#The Sorcerer (Grishaverse)
stromuprisahat · 1 year
“Come live with me and be my bride,” demanded the sorcerer at last. “I will teach you all the ways that you can use your gift and we will reign over every lesser creature. Refuse me and I will shove you from this tower. You can ask your foolish questions as you fall to your death.”  But all the time the sorcerer had been talking, he had not bothered to understand just what Vasilka had been weaving—a grand pair of wings. All he could do was stare as she slipped them onto her arms and leapt from the tower. She soared away on golden feathers that caught the light in their glowing threads and seemed to set the last scraps of afternoon sun ablaze.  She is said to have become the first firebird and is the patron saint of unwed women.
The Lives of Saints (Leigh Bardugo)
Someone has a pattern... Beauty and the beast, except the beast is always evil and ends up defeated.
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etdraconis · 4 months
Updated Muse List
Italics denotes tertiary/low muse, * denotes request only
Dragon Age Canons:
Cremisius Aclassi
Zevran Araini
Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Bethany Hawke
Carver Hawke
Nathaniel Howe
Thomas Howe
Anora Mac Tir
Loghain Mac Tir
Josephine Montilyet
Dorian Pavus
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Varric Tethras
Alistair Theirin
Cailan Theirin
Maric Theirin
Varric Tethras
Dragon Age OCs:
Arden Aclassi
Hissera Adaar
Sereda Aeducan
August Amell
Elizabeth Amell
Julian Amell
Oliver Amell
Rosalie Amell
Pyke Brosca
Macaria Cadash
Amara Cousland
Brennon Cousland
Lauryl Cousland
Victoire Ducet
Callum Hawke
Kenton Hawke
Leanore Hawke
Hava Lavellan
Theron Mahariel
Kalva Sabrae
Alim Surana
Aurelia Tabris
Rowan Theirin
Claire Trevelyan
Declan Trevelyan
Evelyn Trevelyan
Everett Trevelyan
Gabriel Trevelyan
Maxwell Trevelyan
Persephone Trevelyan
Greek Mythology
Percy Jackson/Riordan Verse
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Jason Grace (potentially)
Percy Jackson
Piper McClean (potentially)
Will Solace
Leo Valdez (potentially)
Elaine Archeron
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Lucian Vanserra
Crescent City
Hunt Athalar
Ruhn Danaan
Danika Fendyr
Ithan Holstrom
Bryce Quinlan
Throne of Glass
Aedion Ashryver
Sam Cortland
Lysandra Ennar
Aelin Galathynius
Dorian Havilliard
Fenrys Moonbeam
Chaol Westfall
Kaz Brekker
The Darkling
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Matthias Helvar
Nikolai Lantsov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Alina Starkov
Wylan Van Eck
Nina Zenik
Good Omens
Zodiac Academy
Geraldine Grus
Lance Orion
Max Rigel
Darcy Vega
Tory Vega
Fourth Wing
Imogen Cardulo
Ridoc Gamlyn
Aaric Greycastle
Sloane Maori
Rhiannon Matthias
Brennan Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Violet Sorrengail
Other Book Muses
Alexander Clairemont-Diaz
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
General Armitage Hux*
Kylo Ren
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennifer of Venderberg
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Jaime Lannister*
Sansa Star*
Aemond Targaryen*
Daemon Targaryen*
Daeron Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen*
Brienne of Tarth*
Jacaerys Velaryon
Lucerys Velaryon
Chevalier de Lorraine*
Louis XIV*
Philippe d'Orleans*
DnD/Fantasy OCs
Jalana Astorio (human warlock
Tarquin Auglathia (sea-elf rogue)
Nedri Autumnblaze (half-orc ranger)
Azure (water genasi monk)
Anders Brightwood (human bard)
Caerlin (tiefling arcane trickster rogue)
Drake (Wild Hunt shifter ranger)
Elianis Galonodel (half-elf druid)
Naivara Galonodel (half-elf mastermind rogue)
Talon Galonodel (wood elf bard)
Makaria (tiefling paladin)
Reya (tiefling storm sorcerer)
Alwyn Sulian (sun elf paladin)
Auryn Sulian (sun elf fighter)
Cerys Sulian (sun elf celestial warlock)
Emrys Sulian (sun elf shadow magic sorcerer)
Hollis Tremaine (human fighter)
Other/modern OCs
Hyun-Soo Joly (medical student)
Destin Michaels (merman)
Novah Michaels (mermaid)
Cassian Sage (werewolf)
Sophie Sage (werewolf)
Reina Solace (werewolf)
Hazel Thatcher (werewolf)
Nicolai Voss (vampire)
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mxnstrousmusings · 2 years
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𝐌𝐚𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞
𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 :
Guarded, flirty( though not on purpose) and demanding Maeve believes that she deserves the best, be it material things or the people she surrounds herself with or her own future she wants the best. She seems picky when going through dates and other things but that could be because she doesn’t want to prove her parents right. She has a short fuse but impressive control of her outwards appearance, she’s been told on multiple occasions that she looks like a bitch and has even started to lean in to that stereotype when she’s extra annoyed. She’s sarcastic and has a dark sense of humor, can be self-deprecating, she’s an acquired taste and since she’s so guarded it may take long for you to see the real her, but once you do she seems lost and vulnerable with a touch of playfulness.
𝐛𝐢𝐨 :
Told from an early age that she was destined for an epic destiny and love because she’s a valentines day baby, she has tried not to let her family down, tried to date yet it always seems to go wrong. She keeps going through the motions of dating but easily comes off as a player or heartbreaker.
Maeve may seem really intimidating at times but once you get to know her she’s a softie. She doesn’t know what she wants from life but she does know that she doesn’t want the same life as her parents, she wants to do something meaningful or at least experience something of substance.
She spent her formative years trying to outrun the destiny she had forced upon her, constantly damning the sorcerer that had placed the prophecy on her shoulders. She never believed that she was the one that would save her familys reputation, or in prophecies but her family did and that shaped her entire life. As her family struggles to maintain their lifestyle and hides their personal issues behind porcelain masks, maybe it's time she start believing in all the stories.
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 : February 14th 1999
𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 : pansexual
𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐬 : Poppy Drayton (main), Sarah Hyland (child), Rachel Weisz (teen)
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧: modern, percy jackson universe, hp, hunger games, legacies/tvd/to, winx/fate, grishaverse/shadow and bone, twilight & college au , but i am willing to play in other verses as long as i know them
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lifeintheshadows · 3 years
So I learned about WW1 in school today.
Now, you may be asking why are you posting this on your Grishaverse sideblog?
Good question.
Well, the thing that paves the way to war is tension.
That was an observation I made.
There is tension between West Ravka and East Ravka which will cause a civil war. In no universe will there ever be no war.
Because there is tension there.
Now, Sasha is an experienced military commander.
Alina is not.
East Ravka can win with as little casualties as possible if Sasha lead part of the war.
Neither Zoya nor Alina can fight against Zlatan.
Sasha however can.
He is experienced and he understands that there are casualties in war.
Alina and Zoya's "pure" methods will lead to West Ravka winning.
