#The Void Answers
female-hysterics · 1 month
Waking up with Steven in between your thighs though-
Listen...I fully believe that the second you start getting intimate with Steven it's like you've unleashed a beast.
I think he would quickly grow needy and almost addicted (until he gets used to it) to the pleasure he gets from your body. He has a lot of pent up desires so he is definitely on you whenever he can. Of course, he would also grow desperate for your pleasure as well, and would give you orgasm after orgasm until you are a shaking crying mess.
So, waking up with Steven between your thighs isn't that uncommon.
He would love to go down on you and he would happily spend hours licking between your thighs while palming himself. So when you wake up to him settled between your spread thighs you know you're not going back to bed anytime soon.
Steven has an almost dazed expression when you finally drag him from your soaking pussy after your third orgasm, like he's unaware of what's going on even though he was just growling filthy praise against you, and your entire body is trembling and jerking from the constant overstimulation. You would beg him for a break and he would simply nod while kissing you breathless before trailing those sweet loving kisses back down your body.
"Just one more, yeah? Give me one more and then I'll fill you with something better than my tongue, love."
And you are helpless to do anything but obey his soft urging and hungry touches.
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astarions-bride · 3 months
Astarion would LOVE to bite your neck while fucking you. Or maybe you’re just cockwarming him and he’s biting you. He says your pleasure makes your blood taste sweeter 😭😭 licks the bite marks after. Definitely has his hands on your ass all the while.
Absolutely! 😌
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If you were cockwarming him then he will absolutely nibble everywhere he can reach. Drinking your blood at a languid pace and licking over the puncture wounds look lazily. Seemingly drunk off your taste, your warmth, and pleasure.
Of course he has to keep his hands plastered firmly on your backside. It's impossible for him not to touch you when you are spread out on his lap, bleeding and whimpering in pleasure, and he will refuse to let you go the rest of the night.
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im-pyrettablaze · 19 days
hi! its been awhile since I requested anything so yeahh, anyways i wanted to ask if youd maybe write for some nsfw headcanons for pyramid head or ghostface (separately) if you do this tysm
Sure thing! Mixed a bit sfw and nsfw 😉 (Reminder that these characters are based off the video game Dead By Daylight)
Ghost Face
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Totally wants to make his own porn videos.
Groping you is actually one of his favorite hobbies so it's something you have to get used to.
Will definitely grope you while you are hanging from a hook.
Hides in lockers with you to dryhump you.
Takes a worrying amount of pictures of you. Some explicit and some mundane. Some even when you're asleep that you're not sure how he gets.
Loves chasing you around and stalking you.
Will spend a good portion of time just following you and giggling to himself over your obliviousness.
Sneaks up on you and will fuck you while your fellow teammates are just feet away.
He thinks it's a game to see how long you can stay quiet.
Thinks it's hilarious when you get caught, will tease you mercilessly about it, before killing said person that caught you for seeing you in such an exposed state.
Pyramid Head
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Will bend you over the nearest available surface when the mood strikes him. in the middle of a chase or hunting other people he will stop and find you.
Doesn't mind taking you while others watch. Actually prefers that way so everyone will know you belong to him.
Is incredibly possessive.
Refuses to let you out of his sight most of the time and will hunt you down if you manage to escape his eyesight.
Doesn't see the issue with making you stand by him as he hooks your fellow survivors and friends.
Sometimes thinks you running from him is a "game". He thinks it's futile attempt but will let you continue to "play" just so he can expand the amount of time he has with you.
Fucks you in the basement an obscene amount of times because he deems it a "safe" area.
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im-pyretta-blaze · 9 months
I feel like Luigi would be a bit of a wild one. I think he would be pretty possessive, and rough and I think he’d be into body worship. Maybe period sex too.
You are correct on every single one, Nonnie! I absolutely see Luigi as being possessive and controlling and mostly rough with his S.O. I mean.....most of his screen time was of him yelling and stabbing people lol
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Luigi definitely would be extremely possessive of you. Wanting nothing more than to keep you locked up in his room so no one (Pavi) could have a chance to steal you away. He knows that this isn't possible so he tries to know your whereabouts 24/7 or be with you as much as possible instead. You will have your own security escort when, on the odd occasion, you are not with him. He will call frequently and will grow increasingly antsy and aggressive the longer you are out of his reach.
