#The Patty Duke Show
petiteclover · 3 months
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Patty Duke photographed to promote her television show in 1963.
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kwebtv · 5 months
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TV Guide -  December 28, 1963 - January 3, 1964
Anna Marie “Patty” Duke (December 14, 1946 – March 29, 2016) Actress of stage, film and television. She first became famous as a tween star, winning an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress at age 16 for her role in The Miracle Worker, which she had originated on Broadway. She later starred in the sitcom, The Patty Duke Show. She progressed to more mature roles upon playing Neely O'Hara in the 1967 film Valley of the Dolls. She served as the president of the Screen Actors Guild from 1985 to 1988, four years after her Patty Duke Show co-star William Schallert held the same office
In 1982, Duke was cast alongside Richard Crenna in the ABC sitcom It Takes Two, from Soap and Benson creator Susan Harris. The socially topical series depicted both Duke’s and Crenna’s characters as a modern career couple (hers was a lawyer, his a surgeon) and the moral and personal challenges that abounded from their professions. Helen Hunt and Anthony Edwards played their teenaged offspring. Although It Takes Two was praised, ABC cancelled the series after one season due to low ratings.
Duke would subsequently work with Susan Harris on a new ABC series, Hail To The Chief, which premiered in April 1985. She appeared as the first female President of the United States in the ensemble, all-star series (the cast featured Dick Shawn, Herschel Bernardi, Glynn Turman and Ted Bessell as Duke’s husband, among others) and the material was topical yet off-the-wall, much in the fashion of Soap, like which it was partially serialized. Hail To The Chief was less successful than the star’s and producer’s previous joint effort of It Takes Two and was cancelled after seven episodes. In 1987, Duke returned to series television in another short-lived comedy, Karen’s Song, which aired on the fledgling Fox network.  (Wikipedia)
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pygartheangel · 15 days
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tvthemesongs · 1 year
The Patty Duke Show intro
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thosenaturalones · 1 year
I grew up watching Nick at Night on cable TV and they would run episodes of The Patty Duke Show. The theme song popped into my head from when I was, like, 12 years old.
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Goodnight, Mom.
I love Patty’s relationship with her Mommo! What I’d give to have a mother like Natalie. 💗
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andreagourley · 2 months
"I felt as if I no longer had an identity... There wasn't anyone telling me what to do. But I hadn't learned how to make dinner, how to make a decision, how to do anything. You can't plan ahead if you've never learned to plan in the first place." - Patty Duke (Call Me Anna, 1987)
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domono08 · 10 months
Let’s sit back and watch the patty duke show on CBN!
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jinouchibhue · 5 months
Twitter finding out about Mister Ed is the best thing ever.
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travsd · 1 year
The Other Side of Sidney Sheldon
When I was a kid I associated the name Sidney Sheldon (Sidney Schechtel, 1917-2007) exclusively with cheesy paperback novels my mother read, and the soapy TV movies they made out of them. At the very same time, it somehow managed to evade my notice that I was actually a big fan of a lot of his work — his earlier work in other media. For Sheldon was the rare writer who managed to be a success in…
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Wings (Part 4)
Your debut in society was as spectacular as one could be, but nobody had prepared you for what came afterward. When you find yourself overwhelmed during your very first season and unable to keep up with the rat race to secure yourself an eligible husband, a curious mentor appears- in the form of notorious flirt and self-proclaimed rake, Mr. Kim Mingyu.
Genre: Mingyu x Female!reader. Regency!AU. You are Jeonghan's sibling so your last name is Yoon but the reader has no other physical characteristics.
Warnings: Discussions of social anxiety, one f-bomb (yes shy Miss Yoon drops an f-bomb sue me) smoking (don't smoke kids, the characters in this story are from a time when they didn't know how bad it was for their health)
Word Count: 6.2k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
Series Masterlist [You WILL need to read Patience, the earlier installment in this series first in order to understand the character dynamics in this story. Reading Candle before this is also strongly recommended.]
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Confessing to your sister-in-law that you were in love with Mr. Kim Mingyu somehow made your feelings for him seem more real than ever. It was as though saying the words aloud had allowed the true extent of your affection for him to finally come out of hiding. 
The idea of confessing your love to him did not come without apprehension. But the clock was ticking and you had no other viable option. You were in danger of losing Mr. Kim in any case; if you were silent and married someone else, it would still be the end of your friendship as you knew it. Once married, it would be unseemly to maintain even a close friendship with a gentleman who was not your husband. 
