#Team Plagg's Plague
paintball169 · 1 year
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Sad Chat Noir :(
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Marvel vs Miraculous: How to Do a Final Battle
I finally put my finger on the heart of the issue with Miraculous Season Five's final. To explain this, I'm going to talk about another superhero franchise that actually did the final fight well: Avengers Endgame. While that movie has a lot of issues, the final fight wasn't one of them and I'm picking it for one reason: the big, climactic moment does not go to the whole team. It goes to one character, but I've never seen a fan complain that the other characters were left out.
The trick is that Endgame has the excitement and the tension build and build as the final fight goes on. It starts with a massive hype moment (portals opening) and goes through lots of narratively satisfying moments like Captain Marvel punching out a spaceship or Thor and Captain America trading Mjölnir back and forth. Every major, living character gets an "Oh shit!" moment to drive their fans wild.
Miraculous tried to do the same thing and completely failed.
Because Gabriel still had all of the miraculous, no one had powers, so there was no one to show up and make the audience get excited other than characters from the specials and team Luka, which was literally introduced during the final!
None of these characters feel like a big payoff for five seasons worth of buildup because they weren't part of the seasons! Some viewers might not even know who Fei and the Americans were! They're from specials that you have to specifically know about and search out. If I pull up Miraculous on Disney+, they're not included in the episode list. They're separate entries.
These characters also don't actually help Marinette. They just save the resistance, who really aren't important to the story. You can ignore all of those fight scenes and the big fight between Marinette and Gabriel wouldn't change in the slightest because there's nothing Marinette needs from them. The closest we get is Plagg getting the ring to Marinette, but that's Plagg's solo mission that no one else helps with. He just lucks into the knowledge of where Marinette is.
You may be starting to see where I'm going with this.
Here's my thought: Luka knows Adrien's identity. Why not let that have a payoff? While we're at it, why not have all these random characters work together so that randos are useful to the characters we know and love?
Here's the rewrite with no major changes to the payoff and no changes to the rest of canon:
Adrien breaks out of his prison in London and gets the ring to Paris, but he's been plagued by nightmares the entire way. He's barely holding it together and he knows that he's in no shape to help his Lady. But wait! Luka's in Paris. He sees Chat Noir flying in and meets him while the others hold off the bots. Adrien detransforms and hands the ring off. Luka promises to take it from there.
Luka rejoins his team (who didn't see Adrien) and starts fighting through the streets of Paris, knowing that they have to find Ladybug, but they've got no idea where she is.
Enter: the resistance!
Nino, Alya, and team are also fighting their way through Paris and they run into Team Luka, who tells them that Chat Noir is down and needs them to get the ring to Ladybug, but no one knows where she is. They get bogged down by goons. Luka and co are trying to protect the resistance, but it's not working. They're going to lose.
Enter: Dragon Fei!
Only she's not here for a solo mission. She can't take the ring and fight after all. Someone needs to become a dragon rider. Luka is torn about leaving his sister behind, so Alya tells him to stay and she'll be the ring bearer!
Dragon Fei and Alya take to the skies and the moment Plagg saw repeats, letting them know where Ladybug is. But how do they get inside and find her?
Oh look, it's the Americans with magic door man! Fei lands and joins the Americans in fighting while Alya talks to door dude. He opens a portal, but the place is full of enemies and they can't fight their way through, so Plagg takes the ring from here and flies off to find Ladybug. He finds her, we get Bugnoir, and the final proceeds as originally planned.
We still get the disappointing ending with Gabriel winning, but at least the lead up was epic, no identities were revealed, and Adrien got to do something meaningful.
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alittlemelody716 · 1 year
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The results are out! Congrats to Team Chat Noir (Plagg’s Plague) for winning the MGI Civil War 2023!
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i-am-thornqueen · 2 years
please! tell us about the support groups! and the other magical comunities and their miraculous patrons and the tributes they give and how they celebrate and everything !!
Where do I even begin?
So... in the world of AWIL, changing a human into a werebeast or a vampire is usually done very thoughtfully. Typically you are in the age of majority when you make the decision to change. There is supposed to be a lot of community support, and there's also some paperwork that needs to be filled out to let local government know your impending change in species status- you know, for census reasons. But there's always someone, somewhere, whose gonna fuck around and someone else is going to end up finding out. It's rather traumatic for someone to suddenly be forced out of their own species - suspecting folks can make the shift in a delirium, where they are a danger to themselves and others. John Moon is an example - he was mauled by a werewolf when he was a child, and ended up running around London for 4 nights delirious and out of his skin. Worse still, he was permanently contracted while in his delirium, locking him to Sarah until her death. Support groups exist for those who had a difficult or non-consensual change. Adrien's experience in AWIL would certainly count as a non-consensual change, so if circumstances were different, he would likely be going to a support group to talk about his experiences and help him accept his change.
As for the different magical communities and who they tend to pay tribute to as their patron, this is mostly going off the limited information I had from season 1 & 2, because after that I faded into obscurity, so a lot of details are made up and very different from what came to be established in the actual cannon.
Please, please keep in mind this is literally lore that is six years old, formed in the infancy of the show. ;_;
Firstly, though I frequently refer to the kwami as gods in AWIL, the communities who hold the Miraculous as patrons don't normally worship them as gods. Some do, of course. Most see the Miraculous as... a team, I guess you could say. What species is willing to support which team and the ideals they represent. Think of how frothed up us humans get about our sports teams, our fandoms, our celebrities - you ever think of crying when meeting your hero? You ever go to a con to meet your fave actor and end up giving them gifts? Now imagine your favourite person being an ancient god of immense power embodying an element of the universe itself. Magical folk tend to go a little apeshit. And even if it's not their Miraculous showing up in a place, it's still a big deal for any Miraculous to turn up anywhere, such as with Ladybug and Chat Noir turning up in London..
Now for the Miraculous themselves:
Ladybug Miraculous, representing Creation and secondarily Good Luck - the witches claim this as their patron, as do many other earthen-adjacent communities. They themselves are creators and caretakers, creatures of the meadows and forests, and so see themselves best reflected in the Ladybug Miraculous. Many who are classically aligned with “good” intentions tend to claim Tikki to make it that much obvious that they are Good, even when Creation itself is pretty neutral on the alignment scale. Tikki has the second most diverse following amongst magical communities. They would pay tribute in sugar.
Cat Miraculous, representing Destruction and secondarily Bad Luck - the low beings claim this as their patron. They are the creatures who embody misfortune of many kinds; demons who've fed on human hearts, plague spirits festered from sickness and decay, etc. Not necessarily evil, considering that destruction is as necessary to life as creation, however those who align under destruction are classically understood as those on the darker spectrum of magic. Of all the Miraculous, Plagg actually has the most followers, since the "low beings" are a very diverse collection within the magical community. They would pay tribute in rot.
Turtle Miraculous, representing Protection and secondarily Wisdom - the vampires, elves and others of long-lived species actually claim this as their patron. Over many lifetimes, creatures can collect vast stores of knowledge. And to be wise, knowledge must be shared. They believe the turtle best represents their cleverness, long lives, and wisdom. They would pay tribute in apples.
Fox Miraculous, representing Illusion and secondarily Lies. Many of the Fair Folk claim the fox, as does any creature who enjoys hiding their true face or telling stories to light the dark nights. Between the Fae and the fox, the relationship is somewhat fraught, since Fae cannot outright lie while the fox's gift is to make any lie sound like truth. However, the illusions of the fox are what draw the fae in. They would pay tribute in alcohol, preferably hard liquors.
Bee Miraculous, representing Cooperation and secondarily Friendship. This is the patron Miraculous to all those who seek a friend - to the lonely and the brokenhearted. To the helpers who sweep hearths, shine shoes, and tend fields in return for kind words and bowls of milk. The bee claims no absolute community, but welcomes all to come and go as needed. Tribute would be paid in honey.
Butterfly Miraculous, representing Change and secondarily Inspiration. Werebeasts, shifters, and wargs claim the Butterfly, as well as many artists, bards, and wanderers. The thought is, claim the butterfly and get inspired! Because all werebeasts were once human, they weren't raised in the magical community so they don't have the same awe as others would toward the Miraculous. In recent years, with the Butterfly being used for evil, fewer folk openly claim it as their patron. Tribute would be paid in eggs.
Peacock Miraculous, representing Truth and secondarily Emotions. If any Fair Folk does not claim the fox, then they would claim the peacock. Truth is enduring and powerful- for some it is cruel and others it is kind. Scattered others communities claim the peacock, those who tend to feed on or stoke human emotions - succubi, incubi, etc. Tribute is paid in alcohol, preferably wine.
It's a bit late, so I'll settle it there for now. I realize that I have thought farrrrrrr too much about AWIL lore. I also realize that it has diverged so much from where the canon of the show went, it's moderately embarrassing. BUT I'm glad someone asked me! It feels really nice to write it all out and tell some folks. Maybe it will give more insight into the world of AWIL? It doesn’t have much to do with the story, it’s all just background info, really. Hope you didn’t mind getting spammed. ^^;
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hypexion · 2 years
So after many events, Miraculous Ladybug season four happened. It would have been better if it was released on a consistent schedule in the right order, but I suppose the world wide plague leads to production delays. Also it’s a little know fact that time works differently in France. So yeah, thoughts.
Marinette: Now also Guardian. Unfortunately, she’s kind of bad at it. A lot of it comes down to inheriting all of Fu’s obsessive secret keeping, but even after she brings Alya into the loop, Marinette makes some dubious decisions of her own. This culminates in Hack-San, where she refuses to accept that she might have to leave Paris until the literal last minute, then hands off the Ladybug Miraculous to Alya, without any way of informing Chat Noir of what’s happened. So Scarabella nearly eats a Cataclysm because Chat Noir makes the reasonable assumption that she’s a Akuma or Sentimonster. Marinette also decides to trick him into revealing his identity to a third party, which is, uh, bad. However, the narrative doesn’t ever really do much with this. Sure, she admits to pushing away Chat Noir and trying to control everything in Strike Back, but those mistakes are entirely unrelated to her losing all the Miraculous. (Because losing the all the Miraculous is an entirely plot-mandated event.)
On the non-Guardian side of things, however, Marinette is still going great. Akumas are defeated, and all her wacky shenanigans continue with only a minor break due to Guardian related breakdowns. Sure, she stumbles now and then, but for anything not related to the management of her superhero team, things are good. She even develops a new power! (which is then rendered pointless)
Adrien: Someone get this boy a non-evil family, therapy and security clearance. While Marinette’s breakdowns happen in short bursts, Adrien’s breakdown is stretched out over the entire season. As always, it comes back to Gabriel, who has essentially managed to destroy his son’s self-confidence and self-worth. Meaning Adrien has pinned a lot on being useful to Ladybug, and when that seems to be no longer true, he’s unable to effectively articulate the issue to her (or indeed, to anyone). So he reaches his nadir in Kuro Neko, not showing up to Akuma battles and then quitting. Only Plagg, keeping to his statement that he’ll always be there for Adrien, can pull him out of his depressive episode. Gabriel, meanwhile, ignores his son, and does less than the bear minimum even when he does take notice of Adrien. Which he does using the Butterfly Miraculous, because it’s not like Adrien is spending time with his father.
Some people expected Adrien to “go off“ at Ladybug at some point, which is a weird misunderstanding of his character. Firstly, his problems with self-advocacy means he wouldn’t do it for his own issues; instead, he’d have to think Ladybug was putting other people he cared about in danger. Even then, Adrien’s expressions of angry are generally rather controlled. Consider how he handled Lila - not with a big explosive confrontation, but with an unspoken yet clear threat. It takes being influenced by Risk for him to even bring up that Ladybug is hiding things from him, and even that doesn’t reach the point of an actual rant or anything.
LadyNoir: So the big conflict boils down to competing access needs, in a sense. Marinette often fails to understand other points of view or how other people will react. Adrien has a problem with self-advocacy and confronting people he looks to for validation. Ladybug needs someone to say “hey this is situation is a problem for me“, but Chat Noir can’t do that. And Chat Noir needs someone to look at him and say “this boy is not alright“, but Ladybug can’t do that. Perhaps, now that issues have been aired, and the two can only rely on each other, they can begin to communicate clearly and mend problems between them.