Luigi knows no other way to express his emotions other than to be rough and mean. It's not exactly that he wants to hurt you, or that he likes seeing you tear up in pain, but he's been mean and rough for so long that it takes great effort for him to not take his anger out on you. However, he does have a fascination with seeing his handshaped bruises on your hips and thighs and even around your throat. Will become a bit more gentle after those nights, petting over you and not letting you lift a finger the entire day, tracing his marks with a possessive gleam in his eyes before brushing his lips across any blemish he left on you. Sometimes you would have to remind him to be more gentle, to ease up or calm down, but it overall depends on his mood if he decides to listen to you.
Body worship (Luigi receiving) would be the easiest way for you to calm him down. A few compliments here and there, soft gentle cooing as you clean the blood splatter off his face, and a well-timed submissive kiss against his lips or jaw will have him melting against you. You might even be able to convince him to join you in the shower so you can wash the rest of the blood off of him and further calm him down. He will get unexpectedly gruff and borderline bashful whenever you kiss or trace his scars, muttering, shifting around, and grumbling under his breath the entire time, but will force your hand back if you try to move away. This would also include you getting on your knees for him while he sits at his desk working or when he's on the sofa watching the news or just relaxing. Your head on his lap with his cock in your mouth, cockwarming him to be precise, would be the easiest way to get him to be less aggressive and more relaxed for the next few hours. (Even if he ends up brutally fucking your throat when he wants to come)
Body worship (on you) would definitely be something done in private. Only allowing his soft side to come out when you two are truly alone. As rough as he can be, he can turn it into gentle touches and tender brushes of his lips, murmuring against your skin all the soft confusing emotions that you bring out in him. Would definitely led him to eating you out until you can barely remember your own name as he looks at you with pure adoration. In public, when he's in one of his rare good moods, he will allow you to link your arm through his when you walk down the street or even curl a few fingers around your own if you are in a more public event like a party or at the opera. The sweet touches are only reserved for you.
Period sex would be one of those things that is slowly brought into the bedroom. With his almost compulsive need to be clean and your rather...delicate...situation neither one of you would even think about it at first. He would usher you to the bathroom if you wake up and realize you made a mess of the sheets and he would change the blankets with a few tired grumbles before joining you in the shower. You are usually miserable during this time anyways so you would usually shy away from his more demanding touches. Between the cramping and headaches and mood swings, Luigi first steers very clear away from you, but will eventually join you in bed or on the couch so you can lay against him. It would probably start with something as simple as you grabbing his hand and using it as a makeshift heating pad as you watch a movie together, moving his long fingers with your own almost subconsciously to press against your tender abdomen in a search for relief. Which will lead him to doing it on his own without any prompting, staring at your face intensely as your nose scrunches in pain, but a relieved sigh leaves your lips.
The actual "sex" part won't pop up until you off-handedly mention how you will sometimes ache on the inside. How sore and sensitive you get and his inner sadist would perk up at the idea of mixing pain and pleasure in the bedroom with you. The first time you have to beg him to be slow and gentle because the added warmth and slickness leaves him breathless and chasing after the feeling despite your hisses of pain. You would definitely have to take the reins on these encounters but Luigi is absolutely enthralled watching your face contort in pain even as you gingerly grind against him. Would lead to more sessions of cockwarming, although more for your benefit as he's easing that horrible ache, and he is utterly delighted that something so "dirty" and "taboo" is shared between you two. The more you both indulge in this the more he becomes okay with the mess, stating that it's bearable since it's from you, and when you wake up in the middle of the night a mess Luigi will first roll you over and slip his cock inside you before (much) later letting you up so you both can shower and change the sheets.
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lordgrimwing · 2 months
Okay, you must tell us about αβΩ au
I'm going to call it an atypical alpha/beta/omega take on what Middle-earth could be like if the Valar didn't bring the elves to Valinor/the elves refused to go. This all came about when someone did some art of Glorfindel, Erestor, and Elrond and mentioned that it was for an a/b/o au with minimal explanation. Of course, I and @nighttimepatrons went a little crazy over it.