So you had no choice. 
You had to show him your heart and hope for the best. 
The opening of Mr. Kim’s art gallery was a spectacular event at which no expense had been spared. You entered the new building and immediately saw all the most elite members of the ton gathered in one place. The Viscount and Viscountess Hong and even the Duke and Duchess of Graham had turned up for Mr. Kim’s opening. You were impressed by Mr. Kim’s prowess in being able to gather all these high-ranking members of the ton for his grand opening.
Your mother insisted on accompanying you to the event. She was not very pleased with Mr. Kim (‘If he was seriously courting you, he should have proposed by now! What can he be waiting for?’ she often complained) but even her displeasure would not cause her to absent herself from one of the season’s most awaited events. She forced you to stay near her as you walked around to admire the displayed paintings and sculptures. Your mother's eyes, however, were on the people and not the paintings.
“If Mr. Kim is not going to propose, then I think you must focus your attention on Baron Wright instead,” your mother hissed in your ear as you tried to admire a large painting of a young woman. “The season is coming to an end. This is the ideal time for a proposal.” 
You said nothing. 
“Are you listening to me?”
“Yes, mother. Isn’t this portrait quite lovely? I love how the artist has captured the sheer quality of the lace on her gown,” you said. There was no arguing with your mother when it came to Baron Wright. You had no option but to try to turn her attention away from him. 
“Yes, yes,” your mother mumbled, barely glancing at the painting. “Ah! I see Mrs. Patty! I must ask her whether she has seen Baron Wright of late, I am so worried that he shall leave London without saying a word to us…” 
You were relieved when she hurried away, leaving you behind. You slipped through the crowd in search of Mr. Kim. He was not difficult to find. He was surrounded by a group of people who were congratulating him on the successful gallery opening. Of course. He was the star of tonight's event. 
Mr. Kim stood tall, in a particularly dashing black suit that you had never seen him wear before. He was handsome; you were not noticing that for the first time but it was the first time you allowed yourself to fully acknowledge the warmth and happiness that exploded inside of you at the sight of his smile. 
He looked up. His twinkling eyes met yours and his smile widened. You waited patiently until he excused himself from the conversation and strode towards you confidently. 
"And what is little Miss Yoon doing here all alone?" Mr. Kim asked with a playful grin as he offered you his arm. 
"I managed to slip away from my mother," you told him. You took his arm. "But never mind her. This gallery is beautiful. I never knew you had such taste for art, Mr. Kim."
Your compliments seemed to please him. He grinned down at you. "I told you I was a patron of the arts. This is nothing. My private collection at home is much more selective and exquisite."
"I should love to see it someday," you said lightly. 
"And it would be my pleasure to show it to you," he answered smoothly. "There are a few pieces here tonight that I think you might enjoy. May I?"
"Lead the way."
You found nothing more enjoyable than allowing Mr. Kim to lead you around the room and show you his favourite artwork. Some of the paintings had stories behind them- others were simply visual masterpieces. You saw portraits of kings and paintings of forests and vast landscapes. 
"This one is a particular favourite of mine," Mr. Kim said as he paused in front of a beautiful oil painting of a small grey bird inside a cage. The cage door was open; another brightly coloured bird with enormous feathers and large wings was hovering near the cage door as though coaxing the grey bird to come out. 
You stared at it for a long moment. 
"It's beautiful," you whispered. 
"I think the colourful bird can't understand why the grey bird chooses to sit in the cage," Mr. Kim said thoughtfully. 
"But his wing is broken."
You stepped closer to the small painting and gestured towards the grey bird's wings. The wings were tucked close to the bird's body but upon closer inspection, one of them was angled differently from the other. 
"I don't think the grey one can fly," you said quietly. "So for him, the cage is safe and not a trap."
Mr. Kim was silent for a long moment. "I hadn't noticed that," he admitted. "Clearly you are more observant than I am. I thought it was a lesson on spreading your wings and taking risks."
"Or perhaps it is a lesson on communication," you suggested. 
"Or perhaps the artist simply drew a pair of birds and we are projecting our interpretations of deeper meaning onto them," he continued with a chuckle. "Well; there concludes our tour of the art gallery."
You frowned. "We have not seen that hallway yet."
Mr. Kim rubbed the back of his neck and suddenly looked rather sheepish. "Perhaps we had better not tour that one together."
"Why not?"
