonicy?? ig? To put everybody in clothes that didn't make my head spin in confusion. He's got the hot topic 'fit he's got the mascara he's got the RIPPED JEANS!! He's ready for a gritty 2000s teenage werewolf drama baby!!
anyway, thanks for reading this far! I like these guys they're cookin', these cats are swingin'
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hall0wedwyrm · 1 month
Basically, TLDR i saw a fake screenshot on TikTok showing Amy in the Knuckles series and it got me thinking about how she... doesn't quite fit in the movieverse yet...
So here is my long rant about why it would be bad for her to join in Movie 3 and she should be saved for a future installment.
to preface: I DO NOT HATE AMY OR HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST HER. I think shes wonderful and shes literally a main character so shes very important obviously.
First, the elephant in the room. Shadow the Hedgehog. One of, if not THE most, complex character in the Sonic franchise, let alone in the main expanded cast. Having to introduce, and illude to, aspects of Shadow’s backstory (his relationship with Maria and Gerald, The ARK, how he was made, and the fallout) and his future (returning with amnesia in his next appearance, potentially introducing the Black Arms and some of the Heroes and Shad05 story beats that are important who he becomes) in about an hour and a half to 2 hours. I just don’t see how it would be a good idea to introduce a core member of Sonic’s friends into the movie series when she could be introduced later so that Shadow has more of a time to shine, and Amy can too later on.
Historically, Amy’s talk to Shadow to remind him of his promise to Maria has been filled in by another character when the plot called for it. In Sonic X, during its own adaptation of SA2, Chris spoke to Shadow to try and help him remember his real purpose and talk sense into him. While it didn't exactly work out, it shows that this role could be interchangable in SEGA’s eyes. I propose a similar story, using Tom’s niece Jojo. Being a character who is around Maria’s age and doesn’t have a complete character behind her as of now, this could be a more meaningful way for Shadow to realise his purpose and remember his promise. Hearing the words from someone who is like Maria (a young girl who cares about Earth) would be more impactful to him. I can see any human character taking up this role though, but Jojo would be the best candidate, due to her simiarities to Maria.
However, while not introducing another new character could be good for not overcrowding the movie with new arcs and introductions involving them, I could see this working for one character; Rouge the Bat. She was introduced along with Shadow in SA2, which is immediately a good sign, as their plots intertwine with each other. They both work with Eggman, until they turn the focus on saving the world. Rouge is one of Shadow’s closest companions going forward, and has her own arc too. She is the one who frees Shadow in Heroes, and rekindles their friendship there.
Rouge also could connect back to the previous movie. Being a jewel thief at heart, she goes after the Master Emerald, but in Movieverse its destroyed and the Chaos Emeralds are retrieved from it. She is established as being the Rival to Knuckles, and this could help him fill a new purpose on Earth (cos lets be honest… he didn’t really do that in his show-) of becoming a protector of the Chaos Emeralds instead or something. The main part of SA2 is about the Chaos Emeralds so this makes sense. Refinding the Emeralds or going to the right spot to use them and such but thats besides the point.
Another huge loss of introducing Amy in Sonic 3 is missing out on how she was introduced in the franchise. In Sonic CD, she was introduced along side another key character in the franchise; Metal Sonic. She saw a blue hero coming to help her, believing it to be Sonic, but turned out to be Metal instead. Having Amy navigate the trio around and give them the lore would make a lot of sense, given the way that others were introduced in the second installment.
Its also appropriate for this introduction too, since Metal Sonic is the perfect equal to Sonic, compared to Shadow's unintentional equal. After Eggman's failure of using Shadow, creating Metal is the next best thing. Whatever the story is with Metal, whether its faithful to Sonic CD or is twisted to fit the Movieverse story.
Now... I think introducing Amy could also mess up a lot of aspects of what the movieverse has set up for the stories of the characters. I 100% know that they will try and pull off a romance for Sonic and Amy, since its one of her main character arcs and for the longest time and its kind of (??) the main romance of the franchise. BUT according to the Sonic Dream Team character profiles, and the ending of Frontiers, she's drifted away from that interest in him... so to go back to that would be a really weird choice. I know its a different universe, but if SEGA is trying to steer away from that, then why would they go back on it?
PLUS I think it would be a huge detriment to both of their characters. Movie Sonic is much different to the Sonic's of the past, as he has all of the charms of Modern Sonic (his quick wit and charming personality) but hes younger and less experienced and jumps head first without thinking because he doesn't know what to actually do. He was thrown into the role of the hero in the first movie because the place he grew up was being threatened and he refused to run away. Amy being introduced as solely 'the love interest' also does a disservice to her character. She's strong willed, and unafraid to stand up to Eggman and any other wrong doer. She's also rather hot headed but still kind and cares for those who matter. (this is also part of a larger discussion i wrote about how in canon Sonic and Amy wouldn't work out because they want different things and are very different people but thats for a different day and/or if anyone is interested). Sonic immediately switching to a head-over-heels guy would be a complete ruin of his character built up, while also immediately destroying Amy's.
Another problem is that there isn't a focus on romance of any kind in the story so far, and introducing it could mess up what they have going. The Movie's are clearly about familial love and growing up and filling the boots of a hero. It is not a story of romance in any way. The first movie was friendship, the second was about family bonds and making new friends, and the third is most likely about trust or learning to trust again (Shadow has to trust Sonic to save the world). It'll also be a huge moment for Sonic's character; Meeting someone who is not just against him and Knuckles and Tails, but against the world itself, someone who is so hellbent on revenge for the one he lost, and how hes going to over come that WHILE meeting his new love interest... is a huuuuge task to pull off and the two stories don't really mix imo. Plus even in SA2 the extent of the romance is just 'Amy mistaking Shadow for Sonic and then she thinks its awkward and gets embarrassed and thats how they meet for the first time'.
So yeah this could be done much better if it's something thats going to happen, and it would be better left for a 4th or separate installment. Having a mini romance arc along with the Metal Sonic stuff works better because the introduction of a potential romance was worked more into Sonic CD than anything.
Im still gonna be pissed off if they do a romance, because Sonic the Hedgehog has never been about romance... but its also a multimillion kids film franchise and its bound to happen, especially when its the main male and main female character. Just know i won't enjoy it lol.
IF they do Amy... I want tarot cards AND the Piko Piko Hammer and if you take either of them away i will be causing problems (on purpose). If you give her the original outfit +11 points and if you make up an outfit whatever as long as it works and its cute (I'm partial to Dungarees myself).
anyway yeah id like to see other opinions on this... maybe some other ways it could work out? or how else she could be introduced? or maybe even of she could be in Sonic 3 but idk what they would do for her to make her not get sidelined or overtake the plot...?
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I’ve always wanted to do an alternative version of Entry 80 so this is my excuse to do it >:)
Content Warnings for: Canon Typical Behavior, Guns, Gunshot Wounds, Non-graphic Injuries, Blood-loss Induced Delirium, Hurt/Comfort (of course), and Angst With A Happy Ending (Or at the very least a heavily implied one).