Ayla: What if there was a character who was always right, even when she was wrong? Then she’d be Ayla. As always, someone has to stop Marinette from catastrophising herself to inaction, and as always, the job falls to Alya. She outsmarts Shadow Moth under pressure, chooses not to screw herself over with pointless secret-keeping, and even has a turn at being a Ladybug. She also tries to do some bridge-building between Ladybug and Chat Noir, but it’s not really a problem she can handle by herself.
Zoé: I’m sorry but it’s actually hilarious that there’s a good America version of Chloé. Hysterical, even. Would putting Sole Crusher and a non Queen Banana episode where Zoé gets the Bee Miraculous before Miracle Queen make Chloé’s downfall work better? Probably, but it is what it is. And it is funny.
Luka: So he learns the identities... then does nothing with it. Cool. Cool. Cool. This guy has no personality traits and his face looks weird.
Kagami: Packed full of personallity traits. Hints that she is a theoretical tertiary love interest for Marinette are perhaps imagined, and now she ships Adrien and Marinette. Dialogue also suggests Tomoe has met Kagami’s “unusual friend” Marinette, and that they’ve interacted long enough for Marinette to leave a very specific impression.
New Heroes: A whole grab-bag of heroes appear, to get all the Miraculous out there. Some of them get full episodes to show what their deal is, and four of them don’t. It’s not great really. Then all the Miraculous get stolen anyway so no more new heroes and their powers that are starting to overlap. Also what is the deal with the Rooster? What are it’s limits?
Su-Han: This guy puts out some ideas that seem sensible, like “maybe the Guardian shouldn’t also be superheroing“ and “it’s actually a Big Concern that Chat Noir isn’t showing up to battles“. Then you remember he’s probably responsible for the Guardians getting eaten by Feast, because leaving a child in a room with the most powerful Miraculous is a terrible idea. Also he straight up harasses Fu, who post memory loss is just a senior citizen trying to live his life. Then he doesn’t even teach Marinette the technique to not be akumatized. Verdict: Su-Han should go away.
Felix: The Evil British Adrien returns and might be a Sentibeing. It’s somewhat unclear. But he’s willing to trade every other Miraculous for the Peacock, so if he’s not the question becomes who is. All in all, the fact that he gave away all the Miraculous to a literal terrorist, then didn’t sell said terrorist out to the heroes makes me dislike him. His plan didn’t even work. Gabriel successfully outplayed him. But then Felix got lucky, since he executed his plan while Risk and Strike Back were running around, giving him the chance to do the big steal, with absolutely no opposition.
Of course if Felix is a Sentibeing, he didn’t give his Amok to Gabriel. That would be ridiculous. Getting the magical artifact that can instantly kill you is pointless if what you buy it with is the magical artifact that can be used to override your free will and instantly kills you if it breaks.
Shadow Moth: The man gets a chance to change his costume and goes with that, huh. But I’ve gotta hand it to him, “dual metamorphosis“ is an amazing transformation phase. Aesthetics aside, however, the upgrade to Shadow Moth is somewhat wasted due to a lack of Amoks. Any Akuma can be improved with a Sentibeing, even if it’s just an evil octopus that tries to steal Miraculous. Although when the Sentibeings do come out, they’re rather impressive. Except the Lollipop monster. What even is the point of that thing. Shadow Moth also gets a new power, in the form of the Megakuma, which literally only exists to overcome the Magical Charms. Yeah. Could have held that back until he got the Rooster Miraculous, honestly.
Anyhow, Gabriel’s evil plans finally come to fruitition, twice, although it’s more due to luck than judgement. Now he has a whole bunch of Miraculous, which he’ll probably end up losing like the loser he is. Pay no attention to the fact that the Butterfly is the Miraculous of Transmission. It probably won’t be important.
Also he definitely had a thing with the clown and wearing two Miraculous all the time is definitely eroding his sanity.
Peacock Miraculous: So it turns out that this was the most powerful Miraculous all along. Create your own designer lifeform, that’s totally under your control, then erase when you don’t need it. The only limits are your imagination. However, since Felix is probably a Sentibeing, there is the slightest indication that using the Peacock this way is immoral. It’s not much, and Twitter Isn’t Canon, but it’s a crumb of an idea. But after two seasons of treating Sentibeings as disposable Sentimonsters, it’s a somewhat jarring turn of events.
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Last Time
For Maribat March day 5 theme last time 
Master List
Another akuma. 
Another person she had to save.
Another time she had to face Chat Noir and his god-awful flirting. 
Another night of almost no rest. 
Another day of lying to her neglectful parents. 
She hated it. She hated it all. The akumas, the flirting, the sleepless nights, the punishments from people who barely gave her the time of day. She hated her life. So it was of no surprise to herself when she snapped. However, Chat Noir was surprised and so was Paris. 
It was like any other akuma battle. She defeated the akuma while Chat sat back and watched, only stepping in to complain or flirt. Chat tried to come up and force his feelings onto her even though she didn’t feel the same. But something about this was different. It was like something in her snapped. 
She sure as hell didn’t want this to be her life, not anymore. But why wasn’t she doing anything? Why wasn’t she standing up for herself? She was Ladybug and the Guardian of the miraculous god dammit! She could do something about her situation. 
The decision she made was on impulse but she didn’t regret it. The alley cat was too busy ranting about how made for each other they were that he didn’t notice her until it was too late.
She grabbed his wrist and plucked the ring off him. Several emotions passed through his face, shock, hurt, anger, sadness, but she didn’t care about them. Because of course, the person behind the mask was the one helping her suffering in her civilian life. Adrien fucking Agreste! 
She ignored his cries for her to give his miraculous back, or for her to reveal herself to him, it was “only fair”, instead going straight back home. She grabbed the miraculous box, transformed with Kaalki once her ladybug transformation dropped, portaled to a field outside the city, and cried. For a good hour she just cried. Sad tears that it was Adrien under the mask, and happy tears that it was the last time she would have to deal with Chat. 
Once her tears had subsided she released all the kwami and asked the question that had been plaguing her mind. 
“What do I do now?” 
When the next akuma attack happened, everyone expected Ladybug and Chat Noir to appear. But that’s not what happened. Instead new heroes appeared beside Ladybug including a new cat. It took 30 minutes for the new team to defeat the akuma. When with Chat Noir it took hours. 
The new team disappeared as quickly as they came, but an hour later an interview was posted. The lucky interviewer being Aurore Beaureal, creator of ByeByeButterfly.com. 
It was there that the new team was introduced. There were new horse, snake, turtle, bee, fox, and cat holders that were permanent. Midnight, Murder Hornet, Red Illusion, Peridot Protector, Medusa, and Mustang were here to stay. No one could change Ladybug’s mind.
At first, the public was mad. Where were their old heroes? But no one could complain 6 months later when Gabriel Agreste and Natalie Sancour were being arrested for terrorizing Paris as Hawkmoth and Mayura. 
People cried. People screamed. For the first time in years the people of Paris safely let their emotions out. It was a happy day for everyone, her team included even though she had to take back their miraculouses, so why wasn’t she happy. 
That was the start of her rant accounts. When she needed to rant she chose one of her apps and ranted. Simple as that, especially since it was anonymous. She ranted about everything from school, a blond creep who wouldn't leave her alone, and her neglectful parents.
Turns out there are people on the internet who can be very wise. Especially this one account, Death Can’t Stop Me!, she wondered if it was inspired by Twice. Sure, their relationship started out rocky since the first thing he messaged her was basically offering to beat up Adrien, no that he knew that, up. But once they moved past that he ended up giving her the best advice, which was to get emancipated, change her name, and move schools. He even volunteered his last name. 
So at 17 years old Marinette Dupain-Cheng became Margot Todd and now attended Willow Academy. She ended up crashing at Chloe’s until she could find a place for herself which was a small apartment near her school. 
Not only that but once she graduated and turned 18 she moved to New York under an internship with the famous Style Queen, Audrey Bourgeois. 
Which has led her here, standing in the middle of a park near her apartment waiting for one Jason Todd to show up. What if he was some creepy 50 year old dude and not the nice 21 year old guy she had been talking to. What if it was a group planning to kidnap her behind the account? Out of all her ideas this was the absolute worst. 
“Marinette!” Plagg whisper-shouted from inside her coat. 
“What is it Plagg?” Marinette questioned, trying to appear casual and not like she was talking to herself. 
“Stop trying to look normal, you just end up looking more crazy. Also to your left, I think that’s him.” Marinette immediately turned to her left where she locked eyes with a giant. There was no other way to describe him, he was a giant. 
Like what genes did he have to be that massive? And he was coming towards her. Yep, worst idea ever.
“Margot right?” He asked. 
“Yeah, Jason right?” She clarified, while on the inside she was screaming at herself. 
“Yep, man you are so much smaller in person. Like a little pixie.” He commented. 
“Says you sasquatch! What are you, 7ft!” 
“Nope, 6’1.” 
“Oh my god.” 
And thus blossomed the start of a beautiful friendship. Where half the time the little pixie was either beating up or berating the sasquatch. 
Bonus -
“Yo Jay!” 
“We should start a tik tok account!” 
“We already have our own though!”
“Yeah but like a shared one!” 
“...Ok I’m sold!”
This is the prequel/part 2 to yesterday’s prompt, Internet Friends. I try and I try to have an update schedule for this. I tell myself don’t post so late. But life just loves to tell me I can never win. I started writing and then I got lazy, so sorry for the terrible post. I promised you guys I would have something and this is what I produced and I’m so sorry for my laziness. Tomorrow’s post will be better. 
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (April 11th-16th)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: After the Truth episode occurs, Luka will either not appear nor be talked about(not even by Marinette, Juleka, Sass, or Anarka) at all, or, if he does appear, he'll avoid Marinette like the Black Plague. Guess who's fault it'll be(Kagami will still appear and be on good terms with Adrien, though, since anything that makes Marinette happy needs to be either ruined or gotten rid of, while anything that makes her miserable needs to stay around just to be rubbed into her face.).
I s2g if they have Adrien and Kagami patch things up immediately just to make Marinette feel awkward--
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The idea that Nino's hat is a keepsake from his late brother comes up during an episode where it inevitably gets damaged and/or destroyed. Marinette is somehow responsible/blamed for this, and/or is forced to try and repair it regardless of feasibility, while being guilt-tripped/ridden every inch of the way. Bonus points for Adrien making some clueless comment about buying a replacement and STILL being treated as more empathetic to Nino's feelings even while ignoring them.
“Bonus” if everyone pressures her over the hat, which eventually leads to Marinette realizes that it can’t be fixed to be the exact same way, so she hides it and lies about it, leading to the episode blaming her for hiding things from her “totally understanding friends” (who are suddenly “totally understanding” and are only upset that she lied to them/”thought so lowly of them”) instead of her friends for making her feel like she had to be perfect.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: A Sleeping Beauty-inspired akuma will ensnare Ladybug, 'forcing' Chat Noir to kiss her awake. While Adrien/Chat naturally claims that he would 'never take advantage of his lady', he is openly gleeful at the prospect and taunts her afterwards, complete with a call back to Oblivio as he tells her to 'check the LadyBlog' to find out what happened. Her dismay over this is played entirely for laughs.
*flashbacks to the “jokes” in “Prime Queen”*
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Just like in countless Salt Fics, Alya will get upset at Ladybug for claiming that it's 'too dangerous' for her to be Rena Rouge anymore after Miracle Queen. Regardless of what she does/how she lashes out, Marinette will be held 100% responsible for the fallout, with Su-Han criticizing her for selecting Alya/the others in the first place AND for 'allowing' their identities to be exposed.
That’s what you get for trusting people, Marinette (apparently).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will expose more Miraculous-related secrets on the LadyBlog, such as posting the identities of the heroes who were 'already outed' by Miracle Queen. Marinette will be blamed for this, with Su-Han reading her the riot act for every single choice she's made.