"It is not… appropriate."
"What could be inappropriate about some paintings?" you demanded. You turned towards the hallway before Mr. Kim could stop you and paused at the first painting. You realised your mistake immediately. This was an enormous nude portrait of a woman looking out of a window wearing a scrap of silk that covered none of her intimate parts. 
"O-oh," you said quickly. 
Mr. Kim cleared his throat behind you. "I told you it was inappropriate."
You took a deep breath. "I-I have seen paintings such as these before," you tried to say smoothly. You turned around to see that Mr. Kim was biting back a smile as he looked at you. "It is… it is merely art."
"Indeed," he said, the corners of his lips twitching as they upwards. "Art."
Your embarrassment was becoming more difficult to conceal. "The-the human form is a commonly chosen subject for artists, and of course among polite adults there is nothing to be ashamed of and-are you laughing at me?"
Mr. Kim could not control his laughter. He gently but firmly steered you away from the hallway of nude paintings, laughing all the while as you scolded him for ridiculing you. 
"You are too innocent, Miss Yoon," Mr. Kim told you once he was able to stop laughing. "I will not allow your corruption to be on my conscience."
You frowned. "I am a lady."
"Yes, and I am a gentleman who will not encourage you to do things which are not ladylike," he replied. 
"It is a bit late for that," you mumbled. You lowered your voice and leaned a little closer to him. "You have been so busy with the gallery that I have not seen you in over a week and I am simply dying for a smoke. Jeonghan keeps his cigars locked up in his study."
Mr. Kim's eyes twinkled as he looked down at you. "Is this what my position in your life has been reduced to? I thought perhaps we were friends but it appears I am little more than your cigar supplier."
"You can be both," you replied. "Do you have one or not?" 
He lowered his voice. "Of course, I have one. Go back through that door- there are some storerooms there. I will join you in a few moments."
You followed his instructions and slipped through the door that Mr. Kim had pointed out. You trusted him implicitly; in all the clandestine smoking sessions that you had indulged in with Mr. Kim you had never gotten close to being caught by another soul. 
But this evening was far more than your usual little smoke and chat. 
This evening you would finally tell him you loved him. 
The storeroom was a small dusty room filled with large easels and paintings that had white cloths thrown over them to protect them from the elements. You took a deep breath and tried to calm your nerves as you waited impatiently for Mr. Kim. The door opened a few moments later and he entered with a smile. 
"I have your cigar," he said, holding it up. "We must be quick; I have guests waiting to speak to me outside so we only have time for one."
You glanced at the cigar in his hand. "What is that?"
"Your cigar, my lady."
"Don't you have any of the Cuban ones?"
Mr. Kim's mouth dropped open in mock offence. "The Cuban ones? What; do local cigars offend my lady's sensibilities? Does your delicate constitution only permit you to smoke imported cigars?"
"Yes," you replied with a smile. "Hand over the Cubans."
"I will not. I have spent enough money on your cigar habit already. I may have to start selling my paintings en masse if I am to continue to purchase foreign cigars for you at this rate."
"Hand over the Cubans, Mr. Kim."
"I do not have any."
You made a sudden and bold move- one that you did not pause to think through, or else you would never have dared to do it. You stepped closer to Mr. Kim so that you were right in front of him. He looked startled but did not move away. His warm, familiar scent enveloped you and you could hear his heavy breathing. 
"What are you doing, Miss Yoon?" he asked quietly. 
"Looking for Cubans."
You placed your hands on the lapels of his suit and slowly slid them down. Mr. Kim watched you silently as your fingers undid his coat buttons- first one, and then the other. Then you slid your hand into his coat and reached for his inner pocket. 
Mr. Kim stared down at you. His eyes were dark and lidded as your hands delicately brushed his torso and felt for his inner jacket pocket. Your hand finally stilled; fingers brushing the cigars. 
"Found them," you whispered. Your eyes snapped up to meet his. "You liar."
There was a brief moment of silence. Mr. Kim's eyes had an almost wild sort of hunger that you had never seen in them before. It sent a thrilling shiver down your spine. You were inches away from him. Nothing about this situation was appropriate- the two of you in this storeroom nor the cigars. 
But this closeness… the look in his eyes…
This was beyond mere social inappropriateness. Your hand on Mr. Kim's chest and his heavy breathing as he stared down at you made one thing quite clear. The delicate line that you had been dancing around for months had just been crossed. 
