#The Choosen City AU
zealuh-v · 1 year
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Beautiful v:)
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bwoahtastic · 9 months
Okay so I don't know if it's even remotely good, or worth your time. But I've going through the tags and I miss the Pagan gods AU, so I thought why not write something for it. I'm not really good at smut and it can definitely be improved, but I wanted to try and give it a go. So here is my submission for the Pagan gods AU. Also beware of the ship it's not the usual version we have of them. And beware of the mistake and and all, English isn't my first language and this is definitely not beta proofed.
When Max was brought to the temple as a sacrifice for their god, he didn't expect to be because he was a virgin. He heard of boys and girls being sacrificed each year after the winter solstice, to their god for protection. Some of them came back and the chief village looked always scared and the sacrifice was then brought to his house for an inspection.
If the inspection went well then the village was safe, if not the sacrifice was banned and immediately someone was sent to the sacred temple. It only happened twice with a boy named Nico, and everyone was avoiding talking about him except when the sacrifice ceremony was about to begin. Then the whole village talked about Nico and how he failled them all by being worthless. He didn't even get checked out by the chief. He was immediately kicked out of the village and no one heard of him since.
The other boy who was kicked out was George. And no one saw it coming. After all he succeeded and he even bragged about it saying the god really liked him. But as soon as he said it, plant were dying, the farmers couldn't grow anything, animals started to die, and soon the water was also tinted. So they turned to George and asked him again and again what did he do to let the god unleash his warth upon them. And without a response and seeing the situation getting worth he was kicked out.
Max did heard about George's futur as soon after his exclusion, everything went well oh so well. They even had enough food for a whole city and some farmer used the extra food to sell it to the near villages. One of their sons, Esteban, said he saw George in the near village and that people treated him like trash. They acused him of witchcraft as when he arrived nothing could grow. So it soon appeared that George was cursed. And not later after that, there was news that George was killed by a hungry villager and eaten. The hunger, and anger and madness taking over. The next week the said village was gone. Completely destroyed.
And so everyone was afraid to mess up with the god. So this is why Max didn't understand why he was the one choosen as a sacrifice this time. He couldn't care less about the whole deal, but also he didn't want to end up like Nico or worse like George. He never prayed to their god. His father Christian often did and never came back with good news from it. Only when he goes to the temple with Sebastian that he gets some luck.
Max was sometimes jealous of their relationship. He so wanted to be useful for his father that worked really hard for them. But he knew his craft was in hunting. And so he made it his mission to bring enough food for his father and his brother. Sebastian's craft was more into knitting. He created beautiful piece of clothing and offer them almost always to Mark, the blacksmith's son. He did share his creation with the rest of the villagers for free. And some said that his kindness will be his downfall, but Seb never saw it that way.
And when Mick, Esteban and Lance were going to other villagers to sell some of their products they always take some of Seb's crafted clothing to sell. Giving him the whole money they got of it, even if Seb always put a fight to refuse it, until they mention Max and Christian. And then reluctantly Seb agrees to take the money.
They aren't rich far from it, but at least they do make it work. And this is why Max is so afraid of being the sacrifice. Because if he fail in one way or another, his father and brother will be left alone and ostracized. There's no way they won't be the target of the rest of the villagers even if they seems to like them. They seemed to like George and look what happened to him and his family! His little brother Lando was taken to the deep end of the forest and no one saw him ever since. His father was spared but only because he promised the chief he would never ask for any help. And to prove it got to the extrem limit of the village. Living by himself and never speaking to anyone since.
Max doesn't want that for his family. So this is why he went to see Mark and Jenson. If the blacksmith son is a decent man he will take care of Sebastian and his father. And if Jenson is a friend like he pretend to be for Seb he will make sure that Seb and Christian are being taken care of no matter what will happen with Max.
Having their words that they would protect his family, Max was then sent to the temple with no explanation of what to do. The only thing he was told was to strip and wear the purple Toga he will see in the temple.
He didn't believe it at first because purple is the color of royalty and expensive but as soon as he saw the toga, he had to believe it. So he stiped, wore the toga in a clumsy way. He couldn't be faulted he never wore one before and waited.
He's been waiting for a while and no sign of the god. He felt like he was played and started to strip back into his clothing when suddenly he heard someone coming. Half naked the top of the toga, dripping out of his shoulders Max looked with spoked eyes as the feared god approach.
He soon realise that this god is not like the ones he knows. His Skin isn't white like his, but darker. Not like charcoal, more like tree trunk. He never saw someone having this type of skin color before. His hair were falling as little waves of curls. Making his face look softer than he think a god should look like. His eyes were brown same color as honey. And then, then his body, muscles everywhere Max could see. Tatoos that complemented his skin and seemed like having a mind of their own. Max was especially draw towards the lion one on the chest.
And that's when he realised maybe this god is so feared because he isn't one of their gods. But a foreign god that had so much power that not even the king of the gods himself dared to come here. The god just looked at Max and raised an eyebrow. Something like amusment in his eyes. Max frown and looked back at the god in the eyes. He realized soon enough that he was taller than said god. Not by much but still taler than him and that put him in a better mood already. And so with this new bravado he spoke first when everyone told him to just shut up and do what the god said.
- You don't look like a god from here, what's your name?
The god scoff at that and smiled.
- You're the first one to speak to me before I have spoke. Aren't you afraid of me?
- No. I'm not.
Lies but he couldn't let that god look him down. No matter what his powers are he will not submit to him. Even if that means dying at least his family will have Jenson and Mark to protect them.
- I hate being lied to little lion.
- I'm not afraid. I'm angry.
-Angry? And why is that?
- Because we have to sacrifice someone every year around that time and we don't know what we have to do to appease you. I'm sure you're not from here. Why should we submit to you!?
- Are you sure you're doing the right thing here little lion? I'm a god after all. I could kill you.
- And I don't care. I never believed in gods anyway.
- You're an interesting one little lion.
- Stop calling me that.
- And why is that?
- It's weird. I don't even know if you'll kill me. And I don't know your name.
- Oh that. No one told you about your role?
- No. We never know.
- Hum well you're quite young I guess that's the reason.
- I'm 26.
- You don't look like it at all little lion.
Max frown harder and the god chuckled. Pleased to have this human with him. Maybe he will be entertaining this time.
- To your question my response is the following. Yes I'm a god you never heard of. And it's normal I had earn many names through time. And I was always there. You just never heard of me because your gods and goddesses took the space. As for what type of god I am, I'm a fertility god. With everything that implies.
Max looked at the god not understanding the last part. What does he means with everything that implies?
- What are you confused about little lion?
- What do you mean by everything that implies?
-Sex of course
- What??
Max suddenly felt very very exposed and tried to cover himself. He was stopped by the god tho.
- Tell me, what do you know about the ritual?
- Nothing I was never interested in it in the first place and also, I never expected this!
He's blushing and the god's eyes on him do not help. Said god was looking at the little lion and taking in everything let him go.
- I'm not into virgins in general and you clearly don't know what you were giving yourself up for. So little lion let's do this. We will talk and eat and then I will go and you can sleep in the temple. You will be under my protection no one will ever hurt you here. And tomorrow you will go back to you village and tell to the chief that he needs to tell everyone about the ritual, the goal of it and what it is important. I don't want to force myself into a sacrifice.
Max was extremely surprised by the god's words and seen him under a new light. Maybe this god wasn't terrible after all.
- There's no catch, I will really go back and there will be no consequences for the village?
- As long as you do what I say, then I promise to let the village alone until next year.
That is good. He could keep his family safe and is assured that the village won't have any problems. So. He agreed to it and soon enough he was carried to a bed room, with a lot of food. More than any he's ever eaten and drinks and music playing in the background. As it turns out the god was really charming. And without the divinity stuff he practically looked like a normal human. Maybe around his thirties. They did laugh a lot and shared their experiences. It wasnt comparable and Max got to learn so much with the god, he feared he annoyed him. But no, the god looked at him like he was genuinely interested in Max.
But around maybe two in the morning Max felt his eyes dropping and fell asleep on the god's tights. The god smiled and put his little lion in a better position on the bed before keeping watch over him.
When Max woke up he was alone the god wasn't there, put next to him were clothing expensive clothing and a little note.
"Thank you for this night little lion"
Max blushed and took the clothes in his arms not sure about wearing them, he chose not to and wear back his tiny tunic made by his big brother. He left the temple and was set to come back home but something bothered him.
- I don't even know his name.
Startled Max looked around to see no one. But he tried out.
- L-Lewis?
"This is my name little lion. If you come back to the temple to pray, just call my name and I will be there for you"
He couldn't see Lewis but Max knew he was here. He just felt it. He smiled.
- Thank you Lewis.
When Max got back to the village, and Seb asked him what happened he just said that nothing happend and that he needed to talk to the chief.
A year later Max willingly went as a sacrifice this time, knowing what he was into. And he never regret it especially not when he had Lewis whimpering under him, kissing him and urging him to go deeper and faster. When they finally touched completion, and Max felt himself dying a little he thought that would have been a shame because Lewis looked incredible when reaching the skies. Max marked Lewis' skin with kisses and bites and his hand went slowly resting on Lewis' belly.
- My little lion.
- My beautiful god.
They smiled at each other and cuddled for the whole night. The next morning when asked if Max would like to spend the rest of his life with Lewis and their child, Max didn't hesitate and agreed. Lewis blessed the village with eternal fertility and Max got to be an immortal god himself. He didn't even bother about his title, he needed to be there for his husband now and their little one.
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wolverina2002 · 1 year
Theme songs
So my "Ahsoka and a squad of four mildly deranged clones timetravel" AU is still mostly just vibes, so here, have their theme songs.
Well yes they´re all Sabaton, what else am I gonna use?
Sev: White Death
No, I didn´t pick this one because it rhymes, but because a) the vibes fit our quiet, deadly sniper so well and b) the story of a sniper taking down 500 enemies in 100 days with IRON SIGHTS fits Sev´s entire "my best is so far overkill I might as well use cheat codes" vibes. I could have used it for Crosshair, but he gets another song that fits him a bit better. The lines that fit the most are actually the refrain,
You’re in the sniper’s sight, the first kill tonight, time to die You’re in the bullet’s way, the White Death’s prey, say goodbye
It very much embodies Sev´s "you´re in my sights, goodbye" approach.
