#Thanks for the reminder!
teshamerkel · 2 months
recently i was browsing serebii at random, and i found out that ever since gen 5, lucario has had heal pulse as a level up move (except for in legends arceus), and i couldn't help but imagine nia wanting to learn it after she evolves. perfect for seeker duties, both in terms of "helpful for injured clients" and "my partner is very danger-prone"! lucario can also learn life dew starting with swsh, which has the added benefit of "actually, both of us are danger-prone and this move can heal both of our asses".
Oh, I forgot about lucario learning heal pulse! That is right up Nia's alley for sure. :D And definitely helpful with these two danger-prone disasters, hahaha!!!
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im-a-chunky-potato · 3 months
Potato, your daily water reminder is here :D.
please drink some <3.
Ooh will do!
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allykatsart · 4 months
your mortal radi au makes me Feel Things… i love it so much <3
Aww, thanks! I'm really proud of the project. I think I could have done better on it but I'm just happy I finished the comic!
I like making stories that touch people and that one was one of my better ones. I'm glad you enjoyed!
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 8 months
Pls the 4 first lines of Beneath the Oak tree!!
Of course! Thank you for the ask. I'm like halfway through this fic at this point so here's the first four lines of what I was just working on (plus one extra because I couldn't resist).
“Guess who?”
Thorin reacted on instinct to someone sneaking up on him, throwing their hands over his eyes. However, it was only after pulling his assailant over his shoulder that he was able to register Bilbo’s voice, and he awkwardly tried to abort his motion, somehow catching the hobbit by the knee. Bilbo hung upside down in front of him, giving a strained grin as Thorin used his other hand to hook under his back and right the hobbit in front of him. 
“Well that was quite the greeting. Hello, love.”
Pick a WIP for me to write.
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asp1diske-art · 8 months
I'm curious, have you ever played Outer Wilds? It seems like the kind of game you'd really like, just based on the kinds of games your lovely art is themed around. It's about language and exploration and the passage of time, but mostly about a lil blue alien travelling their solar system and learning about the aliens that came before them. :)
Oh right I need to play that! I tried it once on my old laptop, but I had to quit before getting too far because of lagging. I should get back to that now that I have a new computer.
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eldstunga · 1 year
do you think you'll have time/insp to return to the great houses of morrowind series? askin for a friend 👀
Oh man, that's a good idea - every time I look at my WIP folder I see some Hlaalu in there and I go "I should continue this". Definitely, I just have...comms to do...and also lekku... aaargh, more time in a day please!
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ghostlypanda · 1 year
Ay so uh due to puss in boots spoilers ima unfollow you for a bit can you remind me later to re follow you??
my apologies!! forgot to tag puss in boots spoilers, sorry friend! 🙏 i'll do so from now on, went back and added spoiler tags for a couple of the posts i've reblogged.
i'll do my best to remember to remind you, thank you for bringing that to my attention!! 💙
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engagemythrusters · 11 months
Hey, saw your comment on the video about the Jane Austen AO3 grandma and wanted to let you know that there is an OR function. You have to go to the bottom of the filter bar to “search within results”, so it’s less convenient than including and excluding whole categories with check boxes but it is possible.
This is true! I did forget about that, thanks for reminding me!
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manhuntingbonanza · 1 year
what r ur thoughts on mercedes cortez from gta: vc ??? ^-^
From what I've seen, I like her! I think she's neat!
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im-a-chunky-potato · 4 months
oh, this is a sign to get some water Potato <3.
Hehe I'm on it!
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vigilskeep · 1 year
One hope I have is that if we ever go beyond the current known world of Thedas, we get to see other cultures influenced by real ones. Even if we don't introduce any new races, this would be a fantastic opportunity for minorities to have their voices heard and represented.
I don't want each race to feel like a monolith in the case of the Qunari or only limited to two major factions in the case of the elves and dwarves.
Each should have thriving and varied cultures outside of the known setting, and I really want mixed-race cultures as well that don't have the power imbalance of Tevinter and Andrastian nations. It shouldn't just be the Qun.
However, I do not trust BioWare's big-name writers (Who are all White to my knowledge) to get this right. Considering how they've written certain factions to 'represent' peoples of color, with these factions turning out to be morally dubious. Namely Tevinter and the Qunari.
And even if they were willing to do research, the small details that only come from living within that culture, that makes them feel alive in stories, will be completely absent. It's why diverse writing teams are so important.
That and I want to give David Gaider the middle finger for saying Asians don't exist in Thedas. Not cool dude.
yeah! i mean i’m white so i don’t have much to add on this but yes more cultural diversity always great and interesting to see and adds so much to the world, and yeah a lot problematic to be addressed with everything i can think of they’ve done so far. i don’t know much abt the writers because the actual development of the games isn’t something i know much abt but diversified team always better
did he say that??? fuck him. what a useless and awful thing to say. i mean aside from how much it sucks to exclude people from the games like that, it’s literally not even true in the games as they are now? there are definitely south asians in thedas without question. east asians seem more underrepresented to my knowledge but dao and da2 generally had player character presets that seemed coded that way? at least to my eyes. i do read the hawke family preset i use as asian and i’ve been meaning to get my hawke to the black emporium to better represent and fit in with that
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legobiwan · 1 year
Do you have a masterlist or place you keep your fics?
Aside from ao3, I don't and I really should. Probably something I should get up to once summer break is here and I don't have to grade five million final projects :D
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elizabeth-karenina · 1 year
Don't wait for the husband, get that nightdress now! Wear perfume to bed with it. Treat yourself, life is short 🙌
You know what, queen? You are absolutely right! I'll treat myself and live deliciously when I want, whenever I want. And without waiting for an excuse to do so.
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candydos · 1 year
thank you so much for posting the new owl eps all this time! just wondering, will you have a version of the final ep out at some point that doesnt have the disney watermark in the corner? if not no worries of course, im just curious lol
heyo, yep am updating it in a bit :) just been quite busy so I prioritized getting decent versions out on day-of
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blaiddydbrokeit · 1 year
What's the best way to contact you about a commission? Email? Tumblr? Twitter? A fourth thing I'm forgetting?
Tumblr DMs is best! I have notifications on so I usually get to DMs quickly.
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hellboys · 2 years
oops sorry im not a spoil free blog. so to anyone else who doesnt want it spoiled you can block my tag 'tw leo' or unfollow
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