Word Count: Roughly 2.6k
— —
Everything is spiraling out of control. Brian knows that a good chunk of it is his fault. He brought Alex here and could not find the will to kill him, even after all this time. He asked Jay and Tim to come here and now Alex is loose and all of them are in danger.
It lurks around every corner, within every shadow, and Brian isn't safe from it's reach anymore. It's stronger, it feeds off this situation, warping reality to its whims, and it intends for most of them, if not all, to die here. And it very well may succeed.
It’s been haunting Brian the most lately. When it finally leaves Alex’s side, it shadows him, pulling him in all directions and warping him to other planes of existence entirely.
The Ark awaits. It wishes to swallow him whole.
Brian wonders if it’s not a matter of if he will end up there, but rather when. Nonetheless, he fights to escape it, to keep it all together, but deep down, it feels inevitable. Hopeless. Like Brian can no longer control any of their fates, much less his own. He should have killed Alex when he had the chance but even now, even with this bastardization version of him who spits curses and bears his teeth at him, he cannot find it in him to pull the trigger.
Brian remembers—
(“And that’s a wrap!” Alex lowered the camera when the red light stopped blinking. He was sweating a little from the heat, the sun beating down on them relentlessly, but his grin doesn’t waver and the pride in his eyes is genuine. “That was fantastic, Brian! Seriously, if you ever wanted to get into acting, you could pull it off.”
Brian laughed then, rolling his eyes a little. “You’re just saying that— I know I sound cheesy.”
“You’re just following the script.” Alex waved him off. “I’m being serious! You could make it if you really wanted to! Plus,” Alex nudged him playfully, “You’re good looks are a bonus.”
“More flattery, Kralie?”
“I speak only the truth, Thomas.”)
—and he really wishes he could forget. The past doesn’t matter when he’s trying to salvage the present. And yet, it still haunts him, ever present and reminding him of the days he will never get back and the person he can and will never be again.
He has had so many chances to kill Alex Kralie, and the fact that he has been unable to go through with any of them will always haunt him.
Brian stumbles through the rooms of Benedict Hall, static receding from his mind as it finally leaves him alone. He doesn’t know if it’s giving up or merely choosing an easier target but it’s difficult to think about anything but finally getting a moment to rest. He staggers into one of the rooms in the basement, just barely remembering to close the door before he slumps against the wall and feels unconsciousness pull him under.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been running, nor how long he rests for. What he does know is that when he awakens again, there are footsteps nearby and he tenses on instinct.
Brian waits a few beats before managing to get up, unsteady on his feet but pressing forward. He opens the door just a crack to look out at who has joined him and lets out a small huff when he sees it’s just Jay. Someone he can handle— at worst, he might need to get him to back off, but Brian will burn that bridge when it comes.
Jay doesn’t seem to notice him, too busy looking through the rooms and not quite getting to his yet. However, he also doesn’t notice when silent footsteps descend the stairs into the basement, and Brian’s breath hitches when he sees Alex standing at the bottom of the stairs with a gun in his hand.
When Jay does notice, he freezes. Camera in hand, he stares at him and lets out a cautious and almost disbelieving, “Alex?”
Alex raises his gun.
Brian knows his role has always been to stay in the shadows, be cold and calculating, always one step ahead and always doing what is necessary in order to ensure the survival of who is left. He knows that he is the man with the plan, the haunting wraith, and the one who has to maintain control above all else. He knows.
But Alex raises his gun and Jay is just standing there like a deer in headlights and Brian can no longer think.
He acts.
The door is yanked open and Brian throws himself at Jay in an effort to get him out of the way. He succeeds on that front, but the gun still goes off and pain rips through his shoulder and suddenly, they’re both on the ground. Jay scrambles to get Brian off of him, panicked and attempting to ask questions that Brian can’t really hear. Alex is yelling now but Brian can’t tell what he’s saying either.
He just knows one minute, he’s lying on the ground, trembling and unsure if he has the strength to get up again, and the next, there’s hands wrapping around one of his wrists and yanking him somewhere else. Either he’s light or Jay is tapping into some hysterical strength, or a mix of both, because another shot just barely misses him and suddenly, he’s in another room with Jay using his entire body weight to keep the door closed. There’s pounding on the door, more yelling from Alex, and a camera is discarded on the floor.
Brian struggles to keep his consciousness. Everything passes by in a blur and when static rises to his mind, he isn’t terribly surprised. His body goes involuntarily limp, eyes struggling to open at all, and he can feel invisible tendrils beginning to curl around him, claiming him as theirs.
The Ark awaits. They whisper. The Ark has been waiting for you, Brian Thomas. You cannot deny it any longer.
All fight in him starts to drain away. Static builds, numbing him to the point where Brian thinks he’s gone for a moment there.
But then there’s a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him but getting more frantic. Brian lets out a shudder, feeling something tugging him back and urging him not to leave yet. That his work is not finished, that he cannot go into the Ark and feed it, and that he is not the Ark’s to claim.
Someone else has claimed him, needs him, and is not letting it take him. The invisible tendrils (were they ever really there to begin with?) recede, and Brian feels the familiar feeling of being warped somewhere else but the grip on his shoulder only tightens. A cool breeze passes over him, and it is welcomed.
When he falls into unconsciousness, it is with the knowledge that it has not taken him yet, and that he can rest easy for now. The uncertainty of where he is now and what comes next falls away, and it is a problem for when he wakes up.
Consciousness is a hazy thing when he returns. At first, Brian feels nothing at all, but the moment he stirs, pain shoots through his shoulder and he lets out a low and pained hiss.
Ragged breaths escape him. His skin feels cold and clammy and when he cracks open his eyes, his surroundings are blurry. Sunlight hits his face and blinds him, but he can’t move without aggravating his shoulder so he just squints and tries to put his thoughts together. Nothing quite makes sense but the greenery around him tells him he’s outside, though something about what he’s seeing is off. He can’t quite put his finger on it however.
A blurry shape moves closer to him. Brian stiffens, ready for a fight but their hands(?) are raised as if to try and convince him they’re not a threat. It confuses him slightly— definitely not Alex then— and his gaze doesn’t waver from them as they inch closer.
Slowly, a hand is pressed against his forehead as if checking his temperature. Something in him crumbles at the contact and hazily, he leans into it, causing them to freeze for a minute but steadily relaxing.
Something is off but he can’t quite place what.
“Hey uh— can you hear me?” A hesitant voice asks. Brian knows that voice. He blinks lazily, racking his brain for the answer before it hits him.
“Jay?” He manages to slur out. It’s rough on his throat to speak but it almost feels nice to speak at all. To be heard by someone for once.
Jay’s breath hitches a little. “Uh, yeah. It’s me.” He’s awkward and tense. Brian can’t remember why. He can’t really remember why Jay is here at all but his hand moves to keep a steady hand on his uninjured shoulder and it keeps him from drifting. That’s enough for now.
There’s a long pause before Jay hesitantly asks, “Brian? Brian Thomas? It’s you, right?” Like he can’t quite believe it.