Ahsoka: Lady of the Dark
In part because it´s the only Sabaton song I could find that focusses on one female specifically instead of a group like Night Witches, but also because, while the story of a woman in the trenches of war might not be entirely accurate to Ahsoka, the song captures a lot of the vibes I´m going with.
Don’t fear the reaper, don’t fear the war She spared the life of brothers
These two lines are probably the most meaningfull in this context, for quite obvious reasons.
Howzer: Uprising
Mostly choosen for his relentless belief in Ryloth and his tireless work to support resistance against the Empire even when nobody from outside supported it. He encouraged people to fight and believe, even if (when) it killed him. Especially these lines
All the streetlights in the city broken many years ago Break the curfew, hide in sewers Warsaw it’s time to rise now
Speak to me about the work he was doing on Ryloth.
Rex: Unkillable Soldier/Soldier of Three Armies
Alright, so, Rex fought me. So. Hard. I couldn´t really pick, because in both songs, the inspiring stories don´t really fit. However, the vibes ... both Unkillable Soldier´s unrelenting will to fight, no matter how injured, and the underlying story of Soldier of Three Armies of a man who hated communism so much he joined three different armies to fight it fit Rex very well. He refuses to give the Empire an inch, no matter how injured he is or which armies he has to join. Also the parallel of Lauri Törni meeting his end in Vietnam (notorious for it´s forests and guerilla fights) and Rex dying as a guerilla fighter on Endor is ... a bit streched, but oddly fitting. As for the lines that hit the hardest in this context, here they are.
Unkillable Soldier: Never die, shot through the eye Never surrender however they try How they try, shot through the eye He’ll never die
Now Rex never got shot through the eye, but, eh, the vibes fit.
Soldier of Three Armies: From the Finnish lakes Into Germany and USA All the wars he came across
Now the later set doesn´t apply to Rex at all, of course, but I think it represents what the song says about him. He won´t give up, he won´t stop, he won´t relent.
Crosshair/Galaar: Soldier of Heaven
The reasons I choose this song are ... a bit sad. Galaar´s mental health is, ultimately, the most damaged and he´s not in a good place. Soldier of Heaven embodies those feelings of holding the line forever, even after the war ended it´s still going on for him, he won´t be coming home. Also, well, the story and his experiances with Mayday. He´s stuck, mentally, in that icy place, frozen and trapped. Without the others to rescue him, he won´t be able to recover from the hell he´s been through.
I won’t be coming home I won’t be going anywhere I will guard this post forever Here on the alpine slope where I did my final stand I shall remain Among the ice and snow that binds me to this mountain
Crosshair isn´t coming home. Even if Galaar is recovering, Crosshair will forever remain on that icy mountain, where he made a final stand over Mayday.
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thelittlefanpire · 2 years
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stolen lullabies
by thelittlefanpire
The 100 | Wells & Octavia | City of Light AU | TROPED 3.0
Inspired by the Final Round of @troped-fanfic-challenge 3.0 || Choosen Theme: Canonverse || Tropes: El Dorado + Frikdreina + Telepathy + Free Space (somebody who died in canon lives…)
The ground was the dream and Wells Jaha would become the leader of a band of delinquents in search of the promised City of Light.
[a series of unfinished fics—23/50]
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
heyyy can I request a fic where your helping Jean get with Mikasa in a modern au and it works. It hurts a lot tho because you like him but at least he’s happy. But then his friend Marco asks you out and you’ve always thought he was attractive and you find yourself happier with Marco and Jean sees you two on a date and he gets all sour and jealous? I love your work btw!💕
wow yes!! :D thank you so much and i hope you like it! i’m sorry for the waiting <3
❁ jean x mikasa, reader x marco.
❁ modern au
"Look, Kirstein, is all about the tactics."
"Tactics?" he asks. You nod twice. He's sitting on your sofa, his hands holding a slice of pizza that he bought coming here. He told you he needed your help so bad. So bad.
“Mikasa is not going to go out with you if you just look at her shyly while she walks. You need to talk to her.” He looks at you, understanding. It hurts you to help him get with Mikasa, the girl that he liked since the start. Marco appears from your kitchen with a glass of water on his hand. He sits next to Jean, taking also a slice of pizza from the box. Marco is Jean’s best friend, so when he told he was head to your house, you also expected him to bring Marco. 
“Mikasa has zero interest in you. Just think there are more people out there that are really cute and are looking for someone like you.” Marco says. 
You wish Jean to notice you. It’s fine, he does like Mikasa a lot, but you like him as much as he does. You’re helping him to get with Mikasa because you know how much he likes her. You don’t want to be that bad friend who just wants him to yourself. You want to be happy and free, want him to choose because it’s his life and not yours.
On the other side of the sofa, Marco knows you like Jean. He obviously knows. Jean seems to be the only one that doesn’t get it. Marco doesn’t know why he is so blind. Maybe because he has that fixation on Mikasa, he’s loosing the amazing person that is looking at him with such a beautiful smile. 
Marco has noticed you, of course he did. It’s not difficult to feel a little bit attracted to you. How you're always smiling and helping everyone. Your beautiful face and the precious body you have. All those things always make Marco blush when you talk to him.
Jean is now convinced to speak to Mikasa, so he takes out his phone and asks her if she wants to drink something the next afternoon.
“Jean! That’s too repenting!” Marco says, but, Jean smiles. His phone has sounded and a notification entered. 
“She said yes.” He says quietly. Marco looks at you surprised, and you look at Jean’s fingers, writing an answer for her. You smile at him when he looks at you, but you’re a little bit sad. Marco keeps his gaze on you, searching any reaction. But you smile at him again.
“Wow, it’s your opportunity, Jean!” you say. He nods happily.
The date went well the next day. Jean sent you a whole audio message telling you how well it went. Eventually, those two started dating. You and Marco got closer, since the three of you usually made plans, but now Jean was spending a lot of time with Mikasa, so you two madr plans together.
"I hope Jean and Mikasa last, like he really loved her." Marco says. You play with the straw of your milkshake between your fingers, and the boy in front of you looks around. "Are you sad yet?". You look at him, his cheeks full of freckles and his sweet eyes looking at you. He smiles. "You'll find another one, you're a great person." he says. Maybe he has said too much? He looks at you but you're still playing with the straw.
"Yes. Well, if he didn't notice it, and we were literally inseparable, i don't know who is going to notice me..." you say quietly. Marco is looking at your fingers moving around the straw, and you look at him. You always felt an strange attraction to Marco. He is the opposite to Jean: his sweet and soft smile, his cheeks full of freckles, his messy hairstyle and his generous eyes against Jean's flirty smile, his plump lips and his sharp features. They were totally different, though the two of them were nice to you. Jean is more flirty and teasing; Marco is more sweet and warm-hearted.
"Y/N?" he asks. You have been looking at him and thinking on your own things you didn't notice when he talked again.
"Sorry, Marco." he laugh quietly.
"It's fine. Should we go?" he asks. You nod. The night is cold but quiet. You two walk in silence. Jean send you a text.
"Are you still drinking something? Am i late?" he asks. You answer that he is. "Sorry, I promise to go to the next one!" he says. You send him an emoji and keep walking.
"Jean?" he asks. You nod. The conversation dies there, and you keep walking silently. "I don't know how he didn't notice you." he says. You look at him. "You always looked at him with such an interest. Always there to help him and to have his back. He should give you an opportunity. You're amazing." You look at Marco. He gives you a soft smile.
"I think I'm maybe not that amazing." you say. What does Mikasa have than you don't have?
"You are. Don't put less value on yourself just because he has choosen her." he says. His shoulder finds yours jokingly.
But you don't think he's joking. He is serious, his words are serious. That's what he thinks about you.
Does Marco like you? Were you involved in a love triangle all this time, but all the relations were one-sided?
Since he showed you what he thinks about you, a little love flame started to grow between you two. A slow burn love that started to gain weight on all the afternoons you spend with him, waiting for a Jean that never comes, and always apologizes. "Mikasa told me to accompany her" "Mikasa is helping Eren, so I should go and help too." You're not angry with him, he's enjoying his new relationship. And so are you two, sitting a little bit closer every day and touching each other more naturally. You don't know how you two started dating, none of you asked the other. He knew he wanted to be with you and you knew you wanted to be with him. A first kiss on your main door closed the pact about your relationship.
You are now sitting on the grass, your head on Marco's lap. His hands caressing your hair under a tree shadow. It was a hot day, and you two decided to spend it on a date. A real date, not you two waiting for Jean. One only you knew.
"Ah, it's really hot today." he says. His hands braid your hair softly, and you hum in response. "Should we go and drink something? We could go to the cafeteria that has that cookies milkshake you like..." he says. You smile and, opening your eyes to look at him, find his smile. He tilts his head down and gives you a little kiss. "Let's go, then."
You're not playing with the straw this time. You have something that grabs your hand. A big, soft and warm hand cages yours and a cute boy smiles at you while you talk. Marco's personality was made for you, as yours was made for him. That's something he likes to remind you, how you two are like puzzle pieces.
"Oh, hi!" you hear a voice you know really well behind you. Jean is walking, with Mikasa on his side. She smiles at you and you smile at her back. But the repentine voice scared you a bit. Jean's hazel eyes looks at your hands, yours inside Marco's. He raises an eyebrow a little bit, just a little. "Am I interrupting?" he asks. Marco shakes his head, smiling at him as if nothing happens. Jean nods. "Yeah. So, you two...?" he asks. He doesn't end the phrase but you know what he wants to say.
"Well, we're dating." Marco answers simply. He has changed from the sweet boy you saw earlier, he's more sharp. Jean nods.
"Good for you two. Well, we reserved the next table for our date." Jean says, his hand searching Mikasa's, holding her. "So, well. We'll go and enjoy the date."