(Sorry if it don't make sense, I am in extra-curriculars and reading Shadow & Bone for the book club. Everyone else is reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, I read it more than 10 times so the teacher let me read another book I am reading. Shadow & Bone)
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The Legend of the Heartless One and his Wish
A/N: Hello! this is my fic for the @grishaversebigbang! It's been awhile since I've written fanfic for the Grishaverse so it was fun to get back into it. Below are/will be links to the incredible art that was created for this fic!
Materialki: @miedziana-dziewoja (link) @justagrishafae (link)
Summary: Millennium’s have passed and yet the story of the Ice Court heist is still being told, passed down generation to generation. Each retelling is a little different than the last, warping the story every time. A mother tells her young daughter her version of the The Legend of the Heartless One and his Wish.
Word Count: 3535
Ilma leaned against the doorframe, just managing to catch Klara jump into bed and pulling her plush wolf close to her.
"Ready for bed?" Ilma asked her daughter, tucking Klara tightly into bed and double checking the window to make sure that it was closed.
"Can you tell me a story?" Klara asked before doing her pouty face. She moved her plushed wolf so it was facing Ilma. "Fannar wants to hear one too."
"Well," Ilma said with a chuckle. "I suppose I'm outnumbered. I guess I have to."
Klara giggled. "Tell the one about the demon and the clock!" She exclaimed.
"Again?" Ilma asked, settling down into the nearby rocking chair. "Why do you like that story so much? It's quite depressing."
"Grandma says that one of our ancestors was at that Hringkälla party."
"You shouldn't believe everything your grandmother tells you." Ilma made a mental note to talk with her own mother about putting thoughts in Klara's head. "But, okay, I'll tell you The Legend of the Heartless One and his Wish."
Klara quietly clapped under her blankets as Ilma began slowly rocking back and forth in her chair. "Hmmm…"
In the days of old, when Grisha were still being hunted down for simply being, and the Unsea had just been vanquished by Sankta Alina, there were six unlikely figures who braved the bitter Fjerdan weather to steal Sankt Kho's wish-granting clock.
Ruthless Kaz, whose space where his heart should be was barren. An evil sorcerer who concealed his identity, Pekka Rollins, took it from the young boy for use in his magic and potions. Without a heart and not knowing who took it, Kaz became a twisted half-demon, looking very much the same as any other Kerch boy but bearing gnarled talons instead of hands, unable to touch anything without it withering away into nothingness. For this very reason, he covered his hands with thick leather gloves and yearned to be reunited with his heart.
Light-footed Inej, a creation of Kaz for the purpose of being all-knowing and to spy on everyone for personal gain. Alone and filled with rage, heartless Kaz used a tree in a nearby forest to create her body, then pulled out long strips of the night sky for hair. Finally, plucking a deadly monkshood from the forest floor, he gave Inej life. Silent, but deadly, she entered and exited anywhere she pleased without notice. She killed with no remorse and earned herself the title The Wraith.
Tricky Jesper, a boy of Kaz's past who never gave up on his heartless friend. He travelled around, chaos ensuing in his wake. He won Fariba's battle of wits, fooled Ulla in order to steal his iconic pearl revolvers, and accomplished many other exploits. And yet, he always came back to Kaz and told him of his adventures, always keeping an eye out for anything that could possibly return the heartless one back to his original self.
Mutable Wylan, cursed with the ability to shapeshift—unable to remember his true form. His father, Jan Van Eck, paid Pekka Rollins to cast the spell on his son because Wylan reminded him too much of his dead wife. He spent his days shifting into different people, kicked out by his awful father, until silent Inej took pity on the shapeshifter and took him into safety.
Mighty Nina and golden-haired Matthias, a Heartrender and Fjerdan, in love with one another when it was impossible to be. Matthias was arranged to be married to the lovely Kajsa and, with time running out, Nina made a deal with ruthless Kaz so they could be together. And so the deed was done—on one condition: Kaz could redeem a favour of any kind whenever he pleased.
One day, in the noisy streets of Ketterdam, Jesper told Kaz of a story he had heard on his travels—Sankt Kho's marble clock, given the ability to grant a single wish. It was hidden somewhere beneath the Fjerdan Ice Court, lost in the frigid ground when Sankt Kho's clockwork army ravaged the archaic country Fjerda was founded on.
This was the first time heartless Kaz had heard of any hope for his situation. But he did not want to be too enthusiastic since breaking into the Fjerdan Ice Court was no easy task. It was a smooth white palace, blending into its snowy surroundings. Heavily guarded and with no idea where Sankt Kho's clock could be, Kaz didn’t know where to start.
Then, that night, Sankta Margaretha spoke to him in a dream. She had defeated a demon before but took pity on this half-demon, as they were both of the same country. She led the ruthless one to the beginnings of a plan and where exactly the clock was hiding—beneath the Ice Court's sacred ash tree.
Kaz spent another seventeen days finalizing his plan, cooped up in his home. He thought through all of the problems they could go through, all the things that could go wrong. If he was planning to wish for a new heart, he needed to be prepared. When would this kind of chance come to him again? 
When the plans were all set, Kaz called to trade in Nina’s favour and, not wanting his love to traverse his homeland alone, Matthias decided to join the team as well, contributing his knowledge of Fjerda and his muscle.
Now, it was just a matter of getting to Fjerda from Kerch in time for Hringkälla, the day in which the heist would commence.
In the early morning before the sun came up, Inej and Wylan snuck down to Fifth Harbour and crept aboard the Marya. Inej murdered the captain, disposing of his body in the bay, and shapeshifting Wylan took his place, donning the captain's clothes and firing the entirety of the crew.
By the time the sun arose, the harbour was filled with busy people. Kaz, Jesper, Nina, and Matthias blended right in, aboarding the Marya and setting off into the True Sea.
In the seventeen days and nights that it took to dock in Djerholm, Kaz laid out the scheme and all the altered versions in case circumstances caused them to divert from the original plan. They tested one another relentlessly, sleeping like the dead at nights from exhaustion.
On the last night of their trip, however, no one was able to sleep. Kaz stood on the deck, staring into the pitch black sea, his mind churning endless possibilities. He couldn't fail. He refused to. And yet…what if he did fail? And on the other hand, what would he do if he succeeded? All of his life, he obsessed over filling his heart-shaped hole. What would happen when he finally got what he wanted?
In another part of the ship, Jesper was comforting a sea-sick Wylan. Throughout the entire ship, the shapeshifter had been unable to gain his sea legs and, after passing through an especially rough storm, Wylan was feeling less than ideal.
"Tell me about yourself," the sharpshooter said to Wylan to get the shapeshifter's mind off of his nausea.
And so Wylan did. He told Jesper about his misfortunes—his dead mother and terrible father and the sorcerer who cursed him. How Jan Van Eck told everybody his son had disappeared and planned to write him out of his will. How Jan was close to re-marrying another woman to gain another heir.
Jesper, sorry for inadvertently causing more pain to the shapeshifter's already foul mood, started to tell Wylan about his own adventures. He described the endless Shriftport fields of jurda in Novyi Zem, the quaint red and gold city of Nehlu in Shu Han, and the Bone Road islands, Jelka and Vilka, enveloped in a thick mist.
Curled up in their own room, Nina and Matthias spoke in hushed whispers, fervently arguing whether or not making a deal with the half-demon was a good idea in the first place. Golden-haired Matthias told his love that they could have found a way to be together without making a reckless trade. The heist was a death wish. He had been in the Ice Court plenty of times, being an old Drüskelle before moving to Kerch with Nina. What he was doing—helping a half-demon break into the Ice Court—was treason.
