#Tekken Lore
flailingdorkusgirl · 4 months
tekken lore explained
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The Kazama & Mishima’s naming traditions and the Next Gens of Kazama’s children!
Alright so I've been cooking this for a while since they dropped Jun's parents name on T8. Bear in mind, I'm in no way fluent in Japanese nor I'm a native, but I have google on my side to educate me better about Japanese naming systems and the kanji they used for naming the child (jinmeiyo and joyo).
I just want to named XiaoJin’s future babies so bad, kay?! Lol. Even though I know Jin is opposed to any plan of continuing the lineage (which is heartbreaking 😭💔) but the XiaoJin's shipper in me cannot be extinguished!! 🔥🔥🔥 I still want to named them! Lol.
Anyway! Feel free to correct me with your information! I'm open to any kind of knowledge 💖
Psst! If you don't want to read these longass founds and explanation, you can jump right away to the bottom of this post, there’s a pic that summarise these texts, lol.
Alrightt! Without further ado, let's deep dive into Kazama/Mishima lore!!
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Tekken 8 has finally dropped some lore about Kazama family, and it's about Jun to be exact. There, we can get a glimpse of Jun's parent name:
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Soon after, a Japanese KazuJun's fan dropped this tweet :
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Assuming a native Japanese able to decipher those characters correctly, now we finally have Jun's parents name kanji:
純一 the father, and 恵 the mother.
As we all know, kanji has several way of reading. Cited from pon-navi, there are two typical ways of reading kanji, kun-yomi and on-yomi. In addition, there is a reading system called "jinmei kun" which is used only for names.
"Soo?? What's their name?! How do we know the correct reading?!"
Here's the thing!!
Tekken has giving us hints that Mishima family has a tradition to give their children with their kanji name, following a common practice in Japan. Let's take a look at their kanji.
仁八, Jinpachi
平八, Heihachi & 一美, Kazumi
一八, Kazuya
Notice the similarities? You’re right! The Mishima child inherited their parents' kanji! The sons inherit '八' kanji, with Heihachi inherited '八' from Jinpachi and Kazuya inherited both kanji from Heihachi (八) and Kazumi (一).
As it is a common practice, the same can be said with the Kazama family! Although in their case, they might not be inheriting the kanji but instead with the reading of the said character. Or maybe phonetically similar would be correct here.
For example, this is Jun's kanji: 準
This character '準' can be read several ways, some of them are : Jun, shun, setsu, taira, toshi, narau, nori, hitoshi.
And one of her father kanji is: 純
'純' can be read as : kito, Jun, atsu, atsushi, aya, itaru, ito, kiyoshi, sunao, sumi, tsuna, to, makoto, yoshi.
Have you noticed it? That's right! '純' and '準' can be both read as Jun! It means that Jun's kanji has the same reading as her father's kanji, although they have different kanji characters.
From here, we can assume that Jun's father can be called Jun____ as well.
As for the other kanji, '一' can be read as: hito, hitotsu, hajime, ichi, itsu, i, osamu, kuni, susumu, tada, chi, nobu, hajimu, hajime, hi, hiji, hide, hitoshi, makoto, masashi, moto, ka, kazu, kata, atsu.
Looking from the lists, together his name could be read most plausibly as : Junichi, Junitsu, or Juni. Imo, Junichi sounds the best, so yeah, I completely agree with the KazuJun's fan.
Now we all know that Kazama has similar sounding name with different kanji.
On the other hand, the mother has '恵' that can be read as: megumu, megumi, kei, e, aya, sato, satoshi, shige, toshi, yasu, yoshi.
While it could be anything, I think it's either Megumi or Megumu. Why? Because I found out that '恵' has the same reading as one of Jin's kanji reading! lol. Let's take a look at Jin's kanji!
This is Jin's kanji: 仁
It can be read as: Jin, ni, nin, kimi, kimu, sato, sane, shinobu, tadashi, to, toyo, nobu, nori, hisashi, hito, hitoshi, hiroshi, masa, masashi, mi, megumi, megumu, yasushi, yoshi.
Do you find it? Both '恵' and '仁' can be read as Megumi/Megumu! lol.
