#The Andalite Chronicles
Remember that one time in Animorphs when a teenager character got stuck in the body of a horrible cannibal worm and begged his friend to kill him and he wouldn’t so he tried to trick him into executing him so he didn’t have live with the ravenous all consuming hunger to devour anything living including himself if he were injured
yeah me too.
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kooldewd123 · 12 days
the weird matrix world that elfangor, loren, and visser three make together is one of my favorite concepts in all of sci-fi. i mean come on, it's just such a good story prompt on its own: three different aliens are trapped in a mish-mash dimension made from their own imperfect memories of home. it looks familiar on the surface, but when they give in to that familiarity, they find that some pieces of it are missing and other pieces are just wrong. there may or may not be some greater power responsible for creating this world, and the only chance they have at escaping it is through a time vortex at the world's center, which would displace them from home temporally as well as physically. you could make an entire story out of unraveling this place. it feels like an scp horror story and i mean that in the best way possible.
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Eyo Guess who came back from the dead
Yeah I know no one listens to Hamilton today but I've read the andalite chronicles 5 times now and cried much more and thought of them on this song and now you got to cry about them too
A bit of rambling about the video under the cut
I wanted to create a cool conversation between elfangor and alloran to switch to elfangor having the same conversation with Tobias
But guess what ? My pencils broke and so did my motivation to do the rest of the song sorry
Also. I love Loren and elfangor sooo much in that book they are so cute so I had to put her in the video as well
I'm not really sure about the thumbnail of the video cause it's the first time I do a serious one but it's past midnight where I live and school is coming up fast and here I am
I genuinely hope you like it !
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janbluthederg · 9 days
It's crazy how Bill Gates took ideas from Alan Fangor and never gave credit. Good old Al Fangor came up with the idea of windows!
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bluemew-theturtle · 26 days
Been (very slowly) making my way through Animorphs for the first time. I finished the Andalite Chronicles a few days ago and I'm STILL reeling from that. Holy shit the DRAMA. The way Elfangor was basically fucked from the very start. The way he was never going to be happy, no matter what choices he made.
So much trauma and guilt and pain, all on his shoulders as somebody who was forced to take charge when he barely knew what he was doing. And at the end of it, he's forced to leave his happiness behind and go back into the thick of it again. Like what the fuck.
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lilliankillthisman · 5 months
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Reblog if you would accept Yeerk rule in exchange for 🤤fresh🤤 and 🥵unusual🥵 meats!!!!! 🥩🥓🍖🥩🥩
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andalitean · 2 years
the hair the clothes the fisheye lens boyband pose..... period
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tomberensonsghost · 2 years
I don't think Chapman was power-hungry. He was abducted by the Skrit-Na to be experimented on and/or put in a zoo, and rescued by Andalites who treated him as inferior. He was then taken to the Taxxon homeworld, and was told that the supposedly-egalitarian society he was witnessing was actually the enemy, and he only found out too late that they were all slaves and he had just given the Yeerks their next target world. I'd say he's the most tragic character in Animorphs.
Hello and thank you for participating in this discussion.
First of all I would like to address the numerous (2) people who attest that the Hedrick Chapman who is kidnapped in The Andalite Chronicles and the Hedrick Chapman who is a vice principal in the rest of the series are not the same person. I suppose in that case we have all been reading the series incorrectly. It does not take place in a world where aliens are real and numerous and always doing ecotourism to Earth, it actually takes place in a world where the name Hedrick Chapman is so common that at least three people have that exact name. That is absurd, my disbelief is unsuspended!
Now, back to the real world where aliens are aplenty and Hedricks are alacking (in every sense).
Chapman starts off by saying that the Andalites should go to Earth with their technology, saying “Do you have any idea how much money WE could get for this technology on Earth?” [emphasis added]. For some reason he has concluded that he deserves part of the cut, possibly just for existing and knowing that Earth is a place. Elfangor rightly asks ‘what am I going to do with Earth money?’ So Chapman suggests power and influence. Rebuffed again, he broods.
On the way to the Taxxon planet, Chapman is told that the Taxxons are willing slaves of the Yeerks, to which he replies “Maybe I’m with the wrong aliens… too bad I wasn’t grabbed by the Yeerks. They sound like the winners.”