"I do not trust him, but I trust you," Matthias whispered to mighty Nina. "And if I die trying to protect you, then so be it."
"Don't say that," Nina snapped. "This is not a death wish, merely a favour that needs to be repaid. Nothing more, nothing less."
Perched on the mast of the Marya, Inej peered out into the deep blackness of the night, the soft wind blowing her hair back. Her breath came out in a fog but she was warm. The night sky was a part of her and it kept the cold at bay. Down below, she could see her maker staring into the depths of the sea.
Silently, she slid down the giant, wooden, pole, and landed on the deck without a sound. She crept up behind Kaz who did not move even though he knew she was there.
Standing shoulder to shoulder until the sun burst from the horizon, the demon and the wraith said not a word to one another.
They landed at the port in Djerholm with little fanfare even though the energy on board the Marya was electric. Clothes were being put on, satchels were given one last check through, and the group of six were going over the plan in their heads.
First things first, getting to the Ice Court disguised as entertainment.
Hiding in the bushes of an old road, the six of them waited for a passing caravan. When one did come, precise-shooting Jesper pulled out his pearl revolvers and shot the entire caravan dead in under four seconds.
The six descended onto the carriage like a murder of crows. Wylan shifted into the coachman and hopped aboard while the others disposed of the bodies, pulled off their clothes, and stepped inside the carriage.
Mutable Wylan started up the horses once again.
The first check through the outer gate of the Ice Court went without a hitch. Wearing the old entertainers’ clothes and Nina lowering the guard’s heart rate enough for him to relax and become sleepy, the guard let them go past with a mere glance inside the carriage.
Next was the second checkpoint where individuals were to be checked along with the right paperwork and ID. These valuable pieces of information had been forged when they had been back in Kerch. This check one was more thorough and more prone to mishaps.
Inej flashed her ID to the rough guard who inspected it carefully, eyes flicking back and forth between the silent Inej and her photo.
“I know her!” A woman’s voice shrieked, pushing through the line of party goers. Heleen Van Houden, a Kerch socialite, pointed an angry finger at Inej. Her straw-like hair was piled atop her head and around her neck was the largest diamond Inej had ever seen. Heleen was known for abducting young girls from their families and selling them off to men to which Inej had been trying for years to put a stop to it to no avail. The two of them had had multiple scuffles and therefore knew each other well.
"She works for that demon," Heleen said, nearly in tears. "If she's here then there must be others. From that grubby little gang!"
All of a sudden, the Elderclock began ringing—Yellow Protocol.
"You'll have to come with us," a guard said to both Inej and Heleen. "Further questioning is required. We need to be sure that there is no threat."
"I swear! I swear!" Heleen cried hysterically. "You have to go out now or they'll get away."
Kaz, Jesper, Nina, Matthias, and Wylan took this time to discreetly pass through the second checkpoint.
"Is the plan still on?" Jesper asked Kaz. "What do we do about Inej?"
Heartless Kaz nodded curtly, doing the math in his head. "Yes. The four of you split off and do what needs to be done. Inej can handle herself."
And, with that, Kaz went off by himself, in the direction of the party, in full swing.
Wylan and Jesper quickly headed to the back gate where they all planned to make their escape. Wylan quietly climbed the watchtower where two guards were held and carefully shapeshifted into a Fjerdan general while tricky Jesper lingered at the watchtower's doors, back against the wall.
Suddenly, Wylan burst into the room, "it's yellow protocol—what are you doing up here?"
"Commander Brum said that we—"
Shapeshifting Wylan signed impatiently. "I don't care what Commander Bum says, it's Yellow Protocol and you are to be down at the party, searching for gang members or anything out of the ordinary."
"Who's to take our positions?" The other watchtower guard asked although he was quickly grabbing his weapons.
"A few grunts are on their way. They're not your problem. Now go!" Wylan exclaimed, staring down the guards before they started rushing down the stairs where Jesper knocked them out and bound their limbs as soon as they exited the watchtower.
Jesper climbed up to the watchtower, taking steps two at a time where he saw Wylan sitting at the table which held multiple buttons and levers.
"Ready?" Jesper asked with a grin, cocking his head to the side.
Nina and Matthias found a spot at the back of the White Island. Nina squinted up at the sacred ash tree, orientating herself on the circular island. Then, relaxing her shoulders, she reached out her Heartrender powers—the same powers that gave her the title of the strongest Heartrender and able to stop an entire army dead in their tracks—until she could feel every single beating heart on the White Island. Mighty Nina pulled at their muscles discreetly, making most of the crowd outside inadvertently make their way to surround Nina and Matthias while keeping everyone else stuck where they were. She silently passed over her five people, letting them roam free, as they all had missions of their own. No one realized a powerful Heartrender was causing most of the group to move.
"What's happening over here?" One partygoer asked Matthias.
"You'll see," he replied and then discreetly flashed an engagement ring the woman's way.
The woman's eyes lit up and she nodded understandingly. She then leaned over to the man next to her and whispered this in his ear.
As soon as silent Inej noticed that the guards and Heleen were stuck to their spot, Inej got into action. She pulled herself up a ventilation duct and made her way out of the detainment building to where nearly everyone on the island were congregated in the back. All except one person who was limping over to the sacred ash tree, unnoticed by everyone except Inej.
"Are you ready to be a normal boy again?" Inej asked, coming up behind ruthless Kaz who was beginning to weave rope around the sacred ashes' trunk. Inej started to help. Vaguely, she could hear Matthias trying to calm down the crowd of party goers who were beginning to yell at Matthias to just do it already.
Kaz didn't say anything as he and Inej began pulling on the rope, the tree creaking and groaning. He was beginning to have second thoughts. While he hated the fact that he couldn't touch anything without killing it, he had grown accustomed to his talons and extra strength. Not to mention the reputation he had made ever since being branded a demon. People actually respected him. They didn't brush him away—pretend he was a doormat. But he couldn't just back out now. He was in too deep. He would've wasted this entire mission for what? His feelings?
With one last heave, the sacred ash tree was uprooted and Kaz could hear rushing water beneath it. 
"There it is!" Inej exclaimed, pointing at the tree.
And there, amidst the tangle of roots, was Sankt Kho's marble clock, shining in the moonlight as if it hadn't just spent centuries underground.
Heartless Kaz stared at it for a moment before grabbing at it, the clock feeling heavy in his hands. "Let's go," he breathed before jumping in the hole they had just created from the sacred ash tree. Inej quickly jumped behind Kaz, letting out a high whistle.
Instantly, Matthias picked up Nina and ran headfirst into the crowd towards the sacred ash tree hole. The party goers and guards, able to turn their heads but unable to move, watched with shocked expressions as Matthias, Nina in tow, jumped down into the rushing water.
Mighty Nina could feel everyone's heartbeats fade away but she so desperately hung on to them for dear life, trusting Matthias to keep her head above the freezing water.
"They jumped!" Wylan exclaimed, hopping up from his seat.
"Wait…wait…" Jesper muttered, his eyes surveying the crowd of people still on the White Island. 