It was not a blatant violation. There was still a chance to step back. You could apologise for having toed the line and claim it was a mistake, that in your desperation to look for the cigars you had not thought about how it would appear-
Mr. Kim leaned down and kissed you. 
You had been kissed before (there was that innocent little dalliance with the stableboy from many years ago) but you had never been kissed like this. His lips were hot as they covered yours and his hands were hot as one of them cupped your face and the other came around your waist to pull your body flush against his. 
Every place he touched with his hands and lips set you on fire. 
You gasped into his mouth; he did not waste the opportunity to slip his tongue past your lips and his fingers into your hair at the base of your neck. 
You could not think. You could not breathe. You melted against him completely and allowed yourself to run your hands over his toned chest and shoulders while Mr. Kim continued to press warm kisses to your lips and jaw. 
He pulled back for a moment, forehead pressed against yours and breathing heavily. Your breath mingled and the room was silent except for the sound of your combined heavy breathing. 
"Mingyu," you whispered. "I-"
There was a loud noise outside the storeroom. You both froze. Mr. Kim swiftly pushed you so that you were hidden behind a large easel covered in a white sheet and out of sight of the door. 
"I-it's probably just the gallery staff," he said anxiously. His dark eyes searched yours as he slowly released you and stepped back. 
A sudden emptiness flooded you as you realised, he was leaving you. 
"No, wait-"
"I will go out and send whoever it is away. Come out of the storeroom after at least two minutes," Mr. Kim said quickly before he swiftly exited the storeroom. 
You stared after him in shock. 
You could not sleep all night. Mr. Kim had avoided you for the rest of the gallery opening. Once your mother understood that Baron Wright was not in attendance, she had preferred to leave early, and you were forced to return home without a chance to speak to him again. 
Would Mr. Kim propose? Perhaps it was too soon for that. But he would come speak to you to understand your feelings and explain his, you were sure of it. That kiss had not been for nothing. Mr. Kim would not have kissed you if he did not feel the same way about you.
You waited. 
And waited.
And waited. 
Two days later, Jeonghan called you into his study while your mother was away from home. You felt anxious, not knowing what your brother wanted to discuss. Perhaps this was it, perhaps Mr. Kim had thought it was best to approach your brother before the proposal?
Jeonghan looked tired as he closed the study door behind you and turned to you with a sigh. 
"Baron Wright has asked for permission to propose to you," Jeonghan said. He noticed the instant panic that flashed across your face and lifted a hand to calm you. "I have not answered him yet- do not worry. I told him that I would discuss it with you and let him know."
You shook your head frantically. "I-I don't want to marry Baron Wright."
"I expected so. It appears your mother has been strongly encouraging him to propose. Sister- I do not want to pressure you but you know that time is running out and your mother will lose her mind if you are not engaged by the season's end."
You sank down into a chair near Jeonghan's desk and took a deep breath. You suddenly felt as though the walls of the room were closing in on you. Clearly Mr. Kim had feelings for you, so why was he sitting around while other men proposed? What was he doing with all this time? His failure to propose to you was only making things more complicated and confusing. 
"Has… nobody else asked?" you questioned Jeonghan finally. 
Jeonghan raised an eyebrow and leaned against his desk. "Are you expecting someone else to ask?"
You flushed in embarrassment. "No, no, I mean…"
"Sister, you have to tell me."
You took another deep breath and tried to calm the racing thoughts in your head. You could not figure out your next steps and the only person you trusted to guide you or help you was not here. 
"Have… have you spoken to Mr. Kim at all in the last few days?" you asked hesitantly. 
Jeonghan's eyes widened. "No. Should I have?"
"No, no-"
"Sister. Should I speak to Mr. Kim?"
"No!" you said quickly. "Not at all. I… I need some time to think. I will come back soon."
Jeonghan did not seem convinced but allowed you to leave the study. You walked out into the foyer as you considered your options. You had to marry by the end of the season and the thought of Baron Wright becoming your husband made you recoil in disgust. You wanted Mingyu and if he would not come to you, then you would have to go to him. 
It was evening; chances were high that Mr. Kim would be at either the assembly rooms or the gentleman's club. You could not gain entrance to the latter but if luck was in your favour, you might find him at the assembly rooms. 
You called for the carriage and set off immediately. 
The assembly rooms were crowded and you weaved through the people anxiously, hoping nobody would notice that you were without a chaperone and that you could find Mr. Kim quickly. 