What I've actually written so far is mostly focused on Celebrian, Gil-galad, and Elrond, who are all married and very happy. Celebrian is a princess of the Noldor and Sindar realms and travels gracefully from diplomatic meeting to minor crisis. Gil-galad is a merchant and low-level politician in Lindon working very hard to make sure he's never connected to the High Family (Finwe's family) because thoughts of somehow becoming king haunt his nightmares. Elrond's a healer raised by the nomadic Feanorians who has the unfortunate habit of complicating Gil-galad's life because the path to political upheaval is paved with good intentions (re: bringing Avari Glorfindel to Lindon and picture).
[breaking here because this is getting Long]
The core idea for the au is that Elrond went on an expedition with Pengolodh and others to document one of the few Avari tribes that's been untouched by the outside world since leaving Cuivienen, but the tribe lives within another realm that is very set on keeping them free of outside influences so the research group has to promise to not interact or let themselves be seen by anyone in the tribe. Well, as one might expect, this doesn't go as planned. A great beast of the wilds attacks the group but an Avari they'd been watching (Glorfindel) steps and saves them but is grievously wounded and will die unless they help him. Elrond, being Elrond, insists on doing what he can in the field and on smuggling him back to Lindon on one of Gil-galad's ships when it becomes clear the Avari will die without in-depth medical care.
Really, it's an excuse for me to yank Glorfindel out of his home and shove him into a new culture because I love him being an outsider among the Noldor. (I'm basic, what can I say?)
Nightie and I also think A Lot about Miriel/Indis/Finwe and Feanor :) (spoiler: Feanor gets mirked by some Men which inspires the first Manslaying)
Anyway, you might be wondering what any of this has to do with a/b/o. Well, in the 'modern realms' like the Noldor and Sindar, very little importance is put on if someone's an alpha (Celebrian), beta (Gil-galad), or omega (Elrond). Sure, sometimes someone could have hormonal things that make them act a bit different (re: Elrond's nesting habits), but it's no big deal. HOWEVER, the Avari tribe has Very Different feelings on the matter.
The tribe believes that an evil spirit or force causes elves to become alphas or omegas (they don't use those terms but whatever). There isn't much they can do if someone becomes an omega, but generally omegas can live a normal life but just lose control of their bodies sometimes. So, omegas can stay in the tribe but don't have much respect unless they dedicate themselves to healing and or soothsaying etc. Alphas, on the other hand, are considered violent and dangerous and are not allowed to stay with the tribe after reaching adulthood unless they go through a ritual to cast the evil spirit from them. This involves a moderate degree of mutilation and pain and is very unpleasant and sometimes people die during it.
Glorfindel's an alpha. He went through that ritual and is a very good warrior/hunter/protector for the tribe. He is very proud of his scars.
This makes things a bit awkward in Lindon, where everyone is horrified by this thing that he takes deep pride in.
Anyway, that's a lot and there's even more but I should probably stop (warm hug if you read all that).
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wispythreads · 7 months
i really liked ur posts on Dead Plate! I really like the games rdt makes cuz they always seem to have some sort of deeper meaning to it which just makes it feel more compelling! I'm playing it now and I keep getting the first ending, I was wondering if you have any tips for the triggers for the other ones?
Hey, thank you! I'm gonna try playing their other games too when I get the time, this was my first time trying something they made and it was really fun!
As for getting the other endings, I probably would've been a bit stuck too, but thankfully they included a link to a guide for what you would need to trigger for the other endings
It turned out that I did everything right in a second playthrough to get a different ending, except ask for a raise, as I had a little bit more self-awareness of how much of a faux pas that'd be on day 4 than Rody does ^^;
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wildwood-faun · 2 months
How has your day been?
It's been good! Kind of intense (lots of people in the room at the same time, lots of different sounds including Loud Machine) but the vibes have been good. Rn I'm resting after work and thinking I probably have the energy to put a second coat of paint on the chair I'm painting later! How about you? :)
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natekashiri-exe · 7 months
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Treat ^_<
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prettyparacosm · 23 hours
I'm new here and I love your blog and normally I'd be here for RZ!Michael Myers but I need to know have you ever written for Tyler Mane's Sabretooth before??? I stg i cannot find any fics or prompts surrounding his version of the character. Anyways, I have a headcanon relating to him that he's very closed off emotionally, he's mostly a flirt and fuck but gets very scared of the thought of being in an emotional relationship. I recently started watching the xmen animated series from the 90s and have been taking what I've learned from that and applying it to Tyler Mane's version.