"So we do." Marco smiles at him. What's this game going on between this two?
"Oh, you're on a date?" Jean says. His hazel eyes are now fixed on Marco's ones. Mikasa looks at you and you look at her. She's beautiful, her long black hair moving softly every time she moves her head to look at her boyfriend. Marco caresses your hand with his thumb, maybe knowing all the thoughts you're having. You shake your head a bit. Marco doesn't deserve that. Hou should forget about Jean. He was your first crush and he doesn't have interest in you. Also, you're now dating a wonderful boy. You can't do this to Marco.
"We are. That's what couples do. I thought maybe y/n would like to have their favorite milkshake after a long day out." he says. Jean looks now at your glass, half empty. All the cookies are mixed with the cream. He nods.
"Fine. We'll have also some milkshakes. The ones made here are the best of the city." he says. Now he talks to Mikasa. "Strawberry milkshake, sweetie?"
She nods shyly. Marco looks at him.
"Well, I hope you enjoy your date as much as we do." he says, venenous words coming out of his mouth. Jean smiles.
"We'll do. We'll do. Marco, y/n." he says, before leaving with Mikasa.
Even when his hands are on Mikasa's waist, guiding her towards the table, he only thinks about you.
Maybe it's the old tale about a boy that doesn't know what he has until he loses it.
And Jean hates losing.
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makahimetenshi · 3 years
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Old Dipper
Ok so this is a AU where Dipper is a pantologist of 40 years old, he lives in the Mystery Shack after the Standford dissaparence.
When Dipper and Mabel was 16/21 they fall in love to each other, having a sucesfull secret relation ship, the twins left highschool with very good grades but they dont really wanna study anything, Mabel try it studying art but she gets bored easy and she started to sell her things online, believe or not she makes good money.
Dipper doesnt know what to study, he is good at maths but because he hates them and he wanna finish the most quickly possible, maths are not his thing. He actually wanna study something related to paranormal things, but nothing really exist or the title is important so is time to be a writer! Things doesnt work for a very long time, he was getting frustated but Mabel was here to cherish him enought. When Dipper published his first novel he become a famous writer, not because of the first, the second one was a book about paranormal things, third one an enciclopedy about paranormal creatures and more novels, he was really happy at that time.
Mabel convice him to open a blog and he become a very famous blogger of paranormal, with the years the Mistery Twins gets more experience finding paranormal things, even in their own city Mabel found a lot of creatures. For some reason, nobody in Internet believes the creatures was real, so they call it “The Mistery Shack Effect”, the girl think they dont believe the creatures she put in front the camera are real because they are like super real, and Mabel is a crafter so everyone thinks she makes them, and cosplayers really make good jobs at this time so everything is fake, everything, even Mabel big boobs.
Dipper writes articles and ocassionaly he appears in front of the camera, and Mabel was a full-time video-blogger.
When they broke up their relationship everything was sad and horrible but they ended it fine, because before lovers they are siblings and best friends, nothing cant broke up with their friendship. They mover together (it was strange for both but they have enought money to move on off their parents house) to Gravity Falls, near to their uncles. So they fuck everyone in there, Mabel has a lot of boyfriends and Dipper, only ocassional mettings, he dont wanna start a relationship because he was bussy writing and working in paranormal shit with Standford
Until he fall in love with Bill when he magically apears in front of two of them talking about be a good dorito, Bill move on with Dipper and becomes Mabels best friend, really gay shit around her so Dipper doesnt matter about it, after all they become boyfriends and he fucks him everynight.
In a travel Mabel meets a really sweet guy named Georgie, Dipper loves him because he was a geologist so Mabel was going to be fine, and thay guy was the choosen one, she was really happy around him and even Bill notice he is cool, Mabel married him when she was 27 (she has a long record of boyfriends), the party was awsome because Bill magic, the best part of it it was no secret, Georgie was okay with the magic and paranormal shit, and with the demon boyfriend of the sibbling of his wife, he trust Mabel a lot and Dipper was one of his best friends.
At 30 Mabel gets pregnat, Dipper and Georgie were like, the most happy mans on earth and they become Mabel servants by their own will, by that way she and his husband move on to New York but Dipper travel all the weekends to spend with his pregnat big sister, Georgie doesnt really have problems with that, Dipper was cool. Standford and Stanley scream his souls out of their body when Bill found out she was going to get siblings, all in the room were screaming and crying, exept Bill who doesnt give a shit about it, to him it was just mutant semen.
The siblings born, it was a really happy family moment, Mabel doesnt have any problems so everything was perfect.
When they started to grow up Mabel started to take the siblings to her travels on Gravity Falls and they love Dipper and the place, The new Mistery Twins were really exited about fairys and gnomes, because Dipper doesnt let them go to dangerous places. At 33 Bill and Dipper broke up, their relationship doesnt simple work, Bill was too childish and jelous, and also evil and manipulative, so Dipper cant take it anymore. Fights, curses, problems with enchanted people atacking his magic protected house, but after a while these things stop, Dipper know it, just because of that he doesnt do anything, he knows Bill enought, such a waste because it was a 8 years relation shit but Dipper grows up and Bill not, he cant take the jelous teenager rages anymore. They where absolutlly bullshit.
Dipper didnt fall in a depression because he started to study paleontology, he graduates with honors and everyone were proud of him, that party with Mabel and Georgie was crazy. He felt really happy that there are so much people around him in that important moment.  At 37 Standley dies by a heart attack, something that the family was really especting because he was smoking a lot and having really bad habits, but it was a hard hit for the family in general, especially to Standford, who after the funeral dissapear in a portal, leaving the Mistery Shack to Dipper with all his things, everybody was super confused and pretty mad but Dipper and Mabel behind all their worrys understand him a lot, they cant even think how the life would be without his sibbling.
Mabel ask Dipper to find Standford but he refuses, he know it, Standford doesnt dissapear to seach Stanley or anything, he just wanna be alone and he is gonna respect that. And the secret job Standford left it behind is gonna help Dipper in his own research about Anomalys in Earth,  the mark boy move on to Mistery Shack and start living in there.
At 38 Mabel gets really upset because she wanna travel around the word finding exiting things, but she is a mother now, she cant just leave his kids with her husband. Dipper ofers himself to care the kids in summer and gave them the life that Mabel and he has when they were kids so she can go with Georgie. With the insistence of Dipper, she accept the offer but for no more than a week or two, or in the summers. Georgie doesnt know it but she and Dip still has the spark between them and their contact are a little incest.
So at 40 Dipper is studyng the misterys in Gravity Falls taking care of their nephews sometimes, that childs are a light in his life.
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (20/21)
Fandom: Digimon GoT au.
Charaters: All the choosen children from Adventure, 02, Tamer and sometimes Frontier. 
Ships: Taiyama, Joumi, Daiken, Takary, TakatoxYuri, RikaxRyo . . . 
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with the royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below or in AO3
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
ACT 5: SCENE 4: LIONHEART  (Chapter after the cut)
“Why?” the old man ask as soon as the knife penetrate his skin, the surprise take all the strench that remains on his body, he didn't fight, he didn't scream, he just repeat “Why?” 
But Henry didn't answered  to his corpse, he left the room of his former allie as quiet as he entered, he has a fair mision, not good or noble, but fair. 
Kill the spies, prove his loyalty, serve the King 
The death of the counselor was  scandalous; a member of the court stabbed on his own bedroom;  all the castle shake with fear, everybody talked about the  silver knife nail over the body and the beautiful symbol engraved on the handle: a  flower with diamonds as petals, the symbol of the light 
The king was there when Henry inspected the room, he, the trusty adviser, the wiser; the one in charge of investigate his own crime, Takato really was that naive, kill him would be so easy. 
To be fair, Henry had not be his first choice, Takato instanly search for Ruki, but she denied it, is the work of a coward  she said pretending to know nothing, what an amazing liar. 
Gallant lick the blood of the carpet before it could be clean it and  the Lion buried the body and burn all of the gathering. 
In all the palace no one cried the dead of counselor as the Queen, such a crime was no common on Piramide, they were used to fights at coliseum, the honor to die with your opponent in front of you; but for Takato, raised on the old temple, a childhood on the cult, killing on the dark was expected; he fails at comforting his wife. 
The lion carried her around the castle, throwing suspicious and curses to anyone who come closer, doing the job he had done all his life: be the champion of the Queen.
 “Is the work of your enemies your majesty” Henry Wong asure kneeling in front of the King and Queen 
“How?” Takato tried to look compose and fails “How did they surpass our defenses?” 
“and why him? “ Yuri  as usually asked the questions that Takato would never ask “Why send an  from a old man when the Queen and KIng live in the same castle?” 
“I don't know” he standed up and spoke calm and slowly   “But i promise i will found out” 
“Tenemos que prepararnos” the queen continues “we must reinforce the castle, bend the guard…” Lion was beside her, nodding with his head after every order 
“Excuse me?” 
“Momantai” he repeat “Is mean no te preocupes” he turns to Takato “Not to worry” 
“How i cannot be worried if a man is killed in my own castle” Yuri yells, send wàs so little,he could take her down with no effort; The Lion standed up.
“Because that man was a target” still serene he continues “ just think about it, someone entered the castle and only attack an old council, not you or the King, my guess is that is personal, not only that, my thought is that no one really break into the castle, it was an inside job” 
He felt Ruki eyes over him, the entire court gasped, the queen sobed
“the guards saw nothing, the lock was not forced, there was no sign of a fight, the murderer was someone the council knew, someone he trusted, the murderer is a member of this castle, probably a spy from the light” 
The gasp became a scream, and the sob became tears 
“And you tell me not to worried about it?” 
“Gallant is with you all the time,  the Lion protect the Queen, and now that we are aware of this spy he or she would not be able to act without been caught”  he bow “Momantai” and excuse himself out of the audience. 
“Are you out of your mind?”  Ruki follow him  “what is wrong with you?” 
“the best lies are the ones who begins with the true” 
“Don't mess with me Wong!” she come closer “just tell me who the others spies are and i would handle it! this is way out of you control!” 