"Miss Yoon!"
You jumped- but the voice that called out to you was not one that you need have worried about. The Viscountess Hong was smiling at you from one of the card tables. 
You greeted her anxiously. "Viscountess Hong."
"Would you like to join us for a game of cards? The stakes are not very high. We are only playing for fun," she said pleasantly. 
"Oh-thank you… no, I am afraid I must decline, I am actually looking for someone…."
"Who?" she asked quietly. 
You lowered your voice. "Mr. Kim."
The Viscountess stared at you for a brief moment. You felt suddenly ashamed under her curious gaze but she did not stare for long. She immediately turned to her husband and interrupted his conversation to ask. "Joshua- have you seen Mr. Kim this evening? I rather enjoy watching him lose to you at cards, it is very amusing."
The Viscount blinked at his wife. "Mr. Kim? No, he is not here. I believe he spends most of his time at the art gallery. I will ask him to join us one of these days."
The Viscountess gave you a meaningful look; you returned a silent smile of gratitude and left for the art gallery. 
The front entrance of the building was closed and the door appeared to be locked. The gallery closed at 5pm and it was already well past that. Hesitantly, you knocked on the large door panels and were relieved when a member of the staff opened it and peered at you. 
"I am terribly sorry, madam, the gallery is closed for the evening-"
"I was hoping to see Mr. Kim."
"Oh… yes, of course, please come in."
The staff member allowed you to enter the gallery and guided you towards a plush chair where you could sit while they disappeared into a back room to fetch Mr. Kim. Your heartbeat was thudding with anxiety. You had not prepared yourself for what to say to him, but usually speaking to Mr. Kim came so easily to you that preparation was rarely required…
Mr. Kim appeared a few moments later. His eyes widened when he saw you and he quickly dismissed the staff before walking towards you. 
"Miss Yoon," he said quietly. "It is very risky for you to be seen here-"
You cut him off, urgently stepping closer. "I had to speak to you, it could not wait. Time is running out, Mingyu. I need to be engaged by the end of the season and my mother has already encouraged Baron Wright to propose. I will have to give him an answer soon. "
Mr. Kim looked torn. You paused to notice how different he looked; his usually neatly parted hair was tousled and his suit jacket wrinkled. His face was pale. There was a heavy scent that hung around him- the usual smell of cigars combined with the pungent smell of whisky. 
"Have you been drinking?" you asked him suddenly. 
He would not make eye contact with you. Something was wrong and you had a sudden awful, foreboding feeling wash over you as Mr. Kim sat down on one of the plush chairs and ran his fingers shakily through his hair. 
"I'm sorry," he said, trembling. "I made a mistake."
Your heart sank. 
"I should not have kissed you that evening. I-I took advantage of the situation and crossed the boundaries of friendship and propriety. You are a lady and you did not deserve to be treated like that, I would understand if you hated me…"
"But I do not hate you," you whispered. "I love you."
He visibly flinched at your confession. 
"You don't. You shouldn't."
"Why?" you demanded, confused.
"Because I do not deserve it. My intentions were impure from the moment I laid eyes on you. If I had truly wanted to help you find a husband, I would not have done half the things I did. I was playing a secret game- a game where the end result was you falling in love with me rather than finding you a husband."
You stared at him. The gallery was silent. You could hear nothing but the sound of your own heartbeat. 
"That can't be true…" you said quietly. "You… you were the only gentleman who was not performing this entire bloody pantomime, who spoke to me so naturally and honestly without ulterior motives…"
Mr. Kim looked up at you. His eyes were bloodshot and the corner of his lips curved up in a humourless smile. 
"That you still can't see it means that you are too innocent, too sweet, too trusting for your own good. I saw that- it was so deliciously tempting and I took advantage of it."
It did not make sense to you. Took advantage of what? No matter what he said, you did not feel taken advantage of. You had wanted to kiss him, you had wanted everything that he did and said to you. Not a single thing Mingyu had done had ever been unwelcome. 
"I can't understand what you are saying," you whispered. 
He ran his fingers through his hair again in frustration. "It was all calculated, Miss Yoon. Everything I did was calculated. Do you want a list of the techniques I used on you? I encouraged you to tell me about your deepest fears and used them to make you trust me. I stayed by your side constantly so that you would come to depend on me, and eventually my absence would feel hollow. I encouraged you to smoke cigars so that we would have a shared secret, something thrilling we shared that no other people could know of. Are these not the things that made you fall in love with me?"