And also, Alya will get no flack for this because “she’s a journalist!! she’s just doing what she’s supposed to do!”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: After spending most of the season taking the piss out of Marinette at every available opportunity, Su-Han will start warming up to her just in time to be taken out of the equation by something like Alya posting another 'big scoop' on her blog revealing his existence to the villains. Marinette will be left with even less support and all of the guilt, while Alya learns absolutely nothing from the experience because why would she?
Considering “Truth,” I just automatically presume that characters who support Marinette lovingly/unconditionally will either be abused or kicked to the curb.
Anonymous said:
Don't need Burrow: "Queen Banana" will be like typical episode with Chloe akumatization. 90% Chloe drama and angst, 10% akumatized Chloe (and probably 0% sense)
Show, I’m begging you, just let this character’s focus die already. We are SO tired...
Anonymous said:
didnt need burrow: the show ends with hawkmoth (now shadowmoth i guess) being defeated, heavy implications that the LS will be canon, but no solid proof, any other plot holes disappear in the cheery end music and all fans are left annoyed at the open ending filled with plot holes (bonus: That Guy says smin like "you would know if you watched carefully" to anyone that asks wtf happened)
Fun for us love square salters at least so there’s that? :P
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Trixx wants to return to Alya despite the danger/her past exposure, and ignores Marinette's concerns, leaving/reuniting with Alya over her protests. This is either played as 'It's fine, and Marinette should have trusted Alya more' or 'It's not fine, and it's all Marinette's fault for trusting Alya in the first place and letting Trixx get so attached'. Or both.
Astruc would totally use the opportunity to brag about the whole, “She’s already taken!” line in “Truth” being foreshadowing.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Bunnix reveals that there is an alternate, 'better' future in which Lila never worked with Hawkmoth and became a heroine instead. The turning point was, naturally, that Ladybug never called her out for lying/stealing from Adrien. (Possibly because Adrien never snooped in the safe in this timeline, yet it's still depicted as Marinette's fault.) May couple with confirming she's the future Hawkmoth and that it's all Mari's fault the heroes are still fighting her years later.
Which means that Chat makes the “reversible” mistakes (i.e: Cataclysming Bunnyx’s miraculous) while Ladybug makes the “permanent” ones.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette/Ladybug will get accused of being a selfish glory hound who needs to learn how to share the credit and 'be a team player'... after Adrien/Chat slacks off during a fight and refuses to help. Bonus points if this is tied into the exposed heroes' predicament somehow, implying that the REAL reason she won't give them 'their' Miraculi back is that she's selfish/short-sighted/not good at working with others/insert other bullshit excuse here.
I’m so tired.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will do something unbelievably selfless and self-sacrificing, only to promptly be slammed by the narrative and treated as though her decision was incredibly selfish.
Honestly you could just ad lib that.
“Marinette will do [something positive], only to promptly be slammed by the narrative and treated as though her decision was [negative].”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Su-Han will pressure, belittle and berate Marinette until she breaks and agrees to give up being Ladybug/the Guardian. This is naturally treated as the worst thing she could possibly do, with everyone (including Su-Han) ripping into her for it. There is no equivalent of Plagg's 'I've had many holders, but nobody can replace you, Adrien' shilling, beyond Marinette being informed that she MUST continue and deal with her many inadequacies by becoming BETTER. She has no choice.
“You’re the worst Ladybug!”
“Okay I’ll stop being Ladybug.”
Anonymous said:
Don’t need Burrow to know that the writers will retcon Marinette allowing Adrien to BORROW her lucky charm so that Marinette actually GAVE it to him instead.
Bonus: of course, the birthday scarf issue/secret is never addressed. RIP in piece, Marinette gift number xxx0
Technically, this has already happened even back in “Befana,” so I don’t count it. Adrien has said that Marinette gave him that lucky charm forever.
Definitely adding that scarf one though.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: We get Love Square scenes (shipping fuel) in the next episode (even though Maribug and Adrichat just broke up with Luka and Kagami).
I mean, we got love square shipping fuel in the Adrimi and Lukanette episodes, so :|
I’ve just come to expect inappropriate timing at this point.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a future episode Chat Noir will be even worse than he was in Lies and still be portrayed sympathetically. I don't know how you can get that low, but I have faith that the writers will be able to pull it off and that's not a good thing
“I don't know how you can get that low“
they’ll find a way, I’m sure
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Kagami will become an antagonist/team up with Shadow Moth post-Adrimi breakup for the plot twist "the main villain has been in the show all along." ((This is based on the end card for Lies. I really hope they don't do this because Kagami is one of the only reasons I'm still watching the show.))
I’d only be here for that if her endgoal is getting Luka and Marinette as far away from the plot as possible.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: We STILL don't know how the Peacock Miraculous got damaged and how Emilie Agreste fell sick. Bonus points, we find out in the season/series finale or on social media.
Double bonus if Astruc claims that the decision is good and they did it on purpose (probably to keep people talking).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe debuts as the new Bee holder on the same episode Chloé is akumatized.
I’m 100% expecting Chloe to be salty at all the adoration that Zoe gets.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: if Adrien is ever in the wrong about something, it will only be for about five minutes and it will ultimately be blamed on Marinette.
Marinette: *breathes*
writers: Yes! Something we can blame on her!
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow: The relationship between the Couffaines and Jagged will not be explored. They might perform a song together and that's all, Luka forgives Jagged for abandoning him (his daddy issues just magically disappear so he doesn't bring it up anymore) while Juleka doesn't interact with Jagged at all
I’m torn between, “Luka will basically never appear again,” and, “Luka will suddenly appear much more often now that he’s no longer a ‘threat’ to the love square (Marinette didn’t break up with him because of Adrien but sure).”
Anonymous said:
Didn't need Burrow: "Gabriel Agreste" will be all about how he's not really evil just misunderstood. He had a lonely childhood or some garbage and we should feel totally sad for him you guys.
wow i hate it
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nitkat360 · 3 years
Imma make a dark kwami who is actually a good guy owo
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His concept is pretty much sickness and decay
He’s the crow miraculous
But despite his dark power he’s pretty much chill and wise, but who is also sassy and sarcastic.
His relationship with Plagg is something akin to brothers as He is the elder sibling and plagg is the younger sibling.
He’s a pretty dangerous kwami as he was the one who started the Black Plague (By accident) and was sealed in a highly secured area of the temple before it was destroyed thanks to Fu’s actions 200 years ago.
He was founded by a farm boy in a pawn shop years later named Eric and now they both are a team that protect Paris. Eric becomes the dark hero of Paris in the night called Plague who protect Paris in the shadows for years before ladybug and chat noir did.
And yes his them is the Plauge doctor theme
Oh this is what his miraculous looks like
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt58
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
“So what you’re saying is that Batman and his team have done more in two months than you managed it two years.” Discorde was about five seconds from Cataclysming Superman, relations with other heroes be damned. She only held back because Ladybug had a hand on her arm. Robin didn’t seem any happier and it brought him up in her estimation.
“That is wildly presumptuous and inaccurate.” Oracle’s voice came through the comm and both she and Red Robin were scowling at the others from a screen on the wall. “We only managed what we did because of the incredibly detailed and accurate information Ladybug gave us. There’s no telling how long it would have taken us starting from scratch the way she did. Not to mention she is one hundred percent responsible for the plan that gave us Mayura.”
“Convenient.” Superman still sounded doubtful but seemed willing to drop that part of things, for now. “Regardless, there’s still the matter of actually apprehending him and what we do with the object that gave him his powers in the first place.” The hand around Discorde’s arm tightened and she looked over to see an incredibly pissed off Ladybug.
“That is none of your concern.” Ladybug’s tone held an impressive amount of authority and disdain. She’d been around Damian a lot lately and it showed. “We are here as a courtesy but I will not allow you to interfere.” Multiple members of the League glared at her from their seats.
“She’s right.” The voice belonged to a rather subdued Wonder Woman. After the rundown Ladybug had given her of the previous meeting Discorde had expected her to be of the same mind as Superman. “The Miraculous are not our domain, nor should they be. While I’m not thrilled that such a burden was placed on children it is not our place to question a Guardian who has dedicated their life to protecting the Miraculous and maintaining balance.” There was complete silence after she spoke, no one seemed to know how to react. Batman recovered first.
“I agree. There’s a reason most of us didn’t even know the Miraculous existed until now. From what Wonder Woman has told me the Order that protects them is very good at keeping them contained.” Discorde felt Ladybug stiffen slightly, but otherwise she didn’t react to the words at all.
“They failed once. Sure this time it’s contained in Paris, but what happens the next time? We can’t take that risk.” Ladybug had apparently had enough of Superman’s self righteous attitude.
“It is not your decision to make.” Her tone was hard and frigid, it sent a chill up Discorde’s spine and she was thanking every Kwami she knew that it wasn’t directed at her. “Even ignoring the Order for the moment, the Miraculous exist to maintain balance. Having all of them in the hands of a group dedicated to their form of justice will wreak havoc on that balance. Villains and dissenters will start popping out of the woodwork at rates you won’t be able to handle. You’ll just be making everything worse for the people you claim to protect. The cost is far too high whether you believe it or not.”
Discorde watched the heroes' reactions, trying to decide which were threats and which were allies. Batman and his team were firmly entrenched on their side, at least for now. Wonder Woman seemed content to let things take their course and at least not interfere. Superman looked like he was ready to go to war with them along with a couple others so that’s where she kept her focus. When Marinette had suggested she be here Plagg had given her some tips and suggestions to keep them in line if necessary and she wasn’t going to hesitate if any of them came at Ladybug.
“So these powers are better protected in the hands of children? If this Order is so competent why didn’t they send their own people in to do the job?” Okay, that was a good question that she’d have to file away for later.
“You have no idea how the Miraculous or the Order work and I’m not about to enlighten you and put others at risk. You believe in very strict definitions of good and evil. I doubt you’d be willing to listen to let alone understand even if I did explain.” Batman’s lips twitched upward and Discorde thought he was trying not to smile. The rest of his team didn’t seem to feel the need to restrain themselves and were snickering in the background. Red Hood even gave Ladybug a thumbs up. Wonder Woman looked amused and… proud? One more thing to try and unpack later.
“You do not decide what is and is not pertinent information for us to know. We will ask questions and you will answer them to the best of your ability.” Superman’s tone said he didn't expect her to know much and Discorde felt the growl in her chest before she heard it. How dare this pompous, self important, alien…
“It would be wise for you to stop.” Discorde glared at Wonder Woman as she spoke, expecting to be the object of her censure, but she was focused on Superman. “Ladybug is perfectly correct in her assessment and the Justice League as no standing to interfere in the first place. What’s more, threatening her will do nothing but give her black cat a reason to show you just how ineffectual your powers are against the powers of gods.” Her tone was dry but firm. Some of the heroes were now looking at the two Miraculous holders like they were bombs ready to go off while others seemed to doubt Wonder Woman’s claim. Discorde almost hoped one of them would try something at this point. She knew exactly how much stress Ladybug was under and this wasn’t helping in the slightest.
“What’s she going to do, purr at me?” Something inside her snapped. She felt for the destruction inside her as Plagg had taught and pulled it to the surface. She was vaguely aware of Batman and his team moving away from the man of steel and heard Wonder Woman’s resigned sigh. The rest didn’t seem to know how to react. They would soon.
The table and chairs dissolved as though eaten by acid causing everyone to scramble away. After that she concentrated directly on Superman. He still seemed to think he was invincible but she knew better. Plagg and Tikki had created the universe and while Superman was immune to the dangers of Earth, he wasn’t immune to the dangers of his home planet, or the Kwami. She focused the ball of darkness inside her into the shape she wanted before letting it shoot straight at Superman. Just as Plagg predicted, he didn’t even try to move.
“Is that all you have?” His cockiness brought a feral grin to her lips. She waited. “This is a waste of time. I want to talk to whoever thought it was a good idea to entrust-” He broke off in a coughing fit that was so violent he ended up hovering over the floor. When he stopped and looked at his hand everyone in the room could see blood. “What did you do?” Discorde glared back at him.