"I can't…hold…for much…longer…" Nina gasped, feeling her body slowly be dragged down as Matthias was losing steam. All of a sudden, she was dunked under, the water filling her nose. The connection to everybody on the island suddenly snapped.
The crowd began running towards the hole. Guards were about to jump down the hole.
"Now!" Jesper yelled and Wylan hit a button, the Elderclock beginning to ring. Black Protocol.
The guards' head suddenly snapped to attention, momentarily stunned.
"Go, go!" Jesper yelled, pushing Wylan down the watchtower and watched as he shapeshifted into one the guards Jesper had knocked out not so long ago.
Panting and out of breath, Wylan made it to the center of the White Island, dragging Jesper behind him by the collar. "I found one of the gang members!" He shouted. "Stop! Don't jump." Wylan turned to Jesper. "Tell them what you told me."
Tricky Jesper hunched his back and refused to look anyone in the eye. "They're planning to reconvene in Halmhend's main square before sneaking onto a ship and heading for the Wandering Isle.
"We can cut them off there!" A general exclaimed. He began making plans with the others, splitting up their group so there were still some people to watch over the party goers. Jesper didn't really think there was much party left.
"I'll take this one to the prison sector," Shapeshifting Wylan said in a gruff voice before dragging Jesper off the White Island before making a break for it out of the Ice Court while everyone was beginning to plan to go to Halmhend.
Back on the Marya headed straight back to Kerch, the six stood around a table, Sankt Kho's wish-granting clock in the middle of them. Inscripted around the clock's face was "ask your heart's desire."
Taking a deep breath, Kaz muttered under his breath. "I wish to be rid of the demon inside of me." The clock didn't even click. Kaz didn't feel any different. 
He tried to ask in a different way. "I wish to be a normal boy again." Again, nothing happened.
Growing frustrated, ruthless Kaz took the clock in his two gloved hands. "Didn't you hear me, stupid thing? I want to have my heart back."
Realization dawned upon Inej. "Kaz," she said slowly. "It asks for your heart's desire. But you don't have a heart."
Nobody on the ship spoke.
Nina looked a little green. "I need some air," she muttered before rushing to the deck of the ship. Matthias quickly went after her, glancing back just once at the four people left surrounding Sankt Kho's clock.
Kaz gripped onto the table, feeling his talons breaking through his leather gloves. "All that work, for nothing," he spat out. He was too angry to admit that a part of him felt relieved. "Saints," he cursed, picking up the clock in his hand. "I'm throwing this thing overboard."
"No!" Jesper exclaimed, yanking the clock out of Kaz's grip. "Just because your desire isn't able to be granted doesn't mean that nobody else's can."
Kaz quietly limped to his quarters. "Fine. Do whatever you want. I don't care anymore."
Jesper looked expectantly at the two remaining people.
"Go for it," Inej said with a nod.
Wylan nodded eagerly.
Jesper pursed his lips and looked directly at the clock's hands. "I wish that Wylan knew what his true form was."
Ding. Sankt Kho's clock began vibrating, the internal cogs beginning to turn.
And so, you should know that you should not make a deal with a demon. For your abilities might vanish, like mighty Nina's. You should not wish for something that you are not sure of, like heartless Kaz. But you should always look out for opportunities to benefit your loved ones, like tricky Jesper. Be warned and learn what others did not.
Ilma glanced down at Klara who was fast asleep, hugging Fannar tightly to her chest. She had fallen asleep before the Marya had even left Kerch harbour. But Ilma wasn't one to let a story go unfinished. It was one thing her own mother had taught her.
Ilma bent down to kiss Klara's forehead before slowly tiptoeing out of Klara's bedroom.
"Good night."
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sheikah · 3 years
Do u have any book series recommendations? Or standalone books? Preferably fantasy w good romance
I do! I am not as well-read in fantasy or romance books as I'd like to be. I read a lot in my youth, completely abandoned "reading for pleasure" throughout college and grad school because I was working the whole time, and then for the first few years of teaching was too overwhelmed with grading to read on the side. I'm FINALLY getting back into it. But here are some book recs I've checked out recently that have fantasy, romance, or both :)
I feel like if you're on my blog at all that you're at least aware of Leigh Bardugo's work and the Grishaverse, so I won't recommend those. But I will be comparing some of the pairings to Darklina, so I hope you have that frame of reference. And of course, if you haven't read those, get on it!
First off is the Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir. It's a fantasy that follows three main characters--Laia, Elias, and Helene--and the war they're involved in. It's got lots of high fantasy goodies and at least two really good ships. I loved it and cried many times reading it. It hasn't even been a year since I finished and I'm already considering a reread. Definitely my favorite thing I've read in the last couple years!
Right now I'm reading Uprooted by Naomi Novik. It's a standalone fantasy where a young girl is sent to live with an immortal sorcerer as payment for his protection of her village. A fun fantasy atmosphere and slow-burn enemies-to-lovers romance. I'm absolutely loving it. The ship really reminds me of Darklina so I'm completely sold.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by VE Schwab. This is a standalone fantasy about a woman who is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. It has a dark romance in it and is a really fun and original concept. I liked this book but did find it really slowed down after the opening. Give it time, though! I think the author's style is really beautiful and when I was put on the spot to recommend a book to Ben Barnes, I picked this one lmao.
Normal People by Sally Rooney is not a fantasy but IS a really realistic and heartfelt romance that just enthralled me and broke my heart. I read it in a day and instantly binged the Hulu series. Highly recommend.
From Blood and Ash by Jennifer Armentrout. Ok so my recommendation of this one has some caveats. I'm absolutely obsessed with the first book. Like it's just amazing and so addictive and sexy. The second book is also good. But by the third book I've found her writing to be unbearably repetitive. I haven't been able to finish the third book and it's planned as a six-book series. Idk how to feel about that. But her characters and world are really interesting and the smut is delicious. The first book at least is absolutely worth a read.
The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black. Another fun fantasy romance with enemies-to-lovers goodness. It's set in a faerie world and combines the modern world with a fantasy world, which is a trope I really like. The characters are great--especially the POV heroine--and the romance is really cute and intriguing.
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray. This one is definitely more of a teen/YA (though a few others on this list are, too. This one just really FEELS like it) but I really liked it. It's not fantasy so much as sci-fi, with an enemies-to-lovers romance. The MC's parents develop the technology to jump between different dimensions. When her parents are murdered, she has to chase the suspect from dimension to dimension but along the way she starts to see him differently and fall in love with him. It's a trilogy. I'm also gonna tell you what I have on my TBR because these are things that have been highly recommended to me by people whose taste I trust haha. Every one of these is either a fantasy or sci-fi romance series or standalone:
The Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden (this is what I'm reading next. Came highly recommended when I asked for something like Darklina but with a better ending haha).
The Winner's Trilogy by Marie Rutkowski
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (standalone)
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong (currently two books are out)
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (standalone)
Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray (trilogy)
Blood Heir by Amélie Wen Zhao (currently two books are out, will be a trilogy)
Deathless by Catherynne Valente (standalone)
Hope you like some of these!
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
Brutally honest ship opinion: darklina
To the absolutely zilch, zero, nada surprise of literally anyone who has ever looked at my blog: oh no, I like the tall brooding dark kinda-evil guy with the feisty woman who calls him on his bullshit but is drawn to him anyway since they’re soulmates or something? Zomgz. Shocking. Truly unbelievable.