“Wong!” another figure run to them 
“I don't take orders from you!” 
“Just do it!” and very much to her regret she obeyed
“Wong!” a man approached to him, he was sweating despite the cold weather “Wong! we need to talk, the counselor! what you said¡” the man searched for a safe place to speak “ are we in danger?” 
Ruki recognized him as one of the guard
“listen” a little tremble on his voice, subtle and fake “my hope is that whoever is behind this crime would panic after my declaration, I only act by the command of the alchemist” 
“Did you speak with him?” both men whispered but Ruki was able to listen  “What did he said?” 
“What I need to know, I told you, I merely  follow his instructions” one hand over his shoulder “I trust in his guide, if my purpose is to die for the light, then it will be” 
The man become a young boy at his words 
“Yes, yes of course” he mumble “I, i think the same, i just… im use to the life in this city” 
“Are you coming outside of the light my friend?” 
“No! of course not, im sorry for bothering you is just.. i have doubs” 
“Doubs about the true of the light or about our lider? 
 the fear on his face was enough  answer
Ruki come out of her hide at the same time he running away 
“Nervous men make stupid mistakes” 
“Dont lecture me” she was not convince “this is gonna explode in your face, let me help you” 
“You are helping” he sigh “The king would recognize your murder technique in an instant, I´ll do it, one by one until the last one snap” 
“or you…” 
“I´m calm” he breath, exasperate “I´m in control” even when he was thinking in a millions ways of break her neck
Ruki look at him with her big menacing eyes “Koushiro train you well” 
“I never told you he was my teacher” 
“You didn't have to” but she pause, as  if she was afraid “don't forget why are we doing this, our goal” and she look back at the throne room, the King smile as he talk and welcome the audiences, the light shine over Takato crown making him look almost divine “Only a child of the sun must reight over the living land” 
“For the glory of the house of courage” 
 “For the glory of the house of courage!” she repeat, hoping that he knew what he was doing, hoping that trust in him would not be as disastrous as it was trusting his teacher.
That night the archers of the wall shoot the guard who tried to escape at the middle of the night.  
Two days later one of the maids  throw herself from one window 
One of the gardeners was found floating on the south fountain one week later 
His work was almost done, one last victim and it would be over. 
He called him to met on the garden at dawn, at diference of the others this time they will fight, Henry will won, then he will drag his corpse to the King chamber claiming that he was the perpetrator, ending all doubs over his persona and bringing peace at the castle. 
The last spy  appear at dawn, as planning,  sweating and at the edge of tears, the oldest sidesman of the castle. Henry feel the rush on his blood, still he remains calm. 
“My friend” he said with a smile, barely controlling his excitement “i´m so happy that  you come to me in this our darkest moment” 
 “I´m sorry” he barely whisper,  something was wrong
Another figure emerged between the leaves, tall as a three, strong and proud, The lion looked at him as you can only see the traitors 
“se terminó Wong” he roar 
“Dear light” he turn to the old man “What had you done?” 
“The right thing my friend” his grind was peacefully but twisted “ the right thing” 
 “You…” Henry rush   “You old snitch” 
“hard words on the mouth of a spy” the Lion was still there, with his old chain and ball “I didn't want to believe it” 
“but is true” the sideman step back as he talked “ Wong is the one who communicate with the great alchemist, he had been an informant for him since before the King even married our queen” 
“As same as you!” 
“but he come to me with the true, he regret his past  and swear the rest of his life in favor of Piramide” 
“I´m in favor of Piramide!” Henry need to thing faser, “I´m purging all the light of this city” 
“All except you” 
“That was not...!” 
“Liar!” the heavy chain hit the floor, Henry need to act, The lion would not fail a second time. 
He need a strategy, a way out, he need to focus, to think, he would not follow into dispair; the firmest tree is the only one that can stand the storm 
“I´m not following the orders of the alquemist…” he said trying to stay calm 
“You called this man to murder him, just as you had murder so many others, you attack them from the back and  set them up as accidents, rejecting the honorable pat of a true warrior, do you denied those crimes?” 
“No, but listen…” if only he could explain 
“You lied about your loyalties, you share the secrets of the crown with their enemies” 
“I´m loyal to the king!” his plea sound empty “My only concern is the safety of the King!” 
The lion speak since his hearth “And i only live to protect my Queen” 
The queen, the fragile girl who cried with every dead, and those tears where his sentence, the Lion would kill him for bringing pain to  the monarch 
Even then, he keep breathing, he search for an exit, a distraction, an opportunity 
But then he hear the laugh of the sideman, his bitter utterly obnoxious laugh, suddenly it's fill all his thoughts, all his mind, the mocking of a buffon; he didn't care for the King, or the Kingdom or the magic or the Courage, he was a man manipulating the true to his benefit; Henry get mad at seen at him, not for the imminent death but for how much he could see himself in that elder. 
The calm before the storm was over. . . 
“Wong! Henry stop!” The hand of Ruki hold his wrist, he drop the chain and the ball fall to a pool  of blood,  his eyesight was blurry, his coat was dyed red, to his right the inert body of the old man lay on the ground “What are you doing?” 
What was he doing?
Breath… breath…  he remains  himself and stand up, the ground feel warm, under him layed another body, in horror he saw the lion heads crush on the floor, more than fourteen stabs on his back, with total security injuries perpetrated by his hand
“It's dawning, come on Wong, we have to clean up this disaster”
“Its to late” he remain inmobil, perplexe by the unspoken crimes, soon screams shocked the wind around him, the life in the palace begins early. 
A monster roar, the King was near and he was covered in rot and violence, he did not stand the storm, he was the storm. 
“Run!” Ruki commanded at the same time that she throw over him a dark water.  And what else he could do. 
Henry jumped and ran the faster, the monsters of the King would smell the blood and start follow him at any second. But they didn’t, Henry saw the dark shadow of Ruki colecting every drop of blood that fall from his body. The warrior didn´t stop until the water of the sea had cover him to head to toe. When the shadow of Ruki let him he stayed under the ocean, hopping for the salt water to clean his concience and clean his doubs. He noticed that he still had the heavy weapon of León on his hand, it was drowing him at the deptest of the blue. Henry colected his stregnth  and get out of the water.
The King watch horrified. The corpses of Leon and the old coin advisor were on the floor. There was blood and human parts all over the place. 
“It must had been an ugly battle” Ruki said 
“What?” Takato asked incredulous “Why León would fight an old man?”
“He was obviusly hidden his force, but they kill each other, that is clear” Ruki spoke with force and saw how Takato believed her “we found our killer”
“What?” the child repeated
“One of them was the killer and the other his last victim” 
A heartrending scream cut the conversation. 
Takato turned over himself and hold his trembling wife. 
“León!” The Queen cry and scream as she fallen over the corpse of his protector. 
The King hold her. The three sauros get together and howl. Ruki commanded the guard and get shure to clean everything. 
The murders stopped and for three months the castle cover its standar of black. The Queen stopped to cry a week after the body was buried, but she wasn’t talking anymore. The King hold her hand and talk to her, but her eyes failed to look at him. 
The Queen versed over herself and The King versed over her pale Queen. 
The throne of Piramide was weak.
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toadstool32 · 5 years
time to word vomit my stageship au  in here hang on tight i dont know whats happening either
likeee post canon where anzu is going to dance school and stuff right? and shes out there making friends and working hard and getting those contacts u need to survive in the big city yadda yadda. idk how dancing even WORKS but she has this teacher who has his own agency and hes super hard on everyone hes like super pro and kinda scary and he has this student that is like like classic top of everything and she gets choosen to go in all these shows and actually has the role of bmg on the local theater (thats what anzu wants!! to one day have that role!!) so its super hard work and stuff but the girl is a literal ball of sunshine and rainbows and like at first anzu only wants to like find if she can give her some tips wink wink but as time progresses and gets along better and better between dance practique and classes and  shes like wow!! i admire this girl a lot huh? and then it just escalates until shes like oh shit i i think im in love???
other things i cant stop thinking about like this is like a mahaad and mana kinda reincarnated but their fate is to always be a teacher and a student bc of course but their names are diferent and stuff something more modern idk anyway mahaad has this dance studio where he teaches like a lot of stuff but there is also like a rival studio where the owner like reincarnated kisara except shes like super proud of her students and brags about them with mahaad ad they have this rivalry (KINDA think, kaiba and yami but with dancing ajsdagj) 
anyway its supposed to be anzu pining for this girl that has the role of bmg and theres a dances studio feud subplot going on, the rest of the gang are quite invested in how this unfolds its like a live soap opera
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Greg’s Universes- Chapter 1
(NOTE: This story is an AU, set before the events of the recent Stevenbomb. Also, Tom references @plainolddope‘s OC, Greg’s twin brother. It is his fault that this story exists in the first place so go blame him ;p )
4,403 words
‘Well this just isn’t fair…’ Greg muttered, as he stood alone on the ‘It’s A Wash!’ tarmac. It had been quiet recently. Far too quiet for his taste. He didn’t NEED to wash cars anymore, his royalty cheque had seen to that, but it gave him something to do. Structure to a life that was otherwise… ‘Boring’ Greg said out loud, walking over slowly to his favourite deck chair. It had been a slow morning, followed by a slow afternoon. The lazy sunset made it clear that it was transitioning into a slow evening. Hardly anyone had been by, and Greg had been left with only his thoughts for company. And their focus on Rose made them poor companions.
What was worse, Steven hadn’t been around for a while, livening up the place with his laughter alone. (‘Probably yet another mission…’ thought Greg, before suppressing the thought of WHAT the mission could be…) Even if it wasn’t for very long at a time, his son’s presence made things a lot better.  He was afraid to admit it, but he was… lonely. As much as he loved the other residents of Beach City, they all had their own lives and loved ones. But for him… all of that felt very distant now. And any time he had alone just reminded him of that fact.