“I infected you with Krypton’s version of the bubonic plague and Ladybug is the only one who can cure you so I suggest you appropriate a new attitude.”
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Daminette AU (Part 1)
#There was no crushes in either facet of the lovesquare. Marinette and Adrien were simply BFFs as were LB and CN, though CN did flirt - it was always jokingly and LB knew it. Due to Marinette and Adrien being close, the other girls in her class thought she had a crush on him and whenever she refuted that statement, she was said to be in denial.
"Aaaaah Tikki, I'm so tired!" The seventeen year old flung herself on her bed. It had been another long tiring day, even moreso as Hawkmoth had been feeling particularly lively today and had sent three akumas in the same day. 
She didn't know if this was because he thought her tiredness would slow her down or just cloud her mind to make her sloppy but it thankfully didn't work. 
At times like these, she missed the good old days when she could count on Chat. Now thinking of him was just a nightmare. 
He had changed after about two years in their partnership. He started showing up late in fights, getting taken out almost immediately when he did and whenever she talked about the master he became agitated and went on a rant over how it wasn't fair that they didn't trust him. 
 The earlier episode of Syren came to mind and she shuddered. 
To this day, Syren still plagued her, it was one of the most dangerous akumas which had existed. So many had died…
That had only been the start of other akuma attacks as terrible or worse. Medusa and Queen of Hearts came to mind, as did Mourning Star. She'd rather not think about Arachne. She still woke up with nightmares of them especially of the giant spider that they couldn't even look at because it was so horrifying, weaving her web all over Paris, picking up every move of theirs and trapping any living creature in her web as if they were nothing other than prey and spitting acid before devouring the still screaming chil-
Nope! She couldn't go down that hole right now. She wouldn't be able to handle another panic attack or dissociative episode at this moment.
Chat - she was thinking about Chat. 
Chat had seemed off to her. His behavior had taken a turn for the worse when it concerned her yes. He had become  possessive, could barely stand their other teammates, was always on edge when she called in someone else. 
It had come to a stop one night on patrol. 
She had sat him down for a long discussion but it didn't go the way she expected. Both of them returned unsatisfied at home that night.
She knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep after their...discussion so she had started designing. It was a sure way of  keeping her mind distracted.
It wasn't a long time after that she heard a knock on her trap door which had derailed into a series of unexpected events.
"Plagg?" Tikki shrieked at Chat Noir. Why her Kwami had chosen to reveal herself too was still a mystery to her but it seemed like something was really wrong with Chat Noir. 
His transformation fell leaving Adrien Agreste on floor, looking dazed. 
Now, she had already figured out his identity a while back but didn't say anything - plausible deniability and all that shtick.
The little black god seemed exhausted as she brought a hand up for him to sit on. "I forcibly took over his transformation to bring him here." Was his explanation. "You're right Spots, there's something wrong with him but it's not what you think." 
And then he explained about the tainted magic that lingered about the Agreste household making him mentally sick. 
Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth, he revealed, and Nathalie was Mayura. She really would have liked to be more surprised but the suspicions about him never really left her mind. 
The most shocking part of that night however had to be when Plagg explained why Adrien was being affected.
"In every generation, Tikki and I have a chosen. Our souls resonate perfectly. This time...this time something is different. Adrien could have been Chat Noir if there wasn't already someone who's soul resonated better with mine."
She frowned. "Who is it? Why didn't Master Fu send you to them instead?"
He stared right in her eyes when he spoke those words. "It's you."
She was the soul resonance of both the creation and destruction Kwami in this generation. 
Tikki and Plagg liked to say that she was their daughter. Sometimes she wondered if it really was a joke. They certainly treated her like their offspring at times. 
Anyways, Adrien while he had been a good candidate still couldn't bear the power of chaos. It left him vulnerable to the foul, perverted magic of his father, only made worse by the misuse of miraculous in that house and the kwami's broken comrade.
"He won't last there much longer." Plagg had warned them. "I brought him here because Tikki's magic has settled in this place. It will protect him."
That had lead to another difficult conversation between Adrien and Marinette as soon as he woke up.
There had been crying and hugs involved.
After a long time, Adrien's own actions seemed clear to him. He apologized to her for how he behaved as Chat Noir and for letting her down as civilians. 
They talked about the fact that his father had ordered him to make Mlle. Rossi happy at all costs and how despite him confiding that Lila was a liar and she always made him uncomfortable his father had not budged on his decision. That had been the breaking point. 
They talked almost all night and Marinette convinced him that Hawkmoth or not, the environment at his home was toxic and that he needed to leave. 
But also, they rejoiced that it was each other that had been their partner all this time. She was the one who was his best friends in both of his lives and he couldn't be happier. 
At that moment, they could see a bronze string binding both of their ankles and a soulmate tattoo of a a very intricate arrow passing through a crescent moon.
Adrien had burst out crying at that, throwing himself at her to hug her. He didn't let go until next morning when he had to go home and Marinette was content just being there for him, holding him and making sure he knew that there was someone who loved him for himself.
Soulmates had existed in this world for as long as people could remember. There were all kinds of soulbonds ranging from a single tattoo to a telepathic connection. The connections were not always romantic, like theirs for instance was a sibling soulbond. 
Most of the time however, romantic soulbonds had to do with a way to connect them, for them to be able to communicate.
Every person when they found their soulmate, would have a string that bound them. Romantic soulmates' string s would appear instantly while platonic soulmates appear only when the soulmates are ready, when their bond had been forged.
Romantic strings were red and turned gold as the relationship grew.
Strings of soulmates who considered each other siblings were silver. 
And lastly, best friends and perfect teams were bronze. 
She hadn't seen a string of hers in so long, as far as anyone knew, she didn't have a string at all - which was something Lila and the class recently, hadn't failed to exploit but she now understood why, none of them had really been her friends. 
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imaginemae · 5 years
Adrien Agreste’s Inferiority Complex - SPOILER ALERT
This has been a long time coming:
-Telling Theo that he’s actually “the one in charge anyway” when Ladybug doesn’t show up (Copycat)
-Attempting to defeat an akumatized victim without Ladybug’s help, knowing damn well that he can’t capture akumas or fix everything (Copycat)
-”Why do I have to deal with these freaks, while you get to slip calmy ‘round back?” (The Pharaoh) 
-”You know sometimes I do have ideas” (Reflekta)
-Being expected to believe that Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth without being given any evidence or explanation. “I’m supposed to just accept that? (The Collector) 
-Ladybug being able to know Rena Rouge’s identity (Sapotis, Syren)
-Being kept in the dark about Master Fu from Ladybug and his own kwami (Syren)
Where am I going with this?
Adrien has exhibited thoughts of inadequacy in/out of his suit. 
I think this is worth examining a little bit more.
In the episode “Syren” Adrien gets irritated by Ladybug’s lack of communication with him. 
She knows Rena Rouge’s identity, she has access to Master Fu, and she “can’t tell” him about any of it. 
Ladybug took the grimoire, Ladybug suspected Gabriel, Ladybug often knows where akumas are hidden, and Chaton has been left in the dark about how she knows so much.
Because these instances have to do with her identity Marinette is stuck in a situation where she can’t tell Chat Noir. She can’t tell Chaton how she got the book because she stole it from Adrien which equals: Ladybug knows Adrien IRL.
She can’t tell Chat Noir about Master Fu because Chat Noir knowing could then equal him going to meet Master Fu himself which then equals Marinette and Adrien possibly running into each other.
Ladybug could tell Chat Noir that Rena Rouge is actually Alya Cesaire because Alya has helped them out before, but Alya being chosen as Rena Rouge could also arouse suspicion that Ladybug knows her IRL. 
The danger of having Chat Noir in the know is also amplified because Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth. One little slip up on Adrien’s part can/will be a huge problem (though the characters are unaware of this).
I have always been against Chat Noir not knowing as much, not because of their identities, but because they stressed so often in season one that they are a team. It’s not like Batman and Robin, it’s closer to Cloak and Dagger. One cannot do everything without the other - they are equals - yin and yang. 
So Adrien being upset about this and getting fed up is incredibly justified. Why is he the only one who has to fight for information? Why does he have to bribe his own kwami (granted Tikki wouldn’t tell Marinette anything until they got the book)? Why does he have to get left behind while Ladybug does not? 
A negative reaction from Adrien has been a long time coming, and the way his civilian life is does not help, but we’ll talk about that soon.
What ultimately bothers me is this: Adrien was willing to blackmail Plagg by threatening to take off his miraculous and leave it idling unless Plagg gave him information.
Let’s all think about that for a second.
Adrien Agreste, whose only source of freedom is through that ring, was willing to give up being Chat Noir because he wasn’t being treated as an equal. Even more so than that, he felt like he was being treated as if he was less significant than Ladybug. Adrien doesn’t feel like he is important. 
He explains in “Syren” that “no one will care” if he’s gone or that he’s “no one”, as if he, Adrien Agreste, is not needed as Chat Noir. Even though he’s proven again
(Taking the hit for Ladybug in “Timebreaker”)
(Taking the hit for Ladybug in “Dark Cupid”)
and again 
(Holding off an army while Ladybug was busy Marinette-ing in “Darkblade”)
(Scoping out the land for the Mime in “The Mime”)
(Catching that Ladybug’s miraculous was about to get stolen in “Antibug”)
and again
(Helping a struggling Ladybug take down Kagami in “Riposte”)
(Handling another army while Ladybug was busy Marinette-ing in “Befana”)
(Moving Ladybug away from danger while she was distracted in “Gigantitan”)
(Being the key component in taking down Gorizilla literally as Adrien and Chat Noir in “Gorizilla”)
(Sacrificing himself so Ladybug has a chance to fix everything in “Zombizou”)
that Ladybug clearly cannot do everything without him. He is needed. Just like Ladybug could not be just anyone, neither could Chat Noir.
Unfortunately, this isn’t just about Ladybug withholding information. 
No, this issue stems from Adrien’s civilian life as well. It’s not that he believes that nobody needs Chat Noir, it’s that he believes no one needs Adrien.
Inferiority Complex:  “an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere”
Does everyone remember in “The Gamer” how Marinette breezily beat the video game and Adrien was struggling? Does everyone remember that little conversation they had??
That was a direct look into Adrien’s mindset. He actually believes he is "lame”. 
Let’s examine a few facts about Adrien’s life that we know:
1. He had one friend (Chloe) as a child, even when his Mother was around
2. He is not allowed to go outside without an entourage
3. He adored his kind, “overly dramatic”, and maybe controlling Mother (that’s another theory) who is now gone
4. His Father won’t tell him shit about Emilie’s disappearance and he knows for a fact that Gabriel hides stuff from him because he saw the safe behind the painting of Emilie
5. Gabriel shuns friendship like it’s the plague (”We Agrestes are solo artists”, Captain Hardrock) and won’t let Adrien hang out with his friends. He didn’t even want Adrien to go to school
6. Gabriel almost never eats dinner with Adrien, but won’t let Adrien make other plans
7. Even though he’s usually vibrant and outspoken as Chat Noir, he’s very careful about what he says to Gabriel whenever they have a conversation by being overly polite and kind
8. Adrien does piano, fencing, kung fu, Chinese (and apparently other languages) to never be shared or used with anyone else because GABRIEL WON’T LET HIM.
Notice the pattern? 
In Adrien’s little bubble his purpose is to...sit still and look pretty? Do everything Daddy says? Have things decided for him? And anything he wants is consistently put aside?
So in the actual world - where Ladybug is curing akumas and coming up with brilliant plans - what is his purpose? 
To the audience he is incredibly well-loved and important (I’d even go as far as to say he is the fandom’s favorite character), but to Adrien it feels like he believes that he is just another accessory, and the fact that Ladybug knows more about what’s going on adds to his feelings of insecurity.
The people who love him for modeling, his friends who love him for being kind - Adrien doesn’t see that as being needed or noticed because that’s not his true self. Chat Noir is closer to his true self, and Chat Noir gets overshadowed by Ladybug ALL THE TIME.