Anyway, I’m not WILDLY invested in them (especially since I know they aren’t endgame and all), but a) who cares if something is endgame or not, it’s the year of our lord 2021 and we’re all used to making our own canon, and b) I blame Ben Barnes for everything. I’ve read the first two books of the SAB trilogy (I haven’t read the third) and most of the rest of the Grishaverse, and I didn’t have any feelings about the Darkling either way. But then I watched the film version, and as has been noted: if they didn’t want to make us invested, why cast Ben Barnes, why let him kiss like that, why pump up the tragic backstory/antihero energy, why.... etc. Many Choices Were Made and you know what, valid. I don’t know how the show will go in future seasons, but I am very curious, and will valiantly paddle aboard this garbage scow as far as it goes.
Also: maybe it’s because I’m a grown-ass woman in my 30s with anxiety and taxes, but Hot Immortal Gothic Magical Boyfriend Ben Barnes, who adores me and wants to make me his immortal queen while slaying his enemies and making out with me hotly atop a stack of war charts in our magical sorcerer Russian palace, is a lot more attractive as a fictional/escapist fantasy than Average Teenage Guy from the Group Home. Which is just my personal preference, and as far as I can tell, the panic over “women who read fiction might get Bad Ideas!!!” has just reached its latest and stupidest form via tumblr purity culture. And as noted, most of my other ships involve a handsome and misguided idiot making terrible choices in re: his crush, so.... really. What, again, did we all expect from me. 
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sashakielman · 3 years
5 Fantasy Series to read if you love the Grishaverse or are looking forward to Shadow and Bone
Looking for fantasy series recommendations to tide you over while you’re awaiting more Grishaverse content? Look no further! 5 excellent fantasy series, in alphabetical order by author, with informational and purchase links, as well as more information following:
Legacy of Orïsha by Tomi Adeyemi (Goodreads | Indiebound | Thriftbooks)
The Witchlands series by Susan Dennard (Goodreads | Indiebound | Thriftbooks)
The Air Awakens universe by Elise Kova (Goodreads | Indiebound | Thriftbooks)
The Loom Trilogy by Elise Kova (Goodreads | Indiebound | Thriftbooks)
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas (Goodreads | Indiebound | Thriftbooks)
Legacy of Orïsha is one of the most exciting fantasy series in recent years. Featuring a thrilling enemies to lovers relationship, elemental magic based on the Yoruba religion, and an entirely Black cast, the worldbuilding will leave you breathless as you eagerly await what will happen next.
The Witchlands series is so underappreciated and one of my personal favorites (so much so that I use it as one of my comparison titles in my query letter)! In addition to the in-depth, intricate worldbuilding and the romantic arcs, one of the highlights of this series is the emphasis on found family and female friendship.
The Air Awakens universe: With elemental magic, a bookish sorcerer, magical artifacts, and multiple storylines with different interlocking series, Air Awakens is a great choice if you’re starved for fantasy content! I recommend starting with the main series of five books, and then branching out to the prequel Golden Guard trilogy and the other series from there.
The Loom Trilogy: Do you love the gritty, steampunk vibes of Ketterdam in the Six of Crows duology? Love Wylan’s demolitions skills? If so, The Loom Trilogy is definitely a series for you. The steampunk worldbuilding is so unique, as is the badass, bisexual female protagonist! This trilogy is an underrated gem that definitely deserves more attention.
Throne of Glass: Is Zoya your favorite character from the Grishaverse? Do you hate Alina’s ending in the original trilogy? Throne of Glass features a powerful female protagonist fighting for her life and her throne, who is referred to as “a fire-breathing bitch queen.”
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starrymused · 2 years
Tumblr media
★ Hello, my name is Starry! I’m 25+ she/her and live in Scotland (GMT/BST timezeone) Also please note that I am very much anti-JKR despite having Harry Potter muses.
★ I only RP with mutuals but will check out your blog! This is just to keep my dash organized and know who is interested in roleplaying. I encourage plotting, so please let me know which muse interests you and we can think of something!
★ I prefer to write multi-paragraph, but I’ll sometimes have a few smaller threads going. You don’t have to match my length, but please give me enough to work with! I am open to storylines that might be nsfw or contain triggering content, but no non-con or forced shipping, please.
★ I am happy to place my muses in different settings. There may be some that would require plotting, but if we can make it work, then that’s fine. Our muses' verses need to match in thread. This means that if my muse is a modern setting muse with no in-world magic, you cannot drop your fantasy 1400s sorcerer on them without proper planning first. I'm happy to do those plots, but they do need to be plotted out. 
★ I don’t send in passwords to blogs. Please know that if I follow you, I have read your rules. I will read over them again once we start a thread!
★ I will send you memes when I see any that fit our muses. I love receiving them in return and encourage you to send as many as you like! I will reply to them as soon as I can!
My other blogs can be found here:
Wylan Van Eck from the Grishaverse - https://themerchliing.tumblr.com/ Victor Van Dort from Corpse Bride - https://viictorvandort.tumblr.com/ Lee Rang from Tale of the Nine Tailed - https://swiindlerfox.tumblr.com/ Willy Wonka from Wonka - https://wcnka.tumblr.com/ Kdrama / multimedia multimuse - https://dramatiique.tumblr.com/ Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad - https://jcssepinkman.tumblr.com/ Gomez Addams from the Addams Family - https://patriiiarch.tumblr.com/ - on hiatus at the moment as I have higher muse for other blogs
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Get to know me!
You can call me Lyl (she/her) and I’m 19;
French/English 🇨🇦;
Bookworm 📚;
Photographer 📸;
(Hopefully) future astrophysicist 🪐🔭;
Dragon person 🐉;
Ravenclaw 💙;
Materialki/Fabrikator Durast 💜;
Daughter of Apollo ☀️🏹🎶;
Fic writer [ao3]|[ff.net] 📜;
Keeper of The Sorcerer’s Guild Fest;
Blue Power Ranger 💙;
AroAce 💚💜;
Musician 🎶 (piano, ukulele, violin, cello, guitar) and singer 🎤 (choir, solo, back vocals);
Dying over my tragic ships 🚢 (Merthur and Patrochilles);
Fangirl (BBC Merlin 🧙‍♂️, How to Train Your Dragon 🐉, Julie and the Phantoms 👻, Grishaverse 👑, The Inheritance Cycle 🐉, Harry Potter ✨, Riordanverse 🔱, Tales of Arcadia 🗡, The Dragon Prince 🐉, Star Wars 🪐, Marvel 🦸, The Song of Achilles 🛡, The Simon Snow Trilogy 🧛‍♂️, Red White and Royal Blue 🇺🇸, Heartstopper 💚, Young Royals, etc.) and shipper;
Safe space for lgbt+ community and anyone who needs a hand to hold
Racists, sexists, homophobes and all that jazz are NOT WELCOME HERE;
Always here if you wanna talk;
Always down for a deep convo about literally anything;
Honestly, hmu for anything, I wanna make new friends! 💕💕
That’s it, folks! Enjoy!