Brian blinks a few times at that. It’s been a while since anyone called him that. He can’t remember how long. “Mmhmm.” He hums after a beat. There had been a reason he was hiding his identity at first but he really can’t remember it. Maybe he should stop worrying about what he can and can’t remember. “How’d you know?” He finds himself asking.
“I mean, your face is kinda a dead giveaway?”
Brian pauses at that. Then slowly raises one hand to brush against his face. It finally clicks then, what’s wrong. The cool breeze against his skin, the skin to skin contact, the ability to see clearly without anything blocking his vision— his mask. It’s gone. Jay probably took it off.
That’s probably a problem. Brian is struggling to care right now though.
“Huh.” He says instead. “Guess Brian is out of the bag.” A snicker escapes him at his own joke and he tilts into Jay’s grip more than he intends to.
“Shit.” Jay swears under his breath. “Questions later— you owe me and I have a lot of them— but we need to get out of here and to an actual first aid kit or hospital because I kind of just tore my jacket and used that to tie it off but you still got shot.”
That’s what happened. He knew he was forgetting something.
“Can you stand?” Jay asks. Brian makes a noncommittal noise. Jay grimaces but says, “Well, we don’t really have a choice right now.” And steadily helps him to his feet. Brian hisses when his shoulder is jostled but manages to stay standing with Jay helps. After a second of hesitation, Jay slings one of Brian’s arms around his shoulder and carefully, he leads as they stumble through the woods together.
Brian squints, trying to think. “We’re in Rosswood?” He mumbles.
“I think so. I haven’t really had a lot of time to think about it.” Jay glances at him. Brian stares back, tilting his head. “You— you saved me. Why did you do that?”
Brian frowns. “You were gonna get shot. What was I supposed to do?” The words come out slow but clear enough for Jay to understand. Jay searches his eyes for something. Brian isn’t sure if he found it when he finally looks away.
They walk in silence for a little while. Brian’s eyes glaze over the trees and his eyes flutter a little when he hears the soothing sound of a nearby babbling stream.
“Stay awake.” Jay reminds him. Brian’s eyes open a little wider obediently. He thinks he missed having someone else around him. Someone who made him have to think a little less. Someone to rely on.
“Where are we going?” Brian manages to get out.
Jay stops, staring straight ahead and lost in thought like he just realized that himself. “I… Was going to head to Tim’s house. I don’t have anywhere else to go but,” his gaze drops, “I don’t know how welcoming he’ll be.”
“‘s Tim.” Brian points out, trying to blink the sleepiness out of his eyes. “He’s not gonna kick you out if you don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Maybe.” Jay pauses. He then uses his free hand to fumble for his pockets. “I should— call him first maybe?”
Brian nods, leaning against his shoulder. “Probably.”
Jay scrolls to Tim's contact on his phone. He stares at it. Keeps staring at it. Doesn’t stop.
“You’re not calling.” Brian points out.
Jay grips the phone a little tighter. “I’m still kinda pissed.” He admits, hissing through his teeth. “Why did he lie? Why didn’t— why didn’t he trust me?” His furious gaze turns to Brian, bitterness seeping out into his voice. “Why didn’t you trust me? What was with the code bullshit, why— why did everyone else know what was going on and all of you collectively decided to leave me in the dark?”
Brian thinks of scrambled thoughts, beyond what he’s experiencing even now. Codes upon codes upon codes, masking what needed to be said. He needed to hide his messages— too many eyes were watching, never alone, always watches, can’t trust anyone but desperately needing to at the same time— like a cycle. One that repeats over and over and over and over and—
And he needs to break out of it. Because it spirals his thoughts and has him self sabotaging himself like a snake devouring its own tail until there’s nothing left, is there anything left, how much of you is really left—
“I didn’t want you to make the same mistakes as me.” Brian says slowly, feeling out the words as best as he can. “But I don’t think I did a very good job of that, did I?”
The angry look is gone now, replaced by a guarded one, but almost… Hopeful, he thinks. Like Jay doesn’t think it’s going to immediately crash and burn.
“I’m sorry.” Brian finds himself saying. “For… A lot of things.”
Jay doesn’t say anything. His gaze drops to his phone and after another beat, he presses the call button and brings it up to his ear.
Tim picks up on the third ring. “Jay?” Brian can hear him well enough, being in close proximity and all. He sounds hesitant, almost disbelieving.
Jay swallows before speaking. “Tim. We need to talk.”
Tim pauses for a long moment. “Is this gonna be like the last ‘talk’?” He sounds almost weary but there’s something else there. A wall he’s put up.
“No, I—” Jay lets out a breath, “It’s important. Alex almost—”
“—shot you.” Tim finishes. “I found your camera. I wasn’t sure what the hell happened or if— if you really got out or not but… You should know I’m glad you’re alive, alright?”
“Thanks.” Jay’s gaze flickers to the ground. “I’m not looking to fight but we really need to talk. All of us.”
“You, me, and— and the Hooded Guy.”
“The— he’s with you?” Tim’s voice raises an octave higher.
“Long story. He’s kinda the reason I didn’t get shot but he got shot instead and he needs medical attention. I did what I could but— he lost a lot of blood, Tim. He’s barely standing.”
“‘m fine.” Brian insists.
“You’re delirious— look, Tim, we’re in Rosswood right now. It took us here but— can we meet you back at your place? It's better to do this in person.”
“That’s a long walk. I’ll pick you up— meet me at the parking lot, alright?”
Jay agrees and hangs up soon after. They take off again, now with a new purpose, and the rest of the walk is uneventful.
Tim is just pulling up when they finally get there. He takes one look at Brian and his mouth drops open. Jay tells him to focus on the more important matter and they lay him down in the back of the car to rest. Brian feels sleep dragging him down and finds it hard to resist.
Tim and Jay’s voices wash over him. All tension bleeds out of him and Brian finally sleeps, trusting that they’ll make sure he wakes up again.
— —
Listen. LISTEN. I wanted Jay taking care of a half delirious Hoody!Brian so I know he’s a little more relaxed than he should be but bloodloss and suddenly being in contact with somebody after all that isolation are some powerful drugs. I’m being indulgent, as a treat.
Hope this satisfies your Hurt/Comfort Brian desires, feel free to send more writing requests if you want! I might put this on AO3 too but unsure yet! Anyways, hope you enjoyed and thank you very much for the request!!
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thewrittenpaige · 28 days
Continuing the Amyswap AU (better name pending) that I've mentioned before, I have a few ideas on how to handle the Sonic Adventure 2 changes, especially Maria and Shadow.
Firstly, since Maria is so tied-up with Mainverse Gerald's story, I've decided that she's being changed so she can be an active player in the story to a degree. Instead of having died 50 years ago, she's a kid/teen who's still alive presently, being Gerald's niece. She's still sick, and is in danger if she doesn't get cured. That's part of Gerald's reasoning for conquering the world; he wants to make a perfect, safe world so that when she gets cured, she'll have a world worthy of her. Maria would be horrified by the lengths he goes for her, and could possibly choose to join Team Amy if she learned the truth.