With a sigh, lowering himself down into the deckchair, he thought about going to sleep. At least in his dreams his thoughts fled away, didn’t remind him of the quiet. Yes, that would work. Give him some way to pass the early evening, before returning to his van to pass the rest. Greg raised his large hand to his mouth to stifle a yawn, as he relaxed himself a little. If he was lucky, maybe when he next opened his eyes Steven would be there too. That made the yawn move into a smile, as he imagined showing Steven the right frets to strum on the guitar, his eyes closing on that peaceful thought…
Greg sprung awake, his hair almost standing on end. He wasn’t sure how long he had been out, though the sun had dipped far enough that the shadows were stretching far back, as if they were dark fingers clawing at the walls of the car wash. And it was from there the banging noise originated, Greg realised. Nervously, Greg got himself up, hoping beyond hope that he was hearing things.
There it was again! He couldn’t shrug that one off, as much as he wanted to. Someone was moving around the Car Wash office, and making a mess of it by the sounds of it. Trying to keep his breath modulated, Greg picked up the closest thing on hand he could use as a weapon... which was a length of unplugged hose. For a second Greg could only sigh. He lived a life surrounded by aliens with their high tech Gem weaponry, and all he had to fall back on was a hose pipe. Then the noises started again, and Greg held it close. Any port in a storm, after all…
Greg approached the Car Wash door, opening it and looking in. It was dark, reflecting the gradual approach of dusk. He could just about make out that some things had been knocked over- invoices, bottles of soda (‘Wait, knocked over or drunk?’) and even a few chairs. As he peered through the glass door observing this, the door at the back of the office swing shut. His heart skipped a beat. ‘Come out! I have a… hose head?’ Greg said, a clear quavering in his tone. ‘Heavy hose head!’ He quickly added. Silence answered him. ‘Calm down Mr Universe… You don’t want to lose any of what remains of your hair through stress. Probably just a cat’ He heard the tinkling sound of a lot of cutlery falling to the floor. ‘A… large cat? Lion?’ Greg whispered, almost inaudibly. No response came, other than another few muffled crashes. Someone was in the break room.
Greg crept reluctantly forward into the building, holding the hose out as the closest thing he had to a weapon, for all the good it would do him. As delicately as he could manage with his large frame, he edged his way through the room, avoiding the pitfalls that its recent occupant had already tripped through. He knew he should phone the police, but how long would they take? And if his wash invader was Onion, he didn’t want ANOTHER charge of breaking and entry put on the kids’ permanent record… God knew that Vidalia didn’t need that right now. So, with trepidation, he slowly edged the door to the break room open, pressing the handle in just the right way to prevent it creaking. Then had to stop himself gasping.
It was a man, rooting around in his fridge! Greg couldn’t see much- the blinds were down, and the only real illumination was the fridge’s own backlight, which only served to make the man appear even broader. And indeed, he appeared to be quite chubby, with long hair braided into some kind of ponytail. The figure was hopping up and down a little… Maybe he had stubbed himself on the chairs he had knocked over? Then Greg realised- the man’s feet were bare. Worse than that, so were his legs! With a start, Greg processed that his would-be thief was dressed in a white loincloth and a dark blue waistcoat. Whoever had broken into the Car Wash had taken his clothes from the Human Zoo! (‘Hadn’t I burned them?’ he thought to himself ‘I mean I thought I had… maybe I got too distracted by my new jean shorts…’) And, annoyingly Greg had to admit, the intruder looked good in them; the fabric of the loincloth seemed to fit really well around the curves of his thighs, flowing in a way he was sure it never had on him. He shook his head out of this reverie- there was a stranger raiding his fridge!
‘Hey, stop that right now!’ Greg said, in his sternest voice possible, throwing open the break room door. The man froze, even ceasing his hopping as he crouched a little. ‘This… this is private property you know! I’ll call the police, if you don’t stop what you’re doing, and uh… leave!’
A pause. Greg tried to remain calm, as he brandished the hose in the closest to a threatening manner he could manage. Nothing happened for a heartbeat, as Greg and the mysterious man held still in silence. Then, with exaggerated care, the man turned around, his long, braided ponytail swinging loose as he did so. For a moment, Greg couldn’t see anything due to the glare of the neon fridge lighting. And then, suddenly, they were face to face. And not just any face. It was Greg’s own face staring back at him!
‘ARRRRGGGGH!’ Greg yelled.
‘EEEEEEEEKKKK!’ the other Greg squealed, dropping a plate containing leftover pizza.
The two stared at one another. Greg tilted his head. The other Greg’s eyes widened in fear. (‘Ok, not a mirror monster… that’s something?’ Greg thought) His… blue eyes. Identical to Greg’s own. Same bald patch. Same beard. Same farmer’s tan. Even the same slight bulge in the nose, from when it got broke as he left home as a teenager. It was as if he was facing his twin again, but a twin who had lived his life.
‘Uhhhh… I’m… not going to hurt you… me?’ Greg said, in as calm a tone he could manage. ‘Oh boy…’ He put down the hose he was almost brandishing. ‘See? Everything’s going to be a-ok…’
‘… Wait, this is a dream right?’ the other Greg said, shaking his head nervously. ‘But why would I be dreaming about myself? The food I understood, but another me…’ Suddenly the other Greg reached out and poked Greg in the stomach, giving it a quick wobble
‘Hey!’ Greg said indignantly, but the other Greg was already back to talking.
‘You feel real, though wait, would I be able to tell the difference in a dream? But if this isn’t a dream, where am I? A new part of the Zoo? Wait, why would they add a new part to the Zoo? Unless it is some kind of new habitat study… But then why are you here? Are you my clone? I mean, they got enough DNA I guess… Or are you a gem that is in disguise as me? Are you replacing me? Don’t replace me! But that wouldn’t make sense… Unless you aren’t meant to be here… Wait, are you trying to CHOOSEN me? Approaching looking like me to make me feel more comfortable? Because you finally figured out my past??’
‘Wait… what?’ Greg said, disorientated by the shotgun barrage of questions and statements that had come at him in his own voice. ‘I’m lost?’
‘I mean, you seem really nice… I mean I seem really nice… But I’m not interested right now!’ the other Greg said, then paused. ‘Well, I might be, but I mean it’s very sudden, and I don’t know why you would disguise yourself as me, but I’m flattered? But not so flattered as to do things right now unless I was told…’
And the other Greg stopped. Reached out his hand to his ear, cupping the purple earring that had gone unnoticed by Greg up until this point. And immediately cried out again. ‘The little voice! The little voice is gone!’ The change was instantaneous. He collapsed, clutching his ear as he curled into a ball, making a slight whimpering sound as he rocked back and forth.
‘Hey, c’mon buddy’ Greg said, trying to understand what was happening as he talked. ‘What voice?’ he asked, already half guessing the answer.
‘The little voice… The routine… It’s… gone.’ The other Greg continued to rock even faster, clearly panicking.
‘Hey, hey, it’s ok…’ Greg said, reaching out and stroking the soft shoulder of the other man. He had a theory now. Either it was a very elaborate practical joke played by Tom, or this person was really someone from the Human Zoo- who happened to look exactly like him. Who had been brought to him. But what that meant, he wasn’t entirely sure…
It was then Greg heard another noise, the sound of sandals slapping against the tarmac. He swung around, looked the other Greg directly in the face, trying to fix his gaze as it wandered in panic. ‘Right, me! Well, you! Stay here!’ The other Greg nodded quickly, evidently a little happier now he was finally being told what to do again. But Greg didn’t have enough time to double check. Because he knew what that sound meant, as he dashed through the empty Reception, and threw the Car Wash door open.
‘Heeeeeeey Schtuball’ Greg called out, smiling widely.
And there was Steven running towards him, the cry of ‘Daaaaaaaaaaaaad!’ carrying in the still night air. Suddenly he was right with Greg, throwing himself into his father’s arms. ‘Oooof, careful kiddo- you’ll take my back out one of these days you know!’ Greg said, not entirely joking.
Steven continued talking without missing a beat, ‘Dad, Dad, you won’t BELIEVE it! We fought this giant –uh- giant gem thing, and Garnet was all ‘Gems, we musn’t let it split us up!’, but Amethyst had already fallen down a hole, and Pearl had been splattered by goo from its babies, so she wasn’t moving, so I had to…’ Greg let the story fade into the background, absorbing every word, as he just enjoyed being there. With Steven. Being alongside his son. Perhaps seeing the Zoo clothes had made him sentimental, remembering how close he had been to never seeing Steven again… That, however, brought the memories of the strangely dressed man back into his head; how was he meant to explain that to Steven?
‘Dad?’ Greg was startled, looked up. Steven had stopped talking, and was instead looking up at him with confusion. He had obviously let the emotions play across his face (‘Stupid, stupid’) ‘Are… you all right Dad?’ Steven said, concern obvious in his expression.
‘Of course, kiddo… I mean, why wouldn’t I be?’ Greg said, wishing for a moment his t-shirt had a proper collar he could fidget with.
‘You look… scared?’ Steven said. Greg froze. He didn’t want Steven to think he was afraid of him, God knew that the kid didn’t need that adding to his plate. But for the same reasons he couldn’t exactly tell him about his… clone? (‘Better than any other explanation I can think of right now…’ he thought). Steven would blame himself, Greg just knew it. And he didn’t want to hurt his son like that. Didn’t want to hurt their relationship any more.
The tinkle of shattering glass came from behind Greg. The moment was broken. Like a shot, Steven was looking past Greg towards the Car Wash, hand moving toward his Gem.
‘Get behind me Dad!’  Steven said, as if by reflex, advancing purposefully towards the perceived threat.
‘Wait, uh…’ Greg mouthed. Unless he thought of something fast, Steven would run in there, and meet… whoever that was… and who knew what would happen! If he couldn’t just think of something, anything…
‘Guitar lessons! I’m giving guitar lessons!’ Greg said, with a start.
Steven stopped moving forward, turning with confusion towards his Dad, the inherited bushy eyebrows drawn together in a dark frown. But at least he wasn’t moving forward anymore
‘Yeah, sorry I didn’t say anything Steven, I was just so surprised to see you back from your mission, so I wanted to say hi, you know.’ Greg said, feeling himself babbling.