Hope all is well, keep up the amazing work! :)
OMG I have been waiting for someone to ask about him!!
He's one of my absolute favorites and I absolutely love the portrayal that Tyler Mane gave as Sabretooth!
I have been waiting to write for him and have so many different scenarios and headcanons (nsfw and sfw alike) and I just love Tyler Mane as a whole so if he plays the character than chances are that I would write some smut about it.
I do see him as a person that would flirt-and-fuck. Would have many casual flings. Wouldn't sleep with someone more than two days because then it would get "Complicated". If his partner survives that is. It matches his rough and tumble aura and his general feral behavior.
Speaking of...I just Love so his growling and snarls throughout the film. Made me shiver every single time 😌
I could talk about him for hours 😩👌
So, to answer your question, I will ABSOLUTELY write and/or talk about him 🥰
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mythology-void · 3 months
Good news, I have just checked The Odyssey, translated by Emily Wilson, out of the library!
quaking in my boots rn
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female-hysterics · 1 month
Omg 😭😭😭 Sex with stalker!Steven is so insane. Can't fuck you in a normal position. He wants to see your face? Forget missionary, he's folding you into a mating press. You wanna go doggy? Nope. He's holding your arms behind your arms and going prone bone. If it's your first time fucking and he doesn't wanna scare you with any restraining he's pounding into you so hard your legs give out and pulling your hair so hard he's pulling you into a fucking hissing cobra position. Mans is so sweet with his dirty talking, so reverent with how his hands roam your body that you almost (almost) forget he's compressing your spine
Steven will also turn into a completely feral animal while fucking you. I will die on this hill 😤
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Stalker!Steven is so frantic when he finally gets you naked, so animalistic and desperate, and it leaves your head spinning. He would have no qualms about urging you to your knees with love shining in his eyes, fisting your hair tightly while guiding you mouth along his cock, and he fucks your throat with abandon almost as soon as you get your mouth on him.
Steven prefers you to deepthroat because he feels so much closer to you that way, wants you to gag and drool around him and dig your nails into his thighs, and he would throw his head back while looking at you through his lashes and clutch at you skull and whimper out praise and groans out how pretty you look and how much he loves you. He would spill deep inside your mouth and then make you warm him until he’s hard again with soft pets on your cheek and hair and soft words of adoration.
Flipping and turning you into a multiple of positions, trying to get as deep into your tight wet cunt as possible, and there have been plenty of times where you have woken up in the middle of the night to his face buried between your thighs as he licks into you. He would eat you out until you’re sobbing, hiking your legs over his shoulders and lifting your body up so you are braced on nothing but your shoulders on the bed, and he is tonguefucking you like you are the last thing he will be able to taste. He will be furiously pumping his cock in his hand with his brows furrowed in fierce concentration, but his eyes would never leave your face. He would watch you come apart as he pulls orgasm after orgasm from you until your legs are trembling and you can barely keep your eyes open. 
Then he would crawl up your quaking body and thrust into you while pining your legs open and fuck you until you pass out from the pleasure with his sweet voice whispering in your ear.
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astarions-bride · 5 months
hey, this totally isn't z0mibite. Can I get 32 and 9 from the kinky masterlist, pretty please? Location, preferably a tent ⛺️
This turned out a bit longer than anticipated 😅 hope you enjoy! ❤️
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A few days into the expedition once you reached the depths of the Amazon, and a lot of hard trekking where yourself and the rest of the crew had to scramble to keep pace with Rob and the Professor, you all found a camping spot that was near a small river where you could finally bathe and replenish their water. You nearly wept and the scientist Tim was misty eyed at the prospect of taking a bath as opposed to the little quick rinses they’ve been doing. The Professor had been pushing them at a brutal pace, excitement boosted at the discovery of a yellow Boa not indigenous to the region, and you had the suspicions that he has forgotten that most of his crew weren’t used to such brutal conditions.
Everyone except Rob.