Shadow actually swaps places with a surprising face: Sage! Since Sage was created by Eggman and Eggman swapped with Gerald, it only makes sense that their creations would swap too. Sage is a hedgehog created thanks to a combination of the Black Arms DNA, powerful technology, and studies of the Hidden Palace Zone mural depicting a future Amy. Sage was made to help Eggman conquer the world, but due to G.U.N.'s raid on the Ark, Eggman's death, and being captured on Prison Island, this never came to pass. Gerald would later find her and recruit her to help with his cause. Cue Amy Adventure 2...
Rouge's place is taken by none other than Knuckles. Knuckles is a treasure hunter who believes in keeping powerful artifacts out of the hands of those who would abuse them, as well as in the hands of the cultures they belong to. Tricked by Professor Gerald, he comes to the conclusion that the professor is gathering Chaos Emeralds so he can disable the ARK once and for all. Of course, Gerald says he needs the Master Emerald to commence with his plan. As a result, he ends up in a conflict against the Master Emerald's guardian, Rouge the Bat...
I think this would be an interesting way to turn the table on the typical plot. Sage has a very different perspective than Shadow, Maria being around would make things unexpected, and Knuckles has a chance to show off those treasure hunting skills he mentioned back in Sonic Riders!
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bexorok · 2 months
Ideas I have for Rouge and Amy if they’re in the next movie because I’m so normal about this (and I really wanted to share them with @welcome-to-green-hills )
- word traveled fast through the galaxy back to Mobius that the master emerald and chaos emeralds were found on earth, and that’s the opportunity of a lifetime for a world renowned treasure hunter like Rouge 👀
- This gives her a reason to go to earth in the first place and have it narratively make since
- she and team dark (Shadow, Stone, Robotnik) coincidentally find a chaos emerald at the same time
- A fight scene ensues before Robotnik convinces her to join them. She helps him find the chaos emeralds, and she can have the master emerald when it’s all said and done
- Unlike Knuckles, Rouge doesn’t have quite the same moral compass. She definitely has some standards, but for the most part she’s willing to do what it takes to get what she wants. She also isn’t as easy to manipulate, and figures that Robotnik will most likely back stab her at some point
- She sees that shadow is different though. She’s the first person to really get close to him, and she realizes that he’s angry and set on revenge, but he shares some of her own moral standards (ex: in sa2 shadow saves rouge when she’s trapped on an island that’s about to explode when he could have left her behind)
- She’s the closest thing to a friend Shadow has at the time
- When the countdown to the Ark colliding with earth starts, she’s the first one on team dark to get on board with an alliance
- She’s also the most upset about Shadows sacrifice (besides Sonic) and shares the guilt that she couldn’t help him
- Afterwards, she becomes an agent set on dismantling GUN once and for all
- She still operates by her own rules, but the Sonic gang still sees her as a valuable ally (and even potentially a friend)
- Bonus points if she flirts with knuckles and it goes right over his head
- Rouge wasn’t the only one that heard about the master emerald being found
- I think that it would be cool if there was a linage of hedgehogs that could control the power of the chaos emeralds without being corrupted or having to use the master emerald
- This is important to Amy, as she sees it as part of her own heritage. She’s learned the legends of how their power works, the history behind the war of the echidnas and owls, etc.
- To connect to her character in the games, I think that fortune reading could also be an important aspect of her heritage
- She isn’t sure at first if she should go to earth to seek out the emeralds, until one day she receives a fortune that someone related to the emeralds would need her help
- She goes to earth looking for whoever might be connected to the emeralds, and she doesn’t have to look long. By the time she gets to earth every news station is reporting on how an “alien hedgehog” had been arrested and is in government custody, and she’s like “that’s probably the guy that needs help”
- She breaks into the prison at the same time Tails and Knuckles are breaking in (Que the Spider-Man pointing meme)
- She just has to simplify it down to “long story, but I’m here to help” because she still doesn’t exactly know what she’s supposed to help with
- Breaks down the prison walls with her hammer, earning instant credit with Knuckles
- Sonic makes a comment along the lines of “what is it with random people showing up saying they’re here to help me???”
- She fits the team dynamic perfectly and banters with them naturally
- Bonus points if there’s awkward flirting and pining between her and Sonic
- She becomes the main source of information on the emeralds, as most of Mobius though the legends were just myths
- She’s the first on team Sonic to realize that there’s more to Shadow than they initially believed
- Sonic definitely sympathized with him, but Amy is the first to discover the extent of what happened. I’m thinking she discovers a security tape on the Ark raid and is able to hear what Shadow promised to Maria
- She realizes that Shadow had forgotten the promise because all he could remember was the moment Maria died in front of him and nothing leading up to it (cries)
- After she reunites with Sonic (post being shot via space capsule) he realizes that he can’t stop the Ark on his own and would need Shadow to help, as he’s the only other person who can use the emeralds power, but he confides in her that he doesn’t know if he can convince him
- This is Amy’s moment to shine. She tells him the way she sees how he never gives up, that she admires that he can always see the best in people and bring them together, including how he helped bring herself, Tails, and Knuckles together, and that if Shadow would rally behind anyone, it was him
- That’s when she realizes that her fortune wasn’t just about helping Sonic, it was about helping Shadow
- She races off to find Shadow and tells Sonic to “just find the emeralds and meet up” with them
- She finally confronts Shadow in her big speech, not just about giving humanity a chance, but encouraging him to remember what he said to Maria
- “I know it must hurt to think of her. It must be awful to remember what happened, and it’s tearing you apart. But remembering our lives with the ones we’ve lost is how we honor them. Please, try to remember what happened before the end”
- That’s when his repressed memories finally return, after he finally lets himself think of her. Their life together, them dancing in the hallways, them laughing together, them drawing together, them looking out over the earth together.
- And the scene we’ve all been waiting for. He’s trapped in the space capsule, unable to get out. Maria tells him how much she wishes she could go with him, but she couldn’t survive on earth. She makes him promise that he’ll give humanity a chance, to explore earth and protect it, and most importantly, to give the people of earth the same hope he’d given her (*crying*) and of course, that he’s her brother and she loves him (😭😭😭)
- Then, the inevitable. Before she can pull the leaver, a soldier walks in and commands her to step away. She uses every ounce of courage to defy him and pull the leaver, only for the sound of a shot to ring out as the camera cuts to shadow, witnessing the moment it happened before he’s shot into space
- Amy was right, it hurts to finally confront those memories, but it finally gives him the clarity he needs. He thanks her before rushing to meet Sonic and make good on his promise
- She’s also absolutely distraught when Shadow doesn’t make it back to the Ark
- Afterwards, I think she would decide to become a permanent member of team Sonic, inspired both by Sonic and Shadows act of heroism
- It would be neat if Rachel took a liking to her and decided to take her in. I know a lot of people imagine if Shadow survived she would take him in, but I think it’s more likely he would choose to be alone for a while, and I think Rachel would have a soft spot for Amy as she reminds her of JoJo.
