#Thank you so so much again Han for your trust! 💕
fantasy-girl974 · 10 months
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A commission I've done for @hannahmationstudios of her Horizon OC Ared from her longfic "Fallen Skies". 👀💕
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vanillacreambunny · 8 months
Hello Noelle ❤️❤️
My dashboard is looking so dry atm, so can you help recommend a few blogs for me to follow? Doesn't have to be fully Obey Me blogs though, I'm open to follow any blogs (animes, games, etc.) And I'm okay with 18+ blogs too (even better if they have tags that I can filter).
The reason I'm asking for your help is because I can be a bit picky of who I follow, but I trust your choices and recommendations because you're a sweetheart ❤️ And you have amazing taste 😎
I'm just trying to be more active here, so maybe by not restricting the blogs, I can get enough inspiration to keep writing? Hope so :')
Thank you so much and I hope you have a great day! Sending you kitty hugs✨
Hello, Han 🫂💕
I haven't actually followed many people since making this blog! I should branch out eventually, but right now I'm enjoying my quiet little corner of tumblr ❤️
I think we have quite a few mutuals, and a lot of the blogs I follow are either for Obey Me or Genshin Impact lol. You can check out who I'm following here if you'd like to! Most of them are my friends/mutuals so it's hard to just recommend a few 😊
I want to be a part of the community again and find inspiration to draw and write too. I just need to overcome my shyness and get my health in order 🥺 Good luck! I miss you and your writing; the Belphie fic you wrote is too cute for words✨
I love you and hope you have a wonderful day yourself!!!
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odnson · 1 year
two tag games involving fic stuff under this
one line any fic! rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten people.
tagged by @b1uetrees, thank u so much!! i’m a little late but i finally got the time!! i don’t think i can pick 10 fics tho; i’ll get to posting a 10th fic someday. 😂 also not putting the entire titles because i’m on mobile 💀
1. this one is from rivers aka one that is still very dear to my heart 😂
Instead of saying anything, Joowon chooses to act: he lets his breath ghost Dongsik’s nape, watching the hairs there stand before he leans in and kisses the skin between his shoulder blades, at the first knob that formed his spine.
2. this is perhaps my fave line from hook, only because i have a vivid image of ds tearing down the walls caging yy’s remains with his hands after he saw there 👀
Dongsik knows how to be gentle, but sweetness eludes him.
3. to the sun features jw and hyuk having a moment and looking back, i still like it so:
Joowon is steadily working past all these preformed prejudices in his mind, and he’s long realized that he’s been treating Hyuk like shit because he never saw Hyuk’s concern for him as something sincere.
4. from waterworn wishes, aka perhaps me at my cheesiest
Dongsik wonders if this is how it feels to be loved.
5. from tall ships, which i think still has the intro i’m really proud of:
There’s no guitar, but Dongsik’s heart sings nonetheless.
6. from as the world, one of my stuff that i look at rarely, but doing this fic meme thing reminded me that i had this bit in it
It takes him back to the reed fields, to wind against his hair as he tugged Joowon away from meeting the brunt of it.
7. this one is from company policy, and i really like it only because i think it hones in on the fact that jw is the “get out of my school” meme the moment he developed a crush 😂😂😂
He hates how everyone is entitled to Lee Dongsik’s kindness, but his dislike is reserved only for him.
8. this is part of wasted love’s summary, but eh, i think it says a lot about my hcs about these two lmao
The longer he remained here, the more he realized that this was exactly where they differed: Han Joowon was capable of loving only one person, but Lee Dongsik possessed a heart too big to love just one.
9. from qualm, the only fic i have that had the scenes flowing in a pace that didn’t require any separator, which, i think, is really interesting fsr bec i never trusted myself to have a piece that had one cohesive flow
There is no torrential downpour soaking them, no more darkened, dusty basement concealing decades-old secrets, and still Han Joowon is pleading.
second meme starts here, the fic writer interview. @b1uetrees was very kind to tag me once again, thanks very much!! 💕
name/nicknames: j
fandoms: be nowadays; gotta love how insane those characters made me
two shots: hmmmm to the sun and hook, perhaps? hook is so self-indulgent lmfao i wanted service top jw shaving off ds’ stubble and it was so specific that i knew i had to do it myself if i wanted it to exist 😂😂😂 to the sun was also self-indulgent, (all my stuff are lbr) but not as much as hook, i think. it did have jw in eyeliner tho, which ngl, i wrote for me 😂
most popular multi-chapter fic: exec horny/company policy 😂😂😂😂 funnily enough, it was 50k when i completed it and i thought “yeah i can post this in chunks” because i like finishing stories before posting, but idk. sth happened and it turned into an 80k thing somewhere along the way.
actual worst part of writing: oh, writing itself, i guess. like, wdym i gotta do it myself and that idea won’t spring out of my head fully formed like athena?? what
how do you choose your titles: unless something fits for the whole thing (like company policy), i go through a bunch of instrumental osts
do you outline? the better question would be “do u follow the outline” imo because that’s when i’ll start sweating 😂😂😂 i mean i do outline, but only for significant stuff i’ll likely forget (covid did me so bad and gave me horrible brain fog), but how to get from one plot point to another…………i wing that most of the time 💀💀💀
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: mafia au, i stg, i did this little meme re: zodiacs and battery percentages on the cursed bird app and it revealed a “gang au” which is basically the same thing?? yeah. i do have an idea for it and the whole vibes, but wdym i gotta sit down for it to see it happen? 🙃
callouts @ me: ur phone is not a suitable device for writing
best writing traits: i think it’s the fact that i always write for me 😂 like, i write what compels me, what i want to see, what i enjoy. other ppl liking it is a very nice bonus, but me liking it has to be the most important factor here. i’d hate for the joy of writing to be taken away from me.
spicy tangential opinion: this might come as a shock to some ppl but if u don’t like sth, pressing the backspace key usually makes the thing go away. also if u’re going to be nasty to some fics, do it in ur dms and gcs and not on the cursed bird app bec u don’t know who sees those and don’t, ffs, bookmark the fic and tag it with “meh” or put a rating 💀💀💀 i’ve seen these things happen and with all due respect to ppl who do these: wtf is wrong with u??? (if u dont have gcs or frens to trashtalk stuff with then guess what, u’re probably a nasty fandom police that everyone has blocked)
not tagging folks bec i think everyone has done this by now 😂😂😂 if anyone wants to do it tho, say u’re tagged by me!! 💕
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Hey there, Emily!
I heard from a friend that you were feeling a bit down, I’m so sorry…
When I was a kid and I felt rough, my Aunt Beru would bring me a cold glass of blue milk and tell me stories about her as a kid. I can’t give you blue milk through this letter unfortunately, but hey! That counts as a story, right?
Han would tell me this is silly. But if it makes you smile, then I’d do it again.
Hope you feel better soon, and trust in the Force to guide you on a better path. I’ll try to direct positive energy your way if I can.
But really—blue milk works wonders. I mean it. Or hot chocolate. Lando may have mentioned that blue milk isn’t exactly everywhere in the galaxy… I’ll have to send you some. So hot chocolate for now. :)
May the Force be with You,
Luke 💛
What a sweet story, thank you so much Luke!! You seem to always know just what to say 🥹💕🥹💕 May the Force also be with you!
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