"Y-yes, but…"
"Then I successfully manipulated you."
Your legs felt weak. Yes, yes, he was describing everything that had made you fall for Mingyu but why did he have to make them all sound so malicious? How could he take these feelings, these genuine feelings that you had for him and say that they were the result of some clever tactics he had used? 
"You manipulated me into falling in love with you?" you demanded. "So… to be clear, you do not think that I am truly in love with you?"
Mr. Kim shook his head. "How could you be? I have only ever shown you the parts of me that I intended to show you. Do you even know what I am like when I am not with you?"
"Why should I care what you are like when you are not with me?" you asked, bewildered. 
"You are naive to even ask that question."
Something inside of you broke at his harsh words. This was not the man you knew. A dark, ugly whirlpool of self-loathing and regret in your stomach suddenly emerged as you looked down at this man- this man that could stand here so calmly after you had exposed your most vulnerable thoughts to him and tell you that your love was merely the result of his manipulations and scheming.
You suddenly wanted to end this conversation. 
"Fine," you whispered. "So, I am naive, foolish and I fell for some trap that you set to intentionally ruin my life- is that all? Is that what I am to understand from all this?"
"Yes," he croaked. 
"Congratulations, Mr. Kim. If that is what you truly feel then I will leave you to celebrate your victory alone," you told him quietly. 
You walked towards the exit of the gallery before Mr. Kim could see how your hands were trembling, how your throat had closed up and your chest felt so tight that you thought it might explode. 
"I warned you that I was a rake," he said softly. 
You paused, hand on the door, and turned to look at him. "Then tell me one more thing," you choked out. "Did you love me?" 
He did not look at you. 
"I don't know."
You felt numb as the carriage brought you back home. It was as though your mind and body had shut down completely due to their inability to process the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm you. 
The carriage driver had to tap on the door thrice to inform you that you had arrived at the Yoon manor and needed to descend. 
You entered the foyer and walked towards the stairs, barely noticing that there was a commotion coming from the adjoining drawing room. Loud voices were arguing; the door opened in front of you and you had no choice but to go in. 
"There you are!" your mother cried furiously as she saw you. She grabbed your arm and pulled you into the drawing room further. You limply followed her, lacking the energy to resist. "Where have you been? How could you leave the house without saying a word to anybody?"
You opened your mouth to respond but she cut you off immediately. 
"Never mind that! Look; look at what this boy has done now! Baron Wright has approached your brother for your hand in marriage and he will not grant his permission!"
Jeonghan had his fingers pressed to his temples, as he often did when conversing with your mother. "I am not refusing to grant anything, madam, I am only waiting for my sister to make up her mind."
"About what?" your mother screeched. "What is there to make up her mind about the man is a Baron and he wishes to marry my daughter! There is nothing to discuss! We have already angered him by making him wait so long-"
Jeonghan frowned. "If he cannot wait even a few days for a response to his proposal-"
"He is a Baron!"
You flinched. Your head was aching so badly that every word you mother yelled felt like a knife in your flesh. She continued to yell at your brother and finally something inside of you snapped. 
You had had enough. 
"Will you shut up?" you yelled. Your hands were shaking. "Can you all shut up for one bloody second, do you not see that I am suffocating? Are you so blinded by your selfishness and hatred that you cannot even ask me if I want to marry the Baron? I can't breathe, mother, but that does not matter to you! You would drag me lifeless to the altar if I happened to die before the wedding!"
Your mother looked as though you had slapped her. 
"My dear, I-"
You wrenched her arm out of her grasp violently.
"Don't touch me. This has never been about me or my sister or Jeonghan. This has always been about you and your bloody selfishness. I will not marry the Baron. I am sick of being pushed about and doing things to make others happy and if you have a problem with that, mother, you can marry the fucking Baron yourself." 
The room was silent. For a moment even you could not believe what you had done- your mother gaped at you wordlessly, and even Jeonghan was stunned into silence. 
You turned and fled upstairs. 
It was too much; the combined emotions of the evening had overwhelmed you. The tears were streaming down your face but somehow it was incredibly important that nobody saw them. You ran up to your bedchambers, sank down on the floor next to the bed, pulled your knees up to your chest and cried. 
The sobs racked your body violently and it was almost a relief, because the physical pain of holding them in had been too difficult to bear. 