Steven wasn’t convinced ‘But, it’s late? And why would your student be wandering around the car wash breaking things?’
‘Uh… They work in the day! And believe me, at this point I am just as confused about the breaking things as you are…’ Greg’s expression darkened, then shifted into a smile as he realised Steven was watching him intently. ‘But that’s students for you!’
Steven looked confused for a second. Paused. (‘Is he buying it?’) Then suddenly smiled knowingly, his face an echo of Rose’s for a moment. (Not long enough…)
‘Ahhhh, I see what is going on here.’ Steven said, grin plastered across his face.
‘You, uh… do huh?’ Greg replied, trying his hardest not to blush as his son scrutinised his face. ‘And uh… what is that?’
Steven just paced back and forwards, shaking his head ‘Yoooooouuu have a secret.’ Greg gulped. ‘Outside of usual hours… You don’t have your guitar on you… You’re sweating…’
‘Yeah… From the hard work of… guitar lessons. The theory of Guitar lessons.’  Greg said, watching the lie become more transparent with every repetition.
‘Daaaaaaad, don’t keep playing games, I know what’s happening here… You’ve got a date!’
‘That’s right Ste… Wait whaaaaat?’ Greg began shame-faced, before choking on his words.
‘I get it Dad, you don’t want me to meet them yet- I mean I didn’t introduce you to Connie at first either.’ Steven said, with an infectious kind of joy in his voice. ‘But I’m proud of you! What are they like?’
‘Steven! Your old man isn’t back on the dating scene, and this is just a… uh… student!’ Greg said, blushing heavily.
Steven laughed. ‘It’s ok Dad, I get it. You deserve to meet someone.’ (‘When did he get old enough to start giving me relationship advice?’ Greg wondered) ‘And speaking of that… someone… I should let you get back to it!’
‘Wait, what?’ was all Greg could get out in response.
‘Bye Dad! Have fun with your ‘student’!’ Steven winked, and then bounced away, even more of a spring in his step than usual.
‘No! It isn’t that! There just… uh… lessons!’ Greg said in vain to the quickly retreating figure. Then sighed, before falling backwards onto the deck chair, running his hand over his forehead. ‘This one’s gonna be a fun one to explain…’ It took him a moment to recover, and remember the reason that this had even come up at all; the sound of breaking glass. He hoped the man hadn’t stepped on anything; he was already starting to feel responsible, and that hospital trip was one he really didn’t need. He turned back to look at the reception, and almost fell out of his chair. The other Greg was there, his face and hands pressed against the glass, stock still.
With a start, Greg pulled himself up, ran towards the car wash, panicking already. As he got closer, he realised the man’s posture was not as unmoving as he thought, his shoulders shaking and reaching hands trembling. The other Greg was… crying? And crying hard.
Greg rushed into the Car wash, pulling the other Greg back with him into the darkened room. ‘What are you doing? You could have been SEEN! I asked you to stay there.’ Greg said, pointing clearly at the break room door which had been left swung open. Then stopped. He couldn’t bring himself to shout at someone who looked so devastated. Greg never realised he could cry so much, or so loudly. ‘Look, I’m sorry.’ Greg said. ‘But we need to talk about this… And why are you crying?’
It was a while before there were any noises out of his reflection that weren’t sobs. At length, amongst the sniffles, Greg could just make out the other Greg saying ‘That… that’s Steven. I… never thought I’d see… him… my son… again!’
‘Wait… your son?’ Greg said, backing away slightly.
Then, that shift again. The other Greg had planted himself firmly on the floor, raising his head slowly ‘Why would you do this to me, you gem MONSTER? I thought you didn’t like it when we felt pain? Or is this some kind of experiment? See how much pain a human can feel until we break? Well go ahead take your notes! This is the pain a father feels, kept from his son!’
His anger was so intense, Greg felt like he had been punched. Probably would have been, if the man hadn’t been crying so hard. All the softness had drained from this other Greg, and all that was left was concentrated hurt. Like his skin had been ripped back, nerves exposed to the winds and elements. The other Greg was in pain. Deep pain.
‘I don’t understand…’ Greg said. And he wasn’t lying. He had presumed from the way the other Greg had talked he was some sort of clone, brought up in the Zoo with only stories of Earth. But, he knew Steven… or at least acted like he did…
‘Oh, I’m SURE you don’t. You wouldn’t understand. CAN’T understand. THAT’S AN IMAGE OF MY SON YOU JUST DANGLED IN FRONT OF ME.’ The other Greg was shouting now. ‘The son YOUR Diamond took me away from! And now you think you can just… GO OUT and talk to a version of him with MY FACE?’ He paused. ‘Why would you do that?’ The words hung in the air, biting worse than any cold could.
‘I’m sorry’ Greg said, softly. ‘I’m sorry that I don’t know what has happened to you. And I’m sorry that I can’t fix this.’ He reached out to try and touch his counterpart.
‘Like I can believe that.’ The other Greg said, almost spitting the words, flinching away. ‘Like I can believe a Gem who is taunting me with my son.’
‘You’re right.’ Greg said. ‘You shouldn’t just believe it.’ With a calmness he didn’t feel, Greg walked further into the car wash, looking around until he saw the glass the other Greg broke. Bent down, picked it up.
The other Greg froze, his sunburnt skin going pale, even for this dark light. But he stifled his tears, and glared. ‘Yeah, I broke it. I get it, I’m not graceful like the other Zoomans. But I don’t care. I LIKE me. And I bet you DON’T like you.’ Greg flinched a little at that. ‘Having to steal other people’s forms, and taunt them. I don’t care if you’ve decided I’m no longer worthwhile as an experiment. Do your worst!’
Greg turned, holding a shard of glass purposefully in his right hand. The other Greg held still, teeth gritted against his plump lip. He wouldn’t give a gem clone the satisfaction of seeing him cry any more, or flinch away, in his last moments… Greg raised his arm. The other Greg screwed his eyes tight. Then nothing. Another beat of nothing. Gingerly, the other Greg opened his left eye… then threw them open. ‘You hurt yourself!’ He said, in shock.
Standing before him, Greg had clearly given himself a long cut, down the length of his left arm, blood dripping slowly from the surface wound onto the reception floor. The other Greg looked horrified. Blood was foreign to him, after so long in the padded grounds of the Zoo. And facing him was another him… But bleeding.
‘Gems don’t bleed. They don’t get hurt like humans. They’re not fragile like us.’ Greg gestured down at his wound. ‘Don’t feel like we do.’ And Greg looked up, hopeful. Hopeful he had been understood.
The other Greg wrenched his eyes from the blood, confusion painted across his features. ‘Wait, you said… we… Why… why would you just trust me? After the nasty things I said! All the things I blamed you for?’
‘I don’t understand why. But, I feel your pain. That worry you’ll never see your son again. Because I remember it. I felt it too.’ Greg said, talking slowly, spelling it out in his own head. ‘I think… You’re me from the past.’
The other Greg looked at him with confusion, eyes still wide. ‘What do you mean, the past? This isn’t some sort of Gem experiment in the Zoo?’
Greg shook his head. ‘It isn’t the Zoo, buddy… this is Earth. The real Earth. And I know that you’ve been to the Zoo because I was trapped there, once. Just like you were. And unless somehow you’re a clone with all my memories, the only thing that makes sense is that.’
Both Gregs looked at each other, staring, watching the other turn it over in their head. There was silence, broken only by the sounds of the sea in the distance.
‘I’m home?’ The other Greg spoke first, tentatively spelling out his conclusion. ‘I’m… I’m home! Beach city, car wash, takeaway pizza home!’ His voice became sung, happiness obvious. ‘And… and you’re me from the future? But, how? How do we do it? How do we get back?’
Now it was Greg’s turn to smile, as he replayed the memory in his mind. ‘Steven. Steven saved me… Well, saves us I guess.’
‘So, you mean… Steven comes for me? He comes for me!’ And suddenly the other Greg started weeping again, but this time with a huge grin on his face.
Greg raised an eyebrow. ‘See, it’s not so bad, you don’t have to…’ Suddenly, the other Greg grabbed him in a bear hug, lifting Greg off the ground slightly, an impressive feat. ‘Woah there buddy!’ Greg said, a little alarmed. It felt… weird being hugged by himself. Pleasant even, despite how crushing it was. The other Greg smelt of flowers and nature; synthetic flowers, definitely, but still a lovely scent. He hadn’t realised how soft his belly was, until it was pressed against him by another him, even if he could still feel the bulk beneath it. ‘Now I know how Pearl felt… Maybe I should do a few sit ups… Although I have been given worse hugs…’ He blushed a little- this was NOT the time to be thinking about things like this… about himself!
Eventually, Greg’s wiggling convinced the laughing past Greg to let him go, though the dopey grin wasn’t going any time soon. ‘I’m sorry, I’m just so happy… Steven comes for me… My little buddy comes for me.’
‘He does’ Greg said, with a smile, tearing up a little himself. A smile which froze. ‘I mean, he will… If we can get you… well me back…’ They looked out the front windows, up at the darkened sky in unison. Greg shivered slightly. Usually it felt good to think about how far away the Zoo was. But now… ‘Get you back so we can both be saved…’
‘Well that went about as well as to be expected… WHICH WAS APPALLINGLY’ the shrill voice carried annoyingly well in the cramped cave, echoing around the machines that were whirring gently in comparison.
The only figure in the cave shook his head, and spoke in a gravelly tone. ‘We moved one of them to the Focal point. At my age, you take what you can get.’
‘You were MEANT to move six of them, nimrod!’ came the voice again, from a triangular blue glow that was fixed onto one of the panels.
‘And you were the one who said that it was experimental gem technology’ he said, calmly ‘And the fact that it might work at all was hoping for a miracle, specifically considering that it was my “imbecilic human brain” that attempted to put it together from the blueprints.’
‘Well… MAYBE’ was all that came in response.