One of the speculation is that Jun named her son Jin as a sign of respect to her father in law, Jinpachi (仁八). Even though Jin is a Mishima by blood, he doesn't inherit the '八' character as he was raised in Kazama family. So he inherited just the '仁' character. Besides, it also sounds almost the same. Jun.. Jin.. It's phonetically similar, right? And if Jin were born a girl, I bet he would be called Megumi/Megumu instead just like his grandmother, lol.
Thus, we can safely conclude that the Mishima has the habit to inherit their kanji characters while the Kazama inherit the reading of their kanji's name.
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What about the future Kazama kids?! Let’s move on to that and do the real cooking here for the XiaoJin's babies name! :D
We have seen Jin's kanji, but what about Xiayou?? Xiaoyu is Chinese by birth, and her hanzi (Chinese characters) are 凌曉雨 and リン・シャオユウ is how it's written in Japanese katakana.
凌, Líng: surpass / リン (Rin)
曉, Xiao: dawn / シャオ (Shao)
雨, Yu: rain / ユウ (Yu)
Now, I'd like to think that they would combine or use either their character or its reading for their baby! Also! They might use some of Jin's family name's characters :D
Here are some of my ideas for the babies name :
For boy:
晨一, Shinichi, a portmanteau of Jin and Xiaoyu's nickname and kanji inherited from Junichi/Kazuya.
Explanation: the first kanji '晨' means Dawn, which has the same meaning as Xiaoyu hanzi '曉'. The kanji reading is also the combination of Xiaoyu's nickname and Jin. Shao+Jin=Shin. It also sounds similar. Jin, Shin, it's rhyming, right? Just like Jun and Jin!
For the second kanji '一' I'd like to think the story behind it was that Xiaoyu wanted to preserve Kazama/Mishima naming practice but Jin was reluctant to do it. In the end, they decided to take the kanji '一' which was present in both Kazama and Mishima, that's in Junichi (純一) and Kazuya (一八).
For girl :
凌, Shino, a portmanteau of Xiaoyu's nickname and Jin, same character as Xiao’s hanzi that could also be the feminine ver. of Shin.
Explanation: it’s rather simple, I use the same character in Xiaoyu’s hanzi that has different reading while also the combination of Jin and Xiaoyu’s name. In Chinese ‘凌’ read as Ling but in Japanese, ‘凌’ has several reading. One of them is Shino. Shino could be the sister or the twin sister of Shinichi, in case XiaoJin have two child or twins in the future :)
琳, Rin, a kanji that has the same reading as Xiaoyu’s name and phonetically similar with Jin.
Explanation: I think this one is easy to understand! Rin and Jin, phonetically similar like what Kazama would've named their children. It’s also Xiaoyu’s surname in Japanese. The kanji ‘琳’ itself means ‘beautiful jewel’ and in Chinese the hanzi means 'beautiful jade’, and it reminds them of the greens in Yakushima forest, Jin's home.
Alright, now that I’ve spilled out all of the stuff inside my chest and calmed down, I’ll give you a simple name chart for those who don’t want to read wall of texts, lol. Hope this helps!
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I guess that’s all for now, lol. I’ll add my thoughts if I had any later on. Thank you for coming to my TED talk! 😂🙏
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erenaeoth · 7 months
how do you feel about claudio's change of heart in tekken 8? and generally his expanded background? is it anywhere close to how you envisioned his story going?
Claudio and Tekken 8
I'm a little disappointed. I like the idea of manipulative Claudio, and he really didn't get his moment to shine before reneging on it. That said, he does still have cards up his sleeve, since if Xiaoyu's approach doesn't work out, Claudio intends to do whatever he must to stop Jin.
Something I never minded in earlier games but am a little perplexed by now that we have full story modes, is that a lot of the interesting things in the Tekken story happen in the prologue text and not the actual games. Claudio's manipulative intentions and the audience's uncertainty over what he will do is great dramatic tension that only existed in the timeline between Tekken 7 and Tekken 8. That's basically resolved now, going into Tekken 8, which is just narratively weird to me.