But then what about Ladybug herself? Ladybug who has always put her trust in Chat Noir? Ladybug who was willing to give up her miraculous to save him? Ladybug who found out Chaton was in love with her and then immediately gave him closure? Ladybug who convinced Master Fu to start including Chat Noir?
This is where I get pissed off. 
Ladybug does see Chaton as someone important and she has proven it even as Marinette.
-She has expressed how irreplaceable he is to her (”Anansi”)
-She has expressed she cares about and respects his feelings (”Glaciator”, “Frozer”)
-Tells him that Ladybug is lucky to have him (”Weredad”)
-Is never afraid to show how much she depends on him (”Antibug”, “Gorizilla”)
It’s because Adrien has been cut-off from the world all his life that he is so
O B LI V I O U S to it. 
In any other show, Adrien would be/become a villain. 
I got nervous in “Glaciator” and I got anxious in “Syren”. 
Adrien is a wonderful character because he is a good person despite all the misfortune in his life, but he has a breaking point.
The most recent episode “Chris Master” has led me to believe that we will see the crux of Adrien’s inferiority complex as there is a single moment where he seems genuinely taken aback that Ladybug is considered the most well-behaved kid in the world.
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Despite the fact that he also made a similar comment in “Puppeteer” (”There’s only one goody-two-shoes around here, and I’m not her”).
The fact that Ladybug joked about it is worrisome because she did not catch the serious tone behind Chat Noir’s comment which could fuel Adrien’s inferiority complex. He may start believing that even Ladybug believes she is superior.
My theory is that this will blow up in everyone’s face this season. Chat Noir may turn into a villain, or be manipulated if someone else catches on to his insecurity (i/e Lila/Gabriel).
Next topics of discussion:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Guilt Complex
Marinette’s Dupain-Cheng’s Major Character Flaw
Adrien Agreste’s Major Character Flaw
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fantasyfandommaiden · 5 years
ML Counsellor AU: Chat’s Mentorship
Chat goes to Carmine for advice, or perhaps a kind ear a few days after Hero’s Day... however he gets so much more than that.
Carmine found herself once again enjoying the beautiful nightlife of Paris from her balcony, sipping her tea as she thought over what had happened not even two days ago. Hero’s Day had been a success, although it almost lead to Hawkmoth becoming victorious and gaining the Ladybug and Hawkmoth Miraculous.
The hero’s, along with Queen Bee, Rena Rouge, and Carapace, managed to win however and she couldn’t be prouder of them all.
Carmine felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, and after a quick glance around she saw Chat Noir standing on the ruff opposite of her, pacing and periodically looking at her balcony, debating with himself.
The woman raised a brow, before raising a hand and giving him a wave. He took that as an invitation and hopped on over. Carmine noted that he seemed depressed and wasn’t even trying to hide it as he sat down on one of her balcony chairs. “Hello Chat, to what due I owe this unexpected visit?” She asked, smiling at him.
“... do you think I am a good partner to Ladybug, or a good sidekick?” He asked softly. Carmine blinked at the question, looking at the teen with a curious expression.
“... what brought this on? You guys defeated Hawkmoth again today, despite all that happened.” She told him, placing her tea cup down as she turned her body to face Chat Noir, who still did not look at her, instead down at his feet.
“... Ladybug comes up with the plans, she knows all the other hero’s identities, where I only know Queen Bee’s. She gets to talk to the Guardian, where he will only come to me when he feels ‘it is necessary’, like I am some sort of after-thought, and I know Ladybug has been seeing him outside of getting the Miraculous during battles, she’s probably getting some sort of cool training.” Chat said sadly “I know it isn’t her secret to tell, and I get that, but we are suppose to be a team! We’re partners, two halves of a whole, but the more time passes, it feels like it’s less of two halves of a whole and more like two parts with one part taking up 80%...” he looked at Carmine finally, a sad expression on his face “I know that out of the two of us, Ladybug has a bigger job, What with her Miraculous Ladybug repairing the city after the attacks, but lately... I feel more like a sidekick than a partner.”
Carmine felt her heart clench as she could almost feel Chat’s sadness and grief at the thought of not being as important as Ladybug, and it would seem that what Pollen had told her about the Guardian not being as attentive to Chat as he was to Ladybug was true. She took a deep breath to calm herself and her thoughts before speaking.
“Have you discussed these feelings with Ladybug, or the Guardian?” She asked him softly.
Chat shook his head “No. Ladybug has enough on her plate to deal with, and like I said, the Guardian will only come when he feels it is necessary. I just... I want to feel like I’m contributing more, but the more I think about it, the more I feel like a sidekick!” He said, standing up “She has two powers, I have one. She comes up with the plans, I follow them. She knows everyone’s identity, I only know Queen Bee’s. She gets a cool mentor, and I have no one! Not even in my civilian life!” Tears began to Form in the corners of his eyes.
Carmine looked at Chat, her mind racing a mile a minute. He needed structure, to feel a purpose, to feel as if he belonged somewhere, that he could help Ladybug, and he seemed to express he wanted the same sort of relationship Ladybug and the Guardian had...
She sighed, feeling as if this situation could end up flavourful, or just prove to make things worse for the boy if her idea wouldn’t work. She stood up “... come with me.” She said, opening the door of her balcony and inviting Chat inside.
The cat hero blinked slightly, following Carmine in. Once inside, she closed the door, and drew the blinds to close as well. “I want you to look around this room, and tell me if you feel anything off about it.” She instructed simply, going to on of her chairs and sitting down.
Chat looked at her with a raised brow “... something off about it? How do you mean?” He asked confused. He thought she was going to help him with his problems, not give him some sort of odd task.
Carmine looked at him with a neutral expression “Humour me, what is odd about this room?” She asked him.
Chat continued to look at her for a few moments before shrugging and looked around the room. Her apartment had an open concept, with the kitchen, living room and dinning room all being in the same main area, and it was well furnished. Chat noted it reminded him a bit of Marinette’s or Nino’s homes, where it felt lived in and loved, as opposed to his own which felt dead inside.
He continued to look around, not finding anything off about it until his eyes landed on ottoman that was in the middle of the floor. He didn’t know why he felt drawn to it, it was the same shade as her couch, a dark grey colour with a padded seat on top, but something about it seemed... weird to him. Like it drew him in closer.
He walked over to it, glancing at Carmine who continued to have a neutral expression on her face as he opened the ottoman and saw lots and lots of blankets inside. He slowly took them out, careful to not get his claws snagged in any of the fabric until it was emptied. Chat scowled slightly, the weird feeling not going away, so he went to knock the bottom of the ottoman to see if it was hollow, the moment he touched it however it opened up as if by magic.
He blinked and slowly looked down, the bottom seeming to be much larger than it should be and saw several well worn leather books inside.
“Interesting....” Carmine finally said and Chat looked at her with a raised brow.
“How did it do that? What are these?”
“Chat, during the Middle Ages, when a terrible sickness spread across the land, it was known as the Black?” She asked suddenly, looking at him.
Chat blinked, looking at Carmine confused before slowly answering.
“And were birds have talons, cats have?”
“The opposite of out is?”
“In-“ Chat’s eyes widened in realization as the words left his mouth, the magic quickly disappearing as Adrien appeared where Chat once was, Plagg floating beside him. The Black Cat kwami gave a large stretch, looking around, seeming momentarily surprised, and opened his mouth to speak however Carmine cut him off.
“I’m the fridge in the cheese drawer.” She said simply, looking at Adrien with an odd expression he couldn’t place, it looked like her mind was going a hundred miles a minute before she finally spoke.
“Yes I’ve known for a while, no I haven’t told anyone, yes I know who Plagg is.” She said simply before standing up and walking over to where Adrien stood, kneeling down beside him she dug into the ottoman before brining out a leather book that seemed newer compared to the others and began to look through it, closing the ottoman before sitting on it. “How did you know this was there?” She asked him, still looking at the book, flipping pages seeming to be searching for something.
“Umm....” Adrien, still in shock about all of this, spoke slowly “I felt a pull... like something was weird about it, even thought it looked normal?” He said slowly.
“Interesting...” She said slowly, finding the page she seemed to be looking for and standing up “That means you have some magical awareness at least, whether that is due to a blood line or the Miraculous we will have to wait and see.”
“Wait and see what?” Adrien asked hesitantly.
Carmine looked at him, a serious expression on her face “... You are right that the treatment you have been receiving isn’t exactly fair, even if some secrets need to be kept, it’s not fair that only Ladybug gets the benefit of seeing the Guardian all the time and you don’t.” She walked over to the kitchen and Adrien slowly followed, still in shock at being found out so easily. He noted that Plagg was sitting on the counter, eating some Camembert happily. “I am not Guardian, however I imagine we had similar training in a sense.”
“Your a Guardian too?!” Adrien asked, eyes widened.
Carmine let out a low laugh, looking over her shoulder at Adrien with a smirk “Oh no Adrien... I am a mage. Mages are the reason the Miraculous came into existence in the first place.” She turned around to face him, smiling “And if the Guardian doesn’t feel the need to train you in the magical arts, that is his loss, for if you will have me, I will train you.”
Adrien’s eyes widened, looking at Carmine in bewilderment. He would get training and a mentor, he would have someone who knew his identity, who he didn’t need to hide from. Someone who could understand what he was going through without having to lie about the reason... he would be able to help Ladybug more!
He grinned widely, a feeling of excitement washing over him for the first time since the Hero’s Day picnic. He could do this.
“When do we start?”
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imthepunchlord · 5 years
1)In the Black Plague AU, would Fu take back the LB earrings & give Marinette the Turtle to prevent the villains from getting the other miraculous they need? You could implement your ideas about the Turtle cleansing akumas & the Bee doing subpar restoration with the breakable honeycombs! LB may be needed especially with an evil BC, but it’s too risky. Paris could favor LB for the Healing Light & questions the duo’s competence.
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Fu would not take back the LB, her power is needed most of all with Butterfly and Cat being misused. You thought Butterfly could be destructive? Its all so much worse with the Cat, and as the most powerful, only LB can truly counter Cat. Turtle and Bee have no hope. Turtle’s defense is nothing against the Cat, and with Butterfly, Bee will struggle, cause not only is Bee facing Butterfly (with Nathalie a more aggressive Butterfly than Gabriel, actually going out to fight) and Champion, but Cat as well. 
Ladybug must stay active, creation is a constant force, it comes back even when destruction has struck. And with these two, ML will be needed far more than Busy Bees. 
But she won’t be facing these dangers alone. Fu would release miraculouses to help her, to be her guards and help counter against Papillon and Black Plague. Of the 5, he could release all to help LB, and watch each other’s back. 
Zodiac wise, Monkey is a solid contender with the power of disruption,  (my) Snake being able to rewind time with no other remembering what happens and chances things accordingly, it would be helpful too. (My) Rabbit is possible too, depending on which version, could be unpredictability, coming out of nowhere, or could heal and rejuvenate allies (playing off Moon Rabbit). Goat can always hit and wind enemies. 
Could be a mix and a full team to work with her, or could just be the remaining 3 of the 5, for they should be equal in power. 
As for Adrien, I don’t see why him finding the safe should change and he wouldn’t be suspicious of his dad. He’s not in canon, that wouldn’t change. The biggest change with him is just the factor that he didn’t find the ring, didn’t know it was intended to him, and won’t ever the wiser or ever get a miraculous. 
And yes, Fu does highly suspect that Gabriel is Black Plague, but he’s wary to approach with how destructively wild Gabriel is. The only silver lining in this is Plagg who is a clever kwami, who knows more than most realize, and lets people think lowly of him, let them think that he doesn’t know a lot and is so vague in the answers Gabriel demands. It keeps Gabriel thinking he can’t rely on him, that Plagg knows nothing and is just an annoying pet. 
Plagg lets him think this, well aware that there’s so much worse the ring can do. Better to be deemed useless by this fool than have him aware that there’s much more Plagg knows. 