The man looked around the cave, thinking to himself. Loathe as he was to admit it, she wasn’t wrong. It could have gone better. A lot better. His calculations were that the force the machine generated should have pulled all of the test subjects together. Not just the one from the Human Zoo line. He sighed. It was a long, drawn out and weary one, pulling him deeper into the dark thoughts. The ones that threatened to pull him down, draw him into the huddled up ball on the floor again, like he had been after it first happened. When everything changed…
‘So, what ARE you planning now?’ The feminine voice cut through the silence, causing the man to snap back to the present. ‘The first testing was… less than successful. To be precise. Surely you aren’t thinking…’
The man interrupted. ‘We keep going. We get them all. That’s the only way this works…’ He choked a little. Almost stopping. But never quite. ‘The only way I get him back’
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scriptorium-rp · 7 years
spring au poll 🌼
Hi everyone!
In hopes of adding a little spice to your day to day RPing lives, we’ve decided to offer optional AUs for all members to participate in. The AU will change every 3 months and will be choosen through an annonymous poll. Each new poll will have 3 brand new AUs to vote on.
Please be advised that participation in the AU is completely optional. The active AU will not disrupt or affect anything in the current Scriptorium canon. We do please ask that you put in a vote, whether or not you choose to actually take part in the AU, as there are a few extra questions we’d like to hear everyone’s opinions on.
The 3 AU options are listed below. The AU’s theme is up to your interpretation, but for those of you needing a little extra guidance, we will provide a more detailed description of the AU that is chosen.
Please cast your votes by March 5!
angels & demons
A divine bet between the rulers of Heaven and Hell pits angels and demons against each other in a chaotic game. Humanity’s eternal salvation or damnation hangs in the balance as the two sides work to ‘win’ as many souls as they can for their team.
1950s high school
Immerse your character in the world of classic Americana. Diners, Drive-in’s, and Beauty School Drop Outs! Form a girl gang (matching jackets optional), smoke a cigarette in the bleachers by the football field, jam to Elvis, pop some jiffy pop. Like crazy; like wow. 
In a reality where crime is at an all-time low, former superheroes have hung up their costumes and attempted to blend in with the normal population. However, a group of so-called supervillans are hellbent on destroying that peace, hoping to cast the city back into its ‘former glory.’
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valerykloubert · 7 years
Tumblr media
Fassbrause - die Lust auf pure Erfrischung
Ein Sprung in einen Bergsee, abkühlende Wasserspritzer aus einer Pfütze oder ein eiskalter Wasserfall. Die Kampagnen-Motive von Gaffels Fassbrause zeigen pure Erfrischung, sind belebend und alle in Zusammenarbeit mit Valery Kloubert entstanden
Die Motive sollen das sichtbar machen, was Gaffels Fassbrause ausmacht: pure Erfrischung. Dieses Lebensgefühl ist durch die besondere Bildsprache unmittelbar mit der Marke verbunden.
Alle Foto-Produktionen finden im Großraum Köln statt. Denn dort ist die Heimat von Gaffels Fassbrause. Der Heider Bergsee bei Brühl und ein Feldweg in Königsdorf dienten schon als Kulisse. Für das diesjährige Motiv ging es nun in das Zentrum der Domstadt. Der erfrischende Brunnen am Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring wurde zur Location und ziert jetzt das sechste Motiv dieser besonderen Kampagne.
Auf www.fassbrause.de gibt es einen exklusiven Blick in die produktion.
A jump into a mountain lake, cooling water splashes from a puddle or an ice-cold waterfall. The campaign images of Gaffels Fassbrause show pure refreshment, are invigorating and are all produced in collaboration with Valery Kloubert
The motifs are intended to make visible what makes Gaffel’s barrel-break: pure refreshment. This sense of life is directly linked to the brand by its photography.
All photographic productions take place in the greater Cologne area. Where the home of Gaffels Fassbrause is. The Heiderbergsee near Brühl and a dirt road in Königsdorf served as a backdrop. For this year’s motive it a spot in the center of the cathedral city was choosen. The refreshing fountain at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring became the location and now the sixth motif of this special campaign can be seen on Colognes billboards.
http://www.kloubert.com/fotograf-koeln/fassbrause-die-lust-auf-pure-erfrischung/ - #Fotograf #Köln #Peoplefotografie #Werbefotografie #valerykloubert
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twinfanfics · 6 years
The Tale of the Three Head Beast. - The Marching Fishes.
We are back!
The second part of this fanfic is starting. If you miss the first part, The Choosen Children, you can read it in AO3, fanfiction.com or looking for the 3t3ht tag on this blog or be a super bold person and read since the second part. 
The tale of the three head beast is a digimon GoT AU. The characters of digimon in a Game of thrones like world. All the choosen children of season 1 to 4  are going to appear eventually. We promise forbidden romance, regular sugar cute romance, war,  family drama and digimon references. 
pairs: taiyama, taisora, joumy, daiken and others, is a GoT au. 
We are going to post a chapter every monday, this second part is planned for 20 chapters or so. Thanks for reading!!
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Rika stronger their forces. 
The links for the second part on Ao3 and Fanfiction would update soon. 
Part 2: The Marching Fishes
Resume: The Sea King try to control his kigdom and protect his family, 
The first thing that the Sea King noticed when he wake up it was that the rain hasn’t stopped. The second, his lovely wife awaking next to him.
“Good morning, your majesty” She said with the sweetest voice
“Good morning, beautiful siren, how do you slept?”
“Terrible, I barely slept” Said the Queen as moved herself slowly “Everything hurt, and I’m hungry and tired all the time”
The king laughed while Mimi kept complaining.
“Don’t laugh  Joe, I’m serious, When is he going to born?”
“One more month my darling, you're doing it great”
The King hugged his Queen, endering a kiss on her cheek, while caressed the big belly of the desert flower.  
“I’m doing terrible, and the rain Joe, it is been raining forever”
“It’s summer” Joe said with the same patience he had shown the last three years.  His lovely queen could be a warrior, but she would never get used to the extreme humidity of the Islands.
“I want to get out, we are trapped on our own castle as animals”
A hurry knocking of the door interrupted the conversation. The King open the door to found a maid completely soaked holding the young prince covered by a huge towel.
Joe take a depth breadth.
“He escaped at the rain”
“He escaped at the rain, again, your majesty. I’m so sorry to bother you but the prince is…”
“A bless” the king completed as took at his energetic son on his arms. The maid ran away the fast as he can. “I hope someone had apologized” said the king at his son.
The young prince has a little more than two years, orange hair, big green eyes and, Joe was sure,  a couple of gills hidden somewhere.
“Rain!” scream the little prince, now completely naked and running to try to open the window and scaped at the rainy garden.
“Oh aren’t you going to greeting your mother, sweetheart?” said the Queen standing up from the bed.
“He managed to tyred all the maids” said the King as the prince kissed her mother belly.
“Now imagine on a month when they will be two” answered the Queen with a smile.
“Or in a couple of years, when they will be three… or five”  
The monarchs laughted at their own bless. Mimi’s smile was still the prettiest of the entirely world, the expensive fabrics and the coral jewelry were never enough to frame her beauty. But when Joe look at her eyes he found something dark on them, a silent question than kept coming up about the promise of the future, if their mutual love will be enough to conquer at their enemies.  
“Come on son, what you said if you and I go to pass the day on the royal baths as your father do some politics”
As every morning the King passed all the time he could hidden on his room with his wife and kid, but everyday it was a little  harder.
He dressed and get out, the war hasn’t stopped either.
And when did the war even began. Joe walked for the palace until the throne room. Once time ago his knights were follow him. Davis joking about something and Ken flushing at his words and Cody calling them on their behaviors, with his silents and his wooden sword. And now they are gone. They now are sneaking around the corners of his city, playing a war that Joe doesn’t want to start.
“Your Majesty” called a counselor “the rebels continue on the peripheral Islands, the attacks are mostly not extremely violent, but they kept moving forward”
Cody was the political lider of the rebelion, and Joe kwno well than he never is going to hurt his own people.
“We lost other cargaments of provides” The counselors continue “we had losing all our tributes to the capital”
Ken Ichijouyi was the strategist of course, he knows than blocking the supplies for the continent only will weak the alliance of Joe with the Capital, but the people of the Islands will take it like a popular victory.
“We had reportes of fire on public places, most of them are edifications of the time before the death of the Cold King”
But Davis worrying more. He was a blast on the war zones, his speeches turn on the crowds and flaming the confidence of his allies.
Even then the revolution stay calm, it didn’t entered at the capital and during three years the people had adjusted at the occasional vandalism, at the political climate of changing and disorientation. Joe did the best in the name of the peace, he had offer and offer accords, her lovely wife had won at the hight class of the Islands, the babies has won the heart of the common people. But there were doubts in them. Until when the good King is going to wait to call The Light to fix this mess? And how much this is going to cost at liberty of the Islands?
The leader of the royal guard had gone a long with the rebels, Joe know so little about him that he feels like a moron for hadn't seen his betrayal coming. A skilled warrior who had teaching Joe’s kids since before Joe kwno them. The King wasn’t proud of the jealousy that take over him every time he thought about that smoughty face, blue eyes and white teeth.
“Did we send more ships at the peripheral?“ The counselor asked.
And Joe wait.
The little Prince cut the tension of the room. A conserting maid entered running behind him.
“I’m so sorry your majesty” The woman apologized as the kid try to escaped through the garden “he is fast”
The Sea King walked until his son and spoke with calm.
“You can’t go outside, you are going to get cold, is raining, stop this”
The child trap his own tongue between his lips and made a trumpet. The crass act took Joe by surprise, he walked a step forward, paralized by the angry and the unknown.
“I’m so sorry, your Majesty” The maid said as dragged the child out of the room.
How little Joe know his own child.
“Sir, do you want us to send more ships at the peripheral?”
“Use our ships and knights to resguard the ways, by land and water, we need for the people to feel safe” The King said at last.