- JoJo is of course excited that her mom has accepted these quirky little aliens as part of her family, and even more excited when they decide to move to Green Hills to be closer to them :)
- Amy is just as excited to be an older sister figure and to have a part in their family
Sorry this was so long, once I started writing the ideas just kept coming and I couldn’t stop typing
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chaosspear · 4 months
I’ll imagine everytime one of them has a near or straight up death experience, they are briefly reunited with PMMM Sonic
Also, really bittersweet how Sonic gets to see everyone surviving their former ends and watching them grow and be better and he can’t join them
THAT WOULD BE EXTREMELY SWEET.... unfortunately all I can imagine is just. even post omniscience, pmmm sonic is still SONIC, and acts that same way he always does (even if there is probably a sense of somberness and loneliness not present in most sonics if you spent enough time with him)
anyways long story short imagining shadow falling from the ark and sees this:
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and thats all he gets before he's back to the living world.
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onomatopagu-et-cie · 1 year
Again some other personal notes on D. Gray-Man (Link, part. 1)
First impressions after re-reading DGM Some theories and observations
And here's the part 2: Notes on Link, part 2!
A thought led to another, then another and then questions brought no answers and more questions… So here I am again, writing kilometers of notes hahaha!
I wrote A LOT so I tried regrouping some notes thematically, this post will be Link-centric along with another one!
Note: I’m sorry for the awkward lengthy english and name localizations!!
Have a nice week!
▶ Link, Mana & Cross
MANA AND LINK I’ll quote what I wrote in the previous post.
« Funny how Link and Mana can be associated in the manga: -> ch137, « Orphan and Clown », introduces Link to Allen when he’s still trying to figure out why the Ark’s partition uses the signs Mana taught him and is questioned by Link about it. It is later revealed in the manga Link was an orphan before joining the Crow. -> in ch183, Allen inadvertently voices his memories of Mana to Link. -> in ch212, « Searching for A.W.: Calling You », as Allen loses consciousness, fighting Neah’s awakening, he calls out to Link but instead is greeted by a vision of a young Mana, calling out to Neah. This chapter also introduces the importance of Allen’s name to save him from Neah’s dreams. The original version for ‘Calling You’ is ‘’君を呼ぶ ‘ (kimi wo yobu). ‘Kimi’ is the pronoun both Mana and Link use in the manga ; past!Allen also seemed to use it with Neah. Johnny and Kanda both use omae for Allen. EDIT: Allen also uses ‘kimi’ so the chapter’s title works both ways (in French, the title was translated as « Écoute ma voix » which is « Listen to my voice », I like the way the calling works interchangeably!)! -> in ch213, Link faces a mirror shirtless like Mana does later in volume 25.
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-> in ch220, « Searching for A.W.: He Closes His Eyes Tighter in a Vortex », Neah recalls the Earl he’s Mana but remains in denial and Link admits being conflicted over Allen and Neah. »
I also missed this when I was looking at this beautiful illustration of Mana and Red in Lost Fragment of Snow:
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CROSS AND LINK The original title for ch234 (« Observer »), in which we learn more on Cross’s protection and monitoring of Mana, is 監視者 (‘kanshisha’). Link is introduced by Luberrier as Allen’s observer in volume 14 when he’s being investigated, and ‘kanshi’ is also used.
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His role of an observer is reaffirmed by Luberrier in ch220. He also uses ‘kanshisha’, but gives a whole new meaning to this observation: Link is meant to protect the Fourteenth from everyone because he's the key to end this war. This strongly parallels Cross’s part of the promise to Neah: when Neah died, he was to protect Mana, observing him to that end so that Neah would return to Mana’s side one day. The verb ‘守る’ (mamoru, to protect) is used in both cases.
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Their observing behavior was ridiculed in the same manner by Kanda and Red (my handwriting is terrible i’m sorry):
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Link and Cross both have a morally ambiguous role they had no choice but to accept (in the CharaGray! fanbook, Hoshino said Cross got involved with Neah "unwillingly") but despite it all, Allen still cares for them:
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*in the bottom right panel it would be more « Perhaps that’s how it should be [Allen merging with Apocryphos to get rid of Neah] but [Apocryphos] destroyed what was dear to me. »
When Allen leaves the Order and thinks in anguish of what he’s about to lose, Cross and Link are grouped in the same panel.
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When Allen learnt Cross and Link’s ‘death’ (and the two of them are revealed alive chapters later), a similar framing is used, focusing on his blank expression and his eyes especially, highlighted in the shadow:
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Just as Link’s profile is separated from the Central Administration from volume 25, I didn’t notice Cross’s is too in the same volume:
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This could be explained by the fact both characters are shown conflicted over the path they’ve taken and still root for Allen in volume 25.
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Their character designs (with the rosary and all the equipments and straps on their legs, hidden by their robe/coat) share similar aspects:
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(Also bonus point, Timcampy is shown caring about them a lot and both are owners of out of ordinary golems)
▶ Future developments for Link
Apocryphos got from Kanda’s memories that Link was still alive… ? Hope he won’t escape the Noah and ambush Johnny, Allen and Link at the mansion (especially since the Saying Farewell to A.W. Arc has been going on for 21 chapters)!
Allen was able to remember, with a long delay, Johnny calling his name when it was Neah that was dreaming about Mana and Katerina and awakened: will he somehow catch fragments of Neah’s meeting with Link?
Will he find out about Cross and Luberrier’s secret agreement and Atuuda this way? He knows Atuuda heals with the life force since Zuu used it on him once, but he doesn't know 1) Zuu gave Link Atuuda & 2) it irremediably is fatal to the user's life. Kanda is hiding from Allen and Johnny that he’s becoming a Fallen One (not to burden them further, as he hid the fact that Link was alive until now), so it’s not that unlikely that Link also hides the toll Atuuda is taking on his life.
Why would Luberrier be hell-bent on needing Link, and nobody else, to ‘save’ (read: use lol) Neah?
Ever since Luberrier met Cross in secret after the Level 4 attack, he did everything to isolate Allen from the Order:
1) Around the same time, he pushed the 3rd generation project in secret for it to be conveniently blown away by the Noah, resulting in Allen also conveniently being confined for rebellion. This leaves him even more alone to fight against the Fourteenth’s memory, which falls right into his plan.
2) He made Allen’s identity as the Fourteenth’s host public to the exorcists, HQ executives and the Central, to officially ‘antagonize’ him. By leaving his exorcist title intact, this clears him from any suspicion of the real plan he carries on behind the scenes.
3) He reorganized the scientists sections and transferred a lot of Central scientists to the HQ to supposedly gain more control. I guess that’s how Reever and others were not granted permission to examine Allen’s state ever since the attack on the North-American branch.
Not to mention the story Cross told Allen was incomplete or even false (eg. Neah and Mana being biological brothers while he knew about the truth): he never told Allen the extent of Neah’s powers and role, that Luberrier, on the other hand, is aware of. I guess it was more to give the Order an official story without going into the real details: he must have reserved the truth to Luberrier.