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lady-charinette · 5 years
Her Feline Knight Marichat
Prompt: Inspiration from a "Random Headcanon", in which we explore the lives of the past incarnations of Chat Noir and Ladybug and why Chat Noir calls Marinette 'Princess'.  
Her Feline Knight
Turmoil plagued the lands, the country split by war and internal strife. Among the king's army stood a knight clad in black, leading his first real victory since the end of the war with the neighboring country. Upon his return to the kingdom he served, there waited his princess, the one he had pledged his life and servitude to.
His battle-weary face softened when he saw her, traditionally clad in her robes, but the speed and numbness of het feet betrayed her, displaying more than just the frail damsel of a princess she was portrayed to be.
The strong desire to embrace her burned brightly just beneath his skin, but the eyes of the king's guards and duty bound him and so he moved to one knee, head hanging low, "Princess,"
The word was so much more than just her title and even surrounded by her parents, the guards and his own men behind him, they both knew he never uttered it as her title, but as an endearment, a private joy they allowed to share between themselves, within the privacy of their own knowledge.
She composed herself, standing before his kneeling form, her eyes were the only thing that betrayed her true affections for the man clad in armor before her, "I have awaited your safe return," she smiled up at him when she gave him permission to stand.
He smiled, for he knew her words to be true, "We have successfully defeated Hawkmoth's army," his relieved gaze suddenly hardened and his face darkened with the images of war, "Unfortunately, we suspect he is readying a far more imposing force," his gaze locked onto the king's and his fellow guards, "Perhaps even greater than our own," his sweat and blood matted blonde hair partly covered his face and eyes and when he turned his gaze back to his princess, her eyes didn't shine with tears like he expected, but with a burning ferocity to end this war.
"We will not let him conquer our lands," her gaze softened then and he knew she was speaking from the heart, like she always did, "And I won't let him harm my people,"
His heart beat against his bruised ribcage like a ferocious beast willing to be released, that was but a small portion of the depth of his love and adoration for her, his princess.
It was only when the sky bathed their land in darkness that they dared to venture out of castle grounds.
True to his namesake, he clung to the shadows as if he belonged there, moving with the grace of the beast his enemies called him by, with his princess following none too unimpressively behind.
Only within the protective cocoon of the stone walls away from guard's sight did they dare embrace each-other.
"Oh, Chat," his princess sobbed into his shoulder and he hugged her tighter, fearing he would crush her but she only tightened her own embrace around him in response.
His voice was low, partly due to their dangerous situation, partly to his own strong emotions, "Princess…" he took a whiff of her hair, burying his nose against the silky midnight tresses and he could feel how his wounds were healing and her mere presence granted him a peace of mind and a body ready to withstand anything.
They stayed like that for a long time, until he finally dared to reluctantly part, in order to gaze at her worried face. He lowered his head and affectionately nuzzled the tip of her nose with his own and she returned the gesture immediately, the familiar action causing warmth to bloom within her chest.
"My poor knight," her hands found his cheeks, fingers tracing a small cut on his jaw, "Chat, this…I can't allow you to return to battle," her gaze hardened and he knew this fight would be one he wasn't so sure he would win, "Every time you engage in combat, I pray that Ladybug's luck is protecting you but I-" she trembled, "I can't rely on luck to accomplish that. I have to fight too, chaton,"
She knew what his answer was even before the words left his lips, "Nonsense Ladybug," the name of her alter ego made her feel a bit securer, a bit safer, a bit stronger, "I can't allow you to endanger yourself, as do these people. You have to stay here, protected," his expression softened, green eyes baring his very soul to her, "You're our only hope if I fail,"
He watched with a pained smile how the fire erupted within her, eyes a blazing blue flame, "Ladybug and Chat Noir were always a team, Chat. Perhaps this is the reason why Hawkmoth may gain in power, we should unite forces again and fight him together," her eyes pleaded, so desperately pleaded, and his heart tightened, "You know I can fight, you know I can help,"
He shook his head, taking off the thick leather gloves tipped with reinforced claws and throwing them to the ground before cupping her face in his hands, calloused fingers rubbing away the stray tears sliding down her cheeks, "Of course, I know, m'lady. But I can't risk it, it's too dangerous," his pupils morphed briefly into slits, the eyes of a feline, until they returned to their original rounder shape, "You have the power to heal, to repair the damage done in the end of the final battle. I am here to use my power to end it, once and for all,"
His hands fell away from her face and he averted his gaze, jaw locked tight, "Even if I were to lose my life in the upcoming battle-"
He froze, head slowly turning to look down at his princess, who had a furious gaze about her.
"…Did you just throw a-"
The small pebble bounced harmlessly off the reinforced steel of his armor, landing at his feet.
The breath was knocked from him when she launched herself at him, fists colliding against his chest plate, not to inflict damage but to convey her feelings.
And convey her feelings she did.
"You stupid cat! You can't expect me to sit idly by while you risk your life fighting for this country! This is my country as well and I will do anything in my own and Ladybug's power to protect it!" when her eyes met his they were a striking blue and despite their current predicament he found himself trapped by them.
Her hands landed on her hips, "You listen carefully to me! Your kwami must have told you of our predecessors! You must know of Chat Noir's bad luck and the way some of Plagg's charges have ended!" her words were thick with emotion and he found his heart clenching painfully at the memory, "I'm not about to become a Ladybug living her life in sorrow because her kitty died protecting her,"
It was a long time where they just stared at each-other, but Chat finally found the words that had been clogged up in his throat from her outburst, his expression softening as his fingers lovingly touched her face, "And why princess, do you think it better for me to live a life bereft of meaning if something were to happen to you?"
He smiled at her stunned expression, the anger slowly trickling like sand through her fingers, "Despite the past Chat Noirs suffering a not so purrfect ending, there will always be new holders to take their place," he grabbed her hand and held it tightly, voice thick with emotion, "Have you ever questioned their decisions? Why all those previous Chat Noirs decided to sacrifice themselves?"
Ladybug slowly shook her head.
Chat smiled warmly, "It's because a knight needs his princess to protect, but a princess doesn't need a knight where she has other servants," he purred as he placed a longing kiss on the back of her palm, "Because you see princess, no matter in what life my sacrifice be made, I would spend all my nine lives with you if you would have me." He grinned boyishly, strands of his messy hair falling into his green eyes.
Not even a second later, Chat Noir felt a twinge of pain on his head, making him yelp in pain, until he felt his lady envelope him in a tight hug.
He froze, relaxing against her hold and wrapping one arm around her waist while the other gingerly cradled her head close to him. He sighed, angling his face to nuzzle the side of her cheek, "Purrhaps fearing death at your hands is the wiser choice, bug,"
He chuckled when she playfully swatted at his chest, but he caught her hand within his larger one and kissed her knuckles lovingly.
She broke away from him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears and his heart bled.
"Chat…" she sobbed, rubbing away the tears with the sleeve of her gown, "You reckless cat, you stupid, reckless, adorable, lovable kitten," his teasing grin melted into a genuine smile and he rested a hand atop her head.
She looked up at him and he offered her a shaky smile, "Ladybug…" he took a deep breath, "Whatever tomorrow may bring, allow me to…make a promise," his gaze was serious and Ladybug felt warm.
She nodded, "Of course, chaton,"
He smiled, falling down to one knee and taking her hand within his own, keeping his head bowed, "If Chat Noir were to fall in this battle or the next, not even death shall be powerful enough to separate him from his Ladybug, his princess for long," he lifted his head and smiled, "For even if this life shall be taken, I promise you to search for you in my next one, until I found you again,"
She fell to her knees in front of her knight, the soft glow from the moonlight bathing her in an etherial light and he wasn't sure it was possible for her to look more breathtaking than she already did.
Her smile was strong, filled with emotion and her words clear, "Promise me, my knight, to look for me in the next life," she laced her fingers with his and tightened her hold, "For Ladybug is nothing without Chat Noir and their fates shall never be separated again,"
She lifted their joined hands to tenderly kiss his knuckles, rubbing her cheek against it.
Chat brought his free hand behind her head to gently guide her forward, resting his forehead against her own and basking in her presence.
"Princess…" his eyes opened to look at her and he smiled, "I promise to return to you," he lifted his head and lovingly kissed her forehead, closing his eyes to savor the moment.
She clutched at his arms and allowed herself to feel weakness, for Ladybug to feel protected by her partner, to feel…loved.
"Why must fate always be so cruel to us?" her question was met with a dry chuckle from her partner and he shook his head.
"Why indeed…" he nuzzled her cheek with a low purr, "A knight and a princess, never meant to be,"
She smiled and laughed, "You're wrong there chaton," she watched his eyebrow lift in surprise, "Ladybug and Chat Noir, are always meant to be, no matter what lives they live,"
Chat smiled in understanding and they held each-other close.
They weren't sure what the future entailed.
If they would make it before dawn.
But even if they didn't, they knew their kingdom had to.
The battle commenced the following day and their army was victorious.
His feet dragged through the barren dirt, leaving behind blood and grime and he allowed a small portion of his weight to lean on her as they made their way back to their kingdom, beaten and bruised, but alive.
The smile on her face made him forget of his wounds and the way his eyes lighted up made her briefly forget the lives that were lost.
She wasn't sure if the red on her armor was her blood or Tikki's magic, but she knew they had made it out alive.
"And you said I should stay behind,"
Chat Noir's laughter rang richly in her ears and she relished in the sound, "Apawlagies my lady, you manage to purrprise me every time ameow," he grinned when she gently bumped her hip against his.
"If this battle hadn't, you shall be the death of me chaton," she smiled and he chuckled, hope blossoming in his chest.
"Perhaps I was wrong," not detecting a pun, Ladybug turned to look at her knight.
He looked at her and smiled, extending his hand to brush away the blood from her cheek, "Maybe there is a chance for the knight and princess to be together,"
She laughed and adjusted her grip on him as they slowly trekked forward, the soldiers behind their princess and superior oblivious to their shared feelings, "I told you Chat," her eyes shone with promise, "Ladybug and Chat Noir will always find a way to be together,"
And he smiled.
Marinette smiled as she heard the telltale sound of his boots softly hitting the ground behind her, leaning on her balcony railing and staring out at Paris.
Chat Noir walked to stand beside her, mimicking her stance and resting his forearms against the railing to stare at the city lights, illuminating the buildings and the Eiffel Tower beautifully.
"How comes a princess spends her time alone on her balcony?" Chat's voice reached her ears and Marinette smirked, shaking her head.
"Just thinking really…but how comes you always call me princess, kitty?" she turned to look at him, genuinely curious.
The boy felt himself at a loss for words, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, "Uh, w-well I, I don't really know…" he shrugged, looking at her from the corner of his eyes with a small smile, "I guess it just felt…natural,"
Marinette and Chat Noir stared at each-other for a few minutes and when Marinette looked away first, Chat allowed a knowing smile to stretch his lips when she wasn't looking.
"Oh," was her simple reply and this time he found curiosity gnawing at him.
"Shall I stop prin-Marinette?" he tilted his head to the side, hoping he wouldn't have to stop using the endearment.
The silence that followed his words only lasted for a short time and Marinette's gaze met his, "No, it's okay kitty," she smiled down at her feet, "I…like it,"
His heart abruptly plummeted to the depths of his stomach and he weakly held his hand to his heart, Marinette giggled, thinking he was making his theatrics again, oblivious to the elated feeling he suddenly felt in his chest.
He didn't understand, and he told her the truth, he had no idea why it felt so natural to call her princess.
It just did.
With that feeling of contentment in mind, they both relaxed, staring out at the city again, Chat Noir's head leaning to the side to gently rest atop Marinette's.
She smiled and scooted closer, nestling her head on his shoulder comfortably.
She blamed the sudden desire for closeness on Tikki, for the fact that in her kwami's words, Ladybug and Chat Noir were always drawn to each-other, suit or not.
But she couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity as she thought the words.
Ladybug and Chat Noir will always find a way to be together.
"Tell me, princess, how was your day?"
Marinette smiled.