You had kept a hefty distance away from the older man without being too obvious since he discovered your little crush when Tim was talking way too loud within earshot of the stoic man, you were asking less questions and avoiding eye contact, but Rob had been perfectly normal. However, you had felt his eyes boring into your back when you would film a few scenes of the nature around them whenever James decided to give you the  camera, and there was one occasion where you caught him slowly running his eyes over your body. Of course, that led you to tripping over your feet and nearly twisting an ankle in shock at the dark glint in his bright blue eyes.
You had tried your very best to keep a distance away from Rob, being on your best behavior helping film interviews, and on some level you were successful. It didn’t make your constant anxiety go away though. Especially when he would offer a hand when walking over unstable earth or a rushing stream, his long fingers burning against your skin at the contact, and you nearly fell into a river when he put his hands on your waist to hoist you up over a rock. James found that amusing and had the camera in your face the entire time. Making enough noise that even the Professor had to chide him.
Every moment with Rob seemed to deepen your crush. His experience in the wilderness and knowledge of animals left you fighting against the urge to swoon, his deep soothing voice calm as he explained every question that was thrown at him by Tim or James or even Michelle, and you caught yourself smiling as you filmed him while Michelle interviewed him. Noting the crinkles at the corners of his eyes when he flashed a rare smile, the way he seemed to be a well of information that he shared easily, and the way his voice alone made a flush rise in your face. You could barely contain yourself when he addressed the camera. Looking into your eyes just shy of the lens with an intensity that left you clenching your thighs together. The way his eyes tracked every movement you made you knew that he caught the way you shifted and the way your face flushed. You should have known that he would talk to you sooner rather than later.
You had just finished your quick bath, reveling in the feeling of being squeaky clean, and you decided to film a few shots of the water and surrounding trees after everybody had a chance to clean themselves. In the background you could hear James chatting happily somewhere behind you with an awkwardly laughing Lisa and you smiled softly as you filmed a bird hopping around the riverbank. Suddenly, a body stepped up beside you, and the feel of body heat chasing away the slight chill left over from your bath had you fighting a shiver.
“Tonight. Your tent,” Rob murmured quietly, voice quiet yet still had a slight edge that brooked no argument, and this time you weren’t able to hide your shiver at his words.
Gathering your fleeting courage, you turned slightly to stare up at him. The man was staring out over the water, blue eyes flicking over the entire area and into the trees as if a beast was gonna jump out of the bushes any moment, and his face was carefully void of emotion. Standing next to him you felt incredibly small, your head barely reaching his broad shoulders, and your breath caught in your throat when his eyes darted to you.
His eyes were intense, seeming to peer straight into your soul, and any air in your lungs seemed to evaporate. This was the first time he had spoken to you about your obvious attraction to him and your hands began to sweat at his stare.
“All you have to do is say ‘no’,” he offered just as quietly and your heart jumped into your throat at the prospect of losing any chance with him.
Your answer apparently was written all over your face since the tension in his shoulders seemed to ease. Seemingly satisfied that he had got his point across he turned on his heel and walked back to the tree line where the crew were setting up their tents. You eyed the darkening sky through the thick canopy, the smell of oncoming rain filled your burning lungs, and your hands trembled as you put the camera up.
It seems you had a date to prepare for.
Later on, long after the sun had set and the heavy rain was pelting your tent, you were curled up under your sleeping bag on the verge of a panic attack. You had prepared yourself the best you could under the circumstances. A packet of Vaseline tucked underneath your makeshift pillow, your pants and panties were folded neatly in your bag which left you in just a loose t-shirt, and your senses seemed to heighten with every minute you were left waiting. You took a moment to be thankful that you had a tent all to yourself. A twig snapped by your tent, making your entire body go rigid, and you silently prayed it wasn’t some creature that would force you to run through the trees half naked. Your tent quietly zipped open, your ears straining for any other noises over the pounding rain, and cool air rushed into your tent before it was quickly closed again. The sudden silence was deafening. You could hear his breathing and you envied the slow calm breaths.
Your heart was pounding against your ribcage almost painfully and your lungs seemed to refuse to work.
“Are you certain?” Rob asked softly and you squeezed your eyes shut in the darkness at his deep voice.