And in volume 22, Luberrier asks Zuu to save Link because he seems indispensable to his plan.
How special is Link in Luberrier’s pov?
1) His infallible devotion to him: he is aware of it and exploits it, ch213 shows it fairly enough.
2) He would lay down his life for the sake of his mission/Luberrier without questioning it (eg. he was determined to use Apocryphos’ arm to pierce through his chest if it meant leaving a clue to identify the culprit). This could come from the extreme training to become a Crow and how he became Luberrier's 'personal Crow'.
3) His skills: based on Allen’s memories, Neah remembers he’s one of the most powerful of the Crows elite (eg. he’s strong enough to immobilize the Earl, face a Noah alone and hold his own against Level 4) even though he doesn’t have an Innocence
4) His mission to keep watch over Allen ; we don’t really know if he’s aware that Link wants Allen to overcome his fate as the host
« With Malcolm’s plans I thought I saw a ray of light for humanity’s dark future. The light of victory. But (…) I made you the Fourteenth’s— » This suggests that Link was vital for Luberrier’s plan to work: its success was made possible at the cost of Link’s involvement in it. In the original version, Zuu uses the adverb まんまと (manmato), ‘successfully, completely, thoroughly, nicely, fairly, artfully’ (‘I’ve successfully made you the Fourteenth’s—‘).
And the only thing we know he has done to Link was to leave him Atuuda: entrusting Atuuda to Link made him special enough to the Fourteenth somehow, other than simply aiding him. And this suggests that Zuu was himself aware of what was required to qualify as this special role at least.
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Luberrier swiftly cut him off before he could finish his sentence, so in addition to the fatal burden of Atuuda, there must be something even crueler in line for him in how he and Atuuda could work with Neah.
Becoming the final host for Neah would be logical: Allen synchronizing with an Innocence, which was something neither Cross nor Neah expected (and they never wanted it), is an obstacle to Neah. When Apocryphos attacked, only Luberrier was aware that he was targeting Allen at that time and seemed to be pretty much aware of his nature. So of course « saving Neah » could mean securing him, his memory, in somebody else.
And if Luberrier knew Link’s conflict, I can totally picture him using that to his advantage eg. persuading Link to become the new host because 1) it’s Luberrier’s order and it’s helping him and 2) Allen would be free. (Could the Phantom Thief G arc possessed!Link vs. Allen and Kanda be a silly little foreshadowing for what’s to come?? haha)
He must’ve had at least an inkling, especially if he’s known to obey every single order without batting an eye:
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(I expect this moment to be paralleled later in the manga, since trust and devotion is one of Link’s main themes, it’d be interesting!)
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Before learning anything from Jerry, Luberrier was probably unaware that Link asked for a meal that Allen would finally eat and brought it to him.
▶ The rosary and Atuuda
I find it interesting that Luberrier’s rosary overlaps the scar left on Link’s torso after Atuuda was passed on to him. The scar is also cross-shaped.
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While Luberrier loathes ‘God’/the Innocence, he deeply believes in Neah’s powers: he could bring an end to this war and Luberrier is determined to make it happen, no matter the atrocities.
It is strongly motivated by his desire to regain agency over his fate, controlled all this time by 'greater' entities: Innocence, God, the Pope, the Earl, Noah, as his confrontation with Hevlaska and the Destruction of the Black Order imply.
Interestingly, in ch221, Link is genuflecting on his right knee in front of Allen/Neah:
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Genuflection on the right knee is strongly associated to God, signifying worship (eg. before the Blessed Sacrament as you pass a tabernacle), while genuflection on the left knee used to be to honor political authorities, kings, emperors.
He trusts Link with this crucial mission and reiterates Link’s devotion to him.
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Putting on Link his own rosary, what you usually can say prayers with, he entrusts his ‘faith’ and set of beliefs to him. He places in words and act his trust in Link, sealed with the rosary.
It’s also a display of the power he holds over him: when Luberrier says Neah is now isolated (meaning it’s now time to help him), the reader’s eye path is also directed at the rosary he’s just given to Link.
The screentones highlight like a halo the rosary handled by Luberrier: he ardently wishes to have Neah’s power that he covets literally as ‘his’, and in doing so, the fate of the world in the palm of his hand, claiming it is for the sake of humanity.
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(If it wasn’t already a projection of his own hidden desire for power since he seemed to keep close tabs on the subject without even Cross knowing in volume 14, this was at least a foreshadowing of Luberrier’s future plan!)
And just like Allen before regrouping with Johnny and Kanda, Link is completely alone: he’s lost his official position as a Crow as he’s been publically declared dead. Now more than ever, Luberrier stands as his sole figure of authority and devotion.
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The rosary falls over the scar Link got from his fight against Apocryphos. It would’ve been fatal if he wasn’t given Atuuda at that time: if cross shapes can be associated to salvation, it’s a poisoned gift here that eats away at his life, defining his new special role he has no choice but to accept.
His soul, body and life are all sacrificed to Luberrier and by extension to Neah, Luberrier's personal ‘God’:
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(If anyone has the answer, I wonder if there’s a tradition for members of the church to gift their rosary to another member, I’m really curious!)
Also in this panel in ch213 Kanda uses ご主人様 (goshujinsama) for Luberrier:
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In French it was translated as « husband »: you can use ご主人様 as ‘husband’ if you talk about sb else’s husband and in polite situations. (I did a double take when I first read the French version haha)
Kanda is far from being polite here so this could be read with biting sarcasm, since he specifically calls him out on his obsessive devotion (that even Apocryphos picks on after damn). The ambivalence of this word was probably a very deliberate choice haha
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ehatnow · 7 months
Heres yet another thing ive been thinking abt to much
How did shit go down in the Mirror World:
DL1: Dark found Shadow and just kinda followed him around, helping out where he could. After seeing Shadow beat up Umbra (SDDD), he basically just adopted him. (He had a lot of help from Umbra)
Adventure: Dark Mind comes in, and things get depressing
DL2: Swordsman doesn't fight Shadow, instead the Animal Friends do
Super Star/Ultra: Essentially the same as how it went for Kirby, just Marx is a lot shyer and didn't wish to rule over Popstar. Also Dark didn't try to start a revolution, he gave the Halberd to Mirror Daroach
DL3: Dark Mind's influence starts to grow and Dark gets corrupted??? Mind controlled?? I dunno. Anyways Shadow fights Dark instead of Zero (i misspelled Zero like three times btw)
Crystal Shards: Never met Ribbon, instead went on a mission with Dusk (Mirror Bandee) and whatever I decide to call Mirror Adeleine to fix the Dimensional Mirror. Didn't fight 02
Amazing Mirror: No I'm not explaining this one, nothing would be different
Squeak Squad: Mirror Daroach isn't a thief, so SS could literally never happen.