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wafflesandkruge · 4 years
Solstice (Ch.3)
A/N: Chapter 3 of the grishaverse big bang fic by me and @reapersbarge! Not much more to go, hopefully ;)
Ch.1 // Ch.2 
They certainly made an odd trio– Kaz in his gray suit and crow-headed cane, Inej half-merged with the shadows, and Nikolai Lantsov the Fae prince with a string of berries around his neck. The latter of them was leading them through the streets of Kes Tarm, whistling like it was a stroll through the park. Kaz fixed a glare at the back of his head.
“Who’s this witch you’re taking us to?” he demanded. It was late afternoon, and the bright sunlight was beginning to hurt his eyes. They’d been walking for nearly half an hour now because Nikolai had refused to take Kaz’s car, calling it a “death trap.”
“All in good time, Brekker.”
“I’m not sure any time with you counts as ‘good’,” Kaz shot back. Thirty minutes in the prince’s company was enough to drive a man to drink. Or kill.
Inej shushed them as she reappeared at his side. This close to the university meant crowded streets, making it difficult for her to keep to the dark that clung desperately to the aged brick. Kaz felt a bit of relief at her solid presence beside him. 
The area around the university was old, far older than most other things in Kes Tarm. There was useful and there was unuseful. The latter tended to be taken down and replaced without much protest, especially in the wealthier areas. 
In the tales told of Kes Tarm’s origins, the beginning usually involved a coven of witches. Hunted by the ferociously devout in Britain, they fled to the New World hoping for some peace. The city began to form itself around the university that the witches crafted by hand and magic. Deep spells wove into the very earth of Kes Tarm, protecting her magical population from discovery and harm by the Unsighted. Not that they could do much, Kaz conceded. When several hundred pounds of werewolf came at your throat, all you had was a prayer to a deity that may not exist or care. 
Several covens still dotted the city, though the power had been taken by the Seelie Court long ago. Kaz never dealt with them if he could help it. Insular groups, the witches tended not to care for the worries and problems of outsiders. So his mind began to whirl with questions and ideas when Lantsov took them down an alley to knock on a rather unassuming and drab door. 
A skinny, redheaded man opened the door cautiously. At his feet sat a cat glaring at them for the intrusion. A sorcerer and familiar, perhaps.
“We’re here to see Genya,” Lantsov said. “We have an appointment.”
From within the dark house a dim, “Let them in,” was heard. The man turned and walked toward the call, leaving them to decide whether or not to follow. Kaz took note of the cramped hallways and closed doors as their trio trooped behind the strange man. It was almost oppressively dark and foreboding. Instinctively, Kaz reached down to touch the fey-mined dagger hidden under his coat. The purity of the platinum would do a world of damage to almost any being there. Except for, perhaps, the hissing cat in front of them. 
The hallway led to a solid wood-paneled wall. Without so much as a “by your leave”, the man pushed Lantsov through the wood. Inej crouched into a defensive position as he turned towards them. Kaz slipped a hand into his coat and gripped his knife.
“I’m fine! Nothing to worry about,” came Lantsov’s voice from somewhere beyond the wall. 
Kaz still didn’t trust it; casters of all sorts were known to mimic the voices of others. “Prove it.” 
“We walked here instead of taking your car because that decrepit monstrosity should be taken out to pasture.” 
He shared a look with Inej. She seemed to sigh in resignation before carefully offering the man her arm. She, at least, was taken through the wall much more gently. 
“It’s fine, Kaz,” said Inej. “Bit like moving through a waterfall, but it’s over soon enough.” 
He glared at the man, who looked bored at best. “Try anything, and you won’t cast another spell in your life.”
“Sure, I get that threat every Tuesday.” He seized Kaz’s arm, his grip unusually strong. “In you go.”
He shoved Kaz through unceremoniously and he shuddered as a wave of cold passed through his body. Then he straightened up and blinked. The next room was the complete opposite of the house they’d been led through.
Light flooded the large atrium from skylights, small bits of embedded stained glass sending flashes of color dancing on the floor. The five walls were flanked with columns large enough for someone to hide behind, giving the impression that they were surrounded. Kaz didn’t like that one bit. In the center of the room, a woman with hair the color of flames sat cross-legged before a wooden bowl of water. Her face was horrifically scarred, but that didn’t dim her smile as she greeted them.
“Good morning. Prince. Wraith. Brekker.”
Beside him, Inej stiffened. Not many people knew of what she was, and those who did usually meant her harm. 
“Who are you?” he demanded. 
She chucked her tongue in disapproval. “I thought you’d bring politer guests, Nikolai.”
The prince took a seat on one of the cushions arranged in a semi-circle in front of the sorceress. Kaz and Inej remained standing. 
“Apologies, my lovely Genya. Kaz and Inej, meet Genya Safin, blood witch and High Sorceress of the Red Coven. Genya, meet Kaz Brekker, owner of the Crow Club, and Inej Ghafa, his best spy.”
“A pleasure,” the witch said, though the tightness around her eyes suggested otherwise. Kaz gave her a nasty smile. He never liked blood witches much. Even Nina was on thin ice. 
“I understand you need my help finding someone?”
“Yes,” Lantsov said with a serious nod. “The child of prophecy.”
The room turned silent enough to hear a pin drop. Genya scowled. 
“Is this a joke?” Kaz certainly thought it was, too.
“I assure you Genya, I’m serious. Look,” the prince said as he fumbled with something in his pocket and drew out a stoppered vial. “I brought you a bit of blood from one of the best seers in the Fae courts.”
She took it and held it up to the light. “What makes you think I can do any more than your seer already has?”
Kaz had to admit he felt the same way. At best, this felt like a wild goose chase. At worst, it was some Fae scheme he’d fallen for like some stupid pigeon. 
“Just try it, Genya. Then we’ll be out of your hair.” The prince sat back and looked at her expectantly, the expression of someone who was used to getting what he wanted. Inej was watching the witch with pursed lips, her eyes not betraying any emotion. 
The witch uncapped the vial and closed her eyes. A dark red haze flowed out to engulf her before disappearing like mist. Though Genya opened her eyes, it was clear she was not the same person as before. The color of her irises and pupils were gone–an eerie white left behind. She gazed through them, seeing off to places and visions beyond their grasp. After a moment, Genya shook herself and her eyes returned to the amber they were before. 
“Well?” demanded Kaz. Damn blood witches. 
“I can’t See anything. It’s as if they don’t exist. The only explanation I can think of is someone has placed a powerful block on them, likely another blood witch.”
Any hope Kaz could have felt dimmed at her words. “So this was useless. A complete waste of our time.” Time that was steadily running out.
“No, not useless,” said Inej, ever the optimist. “We know that someone knows where and who they are, as that kind of spellwork would be personal.” 
Lantsov bowed to Genya. “Thank you for trying.”
“Of course. I’ll collect on the favor eventually, Your Highness.” Kaz didn’t like the way she said that with a calculating look. Magical folk were notoriously difficult when it came to favors, both in giving them out and collecting. 
Kaz and Inej moved to follow the prince back through the strange hidden door, but Genya called out for them to wait. 
“There was something,” she said hesitantly. “I saw the face of someone when I searched, but they aren’t the child you seek.”
“Who?” Kaz demanded. 
“Zoya Nazyalensky. She’s a witch. An elementalist. But-” 
“That’s enough, Genya,” Lantsov interrupted. “I know where to find her.”
