#The Elder Scolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
readmedottxt · 8 months
Suck any woman's breast Shout - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, May 2023
Don't you wish you could suck any woman's big breast in Skyrim? Well, now you can.
Automatically adds to player inventory a shout that makes you suck the targeted female NPC's big succulent breast.
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
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Altmer and Karens have an innate connection and you cannot convince me otherwise
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arainofravens · 5 years
Smells of Skyrim
Alright, this is mainly based off of what me and a few other people came up with in a discord server
Bandit Camps: yuck. Smells like sadness, mead and unwashed bodies. I know they're criminals but can't they at least bathe??
Mammoth Camps: similar idea. Icky giant furry animals that smell with giant trolls that smell like a 12 yo boy who hasn't showered in months. Also, Mammoth cheese. That stuff just sits out in the weather. How have our dragonborns not die of food poisoning yet?? Or just by the smell of it 🤢
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary: well the Falkreath one would smell like Stone and dirt. Blood. Mushrooms and water. The Dawnstar one would smell of dust and ingredients. Maybe blood due to the torture room. Oh and snow from them slipping in and out of the secret enterence. Both of the sanctuaries smell like death since that doesn't wash out easily.
Thieves Guild: Well, it's in a sewer, so probably like a sewer? When the DB first gets there it smells like a sh*thole, barf in one corner, broken bottles everywhere, sadness in every air molecule. But by the time they take over as guild master, they had enough money to hire someone to clean it because goddamit they might be in a sewer doesn't mean it has to smell like it.
Jorrvaskr: Mead. Lots of mead. Dogs. Food. Family. Sweaty, dirty mercenaries. I mean it looks clean but you can't get the smell of wet dog out very easily
College of Winterhold: Books. Magic. Potions and Ingredients. Always smells like a snowstorm is coming, probably because one is. Smells like knowledge and fire because someone just caught someone else on fire :).
Markarth: Stone and metal. The smell of something burning is stuck in the air due to the forges in the south part of the city. After all Blood and Silver is what flows through Markarth.
Daedric Princes: This one gets tricky. It's hard to pinpoint what they would smell like (probably blood and death and sadness though). One that is easy to guess is Sheogorath. He smells like Cheese and Cotton candy.
Just imagine how the Dragonborn smells after weeks of drinking Mead and clearing bandit Camps and dragon slaying and no sleep... And all the cheese roles they eat 🤢
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aliveafterdark · 2 years
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I use this outfit for sneaking around
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Kelani, the mother of my custom voiced follower Leilani,concept art 2, I've been away writing the script for my custom voiced follower mod  that consists of over 5,000 lines of dialogue, plus my 10 hour work schedule so posting screenshots and what not has been slow.  More mod info and updates on my flikr. Flikr.com/jjfxmultimedia
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rodyasadventures · 7 years
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vampire-kaelthas · 4 years
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The Khajiit are always prepared
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vampire-kaelthas · 4 years
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I arrive at the College of Winterhold
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
Hey guys tonight is Friday the 13th with a full moon, you know what that means?
The Daedra are finally gonna come and rid us of this mortal world
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vampire-kaelthas · 4 years
Ok ramble time that hyperfixiation is really going into high gear right now.
I finally reread the dragonborn prophecy and it got my brain turning:
When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world
When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped
When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Tower trembles
When the Dragonborn Ruler loses his throne, and the White Tower falls
When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding
The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn.
SO let's analyze this, shall we? We know all of this references past games and their events. It references the end of the world, that's what every book and every person says. I agree, it does reference the end of the world.
But not the way we think it does.
I've been replaying the game with Cutting Room Floor and USEP, so now I get to see all the cut quests and dialogue in game, and also I'm paying attention to stuff I didnt before.
We all know the Thalmor are bidding their time, waiting for something. But we dont know what. We only have ideas. We figure they're waiting for the Empire to be too weak to fight them again, to not even be able to make a treaty. I mean, in the Embassy, Ulfrics Dossier practically says that. They're leaving him to distract and weaken the Empire, to burn their resources. But why? Why wait?