RTDL/DX: Crown (Mirror Magolor) goes to Shadow and Co. asking them to get his crown back from Landia. Landia is trying to revive Dark Mind. They beat up the dragon, get Crown his crown back (lol) and wet cat redemption arc never happens
TD: Raz (Dark Taranza. Raz is a nickname Dark gave him) plants the Dreamstalk with the help of those weird flower people, and gets Shadow and Co. to help him kill Sectonia. Mirror Sectonia was elected to be president of Floralia and became a dictator. Mirror Sec almost achieved her goal of taking over Popstar, getting closer than her reflection. The only reason she didn't was because Kirby killed Sectonia. Raz then became king of Mirror Floralia.
Robobot: Mir Susie finds Shadow after the Ark does its whole thing, saying that she wants to take down the CEO. Shadow agrees to help her, and Dusk and Umbra tag along. Mir Susie tells them that she learned that Dark got mechanized, and that she would help them find him. When they get to the CEO's office, they fight Max, (Mir Haltmann who still lost his memories. But like. Almost all of them. He forgot that he was the CEO before, he forgot he had a daughter etc etc.) who then goes back to working right after. Mir Susie then reveals that she was actually insane the whole time, pulling out a mechanized Dark and sending him to kill them all. After Dark loses, she willing gives up her soul to Star Dream, and that whole thing happens. Mir Daroach pulls up in the Halberd to help and Mir Susie dies
Star Allies: Literally nothing happened for them
Forgotten Land: Essentially the same as it was for Kirby, just that Dark joined the Beast Pack and Shadow fought him at the end instead of Umbra
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halobirthdays · 1 year
Happy birthday to Veta Lopis!
Today is her -496th birthday!
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When Lopis was seventeen, she was kidnapped and abused for several weeks before killing her captor and escaping. These events changed the course of her life, and she eventually joined Gao's Ministry of Protection as a special inspector. She excelled at the position, both because of her unique experiences and deep sense of justice, stopping multiple high-profile murderers and becoming Gao's top homicide investigator.
In May 2553, the UNSC established a presence on Gao, secretly in search of a Forerunner ancilla within Gao's caves. The ancilla began killing Gao citizens to incite discord in the already-tense relationship between the Gaos and the UNSC. Lopis was sent to investigate the homicides there, but not without UNSC intervention. Spartan Fred-104 and three Spartan IIIs were sent to shadow Lopis to prevent her anti-UNSC outlook from unfairly blaming the them for the murders.
It was in the caves that Lopis watched Ash-G099, Olivia-G291, and Mark-G313 in action. After observing the level of violence and destruction the Gammas were capable of, as well as their need to regularly take drugs to control the mental instability that their augmentations caused, Lopis began to suspect them as the murderers.
Eventually, she would realize that the murderer was not Mark, but the work of the ancilla Intrepid Eye. Meanwhile, the newly-elected President of Gao moved to remove the UNSC presence on the planet. When it became clear that Lopis was working with the UNSC, he attempted to eliminate her, and Lopis instead fled with the Spartans.
She was greeted by then-Rear Admiral Serin Osman, who informed her of ONI's intentions of separating the Gammas from Blue Team and switching them to covert operations due to their public relations risk. Osman offered Lopis the opportunity to act as a handler of sorts for the Spartan IIIs in an investigative team called the Ferrets. Having grown attached to the Ferrets, and unable to return home, Lopis accepted.
Their next assignments would lead to them into deep cover within the Keepers of the One Freedom, a devout ex-Covenant splinter group. Lopis and the Ferrets would follow the Keepers to the Ark after the Keepers unexpectedly partnered with the Banished, giving them an opportunity to target Atriox.
When they arrived on the Ark, they discovered the UNSC presence there and broke cover to offer assistance in stopping the Keepers from firing the Halos from the Ark. Lopis and the remaining Ferrets remain on the Ark, having teamed up with the crew of the Spirit of Fire.
In canon (~2560), she is turning 40!
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halos-top-alien-model · 7 months
Sangheili Bracket Round 2 Match 3
More info below:
Rtas 'Vadum:
Debuted in Halo 2
Born on Sept. 21, 2487, Rtas would explore his keep's shoreline as a child - nearly dying at ten years old in one exploration gone wrong - and graduated with honors from a top war college. By Sept. 2554, he would serve as a commander to all the SpecOps units in the Fleet of Particular Justice. During the Battle of Installation 04, he and a team that included his second in command - Bero 'Kusovai - would be sent to investigate a possible human boarding on the agricultural support ship Infinite Succor. However, they would not find humans there, but the Flood parasite. While the outbreak would be contained, Rtas would be the sole survivor - and lost left mandibles in the process. Following this, he would be reassigned to to command all SpecOps from High Charity.
A little time would pass before Rtas would be assigned to lead a mission against a heretic faction, his former Supreme Commander Thel 'Vadamee joining them as the newly appointed Arbiter. An attack against the base of operations would ensue, only for Rtas to once again detect the stench of the Flood. Complicating things further was that the Heretic Leader locked himself behind an unbreakable barrier while a harsh storm was on the horizon. The Arbiter would volunteer to conduct a risky plan to draw out the Heretic Leader solo, with Rtas deciding to leave with him his blade as help. The two would not see each other again until later at High Charity, where Rtas argued with the Prophet of Truth over the changing of the Honor Guard and the Prophet undermining Rtas' attempt to save the Prophet of Regret. Another reunion would take place on Installation 05 - specifically the Quarantine Zone - where Rtas and his SpecOps forces would aid the Arbiter in reaching the Sacred Icon necessary to activate the Halo. However, following this mission, the Hierarchs would order the execution of all Sangheili, beginning the Great Schism. As civil war erupted, Rtas would reunite with Thel once again and assist him in reaching a Scarab to break into the ring's control room, although Rtas would then split to achieve another goal - taking control of the Shadow of Intent. Now leading the fledgling Fleet of Retribution, Rtas would conduct a campaign to quarantine and sterilize the Flood-infected High Charity and Halo, only for a single cruiser to escape and head to Earth.
Rtas and parts of his fleet would follow it, joining the Battle of Voi in the process. Knowing more than anyone else the threat of the Flood spreading, he was prepared to glass all of Earth, but was talked into only glassing the portion of the continent the Flood had landed on. On his ship, he and other notable figures of the war would receive a message from Cortana warning that a Gravemind had taken over High Charity and was heading to Earth, with the Ark at the other side of Voi's portal being the only way to stop it. Rtas was eager to take his forces - alongside the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn - to go on the offensive against the Covenant and Flood at the Ark. His fleet would engage the Covenant in the skies, being confident despite being outnumbered three to one, declaring the iconic line: "Then it is an even fight." Unfortunately, while the battle was going well and Rtas prepared to destroy the Citadel, the Flood-infested High Charity appeared to knock his ship off course, temporarily taking it out of action. Once the threat of the Covenant activating the entire Halo Array was finished, Rtas would gather all the human and Sangheili forces and take them back to Earth, while the Arbiter, Master Chief, Sergeant Johnson, and 343 Guilty Spark stayed behind with the UNSC Forward Unto Dawn to finish off the Flood for good. Once the war was finally over, Rtas would return to Earth again to attend a memorial ceremony, although he would stay on his ship in orbit while the Arbiter attended in person. 