The day pasted and the rain continued. And continued the war and the royal business. Joe walked again into his room, where his wife was resting. Before he could entered he saw at the maid of before, walking by the hall with concern, looking for someone. He looked at her eyes and she draw an apologie on her face. Joe turned over his steps and walked at the closest door. The inside garden was beautiful, with a lake and flowers and sun. But now was raining, the king entered at the rain between the horror of the maid, walked through the puddles and the heavy drops of the tropical rain until he saw his son, all small and crying, soggy and ashamed of himself. And Joe himself wished to disappear his anger, to want no more to take his son and wrap him with dry clothes and full him with hugs.
Why the children don’t listen? Why they think that they desires will matter on the big picture? Why he failed on teaching compassion and patient and humility?
Joe took his son on his arms and comforted him with kisses and cares, knowing well that he hasn’t the strength to scold him.
At the next day the storm stopped. And Joe catches his wife and son getting ready for a trip on the town.
“Aren’t you coming, darling?” Said Mimi endering the words.
“You go with the kid, I’m feeling a little down, better rested the day” the King answered.
“We both know that you are the one who needs to see more than this walls”
“Mimi, please… just...” He didn’t finished, he didn’t know what else to said.
She stepped closed at his husband, kissing him on the mouth, with her hands holding his face, Joe rested his hands on her back, both proud of belong to each other.
“You know, that if you asked I will finish all your monsters” The queen said at his ear. Joe could feel the old knife tied on the Queen´s leg, hidden over her pregnancy dress.
“We are not getting to that” the King responded as he always did “I know those kids, I’m going to make them entered into reason, they are no monsters”
The Queen kissed her husband again, proud of his compassion. She took her son and both entered at the royal carriage.
The quarters of the rebellion weren’t a castle. They hadn’t maids and servants, and the rebels that join the rebellions weren’t well trained soldiers, were common people with unconformities about the Sea King regimen that Iory didn’t share.
“The cargament of today will feed us for another week” said Ichijouji since his corner on the small room while he drop and catch a small knife.
“Yea, other robbery, that will show them what  we are made for” Iory said sarcastically reviewing the plans of the controlled Islands again.
“Well, it will feed our people” Ichijouji repeated.
Iory didn’t dare to respond at his brother. Even when the storm had ending  the leaks of the ceiling kept dropping water while the two of them hold their thoughts.
“It doesn’t feel like a winning” Iory said at last.
“Sometimes it not even feel like a war”
“Oh it doesn’t had enough death for your taste!?”
“We know it would be battles and you had no right to scold me every time I win one!”
 “You could rob the cargaments without killing the dealers!”
“It send a message!” Ichijouji respond with anger
“What kind of message? What the King is going to think?” Iory scream as his brother cursed out loud “we need to show at the people that we are better than him”
“No!” Ichijouji interrupted him, feeling the knife on his hand specially heavy “We need to overthrow him and unless you stopped playing nice we are never going to make it”
“ENOUGH!” Davis scream as he entered at the room “What we need to do is stop screaming at each others as our people is listening”  The young man get himself between his two brothers
But there was no apologized for any part.
Davis closed the doors as he turned to the them. He was the one who deals with the people, they love him and somehow it didn’t like at his brothers.
“It was nothing” Ichijouji said as he take the hand of Davis and move his eyelashes for him.
“You are not scaping of this by your charm” Davis said as he did his best to don’t kiss his lover.
“This is useless” Iory scream as he threw all the papers at the floor “This has to end”
“We agree” Ichijouji said “We need to make a real attack at the capital”
The papers over the floor get wed.
“The people is tired” Davis said “we already control some Islands, we can proclame an independent and started over”
Iory saw the papers over the floor getting wed. Peace treaties that Joe had written himself.  He felt soaked, trapped under the storm that he beg to created.
“Our master is never going to allow us to surrender” Ichijouji said with a calmed voice. Snapping Iory back to the reality.
“It is not his decision to make” Iory said.
The frontal door opened suddenly, a ray of light enlightened the darkened room where the three boys stayed. A handsome  man entered with a big smile than no one had had at war times.
“Master Ryo!” Exclaimed the three young men at unisone.
“It’s over kids, we won” his master said as he threw to them the Queen of the Honest Islands and her heritage, both chained and sedated.
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twinfanfics · 6 years
The tale of the three head beast - The Choosen children
Well the second chapter of 3t3hb (wicht is the tag that we are going to used). My sister and I are still super exited about this fic, we are going to post one chapter every monday yay! This chapter we are going to see at Joe, Yamato and Taichi who are so adorable on this digimon epic au. 
Chapter 2: The King and the Knights
Resume: After the death of the King Gennai, the knigdoom call for a tournamet to decided who would married the Princess Sora and be the new King. 
The Ao3 post
The fanfiction post
Pennants of color were over all the streets of The Capital City. Knights and horses had come from all the country, entourages of noble families had congregated to see the games, ladies were  shaking theirs handkerchiefs on the windows and on the entrance of the coliseum a big black bow stares to remember the tragedy that caused this party.
A merchant stared at the gates of the big coliseum, marveling herself at thinking that he will not pass that doors to sell merchandise. But else, to saw at her only son, fighting to be king.
Yamato was on the registration spot, with only one paper on his hands and a shining armor.
“Titles?” Asked the woman behind the table.
“Yamato Ishida” answer the blonde boy “The Wolf Warrior, first knight generation”
“And you want to enter at the tournament?” laughed the woman “ you had to born on a noble cradle farmer boy”
The boy frown and curse at loud.
“You don’t know what you are saying”  he said.
“Any problem son?” the merchant said as taking the shoulder of his temperamental son
“I doubt it could be any”  said a familiar voice behind them
Yamato and his father turned around and inclined
“Your highness”  said both
“My friend, I hope you wouldn’t extend that courtesy every time we will see each other, you are going to force me to force you to accept my offer to be my personal guard”  responded the older boy wearing with proud a crown of precious stones.
Yamato smiles as the people stared and inclined at the presence of a true King.
“Joe Kido, The Sea King, named by the royal highness, rest in peace, Gennai the first on person; peacemaker of the islands…” as the king spoke and walked he tripped over his own cape and fall at the ground.
Yamato caught him and both laugh.
“I like to see that you hadn’t change, your Sea Highness” said Yamato as helped Joe to incorporate himself.
“As you can see this man is more valuable that any of his kind, I own him my life, my title and more often than not, my public dignity and if you don’t accepted him on the tournament I will consider it an affront to my persona, I am sure you wouldn’t want that”  said the King as put a dozen of golden coins over the registration table  “besides, this must cover my participation, that of my entourage and the one of my friend here”
The woman take the money of the king and with no smile, wrote over her pergamen all the names.
“You shouldn’t have to pay my entrance” Yamato replicated.
“Oh that was a favor, I hope you could pay me with another one”  answered Joe with a kind smile.
“What is it?”
“Don’t humiliate me on the tournament” said the king “at least pretend that I’m a challenge”
“Oh stop”  said Yamato as fail at hide the red over his cheeks.
“All my entourage has the same instructions” the king said.
Yamato turned a little to watch the knights of his old friend. Three very recognizable figures wearing the blue dresses of the Honest Islands, no one of them older than him. Three gloomy pairs of eyes posed over Yamato, who takes a deep breath, and hold his friend closer.
“Is it a good idea? Are you making those three fight on your name?” whisper the knight.
“They fight every one on his own name” Joe answered
Yamato took a step back  “At least they could pretend to be loyal at his King!”
“I am their King and they are Knights of a noble crone that deserved the right to fight on this tournament as any other”
“They are traitors”  interrupted the blonde with a louder voice that he would.
“How much longer the war ended, Yamato?” asked Joe with calm “there is no sides any more, we are all citizen of this prosper country and you can take my word, these people are reliable” Even with the kind words of his friend Yamato wasn’t quiet “You must learn to trust on the people Yamato, you would need it for when you became King of all”
“Don’t joke about that”
“I’m not joking, you are my winning horse on this, I would bet my most precious treasure on your victory”
“Then you will lose it”  Said a louder voice behind the two friends.
A caravan with white horses and shining standards occupied the place, at least three alchemist, exotic flower arrangement and the unmistakable symbol of  The Light . It was the Yagami house. In front of everything it was the older of the siblings, Taichi Yagami was over the whitest horse, suited with a gold armor, a shining sword on his hip, his brown skin on all his glory and a petulant smile on his face.
“Your highness, I recommend you to don’t bet on this tournament, at least it would be for me”
“Taichi, has been so long”  said Joe with an honest smile.
On that moment Yamato feels inadequate, turned his red face and gasp for his own.
“Your Wolf Knight maybe won the old war for you, but I would win the heart of the princess” bragged the noble knight as gallop around the two men.
“You sound really confident for someone who has no single scratch on his armor” replicated Yamato  “had you ever be on a real fight, Yagami?”
“Usually my enemies touch my sword before my armor”
Yamato hates how Taichi looking him from above, but still his blue eyes catch the attention of the noble boy who smiles at the defiant look of the blonde.
“My brother will won” said the young woman over the most adorned mare that Yamato had ever seen, he and his father could live one year without problems with a single jewel of that mare; he would never said at loud but he was happy that Joe payed for his enter.
“Kari”  said Joe with surprise “you had grown so fast”
“Your highness” answered the lady as showed the bright crystal of The Light on her neck  “it is enlightened sister if you don’t mind”
“You don’t give your votes yet, sister” corrected the older brother.
“I had done it on my heart” said the young woman as cover her head with an expensive cloth.
“Good for you two” said Joe “a knight and a priest, your parents must be so proud”
“I had to go” Yamato interrupted.
“We all had to go” Joe seconded “I guess we all had places to be, but we all see us soon”
Taichi dedicated one more petulant smile at the king and the knight as they went for differents ways.
“What a reunion, right?” Said the merchant while walking with his son, but the boy didn’t answer “don’t let their words affected you, you are as good as any of them” but the boy kept the silent “How many warriors were, five? six with you?”
“Seven” said Yamato “On the caravan of the Yagamis I saw another”
“Well you had good chances” the merchant lower his voice “even if not… you know that enter and fight means a lot, you know? for you, for the people like you”
“About that” Yamato turned the back at his father “I hope I could see him before the tournament”.
The merchant didn’t answer, but stopped his steps and Yamato kept walking alone.
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