For the second time that day, Kaz was following the prince of the Fae through Kes Tarm to find an unknown witch. He hoped he wouldn’t make a habit of it. Inej had peeled off after leaving the witch’s building to go monitor the Crow Club at his request, but Kaz was starting to regret it. There was something off-putting about Lantsov’s demeanor that he couldn’t quite place, but it was a familiar sensation that’d taught him to keep a weapon close. The Fae were never to be trusted, despite their inability to lie. 
“What does your father think about this quest?” he asked, not really caring for the answer. The High King was a bastard and Kaz was perfectly fine operating under his radar until now.
His uneasiness magnified when Lantsov gave a fake laugh. “He wants it to succeed to save his own skin, of course.”
“Of course,” Kaz echoed.
To his surprise, Lantsov led them through the university gates, the crowds on the street thinning out as they entered the pristine campus. Kes Tarm University was one of the most prestigious institutions in the country, but it attracted mostly humans as magic folk tended to educate their own. Of course, Lantsov had bucked tradition and decided to enroll nearly two years ago. Though if Kaz’s reports had any merit to them, the prince spent far more time playing hooky than actually attending classes.
“We don’t have time for you to visit a girlfriend,” he snapped, irritation rising.
“Patience, Brekker. Haven’t you heard good things come to those who wait?” 
Kaz’s leg ached from all the walking they had done so far. This is why he owned a car and it wasn’t a piece of junk like the snotty prince claimed. It was a perfectly reasonable Fiat 529. And it was going to waste if he had to continue abiding by Lantsov’s ridiculous whims. 
Lantsov strolled through the doors of an imposing brick building that exuded the sense of stuck-up academia Kaz expected from the university. The marble hallways were unusually devoid of students despite it being late afternoon, the time at which one would expect students to be rushing out of class towards their cushy manor homes. The only sounds were the scuffs of Lantsov’s careless footsteps and the sharp clack of Kaz’s cane against the stone floor.
“Where is everyone?” he asked. He couldn’t help but feel as if he were walking into a trap.
“Library. It’s almost exam week, so everyone is studying,” Lantsov supplied helpfully for once. Kaz narrowed his eyes.
“And what about you?”
“Me? I don’t need to study to pass.” They started ascending a rather steep flight of stairs.
“You mean you bribe the professors.” He ignored the throb of pain in his leg as they finally finished with the stairs. They were now in a carpeted area, a set of heavy wooden doors in front of them. 
“It’s rather difficult to fail your student whose name appears on half the buildings,” Lantsov mused, pulling open a door. He gestured for Kaz to enter. 
The library was indeed full of bustling students, many of whom looked close to falling asleep in their books. Kaz glanced around to find what exits and corners he could see. He could almost feel Inej behind him doing the same. What’s scum like you doing in this kind of place?, came into his mind unbidden. Kaz pushed the thought away as Nikolai stopped at a table where a striking dark-haired girl was leafing through a thick textbook. 
“Nazyalensky,” greeted the prince. She glanced up from her book before her eyes flicked to the page again. 
“Lantsov. What do you want?” 
Inej cleared her throat. “We need your help.” 
Large blue eyes peered at the Wraith from under her fringe. 
“Who the hell are you?”
“They’re friends,” Lantsov cut in smoothly. “Of the magical sort. Genya pointed us your way.”
“Genya Safin? I’ve told her already, I’m not joining her little witch club.”
As the two bickered, Kaz studied the girl, not caring if he caught her looking. She was close to the Prince’s age but had no outward signs that indicated she was anything more than human. But witches did always tend to blend in better than other magical folk. What perturbed him was he had no idea who she was- and he made it his business to keep tabs on anyone worth his time. 
Another student- male, tall, with too-long hair that curled over his ears and nearly brushed the collar of his jacket- approached them and stood at Nazyalensky’s shoulder. He peered at Kaz and Inej curiously, though a spark of recognition lit up his eyes when he looked at Lantsov. Fae? Thank the saints, he’d be obligated to help Lantsov if that was the case. 
“Everything alright here, Zoya?”
“Fine. I was just telling them to leave,” she ground out. 
Lantsov practically beamed. “Dominik! My excellent friend. Help me persuade Zoya here to cooperate with me.”
Zoya turned to look up at Dominik, her lips twisted into a frown. “You know them?”
Kaz knew guilt when he saw it. The other boy turned his eyes towards the floor. “No. Never seen them before in my life.”
Nikolai opened his mouth to interject, but Kaz rapped his shin with his cane. They’d wasted enough time here. 
“Let’s go,” he barked, his mind already spinning with possible leads. If Lantsov’s methods were all dead ends, then he had plenty of his own resources to fall back on. Dirtyhands would always see his work done.
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discountempath · 3 years
1. alias / name: alex ( knife alex )  2. birthday: august 26 ( which is thurs for anyone keeping track of days ). 3. zodiac sign: virgo  4. height: 5′ 2.5″ 5. hobbies: reading, writing, playing dnd, introducing my two yr old to things i like and hoping to make a nerd out of her lmao. 6. favorite color: yellow 💛 7. favorite book: why would you ask me this. but also i just locked eyes with mr. penumbras 24-hour bookstore sitting on my bookshelf. also the bloody jack series tbh. 8. last song: run boy run is currently playing in my headphones as i type this.  9. last film / show: the last thing i watched that wasn’t team umi zoomi or gabby’s dollhouse for lily was the mitchell’s vs. the machines and it was 10000/10. 10. recent reads: i started rereading sorcerers stone bc lily made me think she’d sit and listen. joke was on me, her toddler attention span lasted a page and a half. other than that, the entirety of the grishaverse books. 11. inspiration: i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, tad is sh.aggy rogers meets ph.oebe ha.lliwell meets ray st.antz.  12. story behind url: when fey created the discord group it was named “discount gho.stbusters” and i decided to run with that and make it a theme ✨ 13. fun fact about me: it’s easier for me to tell people i don’t like pizza than to list the wild toppings i’d prefer to have on a slice. 
tagged by :  i truly cannot find the @ in my notifs anymore but i’m pretty sure i was tagged and it wasn’t just a fever dream. tagging :  anyone else who hasn’t done this yet.
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libralelia · 4 years
Grishaverse characters as D&D classes
Grisha Trilogy
ALINA- My first choice was sorcerer, but then I came up with the idea of that warlock Alina with The Darkling as her patron and I LOVE it so I’m going with that (Also that way I don’t have to give The Darkling a class, because let’s be honest, he’s not a PC, he’s the BBEG)
MAL- Ranger. His whole thing is tracking animals, that kind of decides it automatically
GENYA- I’m thinking cleric? I could be convinced otherwise but she’s got solid support class vibes... mayyyybe druid?