When you go to the Embassy for the Main Quest in Skyrim, you have the chance to talk to all the Yarls and even a Thalmor Agent (I think?? Its Omulund?? I cant spell srry). If you speak to him, and ask him some stuff about the Thalmor, you get this line: "we are at the calm between storms. And this next storm, its gonna be far larger and much deadlier than the past." So what? Why does that matter? It was probably a very vague throwaway line. Well that's what I thought too. But it struck something in me. I think the Thalmor have a plan, one that is in motion, but far larger than we have seen.
I know, I know, all of you are like "yea, they're taking over tameriel, come on Dylan get a brain" but that's not what I'm talking about. We all watched the ES6 trailer, that 30 seconds with drums and a unfamiliar terrain that we all say is highrock/hammerfell (depending on what video you watch). Like yes, ES6 *could* take place there, but I dont think so. Or at least, momentarily.
I have the theory that the Thalmor are going to make themselves gods. We've seen it before, the attempts, and it makes sense, right?? Like, a race of people so full of themselves, so convinced they're better than everyone else, it was only a matter of time.
So that's where the "end of the world" comes in. Do we even know the ramifications of that? Of any way that could happen?? They seem to hate the idea of a man becoming a god, but what if that's just to start clearing space for themselves?
I think ES6 will take place after or right as the Empire is falling, as the Thalmor take over Tameriel and make their attempt to become gods.
My other, probably just as weirdly focused on theory is that, the elves are done with Tameriel. Done with Mundus. Why are they stuck here? With these lesser man and beasts? They deserve better. After all, that's what the gods made them for, right?
So what the dragonborn killed the world eater. Both they (elves) and the dragons were made by the elves, so who says they arent better? They always have to pick up the pieces anyways.
So basically, my other thing is that the Thalmor will literally end the world! Just ok bye bye Tameriel you had a nice run.
But not just leave everyone gone. As Paarthurnax said "perhaps this world is the egg for the next? Would you stop this world from being born?" This is an ending of worlds, but a rebirth as well. So not just the Thalmor ending it... just helping the next one come along.
But, that would open up so many possibilities right?? New lands, with stuff we've never seen, since ESO has taken us about everywhere (except black marsh if I'm correct?). Maybe we would even find where the dwemer went.
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vampire-kaelthas · 4 years
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vampire-kaelthas · 4 years
So there are so many posts talking about the return to the roots in questlines like the DB, but that's basically all of skyrim.
The Dark Brotherhood: a return to the tenets. The guild has fallen to nearly nothing. When the night mother returns, along with the listener appearing, it's to bring it back to glory. Back to where it began, including a good purification (through interesting means).
The Thieves Guild: has become a near joke, barely meaning anything in the city they're based. The leader has turned against both the city and a daedric prince, cursing the guild. The point is to bring it back to how its supposed to be, 3 Nightingales, the key in the Twilight Sepulchre, bound to Nocturnal, with their influence in every hold.
The Companions: you're literally becoming leader to a old faction, then have the option to cure a "curse", which has plagued them for a few hundred years. You're helping them revert back.
College of Winterhold: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk about this one yall
Dawnguard VS Volkihar: super old ass vampires against a old, but revived faction over a old prophecy
All of Solstheim: old as shit and you're stopping the First Dragonborn, even older than shit
The Main Questline: you're the prophesied hero, something foretold long ago. So long ago its known as legend, along with the return of the dragons, which people refer to as fake. You learn the Way of the Voice, which is super old and not known by many. You have the option to help rebuild the Blades, an organization known in past games, and it's from Akaviir.
You can find it in the whole game. Do I need to go on more?
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vampire-kaelthas · 4 years
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
When someone proposes to me, I dont want a ring, I want this
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vampire-kaelthas · 4 years
I know a lot of people hate the main Skyrim questline, but I kinda like it. Like yeah, its a little rushed and I wish there was more quests (like a trial and error to find where the Thalmor had information, where to find Esbern, hecc, even try to set up a base other than Sky Ruler Temple and being ambushed by the Thalmor wouldve been cool. Or like, more quests and training with the greybeards, that wouldve been cool. Especially if you could like, choose what shouts to specialize in.) I feel like that's most of skyrim though. So cool in concept but just,,, missing some things.
Or a lot of things
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