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crazyrandomfucker · 5 years
Fated twins
Chapter 3: And may the problems begin
Even if the bug heroes managed to free Ivan and Ioan from the akumas influence, they forgot to purify it and now they'll have to face the cosequences. Doubts, fear, anger, love and lots of support, our beloved heroes will have to face all that. But ain't life supposed to be like that?
-At Adrienne's bedroom-
Adrienne is at her room, staring at her computer screen. Someone named Alen and someone named Alya had created each a blog for the superheroes. Alen had made a blog for her and Lordbug, called the Lordblog, while Alya had created the Ladyblog for her brother and Ladybug. If she recalled correctly, those were the reporter twins they had saved at the stadium, so she guessed they made those blogs based on the battle formation they had had during the fight with the Stonehearted brothers, so it was normal that she shared the protagonism with that buggy guy she had worked with. Her opinion of him wasn't that much for now, they had met just once and fought together against evil. Sure, he had proven to have the wits to win the battle and had fought along her quite good for a beginner, even if he had seemed a bit worried before he entered the battle. But that was all, she knew nothing else and she wasn't sure if she was supposed to know more either. Suddenly, the news emergency broadcast pops up at her computer's screen. Apparently, even after they had defeated the monsters, people were transforming into stone monsters that looked exactly as the ones they had defeated earlier.
She rushes stairs down to see her brother and to check if he has already seen the news. And he did. They stare at each other very confused about what was happening, but the kwamis come out of their hiding places demanding for food before they have time to talk about it.
"Okay, we'll feed you. But what do you eat exactly? I mean, I doubt we can just give you anything" says Adrienne.
"Camembert!" shouts Plagg.
"Brie!" shouts Plague.
"So you're telling me that the gods of destruction eat cheese? Or do you eat anything else?" asks Adrien.
"You want to have powers? If you do, just give us lots of cheese and everything will go smoothly" replies Plagg.
"Okay, I'll make sure you both get your favourite cheese. One question why are random people turning into those stone monsters?"
"Did the bugs catch the akumas?" ask the kwamis at the same time.
-At Dupain-Cheng's bakery-
"Did you catch the akumas?" said at unison the ladybug kwamis.
"What does capturing the akuma has to do with the other stone beings?" asks Marin.
"The akumas can multiply, that's why it must be captured" explains Tekke.
"If Ivan and Ioan's emotions become negative, they'll turn to Stonehearts again, but this time they'll have an army to back them" says Tikki.
"So that means... This is all our fault" regrets Marinette. "I knew it. I'm not cut out to be a hero Tikki. I'm only going to keep messing up".
"Be calm, it was your first time. You're going to go back and capture Stoneheart's akuma, and do it successfully" says Tikki, trying to cheer her holder up.
"I can't I told you, I'm clumsy, I create disaster where I go. I will only make thing worse for you, for my partners and for everyone in Paris. Chat, Kitty and my brother will be better without me. I'm quitting"
"Hold a minute. You're quitting? Did I hear that right?" says Marin, beginning to head towards his sister direction. "You sister are not quitting. Not on my watch. Nuh-huh".
"But Ma-" tries to reply Mari.
"No, listen to me sis. Yes, you have messed up" says Marin holding her. "But so did I. It's our fault, we made the mistake, so we'll be the ones clearing that mistake. Got it?"
"Marin I-"
"Got it or not Mari? If you don't get it I'm going to hang you to Eiffel tower till you get it. Okey?"
The heroine sighs. "Yes brother, I'll do it".
-At Adrien's room-
"So we can't do anything without them?" ask Adrien as his sister returns with cheese for the kwamis.
"Only the holders of Ladybug's miraculous can purify the akumas and repair the damaged caused by the powers of other kwamis" explains Plagg.
"What are we there for then?" asks the model girl.
"You think they could handle the fights by themselves? Yeh, they could handle a few of them maybe, but trust me, you both represent destruction as the holders of the black cat ring. They represent creation. If there was only creation, the world would collapse in little time and there would be creations that would be harmful. That's why there must be destruction "says Plague. "You're here to help them by destroying anything is harmful, no matter if it's harmful objects, persons or even feelings. You're more than partners, you're their opposite and that's why you make a good team".
"Wow Plague... That was truly beautiful..." says Adrien.
"Yeah well, don't get used to it, it's just some info you needed so you won't run over Paris destroying everything" replies the kwami.
-At Marinette's room-
"I'm sorry Tikki, my brother may be right, but he's cut out to be Lordbug and I'm not. My brother and the cats may just find another Ladybug" says Mari. "I'm sorry Tikki".
"Wait, no! Don't take the-" tries to say Tikki, but she disappears when Marinette takes the earrings out.
"Tikki?" ask Mari. Hearing no response, she puts the earrings on the black box and puts it on her bag. "I'm sorry Tikki".
-At Dupain-Cheng's bakery-
Mari is eating breakfast with a very long face and while her brother and father are trying to cheer her up a bit, the girl just revolves inside herself because of the guilt she's feeling. She hasn't said it to her brother, but she was going to give her miraculous to Alya, he'll find out later and get mad for sure, but what else could she do? She simply wasn't made for being Ladybug. Or at least, she thought so. She tries to get those thoughts out of her head and finishes her breakfast as quickly as she can, daring her brother to race to school. But she lost. While Marin certainly had bad luck and that caused him to have lots of accidents, she was even clumsier, making it impossible for her to win. They finally arrive to school and they meet the reporter twins at the front gate.
"Hey girl, check this out. This is the Ladyblog, a blog made for our best superheroine and her cat companion" says Alya while showing Mari her new blog.
"Dude, check this better. Here I present you, the Lordblog. You know, a blog made for our awesome hero Lordbug and his incredible partner Kitty Noire" shows off Alen.
"Geez guys, you're truly looking up to them, don't you?" says Marin.
"Dude, they were simply amazing, you should have seen them fight" says Alen.
"But why do you trust them so much? Look at so many people turned into stone beings. What if they simply aren't cut out for being superheroes?" says Mari.
"Girl, I know what this is about" declares Alya. "You're scared, I get it. But they'll take care of the stone beings in no time. I've seen them fight with my own two eyes and let me tell you that they're absolutely great heroes".
"Yeah sis, you should have a little bit more of faith" agrees Marin.
Suddenly, they see lots of people around Ioan and Ivan, asking them questions about the akumatization and some even criticising him. But the Burgeoise twins come in calling them monsters and harassing them. The brothers get angry and leave. Alen and Alya face the blonds twins and Marin and Marinette go to try to comfort the Bruel brothers.
-At the Agreste’s manor-
"You didn't even saw them leave?" says Gabriel with anger and incredulity on his voice.
"No sir, we're sorry about it, we'll try to catch them before they reach that school" apologises Nathalie.
"I'll take your word on that. If something happens to them, you'll be held responsible! Now leave and get them" says angrily Gabriel before he turns his back to the bodyguards and Nathalie and walks away.
-At school's door-
"We made it! We're here Adrien!" says excited Adrienne.
"I know right!" answers her rother excited as well.
"I just don't get it, you have freedom to go anywhere and you go to school?" says Plagg lazily from inside the pocket of Adrien's jacket.
"You don't get it Plagg, we're done with being shut up in home by dad" replies Adrien.
"Yeah, we want to meet people and make friends" agrees Adrienne.
"Adrien and Adrienne! Don't do this, your father will be furious." says Nathalie, coming out of a limousine.
"Tell him you were too late. Please" prays Adrienne before going inside the building with her brother.
-Inside the building-
"Why did you have to do that Chloe and Cleón? You two are the real Stonehearts" says Alya.
"So we're the ones who broke Sebastian and Sabrina's dad arm, are we?" says Chloe.
"Just because your lame footage of those filthy heroes got to TV doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty" says Cleón.
"You sonsuva-" says Alen.
"Ah! They're both angry! They're going to turn into naked bulked ugly monsters!" says Chloe.
The reporter twins go away before they jump at the blondes and get their shit together by fists and go to seek the designers. Meanwhile, two green-eyed blond models enter the school.
"Hey Chloe, Cleón" says Adrien.
"Hey guys" says his sister.
"Adrikins and Adrienne! You came!" says Chloe while hugging the models more that they were comfortable with.
"So you made it at last! I hope you didn't get caught" says Cleón.
"We did get caught yesterday, but we made it on time today".
-At the boys' lockers-
Mari and her brother smile as they find the brothers sitting down listening to some music. They get close to them and sit next of each other on the floor. They gently tap their arms while smiling and the brothers take off their headphones.
"You know, you both should tell Mylenne and Mylo how you feel" says Mari with a gentle smile.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about" say the brothers at unison and avoid looking to Marinette.
"Come on, we saw the way you look at them" says Marin.
The brothers shake their head and look down "No, no negative emotions please" says Mari, but the twins look at her a bit pissed. "I mean that you must be positive!" claims Mari.
"Yeah, we're sure that they had feelings for you too" says Marin
"Go talk to her" whispers Mari to Ivan.
"Go talk to him" whispers Marin to Ioan.
"Ugh. we're not good with words anyway" confesses Ivan.
"But, who needs words?" says Marin.
"You can always show your feelings painting something or writing a poem" continues Mari.
"Would a song be alright?" asks Ivan.
"Yes! That would be so romantic! Who wouldn't like to listen to a song of love made for them! Go for that guys and be positive!" says Mari excited.
"Thanks guys, you two are angels, you know it?" says Ioan before his brother and he leave to write the songs.
-Adrien side-
He says goodbye to his sister and Cleón and Chloe leads the way to their classroom, signing autographs for his fans while they walk.
"This is your seat Adrikins. I've save it for you Adrikins, right in front of me" says Chloe as she enters the classroom, pointing to the seat next to Nino's.
"Thanks Chloe" says the model as he enters the classroom and sits next to Nino. "Hey, I'm Adrien" says as he offers Nino a handshake.
"You're friends with Chloe then huh?" says Nino without bothering to accept the handshake, pointing with his head behind the model.
Adrien truns and sees Chloe taking the chewing gum and giving it to Sabrina, who puts it on Marinette's seat.
"Hey, what's that all about?" says Adrien perturbed.
"The brat that sits here yesterday needed a little attitude adjustment" says Chloe. "I'm just commanding a bit of respect, that's all".
"You think that's really necessary?" says Adrien, while he gets down to try to pull the gum off the seat.
"You've got a lot to learn about school culture Adrikins. Watch the master" says Chloe going back to her seat.
_Marinette side-
"Alya wouldn't you like to be a superheroes and go out and fight monsters and villains?" asks Mari.
"Totally, I'm not scared of anyone. Why?" answers the reporter.
"Oh, no, no reason" responds quickly Mari and puts the box inside Alya's bag without her noticing.
As they enter at the classroom, they see a blond guy they had never seen before with a gum in Marinette's seat.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" asks Mari pissed.
"Oh- I-" tries to say Adrien searching for an explanation that wouldn't reveal his only friend prank, just as Chloe and Sabrina begin to laugh.
"Okay, I get it. good job you three! Very funny" says Mari.
"No, no. I was just trying to take this off" tries to say Adrien.
"Oh really?" asks Marinette with sarcasm. She tries to pull the gum off but notices it still has saliva. While Chloe and her minion laugh, Mari picks a handkerchief and pulls the gum out. "You're friends with Choe, right?"
"Why you people keep saying that?" whispers the blond model. Mari turns her head and sits down without sparing Adrien a look.
"Now you see what I mean about respect?" ask Chloe in a very petty way.
"I know I've seen him before" whispers Mari as Alya gives Mari her phone. "Of course! He's the son of my favourite fashion designer Gabriel Agreste!"
"Daddy's boy, teen supermodel and Chloe's buddy. Huh, forget it" says Alya.
"Why didn't you tell her it was Chloe's idea?" asks Nino curiously.
"I've known Chloe since I was a little kid, and even if she's not the best person, she and her brother are my only friends. I couldn't simply turn her in" says the model.
Nino smiles and offers the boy a handshake. "I'm Nino Lahiffe and it's time for you to make some new friends dude".