Unable to force words out of your mouth, you pried your fingers off your pillow to reach underneath and thrust the pack of makeshift lube in his general direction, but you stayed curled on your side away from him. Unable to force your body to move as your nerves got the best of you. Without another word you heard the distinct sound of fabric on fabric before feeling him slide underneath your blanket and into your sleeping bag. His body heat wrapped around you and you couldn’t stop the shiver that raced down your spine.
“Are you cold?” Rob asked, his voice so close to your ear and his strong lean body sliding close, and you fisted your blanket in your hands as anxiety clawed at you.
“No,” you finally managed to choke out, before jumping as a warm calloused hand landed on your bare thigh underneath your shirt.
His hand slid carefully against your skin, brushing over your thigh before settling against your hip, and you bit your lip as he reached up to tug on your shirt. It took you a moment to realize he wanted it off. With trembling hands you pulled the shirt over your head and shivered again at the sudden rush of cool air. Chills erupted over your skin, your nipples pebbling as his warm hand swept against your hip and up to your ribcage, and then he slid his hand further up. He brushed against the swells of your breasts, making your breath hitch, and then he suddenly curled his hand around your thigh. With your breath lodged in your throat, you let him spread your thighs and fought a whimper when he placed your leg across his, letting your knee hook over his lap. Exposed and anxious, you tried to mimic his even breathing, but jerked harshly against him as lubed fingers suddenly dipped between your thighs.
You tried to snap your legs close out of reflex, but his forearm held you open.
“Easy,” Rob whispered against your hair, pressing his body closer to you until you felt every bare inch of him, and he kept his hand right where it was as you forced yourself to relax.
You squeezed your eyes shut, hating how on edge you were, and a fuzzy idea formed in your racing mind. You forced one hand away from your blanket and hesitantly curled your hand over Rob’s wrist. You ignored how you were still trembling, but the man behind you waited patiently to see what you were going to do next. Biting your lip, you began moving his hand against you, and you heard his breath hitch. You fell into the familiar pattern that always sent you shaking with pleasure and the feel of his rough fingers sliding against your sensitive folds had a small whine escaping your throat.
Soon, all tension from your body had dissipated, and you were subtly rocking your hips against his fingers. You felt him nuzzle into your hair, placing a kiss against the nape of your neck, and he hummed lightly at the growing wetness between your thighs.
“You’ve wanted this for a while, huh?” he asked in a hushed voice and your leg twitched against his hip at the husky tone.
His words made your face burn, but you quickly forgot about your embarrassment when his middle finger sank deep into your core as his thumb lazily circled your clit. Your eyes shot open in the dark as your hips jerked forward into his touch and your breath caught in your throat.
“Answer me, sweetheart,” he said and you whimpered at the stretch as he added another finger inside you alongside the first.
You nodded as you breathed deeply through your nose to stop yourself from passing out at the sudden pleasure.
Rob’s fingers slipped free from your warmth, making you whine at the loss, but then you felt something bigger nudge against you.
“I want to hear you say it,” he said quietly and your eyes fluttered shut as he began rocking subtly against you, dragging his length through your soaked folds, and your head leaned back to rest against his shoulder.
You felt the scruff of his short beard brush against your temple as he nuzzled against you.
“Please, Rob,” you choked out and you felt his free hand slip up to anchor around your mouth.
You were momentarily confused, making a small noise in question, before nearly shrieking as he sheathed himself deep inside you to the hilt. Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as an unflattering noise wheezed out of you and he shushed you gently in your ear.
He thankfully stilled against you to let your body adjust, keeping his hand over your mouth to muffle any noise, and you felt his other hand massage the meat of your thigh.
“Fuck, you’re tight,” he grunted, grinding up into you as you slowly adjusted to his girth, and you whimpered at both the words and movement.
You eventually found yourself moving with him, rocking against him as much as you could while pinned against him, and slid his hand from your mouth to wrap gingerly around your throat. Rob began to move in a slow sensual rhythm and you nearly bit your lip bloody to keep your sounds down. Eventually he moved to a faster pace, snapping his hips against you until you were left clawing at his arm as pleasure coiled tight in your pelvis and warmth radiated from your center. Your body ached at the stretch and the vigorous movement, but it only heightened the bliss rushing through you. The man was grunting in your ear, words of praise mixed with utter filth, and his grip on your thigh turned bruising.