I assumed he would be this more hard-to-pin-down character in Tekken 8 - dedicated above all to exorcising Jin and Kazuya and doing whatever he had to to get there. A kind of Javert character, villainous in his single-minded dedication to his version of morality and ridding the world of what he perceives to be the most dangerous threats; charming but with his sights set on eradicating evil and everyong else's wellbeing coming second.
Tekken 8 is setting out to pit people in teams against one another. We have Claudio, Xiaoyu, and Zafina working together, Lars, Lee, Jin, and Dr B, then Kazuya and .....Feng and Nina??? Don't get me started on the nonsense going on on Kazuya's side, but at any rate, each 'team' will have a different angle I'm sure, and Claudio's will be focussed on exorcism, after letting Xiaoyu attempt an empathetic appeal to Jin. In that sense, he's still loosely following what I hoped would be his story line. Perhaps there may even be space for his conflicting morals with Xiaoyu, since I'm sure Zafina will take Claudio's side in believing they have a duty to rid the world of these devils above all else.
Thanks for the ask!
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screenshot by esteemed wiki editor Lunch
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tekkenfagtournament · 7 months
find it baffling that tekken fans on this website care about the plots of the games at all (and exponentially more than the people writing them). why are u discussing the morality this buff japanese family u should be discussing yoshimitsu's rising 2 1 34 air grab that shit whups!
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stephemcd · 2 months
TEKKEN: The New Mishima Family Member
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yuzuna123 · 5 months
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Jun's parents name are Junichi and Megumi! 純一 ( jun-Ichi ) and 恵 ( Megumi )
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theartistaslisalee · 5 months
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I used play a bit of Tekken back in the day but don’t think I was ever really into it. Still I know pretty well of its crazy lores and this was taken from the finale of Tekken 8s story mode, where it appears Jin will finally have a chance at a happily ever after considering the hell he went thru ( half of which he caused of course ). He is lucky that a girl like Xiaoyu was still waiting for him even after seeing the worst of him. But I believe he still has a little unfinished business with the one called the Red Knight ( his surname in Spanish ). For context you have to look up the story for T6 & 7.
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scalproie · 6 months
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ok so It was a DDLC X TEKKEN X DANGANRONPA X my stuff crossover ask blog, dating sim, au story thing as in it was like Monika,
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I think some others and siramay
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all in a thing it was so weird Like one part I DM the owner like "why do you have my OC, I'd be ok if you credit I just wanna know" And their was a shooting game with targets on a chalkboard and depending how you do it affects the ending And for some reason I knew if I got kazuya he'd kill me Also yes you can turn the gun around and shoot at the characters heads I think Junko dodged the twat I shot at Monika Big mistake she still self aware Then Gabriel started Running guess I was him And then he found soulbound and fused back to siramay and we/I went heeeyy buddy (cause as my lore siramay is friends with Monika) And she had no idea So now I was thinking I should magic people to not be able to tell Gabriel and soulbound are spit siramay unless I make em know Just in case situations like this And I think their was something else but I can't remember so that's it
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niuniente · 6 months
Tekken 8 - Sergei Dragunov Reveal Trailer
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magic-magpie · 9 months
Thinking abt the Mishima household when Kazuya and Lee were growing up like imagine your father kills your mother then throws you off a cliff and you haul yourself back up and vow to kill him but you're too weak rn and you still live under his roof and are still his son and he trains you ruthlessly and you're thirteen and burning with hatred too big for your barely-teen body and then he adopts a boy close to your age and it's clear what he's doing this boy is only here to threaten your status as heir to the Zaibatsu this boy isn't even given the Mishima family name and your father (and you) call him by his surname because although he learns the fighting style and learns the business he'll never be Heihachi's blood son, and by all accounts you shouldn't hate him it's not his fault he was adopted but you do hate him and he quickly realises what kind of household he lives in now and he grows to hate you too but neither of you hate the other as much as you hate your father and so maybe sometimes you'll smoke together after having bloodied your knuckles from beating each other bruised in training because beneath the rivalry and resentment is someone who gets it, who knows what it's like living on these grounds, who you don't need to keep up false pretences for because the shadow looming over the two of you is the same
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macatomatico · 24 days
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megas-x-l-r · 5 months
Someone asks me to explain Tekken lore and I respond with “no” and THEN EXPLODE
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erenaeoth · 8 months
i apologise for clogging your asks with this nonsense but the plotbunnies will not leave me. i must know - per the T7 retcon, heihachi is already trying to destroy/control/understand devil as early as pre-T1. yeeting kazuya, fathering lars, etc. With this context, I have an AU-style question - what would Heihachi do if he knew Jun existed during or immediately after T2? What would he do if he knew she was carrying Kazuya's son (and devil's heir?) i need jun and heihachi interactions, stat
Devil Lore In Early Games
I'm not a fan of treating additional information added late into the story as conflicting with previous lore, and since all we have to go on are the canonicity of the main games and their manuals etc, I take as a given that there are no retcons.