You cried because the man you thought you loved was lost to you. Because somehow, you had failed everyone- your sister, Jeonghan, mother… you had failed them all. Everything had gone wrong and it was all your fault. The way Mingyu's bloodshot eyes had looked up at you, the things he had said- innocent, naive, trusting….
You felt disgusted with yourself. 
He was right. You were stupid, naive and trusting. But despite all the misery you were going through, there was perhaps one very important, very crucial and painful lesson that Mingyu had, intentionally or not, taught you. 
You would never trust again.  
There was a knock on your door. Jeonghan's voice called out to you gently from the other side. 
"Sister?" he said as the door creaked open. His tone was gentle. "Are you here?"
"Yes," you choked out. 
"That was quite a scene you made with your mother," he said with a chuckle. "She hasn't spoken a word since you left. I thought her discovery of our sister's affair was bad, but I think you have broken her far beyond that."
You said nothing. 
Jeonghan came around the side of the bed. He saw you curled up in the corner with your tear-stricken face. He sighed and kneeled beside you. 
"Is there anyone I need to speak to?" he asked gently. 
You shook your head. "No."
"What shall we do?"
"Let's please just go home."
The words ‘innocent’, ‘naive’, and ‘trusting’ rang like bells in your head and you heard them in Mr. Kim’s voice in your waking dreams and nightmares. You heard them constantly, over and over, chanting in a rhythm that matched the hoofbeats of the horses that pulled your carriage away from London and back towards your countryside home. 
They pierced you so deeply because they were true. You had been warned- every single person you met had told you that Mr. Kim was a notorious rake. Even your sister-in-law had brought him in to mentor you because he was the best at the game. 
You had stumbled blindly into a game that you barely understood and tried to take on a man who had been the ace, the savant for years. What had you been thinking? You may as well have walked up to Mr. Kim Mingyu and handed him your heart on a silver platter. 
No, you thought. There is no use crying over it now. Mr. Kim was right. You had been innocent, naive and trusting. And despite all the pain you were going through, there was one very important lesson that Mingyu had taught you. Like a fledgling bird pushed out of the nest too soon, you had landed on the ground but you were prepared for your next flight. You would not allow yourself to be pushed around and used and manipulated. You would not be taken under anyone’s wings. 
You would find your own wings. 
And you would start with the woman who had been suffocating you from the moment you were born- your mother. 
Your sister was waiting at the front entrance of the manor as the carriage rolled up to your familiar countryside manor. She ran towards you- she had received letters from Jeonghan and heard everything that he knew, including that you had refused to marry Baron Wright. The anxiety on her face was evident. 
“Oh my dear sister!” 
She embraced you warmly; you took a deep breath and inhaled her familiar scent and hugged her, blinking back the tears in your eyes. You had missed her deeply. You pulled back and gave her a gentle, watery smile. 
“Are you all right?” she asked you nervously. 
You nodded. “I am excellent, sister. And I have wonderful news. We have to prepare for a wedding this winter.” 
Her eyes widened. “But I thought… Jeonghan said you turned down Baron Wright…” 
You shook your head. 
“The wedding we are preparing for is yours.” 
Your mother gave up expressing her displeasure after it became clear to her that not a single person in the Yoon household, least of all her precious youngest daughter, cared two bits for what she thought. She walked around the house bemoaning her lot in life and how Jeonghan had turned both her daughters against her. You felt no sympathy. You were tired of living under your mother’s reign of fear and anxiety- indeed, she was partly to blame for your proclivity to anxiousness and nervous breakdowns. 
You refused to allow your failure- no, your decision- not to marry to stop your sister from attaining her own happiness. 
“Are you sure?” your sister asked you anxiously as the modiste fussed about her skirts and fitted her wedding gown. “Are you quite sure about this, sister? It will be very difficult for you when you go into London next season and the entire ton associates you with me.” 
You shook your head. “I do not care.” 
“But you do not understand how difficult it is to enter society when everyone is gossiping about…” 
You gave her a firm look and she fell silent. Your sister knew you too well not to notice the change in you; you were not the same shy, innocent girl who she had sent away to London a few months ago. There was a mixture of sadness and understanding in her eyes as she nodded and turned her attention back to her wedding gown. 
“We will need to tuck this part in here…” the modiste murmured. 
You frowned. “Hurry. The wedding is in barely two days.” 
“I can get it done in time.” 
There was a knock on the door and one of the modiste’s assistants poked her head into the dressing room anxiously. “Mr. Choi is here, madam. He is waiting outside the shop.”