-Adrienne side-
She said goodbye to Chloe and her brother and was shown around by Cleón and his lackey Sebastian, who made sure no one dared to approach Adrienne. As they arrive to their classroom, Cleón enters the classroom and points to one seat next to a girl that has her headphones on.
"From now on, this is going to be your seat! I just reserved for you!" says Cleón.
"Thanks Cle" says the model as she sits down. "Hey, I'm new here, I'm Adrienne" says with a big smile as she offers her a handshake.
The girl doesn't even bother to look at her. "So you're the friend of a guy like him" says pointing towards Cleón, who is putting oil on Marin's seat.
"Hey! What do you two think you're doing?" says Adrienne clearly annoyed.
"The guy here needed a little lesson of respect, that's all. No need to get on your nerves about this" responds the blond jerk.
"A little lesson of respect? What are you talking about? This is no way to treat other people Cleón!" replies the blonde model as she pulls a handkerchief and tries to rub the oil off.
"You really have to learn a lot about school culture Adrienne" says Cleón, shrugging it off.
-Marin side-
"Hey Alen, you think my sis would make a good hero?" asks Marin.
"Dude, you're both sons of bakers and don't even think I haven't seen the muscles you two have. She would totally kick my ass. No doubts" says the reporter.
"I know man, but she doesn't have enough confidence on herself. Not that she's a hero, but I think she could face Chloe at least" says the designer.
"I totally agree with you on that man".
As they enter the room, the boys see a blonde girl they had never seen with a handkerchief rubbing oil from Marin's seat.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" asks Alen
"Oh- I was-" tries to say the girl as the jerks behind Nina begin to laugh.
"Oh I get it, very funny you three. You're just the friend of that jerk, aren't you?" asks Alen.
"Why do you all say that? I- My sandwich fell and the oil dripped, so I was trying to rub it out! I swear" says Adrienne.
"Oh yeah sure" says Alen and Adrienne's eyes begin to leak some tears.
"You understand now what I said about respect Adrienne?" says Cleón, still laughing.
"Stop it! All of you just stop it!" yells Marin. Then he pulls out his handkerchief and gives it to Adrienne. "I get it wasn't your fault and you were trying to fix it up. Don't worry about it. Also take this before your make up gets ruined like your handky".
"I- I-" tries Adrienne.
"Don't sweat it, just take it. You can give it back to me after I clean yours, keep it until then" says Marin.
"But bro, she's-" tries to warn him Alen.
"I don't care who she is Alen, she's new here and she was crying on her first day. Would you like that?" says Marin, as the boys take a seat.
"Dude, you truly have a heart of gold" says Alen.
"Thanks man. Also, thanks for jumping there for me bro, you're the best of bro someone could have" says the designer.
As the boys enter the bro mode, Adrienne takes a seat and Nina looks at her curiously.
"Why didn't you tell him the truth? That it was that jerk fault?" ask inquiringly Nina.
"Look, I know he's a total jerk and an idiot. But I've known him and her sister forever and they're my only friends. Even if he's stupid I just couldn't throw him under the bus, you know?"
Nina smiles and offers a handshake. "The name's Nina Lahiffe and girl, you're so going to get new friends. You have already made a first step with Marin. He's an angel. If he had trusted you enough, that means you have good chances of becoming his friend. And if you do that, most of the class will follow for sure".
"About that... What did you say his name was? He was so gentle and polite with me, even if he didn't know who I was and had enough reasons to be mad at me. I'd love to repay him with anything I can do" says Adrienne gawking.
"Oh girl, I think you just fell for the angel's charms. You've got it rough if so" declares Nina.
"What are you talking about?" replies the blonde while blushing. "And why would I have it rough?"
Nina gives her the look™ "You can't fool me girl. I've seen so many fall for him, but no one has ever stand a chance with him. He rejects as gently as he can all the girls who had confessed to him. I think it's because he's scared to care about someone, because Cl... some people have made sure to break everything he cares about".
"That's so cruel... How could they do that? Why do they even do it?" says Adrienne.
"If I had to bet, it'd be jealousy" says Nina.
"Hey bro, " says Alen showing his phone to Marin "look who is she".
"Adrienne Agreste? The daughter of my favourite designer ever?" says Marin a bit too loud.
"Yeah, I'm sorry for saying nothing" says Adrienne.
"Don't be, it's understandable. I'm sorry if I've offended you in anyway before" says Marin.
"No. Please don't do that. I've had enough with people who treat me like that just for my father. And here I thought you were someone nice" says the blonde holding her face and pouting.
"I'm sorry. I won't give you a special treatment. I swear on my parent's bakery" says Marin desperately.
"Bakery? Will they be good?" thinks Adrienne. "Well, I could forgive you if you showed me the town around when I get time" says the girl.
"It'll be my pleasure, shall I give you my number then? So you can phone me when you're free" says Marin offering her a paper with his phone.
"I'll take it glad" says the girl and winks at him, without noticing how mad Cleón was getting and how smug Nina's grin was turning.
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thenovelartist · 5 years
The Love Dare, chapter 6
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Day 11
“Love cherishes. Today, find a need of Adrien’s you could meet.”
“So, like yesterday?” Marinette asked.
“Yes, but a more targeted approach. Think of something Adrien needs today and help him meet that need.”
With a sigh, Marinette finished writing that down in her journal and closed it. She finished getting ready for the day, then set about trying to find something she could do to complete today’s dare.
When Adrien got into his office, there was a card waiting for him. He set his bag down and looked at it curiously.
I hope the call confirming your admission onto the national team comes soon.
Furthermore, I hope your relationship struggles soon find an end. I can tell there are days that affect you worse than others. No one deserves for their relationship to have that negative of an effect on them.
Best of luck, for everything.
Kagami Tsurugi
He grinned at the warmth that blossomed in his chest at that.
Plagg came to hover over his shoulder. As much as the kwami wanted to smack Adrien upside the head for regarding the card fondly, he knew he couldn’t. His chosen was currently off to a good start for the day, and he couldn’t ruin it this early on, no matter how much he wanted to cataclysm that note.
Adrien got home that day to a made bed and piles of clean laundry at the foot of it.
“She did laundry, today,” Plagg observed from over his shoulder.
“Yeah,” Adrien said absently. Marinette did laundry? Even though she was gone all day? She wasn’t currently home, nor had she been home when he left for work that morning.
How’d the laundry get done?
“That was kind of her,” Plagg continued.
Adrien shrugged, unable to do much more.
“Maybe it would be kind to thank her.”
Adrien turned to Plagg with a glare. “What are you getting at?”
Plagg glared back. “Maybe it wouldn’t kill you to be kind to your wife when she’s been kind to you the last several days.”
The stare-down continued until Adrien turned away with a grunt. “Fine. I suppose.”
“You make it sound like it’s going to be torture to do so.”
“This is weird, Plagg,” Adrien said. “She’s been weird. Why, all of a sudden, does she just decide to start this?”
“She is your wife,” Plagg countered. “Does she need a reason?”
Adrien pouted. Yes, she was his wife. Under normal circumstances, no, she wouldn’t need a reason to be nice. But… “Do you think she’s trying to get something out of me?”
Plagg looked utterly exasperated at the prospect. “Kid, I want you to look in the mirror and ask yourself if you really think that Marinette, the girl you’ve known for over a decade, would be trying to get something out of you.”
Adrien took a deep breath as he mulled it over. Part of him wanted to say no, that he knew Marinette and that wasn’t like her. However, another part of him reminded of how much she’d become like his father, and his father always had a reason for being nice. “I don’t know what to think, Plagg.”
And before his kwami could answer, Adrien headed into the shower.
Day 13
“Love fights fair,” Marinette mumbled as she wrote down a list of rules she had been dared to abide by the next time she and Adrien got into a fight. Which hadn’t been happening lately since Adrien had let go of being mean and was now just avoiding her like the plague. Honestly, it hurt more than she expected it to.
A lot more.
“At least we aren’t fighting,” Marinette tried to tell herself.
Tikki smiled and nodded reassuringly. “That’s a good start. Maybe things will start simmering down between you two so you can actually talk.”
“Would be nice.” So would a ‘thank you’, but Marinette wasn’t holding her breath on that.
“Be patient, Marinette,” Tikki encouraged. “Rebuilding your marriage is going to take time. You’re barely a third of the way through.”
“I know,” Marinette sighed. “I’m just… it’s hard when I’m not getting anything back from Adrien.”
“But you are,” Tikki said. “Haven’t you noticed that you two can be in the same room together now? Or that your conversations no longer hold fights?”
Marinette paused in thought. “I guess.”
“Just because it’s not the progress you want to see doesn’t mean it’s not progress. By you stepping up to take the animosity out of the box, he’s done the same.”
Skeptically, Marinette pursed her lips and shrugged. “If you say so, Tikki.”
“Don’t worry,” Tikki assured, resting her paws on Marinette’s hand and shooting her a reassuring smile. “Adrien will come around. Just keep pressing forward and continue to give your all into these four weeks, okay?”
While she could feel the hint of bitterness in it, Marinette smiled. “Okay, Tikki.”
Day 15
When Adrien got the call, he was ecstatic.
“I made the team.”
Plagg was in his hair in a second. “Told you so,” he said while patting Adrien’s head. “There’s no way you wouldn’t have.”
“There were a lot of talented people there,” Adrien commented.
“Yeah, but none of them were you.”
His heart feeling light for the first time in a long time, Adrien reached up to scratch his kwami’s ears. “Thanks for believing in me, Plagg.”
“I mean, you’re my chosen. I’m bound by contract to.”
“Sure,” Adrien smirked. “I know just how much you mean that.”
Kagami was the second one to congratulate him that day. “I knew you would. You’re extremely talented.”
“One of many talented people there.”
“Yes, but none of them are my friend.” While not usually one to initiate touch, Kagami reached out to place a hand on his shoulder. “Congratulations.”
Adrien grinned at her, his heart warm. “Thank you, Kagami. I appreciate it.”
“Does anyone else know?”
“You’re the first,” Adrien answered, not counting Plagg. “I only just found out.”
“Then I am honored,” she said with a smile and slight bow. “We should go out to celebrate this occasion.”
“Lunch, then,” Adrien suggested. “I’d enjoy that.”
He got home at his regular time, surprised to see that Marinette was already there making dinner.
“Oh,” she said, turning to see him. “You’re home.”
“Yeah,” he answered hoping to cover his surprise. “So are you.”
She nodded. “Yeah, I… finished everything that needed to get done.”
“You always find stuff to do,” Adrien pointed out.
Instantly, she grew shy, looking down at the floor and biting her lip. “Well, not today,” she finally responded.
Adrien’s eyes narrowed on their own accord. He bit back his skepticism and decided he’d try to be nice.
“Did you have a good day?” she asked, stirring something on the stove.
“Uh, yeah,” Adrien said. “I… uh… got a call confirming I made the national team.”
Her gaze flipped back to him, blue eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar. “You made the team?”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
Slowly, a smile grew across her face. He returned it, even though he felt uncomfortable doing so. In a flash, she rounded the counter to wrap her arms around him.
To say he was stunned was an understatement. They hadn’t had physical affection between them for…
He didn’t know.
The hug only lasted a second before she quickly stepped back, but her smile never faded.
His heart was two steps from beating out of his chest and he felt positively warm under her grin.
“Congratulations, kitty. You deserve it.”
Kitty. His heart skipped a beat and his stomach twisted into a knot. When was the last time she called him kitty? He didn’t know how much he missed that until the pain in his heart reminded him. “Thanks.”
She smiled, then spun around to head back behind the counter so as to finish dinner.
And even though they didn’t talk much and Adrien felt it was nothing short of awkward, they sat down to eat dinner together for the first time in a long time.
“Plagg, this is good. This is really good!” Tikki squeaked that night.
Plagg could only grin. “You mean that they didn’t talk during dinner then went to separate rooms that night?” he smartly retorted.
With a half-hearted glare, she smacked him in the shoulder. “You know what I’m talking about,” she chastised.
He chuckled, snuggling up next to her. “Yeah. Yeah, I do. Let’s hope it stays that way.”
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