When he gets to the Taxxon planet, he steals the Andalites’ ship, lands it, and produces a tied-up Loren, stating that he wants to trade “A whole planet full of … that.” Naturally, he was immediately carted away and turned into the first full member of the Sharing.
Even after the Yeerk futurely known as Visser Three has vacated his body and been left to do the unceasing steeplechase on the Taxxon planet, Chapman is still doing his bidding, trying to get Elfangor to drop out of z-space and activate the Time Matrix so that the Yeerk forces can track them and … reinfest him again, I guess.
So somewhere between being kidnapped by the Skrit Na and returning to Earth, he goes from being a madman who will sell his entire planet for the hope of being on the enslavers’ good side, to being … a vice principal. IDK man, but that’s what happened.
Here at tomberensonsghost dot tumblr dot com we produce only high quality and factually accurate shitposts.
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jodjuya · 7 months
Loren: "you think I'm scared of you?"
Visser Thirty-Two: <yes obviously>
Loren: "yeah well fuck you too buddy. Eat rock motherfucker!"
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I think this is my favourite scene in the book. 😂
I love it so much when humans surprise aliens with the really cool things we've evolved to be super good at: endurance, climbing, throwing things, etc. My favourite sci-fi trope hands down.
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yalikejazz9 · 2 years
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caffeine-n-words · 1 year
Animorphs books are short, but my childhood library probably should have shelved them in the YA section.
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What if Chapman was identical twins and Hendrick Chapman is Vice-Principal Chapman's (probably dead) twin brother?
IT ALL FITS. This explains why Chapman is so selfish and conniving in Andalite Chronicles but so selfless and honest in #2. Hedrick Chapman died in the black hole because Elfangor and Loren straight-up FORGOT HIM on the Jahar. His identical twin Bobson Chapman is living on Earth with no idea this happened. It's perfect because we never learn the first name of the kids' vice principal.
No wonder Chapman gives Loren a blank look when she comes up to him and starts talking about yeerks; he's never met this woman before in his life. No wonder Chapman ends up joining the Sharing as an adult despite getting yeerk-controlled as a teen; for all he knows his brother ran off and aliens don't exist. The Ellimist didn't intervene in Chapman's life at all; that's just Elfangor rationalizing after the fact because did I mention that he FORGOT to save Chapman from the killer asteroids?
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praxcrown5 · 1 month
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More (old) Animorphs fanart. I was going through an art phase where I was combining traditionally colored art with digital backgrounds. Looking back on it 10+ years later, it's cringe...
In hindsight, I should have done the mortrons traditionally. I'm proud of the patchwork sky, tho...
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jellyfishxxi · 1 year
Daily remind that animorphs exists. I used to be obsessed with the series.
Like. Religiously. I would read them.
I think I dropped off after that one book where the 'good guy' alien prince masquerades as a human and gets this other human pregnant before he dies in like the first book in the series
What weird memories of this series do you have, because I think that one's the weirdest
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auntphibian · 1 year
Since y'all really liked my other animorph art, here's one from the Hork Bajir chronicles.
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The more I read these books the more I hate the Andalites, which I think is suppose to be the natural progression of the reader.
First off, Seerow's kindness is just tragic all around. If I was super advance and saw intelligent life stuck living in mud puddles or monkies I'd want to help them as well. But at the same time I understand the Yeerks. If my choices were mud puddle/monkey or I could take a host and experience the joys of sight and sound.... i think I'd take a host. It's all around such a tragic situation and it's such an amazing story to hear play out.
And man, the Hork Bajir. Poor Dak, you learn your entire species was specifically made to be less intelligent and now every other species looks down on you for that. I feel bad for Aldrea too of course. Seeing your entire family killed then forcing a war on peacful species because it's that or enslavment.... just... man.
I love these chronicle breaks but it's really not much of a break when it's so much freakin sadder. But I do love Aldrea and Dak, they wefe adorable. Very Tarzan and Jane but with way more war and way more tragedy.
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drowningcrickets · 8 months
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MORE andalite content will be coming soon, and in higher quality
this is just the beginning
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