You realized you were panting out his name as he fucked into you, the air in the tent humid and reeking of sex as you failed for breath, and you slapped a hand over your own mouth as a quick and devastating orgasm hit you without warning. Your body arched against him, eyes rolling back in pleasure, and you heard him quietly talking you through your orgasm as he slowed his pace to something slow and deep to draw out your pleasure. It wasn’t until you fell limp and twitching against him that you realized he was still hard inside you. You made a muffled noise against your hand and moved your other hand to reach back to pet through his hair. Rob pulled out, making you wince and moan at the loss, before you felt him pumping himself with his free hand. You leaned your head back to mouth at his jaw, feeling him adjust to press his lips against yours, and he groaned deep in his chest as warmth spilled between your thighs and against your cunt. You moaned again at the sensation, feeling marked as his mouth swallowed your small noises as his tongue swept into your mouth, and you felt his body relax against you.
You both panted almost in tandem and you couldn’t stop the slurred giggle that escaped you.
“I should have said something sooner,” you muttered and felt him smile against your shoulder where he was busy placing soft kisses.
Rob helped ease your thighs close, your body still feeling weak and sluggish, and you felt him pull you closer. You turned around until you faced him, cuddling into his chest shyly considering the act you just committed within feet of your crew mates, and your heart skipped a beat when he wrapped his arms around you.
“Had to wait for the rain. Otherwise we would’ve waken the entire camp,” he explained and you flushed in embarrassment at the truth in his words.
“We should clean up,” you eventually whispered as your eyelids threatened to slip shut and he hummed.
“I’ll clean you up when I’m done with you,” he said evenly and you pressed your heated face against his chest to hide your goofy grin.
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im-pyrettablaze · 6 days
touch starved headcanons with Dbd Wraith, perchance?
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He wouldn't automatically be touchy with you. He would definitely test the waters a bit, a sly touch here and there, before unleashing his need on you.
Would stalk you the entire trial, hooking or downing anybody who got too close to you, and would just watch you.
Watch your hands move on the generator or wipe sweat from your brow.
Just admiring.
When he's in his invincible status he'll try and see how much touching he can get away with before you start getting suspicious.
He'll lightly brush his fingers against the ends of your hair or brush against your leg as you stay crouched by a generator.
He will use any excuse he can in order to prolong the contact between you two.
Holding you tight to his body as he just...carries you around the map. Not wanting to let you go just yet.
Letting his hand wander over your hip and thigh, testing the muscle with a small squeeze while savoring the feel of your hands on his back (even if you are trying to push him away)
Each touch leaves him giddy and high on dopamine. Making him want more and more and more.
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the-watching-void · 4 months
Get transed!
Wtf why am I a girl now????
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lordgrimwing · 1 month
Stealthros AU
[from this ask!]
The Basics: Malkor establishes his on kingdom in Middle-earth, enthralling/enslaving most of the elves before being defeated by the Valar and tossed into Mandos to contemplate his bad behavior (no elves ever went to Valinor). When he gets out on good behavior, he steals three glowing eggs from a group of dragons, killing dragon!Finwe and wounding dragon!Nerdanel in the process (similar process to Melkor leaving in the book). He then flees across the sea back to Middle-earth to reclaim his kingship. The rest of the dragon family chases after him, desperate to get their unhatched children/siblings back. The dragons work with the free peoples to over-throw Melkor, Feanor is killed at some point never seeing his lost eggs again. — @nighttimepatrons has some fricken awesome art of these dragons. Go check it out! —
Now, the dragons never tell their tentative allies that the ‘silmarils’ are eggs, so as far as anyone knows, the silmarils are just special gems that the dragons want back. Once Melkor is defeated, the elves/men/dwarves don’t give the remaining dragons the silmarils as agreed upon when the alliance was first made, keeping them for themselves (the light of the silmarils helps crops grow and keeps evil creatures away and are just all around very tempting things to keep hold of in a war-ruined land).