In Tekken 7 it's revealed that Heihachi saw Kazumi fall prey to a series of illnesses in which she often became violent. She recovered from these, until one day she didn't, and transformed and attacked Heihachi.
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Heihachi at this point has no clue what this 'illness' is, other than that it seemed to cause some kind of transformation in his wife. He doesn't know if its transmissable, he doesn't know who has it or why it happened.
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We know that young Kazuya held Heihachi responsible for Kazumi's death. And that Heihachi responded by throwing his son off a cliff. He seems to have been concerned that his son too had this 'illness', and likely was deeply paranoid after Kazumi's attack. He also just thinks Kazuya is weak and detests this weakness. Throwing Kazuya off a cliff serves all Heihachi's interests. When Kazuya climbs back up he confirms two important things for Heihachi: 1) Heihachi is right to be suspicious about supernatural power in his son 2) Kazuya is not weak, and is therefore worthy of being his heir. The second of these is more important to Heihachi. He will raise Kazuya even if it's only to kill him later.
Cue some years later and Heihachi still is unsure what Kazumi's illness is. Kazuya's devil form likely never manifested in his childhood, since he seems to have been able to surprise Heihachi with it in the first Iron Fist Tournament. Heihachi presumabley continues to torment himself over his wife's betrayal and decides to see if he too has been 'infected' or something has passed from Kazumi to him the way it may have done to Kazuya. He's not going to put himself on the line, so instead he fathers a child. Lars presumably undergoes some kind of life-threatening experience and Heihachi sees he does not have the same power Kazuya does.
All through the games, Heihachi continues narrowing down and seeking to understand what the nature of this 'illness' is and how it affects those infected by it. Not until Tekken 4 is it isolated as a genetic trait passed down by blood.
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Because of the way the 'illness' passed between Kazumi and Kazuya, Heihachi was likely suspicious of Jin as soon as he came to him. He needs evidence however, but he also needs and heir, someone to adore him and look up to him, and someone to use as bait. The threat of the Devil Gene is always treated as of secondary importance to Heihachi until later games where he becomes more anxious about his old age and starts to seek power like that of the devil for himself.
What if Heihachi knew of Jin immediately post Tekken 2?
So if Heihachi had known of Jin earlier, I doubt much would have changed. He would have pressured Jun to come and live with her son on the Mishima Estate and he wouldn't have taken no for an answer. He would have had Jin nomatter what, even if it meant resorting to kidnapping. Heihachi loves the idea of family and legacy, and as far as he's concerned, Jin is his, and belongs on the Mishima Estate growing into his inheritance. Jun would have had an extremely difficult time keeping Heihachi from Jin if he found out about them. Perhaps she would have conceded to live on the estate in a small hut like Wang, and tried to cut her losses.
Heihachi would have continued on exactly as he did for Kazuya and exactly as he did for Jin - raise them, teach them his martial art, test them, then try to kill them. He takes pride in the strength of his heirs and this sits alongside his desire to destroy them as threats. Really the Devil Gene is a convenient excuse. Heihachi destroys those close to him regardless of whether they're devils or not. He humiliated and abandoned Lee and he abandoned Lars only to try and manipulate him when he was of use to him later. There's no one in Heihachi's family more important to him than himself.
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Claudio Serafino from Tekken-Pansexual
Requested by Anon
Status: Alive
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manonamora-if · 7 months
Having recently watched Tekken (2009)... I'm sliiiightly tempted to make an IF that is as bonkers as the movie.
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