ZOYA- Definitely sorcerer. I’m pretty sure there’s a subclass for storm sorcerer? So that’s just perfect. Although I think I could see her as a pretty kickass barbarian too
NIKOLAI- Nikolai is that one guy who figured out how to multiclass into every class and the DM hates him. I have no idea what to do with him because I could see him as pretty much any class. Maybe I’ll throw him into artificer for his whole “I guess I like fixing things” shtick
TOLYA- Paladin. I think that one’s pretty self-explanatory
TAMAR- I liked the idea of paladin twins but I’m making her a monk instead because that’s kind of in between paladin and rogue
DAVID- I was gonna say artificer but I’m actually thinking more wizard? Not sure I can explain why but that’s what I’m going with
Six of Crows
KAZ- Someone once said he has warlock vibes and I totally agree
INEJ- Rogue. Let’s be honest, the crows are kinda like their own D&D party so they’re pretty obvious
JESPER- Ranger. C’mon. But if we can count some more homebrew kind of classes, gunslinger’s even better. Could be a bard if ranger didn’t exist
WYLAN- Artificer. Frickin’ nerd
NINA- Sorcerer? Although King of Scars Nina I think I could see as a barbarian maybe
MATTHIAS- He also has some strong paladin vibes, but I think he’d be better off as a fighter so I’m going with that
KUWEI- I’m actually not sure what he’d be. I feel like he’s got more “NPC that the party picked up along the way and decided to adopt” vibes, but I’ll say he’s a sorcerer.
King of Scars
HANNE- Fighter. I feel like this one doesn’t need much explanation, it’s just her vibe
LEONI- Oh absolutely cleric. Sunshine cleric who will actually heal you in battle like a cleric is supposed to. She’d make a good druid too, but she’s totally a cleric
ADRIK- Strong ranger vibes, I don’t know how to explain it. But rangers also get a few nature spells and I feel like that’d be even better cuz he’s a squaller
YURI- I mean he’s literally a monk... but nah I’m gonna make him a cleric. He’s annoying tho so he doesn’t get to play, he’s just a guest player in case someone else gets sick
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antigarfieldist · 3 years
about me
i've seen so many of my mutuals do this so uh hi! i'm still rarely gonna post on here but...
i'm emma! currently trying out she/they pronouns (and liking them very much). i'm a minor and i'm mostly on tumblr bc all my friends are and i didn't want to miss anything.
some facts: ☉ libra ☽ aquarius ↑ scorpio, intp, enneagram type 8, ravenclaw
i first read harry potter & the sorcerer's (i'm american, get over it) stone when i was 8 and i absolutely hated it, and it took two years to finally start from chamber of secrets and get absolutely obsessed with the universe.
i'm currently very into the grishaverse, although i'll also still post some harry potter related things, along with marvel, pjo/camp-half-blood-verse, and plenty of other fandoms.
if y'all ever want to message me, my dms are always open and i'm usually free to talk.
love, emma xx
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clairecrive · 3 years
"A trial of sorcerers" - book review ⭐⭐⭐
No spoilers.
Elise Kova has a beautiful writing style and is able to create wonderful complex new worlds that don't feel like it when you first start reading about them.
I discovered her with "A deal with the elf king" which I really enjoyed and now I'm here with this book.
I wanted to read something that easy, that flowed quickly but that was engaging and interesting at the same time. While I thought that this was a standalone and that affected my decision in reading it, I still got what I wanted out of this book.
The Tower with all its secrets bubbled with life and the power of the sorcerers that inhabit it. I love the elemental powers, reminded me a bit of the grishaverse but the more I read about Waterrunners, Firebearer, Groundbreakers and Windlords the more clear it became to me that their powers worked nothing like the Grisha's.
Now, let's talk about our main character: Eira Landan. It's no secret that YA fantasy protagonists are often a pain in the neck and generally disliked for a variety of reasons. I understand that in this book, there was an attempt to reverse the stereotypical YA protagonist into its opposite.
Where they usually are presented as having nothing special but at the same time being desired by everyone and holding a huge amount of power, Eira is confident about herself, her abilities and what she wants.
Sure, it takes a while for her to find her own voice, being always smothered and held back by her family she is able to find the strength to reach out and take what she wants in the support of her best friend, Alyss.
And what does she want? Going to Meru.
Meru is an overseas land where elfins live. Eira is infamously fascinated with the country, its history, its people, their magic. So when the news of the Five Kingdom Tournament brokes, she cannot wait but to compete. Her love for Meru it's exactly what aids her in the trials. But it's also what makes her a target.
And here we come to the part I did not like. If there is so much emphasis on Eira's strength and how she's resilient and capable of taking care of herself, then I wouldn't expect her to fall into such an obvious trap.
I mean, I understand why she did, but at the same time, it was pretty clear from the beginning that the interest wasn't genuine. I know it is supposed to be the plot twist but really, you see it coming almost immediately.
Let's talk about the other characters, shall we?
Alyss? The typical token bff. She didn't really have a storyline beside the fact that she's quirky and funny and Eira's best friend and that she wants to go to Meru with her.
Cullen? He's supposed to be the enemies to lovers interest but he's not really. The tension he has with Eira is merely the result of his name and for his input in what is one of Eira worst night ever. But since it's pretty clear that he's playing a role, the mask comes off fairly quickly and the two connect. I won't say that I'm not intrigued by his storyline cause it sounds like it has the potential to be interesting but for now, I don't care much about him.
Marcus? His relationship with Eira and their bond, the way he cares about her was what made me like him so much. It's genuine, he really cares about his sister. And siblings love is wonderful and it was nice to see it represented.
In general, Eira's family relationships and dynamics I really enjoyed. Despite what Eira thinks of them, familial love it's also wonderful and precious and not that easy to come by. It's also rare to see it represented in a fantasy where usually it's all about the hero/heroine and their found families. Idk it was nice to see her interact with her uncles and aunt and see how much they loved her.
The subplot about Adela? Mh, idk, sounds like maybe it was too much. I mean, a lot happened: Eira's journey in figuring out her magic, her finding her strength and her place in the tower, Ferro and Meru then Denaya and now this? Mh.
I mean, it's only the first book so maybe everything will be explained and developed in the following ones but for now, I'm sceptical.
I know I am a sucker for character development and growth so I'm here for it and ready to change my mind if that happens in the next books.
I'm really curious to see where Eira's adventure will take her.
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gorehound666 · 3 years
I got the Sims 4 recently and as I’ve been obsessed with the GrishaVerse, I figured I’d make the characters from the books. This is going to be list of all the interesting/funny things that happen.
Morozova - Aleksander (secret agent)
Oretsev-Starkov - Mal (military) and Alina (barista + sorceress)
Lantsov - Nikolai (politician)
Triumvirate - Genya (style influencer), David (scientist), Zoya (businesswoman)
Dregs - Kaz (criminal + vampire), Inej (detective + vampire), Jesper (unemployed + sorcerer), Wylan (entertainer), Nina (secret agent + sorceress)
- Alina set the kitchen on fire her first day. Mal helped put it out.
- Nikolai managed to one-up her by setting himself on fire. He survived somehow.
- A vampire broke into Aleksander’s house and only left after he woke up. 
- Genya set herself on fire. Still alive though.
- Nikolai’s best friend is currently the AI within a toilet.
- Mal insists is only cooking on the grill.
- People keep challenging Alina to magic duel even though she only knows two spells. (Repairo and Scrubero)
- One of Nikolai’s friends died and he became Very Sad. Then another died.
- Everything in the Triumvirate household broke and had to be either repaired or replaced.
- David got electrocuted while fixing the fridge.
- He also did most of the mopping.
- Jesper set himself on fire and survived, making it three for three.
- Kaz seems to like making himself suffer as he’s aLWAYS OUT IN THE SUN.
- Mac and cheese is exclusively made in the giant cauldron outside.
- Kaz owns a restaurant.
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