At some point later in the year 2553, Shadow of Intent would respond to a distress signal at Rahnelo. By this point, Rtas had recruited Bladmaster Vul 'Soran and Unggoy Ranger Stolt as his advisors, the former serving as his second in command. At Rahnelo, Rtas would learn of the existence of a Prelate intent on taking out the Sangheili and allow the female warrior Tul 'Juran to join in the hunt for him in defiance of tradition against female military service. They would pursue the Prelate to Duraan, only to fall into a trap and be boarded. After fending off the attack and capturing the Prelate, where he learned of greater plans forged by the Minister of Preparation as well as the Prelate's hatred of Rtas personally for supposedly causing the deaths of his family on High Charity. Rtas would still speak amicably with the Prelate, singing for him and theorizing that the Minister deceived the Prelate on when his family had died, sowing the seeds for the Prelate's later turn. Yet before that, when Rtas took a small team to confront the Minister and destroy his prototype Halo weapon, the Prelate would briefly betray them. This betrayal would be short-lived, as the Prelate would then sacrifice himself to take out both the Minister and the weapon while Rtas escaped alive. Once the mission was over, Rtas would speak with the Arbiter regarding changing the Swords of Sanghelios' restrictions on female enlistment due to Tul. Afterward, Rtas resolved to locate the survivors of the San'Shyuum species, in order to ensure the ones good-hearted like the Prelate would be treated fairly.
Shadow of Intent would be involved in a few events between the years of 2553 and 2558, including an operation against pirates in a Joint Occupation Zone and being stalked by three ONI prowlers that would then be destroyed under unclear circumstances. By Nov. 2559, Rtas would still be pursuing the San'Shyuum and therefore unable to assist the Arbiter in a trip to Netherop, but it is unclear if he was caught up in the Created conflict earlier and if his mission was known and allowed by Cortana.
Ripa 'Moramee:
Debuted in Halo Wars
Born on Malurok on June 2nd, 2478, he served as a warlord thrall within the Ministry of Preservation, gaining infamy across the Covenant for his ruthlessness. During this time, he notably quelled the Sixteenth Unggoy Disobedience within days and killed the Kig-Yar pirate prince Krith. Yet, ironic to his role of quashing rebellions, Ripa would then go on to attempt a coup against his kaidon in Moram, only to fail and end up imprisoned in the super-maximum security penitentiary known as the Weeping Shadows of Sorrow. While there, he incited a large-scale prison riot as part of a plan to escape, only to be captured once again and placed in solitary confinement. It was here that he was visited by the Prophet of Regret, who bestowed upon him the rank of Arbiter and the mission to wipe out humanity. Before that, however, the new Arbiter would first squash a rebellion incited by his appointment.
Starting in 2526, Ripa would lead the Fleet of Glorious Interdiction during the Harvest Campaign, while also occasionally visiting Etran Haborage to fight back against the Flood presence there. Around February 2531, the Harvest Campaign would be changed by the discovery of an underground relic; valuable information was gathered, but the relic ended up taken by human forces before the Covenant could destroy it to keep it out of their hands. Following this information led Ripa's fleet to Arcadia and the location of another Forerunner structure, with the UNSC Spirit of Fire pursuing them. Noting how the human professor Ellen Anders was able to interface with Forerunner technology and believing she could do the same for activating Etran Haborage's Forerunner fleet, the Prophet of Regret would task Ripa in capturing her. He would ambush her and Sergeant John Forge on Arcadia, nearly killing Forge in the process.
But bringing Anders to Etran Haborage only allowed the Spirit of Fire to follow, beginning Ripa's downfall. While he was able to use Anders to finally activate the Forerunner fleet, she managed to escape immediately afterwards, regrouping with her allies and informing them of the fleet. They would then launch a plan to destroy the entire shield world and the fleet with it using their slipspace engine. Ripa would attempt to stop this plan, leading to a second confrontation with Forge. With victory in the duel in sight, Ripa fell to Forge's taunts and opened himself up to getting stabbed in the neck by Forge's combat knife then stabbed in the chest by his own dropped energy sword. His corpse and armor would be destroyed along with the shield world, preventing the Covenant from being able to store them within the Mausoleum of the Arbiter, while his holdings on Malurok would be the source of dispute among neighboring keeps even after the fall of the Covenant.
Submitted propaganda: He's ugly-cute and so mean and evil 🖤
Additional commentary: I agree with the above
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setr0spect · 11 months
Infinite, but he got a better backstory. (The rewrite)
Alright, I will show to everyone a better version of Infinite/Zero of how he was supposed to be, maybe this is also an rewrite of Sonic Forces, at least some parts. It will be rewriten in form of notes:
The Phantom Ruby is the gem that was found by Eggman in "Rise of Infinite" and that appears in Sonic Mania.
The gem on Infinite's chest is not the Phantom Ruby, I'll named it the Phantom Crystal.
The gem that Gadget (Or your Custom Character) finds is the Phantom Prototype.
Zero and Gadget knew each other (Based on Sega Scourge old theory and on ClassicMariposAzul fan comic on Devianart, were they more than friends? Probably, I would prefer to make the ship like the relation btw Sonic and Amy).
The death of the Jackal Squad happened after Shadow the Hedgehog, the game.
Shadow didn't killed the Jackal Squad, it was Mephiles from a world where he achieved his mission, but since he was stuck on an empty world, he made a SUPER Chaos Control using our sun and sacrificing Iblis, it was so powerful that he got to another world. Mephiles changed his appearance to be like Shadow so he could be blame the hedgehog for some bad stuff that the didn't do it.
Zero was left alive so he could be manipulated from the shadows by Mephiles. The Dark wanted to create enemies of Shadow indirectly.
Gadget has left the squad 1 day before the incident, the reason why Gadget left is because it was a long time since he left his home town in Sunset Heights.
The death of the Jackal Squad is know as the Jackal Incident.
The scar of Zero's right eye was a present of "Shadow" (Mephiles).
After losing his squad, losing contact with Gadget, Zero decides to hide from everyone, he use a mask that only covers half of his face.
He wanted revenge on G.U.N and on Shadow, for that, he needed technology, so that's why he go for a search for Eggman.
After locating Eggman and destroying all of his defences from his base and defeating him, Zero proposes to Eggman if they could join forces against G.U.N, at first Eggman wasn't sure, but them Zero asks him about getting revenge on G.U.N for the incident on Space Colony ARK. Eggman accepted.
The Episode Shadow was the last straw for Zero, and of course, the dialogues will be changed.
Shadow and Zero knew each other during the events of Shadow the Hedgehog, that's how Zero knew about the incident on Space Colony ARK.
The Jackal Squad are not bad mercenaries.
So far so good, I think this will have a part 2, leave your comments here, share with friends who likes to talk about this and see you all in the next post!
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