Inevitably, this leads to the dragons turning on the newly freed peoples (ie, welcome to the kinslayings on a massive scale). The dragons die one by one, the eggs always just out of reach. Celegorm has a classic western dragon arc with Luthien and Beren before they slay him. Finally, it’s down to Maedhors (the Enormous) and Maglor, and Celebrimbor who never took part in the slaughter for the silmarils because he loves elves, and he’s actually living in Eregion with the elves.
Because Kidnap Fam is kind of a requirement for us, M+M end up with young Elros and Elrond after another failed attempt to get a silmaril. M+M raise E+E and they become half-feral, fearless foster sons committed to helping their dragon dads get what’s theirs!
Okay, that was a lot but there you have the basis for the AU. Now on to some fun details.
The AU got it’s name because Elros is a silly guy who is very proud of how sneaky he can be, how stealthy. He calls himself Stealthros (get it? Stealthy Elros. Steathros. We’re so funny)
Now, because Elros and Elrond are So stealthy and sneaky and want to help their dads, who by this time are starting to give up, they decide to sneak into the treasury of the Noldor King and get the silmaril hidden within. Things go great until they get caught. Elros manages to escape (Stealthros for the win!) but Elrond gets tossed into a prison cell while the king figures out what to do.
Let’s talk about Gil-galad, the King of the Noldor.
Gil-galad, like many of the Noldor, was a thrall of Morgoth, freed after the dragons defeated the Vala. He bares a passing resemblance to Fingon, one of the free Noldor kings who died during the wars and dear friend of Maedhros. With some coaching from Cirdan (who never was a thrall), Gil-galad manages to convince the newly freed and leaderless Noldor that he is the son/grandson of Fingon. Whatever your thoughts on this deception, he’s doing a great shop of rebuilding the world and ensuring people don’t starve. Maedhros refuses to meet with him for any kind of treaties to end the attacks because he knows this upstart usurper is no relation of Fingon the Valiant. Gil-galad has the scars of a setting/rising star cut into his forehead. He doesn’t talk about it.
He's a good king, and he’s terrified when he ends up with a silmaril. He feels the Doom hanging over him and a bit of disappointment: from the stories, he expected something far grander from a silmaril, something glowing with otherworldly light, bright and holy; instead, all he has is a slightly shiny rock that collects dust and invites two nasty dragons to descend on the city. Whatever goodness and power that was housed in the thing is long gone. He hates it.
Now he has this this wild half-elf, foster son of the same monsters, too. He’s so Doomed.
He tries to talk with Elrond. In an ideal world, he’d get an agreement where he frees the boy and gives him the rock, but based on history, even that could bring death flying on dragon wings.
The talk doesn’t go well. Elrond appears to have forgotten his native language, and he only hisses and snaps at Gil-galad, even biting his hand when he gets too close!
There’s only one thing for it: he sends a message to Eregion, asking for someone who’s learned dragon-speech from Celebrimbor to home translate for him.
Celebrimbor is kind of a busybody, though, so he flies over to Lindon himself to see what’s going on and meet the elf-child his uncles raised.
Elrond bullies Celebrimbor. He’s so mean to the dragon 100x his size, it’s unbelievable. He says all kinds of things about Celebrimbor abandoning his family. He punches him in the nose!—Celebrimbor has no idea how to handle this from someone so small. He maybe cries a little. Gil-galad tries not to get second-hand embarrassment.
And that’s kind of it. I Elrond gets back to his dragon dads (Stealthros probably breaks him out), Gil-galad and Celebrimbor probably don’t die (but couldn’t you just imagine a scene like that one from HotD, with Elros on Maedhros chasing them down? shivers).
I’m sure Nightie has more awesome ideas to share (especially focused on the dragons)!
Ask me about fics that live rent-free in my head!
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ask-runtsans · 7 months
Runt groaned as they stood up still getting acclimated to reality. They looked around noticing quite a few eyes on them. They looked at all those watching and smiled a bit. “I can see that you all would like to know what happened to me and why I look so different. Well it’s because I reinvented myself. I’m no longer who I once was. I’m not the same little pushover you all have come to know. Now I mean business and nobody is going to mess with me anymore!”, they declared. They stood up, their eyes now glowing green looking at the audience. "But you all have to earn my trust in order for me to tell you what the true story of my change is."
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