You stood up quickly before your sister could speak. “He cannot see my sister in her wedding gown. I will go speak to him.” 
You hurried outside and saw Seungcheol standing anxiously near the entrance to the shop. His son- little Jiwoo with his father’s eyes and smile- was standing with him and he beamed when he saw you, waving his hands in greeting eagerly. You smiled back at the boy. 
“Jiwoo! You have grown so tall!” you told him brightly. 
Jiwoo blushed proudly. 
Seungcheol smiled down at his son for a moment before turning to you. There was a certain anxiousness in his kind eyes. He had been anticipating this wedding for a long time, and it was evident that he was just as nervous, if not more, than your sister inside. 
“Have you not heard that it is bad luck to see the bride in her wedding gown?” you scolded Seungcheol. 
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I only wanted to be sure everything is going well.” 
“Everything is going perfectly. I am taking care of things so you, Mr. Choi, can wait at your home,” you told him firmly. “Unless you are having second thoughts about the wedding. In which case I shall be obliged to inform you that I know where Jeonghan keeps his hunting rifles and I am not afraid to use them.” 
He chuckled. “There will be no need for that.” 
Seungcheol gave you a small smile. “Your sister has informed me that any mention of postponing the wedding until next season makes you incredibly angry so I will not suggest it to you. Instead-let me say thank you. Thank you for doing this for us.” 
You shook your head. “No- I am sorry that you had to wait because of me.” 
“That was not your fault.” 
“Perhaps not,” you said quietly. “Perhaps I did not ask for it, but it was decided that way for my benefit. I have allowed other people to decide things for me for too long. It is time I chose what makes me happy and nothing would make me happier than seeing you marry my sister.” 
Seungcheol reached out to clasp your hand in both of his. His words were warm and genuine. “You will always be welcome at our home.” 
You bit your lip and smiled. 
“Thank you.” 
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Autism intensifies!
Hopefully none of you will find what I'm saying disrespectful.
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Season 2, Episode 17: “Every Girl Should Be Married”
I think this scene is the cutest!!!
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Every now and then I come across Bart in fics where the author writes him as completely disinterested in older media or is contemptuous of black and white film when the comics make it very clear that Bart actually has a pretty wide range of interests across decades.
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Impulse #21
During the LoSH vs Bart Allen debacle featuring the Cosmic Treadmill Bart quotes The Jetsons, the classic Hanna-Barbera cartoon from the 1960s. In the 1990s reruns of this show was broadcasted very frequently alongside dozens of other cartoons so he would definitely have had an active choice to watch it or not.
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Impulse #53
The Patty Duke Show from the 1960s is a little niche even for teens of the 90s and it is interesting that he watches it. The show was not colorized, and was aired on Nickelodeon during their "Nick-at-Nite" broadcast block in the 1990s.... which Bart should have been asleep for.... because his bedtime is 8:00pm... and that block started at 9:00 iirc.
But that's how it was for our world, for the comic world Pickelodeon may have had a completely different broadcast. Still it is a little charming to imagine Bart sneaking to watch this show, and maybe Helen would permit it and supersede Max's bedtime regime.
The premise of the show in relation to Bart and Thad's relationship is amusing and fitting, identical 'cousins' who are completely different in personality, taste and temperament as they get into shenanigans and fumble around displaced from home.
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Impulse #57
On Christmas Eve it has been a long standing tradition for It's a Wonderful Life (in this case X-Mas) to air on American television. It is regarded as a treasure and is enmeshed in pop culture whose core premise of how one man can have a profound change on everything has been reused countless times across multiple other forms of media. The film is from 1946, has been colorized but is more frequently broadcast in black and white.
Bart admitting that he wants to watch it, and furthermore that it is his favorite Christmas movie is a little unusual for teens of the 1990s compared to the monolith of other options. He watched it among many others and decided that this beloved classic was his favorite over the others.
In closing; Bart Allen plays a lot of video games, watches MTV, cartoons, and movies that are rated R but he also watches older classics too and enjoys them.
Bart came to the year 1994 with very little prejudice and does not have any contemptuous opinions regarding older media. So for your next fic instead of having him turn his nose up at the idea of watching something from the far distant decade of... 1980... consider that he would be absolutely 100% all about it.
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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Sal Mineo and Patty Duke in “The Patty Duke Show” season two episode, "Patty Meets a Celebrity"
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